4k-'J A JUST BECEIYED ! . MAIMER, "THE SM043ER - V V i ..$? m i fc v -T " e ?i rji -- rt- j? fev-- ', VI BK? wfr -w A complete new sjock of Clothing loots and Shoes HATS AND) CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. All goods of latest styles and of all qualities, at nrices which will ulcase all who are in need of any We respectfully iuvite the ONE PRICE SQUARE DEALING CLOTHING STORE. THE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS JfllisHiliiiiiefEMfiki' Which we liave at a GREAT EXPENSE procured for the fitting of Spectacles to all DISEASES OF THE EYE ! We guarantee this instrument to most perfectly correct all deficiencies of Either Eye each eye is tested and fitted to its own peculiar IT IS; THE ONLY INSTRUMENT In the Kepublicau Vallev that can correct the Following Diseases, As tigmatism both simple and compound. Myopia, f Hypermetropic -I f We especially invite those who have experi ence the greatest difficulty in procuring spec tacles to, come and have their EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE Call and see this latest invention of science. WRIGHT: & WALIiAOE, . Jewelers and Opticians Bed Cloud, Nebwii, jgjy'ir -a , I of these goods. all to give us a call 1 . V 1 as deficiency. . Presbyopia, Etc. i: mm. n t, K 1w ' I can loan money on improved f&rm I AT 8 PER CENT. too and you can pa7 up the dent at the end of any year and cut off the interest 'Pay up the debt in INSTALLMENTS a great deal easier way than to leave the whole amount coming due, all in a chunk. Consult your own interest and make your farm loans at the best terms to yourself and you will get the best terms in mv office. G. W. Barker. Bed Cloud Markets. Winter Vneat-40. Spring Wlieat-35&U Corn K&lOc Oats 12&16. Barley 2$c.38c. Rye 'iS. Hogs-4.15 Cattle 3 50(34, Butchers' stock 2 50&3. 8 Per Cent Farm Loan. The Nebraska Farm Loan Co. will maV-p vnn a. ln.in on vou farm at traieht 8 ner cent and furnish the money without any delay. Call on them in the Bed Cloud National Bank Building. THE OHitefr' Has Moved to New Quarters Just Opposite Our Old Three Story Print Shop. crrr news. Blixd Boons will be nere October 5. uuu:s v. .aliUs: waa in uiu kuj una week. Sleeper's blacksmiths are on a strike. Brick for sale at the Chicago Lum ber Yard. J. W. Sherwood and sou Homer arc in the city. Tuia office wants a load of hay on subscription. We hear of more new bricks for the spring opening. Mrs. C. L. Cottixu is visiting in Shellrock, Iowa. A lot of new Jerseys just arrived at Mrs. -Sewhouse 3 ! f The reunion is over and the boys m have returned home H The ticoreia minstrels l roujM)eoolc Monday night. A ciq.vr manufactory will probably Te located in the city soon The sunflowers ought to be cut down before they go to seed. 23 yards muslin, or 25 yards calico for $1 at E. L. Willis & Co's. Call at the First National Bank for S per cent.' interest farm loans. Slf Mr. Bruoaicer has rented one of the old Moon building for a carpenter shop. The crossing at the various street crossings should be filled in, now that djrt is plentiful. Perry & Evans go to Wells this eek where they expect to move that towa to Bladen. There will be a festival at rieasant Hill school on Saturday the 18th for the benefit of tho minister. axkk Miller's old store room has been moved on the lots south of M. W. Dickenson s commission House. The ladies' aid society will hold a fair at the fair grounds during the Webster county agricultural exhibi tion. Vashti Gardner and Blanche Feight are putting in their time practicing equestrienneship, They are becoming experts. We hope our correspondents will furnish iib the i:ews. We want a good live correspondent in every township in the county. Our merchants are getting in their 11 rmnAe nrwl trtfa rtViAni Thfl Yista pects are good for a tremendous sale of goods this fall. The building boom is still going on. Just think of eleven new brick store rooms going up now, and ethers con templated as soon &b spring opens. There is a splendid prospect for the success of the county fair. Everybody is talking about it, and we believe i t will be the best exhibition ever held in the county. The base ball club pf