The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 17, 1886, Image 2

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h ed had hutf.
Can for Convention.
The Republicans voters of Webster
ooanty.NfbrMkft are requested to bold,
tbeir primaries in their respective vot
ing precincts on Thursday Sent 1G 1886
at 2 o'clock P. M. to elect delegates to
the county convention to be held in
Bed Gioud on Saturday Sept 18, 1886
at 11 o'clock A. 31. to put in nomina
tion (one representative and county
attorney and to elect delegates to the
congressional and State coyentiom and
transact any other business that any
propei ly come before the convention.
A. 31. Walters. Chairman.
W.'GTKinsey, sec.
Republicau Senatorial Convention
The republican electors of the twenty-third
sentonal district of the state
of Nebraska are invited to send dele
gates from tbeir several counties to
meet in convention at Red Cloud, Neb
Thursday, Sept. 23, 1886. at 1 o'clock
p. m. for the purpose of nominating
one candidate lor State Senator, and
the transaction of such other business
f a may properly come before the con
vention. The several counties are en
titled to-the same representation as in
the congressional convention, viz:
Franklin..... C
Nuckolls 6
Webster 9
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, except
sucn as are neia oy persons residing in
the counties from which ?uch proxies
are given. 31. L. Fogel, Chairman.
Republican Representative Con
vention. The republican elector of the forty
first Representative District are in
vited to send delegates from their sev
eral counties to meet in convention at
Red Cloud, Nebraska, on Monday,
September, 20th, 1886, at 1 o'clock, p.
m. for the purpose of nominating one
candidate for representative and for
the transaction of such other business
as may properly come before the con
vention. The several counties arc
entitled to the same representation as
to the congressional convention, viz:
Franklin 6
Webster 9
It is recommended that no proxies
admitted to the convention except
a ns are neia oy persons residing' m
bounties from which such proxies
iven. By order committee.
Frank R. Gump, Chairman.
W- CtVWlUoa. S
The pr
ition voters of Webster
braska, are requested to
hold their,
nmaries in their respect-
ivc voting
precincts on Thursday,
23. 1886, at 2 o'clock n. m.
pose of electing delegates to
convention to be held in
for tno pr-j
the count
Bed ClouCJ
on Saturday, September 25,
t in nomination one renre-
1886, to pi
.nntntWe and county attorney, and to
transact ariy other business that may
H. W. Brewer, Chairman.
Geo. BarKor Wanted.
Ir. Editor: We wish to call the
n of the nominating commit
number of delegates arto-w b.
C. "utoiv U1C republican and prohibition
."- ttieiof Webster countv to the fact
that we would like to have Geo. W.
Barker nominated to the office of
county attorney: We believe Mr:
Barker well qualified to fill the office,
--fceiujr a thorough lawyer and a steady,
Honorable young man. Being a true
and tfied temperance man he would
receive the temperance vote, and be
iQgtheson of a fallen comrade he
would receive the soldier vote. Having
.been a resident and taxpayer ot Web-
.Qounty for the past eight years he
o stranger among us. uy order oi
W. C. T. U.
Still ThW Come, We take pleas-
in calling the attention of our
thousands of Headers to the new adver
tisement ef 31fsere Goldman & Waugh,
a new firm that is opening up in Mor
hart& Fulton' old hardware store
one of the largest stocks of general
merchandise that has ever come to the
:ity. They have remodelled the in
ferior of the store room, shelved it on
both sides and up and down the cen
ter, and propose to do business in Red
Cloud if selling goods low will do it.
Their stock embraces boots and shoes.
goods, clothing, etc., and they
.uasormed us that they propose to
them at all hazards. The
ics the gentlemen to our
fes they will receive a
Patronage, as both are en-
a dot and full of vim and
As soon as Mr. Moon's
ready for occupancy they will
to tne west sine oi me sirecc
Bv will open about Saturday morn -
Mag for business.
'S. Watbok. a nrominent centle-
Kan of West Liberty. Iowa, and an
f Bid friend of W. W. Gardner, was in
our city this week and has decided to
-lOCaWJ IU VCU v,iuuu, nun u onjjk
c f imported stallions. Mr. Watson, as
will be seen by comments from West
Liberty papers, comes to Ked Cloud
Lighly recomraendea as a nreeuer oi
he stoct, ana just sucu an insuiuuon
.what is needed in ebster county.
a is also a breeder of fine blooded
i, and will engage in .both branches
rfbebusinadbaBKh 1, 1887.
