' fe: "--V mws. WIRT WALTON DEAfJ THE BUSINESS EOQv, NEBRASKA VETERANS. lent bW Kallr-Mii ArriHrnt li,.,n, thr --th J Clchih ..nnoal Mooil-e of . Old hMUn rrovrf ( m Vtf fell Tru maraflnC-llJ -" IUp.f, NY.r Yor.n. Sept. 7. . , .. jnhip rart "' "" ltrllln.ni ..uoc.l..urti..llt. riul UUn.l-C.Mnr-le of Jrlr j ,York ttnat - Jo. v. try. Kan, Sep:. 6. The pa- ' r ' c. .cin "' ltkimo ?-uri ir.iui n:i ti,. k.,,, r .. i . . , I lie ri-filli mitii tMin rm n xnt li. J-L. -iiif n.i.ser aim coinim , - v vkikVAiiii-j uuiiai ot ..... -- -- , --- -. Atcerica. , tue 1 ni.., Cache jiHiij-ni th,- track between l ,,lfnent of Nebraska, that coin- are centrally aaiwuru wi u r r. " - " - ;i'i'C jiitiij-nt the track betwrcr ilulford and Alida ) esterday. Hon. W. W. Vi allow, or Clay Center, v.as rniun; f, the e a Ha jiuaoraamiAMbi.r,lv it.,.. v u- .Hence,! at Gram! Warn! Au:ut 30. ana ' trade. uaner. is !'"'" p of forty- Tontitiued several day, nu well at'ctnl-j hi most case. fery decided h ., cl by the veterans of state, beside. a cvn- , Huter. fur the fall trade I -tlntfi'at fiom the regular army. Camp : continue numcrou ami In u .n. econd i . -iiciiip w liieti Ml on its side, ami be wz in -tlS won by tmib-'' ---a.ded. He was brought to Una .T i Citv ami i n -:.. . ...... . . . ' I Ir.int irr..i.,t..l -. . ... .iit.rv nrwm i Im.iiiMt hern turn haVC .O nted aer military appearance. tminc here- mm nave econu-S , "w'- cierv a.-cmion, um, " .---...... -,i to be 5 comlitiou I hoj-Je-. . "ere were ov , 1 here were over one thousand tent for th jatr hj- fjic employer lo lar!i . :. A. !l, lvu!4 tho,,. um! b the rcri'ar .artl Uje c04,i, otdcfwL TI - i it tune, of WALTON HKAI. trtHipv The in-com! Infantry from 'fori kenm m j JtxcTtox Cm. Kan.. SepL 7.-Wlrt Omaha a, rejreSentcl by Coi.itc .V. or ln,ir nl raeu p w. it.-v R, lte iTbtf Ue- I Walton dletl 3estctilav afjernoon. Uf t!i i - I ul 11. with ilpUchuipntt fnm Com- btultirM hoiLr down ton !.! ,, .. iraia l.tlirw Ii,i,,,.l ... .i,.. ... :. i . . tt.tllV h nmlxr Mnmiiml f Xfai.tr ttiltirf. ).-! turn fo Ik rAttPI Ott C-- .- tb- r j..4 wc i .tniuj.ii amnriiL . - - ..........m. . ....... --. ...v.. ...... -- Kitemau John N-' " " Tt. f ..-..- . ... . .... u Kilo vxa. danrtwuJv ! w rmy.nrt mrantry zrom tmiow (lcHiar ,Jcmntratlon or tne o . , k -II... 'I'.. ... . - . .. . m V . ..1 koni ti:u .ihl a W the face. hea ami n.ht ,ue. . S M " .J, "Sf TiTiS I "l" J KdMI?U "" I-laixI. -' I um ILSTZ'f m ,", l"'m" '" ; rtc,,n n,rt i'-ortb a, uml.r co,,; j leMlmouy of the n.ut itnr.jrv x .. j . li . '" - .1-u,r'r . maiMl of Colour! V.MHirtitT. (.rami Wand ' fratnre t the Increase of order, t . t., in: vw ill H'K ;er :rr jr about the arms and .hi der-s in etnca:- "- - -....- ..... .:.f riatiirii. iiii,lj ......!.... ... i . .. ... .1... 1.- .. . ... . rr: .. .. ... .. . . : " iirtiiuMHiifiv tiecoraipti lor uir ocra. in tui niuuikc?i. j- - '- in 7.', Itli- !r U..I.,... I. . I. . . .. every buitu- limiv. no matter bun- ; , lllrr not onv laree na-.