Red Cloud is in bad luck having been downed by the Guide Rock club, the score, we understand, stood about 150 to 200, or thereabouts. The old three story print shop has been leased by these steam headquar ters to two nice looking celestials who propose to make a "washee" house out of it. "Rats." Rev. Geo.S. Davis will soon go toll coaference. W e hope he wi'l be reiformed by Prof. Pickinir. for this term turneu aa ne iiaa uwu tue muuiuui ui much good in this community during his year's residence here. John Moore, cashier of the First National Bank, is the happiest man we presume in Red Cloud, all because he is father of a handsome Tittle girl of the usual weight. He will now sing rocky-a-by baby, etc. TnERE should be a railway com mittee appointed who would have the necessary enterprise to investigate the Rock Island's moyements. We want that road and must have it Later the committee have been appointed. After October first The Chief will change its paper to a 9 column folio, all home print. In order to make it an lducement for subscribers to pay arreanres we will furnish the pancr fofr one year for $1. Come in now. Terml - nw cash in advance. This chance will hold good until January 1, 1S87. Bishop Worthington, of this dio cese, a fine pulpit orator by the way, will preach at Grace (Episcopal) Church, Tuesday evening, September 14- Bishop Worthington will visit Red Cloud for the purpose of J036uocating Grace Church, and will spend a day or two in our midst. The public is cor dially inyited to hear him. .The old Morhart & Fulton building is being fitted by a Mr. Waugh, of Kansas City, and will be used for a general merchandise store. We un derstand that the gentleman will have a very large stock of goods. He will occupy the present store until the Moon buildings are up when he will take one of them. Glad to see the evidence that people are coming to wards Red Cloud, believing as they do and we do that Bed Cloud will be a big townioob. PIOR-UPS. School has opened. Bertie Emioii is visiting in Wy more. j. M. Walters, of Blue Hill, was in tho city Saturday. A brother of Mr. J. F. Winters was in the city last week. i Mr. Bakek, of Amboy has our thanks for watermelons. The democratic central committee met in this city last Monday. J. M. Ci'.vffin, of Guide Rock is a candidate for county attorney. Elder Hoops has closed his meeting in this city and will go to Lincoln. Mrs. Geo. A. Yodnq has returned home accompanied by her sister Etta. The Amboy Mills are now ready to buy new wheat. Farmers take notice. The public school are now opened. The young hope fulls are therefore joy ous. Joe Warner sold $658 worth of his own herd the other day and has plenty left. Miss Eva J. King has returned to flic city ifter a sojourn in the country rof a couple of months Gus Lauterbach has paid during thft summer months to A. N. Patmor, $100 per month for cream. R. C. Barrows will preach at court house hall Sunday, Sept. 12, morning and evening. Eyorybody invited. All members of the Y. W. C. T. U. are requested to meet at the school house Friday, September 17. at 3:45 p. m. Mr. Tankahill, of Columbus, has been giving our people a chance to see war scenes as enacte d during our late war. Don't forget that the republican county conventon is called far the 18th Eveiy township should havo a full del egation. Dr. Steele, of Crete, an old friend of Joseph Graves, was m the city Satur day. He represents the Bankers' Asso ciation of St. Paul, Minn. Married, at Red Cloud, September 8, by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Fred Bill and Miss Sarah McCumber, all of Webster county, Nebraska. I MR. J. G. Waugh and Mr. Coleman entertainedf& Fulton's old stand. The Chief welcomes the gentlemen to Red Cloud. Mr Wilhelmson's little child was given too much lauduum the othe day, and lor a time it was though doubtful whether the child could uvi or not. JlMiss Sadie Dickerson tripped down iron a Seward street walk the other dav and hurt herself quite serious v. but fortunately not so seriously but what she is around again. The Red Willow Cattle Co., sold sixty head of caUle in this city Satur day. Think they would have done batter had