The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1888, Image 4

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    rwnw wmi wwii mi.
- - ??. '.. wo-y
'T the Board r AMemn ef the
Ctty fate Cleat
Sec 12, of chapter 14 of the com
.piled statatesof Nebraska, relating to
cities of the second class provides, that
'the mayor shall from time to time
communicate to the city council such
information and recommend Buch
measures as in his opinion may tend to
the improvement and -general prosper
ity of the-city. Incompliance there
with reports of the various departments
have been prepared and placed in your
hands foHnspection and consideration
to which arc here briefly appended such
suggestions and recommendations as
have seemed to me proper.
A full report of the financial condi
tion of the city has been placed before
the-council by the treasurer, It is
only necessary for me here to state that
the general expenses of the city have
fallen very much below the estimate,
made therefor and the balance re
maining in the general fund has been
used'forthe extension of the system of
water works.
The fixtures for water supply are
barely completed to the extent of the
means furnished for that purpose and
it is too soon to determine as to their
adequacy. There is every reason
however to believe that in both quality
and quantity the supply will prove
enubintly satisfactory, both for fire
protection and domestic purposes. All
indebtedness for every portion of the
system and foi all labor performed,
thereon has been fully paid ercecptinir
a small balance on the stani pipe which
has bee 1 held in the treasury on ac
count of improper workmanship in it
coiLpiction. The finances of the city
have been strained to the uttenmxt
the council and empowered to enforce an
improved hygienic condition of the city
and its surroundings.
Fire limits shonld be established ob the
principal streets within which the erec
tion of wooden buildings should be pro
hibited. I trust it is not necessary for me to
state that' these recommendations are not
tendered with any assumption of snper-
Vlrr Department.
At the regular meeting last night of
ior wisdoni.JjjThey are simply the results
of a year of carefuland unprejudiced
observation. No man is fitted to fill any
executive or legislative office in your city
who cannot see at the end of his term
many things which should be accomplish
ed for the', gcomfort, :happiness and
well being of its citizens. The present
council have had crowded upon them a
vast amount of work which could not be
delayed and ', thus some of the matters
above recommended have necessarily re
mained unconsidered. The succeeding
administration will doubtlcs be able to
devote more time to the consideration of
the general affairs of the city.
I take this opportunity to tender to
each member of the council and to all the
city officers my heartfelt thanks for many
kindnesses received at their hands. In
the light of the present I am conscious of
many errors in the year which has past.
Many things have been done and many
things permitted which might have been
more wisely ordered. In all thing and
at all times however I have relied upon
your honest determination to act for the
future interests of the city and for the
! greatest irood of the atrreatest number.
On no occasion has there been caue to
regrot this confidence. The future will
show to the inhabitants of this city that
your work of the past year i the most
important part of its history. Tim men
who unflinchingly bore criticism4 and
n .jvoache? not always just and reasonable
and went patiently and manfully forward
ttiefire department at their hall the
bids which hadjbeen received for a
1200 pound firebell and fixtures were
opened and submitted to'the depart
ment after going over all business rel
ative to the purchasing of a bell it
was agreed by the department to place
the matter within the hands of the
board of trustees with orders to pro
ceed at once and procure a bell, so the
city will at an early date have a chance
to listen to a first class fire bell.
Red Cloud,
(Webster county,)
Please bear in mind, that
the water commissioner is
alone authorized to make
wat er service contracts. Go di
rect to headquarters if you wish
to save trouble and set 5 our work
done right. I will guarantee to do
first class work and at fair prices.
Trees! Treesl! Trees!!!
II you want fruit, forest or ornamen
tal trees, or small fruit stock of all
kinds at bed rock prices call at the
City Feed Store and leave orders for
what you want. Opposite 1'. O.
