SBZFTRTS&SC'i e3 CSiaaKi ' $&?FBK7Z M3PJffpP' W-SJ?,."6? . i. ". ""jr-,. ja : 'r- : '- ....- . "1 r v 3tf -. -r v- "-- - . -jtj ,m j-w-v- . -1J-. !-.-, , - 3 - ." ;? '''HA -i-"- -; , -- j, - . v - " "' i . .. :'.. IT ftTynr jnawtJ v r -v a 5i:-!7- &- &Ct'S -- -v -.r'p-. '! '-.-"17 X- -., - --" -. -to. r, sr3rfiJi.v a- . 4 ..i ivm jr E.jrws'- rf-J ,5- - 1. ' iS-' n -'t . i- ' t.??;.'HJ.-.'SJ,i"- ij iB'?' jC"- ::. ," ' - Si V e- A 4i k uK- SKJ "An -WiT " uTT?,r LqLUP- 1 I i I Hi HP P'l I ' I I " ' M II W ' IW" IP T I I W WHI I Ste -.u li-Ti&ae!ittrfrLZ&mC&:i. JCy?X&JU-tt&'b'ZWZ- .'-rCS JHT'JVMLaSSMS2SEaB:B8 SSK V'Tvr JT;A"inSV5rgMSij4af ;?3SJSi?frMBS :," t- ' ?y i s.Aii'Wc --,6. "-. -Iit.?.-r'-,?if--'?i'TVTi.'-jr -.-- " -" i- "-'.'--r, kti- n .r-h.. aft,,'" .rrT Trffp-i 7i v .rr iTTrn, -t.-;sA-9T"--1't-v'v T3j.-. r.F-i".- .-9''ai-rv'af--4i3?w,:.i?'73' .?--!tm.Jdt'T--". . r V J w z' -i vT - - " w l'"'-,b--- - i-t--Hf- "J, -"' -' -" " -''.. ? '. ' y . - - - r ' -w 4 t - - -,--- - , v- 1. - j . - t- - - " . . " BBBaBBHBaH55aEHEKS v-:-- '$' -jet.J-A'- ; . i2'?61 " - t.vv I C-Iv1 Sv r I iff . r 1 iff -:s--,.-'--. i A. ". -: .";. fe-r v?. i.J?i3 -ST" .3- mmfz' f5V --SeS " S k -' ;. ' 5 4 JWs vZ3:$2fik rH rSSi-''C fi '.'-i $&t E. i ?'& 3.l?v - '' .' '.t. tr .-. 'T.-.t!i(- Zk-.-t?- itxs r-or.- !. ty--Ti " r-fffc - vvc?ts:. TJSt nA - z . . j t--r--r . m WW' - mm - flwur -sit -tL-2te - - ' -. . t.. - v-V -i- " .. m ' 1tlMteTlMiA " - ? . f - ". ' j jr ' , - - - - A3C - -. ;E- "d-. " JfiX- ; A. V 'V- "f . I mm mm A. CM JTrprtctr; We liavo pcnoM -coming ia Jure every day witk so-called Stradiraros violin1 said a maker of Tjolins is tb Bowcrv ,,3,hcy are common German violins wttfe x cojiy of the Stradivarius I label printel .or patitcd on the inside. rrcity mn?n every yioiiu, no inaucr oy whom it ih made. has some such label, so that Mnsh nowadays do not count for anything Inexperienced persons may be fooled by lhcm, but anyone kIio ku6w anything about violins pays bo aitention to then). 'I suppoKo, makers pot the label on because some people like to pretend they have a valuable violin. A Strad ivanu violin :. worth anywhere from $;'.,OJU to 13,000, anil they are not very plenty. They e-.uu b; told by iheir shape and by (he kind of varnish on them. 4lt is unsafe to pay a big price for a violin until it is passed upon by experts. I. have known a label to be taken off a genuine Stradivari;!. and inserted in au imitation one, for the reason that otic could be sold on its merit, while the other needed the label." X. Y. Sun. Fatr3Hndel Dinwiaaie. A Nyack oorrcspondent writin ift Viv Ynrir Run :ivsr ThrM. to the sitiw Yorx bun says: Ihrec yean ago Emil Coblens came to this conutry from Prague and bought a farm in New Jersey just over the Rockland county boundary line. A j'car later he sent across the ocean for a buxom young country woman in whom his affections long had centered, met her at Castle Garden, and married her. His wedding tour ended at the farm, and he and his Barbara have since tilled the soil and sowed and reaped with good profit. Barbara diUn't seem to enjoy life on the farm very much, but became more cheerful three months ago, when she made the acquaintance of Michael Din widdie, who owns a fine dairy farm a few miles west of Coblens1 place. Din widdie called often on