The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 03, 1886, Image 4

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.'
Cyrus Fili.mokk, the only living
brother of ex-President Fillmore, has
lxjcn vibiting in Buffalo. His home is
in Indiana.
The electric light is shortly to re
place gas in the Paris Grand Opera.
More than six thousand incandescent
lamps will be used.
Mis. I). IJ. Fov, of Boston, is a .son-in-law
who deserves the praises of all
the ladies. When he heard of the sui
cide of his father-in-law, William
Gray, he at once deposited ten thou
sand dollars in hank to the account of
liis wife's mother.
The author of the biography of
General ISoulanger, the publication of
which has caused so much controversy,
5s Henri Depeue. It was written at
the time of General Boulanger's visit
to the United States to represent France
&t the centenary of the battle of York
town, ami was not intended to be sa
tirical in any n-spect.
Tm: recall of the French ambassa
dor at the Vatican is regarded in Paris
:is the step toward the disestab
lishment and the di.icndowment of the
Church in France, which it is thought
will be tin result of the Pope's refusal
lo recede from the position he has
taken in regard to China. It is thought
that Prime Minister de Freycinet is de
lating the advisability of repealing the
PltoitAiti.r the largest literary prize
rr;r offered is one of 1,000,000 to be
given in !!-'.' In- the Russian National
icademy for the best work on the life
and reign of Ale.xandcr I. In 1825,
shortly after the death of Alexander I.,
the .sum of 50,000 rubles was offered by
one of his favorite ministers to be given
as a prize a century after his death,
and it is this sum at compound interest
which will amount in ll'iiS to 1,000,
00. A statement issued by the Bureau
rf Statistics of the Treasury Depart
ment regarding immigration, gives the
total number of immigrants who ar
rived at the six principal ports of the
United States during the month of
July, 1SK(, as "!,." IK, an increase of
U,8ffi over the number arriving the
same month last year. During the
Fovcii months ended July HI, ISSli,
there arrived 121 .III', or C.UIO more
than during the corresponding period
f 1885.
Two iu'nii:ei car loads of Califor
nia barley are hooked for transporta
tion by an eccentric route, and lift v car
loads are on the way. They will be
.shipped from San Francisco by the
Southern Pacific to New Orleans,
thence to New York by water, thence
to Buffalo by the Hudson Uiver it Frie
canal, thence to Milwaukee by the
Anchor line. This round-about way
was taken because it is cheaper than
ly rail. The freight on grain by rail
from San Francisco to Milwaukee is
seventy-live cents per one hundred
Tiieisi: is no longer any reasonable
doubt that the Government has fully
decideil to permanently remove from
the Territory of Arizona tho-e mem
bers of the Chiricahua and Warm
Spring bands of Apaches now on the
San Carlos reservation. The only im
portant iietum not decided i said to
1m; as to where they will be located.
This has received earnest and thought,
ful consideration, and there now seems
to be a probability that they will be
jdaeed on the Fort Marion military
reservation at St. Augustine. Fla..
Where Chihuahua and his baud are
Tuk value of the exports of mer
jfliandise for the month of July. 1880,
was 52,787,707, and of the imports,
S55,5S0,70I. while for the twelve
'months ended July :1, the exports of
merchandise amounted to$G8f.555,-199,
jim! the import to $GU.85!.:173. The
rJue of the imports and exports of the
two precious metals for the same period
was :us follows: For July. 1886, ex
ports of gold, 1,175,811; of silver, 2,--24(1.875;
imports of gold. 580,072; of
silver. 1,405,607. For the twelve
months: Exports of gold. $42,798,985;
f silver, 28,541.554; imports of gold,
fSO.785.009; of silver. 16.419,957.
Thk Democratic Conjnvssional Com
tiiitteo lias annulled the printing con
tract made with Gibson Hrotliers, of
Washington, who are under tho ban of
the TyKgraphical Union and the
Knights of Labor. Thoy employ non
union working men. The contract
aras transferred on the verv dav it was
madc. aud before anv work had been
alone under iL Mr. Gibson, tho head
ef the boycotted firm, intcrjiosed no
objection whatever to the change
He expressed regret at the transfer of
trork, but ftaid he apprehended the
situation ami was entirely willing to
release the committee from obligations
to his firm.
Mcs. Johk Shekwood. in describ
ing the gambliag at Aix-les-Bains.
says: "The play is baccarat, and runs
fcigh. Every evejixng poor crippled
ucn and women are brought in in
chairs, or by their guides, nurses or
maids, and seated at the tables, where
they play until tired, then are trundled
oat- There are many gamblers who
are not crippled, young and beautiful
romen, young men of every grade:
Mad Mmc. Batazzi, neither young nor
crippled, but still pretty, although in
her Jifty-cighth year and married to a
TouBg man, a woman of remarkable
celebrity, or Infamy, as the case may
and still a desperate gambler. "
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Gleaned by Telegraph aad MalL
Tun Democrats of the Tenth Indiana
Congressional district held their conven
tion at Delphi and nominated J. D. Hatter-.
At the Republican convention at Des
Moines, la., on the liTith, the Stato ticket
wus completed ai follows: For Auditor,
Captain Lyons; Attorney General, A. J.
Kaker; Clerk of the Supreme Court, (. IJ.
I'rav; Supremo Court Reporter, Iv. C.
Rkv. James C. RnEcnnn. of Coscob.
Conn., brother of Revs. Henry Ward and
Thomas K. Revcher, committed micitle at
the water cur at PZlmfrn, N. V., on the
li'ith. by shooting himself through the head
with a rifle. He had been suffering under
severe mnntnl troubles for a num!er of
3'ears and for a time was uudcr treatment
at the Middletown asylum.
Rkv. HBNur Ha1:i Rkkcuku wa reported
fceriously ill in England and had canceled
several lecture engagements.
L. K. Mooan has been nominated for Con
grer.s by the Democrats of the Eighth Texas
JrncK .1. F. I'nn.i.iiy, of Kansas City, has
been nominated by the Democrats for the
Fifth Missouri Congressional district.
Clifton R. Hiuxkknimih.i: has been nom
inated for Congress by acclamation by the
Democrats of the Second Arkansas dis
trict. In a private letter Mahono says under
no circumstances will ho be a candidate
for Congress.
liuu.wuKuCnvnuAi.JoiiN Newton, chief
of engineers, having served more than
forty 3'ears as an ollicer of the army, has
been at his own request by direction of the
President retired from active service.
C.M.i founia Republicans have nominated
John F. Swift for Governor; R. AV. Water
man, of San i'erimrdino, for Lieutenant
Governor; W. S. Moore, for Secretary of
State, and J. II. NefF, State Tra surer.
Tin: I'uruell amendment to the Queen's
speech was rejected m tho Rritish Com
mons by :U1 to 131.
Gi.u.htiNEs lirochuro on tho home rulo
uestioii wns issued in London on the -7th.
