POVERTY OF RICHES. A MHHWHlr! MMU8Mt Nave m Fnr Penates. A loeacial us tells the Boston TVaa dipt Listeaer iaterestiag stories of a YeaeraUe Boston capitalist, whMs use, if pablished, would be "well known aad widely recognised" aa tke iaterviowers of aaoaymoas persoas always say aad which, for that rery reason, will mot be gives here. The capitalist origiasted la a Massachusetts country district, where ideas of thrift are instilled into people's minds in their altimate New England miauteaess, and in this man's case the seeds of iustraction in economy fell upon friendly grouad. To what extent he im proved upon his education in that diree tioa one story will illustrate. He once Tisited a dentist, who filed dowa a tooth that bad been giving him trouble. Not long after another tooth be gan to give him pain in somewhat the same way; whereupon the capitalist went to a hardware store, bought a cheap file, took it home, aad had his son-in-law file long aad patiently apoa the teotk. Bat there is another story that illus trates perhaps area more strikiagly the eld geatlemaa's thrift. He ased to drive his ewa carriage, a two-horse top-baggy. One day. Jest before Thaaksgiviag, he areve dowa to the Faaeail Hall market to bargaia far aad get hie tarkeyfor the fragal haft traditional feast at hishoase. As he drere ap a boy started eat as if to eftTer to held his team. At the same mo ' meat ha saw his cashier arriving oa feet. "Well, Smith, said thecapitalist to the cashier, "where are yea going?" Oeiag to market to get a turkey for Thaaksgrrmg" l the cashier. "Yesf Well, 1U tsllyoa what well so. I knew 'em la here, aad If you'll hold my horse, I thlak I can ge la aad bay two tat keys ea that they'll come cheaper to as baa if we bought them separately.'' AU right,' said the cashier. Betook apaisstatiea at the horses' heads while the aid maaweat lata the market. Ashe stood there, kiekiag his feet against the curbstone to keep them warm, a horrible aaspieiea came ever him that his em yleyer had ao idea of buying two tarkeys, bat had simply adopted the plan as a rase to get him to bold the horses, aad save the five cents that weald be expected by a small boy as.the miatmam compensation for holdiag'the horses 1 The old man was gone for a Ions time, looking for a bargain, no doubt. After awhile he hove in sight through the door, aad with bat a single turkey, done ap in brown paper under his arm. "No ase. Smith," said he; "I couldn't make it go. We can do just as well to bay oa oar own account. Seein' that that was the case, I thought probably you'd want to bay yoar turkey yourself." He got iato the carriage and drove away, leaving the cashier the happy con sciousness tl.at he had. at the sacrifice of his i.ine ami comfort, xsred a millionaire five cent- EXIT THE PUGILIST. A Bralwr Tackle a Countryman aad I Knocked Out la One Kuund. There is a small-sized tough in Scranton who, accord nz to a New York .Sun cor respondent, has developed into u bruiser, and he makes it a point to pick quarrels with peaceable strangors, just to have an excuse for fighting. In the men's wait-lag-room of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western station thj other (lay, tha small sized tough tackled a raw-boned resident of the backwoods, who was waiting to buy a ticket. He was a swarthy,horny-handed man of perhaps thirty five year of age, and the tough began at him by joggling the tottering railing against which he was leaning. The backwoodsman took his elbsw from the railing and stood up straight, without appearing to notice the preence of the little meddler. Then the bruiser, who pretended that he was in a great hurry to buy a ticket, jostled against the countryman purposely, aad the countryman backed away and gave him more room. He again bumied agaiast the backwoodsman, and when the latter made aaothor effort to give the tough all the room he wanted, the med dlesome pugilist bawled out: M8oy, buckwheat! ye step on my toes ag'ia an' I'll give ye at amp Inde snoot!" I didn't step on your toes, young feller, if yoa mean me," said the countryman, coolly. "Well, if ye didn't ye tried to, an' I'm