V ' ' i urn i : ?. fl n RED CLOUD CHIEF A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. A NEGLECTED GRAVE. Keglected grave: how soon forgot! A blackened stone, rank grass, dead leaves, A narrow mound that ne'er receives A fond attention, mark tbc spot Where one whose nams no carving shows t Lies wrapped in mortal's last repose. Up yonder hill, years gono apace, A funeral cartry crept tears fell From kindred eyes; a mournful knell Announced an end to life's swift race. And now. all those who sorrowed then In endless peace are here again. What care the dead if selfish aims Afford no time for long respect? If stately shaft or cold neglect Extol or slight their empty names Alas! their usefulness is o'er. The busy world needs them no more. But do not we. whose beings thrill With buoyant life and sturdy powers. Keep bright the hope in solemn hours That, when our throbbing hearts are still. Some faithful friend shall ever keep A loving vigil o'er our sleep? Howard 31. Hoke in Lttllf Weekly. A CLEVER WOMAN. Her Shrewd and Successful Finan cial Operation. It was newly twelve o'clock on a bright spring morning. Yet Colonel Punter was still busily employed in his bachelor rooms In Piccadilly. The Colonel was a fresh complexioaed, somewhat portly man, of about fifty years of age, with grizzled hair and mustache and a vigor of eye and form, which, although he had retired, gave ample evidence that he was blessed with plenty of strength and energy, and would be quite ready for hard service should his country require it of him. On this morning he was correcting the proofs of a pamphlet that was shortly to appear, entitled "The Proper Formations in Savage Warfare." This pamphlet was looked forward to in militarv circles with a good deal of interest, for Colonel Punter was a very well-known man, and was highly thought of as a scientific soldier. Uc had been at work on these proofs for two hours, and had just made up his mind that it was time to walk down to his club, when his servant entered the room, and, presenting a card, said that the lady would bo very much obliged if Colonel Punter would grant her an interview. Certainly," said the Colonel; then glanc ing at the card he muttered to himself: "Mrs. Verncr I can't remember ever to have heard the name before. I wonder what she wants." Then being a kindly and cour teous man, he rose from his writing desk, pushed the proofs away, and took up the newspaper, so that he might not apjear to have been interrupted at work. Scarcely had he completed his little maneuver when the door opened and a lady, well but quietly dressed, was shown into the room. She was tall aud graceful, and wore a heavy veil, which, however, on the servant's retiring, she threw back, and, holding out her hands, advanced with a smile, saying: "I am afraid, Colonel Punter, you will have forgotten me." The Colonel was quite equal to the occa sion, and returned her greeting cordially, racking his brains in the meantime to thiiik where he could have seen that beautiful, sad face before. It was the face of a woman about thirty-five years of age, or perhaps a little more, with dark hair and eyes, and an indefinable expression of mirth beneath its Badness, indicating, as'it seemed, a lightness of heart which the troubles of the world might have dimmed but could not obliterate. Observing, apparently, the Colonel's some what puzzled expression, she continued, gayly: "I see that, as I expected, I shall have to help your memory. Don't you remember Miss Maud Mervyn, when you were quar tered at Dover more than twenty years ago! Why, Colonel Punter, you had just got your company then, and we used to dance to . gether at the Dover balls." "Give me a moment, Mrs. Vomer," he re plied; 'twenty years is a long time for an old man's memory to go back in a flash." "Now, don't deny it," continued she, laughing. "I see you don't remember me, but I am not at all offended, for, indeed, how should you? I was a slip of a girl then, and you were, if you will allow me to say so, a man of somewhere about thirty. I, no doubt, was an infinitely insignificant person to you then, as, on the other hand, you were a very important person to me. But, you see, lam obliged to plead our old acquaintance, Colonel Punter, as it is my only excuse for the liberty I have taken in calling on you." "Excuse of any kind is quite unneces sary," said the Colonel, with a slight bow nd smile. "It is very land of you to say so," she re plied; "and when you have heard my sad story I think you will give me the advice which I have come to ask of you." "If it is a subject on which I am at all qualified to speak," said he, "I shall