they hired a good good auc tioneer at Red Cloud. In all probability Dr. Schenck will receive the nomination for county representative t the -coming county convention. The doctor would make a good representative. The Red Cloud and Amboy mills are now furnishing our farmers with a splendid market for their wheat. These two mills grind more wheat than any mills west of Omaha. Frank R. Gump is a candidate for county attorney. Mr. Gump has been a resident of Red Cloud for a number of years mid there is no doubt but wh'at he could fill the office with credit to himself and constituency. The editoi of the Omaha Herald had better attend to his own business and take care of its own base ball club, which has not won a game in a year, rather than pay se much attention to the Red Cloud base ball club. For tlie absence of tl e Pastor of the Methodist Church of the this city Jast sabbath evening Rev, Geo, O. Yeiser, filled the pulpit to the satisfaction and profit ef that congrpgation Mr. Davij was assisting Rev G.' W. Hummel in his camp meeting. A piece of frail humanity in the shape of a female who was staying in the city for a few days was notified to leave town. She didn't go, and as a consequence the city marshal put her in the city hostile, and on Monday she was fired out of the city. It does not seem possible that such rowdyism as was manifested at the opera house Monday night could be brought out. The horribb whistling, stamping, etc., prior to the commence ment of the sho.v, was simply very much out of place in a respectable audience. Such conduct should not be tolerated. The total enrollment, we are. in- ot scnooi so lar is b'M, or iio more than the number enrolled last term. Who says Red Cloud is not growing rapidly. Or the same basis that Hast ings claims 0000 population, i. e one voter to every fire children, Red Cloud would have a population of nearly 4000. Rev G. S. Davis of this city who has been preaching each alternate Sabbath for some weeks at a School south east ofCatherton and whose expese have been paid by the congreatir n promptly was recently presented with a purse of nearly $30. lie rinds among his sup porter such substantial families as those of Messrs Fuller, Cramer,- Reed Rust, Cowley, McCallum and others of that V'cinity. L us Monday nignt a auy passing by m i Mizer s store during the ram storm fell into the cellar excavated for the new buildings. Luckily she was not injured any more than getting her apparel begrimed with mud. The noxt morning His Honor, Mayor Tinker, issued an order that a railing be erect ed to prevent the weary pedestrians from sliding down hill in the summer, "gentle Annie." Railroad news is scarce this week, and ;t is very difficult to procure any definite facts in regard to the course of the Rock Island road. A Red Cloud gentleman in conversation said that the road was expected to make a "Y" at Nelson, one-line going southwest and the other going northwest, but only one to be built at present. We hear that they are about to submit a proposition to Red Cloud and Webster county, and if such is the case the road will not come here for seme time, if at all. We hope thia will not prove so.-Jftttfen (ftafafo. TID-BITS. John Murray has gouo to Iowa. D. M. Platt has returned home. Mrs. Newhouse is visiting in Oma ha. Call at the First National Bank for 8 per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf Grr your truck ready for the fair. Eyery body 'should have something on exhibition. The Red Cloud Mills are now ready to buy new wheat. Farmers will find it a ready market. 6tf Mr. Platt received word Wednes day that his wife's father had died at White Water, Wis. A hull for sale, 3 years old. A No. 1 Inquire of A. O. Berg, Red Cloud, or on nis farm south of the river. 6w2 Mrs. C. S. Humphrey ot Indianola daughter of R.K Orchord is visiting her parents at Invale this week. The school teachers now cry "rats" when they think about drinking the water out of the school house well. 15 J pounds light brown sugar, $1. 