goin' to lick yer fur try in," the littlo tough yelled: The other paaseagers stepped oat of the way, aad the slugger pat up his fists. awaag them aroaad his head, and said load encaga. for them all to hear: UI doat let ao hayseed run over me, aa ao backwacat Is go!a' to git away with me, aa' dan yer fergit it. Thea he danced ap to the oocatryman aathoagh be was goiag to blacken his eyes at the first blow, but the backwoods man pat ap hit brawny left arm, aad with the fiat of his calloused r.ght band he gave the tough a slap oa the left ear that cat him sprawling to the floor. All the pesseacers laughed, and the Scraaton toagh picked himself ap aad slunk ont of the station like a whipped car. Thea the countryman coolly turned to the ticket- 8ay, mister, whose little boy is that?" NONSENSICAL PRIDE. A Yeaag Wemaa Wit Wean Diamonds, Bat Uvea ta bqaator. Doctors make strange discoveries out side the field of science sometimes. "You have noticed what superb dia monds Miss wears," said a -ell-known family firactitloner to aa Albany Telegram reporter, "and Just as I have beea accustomed to do, have no doubt drawn the conclusion that she is wealthy aad above all the trials which slender meaas aloes can thrust apou a mortal. She is not a patisnt of mine, though I have beea slightly acquinted with her for years. Her diamonds I have seen at the theater and nt many a reception. A few days ago I was by accideut called upon to visit her in my professional capacity. I foaad her sitting up in a rocker with a wrap thrown around her. The house, I was astonished to observe, was brave enough oatside, bat within shabbily famished ea all bat the first fioor. lly patient's room was oa the third fioor. The wrap she wore was little better than a rag, her clothing not eves clean, aad fall of rents aad buttoalsss. The commonest necossaries of f araltare were absent from the room. la strange contrast to the almost squalid character of tbe'r surroundings the famoes dia monds von aad I kaow so well lay la their velvet-fined casket oa the dressing table.'' It has beea accessary ferobvkms rea eoas ta disguise the identity of the wearer ef the diamonds, bat the story la tree in Ms geaeral drift. Kcither did the doctor tell the story to the writer, far the etl aetteof medicine womld have f erWddea Suit. Yet thepablic kaewsthe wearer sftae dlameeds. though very few are ware of what it has cost the iedivJdeel fa has ap the iasigaJa wealth. NEWS NOTES. The Senate la executive sessloa ea tht 8th further considered the British extras! tioa treaty, but tuok ao positive action. One maa was fatally aad fear other badly hurt in Allegheny City, Pa., recently by the fall of timbers in aa addition to milL The Afghan Boundary Commission has at last completed its work aad the Britist members have left 8U Petersburg for Eng land. Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky, whe has been ill in Washington for some time, is reported better, but ao one is allowed tc seo him. Dr. E. Miles Willett, supremo medical examiner of the Catholic Knights ol America, died suddenly in Memphis, Tenn., recently. First Assistant Postmaster-General Ste venson, who is confined to bis home in Washington by a severe cold, expects to take a vacation shortly. The swelling in the lover part of the Ger man Crown Prince's throat has increased somewhat and interferes with his breath ing when he exerts himself. Fire at the residence of George D. Hill, three miles west of Bolivar, N. Y., burned Mrs. Hill aad two small children. The father was also badly burned. Mr. Watson, the designer of the yacht Thistle, has completed the drawings for four new yachts, one of them a center board bout to be built ea the Clyde. The Chamber of Commerce of St. Paul, Mian., has appointed a committee to coaler with a committee from Minacapolis regard ing the consolidation cf the two places. The Methodist Church at Fremont, O., waa destroyed by are recently aad two persons in the parsonage adjoiaiag were injured by falling walls. Loss, f35,UUU The British bark Abercora has beea wrecked oft the coast of Washington Ter ritory. She carried a crew of twenty