be most nappy." "I think it is decidedly your subject. Colonel Pnntcr," she replied, "for it is about my son, who is in the army, that I wish to usk your advice." "Your son in the army!" exclaimed the Colonel, with an inflexion of voice that was decidedly complimentary to the youthfui ncss of her appearance. May I ask his rei sientt" The Sixtieth Lancers." "The Sixtieth Lancers!" repeated the Colonel. "Why, Mrs. Vcrner, I know your on. His commanding officer is an old friend of mine, aadl have a slight acquaint ance with the whole regiment." "This is very singular and very lucky," said she. "As you know my poor boy's regiment, I think you will be better able to understand and advise on the troubles and difficulties I am in regarding him. Will you let me tell you my sad story from the begin ning, or shall I be boring you P "O, pray, don't think so for a moment, Mrs. Vcrner," said the Colonel; and ho would have liked to add: "Nothing you could say would bore me," but felt it would be unsuitable to the occasion. "Well," she continued with a sigh, "my auurricd life was a short and not a happy one. My husband's health was always bad, and for this reason we had to reside abroad. When wo had been married two years my husband died and left me alone in the world with an infant boy.' She paus-d and seemed lost for a moment in sad memories, while the Colonel glanced sympathetically at .- i. ker, but thought well to say nothing. "a "Well," she continued, "during the last -twenty years I have lived almost entirely abroad, but I sent my son to be educated at Eton, and about two years ago he obtained a commission in the Sixtieth Lancers. Words caaaot tell what a comfort and joy my sou has "been to me during my lonely widow hood I have been so proud of all his school triumphs, I have always been his confidante when he got into trouble. You sec, Colonel Punter, I am sadly constrained to use the lost tease, for I am grieved to say that since he entered the army his mauner to me has gradually changed, until now, when I do sec him. which is not often, he who used to be all fruukness and love is all coldness and reserve and if this goes on it will break my heart." Here she fairly gave way and cov ered her f:ice with her hands. Colonel Punter's soft heart was always much jwr turbed at the sight of a woman's tears. So he kept murmuring in his most soothing ac cents: "Pray, madam, pray, calm yourself. I am sure I will do all I can to help you." In a few minutes she recovered herself and said: "You must excuse my breaking down. I know it always vexes a man to see a woman's tears. But I will promise not to do so again, and I dare say you are wondering what you can do to help me in this matter. Well, the fact is, I want to know the worst. I have heard rumors about my son which make me shudder whenever I think of them. I hear that he has given himself out in the regi ment as the son of rich people who live abroad, and that he is living in most extrava gant style, whereas it is, in truth, with con siderable difficulty that his moderate allow ance is regularly paid." "Young scoundrel!" ejaculated the Colonel. Then remembering that a son must never be abused to his mother, added: "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Vcrner, but for the moment my indignation got the better of me. Besides, these reports are, perhaps, not true. I do not know the affairs of the junior members of the corps sufficiently well to be able to give an opinion on the subject." "O, I quite understand that; but do tell me what course I had better take," she said, glancing appealingly at him. "How am I, a helpless woman, to find out whether these dreadful reports arc true or notl Aud yet I feel that I must know the truth or go mad." After a pause, during which the Colonel was evidently lost in thought, he replied: "Mrs. Vcrner, I promised to do the best I could for you, and I will. I am going down to Aldcrshot in a few days, and I shall there see Colonel Thompson; from him I will ascertain what reputation for wealth your son has in the regiment. I admit I don't much like the detective part of the business, but I feel that it is a sacred duty to protect a lady in your sad itosition." "O, how kind of you. Colonel Punter!" she exclaimed. "This is more than I had any right to expect that you would do for me. But, O, let me beg of you not to expose ui.rsuuii invsu rumors siiuuiu uc true, aim let me implore you not to seek an interview with him on the subject. If you learn from the Colonel, as you kindly say you will, whether what I have heard is true or not, and would, on your return to town, grant mc a few words of advice as to