I'niNci: Ai.i:.ANimn left Lemburg on vbo
2bth for Bulgaria. A telegram was ellt to
his father by M. Stauibuloff saying the Bul
garian nation and army longingly awaited
the I'rince's return. Yankoff, Gnieofl" and
Cleinnut, leaders of the revolutionists, who
forced tho I'rinco to abdicate, have been
tried by court martini and sentenced, tho
two former to death and the latter to im
prisonment for life. Russiu warns Alex
ander against returning to Bulgaria.
Gknkiiai. Newton was sworn in recently
at New York as Commissioner of Public
Owino to tho absence of the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs and the assistant
secretary of theame ollicc, Mis- Minnio S.
Cook was acting as tho head of the Indian
A Mn.iVAi'Kni: (Wis.) special says: '-The
troubles between tho Gambriiius Assembly
of the Knights of Labor and KcstV and
cither brow cries has been adjusted by the
Stato Executive Hoard of tho Knights of
Labor. The assembly will withdraw the
boycott and non-union men will be given a
chance to join tin- Knights if they wish.
RfssiAN olllcia's, on the -lith, denied em
phatically that thy had nny thing to ilo
with tho abduction of Prince Alexander.
Tho Prince had an ived at Darmstadt. He
resolved to return to Bulgaria on hearii.g
of tho counter revolution.
A covenant between England and Ger
main has been signed, amicably settling
tho New Guinea bouudaiy question.
l)n. Emini i:i. I'ltEirtE.", convicted of sub
ornation of perjurv in the Ford case, at
New Orleans, wa .sentenced on the 2Ui by
Judge l.auer to seven ears in the peniten
tiary. EiuiiTV-Fon: new cases of cholera anil
thirty eight deaths were repotted mi ltal3
on tho 2t:h.
Anoiueii strike is brewing among the
miners of tho Baltimore A: Ohio railroad
a reduction of wages being the cause.
It is reported that tho Halifax (N. S.)
Sugar Refinery Company is in tinancial I
dilliculty. The refinery i one of tho largest I make nnestsof all parties charged direct
ami best knoxvn in tho world. The concern K' r iudiioctiy xxith the crime, foroner
has u capital of 1.0lu,00u and has been m j
operation only u fexv year.
Dan (Jiu'ei.i.e, of Antioch Mills, near
fynthiana, K3'., who secreted inouoy from
his creditors, xvas imddied and lynched by
them, though they had promised to save
him on a disclosure of tho money.
The Kllonvillo (N. Y.) J'rcw announces
its former editor. Deputy Stato Comp
troller Thomas E. Benedict, hits been ten
dered by President Cleveland aud accepted
the position of Public Printer at Washing
ton. Tin: Holland Chambers have passed the
bill increasing the duty on foreign raxv
The liabilities of William J. Hooper &
Sous, of Baltimore, who recently failed,
are f."U.1,Ki0: assets tVVI,(KX), including
Hooper's interest iu tho Murmur Herald.
The creditors hare appointed a committee
to arrango a sett lenient,
Jons S. Bkahfoko, assignee of the old
Springfield (III.) Savings Bank, has begun
suit against Congressman William M.
Springer for $10,000, to recover a loau
claimed to have been made to Springer
years ago, with interest thereon.
Tun Delaware & Hudson' Caual Com
pany's freight deiot at Saratoga, N. Y.,
was burned tho other night. Loss, f 100,
000. John J. Cavi-hell, ex-city attorney, com
mitted suicide recently by shooting himself
through the head at Kansas City, Mo.
A rassENtiEn train on the Missouri Pacific
was wrecked ten miles east of Warrens
burg, Mo., on the J7th. A clerk in the mail
car was killed and about txventy passen
gers seriously and fatally injured.
The business failures for tho week ended
August :J6 in the United States aggregated
171 aud in Canada ttO, against a total of 153
the previous week.
Tub schooner Belle Mitchell, from Chi
cago to OKdeusburg xvith com. went
ashore near Port Colborne, Oat., recently
?" a fof . she wa on a hottom
but xxas making no water.
The experts sent from Washington to
count the money in the United States sub
treasury at Philadelphia have completed
their task and found that the money and
the accounts balauce-d to a penny. The ex.
ports counted about f27,UX),0AI, of which
li,000,aO was silver
Cuanhall's toy factory at Montro;e.
Susquehanna County. Pa., aud thirteen
business houses and two rvtsidences x-ei-re
burned the other night. The loss was fTi,-
A taktt of six yoang men. consisting ot
Ed Guy, Walter Guy, George Glover, Harry
Wilson, Frank Giy and Bud Marsh, started
up the river from the foot of Madison
street, Covington, Ky., receatly. to iudulgo
in seining and fishing on the Dayton sand
bar. Their boat was swamped by a passing
.. .11 .. 3 i ... , I
...Jk. . .
xenier. ui cre orowaett except rrmmc Ti,e dispatch alo savs that Prince Alexan
Guy and Marsh. jer - not at all S!iauie oiTioTiup: order.
Sister Eclalie. the Superioreas or tha Janj woui,j atKiicate onlv that he is eccour
Immaculate Academy, at Xexvpor Ky laf:ed i,v England to persevere.
was burned to death in led recently. j A m-Itlexiental. vr lame of the rcoordsof
BatocSaka, La., was burned onthe27th. Jth0 rebellion, contaimu? a full account of
The total loss was estimated at over lliN- ,the F:tx-John Porter court martial procred
tXal The principal sufferers are Graham & lngs, will soon Ik? issued to cover the de
Co.. $lbUOQ; insurance, -Jf.OJO. There wa jficiency of th.' records-, in which no mea
Bo doubt that it was of incendiary orijjia. iujU wis ciade ef this cae.
C1tai.- ."i:.ija.i .Moom: and party, who
a ere -supposed to have been lost in the re
cent stoim o;t inmnuoim lex., reacneu
their destpmtlou in safety. Captain Bai-
.., -w ...., -. .r.. . M ....
A iiEsTiirTtVE j raino fire has rageI in
Potter and Sully Cotiutle-, D. T. Potter
was almost a barren waste and Sully was
lkfT vikjl ! tw. -firir .fttft.
lU'll - 4 V '. " " V " J "W -
ating the damage
At Gauoiioque. Ont., the other day thero
was n race letween four canoes with Bails
two English and two Americans. Tho two
American boats came in tirot. One of the
Eugli&b crafts nearly sank and did not
A co mi-ant made np of Western and
Southern capitalists has leen organized at
Wilmington. S. C, with ?-0i),COJ capital, to
carry on a lumber business in North Caro
lina and Florida. The companvhus secured
largo tract of lumber lauds in loth States.
Sergeant-at-Arms Canadav. of the United
States Senate, has been elected preMdent
of this concern.
HkumiN Jaeitz, aged twenty -seven, a
fresco painter, while working on the ceil
ingof Christ church, Cincinnati, fell thirty-five
feet from the scaffolding to the
floor, breaking bis neck.
Font of tho employes narrowly escaped
death in a tire at the hat anil cap manu
factory of Jucobson & Paulson, Chicago,
on theliTth.
