" I r . r r 5 Cf i A STITCH IN T.ME. Cases la Which Medical Aid Is of Most Value la the Early Stages. In the earliest stages of consumption of the lungs, it is possible to arrest the progress of the affection and secure a return to health by change of climate and of habits of "life, together with wisely directed diet, exercise and hy giene generally. But this stage is often permitted to pass without any serious attention being given to it by the patient or his friends. One reason of this is the unreasonable hopefulness that is a mental characteristic of most consumptives. Besides the insigniC cant cough and slight symptoms of de teriorating health, which are often only to be noticed and given their true value by the experienced physician, do not carry with them any such degree of alarm as they merit. When a profuse hemorrhage occurs the feeling of se curity may give way to the alarm that has been felt before. Any persistent cough should be attended to before it is too late to do good. As in all o cases depending upon a special cause or micro-organism, consumption is not to be cured by drugs alone. It is pos sible that, as tlic late Prof. Flint taught, it may be a disease that has a tendency to recover of itself, but if it is "self-limited," it can only be so under the best possible sanitary and hygienic condi tions. An ordinary malarial fever is not, as a rule, dangerous to life. But any case of ague may develop into a pernicious (congestive) intermittent or remittent fever at any time. This it is that ren ders prompt arrest of the common ague of such great importance. For this reason also treatment by nostrums and domestic remedies too often results in an attack which no form of medication will be competent to cure. The per nicious attacks arc almost invariably preceded by ordinary chills, so that when the "congestive" paroxysm docs come on no one can saj- that there was any excuse for calling the doctor too late. Even if pernicious attaeks are not developed, the subject of long-continued ague becomes broken in health, is pale, sallow and full of pains of a neuralgic character that makes life miserable; and the longer the diseae persists without interruption, the more difficult it is to stop its progress and to cure the results of chronic malariai poisoning. A large proportion of cases of valvu lar diseases of the heart originate in acute rheumatism. This disease at tacks the joints and such organs as most resemble them in structure. The heart from its continual movements and the white fibrous materials from which it is lined and covered bears a very strong resemblance to a large joint. In rheumatic fever (inflamma tory rheumatism) the main danger arises from the tendency the inflamma tion shows to attack the covering of the heart or the valves to be found be tween the cavities and at the entrance of the great artery that takes the , blood to distribute it all over the body. K Experience has demonstrated that the best mcthud to prevent the disease from attacking the heart is to give large quantities of alkalies the bicar- bonates of sodium ami of potassium being the liest until the acid material, which appears to be at the basis of rheumatism, is fully neutralized. This is shown by the secretion of the kidneys becoming alkaline in reaction. As long as this is not done and kept up per sistently there is danger of heart trouble setting in at any moment. The younger the patient the greater the danger of these complications. Hence the necessity, in every rheumatic case, of prompt and rational treatment. In nervous, sensitive children, slight causes are sufficient to bring on an at tack of convulsions. Tints, some hard indigestible material swallowed, or the presence of worms in the digestive tube, is often enough responsible for these always alarming symptoms. If the cause can be removed, of course this should be done, and the sooner the better. One very cogent reason for the last remark is tiie fact that after con vulsions have occurred a number of times a niorbid habit becomes estab lished in the nervous system, which is strong enough by itself to