what course I had better take, I should be very grateful." "I shall be most happy, Mrs. Verner," said he, briskly; "but I feci sure that you will find that there is nothing in it after alL Your son. as far sis I know him. is a charm ing young fellow, and quite incapable of the fniuds which these accusations impute to him. So pray keep up your spirits, and. if it is convenient to you, let us arrange to meet here at this time on this day week.' The time was quite convenient to Mrs. Vcrner, aud, with many aologie3 for the liberty she had taken in calling to ask his advice, she departed. On his journey down to Aldcrshot the next morning Colonel Plunter thought a good deal about his fair visitor of the day before and her troubles. He heajxxl, more over, many hard words on the head of young Verner (for, of course, he supposed him, at any rate, jwrtially guilty). "Sellish young rascals, allthe lot of them!' said he to him self; "they don't mind a straw how much trouble they bring on their relations, if only they can iudulge themselves, and such "a charming woman, too !"' And then ho went off into a reverie, in the midst of which he found himself speculating as to whether a man of his ago was absolutely and irrevoca bly too old to marry without making him self look like a fool: and as the train arrived at Aldcrsnot he had just come to the con clusion that there was a good deal to be said on both sides. That very evening he saw Colonel Thomp son, and in the course of conversation man aged to ask his questions about young Ver ner. and found out that, according to Colonel Thompson, Verner was the son of a rich merchant in Singapore, and that his people had not been in England for many years. "Yes, thank you," said Colonel Punter. "I thought I heard of his people in England, but I supimsc I must be mistaken," and trfen he changed the subject. He happened, how ever, just before mess (he was a guest of the regiment that night), to meet Verner by himself, and he suddenly resolved, in spite of the widow's request, to say a few words to him. So stepping forward and address ing the young man in a somewhat con strained voice, he said: "Would you mind taking a turn with mc, as there are a few things I should like to speak to you about!" "I shall be most happy, Colonel Punter," said the young man, wondering what on earth the old boy had to say to him. No sooner were they well out of earshot than the Colonel turned short on his com panion, and said sternly: "I saw your mother in town yesterday," and then paused to watch the crushing effect of his words. But no crushing effect was visible; on the contrary, Verner answered in accents of mild surprise: "You must bo thinking of some one else, sir; my mother is at Singapore." "No. I am not thinking of anybody else." said the Colonel, still more sternly: and then added . "So you are going to brazen it out. are yon 2" "Brazen what out!' said tho young man, apparently thoioughly puzzled. "You know very well," said the Colonel; "and if you don't, you soon will." Then ho turned on his heel and walkod off. Young Verner stood for a moment look ing after him; then walked away, laughing heartily. At mess that night ho was heard to say toa brother officer: "You know old Pun ter, who's here to-night!" "Yes, replied the other. "I know him pretty well. What about him !' "He was in India a good deal, wasn't he!" "Yes. Well!" "Did he ever get a touch of tho sun!' "Dare say he did; most people do out there." "Well, if he did, it has affected his brain poor old boy!" "What on earth do you mean!" "Why, I mean that the gallant Colonel may have his lucid intervals, but when ho met mc. just before mess, ho was as mad as a hatter." "How mad!"' "Well he told me that ho had mot my mother yesterday in London." "She's at Singapore, isn't she!" "Yes, and has been for the last twenty years, and so I told him." "What did ho say to that!" "Ho said he saw I was going to brazen it out. I said, 'Brazen out what!' and he re torted, with a scowl, that would have fright ened an elephant, that I knew very welL Then he turned and walked off. I could not holp laughing at tho jwor old fellow ut the time, he was so desperately serious about it all. However, the sun may do tho same for , ,.,, .... , . t mc some uay, anu 1 reauy pity mm, lor no 3 a very good chap when he's all right." "O, a capital feliow,". replied the other, "and can tell a very good storv. It's really very sad. I suppose it must have been a tonch of tho sun, though I never heard of his being odd before." "He seems all right now, any way." said Veruer, looking up the table where Colonel Punter was sitting. "O, yes, he's all right now. I'll tell you what, Verner: I have an explanation. The old boy came down from town by a midday train, and I dare say missed his lunch, and what you took for a mailman was only a fellow very much iu want of his dinner."' And the two young men laughingly changed the subject. A few days after this tho Colonel was back in town, and found himself dreading! considerably the coming interview with the widow. He would have to confirm her worst fears, he was afraid; also, that there would be a scene, and he did not like the idea of it at all. He felt, moreover, that he must appear in the light of a bearer of bad news a melancholy character which he did not by any means wish to assume, in Mrs. Verncr'scyes. "However," thought he, "1 shall at any rate have an opportunity after ward of playing the part of comforter and adviser." And this reflection seemed to cause him a good deal of satisfaction. It will be seen, therefore, that the Colonel had been somewhat taken (to use the word which he employed in confessing it to himself), or smitten with Mrs. Verner on the one oc casion on which he had seen her, and during the few days that intervened between his return to town and the day on which they had appointed to have their second meeting he found himself constantly regarding that future date with the mixed feelings which have been described above. The appointed day and hour found Colonei Punter seated in his room trying to read the paper, but in reality waiting a little nerv ously for Mrs. Verner. She did not keep him long. On entering the room she looked keenly at the Colonel, and, advancing quick ly, said in rapid, anxious accents: "O, Colonel Punter, don't keep mo in sus pense; is it true!" Then seeing his blank look, she cried out: "It is, aud he is dis honored." Then she sank into a chair and burst into tears. This the Colonel had pre pared himself for: so in his most winning accents he implored her to compose herself. This in a few minutes she partially suc ceeded in doing, and immediately proceeded to cross-examine him as to what he had found out and done at Aldcrshot ; how there was no doubt in the regiment as to young Vemer's being the son of rich teople at Singapore; how the Colonel himself had told him so, and how he (Colonel Punter) had in a fit of indignation spoken to the young man himself. For this she mildly upbraided him, reminding him of her re quest, and the Colonel deprecated her wrath and pleaded sudden impulse. When the story was finished she rose, and, smiling sadly through her tears, said: "I don't know how I can sufficiently thank you for your kindness to me, Colonel Punter. You have indeed been a true friend, and I should like above all things, if you will allow me. to ask your advice as to what I had better do in this sad matter; but. indeed, I feel quite incapable of doing so on this occasion. Hearing that these terrible re lorts are true has as you have seen, upset me very much, and I thiuk I had better go home now: but if you will allow me to fix a future interview by note, when I feel less unequal to the effort, you will add one more to your many kindnesses." The Colonel very readily consented, and in another monieut she was gone, and with her, so it seemed to our gallant friend, all light aud beauty departed from the room. From that moment, too, though he would hardly have confessed it to himself, he be gan looking forward to the day when he should see tluit note upon his table. A fortnight had elapsed since the inter view above detailed, but Colonel Punter had not yet received the expected note. He had not given up hoie, but still fcc was un doubtedly depressed, and. whether it was an effort to throw off this dejection which had induced him to accompany n is friend Cap tain Jones to the Variety Theater, or whether impelled by fate, or for whatever reason, we will not stop to inquire, but at any rate in that theater, and comfortably ensconced in two stalls, sat Colonel Punter and Captain Jones on this evening, some of the events of which arc about to be related. The curtain had just fallen on the first act. and tho house, till at that moment wrapped in gloom, sprang suddenly into light. Then, as if by common consent, every man, wom an and child in that great audience, with a want of manners that would be permissible novrhcre clse,but which is quite conventional between the acts of a play, commenced, with or without opera glasses, to scrutinize his or her neighbor. For a few seconds the Colonel had a discussion with his friend as to whether there ws time for a cigarette between the acts. This was promptly de cided in the negative, and both officers, grasping their glasses, proceeded to join in the 'general inspection." With a calmness bom of long habit, Colonel Punter was sweepingthe house, when suddenly his arm dropped and his gaze be came intently fixed on the occupants of a box on the right of the stage ; these consisted of two gentlemen and a lady, and the lady was Mrs. Verner. On this point he had no doubt whatever, though he looked at her with ever-increasing surprise, for she was iu very full evening dress, and was exten sively bcjowcled. She was, moreover, at this momcrt talking and laughing loudly, not to say lioistemusly, with her compau ions, both of whom the Colonel mentally and unhesitatingly pronounced to be cads. At this juncture Mrs. Verncr, turning her head suddenly, caught sight of Colonel Punter staring at her from the stalls; the moment theireyes met he bowed, and she also bowed slightly and smiled; then, turning to her companions, she seemed, from their uproar ious laughter, to be telling them a more than usually good story. Captain Joues had ob served the mutual recognition pass between his friend and the lady in the box, and was greatly astonished. "Why, Colonel." he said, "do you know her! You don't mean to say that you have had to go to the Hebrews, like younger men !" "Yes, I know her. But what on earth do you mean by asking whether I've been going to the Hebrews J" -"Well. I think it was a very natural ques tion, under the circumstances." "I don't know what you are talking about. Who do you think that lady is, then:'" "I don't think at all, ColoneL I know that she's Mrs. Hart Moss, the female representa tl"c of one of the biggest money-lending firms in town ; -and they tell me she's a very good hand at the business." Colonel Punter made no reply, but became plunged in a deep and apparently distressing reverie, for he clenched his fist and almost ground his teeth, until he attracted the attention of Captain Jones, who had, in the meantime; been nodding recognitions to some people of his acquaintance. Why, Colonel," said he. "what's the matter! The sight of that Mrs. Moss Seems to have disagreed with you awfully. Whom did you mistake her for!" "It has disagreed with me," said the Colonel, grimly, "but I see it all now. What you say, Jones, is quite true; she is a very good hand at her business." Then sud- :, t 1 'i ;t.,.. 1 .. ........ denly his countenance brightened some what, and he added: ' Come and have something at tho club after the play, and. if you will swear secrecy, I will tell you the whole itory." And ho did tell Captain Jones every da tail, finishing the narrative with these words: "So you see she made a regular catspaw of me, in order to find out if Verner was worth Kwder and shot- I suppose, as his people live abroad, she found difficulties in the ordinary methods of procedure." "I expect that you're alout right, Colonel. By Jove ! she's a clever woman !" I wonder she had the audacity, though." said our gallant friend, his anger boiling up acain for a moment. "Why, I might make the whole matter public." "She knew you wouldn't, though." "And she's quite right," said the Colonel, "for I won't. VoruhUl Jf,ijnzine. SIDE-TRACKED IN LIFE. Why Younj; lnpl shonlil Study Theii Own Aptitude. A Boston paper lately published a number of interviews with men who had become side-tracked" in life. By this is meant men. though willing to work, yet were unable to find any thing congenial to do. They were men who had somehow got out of the current of the great forces in which the world is moving, and were stranded, as it were, like helpless hulks along the sands of time. There are more such men and women in every community than most people imagine. Perhaps the most numerous class of men who get .side-tracked are those who start iu life in an occupation for which they have no natural aptitude. There are thousands of farmer bjys who never should remain on the farm the loud protestations of tiie agricul tural press to the contrary notwith standing. There are. doubtless, mon who make a life business of stirring the soil when they ought to be stirring the Senate; and, on the contrary, perhaps, there are men who are trying to stir the Senate who ought to be stilling the soil. God business men are frequently spoilt to make poor preachers; and there are many large and heavy lawyers who would make ideal blacksmiths; and there are some slender and unsuccess ful blacksmiths with the keen logical brain and the shrewd masterful mind of the lawyer. Such men are side tracked for life, unless there is some great event crosses their track, such as crossed the track of ('rant tin teamster, or Cromwell the country squire. But no