" h AGASSIZ AND DICKENS. Bomclltins About the Mothers of TheM Two l''aniuf Mrn. Concerning many of those women the world knows much, lint of the ma jority it is ignorant. The mother of Aga-siz. the scientist, was the wife of a Swii-s Protectant clergyman, and lived to a good old age- Li mis was her fa vorite son, ami she trained him with tiio greatest care. When, in 1857, Professor Silliniati. of Yale Collegs. visited her, he found her at fourscore a tall, erect and dignified woman, with animated nddre.-sand cultivated manners." Wnen the was assured lv her iruest that her son's adopted country loved him. and was proud of him. her strong frame was agitated, her voice t rem hied with emotion, and the llowing tears told the sad tory of a mother's heart. 'I he day that Professor Silliman left she walked a long way in the rain to hid him and his wife farewell. Present ing them with a little boijuetof pansics she hade them tell her sou her 'penees were all for him." Ponsee, in French, means both panties anil thought. On the fiftieth birthday of Aga-si. the Sat urday Club, of loton. celebrated it with a dinner at which Longfellow. Holme-; and Lowell read poems. In the poem of the former, allusion was made to the natural mother as mourn ing over the fact the great mother, Nature, had driven her son from the tiroide. where she wished to keep him: And the iiiother at home says 'Hark! For his voice I listen and yearn: It is ciuwmL' late and darU. And my boy does not return." Agassiz' head was bent during tho reading of the poem, but when the al lusion to his mother was made his rudd- face tluhed with restrained feel ing, tears gathered in his eyes, and as the last Him; was uttered they dropped slowly down his cheeks, one after another. The t'hiidimod of Dickens was so shadowed by poverty, and his sensitive and imaginative mind was so keenly aiive to his position, that it was hardly possible that he could draw an abso lutely impartial picture of his parents. His mother hail a keen appreciation of the droll and of the pathetic, and like wise considerable dramatic talent. She was a comelv little woman, with hand some, bright eyes, and a genial, agreea ble person. l'roiii her Dickens undoubtedly in herited his temperament and intellect ual gifts. She possessed an extraor dinary sense of the ludicrous, and her power of imitation was something as tonishing. Her perception was quick, and she unconsciously noted everything that came under her observation. In describing ridiculous occurrences her tone and gesture would be inimitable, while her manner was of the quaintest. Dickens declared that to her he owed his tirst desire for knowledge, and his earliest pasio: for reading was awak ened by his mother, who taught him not onlv the rudiments of En"lih. but also a little of Latin. Poverty saddened and darkened many years 01 ner me, and her children were early compelled ti leave her and earn their own living, but they all honored and loved her aa she deserved. Woman" s Argosy. CHARACTER STUDIES. To Lear 11 a Man or Woman's Disposition Watch Tlieiu Kat. There is no better place to study human nature than the average hotel dining-room. If character doesn't show out when a man is hungry, there probably isn't any. Good breeding, however, shows even more quickly, and though it may not be altogether pleas ant to watch the man next to yon eat a whole dish of green peas with his knife, it is a curious and interesting sight A thin little woman leading four chil dren came into the supper-room of one of the citj hotels last week. There were three loys anil one girl and they were probably included between seven and thirteen years of agA They had evidently been traveling and the chil dren, though not used to public dining rooms, all had children's appetites. Each one demanded a bill of fare and studied it eagerly. There was a mo ment's silence and then Ma, I want some strawberries and a Bath bun and and a banana." "Ma, I want some turkey and pump kin pie." "Ma. ma. do they have bear steaks?" I don't know, my son Willie, stop reaching for the butter, and put down that knife." Here a commotion arose owing to a dispute between the eldest boy and the one next, relative to the changing of their order to "golden buck." the second boy contending that it would be better to order all mince pie, because they knew what that was. "Ma. what's a canvashack duck?" 