The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1888, Image 1

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! : ' -. J ': .
Are we going to have a county
Every body should go to church to--morrow.
Lookout for some important news
next week.
.Miss Mattie Heaton, of Denver, is
in the citjgttay soliciting subscript
.HHHHbjIy engaged
in Be&lrnfMMy clerk and
treasurer antrH; a thorough,
examination. n
A new build'ng association should
be organized in this city. If runibn
-the right principle it would be a grand
good thing for the city.
The Northwestern has submitted
proposition to four townships in
Nuckolls county and to Superior.
Our fellows are, still sucking their
ft Arthur Bills, of Lawrence Neb., is
visiting in the city.
Mrs. James Smith left this aiorn
ing for Nebraska City.
James Potter returned this morn-
ing from a trip to Akron.
Miss Etta Hulbert returned this
morning ta-Tier home in Lincoln.
Ttf.W. JVckerson has returned from,
; a business trip in the eastern part of
the state.
t. .S Tt if earnestly requested that
T- lada interested in the welfare of the
'fioor of Red Cloud will meet at Mrs.
Wiener's on Tuesday at 2 p. m. for
" ihe purpose of sewing. By order of
Pork Packlns; at Fremont.
Just for a starter, the Fremont
packing house has paid out $62,000
for hogs to date; has killed 4500 hogs
has in its employ flf ty-two men, and
its weekly pay roll amounts to about
f $550. This is something of an indi-
- -cation of what the business is going
-to be. Starting in with everything
new during the past month, and with
no market established, it is a most
favorable showing, and an indication
;, of what proportions it is graduallyas-
taninc and whose beneficial results
I wiil be more and more experienced
is more nearly worsea 10 us
( i 4 capacity. Fremont Tribune .
; "
"ffis Satanic Majesty, who has
An nn m strike.
j r labored on this "great metropolitan
daily' went out on a strike all by
V nimseil last eveuiug, uuu iu cuuac-
i ' quence we have draped the front door
Wna craiC v-"- w-.w ,..wV --- ,
lered tne rest oi tne crew 10 wasn
Ifteir necks for thirty days. It was
ver thus.
MMtngmtehcA r Clergyman's TmU
many. -.
V. B. M. Pickens. President of tht
lodist Protestant Church of South
a, writes from Greenville:
bont four years aro I was attacked
what the.r phrBicians pronounced
ralgic rhcuxnatism,- accompanied with
ripela. My actite failed me entirely.
rmA I had an intermitting pulse and very
iXMgnlar pulsations .of the heart. A ter-
q si pain sooa came; intoinrACh est ana
J -)Mld attend to 'no business at alL 1
" etins were moVableand -crauld somctir
-i fMluaens ouj wty."r''3?1 ""
mm.- J Aa -a . k W ll w m mm
ruinn were morauif, ana wjum vomcuiaes
mm from onoparf of my body to another,
jffjially the erysipelas brolce out on iny lett
kamd and arm. anp'produeed'mch swell
jw, I was for cishteen 'months 'afflicted
ja this way. and iof course used ajrreat
m-y kinds of medicines, butnotliinseavs
nie relief. I"riend finally pcrsua'dep' me
a trv Swift's Specific.1! noticed a decided
F '4proTement while talcing: the first bottle.
fmntinucd its use until 1 had taken about)
V.Jnfedoten bottles, when I found myblff
aoand and well aainwith no sign of dint
lie ieft except a stiffness in my "hand, a
-'rwult of the erysipelas. While taking
- the medicine 1 gained on an average two
neand of 1Mb per week. I think S. S. 8.
ijm valuable medicine, and I frequently
CsKommcnd it to -ffiyvfriends." v
- "Writ to tke Swift 'Sracmc Co,
.'Atomi, Oaer TrettiM on Blood ana
mailed &M to aayoBal"
From Tlie Sunny South.
Roaxoke Va.. Jan. 17th 18SS.