-.r . iW., ,,. , "",niall or bow meU-ntiouN ili-flaviuie , , . , ,, ?KrfrAv?.;Lh..,,55,.IC,!111: ""W-"1 ! buntmc in i,n.(ui,ii. Thenar tnp- f MlK b,.U ar l ! demanding Otw r .-. l. n.:u:oiu I he tenlar trvijw j - .,.... . .. .. t.. I lln-iMtn.1 turn aV tilti OUtloo Zi'f . 8 on 1.. .k 1 ...I, r. . . "rr 'i comsiiami tn iieueiai jiiihm ; - - . . :. ,, , "3 'V""" w" ,,ur . ere nnd.r cot I.I..I h. -! , ft .. , ,urtrVr ' lie addrvM or welcome na.-v dellveietl by trade with thrni uiiUMialiy t.rS:.' ; lV i ?;,:.;,; 'l u-j' .' : : r- v ' r" '':" - S:. miiuhisI be ou:d rroer. AIh.iii Hi.-.. .... v V . " " ""5" . "" "" ! ' clowl Ha len a iArK' ouc. .-.-... r Iser :k. he ; o'clock v.terday niormiii; be commenced , to dt-ciitie and the doctor wt-re u4in Mim ; moned. 'i lieu it nas Jrarned tlmi he ..s ' at deaths door, the live inmutr- nr upto that he had tenia. ned nmbT tin cn--ino m- , halm? the white Jn.t sieain hains trlv r, . cooked hl Itnis. He wa niforme.1 iif the er fct Kiid took i: erv ctxiiiv. At .':u ' he ' o'clock estenlay ntlt-rnvon he nacd ' to 1 quirtly awaj. j ,r .Mr. Waiton was uorn at clotovilh ' ... J-c.oU) County. Ohio. .Ma '-'I. IsVj. H.s ' i(r i ear.y childhood wa ini:t in Liwrt-ncc, ., ; v .inn in 1-5. u ne removeu lit w.iiton lown 1 ship. Labette Count v. In lsTI lie removed to (.owlry County, Kan.L ui.d was uiuiust j iiuiuedutelye.ccted Comity Mttw or. He rvetl in this jiositloi; lor a numb.'r of J ears. In ISTS he was elected Journal ' C.erk or the Kana- House of Represent..- , tlWr. and in 1-sTtJ lie enlisted in tl.e Im.hW luduii wai. He served thtouuli the strnc- tie. escapinic wuliout any injiiij-. In 175 ' he became connected with the Wmfield Cuurh-r and also acted as ' from the South and West hae nt . a ' day was the aciublv of onnrailes and all eJl-NiiIttler-i ttv stii. -.t ..i... ..l.w-l- number of Mate hail it verv lar-e renrl- ' het their fall butlng and only seiitatum in line. Illinois havmc aMut j In the city jtstrtday, their plar, eeii hundred. The States next In order ' tneu hr merchant. from Irs. rcn-if era Iy with iinlrly as main. Itidiiiia. I (in!B 0,,, i,,aln, HlinoN. 3U" Ohio and .ls,. .lter a short j.tradr Vlvu,sin ami .Miim-.ti.t ar- Ursr:. r these squads of eteraus formed Into hotiow , k-11,, ,,.. .., ,-irr:AHis now hi i VeU Alunat without rveeptjoii urii Mr bin in;: freely on nv)uut of thf : quare.s and the toil of rrfimeiiL wan c.ihed. There were many amttshn; and ' rer- .'i the fth- bv haj.py cri.es as tl-ecomndes ste,.,l out mJlUo: , business and hrmrr H.,. and .ound old friend s whom, in many In- j k,hhK ,.,u. .... for KlrtT1 ,ir 4 stances. ta.y iia,i ut sct. ,ur tl ,J(Sartet j Mtt MttWlMtth ,Um ,,, n.sp,!,, coot, . ' .;V',",r" .. I Tlir wholesale cL.thine houses tej! Ih fo.iowtnc i'Sate assoclntioits met and .. . t II. s fuf- ltl.1.1 ll -v-l J-.t. !.- ar irjcr Iber- He for fleeted ollir.