seven men, of whom only three were saved. E. L. Spencer, formerly auditor of the Americaa Express Compaay ia Chicago, tried to kill himself recently by taking laudanum and stabbing himself with a pocket knife. Ha has beea out of work for four months. A dynamite explosion at the works of the Hancock Chemical Company, near Hancock, Mich., recently wrecked No. 2 packing house and blew down No. 1 adjoining. The workmen, J. A. Armotul, John Olsola and Adam Ytsels, were instantly killed by the explosion, which was of terrific force. Judge Nooaan, of St. Louis, has decided the celebrated Iron Hall iusurance case, the defendant, M. S. Cooper, being dis charged. The decision is a victory for the secret organizations, all of which were In terested in it It is to the effect that the order of the Iron Hall is not Mibj -ct to the State Insurance law. P. Donorun, a lineman of the Electric Light Company, of Denver, CoL. while at work on one of the high pules was suocked by a current of electricity and Tell to the sidewalk. He struck upon the side of his head aad was killed. He had incautiously caught hold of a wire upon which the cur rent was still in operation. Will Summcrville, an eighteen-year-old boy, was killed the other night at Memphis, Tenn.. by coming in contact with an elec tric light wire. One of the Brush lights was ou the grouud auu u lot of boys were naving fun with it by tnuchinz it und being shocked. Summcrville touched it with a piece of hoop iron and was killed almost in stantly by tho lock. 11ABKET REPORTS. Grata aad ITorlaloas. Kinu Ctxr. Feb. T. fLOOa-Firm: XX too: XXX. mod 1.05: faaUlj; 91.15Q1.SS; choice 91.ai.&: mac ti.essii.Ta. Whxat Nominal; No. i soft winter. May, 80s bid, 81c asked. Conn Weaker; No. 8 cosh, 41c bid, lc asked: February, 49c lad, 48c asked; March, 43e bid, 44c asked: May. 43Se. No. white, cash, 47c asked; May, 48fcc bid, 49c asked.: Oats No. S cash, 94c asked; February, 80s asked: Msy, 30Jc bid. Site asked. STB No X cash, 60!ic bid. Paooccs Uuttei; sUudr; creamery, fancy, tTc; good. Sde aae dairy. 16330c: store packed, choice, 1419c. Esu. ftnnai9i PaovuiOMS Horns (sagar cured). Us: breakfast bacon, HWic; dried beet 9c; dear rib sides (smoked). ttSSU. loag clear sids m,H; shoulders. 98JS0: short clmr side 9M9; mess pork, t14 (JO: tieroe lard. 95.73. CAma Steady and higher; cows. tl.eo33.QO; butcher-, SS.30it5.70: snipper. Bt4t.43. Saasr Strong-; sales at94.15tt4.SO. Boos Weaker; packing aad shipping. K9t 5.43; light, eLwfeeiss. a. ocm, Feb. 7. ruWB-Qulst; XXX. etaflU.40; XX. M ajSJB; family. aUSa.1D; choice. tUsvAOU; faacy.feSOOUa Whbat Lower; No. t red, cash, SISalKe; March, tlKc; Msy. MiWao. Cobb Slightly cater: casa, mvWAar. March, c; May. MWic. Oa-Uarely steady; ease. tJic: Max, Kc. Ba Nothing doiac. BABMT-FlrmatWttaa. PaoDOCa Batter, arm; creamer N99s: dlrr. lSfrrto. Bags. Mc PHo visions Porte. aew. 913.00. Lard. 17.45. Dry salt meats boxed shoulders. 99.7558,00; loagclears, 97.374i7J0; clear ribs. t7.50Q7.Utt; Short slears, t7.7SQ8.aa Hams, steady at tKLM sua )HtKT-teady atfl . . Catojc Stronger ; choir hesvy aatlvc steers, 94.403SJ0: fair to good. f3.90ftM5a Sbbkf Steady: fair to cheioa, 139035.40. Houe Stronger; choice heavy aad batchers' selections. .45sU3: psrklsK, ss.wa3.sa Chicago, Feb 7. IYoor Dull; winter wheat, vi.SUOI.S5; spring, ll.73iX4.50; rye, rj.70a3.la; buckwheat. af.0B6t3.50. Wricat Weak. No i'nn. 7eHQ77Me; No. 3 spring, AC -Kc; No. i red. TSTttc Cohm Dull; No .- 40tt Oats Jjower: No. v. x-aiasoc. RVE No. -i. COc BAKLar-No. S, ei&ttic. PaonDCR Butter, tame: creamery, 5fcS8e; dairy, lftai-. Km. dull at 9ilc Provisions Mess porn, 114.80 t!4.4l Lard t7.77SG7.6a Sliort rib kifk ihims. 97.75. Dry salted shoulders, boxed. 0WC.0. Short clear sides, boxed, I8.00&8.03 WH18KT Dlstlli.-r' llrnvhiM eorxls. Si IS CATTUt Steady to strong: steers. tS.00 3 5J5; Blockers and feeders, 3.1(135. 8hxsf Slow and lower; natives, SS.O0S5J5; lambs. 94.73692. HOOs-MUed, 159095.40; heavy, cM09)5.7a NBWVoaK.Feb.7. Fima Firm; superfine, 9143" 8.00; comsaoa to good western extra and state. tJCSOfiAS; good to choice da. 93.40 C.ua Wheat Doll aa i weak: nagraded red. 8W c; No X red. Si!40fc; February. 