The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1888, Image 2

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SS r-iil fli T' ' " Ifl T ' - T- -r"1TT-vm n .TH.-' r - ir i-r"
. Muan-iiii'iiFKg'tiWJoKrt?j..vCT
t-diSMMSIlf Ur 0v.-i
Written for This Paper.
ISE, my soul! the
coram? dawneth
Tnat should drive all
gloom anay;
Rise from out ihy tomb
of languor
To a butter lifo to
day. Fearless pass thy
stricken keepers,
Knowing all their
power has ilown.
For the angel of Ke-
Rolls aside the door
of stunc.
Linger Hot in listless
dream, n:
Iet no doubts or fears
4 ..'J--i'
' si c y. .-jsl
Vain remorse or sick foreboding
Kiss above them all to-day.
O'er the death of s:n tr.uin. hant.
Go thou forth to lifo and light
G.ficd with the crown eternal
A'-d the matchless garment vh:lo.
Yonder is thy Father's glory.
Yonder soul-rcviviDg air.
And the way of love that blossom
For the faithful everywhere.
Ia the most bewildering dangers
That thv timd huart can meet,
Do not fear to lose a pathway
Marked by Jesus' wounded feet.
Soon shall come anothor morning
O thou Heavenly K isterdawn!
When Ironi oft clestiat visions
Shall the clouds of earth be d-awn.
P.irteJ fCQja surround ng sindT.vs,
Thou shalt l!y through s,:aioi d:m,
I' thy risen Sav:oa.
And forever rest Jl.m
JlII.IA n. TiiAvnis.
Tho Stcry of Mra iTarsden's- Es
porienc33 "witli It
.Written for This Pjper.l
I:er cor.11il.1ctn oy
must lie sought for
Levond the fair f;.cs
i-V-y v-. l.'A
y-. NT ' - - -
A y " . ,i..a..jat :o the p: o
dnclion of ?rrf. MnreduaV ex.Uteil sta'.o of
feeH:.?. In truth, the lady !' enjpyin (i
of thoe rare taoinun w, iosb.c oii.y to
thn?u l.oth on.l anil f,':o.t. Good, Mrs.
ilarsden undottLscflly is. s:nJ, iu her spber.",
wma be r.ccouiif d j:reit jufo. AVho di
1into her lcadi;r.ship j:i r.ociety, tlie r ht to
Ijij foremost auionir t!io honorable women
of tile church? Still fa:r of f.iee. Fhape of
form, and of a nharmiiijr ni..nner, wh'it
'oim man rtlltcts, when ho passes from
lier agreeable presence, thtt flic is no
longer in her first youth? Hut the honors
paid to a delightful personality and tl.c
street inccno bnrneil at .vt altar of social
success, are too familiar to the lady to brin;r
anew the spsrkle to h.-r eyes and the llmh
to her eheeka
It i the new triamph of fjeneralslilp and
2j; forecasD of triumph? to be. not the
-memory of past vktorien. that t r her pulses
with M'.ch. becoming tTect hhe has met
the enemy ami routed it. In laniiritre less
military, 3Ira ilursdeu, an henl of thi flow
. crcair.inlttcc for Easier decoration, has ut
terly vaiujnisbcd r.n oipo?inff faction, and
vdevi: an.l i-.tform will, in to-morrow's
idomnun rcilect her icknowledeJtasti
After tun iry esaspsrutin hk'nnishcs, she
lias drawn on a battle, all along the l:'n,
an i u .succeeded" (to use her own sijn:n
ant phrsze) " in putting down that Ceidon
woui.'iri- Thus hzr bin net brcomes a
crown of vic'ory, an 1 such a bonnet! a
ver table inspiration ! True, the inspiration
lurs be.-n oiuewhac cot!j but even ths
P-J12T :s softened bj' the remembrance of
he jewel of a sewinj-girl ske had found.
" Mich a dis'.-ovf.ry, my dear! Xot merely
I:dy-3ike. but .1 lady; positively a yonmr
woman of ideas; and fo ridiculously tuoJ
eHtinhtr cht:g s," tshlie had condiuslj
expressed her-Jj.f to a friend.
Tic jevol of a jrirl was just now ocenpif d
311 puti'ntr the finwl.injr touches to a new
wrap, destined to divide, witli the bonnet,
the jrloriLS of; her tcnto and ckibtu!
