The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1888, Image 8

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    ' 1
Elections Held in Various Cities of
Missouri, Kansan and Ne
braska. A Snrprisinff Itesnlt in Kansas City,
Mo Quiet Election at Leaven
worth. .
The -Effect -of Tempsranca and Labor
Questions "Warm Fights in Several
Kansas Citt, 3Io., April 4. The election
yesterday went off with a hurrah. The re
sult was mysterious and surprising. Tucro
v.-crc three regular tickets Republican,
Democratic and Labor. Prom the first two
the Law and Order league selected a ticket,
while Davcnpart, Tor recorder, ran indo
psndcnt. The Kepublipaas will have the
Council by one vote, if Tauc, the only La
bor candidate elected, .votes with them.
There was a largo nud unblushing amount
of bribery and treating, the streets being
filled with drunken men, but no disorder
was reported. Two arrests were mado of
ticket peddlers for touting within two hun
dred feet of the polls. The result may be
regarded as a victory for the saloon ele
ment. Kumpf, Republican, is elected by a
majority of IMG. Uoliucs,Democrat,iseleeted
treasurer by a majority of 1,700, and Daven
port, Independent, is elected by a majority
of 3,700, and a plurality over Snow, who de
fcjtod him for the nomination, of 6,192. So
Kumpf and Davenport are both indorsed.
Winram, Republican caudidatefor auditor,
. pulls through by u plurality of 1,536, and
' City Attorney Hawkins will have the
pleasure of being sat down upon for anoth
er year by Davenport. His call was a close
one, but he got there by a plurality
of 316 and will stay there anoth
er year. Lucas, the Democratic nom
inee for mayor endorsed by the Law
and Order Lwtguc, made a gallant but un
availing light. J. W. Reese, the Labor
nominee, received only (W7 votes; Kumpf
7,6T3; Lucas. 5 055
S'prikgfikli). Mo., April 4. The Demo
crats won a victory :it the election here
yesterday, putting through nine out of fif
teen of tneir candi l.iles for city offices by
majorizes us follows: Mayor, Ralph Walk
er, H5; marshal, Hubert V. Barrett, 76;
coliefur. John Foley, re-elected, C'J; attor
ney, E. A. burlcaur, 107. and IL M. Heck
art. Daniel li. H.tlboi hs. W. C. Hnrnbeak,
F. J. Underwood and G. B. Bronson. coua
cilnien, y majorities fr nn 10 to 4S. The
Reiut)iic.tns el oiol Mather re
corder by 3C( majority; E. D. Parce, treas
urer, re-cteet-d by .13. and T. E. Burlin
.gainc. J. L. Jlooney and A If Damas (col
ored), miincdmen, by bHiall majorities.
McCraken, th'j colored Republican candi
date fr ass'S-.or, was elected, the Deaio
crats hav.ui: no eamtidatu, as the cfiicc had
no dutie or t,ji.trk v nucted with it. The
City Cuu'ie.i uotv stan-N nine Democrat?
and seven Republican-.
St. JoH'i:. Mo., April 4. The Itottest
contest cv-r held in JhU city rc-ultcd yc
tei day ma snooping Republican victory. :
The total vo e pollei nas4.yii, which was
about l.uws'uf.r: of thai ttirce years ago.
which is accounted for by the fact that
the speeial registration wai not under-
stood. E-igl-hirt, Republican candidate
for inoyor. nas a rn ijonty of 7M, and six of
the ten a lionn "i arj Republic ta. Rwe,
Democni ie ciad d itc for city attorney, is
elected uy a mijonty of 175. The ticket as
elected is n fi nr;; George J. Englo
hart. in j-or; H.nvy Cirrer. auditor;
Georg. G o,' tlier, ti e isiirer; John A. Dol
man, ice .'er; George linive, titty attor
ney. T'ii, is the mo-t complete victor?
the Rep'inlii-ans have ever achieved lu the
city lection, the administratUM la'it year
having nein Democratic.