produce a return of the spasms, even after the original exciting cause has been thor oughly removed. When the "fits" re return from time to time without ap parent rc::on, we say that the patient has epilepsy, one of the most intracta ble of diseases. It is in cases of this description, where the caue of the con vulsions can be removed, that the phv siciau should not be called too late. If consulted sufficiently early a lifetime of misery, ending in insanity, perhaps might be changed into one of useful ness. There are many surgical affections which exemplify the warning this arti cle is intended to convey. Of these cancer and sarcomas atlbrd the best examples. When small, and before they have iniiltrated the surrounding tissues or sent colonies into distant or gans, if removed by the surgeon's knife thev may or may not return. The chances vary a good deal, according to the variety of malignant growth which is under observation and its locality. But removed, and that at as early a date as possible after discovery, offers the best chance for life and freedom from suffering. 5. Louis G'obe-Dcmo-ocrat. Mr. Waldo (a guest of sMts. Wa :bash. of Chicago) "That is a very odd looking table-knife. Mrs. Wabash; sil ver, is it not?" Mrs. Wabash "Yes, it has been in the family a great many years, and I prize it very highly as an. heirloom. I only use it to eat pie .with." Texas Sitings. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Few people carry the head erect; that is to say, perfectly balanced on the end of the spine, like the end of a walking-stick. It is always' leaned to; one side or the other. Missouri copper mines that have been idle for two or three years are be ing ocrated, and valuable bodies of ore arc being opened up. Foreign capital has recently taken hold. 'of several neglected mines. The higher of the two. peaks of Kilimanjaro, the loftiest mountain in Africa, has just been ascended by Dr. A. Meyer, of Leipsic. who places its height at nearly 20.030 feet. Tho hypothesis has lately been ad-, vanced that if sounds do not actually possess colors, that souud is at least in timately connected with color; and this idea is supported by the 'fact that "there arc persons who are endowed with such sonsibility that they 'can not hear a sound without at the same time perceiving colors." A noted archaeologist who hai been exploring the ruins of UxniaL. Yucatan, claims to hare discovered the' remain of three dead cities, the vestige of the first being many feet down, on the same site The relics indicate civiliza tion much superior to that of the pres ent day, and that the city must have flourished twouty thousand years ago. Prof. Sachs, the great German bot anist, has discovered that the ultra vio let and invisible rays of the solar spec trum especially promote the develop ment of flowers, the growth of which is exceedingly feeble when the rays are suppressed, although that ot the other parts of the plant is vory luxuriant. FuMic Opinion. Are shooting-stars ever the causo of mysterious fires? This question Is suggested by Mons. Charles V. Zenger, of the Paris Academy of Sciences, who thinks that forests, and even buildings, may have been set on lire by burning meteors. Investigation shows that many fires, the origin of which could not lie explained, have occurred at the seasons of periodical showers of shooting-stars. Starfish have done great damage this year to the oyster-beds of Fair Ha ven, Conn, borne entne bods, valued at $20,030 each, have been destroyed, and it is estimated that $300,000 worth of damage has been done. To meet the undoubted demand for something to destroy the starfish, a Yankee has in vented a dredge which takes the star fish and loaves the oysters, and several owners of beds are using it. Magnesium, the metal which pro duces such an intensely bright light while burning, and which has been most generally ued in ribbon-shaped s trips, is now being made use of for the purposes of instantaneous photography. For this a magnesium powder is now manufactured, which, when ignited by the electric spark, makes a brilliant and instantaneous flash. The subject having been posed and the camera ar ranged, the powder is ignited, and an instantaneous photograph is the result. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. The fellow who asks how to know a bad egg must have lost two of his live senses. Martha's Vineyard Herald. . When a washerwoman changes her place of residence one may ask her "where she hangs out now" without using slang. Ex. It has been averred that a lady with a diamond ring will scratch her nose in a given period four times as often as anv other woman. Stranger "Is Mr. Blinks in?" Hotel Clerk "Yes he's in his room." "Tell him Mr. Schwifferwitzeuouter heim " "Front, tell 126 a gentle man from Cincinnati wishes to see him." Omaha World. Away with superstition! A Mich igan girl has found 2.125 four-leaf clovers, and isn't married yet An Omaha girl who found out how to make pumpkin pie was married in throo months. Omaha World. A great many men who insist upon having their grocers send everything they buy to their homes are perfectly willing to carry homo a large load rather than inconvenience the saloon keepers. Nebraska State Journal. "How it all comes back to me," murmured the poet sadly, as with prac ticed fingers he estimated the thickness of the portly package of MSS. which he had just taken from the post-office. Ex. A man who will spoil a fifty-cent pair of suspenders to hang himself with when a whole clothes-line can be bought for fifteen cents, can not expect this economic generation to remember his other virtues over Sunday. Gold-handled umbrellas are com ing into fashion. Tiie handle is so ar ranged that it can be talcjn off. This is an improvement on the old style, where tho entire umhrcMa was taken oil. Yonkcrs Statesman. Farmer Baseoin "I do wish tin threshing machine would come around this way." Johnny Bascom "O. p3, that reminds me! Teacher wanted ms to tell vou he was coiuitf to our houso to board next week." Burlington Free Frtss. The "Previous Question." "Clara, I love but thee alone. Indeed I spealc the truth." . He paused the blush o'er spread her cheek. She let him draw her near; scarce for emotion could she speak. Yet still she asked, in accents meek: "How much have you a j-ear?" N. Y. Ledger. Mis Prime "Philosophers dis agree as to which period of life seems the longest to mankind. Wbt is your opinion, doctor?" Doctor (iLeditative ly) Well, it varies. In women, for instance, the longest is generally be tween twenty-nine and thirty. I know in my wife's case ten years elapsed be tween her twenty-ninth and thirtieth birthday." Judge. DISAPPOINTED. Plalat of Greeahara Who SheaU Fay Chicago m Visit. While standing in front of the City Hall, a farmer from the back cauntry approached me and inquired: "Sav, mister, d'ye live 'round here?" .Yes." ' '- ." .. It's. Detroit, isn't it?" "Yes."- -: . "Sure on "it; be ye," mister?" Certainly." ' "Wall, now,, several hev told me .the same thing; but if 'tis, I'm mighty .dis'p'inted. that's all.". What's the matter with Detroit?" "Wall, yer see,' fer the last dozen year I've bin readin about the fights, the pickpockets, the' p'lice courts, the confidence men. an' sich like, an' jist aching to see it with my own eyes, all alive an' kickin', an' last night, when I puts down my paper. I says to my old woman, Mary. I says, Mary, says I,' I can't stan it no lunger, an' to niorrer I'm going to the city an' see the show." . "Well, here I've bin all day. an' hain't had five cents' worth of fun nary a bunko steerer, nary a pick of a pocket, nary a drunk, nary so much as a dog fight, but only, a lew p'liccmen loafin'.' round without tryin' to 'rest anybody, an' one little fire so fur away that the enginos put it out an hour afore I got thar, an' the folks wouldn't even let me in to see the damage. I tell ye, sor, if this is what ycr calls a city, it's a gorl-durn swindle, an' those newspaper fellers a set of natcral born liars!" Detroit Free Press. A rich Buffalonian by his will left his body to- the local medical college, with instructions to carefully preserve his skeleton. a m Stamping sad Embroidery. "Yes, Lizzie, I