The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1888, Image 1

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Square Dealing
Golden Eagle
Why did the working men of this country in
the past year use over 1,000,000 pairs of
ft. .. CWT7.T7.T Oll Xz Cn '
and von
C. WIENER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Miss Lil'ic
Letson is on the sick
Mrs. J. H Moore of McCook is visit
ing sit J. A. Crawford"?.
Miss Ilettic Skcen will return
home today from Crete to spend the
vacation .
Joe Karr, is the custodian of the
street railway teams. They
fouir fine teams.
Three of the t'inkerton men from
this city and six from McCook" have
"one to Lincoln.
L: 1. Albright is putting city
water into his dwelling, and beauti
fying his lots with fountains.
Four days from today will be the
election for railway bonds. Let
thole who have the prosperity of the
city at heart do their utmost to carry
the bonds. Red Cloud's future pros
pects depends largely upon the suc
cess of the project.
There seems to be a general feel
ing throughout the city that if the
people ccme out next Saturday eve
ning and nominate a good non-partisan
ticket, composed of our best citi
zens that harmony will pervade our
city during the next year. It should
e$done. The Chief is not in favor
of snap-judgment by a few chaps.
Let the people do it, and it will be
done right.
We have customers for houcs
costing from $800 to $2,000. Bring
in your property.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
Overalls and Pants
will under
i i i
Cathcrton, March 27, Special
Correspondence Rev. Buzzle is
holding a series of very interesting
protracted meetings at the Catherton
school house.
Mrs. R. G. Lewis recently receiv
ed the sad news of the death of her
aunt. Mrs. C. Forbes who had made
it her home "with Mrs. Lewis the past
two years, but was spending the win-
l tcr with her sister at Rennet, Neb.
Mrs. Letner has been suffering
with a severe cold the past week.
Mr. Stonghton's fanii'y have gone
to their future home in Franklin, but
Mr. S. will remain in this part of the
country a short time boring wells .
Johnnie Lewis has been quite sick
with chicken pox.
Miss Melia Lambert s again in
this .vicinity. Her many friends
welcome her bank.
Mr. Rhea lost a fine horse with
lung fever.
Ncls Benson has rented X. Barry's
farm for three years.
Hungry Creek March 27. Special
CorrespondencesThe star littirary
has closed for the season. v
There was a spelling school at Hum
mefs school house last Tuesday eve
ning we suppose all had a good time.
W. W. Blackmer has closed his
term of school in District No. 9 and
returned to his home in Iowa,
Our niinister has chanced his pro
gram on this part of the circuit and
give us night meetings.
We had quite nn equinoctial storm
and annother one after equinoctial.
J-new whit to call it
-Jump up.
Thos..T. Moshcris quite feeble now.
Vacation tins week in our public
The government announces a cold
wave for our especial benefit.
Don't forget the non-partizan con
vention to take place next Saturday
eyening at the court house. Here's
a chance to quit fighting and goto
building up the city.
The Rock Island railway will no
doubt come to Red Cloud inside of a
year, lney taiK very tavoraoiy now,
and if the crops arc good this season
the road will be built here before
nest fall expires.
On Sunday three hundred colored
men passed through the city on No.
30 bound for California. Agent
Welch purchased fifty pounds of
bacon and a hundred loaves of bread
for the crowd. The train arrived
about twelve o'clock.
The stand pipe of the Red Cloud
water works bursted last week. Here's
a pretty mess, as the city has not
enough money on hand to repair it.
Hastings Democrat.
You are off, Mr. Democrat, we have
plenty of money to repair the jtand
pipe. You are thinking of Hastings.
Garden Field and Flower Seeds
Don't send off lor garden seed;,
when we ean fill your ordcr by the
m.. cr lb. xor less money and with
better seeds. Our stock is fresh and
reliable of the latest improved ar
icties from the best seed house in the
land, who handle northern grown
seeds. We do not sell on commis
sion, and nothing but fresh seeds in
tc bulk. Give us a call.
Peukixs & 3IlTCnELL, feb imch Red Cloud Neb.
Brace Up.
You are feeling depressed, your ap
petite is poor, you are bothered with
headache, you are nervous, and geuer
ally out of sort?, and want to brace ut.
Brace up Aut not with stimulant-"-,
princ rne"3icines, or bitters, which
have for their basis cheap whisky, and
which stimulant you lor an hour and
then leave you in a worse condition
than before. What you want is an al
terative that will purify your, blood,
start health action of .'iver and kid
neys, restore yitalty, and give renewed
health and strength. Such a medicine
you will find in electric bitters, and
only oOcts a bottle at Henry Cooks.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavsn, Curb?, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Threat from
whatever cause. Coughs, Etc; Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted
Sold by Deyo& Dorr, Druggist.