A iMt-KAm: of ?-),00u to pay the hands
employed by the Mineral Mining Company
at Shamokin, Pa., dis'n'v
peared from a pafo of the Adams Express
Company in which it was supposed to nave
been placed at Philadelphia, and the s.afe
sealed. Clerk 1'ratt was ai rested on sus
Two hundred Anarchists met at Cleve
land, Ohio, recently ami denounced the
action of the Chicago jury in convicting
tho bomb throwers. Thej threaten trouble.
A coi.i.i-ioN occurred mi the South Aus
trian railway at Nodmg recently. It is
reported thai tho killed and wounded
uuiikxm forty.
The citizens of McCuIloeh f'nmitv, Tex.,
held a meeting recently and adopted reso
lutions ordering all Mexicans not Ameri
can citizens to leave the county within tlvo
da3-s or they would Do hung. Each Mexi
can was served with tho notice and left
withm the specified time.
At ChnttauoogK. Tenn.. tho Knights of
Labor iccently met in convention and
nominated candidates for the Stato Legis
lature and city Council. This is tho first
action of the kind taken in -lie South since
its organization.
TiiitEn Italian laborers employed on the
Erie road engaged in a tight on the rail
road track recently over money matters.
Whilo tho men were fignting nn express
train struck them, killing one and cutting
the right arm off another. Tho third man
was arrested
A si i i.u: recently jumped from tho via
duct draw in Cleveland, O., for ?1..j0. He
lemoved only his shoes ami socks, climbed
over tho i ail and then dropped feet fore
most into the river, eighty feet below. He
was picked up uninjured and spent tho
l..Vl in dock whisky.
A itiwiuut magazine belonging to tho
Lallin Rand Powder Company at Brighton,
a Mibui b of I'iucago. exploded recently ami
killed one girl and injured four other per
sons, destroying pioperty to the value of
Gueeci: has again been visited by a terri
ble earthquake, and the los of life and de
struction of property was terrible. Italv
and Eg5pt have also been visited by earth
iti:t!;cs and the natives are tenor stricken.
Two eruptions of Vesuvius havo occuried
and the volcano is very active.
Tin: lirst of a series of three swimming
contests between Gu Simdstiom, of New
York, and John Bobitisou. the English
champion, took place recently at Oak
Point, N. Y. Tho distance was n mile.
Sundstrom won by about thirty yaids, in
II :!'.i.
A 5E'ONii attempt to take the life of A.
T. Lanphete, at Cold water, M eh., withm
the past three weeks was mado again re
cently, lie was hit on the head with a
sandbag ami shot at, but was only badly
The Coroner's jury investigating tho
murder of tho Rex. Mr. Haddock has com- I
pleted its labors nnd rendeied a sealed '
veidict to alloxv tune for the otlicers to '
V.'atermaii will tile complaint against the
parties suspected b the iurx It is under-
stood that all the guilty ones excepting
Leavitt are in the city, and as .soon as- he .
can bo seemed all will be nrro-ted and I
have a public examination.
Donuld is uoxv nfter Leavitt.
SheriiT Mc-
Tiikek hundred and one Mormons ar
rived lecently at Castle Garden. N. Y.
Tukei: hundred and txxnty-lxxo police
men were injured in the Belfast riots.
Poiitx (ilnilstoninu member, of Parlia
ment favor a forxxard and aggressive pol
icy and the strenuous maintenance of the
home i ule struggle.
Ax artesian well at Belle Plaino. la.,
burst lately and a volume of water wm
forced into the air for several hundred
feet. Two rivers linve been formed by tho
flood and houses and lives are threnteiied.
The citizens are appalled. The Slayor of
the city telegraphed to Chicago for the
Ixjst engineers to come and life their skill
in attempting to stop the perilous coudi
tiou of thing.
The cholera report front P.ome for the
last day of August is: Molfettn. 6 new
cases aud 4 death-: San Marco in Lamis,
'M new ease- and 3 deaths; Rotunda, 31
new en sos au4 11 deaths; k'oloena. new
cafoa and 2 deaths; Ravenna, 11 new case?
and t deaths.
It Is estimated at th Troasurer's Office
at Washington that the reduction of the
public debt for August xvill bo about
A c.KN r.n At. wnr over the Bnlgnrian busi
ness is deemed inevitable by well posted
The famous Hoyt will ha at last bon
approved by Surrogate Rollins, of New
York. It has lccn in litigation since No
vomler. lJ.
The Phlliidoldhia Brewers Association
have lately d-cided to recognize the
Knights of LalHr to the oxcIumou of all
other latter organization.
A suoi.-K of earthquake xvas felt at Ini-
(ville lately lasting nearly half a minute.
ine lear-strictmi inbitbitar.t5 croxxded into
the -.trcctt. Furniture was moved and
windoxvs and lamps broken in various
hotel, but no sgriou damage xvas ilone.
Tlie shock xx ere also felt at Indinnapolis,
Washington. New York. Raleigh. S. C,
Chicago. St. Lotus nnd other .place?, but
none xxas felt at Kansas Citv.
( The Home Club people repudiate the dis
closures as a plot to assassinate Poxxderlx--
They only wanted to lick" Seexetary
A itECEVT dispatch from Berlin says that
Priuce Dolgorouki will not i to liul-xn-,
an4 that ltassian pfiiosrs xvho x ere in the
Bulgarian ai-nir prior to the coup d ctat
will not. enter Prince Alexander's service
-1 --,
T,;r murdcr..r , n Adam, in -Ne-T"r,r. tMso fnr succcsfullr elnldl trv.
, ineo;;i,.pr,. H-ey vereon a warm trail, toif
ever, end expected to nab h.m U-for;
j .nr ,i 1V,
j T'c fcUI't of P T fonvev. of PaplHon.
ealIll the i;ntoa iar,uP f",r damages Ur
!r-ing ejected from a freight train at Val
ley. ha- been settled by the company pa
ing f.Vj to Convey.
A. H. IJi i-', n brakf-man on tho B. & M .
wits stablel by a tramp whom he at
tempted to eject from the tram at Bllvvm fl
the other night. The knife was evideutiv j
a small one. and did but little harm.
Fjiten thousand jwople attended the late
soldiers' reunion at No.-folk. A bnI con
test was one f the features of th- oceas.o.i
the prizes Iming flC'J and ;."'. Hie ban li
engaging in the contest were thoe of Pre
mont, Neligh. Wavne, Madison and Aii""
worth. Tlie judges chosen by the ban is
were B. W. Morris, F. J. fluids and E. D
Scntt. The jmlges awarded the lirst prue
to the Madiou coloy baml. and secon 2
to Ainsworth. Each band was required U
plav two select. ons.
While lately visiting Oinahu John F
Wermuth, a lending hanlware nierchni I
of Columbus, had the second linger of h a
right hand badly crushed in a cab door
which was shimmed too hastily by tl.e
dnver. The linger was amputate!.
E.U. Mill i nn. ex-Mayor of Omah't
died suddenly at his hotd in Saratoga, N.