Clinton Mo., April 4. The election held
here y'M;,l.iy ivi.s warmly contested, not
withsia tiling that it was conceded from
the start tha the Democrats would come
outvietonou. The loc.l option ists had a
ticket called th-j People's, containing the
names of the nwj .rity of the Democratic
nominees. Tl;c election resulted in the
selection of every D niocratic nominee
with the exception of a-ssessor. to which
place L. A- Bear-on, Republican, was
elected. Tue new officers arc: J. H. Britts,
mayor ; Amc Rielrtrdmen, marshal;
Charles A. Calvird, attotnoy; L.
McBnde, recorder; Charles 8. R.ibiusou,
collector; C. C. Williams, treasurer; L.A.
Feanon. uvssor. '
Atchison, Kan., April 4. The city4lec
tion heie yes'onlsiy passed off qiletly.
Four Iiepubln an cnuni'ilmeu and oneDemo
cratwro-ic'-ied. TheRep..blicjiisjMected
are S. I!:j'.iwtur, IL C. .'(.'nlc, J. WFishcr
and J. Onv't-y; tne Be mteint, Phil Dun
kin. Tlier ivi-V- three tickets in i he field
Kcpub! can, iJrm.'cruicandUuiinLaiior
TiicDeuiiH-riiie e.unl.diites were m'!oreJ
by ti.e Uiiio . uiuor ticket. The enure Re
pub'iruti S-.imuI IJar.l was elected. Thfe
bitl-esi hms in the Third wardwhert
J. W. Fi- if r, Rep.ildican, d:featcd thd
coutuineii Democratic and Uniun Labor,
at m:dai.ia. MO.
HntiAMA, Mo.. April 4. El ward, Vf.
Stevens. Democratic isuididate '.for mayor,
was defeated for re-election' yesterdavi by
bolt of the Fourth wind Democrats, by a
majority o; 113 alter cirryiug three out of
four ward"-, .i.ose ver3 Frank Shultz
and J. C. MeL.uihliu, Republicans, mid
Charles Carroll, Democrat, were elected to
the City Co-ineil.whiih stands six Republi
cans and two D -ui'jcruts. J. H. Pdkiutou,
Democrat, was rIeeted city collector by a
majority of C ":J;"'o(ii Prentice chief or police.
by 44;; M. v". itraily, jiolice judge, byJSJ.
and Fred Weltaroch, assessor, by a large
AT TOI2K. kax.
Topcka, Kim., April 4. The city election
passed off q i tly yesterday and a very
large Vite was oiled, the chief interest
centering upon Urn tno candidates for!
police Jinig Cnrran, the colored Repub
lican, unl Iseuhurr, the Democrat. Re
turns rt'C -ived thus far from three of the
sever, precincts give Isenhart SO I majority.
The general impression prevails that Cur
raa i elected by a small majority, as the
remaining precincts are Republican strong
holds. The Republicansprobablyelect five
of the six cvuncdiuan.
Hot.Tox. K.n., April 4 The city eleo-'
tion pn-Hed off qnietlv yesterday, only 443
votes bemx caxL J"hn 8. Hopkins was '
elected Biiyr; Ed Rose, police jadge; J. i
C Chase, J. H. Keller, W. A. Allen, Todd '
B. Well, T. K. Roach and G. Bohannan, '
OMBCiltuen of the ihree wards, and J. W.
neminir, W. H. Robinson, C S. Speveer,
IL1L Beck, 9. L. McGrew asl Samuel
Casfaua, memlra of the Board of Educa
tion. The woman's vote was somewhat
t AT cakroixtox, mo.
v Caksou-tox. Ma, April 4. The clectloa
here yesterday resulted in the choosing of
J & Drak fur savor. J. O. Woodlaad lor
Lon Blakely for
of a tie vote betweem,
G. R. Blackmore. a m
have to be called to selectMvafotae
Fourth ui. id. Tho jjropcloj o license
saloons was defeated lrj-a.. .majority
of thirteen votes. s -
Jeffersox Citt, Ma, April -thg city
election here yesterday wasUhr contest
ed, but rK)litical Unes wore tpitatawn.-'Thc
Hon. Ashley Vf. Ewin wijfctodmayor
over J. M. Clarke by a majay at 57. 'T.
E. Luckctt was elected attprneyvbver W.
S. Lemmon by a niajority-of "lf'tV. B.
Piync for recorder bad no. -oppofition ;
Colonol W. Q. Dallmeyer, WKl'Braabury
and J. F. Heinrichs vcve elected members
of the Board of Education. ?' ".
