The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 17, 1888, Image 1

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a aaaaaaeaaav :aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBK. .nc- vaaaaaaaBBwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankb-m-t
C. E.Webt. of the Red Cloud Tank
kline Company is now permanently
located in tbis city.
C. E. Webb, the proprietor of the
3led Cloud Tank Line Company will
not be able to commence going the
rounds of the city until the 15th.
The ladies of the Red Cloud Benevo
lent Society desire to thank Mrs. Sill
and Mr. O'Brien for their kindness in
giving their time and talent for the
training of the little folks and aiding
them in ihcir charitable desire. And
especially do we thank the young
fr ladies tor the creditable and enjoyable
entertainment. Also Mr. Mizer for a
donation of ten dollars towards hall
rent. The net proceed? are $40 -which
will be devotsd to relieving the wants
or the poor.
Rev. G.
Hawlev is in the city
The future
are splendid.
prospects for lied Cloud
of Superior was In the
city yesterday.
X. J.Henqen of Blue Hill wa
in the
Xlty last evening.
The board of supervisors adjourned
to meet on the 2?.d of th:s month.
Geo. Barker has moved his law office
Into the Moon block, near The Chief
F. P. Bonnell of Superior was in the
city to-day. He left on an early train
for Blue Hill.
"When 'He cometh to make up His
jewels the street car driver will be on
the Uink with his pocket full of chink.
At-eak, or Cowles was in the city
l . A evetliSs attending the regular
' meeting of Webster County Camp I.
O. O. F.
The ground hog evidently got fooled
on the weather if last night is a speci
inan of the weather for the next six
The weather is again cooler but the
"overnment ha-8 informed us that the
temperatuie wuld ascend up in the
next 24 hours. Good, let her rise.
J-News is somewhat scarce these days.
bet just wait until the street railway is
F j-silt aad oar new railways come and
1 them there will be news for the million
In order to stirr up a little excite
ment in this city, the board of trade
alight try and get the Salvation Army
to cove here for a week. We could
have lots of fun if nothing else.
Will Yisscher, brother of our W. M.
Yisscher, of this city, will hereafter
propound finny items for the Lincoln
Sews. Mr. Yisscher is one of the
bright stars in the editorial firmament
of Nebraska.
I Boh'i Worry.
The Hastings Gazette-Journal seems
to be terribly worked up over our
prospect for railroads. The facts are
tha. Hastings would be mighty well
pleased if she could defeat any or all
propositions that might be presented
x to Bed Cloud by railroads other than
those that might come to or from
Hastings. The people of Bed Cloud
are fully able to take care of themselves
find with the prospect of three or four J
more railways mis summer it win
stand Hastings in hand to look after
her laurels of else Red Cloud may
possib y strip her of them. She now
holds over us in population, but wih
-n the in comiag tide of i migration it is
not impossible for us to catch up and
en distance our northern su
. .
m stll! Awotfcer.
This item is aiittte late but timely.
It is to the effect that our friend Wol
fanger is at least four inches taller
Athan usual on account of a little girl
Vhaby that occured at his residence the
"other das Everybody smoke.
Mr. Clark, o'J Guide Rock is" in the
city to-day. H
Ed Gilford and J. D. Post were in
the city to-day on business.
0. II . Maryatt is now located at
Del Norte, Colorado.
Mrs. J. H. Smith has returned to
Norton after a week's visit in this
At a recent meeting of Garfield
Post No. SO G. A. It. of this city,
the following officers were installed:
H. C. Scott Adjutant;
J. W. Warren 5. 31.:
J. H. Ferraan Q. 31. S.
Bro. Hosmer's ''Runs till she dies"
daily seems to be a '"Have come to
stay," she don't show any si:rn of weak
ening ye:, in fact she is as bright as a
dollar and a half. Twould be a shame
to let her die. Leader.
Moat all the towns in the northwest
which are now enjoyiai: a boom are
utilizing the space of their various
newspapers as advertising mediums,
and the result is quite percetible.
Buiness men could do their towns
much good by this means, and at the
same time be doing themselves indi
vidually a good thing. It is not al
ways the best policy to put your
money in some foreign advertisinc
boom, but try a little of it on your
home institution and see if the bene
fit is not greater. Daily Pioneer.