Y., on tiie li'tb. He was apparently m ex
ct-Il-nt health halt an hour In-fore Ins
A nr tire at Fairmont de-troyJ Pre
cott A: McNeal's wjirehou-e; loss, $lo.Uik.
and damaged adjacent property moie or
PiitbfNT to call of the president a nii-s
convention of tho Nebraska Toman Suf
frage Association
son August 1"
lv, of Beatrice,
of Lincoln, were
and .-eerotnrv: Mrs.
was held i Mad -
mi 11'. .Mrs. L !-
and Mr. Bond.
ie-elected pre-idet
. E. Chandler, of Be
atrice. corresponding secretarv: Mrs. M J
Ehin-dge, of Lincoln, tieasiirer, ami Mr-J 1
O.t Diiisinore.ofOmaha, superintombntl
of the social science department
A Wii.nrii tough recently drove his horse
into a Miloon. took a drink and was lined
s-l.r for violating tho sidewalk otdiunmv
A mvei.t chase is reported as having ta
ken place in buggies between an ex-htis.
hnud nnd his late wife a few evenings since
on one of the roads leading into Nebraska
City. The ex-husband, having the fastest
team, managed to escape. The woman had
a pistol, a horsewhip aud her tongue.
Tin: Rock Island people recently unloaded
'W car loads of ties at Beatrice, and will
unload li.l'OJ car loads before thev get
tiirougii. iiieyjro.osetoi)iui.t
road east and west from that place. I
Kvte Cmmvu. a young woman, lived
..!., I !.. I ii.. r i
Illllllt; 1111 i& i. iitllll IM'ilJ IkllSil UIL" llfi ?t.-l-llll
but it is hoped that careful nursing nnd
home influence w ill ellect a cure.
Tin: Cass County fa.r. to be held in
Plattsuiouth, September '-21 I, prouiix-s- to
beat the recoid of previous exliil.uii.iis.
In addition to the premiums enumerated
in tho list published by the association a
supplemental list of special premiums has
b.-eu issued. Among the special premiums
oilo red is one of live dollars to th- "gni
who gets up early enough and saves her
mother the cooking of the most breakfasts
during the year lvso." D is thought theie
will be considerable rivalrv for this pie
iiiinm, and tho boxs will watch the lesiilt
xxith much interest.
A roETV-xcin: Held of xxhent in Daxxson
County yielded -VJiKl bushels.
Tin: Fust National Bank of Superior hns
piitl-.tKiJ in greenbacks m circulat-ou.
J xi k Rooeks. n carpenter employed on
the Monnell residence being erected at
Oui'iha. lost his life the other afternoon in
a p collar manner He xvns xvorkmg on a
scaliold in trout or tho building, when sud
denly the framework being jarred a chisel
xvhich had been resting on one of th'
joists was thrown down and foil directly
upon his shoulder, cutting a horrible gash
and severing one of the large arteries
ltogers retained presence of mind enough
to climb down the ladder and ask the men
to send at once for a doctor. Ho bled to
death in a fexv minutes.
Asnorfrom his oxxn revolver ended the
life of Stexvait Smiley, a pioiuitient young
man of Lincoln, the other evening. The seemed to be tiunucial troubles nnd
despondency. A fexv years ago Sir. Smiley
visited Nexv York where he married an es
timable lady of a wealthy family. Upon
returning to Lincoln he engaged in busi
ness nt ditreieut tune, but iu the main de
pended upon his mother for support. He
had no special vices but xxas rather n
young man of good repute and gentle
manner. He had been furnished money bx
a fond mother, and thus, not realizing its
value, spent it too freelv for his oxxn good. '
Tin: town of Callaxxav is a vi-orou m
fnnt of six xxeeks.
Tm: toxvn cf Syracuse is aUtut eqnallv
dividedon a question of privilege xxhether
n doctor is justified in knocking doxvn hi
xvifo iu self-defense. It appears that the
wife of a pill man made an assault upon '
Viir liilfchnnd xvitli n DHirnf m'uuin nml I... i
knocked her doxvn. and upon this question '
pnrtv lines are drawn. j
Tin: crop of nexx-papers in the Stcte i
assuming proportion that threaten the
peace and comfort of the exchauge dis
sector. A Lincoln" music dealer named Hinman !
recently left suddenly under a cloud, nnd
hi place of business has leen cloied by
the -sheriff. What stock he had has been
covered xvith attachments for debt. It is
freely rumored that ome of these debts)
xx ere of a crooked character and that ',
. . . . . .i
money was obtamea througu sale or j
mortgaged property and under fale pre- j
tense, and that the sutierers will put ottl
cers on hi track.
1'assenoek trains are now run to On!.
On the adjoining farm of S!ers. Vance.
Bolton and t bite, eight miles north ot
Crete, thirteen head of cattle recently died.
The animal h.-came xvild and attacked
t!t, nr lMnt. More wen sViiwrin th i
enme svmntomt and creat excitement nre-1
vailed in the community. Doctors dt- '
agreed as to be trouble, but as a dog had j
lieen seen chasing the cattle several weeks
previous, is was muusiii. iae caius were
tuffering from rabies.
Tue Etkborn Yallev Iin- i patting in a
system of watenxork at Lone Pine that
will furnish HO,M gallon of jmre pnug
I water da 1 1 ".
Tun work of enlarging Fort Itobicsos
has already begun.
A" enterprising thief recently stole ixty
busheN of xx heat from a car l-tween Platte
Center and Columbus.
The following Nebraka iKxt-ofTres wer
established on the 20th: AnIey. Custer
County. Samuel Royd, potmater; Ja
ong. Clay Countv. William C. Rani-ey.
postmaster. Mr. Mary J. ilcGuan xva. ap- j
pointed potmistre-s of Lett, raraa.
County, v:c-i Mrs. Eniraa J. llom'.L re
signed. The folloxving oHice were dicon-
months past. Recentlv she went to that h Tin e the sw.i)ing teirihed the I subsistence, except .ucli a liiey teceive V,-"'""! " --.---" --
towiiiitul soon becanm ravmg mad. She !.im'eani :t dozen or so Jumped out of , through tho channels of charity. They J:""'" i,i,,-;, 0;"; """I'lTiL,'
was kindlv cared for bv the people and the wfn.lot , to tho oof of the ndjommg , need. prlnclpa.H, M-cd. wheat provN.Mi, J r J' ' ' ,! h Tan Uu I
will be sJnt to her h.m. In Illinois. The -'&. '' '-' U "f ; T, TT' "n.Uw" 1T ? w hlc TZxJR . " . t
strain of lonelv ,1-ivs nnd ni-hts a wil- :,""," T-:ls n?what bruised its his hasle, i 100 bushels of grain of any kind raised. , "?" ' I" '''V',lr
stiam of Ion. Ijd.n sand nihts o., a wil- ( a Uw . f)(f ,lu. want , , -
ilern.'-.s of prairie proved too much for l.-r. K , ,.,.,., . ,.. .- ,,,,.,. - . ,.,. ,... ,. ... ,,. FATAL TAW I HOUAKB.
uei!: Swan and brenchUjwn. AntdoiH.- . . . or at chcl.