Dear Fbiekw Hosmer: Perhaps a
note from the far east may
amiss. Very often memory carries
one back over the past and make it
pleasant to recall names and happy
associations. Being located in a very
different clime 'tis, pleasant to com-
'pare notes that the livine vital princi
pal of friendship f be kept fresh and
grVen. I read wjth very much de
light and real-interest our ever wel
come visitor Ihe'dniEF" and so heep
up with the Anies in far off Red Cloud
as .well'as hereat home. We live in'a
biey prosperous young city of ten
thousand souls. Injl882 there were
only five hundred-people, so you can
readily see tiioir great has been Roan
oke's growth and development. The
people here very confidingly look for a
wonderfully prosperous year upon
which we have just entered. Politics I
am lolil, were very lively here last fall
but,'after election, the people very
wisely settled' down to business, and
all of all parties worked and continue
to work for the general goed. Asa
result we have but few to complain,
and fiadlfault Thereal estate business
is" very active indecd,"and much prop
erty is constantly changing hands, and
as a consequence business of all kinds
is brisk . We have a number of whole
rsaleTiouses and also a number of man
'ufiifctorie3 of various kinds.
I beg pardon" for using so much
Wishing you great prospenty,
and rejoicing at your having such
fW l-.V1na'"'oll Cof." nnil "foot, lifir.
?JS&twi I remain yon , -
A. W. Pitman.
The officers of the Smith Count;
Agricultural society were arrested toj
day upon indictments found byfc
recent Grand Jury for permitting
gambling on the fair grounds during
the years of. 188C and 1887- They
have given ' bonds for their appear
ance "at the next term of district.
This seems to us to be the most trival
matter that could have been allowed
to occupy the mindVof- the Grand
Jury. It will probably amount to
nothing but another bill of expense
to the county. Daily Pioneer.
He Did Groan.
The Helmet admires the taste of
the chairman of the board ofsjuper.
visors in Iris section. o'fcdmmitteeS.
IfvOftVs 'opihrSn is to be changed by a
simple 6treet walking politician in his
duties to the people, then it is high
time that the boM-df-etaman at their
head who has tfct'backbone to do what
is rihf, regardless of a few interested
parties: The change of one committee
on ;last Weddesday was enough to
make. the devil groan with shame.
However, as lone as politics and re.
ligion try to walk hand in hand, one or
tne going to sunns irom aomg
their duty. We are done. Helmed
XCC, UCU tut, I.UUMU...M.WW ..w.wr..y,
before the hoard as madeVupby the
t r .1 i;l. ill J?J LJ''a:e u-Vw.'
Vo w?ln 41a nntnmitfAnQ trnro TMn
cnair tne aevii uiuruau n wuui.wc
hear is true. t There is one thing cer
tain bulldozing w'o'nt work' on the pre
sent board no matter if the "devil"
does groan.' ''
A few months ago the proprietor
of theRed Cloud Chief, hurled upon
an unespectirie public a HttleDAiLT
Chief, which' in due time wasen
largcd 4 toVfive column 'folio, with
the telepraph service added. Tins
would eem enough 'of prosperity for
one manbutBjo.nosmcrj'nofc con
tent 'ith ii enough'of ' agoodthing,
came out . the other day with a'plug
hat on.4 What -"are other Red Cloud?
journals aoingi xjauy t ivuvvrj- -
j irau
weaker sex
ner on Sa
icated. She
Viori1or fnr cofo lrAfnintr'
marshal was
when she availed therse
through the traiisom, and landed in
the arms of the law just' as she had
made her escape xas"sbe supposed.
Sue was afterwards released on a
J - r J Tl.lUtX i.:i 1.
muse m kuuu ucMHijyr, "uuciuo
shal hummed, "yyertiie
, piece oi numuifcYiIl'.lF
jras arrested byhief.War
turday night for being -intox
was taken2oTtho 'council
i;. .,.