rtjrt:. cheaply cjmp'.'nsjt'jJ. enabling hi-r
ini!oyer to v.'enr the crown of iisspiro I tnii
linery, without d sturl.iii'x dreams of debt
and dtms. Ir.s. Ma-sJe:i removes her lori
ner, and is swinjr.rr it nlmr.ngy. when
Yowl" co-.i-e; th; fhtill jvlp of a dor, fol
lowed by a succession of p.crc 11 urecrus
from Baby.uabeL Ins'antly the maternal
instinct raserts itself over tho j.nre'y fem.n
ine; the bonnet is tos.Hu I ligi.t:y on the bed
snd tho al..r.:sed mother djr.s down the
Btair.--, alir.o.'t tra.rtin on tho pot poo-!e
jlean, :ls he darts up. 1! :iu :s a frpoilc I
ptioJle. H.'sh living and overfeeding have
destroyed his digestion; an J 1 here are tirnjs
-when n:t; dyypeptic deg-8uip gives himself
as many airs as :f he owned n fcoid and wore
a liver-pal Ac his best, he is an 1 ffaMe
io of ninny accomplishment; he will sing
in can no contralto; he will beg, dance,
leap, march, and go tho whol i round of ne-canip!i-hmen:s
proper to a finished poOille.
liat, ;.t his worst, Ileau develops a Sir.
ilyde-like deprrvity that ia alarming.
More thtn once has he evaded h.s manj
guardians and slippad from the bouse to
jgo on a protracteil Bjtrce in the company
of our cast mongrels, returning grossly de
moralized by a long debauch; his silky
irair hangicg in dirty w.'sps, his ears torn,
eyes l.lciry; his whole eppearanee that ot
an utterly nbandoned an J di reputable
Io Tor two days past Kjau had been
corning down with an attack of Hyde
rophobia. He v.-ould tutt sing; he refused
to licg. arid urgency and entreaty were
answered by grumblings most suggestive
of smothered profanity. It was no wonder,
then, that when Miss Mabel tried to grab
liici as he passed her, he snapped at the
little hands, causing a haEty recoil which
resulted in a loss of balance rnd a roll
lowu-stairs. As Ileau in ruined mood
leaps upon the bed he encounters tb.3 bon
Tiet ULs whole dog nature, revolting from
petticor.t government, urged him to take
summary vengeance on its symbol Ho! ho!
Tliis was Letter than worrying shoes on
the alley ahh-pile with hia mongrel friends.
Growling iu rrge ho bounds np9n
"Iris lictira ! He holds it down, worries
it, teara it, and after bis passion is
somewhat Hated, proceeds deliberately to
pluck out, picca by piece, the c doming
tird, and to chew up the plumes that nod--ded
defiance to the last, In ten minutos
the dainty bit of millinery is fit only for
the rag-bag. In his moment of triumph
Beau feels that in the matter of voice, nat
ure has dealt unkindly with him. He wants
to crow, or Iray a victorious fanfare. He
compromises with bis weakness by rolling
over and over oa the defeated thin?, snort
ing in self-approval
Meantime, Mrs. MarsJen baa foand her
child more frightened than hurt; tossed
away the tears, coaxed back the smiley
aaias maternal anxiety is reiieTed and
jUaa woman becomca doioiaiit she remem
.c'iTe.i fr .: 37
Vi VvV'Yl.
jy t
w.qES. MAIt.DL.VS faoe.
(f! iX.V.Vyrjj aii.she stands liftow
iv At ijfM-'&jy hr mirror, exprcs-os
3jo?f; V- ?J1 deep complacency ot
e'"!' 'a-?-7r--"-T!- Trie cu-e of
V'ii iV!-'.Gr?
li'f. 4'VsyJ? "'- becoming fco:t-
S'pf-'? "; !p? v net' w-r'ch s3 eo-
'" Si ""L "' tiihhlv adjusts
j?A, w?yt U!,ou her l,-"tL A
j; -", l?Tr Ci) fair facial out-
bers her bonnet and makes a hasty ascent
to her chamber. What a sights greets her
eye when she looks upon the bed. Only
the pen that described the rape of the lock
could do justice to the spectacle. Beau,
who has been licking the wet feathers from
his silky hair, beats a cautious retreat
lie may be conscience-stricken; he cer
tainly is afr.dd that something will hurt his
fee!ing, so ha wisely removes that delicate
possession to a plaee of safety. But the
p.mgs his mistress feels are too great to le
relieved by anger or appeased by venge
ance. She realizes that to-morrow's joust
of freh on is not for her. There lies her
magic helm (without which all is useless)
quite shafcred. The clouJy heaven of her
f.rce betokens a squall; her bosom billows
stonnily; the sobs come in windy guts
then, down comes the raiu! and Mrs. ifurs
dea sin'ris into the embrace ofher cozy
chair. Ah! Mr.s. Be.don, smarting under
your so receut defeat over ths Easter deco
rations, what balm for your wounds is here,
if only you could know it
Mrs. Marsden .snot permitted to indulge
her grief undisturbed.
Tap! tap! at the door, and enter the maid.
Her mistress in tearf! Wny ? Whit ?
The answer comes from the bed and its
murdered millinery.
"Ob, ma'am!" says Mary the maid. It is
no. much to say, but it is enough. The oh!
rists :n rellecuou to the expression of the
utmost astonishment and indignation; the
"niu'aui" m tre.uulous diminuendo, r.nd
sott:y as a flower falls oa a new-mde
"W-w-h-a-t is it, M-m-a-r-y!" sa!d her
mistress from behind her handkerchief.