Mis. Coblens. On Thursday afternoon Coblens went to the country store to dicker for a plow, and there met Dinwiddic, who was just completing a settlement of hi butter account Coblens says that this conversation ensued: " 'I say, Mr. Dinwiddie, this has been very bad weather. He said, 'yes;' and then 'we talked somo more. He naked me about my wife. I said, 'My Barbara is well.1 Then he sa'd, sudden like: 'Emil, Til give you an ox for Barbara.' I asked him what would Bar bara do with an ox, and he said: 'I don't mean that I mean that 3011 give me Barbara, anil I'll give 'ou an ox. I laughed and said: Til think about.it1 Then he said: -All right, Mr. Coblens.1 " Coblens says he looked at the plow again, and when he had finished the examination Dinwiddic had gone. He reached his farm about dusk, and pro ceeded to his stables, where he noticed a line brindlc ox contentedly munching an evening meal. Closer inspection made it apparent that it was from Din widdle's dairy farm. One of its horns was thrust through a paper bag from the country store. Coblens thought this strange, and removed the bag, suppos ing that Dinwiddic was in tho house. . His surprise was great when ht read on the paper bag this message written in German: Emil, you keep the ox. I) Aim uix. After recovering from his temporary daze Coblens hurried to the house. But it was now deserted by all except the t cat Coblens jumped into his buggy and drove to the daily-farm. There the colored woman who acted as house keeper for Dinwiddio told him that Din widdie had not been home since morn ing. He went back to his farm. Bar bara's best clothing, some cash, and all her valuables were gone. It was a clear case qf elopement or exchange, or both. "When asked Iwhat ho intended to do, Coblens said: "Well, Barbara was not much good and oxen arc. Barbara would not work and oxen will. It Is a good ox, and I think 1 keep him anyhow." It is thought that Dinwiddic and Bar bara walked to cither the West Shore or New Jersey and New York railroad, and that the cars assisted them in their flight Dinwiddio's farm yielded him a hand some income. Ho is a good-looking ?oung native of County Y icklow, Ire and, and is about 35 years old. Two men and a boy are with him on the farm, but he left with them no word as to his departure. m t m The Rev. J. L. Scudder of Minneapolla k in error when, in trying to prove that women are more fond of dancing than men, ke says: "Women will dance with ach other by the hour, but men never dance except with women." We hava seen In a daucing hall in Rome men dancing with each other by the dozens of couples in preference to the partner ship of young women who danced equally well. This was undoubtedly evidence of the most undiluted love of dancing for its action and the rhythm alone; but we take it that the lovo in grained in' the human heart for this his torio exorcise is the same whether ia or woman. N. Y. Sun. Jott What They All Say. Hon. D. D. Haynie, of Salem, III. says he uses Dr. Bosanko'H cough and lung syrup in his family with the most satisfactory results, in all cases of coughs, colds and croup, and recom mend it in particular txc the htte ones Sample bo t'es 5 cents at Henry Cock's and J. H. Kellogg & Co's, ActiTa, PuabiDjr and Reliable. Henry Cook can always be relied upon to carry in stock