-r Ioa- William S. Kand-ill. I-aitfield, tvresideut: H. C. K-isseil, Schuj ler, ue preMdeut. Harry Hotehkiss, Lmcoln. see letarv; Captain Lee. K(o!t. iiensurer. I rnns Ivan. a William ipad. Juniata. most noticatite Increase Su the .let, fnmi the uth. .Mftchants estiinnv mcresp nt tully 3-ts percent, ill iiiut.it or clothluc In th Western Miu also reported cimmI. A LkhiI and shoe I ft e s 's u i m K .. U . k'.i I ! ... tf 11 nr.tttli.l tti.A... . preMdeut; J. (. .itzi. Kali Citv. M-eii,, ' ... ..., ,.., . Hll , ions time for live eirs.' 1 . whidesnle hid.t and lenthrr trade r .itts imsiness. tir,n N flu pnees Th ;:' . en in lor rd nnd lOUse.s le wo.k L-e. ami 'd f ru me o fnniilv VmU Her .u . .ii. ii. iiiiiiiliii. lieiuoiiL lieastuei; S. Jones, WmhI Kixer. blstonaiu O.iio Colonel Joel Hull. .Mindeu. presl- !.... . '. I ...... it .. . .. ... deputy postmaster of that city. In I77 he i tV " .'. J' "?:?" '"' r' "wr,,Iar A lK ": WKSUnanmiousIyeie.-.ed chief cieik of the I MVl etC. n "n o ' "rnCl' Xtrue Houeot l:eF,re.sentatives ami re-elrcte.1 In t ''v Vt- V" 'Vr Ib7y and lbM. In I.vs:; bo served as ' ' ,.,, ,', '-.. v! ," r0!,,r:" "v. deiiLuol for m-ul- from any arcllmi. but . member of the lower House. lepiesentlm: , ,, ',.,.' ,' Vv' i i. .. ' yH""' tendency ailoter is toward tettur buj i.. ware ami ctoekrry trade feel eiy . w foiuMe owr the outliwk for the fall l winter. Their h Nm'ii no extraimUi'i viay bounty, to which he had removed, I i i, sT., , v V ","v "-'; II , ad nu'rensni consumption. In the w. u havim: purchased the Clav Center I,,tt,lu .T.rii.'ii i i "vretary: U l. h.ls- , ur ,h 0t r1ll u t,J1)t ,,u,,,, .. In thi.s L.Kiblature he wa's i-liaiiiii.ui of u,.. ' " ' ,,,,l,,l,,a!. ,lp"'t"" ;-'fftar. ih.iui-.hniK. Manutactureis rr busv rti,. Ways i.ud Means Committer, ft.emoit uM. r y v , .1 ,', M,ft"'- f l-r i ! tllP(r K M t,rk ,i,.,l(iUi ,! K,M,i rurr. pii::.lltwhicl. a mr.uberot tl.e House could i'i",?.!,. wl " i " ' MV,r'arv ;,. " -.pieiall. Tli-lisU no indication or n t-u-!...!. in l h reeeived the kepuh.lcoi !;f', .' a"'y. ticxsurer; (.eo. I-iciich. , lMNIlt blll a ,, K lHHttn S Ilol .,,rij. V.. iiominalioii lor bVnator troni the Cla u- ' i' ..'.'..' tV..r ..l.,r .. trile Is cood nad the lion men n. terr. tak pyin I ...I a- i . . terd.st.ict. but.n the intent ,.r ! . ,"U,,M.,,1T". J' ,l:,rr,,i' l-l"l. I"-' j and unity ho ,m,w :om the ,ace. Jn ! Z.rl,': t,lT" 7?? .h:. K ' ' .... , ...,-, . "i.i iii.ii, .-. ..I. i.eicu. ewar.i: Milo Kobeitson. KIu.mhI. a cousin. I ""'.""" "" r"1 aken bv Ib',, ,IU s,rv, a" Jceilary of the Ih I piionc.iu v.euirai i,ommiilee, ami thi.ii.. (- .,. ., . .. ' -' ,,ear he ua, delegated to the Ilepiio- " V ,;1- V '"' M,",,!ir lK . ..... Mlliv t-I. . I I. t .1111 .11111 their mills .steadily ruipiort! Up to tlle.t limit then th.-y are conlent. That h( H cus now. Th.i le.siliiif i-oiniiUiii.'s rti.i Mce-pes. dents, j-f ,r it.iiit lr- for next i...ir mut m tk ir.icey, olhce ol one leniilni; mill dueotor it wa kf'.lM.I fl.nf ic.nrlr ..r ........ lt ... .1... - t II...... ..'..I. ...I, .. ... . ..'..... t.. .,.....-....,.t ,.:.,.-.