"If you nlease, ma'am, the girl
says sucs ready to go, :.ud will you come
down and pu; the wrap oa before she
At the mention of the wrap the squall
show- s.gns of fre.-ht-ning.
"N-n-o, M-a-r-y; and t-tc!l her I w:ll see
h t Monday'
Al s! for the gentle hint des'gaed to sng
ge t to jir.-v Marcd'n that the work being
done hou'd be p.i:d tor. Goa 1-bye, jiwel of
a girl, to all yor.r 'true plans for to-morrow.
Go down the stps a li.t more straight
of iiirure fian is jour wont; wals pis, the
shop windows witu unturned face and .-ee,
without looking, the treasure 0:1 wheh
your Le ,r: was set; stopawhile on the
garret st.j'rs to fight back the leers, so that
ho.nebodv may not have to c-rry p-rt of
s..-t 5r"s o .U.
!rs. iLr-tlen spaa 3s herself in sobs like a
spoiled chilli, and pro-ceils to dcveloti
(yiu. on s of hysteria. She wishes for ier
husband, and rciiec.s jictuir.uce th 't a
husband rdwiys is away from l.o.:.e v.h-n
he is rat's: neede.L It is true, male symjn
thv atuch a moment might leave much to
be desired; but a rightly trained husb;.nd
nt'gtit be expeete.l to sit down :u sneni
sympathy, respecting the greatusss ofr.11
. t'dictiou wliicli he dareil not essay to com
tori in words. Mrs. M..rden'sfac3is Hashed,
her bra.l riches, she is quite unstrung. She
turns in loathing from Mary's of
tea and toast, but submits to being put to
bed. II r s.rlckea spirit craves symp ithy.
and more and more he d"sires the pres
ence of her dear friend and physician. Dr.
Martin. Xot a man d tar me. no! What
male pracitioner could hope to succcss
fuily treat such a cise?
A man may prescribe, but be could not
sympathize. 15es:des, what diagnosis could
penetrate to the deep-seate 1 cause of me
tering, and how could a linely-organiz -d
woman tell a coarse-hbered man that she
was suffering from the ctTects of a ruined
bonnet? But Lucy Waldron, M. D., sharer
of school-girl secrets r:nd follies, bosom
friend and intimate of later days that kind
of a doctor was another thing. Lucy
Waldron was the one person to be coanted
on in euch a case of trial. But how to sum
mon her, how to explain? Presently the
lady rings for Mary, who conies softly to
the bedside. " Mary, go to the bureau and
bring me those drops I use for nervous
headache." Of course she knew there
wasn't a drop left, but she gave a dissatis
fied moan when the maid reports the empty
bottle. "I am afraid you must send round
to the drug store and get it filled." The
maid retires, is at the door "Mary," (pa
thetically) white I think of it. call up Dr.
Waldron on tbe telephone and tell her I had
a churc.i matter of importance to talk ever
with her, but am too sick to come to see
her. And, Mary, if she can come over for a
few minutes, you can toil her about the
drops and she will bring them."
It's rather a long way round, it's femin
ine, and Mrs. M .rsden turns on her pillow
to wait results. Duly the doctor flits into
the room all affection and regrets.
l.iS. ---
rare combination is she bristling with
business oa occasion, but womanly in
every particular; fond of her friend, she
is no; blind to her weakness. She finds her
patient uncommunicative. '"The matter?
Ob, one of those horrid, nervous headaches.
So uufortuuatc, too. I shall be lit for noth
ing to-morrow. Mabel had a fall down
stairs, and gave me quite a shock." Tbe
doctor listens, pondering. her own plans
and purposes meanwhile, and continues
to softly stroke her friend's head while
waiting for the explanation the postscript,
so to speak of this communication. In
time incomes. " Ah! yes, dear, I must tell
you; Beau has utterly ruined by bonnet;
but it does not matter so much, sines I
shall be quite unfit to attend church after
this nervous attack." (What philosophical
balancing of ills! Did Newton speak more
eaimly of tbe havoc made by dog Dia
mond?) "And do see that the flowers are
sprinkled at the close of the service, to
kccpihem frc3h for evening."
Was the doctor deceived? No a bit of it
She puts a heaven of sympathy into a kiss
and her stroking develops into a caress.
For the patient the purpose of the dec
tor's v.sit is achieved; for the doctor the
visit has only just begun. She came with a
mission more important than the mere com
forting of a child with a broken toy. She
must give her message casually. Thou art
the woman ! would be dramatic but dan
gerous. She relates some of her profession
al experience. Tells bow Mrs. McGuIre
ripped all the clothes from the child that
had fallen into convulsions, and burned
them in the kitchen store t3 break the
"itpell that was on tbe darlinf," referring
the doctor's demand for warm waterand a
bath, to a jury of familiars who promptly
vetoed the use of so dangerous an element.