like to do fancy work, but I haven't felt like trying that pattern or anything' else for a week. These awful dragging-down' pains are just killing me!" "I know how you feel, and I can tell you' where to look for relict. Dr. Pierce's Ta vorita Prescription is a certain cure for all those peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments. Why I it even cured me of pro-f lapsus, and many or my lady iriends nave been cured of various grave, maladies, pecul iar to our sex by this wonderful medicine." It is tho only, medicine sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Kcad guar antee on bottle-wrapper. Some one has invented a pocket rifl. "Pickpockets consider it an invasion of their rights. A Great Chaaee. If you wish a beautiful picture, that can not bo distinguished from a water color worth a large amount of money, you should get Demorest's Monthly Magazine for Feb ruary. It is simply wonderful bow such an elegant picture can be furnished in a mag azine that only costs twenty cents. If your newsdealer has not got it, ask him to get it for you, or send to the publisher, W. Jax. kings Demo&est, 15 East Fourteenth street, New York. Wmnf a photographer asks if the negative suits you. examine it closely before answer ing In the LfiirmatlTe. Very Sensible " Japs." in japan me oia-scnooi paysicians are permitted to wear only wooden swords. This is a gently sarcastic way of expressing uio upuuua mat laoy jem enougn people wnuuui. usuik weapons. nut tne a rug. gist who introduced Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery into the Empire, car ries a fine steel blade. It was found that all who tried this wonderful remedy for ixugus, coias, consumptive tendencies, blood, skin and livor troubles, were, with out exception, greatly benefited. The Mi- Kaaommseii is said to have "toned up" his system by its use, and the importer was therefore permitted the exceptional honor oi wearing too swora oi we noDiuty. How the proceedings In a divorce ease re minds one of the moaning of the tied! Do Not TTalak for a Moment that catarrh will in time wear out. The theory is false. Men try to believe it because it would be pleasant if true. but it is not, as all know. Do not let an acute attack of cold in the head remain un subdued. It is liable to develop into ca tarrh. You can rid yourself of the cold and avoid ail cnance oi catarrn oy using ur. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If already af flicted rid yourself of this troublesome dis ease speedily by the same means. At all druggists. Not a summer resort the plumber. Ho tel Mail No Santa Remedy can be had for Coughs and Colds, or any trouble of tho Throat, than xnroat.tnan Price 25 eta, "Brown" UronchUrt Troches." Sold only im facet Mnr who are a great deal ran after furl, tires from fustics. Eotton Courier. m A STcnoso compositor always "cats his stick'."' Many a race for wealth with an iron ore ruck. has been won To aix the marriageable girls of 1888 Look before you leap Louisville Courier Journal. s A ciecus show can pull more sick boys and girls out of bed than all the doctors in town. Corsican Observer. A pleasant phiz the Boda fountain's. She 9toops to conquer the washerwoman. -Puck. A signal failure a futile attempt to stop a street car. AconK'scrcw usually means a Ashing vessel's outfit. Xnc Haven Sens. s Tins Is the nenson when bartenders make things hot for their customers. Boston Courier. A doob is often a knobstrcperons thing: Neatly turned last year's dress. Puck m Ukpopulab sheet-music snoring. A baud cut boarding-hoose steak. IVhUdtoU Timet. s A fadst impression the spot where a woman swoons in the mod. VTues bees go to a new hive, of course they have a house swarming. ' m Somehow men really seem to enjoy it when their tailors give them fits. Detroit Free Vest. Jt isn't necessary for a maa to know enough to go in when it rains if he has an umbrella Life. m A obavb mistake burying a man alive m A Kisrrr hysterica. Sew fiamphin Sou. A sot's sphere a base ball HE WAS LENGTH OF DAYS. FIto Hundred Tears Old-IsUvtasa lost Art? Is life worth living I In the days of