The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 10, 1888, Image 4

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    ---y-fltKrv S-v"KS?C5nso:
, . -..'
apnMMUk Mr tin vum
Iw-Meaarfc.Fai ArrMte JTar
JLMb Asnes M4hkUFtrtkt
f FeiwM Ittaai Ha Haa Da
ftaadai CiscisxiTi, FA. IT. -8 p. m-Wlllta
Jfeaas, pretMcat)' the Metropolitan Na
tiaaal Bank, bas just be arreated for via
aaticm of the Katioaal Baakinff tow. The
irarraat for tbe anaat was iMued thia
anaraiuf; but was et -aerved in :tae usual
naaaaer oat of raffarJ tar Mr. M eaaa. Dia
trict Attoraay Bnraett aotiflad hint alter
.twelve o'clock of the tataaaceof tha writ
.aa amass for Mr. Meaa .to go volun
tarily with turn boaaaraaa to tbe Coaunla
aioaer'a offJo at two.atclaek.
With the Fidelity 4Uak eaaea freak in
3niadaadwith.tko aaeof they gave of the
jreientleu power of the Government where
there has heea a plain tranagreaaiaa of the
law, thia arreat caaaea .a decided aeaaa-
-tiea. Mr.Meaaahaahadaleadiatjpoaittoa
imoag buaiaesa aua far amuatterot years;
fca:beenrepatcdaaitertaltby.; serred a
temaa mayor, whea awaraa elected, net
by a party vote,' but by a coatbiaatioa
'Whose support waaacaaapliment to their
caadidate. To bare a sua of such aroari-
Jiaace put in peril tf tatprtaoamaat causes
.a profound feeliaf.
(there is a fairly well authenticated state
.nam that the exaainauaa of tbe beak's
beaks and paper shew afross violation of
-the Baukiag law ia laaaa to officers aad
outers connected with the hank very large
Jyoa-excess of the limit allowed by the law
.to anyone. It ia poaalM that thiawroag
deiagatay hare heea carried to such aa
.extent u toiaiperil the aaaatfa solTeacy.
.Atlhu-tium it is net thought that other
arresta will be mude. but of this ao oae can
apeak with certainty beeaase there baa not
been Use for a thorough etaaaiiaatioa of
the bank's affairs.
ax isacaAxca aaxanaaor.
VkwYokk, Feb. 7. The trial f the suit
.of Frederick B. HaMthagaiaat the National
.Batiefit.-Kociety for fHHOOUk tB0 amouat of a
policy un tbe life of John Tyler, who was
alleged te hare coaunltled suicide under
the name! A. A. Allen, at the Mahaceac
Hotel, ou November IS, 16, waa
begun yesterday in the Supreme
Court at Brooklyn, before Justice
Ca.leu una a jury. Whea Tyler died
bis life nas insured in various companies
fOrmiugcmgataof about f&ULOOOia sums
rauffiutf from. -85,001) to t30,OJ. Tbe Trav
elers' Insurawce Company, of Hartford,
aad a lew otter companies compromised
wfth tbe holder-, of the policies, some pay
iajr as touch aa0 rente on the dollar. Tbe
National BemeKi Society and other co
operative otuaaaiea refused to recognize
tbe validity of Use policies, allejiag fraud
aad conspiracy. The present suit will be
considered u tost ense.
Detective for the defendant have been
catpli'.vod fur a year in tracing the historv
ofTyicr. and it is alleged that proof will
be introduced that he entered into a eoa
aairscy with certain persons whom be bad
defrauded to liar his life heavily insured
rtlii'tr tcucflt, and then, failing of aay
other means to make good their claim, te
caauuit suicide.
