r V -3 i fcr ( 49 MONDAY. Supervisor Berg is up again. L. C. Gross has been on the sick list. A U. Becker went to Lincoln Sun day. Horace Kasterday spent Sunday in McCook. Prof. Jud Clark, of Fairbury is in the city. Chas. Newcotnb has T?turned from a trip to California. See the "Marble Ireatu' at the Methodist church to-night. The government is authority for a cold wave by to-morrow morning. f Xo choice in seats to-nigt at the Methodist church. First come first served. J. II. Itemsburg has been on the sick list, but we are glad to say he is out again. The admittance to-night at the Methodist church is but one half the "F& usual.price of this company. There will be a grand ball given in the Moon block hall to-morrow eve- ' ninir. Prof. Clark'., orchestra will furnish the music. A. J. Welch has been appointed corresponding secretary for Xebraska, of station agents railway association ef the United States. Parties desiring to attend the en tertainment at the Methodist church to-nisht should go early as there will undoubtedly be a large crowd in at tendance. Mrs. William liarrett. living at Judson departed this life on Sunday after a protraccd illness. The EvE niso Chief extends its condolence to the bereaved husband and family in their hour of trouble. Buckien's Arnica Salvo. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruges, Sorer. Ulcers. salt iinetun. Fever Sire.-. Tetter. Chnjiel Hands Chilblains. Corns, ami :ill Skin Erup tions, and ;tively cures Pile, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect s:itiif"t, tT nnmey refun ded. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by Henry Cook. "it lli-romiiM-Hdutioii. The body of Renj. Little who died at Red Cb.ud Januaiy 24 was em balmed anl placed in a tnetalic casket bv 3Ir. V. V. Taylor and shipped to Oelwein. Payette county, Iowa, came tProush in nice hape. V I). E. Little. Nashua. Iowa. Xrarly A Blaze. Ayer'- Hair Vtoir iiiijrcTf. the ri.iut rf tlif liiiiraml i.roiatr..'iiunuili. It ii-t tin acciiiiiulaticn f Jauit-.:r. rU-aa-- the --a!i. aal re-tort u tatunil cl-r to jrrox hair. Hae a refi il At" ASnwai" (or the new war? U m'..i:M!iac:i:e-iniM- he.nl f hair, e-elair- "lec.il.'.e iS'.eiliau Hair Srciiewt-r. heiiw-t wi.li:fi'lli-tor of nVin tm.e or the lwlrar.il M.al:. ?Iako To ?Illale- Bv !i--j-ell--jr :! --yint'tnis t of ten tiifc.--i: I'-r .-..-MK.-.ption. Saiit hje hfr- oronjMi '.ni"? to many a household, 2-y r-kins up th" e.lii that h .- !''" !cv-lp"'l into thsit f:ttal dis'---- - T2i(r-.-i!'l- -'ti l saved from :.::'" ,ily ur:iv it insice :t(. n!i- 'v --'''''r : '"tti- f' '"''' ub lint '" 1,v' ;w-v :i: y'M'r liou?e C..lif.:i.i- .-ai-r-etir i-5 .tjiially rfl'.'rt f hi tin K-nfi. ! true"" ': n--trl cat:;rr! " :! of tin-- c ! rful Ca!- ifnilllM !' r'.l- r-olil :ilid W.llTHIItfcll by !!:.. "i l ,H-r package. 3 i..r $2..Vi. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ihit Vr nevr Varie--. Marvel of pure slreiiKtliaial ho'esosiwiess, mor sonom!rnl than the or'lir.'rjkmdaud cannot 'eiiold in tstmpetitn: with i!m iiiulthilw of low test short v ehiht aluw or iborhal-p wihirs. Sold only iu i:i-. :i -"i'AL K K I : I-OWDER CO. in; Wall srett. Y. City. WEDNESDAY Oae of Lon Eddy's children is quite sick. Miss Lucy Sullivan is reported to be dangerously ill. H. W. Brewer left this morning for Brnmnled Neb. on business. Another car of ties has arrived for the street railway company. All kinds salt fish of choicest quality at Hacker & Parker's. 120-Gt Mrs. Chas. But chow recieved a tele gram announcing the death afher mo: her in Peoria 111. this morning. W. T. Auldof Guide Rock has been appointed assignee of John S. Marsh, who failed somd few days ago. Mrs. F. Peisiger, mother of C Buschow is in the city and will remain here until Mrs. Buschow returns from Illinois. We nre in receipt of