long ago people seemed to think it was, if the length of tune they de voted to becoming acquainted with its lights and shadows is any criterion. It. would seem as though life must have afforded much of enjoyment in the good old days. Sophocles hung on until he was 130 years old, then perished by an accident. Attilawas 124. when he died of the conso auence of a revel on tho night of liis second marriage. This is a warning to young men. Epemenides was 157 At 'his regretted decease. ? Crowns did not ait so heavily on the brows of monarchs as they seem latterly to do. Fohi, the founder of the Chinese Em pire, reigned 115 years, and sodid Apaphus of ThebesEgyptian. Tacitus gives 175 years to Tuisco, a German prince. Daddon, aa Illyrian noble, lived for COO years according to Alexander Cornelius. The art of living seems to be one of the many ''lost arts," which the dark ages cov ered over, and modern civilization has not yet been able to uncover. It is certain long life was not secured by using mineral poi sons as remedies for disease. That is essen tially modern practice. Theancients doubt less drew on the laboratory of nature for their medicines, hence the span of their lives was naturally extended. We know that our immediate ancestors found their medicines in the fields and for ests, adjoining their log cabin homes. These natural remedies were efficacious and harm less left no poison la the system. Physi cians were rarely called in, and the people hved to ragged and hearty old age. Is it not worth while to return to their whole some methods of cure for common ailments! H. H. Warner & Co., Proprietors of War ner's Safe Cure, have introduced to the public a line of Log Cabin remedies, and their name indicates their character. They include a " Sarsaparilla," "Hops and fiu chu Remedy," "Cough and Consumptive Remedy," Extract for External and In ternal use, "Rose Cream," for Catarrh, Scalpino" for the hair, Liver Pills" and "Porous Plaster." They are carefully com pounded from actual recipes, the most effi cacious in use by our grandparents, and thoso who would like to try the virtues of old-time remedies, have an opportunity to secure the best in " Warner's Log Cabin Remedies." ' Nonmro will turn a woman's head so ' completely as a bonnet that has passed by. I'UCK. For Only Twenty Costs You can 'jet a beautiful picture ("A Mes sage of Love") that can not be distinguished from a line 'water color worth 125. A full size paper pattern worth 25 cents design and size of your own selection besides the finest magazine published. Send for the February number that contains this won derful picture and pattern order. Price, 20 cents. Or ask your newsdealer to get it for your inspection. Tell him if he sends for it for you to see. he will probably sell hundreds of them. Published by W. Jen nings Demorest, 15 East 14th St, Sew York. Now is tho time to subscribe and get ten times the value of the 42 per year. Mayn't diamonds and rubies be correctly called strata-gems? ' Westward, tho Course of Kmpire, TEte. We all know the quotation, but many emi grants westward-bound do not know that upon their arrival they will have to encoun ter that invisible foe of the frontiersman malaria. They should take an ample sup ply of Hostctter's Stomach Bitters along. Not only is it a certain safeguard against every form of malarial disease, but it eradi cates liver complaint, constipation, dyspep sia, nervousness and rheumatism. Ax utter failure the inability to make a speech. Evsbt person Is Interested in their own affairs, and if this meets the eye of any one who is suffering from the effects of a torpid liver, we will admit that he is interested in getting well. Get a bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters, use it as directed, and you will al ways be glad you read this item. A sxaiocs reflection a solemn bore's im age in a mirror. Tn Public Awards the Palm to Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar for coughs. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. CtnuuctT literature recipes fer pud dines. Brooklyn Standard. The aest and sarest Remedy nr Can ef I all diseases caused by aay deraagesseat ef I the Liver, Kidneys, Stoaaca and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, GeastipaUoa, Bilious Coanlaiats and Malariaef aU kinds yield readily to the beaeflceat taf aeace ef -?mm StiU It is pleasant to the taste, tones ap the system, restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to prove beneficial, both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. mutism braderanrsd or torpid eaoimanotVf Lrrer, as Drs-BT!,.,i.C5S,,,"ti00- BilloBsnasa. Jsnadice. Headaeba. ISr,S,I""u,l,,nt,te tmw"taathalaaaB.purt. Ses tha hWd. ctrnwt ntns ttia smrrm, aH;a dtnsttoa. B nCVALUABL TAtm.YMMDZCan ooaandaofteatlmoniaiaprova its merits - ampacoaisTwm.TEU. too its ursxaamu . CgS&i-ES I THE GREAT ENGLISH BXMSDT wunr. one. man r'oS ?'2?v&.Jj.'-- nm mraun KYBst i safes.- c er:'arifcMr Nraik) TOMsye HcaLTHTMe uvea sterr ar in ounce. mm FINEST FRUIT TREES B SVSraWyaaaaa4'aasa.aVBaiet 1st sauss; afca issr. TttCttnft&JfeP&&Tm!il SUACOBSdlj, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN. Cares Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Sciat ica. Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache. Sore Throat. Swell laes, Frostbites, Sprains, Braises. Cut. Burns aad Scalds. WHAT IT 18. i I f It is in one word a cure ; it is not merely l a relief and in no sense a cure-all ; it is the product of scientific research. Oil It strengthens while it soothes and snb AU dues, heals and cures ; it literally con quers pain. OJ Its effects are curative and permanent to wll the whole group of muscular miseries and nervous agonies. ' " ZL It does not merely irritate the outer rar till, face, nor does it merely soften or relax a constricted muscle. To its specific action a superior curative virtue is superadded. Cf L It penetrates deeply but cently ; search wills ingly and. surely, seeking the -pain spot in an effort to conquer. k Each constituent of the formula has a will recognized intrinsic virtue to serve most surely the cure of pain. . Sold by DruggitU and Dealtn fixryvfere. THECNARCES A. VQOELER CO.. Raftimefc. ill. IS YEARS AGO. For 18 yean I have intended writing yea. I rot my back hurt wbea about 10 yean eld. When about 90 I took severe cold in my back, so that for 10 or 12 years I suffered death twice over, after almost giving up I waa induced to try MerrelTs Penetrating Oil. My wife applied it to my back freely and halt a bottle cured me, and now U yean have passed and my back still re mains good. I have recommended Mer relPs Penetrating Oil to all like sufferers since. As long as I live I cannot say enough for it. Fatix Mitxaa, To Merchant, Hieo, -Ark. J. 8. MERRZIX Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. FOB ALL DISORDERS OF THIS Stomach, Liver W" and Bowels -TAKE- ninirii-i liver rfiuinu PILLS BXJtlCTTST VEGETABLS: Cms Constipation. iKniccsTioy.DTSPcrsiA. PlLXS.SlCKHlADACaaM.IVERCoMIAINTS.LDf t APrCTITX, BILIOUSNESS, Xekvocsness. Jau.v otrs. Etc. price; zs ceutt. r'aCIHC MawlFaCTsnia'a CI..ST. L01IS.H0. THOUSANDS SAY THAT Ely's Cream Bain CURED T8EM OF CATARRH. Apply Balm into each nostril. LYBROS.,SSCrenwlchSt..!i.T. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIEU OH Amj HypopTiDspJilies of Lke & Soda Almost asPalatableas Milk. The ear Tflvraratlon of COB TJTEB OIL that east be taken readily and tolerated for a luac tiaaS far dtllrsto stfliifhSi aw as a bemctt roR ttnsnartm. BCEUrt'UM.8 AKtaXTIOXS ANAEMIA, CE5 OUL SKBiUTT. COCCUS AX TBaOAs' AT-rH-Tto.5. aai ail WaJHIS'al hlSouMfc, OP CJULPKElf it is aaarreJIeas ta Its rwajls. " Htscribed and endorsed by toe best fATstcians ia the countries of the world, Vos atato trw all PrMuaUta. . Sar'Seed forPaiaphlst oa Wast ioa-Diseases. Ad aVaaa. aCUTX aVSOW.E.llw Tsrk. Keafalfta, Hua'acis. Sere ThrtaL SpraJat, Brats, Buns, Wevmfs, Lame Back, Asi AH Mh Of Aa IntaaiMlsry Brief. MsTBfftaMs. SOe.aadtl.00. OHO BOOK Addroso WIZARD OIL CO., vnieaeo. W. E BOTGI.A9 04.00 MHOF. h oris nal a ! lmnd--tTed welt 4.00 fcho. a the world. qunU eustusa made haaa wed aitoes that cost from SO to 9. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The h1t aa RKAHf r.v bhoeinthe world, witb-i out iacK or Italia. Finest Calf, perfect fli ami warranted. Coufmt,, vtKion ana Lace, all mi c luc, as siynsn , man uur'Jie as IUi(e ' costinxSiorS&BurSi w anoe. IV nnirrct.Afi nn ennv i. .... If fetM.l.k . celled f or hearrwear. If not sold by roar dealer write W.L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mas. lines'Pifeit Ftif PtitrUacUKi. WORKERS OF WOOD OR MCTAL, vhanatafcsai aowr, sy atag ostflts of lasts ascusM.esa Diaio.tr, mno u,ennr, auaty mat tadr j cos. Uaa y say statr' i.mi.r ms ucir wars, aw rsr lalEttrfAlaiMliflrSsasTn's'- With thai serf can scqsira arartieal ffwatraMa s uaon bslsrs tasv "rirsr isannlTts." rrlsa-UMCstslstatrras. W. F. A JOHN BARNCS CO.. 4.atoftaKkMa! DOiTRASTHIfA? rmtMm-m ABTBWA ePXCIFIC i-clasPcvaaBc MaBBBVuaMfclaBfAnaau. lW.aMA a waa- i.. TEAES.asSssUkTaaDna.uu. TariaiJ w - na aBBuaaBaaaaaBBBaivj. a an ar ht ar sat Saaftr rrss lataan aMTaf If. . cwzmaJBi m in, .rULAMiniA. FA. BBr?JH SkBF'BBfTBBTsBkWaBBB1SSB imwMAmzmmmww sssauuSSTSBSaWaa auciisiiTieu . l A IB Jat ssafisiisa. a-a vnieaeo. -awaurBl uk raa & a smTLCMCutAy r. rf ua Y. MLS! r AH sfcal rC ZTTessM s saaaTr .unl...H mmmm -AauuauiW autv aaauf lw 5JST!?Sv3ail W m il laaaaaaBaaaaBaHWaiSp!iaTtw!!aaaaaaal ViaVBBSBssBBsassBBBassBaMBsaaaWkHisBsBBBsV The treatment of many thousands of caese nt thtttn ehronio weaknesses and distressssar L ailEsentt peculiar to females, at the IaTalldar Hotel ana surgical ineuiuio, uuiuuo, a. .. has afforded a vast experience hi nicely adapt lor and thoroughly testing- remedies for ua cure of woman's peculiar msavHos. r. Pierce Favorite rreeerlptJvat. Is the outgrowth, or result, of tins great ami. valuable experience. Thousands of tcatisso iala. received from natlents and from parsi- cians who have tested it in the more aggra vated, and obstinate cases which bad baaed. their akilL Drove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the reUof and cure of" Mfferlnr women. It is not recommended aa a "cure-aTl," but as a most perfect Spccifto for woman's peculiar ailments. A m pesrerf ! imvlf eratlaa; testle ft imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb- sad its ajspendaccs lm particular. For overworked, T worn -out, run-down," debilitated teaohera. miilinersv dressmakers. searaatreaBes, "shop-ciris," hnusaw keepers, nursihjr mothers, and feeble women. reaerally.-Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. at uegTcaiesc cartniy ooon. oeins unequaiea ssanappetlzinr cordial and restorative tonic 1 As m. aootktna aasl streactheatBsr 'aervlae.' MFavorite Prescription is use auatod and. is invaluable in aUayinr and sub. uinr nervous excitability, 'irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other dawemmr. nervous -symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease of. the womb. It induces refreshinar sleep, and relieves mental anxiety and do-pnndencTv-- r. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptlora S a seKUSBBsue aaieciicisie careniuy compounded by an experienced and skillluj physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and 'perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of tho system. For morning stcltnas; or nausea, from whatever cause arielRrweafc stonvacb, indigestion, dy. Sepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small" oses. will prove very beneficial. : ' . Favorite Prescription"' is a posi tive care for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing-., painful menstruatiop, unnatural suppressions,, prolapsus, or fallintf of the womb, weak back,. "femalo weaknoas,"'anteversion. retroversion., bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion.. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." As m regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that crVJcal period of change? from girlhood to womanhood; "Favorite Pre scription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, end. can prodcoo only good results. It . 