- T-w-a.s-
W. N. Richardson ij ;ned home
this morning. ji .
3tr. Frank Parker Iflt thismWrrag
for avisit with friends in Missouri.
A'rewe going to have railroads?
That is. the 'great question that agi
tates the p&blic mind
Andy WarneY of that popular firm
of Warner & Wolfanger, goes east
this week after goods
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hogs left this
morning to attend the funeral of hi
brother's child in Falls City, Neb.
'Married. by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser
at Red Cloud, Nebrasda, January 19,
Mr William M Wood and Miss Adella
Lindley, all of Webster county.
The Cannon Rail from the west
which leaves Red Cloud at 12:05 flew
the track at Ryron, causing the de
lay, of - the Kansas City train which
was three hours late this morning.
The fate of the man who froze to
death in bed in Dakota, remarks th'a j
umaoa .uepuuiican, announced in yea
terday's telegraph, is aterrible wara
ing toxoid bachelors. It is not good
to be alone with the thermometer
52 degrees below zero.
The poor people of the city should
be taken care of by all means, .-if
there is destitution in the city,w
whicKthere is no doubt, the "Socieft
to aid the Poor" should look them4b
Ma reliev? WGi -ad tttoll
are more fortanate'sltould aid
This weather is exceedingly
on people who are defined ii the
'comforts of life 'm
Step It Up Or It Will Sack TlAtow,'
Jr. Robert Bower, who lKs five;
miles sonthTof Bujrel, has curios
ity in theway'ofawell. It fs a 1C0
feet deep, with plenty of ' water.
Some days the well sucks any small
article near to the depths below; on
other days the suction is from the
bottom, so strong at times that it
makes a whistling noise that can be
heard fifteen rods away. It is quite
a curiosity. lC$na!ny oiirolycientists
ivean explanation of the phenom
enon? The bottom .f ihe wen is
gravel. Ord Democrat.
Fred Hummell has put up 360 tons
of fine river ice. .
J. H.Smith, of Norton. Kansas! is
inthe city for aigw dftrs!' . .?
4 Next; Sunday January 22, is'Hhe
birthday of 'Lojjfi Byron, the great
.T)oet. ' ,
That canning factory If our peo
ple are -vgoingLto have a canning
factory now is the time to establish
it so that whoever runs it can make
arrangements to contract for crops
It is absolutely necessary to work
this matter up right away if we are
to have it
In the WzEKLrlCniEF, of August
23,!187 7, wfind the followingutems
in a letter to theDaily'kearney
Press about Red Cloud: -
'"VB.McNitt, ,f5rmer. cattle
wner, merchant anipost master, is
a. & aI . tm a r-
ageni ior me iimencanjijioie society
of New York." '
-; ijThe hundred acre,' fields around
this.townfRe'd Cloud) sf6rnTi;stock-
T.r j ' !!..
stranger jinereis no
ian Chief Red Cloud's
oinsr anv harm ."
TmV Red:loud Cflp isa news-
Indian as-"me
4. CasfI sweepeiB at' f aylor'aited
- . . . - . -
paper. andfiot an
people, mighty imagine."
- ?.
? 5X
Oh! how we sigh for a breath of
summer air once gain.
The editor of the Argus and Hel
met musthave bunrpfd their heads to
gether otherwise it would have beerrT
impossible foXach of them tolfeve
written an editorial on the "dirty dau
by rubber stamp" in the same identi
cal language.
This cold weather is having some
beneficial effects it is-ijelpinp the
chief executive of this city to carry out
one of the many pledges made before
election that we should have a pure
administration we have Dare air but
nothing else.