We take pleasure this weak in call
ing the attention of our maay readers
to the advertisement and incorpora
tion of the South-Weetero Investment
Company, of Red Cloud, with a capital
stock of $50,000. This institution, we
are glad to say, starts oat with every
evidence of prosperity. They have
secured an abundance of money to
loan, from eastern parties, who have
connected themselves indirectly with
the company, and Irom this on per
sons who are desnous of making farm
loans, or loans on city property, can be
accommodated at honest rates of inter
est and on easy terms. The oficers of
the company so far are F. A. Sweety,
President: P. A. Wells, Secretary; and
J. R, Willcox, Treasurer. The office
of the company will be at 'present in
the law office of Willcox 6 Sweeiy in
Opera House block. The Chief wish
es the new organization success and
prosperity. Agents will be' established
in all ot the principal towns in South
western Nebraska as soon as oossible.
This institution adds another spoke to
Red Cloud's wheel' of prosperity.
. ,.
We see among the names mentioned
as likely to be before the republican
county convention for the 'nomination
to the office of representative, that of
Mr. I. B. Hampton tbe present mem
ber of the county board from this pre
cinct. This will be news to many of
his friends even in the vicinity of his
home as he is not much given to office
seeking, but he will get their unani
mous support just the same. For the
information of newcomers to the
county we may say that Mr. H. is a
farmer of this precinct, and one of the
most intelligent and prosperous of that
intelligent class of our citizens. He has
been long identified with the interests
of our county, both as a private citi
zen and in an official capacity, and al
ways with credit to himself and to his
constituents. Guide Rock precinct
can do herself no greater honor than
by sending a solid delegation for Mr.
Hampton to the county convention.
The choice of the banner republican
precinct will receive due consideration
at the hands of the convention. Quide
'Rock Signal.
W. C. T. U.
It was our privilege, in company
with five others, to attend the W. C.
T. U. convention held at Bine Hill
August 11. We were met at the de
pot by a delegation of ladies and tak
en directly to the Presbyterian church
where the convention was held, after
wards assigned places and most hos
pitably entertained by the citisens.
Mrs. Win. Gates resigned her office of
county president on account of her
removal from Red Cloud, and Mrs.
Brakcfield was elected to fill the va
cancy. Mrs. Alden was appointed
county organizer in place of Mrs.
Brakcfield. Miss Munroe, of Wells,.
was elected treasurer. There were
five delegates from the union at Wells,
the same nimber from Stillwater, four
from Blue Hill, and four from Red
Cloud. At the morning session we
had the address of welcome by Mrs.
nnnn of Blue Hill, and the re
sponse by M. Mrystt. of Red
Cloud, and a short but spirited talk
from Brother Barnes, of this place,
who accompanied us.
At the afternoon sessson we had re
ports from the superintendents of the
different departments, an interesting
essay upon hygenc, by Mrs. Dr. Mun
roe, of Wells, short speeches from
Elder Barnes, Dr Watkins and others.
Mrs. Cooley, of Lincoln, State organ
izer, was present ana gave us an cn-
tertaing and instructive talk upon
methods of work in the union She
gave a most excellent address in the
evening. Everything passed off most
harmoniously, and we came home with
our hearts cheered and encouraged in
the good work for "God, Home and
Native Land." An ATTENDANT.
Brick for sale at the Chicago Lum
bcr Yard.
If you wien to sell your farm or town
properly call on Joseph Gbavw.
42tf Red Cloud, Neb.
Ix)ta ot new goods constantly arriv
ing at the Red Cloud Drug Store.
The befit of everything received daily
at the City Pharmacy.
For Sale Four good horses on
reasonable terms. Call on or address
5if D. H. Kalky, Red Cloud.
Every department is a pet at tbe
Red Cloud Drug Store.
Go to J. H. Kellogg & Co's for you
school books, slates, pencils, etc. Full
and complete assortment.
Go to J. H. Kellogg & Co's for all
kinds of pure drugs, paints, etc.