the Daily Jour nal a lively six column folio published at Kearney Xeb. We have placed i on onr X list. What about that canning factory? Mr. M, It. Bent'ey who has Wen over in our neighboring state for a few dftvs has returned home. John R. Shirey, cashier of the First National Bank is again aide to be around. We are glad to see him up again after hi recent illness, Bible studies at the Babtist church on Thursday evening t at 7 o'clock Subject -'Jesus a.id the little ones," Mathew IS 1-14: All are invited. The board of supervisors have or dered the bridge over Crooked creek east of the city repaired. The board will probably put in a first class bridge there soon. C. E. Webb, proprietor of the Red (loud Tank Line, is now in the city and gutting ready to go the rounds. This U a legitimate enterprise and will be well patronized by our people. Thk Evening Chief wishes Mr. Webb and his enterprise success and pros penty. Mrs. C. Buschow of this city and Mr. A. Zerwekh, of Blue Hill left this morning for Peoria. Illinois, to attend the funeral of their mother, who died there on Tuesday morning. Their friends in this city and Blue Hill sympathize with them in their dire affliction. The iiord of trade should not rest easy in railroad matters but should ke! delegation? at the front all the time. The path between this city and the various irenerai managers offices stiould be kept warm with applications from this city. Keep it up, don't say that a man has been there once and that will do. but keep some one going lii tii time. Troe3! Tree3!! Trees III Il m: want fruit. forest or ornamen tal tret, or .-ma-l fruit trees of all kind at bed took prices call at the City Feed Store and leave orders fur what vou want. ppo-ite I. O. L. H. HirsT, Lock Bos 1 52. STILLWATER. Stillwater, Feb. S. Special Cor respondence There was a leap year jiarty at J. K. Allen's on Wednesday eveninn of last week. Those present report having had a good time. Louie Orr, who has been going to school in Superior is home on a visit. John Purvis of Superior was visit ing his uncle, Adam Orr, last week. Hugh 3Iclntyr Sr., has laa suf fering with a lame back for about a week or ten days. He is some better now. Adam James from near Blue Hill was visiting in this vicinity last week. J. 15. Potter has traded his farm for half of the Guide Rock mill. ' Frxsw HIGHLAND Highland, Kansas, Feb. S. Spec ial Correspondence John Merrill visited Mankato last week. Ghas. Huppy has returned from the east. Married at the reaidcDce of the bride's father in Highland, Mr. Jim Wait to Miss May Wood. The happy couple have the best wishes of the entire community. Tom Brown is the last victim of the fan loving waifs of Dutch Flat. Harvey Merrill lost a pair of val uable young horses by distemper, William R. Barton has the Arkan sas fever. Bldge Leggett has moved to Kan sas from Nebraska having rented Mr. Geo. Coon's farm in Smith county. Quite a number of our young folks ; went to hear the negro preacher at .B ,f - p.vl.ti, JDiiU lllllitU aJaWeu ITvniSD , "--"vw TUESDAY The board of supervisors are 'n sessioa to-day. G. W. Liadsey has been oa the sick list for a few days. The fire department will have dan ces at their hall on the 14th and 22nd. Seven days from to-day will be "get-even day" or St. Valeatine picture gallery. A. M. Talbott, John S. Marsh, Jack Hayes, J. M. Chaffin and Supervisor Hampton, of Guide Bock are in the city to-day. Hose company Xo. 2 were out throwing water last ni ht The com I pany threw a stream clear over J. L Miller's harness shop. The company is doing good work. For the last few days the county officials having been hovering between a cjld wave and balmy spring. The coal supply having given oat they were compelled to burn sawdust, prairie grass and such, until the board bought more coal. Geo. 31. Palmer 