Few Tmkk, Fob. T. tticbard K. Fox, pro
pstetor of the 1'olie Gairit, was arrested
lbjs tiitiiiumi by Inspector Williams charged
with violating the penal code by encourag
ing pr!z-. fighting. He went to head
qpartvra with the inspector and then
iftmediaiely started for the Tombs
pelicc court. The technical charge
against Fox is that of aiding and abetting
prize fighting in defiance of law, of holding
atfjkan, publishing the details and prelimin
aslasof fights aad making his office the
'rendezvous for men bent on violating the
Jam. When Fox was arraigned ia court he
smked for an adjournment of the ex&mina-
X until Tuesday. His request was
ted and he was released on 'his own
la) Xxplalns lite Tote For Laaaar Fost-
miMters ClTil-Scrvlce Surar.
Wasiunkton, Feb. 7. Senator Stanford,
of California, has written the following
latter to a constituent, who asked his rea-
is fcr votinff for tlio confirmation of Mr.
imar as a Jusuce or the Lmtea States
sretne Court:
fASHiXGioK, Feb. 7. 1SS3. Your letter ask-
my reasons for voting for Mr. Lamar re-
red. I voted for him because 1 consider him
i of the beit men ia the South for the place.
Is. In my ju'J-ment, a broad, liberal-minded
In of great ical of learning. He was pre
ssor of law in a university in Mississippi, and
r think he is a thoroughly converted
liion'.st. ami do not think it
wte to reject any one on the ground
tacce that they wcro engaged in the late rebel
lion. I thick that we want to be one people,
paVtically and socially. General Grant ex
pseesed the tcca when be said, "Let as have
pdace." Mr. Lamar's loyalty and integrity te
the Union was paMd upon most conclusively
wacn both l-ousus of Conret-!, provided for the
ssccession to thtt Presidency and made him an
hir only a few removes from the lrnidency.
I am reluctant to tlnd myself not ia harmony
tu all the Republican Senators, but it was a
case, ko far a my action was concerned, en
tScIy for my own judgment and conscience,
aad I voted accordingly. Respectfully yours,
Lelanu Staxvobo.
Kalgbta In tjuw'oa.
Piiii.AiLLriiu, Feb. 7. The first regular
ssbsion of the execuiivo board ef the
iTuight of Labor held this year wa begun
liare to-tiay aud will probably continue for
ai least ten days. Only Mr. Powderly and
Un Aylea wcro absent. Ttio board ea
.:ed the strike ef, the Reading railroad
egiployes, both railroadrrs and miners, sad
tbe nmral if not -ho financial aid of th or
der n ill be brought to bear in favor ef the
afrlkers. Conor! Master Workman Pow
derly, it was expected, would be preeeat at
t-day's session, bat ai tbe last moment
hts physic an forbad aim leaving Sona
tas. He ia expected so arrive to-morrow
oa by Thursday at the latest.
Bom, fob. 7. John S. Crawtay. a
pniiaeat lawyer and trustee f six
estates, we t Barope ani-xpectedly la
Sovembar. Ha is now reported to b a de
faulter t thn est of r75,00a B stood
high la eeaiety. aad was interested la assay
pabli mavma-am, aad mi rumors affect
jig hi iawajriaysnaiSHaiat surpria. Mrs.
Cfewlay aaaoaaoe that she wMl auk
jaad all lease. Mr Gavwley waaaMsraey
0rta Uaioa Bavtag laatitution, whloh, it
iM aala will hta IMSt The real at the
maass fatt upa tha tas ia hla aharge.
2ews praahlaBt of-aa Cathotte Uaioa
aai asMmbar of taa Sahaol Bear.
atlaataaadthat sa French aaiBataa
aadicat has agrasd aegotiata a aWsaUa
buUdtebatgar Attempts to Addra
.ta oat tha British
He la Callei to Orar fist Maaaget ta
Let Oat Soaae Iadiesttoaa af tha
Oeateaaul Oaartititioaal
rmaadLawrj-Wkite Can
WAsantOTox, Feb. 7. In the Senate yes
terday Mr. Hoar, from the special coauaiU
taaaathe celebratioa of the Centennial f
th Constitution, reported a joint resate
tioa providing that, in addition tesach
othrcelbraiionasmaybi' hereafter pro
vMad far, that the two bouses of Congress
shall asset in tha hall of the House efBep
reseatotires, that the Chief Justice of tha
United States shall deliver an oration, aad
that the President of the United States,
the Justices .of th Supreme Court, the
kmembers of tha Cabinet, tbe executives of
th various States aad Territories, aad
rsuch other persons as may hereafter b de
termined upon, shall be invited to attend.