J, II. Kellogg & Co are headquaters
for perfumes of all kinds, stationeiy,
Call at the First National Bank for
SI per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf
Call at the First National Bnk for
8s per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf
Brick for sale at the Chicago Lum
Oowa for Sale.
I have I cows and a 3 year old three
fourths Durham Bull for sale.
6t4 H. Ruhdell, Cowles, Neb.
Mks. L. F. Mabxill has received a
choice selection of milliner goods
that she would invite the ladies of Red
Cloud to call and see. 8he was com.
celled to open them in rooms over
Morbart & Fulton's hardware store,
but by the first of next month hopes to
move in more commodieos quarters.
Teachbks' and district school blanks
sdy hours at Cottinjrs drnr
as follows: 9 to 10:30 a. m.. 2
6 to 7 p m.
new Jerseys just arrived at
iret National Bank
National Bank
are dow
in will
TjtgBl Notice. 1
ftTlMnas, Aeouilt las been made in tbe condi
Yv tloMOftwo cert tin chattel mortgage.
data HMUmher
2, i&b, aaa mo
- I -- iuL tm mH
Meats aad deUvscea n Jaws M. kafuato
wmif E. JseKsoo. aaa oy ni aawcncu w,
a4 ow owned by aw tie undersigned.
8aM awrtgafes were giTen to eecare the
jaMDt olTwo certain promissory notes of
evem date with said mortgage, one for fiso
and oae for SCO. wttfc interest at 10 per cent.
Mr from date o! said notes respect-
Tbe prtaelpal and Interest now due and un
paid oa said potes amounts to the sum of $tos.ox
said asortgages were siren on tbe following
described property :
l reaa cow, 5 years old.
1 retacow.
1 large red cow, 6 years old,
l Unit red cow. s years old, .
l latie red cew.
t red cow, S yean eld.
1 red reaa cow, 3 years old,
l Mack retted Angus bull calf.
l red steer calf ,
1 light red beirr calf,
l red heifer calf.
3 bead heifer calrea,
1 black herse colt,
1 dark red bull calf,
1 red roaa heifer calf,
l red loan heifer calf,
1 black heifer calf.
l red and white heifer calf,
1 red heifer calf,
l red ban calf,
1 red roan bull calf,
1 red bull calf.
1 red heifer calf.
1 light aad red heifer calf,
1 red and white spotted heiforcaif,
1 black horse colt 1 yr old.
1 black mare colt, 1 yr old, together with all
Now therefore on Saturday, tho ninth day of
October, 1SS6. at 1 o'clock p.m.. at tbe yard of
W. N. Btcuardson. on Webster street, in the city
of Bed Cloud, Nebraska, I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
c cows.
19 yearling steers and heifers,
1 mare colt,
l horse colt.
Or enough of tbe same to satisfy the .said
sum ef $403.00, together with all costs pertain
ing to the taking, keeping, advertising and
selling said property.
Dated Red Cloud. Neb.. September 15, IMC.
7w3 J. May el.
Legal Notice.
t" in the conditions of a certain chattel
raortgago bearing date February Utli. 1S8C.
made, executed and delivered by August
Plerstoff to William Malcolm, to secure the pay
ment of tbe principal sum of six bundled sixtv
and no-100 dollars, with 10 per cent. Interest
from date, said mortgage having been assigned
and now owned by the Red Cloud National
The principal and Interest now due and un
paid on said note and mortgage amounts to this
date to the sum of live hundred nlnetv-eiglitaud
75-160 dollars.
Said mrtgaco was given on the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
One light bay horse mule, no marks, 11 years
old, named "Pete."
One dark bay horse mule, no marks, 9 years
oid, named "Jack."
One dark roan pony mare, both hind feet
white, 9 years old, named "Fanny."
One dark roan cow. 7 years old, named
One danc roaa) slotted cow, 5 years old.
named "Lilly."
One light roan cow. spiked horns, 5 years old.
One black cow, star in face, 3 years old.
One red and white spotted liefier, 2 years old
One dark roan heifer, 2 years old. past.
One white heifer, red neck, blaze face, "Jlyears
old past
One white heifer, light red neck, 2 years old.
One dark loan heifer, no marks, 2 years old
this spring.