: Lawn. Da-aes County, aad Mo-I ; - ., ,. .. , ?..iw..
. UittaalKn County. - . ..w, ,. . ..n tl,.-. ."-
A NEaAKA Crri faaflr Imbibed too . ,-. . . wfl! .Iwnn. hare
freely of aad sateqrently . -f riti aad thcV disserve u
rl 11 tS ! Ttir?7'" r-- rf rrm rtr-i t J
rm m irax r i i mm wak" ahf v r
J'arthquske Crri- Cnnafrrostlon In
urn Vmrt at tUr Coci.trr A Illr
Hat LJtttr Iamc.
Tir.-y otiK. &cpt. 1. Between bZQ and
- . . ..
m - doct last a !ioct cf earth-
. .. -
I : severe for tl:H latitude was lelt
, i t the u tern sect on of the conntry.
jrel from we?t to eat, and the first
.tiott shock was folJowvtl by a second
iifJiter our that would not have iTn
- Lew- Tor the Hist one. The shock,
w. -,...,!.. ,i ,. ., . i ,i.i.
iOt severe in tlie smtncm nart of this
rl T
. K
n rj; pa-ticularly below t!te Ohio river.
tt j ifvi-vuiue weie unvcii iium ouuu-
i irrrur by then shaking aud swaying.
e wave proceeded notthwatd it scctu
. . J ii -i. ... i i, r ...i k.. v
bC d!M!iKite.t lLself. a d alut .New
ris . was sucuuy iciu u was bcto,,,-
aki hut without tho rumbling nole
t Ts hearL In other resiecl
f Jrtly rtscuiblett tho earthquake
ich spread so much terror
tPOBj I t--1" i'-'tone summer unua two
far i-Jfj. tlie shock eems to liavu "cen
Mfers -i-IJlno and Indiana than in any
offeree lion of the country, though report
frfcu ienuessve and Kentucky are also
r.her 55is.tthmal. Cilice the earthquako
ick M re ha Wvn no telegraphic rotn-
i :fia 'Oil Bh Charleston, S. C, fiom
: nw pi "I in the country. u:e leiegr.ipn
a $horl ''-' "- """hie to get
d Ipatc or other coimuuiiications trom
t lire, l'ftis circumstance occasion- great
c KctT. 1 lint section ot iiieciMiiury seem
t &ari been the center of the disturbance.
i-.tptm h, Ia.. reports that the l ock ji
tl vi rest ever felt in that locality. It m
'riifrr.'n t'wt a bridce m the v.cmity was
.... . .. ... .
Wen iOl:i its loumi.itioiis and the wiles
a,tl6,t.l .t that ls not mi serious as the fact
t ..4 va iotia other jmint-s thru:h wl.cli
tl.efB a ' uild be coiiimuniccion with
u tcity .ue unable to get imjthim: trom
t''jnlat " In Brooklxn, Jersey City and
o'hafsti ' rbau ptaces the sh'H'k ""as feJt
l aiily.- 'ii IJiooklyn the chandeliers rati ed
ii jllie .ajice headquarters and electric
i.. Ai.-i.. !"
" .t nvnvviTi
Sf J. . V.." ..........
CfNci.NNAti, O.. epu 1. At y:lC p. m.
IrisvniK!(:!nty U...e. a sliuht shock of j
cutftqtial o was felt heie. The piintrrs tn
ti.e5tlltClCt started to 1 till iluwn stall.
II. inking tile btiihlmc was f:illini:. 1 l.o
hoeJj, wa quite ierceptible at the tele
I'lioie exc 'lauui- and other buildinc, but it
was'Mt noticed much by person on the
strciilf. '.'. olticers and lo'torter In thu
't;i(f lie; ilqti uters in the city building
militants uicde Jiom the ehaky strurtuie
into Uie M et, as It has been evicted to
coil.-iMo f0 M'M-ial years. At all thehotcU
thcitfwas More or less ti ighl ami ciuifitsioii,
but im cist alties. Thu s.utie may be said
i.i tlta il.. itaii. flitfiiilt i iiimi ra tinr.
rni"ver ed at llotick's. All the clock '
, ,-j,, ) -ti n Union Megnu Ii of-i
Urr. 40ppe 1 at feM."-. .standard time. Per- I
bans Mte w rt scale of the night was In the '
. 1-: .. i. ..........'... .....I ?.... ii-
lllllipiailllir "IUOI "' 11113 I"IIICI III IMI.IUl. ,
ft i vi !Ji, ().. Sept. L At I:0S p. tn. ' ..Lal.r ..." ..nrlln.ffil.-ii slnu'L- lntnl,
about one in mile oeciu nil heie. Budib uc .
sw.m'tll-pelieptiblv. but no daiuagu was
done. I'cop left tho theaters a in! ran Into '
tlie -street an ' gieat excite nt pievailed.
at ii:iuoir.
di iuorr. ; ept. 1. At nine otiwk iasi ,
nvht .itb.UKt 'r earthquake cati-nl con-
s.dcr.i'.iM' teliiiiit in this city. It was of
short diapitio i but distinctly felt hi ditTer-'
cut p.u ti'of t xvlt. In the Fife 1'rcrj build- t
Di iiT. t ept. L At nine o'clock last ,
nn: me tuuoi aj itirce mauea siainpcue inr j
-1 a m. i .
the stic.t
"Lat iviuvvwoih.
iv. ...&. .' s; '.I "i x.. ..r,rfl.n..r,i. I
. ..-. ........ ..... . , , ..
sin i . wat-di 'Inctlv fcit hen
about S .'of the cornice of the Dcuimui j
lion . w.itMlh -laceil. falling to ihe paxo-
H..:. . v. inlis .fie.l nilitiL' tn i hi i.:iv..
ili th tower of the court lioiiso ' tiille-'li ali etlent that the lire watch
u an on fnty 'led dywiiMnii.. A second
ami th nUshoCt followed, the lime extend
iiii: oft iper ixl of thice minutes.
T sT. t.otts.
M I-flCf. ept. I. A very distinct
e:uil'ma!,'shoi k xvas expcrlcnrt'd In tin
c.tx' orciiinz at nine o'clock and lasted
f..r ahiiutfa ii .after of a minute. I ho
sin-cK waHCliol at all xiolcnf. The iruests
iMeuning5lioipperlhMiisnr Ihe .Soiilliern
ami 1. i.deUhot a rushed down staits badly
i. ....
tii'hteiied.Iear tut that sonic cataslionhe
xxas about. to oc'iir.
at coi.f.Mnrs.
Cm i x-;:iw. O.Sept. L h'eports from all
over 'tie i ijf she w'thataii eaithquakesJiocic
was d stmeUy tilt alMut .s::i0 last night.
f j. r'HICAUO.