Maihali Mo., April 4. The city elec
tion here yesterday caused many tights for
a dry town. There were two tickets m
the field the regular Democratic and the
Luw and Order. Most of tho'nominccs on
tho Democratic tickot were anti-local p
tioa, and tho light wes mado on that issue.
Tho vote was as follows: For mayor
Fisher, Democratic, SSS; Wright, independ
ent, 'Jll. For marshal Coiner, Demo
cratic, 3; Parker, independent, 240.
Nevda, Ma, April 4. The election for.
city officers passed off quietly here yester
day, the whole Democratic ticket being
elected by fair majorities. C. O. Graves
was elected mayor over E. E. Kimball; J.
A. Lovell, city attorney; W. 'I. Fisher,
marshal; James Brldgeford, recorder;
Frank Anderson, collector, and O. K. Cald
well, treasurer. All the aldermen elected
are Democrats.
Leavexwouth, Kan., April 4. An elec
tion for councilmen, members of the school
board, justices of the peace and constables
was held here yesterday and was the
quietest known for years. Of the six
councilmen voted for three Republicans
and three Democrats were elected. With
this exception the remainder of the Demo
cratic ticket was elected.
at ncTcuixsox, kax.
Htrrcnixsox, Kan., April 4. About 350
women voted here yesterday in the Fourth
ward, where a woman ran for school di
rector. A warm fight was made, the
women being divided about evenly, defeat
ing her by forty-two votes. The woman
vote throughout the city cut no figure in
the result, as there was no case where the
husband or father and the wife voted
differently. i
Gallatin, Mo., April 4. At tho city elec
tion here yesterday, the entire Democratic
ticket was elected by an average majority
of 70. This city elected Republican officers
last year. The negro on the Republican
ticket ran with the balance. The Demo-
crats elected are George A. Hondersou,
mayor; I. B. Yates, Moses Brown, George
Tugglo and A. F. McFarlan, councilmen.
WAUUEX&nciu., Mo.. April 4. J. D. Eads,
the Democratic namince for myor, was
elected bj- a majority of 1(W over W. 83.
Crisey, the Republican candidate. Theo
dore Young, Republican, and W. IL Au
dersoa. Democrat, wcr elected council
men. George Gilbcit and G. S. Brinker
hoff. Republicans, were elected school di
rectors over L W. Jacks and Dr. J. A.
Martsville, Kan.. April 4. In yestcr
d ty's election Andrew Fluhrer was elected
mayor; Charles Browu, police judge;
Charles F. Kocster. city treasurer;
ChailesF. Puscb, school treasurer. Con
sidering that this was the first election- as
a city of the second class a very light vote
was cast.
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. The munic pjl
e'eetion yesterday resulted in a complete
Republican victory. The majority of Hous
ton, the Republican candidate for police
judge, over Whitmore, the Prohibition and
Democratic nominee, was about 400. The
Republican candidates for councilmen were
elected by majorities ranging from 70 to
Hastings, Neb., April 4. Blastings wit
nessed the hottest city campaign in her his
tory yesterday. The temperance eople
ma ie a noble figat, but were defeated. For
ius.yor A. D. Yocum, high license, was
elected by 59 majority. The entire ticket
was by paajonties ranging from J5
to 10J.
Weub Citt, Ma, April 4 Tho election
yesterday was a hard contest between the
Citizens' and the Labor tickets, and result
ed in the election of McEutec for myor
eu the Libor ticket, over Chinn, by forty
eight majority. Tho total vote polled was
V-J5. This assures the adopt-on of local op
tion in this city.
Marvville, Mo., April 4. At the mu
nicipal election held heie yesterday,
Charles A. Ellis. Democrat, was elected
iimyor over S. R. Beech, Republican, and
A. Flower, !) mocrat. was elected marshal.
'Iho Democrats and Republicans each
elected tv.i aldermen.
Hamilton, Mo., Apr.l 4 Tho Citizens'
t:ckeL v.-as elected here to- my without op
position. W. J. Erv.n and W. V. Walker,
.idermeu, uuil Purlin, Dr. E.
Vaui.otc and G. Prentice, school directors.