- - " t.."t 'u uiieo me auncK on .I .. ... I tlOTitt l'lti n.ii.i ui. .... .....I ..s.n.. . . ,twi ntiiii iimi Mit itiraiii aMu -. chosen a member of the cential commuter, j r 7,V. ", . . ""',,nrK "" 'all manufactuiets. l.H,,,otive M)d ip-uent Hd a yoiiiislLHtitshoii iimeattf-r IiIj. elect he ,lr- ,,,.. l,ll,'t-, A" ". crowd gather. mchim-rv builders now .v.. not ..., kless .spee! e.u.ed. lii'Jtil -J9 he was choeu chair- "'. .', '. t' " K"'l. "' Hm- , ,.ioiiKH orders b.M.knt li. i..wp them bus irsenin inte man of tho convention wh,cli nominated nK ' ' , ,,M. "f T mU,"u" !- , all th.s jer. but enough as well to iumk.. .M1-uh. John A. Andersen lor CiiKies at flay ,. . .' ,.,,','1 " W,,,,M '" T"''1 tte '" "-- "ib, IW. l order m. Klautlv killed. Centei. In Ihe presen eampaitrn hi the '".',, , ', , " ,",' ?" "'" " " Wl.,',, ' m1" elueil within the h.st werk lor ralK Kioruiiii: Wil I"" Conuie,s,o,l district he had ideMl- i " !' '. ' , 'h" tv'?",'jM,,',nlU,l,,,,1 "l ll,r ' ",' "" l""" ' '"t b.-tter th KlTet U"5 IN-l.ubli.-aii ,.a:.v. .Mr. V.'a..n wa, ;,,I,"''J "v'r '"'mary wate.s. 'I In- . , ltial ,,,. -, ,JU f . led 1,3 the ,1s - ,,,:i.V, , ;iMIt,.(i nin';,,;;i,,,,,,,,,-l,,'11',',-ir1';'' Indus,,,.. , re,.s, hi.s. ,'! r" r."v'" I,ni,,v St.L-e:er. who was .shot in the atlnuot f ' " .' ",l '' . ,,,,,.,,,r .'! "'" " '" . ii.u.ienillvr. The ho,. st.. M,lU nun ,,, niiempiiu .sti-,:-!; a board and Miait-d. ten, iiiic hi' i int i lie elinrjre t'ut fnii 1 Hoppeu and I. t umiM ililH' ( which was made upon the lite id Dr. .M. ; -"" "" """' i.ipi.,n.iwu. , nn-lali trade c-netall Munfoid li. Kanas Ctv a texv months a,e. , . . "." ! . .,' u "T.. "Vr1 ..V,.,..".,i. . w '' tH ate workiiM nnrurww I uioiiuiis iiumocteil -'.r..U0. ooiHi . ..i.i- -f.' .."".. . " wwm , t ..I,.. i.T,rui -inn i.M.-uei nuiroails heir ileum, 1.1.11-4 supplies iiiter 1 LAbL'n Hi' , U Ktiiiuii; .spt-eches (iui coiur.oles. Wlul. tlnui the ciow.l.-d Aon j-.-ni, mo s .n iHfii ttoCKliiKiiifii o.l h.e:tt: .....I M. l.... I-"-- , ., ' ,, ..,... , , ,..... t ,r.. ttlll I... rh ,. 111.1 tt.-ll- .1. li.i'K' - ...H' ........ ..... int. im- I'liniu .. ..... ..t. ..... . . ..r- in the utnnd p ilioii to witness the pfes lltl, uhniidut, and the ..ionie of huhism entatiou t the last hours of the 1'mte.i ptomise In In- .put.- us uol as Mt y.-nr. States Seiiale pieMous to the wiihdraviai ot i'nec have r.niohed a level which t the ecrs.nii leadet. It was a spirited ' ..-i.ers eUUu to he an low n In K iaiii. diauia. and m.iuv tuomliu'iit cit.em tok and th.reis no ti.e.ici of a ilv. I'W.. Citlf.(.i. Sept. 0. 'Ihe annual 'Labor1 riiHinv'' is heme: observed 0:1 a very sen- 1 i. worth ?... and - 1 . , ., . , , ....... ... . rceber watch and ' w,a-v- ,:,,M,"'S f :uI k,,"N' !.. 1.. l .... .r I.JkltMMW Isi tneetiierworth..V. t peciany 111 uic iuu...u.......i, - ndnis, an emplove on I lately Mtsnemled. ami the sln-el.s III the iops on lianroCK avenue, ami maiuoro ui of tin c imp In Ihe following older: t.en-eralTli'iv-r. r rnmamler. a'nJ Ids stmf and other o.lh-ers l.e.id n tbelco mull, cm- tiado btler tiiuu at this e..