31. D., of Xew York state arrived in this city yester day in response to a telegram from Mr. T. J. Mosher, who called him here to treat his case. He is the old family physician of the family while' they lived in the east. He will re main here about two or three weeks. This morning John K. Aultz came very near furnishing a little work for the fire department. It seems that John (more fortunate than the rest of us) had some hams in the summer kitchen which he was smoking, and in some wav one of them fell down upsetting the kettle of fire, distribu ting the embers under the kitchen timbers from which a little fire emi nated. One of the neighbors saw the smoke ascending heavenward and ascending gave the alarm in time to save the house from being consumed. The Strrrt stall way. A letter from Kansas City received this nioinitig announces the cheer ing news that work on the street rail way will be commenced on the loth. The ties were shipped from Memphis Tennessee and have arrived and been unloaded. Good. Aid. Cather is on the sick list, but s convalescing. John Fulton and Geo. Young de part to-night for Arkansas. John Uentley is the happy father of a bounding baby boy. Usual weight G Dow has purchased the bal ance ot the hardware stock ot Jioss Bros. D. C. Mjers left this morning for a visit with friends and relatives in Council Bluffs. John Jncobion, deputy oil in.-ni'ctor was in the city the other day, and iw tified dealers that he would prosecute all who sold oil or gasoline that did iu t cotne up to the tet. Gui Bartch the little "Yern.an pe -nut vender" wsit taken before police magistrate West charged with coin ing concealed wc-ipons and doiiv a gambling business on : mikiII tcl. H wa-s fined $10 and co?N. :tud thn of the little bids who were also t.-.keii were given 15 minute- in the city ba tile. We vou Id gently insinuate ha; perhaps it would nut be a bad idea t: some of the oldet violators of the Jaw in the same respect be taken in and treate . likewise instea 1 of bcius btg irce. Give them all the same dose big and little young and old. Garden Field and Flower Seeds Don't send off for garden seeds, when we can fill your orders by the oz. cr lb. for less money and with better seed?. Our stock is fresh and reliable of the latest improved var ieties from the best seed house in the land, who handle northern grown seed.-. We do not sell on commis sion, and nothing but fresh seeds in the bulk. Give us a call. Perkixs & Mitchell, diw feb Amch Bed Cloud Xeb. Advertised Lettebs, Remain ing uncalled for in the P. O. at lied Cloud, Xebraska, for the week ending February C, 1888. UENTLElfEV .. . -. Daniel HoIIehan, James Press, Wm. W. Watkins, E. J. Patterson -,,. tT rfeu- B. i?. Waterman, G. W.Baker, R. 3L Crampton. LADIES r T tl ii ti c- .. - -Hrs. Belle t. Perrj, Miss L. McLiin Mrs. Ellin McKtnslcy. i inese leiiers win nn uit ii i lltese letters will be seat to tha , ac.i ietter .. -it-,,.!, r laco Q letter omce 31arch Ci,18b8, if a j- asjIIaJ Fa KaVma . e --r. v xw .. a. .uahu, A". m. BACON'S BIG JOR The Investigation of Trusts a. 8ta psodousUndartaJcinc HostOs ' Itiflnanoas. i loc-Lard and Cottoa-Seed-OU-8ae- . ...,.uc..:.itw.iTui I CCeviMcorciMuiwU.c: System HtiTy George Endorses President Olera- land'i Administration Mosey Far a College. Washixotox, Feb. 6. Henry Bacoa, of i ICew York, chairman of the House Coav . auttee on Manufactures, who ha been di-! rected by resolution to investigate the I whole subject "of trusts," has been ill lor i a week, but be managed to get out Satur-1 day to attend the regular meeting of the, committee and aeain to-day to spend a , short time iu the House committee rooms, j Mr. Bacon is very much interested in the huge tusk which the House has imposed upon his committee, and be has a full ap preciation of the importance of making the