The cit'zens of Red Cloud outside of
the board of trade should hold a pub
liofftaeling and appoint a railway com-
lrft'ee of prominent and influential
crfittaWojik nAcoDiabction with
Wt l!
jpttee anAdeV
te mae to nro-p
the boaruof trade
termined effort should
cure railways to come to this city,
kWill the people act and act at once
The B & M will pay their taxes
next week which amounts to about
$12,000. Still railroads don't pay
you know. The county voted
the B & 31 $40,000 about eight jcars
ago, and- aside from the interest, the
company has paid almost twice the
amount of bonds in taxes, besides
the other good the road has done for
the county. Let us do all we can to
get railroads and make Red Cloud the
great city she is destined to be in the
The B. M. Passenger front Hastings
T recked This Moraine In the
nedCIoad Yards.
No. 131, the Hastings passenger met
with an accident this morningut as
she iras nulline into the citV. It
seem while the train was'p'issiog'oyer:
tne enree inrowert opposing ine
roundhousef 'the jar made Iby lie en
gine bent tbe .switch target, thus
causing the swijto slip and derailing
the tender and a portion of Ihe train
ana breaking a wheel- on thetender's
rear truck. By some mystery the
mail car passed over in safety and the
front truck of the rear coach, but the
back truck struck the ground throwing
the car crossways over two tracks, jar
ing the passengers up in good shape,
some of whom were badly frightened,
but fortunately no one was injured.
Sweezy and several of our peo.
ere on .the train and were repor.
ted .to have displayed great .courage
dfr the trying circumstances.
The . following cases have
ented for trial:
i Cook Carriage Co. vs. Wager &
Hengen to recover on note,
First National Bank vs. J. S.
Rothrock and C. C. Johnson.
Geo. Marquardt vs. J. J. Garber
James W. Graves of Blue Hill
charged with disposing of mortgaged
property. Application for writ of
habeas corpus for illegal detention .
Application for administrator of
estate of Walstead deceased. Con
gest hearing set for Thursdav.
First Dame "Mrs. C, my husband
toils me that Mr. C. is yery popular
among the society gentleman."
Second Dame "Yes, he is. It I do
say it my husband is a great lodge
jOh, y3Sf he goes, down town to
lodge about 7 o'olockvery night and
returns home to lodge about the same
time eyery morning?''
t cKflr?js jmwi4vwmmmamt
r.'JMWHbTM r J rr i-ff i " "aW
- T ' I
" . -"S-m-"
Cy Thurman, of Wittich & Pen
field was in the city yesterday.
Pat Welch, the faithful platform
tfpeepeje left- J&s dfBjnrfg foifSSk'
Rev. Geo. Hummell lectors at
Gowles Tuesday night for the benefit
of tbe public schools.
F. M. Dickerson will move his
restaurant into the room4ately oc
cupied by Maryatt & Go. .,
- Mr. Little,fatherof 'Mrs. F. M.
Tripp is seriously ill with pneumonia.
He is not expected to live.
J. K. Aultz, Dave Kaley and. Park
Watson went"to Cowles to-day to ap
praise a road-that runs through C. W.
J"ur'8 Property,
v ZJ. r r J
-Markcll .& 'Son are moving their
into 'we room occupied by Mrs.;
Markell's millinery store.
The city council have rented th
I. O. O. F.hall for the fire depart-1
ment. it will also be used lor tne
council chamber and board of trade
W. B. Good, formerly of Red Cloud
and now of Kingsburg, California,
writes a long letter in the Kingsburg
(Cal.) Herald in which he lauds that
country highly.
J. L. getting, ah there,
since he can.v slip around in a pair of
inglwniawaTHnsnoef TnTpfl!lP
ed by our enterprising boot and shoe
firm of Warner & Wolfanger.
Several of the boys who delight in
monkeying with the seductive game
of poker were pulled by Chief
Warner on Saturday afternoon.
Those who fool with buzz saws
are sure to get crippled.
Frank Parker is home
Mrs. Mary Richmond is the guest of
Mrs. Frank Smith.
The river is frozen very thick and'
consequently water is low.
Owing to scarcity of water the elec
tric light wont shine during the moon
light. They were turned off Saturday
The plumber again rejoices,
The coal man thiows up his hat;
For the mercury is down near zero,
And a darned sight lower than that.