Mr. Riddleberger then endeavored to
peak oa tbe Bntosh Extradition treaty
and aakod the cbairmaa of that committee
Sherman), who bad, oa every occasion,
endeavored to bring up the extradition
treaty in executive session, whether he
osuld aot now rise aad tell tbe people what
was ib a certain ameaumeni to ia treaty.
Mr. Sherman said that, being thus per-
soaally appealed to, he felt it his duty to
make a point of order oa the Senator from
virgiala. He did so with treat reluctance.
Taaseaator asked him if ha would vMlat
tha iralas ef the Senate aad do what ha
(Sherman) regarded as being improper
aad uagentlemanly in other words, dia
cloaath secrete of the Senate. It waa as if th Senator bad asked him IT he
would steal, or rob, or do any thing wrong,
r against tha law. Of course he (Sher
man) could not answer that question; but
h smai th poiat ef order that tba 8eaa
tor was, himself, violating tha rules of tha
Riddleberger wa about to reply and had
begun by saying "it would come with bet
tor grace," whea he waa cut short by the
Presidiaff Officer (Senator Ingulls), wbo
said: "The Benator from Ohio raises a
poiat of order which the Chair feels called
upon to decide. The Senate in its legis
lative capacity, and the Senate in its ex-
Lecutive capacity, are the earn body, but
their functions are essentially separate and
distinct. The proceedings in each capacity
are separately journalized, tbe records are
separately kept The transactions and
proceedings of the Senate in legislative
session can aot be reached by the Senate in
executive session. The proceedings and
transactions in executive session, being
separately recorded and journalized, are
aot the subject of discussion in legislative
session. It is a violation of tbe rules of the
Senate to refer, in legislative session, to
aay matter on the executive calendar until
the injunction of secrecy is removed. The
Chair, therefore, holds that the action ef
the Senator from Virginia, in referring to
any matter ia executive session when the
Senate is sitting with open doors, is clearly
ia violation of the rules of the Senate, and
the Senator can only be permitted to pro
ceed in order.
Riddleberger rose to reply.
The Presiding Officer The Senator will
suspend one moment. The enforcement of
the rules is entrusted to the Chair, and the
Chair will eadeavor (ir supported by the
Senate) to see that order is not violated,
aad that the rules are strictly obeyed. Tbe
Senator from Virgiaia will proceed in
Riddleberger said he would do so if he
could, but he did not think that nny thing
he kail done in the Senate justified the ob
servations of tbe Chair. Still, in order to
be ia order, he would accept the ruling.
He bad not asked tha Senator from Ohio to
answer the question propounded to him with
any hope that he woul 1 do so. He (Riddle
berger) had been discussing tbe joint reso
lution report oJ by the Senator from Massa
chusetts, and had been trying to keep him
self in order in considering it, as he under
stood it to bo an international question.
When the Senator from Ohio spoke of vio
lating tbe secrets of tbo Sonate ho ought
to remember his Detroit Club letter, in
which he said bow be would voto in execu
tive session on a certain important nomina
tion. The extradition t re.ity was a matter
which concerned the people of this coun
try much beyond any thing that was
involved in that letter, iu which tbo
Senator stated how he was going to
vote on executive matters. He would not
deal further with that Senator. Every man
knew for himself whether ho was acting1
gentlemanly or not. If it was the ruling
of the Chair and the sense of the benate
that neither he nor any other Senator could
discuss the pending resolution in tho broad
sense of its covering the British treaty,
then he would have to take his seat, but he
would reserve his right to appeal from the
ruling of the Cuair. He could reinforce
his position on tha qucstiea of amending
the rule by taking eat ef his desk and read
ing to the Senate a note written to him last
Congress by the then Presiding Officer
(Sherman), tolling him how bo might ac
complish his purpose of considering tho
extradition treaty in open session. Ho
thought that before the Senate went into
executive session it might be informed as to
tbe amendment proposed to tbe extradition
treaty by the toimnitteo on Foreign Rela
tions. The Presiding Officer Tho Senator from
Virginia will not be permitted to proceed
with any reference to matters pending in
executive session. Ttae Senator will pro
ceed in order.