the purest and beat goods, and sastaiu the reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by recommending articles with well es: tablished merit and such ae are popu lar. Having tlie agency for the cele brated Dr. Kiogs new discovery for contnmption, cohk and coughs, will ell it Co positive gurante. It will earely cure any and every affectum of thitxi, lnags e chest, ahdia order, to prove oar etas wejMkyou to call and get a trial bottle free. . X - tVLi.Hwri;Oe tea JiaiiMH. of Kbit. G ilia Ir. tti 7i llr Salve for twovytit;Jf t JI..1 .niiitTattnH ee -ndt '-3 rr"-, ir s --r.Tris: s?:-aai JUMiMaiMUMtUai m or aivatraK'aattvasOvioa JKWHfpt Zlt-ftm . , iC ' ?'Mm -3 il-"i A iifa HiiMMf laanimnni 'in aia 7ny- Maiaai mmm uiuwwtMwwwwr M . IBJIBV B :")& - WW -RPsr . ' Use DfGtroiif imn&red. liver- nilfe for iwllnw. cons piexi 'n,nimpi.cij: the fac,Knd bhiousneifr. Xever sickens or gripes. Only -one for xt dose. Sample free st-Hetirv Cook -f.iJMl J. H. Jvel- loig's. Cure For Pile - Vii 'ii.iv ar; freqemh pTeceeded by a ee of weight in :!. liak, loins 'and jyaite lov.'t-r nwrt of tl e a1Mlo:Jen, causing the patiftit tosupi4bthi' ha aircction of the kidnejrs or nBij-lihoring organs, At times, symptom f iiidigesrion arc pesent. llatolent-y. uneasiness of the stoma ;):e, esf X nu iyturdike presp iration, producing a vry disagreeable itehinir, after pjtuju: w.i fm, is a com mon attendant. lHi:( bleeding and itching piles yea.: t once to -the ao plicjition of Dr.Bo-anko'sPile Kemedy, which jicts dircotJy upon the parts af fectcd, alxorbiiib'tlif lermors. allying the intense itchn:. d eflecting a per mr.ucut cure. I'ri -c 5 cents. Address the ,'DiiB sniiko Medicine Co., FiquaO Sold by Henrv Cook and J. ii. Kellogg & Co. Take No" Chance 8. when you buy Chamberlain'?Lholic, Choera" and Daarrhoea .Remedv. It is positively guaranteed to do all that is claimed for it. An attack o: bowel complaint and uriying pains are so often sudden and danerous that no one can afford to be without a prompt and certain remedy. Ask your druggist- for Chmbfirlian Colic, Cholra and Diarrhoea Remedy. Manufactured at Dcs Moines, Iowa, and be sure you get it. Three sizes. 25 eta., SOcts. and $1.00 bottles, sold by druggists. Keep Quiet And take Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cures paih in the stomach almost instantly, get a 25 cent bottle, take nothing else. You will need notping else to cure the worst case of diarhoea, choera mor bus or bowel domplaint. This medi cine is made for bowel complaint only, and has been in constant u?o in the west for nearly fifteen years. Its suc cess has been unbounded and its name become a household word in thousands of homes. Try it. Sold by druggists. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. , The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feyer sore?, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains coruti, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. .. n""i Tho Excitement Not over." The rush at Ferguson fc Co's drug store still continues on account of per sons nfllicud with coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, and consumption to procure a botle of Kemp's Balsam or tho throat and lungs which is sold on a guarantee and is giving entire satisfaction. It is a standard family remedy. Trice 