One dark roan bull, red neck, 3 ycais old.
One red and white "potted cow, 4 years old.
One white steer, no marks. 1 year old.
One cane mill mado at Madison, Wisconsin.
One McConuick iron mower.
One lumber wagon.
One set double harness.
One sulky rake.
logeinor wuu all increase oi above described
Now therefore on Saturday, tho second day of
October, 1886, at 1 o'clock p. in., at the Intersec
tion of 3rd Avenue and Webster street, in the
city of Red Cloud, Nebraska, we will sell at
public auction to tho highest biddci. for. cash,
the property above dercrilied, or enough or the
same to satisfy said sum of fivo hundred ninety
eight and 75-100 dollars, and tbe costs of taking,
keeping, advertising and celling said proierty.
Dated Bed Cloud, Nebraska, September uth.
Kkd Cloud National Dank.
By Frank It. Gump. Its Attorney. Cv3
executed by Ole Hansen to the undersigned
mortgagee, on the Mb day of December, ISM,
and duly (lied In the clerks onieo of Webster
county, Nebraska, 1 will sell at public auction
on Tuesday. "Jept. a, 188C. at the residence or
said Ole Hansen, on the nw M sec 18. town 3,
range 12, in Webster county. Neb., tho following
property to satisfy a balance on a note secured
by above mortgage, of 11G0. on the ctb day of
September. m. ana tho costs of this sale, viz:
une yoae oi Druidle oxen. 9 or io years old; 1
brown and white cow, with crumpled Irorns, 9 or
10 years old; t red and whito cow six vears old ;
S red cows with white faces, 4 vears old; 1 red
cow with white face, 3 years old ;1 red heifer
years old; 1 red and white heller 2 years old; 2
steers, (I red and white and 1 brown and white)
two years old; 1 red and white bull ealf. 2 red
and white heifer calves, l brindle steer calf with
white face. 2 brood sows and 5 pigs. 4 sboats 5
mos. old. C sboats 4 mos. old. with all increase oi
above stock. Sale to commence at it a. m.
Terms cash.
Mw Wiluam Cathkk, Mortgagee.
Lcffal Notice.
1'he following proposition was ordered to be
. submitted to the qualified electors of Web
ster county. Nebraska, at the general election of
said county In November. 16AG. and that notice
thereof oe published for four weeks in the Red
Cloud Chief, a paper published in said count .
8hall the board of supervisors of aid county
sad their successors In olfico cause to be levied
on Um taxable property of said county a special
tax of one ana H. mills in each war for four
years, to-wit: The years 1887. 188s. 1889. isdo. for
the purpose of building and furnishing a county
Jail tor aald county.
lueciors aesinng io vote in ravor of said pro
posltlon shall have written or printed on tber
tickets the words: "Fir special Jail tax. Yes."
Klectorcdesinncto votoiurainet .ald nmnni.
tion shall have written or printed nn their
note tne words : -ror special Jail tax. No."
J. H. B.viLKr. Clerk.
Final Proof Notice.
Land Office at RIoomlngton, Neb., Sept 4. 1886.
following-named settler has filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof in support of
ner ciami. and mat said pronr will bo made be
fore the clerk or the district court of Webster
county, at Red Cloud. Neb., on Monday, Oct. 18,
1AK, viz:
on pre-emption D. S, No. 8371. for
the ne k sec. 35, tp 2. N. R.
11 west. She names the following witnesses to
prove'her continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land viz: Peter McNitt, John K.
Aultx.Tboaias traub. Wesley Pi'gg. all of Red
Ooad. Neb. 8. W. SNVlTZKit, Register.
Final Proof Notice.
Land eStee, Bkwmington, Neb., Sept. a. 188.
Notice is hereby given that tbe following,
aaaaed settler has filed notice of his inten
Uoa to atake Seal proof in support of his claim,
aad that said proof will be made before tbe
Jadge or ta his absence the clerk of the district
emrtof Webster county. Nebraska, at Red
Ooad.Neb., pa Saturday. Oct. S. 1836, -Hz:
a H'd application No. STtf. for the nir v of sec
U,tp2,Nof range U wst. Henaaes the fol
lswtac wltaesses to prove his continuous resi
dence ason and cultivation of said land, viz:
AlvafcB. Fierce, William Dickson, Joseph W.