They evidently wanted whisky and a
wake, and they'll get it" Tells that Mrs.
Haskins. a notorious "hypo." has been
made whole by mind cure. " It couldn't be
her own mind, my dear, because Bhe hasn't
any." I am willing to give tver that field
of medicine wherein the " hypo " groweth
up like a cockle-burr, entirely to tbe mind
doctors, and my bleatingB with it.
But I am afraid, In this cise, its only
another tnrn ot the crank; and we may ex
pect such an advocacy of mind cure, in
season and out of season, as will prove a
mind curse to some of the rest of us."
I "And by the way, Jeanette, I must tell you
of one of the sweetesr, saddest things.
Word was left at my oSice by a young lady
that I should call at forty-four Breeds
court. Now, forty-four Bree Is cours was
a new locality for me, it is no: two blocks
from your house. Jeanette; that alley whare
the lamp a: the entrance has aiways a
broken pane of glass. I found Breeds
court I opine it breads fevers.
A narrow court, w;th the windows on
each side close enough to permit tbe ex
change of family confidences between Mrs.
Murphy and Mrs. Flannigan, unpleasantly
close I should say in times when "Murphy
is cut wH Fiannigan," and a regular gu ird
must be mounted to protec; the clohs
pole. with its fluttering, forked, scrlet
pennants. I found forty-four at the end of
the court the most decent-appearing
house in the row climbed three U;ght3 of
stairs, my expectation of a new sensation
increasing as my breath decreased, and at
las: tapped at the patient's door, mid was
invited in the sweetest little voice to
"Come." Let me tell yo:t what I saw. A
small, round-shouldered room, 50 narrow
at tin sides that a child could not stand
upright under the sloping root A narrow
window with an ivy on th? sill, doing rs
sickly best to climb sunward, but seeming
not to have succesfally located the sun's
On tl.e wails a few pTacqncs and wrter
color ske'ehes (unsold product'ons of an
unsuccessful artist, I noted mentally); a
rJ 1
( T?
a LiTn.n paLE-rAcnn faikt.
bright colored of carpet on the floor
wh-re it cou.d be most used, and in the of the room where 1'ie iciling wjs
at its Ifghest, a dainty white bed, and ly
ing tln-rj in state (I wanted to call her
Swet't L'aine and lily mr.iJ) a little pale
faced fairy, with tumbled golden hair, an 1
eyes of pure violet with palpable under
dcej.s. Such a little lady! "You will take
a chair. You are the doctor, aren't you?'' she
sa;L My dear, I just and niy a woman,
so I slipped down on the bed and put my
arms round the little, lovely, lonely thing,
forgetful of patients, and of Bob, impa
tient, waiting at the corner with the bug
gy that nine o'clock striking? Then I
must save the rest for another time. What
will Henry say? I told him I would be
back in half an hour at the outside. ''Just
like it," he'll say, when you only just run
in to see Jeanette, I may as well go out or
go to bed. What do you women find to
talk about?"
Ihu doctor is drawing on her gloves.
You will bo better, dear, in the morning,
but don't try to get to church (tnucn
needed advice) and leave the flowers to
me. Good-bye, and take the medicine in
the small tumller till the head is easier."
The doctor is at the door" Jeanette, I've a
happy thought " (as if she had not planned
th s denouement from the beginning).
'Why not run in on my little patient in
the morning, if you do feel equal to going
out; then you can report to me in the after
noon when I come in to tell you about the
morning service. Good-bve. I'm reallv
gone this time." And the doctor goes down
stuirs with the satisfied feeling only known
to successful diplomacy. The hours pass,
and with them Mrs. Marsdcn's pains. Yet
some te-irs are on her pillow, proving her
human kinship with the tired sewing girl.
who softly cried herself to sleep and
wandered out into the twilight realm of
dreams. leaving far behind her wraps, bon
nets and disappointments. Mrs. Marsdeu,
too. slept, and dreamed that a mournful
train bore "Elaine the lovible" "all in
white samite robed" and laid her on the
steps at her own house door.
The morning of Easter Sunday dawns as
Lelits the day bright and fair. Theirying
sun peers into Mrs. Marsdcn's room upon a
woman in a somewhat remorseful and sub
dued state of mind The headache of last
night seems to have become a heartache,
for hrr 'heart doei ache; whether for her
own sorrows or those of the haunting Elaine
of last night's dream, is not to be known,
for the sau throws no light on that ques
tion. It mav have been due in part to tbe
bells which would persist ia saying Eas-ter
bon-net Eas-ter bon-nct They said it
soberly, they said it snecringly, they sang
it, and chanted it, and tolled it; they said It
solemnly and they said it with great bursts
of laughter. Occasionally they would remem
ber their duty and pour out the grand strains
of the Old Hundred always going back to
the old theme: Eas-ter bon -net Eas-ter
bon-net They behaved very much like the
choir which intermits its gossip to sing a
Gloria. Was Easter a question of bonnets? It
was a very uncomfortable qncstion for
Mrs. Marsden to begin the day with.