Cinr Aooiil!.. 'Mt. l.Eiratlc action on ,
uie j .in oi are u inpiueter in nie .-jtEiiai ui-
tue licrc l.leve. ling caused llie Serjeant IO I
..iuse ti tlifand he of an oherx'atIou. His I
i "i..:-. . . iii... .i. i
hand, lie naticc t, treiubieil violently and
f.u a uioiucat he thnusht hunelt ill. Tim J
locking of .iparg. diair in the middle of the j
loom and t It i at lag of iMittles on a s.ielf
q-ucnlv btoifiit I ifjftritlie realization that
a quake ot a e: -Ui xxas in prnicsh
Mti w.t Ka.. . eft. L Lart'e bullrtlntra
4,,: . "" . T' 'T, ', " ' --
.... ilinl AvaMif-ra f tVi m if 1 liiu . Mitt
"...,: ... ,JELi iT .. I "..." i.' ... i-
si.nck that Is
. .nan, ....iuc p :
tied .n al!ric,t
lo ha -t reel.
X 1 .jtJisVii.l.K.
LorfsVii I
' rt Sept. 1. At 9:13 I
'cIo-'k. city
felt "II over
?eennds. In
Journal ollll
at -v . I
tun . n
Mxrre shock was
be itjr. laslinr about thirty
te fi tk fnry of the Onnirr- ,
ak. ma .m.. .1 ' ,--,--- - - - - --- . . w
the hr.t motion xver-9'llf. i hi nrt-e!aji ronoitliui. t.!ivWJ
STV ,,,v" , ,
" "Ull
ili vlfen north and aouth
ItO -itratintlV i
it Hbinita. I
hiM-i, of ert
tnn enL L A tlolent
ia eta -pxperienced here
at ".'KJ last ii
tit- It motion w&s from
liotth to south
d -atted fully ten seconds.
CltMU.I sTO!
! iatLKSToN.
Va lN-p. L At 9:."5
Int liiL'i.t an
lb latke shock was foil
here. 1: -as
ret ' .aevurr, Ustmg fully
three ni.tinti-,
Mi nf. people who had ie-
tired for the
they arose an
xr-are ao iriicuieiieu that
nttu their hnu.ea.
.!. At 9-JT. o'clock
last nitrbt tt.ed
lat the Corcoran build
iat a peculiar but iib
atlgeslmg an ertii-
in:z te-.'An to v.!
UiiStakable fal
A RrooV
njwrho ha.s a !auj:rt-
wa? arre.' hr
r Wjth, txxo t
.. ..n .f '1
for the I rever;- t
njdrcn for p.acm I
)! for the 1'rcveri
li,on ' :?'
her on exhil -I'M
where -"he 'jj
i .. dime rausfUtu.
ii-fnl to keep her
nOH;li oicn i
hur at a time- A
.. ,,'rid tnan
if the agents
nfthcs-. r. C.
for a ferns e '
half an hour at
in": tinder aLti;
-A fit:"'
mother Jl
ihc icrc l-4t
watchinjr hii 1
fche t earrv to
u-ajdar and k
til i
what he w u
enit.-. he n. pit
He thonirnt for
fctweeu 4ie b;s- f
fVlJcvilc! ham." i
nent axd toon Well. on
tjjive manr
of that trail man'
. t i ..t... ...
t. mxwu-j. .'
the htar of Vt
(Mas.) tar.
i- a-aT - --aaaw
The sunshiny U: or tl smsMnr
r-iri an- th ones WliO sr iNfrfu. -K-l
TrrrlHIr K plosion tn m PvtiiMylvant ftln j
n Vlctltn. i
ScKASro?f. Pu, Auc 31. A tertlbr ex i
i plolon icurrc-l In the Fairlawo ot
i i
; this niondnc. hlch rnultrd m ttwlkatli
j of rive turn
I ot live turn and the rka Injury oi ta
t otners. John II. IIuxU and
' . a k- .
lagher were taidlns at
th hrl
. of the loivj
at the tltuc J thn
... .k
; accMient. ana lea inc lorfc o
: - I'S-on w the ruh of ir carr. out of
the mouth of Ui tuhic. Tlx-y t olc
: . . .. , .. . .. , . .
kiitiitl In n in ir,l ais-:li n Ih ifOt pi
' thu 4lainaEt.. Tlie Aucut qu of coat
. nad Ivcu uiinrtl last wcv, aiwl ru men
were employed la the nunrx Wcrl cau
uowerer, tl-at a laity of live of I
. t-t m"n lud tfotx Into the rait t to clear
, chamberv lpmr Hrtw-u t,.p-
j, . oun,. 3
I ut i hi t ::ie. and
i lie and (ialiachcr. with
a xrty. trrrl the
; tninc comr ilown to t;
Vrlu xml follow ml tln air coins, stopping
to repair dAmaj:s m the btattW. etc.
tlitry went alone Their pnrr ww
ntscvsarlly !iur and the rour4 they fol-
j Jowcd ttoS ttieiu to ilif i:jtt U-iimI of
J the mine?. Thry rauie at Ust to n o ut
where they toumt repair ncctrsary
amj nturncti to the foot jT the mine
, jur more tuatenai, whet: thej learnctl that
cttum-i hail trcul.catd lit the tt cnucwa.
! They worked ovrr that wjj and found
tne party "aim had cone In the in tie
lt-fore the acclleiil nr.f or about
. bei
the entnuict of one oC the cha.ii
rs a short d. stance frciB the foot ot
i .... . . .
; an Itishle plnne alHut l.0 left Ifoin wiiete
' the he -thug branchial on. Thief of them
were alive and three deaf. The kilted
were: Much Couuers. tf Bttexite; hd
! waul G.mhaii and .Mich.r' Pry', 'luo
jirst man brotigtit to the surface was John
X.ifin, who I badly b.ilnc-l aNmt U-e
, and arm. John Ke-fican wa a Us
( when toiind. aud taiked llj stiongr! of u A,
j but he died before bcmi; trought to theMir-
' face. Tlie iickI was Johi Connor. He ha
, two lanre scalp wound, a bad cut on the
! knee and nuotlier on tie arm. while his
J face and hand were Itittly bruisnl. He
tK.iuni.i i.-r.. .,.. i.r .. f..m..l
.i,..i !Mi U.i f,' I..'li,r.
, .U,.U. ...w .v. ..w... .... A-.. ..-.-..
AUli.K tlin AM l All.tUtinc
tlie I)kirt.
CltirAOO. Aug. Bl. Judge William
,. , , ., , s . c. i . .
eale. of llicckenri-fce. btepheiison tout,-.
ty, Tev.. Is In the dor. having been sent by
' the coinnilssHinei's couit to solicit aid fot
the people of the county. No rain. In
Mitlktent quantithsto do the crop th. least
. ,
giod, tias fallen there for tire iast fourteen
inonths. and the residents aie on
the verge of starvation. Governor Ire-
' recently Issued a proclamation askhi
for aid for six countie?. but Stephen-
son County, with its :5,WNl Inhabitants, lm
Milfered wot.e th.m any other. The teo-1
.,1. ..... l....liil-- i.lilioiit tl. iin.rtnk ..f .
l- ! L..7r...i. j ........w. ...- v.. ...