883(9 Ssttc; March. 9Jia Ho: April. 98XfcKc: Msy,9lSi'K9-l8c Coatt Easy; UBgrade!. 90a!e: No. 3, 39c; No. 2, M46a)!4c: Februsrr. 57XW4c; March, COJiftoetfe; April. 90ji&mjiti May. Wi 890X0. Oats Weak aad duU: mixed westers. :t tw: white western. 4ft47c PSOODCK Batter, easy; western. MdSm. Eggs, quiet and weak; westtra,x:Z3e. Caxtu Heavy: common to prime steers, a739)SJ9: aTewtops.95.a3ft3.9t; caDsaaddry WWS.aM993.99. MBBr-Dutt aad weak; shrep, 94.U3CMH; lambs. 95.9Si7.ia. aVms Nominally steady at tMaaaJm AN EXCITING CONTEST. BOU AHifator Attacks Btcdof CatttoiM A Haagalaary Battle Waleti Eaacd la aa Dostraetlcsi ml the Asssllaat Bam Seme cf the Assaad-1Jati voted Animal Pafeaeitr Avery exciting aad Mngoinary coa test between a huge bell apigator aad several head of cattle occurred receatly, a few miles from Kissemm, Flo., on the bank of Lake Tohopakaligo, ia which the alligator was killed and two balls so badly injured that they had to be shot, and another wns rendered almost hors de combat. A party of hunters, scven.1 of them visitors from the Tropical Hotel here, writes a correspondent of 'the St. Louis Globe'Democrat, were camping oat on the lower shell mound, eight miles soatheast of here, which overlooks the lake, though several hundred rods from the shore, which is marshy and grassy. Cattle gather near there by the hun dreds, as the grass is always fresh, aad black lies, their bane on most lake sides, gcacrally absent. While eating their dinner that day the haatcrc ere startled by load bollowlags that came from the lake, accompanied by the well-kBOwa "cry" or grant of alligators. Oa hastily getting to the bluff a most cx- citiag sceae was witnessed. From the appearance of the f sld it would seem that oae ef the old balls went to the shore for water, aad as he wasdriakiag a big 'gator ram ap aad seised his nose. The spec tators came oa the field just a momcat afterward. The ball, a big black animal with a pair of magnificent sharp horaa slightly curviag backward, was takea at a terrible disadvantage, aad began bel lowing loadly aad endeavoring to shake eff his antagonist. The 'gator had se cured a firm hold, however, and he cluag tenaciously, churning the water (ate foam with his immense tail, the blood streaming from the bull's nose already dyeing the waters red. With a mighty effort the bull plunged backward, aaaliag his "attachment" partially oa dry land, aad then the fun waxed furious. The bull, rendered frantic from the pain, endeavored to hook t ha 'gator, aad, tailing in that, stamped at him aad plaagcd around madly to get rid of his foe. Attracted by his bellowing, two other bulls came f urioasly down the side, and seeing the 'gator plunged at him. Ob serving his new enemies, the latter ea deavored to escape, but too late. -Oae of them caught his horn near the 'gator's fore leg, and with na upward tois tore a big hole ia his side, the saurian respond ing with a deep roar of eager and pain. As the other bull came oa the 'gator thrashed around with his tail and gave the animal a terrible blow, knocking him over on his side with a dull thump. His first victim was aow free, and the three now thoroughly-infuriated animals sur rounded their foe, bellowing, and with lowered heads, presenting a picket of sharp horns which the saurian didn't like, as he attempted to crawl in to the water. But his three opponents now began a sys tematic warfare. First one would dash at him, escaping the flying tail of the big reptile, and give him a dig with his horns and endeavor to toss him. The 'gator was getting weaker all the whiK, and, though still game, he seemed anxious to cry quits. One of the bulls allowed his anger to blind him finally, and as he came on without his usual caution the reptile whirled and delivered a sweep ing blow with his tail that canght the animal's legs, breaking them like pipe-stems, the bold fellow falling with a roar of madness that could have been heard a mile, while the saurian's eyes seemed to gleam with triumph as they glowered at this enemies. Then ensued a rough-and-tumble contest, which