A little later and the sun shines in the
vindows of the house of worship mas
querading in all the colors of the rain-bow-hued
cathedral glas. It shines on Dr.
Dorcm, whose fingers aids his near-sighted
eyes to follow the crooked trail of his man
uscript It shines on the just and unjust,
impartially on Mrs. Merlin, inwardly raging
because tbe green tints of the glass are
killing the colors in her head-gear and
giving her a ghastly complexion. On Mrs.
Fristee, who is burning to publish her dis
covery that a would-be fashionable is wear
ing an old wrap revamped for Easter duty.
Don't be too long. Dr. Dorem, for the
house waits to go into committee.
In due time the sun shines in a certain
narrow garret window in Breeds court,
making an aureole about the cnrlsof little
Lily, who, clasped m her sister's arms,
joins her voice in holy Herbert's hymn:
Sweet day, so coot, so calm, 60 bright."
For here in tnis upper chamber it is
Easter, too; not altogether out of the
shadow of that bonnet, but very much in
the sun-shine of love It is Bessie's day
ber one unbroken day with the little
sister who is both sister and daughter in
one. The Easter flowers are missing from
this scene of worship missing and sorely
missed. That was Bessie's disappointment
She bad planned a bunch of violets and one
tall calla. both for the sweet Lily in her
arms. Every day as Bhe worked the
flowers lent fragrance to her thoughts. An
ticipation of the round-eyed pleasure of
sister Lily quickened her pulse and made
her needle fairly dance along tbe seams to
the happy goal of reward; and when,
empty of purse, she walked past the shops
that held the coveted treasures, she could
I see them without turning the face, with Us
(t 1 l jjttxtir
t J. -.-. Ji-
C t w
X. h
I 1
1 . t 1 . "
moist eyes and quivering chin. "Oh! it was!
too bad, too thoughtless!" sne cried. The
sun climbs higher and higher, yet manages
to cling with one slender linger to Liiy's
locks. 1 he sparrows that had rowdily scutM 'd
and scolded between inctrva.s of domestic
gossip, fluttered from the window lctl-'e nit
to the spout above, the.r chirping a fitting .
accompaniment to the benedictory hymn
of this congregation Milton's sublimely
simple words:
" Let us with a gladsome mind,
Praie the Lord, for He is kind;
For II s mercies shall endure,
Ei-er faithful, ever sure."
" Now. Lily dear, I am down to con-
Ptrlt cook al out dinner." rys Be.-si, rsshe
placed her sister 0.1 the bcdl Lily smiles at '
the we.l-wora fiction which c.othes the '
k nd'.y pr.vilega accorded Lv Mrs. Milligan
of tte rloor below, to "vise the cooking
stove, honey, whenever the Vre? goiu', for
it costs no more for the two of us than the '
one of r.s, ve see."
Left alone, Lily lies and look:
light, wondering where the
wondering whether mamma knows whioh
. .
window to look iu at. or can see 1 er (if sie : the first ease we have vet seen
kaows)frouiso very-far away. ?he is still j tj0,.,i v.herein a woman is alle'd to
ouuer;ng ana more wiiaiv wuen: tai!
tap! 'May I come in?" : ml there stands
Mrs. Marsden. Tho sght of that sweet,
startled, child free puts Mrs. Mcrsden at
her b. s , which is saying every thing, for
it makes h t irresls ible.
1 am Mrs. Mr rsden, dear. Ybnr doctor's
assistant 'Ihc doctor gave n.e no,
so I brought some rlowcr. Yes,
violets; Isut and roi-bed the church ih"3
morning. You needn't look serious, the
flowers were my own. You love tiowers. I
cm see it by your eyes and it was for your
eyes I brought them. No. I am not going to
take the chair, but sit right Ltre on the
bid, so."
W ho could withstand Mrs. Marsden in snch
a mco 1? Not bt:2e Lily, who cpitulat.d at
onee and let her hand lie wdl.ugly in the
warm, soft clasp of its cap'or.
"Now. tell n't you very muchscr
pris d?"
Li ys wend ring bed takr n such celestial
sweeps tiai : n angel would hardly h ivo
Lena surprise; s.-she :.n-wered:
fcY. ma'am, that is. not so very muck I
did think mamma would tell God. tad I am
so gla L It 11 better to be a lilt!" girl than
a sparrow, isn'b it.' J-isfrsays C I cares
for the sparrows; only .ooinetunes uhenshe '
s so kit g away, it seams as if iO I might
forget a little girl th t couldu't go out of
doors, where II-could tee her real plain." !
Certa.u'y tbe pain o: 3-eterI.iy l:r.s gone
to Mrs M:r-d"iishe:rr. And oh! the lan-
tast'c gi.os:. of that murdered I or.n -t! Why
would it pursue hirl She pats the little
eh"--k. ind smooths the hair.