Riddleberger said be was aecustomed to
rebuke; h supposed it was still under
stood that h had a right to proceed in or
der about the only right he had. This
matter on which th Presiding Officer un
dertook to rule him down (as being in ex
eeutiv session), waa as la executive ses
sion. Aad it would net go into executive
saasiaa sleag as there waa a man oa the
leor to objest t it. It waa before the
Coausittea aa Foreign Relatioaa, and was
ia tbe rffioe of the executive clerk of th
It had set get before the Senate
executive eessiee, except a far aa tha
from Ohio had be a aliased ta dis-
fc himself. B appealed to the Seasto
a was net eerveet oa that
poiat, mhM aot be seat ttb Senate
to lagmlata ia xt!v sessiea, bar ia
opaa selsa. aad a waa bow achJaaj la be
heard laeaan seaaton a the which
vitally asaatraed tha pasahi wham a
reseated tha all that
thaCemmhtse oa Fareiga Balatls dariag
tha aesstea. aad ha waasukedvry time
tlMtth referred t it. Ma asald stead tha
rshubsf aad ha latadd ta reiterate viy
tlma that tba axttadiMaa treaty waaaaa
whiohth assets waaht set aara t ratify
ThPreaidiBg OMear directed Mr. KM-
ta saiasad his
awra i .
iB iiwm
ptly patuag the a.uetioa am aa
aaMadmeat offered by Heaatar Bala, t
atrikeeetef th joint resetatioa th intra
aactory phrase. Th amend m at waa
agreed to. aad the joint rasalatlea passed.
Mr. Hoar, from the Jadiciary Conunlttea,
reported back th bill to provide for ia.
aaaata under Katioaal authority, which
waa placed oa th calendar. Aatiaerity
report to he submitted hereafter.
Mr. Sawyer called ap aad thSaat
passed the bill to amend the Festal laws,
a that newspapers now seat free of pest
agatoparsoas residing withia th esaaty
of publication may be seat to persons liv
ing ia other couattes whea they receive
them at post-oftices withia th county ef
Mr. vest reported rrom ia jutuciary
' Comjalttee aad asked immediate consider
I stta for thn Senate bUl for the relief of
i Henry H. Mamaduke, of Missouri, f rem all
disabilities imposed apea him by th third
sectloa of th Fourteenth amendment to
thaCoastitutioa. Passed.
Upoa motto of 8eaatr Saulsbury tha
Ssaat joint resolution relatiag to inter
aatloaal coinage waa take up, aad after
remarks by Senator Saulsbury, waa tern
porarily laid oa the table.
Mr. Siddleberger said he had in his hand
a copy f th treaty between Prussia aad
Bessia which, it the Chairman would allow
bun ta put upon the Jtmrd, would, he
thought, come m very well at the tiai. He
' wasted it to be uaderstood that th pencil
aurks apen the copy were not a part of tha
treaty. He therefore seat the docuawat to
th clerk's desk.
Th Chair remarked that h did not un
derstand what disposition th Senator front
Virgialawishodtohavaaud of th docu
ment, to which Mr. Rlddlaaerger replied
that it was immaterial what dispositioa
waaaudeofit. H only wished to get it
i before the country.
It was, therefore,
piacea upon in laoie.
Taken in connection with Mr. Biddlebeiv
gar's previous remarks, it is assumed that
i the paper ia similar ia its previsions ta tha
British treaty, which Riddleberger ta
ions ta have discussed la public. It la a
treaty signed ia St. Petersburg,
Jaanary 13, 1885, for tha axtraiitiaa
3f malefactors. Tha Crimea aaaaMr
atod are murder, assault, aodUy
injury, voluntary deprivatioa ef iadivldaal
liberty, outrages, asaaasiaatioa, r attempt
at that crime, preparation or powatslsa f
dynamite or other explosive materials. Tha
following, which is article Sot thadeca
meat, bears significant peacil marks:
Tbe fact that the crime or saisdemeaaor. ea
account of which extradition is demanded, has
bees committed for a polities! pu rpose shall la
na ammti setrvn as a rnsina for nRuia tko ex-
! tradition.