Yestarday John Bentley saw three
little chrildren going along the street
with bare feet, and to cheer up their
little hearts he took them into a store
and purchased each a pair of shoes. It
was a kind act. Red Cloud Chief.
We don't know what manner of man
John Bentley is in other things but
this we do know, that he showed by
that act of kindness that sympathy for
the misfortunes of others, that would
make this world a paradise if more
generally demonstrated. Red Cloud or
any other town ought to feel proud of
such an act by one of her citizens.
S?lem Argus.
TfeaCw Nothing-.
3Ir. John C. Bonnell met a man
with a broad mind and liberal heart,
yesterday, at Red Cloud, in the per
son of A. L. Funk, superintendent of
public instruction there. 3Ir. Bonnell
explained the situation with reference
to the Belt Line and aske4 if 3Ir.
Funk would subscribe 20 of his 120
acres out near Clifton Heights.
"Certainly,"' said 3Ir. Funk, and
his name was promptly added to th?
paper. It is men like 3Ir. Funk that
make the world move. Lincoln News
-Coming through the rye' is very
nice, yet some fellows find it mtre
difficult to get over the rye than
through it. Witness a case last eve
ning where an individual took too
much and behaved badly, under its
baleful influence, which he would not
ave done in moments of sobriety.
Child Smothered to Death.
We are informed of a sad misfor
tune that overtook Mr. Aucust Al
bright and his young wife, who were
journeying by wagon from Stockton,
Kansas to York, this state. Wednes
day night of last week they camped
about two miles northeast of town,
sleeping in their wagon with their in
fant child. In the morning after they
had eaten their breakfast and were pre
paring to start they discovered that
their babe was dead smothered by
being covered to closely. The dis
tracted parents sought the nearest
house, which happened to be that ef
Mrs. Kincaid, where they found sym
pathetic hearts and willing hands to
help them in their distress. Their lit
tle one was buried in the Guide Rock
cemetery, and the following day the
bereaved pair pursued their sad jour
ney, accomoanied by the sympathy of
all who knew of their misfortune.
Subscribe for the Daily Chief.
only 10 cts. per week.
The Misses Eva J. King and
Brown, are in Cowles today attending
the teachers association.
Word received from 31. B. Edle
ui an. who is now in Indiana at the
bedside of his mother who is very
sick, states that sne is no better.
The 3Iissouri Pacific has submitted
to Guide Rock and Red Cloud, a
proposition offering to build its line
from Superior west. Burr Oak
The Orleans Standard, is a newspa
per venture just started at Orleans.
It is an eight coluuin folio all prin
ted at home. It is a daisy and we wel
come it to our X table.
F. D. Parker was slightly indispos
ed yesterday.
3Irs. Edleman's mother, living at
Dilkr, Nebraska, is in the city visi
ting. 3Iiss 3I::y Overman, of Illinois, is
visiting with her sister, 3Irs. Dr.
E. Hill returned last night from
Holyoke where he will take his family
in a few days.
The firemen are working hard to
raise funds to procure a fire alarm.
Help them by attending their baU
D. Hocksworth, master mechanic,
and T. C. Calvert, general superin
tendent of the B. & 31. were in Red
Cloud last evening.
T. J. Beal left for Juniata this
morning to be present at the funeral
of an old friend;
Don't forget the fireman'sjball
Tuesday evening. Come and bring
your calico, for that's the kind of a
ball it is ,a calico ball." Help the
Departed Th! Life.
On last Saturday Geo. Hamilton who
has resided in this city for a little over
one year died after a brief illness. Mr.
Hamilton, for a number of years pricr
to his demise had been troubled with
heart disease, weich was the prime
cause of his death. He was born in
Indinna July 9rd 1S34 and conse
quently .vas about 53 years old. He
was an old soldier, having served faith
fully in the lale war, and was a mem
ber of Garfield Tost No. SO G. A: R. of
this city, which society buried him
with military honors. Funeral servi
ces were held at the Baptist church,
by the Rev. F. 31. Williams. Feacebe
to his ashes.
la the Police Court.
This morning in Judge est's
court, 3Iaishal Warner arraigned a
woman by the name of Barton for
keeping a house of easy virtue. She
was given ten days to vamoose the
corporation in the absence of filthy
lucre to liquidate her fine.