" WaerMvoursiSter, cji.d.' Why is she
not with you?''
The h:ii tancird an impL'ed rebuke in
ure qiieai.ou. ananas ene.i to tne uezuncc.
lister never letves me wuin .- ,,, , . .. - ,
she's at work, an I she is near , S- m& My hoy. there ,
enough, she always runs home to s e me at :;lv l'vo wretchedly bad things about it: ;
lurich-tim-. It Wis nrieh nicer when sli'e '. first and worst, the cigarette; and sec
ure i to paint and .o Kensington and that. I om!. the fellow who smokes it. JIlim-
ifvezuo i t'otim Avaicii iier. uu; ncoi:e
would not buy her th ngs, though they
were a nice; and sometimes we had such a
little to t a: that s.ster could not put any
crumbs out on tiie ledge for the sparrows.
She always puts so.r.e now before the goes,
and sometimes a beautiful pigeon comes
and cats the crumbs. I 1 could have
it for n y own."
Kiss the child, Mra Marsden. and try to
smother an uncomfortable suspicion that
Dr. Lucy deliberately stopped short of tell
ing her story last night
Sister will be so glad you brought the
Bowers," says the child, because the
meant to I ring me some last night, only
she couldn't because" and just here
Bessie enters, flushed from her work at the
stove, and stands looking in bewilderment
at the scene The situation would have
been much more embarrassing for Mrs.
Marsden had Bhe not been a good woman.
Like meny another good woman, ber vision
was usually feenssed for long-r:.nge benev
olence. Yon can't see Breeds court when
you are looking at Benares. But there was
no hesitation when Mrs. Mcrsd n did sea
Impulsively she moved to where Bessie
stood, and taking her hand, said: "You
must forgive me, dear. I have leen a very
foolish woman, but I am not i ickeiL I
hope that it may yet prove good for us
both, and for the drooping L ly there, that
my too.ishncss sent you awry with an
empty purse on the eve of Easter. I will
send Mary to make amends for my remiss
ness in the morning and you will come and
call on me in tl.e afterncon, in token that
you forgive me."
reply any more than thfy cor.M refuse tho
kiss of peace that was laid upon them. 1
Mrs. Marsden went her way, and as she
went she said:
I thank Thee, Lord, for this Easter day
and for Thy minstry;" aud tor answer
came the sweet talntuion to Lcr spirit:
"Peace be unto thee."
The ghost of tlie bonnet was laid from
that moment And but for all this fuss
about a lonacfc. Bessie Bartrnm might
never have movei out from B:e?ds court.
and Lily lacked lie skill and kindness that
made her a strona and healthy girl? Who
know?; for God,fultiiis Himself in many
ways." But so itliappcned, and Mirs. Mars
den never puts on her Easter bonnet with-
Then shk did go back to her old
frivolitv? Tooh!
One must have bonnets;
and then, there's
fi world of dilference be
tween bonnets fir Easter and Easter for
E. G. CatVEETox.
Eaut-r Thought.
Tins story of Ealter is told in many ways.
Easter Cards" ii hrge letters meets tlie
eye in the store windows. Easter carols
are written and s ng by the various Sunday-schools
and congregations. Special
music, the finestJof the year, is prepared
for Easter, and Ipccial sermons tax the
Flowers ire plpted and cultivated es
pecially for Eastc ; for it is then the most
elaborate floral lisplays are made. So
nature and art uiita to honor Him who
took our nature tpon Him, and left His
throne to suffer for our sins, and re lee m m
from a world of
on; wno oied and rose
again to be the
irst fruits of them that
sleep. CAriifian a Work.
Pnnnv- nnnTh lh late applo IS
- ------ - O" -
'"ncarlv one- Dululh Para -
qrapker. ! 'ino "1 ,u jrroocr. 101911 Couri-r.
It i sai.l that a plot against th lift ' Alanietl men are pref.-rreil a ofli-
nf the ( Itussia has been iliscov- , cere on thu police forev. The autiion
I'tvd. A scheme was 0:1 foot to imliire j tics w:wit who have had their
hint to act a a jwlgc at a baby show, conrai: tried an J proved. SoiaercilU
Lincoln Journal. Journal.
"Then yoti do love me. Evali'ie3' : Mrs. Bridget Eairan. of Itondoir.
he said. "I do." she murmured. "Ami ' N. C. i Ho years old. and .-Ik- .-a3 it
shall I speak to your pa?" he asked. ' makes her mad to have young folk- i
"o," she replied, "speak to ma; pa SO r D'J j'ears to cume round and ask
isn't of any account in this family." if she is "fi-olinir poorly."
The girl who has tine teeth may James IX-Lois. of X-v York. i--'ies
not have a keener sense of humor than a challeng-e for a six-davs gu-:.--ynu-
other women
, her to show-
Itut you can depend on
all the appreciation she
l hasof a juke or a funny story. Journal
towardthei0"''0"- . . f .