50c and $1. Trial size free The Impending Danger. The rescent statistics of the number of deaths show that a majority die with con3umption. This disease may commence with an appearantly harmless cough which can be cured instantly By Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 50 cents and $1.00 Trial size free. For sale bv Ferguson & Co. Rfjd Clond ud Smith Gs&isr SUge . Line oarries the United State ' mails between Red Cloud and Smith Center. GOOD RIG 8 And accommodations f r conveying passengers, parcels,ctc Philip Barkley, Prop. BRICK! BRICK! We have just burned a kiln of No, 1 Brick, which is ready FOR DELIVERY ! To parties desiring the same. Will sell at Reasoable Prices ! And also sand at reduced rates. Par ties desiring to contract will do well to call on cs before purchasing as we guarantoe aatisfacto W. H. Ludlow & Son' OMAHA MEDICAL ,19t8MUt mMlSSBSySbsa. MMX8 im APHJAHCtt ant ocmumntt, nvsses. am tucmc matwuis. WfcwtfctiacMlilw.ppwrtntHwiiliMfof at wttwrHwonixm Ml or wwrtwJ urn tmmu rm. juamm miwiumb ntm vm to mat iffiQgrinTi tiwhiwi wtwwiw iwiiMiiia MCTnpwM vm w. xjowm cxptficac n trauar mm f iHf.nm vm to mat mmmr rg WR. cagSAi'wi sfar will m uHl Cmlm fMt VIMlatML. VHaL MJaaaflaaaBBaMaa aaapiy, aMway. aya, M. bbm, awaS aaa aM fKato viaaak aiaaVeal iaaaaiaM ajLalalaailal aft BaaaaMk a& WSiiMEHP " AmMiHtotllnitEiJk9llMRtotiGtK1totoUtfrkfTB TTm Aaiat) Aatat aaafaaMaa aaaaaaaa tlMHtflaiaavMajlMa aa am aWatVatfatatt-aHaaV - """"yfcy"""" ""',". ""aaaaayaaaaaaj aaj aaaai VMaVtnaTaVift'VaVBTafaflaVaWaT ' - aa"WBBBaaMl'alMiafcafJaiaaBAfama8fc VfffiBaVi)asaHaVaV ,araaaaBaa laarHaaVrfaT "aakPiBaaBkak BBflaaaaHaBaVc" - ftlaSSaKMSSBHSlSr laBalaJlBSflaaGS' gglfijjfHiifc4iiiiMiit 1 jasaa- THE WESTERN ' ? - m mm INSURANCE CO. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LIVE STOCK JNgUR- ANCE OMPANY IN THE STATE. Insures horses at the age of from .3 to 11 years; mules from 3 to 17 years, Stallions and Jacks from 3 to 8 years; and cattle from 2 to 11 against loss caused by Dhease, Injury Accident, fire, Lightning or Theft, for riot less than one or more than two years excepting steers which are being fatted for the market, which can be insured for six months. Special attention is called to our Fire and Lightning Insurance, which is good anywhete in thostafe of Nebras ka, whereas the liability of loss by Fire and Lightning ot Fire" Insurance companies is limited to the premises of the assured and perhaps a small radius beyond.' The advantages and benefits which this company oilers to farmers ami owners of stock generally are so plain and apparent that it is hardly necessary to eall attention to them. Reason: Why insure. Because it is the only Live Stock In surance companv authorized by tho laws of this state to do business in this state. Because it is a Home Company, or ganized with home capital; the money naitl to the company is kept in the state, and is paid out fur losses to the citizens ot the state; it all remains in the state. Because it is a reliable institution, whose stockholders, directovs and offi cers, are among the wealthiest and most prominent business men in the state. Because its manner of adjusting and paying losses are always in harmony with ttie principals of strict justice and liberality. Because you cannot afford to bo without insurance