'It's a kind of wild duck." "What does it have canvas for. to put-up when it rains?" Here the waiter, having prepared ice water all around, assumed a receptive attitude, and the thin woman said: "We just want a light supper. The children are not hungry," she ex plained, "and it isn't good for them to cat much before going to bed. You might bring some buttered toast, tea and stewed prunes, two portions of each will do." And then eiglit sad. young eyes, from which the light of pie and turkey had faded, followed the waiter as he van ished toward the kitchen. X. Y. Trifh tine. Philosophers have noticed that when a man makes up his mind that he has got to practice economy, he generally tries to begin with his wife's expenses. Journal of Education. m m After awhile distinguished peoplo will be those whose names never get into the newspapers. FARM AND FIRESIDE. Growing animals need more fowl in proportion to their weight than those that are full grown. Spinach is one of the early greens. An application of a very line manure will hasten them and give a larger crop. Those who have experienced the misery of chilblains will be glad to try bathing the alllicted parts in a pint of - - vinegar containing live cents' worth of turpentine. Golden Pudding: Mix well one quarter of a pound each of flour, bread crumbs, sugar and finely minced meat; and the same quantit- of orange mur malade and one rgg; rmiir into a well- iwiure; uiaiany umiue or pecuuai . buttered mold and steam two and a ! verity in the mode of inflicting the half hours ! Vegetables with a strong flavor. such as onions and turnips will be much improved I13 putting them to boil in cold water, renewin- this from a I kettle of boilinir water as soon as it 1 comes to a scald. Goal Cheer. The only way to continue bearing apple trees healthy, vigorous and fruit ful, is by giving them full possession of the land, good cultivation, and suppl ing a sufficient quantity of manure to keep up the fertility of the soil. The neglect to keep these requirements is the main cause of the premature decay of many of our old orchards. The customary remedy for the black knot or blight on plum trees is to cut it out as fast as it appears and burn it. This is laborious and not always satis factory. A Yankee fruit-grower re ports that painting the diseased spots as soon as they appear with linseed oil, has been a sure preventive in his ex perience. Farm and Home. The very best thing for a sprain is to put the limb into a vessel of very hot water immediately, then add boil ing water as it can be borne. Keep the part immersed for twenty minutes, or until the pain subsides; then apply a tiirht bandage and order rest. Some times the joint can be used in twelve hours. If necessary use a silicate of sodium dressing. Sausage Rills: Take puff paste, roll out to an eighth of an inch in thick ness; then cut in squares of four inches each, lay them on a hoard; have sau sage meat ready, make in small rolls, and place one on each square of pastry. Wet the edges and bring them together. Work with beaten white of an egg. bake nice and brown. If properly made these rolls are very dainty. Hani and Potatoes: Beat the yelks of two eggs into a little melted butter (about two ounces), cut some thin slices of cooked ham; dip them in it; butter a dish or pan. and lay in it a layer of cold boiled and sliced potatoes, sprinkle them with pepper and salt, then put a layer of the pieces of ham. another of potatoes, and so on till th$ dish be full, finishing with the potatoes. Pour over this half a pint of cream. j stand the dish in the oven and bak quickly. l'unkcc lllndc. WATCHTHE PIGS. How to Uaise Healthy nmt Consequently l'rofltahle Porker. The best possible floor for a piggery I is one 01 eaiiu, proviuca tins is 01 a kind tiiat will not become too dusty. ! Hogs seem to be peculiarlv sensitive to dust, or. rather, since they have their nostrils of toner and closer to the