St. Iom. wlu-re. under the direction of Pre.
llll'llt ( Tlllli) Oi till .XlrrClmillS K VCIMIIL'IV alld
Mayor Finncls. .subscription mu lielm-
raised. The Judge eointj here ilulv aceted '
Ited from the county i-ouiiiilIoiii-rs court
lot btephen-on t outity. Imtoted by iv-.
f einor Iiehmd. and 1m a letter lioin Prcl-
dent Cobb, ot St. I.tuu. to Mr. tboict. K.
m-iu uwj. .. s-.. j.ow.s .,. .,. ..,... , .
Si . secietaiy if the boant of tnubi ot ,
that clly. The exccntlxe committee ot ,
the tioard will meet this exciting
to foi initiate plan tor making a cm-
.... ,. !... nltk. . ... .at if.LJi.ii In
"" mu nn. m r-r-..... ..,-..., iK w
"in lilliueiiaieiy m wio i-iiaiii.ii.e vm nm
.-end pn.vis.onrt to J. A. Mewait. tre.tmri ,
of MeiiliriiMjti foutitv. at BiecUenndrie
- - .... . -
ami n.onev to xx i.i-.iui caie v o.. ot tnc
same p'ace. Spei
.Indue Vealo said
Sneak in? of tie matter tin av
. ..... . .
.liidce e.iio sain: .xiany ot our people
have, been without bread for xxeelc-, nnd
mi ess a Id mines leii'n l V i I n starx-ft I
tiou will st in. 1 have learned of a man '
who went to a village and nskd a
iiierchant for a sck of Hour on credit. IK '
w ref Usui. The iKMir man snatched up a
?-iclc ami iltoxo on with It. Ihe meichanl
cot outa w.itranl for his atiesL When the
olhcer tit to the hiiii'o he found the mother
and chiidreu h.nt thrown the nrk on the
j 'r. "IU'", "l " "r,c ") -
M'lKltlii an utr.H.ked state. 1 hat I but
' " hiMtanco hi a Imiidrcl 1 could relate U
.t t i .....t ...... ...... .it. ..
! Tlie Wily In.lUn Not Mirk but Out of Am, !.
Toxiiistone. Arlt. Auj. 31
i. . '
Mile. received notltlcatloii to-day that
j , j. .
'" I
ti at tin j
roniuio iicsireii an interview xxitn nn
S, I'Hriinrilltui ranch on fJi.t fr.uifUr
.. ... rii ,, ,. . ml ,. , , t...... .. .
thirty fixe inilea poutli or Jouitton.. tin
' , ,
wl"" l,:ce where C.MMnlam met Oenrra.
Ctoofc. and he xlll be therein two or thin
day.. TliU Is the same a the Crook hc
,iL.nU wm, the exception thsu Stilr is )
htuipeird by any restriction, a Crook was
t!-ri!liii' Ilia, furr lir rmilil ImVm -Lrnv.
. ,e. (f ronlmo with twcnty-n hues!
a. a. .
ami wxn-eii aquawa l ai pr-feni aw JC
wu eiaui.riK"M n uvnu uux x;,w iMl.r,
couia not uoiu mm ir ne annum want ic
'leave. (;erouimo U at present under a iUi
0f truce.
A iffiitletnan who tia.! thronrh Toiil
atone Una momlinr ha arent two dara In th
chiel'a camp ami aaya Uw rrjwrt ti al
Gemithno xaa badly wounded ar falr.
and meiHallr. and rata that all tht U Uie
,i,mltmr wllii tiim la tlt im U .ut nf aiuiilk
Tta VriHom Mlur.
JtcsTncfK. Au SO. I'rinot AIxarMn
crrlvrd at SUfova at ri-thl o'clock UA
iu.'iiiiii'K. ii 1T..II iii iiic wu mim ii
procrraat thruagh it werr.ofw contlnno-ii
tr.uiuph. Tlie tpeople llfifd the J'rluce
from b(a carriage' aad earn-! him on Vrit
alfulderi to Um Greek churcn. where a TV
Demn wa aang. The Prince afterward
at a: to! for Tiertiova and arrived t-Vra
this ereulBff. He haa IrH warned
to take DrecaelUm vAainvt t--
....t- tI ,. I.. .1 &.. ..J !.,.
bl attempt e hla life br Pan-1 fanatic and fo! lower of the
Sletropotitan Clement, win party ha i and alxtj-clne t
ramlfieatloo in the Intrrvir of Bo:g aria. Mxd.
Tttw Hiitillfn-sjCxaMii. j
1:iicao, Ilk, Aug. 3L The dUu'IIera J
who have been Interested in the fermit'on ',
f JJje XmvrtCJUi Varchiax and lx4t
CoiI1p, Insiithrtadof thefiMdle-ra
north of tle Ohio ilrer. alac t!at 5
the nrw eoataar wilt fe-ruaativ k
hefln npera'iQ
Seyiembrr L
Xlm actKi taken
I X.
acexrdrce !-
,1 .n .... Jl.nttS t ... S
:"" m.,r. r.r;''7'":"T-w" "".
L. ..-.- - nw
I r---
Si- Tokx. Aaz. 3L rraalt J. Umtm
aiJ Siatect J. Crofoot, ptupfiricx ot 4vl
atrrra on psosa-iseat UtZt la Mreaaklja,
w-frre arresdrd jejsi"ay mamfott oa-ereat'
"7 ! awe-awrr. i eacy oi rrra
of the St. Vuu-m: de Pan.
tn aame wtrf Iitj t -aJboot tbe trcml
rxpoure Of Vafjj aw) tKhtrr icea m Ntrw-
art. had Urm eon.lrd by the sf. ', par.
rnU a thi ca'. nd It U M Usui VUbcz
Lourfdln wa af-i ctuoJti att,! ditt
ibif brin-eiiir of il-' toa. TL rTnuerM
. - m - --..
a;e esjiacd io iml -Vcw Yort.', asiUota. j -
1 TMt
ItelMrnaii" t0r -
inlit 1 tT sttn-"l t l"Hl-h.
tvrtit. A"?. J.V-1'r.nce A -o) i
'r - m
-t t -.mirr ',t K Isaru. t! f- .
" ---. ----,
.-fViiu Ro n inia!-i --t- t
Mttaai lrr tnrv !;. Ht Wltei
ciBd I udrtr xx ta him aM i
. ttel ! cot-J wrt.
I iUii?ni o" ct:J e f4Wmlc
Irinci eiamtrt ' He:
ot e 'j,rrlaut "" " T ttiV
7o ttm-i ifs t" M"W,B
lTlai' Ak W ?
fofH- ' aek '' Xari.
latrat -.- dipe-'. wots wtta wm
tok:i e-cr ' "? aWHwHawi
aial amy l'"t'y tW tfcW
'a r(an. V u fa warn wsj
tlf t ' rwci i' H A !
ttidka'iou Gc lu j:4ti IU ntai
uUl bv c-mm: rtU f M"M.
