&' VOL XV. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY GOING fob Yorn r Clothing Spare Deal Gel lie ! Furnisliiiio-Goods Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, ,- Trunks, &c 2f"I carry the largest stock of these goods in Southern Nebraska, and p.i cash for them. It will certainly be to your advantage to examine my pi ices before yoa purchase. It will please me to show our goods even if you do not purchase C. WIENER, Proprietor. Red Cloud and Wymore. Fine Laughing Gas always ouliand C. L, COTTING I TVill compound your perscriptions aud receipts accurately I N nnrl vnih flip. iMiTpc:t. flrno'5 C L COTTING "Will show you the finest and latest patterns of wall paper and window shades in the isaTket'tmd guarantee prices C L COTTING Will sail ou mixed paints tinted leads oils brushes etc and warrant them ; C L COTTING - las a complete stock of books Ftationery and fancy goods. j C L COTTING rsnll treat all alike and be glad to show you goods at an time s FARMERS That are in wanf of machiner of any kind fnis spring ARE V V - -if 8 UWUU r ? t Harrows, Plows, cultivaiors, ". good ''.MEN -Jit want a first clasp machine of any' kind will find it to ' then advantage Jm& Oar gooes are all new, no second hand or carried over goods. Palmer & Fisher to Palmer Crawford & Co,firt RED CLOUD, TO THE S EMIGH DENTIST, RED CLOUD i NEBRASKA. office work a Specialty Cr w. "J"g Planters, and checrows, maxe corn to call on ns. door west of Miner Bros warehouse .aaaVraw JUT fIBSwI mm WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. 1 he ged bud hk. i.C. Fiwprietaz THE CITY. Frrh Lionels Culled Within the Glare of tke Electric Liimiaaiie. 3Ii-s Mav Beal is visiting in Blue Hill: 31. W. Dickerton is home from Lincoln. Prof. Blose. of Franklin wa in the city Tuesday. 3Ir. Shelly of Kansas City is in the city Tuesday. 3Ir;. Curt Evans is visiting in Guide Bock Tuesday. Seed corn and potatoe feed tore oposite P. 0. at the city :iC w-tf Beautifu' spring (providing there comes no blizzard) is here. Children's suit from DOcts and upward.- at the Golden Eairlo. Tr. Sherer is moving hi- barn to hi- homestead near the citv. Fur the mother's friend, boy.- shirt wai-ts go to the Golden Eagle. II. B. Fulton started 3Ionday mor ninir for Arkansas on business. Geo. Connor, of Biverton. a noted base ballist. is in the city Tuesday. Friday night 3Iiss Hettie Skeen en tertained her friends with a tea party A fine line of men's and youths suit-; at astoci-hing low prices at the Golden Eagle. Just recieved a full line of cartri ges and fishing tackle, at Dany & Franks. lG52t A little baby at 3Ir. Weatherwax's is the latest addition to our growinc population. The Southern Nebraska are locating J their line to this city and trradin" will soon commence. Boots aud Shoes Were never sold at .-uch remarkable low prices as at pres ent at the Golden Eagle. A fellow was taken in at the depot Tuesday for appropriating corn to his u-e that belonged to others. The Golden Eagle carries more hats than several other stores combined at prices that will gladen your heart. The green grass is springing up wonderfully and in a few days Mother Earth will have a new coat of green. A. J. Asklund, working on Goble's ranch had two fingers cut off Fri day, and one badly bruised by a feed mill. The street railwar is nrriffrosciiitr -j . r-e.. .-e finely and will be in operation by tie 15th or 20th if everything goes all right There will be five applications for saloon license in the next few days, They will all be granted we have nc doubt. 3Ir. C. E. Webb, of the Tank Lne Co. has very generously donated to the association all the coal oil to be used in their rooms. Engineer Petersen had a little mis-; fortune f Tuesday in which be had a' team ran off and break a boggy. When the team was overhauled Petersen said they were trying to climb a tree. If you want to Fee a fine display of clothing and furnishing goods step in to the Golden Eagle yom will find the largest stock in Southern Nebraska. The goods being bought for cash Cv Wiener is able to sell at bottom prices. Goods are sever misrepresented by him and money cheerfully refunded if goods are not fouad satisfactory on reaching homer G. W. Ball is in the city. Will Yeiser ha gone to Utah. 3Irs. Fred Hummell is fjuite sick. 3Irs. Dr. Bon has located in the city. Jake Ester is the happy papa of a bouncing little baby. Jack Gardner of Superior, was in the Gate City. Tuesday. B. S. Briggs has a fine residence now since he has rebuilt it. A prominent wedding will take place in this city in a day or two. G. W. Barker has moved into the front room of G. B. Chaney's office. Street railway contractor 3Ir. Bailey is iti the city. In thirty days our street railway will be in operation. The Blue Hill Leader has an able article on the public school entertain ment in it- last issue. Shields is a decided rustler. W. W. Gardner and family go this week to Orleans to live. Tue Chief is sorry to haue them leave Bed Cloud but bids them godspeed in their new home. The bonds for tiie Nebraska South ern were unanimously voted in the city on last Saturday. Not a dissent ing vote was cast in the city. Bed Cloud township was almost unanimous while. Pleasent Hill went against its own interests and voted against bonds by a vote of 21 to 70. We are now assured of another railway, and that dirt will be thrown in ten days, and trains running inside of 120 days. Hurrah for Bed Cloud. The funeral of Thos. J. 3Iosher took place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at his late residence. Bev. F. 31. Williams conducting the ceremonies at the the house, after which the Odd Fel lows took charge of and hurried the brother with the beautiful ceremonies of the order. It was ope of the lartr- e.