no description could do justice to. The bulls plunged viciously at him, oftentimes hitting one an other in their mad rushes, while the alli gator swept his big tail around in endless circles and inflicted terrible whacks oa their sides and legs. For over twenty minutes this was continued, the mingled roars of the infuriated animals produc ing indescribable, ear-splitting sounds. Finally the 'gator again seised his first vie tim by the nose, and with a death grip. The other animal planged in, and, catch ing both horns auder the 'gator's side, gave him a toss, rippiag him ap so that his eatrials protruded. The effect was seen at once, aa his terrible flail played more feebly, bat bis hold on the ball's aose could not be broken. Several more agly wounds were made, aad the reptile's roars of anger changed to those of pain aad fear. His antagonis t charged at him timeand time again, lacerating him ter ribly. Finally ao resistance was made, the victor tramping on the bloody car cass, though the terrible grip of those iron jaw s still maintained their hold on the nose of the first bull, who had been forced to his knees aud was fast dying from the terrible blows he had received and the great loss of blood. Several of the watchers thea went dowa and mercifully shot the two wounded bulls. The alligator, which measured, as well as they could ascertain over seventeen feet, the head aad jaws being six feet, was a monster, but was lit erally torn to pieces and disemboweled. The blow delivered by the 'gator's tail broke several ribs of the bull, whose legs were also broken, while even the victor was badly injured. The one which had been seized by the nose presented a horri ble appearance, the flesh having beea stripped to the bene by the iron bold of the saurian's jaws. It is seldom such en counters are se?n, and the siKjctators to this unique fight said it was the most thrilling affair they ever witnessed. The 'gator? attack young cows and calves very ofton, and the annual loss to the catt'e-owners amounts to hundreds of dollars. Rut it is seldom a bull is attacked, as they are so wild as to become very ferocious and dangerons. Organized Fm:Ue Thieves. A new method of st?nlins lias jost beea detected at Vienna, An-tria. A number of women established employment offices for placing shop prls and succeeded ia gaining the confidence of nam cross store keepers. The yoang ladies they recoav monded were first instructed to rob their employers and hand over the proceeds of their thefts to th sgeats. The latter made their regular roumN every day. Oa cuteriaza store the agent woald make a small purchase, for which she woald pre-1 tend to pay with a large x.i. . i. 4- Fk. w p iiu m ,, mns. m.mm flctitioas difference, consisting of money stolen, was then openly placed ea the counter and pocketed by the agent The latter retained CO cents or $1 of erery day's t&kuigs of each ghi and paid the re mainder tu the latter. The whale gaag is bow ia custody. The occarreaee saey lead to the geaeral latrod actios of oar system of a cashier's desk la every stere to replace the ordiaary moaey-drawer accessible to every .employe. The losses ef some of the storc-keepcre are cstimatcsl B3,eWtof4,008, II Firmer, ul Herfats BANKING CO., genexaJbauridnclKisractta trans acted in all ita branche. VttXR FAID Of TDC TOTS. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Three or five years straight 8 pe cenL single mortgage. No delay ui securing money. DIRECTORS : Silas Garber, Geo. B. Holland. E. B. Smith. G. O. Veiser, W. 8. Garber. CORRESPONDENT Kouatz Bros.. First Notional Bank. First National Bonk. New York, City - Omaha, Neb Lincoln. Neb Everybody All Firmtn Ddrr-Mm Gardmn PoedtrjmM Fralt-rrowtrs stoek-rmlstra Hout-ktptrs WOOl-fTOWtW li Otemfcy, laaafa at CKy. Tae Prairie Farmer mate retsced to !. a Tear. Highly Useful la alL lavacd Even- Week, well lllat- trated. finely printed; mr j peg. s full of reliable, practical, useful Information. Everjl reader wUI act many Hints i and Suggestloaa, Each worth a whole year's cost-Edited by ORANGE JUDD I whose Name l a cherished j 'Uasutekatsl Wr" icl Mll.ions of American lU'ia-s.' SMI oKA.vP. jrnn p:-d f- 25 rears, and Mnu etl wuut u!ll up IheoM Ai.ierlctn -tie it .!:. t-o i a diminutive tbtrt w:ih only nil isV kscrtber. t- t-e the fr niu' JnurnsJ ?cf lirl. In tsod:liiiiat;' T was tnttreiy the mutu v: y.r Ji i wun.Ke Ai.