ground than any other domestic animal, they inhale more dust than any other. It is very injurious to them, causing snuffles, cough, influenza, thumps, etc The occupation of one bed for a long time unchanged is a fruitful cause of disease; even the earth, which purifies all things, will itselt become foul at last from the exhalations of the skin. Hogs seem to be peculiarly sensitive in their skins ;md the mucous membrane lining all the internal cavities. They suffer from a lack of cleanliness, and no animal will show it sooner in the toused and dead look of the hair; whereas a hog that is in good thrift will very soon give unmistakable evidence of it in the clean, soft, bright appearance of his hair and bristles. As above stated, an earth floor is the best every way, but this should not be allowed to become so dr as 10 yield excessive dust, nor so damp as to pro duce a steamy, reeking condition in the nest, which also is very productive of colds and cough. A floor of clay is good as against the first objection; it does not tend excessively to dust I have bedded hogs on a layer of earth thrown 011 a tight board floor a foot or so above the ground, and this will pre vent dampness, but is objectionable on account of the propensity of rats to har bor in it. Hats and unringed hogs are exceedingly destructive to a board floor. Every precaution should be adopted to exclude these odious vermin. Their constant running and squealing disturb hogs not a little, to say nothing of the thiercries they perpetrate. 1 have even suspected them of devouring very young pigs, it 1 were about to muld a Hog yen now, after jcars of experience, I sTiould try at least one compartment of it with a brick or stone floor laid tifht. in cement, as a foundation fortiie laver of earth for them to rest in. This would prevent the foul and pernicious damp ness that would ariSc by capillary attraction from the ground beneath, and it would exclude rats. Let me repeat: If the farmer will carefully watch his pigs and completely renovate their straw, once a week at the outside, he may with safety give it to them for nesting; otherwise not With the best of intentions toward my swine, I never could bear it in mind to change their bedding often enough; and there is hardly anything more perni cious to them than a pile of evil-smell-ing. polluted straw. It is positive poison to them. Stephen Powers, in Ohio Farmer. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. .forms Advocated by a Committee of the Jfew York Lrglalattire. The report made to the Legislature of New York by Mr. Elbridge T. Gerry a;id a number of other gentlemen, in relation to the proposed execution of criminals by electricity, contains a number of interesting facts. In their report they maintain that the effort to prevent the increase of crime by the lmticiiMiiiiiwiLi t1 is-at-a rX rllll tll .... ..ri.s..w.. .,,... puuisumcni 10 various ouunsus imoiv ing different grades of moral turpitude, or, in other words, by increasing the list of offenses to which capital punish ment is made applicable, has proveda M ! a.1 a. 1 ..It .aa r... '-" !--".) i:i--i uni-i.u r.- vent the occurrence of the offense nor to produce a deterrent effect; that from the long catalogue of various methods punisiiment adopted by various nations iwuiuereui nines ouiy nvcaremm prau ticall v resorted to by the civilized world Accompanying the reiort is a long list of the different modes of capital punish ment practiced in different countries. In Austria, Holland, Portugal, Russia, England and America the gallows is used; in Bavaria, Belgium. Denmark, France, Hanover and Saxony, the guil lotine; in Brunswick, thexe; in China, a I Lily and Prussia, the sword; in Ecua dor and Oldenburg, the musket; in Spain, thegarrote; and in Switzerland, in fifteen cautons the sword is used, and in four cantons the guillotine. In ninety per cent, of these countries the executions are public. The demoral izing effect of such exhibitions can not be estimated. The aim of these gentle men is not only to have electricity in troduced for the present mode, but to have laws passed so that where a crim inal is to be executed none