"4.1 -rjTx-s W-S-S"-.. r- . - " ELiifcssSS fcSHPs? I- siBfe5: : sir- ics3vs l j ' TVC. ..? 4 "fwaai s?,ip '& 5S.4S3 cj,Ti."r 'i ;:&; jm Jfsi v fc il - 2Ji3Ft: --i. .-" r ., Kft-CSivt 52PfiBn -r--- t-jw ' Arr-cV. -i-rfu..i,--- T-VTC? TvJ - s.-?oc-- X,-?-ft? .?'' JtJZ .rVi -ta.: . -v? -.. 2t-.-.- "H.iit.'i - '-- ta v-t ..- i . Bw f K IEESr i TJT?-EiBg lEEftESm I cV"m1k t B t ig BPtSKtR tR" w1' HHHHWHRHBxHBS8THHR,SfiP I can loan money on improved farm AT 8 PER CENT. too and you can par up the dent at the end of auy year and cut off the interest Pay up the debt in PIOK-UP& JUST RECEIVED! L. hacker, the h A complete new sjock of ing Boots and Shoes S AND CAPS, FURNISHING IOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. INSTALLMENTS a great deal easier way than to leave the whole amount coming due, all in a chunk. Consult your own interest and make your farm loans at the best terms to yourself and you will get the best terms in my othce. G. W. Barker. her are t55SjPrs; VS-ysm ISPS 1 i-tr? -f - SITSSESSEJ 2gjt35 -arma S3Bft5ai "ClSSUtS -- r wi vSJV-iw - .X JW - LI -" '- ' ssggstgigsfei .regyggf-s Bed Cloud Markets. Winter Wheat 4045. Spring Wheat 35 Corn 17i9c Oats iaai6. Barley Mc. 38c. Kje-28. Hogs 4.13 Cattle 3 SO&l, Butchers stock 2 603. 8 Per Gent Farm Loan. The Nebraska Farm Loan Co. will make you a loan on you farm at traight 8 per cent and furnish the money without any delay. Call on them in the Bed Cloud National Bank Building. THE CHIEF Has Moved to New Quarters (Just Opposite Our Old Three Story Print Shop. CITY NEWS. Bead the now advertisements and make money. S. W. Fulton, of Bladen, was doing the metropolis Saturday. Mas. T. C. Hackeb is visiting daughter. Mamie, at Akron. trTHE several new brick buildings being rapidly pushed forward. Dr. McKeeby "as professionally called to Superior on Thursday. L3- H. Kellogg & Co's new brick building is booming right along. Congressman Laird and General Thajrer were in the city on last Friday evening. C. L. CorriNQ has received. a supply of McCormick Bros, homeopathic medicines. Don't forget the county convention Saturday. Every township should be represented. We understand that M. R. Bentlev and wife are talking of wintering in California. Another fakir in the city Saturday. Suckers were plenty and the lellow coined money. Where, oh! where! is the Qui Vive fire denartment? Has it vanished from our sight? Don't forget to prepare something for the fair, which will be the best ever held in the county. The Red Cloud base ball club go to Alma iuesday to nlay the champion TID-BITS. is tho need of any of these goods. We respectfully iuvite all to give us a .call at the ONE PRICE SQUARE DEALING CLOTHIN'G STORE. Amy and Gko. Ccok were in the city ttltc WnnL' TJliss Cobdie Sherer will attend Rev. W. D. Page, of Cowles, was a pleasant caller on Monday. "Dick" Thompson, editor of the Hastings Democrat, was in the city Fri- rtav. All 00ds of latest Styles and Of all qualities Miss Caroline Xewhouse left Mon I J -----.. - . .....w... . .. , 1 " 1 n 1 11 1 I tate University at piiccb which win piease anwno are in the HR Prnn y cxft?s. wtt m EMEW THE ABOVE CUT EEPEESENTS J I li!H;ii illiwffillelEi' W. S. Hay, the good looking auditor of the Wells, Fargo Express Co., was in the city Monday. There will be services in the Catho- lie Church next Sunday, Sept. llH dosepu jicry, y.iaiur. MR". C T. Watson, of Deerfield, Mich., is visiting in the city the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood. J, u.. Chaplin, a traveling man from St. Joe, lias moved to Red Cloud, and makes this city his headquarters. We are indebted to Mr. Halleck for the largest watermelon of the season. Our devil took it all in at one glance &There will be preaching at tho court house hall next bunday, morning and' evening. Sunday-school at halt past nine. Get your sewing machine new Japanned and cleaned. E. A. Young can make your machine look like a new one. u. a. watts, ot jjioomincton, was i'kickers" of that town. Mrs. A. O. Berg is visitintr in .Tamos. 