-inu cil. w ruir- aaderliU i..lmtiua a.dfi lecitua. Mr J. is ww at hisbt. with a long experience aru murn , information, galn-d t- a per jsonal studv -t th whole fcouDtry. lie s tlso !.- - k. FstdbyniMW.-(ou:ysONS f TOIT van Th FaraBrx Vm n . ;, .- wans : V.mr iill: RCIf w.ni .'.. Ki-i vi. $100.00 i tINSUiiAKC; Ieryrmll'fc''!:l, haTeapain-u.'. h.m !-. PoIIe .! nut. uIm In - . ' i , a. n ,.ti l: HOrtS ti i. :.. Isi-: - of Ltc oi L. tiaurs fti Pran' Fr,nir. OMMsara I'll li -ii . SPECIMEN FE .A The Prairie Farmer andhe WEEKLY CHIEF FOR year. City Harness Shop J. L. MILLER, -DEALER IX rTARNESa COLLAKS, SADDLBb 40RSE-BLANKETS WHIPS HARjrvir". dvary thinsr nnlkept tn . llarlle sop. first cl;ss SherfSPa Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under and bv vir tue of an order of sale Issued out ol the district court if the eighth Judicial Uiitrlctinand for Webster county Nebniska upon a degree in an L-iioii Dendint: in said court wherein Thoau A Stecpalunllaaa MattleE. Feihtand Harry Fekjat is defendants I shaU offer for sale itniAiip vviMlue for cash in hard at the east rirrr the coart bouse lu RedCioud. in saw .mintvfUiat beinK tlis place where tlie last terra t Maid court washohli .ii.iA.irt iuhdkleu)ontlie 1-th day of innh ISM at 'l o clock p. m. the foUowing de-s?rKyroPrtyto-wltj Tlic wtrtliaUojthe north-east quarter, and the west half of the MShit iiwrter of section twenty-two. in toft vko. naa. "-. - ni mii i". "Bi".-.."-:"":' -;----: .t. -.!..,, Clvennuder mybandtWsGtu uayoireura air ism. ce& McNenv. H. C.S-OTT, Sheriff. Attyi Br riaiuuina. l.W.TUI.EVB,M.D. 03I0EO1IATHIC PHYSICIAN. U. B. EX uantn'SiuwoH. Office opuusltc First al Baak. Ked Cloud. Nebraska. ic diseases treated !' maU. JOHNO. YEISgJt. aa sr a a ait am alas aaa lailiiinl A?carVwbeT5ESed: .iL!Mh amine and Webstar street. 1 Bcrfticai, Nebraska. Wants B This. faiibfi t iay-. Palmer, Crawford & Co. DEALEBSEf windmills, Pumps, Moiwng Machines, &c. Make a specialty of Eclipse Windmill repairs, licited and Promptly filled. Geo. O. REAL AGENTS SO OOO acres Lasl for Sale. ImproTed. Farms, usimproTsxl Loads. BustaeawHoasem, Reeridencem aad Town Lota GEO. WHITSON, DEALER If general hardware, $toyjp ! Iron, Kails, Tin and Copper-ware. Keep on hand the celebrated Sterling Stoves, Ranges and A Base Burners, the beet in use. Superior Barb wire always on hand Old stand on East Side Webster street, ed Cloud R. V.Shirev, Pres. Hknky Cl ark e, Vice-I'res. J.so. R. Siiiret, Carti Howard B. Cathxb, Assistant. Cssaier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK.u Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL. - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, bay and sell county warrants, also county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy aad sell forciga exchange DIRECTORS: Jas. JlcXenv. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shirey. -John R. Shirey. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kenney. fiiiilr New stock and almost at your own figure. Come and get bargains. F. V. TAYLOR, Opposite First National bank' and Post Office. Special attention given to undertaking. ED CIi0UD PTiepii IK LctI Moure. 5ldSi,,,Mlt. W. K. Jscsaea,Vlc.ftsluent. L. P. AJbrUht.CashJer. Capital $50,000 Saaelal ttaitian 3i Callaetlanr -nTWirpriBJi J. W. Saenrood. II. Wrtm ood L. P. Albrtgbt. lerl Moore. W. E. Jacksea. Buy and sell Exchange Make eoHections and do a 3eneral BaakingBueineas. Interest allowed on .me deposita THE TRALERS LUMBER CO.. WILL MAKE POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world. Waraer & Wolfanger RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DEALERS IX Fine Boots fc Bitoes FINE SLIPPERS, I Orders s o f l-6m. Seiser & Co., EST A T E Every Body NOW it. a "?5 BM 3aaaaafB sfJaaBBBBBsaBaaBa f 'BBa ealaHaaaaaHHilSr1 SPSittulffStt9KBBfK t . 4' ' 4 X' S ; hv t rcaimNCSa?33-!&&'&T