'equally efficacious and valuable in its effects when taken for. those .disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical; period, known as The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription. when taken In connection with the uso of Dr. Pierce'S Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets Little Liver PillB. cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder' diseases. Their combined uso also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous aaa scrofulous humors from the system. Favorite Prescription to the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, ansler n positive e-aarantee, from the manu facturers, that tt will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Thto guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many ycarSL. . JLarg-e bottles (ICO doses) fl, er slat bottles for 85.0O. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases ot women (160 pages, paper-covered),' send ten. sents in stamps. Address, ' W rift DispHsiry Met. ltdtUii; 193 Main aL.WBSFAIAK.m SEEDS! 20 PACKETS 'orSQCtS postpaid, eclipsaamt Blood TT Bert: Wskatllcld and all iSaafons Csdli W. rioaia Ctlery ; man iaoiin.-. uzaean carrots Boaaaaa C'orat lro!lSe Cuouas bcr: rrne Haad LettucaiBsna na K. Melon: Kolb Oem W. Mel on : SUTer King- aad YeL O. Glob Onions: Parsnip: Hub. 8qnsh; . Koi7.(ieraana(;iiaiTia.- Kaaisa; ru.utT Tomato, and Brt Tar- nip. inastratadCaTaUNCsrasa: AMMtX, ai THE ATTKNTION OP . STOCK HI, BREEDERS, tc IS CALLTO TO T8X tr5SCXPASSXO X.XXS OT LIVE STOCK GUTS "We have tt offer. Wc f ornith cuts of til descriptiaes from any specimrn book at or below quoted prices for tame. Catalogue lo In: crested parties upon receipt nf 23c. In stamps, wblca uncial will be uedacwdL tram first order. A. N. KELLC6S NEWSPAKR CO. 31S West Sixth Street. Kansas City. Mow- FREE Prettiest BOOK ! ' Printed. TlnnMi.l rl EnnivinKs. Uest aKED E- ,MPJt ever grown. Pkt 3e Cheap a dirt by OZ. A lb. 100 (HO TklM n tort divided FREE to Customer. I give away more than some limis sell. snrf r..V Catalogue. K. H. Shumway, Kockford, my iiTNTfiT Become a stoekboMer In oar aWawslBsiiw I Oa i'omiunyatonc. Wc work to gether; w share stock fn-e bv mum mall sjtditlonai sltare arrnnlinx Ui work. l"uM lan;e ctob' commis sion or wlary: lt p-ij"1!! lHMnt- uitLoworM; tils bra&tww. Sen.l IBct. mlver iirt for circalir. etc AGENTS CO-OPERATIVE CO., 55 8udbury St., Boston, Mass "FIRESIDE Kmrtlnga fur Haspy ci is jum wnat w.int to rend allied tho famllr in thM SS2 pp. Price. Sl.&S. will he sent for 8S ceuta to any one iae:itlon:nctlns offer. A lo the bt famllr :ip?r in tho coinitry a asonths Tor SO cents. I. JL. IIASTI.Gi. 4r...-:illill.Uostun.S!ass nr?7 vrlntj.r .nnln-. buy root's orrno Northim GROWN OCtUa If you wint a cood garden. Illustrated. . -...j-v r-- rnci rouurvHi. J. IS. Bootdfla., Hockford. 111. Hull PES pRTT d SAMPLES FKETC lUU nrnm to mca canvassers for Br.8eott'a . ,"1 W-tiXtljBesialBe Eleetrie Belts. Bnhes etc. Lady aeent nanted for Electric Corsets.Qalek; saies. Wlteiorterroj. I)r.Scott.KBDruadwayrX.Y. BaalfiUIATORS and BKOODSRS. OnyOr llfjU11 a ' ImproTed for ISM. Send fl,e a I " ' cent jtjmp, for hand wm iLtcrnuTED Cata- loocc CatPJai'lOX MFfcCK,Qalat-y,llllaalaw DaTC'MTPC,nstrur'lon'-";'fc'n:csMiin-JfT- "., Pie tPr patent free. J.C.Hia ojr. solicitor of patents, opposite Post-oace. Kaa- aujtasa,v.t , vsismiuT SJCISim ( aUUiaglUU $230 ANCXTO. Aom:sTrtnuc so ben sen IH9 SptLolAa ln ha, suas-I . . - - AllTZ3 JAY BIWXSOX, Detroit. MH. $5 X9r.8 A DAY. Samples worth S1.S9 HIKE. l.l--s not un.fer tho horse's feet. Writ ssssniasuni uu iwhim, BsUy,! ekaacaeraroCerca. Ad. J. P. Baow. Mgr.. SsdaHa.lto PATENTS obtained, ft. W. T. Jrxxru, Patent Attorney. WASHIXQTUX. D. tx. Quuryaa moderate. Oreubtfa xresv. MU snvT. Book-kreiilar.reaauashlp, Jirlta UaalEa Bctic, Snortaand. etc. thoroughly Uochtr Sj atalL Circulars (re. BBTAaTS eatiaSa, BbbbshS.T Cliyc laOulo.Ckeap.Good. fend ferdeserlBUoo Aus4iasea. M. K. BAacaosT. JaSarson. o A.M.-a Me. 1111 WEE5 -WaUTIXr-a0 AUVatatXlasCataU 2?ALXT&Z auvJCIVv atb A Nan aa5SS3 wjjal'jmB SsPvVViasaB . S r .- BaUUUUUu9BBBBBBBBBBBWV Ml J KM Jul ft s.1 plea sarreaaav tks AdTertlseNisataaV sLr; 'mmi?zmti&ZHg&