but the of ficers of the law shall be present DcmoresCs Monthly. a s Worshiping Buddha. Another way (to worship Buddha, in the temple at Kioto) is to chew the prayer paper aud when soft throw it in the form of a pellet at the god, through a wire screen. If it goes through and sticks on the god, the prayer will be answered. If it hits on the screen, it is no good. Some of the gods are thickly plastered with this school boy missile. When I saw this it suddenly came to me why I did that same thing when a boy at school, using another boy a a god. It was the outburst and ovei llowing of a devotional spirit The other boy did not always see it in that light, and sometimes made irreligious remarks about it, but that was owing to his ignorance of my simple form of Buddhist worship, that's all. Japan Cor. Hartford Courant. Helping the Monkey. Dan," siid a four-year-old. "give me me cuius 10 uu u iiiiiiiuj. "We have one monkey in the house now," said the elder brother. "Who is it. Dan?" "You," was the reply. .... 4?.... .-... a.. 1. .. .,. . ' Then give me five cents to buv the nioukev some nuts." The brother could not resist Texas Sitings. An escaping defaulter, who was held up on his journey by train-robbers and relieved of his hard-won pile, com plains that professional courtesy is dead in this brutal, grasping, modern world. Fuck. FTaoekinc Accident. bo read me Headlines or many a newspa per column, and wo peruse with palpitating interest the details of the catastrophe, and are deeply impressed by tho sacrifice of hu man lives involved. Yet thousands of men and women are fulling victims every year 10 mat terriDio disease consumption (scrof ula of tho lunrfsi- anil thevnml uieir friends hi, nw thm .i.i tw. r. ,,. flMl av t a . A Al frnl aa,tnx (. arnwalnala Zaa.au takc. No earthly power, of course, can re- storo a lung that is entirely wasted, but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical IMscowry will rapidly and surely arrest the ravages of consumption, if taken in time. Do not, therefore, despair, until yon have tried this wonaenui remedy. "YstJuoCDin .your dress?" asked the Bchool-teacher of a tramp. "X Qj me, innm," replied he; "I drank 2 X tx" Pitts burjh Chronicle. Evekt lady should read advertisement of Natl Medical Dispensing Co.. in this paper. m a m As extraordinary thing In ladies' hats cheapness. Tftcai b'jtmgs. a The proper way to warm the house la to keep the cellar coaled. If yon want to hear some racy English go to a horse-trot on the ice. Burlington Free rrets. Carpet-tacks are now made in drawing rooms by a Jadyebip steering her bustle and train. Aew Haven .cirs. It is said to be unlucky to have thirteen persons at table, but it is only to be feared when there is barely food enough for twelve. Tmt most acute embarrassment a girl ever suffers is when, after passing a fellow on the street for whom she has a concealed fondness, she looks back at him and he catches her at it It's the brickmaker who wants the earth. Declined with thanks an objectionable dish at table. Pbtvatb houses hare hotels have deaf ones. dumb-waiters Wmor a musician goes fishing, does he castanet in the hope of catching a bassoon? m A Bocbbos pretender one who pretends he doesn't like it when he does. Ituffah Courier. m Dbivxso a street car is not a very high calling, bnt it can scarcely be classed as among the lower walks of life. It is a notable fact that however cleanly seamen may be on the water, they have a decided dislike to being washed ashore. Boston TraiucripL Train robbers know how to dispnrso the passengers. . m Tbe lower the price of coal the more grate-full tha community. Liiiylumton Leader. ,... The Funereal Month of March. An obsovant metropolitan barber says thathecantelkone's physical condition uj the state of the hair I The Bible tells us that with his iair gone Samson lost his strength. The Komans considered baldness a serious affliction and Julius Caesar was never quite satisfied with himself because his poll was bare. Tho face, however, is the open book and one can readily trace in its various expres sions, lines, changes and complexion the state of the system. Tho eye that is