The document bears the followiag aot
in peaeU at the esd :
A similar treaty has since been negotiated
between Russia and Austria. The treaty Be
tween Russia and Great Britain was signed
Februarys, l$C.
The Educational bill having beea laid
before tbe Senate, was temporarily laid
asid at tbe request of Mr. Piatt, who ad
dressed tho Senate upoa tha FresldeBt'a
After executive session tho Senate ad
journed. nocsr.
In the House yesterday msny new bills
were introduced, among them betag oaa
for a public building at Hutchinson, Kaa.
At the conclusion of the call of States,
Speaker Carlisle entered the chamber and
assumed the gavel amid loud applause oa
both sides of the House.
A resolution thanking -Mr. Cox for the
able and impartial manner in which he had
performed th duties of Speaker pro
tern, was unnminously adopted and Mr.
Cox acknowledged the compliment ib aa
appropriate speech.
The House then resumed the considera
tion of tbe Lowry-White election case. Af
ter a full discussion Mr. Crisp, chairman of
the Elections Committee, moved the pre
vious question upon upon tho resolution
submitted by the majority of the commit
tee. Mr. Rowoll, of Illinois, moved as a sub
stitute the resolution presented by the mi
nority, declaring the sitting member,
Wbito, entitled to the seat. The substitut
was agreed ta Yeas, 1S7; nays, 103.
Tbe resolution, as amended by tbe sub
stitute, was then agreed to. thus confirm
ing White's title to the --cat.
Tbe House then adjourned.
The Stashing- In Freight Kates Keeps Oa
With New Ruads Jolnluc J a.
Chicago, Feb. 7. Tho cutting was yes
terday again fast and furious in Western
freight rates. Lumber at the very onset
was reduced from Chicago to Kansas City
from 13 to 10 cents 1M) pounds, and to
Council Bluffs and Omaha from 10 cents to
11 cents, al this lines mealing the new
rates. The Missouri Pacific, then re
duced live stock rates per oar
loads from Kansas City to St.
Louis from &150 to tao, and the
Chicago lines followed with a similar re
duction to Chicago of from 00 to (47.50.
The Chicago & Alton put is a 10 cent grain
rate to Chicago from Kansas City, and five
cents to St Louis. Tbe Burlington &
Northern mado the reduction from St.
Paul to Chicago the same as tbeMilwaukeo
& St. Paul's reductions from Chicago to
St. Paul a cut of '-J5 per cent. The Omaha
& Council Bluffs lines nulled down the rate
on hog products ta Chicago from 15 to 19
cents a total decrease of 13 cents since
Tuesday last.
The Minnesota & Northwestern then cut
tbe rates to Des Moines, and the Kock
Island issued a tariff making the rates-first-class,
33 cents; second, 30; third, -4;
fourth, l'J; fifth, 14. Tho old rates were:
First-class, 02; second, 3.5; third, 35; fourth,
23; fifth, IS. i
Up to last night tho grain rates from
Council Bluffs and Western Iowa had not
been disturbed, but the opinion is general
that they can not hold up any great length
of time. To make things additionally lively
the Milwaukee & St. Paul ia the afternoon
slashed once more "a- tho class rates,
cutting them down just three cents
all around. The new rates
apply to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas
City and all Southwestern Missouri river
points, and are: First class, 34) cents:
second, 35 cents; third, 23 cents; fourth,
19 cents; fifth, 14 cents. Tho break cam
too lata for tbe other lines to meet it till
morsiBg. .
3IIM Shattaek JMed.