'town, Kansas. Andv may commit suicide, but we doubt it. We have neglected to note tho re turn of Mrs. L. H. Fort, accompanied uy ner sister, Miss uulbertson. S. X. Richmond has been taking in the State line soldiers reunion nt 1 Tar dy. He reports a pleasant time. N.J. Ludi, editor of the Harlan County Democrat, was a pleasant caller at these headquarters Wednesday. Owing to the crowded condition of oar advertising conlumns we are com nellcd to omit ourcorrnnnndpnpn 1 J. W. Moon is in tho city superin tending the erection of his new brick block which will be under headway soon. The democrats have called their convention for October 5, at Blue Hill. Oh! my. what a Catherine of th fimh. ful that will be. Congress met last Saturday and transacted county business in good shape. Chairman Wilson presided I with his usual dignity. LCodstv Clerk Bailey, Judge Mc- xieigiiuu. j.Ai. ivaiey; ana a large num Willcox, SwEEzr& Wells name of the 'new law firm. Politics are becoming just a little warm, and the candidate locmeth up like the veritable mushroom. Don't forget that The Chief is offer ing the paper, from now until January 1, 1887, for $1 per vear, c.ish in ad vance. Every merchant in Red Cloud should make an effort to have a reput able display of goods in their line at the fair. Mrs. C. A. Owen left the city Mon day for Arkansas City. Kansas, where she coes to meet her husband, former ly of this place. - ZTHis week we publish the proposals Tdr4)ids for the erection of the new Odd Fellows Hall. Contractors will please take notice. Rev. M. C. Butler will preach at the Congregational church next Sab bath, morning and evening. It will pay you to come out and hear him. Our old and aged friends, Mr. Ma hard and wife, of McCook. are visiting at the residence of L. A. Haskins across tho river, also Mrs. Hogeaboom, i uieir uaugnter. E. H. Booth, of Alma, Neb., one of the oldest Odd Fellows in Nebraska, if not the oldest, was in Red - Cloud on Tuesday, and paid these steam head quarters a pleasant visit. Col. Pickett, the affable editor of the Bloomington Guard, paid the.-e steam headquarters a fraternal ciil iuesday during the temporary ab sence of the managing editor. Mrs. Gust, wife of Charley Gu.t, supervisor from Line township, died at her home one week aco last Mon day and was buried on Thursday fol lowing in Penney Creek cemetery, Rev. Geo. Hummell officiating. The services were held at her late resi dence. A large number of friends gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. " Mr. Gust h;is the sym pathy of his many friends in his be reavement. Now is the chance for a brick hotel. Jlr. .Moon oners to help build u three story brick hotel on the no.th end of his lots, proided the citizens will help form a stock com nan v. We under stand that he will take one-third ot the actual amount of the stock, wliate cr that may be, if the citizens will sub scribe the balance. This is a rare chance and The Chief would suggest that thoso most interested form a stock company at once and proceed to raise the funds for the proposed hotel. This would prove a big bonanza for Red Cloud. Let's have the hotel. T5&. ' si t ffsQ:m i r-svsrsr '?$, CHICAGO T STORE Mfflffl IW Our immense new stock has arrived, bargains in. the following. ? per of other Red Cloud citizens visited The business outlook for Red me aun x air luis weet. indeed encouraging from Ihe witling hand society of the SL. ent outlook t,. church will give a C. C. social at theresidencoofMrs. A. A. Pope this Friday cveninu. September 17. T?n- lreshments will be served. r of our city in relation to tho Missouri racihe extension. Thoy, however. n.u-...w vw .....v v. Hi (i AllO) Ji xiiuuujiiiiiuii vino looKing aromui .ino gate city tins weeKy ' o. n.E..Ntr anu a. o. Marsh were Jlr. Watts reports Franklin count, over to salein recently in the interest solid for Laird. JosEPn GR.VYshns purchased -A. Cure's.farm near CatherUm, paying therefor $2000. Mr. Cure is going to Sherman county, Kansas. W. W. W. Jones, State superintend ent of Public Instruction, was in the citv this week. Mr. Jones is a candi date for rn-eleclion this fall. Ocr Chinese laundry is now open -iid ready for business. intr Lee the handsome propiietor, while Job Win will assist him in the "washee business. , John Farrell, who has been to Wisconsin for a few months, has re turned, and is much surprised with the numerous improvements being made in Red Cloud. H. W. Pinneo. a traveling man from Chicago, has bem sick at the Holland House in this city for several days. Dr. Hall, his attending physician, re ports him improving. Wkicli we have at a GREAT EXPENSE procured for the fitting of Spectacles to all DISEASES OF THE EYE ! We o-uarantee this instrument to most perfectly & correct all deficiencies of Either Eye as U each eye is' tested and fitted to its own peculiar deficiency. IT IS THE ONLY INSTRUMENT ! In the Republican Valley that can correct the Following Diseases tigmatisra both simple and compound. . La, Hypermeiropia, Presbyopia, Etc. specially invite those who have experi- encethe greatest difficulty in procuring spec tacles to come and have their EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE ! Gall and see this latest invention of, science. WRIGHT & WALLACE, - Jewelers and Optician Bid Clyud, NebiMbh At a meciinu of the-Nebraski