A BttstJacmtsfce CIrgym'a TMU
Itar R M. Fickru. President of the
Methodist rrotcrtaat Cbarck or South
Carolina, write from Gieea-nlle:
"About four yean ago 1 was attacked
with wkat the phyaieiaas proooaaced
aeuralgir rhrumatuoB, aeco-apaaied with
erynipeU My appetite failed me entirely,
and I had an iatemittiag palse and very
irregular pulaatioaa of the heart. A ter
rible pain soon nuae iato my ebest and
shoulders, aad I became se helpless that 1
)aald attrad ton) busiaess at all Ths
pain were movable, aad woald sometimes
pass from one part of my body to another
Finally the erysipelas broke out nn my lets
hand and arm. aad produced much swell
tag. I wa fur eighteen month attic-ted
in this way. and of coarse ased a great
many kinds of medicines, but nothing gav
t&e relief. Friends finally persuaded ma
to try Swift's Specific I oticed a decided
iraproTemeat while taking the first bottle.
1 continued its use until 1 bad taken about
one dozen bottles, when 1 found myself
sound and well again, with no sign of dis
ease left except a stiffness in my band,
result of the erysipelas. While taking
the medicine I gained an an average two
pounds of Mesh par week. I think 8. 8. 1L
a valuable msdidae. and I frequently
rerommead it ta my friends."
Write ta the Swot Srunrtc Ga,
Atlanta. Oa, far a Traatise on Bleat ami
lain Diirsies. mailed area to anya
Eld. Davis is in Hastings to day.
(J. R. Chancy is in Superior today.
Wui. 3Iosher of Norton, is in the
Mr. Roggs and family will go to He
kta to marrow.
John O. Yeiser is in Akron, Col.,
today on business.
TIo name of L. H. Wallace has been
suggested for mayor.
Elder Davis expects to start his new
paper about April 25th.
Fifty-five visitors registered at the
reading rooms yesterday.
Dr. E. A. Hall of McCook is doing
business in the city today.
There was a social dance at Pat
more's restaurant last night.
Miss Lydia Huffman will teach the
spring term of school at Pleasant
Dale district 31).
The Happy Hour club gave their
last dance Monday night.
James Ferguson and Thos. Paul
of Cowles are in the city today.
Don't forget thatC.L. Cotting has
the finest selection of the new styles
if wall paper. :
D. II. Kaley's name has been sugsrest
d a-5 a probable canidite lor alderman
tor the north ward.
Fwur teams? were, puicha.-ed today
for the street railway at the magnifi
cicnt sum of $1200.
II. F Henderson and lr..- two
daughters from Womer Kiin,i-. i? in
the city visiting with Ken on S-een
and family.
The firemen will give a grand ball
at their hall tomorrow night. Jud
Clark of Fairbury will furnish the
music. Everybody should go.
The Bond Question.
If our Pleasant Hill citizens will
stop and turn over the Missouri Pa
cific bond question in their minds
they will observe that it will be a
paying investment for them to vote
bonds. The three thousand dollars
to be voted bj them, if carried, will
cist the township not over $1S0 in
teiest annually, and the taxes off of
the road bed which would be assessed
at something like $30,000 would bring
back to the township something over
a $1,000 yearly. It will be a good
speculation for Pleasant Hill in any
To The Public.
Having sold oir clothing depart
ment on 4th avenue, we take pleas
ure in announcing, to you that the
purchasers are two well known men
Mr. Andrew Berg and Mr. Al Ga
lusha. We have been considering this
change for some time (since we have
been qnable to secure a suitable man
to take charge of that department)
yet we were determined not to dis
pose of it until we secured purchase
rs that would make the clothing de
partment a success. We believe we
have gained our object and respect
fully ask our friends and customers
to give them a liberal patronage
With their extensive experience
in the clothinj. business and the com
bination of assistance that will be
given them they will undoubtedly
be able to deserve your trade. Thank
ing you for past favors, we will state
that our dry goods and boot and shoe
department will receive our full at
tention both stocks will be increased
until we have the largest and best
equipped dry goods and boot and
shoe house in the west.
Your humble servants,
Atiiow & Young.
MARCH 30. '88-
N. W. Flaisig is in the city today.
Nothing new in the strike line in
this city.
D. S. Coombs has been mentioned
as a candidate for city clerk.
The fellow that took Cum urines'
pigeons returned them yesterday.
The station agent at Byron was ac
cidently shot and killed yesterday.
M. 1). Edleman will soon erect a hand
some residence in our city.
Mr. Kenyon Skcen is improving his
esidenee by setting ota shade trees.
The revival meetings still continue
with unabated zeal at the 31. E.
Mr. Boggs who has been out in Da
kota has returned to the city and will
probably locate heie. .