Sbwabd, Neb., Feb. 7. Miss Etta Skat
tuck, tbe school teacher who was exposed)
for seventy-eight hours during the reeeat
blizzard aad wbo lost both lower limbs as a
result, died hero yesterday morning. Her
back waa so badly frozen that the flesh
dropped off. She Buffered Intensely bef or
her death. Her share of the Omaha Bm
relief fund amoautedto near HUM. Tba
will probably be given to her
tka pMMBsera oa taa Cnaard
isfcrp Annate, whisk arrtrad at Waw
; Tark aa tha tta waa 8amael Mawtoa
'Biaaaa, fathar of Hugh W. Jrooka, allaa
aTaxwall, who Is aafler seataaea af daath
, far arderiaf a Arthur FraUar at tha
,BaataaraHotal,Ht.Loauv la April, M88L
Mra. OUtar fTaaaaU Hafai, wtfa af tha
aataor. 4iat la Baataa oa taa at,
It is reported that tha Kisg of Ahiilsal
la amlriag arartarat to Italy far psaaa.
A great six-days go-aa-ytm-ploa rasa
etartad at Madison square gardes. Near
Tark, oa tha night of the 5th.
Mr. Cox, M. P., has beea removed from
am sen ia the Limerick jail aad asat ta tha
talnaary. He u said to have lost hla as
petit. Tha O'Brien reception commute
bssa obliged to abandon the proposed
lag ia London, beiat; aaable to obtsis a
Tha Vienna aewspapers agree that tha
pablicstioa or the Austro-Oerman treaty at
th flaal adawnitioa to Russia from the
Tha Sanaa has promised Baroa Hlrsca
that tha negotiations for Turkish railwaya
shall be satisfactorily concluded in spite of
the Grand Vizier.
The constables who arrested the whela
saw liquor dealers at Des Moines, Iowa,
aad thea released them, have been indicted
for receiving bribes.
Three persons were killed receatly at
Btasmburg Station, N. Y., by a train being
thrown from the track by a broken frog.
Several other persons were Injured.
Tha yard men of the Illinois Central rail
road at Contralia went out ou a strike re
ceatly but were persuaded to return to
work, pending an adjustment of the difttcul-
At Oakland City, In.!., a fire occurred
tba other morning which burned the busi
aess bouses of Thomas Dryden, George
Bohenert, C. F. Richer and Ruch Bros.,
causing a loss of 35.0U.
A terrific oxplosion of gas occurred tba
other eight at slopj No. 1. at Nanticoko,
Pa. Four men were badly burned, namely
David Evans, John Evans, John Griffith,
Jos Dlberand Anthony Mitaky.
Israel Lucas, tbe absconding treasurer of
Augiais County, Ohio, and bis wife wers
arrested recently in Toronto, Out. Whea
h left th United States, August 27 last,
h aad 133,000 ia bis possession.
Th Pope's jubilee was celebrated at tha
American colony in Rome on tbe 5th with
asotema high mass of thanksgiving aad
tha staging of the 'Te Dcuin." Tbe Arch
bishop of Philadelphia ifficiated. .
Jamas Redpath was reported better ia
New York. He wrote a friend that though
tha doctors said bo was going to die, he waa
geiag to push through, as be intended to
lira to as tbe Henry George doctna
The Montgomery Florida narrow gauge
railroad running southward forty miles
from Montgomery, Ala., has been put into
tha hands of a receiver on petition ef tha
coatractors, who had a claim of fl3,5sw J
swalaat tfct maim
Tha jrneaal Zrihmg, of Berlin, has tele
grams from St Petersburg aad Viana stat
iag, aader reserve, that Couat Schouvaloff.
tha Russian Ambassador ta Germany, who
is sow returning to Berlin, will bring con
ciliatory prooosals from tbe Czar.
Come and see us, we are prepare
to do yon goed. Come to us with
your prescriptions and receipts.
Come to us for your drugs, paints,
books. Come to us for your lamp
and lanterns Deyo & Dor.
New designs in hanging lamps at
Deyo?& Dorr.