Warren. WUlia Holsworth all oi Red Cloud.
Use. a. WJ3WTTZER. Kecaien
City Drug Store.
Get our prices on
Before purchasing elsewhere. We are head
quarters tor all kinds of m
Kellogg & Co.
4 '
And proprietors of the Inghmar patent fire
and water proof cement. Tin, iron, bod-
ine and shingln roofing,
This is a miuerel process for preserving Tin, Iron or wood and gives the old
ahisle roof the appearance of a new Slato Roof.
Prices. Per square for Tin, Iron and Bodine $1.00, Shingle Roofing $1.50. All
Work Guarandteed Satisfabtory. ,,,,
For further particulars call on or address. SMITH & Si AYt ILLU
P. O. Box, 272. Red Cloud, Jcb.
I mi i i ;
ntimml B&irwf
Levi Moore. President.
W. E. Jackson, Vlce-lTes
Robt, V Shlrey, Cashier.
Jno K. Shlrey. Assistant Casuior.
Capital $50,000
Special Attention Given to
D. M. Piatt. Levi Moore
W. E. Jackson, E. F. Highland
R. V. Shlrey.
Buy and sell Exchange
Make collections and do a
General Banking Business.
Interest allowed on all
time deposits
Farm Loans.
Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans
on must favorable terms. Loan9 can
be paid by giving 30 days notice with
out extra cost. Look to your best
interests and call on me at my office
over First National Bank.
D. B. Spanoqlk.
A good farm for sale or rent. As
furnished. .Apply to Joseph Graves
Red Cloud. Neb. 40 tf
A nice lino of dry goods will be sold
but very cheap at Sirs. Newhouse's.
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New
house's. Itch and scratches of every kind
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This
neverfalle. Soli! by Ferguson iCodrujr
gist. R2d Cloud. 23-ly
The best and cheapest line of laces
Hnmburps, and everlasting trimmings
at Mrs. NewhouseV
ALLsizes of eastern hard coa! fcr
ale at ihc Chicago Lumber Yard at
ten dollars per ton.
"Yours truly," Henry Cook, tho boss
Call at J. H. Kellogg & Co's for co;il
oil, gasoline, machine oils, etc. Best '
in the market.
Wanted. Ten salesmen to handle a
good selling article in this and adjoin
ing counties. Call at Gardner House
Red Cloud, Sceptembcr II. 'Twill pay
you. Sw2
Call at the First National Bank for
8 per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf
Fresh home made candies at G. W
Cline's. Call and see him.
House for rent. Apply to C. H.
Potter. Good b"ilding!, plenty of
water and near the business portion
of the city. 48-tl
A good team of horses for sale. In
quire of Joseph Graves, Red Cloud, t
. Hunters Take Uotioe.
I nereby notify and warn all persons
against hunting or shooting in any
manner on my farm in Line township,
Webster county, Nebraska, sec. 13,
town 1, N. It. 11. E. Stewakt.
Red Cloud, Neb., Aug. 28, 1886. 4
Brick for sale at tho Chicago Lum
ber Yard.
Call at the First National Bank for
8 J per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf
On north Webster Street.
Red Cloud, Neb. P. O. Box 227.
Of the Southwestern Investment
rfV all who It maFconeern: We. the under
t slned citizens of tbe United Slates, Frank
A. Sweezy. John R. Willcox aad Percy A. We'l.
beinj; desirous of form Jnt a cocy ration under
tbe provisions of tbe lavs of tke SUte of Ne
braslui autaorlrinje tbe same, haw associated
ourselves together aader tte pnmslona of tae
laws aforesaid In tbe amaaser foUowiuz:
1. Tbe corporate ma of the aald eamm'.nn
aball be SonuVWcstera IavestaeaU Ooai .
2. ThepriBdpal plae9 of traasaetinc bast.
Bess, anctke prtaelpal oAces ot said compaay
sbaU be at KedClwidTNebraska.