-un has on A voting man has sued a postmi - .
. . . 1
' tress for Iireaen of promise. Hits is
be that reprehen-iSile liaiirj known as
a mail llirt. Boston Budget.
A correspondent ot the St. I'.itil
Pioneer Pre w wrote, asking if there is
any preparation known that will turn
hair irrav. and the editor answered
1:0," without trying thu effect of print
ing a portrait of its subscriber. 1
The women of Russia do all the
harve.-tinir. The grain is cut with
sickles, as it was three thousand yearw
ago. The men who let thni do it are '
the ones who come to this country to
reform it. Ouiuha World. !
It is a singular phaeof tinman na- ' per s iotnij Pcoptc.
tare that when a man gives his wife a Tin longest railway any when op
dime to buy a Ivix of hair pins or a ' eratetl by electricity is said to be .1
gum ring for the babv it looks about great success. It is iu Ilrclimoad. .
seven times as big as when he planks
it l(vvu for bitters.
The f.u-t that now and then a bald
headed Indian is to be ?crn on theCJov
ernment reservations indicates that the
down-trodden squaw is slowly but
surely climbing into the same rights
enjoyed by her pale-faced sisters.
London has now several women
carpenters, and a commentor remarks
that thus women are entering another
new field. Wei!, it's hardly proper to !
1 call it a new field, inasmuch as women
I have always bea "beat" on "matcli
; ing" and 'Joltiin.
, "What is there HO verv had M
"What is there
. tiA . .-;i .i
1 llllLl llll.-li L, k 1 - V 11 .11111
no one will
find any fault with cigarette smokers
and smoking. Burddle.
Mr. O'Flaherty (rushing into
depot just as train h leaving) "Gim
me a ticket gimme a ticket quick! !"
Ticket Agent "Where are you git
ing?" Mr. O Flaherty (enraged)
"2onc o yer business phwere Oi'in
goirf. Well, I loike your impudence.
Gimme a ticket, quick, or OiTl lose me
train." Boston Beacon.
Young man "I can not under
stand, sir, why you permit your
daughter to sue me for breach of prom
ise. You remember that you were bit
terly opposed to our engagement be
cause I wasn't good enough for her and
would disgrace the family." Old man
"Young man. that was sentiment;
this is business." X Y. Sun.
Revivalist "Young man. what can
I say to induce you to experience a
change of heart, and enter upon a new
and blessed life?" Young man
"Nothing, sir. I am afraid. Such a de
parture would break me up in my busi
ness, and I have a family to support."
Revivalist "What is vour business?"
Young man "Tni a book agent for '
works of a religion- nature." Epoch.
How Sentimental Young Woriwn Can
Ati-v.-r Tlieir Ox 11 OtirtInu.
"The Art of Conducting Answers to
Correspondents" is the title of a little
liole-eolored volume just issued from
the press of Caekleton & Co., Philadel
phia. In two hundred ami twentv is
pages the author. Mr. P. II. Del more
tells how the aiiswer-to-corrcspondf nts ;
department of a story paper should be 1
conducted. Although his
ondseworthv. vet we thin!,
work is
that hei
could have disposed of the subject in a I
, -. - .. .., ,
fewcarefullv chosen wonK and then!"10"'- "t-'Horal Grant used to av that
devoteil his energies to some other un
dertaking. We have given some little
thought to this subject, and. as a labor
saving measure, we submit the follow
ing model:
"fl'i You should consult vo::rmithor-
1 ' ----- -. --..
(2) Dark brown hair. Your writing
I could be improved by practice. (3) It
,!i l,an,,.y l)i;l,,'r- wI!1'" .'ailing', to ask
ior a uiscuii. eteu ir ou are nungry.
and we do not think that it is altogether
proper for a young lady of good com- f
.t ? f .T - - - I
piexion ami moncraie means to receive
calleis who have thumped her father.
, It is not a mark of good breeding for a
gentleman to take off Ids muddy over
shoes in 1 he parlor and place them in
a plush rocking-chair. (4) Drink sas
safras tea for grubs and black-aeads.
(5) America was discovered on a Fri
day. (C) Ask your father. (7) The
following lines are suitable for the al
bum of a friend:
The bee may forget to gather the hone.
The miser may forget to coaat bis mrir.e;;
The WrJ may forget to sinr in the tree
The dog may forget to seratca at the fleas.
The rce may forget to swallow the dew.
But you may bet your old clothes that I'll not
forget you."
"(7) 'Red-Headed George, or, the
Cross-Eyed Girl Who Snapped at a
Fly,' was begun in October. (8.) You
are not too young to get married. In
the summer a small family can live on
ten dollars per week, if the neighbors
are liberal. (9.) We do not kuow the
name of the author who wrote tie gem
The world is round, the sky is blue,
sugar's sweet and so are you.' "
It will be seen that by giving this
model a little study, almost any young
lady may answer her own question,
Arkamaw Traveler.