Cameron, Mo., April 4. The following
candid ites were victorious in tho city elec
tion h re yesterday: C. L Font, niavor:
. b. Worlev. citv II. H. M-f!fo
mlice judsre; and William Dinwiddie. G.
V. Cliue and F. G. Isbell. nlJermcii.
:.i:kixv Citv, Km., Anril4. In ves
rday's municipal eoitcst me Union Li-
r p ii ly mi overvvheinnn' victorv
ith the exception of one councilman, all
their candidates being elected bv large
arnett, Kan., April 4. The entire
mocratic citytickei is elected bvfrom
to 2W majority. Thjee and
ictceu vt'UKu voted iW lor the Demo
crttie nwtnin-.
AT 1AM At:, mo.
M.iit, Mil. Ap:il4. In ttieciiy election
yeid..y :hs weU ca'iU:red all the offices.
uMAuien :md school directura. The drys
inadk u good light. Tiier were no politic
in tli contest.
Beviuce. NeU. Auril 4. At the citv
electin yesterday, E. O. Keictslnger, the
preses incumbent, was elected mayor over
O. H.fhiltiDS In 121 maiorltv. Both tickets
were Vni-i.nrti-a;..
Tltv SlilwMuk- Ktrrtimu
xtir.r. Wis.. April 4. Tho Citi-
luuioijml i ckct wut elected here
yestenVv owr !h Union Labor ticket bv
uuijoritU r.inu'.i.i; t:m Tckl to LUUU. Re
turns t.Kv Thotnu.- Dmwii, for mujor
on the it zens' !irkl, bus majority of
LKW ovili llrrnian Knu-psr, the Labor can
didate, Vti.i t it'cn noiriineen contprisd
two KeAbli.-ans :id twu Ot-mocrat.
There w- A ,iWP hibnimi anil Socia.i-HIe
tieKetn in b.lf0 d. but neither cut much
of a fltjuis-Vii.c lcs thai WOvoU-s to
gether. TioV'i; x u'electi-il ten. ulder-
..... A .L V - . . -
loecuH '.ciecwoB. win
.,.. -- j plW,r Py-u.rorkofpMC1ir t ,-pri,
Xeith &tP6nja Shaft No. 6 tha
scene or a xerriDie imbb oz
v .
Powder or G3 Explodes While Over
Thirty Men Are at Work
' Twenty-one Dead.
Fourteen Taken Out Wbnnded Fifteei
Others Imprisoned and Thought to
be Killed.
Rich LIlli, Mo., March 30. An explosion
of natural gas occurred in mine No. 0 of
the Keith & Perry Coal Company, located
about three miles west of the city, near tho
Rich Hill Gas Company's natural gas well,
shortly after twelve o'clock noon yester
day. There are about 100 men employed in
this mine, but at the time of tho explosion
only about thirty wero below. Attempts
were at once made to rescuo tho unfortu
nate men, and eight miners had been
brought to the surface alivo when a second
explosion occurred at 3:30 o'clock, at which
time Superintendent George Sweeney and
five miners were in the shaft at work, all
of whom were more more or Ic3s burned,
bat none dangerously. ,
The scene about the mouth of the shaft,
where the wives, mothers and relatives of
tho miners, wild with the agony of sus
pense over the unknown fata of their loved
mes were collected was heartrendiag.
The mines wereoxamined about two weeks
ag$ by Mine Inspector Wolfe and pro
nounced safe.
At two o'clock thhvmorning a telephone
message was rcceived.from. the mine to the
effect that fifteen men had been taken out
the mine, fourteen of them alive. Mr.
Maaville,who is alert and doing all possi
ble, is of the opinion that so long as the
men taken out are not ail dead it could not
have been due to gas but to powder. He
holds that gas always burns the oxygen
and no one could live under such circum
stances. A reporter called at the residence of the
superintendent at eleven o'clock last night
and found him propped in a chair with hie
face and hands bandaged and scarcely able
to talk, but he mode the following state
At just aeven minutes after noon I wael
telephoned that an explosion had occurred
at If a 6, which is four miles northwest of
town. I went out as soon as possible and
found the south cage on which the men al
ways ascend, stuck m the shaft about half
way from the bottom with eight men on it.