on your live stock any more than on your house and barn. If you are well off you can loose nothing by insuring if you arc poor and cannot afford to loose any of your stock, it would be criminal negligence not to insure. Because should vou wish to borrow rmoney and offer as security your stock the security will be more ample, and you can obtain- money more readily, and at a lower interest, if that stock is covered by a policy of insurance in this company Because we insure stock against death bv accident, disease or thefl. Because we insure stock against loss by tire or lightning. Because no other insurance com pany can give you tho same kind of Insuran ee. Because a paid up capital ol $100000 and a constantly increasing surplus fund renders it safe and solid against any emergency that may arise. Because its popularity among farm ers and stock owners is attested by the fact that there are now written and in force over 15,000 policies. Applications will be received by, A. J.Tomlinson, Agent. Red Cloud. Neb. TRASH'S SLCTEDjmmm SHORE E5XRE1H I THIS PAIL- BUSS Pi r i a1 ur tm$irsHs C, Schenck ! Cowles, Webster Co., Neb. Real Estate AND Collection Agent arms and unimproved lands "" for sale on the moat reas1 ft.v'- onable tena. ' Tt;s 1aotlMartfae easier (W W A Wtiu. .-.-. - - - !.- jBBa nnniiwwi Uatl ttaclaaaa :- 4um anfcfcK Jala. aliiVawi f aai m 1 r- ii ' 'f., A Z ' ' PaMlMlaWt- S H zftsS aavaw R BfafafafafafaK?f -i-- . t-" "-. TTt Majaaaa..-jr?i. - itc) 1- alSaHf laMVaaftMaBVMSiMf'MHMV J v I- "- fflT airTtaTaratTTar MaflatiTT PMatl ' 1 - r- - --- .r u ,. MMk. -.MK. J 0 r DRUGS AND BOOK School Bo(Dks.andc-School .Sumji-:s, A . ' AND LARGEcStOCK JUST Rp.CKIVKI). Artists goods, Wall paper, Notions and Line of Chemicals. City bakery andRestaur A. LAUTERBACH PROP. RED CLOUD, - NEBRA Ceeva constantly on hand fresh bread, cakes, cigars, tobaccos TrurcB, conieowoDery, eio. sreac w ana auiu uum uioaxs oorvea ysters in t Arfflaarr-"' ' s??Tiric;V- UxukUlca W. HOUGHTON Merchant Tail KJUD CLOUD, and the CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, MELTON, &j Custom work neatlv approved fashions a specialty, prices reasonable. . New Stand East Side Webster Street. Citf M if In and around Red Clout THE GATE CI Of the exeat Republican vallv. "Bni . homes whfle property is clieap - Real farm Loans Negotiated. Offloe Geo. O. Feiser & Co., REAL E AGENTS Bed Cloud - 30 OOO acres Land for'. Sale. Improved Farms, unimproved ! Business uorreaponaence lnvmea. (. C. Case. JA8. McXKXV. Case & McNeny, TTORXKYSAND COUNSELORS AT JJIW Will practice in all courts ot this state Collect kMis as well as litij y ami cfllclentlv atteiule igai eat tea business carcful- to. Abstracts furnish- ni on ai-'plicatlua. OmrK. Over First National rioud Neb Bank. Red Chas. Schafl&iit, Commission Auctioneer Insurance and real estate bro ker, Red Cloud, Neb, Will cry sales in Webster and ad joining counties. Best reference piven if required. Also all classes of Jtisks written in solid corupxnies at lowest rates. Correspondence solicited. QEO. 0. AND R. D. YKI5EB, . rRorKiETOKS or the Wiktff butj Ibinct Ua. BED CLOUD. 5EB. Complete and only set of abstract books In Webster county.