Traveline Men's Association at Hast- ings lastmonth, John C. Allen, of Red Cloud, was elected secretary of the as sociation for the coming year. W. M. Douklaso. traveling salesman, for H. T. Clarke & Co., A'holesale drug gists of Lincoln, will move his family to Red Cloud this week and make this city his headquarters for the future. John Storey, who for many years J'has been the trusted employe of Henry 1 Cook, has been promoted by Mr. Cook to manager cf the City fharmacy The Chief is pleased to note Johnny's promotion. ur. L. H. Beck, well known in this city, and for several months connected with Henry Cook's City Pharmacy, has located at Riycrton. The Doctor step3 into a good practice, Dr. Stapleford having decided to go west to engage in in the drug business. List of letters uncalled for the week ending September If: Hanson An drus. Jno. L. Brown, S. M. Brewster, Miss Mary Culep, Albert Crandal, G. S Carnes, G. S. Durrell, Miss Emma Dayfoot, Miss Ida Eipert, Merrian Hall, Mrs. Julia Kitchen, G. C. Wer ner, Mary Seemmerhorn. The Nuckells connty fair offer the following premiums in addition to those in the regular premium list: De partment B (cattle), a sweepstakes premium. Best herd o cattle, any breed or age, over one year, of not less than 6 head, 1st premium ; 2nd pre mium, $3. Entry fee $1.30. Herd must all be of same breed. Thos. Leonard, an old time DeWitt county, Illinois, boy, was in Red Cloud the other day on nis way to Topeka, Kansas. Mr. Leonard is founder of the enterprising town of Itasca, and we are pleased to note that he is get ting rich fast, and that the prospects now are that his town will become the county seat of Sherman county, Kans. The Chief wishes its old time friend success, to our people. Hurrah! "As goes Maim, so goes the Union." If it don't it ought to. The recent election in Maine resulted in an overwhelming republican major ity, notwithstanding there were several partias in the held. consecration of Grace Enisconal urch, of this city, by Bishop Worth - , took place on Tuesday, with appropriate ceremonies. Several strangers wcro present from various towns in tho Valley. C L.CoTTiNa has secured the ser vices of Mr. L. H. Deyo. a graduate oi the Michigan College of Pharmacy and a tho ough and competent drug gist who will hereafter have charge of the prescription and dispensing de partment of his store. fHATlT.EV HlTVTF.R. hnnfrnssm.in f iXprm Inavale, is the proud posses-or of ataitl a mae heir. The board didn't pa.s a clay last from Rev. C. W. bpnnger, o yr JCjUW --. hrnse C. Sorincer, who resided at Mar tin' Ridtre. About thirty days after tho rAinrn of the son. the lather, Mr. Amhrrwp CSd ringer, was taken sud denly ill, and after a very brief stck- resolution congratulating Charley but The Chief thinks they should have done so. Wo, however, extend our congratulations in a most hearty man ner. Dr. L. If. Beck, who has practiced successfully in this city for the last eighteen months, has located at River ton. The Doctor is a gentlemen in every respect and fully understands his profession, having graduated from one of the best medical colleges in the country. Ed. Pehkins, one of our former busi ness men, is visiting his parents in the metropolis of the Republican Valley. Ed. sees many changes in Red Cloud of today over Red Cloud ot a few years ago when the Indian and buffalo used to roam and eat hay together on our fertile prairies. It is generally conceded that Frank lin county is to'have the senator, pro vided she can put up a man that is not distasteful to the republicans of the district. He must be a straight re publican or he will have to take a back seat. Wo don't want any hybrid candidates in ours. The democratic brethren of Webster county talk of nominating R. S. Proud fit, of "Guide Rock, for county repre sentative. Mr. Proudfit, as a man, would no doubt make a good officer, but the Miller wing of the party would naturally sit down on the brother who, we understand, belongs t: the Morton outfit Success has at bust crowned the ef forts of our base ball nine, they having 'done up" the crack nine of the Val ley i. e. the Alma nine, the score standing 9 to 0. The game resulted in hard Dlavimr on both sides, and the Alma nine havine the advantage of more practice than our bojs. The Alma nine seeing that they were de feated became wrathy and came in swearing that the rulings of the um- according to tue VI...A riira nnr ttnnnrntntr rn ... ... W LV ,!. WV .,,W..."o We had a pleasant ciu on vveanes- 'Btatoots.'' friends of Hank Clo id the nres- With ten new brick store rooms going up, ail rented, and then to think that there are not enough ttore rooms in the city to fill the wants of