JJ went down in a tub lowered with ropes
I. and found them all badly burned and in
frenzy. In fact, they wero crazy, some
hadooing and others singing. I found it
inSbssible to have this cam hoisted as the
timbers were all blown out of position. We
finally managed to be hoisted by means of
I rbnesand pulley, in a fainting condition,
jjidit' was then ascertained that the north
eugo iuuiu wnur&cu u clearing utvajr
some timbers which had been driven
through from the south shaft. This was
dose by sawing them short off. I then
called for volunteers to go down with me
to see if any of the poor fellows at tho bot
tom could be got out Robert Bick, George
Henry, Charles Smallwood and Mat Dule
hand responded.
When we reached .hc bottom I looked
through into the entry, and saw alight,
and I asked who was there, and a voice re
sponded:' "Gray," and I told him to put
out bis light. I then asked him to crawl to
me, but he was so exhausted that he could
not do so, and I reached through the small
aperture and dragged him on to the cage.
Just as this was done a wind rushed with
the velocity of a cyclone up the entry,
putting out all our lights but one. This
was followed by two loud reports and'a
seething name of bre. which came with
a deadening roar, completely enveloping
us for a length. of, time which seemed
like an age, and shot out, the
mouth of the shaft, two hundred and.Mrty
feet above our heads, and we were all
horribly burned, and thought our time1 had
come, but the flames receded as suddenly
as they had come, and we had to abandon
the attempt to save the others. I yelled to
the men on top to hoist away, but it was
some time before they got the signal er
understood my meaning. The roomen
thus scent were a living death. I though
they could not hear me and concluded we
would have to crawl through tho j south
shaft and undertake to climb out that way.
I was just in the act of doing so when I felt
the cage move and we ascended
about thirty feet, when the cage begaa de
scending. I thought the machinery broken
and that we were falliug to an awful and
certain death. Oh I the wail that went up
from those men was heartrending and 1
shall never forget it. The knowledge that
at the top was their wives extending their
arms ready to clasp and shield tbera from
further danger was imiddening and enongh
to destroy reason. All at once, however,
the cage came to a sudden stop and again
began responding to the pressure of rope
and pulley and we were soon at the top.
" Rtcn Hill. Mo., March '.Hi. It was just
12:10 o'clock when a low rumbling noise
was heard in mine No. ti, owned by the
Keith & Perry Coal Company, four miles
from Rich Hill. It was quickly followed
by it fearful report which shook the earth
for many miles. Had the explosion oc
curred a few minutes sooner it would have
imperiled the lives of over a hundred in
stead of thirty-five, who were in the shaft.
The excitement was as nothing compared
with the suspense which prevailed.
Immediate steps were taken to rescuo
the miners who were imprisoned by the
explosion and as soon a it was safe to do
so, and the lire resulting from the explo
sion had been subdued, a roscuing party
descended Into the shaft. They had scarce
ly got to wurk when another explosion oc
curred and t he would-be rescuers narrowly
escaaed with their lives. Ono of these
was George W. Sweeuey, superintendent
of the mine, and he was badly burned ahont
the haadt and face.
The work of rescuing was thus delayed
for many hour. The cries of the impris
oned men could be heard, but they grew
fainter and fainter, and by nine o'clock
ceased altogether. Thus fur five have been
taken oat dead and fifteen alive. Most of
the latter have suffered intensely from the
Am aiul eiiffitMittAti einal thestw veulkvm lm '
very doubtfuL The dead are:., Charleri
Smith, George Muy, C. McPhersdo, Frank !
. fl..ll..H T..M.I.... .ItlMtlh
The injured are: i
Jmknii. Y. lUMianl. J. 1 Williumo. K. i
i v..ran,..i.. .T,i.ti R.itr.r n v nnh.rfi
i aMuuit -"wv f -- w wy
Area MannalL John Lucas U C Joaet.'
Frank Carr, foremaa of the mine, was ia
. it at the time of the explosion, but was not i
Injured. Fifteen soar remain ia the mine.
beibf ib the west end and it is believed
thavmoat of .them wdl be t&kea oat dead.
Taajwork proeeods very slowly, bsiac at
t ended witaxreat daaxer.