-Graatio? and farming lands and city property for ale. Omcx ou JHib Webster Street - OIL M3fiUieTTCw TY.I in jBMMifeWggwy HENDERSON JHHHa ag5ayyaaM ijMagSaaa hhhhb9ZIIScI2SE2m HalHHHHiBatftMaaJ pfawaaSkaai aatHaaaHaBLHrA afMJaam"7iiYTiSrS0fc y SSHHaRlAMfVtMHa& HRHaJRHHWt iyHH HHI AaaKBnaHanPHiMHHniwBB COO aoavered to any part of tn at au nours. ico croam season. t)r. J. S KMIG DENTIST, REOICLOUD NEBRASKA Fine Office Work, a tipeci a pas always on ham!. Ofilce Cloud National is ::! - 3SrEBRA.SK finest lino ol done and after th cutting and fitt D. B. SPAN Estate and Insutanco over Firaf. National Ban! Nebrask; Mouses, Residences, anc D v. Kaley. It.! lUY Kale Br ft i A TTORNEYS AT LAW. KED CLOUD, Aj-ents for the B. fcM. RE. Moot: Pr't J. U J(Aia Moore. Cm! FtaatijBK L ' i;itpital, - 'I'raauet a jeaeral bar.jc!srj A ftU C'JBBtr varrBt. nnetaad Bcaool IHrtriet boi Forr!a KzeBang- oij:ectou H- jC Moor. r 2f UJsa VAN HO City Tonsorial ivebstrsrri. ;! Hare been lately resarated J sale Ja16jrJaaJrc.Hi!i eiecuted bj the ost aprnr.fl 1U- MM ererid bitibs tC.VliJ cere&oa we. Hforl eatfr. D B. a E. JORDAN, Uxi. -SiS DEXTI51 T;SV. vS'.-iF," r ' -s ' . jij?r BED CLOUD - teta taanaatiy AH work xntci Fiit National Bank. Harness V 4. BV L. Mil aCALEX alAXKBft COLLA1 KJ$:,jLAai:ia f . - kKIfS-COa HAB SV- 'Ai ri ' ; Fn Sfl nLta ra4 I Trader s LiBkr 8dflp ki IF T Clp T T '"IS S ' lni AT A "M . fli f:- "IP aK C- Jw . ' av w . v j-.- " aaa -?-. vt? aai w mp I As low as can be 'Bought from anyfdeala oat H: f ;!i-Eartli. If Ell -.- .1 illiii j3Pm- ' Hi:-i 3HHr C y aa BBnaTaW.V-la"ZamHBt a Kp if l Uc iftB- "lHfSSknHB I B 5 -L -fHtlHHHfSk I I M ffH IhhhhhhhhKwB BhhhB B II HHHHHHHHHaV w aHH HHHp m AHHHHHHHHHHS Ha""HHHl H I 1 .Rhbt T hB TrtMHBr I f fe '.hhPTJsV I- HB iivTIvB MB I Ki 1 Br 5-CL fv : I mlSf 37i4BB;ilBi I w- I hBt hhU i I BP WfnrtJIB I "fr"! HSflHHHa II Doal7 iTOsi Thm- I m f -s Har-K fJij i ill Sb4QBHnli- J K 1 fe. BKiav 1 HaWkl lit I IB wWHHHr ? iBfil It 5 --1 HHF: THbaV HHHHbHPBBHE .HHHHaVHfN ataaT ""HHHHkHak' Hit VVH Hi jCflMHHr. t jJHHpJ aV rv- HJ HHKf 7 9P HHHHafHH , HBH-TVyaHB "jib?VHHHT 11 I SafHk. i Hi 'VHPaVHHF.-V'4F alHHaj vitv Hi HaT k aC HKHW BVHHHHSlvVMaawHa7'HM. Bll I Nja. Hh tH. HHb afHHHaf H Hi HHf 55- HHHHafcHHhHHHHHHHJwAHHHBaHHk ! I J MatiHr HB jHt HwHa aWi a HHhB Hi h1 hB -V - af bhBB3bhhBhhhhhhhehBhT . M CrBMyTflr IM. B lr IVBV ifijHB B "T B Hat r HHHaBgaB3HHHHHglW;B .aJEBlAi. ffciB JMy H? I JHhB B g fl i4 SiBiiil YrW IPhIII J iliH :BhJmb.. BL i ff ii jifci I f nliJ, 1 1 I '" a aaaa"aaaasasaaaaw JxABaBSBT!Baito. "Tj I mI - a"BBBa V -Tn- ji Ibb ail Hk mWf JummJKr K JB sVBHWHPS I Bfc ? HHaf aLTHHHBHHBQEMSavSHHa I W' i ir" "-"""HKHrSPHBcHHBa I E, 3.r nwaaiik'trZrTaiHnBi ,a,i'1'fi-!r.t!lwiByi I F I O..H. MarytoAgentfor Rookford ti. I H p ' tliu city. H I iV 4 Hai-.-ui i "i i -ji -"""HCj " J" ' ''" f - - -- i-Timig an 11 1 1 i...jji HmBjWL-HM ''u hB t Jl "' 'WfTt ii in i i hi I I i a i i BjH ' ii i i hi i iff mi n ii n i ii i MM'ii wK ma HB i lifMAiilf I f) " who f wiiaof r , PlfrrxTW tooaAFUv or,iiaaiwiA , IS 1.. l'"' ll3'f tWftfJOJmt) TWW tMf THAT Til "hV at ' fl M MHJVSI""99"! r nut 'SWi-'F. ,jp.iW5f!aaaBpaaHfejjj t-aSaY V4Lraaaaa gfMBsg " wBacaH aa Ha? M9aiaHBMaUc luKi-i-ttiSMww! HsHmHHT Hi W VCVBSV ;Jfwe.wi y 'VHlaVB: B H f if CLmaT3aKK:,liJaBUBSSfSi2Ui-. a BhHHhV fl : QlVB W9'HhVbBP8z 9S i ' aVaHBvwB fl CIS T? BtallflanBWaViL ? 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