these who are seeking business loca tions in our city. It is indeed surpris ing to see tho number of strangers in Red Cloud wno are anxious to get a front scat in the business circles, and in tnrt -iro mwtr .?nipii 15 Or1" corner, as ev cunied. Two new stores have located here this week and will be opened for business iu ten days. Otheis vill be hero as soon as the new bricks are up, so it-will be seen that tho metropolis of the Republican Valley is really out doing all of her anticipations, which The Chief is glad to note. There is no better city in Nebraska than Red Cloud, and a man that is looking for a business location can not afford to miss Red Cloud, whose business out look is indeed brilliant. It seems that the usurer is still on the wing and that a great many of the farmers and others are being hood winked into making loans of that char acter. The unholy business of bonus taking and usurious rates of interest has about run its race in this county, and wclljt may. The time has come when a halt should lie made and the business of bonus taking placed in the categoiy of other criminal transactions It is unjust to the farmer, or any other man to be blood sucked in that man ner, and the man who makes the loan should think twice before placing him self in an attitude to be sn allowed up in a vortex of financial rum. It is in deed alarming, the hold tie money sharks have upon a class of our citi zens. Takinjj usury is a crime and an absolute violation ot our statutes, and punishable in a manner that would not be very wholesome to thoe who arc cngagetl in the business should some of the borrowers make a kick in the right direction. Our farming classes should not be ruined to gratify the greed for wealth of a few men who are aiming to get rich at the poor man's expense. Let there be a decis ive halt in borrowing money, and it will not be long before the men of means will come down off their high horses and loan money at honest rates. Notice to Contractors. Nojice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of M. R. Bentlev until 12 o'clock, noon, Sat urday, September 23, 1SSC, for the erection of a two story brick buildinir, known as the Odd Fellows Hall. Plans and specifications can be seen a. the above named office. The committee reserve the right to reject any and :11 bids. Building to be completed 1st January, 18S0. Committee. - - - New Store. Mr. Stahl, a prominent gentleman of Chicago, who has several stores in Nebraska, has made arrange ments t open a similar institution in one Of the Moon buildings on 5th Avenue, lately moved off of Webster street to make room for the new bucks The Chief takes pleasure in welcom ing Mr. Stahl to to the city, wishing him an abundance of prosperity. Noveltv Combination Suits. Beaded Wool Suits, " --I'-i-ir-ln iiA -T. g.,4-r Fine Dress Goo :1s. Tricots and press Flannels,- Medium Dress Goods. Cheap Dress Goods.i loves, Flannels, Blan! Hosiery and Underwear. We are Prepared to give you Lower. Prk Larger Assortments and BErrE j Grades THAN ANY IIOUS IN THE' WEST. A w $ ' itfvery one invited to look over THE STOC he numerous tyA nnnA' VcVirnsbn sunArintflndp of schools for the county in which fife Maurer living north of the city gave resides. After an absence of thirteen himself and family a general and lusty ,Ar- nnnTpr with bis fimilv. housewarming on Monday night. VCJ113 .I'-n. ."f,. ...... - rf . returned to Franklin a few weeks ago to yisit his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Am- housewarming on Monday night Henry has jnut erected a fine new dwelling house, and it was thought only just to commemorate the event in a nroper manner, as he was one of the pioneers of the county, and for many years resided in the characteristic ?o4 house for which Nebraska is quite ness died the 18th ult., at the age of famous. A gsnerai gooa time was me abolit M veare.-W7tt-(He.) Amer-1 result of thouBe-warminf , led thole 0fti ptHKit-ivpon s fln timt. . Card of Thanks. Red Cr.oun, Neil. Sept. 12, 1SSG. The members of the Congregational chinch assembled do hereby cxp-.c-is their esteem for Rev. J. G. Aikman as pastor. The church sustains a loss not easily made good, and would cheer fully recommend him as an earnest, energetic Christian man. and :vs u preacher fearless and bold in attacking the evil, and firm and clear on th; side of truth. God has bussed bis work among us. and through his 1-ibors we are as a church greatly benefitted, and better than ever before organized foTjuturo work. H. A. Howard, Clerk. c --CM - At Y0I1G, Red Cloutl and Miuertmn. ? . If'J &V5&&&7 VL? i-LT" " ': - & &K. n..--3 M&fctsst ;- s : - &r vsr l . . z - far. W wrzz- .-: 3 a i ' "-a-E Ti J