XicaHiixTHa, March m, , a. m. Tha
work of rescainv tha uaprisaaed mm
KaKh 4t rer's Ma mia Is
Joshua StriekfitC J. Keptune Wl , Chore.) la the! ie-rt of the trttoge ofck
, Taylor, 1W Y B. F.k I -! 52 -2-
j t'C -. ''JaT t-.-
the lu-utejr snare. Fifteen were rescued
before the second ' explosion occurred
and . sixteen afterwards, all of
whom wero alive but one has
since died. It is thought the others will
recover. Twenty-ono dead bodies have
been taken out. State Mino Inspector Wolf
is universally condemned by practical
miners. On March C, he pronounced this
mine safe. The cause of the explosion was
the accumulation' of foul gases without
proper ventilation.
Death Roll N'ambers Twenty-sis A Start
ling Statement.
Rich Hill, Mo.1; April ti Yesterday was
tho saddest Easter Sunday in tho history
of this young city, occasioned by the fu
neral service and burial of several of the
victims of tho atp mino disaster. No au
thoritative record of the number or miners
in the exploded mice could in any way bo
secured, as now men wero constantly being
employed in the place of those more ex
perienced, who feared the danger
of this mino, and it was not un
expected news when word came
in last evening that two more
dead bodies had been found in the search
continued after it was reported that all the
missing hod been recovered. The death
roll new numbers twenty-six, and there
yet may be more dead found.
The coroner'a jury will continue their
work ef examining witnessos to-day and
SUte Mine Inspector M. L. Wotfo will be
summoned to testify. , "
The evidence will most likely develop the
fact that at no time since the February fire
in this mine, when it was flooded, had the
fire been put out, but that in one of the
west galleries the -smoldering fire was
banked and hermetically sealed and in this
way had been manufacturing carbureted
hydrogen gas, around which a gallery was
being driven to eventually cut it off.
This gas when mingled with nine
parts of air is very explosive, and it is con
jectured that a shock created in blasting
the entry around this hidden furnace,
caused a break, letting the pent up gas into
the mine, causing the explosion and its ter
rible results. Some of the best citizens are
members of the jury and they are deter
mined to unearth all the evidence relating
to the cause of the disaster.
Hopkins Sentiment.
Cincinnati, April 2. Benjamin K. Hop
kins, late assistant cashier of the Fidelity
National Bank, who has been in jail for two
months awaiting sentem-e under a convic
tion for violation of tho National Banking
laws, was brought into the United States
court this morning, upon motion of District
Attornoy Burnett, and was.shw6eiJead.lo
the penitentiary for seven yBMSaadwb
months. He appeared broken down from
illness, but did not manifest deep emotion
upon receiving his sentence. When the
judge was saying It would be better for
him to be at Columbus during his illness
than at the county jail, because he wouldn't
have to pay there for extra attention he
might reqjire, he interrupted the judge to
say that that disadvantagj bad been re
moved by the jailer, who had ceased to
make extra charges.
Foaader of the Repablirau Party.
Pittsburg u, Pa., April David N.
White, ex-editor or tho Pittsburgh Cnrfte
and founder of the. Republican party, is
seriously ill at his homo in Se wicklcy, near
this city, and is not expected to survive tho
night. White was bom in Wareham, Ply
mouth County, Mass.. August 22, 18;3. In
1341 be came to this city and purchased the
(tasettf. He was an uncompromising oppon
ent of slavery and in 18o5 published a call
for a county convention to form a new
party. The call had few signers, but when
the convention met every district in the
county was represented by duly elected de
legates. A strong ticket was nominated
nud from this spranjr the great Republican
Kansas Farmers.
Topeka, Kan., April 2. A large meeting
of farmers, representing Shawnee. Jeffer
son and Jackson Counties, was held at
Meridian Saturday to further the project
for tho organization of the Farmers' Trust.
Colonel Walter N. Allen, president, and
Judge W. A. Peffer, of the Kansas Fanner,
addressed the meetimr. R -solutions were
adopted jb' hold a convention in Topeka,
ly uJmu circulars were sent to the Gov-
States west of the Missis
to Illinois and Wisconsin
s to the convention.
Flro iu Iho Tribune Office.