-oi. in a Umg time. The ioImcvo ami c.enrholnesuti, Its own. One ..f Ihe most tes'iVs.tfalr5 In w niches in .Muid.-u Ijiiio i-.iol Uw vsotef- ndnis, an enipb.ve 01. . laiirt-ly MiM'finlM. ami im mimi. 111 j ; j put j ,llM..,st of n.aiartrr. The uraml Mat-of alfaU Im- put a cheffc upon pi soun, whose l.usiia husimjsscrntcr ate ciovvded witii holidy . ,.,....., ,j friuin at one ..V oc . dii.-llou and m.uiulartuiirs .(.y ihey niMiut liome at I'lattsiuoulh ;,.epei. Ihe paiade. vlueli Mazien '"' 'j !,e column fount d in three urand d.viv to fo .slow. '1 luj vlmlr.i' strei Mm(7 vraid eleven o clock, v.as in nine u.vis.on-. : and the uiliuher o pi lie. pants was est,- ) mated at fiom J.'.o4 lt J.'.jsb). Th.-te vvete tweutv-two h.iud-. In the lirst divis- , ion von' the Hiiekla.ve'is' I'nu.n anil lour ( thousand In! e..iii'ir; .s.-ei.nd divisl.-n. hoiM-slioeis, tnoideis, ni-.tc'.diu-ts and blneu- hiiiith.s. tut anl .sheet 11)111 noikeis .itid cm , UMker.s; shini division, plasjeie.s. lathen ago n iau:i"r rosii. ,1 . . Mkels. i.illau w isi jilted home and on tie-' .,m uoodwoimi.t; maclituists; toutlh illvis- j ,., ;,, a larne ii'im.'K'i of bra band at l-o trumps, who riskei' mn, Tvpicr:iph.-..l I u-oti. rie-nifn ? I n- :,.rXais In tneeolmnu. Theeii'iimn reach- ' nphed with their re j,,,,. S.eii-otypeis L nion. sU1.e111.11.e1-, i.ui- , . , ti((. ,... il( j,l:i..,l miHCt.on In a nei.s and cutiins and harness mai-.-i-: j.,,. eiowd. A number of women wer' liftli divi-.nn. c.-aimakeis and tobacco in Hie roliimn. shr.rine the latiuue ol uotki-t: .lMh diviMOo. .-tonemasons ami ., ,mirt,fu u,t, tneit husband-. . " aiuioiu..eU-nln)-. rtrtUInc .1 sn At thre-1. clock the l.emnil I vler trav. tioti In the s,- trae. 1 nnr IhiiHllJle a. ic otlu r day witl .1. Aiuii'us- una -em ito pay tore l.ill- liiid s, 1.1 oil' all hi. left the lull- tin rde are now Iivtui; Ii. tdnis has beun nn ;o n farin-r res-id-n posed ot tin- i'tt stand T.ieiny.-end ii. ) ntll Jewel, r trade, whlrh l the llrt to lT uiar infantry ami I wi-ntv -second aitu ' lery. wiih eisrht pieces: uioui.teil rav-alry of the Ciand Army, IheMieltoii Zouave etuj.nnv, aii'l Ihet'rand Aimy veteiaus by States, with lllti4 ban- to go with him It .re th -v re-tci then rem-a ei. less -ot 111 thev l, kuoek'-d ot. .th revolvers. them iJ7, in ir h atfected by hard iimw and tho l.t to e.n.j up. Is hi better condition than to, iik.iw vent. lnUu aiuotu lending iere.tiiUip lives of bn.s.n.'ss shows a vut .rtictunajhaiJ. btate or things. Il.j I'ulti.r". ItosroM. Srpt, ",. 'Hie failure of Cleat-. man 'i. IStucham, l.t and sh. don fcay. aliied cal I i !:; M-veiilh. ruI'iiMii ! empoyib. etirhlh. South th-ca'o Iron . ., ,.x,,,.,tmt! o( her h-rhtin-; quuidi. uml ,lt jfcuUe known, but it N hf-th-v! woikyis riid I.H-aI a-m ho-s of , un, .U:lfully handled by h.-r crew nude, ..Ki.uoo. The h:v Kuiuhhs of Labor, v. hue the muth division ,. ,,nH.!H. f the follow u-r corps uf oJJl- J ..... r .,.sn.;oleupofau evpos.t., t all bti-l-' Iecuttve olllcer. I. W. Iiatms; "-''"m-ut for the benefit of rredlloj t ness lunis empiov llu; union 1.1001. 