inquiry deep and thorough. It is plaia to him as it is to bis associates tbat the work is rull of difficulties. From the outset the committee will encounter the hostility of cotton trusts, sugar trusts, rubber goods trusts, petro leum trusts and the many other organiza tions intended to make their member rich by compelling consumers to pay prices not regulated by free competition. A great deal of assistance will be expected from the public, and persons who have informa tion tbat can be used in enlightening Con gress should send in facts, nasies, figures and every thing else. The ground work for the investigation has been laid, and it may be some days before the committee will begin taking testimony. Mr. Bacon as signed to the task or arratging the work Messrs. Breckinridge, of Arkansas, By sum, of Indiana, and Hermann, of Oregon. He has co-operated with this committee and the four have assumed to eacn ae ber of the whole committee a special vrus to be read up. samples or tann. Wasuisotos, Feb. C The friends of the pure hog lard legislation have tiled in the Agricultural Department for analysis a number of samples of alleged adulterated lanl. This morning Congressman Phelan, of Memphis, which is the chief center of he cotton-seed-oil interest, at which the proposed legislation is aimed, called at the department with D. F. Fox, the attorney for the large refining interests. They al leged that spurious samples had been con cocted, and aked that all s.implcs submit ted by either side in the investigation be accompanied by affidavits establishing their authenticity. Commissioner Colman agreed to tbU. They then asked to ie furnished a list of the samples furnished by the pure hog lard representative Mr. Kimball, of Boston and offered to furnish lists to Mr. Kimball or all samples submitted by them. Mr. Kimball vigorously protested against this, and the Commissioner withhold the lists till Monday. M'ECIAL DEMVEKIES A SUCCESS. Washington, Feb. a To the ight of the officers of the Post-office D -artment the .pe-ial delivery systt-ra has now proved to be a success. Huturns received from all free delivery pu-.t-ftice for the quarter ended September "W. 17, showed that 271. 5J3 speciul delivery letters hal been delivered, which was a largn increase coai pared with the previous quarters. For the quarter ended December 31 the returns re ceived howed n increase of l?.6perceut. over the September quarter, 'ih-i normal increase in the general -M:al buhin'-ss during the same icriod was less th.m 10 per cent., which shows that the special de livery system is increasing more rapidly thaulhe" general postal business "It is a pronounced succes-s," s.itd a promin-nt of ficer of the department today, "and its best featuteis Vuat the Uf.wrnmeut can not lose a cent, for ir no letters are deliv ered no expeu-c is incurred." hkxkv GF.oia;n. Wamiinitos, Feb. 0. lii an interview to-day Heaiy George said: "Mr. Cleveland has !ei i.Js face elenlyin the direction of free :r::de. The length or i umber of the the seps is not f i much importance as that a step has been taken. Fresldent Cleveland is even now in sidvanco of his party and has inside the issue. It can not be dodged or evaded. 1 am with the Ad ministration and opposed to a thiid party Presidential candid ite as o:is a-, the Ad ministration and tho D-moen.tic p.irty tend toward freedom. 1 have a strons be- liei iuuk.xit.-siui.-iii. ..-t.-.....u is .i muic radi.-a! than h. njrtv or even his m.-ssace. and that h--will at the opportune moment .i. ..i.. ,-,.,, :u J...., v.;. i.. A. Ittuu a n l.u iui Ail mane ii iiui ou- vanee look itisicnificant." A n.'lTl:T BLEfslSO. Washington, Feb. 6. Major Warner :.:' ..? :r.rtT..r,r,.r:r ti-t Female Colleee of Loxinrton Ma ir SvmorheSSfxSSiVS Statestroop, occupied the college buUdiw during the war. The trustees have beet trving for over twenty years to collect th monev. It isoneof the first claims of the kind allowed bvContrress. Mr. Springer, .