New York, April 2. Kire broke out in
thecEieeh of tne Homer L-e Bank Note
Conip..ny, on the eighth llooror the Tribune
l.uilding. at four o'clock ye.sterd.iy morning,
j:nd despite the supposed lire-proof tl-iors,
ate its way to the Moor above. On this
floor arc located the rooms or the reporters
and the city editor of the New York Trib
une. The fire destroyed the files, manu
script and valuable papers in ih.; Tribune
office, which can not well be replaced. The
loss is estimated at itlbYUL The causo of the
tire is unknown.
Fanhioiulile .Horii-ty.
Washington, Apnt2. Yo-terilay marked
the close of the Lenten seas mi. and through
out the city the churehes vmc thronged
with fasliUMiuhle society. The floral dis
plays in the pu!pitsof the leading churcues
wero supreb. The gaieties or social life at
the capital will ho resumed to a trreat
extent during tho week. Mrs. Cleve
land, it is expected, will renew her morn
ing receptions, and there is gossip of sev
eral grand affairs to occur in the way of
dinners and receptions before the season
is declared at an en I.
Earthquake In Arizona
HoLB'totiK.-A. T., April 2. L ist night a
slight shock of earthquake was felt here,
tasting ten seconds. Tbc vibr.ition was
from cast to west and was quite icrccpti
ble. Houses trembled. A strong wind
from the south was blowing at the time.
Narrow KMt-aprs.
Chicago, April 3. Fire broke out in the
stables ad joining the Adams House at the
corner of Lake street and Michigan avecae
early this morning. The hotel adjoining
fortunately bad but few guests. Most of
those and the servants were stupefied by
the smoke and it was only by the greatest
exertions on the part of tho firemen a-4
police that all were saved. Thirty-th
horses were cremated in the stables.
a rut n.
Hartforh. Conn., April a A IreaUrtal
soon after nine o'clock last night hi tfc
basement of the Second CoagremtteMl
" ...., -. - -. --,
Hko tinder. The lota.
several adjoining Vatldiags,
100.000, with 105,000 insurance).
Maa a cutei .
Wattbloo. Ia.. April 3. Two fnifht
trains on, the Chicago at ITorthwwtaii
came together ia a head ead coUiaisa war
Iaaary yesterday aad both eagiaas aaitam
cars contaiaiag stock ware daaa ,!
aayot the stock baiag killed. FaaraMsi'
were iajured. Tha tra dispatehar a at
ta be issasssible far tha aosidaat.
Tp4;Thtwifty-twoeu iaallla
I rnnr nil t hi
ie71rni'MPi. nnil
t rwr -v., -
bf taaefid doiciratc
Wlnm Mmi
It. V.Sihrev, l'res. Henry Cf.AitKE,Yico-Pres . Jso. It. Sihrey, Caslu
Howard B. Catiier, Assistant Cashier
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAL, - $75,000
Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrants, also
county, precinct and school district
Jas. McXeny. J. A. Tulleys,
John K- Shirey.
Henry Clarke, A.
New stock and almost at vour own ficrure.
Come and get bargains.
Opposite First National bank and Post Office.
Special attention given to undertaking.
ED CL0OD pffleWHt iOTK
J. w.siienv.od. President.
W. E. Jackson, Vice-President.
L.T. Albright, Cashier.
Capital $60,000
So3c:al Attention Civan
directors n
.1. W. Sherwood. II. Sherwood
L. I. Alhrtght. Levi Moore.
W. E. Jackson.
Buy and sell Exchange
Mate collections and do a
3eneral BkinGBu8ine3S.
Interest allowed on
iiiic deposits
Lower than any yard in the world.
general ifiapdwaFe, Stoves !
Iron, Nails, in
Keep on band tlie celebrated
iiase Burners, tne Dect in use.
Superior Barb wire always on hand.
Old stand on East Side wefcster street, Red Cloud
Boot and Shoe Dealer
Ts now receiving the largest liae of
Fine Boots & Shoes
Ever brought to this market
i you want a nice durable
boot or shoe call on
him. East side
' Webster y
- - St,
bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange
G. W. Lindscy
RY. Shirey.
. F.
J. Kenney.
." 'jr-t
and Copper-ware.
Sterling Stoves, Kanges an
- "
r- & '-.-vc.i.iv' . .
$J S '
3 .. O-. . V - -
tt&hfdL. '-$ LA.,--
it&Z '.INjfe
j a ' j- - -