Canon City coal for everybody at
the Chicago Lumber Yard for $8 per
The old reliable Smith Bros., Loan nnd
Trust Co., are making farm loans at the
lowest attainable rates. We require no
appraisers on our applications. Loans
completed quietly nnd quickly. Call on
heir agent. G. W. Barked " Zl
It is BO,
That wt are daily guaanteeing Kemp's
Sasaparilla to the people. After tak
ing three-fourths of a bottle without
relief, we will refund the money. It is
the greatest and best lemedy on the
market for cleansing th blood and
tiving you a new lease of life. A well
known business man informs Us he
has gained 8 pounds on two bottles fo
this SarsapiirUIa. Price 1.00. For
sal aby Deyo & Dor u
Farm to Best.
A farm with 135 acres under plow
frame house, granary and stable, wind
mill, etc. Enquire at elevator.
Cheap Farm Loans.
I can make ynu the cheapest Farm
Loan that you can get in the west.
o, delay. 3Ioncy ready as soon is
title is perfect and security given.
You can pay part on principal at ctd
ofany year and stop interest if you
wish. Before making a loan compare
tny rates with others and you will be
convinced that this statement is cor
rect. All kinds of well secured notca
bought C. F.Catiieu.
Office over Post Office. Red Clond.
Leave your order with us for any
books you wish. If net in stock we
obtain it for you. Dey & Dohr.
V live in our store and can furnish
coffins or caskets day or night at m
on's Furniture store.
Go to Winton's for Caskew and Cof
A gold locket with a little piece o
chain attached. Finder will please
at this office.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper thaa
ever at F. V. Taylor's.
Don't suffer with chapped hand- $
rough skin when you can o ely
cure with a buttle of Cotting's Darmo
ine. Bhnk hooka and alattonrry at
aw.aUiar. . -
J. uKalsy.
BROS. . .
TTORNETa AT LAW. Agwtjr liar ttai K.
CM. K. K-UUUW- HWimniKiv.,
Ctoad. Kebraaka.
PfwtibT Hltrraa Oxldrforthc palate
rartloa'SStli ceastaaUy oatod.
Uru stow, Ked Ctead, Xebraaka.
Keeps on hand a Fine and Fashionable line f
of reasonable Millinery Goods.
Prices will be reasonable at all times.
afci III
Laughing Gas always on hand
President, Albany, N. Y. J. A. TtJLLBYS, VicePresidcnt
Boot. VJ3HIBBT. Treasurer.
PAID UP CAPriAL,$50,00Q.
Red Cloud, Neb. - Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albany. Xew York Geo R. Beach Bolatnn Spn, N.T.
W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. . Frnri4, Pitt-lield. Mas
R.V.Shirey D.M.Piatt K. V. Highland. J.A. Tulleya 3I.B.MeXit
On improved larmsintfebraMsaaiHl Kmvas. Money furnished as eoon at. th
security is approved. Principal and interest payable in Red Cloud
Paints, Oils and Window Glass of Every
Description. Large stock of
Wall Paper of the Latest Patterns
Call and see me. Low Prices Guaranteed.
QEO. o. and b. d. yeiser,
Winitr Gouty itetnel (Un.
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webster county. Grazing mid
avminfr lunita and if - nrhrikrfv fair I
l icf i N rtl-VtVI'MrPtnet
To Nancy J. Koss, nun resilient defendant.
You are hereby notified that on the Istriar of
February 1. Chariest Kut Med a ietitioii
against you in the district court of Welwterj
couu!y Nebraska, the object and irayr of which (
Is to obtain a divorce from you on the pmuui
that on have willfully aluudoiicd tbe aid Hints
witout good ran; for over the term of ino
years last past. You are hereby reunired tu kii- '
suit the jietition aforesaid on or before Moudai j
the dav of .March A. I. isss. I
.Ino. 1L WHIcox, Cii.ini.KH Koss.
Atty, zt-4t.