-,- .i.Ain--Mnwi .v-' JL.1 s-srsi s-2--5 demands. The college is to becongratu laed. Mr. Warner says the claim is a just one and there is no reason why it should not have been paid long ago. DODGE MUST GO. Washington, Feb. i". A eommuclca- tlnn signed asking for Do 're, has Bio r oi .Agriculture. The movement is n: iterstocd to imvc originated with the to bivco growers, who were asrur eved the statistician's crop report lat summer. Heavy IoIim-rr. JToktolk. Va., Feb. 0. Between two and -xe.uceniwoana jr burglars entered haimati & Gale, id four o'clock thi-4 niomin the jewelry store of Chapman & Gale, Main street, itnouli a kvliqhl, took the door off the safe . tid V'.e nil tbe diamonds. j gold watches a.-t valuables in the stock. The firm was i-.irryicg a l.irt stock of tho Kockford Watch Com; any's sroods, wbic they were sel.in-t on the club plan. The j value of th e - od stu en i- estimated at i ajtO.Uxt. So tr.ice of the burglars has yet , been obtained. t i ftlH-itiiif lutllMn Vrrrittirr. j Kansas Citt, Mo., Ffb. 6 l"he confer- i cpv-", - d"'U'9 'he opening of the Indian Territory, which wi.l be held a Board it Tr. de H.U Wednesday, promises ' i to be a grand success. S'-eretury Ritchie eontinues ti receive letters tecep:iag the 1 invitation sent out oy tne commutes zroa . rcprewniaiiTe ciiizcdb oj jiuisaa, souri and Arkansas. i ..i . Mhv Trm-B-M. x-oriJtK-j-.urr.3io.. x-eo. u ine evens te war ou u. tramps at St. Joseph aad Ksbsss City is being felt. bre. Thlsplaea ! AVOPMili rrtf -kfWffi. itf tMArtt unil tBaaa-a la irarr uramiMt that tlinra urill imu ha im sf stealing done. - :- t - oy memners or i onzress, "L." ." ... r .sm ,-:i . i thirteen voais old. c::d Zl Z?IJ T7-!!1,SS, cently, when he was located at Fort Scott, i -on of F,ljce:n. i John . . . -,.....' nmnini' lunuur v.as uvaiu u. miu uum i-.- i .. -.. . ,-..v-v. j .. . iMII.ir ir--- . .. .1 .... ,,n.,av TROUBLESOME MOBS. of tk DtotarbanoM mX Shenandoah Sawtlar - Klotiaf iaSaoiaWitaaLoaa ' ITr ,... . e.Mi... of Severn LI res-Twa Soldier 4 W OCTCB UITW-I w ovrani w , Several Civiliaaj Weaaded BaiValoat Jadiaaa White (km v..n. an.:. . Vi.. i.:,rfAu " i Fatally Whip a Wltaaaj Agailrt Oga af Their Leaders. PrmacBoa. Pa, Feb. 6. As was feared, collision occurred Saturday between the noa - union men at the 8olar iroa works and the strikers, in which three persons were injured, one, a sutteea-year-ota iau namea Joseph Keaaa, it is thought being fatally shot. Tbe works watcn nave neea hub iot i the nast two months on account of a strike resumed operations with eighty colored men, members of the Amalgamated As sociation, which surrendered iu charter last Thursday. A force of twenty police was placed on guard at the mill aad at Bight the aon-unioaists were escorted to their homes under police protec tion. A large crowd or strikers snd friends followed, but offered no violence and contented themselves with hooting and calling ths negroes "scabs." Shortly after five o'clock the non-union men came out of the mill. They were sur rounded by officers and the procession started down the tracks to Thirty-third street, the strikers following aad shouting "scab" and -black sheep.'' while occasion- slly a Tiler epithet was burled at the cot j orsd workmen. By the tuae Smallman street was reached, the mob had swelled to several hundred men aad hoys. The col ored men bore the storm of epithets quiet ly, occasiOBaUy "' f" ' ""J J? ) frightened sidelong glaaces at their pur susra. but aloaz Smallman street the jeer ing of the striking workmen became louder and more violent la s cuaracicr, anu ix eaaieoally a rock would be sees snooting iato the air aad falling into ths ranks of Uia