13 pounds granulated sugar for $1 at E. L. Willis & Co's cash bargain house; Rev. D. Jones will preach at the Congregational Church next Sabbath at the usual hours a lull attendance is desired- The Ladies Baptist H. M. Society will have a Rag social at the residence of Rev. G. O. Yeiser, Tuesday evening SeDt 14. The ladies' aid society meets Friday at Mrs. D. C. Myers' promptly at 2 p. m. All members are requested to be present. Bead Willis & Co '8 new advertise ment on first page. The gentleman is offering extrem ely low bargains. Call and see him. D. Hazen, of Painesviile, Ohio, a brother to Mrs. J. O. Chambcrlin. of Inavalc, was a pleasant caller at these steam headquarters this week. A fine assortment of lisle thread hosiery. Call and seo them. We have also received a fine line of all kinds of ladies' goods at Mrs. Newhouse's. The law firm ofChaney & Bentlcy has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Chaney retains the old offices and will continue the praetico of the law T. J. Mosher will move to the city He has let the contract for a brick house and will move in soon. Our good brother can't live happily in the suburbs. in, t'ESDAY, Sept. 14, Bishop Worthing ' 4on will visit this city to consecrate G Grace Episcopal Church. Service, sermon and communion at 10:30 a. m. All are invited. Sam West may be a very fine Judge, but he has a felon on his hands now that he can not send up, although we nave heard him intimate that ho would like to seo it in in blue blazes just the banie. Married, on September 1, at the bride's home in Warren county. Illi nois, Mr. Frank O. Slater, of Webster county, Nebraska, and Miss Nerva E. Cling. The bride and groom left fcr their future home in Nebraska on the 7th. The Red Cloua people don't want our trade, or why should they shut up all the good roads from here to their town. We can't pull loads of grain through draws and over hills. We will soon have elevators and stores at BJaden and then the grass can grow on the ridge road to Red Cloud. Bladen Correspondent Blue Hill Times. That is where you are off ag-iin. Red Cloud wants the trade of all, and will have it if selling goods cheaper than any city west ot Lincoln wil1 do it. As far as fencing up the roads are con cerned the attempt has been made by eastern parties who own the land, but our people propose to fight the matter. Report of school, district 14, for the month ending September 3. Whole number enrolled, 33; those who have not whispered during the month, Ida Lea, Harah A'etcalt, Mary Alclntosn and Aucust Moede: those not tardy. Sarah Metcalf, Eddie Metcalf, and Frank Mcintosh. Mertie Mcintosh was not absent during the month. Ollie Bean, Teacher. Notice. All real estate in Webster county on which the 1S85 tax is not paid, will be advertised for sale the first week in October. M. B. McNitt, County Treasurer. Cows forlSale. I have t cows and a 3 year old three- fourths Durham Bull for sale. 6t4 H. Rundell, Cowles, Neb. Prunes. 20 pounds for $1; peaches, 20 pounds for $1; apples. 20 pounds for f 1, at the-tr reat uasn mrgain iisuse E. L. Willis Jb Co. -.- Might Get Sedgwick a Place, Too. Between the five-leggf d hog and the double-headed calf in the avenue dime museum there is a snug and cozy niche that would fit Editor Cutting as nicely as if it had been made to ordf r from accurate measurements. Wash ington Republican. Absolutely Pure. Thistowder never varies. Marvel ot pure streaxth and whotesonieneM wore economical tbaa the ordinary kinds, andcannt be sold In coapettion wlta the nulUtudes of low test abort itBon vwgwRiBmorBBOspmue powaew. uoja cStIftTw. SSOYALfUJUStQ POWDER CO POWDER nw i.n.x CHICAGO STORE ElEilTl Our immense new stock has arrived. Great bargains in the following. Novelty Combination Beaded Wool Suits, Embroidered Wool Suits, Fine Dress Goods. Tricots and Medium Dress Goods. Cheap Dress Goods. Gloves, Flannels, Blanket Hosiery and Underwear We are Prepared to give you Lower Prices Larger Assortments and Better Grades than any house in the Every one invited to ook over THE AM k YOUNG, Red Cloud and Kivertn. . -.& -- "at T5 . " I Suits. Dress Flannels, west.. fl CJ 4' yB - IW 1 .? ; '-eSWF'JE fi "la. STOCK IP : A Wil -f?-m s. SBJ . ? V vJWtJJ ' .- w-f ' --' r I , - &"Zifc1' . S-v? .- i&swKsaaf- -rfti: ?iz Eic?it s-sr- -I- " j , - , ' rar-l ?&srs&s