3. The tmsicesi of said oerporatloa shall fee
the bnytag aMl sdlinc. aad dealing jneralt j la
all Bisds of private and pabtie securities; tbe
.Huaus.oa.reai estate aaa caaranieeing
Bebnylnie aad sUiac eTcosnty. pre-
id school boads,aad
aawipai accuri-
Ttw.MritsItfkof said eoraoratlon shall
rrtrtTTbedaaod Dollars, to be paid In asdl
eted by the aoar of oUreetofs of said corpora-
5. TkUconqcalM stoD ?58,i!
c The htefeeat aascwat ef tadektedaess or
tabling to wisaWcofpomio" sh Mat aay
twohirSVef the capital swek acttaHypald la
..., ..ia ! ixM-iMna aaaU fee
'.''"T'rS. -lilfM STlmJ aaaaalr
CaM. Oft Ww Ja w -
. -m .ay "' absb we a
STSiMf feSpmiaea fey the
T i ! 1 1 'Tfre
SBwwvHHkaRaCAsSBteTa ,-
wwwwBawwwwVawwwwwmlkaVaww'VBWw'' Wa. Wfc-IH. SLh&lAL
4awwwwwwwwwwwT"wwwwwwwt riSBWwWT" gSfcsar 'wHam
MMstwwwwwwwwHn Ifnr
Silas Garber. Tres't. Geo. 11. Holland. V. Prcs.
W. S. Garber. Cashier.
Farmer: and Merchants
A general banking business trans,
acted in all its branches.
Three or fivo years straight 8 per
cent, single mortgage. No delay
in securing money.
Silxs G:irbcr, Geo. It. Holland,
K. n. Smith. G. o. Velser,
W. 8. (J.irlcr.
Kountzliros., ... New York, City
First National Bank, - - Omaba. Neb
First National Hank. - - Lincoln. Neb
Citv Meat Market
Red Cloud, Neb.,
Schroeder & Meyer,
Opposite the Red Cloud National
Bank Block,
Fresh ul Salt lais 1
Ham, Bacon, Fish, Oysters, Ac
Always in season. Market
Erery Day.
Your patronage is respectful!
solicited, Our aim is to pi
Call and examine Hamilton .&. Brown
Shoe Co'f Fine Kid Eutton Boot,
For style, carabilitj and fit n sot ear
paeeedby any3aoein tbe amarWL
ITow on exhibitiom ao4 for sals by.
ifiaX " BBBBBBBan34.
a m " SsUBBv . m
Webster County Fair
The managers will
The lucky season ticket will kraw a, $ 12.11,
wind mill,
Special Premium :
For premium list address.
tttnl floml. Xrh.
- if.
School Books and School Suituks, A
and Largk Stock just Ri-rKiviin.
Artists goods, Wall paper, Notions and
Line of
Has the finest Stock of drugs, the IniHtand lar'rt stork
in the city. If this statement seems incredible conn in
and see for yourselves. AIho
Paints, Oils, and Machine Oils at very- i.
No trouble to show goods or answer questions. Special bar
gains in wall paper and window shades.
OHAS, BUSOHOW, President. E. F HlOIIt AND, Vlco-PronUIor.
Robt. V.SHIREY, Treasurer. J. A. TULLEYS decxotiirv.
D.M. Piatt O.CCaae, R.V.Shirey, CIjw. ISo-cIkht. li.ll.Vi'
E. F. HiebUnd. Geo. B, Hollaxid. D. m. Matt. Geo. J. W'arr"
a improved farms in Xebraikaand Kna. Moncr furnwhc! oo xi
aecuritjr m approred Fnncipl ana mtcrcMl payalWc in Ud QoJ
South-Western Investment Company.
Jfttey tm jLmm on JFmrm, At Ete Mate
Interest, mnd nm Mtetny.
We can gt our ICoaey direct aad pay it over a soon aj paper x:v in.
Jmierem emu bzprni mi mur mjiee,
Tbsreby aurtsg txoable aad cxptwe to the Borrewr.
WMSLL8, AtUme At Lmw.
BED CLOUD, ... .... 5E&U3XA
12 TO 15, 188(3
iv. J
destributc 2,1500
EizHflBk - 9BG9
n rrum treit.
j-'in 3t I
- , . rf :
"" "T '
iMtJ! ' "itV.tSt
m j- .jd. i -.
i1S-,-i- '-1
k C '"-.-T
awv -
$ ?j