beleaeuered Africans. At this juncture. without any warning whatever, several of the colored mon reached for their pockets, and drawing revolvers opened Are upon the dease mob around them. Then there was a scene of wild confusion aad excite ment, and terror, rage and pain rang out oa the air from the throats of hundreds of ansrr and excited men. The officers now drew their revolvers I also and rushed among the excited colored men and endeavored to stop the murderous firing. The crowd broke and ran in all directions across the common into the mills, any place to get out of range of the destructive bullets. Tho firing lasted six or eight minutes and between thirty and forty shots bad been fired before the offi cers succeeded in stopping it and hustling the negroes up Tweuty-eighth street, where they crossed the bridge and scat tered to their houses on the hilL A num ber of tho strikers pursued them, threat ening summary vengeance until they were stopped at Peun avenue by the police; but I the colored men made no further demon strations. Rioting was also renewed at the Kheley run colli-ry, Shenandoah, where an officer named Wiilman was shot by one of the strikers in tne left thigh. The police fired at the mob, with what result was not stated. Reports from several points af fected by strikes indicate a renewal of the disturbances. STKIKE TUOLT.LES IX SPAIN. Makm. Feb. t A dispatch from Hulva states tbat Saturday a mob of riotous miners, now on a strike, bsing ordered to disperse refused to do so and were fired upon by the troops and Uvo civilians were killed. The miners had joined the peasants living iu the vicinity on protesting against ojen air calciuations. The Civil Governor of Hulva, uccouipannsj by two companies of troops aud sourc civil guards, arrived at the scene and rou-id the streets occupied by a tbreatetiinz nn b. The Governor spoke from tne balcoav ot the municipal building t ana inea io resu.ro un.or. w..u I .. .&.. - A .. Vt Svi'h s-kt urowneu ms voice nun iiuui uuu fired pistols and threw dynamite cartridges at the soldiers. The troops were then ordered to fire. The crowd was finally dispersed. Two soldiers were wounded. At the beginning or tho trouble the crowd had almost succeeded in routing the troops. After the dispersion of tbe crowd the soldiers retired outside the town. It is now ascertained that five more civil- ians havo died from their wounds and other cases .or woundetl persons have come to light. One thousand soldiers, composed of , ;--,- . , .... ,,0,.je n ' mianir, iravoai.. -uU ... j, --"--- - I Bngadier-General, now i and surrounding villa-re3. now occupv the town Magistrates sent ." , m r . .,, J tO lnvesilgaie iue iiua.r inuun ao uu dvnamite secreted in a number of houses. Socialist arcnts were isi discovered. The strike was cause.1 by an English company . reducing salaries because the deamy of ' the smol-e ar,sinK from calcination -.topped ' work for two cr three , hour, , daily .The company, on advice, has resolved to pay . the old wages. .. -, dastariil white cw- . ,,ETVNVIfd-,rna ?vTnS .Crawford County, hve Thomas W.Uiams . and wife, who were subjected last year to ' E&sssz? -irt-yrissi: claimed to have recognized amon? his a- sailants a prominent young man, Thomas Courtney, Jr., son of one of the leading physicians of the county. He immediately sought the arrest of young Courtney, who. Kan., and urres reOUl- sitiou being raged from Governor brought b:it:k. the yimrg Gray Is now This ' news en- mars friends and tliey enwo yiuiams noaao ri noay i night aud being rcfiisel admittance broke UOWH inc uoir. tiiiuwus urr-u mi ": d WOin.di..g a vou pie of men. The mob tIc w-iUl;ims toahcd nd .. . i...-i,., int., th Misi . took her husband into the yard and mcu uu . - .t. si- .- .:..! l.S . -s.wb TT-tATi Itisi woftiaal t maae a sxvorn siaumen exnnerawu-f jounS "."unuci u uu... UUM,v, .