Mrs. Grice has been sick for the
past two weeks with quinsy sore
throat has recovered and is again able
to he around.
The building b'nn ha been inaug
urated and we aie in hoprs that cur
city will ilourUh like a green bay tree
before the season i o'er.
Our friend W. W. Gardner has decid
ed to go to Oilean and enter into the
hotel busine ip tiiu pl-tee. The peo
ple of that town w 1 Jind Mr. G. and
his otimabie f.n..iiy worthy ppople in
ev ry respect.
The following addition of name
have heen added t. the Ii-c of men
who been -(. .. ei. of a-. Candida te.
fnr nn.'iT. "v. L. Funk. .1. .L.
Miller, Geo. Holland, J. L. Miner,
A. &. Marsh, and A. II. Kaley.
Wehop!t'd:n will haye the oiled
of breaking the backbone 0f winter.
This metropolian headquarters i-
getting tired of Old Winter lingerinc
I around in the lap of Spring it's decid
edly an old chestnut with hard coal at
41 -i DPI1 toil. !". Uor- nn f .1 !., 1. .. '
-v.v ."-- -w--- -.. -v. qU VliliJilliUJ ,
it's high time.
Miss Emma Brown is home from
college to spend a week's vacation
with her parents. She was accom
panied by her room mate Miss King,
who spent several hours in the city
while waiting for the west bound
Several Span of young work mule
for sale also some seed corn warrant
d to grow by J. D. Post.
w-tf Cowles, Neb.
If you wish to buy or sell property
call on us.
Gump & Warner,
Opera honse block.
Don't suffer with chapped hands or
rongh slcin when you can so easily
cure with a bottle of Cottine's Dermo
line. FARM LOANS !
The old reliable Smith Bros., Loan and
Trust Co- are making farm loans at the
lowest attainable rates. We require no
appraisers on oar applications. Loans
completed quietly and quickly. Call on
heir agent, O. W. Barker
Itch, mange, and scratches ofeyery
kind on human animals cured in 30
minutes by Woolford Sanitary Lotion
This nevr fails. ' Sold by Devo & Dorr
Druggist, Red Cloud Neb.
Seed wheat,
Seed oats,
Seed flax,
German millet, w tf
For sale at the Grain Elevator.
HCosae and seanswwere prepared
to do you good. QCoae;to us with
your prescriptions aid receipts.
Coae to us for your drugs, paints,
books. Cone to us for jour lamp
aid lanterns. DeyosfcDor. -
NO 35
By Mrs. 31. L. Beadle, up stairs,
Moon block. Cutting and and .fitting
of ladies and children's garments a
specialty. Ladies desiring switahes
woven on short notice will please
call? d-2t&w-tf
Tnkea !.'.
On Sunday morning by the city
marshal one bay horse, blind in both
eyes, about nine years old, harness
marked. The owner will call and
settle for him at Warner's feed barn .
A u A bstol-i te C i: r f ,
The oiigitia! Al-ietine ointment in
only put up in lursrelwn ounce tid,
I .ixos, and is an al'S'.hite dire furosl
burev. hiiriis, wnui.-t? chapped bauds
and ail kin eruptio-is. Will i)oitivelj
::re ail kinds ot pii- Ask for.the
o:iginal Abietiue ointment. Sold
He.ry c.ok at 25 c-nts per box by
mail HO CM. tf
Cheat Fan Loam?
I can make y.u the cheapest Farm
Loan that you can get in the west.
Xo, dela3. Money icady as soon is
title is perfect and security given.
You can pay part on principal at end
ofany year and stop interest if you
wih. Defore making a loan compare
ti'V ratea with others and you will be
eonvineed that this statement is cor
rect. All kinds of well secured notes
bought C. F.Cathku.
O'.fit-ovir Io-r Oifiee. ltd Clond.
S -e that our troe mark, -SANTA AB
IE, is on every bottle is is mi every
iinttle r.f mat pleasant California rem
edy. Satisfaction guaranteed- or-mon
ey refunded by Henry Cook
k-r !
By dispelling the symptoms so often
mistaken for consumption. SANTA
ABIE has brought gladness to many a
household and by promptly breaking
up tha cough and cold that too often
developed into that fatal disease wi
yet syve thousands from an untimely
grave. You make no mistake by
keeping a bottle of this pleasant reme
dy always in the house.
The only guaranteed cure for catarrh,
cold in the bead, hay sever, Bose cold
catarihal deafness and soar eyes, re
stores the sense of taste and smell
removed bad taste and unpleasant
breath, resulting from catarrh. Follow
directions and a corf is warranted by
all droggwte. Send for circular to
Six months' treatment for
$1 sent mail by 1.10
ale by
Henry Cook, Agent.
WhotearJeJsfsiiliJioooh.irs .
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