On yesterday evening three dames
of the demi-monde stripe living on
the Dutch fiats were also before His
Honor for orerating a house of pros
titution and were taxed up $10 each,
for violating the law.
By Mrs. 3L L. Beadle, up stairs,
Moon block. Cutting and and fitting
of ladies and children's garments a
specialty. Ladies desiring switches
woven on short notice will please
call. d-2t&w-tf
A Small Cropp.
This morning as our reporter was
perambulating the streets he was in
formed that the prospect for a "little
Cropp" was good, and on inquiry he
learned that Will Cropp was the hap
py father of a fine boy of the usual
weight. Everybody happy.
jr i
Judson, Feb. 0th 1SSS. Special
Correspondence. 3Irs. Wm. Bar
rett departed this life, Feb. 4th after
a sickness of four weeks, with lung
fever, and other diseases. She was
buried at 3It Hope cemetery Feb. 6.
Her funeral was preached at the 31t.
Hope school house by the Rev. J. T.
Stone, from a text in 54th chapter of
Isaiah, Sth verse, after which follow
ed a well studied discourse. Sister
Barrett was a member of the 31. E.
church, and a true Christian woman.
She was loved and respected by all
who knew her. Her funeral was at
tended by the largest number of peo
ple ever seen at 3It. Hope. There
were 30 teams in the procession and
the tears flowed freely. She leaves a
husband and seven children to mourn
her loss. The family have the sym
pathy of ike entire community. X
I take this mode of returning our
heart-felt thanks to our neighbors
and friends who were so kind to me
during my wife's late sickness and
Wm. Barrett and faaiilv.
Highland, Kansas, Feb. 11. Spec
ial Correspondence Dr. Sheldon
and family visited John 3Ierrill's
3Irs. A. Burgess is quite ill.
Charlie Gaes come near having a
serious accident Sunday evening near
Pleasant Grove. His team became
frightened, turning suddenly around
upsetting the buggy and but for the
timely assistance of Ort Legget a
general smash up would have been
the result.
John Wagoner is again on the
mend. We hope John's recovery is
sure this time.
Willie 3Iaud is off duty on account
of rheumatism.
Sam Lishtfoot's little girl is on the
sick list with lung fever.
The question for debate at the
r Windy Point literary Saturday night
is resolved that intemperance has
caused more misery than war.
Catherton, Neb. Feb. 14, Special
Correspondence The hop at E. J.
Soloman's was a very pleasant affair.
3Irs. Snee is recovering from her
very severe illness, under the medical
care of Dr. Kehler.
Miss Sailor closed her term of school
at the Five Star on Friday last. Some
of the scholars did credit to their
teacher in the way of speaking.
Isaac Cowley recently put down a
well 173 feet deep.
Jim Worley also has a new well .
3Iima Frame spent a few days at
her fraternal abode last week.
3Irs. Will Davis has been spending
a few days with her brother, Logan
Riggins, who is unusually happy over
the advent of a baby girl.
Nearly all the farmers in this
vicinity are drawing wood from the
Blue river.
String Town, Neb. Feb. 14.
Special Correspondence The'quak
ers have been holding a meeting at
North Branch.
J. H. Hull is the happy father of a
son of usual weight.
Geo. Stifel has returned to these
The lyceum at the Hull school
house has closed.
Prairie Dooi
lJ jjftfrJffiB
The street railway is being survey
ed to day.
Frank Potter went to Bladden to
day to see his best girl.
Will Cropp has taken the position
as policeman at the depot.
D. M. Abie's little boy is recovering
from a sever attack of illness.
A little girl of Ed Graham, living in
soutn part of town, is low with brain
Jimmie McDaniel, the little son of
Will McDaniel, is reported to be
daneercusly ill.
3Ir, Cavenaugh formerly employed
as day operator at the depot, is visiting
w ith friends in this city.
The ties for the street railway are
being hauled from the depot and
placed along the proposed line.
A man by the name of Chamberlain,
who formerly employed sis a section
hand by the B. & 31. in this city, but
who for some time past has been laid
up by asev2r bruise on the If g received
while unloading rails, is reported to Le
in destitute circumstances.
Conductor Copelan, who for some
rime past ha been running on the
train known as the Cannon Ball, be
tween Red Cloud and Atchison was
bereaved by the death of his wife
Saturday. She leaves a husband and
a little infant to mourn her death.