L. H. Rust, Lock Box 152.
The largest home rown stock in Southwestern, Nebraska . We are oflering no untried fruita
r high piiced novelties of any kind. First class stock i.f Fruit, flmde am! Lawn Tiecs, con-is
ting of
Apples, pears, cherries, plums; apricots, persimons, soh maple, hop
chestnut, cut lenf weeping birch, oak leaf Mt ash, Y j Alt aJi
w. - -, t -ww y , 1 ' ,
mini oi Uiieacl, Wiersc J maple, Am
Mulberry, Catalpa,
;veet cncsinui,
i x
and Wis wc-CDino wis;
1 17
A the:. -
A fine nosnrtnipnt. of Moss. 11. 1 and i-liiiibiii" Hcnk'V Stickels. both clintbin- and upright or tree-.
colors, snowball, peonies red and white, bleeding heart, trumpet creeper. Hwcry :ii :.::.. I. .v.!a-nuttiu-. vn:'i r.l
angla, acsscia or moss locust, cornf:s. wcgolia, v.iserialv:. ctep'-r, rlem-ii5-. in. I a i-i- cvenen :- n rot t i:
stock of small fruits is next Id complete, consisting ot rnspiicm. s. uewiiprr.i's ifi.-i.-iirrra-. -.rav .., t-- : ra
gooseberries. A line variety of grapes 1 to 2 year old, hcrtqe plants of osat,"' "! privu for u:i:n -'.a- ..-p..
tren j-oedlinir for timber claims and "roves of honev locust, soft maple, box elder. a-n. Ku-:an mtilberrt i I -
Call and see us when in need of any of the above stock and we will endeavor n ive -iit tl.. 1 .- -t
lowest living price. Call early. Nursery mile north of the city.
- -u
Lopeman & Hagaii.
iC ttt ill, riirlir ic !- witi ' - ---.
lltf Inrnrt ii?ifiAnp i-. 1-Iia 1.iif I
i if ;. .,:,11" 1 1 '-' "iayju-.t!y claim and will -un
adopted by this council, have been maue ,v rtflseive the rval,Lmst due io faithflll
for the purpose Ot increasing the capac-1 honest and competent worker.- for the
lrjofthc system. We would recommend I pahiu. weir.'.re. Parmit me finally to
that the ineomhiL' council make an j pfcdgo my unqualified support to th.
appropriation for the purpose of ex-. incoming administration in all things
tcnamg tuc mains in the southern I tending to .the prosperity of our city and
G. E. McKiJEY.
portion of the city to Mich an extent the welfare of it t.eoide.
as to afford lire protection to all south
of Division street and for general pur
poses to as many as possible. Alo
ParllcN Wantlii-;.
Vapor stoves will please call and
sec the Quick Meal and Jewell, there
is none that equal thcai and they ar
for sale at (128-tf) A. Mokiiaiit's.
- m ..-.I. --
look iii:ri:.
Before you let your water contract
it will pay you to call and see me as
I am doing that kind of work. I pay
cash for all my goods and can give
you bedrock prices and warrant all
my work. tf A- Morhakt.
An Absolute Cure.
The original Abietine ointment in
only pul -up in large two ounce tid,
boxes, and is an absolute cure Mr osl
sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all skin eruptions. ill positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for.the
original Abietine ointment. Sold
Henry cook at :S cents per box by
mail 30 cshIs. tf
For dyspepsia ami liver comnlaint
you have a printed guarantee on even
bottle ofShiloh's vitalier. It never
ails to cure, for ;ale by C. L. Cotting.
Lec-3l Notice.
Black Fred.
Standard Bred. No. ."S!2. Wallace's- register of trotting hore- !' Vw V r
Take AyerV S.irsai):rila. in th.e
that the mam be extended along Locust fpnngof the ear, to purify .lie Mood
street north two blocks and theneo, invigorate the system, excite the liver
west to Webster btreet thus complet
ing the plan for that portion of city
While our system of electric lighting
is no doubt superior to any place of
this size in the west, some just cuiie of
compiaiuL still exihts. At least one
to action, and restore, healthy tone and
viuor to the whole physical mechanism
Kerni'inher that Quality not quantity,
constitutes the value oi' medicine.
'i he extraordinary r-opirl iritj c-f Ay
er'y cherry pectoral is the natural re -stilt
of is use by all classes of people
ior over wny yens, it lias prvii
more lamp should be placed south of lt'"lf the very be-t specfic for colds
Divison street and one at or ahn..r. thJ touhs H1K- Plnonary comphunts.
southern jiortion of LeDuc's addition
Should the company determine to place
incandescent lights within our reaeh
a number of these might be cheaply
and profitably used especially on the
main streets leading to the B. & 11.