unusually bright and yet has a pallid brightness, tho face upon whose cheeks nature paints a rose of sin gular beauty and Hush, more marked in con trast with the alabaster appearance of the forehead and nose and lower part of the face, is one of those whom the skilled phy sician will tell you will some day dread tho funereal month of March, because it is then that consumption reaps itsricbesi harvest Consumption they tell us is causec by this, that and the other thing, by mi crobes in the air, by micro-organisms in the blood, by deficient nutrition, by a thou sand aud one things, but whatever the cause, decay begins with a cough and the remedy that will effectually stop the cause of that cough cures the disease of tho lungs. That is all there is of it The cough is an evidence of a wasting. To stop it effectually, a remedy must be used that will search out the cause, re move that aud then heal tho lung and do away with the cough. This is tho power, special to itself, possessed alone by War ner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption remedy. This is no new-fangled notion of narcotics and poisons, but an old-fashioned preparation of balsams, roots and herbs, such as was used by our ancestors many years ago, the formula of which has been secured exclusively by the present manufacturers at great trouble and expense. It is not a mere cold dryer. It is a system searcher and upbuilder and a consumption expellant Where others fail, it wins, be cause it gets at tho constitutional cause and removes it from the system. J. W. Heusaw of Greensboro, Pa., on Jan. 15, 1SS3. reported that "he had derived moro real benefit for tho length of time, from Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Con sumption remedy than ho had for years from tho best state physicians." If you have a cough, night sweats, "posi tive assuranco in your own mind that you, oh you, havo no consumption," aud yet lose flesh, appetito, courage, as yourlungs waste away, you may know that soon tho funereal month of March will claim you, unless promptly and faithfully you uso the articlo named. If other rem edies havo failed try this one thoroughly. If others aro offered, insist tho more on trying this unequaled preparation. Some- persons are prono to consumption and they should never allow tho disease to become seated. "Tommy, mv eon. what is longitude!" "A telegraph "wire, papa." "Prore it. my son." "Because icsiretches from pole to pole." m D!ftitroua Failure t TVb can mention no failure more disas trous thau that of physical energy. It in volves the partial suspension of the digest ive and assimilative processes, and entails the retirement from Business of the liver and kidneys. Only through the good offices of Hostetter's Stomach Ditters can the res toration of its former vigorous status be hoped for. When this aid has been secured, a resumption of activity in the stomach, liver and bowels may be relied uxn. The Bitters conquers malarial aud kidney troubles. Tiiehe were wrestlers in the old cbivalric days, or else huw could a knight throw down the gauntlet? Texas 6'o'(. Ccntrcl Quacks. "Yes, it pays." said a big, fat physician, with a name which is known throughout the medical world. "I havo a practice worth ,000a year." RTomen"' "Yes. you've guessed it first tune. They pay $10 every time they como into niyoffice. When one gets on my list 1 tell you she stays!" and Dr. H laughed long and loud. This is quackery gilt-edged, genteel quackery to keep suffering woman paying tribute year in and year out and doing them no good. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the peculiar weaknesses and diseases of wom en. It does not lie to them nor rob them. If yon want to know what a sliding scale is try to handle a wet fish. Motion Com mercial Bulletin. We would be pleased to know of a man or woman who has never had headache or been subject to constipation. As theso seem to be universal troubles n littlo advice may be in order. Why should persons cram their stomachs with nauseating purgative pills, etc., which sicken and debilitate when such a pleasant and sterling remedy as Prickly Ash Bitters will act mildly and effectively on the liver, kidney, stomach and bowels, and at the same time tone up and strength en the whole system, causing headache, constipation and all such distressing evils to quickly disappear. Men are too much inclined to accept a pretty woman at her face value. Texas Sift' MJ. m Coron3, Hoarseness, Sore Throat etc., quickly relieved by Bnowx's Uuoxciiial TitociiES. A simplo and effectual remedy, superior to all other articles for the same purpose. Sold only in boxes. m TnE bootblack deerves to sneree'l lie gets right down to business. Burlington Fret Frets. m Danoeh Signaled bv a Cough is averted with Hale's Honey of i lorehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure iu one minute. " Most people neglect the eyes," says a medical paper; Lul very few neglect the L Pipo's Cure for Consumption is tho best Cough Medicine. If you don't believe it, take a doso. By druggists, 25c. a bottlo. - The prop her study of mankind is how to Support a wife. Untie. A perfect specific Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A novelty for fashionable luncheon a good appetite. If afflicted with Sore Eyes uso Dr. Isaac Thompson'syoWater.Druggistsscllit.'Jjc. - m If a ship arrives in port a second lata they dock it To Hmtxeketptrnmd Farmrrs. It is Impor tant that the Soda yon sue should be White and Pure same as all similar Bbstiacea used for food. To insure ob taining only the "Arm &; Hammer' brand Soda, bjy it In "ponnd or ha'f pound" cartoons, which bear onr name and trade-mark, as In ferior Roods are some times substituted forthe "Arm & Hammer" brand when bougtit in bulk. Parties uim; Baking Powder should remem ber that its sole rieing property consists of bi 3 w m wA m lav B B"Hi4C sP Jl 9 ! 1.394.178 Clean were tho exact number shipped during the short, dull month of November. 1SS7, by the largest mail order cigar house in tho world, namely, R. W. Tansill & Co., Chicago. - QThe impecunious marf in need of gum shoes fenot opposed to a rubber trust. Bal timore American. fcM W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SliUCi GENTLEMEN. The only Hne raU 99 Seaatleaa 8boe In th world made without tack or aalto. A tylth and durable an ttaiwe cvtina &" ortri. and tiaTinjt no lack or nulla to wear the mocking or hurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and well-Httlnic as a band sewed nhoa. Buy tbe nest. None senume un ions stamped va bottom "W. 1- Uouglas 13 Shoe. w!"lL iOCGE.Afl St nnOE, the original and only band wwnl welt M boe. which equals cutom-maae shop contlns: f rom IB to r W. . DOCCLASS.i SHOE Is anex celled for bwnrvwtr. . W. Km DOtJOCAS SHOE Is worn ty all Bovs. and H tbe best school rboe In the world. All th above goods are made In Congress. Button and lace, and ir not sold 1t your dealer, write W. 1m DOlOIJllt, BrhtB, Ma. ar'MMt mU rATUlnaf lm jmcm. 1 CUBES UMERE lit USE IAhS. BestCoaghHyrup. Tastes Rood. Veo in tune. oiu Dyarusmsis. I boliove Piso'a Cure for Consumption saved mv lifo. A. II. Dowell, Editor Euouircr. Eden- ton, N. C, April 23, 1SS7. PISO Tho best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cure i-OR Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c M CURES WHERE All EISE r AILS. Ql M BestCouith Syrup. Testes Rood. Uso 151 Eti inttxno. Koldliydrcjrcists. W SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD 1MB OIL And Hypeptosphitesof iime& Sofia Almost as Palatable as Milk. lbs only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can be. taken readily aud tolerated Xor a lung lhaa hy delicate sioatarlu. AH AS A BEMEPT FOR fOSSCTPTHWr, BtmtriLOtB ArrKtTIONS. AXAK3IU, OKX EKAt'bkMLlTT. CQlHS AMD THROAT AF. FEfHASS, and all WasTIMI DISORDERS Or iaULDKE.1 It la ssarreiloas la its rwaJti. Prescribed and endorsed by Um best fbysjclan IB tho countries of the world. Far Sal ky all Iralt. a Gaud for Pamphlet on Want me Dixease. Ad ansa, atCOTT Jfc JMW.E,ew Yavk. UNCOVERED. W wt!1 pftat rnarnnMnd 'Directory, for onlr 11E rats ddrrM in Amrnran Aent bpotajresttmM;7oawaiUKB ferriverrratnumbmurpict. am, cards, csuIocvm, bosk, simple work vf an, lirrnlui, lESCUta. raPr.0'Sl"'Plr,,c'.r,c- t'XCOTCUXU l yuaUWfmtbruad field nf