doubt there are many Grants who always team, and many Crom wells who never leave the farm. There are many men who start out iu life, like hunters, on the wrong trail. They never bring down their gam- beeausa their game has gone in another direction. They are like fishermen, who bob for cod iu a trout brook, or start a-whaling on an inland pond. There are some men who are side tracked for life at their very birth. Thev are born into a mesh of circum stances from which there is no extrica tion. Of course it is easy enough to sav that a man, like water, will alwavs find his level; but it is hard for water to rise plumb with its fountain-head when confined in an underground uipe. It would have been ditlicult for Shakes peare to assert his claim to immortality u he had been born in Patagonia, and we would never have heard of Plato if he had first seen the light iu Scvthia. To say nothing of the hereditary in fluences that mold the unborn man. the environment of the voting human's infancy usually shapes and directs his destiny, so irrevocably that only men of the strongest will and the toughest mental and physical fiber can ever counteract the impetus that is given them in childhood. To be sure there are a few who Burst their birth's invidious bar. Ami grasp the skirts of happy chano9. And breast the blows of circumstance, And grapple with their evil star. but men of such heroic breed arc al ways so few that they are perpetually a source of special wonder. The lesson that young people should gain from all this is the importance of studying their own aptitudes. In choosing a profession do not consult your egotism, but your personal fitness; and if the surroundings of your birth are unfavorable to your fullest devel opement, overcome them as much as possible by the indomitable stubborn ness of your own will. To do this, learn fo think for3'ourself at as early an age as possible, and 3011 will soon learn that a man well intrenched within him self is able to rise above the repressions and contracting force of circumstances. Above all things do not get side-tracked at the start. Yankee Blade. Farming as a Business. There arc some among our readers who, we fear, think farming an ex ceedingly profitable business, ami that any one can make money at it. This is a great mistake, as many have found to their sorrow. We do not wish to mis lead any one by giving results of crops obtained under peculiarly favorable cir cumstances. Farming, like every other calling, has its advantages and its dis advantages. When properly conducted, it will yield a good living, and possibly something more. No one should ex pect to get rich suddenly iu this busi ness. It- is a healthful, and iu many respects independent and pleasant em ployment, aud one worthy the atten tion of men of brains. It is not now true, if it ever w;is, that every dunce can get a bctterliving by farming than by any other occupation. We do not wish to discourage those who arc think ing of farming for a life-work, nor, on the other hand, are we willing ft glorify it so as to mislead. It is out desire to impress upon all our farmer friends the importance of so condncting their business as to secure the very best results. Conqregationahst. Fried Parsnips: Wash and scrape the parsnips and boil them until very tender, cut them lengthwise, sprinkle a little pepper, salt and sugar over them, dredge with flour on both sides and fry a light brown. CHARITY IN CHINA. IIow Food U D piiil tn the Foor aad ?.-"ly of l'eking. On tho first day of tiie tenth moon (loth of November) the winter chari ties are opened in Feking for the dis pensing of food. When the cold season is further advanced the distribution of clothing is made and the almshouses become filled. Two of our reporters recently made a tour cf inspection among the charities in the south city of Peking: All the institutions visited were supported by imperial bounty. The first one reached was a porridge kitchen, a little east of the great cen tral city gate Clfien Men. The "granary rice'" was already cooked and waiting hot in the great wooden tubs usually found in such places: but although it was nine o'clock none o! tiie poor people had arrived. The ex planation of this unusual lateness li that at a place half a mile away they were drawing tno rations 01 goou millet porridge first. The granarv rice is of bad quality, and the people mueu prefer the millet. The second place visited was one where sound millet por ridge was served, and there men. women and children to the number of 1,200 were waiting in great rooms 01 barracoons the distribution of the food. It soon began. Two files marched out simultaneously, men on one side, wo men aud children on the other, each person carrying a vessel of some kind into which with great expedition a di per of hot millet porridge was ladled. Most of the recipients returned to theii homes to eat, but many homeless one found quiet place; in wood-yards and sunny corners of the streets to finish up the millet while hot. and then go to the place where the rice already mentioned was waiting for them. At the third place visited the dispensing was already over, only five hundred applicants hav ing presented themselves to-day. most of them, as usual, being women am! children. This was one of Ihe department-01 branches of a large aud expansive char ity under the title "Hundred Good nesses." The functionary iu chargi informed us that several t!io:ia.n! sometimes wcie fed. A few .t.pr further on wore the free schools o! this same charity, end still furtin-i to the west at a short dis tance the winter's lodging kuwi as "The Warm Quarters." This m im propriated for women and children, fifty or sixty of whom had already arrived. They receive porridge of millet an. granary rice twice a day, on whirl they subsist during the winter. Tin "warm quarters" number eight in the south city, aud were opened about tet years ago iu addition to the rcgulai ollicial almshouses. The administra tion of the charity leaves little to lie de sired, many thousands of poor people being housed, fed and clothed during the winter in a perfectly eilicie.it man ner. Cftincse Time. CHEAP FUEL GAS. A Valuable Invention Perfected uy : rtu Imrgh Srnilicatr. For eighteen months and over sir. George Westinghoi'Se, Jr.. after :i-mv cia'ing with himself the mot skillet gas and engineering experts, has beer endeavonng to solve the problem o. manufacturing fuel gas. Associate!, with him, among others, were S. T. Wellman and T. Goctz. These gentle men now announce the entire succo. of their labors, and recently gave a public exhioition of the fuel gas they are making at the Fuel Gas and Electric Engineering Company's works. Thr problem these gentlemen had to unravel was by no means an euy one. It was, briefly summed up, to discover how t manufacture a maximum amount o! fuel gas having a high heating power. from a single ton of anv class of coal. with a minimum loss during prove i manufacture, of the total heat limits originally contained in coal. The obstacles which had rendered all former inventions for this purpose use less were many. They each required a special character of coal: too great a proportion of the coal was consumed in gassilication, and too little converted into gas: the manufactured gas was odorless, and consequently dangerous, the amount of incombustible gas eon t.iined was so great as to render pipe line transportation expensive. The process of manufacture cm ploved by the new company is quite simple. The coal or illuminating gas is l:rt driven out of the gas. the coke, which is an essential part of ihe process, be ing then used either alono or with raw coal to produce generator gas. but of a much higher efficiency than othcrga-es. Ordinary water gas is made from the coke not ucd. These gaseous products are then mixed and form the ultimate product of the process in its entirety. The mechanical appliances employed, although new aud elaborate in design, are so simple in operation that a plant capable of manufacturing 1.000.000 c hie feet of gas every twenty-four urs can be operated by three men aud a boy, with alternate shifts of twelve hours eacli. The low cost at which this gas can lie manufactured renders it a substantial rival to natural gas. and will prove of immense ad vantage to Pittsburgh. Should the natural supply run out. fuel gas could be manufactured at prices to enable local manufacturers to maintain their supremacy. Pittsburgh Dispatch. "Lady Clare Vere De Vere." said Queen Victoria to one of the ladies of the royal household the other day. "hand me the morning paper. It con tains my speech in Parliament voter day, and I have not 3et read.it. 1 have a "woman's curiosity to know what I -.aid on that occasion." Xorrisloivn PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Why are women extravagant ire clothes?" Because when they buy a new dress they wear it out on tho first day. The man who wants the earth, my son. is the very man the earth doesn't want. liizriktti'. The girl who thinks she ought to marry no one lower than a Baron, gen erally compromises upon a Count 11. llopper. lie was fond of singing revival hymns, ami his wife named the baby Fort, so that he would want to hold it. Our Dumb Anuti'tk. A comely figure, in a woman has its charms. But it is the iucomely figure that influences the average wife huutcr. l'fii!tuielihiit Call. Goliath of Gath was a big man.but that didn't kill him; it was his big non- seat that brot him face to face with, dcth. Toronto Grip. Women know about as much about politics as men do about making a chain stitch tidy. The difference is that men keep still almut the tiIy. "I live for thow who love me." says a Philadelphia poet. If he is like most amateur poets, then, he hasn't much to live for. Somervillc Journal. It is all bosh about women being afraid to tell their age. The trouble is that people are afraid to ask 'em. and perhaps it is safer not to. DamviUr: Breeze. "Look here. Jones. I understand you called me a blooming jackass last night." That is incorrect. Smithers. 1 didn't use the word blooming." "Ah. that's all right, then. Shake, old fel low." Philadelphia Times. "I'll teach you to play pitch-and-toss!" shouted an enraged father. "111 flog yon for an hour. I will." "Father." instantlv replied the incorrigible, as he balanced a penny on his thumb and linger, "I'll toss j-ou to make it two hours or nothing !" Boston Globe. Omaaa dame "Didn't 3-011 know before your marriage that the man you loved had contracted the liquor habit3" Neglected wife "Yes. I knew he hail contracted the habit, and if it had oniv staid contracted I should not have com plained, but after marriage the habit expanded." Omah't World. A Western school-ma'am has be come famous 1- getting all her pupil- out of the school-house while a blizzard was iu progress. Some d.i she may succeed in keeping them all iu school while a circus procession is pa-sing, aud then her name will go down iu his tory. It is stated that over five thousand pianos are ruined every year iu this country by sudden changes of tempera ture. When this fact becomes general lv known, the American people will be checrfulh reconciled to sudden changes of temperature and ioniis will regret that the sudden changes are not more sudden and frequent- Xorristutm Her ald. An old man was on the witness stand and was being cross-examined by a lawyer. "You sa" -ou are a doctor, sir." "Yes. sir: -es. sir." "What kind of a doctor?" "I makes 'intinent. sir. I makes 'intinent, sir. I make 'intment." "What's your ointment good for?" "It's good to rub on the head to strengthen the mind." "What effect would it have if -ou were to rub some of it on my head?" "None at all. sir, none at all. We have to have some thing to start with." Concord (A'. .) Monitor. m A JAPANESE GENESIS. lb Oriental Story or th Oration or the Mnniiaae p)iere. In the beginning ail things were in chaos. Heaven and earth were not separated. The world floated in the cosmic mass like a fish iu the water, or the j-elk in an v. The ethereal mat ter sublimed and formed the heavens, while the residuum formed the present earth, from the mold of which a germ sprouted and became a self-animate being, from which sprang all the gods. On the floating bridge of heaven appeared a man and woman of celestial origin. The male plunged his jeweled spear into the unstable waters beneath them, and withdrawing it, the trickling drops formed an island upon which they descended. The creative pair, divine man and woman, designing to make this island the pillar for a continent, separated, the male to the left, the female to the right, to make a journey around the island. When they met the woman spoke first, saying: "IIow joyful to meet a lovelv man!" The man, offended that the first n-e of the tongue had been by a, woman, demanded that the journey be repeated, after which he cried out exultingly: How joyful to meet a lovely woman." Thus ensued the proper subjection; and this, according to the ancient idea of Japan, was the origin of the human race and the art of love. Ocerland Monthly. Virginia's Old Powder Horn. The old "Powder Horn," an histori cal building at Williamsburg, Va., is in danger of falling in from neglect and decay. It was built by Sir Alex ander Spotswood, Governor of the col ony, in the first quarter of the eighteenth century, to store supplies in. But its greatest interest arises from the fact that it was tho building in which the colonial ammunition was stored i:i 1775. Lord Dun more seized the am munition aud moved it on board a man-of-war, the result being "the first J gathering of an armed force in the col ony in opposition to royal authority.' In later years the building was used as a market, church and stable. It was. bought of the city authorities in i.9Gb and its present owner should not aliow so interesting a relic of the times thai tried men's souls to be dcitiiyed. . Pprinyfieid Itepullican. I 4 1 tOU'""''