Two well organized and efficient
volunteer hose companies are already
in existence, moderately wall furnished
with supplies, yet much remains to be
4one to render their outfit comolete.
Everything requisite to keep them in
a- condition for active anil efficient
work should be promptly furnished and
as soon as practicable a hook and ladder
company hhould be organized and fur
nished with the ncecssar, supplies.
city poo::
Under the existing law.-, of this state
there seems to be no adequate provision
for the care of the poor in cities of the
second class of less than 5.G0U inhabi
tant. Xecessky however, compels and
public sentiment demands that such
provision he made. An appropriation
for this nurpoac should be made at the
Beginning oi each municipal year to be
used in a discreet and conservative
manner for the relief oi the honest and
deserving pouiou of this unfortunate
JPrult Tree.
In order to clear our ground.-, we
clo-se out entire lot of 3 year old apple
tr'es;it a very low pnceof7 cent a
piece. A good vanty t: select from.
Call eailey. tf
I.OPKMA.V, & Hag.YX.
XoticeMierelij sben that on thc2(it:i of
liillv, I'hilhi' l:;ir-!icl(l hlt-il a petition in
lilt ii!lli? i-fttlll III :mil tur YWlitiii-i'.iiTiif x
Nr'iraoka setting tin Hi that Char't-v Ili-rjrlit-Id" I
Ijiiiri licnriit-ld. Anna Hertfu-Iil. Mi'niiii- Hei-i
in-ill. i-ri-tiuie liciiieni. i.Diii-. 151-iorciii, lua
J.Vrh'liL-!(l, llaniiuii Uerfzlit-Iil and Tillie KertleM
u-ieth- iiiiiun- liL-irs of Willhnii Ili-i-'iii-iil.
ili--oa-t-l that t!it-yIiao pioiM-ityaml lights hi
.'.(-tioiiN uliit-h art about to aMs and a-k- that
U !i:i . Vcisi-r beapjKiiiitL-iI as their uaidi.iii.
I Iia- M-t thi- Tt'i ila of Mav. ls-. inrthe
h.-ariii" ot ah! in-titiii at whKh tinieall o!-
jiL-tion t-i why.-aid appointment shall nulla
lii.iilcuill In heard.
l.Vd Cloud, XehRitka, April '. I-1.
ri:..NK A. .swi:k.y.
X-Iv County Jiiduc.
Line Ql kp;
can not bo better
than to buy ) our.
w3Eg32rl3-: K 4
sgii'Becs.t. -: -i- t -jrr-.sdlr -y-.,
HIBa-iv-1? '53"Vli.1J- J?-wiv"tSv
Legal Notice.
A considerable amount, of work was
accomplished by the -resent council on
the streets of tin city, much more I am
informed than in any previous year.
Reference to tha rcpnt of your very
efficient street com mission ar however
will show you thai, nearly all this was
performed by the proper collection of
poll tixes. Proper enforcement of the
collection of this tax in" the future will
affsrd all the ineins lequisiie for the
repair of our ttreets,
An Enslislunai WIio Has Worn One for
Fully six Yean,.
A cise in which the operation of tracheot
omy proved strife iugly successful has just
.co-no under our notice, says the J'all Jln'.l
Gazette. It is that of a mau, formerly a sol
dier, who had thn incision into the wind
21pc made sis yej-rs ago, ami who wears
the tracheotomy tube at the present mo
ment, lie was a private in the ltoval En
gineers, and took p-irt in the Egyptian cam
paign of 11. being present at fel-cl-Kcbir.
i line m kgjirt he drank some bad water,
and this induced a blood poisoning, which,
ultimately took the form of deep-seated ab
scesses in the neck. lie returned from
Egypt, arriving in this country some time
in October, l.', and at once became a pa
tient, at tlnl!nvnl -Uititnri, Tfns..;.ni o...u
amptcn. The man describes the operation
as being only a little painful. The previous
difficulty in breathing had been so great
that if the incision into the windpipe- had
caused much pain that pain was over
whelmed by the great relief which followed
the operation. He remained in the hosni-
talfoi-sonic months, but finally lcftnuito
Ho linds but little discomfort or incon
venience ia wearing the tracheotomy tube.
Ho can not speak without rirst putting Ins
finder to his neck to close the oplicc of the
tube. The reason for this is obvious. Voice
is caused by the. vibration of the vocal
chords in the larynx, and to set them vibra
ting a current of air from the lungs is re
quired. The incision of tracheotomy being
made in the windpipe below the larvnx,
enough air to vibrate the vocal chords can
not no obtained until the orifice is closed.
In count vi-niirt of Webster coiu.ty. Nebraska,
Noiii-iipiobateof mil of Jlciuy .Mi-Coriaal dt--i-a-eil.
The state of Nebraska to the heii
and in.t of kin of said lleiuy JlcConnal de-ei-ased:
Take notice, that upon iilin a uiitteu
iiitriiiiient tmi porting to b the last will ami
testament ot Henry .Mi Cormal for piob.ite and
allouam-e it is outvied that said matter be .set
for hearing the eighth (slh) day of May A l.
tsss before s;iiil county court at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in., at w Inch time any person inter
ested may appear ami contest tin- sinu-: and
notice oi tills proceeeiimg Is onlercil publisheil
thu-e weeks successively in the ireil Cloml
Ciui:pa weekly ncwsjiaptr, published in this I
state. I
In testimony whereof, I uae hereunto set mv
hand and seal of the county court, at lleil Cloud
Nebraska, this at day of April. A. I. ls.
KltAMi A. SWKK7.V,
:w-lv County .Imige.
They keep the best
quality and sell at reas
onable figures. De
livired at your house
Property of Win. ("late.- of Jewell county. Kansas, will m.xkv tie st
18S8, at J. S Itothrock's stable in lied Cloud in lfida and Sa;
dune 1. and on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday at ::. 1 r
t :
IJI l fll." I.'ll.'l t.. I II I l- x- -..-. , I
iii.viv i xxxais. .-lituuurti orci. Maiiion o. ;o i. was sireu I ti it
o. 11 II. he by Almont liattler No. ."i)U. he by Aluiont ". :;.; I. ' V
ander's Abadella No. l.'j. he by Uysdike's Ilambletonian No. 10. fst ,,
Alberta. byAllred.N... b0, he bv (.has. Hockmaii. No. L:;;. he ly H-,
dikes Aambletouiau N
Hayes' Tramp N(
X" . -I k . tl.t. 11 t
-o. im. oru uaiu. a iiiorounoren runnntir inaic.
miaii No. 10. 2d dam. Lucy by Trampaway No. L'o! w
o. :UW, he by GajreV J.o-aii.'he by iUskiki-V liamMct jn.aiv
Notice to Oreditors.
Mate of Nebraska, county coin t fur W bster
count v. In probate.
In the matior of the estate of ilciiiamin I.ittb
deceaseu . Knnieis M. Tripp administrator.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims ami demands against liciijamin Little
late of Webster county, ucceascd. that the time
li(l for liling claims against said estate is six
months liom the 13th day of Slarcli, igss. All
such iwrsoiis arc iciiiied to present their
claims with the vouchers to the couiitvjudgo of
s.ud county at his ollice in the citv of lied Cloud
in said county on or before the i;;tlnlav of Srp
tcmbertsss. And all claims so tiled v. ill be
heard before the said juil;;c on the tsth ilav of
Seiitember 1SSS. And all claims not soilled
win neioiever iarrcu.
Witness mv hand and official seal this nth
day of Maicli lsss. :viw
l";:.xic A. swkkzv.
County Judge"
C. E. Webb, Manager
Barb Wire
TEK3IS: $20. to insure a mare with foal, money to be paid when wire i;
known to be with foal. Parties parting with niaro before they are know tc
ue wun ioai win oe neiu ior the insurance. Lare will be taken to irei nt
accidents but I will not be responsible should any occur.
I.c-j:a! Nollcc.
In county court. Webster county, Ncbniska.