the- irmt en.plvrment uuJKcncy btuione. TbM whoee umn arc Iu IhU liirrct ry cfttn rrreirs tkatbkbirHirclwed.cMiMrotS3vrtl)cah. Ibuauuils of men and women make Wrr Mini of money in tbe ajcrary boainru. Tenant million uflullr nhf pHaliarrtearlj Sold throarharmK-Thiiliiiecturr i uuf ht aud utntDjrtha leading -ubllhcr. bockucllrr. notclledra!era,incnturuI manufacturer of the rnllrd.SulrtandV.unpe It U rrcan!e! the natulan! Afenti'Dirrctory of the wc.ilJe.nd I relied upon : a barren atraita ll whom nmea appear it- Tlimeh muiraairin 11 will keep pnurd on all the new inonry raakiLft thine that com out. while literature will flow to them in a steady stream. The treat baryilutof the mutt o Halle firms will be put before all. AsruMnuke money in tbtir own localities. Areata make money traerlinc all around r-otue arrnt ruaka oet ten tbouund dollars a year. All deendon w hat the apcnl fcaatosrll. Few there are who know all alut the tiutinentif thosewho employ ajrenla: lhoe who have Ibia information make bi money eavily: thoawhoenanesarelnthia Inrrc. tory pet IhU Information ruLE and rumplere. This liircctory is ued by all flrt.riBM flnus. all over the world, who employ ants. (hrerljllllauihnrmsnselt. Your name in tlU direc torr will bnne; you in irrrat information and larp value; tbon aunts will tlm.uah it belrdto prvfiiablewt.rk.amtFOETrsc Header, tbeeery best small investment yon rautnake.latobavs 7gnrnameantladdrrss nnied in this directory. Address. o1l..icn iii.'Hi.iniii.r, "C"i Kilns VXaUE TIUS rarCR mn aaeicnvm. MEMORY '-MAKES- SUCCESS Wholly Mllke arttflelal syatesaa. Any beak lraracd la ane rearilnav Classes or lQg7t Baltimore. JQQ5 t Detroit. 1500 at Ihiladelphla. large cla"?i or Colombia Law r-tndent. at Vale. Welk-ley. Oherlln Universi ty of Penn.. Michigan rjniviTlty. Chautauqua, ic.. Ac Kndored by Makk Twain. ICiciiaku litoo too. the Scientist, Hon.W. W.Atmut. Jitdah F. 1IEXJAMIN-. Jndoe Gliisox. B. II. Cook. Principal Slate Normal College. Dr. Buow.v, Ac Prospectus post piiee from PKOF. 1XJ18ETTK. 237 Fifth Atc, New York. attlAltt TIU3 rirXE enry La ja nil. carbonate of aoda. One teaspoon fulof tbe "Ana k Hammer" brand of Soda mixed with aonr mil: equals four tea spoonfuls of the best Baking Powder, saving twenty timca its cost, besides being much healthier, because it does not contain any injurious substances, such as alum, terra alba etc., of which manyl&k ins Powders ere made. Dairymen and Farmers shoul(luseonlytbe"Arm cfc Hammer" brand for cleaning and Lecping Milk Pans Sweet and Clean. 4flvHs2luiSJ9HSsssss WILBOBCS compound op IPURE COD LIVER 01 AND PHOSPHATES OF jilMB, SODA,mON.. Cures CoBBafTiaf. Corns, Cons. Astum, too-wrsv- laun, WaSTa Drsusis, d ail ScitnioBsMwets. Alnxwt as palatable as cream. It can be taken wltht pleasSrv by delicate pel-ion and criltlrrn. who, afrrr ustnKit. aro rery fond of If- It assimilate with thr food. Increases tbe Hon, and appetite, builds up the nervous system, restores energy to mind and bony, creates new. rich avadpurs blood, la t act. rejureaatuo the wholo syttcm. FLESH. BLOOD. NERVE. BRAIN. This preparation i far superior to all other preparsv--tlonsofCod Liver Oil; it has iwvny Imitator?. bat ru equal. The results following its use are Its best rto OBuaendatlon. lie rare, as yon value your health, and. irex tho penulne. Manufactured only by Ua. ALXB. B. Wltnort, Chemiit. Kuston. Mas- Send fr l!"itrnf circular, which will be mailed free. Jlcntwntr.itpapin. lleafalgl., Headache, Sore Throat, Sprafes? . Braises, Barns, Woci-, Laavo Back, An Ail Pains Of An hrBaiBii-lart Natarev aM arw arsWSlata. SOe. avaa !. OHO BOOK affraaXCT Fl Addroao WIZARD OIL CO.. CHICAGO. FMGO'S ThN Shoe it warrant i-d First QMalMy In viTy repeefc WrvSlyli"h. IVrfref Fit. rjaiiiTiii Tipped. Men's lloyi;.inilYnth''fOXi;HrSN.Ii-TTOXliDIaili..ra-rur dn'orfirFKi;0-sr-,.iOS:!OK. irhet.-n'it keep then t'lid to it, .iii.l we will f urnili ymi a ivilr. Kxprr pard. on rweipi 01 ssuo. .. si. r .m.t .- sju..,aea NAME TI1M IMl'EK .rj WMnm. HOW L.D vn KOUIP. ppu. DESciupnojf W1TII l'LAXS and SPECI- llcations scntFiiF.. Build. ngacdMa- .i.mn formnkinie a. thousand POUEllS butter, or less per day, costs less than $ 1 ,800. K.P.VflliAROfiCI),2!:f,?codsS,p.