1 -i , i,N .lacoh Able. and II. II. 31nrk ; rfJiicon. ik. .-r-j., rnniinr 01 mi- imm turn out is .-aid to have been the largest ,.Ui.f eimuic-er, lleujauilu Ih-rrj. and male. ; s'alional Bunk. The linn, whicli Ua 'ftifctl ever feeu vve.sl ol Hie Iiuuson river. ....u.j K.chb-r. Zouave pnttueridiip concern, 1 rorupovd f Joit K. Ch-utiuMi, of Farmiu-cton, N. II.. and l drill by the I'l" industries, mi.on-c tlieiu bnckd imir. ,x!,,; j a,I dr.-ss j.arade by the iriihu ll II . .!... i.r...lil.llhl' Illlll '.tllll niohilll- ...II..,. .! .. .'......... In III.. ..v.. Iiitl lie 111. lion weieieiueset,:.-d in active , r.-r-irv. in the aa ctemnii l.-twem the r..iii' H. Him-hmn. of IhMiou. ,ud ha beHMlolHC pu.ide. 'Ihe line of iii.iri-h was throtiirh UI)(J jj,.,,,,,. w hirl. excil-d Intense Liter- buue In lhistoti for several ywirt -1 . It.e ptiueipal stieet.s ot the i-usit'ess cein. 1 . ,e.iut leatr- of Ihe d.i) was tb' CAi South street. I he linn Imi iIonk & tury to O-zden'- ".iove. whereanur-s nieetiii"' is pr,..entJitiou of a buotiti 1U1: to the as.e ' Jaie t.usineis nn ,iiiuufrtiire,t nud c-rirt being held this aIt-inoou. elation of West Virirdra soldier hy Mr, fibber nd wa latcel lut-?ted In ev IX miuv.m Kn. .I.vdia .M. Hallidny. of In-ellin. nn aci.! ' eral lio fctorr wlih Ii, own.-; to fr-oM .Mtt.WAL'KKr:, itept. iV. Artisans' D.i" ;' ij)tv ,,. ei-:iit-lite v.-.!ts, who midr tin- .i: cans.-. hae not b-e proniahle. ',. was celebiated lure by a irioti-lcr lahor , ,.tIirt.;v ith tier own ImihU. "I be pres.-n estluml- can a yet U- made ot th. j.atade. v. Inch .-larr.-d at ten n'rioek. and in . ,atll,n ..;H ,MC, (. throu-;h Mr. i'oehm. oj amount Uir tirm -will u able i jmv. "I b which mar!) lO.i.OU workmen p.rtu-palnl ,;.. U.nd. to Cadain J. A. nd.lor are main y in I.too vsiUt t.mj In accordance will, tl.e piocUmilion .ssin-d ( M(.a,.rf ,, ,. nsoHatin. nnd the r-- rew in New York and Nrv Hampsfelre, hy .Vavor Wnllber Ih.re was a -ry irniet.il .,,,. wa, lm(ipily made hy Crricres,man ' i i, t.p coi.lt mo-yy of rc.ijn.J. rem stisiteusion of business 111 iikiii-i.ui etnao , i,.llfc.... i,o a an ollicer in V. et ir- "Ihe rlncf cue of the failure Is .aid lo hnve De- lishmeni.s. laelor.t-s ml wo,K-hop. 'I lo ( , ..eiment. Durirn: tue day the New U-eu the i.trs-ol tr'n-rencv In llu- itMiHer ligo us alleudance at Ihe lalx.r I'icui.' lb - afteiuoon , j.-,,;,,,,! aHs.,cialuii .rhfted th. follow me ( niaUet. 'I he H-tuIr filetl ..f 1. K. WMu. li dav a: tchilti I'ar is very larce. krl. . I. I " - . . .. .. ... - '. . . .. . ... I . .. ... . Tu. t K..11EH 00 1 im- i.i. ..or. . y;KW Ham js.tre, l- K rorrnaiM'. urarney; ; SIT.-T. iM'tur iiirrcr. Uut,.io ul Ui- Il- Kansa.'' C: tv. Mo., bept. .. intense ex- Vermont, (.eorce o. Innlire. ..rui l"rwl; , ton b-nk the hottest cflM.r ar Jo th . i ....!.. . .. .. i ir.. r.t. i.....K i t.-.- . ... ...... ... . it. i. t. ... citeuieut was occasioned ill v vanuoiie, jtacuus.-ns. ... .. ....... ........