Notice probate of will of Thomas .1. Moshi-r tie
ceased. The state of Nebraska, to the heirs and
next of km of the sdd Tht.mas .1. Mustier de
ceased: Take notice, that upon tiling a written
instrument purporting to be the last uill and
testament of 'lliomas a. Mosher for probate
ami allowance it is oideieit that said matter l
set for hearing th Tth dav of Mav A. 1. I?S
befon said county court at the hour of lOocIock
a. m., at wuifii Him; auv nelson mtercsti-il m.-iv
appcar and contest the same: and notice of this
proceeding is ordend imblisheil three weeks
siiccesively in the Ked Cloud CiliKra weekly
nesp:iHr. publisheil in this state.
it: testimony whereof, I have hereunto set mv
hand and the seal of the countv court, at lied
I loud this r,th day or April A. II IsjS. ai-m
County .iiiuge.
r i
Tlte closing- is, in most tracheotomy tubes,
effected by an automatic valve, but the
soldier now in question will haw none of
them. He wore the automatic valvo for a
short ilme. it is true, but when he was com
inp down Regent street one day it i!ew off
and was lost, and he has done very well
without it since. He can also talk by put
ting his head down, in which case theoriflce
is closed by his chin instead of by his lin,-er.
Ho possesses a duplicate tube for use in case
ox accident.
Legal Notice.
Not ice js hereby given that a petition stencil
l thirty or more loii.eiit fu-ehc.Iders ot the
tiist vvaidof the city of lied Cloud, Nebraska,
has beeiUilcd with the city clerk of said citv
which petition pr:is for a license to be issued
to John S. JCoihrot-k to sell malt, vinous ami
spiritousli.-uorson lot six(O) blink thinv-one
c;ti in ttie city oi Keu uoud. mat actum will
l-c on said petition by tlie maorftml ritv
conncll in said ciiy on the HUi dav of April iss
or first meeting thereafter. '
Dated it Ked Cloud the Ctli'day of April lsss.
ll.vuuv K. l'o.i.
City Clerk.
H CLARKE, President, Albany, N. Y. J. A. TULLEYS, Vico President
ivooi. v .oruxuix, xreasurer.
PAID UP CAPI1AL,$50,000.
Ked Cloud, Neb. - Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. Xew York Geo K. Beach, Dalston Spa V Y
Y. U. Kobeson, Albany, N. Y. E. S. Frinci-. l'tu-lield Mi
R. V.Shirey D.M. Tlatt E. If, Hi-hhmd. J. A. lulley-,' ""j . M.'.Vit
On improved iarms m XebraMi and luns. Monev furnished a goon s u
security is approved Principal and interest payable in Ked Clou f I
The Importer
fSB ., v, ,e .
ZTZ A !i ItT?
Baker Barb Wire, the Best in the
land at hUW J?Hil'UK&.
IW' i ,.,J?''9' J8I 4B S rf T - - - -.
myt. .l MMJkJt. -.?e-!'f-i .--
vrsfc-si. jArm& ;w - vw '
aBl TLV lLA 2k7jF rta W H s- m -T W jl s LV" It -
j- -9irim rm.T-'Mme-'.'ibiji'i. un j, ,Tiio v7.vjiW,l- . - u x . ""
. -' 'v ct-4" rr-mi -7Tv.-A..K'cvrmf mmrr? mi-r;jr.9Aj . ? i
iiirr-'r- f mfrrr "--'"iFr r ' r 'ir'-i --ri-
HttKBL -j hi m f r7vv ?. t Mm rw tm nmt rucrirc i-.mtai.T.' .-
' ' rnmr''fmmmmMwr-
"V Zfcw
7? v? j. V
Legal Notice.
A brief description of thn tnlv ., k.
Tlic Krounds owned by the city about j found interesting. It is made of silver, that
the water works stand pipe shonld be
planted witb' trees. . The i expense
wonld bo trifliug'while both the grounds
and the neighborhood would be render
ed much inore; pleasant thereby' ' The
planting of trees along 'the residence
streets of the -city should be encour
' The ordinances' of the, city jBhotddbe
earefally Teviewed td Pinteoj in patnph-
i Adjoiningi territory, especially och as
is already' platted, shoald be taken into
the corporation. A
The condition of the city jail demands
that it should be enlarged and repaired
. or still better, that a new one be built.