- BB-t WC mU P rrr. eerj Lax a . DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES.. thecusiomtr Leephis;tbegaet ,O0v'-VtBBBS - ,A' . uuiism kw. -v U' V .a.'W' iXWV" Aiirlressforcircclar.and onleron trial of our A(cSaV StfaalE Ti:lSPAi-i:aMrtaa jouvrla, JONES w&msss Iran Leren, sirel bearlocs, araaa Tars Haam and Beaa Bot for very SlseScsltroe free pries Uat wentioa this paper and address si .r simaaiisi . as- XAXL THIS rarEaVeeart law jeasnu. DURANC'S RHEUUTIC REIEDT will positively care rheumatism wbea everylhlnar else on earth falls. It la taken Internally, and cores aulckl v thoroushly w'lbout rulnlnicthestoar acn. arnea saedaiiara rMsiuaanr six Battle, .'or slve cTallara. Sold hy all druatsle. Send for free 40-nan pamphlet to K. K. UCLPlaTCBfa wriSB, DrusRiat. WASaUiQTOXjXCL tow rarica nrr tw j wu. THE BEST .IC BIIVIB aW IN EXISTENCC IS PEMVIAN tTREMTHElim EllXIB. Thoujrh pleasant to the taste, la not a beveraire. Cnre. llUlaisaes. Bsaeral BealUtr, laikrettiea, Lher isralsl.t. aneraa4 Atwr. etc. Ask vi)urlmcmt forlt. ManufaeV ured by ItMKk rox, waatssale Draezats, Atcalasa, Kaa. aVSUtE TUIS lUrca enrj ua j. visa. TO THE LADIES! rsi the sinmi susicaL Msrasua tamrat. We wish to can the attention of every married lady In tbe land to the new and suceemfnl treatment of Or. SprjRue for Woman. We desire the cooperation of every married lady. Mend for onr circular, as it curt, but a postal card to obtain it. and from It le-m some thine valuable. XATItAl. JJEBICAI. BMPE-XH-a.UCMINV.2 Bcirasra HU Chleaaa. UB LAMAR, .northern States buvlne'i MISSOURI. Huodredsofbcilneatnira anrl fnmiprt frnm Mil onhem States buylng'property at Lamar. Sott and climate unsurpassed; resuurceswonacrful. Fop Information address C M.lliixxasiCowLamar.Mia sjj-.Aila lUb VATUtttttj taw jm , SEEDS GIVEN AWAY! Apacttmgs Mlxcil Fiowi-r s eds (St) kinds), with Park'9 Floral Gum, a ! for S stamps. New flower-", new inimvluRs: teems wUbi floral hints. Kvcr)bo.ly irllithied. 'tvil all your friemla. Send now. U. W. 1'abk. Fanncttsburg. Fa, mrXiMi this rarip. eewf raw ; ma. UCCni aCQ f For all Sewlni; Machines.. HaiaiWIsBiOl ISTANliAllttUootisOnlr. QMIITTI aTC ITlseTradeaoppl.e-i. Onii I I IssEsOi Send for wholesale prlctt DIJS Q as a aasa list. BLEI.OCb: M'V'O Co. KaarafllKOa lay LocustsUStXoulJlu swMtNTIOS TULs rAPEKrrsrj taw jsa aria. MUSIC; Send Seta, postage and Ret free. 46 fall size pace, latest ocal and Instru mental pieces. ArenU Wanted. $JSto Sim 9. month anrl "" PBIZHL amasieai ualaay. wash. M.. ssoataa.amaaaw aarAME T1IM PAHHl ettrr Cat Tea ana. AQTUaalA BR. TAFT3 ASTRM ALcrs " H9 I nitlfl JJUBcn never fails to Core. Any onewho wants tnheWWa.Mgan send ns thelr- aildress atvl we will man trial hottle Ua. TAFT BBOS.. Soehester, N. S. sa-aaatE this rarta vay uai j 1 B am TaTUTC Instructions. Tieforences. ssm 4 CI1 I O pie copy patent free. .I.C.nio tox. solicitor of patents, opposite I'ost-offlce. Kaor sas City. Mo.; reliable associate at Washington. tE 1QJSQ A DAY. Samples worth S1.5 atalTi FTtEE. iTnes not under the horse's feet. Writ. Pfaf aaaTwWaaaaTl WWlt UtIMIU CO., lay.Mal. . aa- MJU TllIS rAraavaaaBraaav UABJE snCH. Book-ktpIrjc,PeoniaraWp. Art BIUHC aaetic, Bhorthand. etc.. thoroufhly taorM by nuUL Circulars free BBf AirrMaaUHa. fiaVi 1 T aw-aAMK IUJ fafta aarj taa jeawrav FREE By return mall. Fall aawa.ataasa Msodi's New Tailor system of Drea. Cuttinx. MOOUV4CO..CIncdnnU.O. XX1UL TUB rarER wtj law jea aria. aaask UreathonaiMlsgakrinnrn)oryroikia-fatlaa UIl&ataBTtliiDKaIselnth.warld. Ehhrr es Costlyaatsl 7mr!aC Terras rxu. AUJresa, Tata. COAagtata.Msa., asrAaU( THIS rATlasrerj taw yeuarUa. $230 I A MOSTB. AomttWanttd. 90 best B. Ilnenrtieleslnthewnrld. 1 samole Free.. fAaaiwiJAYUHoysoy.Dana.3Uju -.taJlE TUU ral'EE ntrj iMjurca A. X. K 1. No. J 1?H. W'lIKN IVltlTINti TO Alii-i.i.a...o. please s:iy you saw tbe AUvertlsemeat lav this paper. iZssitt&P $2.50 iff SHOEyJA - jniPfliiCRY Bai anl TOHUl BB2BrXa hpr Ja. zpG&aESEfBumam sraui i i 4 BaE " i, B 1 aaa-aaa. aaaasasaajaaaaaaaaMsaaStaUaaaCISafcy'1. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ , w