V kv in rs '1 tl kei S? - if K & & bA c 5 WbVI wm aBBBBBwaaa---- r - -" - J J " mm f F .BB?QBBBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa jjaaKaBBaBaBaBaBBBalBBaBBaB Kjm?t ?"tH. ' a3iMBBfcKfc H H "H ezbbws I aaBBBKaaaBBBBBl?7 awaV t BBBaawr bbbbbbbbbbbb! j- T - aatf-?BBcfSBatJaaxic'yBBM awaaw I BaBBBBBBBBBBWaBBBBafB.aaBBrBBBB " bbbbb aaawa. awaal -Si Mci avaBBwaBBBaaaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBW VOL XV. SATUKUAT. Supervisor Berg is on tbe ck list W. W. Gilbert was in Bloaiiagtoa yesterday. Bev. Williams went to Superior this morning. Miss Eva J. Sing returned to Red Cloud this morning. For four d&ys the fog has held sway in this locality. Walter Jones has returned from the east after a few weeks pleasant . recreation among the Pennsylvania hills. A new dynamo will he put in soon by the Electric Light Company. The present one is furnishing "light ning" for 4:2 lamps, and as the de- maud is becoming greater for lights, the company 3nd it necessary to put in more power. Connor & Lockhart, who have been running the feed staaHt in the rear of J. L. Miller.; harness store have left for a more congenial clime as they state in a letter, for reasons best known to themselves. Miller & Denuison are in possession of the barn, Uncle John Tomlinson manager G-. W. Knight p. m ot Inavale, was in the city today. J. J. Nye has returned from as extended vi:.it in Indiaua. We stop this great metropolitan daily to note the fact that Chairman Huuiniel, of the county dads, is also ida&.of a ueiv girl which he has deci- . ded to take in. George tried to de clare it out of the general order, hut on motion it was duly adopted. The wifu of 31art Pupkey, an v -old- pioneer of Webster county, and formerly a partner of John Berenzen , in the general merchandise business in this city had the misfortune of los ing his wifu by death at her home in California a few days since. Mrs. , -v -Papkey is a. sister of Anthony Areu- . "sea of laavale. rrrtalala: T Aatiralf are. Th executive board of the Webster Cbuaty Agricultural Society met in J. S. Gflhm office Saturday afienuion aaa), transacted the following basinet. Oa:aiotio!i Geo J. Warren was elect ed tm f II vacancy on the board. On motion the annual fair was set for September 25 to 2S inclusive. On motion the rules were ordered revised. On Motion O. McCall and G. W. Knight were uppointed a committee to secure donations to assure the pay ments of premium for the cmir.c fair. The following superintendent were selected for the following cluyses: A. J. Wortliinjiton. speed. L B. Hampton, class I John McCallum, clas 2. J. S. Bothrock class 3. F. C. Buschow class 4. M. C. Jackson civs 5. John Polnicky class 6. Dr. Schenck class 7. -D. B. Spanojrle class S 3rrs. A- M. Wallace class 9. L. P. Albricht, was selected as Bvpennteudent of special premiums. J. C- Warner was elected general ruperintendent. f A "few other matters were Attended tcand the loard then adjourned to meet on cali of chairman. That Company. Last evening the entcrtaiameat at theM. E- church, givea by Mr. Eppstein, wife and Miss Weeks was a very pleasant affair. The peoplckave gocd talent, but the church was too mall a room for the people to displa y their talent to good advaatage. Hawevcr. they are good and do their variws parts well. Mr. Eppeteia ia his "Baitsy aad are Vos Oadt" was excentioaally good. The eatertaia- ers was geod takiag everytaiag iato eratioa. RED CLOUD, WEBSTEK COUNTY, RED CLOUD. Her Future Froepeota To Become PriDCipei City In Ne- For several years past it has been duly observed by thinking people, people who are farseeing aad versed upon sach things, that Red Cloud was destined to become a thriving and populous city at no distant day. Her position and surroundings are such that she cannot help but grow rapidly if her natural advantages are comprehended. She has an un limited water power in the famous Pepnblican Hive, . enough to propel hundreds of manufacturing establish iueBts and an adjacent territory that will be populous enough m a few years to support any and all such institu tions that may or wish to locate with in her borders. Tbe city is located four miles from the Kansas line and can, and does control a good portion of the trade in Smith and Jewell counties, the present population of both counties can be-safely be put down at 35,000 souls, besides our own county has a population of 15, 000 inhabitants. Think of it strang er and when you are hanting a place to locate remember that Bed Cloud is the best location in the west. No other town .of any cote is near as, hence the truthfulness of our pre dictions. Bed Cloud itself is a beau tiful cityi of nearly 4,000 touls, na turally drained, is lighted with elec tric lights, has a fine system of water works, a street railway under con struction, Sne school houses ?nd churches, numerous brick business houses &c The famous B. & M. railway, runs through the city and be fore the roses bloom again the Mis ouri Pacifc will be running trains into the city, and also the Union Pa cific. A caaaiBg( factory will be lo cated here ia a few weeks and many other enterprises arc on the tapis. The picture of Red Cloud is not ovct drawB, and if you are not located don't do so uatil jou -visit this city. JfovrmeMtM Of The .!floHrl PaclHr. Last Thursday a committee from this town, consisting of I. W. Crary, R. S. Proudfit, T-1). Doudna, C.'t'. Bradford and T. Auld, and commit tees from Red Cloud and Bostwick, had a conference with Col. Everest, at Superior., the last nataed gentle man representing the Pacific railroad company. Briefly stated, the com pany will require from this precinct bonds to the extent of $20,000, right of way, through the precinct, and de pot grounds in town. Red Cloud we understand is ready, willing and anx ious to give the right of way from the west line of t his precinct to sad through Red Cloud, depot grounds in the city, and 52,S00. A railroad meeting will be held in the iiBk bail ding tonight." which it is hoped every citizen of this precinct will find time to attend. The proposed road, whea completed, will form a part of the great Missouri Pacific system, and'a worthy competitor of the B. & M. The benefit this coaatry would de rive from it cannot be overestimated. Signal. That Oaljr "If." If Hastings gets the B. as M. cur shops, it will add 2,500 to its popula tion in all fiom 500 to 1,000 more families and cause as an Baal expen diture of money for labor of from $350,000 to $500,000. Hastiagsla deacadeat. , If the dog hadn't gottaroagh the bars, he'd had to gone through the gate. Red Cloud stands a- better show for the B. & 31. shoes thaa Hastings does. iBHHHPI9imiJiu 7.,' ' i'A- .' - " - -'-'- ' ' " -", ?..- - BRA LTV .1KB) THK KA8T. The Bntrrtalaaaeitt at the Opera Heaae a CSraad ftaeeeM. On last Saturday evening as an nounced the entertainment at the Opera House for the benefit of the indigent poor of this city took place with a large and appreciative audience present. It was probably the largest crowd that was ever present at any like entertainment in this city. The voung folks who took part in the comedy were in training for about two weeks, under the management of Mr. W. F. O'Brien and Mrs. Sill, and to say tnat they merit great praise in tbe matter would be putting it in a light form . Every thing seemed to be perfect, and the various parts taken by the young ladies were rendered with that case and perfection that only characterises the most perfect training at the hands of the instruct ors and the adaptation of each part best 'suited to the individual who would be most apt to go through with it without failure. For instance WILLI A GATHER took the part of -'The Merchant" and carried it throagh with such grace and ease that she called forth the ad- miration of the entire audience. It was a difficult part and well rendered. 3IARV .MINER Chimpanzo" a prince transformed as into a beast, was an excellent char acter, and as she appeared upon the stage representing a bear, it was the signal for a general uproar of applause If she had been "old bruin" himself she could not have acted her part better. NELLIE WEST as "Goblin Page" performed her part of "Attendant on Beast" with per fect composure and good judgment. MINNIE MCAVOV AND TRIX MIZER as fint and second daughters of Merchant, rendered their several parts to the utter satisfaction of the audience, who applauded them fre quently. MAROARET MINER as third and favorite daughter of Merchant, played her part splendidly and without fault and come in for tbe share of applause. 1'EARL SKEEN as ''Little Fairy acted her part charmingly, and looked a veritable fairy from fairy land as she tripped lightly to sweet strains of the piano in the mazy waltz. NELLIE MCBRWE as "The Fairy Aunt of Chimpanzo" rendered her part without a fault, and fe?n:el "Monarch of her Fairy Garden," as at her will princes were turned into beasts and vice versa. In fact every one of the young ladies did their several parts so well that it would have challenged : the most careful ciitic to observe a - m . a single tauit in any ot tnem during the rendition, of the drama and es pecially was the dancing one of the most noticeable and pleasing features. The farce "In Want of a Servant' was produced by the same characters with the exception that little Irene Miner took the place of Nellie West. It was rendered in keeping with the above. During the entertainment the or-! chestra rendered delightful vocal aad iaetruraental music. Indeed the whole affair was a great success in every way. The faad raised will be weed ia relieviag the waats of our city poor. Great credit shaald be givea to Mr. O'Briea, Mrs. Sill and leers for their maeeasing efforts to alike the eatertaiameai z graad NEB. FFIDAY. FEBRUARY 4C88. FRIDAY. Rev. (Ico. O. Yeiser will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist church Suuday morning. We arc indebted to Hon. Chan. Manderson for a copy of the con gressional record. If. M. Tringley has taken the posi tion of night car boss in the placeof J. B. Wright. Mr. E. J. Curtis and wife are vis iting in Kansas City. They expect to be gone two or three weeks.. Warner & Wolfanger, our enter prising boot and shoe men have re ceived one of the finest lines of boots and shoes ever brought to the city. The people of the city should call and see them at their quarters on south side of south Webster street. M. L. Thomas, formerly editor of of the Red CloHd weekly Chief, has purchased the Dundy County Pio neer. Here's our i" Merv, way you live long and die at your pds't, editing a first class newspaper. Tf)e Pionees will be much improved uudfer his management. Success. ' r. - It woald not cost a great deal fofa building for a canning factory. fc believe that the washing machine factory owned by E. J. Curtis could be rented for that purpose, andl" would be consequently located. Let the board look the matter up at once. Now is the time to get the canning factory in operation so that contracts ean be made for crops. Cuckle Burr of the Times-Winner gfes out of bs way to give "Our Noser Man" a little send-off. The poor dyr pplic editor of the T-W evidently had heen indulging in "bile beans' and while engaged in pullincthe old h:imi r ess became so turbulent that be was compelled to rest his mind by sticking hi nose into "our Noser's bu siness." Don't read it Burr if it shocks pour modest). NOTICK. The firm of Codman & Whitney is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The affairs of the firm will be attended to by C. G. Codman. Dated Red Cloud, Xeb. Jan. 19, 1888. 3w Charles G. Codman, Ellerton P. Whitney. . Mr N. S. Frohlirhstein, of Mobile Ala. writes: I take great pleasure in reccomrnending Dr. Kings new difcov ery for consumption, having used it for a severe attack o: bronchitis and catarah. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I alo beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also u-ed electric bitters ami Dr. King's new iife pills, both of which 1 ran recommend. Dr. King'. new discovery for con sumption; coughs and cold, H sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at Henry Cook's drug store. A htaatea4 CItrgymaa'a Tartft May. Br It M. Tiekntf. Frcndeat of tat MelWUt rrotetaat Church t4 South Carolina, writ ham Omvnlle: "Afoot four year ago 1 vu attacked with what the phrnciaas proaoaaced aniralgfr rheumatism, accompanied with errmpel Mj appetite failed ne entirely, and I had an intcrariUiag palae and vci j irregular r-utettioaa of the heart. A ter riWe pain aa raau iato my chert and nhrnldcni. and T henaie mt hclpleM that I ioulil attmd ti to burfneaa at alt Thr pain wrtr mumble, and waald KMBctiau Tn from i.r iart of mv lody to aawthei Finally thr rrTipeljlntl;r aut Miaylett hand and arm. na.l pn-.ii:-d antch wdl iug. 1 trait le vightcen awatfo afliricd i). lhi way. and of ctiurxe afl a great many hind of medidac. bat aothraggav ae relict Friend finally persuaded a t. fry Swift' Specific I n.riicrdadc-cMfcd irriptnTrturnt wbtlr takiag the first Kittle. 1 cotitinntd it ar until thai taken . v nednxva Uttlc. ahea I f-aad Myself naad and aril agaia, with uu stga uf da aa left except a atifaea ia 2t haatf. a resalt of the erysipelas. While takiag ite monetae igaiaeaaa uim "! " wm nn I gaiaai aa aa artraaa twa perwaek. lthiaaS.BV.lt sdieiae. aad I ftauaeaUf . L! - pound ! a a valuable maanacaa-n la san Write ta the ftwnrr aarrc Cat, AUaata.Ua. far a Traatim aa -" J -i JUB)8.. Mr. JIadly was buried at Mt. Jlope cemetery. After burying the corpse ltcv. Hummell preached the funeral sermon at the school house. It was iuite a large funeral. The ground hog failed to sec his shadow, so we might expect an early spring, which will help the farmers to prepare for work. (Jeruian preaching next Sunday at the Star of Hope school house, all are invited to attend. The literary is held at the same place every Wednesday evening with good attendance. Mrs. Zion is on the sick list, also Grandma Graves. Miss Emma Barrett has returned home from her trip north. Sn. LINK. Line, Neb., Feb. 7. Special Cor respondence A large crowd was out at the Hummell school house last Sunday but no preacher. Our ex-commissioner went to Smith Center last Monday- -T """ Literary is just a booming. Last Thursday evening the Louse wa chock full. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney who have spent the winter with their daughter Mrs. Joe' Norris, expects to return to their home in Iowa this week,1 Mr. Ground Hog failed to see his shadow this time. Line is perfectly safe with two de tectives in the township and one on the west line. Look out boys. Tncle Billy. PLKAftATST GKOVE. Pleasant Grove, Kan., Feb. 7, 1888 Special Correspondence I will try and give you a few items from these parts. I see that Mr. Bat is dead, I guess the cold wave froze him to death. J. S. Wagoner is getting well again. Mr. Ground nog failed to see him self on the 2nd of this month. The young ladies of this neighbor hood are taking the advantage of leap year by taking gents to parties. W. H. Sr.unders is the happy pa of a fine girl. Usual weight. Harvey Merrill lost another fine Young horse. That makes two for him this winter. This warm weather makes the far mer have the spring fever. If this don't lad the waste basket you auy hear again from, Uxclc Tom. tldl K KaCSK. Guide Bock, Feb. 3. Special Correspoadence Mr. Garber is still improviag. Mr. Corwia, it is feared has typhoid fever. Mr. Jackson, the new merchant has come on and is overhauling the store room, preparatory to pattiag ia a $5,000 stock of goods. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Perry Sawyer are ia towa to-day lookiag after their in'.erests in legal matters. They hied aa afidavit' for a coatinaaacc of 30 days owiag to the impossibility of the atteadance of owe of their wit Baaat. whose baby, they had heard aetMoaa say, has the aaaUs. " Case caatiaaad. Rocket. w"""""rrrT? -i w. i. uoyt uk. WMaaaaia aa aa. havaaeew "Way JPr.agBarV ;waw dtr--crveryLahcrifS ffeim&frj-V'? vj. xv vn r " ii a7a'-'-j r- .-X" i.- i- ' &i5wr ? ' ' vjcv i ATXUKNY ATcErlW? - if - -- "J --.- C?Jr-'-r' I OSawa a aa jtMftxfr i-.'. rt'Vf . s.iji. wk-v"' L. -J aaap. . , y ju a NO 28 Nat a California Bear Anybody can catch a cold thir triad of weatner. The trouble is to let go like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to purchase of Henry Cook a bottle of Santa Abie, the California king of coemption, asthma nmncnuis, cougns aau croup cares, and keep it handy. Tis nleasicg to the taste antl deaw) to the alove com plaintg. Sold $1.00 a bottle or three for $2.50 California cat-r-cure gives immediate relief. Tbe catarrhal virus it oon displaced by its hetlint: and penetrating nature. Give it atrial. Six months treatment $1.00 sent bv mail $1.10. We will fill your prescriptions ac curately and with the bst goods mdc,a Deyo & Don. cniNC On or about February 10th a rep resentative of the Bed Cloud Taak Line will pass your house daily with a complete line of Coal Oils and Gasoline 101-t C. E. Webb, Proprietor Mock Turtle and Okra, and Tomato "(up at Hacker & Parker's the gro cere. 42tf Wanted Quick, a car load of old machine castings. Hizhest aiarkei iprioa paidr i A. L. Funk. Am Aaaelae Care. The original Abietine ointment ia only put up in large two ounce tid, I'oxes, and is an absolute cure for osl -ores, burn, wounds, chapped bands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for.tbe original Abietine" ointment. Said Henry cook at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. tf CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OF DISCOVERIES ! BEWARE OFIM1TAITONS See that cur trabe mark, 8ANTA AB IE, is on every bottle is is on every bottle of that pleasant California rem edy. Satisfaction guaraateed or mun ey refunded by Henry Cook. MAKE NO MITSAKE By dispellina; the symptoms so often mi'taken for consumption. SAXfA ABIE has brought giadneas U many a household and by promptly breaking tip tha ooogD and cokl Uut too often developes iato that fatal disease mil t yve thouaanaa from aa un timely g:ave. You make sowis'uke by keeping a bottle of tais plaasaat remt dy always in the kouaa. '-w ' elFCffiHlJTi . "tf I j.i -- CAUFOESIA CAT-BCUtE T: awljr jpaji iBHiil vtrm for awaarrb. c'i ia Ufths ii; iaty ? ar rPasaanpL atar4aphafaaa aiWI'soar. a$aa,x- torta was' satsM of laete aad aaaaU raasovaiaai uwU aad alaaaaat is warraaial!!ay aaasi'fiDr aataaiiar aa ati2iCaX 00. JuvilU ax Mf as' tawfiat for - wESek . -, 5$ 4 2--'jr' K aBSRSHHWsWa Eiaaaaaf!lSaBaBV LaaaaxmiTal at MwlW&k aVwBaaMEaaaaVyai aVaVaB'a'a'''saaBaaaaBaBaaaaaf PffiStBfel tflalafHaai aaaaaMaaSaUfBrvSal IWaaWj ' aaamaaaa1i bsaraaaJtmcfrwai raajjoaa) aad araaw CallaalBaw. t. . - laillAaaiarLl"' ). -Trlk?Lmii?r?rmr .-ji-.7wT'- -. . a n, &.' -.-. koU'.J. :B L.. - . . Ti. a r tf.BBBBBBBBBBBr' SSBBBBBBBBL.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK rL hi ii hi i 4 t i$ MS. . V 7k- j? liueaaav Mai arte to aayn v aasrs-st-1- fear" .-" -'-- -v - .1&55MI: 1Z--- Jr 1- '4fXm 3s e -rfM&--& i-v x 'safctc? s,y i& st,. '?ai7 wr.' . r- -": or -.-s.-i -zj- PttigJS3- - ' ". f' .iliasSgl (-se :. ,; 1 uiaL SMWittw . mwmn aaaaac y,1', STMil2aaaaaBaBaaaaaaTaaa rs p 1 .. mmmmmmMmam' V 'f t'.3K5BaB",-5ariia'e?ai r ' ria'ecs4aaaaai.'Vc-5I.;r'as s ' .iA!msss3Sk3is&. "HFfejr5S&Wv-i;jri jtliit-r. rtuY?r--i-;-rart: ks &