A health officer shonld be appOiated by
boihg the metal least likely to bo acted unnn
by any fluids to be found in the windpipe or
kf the condensed aqueous vajior of the
breath. It is in reality no more than the
name implies that is, a tube. It is bent into
iBcionnof a quadrant, and the outer por
tfam has a shield, which" presses against the
flesh of the.ncck. To the shield arc attached
tapes, which passaround the -neck-and arc
tied. These serve to keep the tube securely
ju position, xnc instrument is further sup
pUcdAvitha. smaller inucr tube and "guide.
uo lormer con easily ocrcmoved and- re
placed for the purpose of cleaaipg-, 'which,
liowcvcr, is not necessary fluwethan'oneea
umi, wemmer perery loggy.. But
thc-inner tube is ncjt an ,'aMaBtial, and the
soldier of whom wo write -sever wears it.
He removes the tube itself, the tissues
around it having become so hardened that
for a short time they answer all the purposes
of the tracheotomy tube itself. The person
who is compelled to use a tracheotomy tube
generally wears a high collar, and all that ir
sec? is a small hole.
Notice is hereby given that a ctitio!i signed
ly thirty or more re-uuem ireenoniersoi tin
first ward ofthee.ty f lied t"oi:d..cDnuska,
luvi been tiled with the city clerk of sdd citv
vihieli petition prays fur a license to be issned ed on appucatioa.
O. C. Case, Jas. McXksv,
Will pnicttce In all courts of this state
Collections as well hi litigated business careful
y aim emctentiy attenaea to. Abstracts iunusk-
Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Norman)
Tfcitora ftlwaaa welooma. Call and see our hones or rod for catatoC-
tnJiavid M. fcoUirock and .lame-i R. Crim-inliiL'i-r
to sell matt, v ilious ami snirltxiis llliiiiirt
on tot five f3) In block tnTiity-secn i27) lu the
city oi Ked Cloud. Ntbniika'aiid that the
mayor and city council of said .city will take
action thereon on April 14th, l&$'or the firr
Meeting thereafter. , ,-"
Dated atlted Cloud, April Cth.' 1taC
Haukv E. I'oxn,
City Clerk.
Lesal Notice.
oiietiieteiy -,'iveii tnar a petition signed
f by Uurty.or mtfe freeholder M the al ward of
i tfiCTiiy tif JJedtJloiiil. Xebratta has been lilett
vitntiie.eirvcirKoisaia -irv- which peution
lraysfor,auceiiJe U le N-iiied to David A
Stnniito'teIlniaIt,inouiaiid spiritous tiouors
on lot three (3 ia blocfcone (I) Ih AVilliains ad
dition to the town (now city) of lted Cloud, Ne
braska that action will betaken on said petition
by tne mayor and city council of dd citv on
the uth day of April isu or the first meet in-r
Dsited at lted Cloud April ah, it.
City Clerk.
Okkick. Over First National Bank. Bed
i.-loud. Neb.
A -TTOKXKY AT LAW. All bicdnos InstriLst
r eti to ins car win ne promptly attemled.
tifnce. corner Sth avenue and Webster rtreet.
Bed Cloud, Xebnuka.
. - UK. O. ,E. JOKDAN.
PE5T1T. Nitron, Oxide for the painless
extraction of teeth constantly onhaiid.
work mtaranteed. jroows ever Cottlni''s
Dri Store, Ked Chnkt. Nebraska. . '
r, I.W..IUIjJ.EYS,M. u
'TjoxibEoiiXTiifcriiirstcLVN, u.s. ex-
rT. anilnlnir Snn;eou. Office opposite First
National Hank, Ked Cloud, xebraska.
Chronic dlaeanes treated by mail.
C. W. Kalbv, J. L. Kaley.
A TTORXKYS AT L.VW. Agents for the B.
Jr &31.B.K. lainls. OllceonWebster street.
Red aoud, Nebraska.
City Harness Shop
evary thin? ttsnvil kept in first class
harness pbop.
WibsUp wnntr Ahtrt Of t-. f
Faiiers and Merett
A general banking business trans
acted in all its branches.
rossr p4ib oy ros pgm
(Three or five years straight S pe
cem. single mortj?aKe. No delav
m securing money.
Complete and only get of abstract
books in Webster county. Grazingand
arming lands and citv property for
Silas arber Ueo. u. Holland.
E.B.initb U.O.Veber,
W . S. Garter.
.FntNationaYS- ' SclftSg
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