-. .. ., ..,,., ,.u r. ....... .rr. i-... nn.Tin.i riua. u' : the in; 11 the nr-rout th. . oRlcei: ( . D. Kir.a.don. I 'a myra. pr-i- Mui. the ,uutr tiierrl.ant who fenlly dent; vice president, W. T. Dm.4. Clark. ' fail-l. .-bow total habdltlw of .MS.?.!. t' tin. r' f i . Kit, it M-veii o'chek Ian evenimr bv ti.e ltl.ole Is'and. I- .. M.HIehau. "i o:k; ton 3lwli-n. 511 lll;(. W. Vrttutm. of ICjc- lr f ..ehfolm- 01 Muiti-oU avniur of. Mr. iinCtK-ut. S. 1 . I.-ni.ett. M.e.hy; secretary rnoi.d. Ind.. ft-OM: .-norl.-iaM A Flrj.l. or fr' l ,.,.,.,, v,u",.t,on- one of th- editor, and tie:Mirer. Colomd leaver ami Ce-rur j CltatfiiMa. Ie.... yj.vsj; John io.x. K ; v 7u rot. i-:m n le $,,. ot . r,t,ZiUr. M Mull... KVasnr, : ch.pa.n. Ir. C;.rs. I ,,f Nm,,,,.. 7i. ..hI HoHter l,. folIII. JJ'-W1' Tm- -IteiHlance w. , I f.-t-r. ll.nas. I-e.-arr , - "" n, wn v oonJeemr of WvandotP. who ,s i-stimati-l -'t -JU.W. 1 he oruan II.eJ , nady WU.00O. bl mitle, who l.e r.t. ""' . ,.re"ent sn:lerl,i-a term id four months' ( Corps wn numerously rrpre-i-ut.! by the RtV. Uti. think U. iil -bnuJl Jo S. ilt :...!rL !.., h. n.e niiintv iad for -0 Irailms la'lic ' e towns hatin- orsanlr. ; Ow. and lliat i ilium can not pay 5 cn.-g nit i on the .joi ar. mnrisoui .... . . il... ....... l.tO.rf hw The at, Oil. lI'.t.llNH II".lill. .HIT 1IIIIIJI.'..". j .--. .--- .. . .. . . . Hint I,- ,.,.,.,.;,; :i,e v in erit .iv-anll an arl-rle I he event of r rldar was , .iam hattle. i .il-i. A -. hardware ,lejtrr. hnrc durur; ,.. i. o.w...rrii m Ihe C'izrtt, ot l.ist I 1 1- vc"n was -jw-1- !-.-- - ".-,. 7 j,,, ri- mi .-.i.-.r7 01 . anw.jio.r. .......... ,1. n.u ul'lith ri-fiim t3ririii. T1...lr .1... - (..v.1.., . . ,.... li uui.ua ii v ne ,,. wlnrii aiirued r-iernn- . a pen.t'i ...wuj..... 7 . , ... . , . " - - kis:, ........culatedasnins: for Hie re..ase of plete surces. Ihe reo-ter of bute U,e UuUt-i nearly &m.&K lH tdr I t tt r. ii , h e 'rom iad that It would U pr-.era-; broiteh: m a larei nmer of nr na. of . .-tiU on paj-r of fi e.t art. AtkMK F;i c .- to -liow :ae wife and rhildre., ..'. tl ! veteran, many of whm atfejwle.1 the hu,tr i twenty fm. hv Urn mi th. iMt ut . -;i wn' erpe- t be suptirted b) the riHiiiiy irtU'H'" -"f :,, r: :,:,,r- Io w,,r' "- ' cimsHsZ paj-r with them hJck Mry tMkl. ...i.rw.-,.. ihat nnv ,,twti of h.A Miiteiic- rnents ;lvre aiuwi: a cornid-jte chamco . Irilrf- htwl f.wimt at t-- Iwiik... It t. . ...... . .' -. -- j . . , si'uuhi m uba'ci. I is reyiriii."itoii sxh that their usual rate wa. t- ct cm)L. It-ar.la t.t'. JinPM.tA. 3!".. Sept. 7. Tk-j JVttls Cntr iHjiMtvcratis; Crntrt OmwultVo can- ! thr rrturn of S:n:dij' pt;ry Vi 1 ..i..j.ti n.e jriu. ' ItaJian b-es an -i! at are drwlar. " n ' Mn.v,.tKi: Wis.. Sopr. 7. The onUrinl . rloev in pflrt of nri. Tfcy I announcement U made that the maiwrfe-: hicrcu." at tb rate of imr htaln'l er I r.i f il.i Chicago. Milwaukee t 51. rent nrr aiinmii. I'c b ts-prr re- - s --.s -s, . j w - m m - ' r.iin raiiraad ha- dtcidnl to pltc-; on it , jHrt. hnrin'r tal.cn on tayc!4-anI uto rrrufm ttJay with th foil'-oc rrrft; Icuc. Iiiu:7s dirblnr: the .ytiu of tele- , bun'lr.tl tmvu o. twney .roiii ir... . h, i0W- ,o: 4-7 : n-nrd'i u0rtxr. CRtD'aic tMiiiuiomcaaoii b-tween moria- r.M-.iur vow iV - "'f.1; ;; ! i.i. n(r ofTkltl vote of !oik Couniya.