-t funeral processions ever seen in the city, there being about seventy vehicles in line besides the Odd Fel lows who led the procession. It is our opinion that the railway committes or some one should go and see about our railway prospects. If we are going to have railways, now is the time to get tnem. Red Cloud is going to boom this spring and it is time that our people become aware of the fact that to get these roads we must work incessantly, and widi an enthusiastic spirit. Set all the bell a ringing, And fire off your cun. Blow your trumpet inside out, And bane your biggest drum. No Sunday School Lesson. A Mat ter of Busdneee. Leaving out all nice talk about Sunday School teachers. I quote some prices below. We DO DuJ 'or cash and SELL at small profits: 3Ien"s suits from Boy's i: :t Child's " Men's, calf boots from Men's kip : Men's pants Mens hats $2.50 1.50 90c 1.50 1.25 50c 15c Other goods ia proportion. C. Wienie. Card fTfcaaka. We desire to express our siaccre desire thanks to the many kind friends who so pleasantly surprised ns, both, with their presence and beautiful gift, and also for their generous patronage Iduriag- tbe four years of ov residence EaBedCbad. Ma. a Mas. W. W. Gaidsib. APRIL 6. 1888- THURSDAY The street railway is progressing rapidly. Fred 3IcAvoy is visiting his parents in this city. It will take 3a tons of iron for the street railway. E. J. Adams of Superior was in the city yesterday. The first installment of Kansas town lots come over to-day. L. H. Fort is building a fence around his residence. 3Iiss Lula Warner has irone to Franklin to attend school. Henry A. Howard has received notice of an increase of pension. Court sets on the 0th of this month with Judge Gaslin on the bench. Wm. Flohr.- has received word that he will soon be allowed back pen-ion. Out of 40 cities reported in this state 33 went for high license on election. W. Dany will soon commence suit against the city tor $5,000 damage for false imprisoment. W. 31. Visscher has moved into the C. W. Kaley house just north of Thos. Emigh's residence. Peter Johnson was arrested to-dav at the instance of 3Ir. Walling for taking a harness. Trial to-day. Oskaloosa, .Kansas, elected a lady mayor and a city council of women. The first appropriation made will be for spring hats and the latest de signs in bustles. W. B. Thome, W. E. Thorne. Le Grande Thorne, Joe Grandstaff. J. Harp en and Wm. Baker, of Bladen were arrested yesterday for attempt-, ing to move the sqhool house in dis trict 3, They appear on 3Ionday In this city to answer to the charge. The government having declared that the St. Joe & Western land n-ant void it will put many Nebraska citi zens to trouble, some of the void land grant lays in 9-4-10 including Blue Hill. Col. Hoover has had his claim filed upon and also some one has filed on Bohrer's addition. It will raise the deuce with the title to Blue Hill property unless it is settled in some way. Election passed off quietly yester day with the following result: For Mayor Geo. B. Holland; For Treasurer T. C. Hacker: For Clerk L. H.Fort; City Engineer H. Anderson; For Alderman.. 2d ward J. S. Emigh; For Alderman. 1st ward John Peterson; For Board of Education J. B. Willcox and A. L. Punk: A very light vote S cast and the utmost harmony prevailed. KXCCmSMN. On April 26th the B. & 31. will run an excursion to Norton, Kansas, for the benefit of the Odd Fellows 'anni versary at that place, at one and a third fare round trip. Cc: Services Rev. . Schubkegel, of Blue Hill will hold German services at the Germaa Luthern church Sunday, April 7, at 10' o'clock a. a., and English services at 3 o'clock p. m. Everybody is- invited to attend. -- . Seed wheat, Seed oats, Seed tax, Genaaa auDet;- tf Far sale at itfrOtai- Betafar NOS36 STEEET RAILWAY. Grading Commenced this Moraixur on th Line. HURRAH ! HURRAH ! !. "Glad titling- of great joy" we send to our many reader.-. The street rail way contractor. 3Ir. Bailey i in the city, and h:d the grading commenced this afternoon. Mr. Wat-on putting on four team-. The iron will be here to morrow and the car- the lath. Hur rah for the street raiJwav. CALIFORXCA ! THf L ND OF DISCOVERIES ! BEWARE OF DUTAITONg ?ee that cur trjbe mark, SA.XTA AB IE, is on every bottle i :; on every bottle of that pleasant California rem edy. Satisfaction guaranteed or-mun ey refunded by H-nry Cook MAKE NO MITSAKE By dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for consumption. SANTA ABIE has brought gladness to manv & household and by promptly breaking up tha cough and cold that too often developes into that fatal disease wi yet syve thousands from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant reme dy always ia the house. rIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CAT-B-CURE The oniy guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in the head, hay sever, Rose cold catawhal deafness and soar eves, re stores the sense of taste and smell removed bad taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Follow directions and a core is warranted by aU druRpste. Send for circular to ABIETINE MEDICAL CO, Ororille Six months' treatment for $1 sent mail byl.10 SANTAABDS AND CAT-R-CUBE foi b&ie Dy Henry Cook, Agent. H. T. CLARKDUBGCo WholesaleAgents Lincoln, Keb FARM LOANS ! The old reliable Saitk Bros., Loaa aad Trart Co, are making farm toaacattae lowest attainable rates. We reqaireao appraisers on oar applieatieae. Leaas completed quietly aad qakklT. Call on heir ageat, O. W. Barker Several Spaa of yoang work aimle for sale also some seed corn warrant d to grow by J. J. Post. w-tf Cowles, Neb; ?yaSrl?U3t aaaMaaamaaaJaw " W t' j wt aaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaawWtlHU ST i T'TE t W -aaaMaiaaaaaVaV If yon wish to bay or sell property call etas. Gamp Warier, Opera heat aleak. r, Ml t?r. it if 1 fi 1 3l. m 4aaagac.. ... . , - . saaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V4-tTyf-! 'I&r