A m:ui may Imj oppeii to capita!
1 punishment at:l yet in favor of hanjr-
please sleeping match. Ine chal'rii;e
, is open to the world, with poli.-emttr
ami messenger-boy- barred.
' -A great d..po-it of jrypsum teeently
- : discovered 1:1 Humboldt Coiintv. tl..
lias been sold to a syndicate of Eugii-h
capitalist- far 1.10. 0- ). It is i-timated
that it will yield 10.0 . 0)0 tons.
Scientists tell us that a man's
brain decreases in size as he grous
older. The human brain, it appear-,
weighs the heaviest between the aires
of fourteen and twenty. This explains
why young men know so much t re
than their elders.
A a small boy was watering his
horse" (a chair) out of an empty eup
his mother suggested that .-hu should
get hiti: some "truly" water. "O. no."
he said, with a fine 5."ns of dramat
unity: "oh, no; a puhteiidin Imr-
inn.-: drink pr.htendin' water." -fr
t extending twelve miles over .-t.i
grades and sharp curves, and Is run
ning profitably and unfailingly. ;I.
electric current being carried iv :
wires upon poles m the ide of the -:r '
and connected with the ear upon h' a
is a motor, by a suspended wire 1
moves with the car.
In order to secure a ease again-t a
dentist who was using contrahit.
matches, the detective of
a Frvfi 1
match company went to the oil'-ietr
and had a tooth extracted. Then, takii. r
out a cigar, he :i-!:cd for a light. Ti e
dentist handed him a box of maUue-.
which he at once declared were e m
traband. The detective called to a 1
associate in an adjoining room, and a
cast was at once made u.
The championship abscni-nindei'
man lives in Portland. Me. l wif
advised him to go to his room to :nae
some changes in his toilet, about si veil
o' clock the other night, as .-he expected
a voung ladies' whit party to meet
with her that evening. II went but
forgot his errand, and when his wife
went to look for him. a half hour later,
she found him sound asleep. From
force of habit, when he got to his room,
he wound his watch, hung it in its
usual place, disrobed and wont to bed.
Am Army OSlerr Wko Canlil Xot Dintin
Caiah ! Sron Aaathor.
That tbere are many peoplo who are
unable either to sing a feituo or to recog
nize ouii when it is snug is well known.
But no musician nor mau of science is
able fully to account for tint phenome
non of one person out of twontv. or
one out of forty, according to the na
tion to which he belongs, being unable
to do what all the rest do instinetivdv.
although his hearing is as good it
their. It has been suggested that
people so atllictcd have ears that are
not. so speak, mates, inasmuch ::
they hear the musical sound different
ly, and so make a discord and render
the effect disagreeable. Rut this theorv
seems to be disproved by the circum
stance that music i- not by any means
disagreeable to many people "who do
not know one note front another.
Though they can not di-tingni-h r.i-u
a tunc that has been sung or plncd t .
them a great many times, tlfev tire
nevertneies "moved with concord
sweet sounds
Other people hear
n,sJ-'l sounds alike, and to tin 1.1
,1,,,5e b not discord, but simply noi-e.
U,,L " tncory ot tiie tmiine ears
!... ?r i . .
' Ijw. .,. 1 !
. ,,"t --M":'" an cases of 'music
Ue:"l,e5S. lt- seems to explain -ome of
au music was torture to Iiim. V ci-r-
t tain gallant Major, however, was dif
ferently affected. A young la, I v. who
had sung a great many songs to him.
finally remarked:
"Bat. perhaps. Major, von do not like
"0 yes. miss; I may sar that I like
any kind of noise!"
A certain gentleman who is master
of a New England hiirh sc'iool is r..n-
Jcn,nt to such of his pupils :is declare
llft,lQft,-rt-"- ,,.... f. I.. .- - ..
. C - - - . . m. r
" ; 10 sing, itf- remenv
j bers an experience which he had in his
own youth, when he was required to
sing, with others, in school, although
ho could not distinguish one tone fnTin
another. Seeingthathissingingscenied
to give him a good deal of distress, the
teacher called him out and arked hiiu
if he could sing the scale.
"I suppose so. sir." said the boy.
"Then let me hear you." t
The boy sang "Do. re. mi. fa. sol. Ij.
si. do." but all upon one note, without
a particle of difference between them.
He had never supposed there was anv
tliingmoreof it. In after-life this gentleV
man became an officer in the service of
the Union. He found that his entire in
ability to distinguish one musical note
from another caused him ditheultv in
recognizing the bugle calls, fhev
wcrc all on one note to him. As it was
necessary for him to know them, he
sent for a bugler and had him practice
all the calls, in succession, before his
tent- After a scries of these studies,
he became able to distinguish the calls.
b,ithe learned them ;rathr by their
rhythm than by the varving notes.
YouVis Companion.