-. n. v;!t.ch w- xecnUy invented by j l4r" -""'. "' ww' "" "" " ' it-rd. 6VT; Mh-. S4-: Hwr.r a.rhy. .,. v Eli-sO't. and wh.di ws Ci-jt . oeit.-- a ptxxnu. 1 frA Ditla Ctvry j-avr IlnnM an en atL.. - a.w f. ... , . .... t f -v iLjiiitj Kii. -t . CTyrji.-j 17 . .- .aa. ... a. itf! v exi-en.neu.eo. im uu ..s , . , ,- Uc-w. r. irouths ar.-. Ity lid ., ! - - "" -,' .. " ' 4, ' J' Howo. iVS. ami !tS.V. Conrl 5r'1 !t-niaiit iii-rlil wrh -r . .. ..i ... 1 !n-rf?iiiz- "jii-ai. 11 writ vcr .. . . ..,. . . .. . . .iv ,r: tra'n- bait a muevapaii arc ....- -- - - iw:e. fcor.ci ar? a ju-jovr- ,nx ,, a .niibi'iitat 011 wih rich other. 'l tai- maaj j..rsoa..i. me w s i; iuit 37,,; fcaHn; j,iL Hraiu'- ..it -r ll OHil nliai cuiiii-jhii--."" .....-. ' - .. - - - - .- - uici, j.vim. biui ui- c'j.'riijT oi. PAv.i.. . t-fcin duiutciier. and te ri'k of - cunistni-:..-i aslierU-imritit "-riil alwy Caiotfeti and llitorv Ut lfz fr obi oflirdlY 'arcie.r-i:riV danger b thua reuuce-4 to a hv ietl. ami rrfll rt-Uim haiiwar j HI tolai taajorily over 3Io mil rvrb uiituras -. ' J prxdit,-. nn.: a ; 1 coHverxtltunaU-'t l,x it ill alvnv PS'I jcrli who ar' ;lil I to hs'.-n U hn. Ar-o icr Xhr trtiiJ ltM-ll-f.. Li-rrxE Koi.ArJ: "r-':,r,r!f -., , J.. Ck:Cac. SvC 7. -Th Ep!wj-a! LVom the !ec:.or cornlnc In Ir.jtn cona-1 Aew lnrk " in j-y trist on- elrrrr of the ck-cr- Bt at tho l'zimrzr ses whit, have ray wl trlc-jraph fa- jiip-ti .rills arvr ten- fiiiitmjn. I't-ople j Ho-mr two cclock tfal alternoon Ut rWas . .- . ... aa i' . titltle. t. i.r'e T'taa t-en P"l'ei and C't taeru mace. u; are airaia Uj put . th- retrt of the awtrUl nmm't.'M a- " --I . r It Tl!Ib.m--n!dav:Xoredcfnutefzur- "-'r nsm 10 itietn. i know one. -S't - T. . !. . . 1. . . .-.-. ..--.. KtiitcuyUaa. SvC 7. The can be c;vn TU- emocratif State raia h -av-. "wbo lia. ..p:it .syj-..t-rJ ticket U ..icd btVi ttJtna--ed ' harin-; ti!U drawn within Ui fc.,-. Biajoriry ot r,;,). aJ.thc I Ino- I-Tr?- - A roiju ciiip!e in Jersey CJtr i-ktsfi a ju-tice of tfco pc2cs to "raarry crats have rcso a j-jjoritr te Ure. iUe l,!.!-4its el LK-tia. ChJer i-hillJ-rf "' coantir-. wuii. tj,r v cir? i.. S .X- !.'- KJ() - . Urette 1, for :wo vests. .V. '. .Sf. mrz .! j jTaKTrrMxi, I -taTaw m, mr frm y. - rri '... ffc? I .s, ', Wj- s1v...ojc. A. i:,s.t V pointed to arrange Vm rv!irunary details for the great Kplteojj! coatcntica which opeu la thl city oa October L Tha r- portTitatetl that after on lltocsand ilr!--(tUe were exDectctl, ami that fund for their eAtertalniuvnt were rapidly befell ao-ritrti atvl areonit.-RHl.it'ofTS ans-l. I t-s , --:-. .. a.r.T s.pi-.. t--r . ixi ttj. H Ue- ..t t, -ttuupK W... 4 .. r ...' ial iefe'ubces r.uf to i" peuor tf tc cril wtu!u. ) ; w K i '&CA , - -v.