C. Wiener of the GoldaajPagle, goe
to New York, about the first week
in February for the purpose of
laying in his new stock or clothing.
Dr. Schenck, our worthy coroner is
in the to-day. He informs us that
hereafter he will be in Red Cloud
every Monday, at Sheriff Scott's of
fice. A big boom is in store for Red
Cloud. Besides the railroads that
will' come here, a great many brick
business houses will be erected, and
numerons dwellings.
This is leap year and the time set
apart when the young ladies have tbe
privilege of "poping the question" and,
therefore, we cannot see no good rea
son why so many of our marriageable
young ladies should remain single
when the gents' are so anxious to cet
"doubled up'fand would have done so
long ago if they had not been so bash
ful. r -
Dr Jordan came down to his office
this morning with a broad grin spread
over his facie. Why this great smile
said a Daily Chief reporter to the
venerable doyWby, my dear sir,
haven't you nTfhViws, ws have
a fine baby girl at' house and am
extremely happy oyer it. Visions of
paragoric and midnight walks flitted
across the reporters mind and picking
I up his high hat, departed, after due
i in r sr.rf f'.Ti-M fr-W 1 inm I W lfcM 1 i'ii'
X- " -71"s " . iTffT-nUJmmmn.k i-Ti
-- I Til saTSmmmml ' TT n i ij r T
t ' fcft J 1
N6- 2fc '
Not a California Rear
Anybody can catch a cold tlup kind
ot weatner. The trouble is to let iro
like the man who caught the bear.
We advise our readers to purchase of
Henry Cook a bottle of Santa Abie, the
afifnrrlMdMmatr.niamnlfon. nstnma
rontnitis," coughfe sjimjuipt cures,
:md keep it handy. TTs nlfcasitrg to
the taste and death to the above com
plaints. Sold $1.00 a bottle or three
for $250 California cat-r-cure gives
immediate relief. Tbe catarrhal virus
poon displaced by its healing and
penetrating nature. Give it a trial.
Six months treatment $1.00 sent by
mail $1.10. .. i
We will fill your prescriptions ac
curately and with the best goods
mde,a Deyo & Dorr. .
For Sale.
I Lhayp a half section of good im
proved farm land for sale. One f
he most choice' 'farms in webstejF.
county. For Jurther particulars call
on or auarejf ueo. wintos
- 7- Red Clorid,
MocK$Furt1e and Okra, and Tomato
soup at Hacker & Parker's the gro
ters. 42tf
Wanted; Quick, a car load of old
machine castings. Highest marke?
price paid. A. L. FdAk.
An Absolne Cure.
The original Abietine ointment in
only put up in large two ounce Ud, ..
boxes, and is an absolute cure for osl -sores,
burnE, woundB, chapped hljjds '" - ;
and all ekin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for.the
original Abietine ointment. Sold S
Henry cook at 25 cents per box by
mail 30 cents. tf
See that cur trabe mark, SANTA AB
IE, is on every bottle is is on every
bottle of that pleasant California rem
edy. Satisfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded by ,,
By dispelling the symptoms so often
mistaken for consumption. S.VNTA
ABIE has brought gladness to many a.
household and by promptly breaking
up tho cough and cold that too often
developed into that fatal disease will
yet syve thousands from an untimely
grave. You make no mistake by
keeping a bottle of this pleasant Teme-
dy alwas's in the house. '
5The only guaranteed cure for catarrh,
CQ,ld,i-,"the head, hay sever, Rose coj(d
caiaronai ueamess acu soar eyes, re
stoea the sense of taste and smell,
remfived bad taste and unpleasant
breath, resulting from catarrh. Follow
dire'ettons and a cure is warranted by
all druggists. Send for circular to
California. Six months' treatment for
$1; sent mail by ,$1.10
sale by
Wholesale Agents LiacohvNeb,
Henry Cook, Agent.
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