J. W. Warren is visiting in Iowa.
3Ir. Van Doren. of Hastings was in
the city to-day.
The 'Appy 'Our club gave their
final ball last evening.
Constable Grice adds his name to
our daily list. Thanks.
Ira Sleeper shipped A. T. Orms
by's buggy to him to Denver.
John Touig, whe has been on the
sick list, is able to be around again.
All kinds salt fish of choicest
quality at Hacker & Parker's. 120-Ct
And the Daily Chief still lives
and every day brings us new subscrib
ers. To-iay is St. Valentine's day and
the small boy put in the time getting
W . H. Howe, of Cowles invaded
our metropolitan headquarters on
The city should sec to it at once
that the leakage in the stand pipe is
Frank Quigly was in the cable
street car wreck at Kansas City the
other day.
The pay car gladdened the hearts
of the B. & 31. employes. About
$4000 is paid out here monthly.
E. 31. Perkins, the city water com
missioner is preparing to do good
service for the city this spring and
A little girl made its appearance at
J. A. Tulleys on Saturday. It tips
the beam at eight pounds and of
course Al is happy.
TIake So 3IItak.
By dispelling: the symptoms so of
ten taken for consumption. Santa
Abie has brought gladness to many a
househole, by breaking up the cold
that has so often developed into that
fatal disease. Thousands can be saved
from an untimely grave. You make
no mistake by keeping a bottle ot this
pleasant remedy always in your house.
California cat-r-cure is equally effect
ive in eridicating all traces of nasal
catarrh. Both of these wonderful Cal
ifornia remeaies sold and warranted
by Henry Cook. $1 per package, 3
for $2.50.
. .
Fr feale r Trade.
A tree claim iquihiient,oe
mile and a half from a town aite, on ft
new B. & M. liae, also Bock Islaad and
Missouri Pacific have surveys near by.
Every foot tillable. Address Lock
Box 91, Red Cloud, Nebraska. 121-St
NO 29
ot a California Bear
Anybody can eaten a cold this kind
of weatner. The trouble is to let go
like the man who caught the bear.
We advise our readers to purchase of
Henry Cook a bottle of Santa Abie, the
California king of consmption. asthm
bronchitis, coughs and croup cures,
and keep it handy. Tis pleasing to
ihe taste and death to the above com
plaints. Sold $1.00 a bottle or three
for $50 California cat-r-cure gives
immediate relief. The catarrhal virus
is soon displaced by its healing and
penetrating nature. Give it a trial.
Six months treatment fl.OO sent bv
mail $1.10,
We will fill your prescriptions ac
curately and with the bast goods
mde,a Deyo & Dorr.
On or about Februarv 10th a reo-
resentative of the Red Cloud Tank:
Line will pass vour house dailv with
a complete line of Coal Oils and
Gasoline 101-Ut C. E. Webb,
3Iock Turtle and Okra, and Tomato
oup at Hacker &. Parker's the gro
cers. 42tf
Wanted Quick, a car load of old
machine castings. Highest marke;
price paid. A. L. Fcnk.
An Absolae Cue.
The original Abietine ointment ia
only put up in large two ounce tid,
boxes, and is an absolute cure lor osi
sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for.the
original Abietine ointmemt. Sold
Henry cook at 25 cents per box bj
mail 30 cents. tf
See that cur trabe mark, SANTA AB
IE, is on every bottle is is on every
bottle of that pleasant California rem
edy. Satisfaction guaranteed or mun
eyrefunded by Henry Cook
By dispelling the symptoms so often
mistaken for consumption. 5AN"TA.
ABIE has brought gladness to many a.
household and by promptly breaking
up tha cough and cold that too often
developes into that fatal disease will
yet syve thousands from an untimely
graye. You make no mistake by
keeping a bottle of this pleasant reme
dy always in the house.
The only guaranteed cure for catarrh,
cold in the head, hay sever, Rose cod
catarrhal deafness and soar eyes, re
stores the sense of taste and smell
removed bad taste and unpleasant
breath, resulting from catarrh. Follow
directions and a cars is warranted by
all druggists. Send for circular to
California. Six months' treatment for
$1 sent mail byl.10
sale by
Henry Cook, Jacssi. .
H. T. CLARK DRt Col "
Wholesale Agents Liacein, Nek -
. . . u
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