Haaf Ail,
acconpttiaw for rrarybody exactly what h)i
tot. OaeorUtereaMcttbrtaaznatpevalariQraC
tha Xaataa LUlneat H tontAlm aalTiraal
aaaWcaaUity. Kei jtmaj jtilai
Tha LaaiawriaaHer ttlaeaweti
Tha Haaaawlia aecdr A for;
Tha Si echaalc aaaas
v if
Tha MtoaraaiBlaaataf lawiiamy.
Tha gUaMtaiili taafaat 1 na lihulla
Kta MharalaaaalyrfntaiilaihaTa.
Tha Havae-amactor aaaia K-Kk htiaaa)
The Bcaafctawer aaatj at valaaaa aaa
aViaw nth at dnuawiWawatia it a?aaata
The RajirMaaMBcaaiMaawaiaaMla
link aad etaafartwhlthaaBaM ate ahajaav
Kaaaaama lathi hliaaai fwaaihawal i
akaap juwvaiaiaBwaaaaaaaav
office work a Specialty. $
Barb Wire
Baker Barb "Wire, the Best in the
j land at LOW FIGU1SES.
Lcpnl Notice
In the the matter vi the afjillt ation of .mhn .r.
I, Shrlton admisnintrator of Hie estate of .ioid
Hteltiui ileeriiMril. to ell n-:il otate.
Now on this -.'1st day of Dcieinbcr, lS.-C.thi3
, cause cumins 'ii to be In ard at Hie court houc
t in Ked t Ioui. Vfetotercwinty, Nebnikn. ujoii
i tiie ietitiin and eideiic .-idduced and it aj-
caring to me that John Shcltnu died intestate
sei7ed of the south e:ist of section -i tow n.shlp
i uoiili nuie . west in aid Velster countv,
and having Hie followii -j he:rs to-wit: Joliu J.
iJ:in:e.. Ilcore E.. IIcitv T. aud Charles K
, Mielton. his vnis and Klisheth AVhitten and
, Anna 1I1 Iads.liisdaiivhteisandaL'M) l:ichard
F. lihickhiirn. Uiiluini F. Markburu.Omnu
J T. r.IarKhuni nnd Mian II. Kiackburn bein the
' children of Ids daughter Sarah Ann who was Ue
5 ceased at the tlBe the t!eath cf herfatlier
i Jolni Slic'tton rtrccascd. Tliat the sons and
! daughters of said deceased are eacli and all
over the age of rftfntY-oue vears but that each
2S1 .all "f the sold children of Sarali Ana
Btarlbbra arc atfll Minors, that John J. .heltou
i wasdulyandlepillyappuintcatheadiiiluistniror
: in sail i esiaie ny iee coiwy juiljie iI sjiiiI county
udi a wir pail oi iiip j-ersoBai esuue lietouu
inr tthe estate aforrsaiii him been sold by sa:l
, .iiiniiiii.siTuuir aun me lrocieils rising from
f the sale theirof lias ben a)iliei totliepay-
nsent ana dlsrharue of the debt outstanding
iicnniai kiiii rsiaie aru uiai ine tx-rsotuil estaw
still ia the kinds of the adsalidstrator is Insuf
ficient aad inadequate to ay the ilebLs out-
I si.if.uuiK aftaiBsi ssuu es'ate ami yet unpaid.
' It further ajiiH-ais in be t V e best Interestiif
swid miuor hefis that said real estate be ,dd or
sucli part thereof mabenei-essar-. It at
, tlareforeonUred ths-t all penons interested in
ald i-state. appear befare ate at the court hoDde
at Aha. Harlan eaaaty. Xebraaka. oa February
7t h. INU. at -.o Verk la' the forenoon ami
" w ejiee If jny Brj have whT lieenv shoultt
i lurtiier ordeietf thatawipr u( this order be
Sil.USErd for iwar aarraaalve weaka In U:e Ked
nuit Cansr. acd akw that a aopy hereof Be
served oa eaeh partf uttoteataA herein.
Kalkt Birva., fTiLUAM Outry.
AtTnrnrTaferFettMaar. Juilge-
"- ! Illi tat
a 3m
U nam
s. " nwabh.
OTCbP VlaWt llaMtaaaaV BaaffAaV a