-j flogged him until he became unconscious and then left. Then the victim was later found in a dying condition. Tho circum- stance is said tc have aroused the enure section of the country, where a very strong feeling has sprung up against the repeated outrages of the "White Caps." It will ' certainly aggravate the feeling against young ioonncy. Wichita Dotaca. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 0. Yesterday asorniag about three o'clock Jack Gregg aad Liak Mills, noted gamblers, broke opea the treat door of a house of lil-fama aad were greeted by a voUey from Bill Sparr, a tover of the mistress ot tbe dea. Tha ire was retaned. sal tea shou wen fired he- fere it waa again quiet. Gregg, aceordiag io sat pay-M-iaas. is awnsuy wou-uao, aaa not eiaectedto Uvauattt moralas. Milla ia auCeriag from aTsfy paiaful weuad la tha laft thhra. aad Boarr haa a ball ia Ikak Mil : " I ..:. AwAid.fA Tnf fnft-Qi-tQ t-ilrnrttrti nnd ' I ll'-Arilllf LIIIUU1C. I-.1L1UI l--UI-- UliBVUV-IutlMi-4 v nn hiiii ik.i i tT- wzm aftuu.. uulil.1 PRINCE BISMARCK. Mart tt ttw TOtmlal t 1 - Bxxlix, Feb. . The aaaoaaceaMat that Friars JSisa-arck would speak oa theMilt- ; tary bilt drew a great throat of people to tie Reichstag to-day, aad loag hefora the . day's business was bogua lb galleries were tiled to rente: ion. Prince William, of Prussia, and Prises Leopold, ,eta ief the lte Priace Frederic Charles, oornnil thm oonrt tax. while diplomatic gallery was crowded with the different foreign repceseata tires aad their families. Prince Bismarck was enthusiastically greeted oa his war to Keichstag palace ay dease crowds, wWch liHeaerouieongWilhelstraase to the pslscc Prince Bismarck eatered the Reichstag at 1:25, aad was received with dealeaiag cheers. The House proceeded with the arst readV lag of the Military Lou hill, aad Prince Bismarck arose to address the House. He said: "I don't believe I can add aay thing to the true state of the case regarding the Dl-L I don't address you oa that account. Mv object is to speak of the general situa tion of Europe. I may coufln myself to referring to what I said on tne sams sub ject over a year asjo. There has been very little change since then, when I feared war with France. Since then France has elected a peace-loving President, and a parific disposition has prevailed. X can therefore reassure the iblic that so far as France is coueeruec the prospect has become more peacef u L Kegarding Russia also, I am of no other np nion than when X said that wo hare to apprehend no attack from Russia. The situation must not be J judged from press comments. Th. Unjoin tau.-an.av f Hn not h- Uer& j th9 Czmr,s wonl absoiateiy. The BiXvMhm on th wUole is BOt different Jnm hat 0, j j t thal tne eoncen. t-ti- of uussiaa troon- oa he frontier jay appear serious, but I perceive no cause er pretext for a Russiaa or a European Prussian or Austrian provinces. war. Russia has no interest to conquer "TnrfMtl Imu fur in IB-T fMMSlfS SS to aay that even a war with Fraaos would aotaeccssiUto a war wit b Russia, although) the latter eventually would iavslve the former. It is true that I can aeidesaaad a explanation from the Uussiaa foreiga flee regarding the concentratiea at troops oa the frostier, but haviag beta well acquainted with Russia's foreiga policy for a generation I may have my owa of ta iga in this latter. I believe the Russiam Cabinet iateaaa U make 'Russia's votba heard at the next European crisis aad therefore wishes to pash her -sulitary forces as far westward as possible.' THE CHEROKEES. "Pallara ta Pass a Lmm Over CaUf sTays Tto Ths Ifatlossl Or--ma ta a Seat ta Cmikmsn. TaauqCAB, J. T., Feb. & After an un nsually stormy time another mile-stone has sees passed m relation to the lease. When Chief Mayes vetoed the bill tbat passed both Houses, to re-lease the strip for an other term of fire years to the same com pany, tne uneroKee Lr.ve ckocjc Associa tion, at S125,00 per year, he sent it down to the Senate with a messaeo giving his res gons for the veto. The Senate passed the LiU over bis veto by a vote of 13 to 4, aad sent it to the House, where, alter being laid off day after day under differeat frivolous pretenses, a veto was Anally reached this morning and the Chiefs veto was sustained oy a vote of 34 to 15. This settles it for tho 'present. The question, la fact, now is where it was at first aad the great lease privilege is yet to be disposed of. A bill was passed to semi a copy of ths Cherokee Advocate, the National organ (which represents and stands upon the Indian side ot the great question of toe day), to every member of Congress and every depart ment and every officer at Washington for one year. The Chcrokees are determined hereafter there shall be no excuse for gross ignorance of the Indian question as was exhibited by Senator Heury L. Dawes, of Massachusetts, and others who are trying their hands at doctoring a supposed disease which they know nothing about. I.un oa a Batik. Ciscinsati, Feb. C The Metropolitan Bank su-p.'uded payment for a short time this morniu; but resumed in a few min utes. The directors held a meeting at ten o'clock, landing which the payment of checks was suspended, aud a Ion line of depositor- gathered, reaching from toe payers desk to the street. In a very fe'v n iautcs, however, the payment of chee'ss bejrati and ;t noon the line was much decrease t. The directors took n oth r ac- tiuu th;:u toeler iir. Krolia viee-pre-idcnt, in place of Mr. DeCmim. I'rsidjnt Means, referring to the stoppage or payments, said there uas no order for it and ne reason for I. ... .. -iii -f I it, ami ttiai no o.u noi knoiv iucro was anj , su.-" ,. .,.. siou. Iavln-; tin- Ifuislitd. Pittsbukgh. I'a., Feb. il The butt weld ers, lap we d I:, soci.ei. makeis and help ers employed t the Ceut-i nul, Pennsylva nia, Pittsburgh sin 1 3ai ional tube works U the number cf l.WJ have mad- appticatios to the Amalffau-ated Iron and Ste -1 Workers for a chatter. At piesent they arc con nected witb the Knitchts of L.bf r, but they have decided to lea-, e that organization and form a lodge of the Amalga-uated Associa tion. , IUn Into a Wacna. PiTTsnriMiH. Pa., Feb. G. An exflrsss train on ih-Pittsburgh & Western railroad rau into u wagon aithe Cherry street cross ing in Allegheny City last evening, killing William Steinbrouner. the driver, aad se- rious.y injuring William Albright, a boy bis companion, a t:Ou. bteinbrouner ""u u'" " J" "'" "3s.uij iui; HM.U vv tne way to me r:vei- ur coat wuea tu wain ' struck'tho was-ou iu the middle. i;ti.l-r the 1 hi aU. , St. j05nPU Ma, Feb. 6.-John Ward, a . ecti(m lM was nn over aa(1 klUcd by fin ,.; wtpni:ir nflArn.n nn thfl ITill. "" cftv , " gg". on -" o' ---- j , SL Joseph & Councd xJluff road "Ptftli itn-iif riur 1)im lil-irtfk TTa 9. .,., t :mn m tt,i. fmnt f thA m. "--. - aue.buX fed m.Jer the wheels and . fc iblv lcJ Hc resided here and UBmarrivd. . i cliearaaBn.- Mrikv. Boston, Ff. 6. Three hundred eigar- makers, comptismg employes of five large shops, rcfus -d to g in work this moraiag, owing to the prop ited out la wages. Tha other shops either do not belong totaa Manufacturer Union, or havo act posted km cbt uown. UaU ti Hot BraiNr.s, Tex.. Feb. & AterriM rain aad hall storm prevailed her at saw 'clack this meruieft. It was of tws hews daratioa. Awatae la the rmtmarf t -.owasstraekbyllghtdag. 5 aaB8a ta the egice or baUding. Tke ffasuls of rala to-algat are good, '.?"" ' Jh . "" " " .. mm. Ma, Fek. MM CBiiiamie ac to Jm.tmitI' 1 families are dew Wk) i i I : f s I i i 1 1 i 4 I II J t sfsasjKi-tNi-ci v ii i1 . ir