&T aat (,n:csiT l l MeiiiiMai
IU tt"rr of II e rrwntisi fc
lrucj Ale-ian-'rr to a4frav
aShed In
tTr Ixrn 'r4 W Mi iat
a,i ta,--m '
i and Mr. !'. jtef, tfce Matmciaii
rein! iry ieadn. ' tnnm ?wltl at
and to .t.ioi.
nstxi HJ-rf ' V te m
tMw-eti J me B unH ! Jfc !
be K-is iiH 3hMfc !
i the fitt.rMK-wt lb nmmmty
It. rl p retiil rtmtm 1 Ptw.
Mi ierit the iifiiWj fa
Grutotv Tl.e i.nri .! t 9twmi
sdr.irjpr ncV V eaW w ta fMWLrt Hh
go.-fcurf,i 'J.r Bolit'l s -mtIi a s
tvul o S rv.,dt in a Nmil ,m
c.sAuiritJiiVw. ! i;' retuKw U
atlo-Al-lutcmV rnrtl' ! fTICe C
'r.4jit.i jil !' '. ' after tW
KmjMft JJ ji.i had teU ;:"l t !
f jar in e Hi e-t.
'1 Ue, U MvsmiC t'-p M te lMeW
Ian It tut er i(d d.n M.iiwt are Ih4imt
held G"itl-ll''-Sb oritr Ue s4li
ation.rmaiii u. Ai ! .ftwwl
the lt tlia Ihev isj-.-def It KuCtarf
duty p Uke the itti.v. tn ir hie-ni
moC"rn. fori the sett emotit t MwIs'Imi
alfh hnlSdte hsexmeii II UIif
! tf aiopt't.Ne viw of tfce tlrM
comni.pwMi in riliirriHMi mm m i-ii
Ihfj-r-anle Malule It .ma-l
rIalorHe i now statute to st f twe
lf . wh ,ht. ,,r
,,. jjulki ttimui.l lutetl MtnOti-
Utratlof tnd the thud with tbtaiMe. mil
. jap.iiU ami custou.. I Mo JSitfe
-'M,'- JJfwi.i a lourin wiioh neoiinf
the poaltei of fotcignett and vfcoipliiw
pt,j U0rmi Bnlin I rentrtcd lf
Prince Al'Uthtr He l.i Ih-im' a faw
Ite and iaiiea tlit oe I d tk.eM.aatol
"i , E . i-i"r unm. . --
I rli:c ntfaHIdiM. awl In my .f lh
".' w-. .-o .,- oi ui- iif-ns,.,,,,-.
I'lfllplllltllll .rfrl s, ,.t,,i, f,.
Wbl -iss-nr.- iio...i.i m..
AritrNlL tiic.. Gieceo h -rji
i,w xi.ifc by a -!.., .i.V.N wide wi
IUOt UiStt'ua b x o ret. ntMt Hi !
. . . .
""- " ui,', uc ' - lo - -
iiwtion. if-ii-ie ... ....,.., MM f
:0O. In $ io lot a low. wan W$
Mandhur, fliru Ih; .. i w nimmi
nwv - fit ""f V- '-- -ttti ntnai mt
lh ratll" U" V'" w" wnmmml
thtoilL'honl tecct . if retr w hm .!
i.. ai. ,..... . . .........
.'-. m .. . .., ,x
a uaiiawcio, a- inn mt
f1.l I.. Ii ..r- ' t . t . -. .....
" r " "P
rtoxarf iro . u; r it
v. rr 'n mm tn.s ! mmtitmtir
"lp thle fferna. V e n.i.aWlMHe. Tta.
cnrlhqunkeiVoter -4i-tt'ln thu m,
m l"'t tftrtv itiltf ' of Amnl. 'IV
erthqiiakr upja -1 LiIwhI vittfumUt
"riitnu ljfrtK"rf 'h-iH xre a
"mihcu rw. nw i no i.f rtt4tHi
from the iHtfrl-r. Tj'O
was ilfstunfil. i
rutin dial at Piiiao
ltoIK. Al. S0.-rPle town Of NeiJc
ha Imtii xtfltel hf, a '. ml oariajajwuao
shck, Kieafty lanit ' g the peipf, win,
Il-d from tlir dreli nod eMod Un
street b-a.lli I tlt urb. Witolf fM
Ulea aie Icaxiiigtlio ft 1 ho -tmtitmtn
of Yc'tiViu Ifaw occur ud and tim xot.tio
U very actlvi
Atiiex. in, in. fin atpa t tan
ith dUtuftto'eailn (.tts.., jr.,wdt.
was pheiiottMiully Hide. At Jel it
town were cMla-'iy deroy-d nwd j (
(tt tj,rt, parfaS y itrtMi)rl. )i ta.. Mn,
laud much ilaia:a t conn In,! tbrr war
little los of Ifi lb t'-n Mmi.U It -
tJmatnl that
l,WM wrhuiit
60 awr-u4i M.r. tutfd m
. Ant. Vir.ut &
of irtliqii-ko
tf ij- rl. iu. a-ie mh
In other patu
fVt trf.t.y. -i.H.ln
terror aim-ug jilt nattx-. bwt o far aa
v..... ...,u. .A rt..i .-.......
., 'liwia tt.
Clkvclam! t'.. Aa.. v. -Two hn.
J red aiiarctiUlm't at Torn IU'1 )rt t,Uy
Ut denounc Ui tlm ef the "m-;io uxy
In coavlctlng lit betab thrn-wcr I1m
xiltci were xpe-ntf bit th t-j-r
kept eUrm watr4 tin ut.r d-.r, nt-lna-
Ijr ant lei patina:
twit JUiiii l. oftkera.
Curl Saam. In
f the ( Irrrund -croup.
fralu?r J I- fint fr,i
was the tliuJ
Lawyer Il.'ack'
and denouncwd
U tm tli ( Uigo lury
or UaViUirr Tor rfu-lnj:
in r-snaitt t
km of the i-ubtto
inareiaWt ma m.
fa r ch mn h,t
aaare for!
Inf. Myltt-:
aaked far the aq
$ Ihm MTor wot j d bav
Clvxi It bv hi
ut tajru tUr ar-il
caioe itimt pr
""Wat atf kicr.t
OUt. 110
ht If tb-9 rv-ro tw
vietrd aaarchKalK4 -
v.lajrao wrri. htiMj
TOO.tWO aTrn-ctrafia'a'S' frotrt
bUnA. ThJ aHt'nt c!eret. arl
he eo!artrd hj- f9 that th ew
tlon of Ut Chlriv tMaatr' would Vm
avencvi. A !" i'n ho. th
object t nt to
I tIatBCbeo mwilt
r In ofe'almac
H'W Mad. Tn dUt(r
mtuuul ri-
CtznxxATt. Q.1
ad aeveatr yeaj
ir!d KriW.
.-Hi o, xmh.r
Itv hU wj
rckrs tfce fcei
rerrd a trxtait
ti- twHr 4
t eJ.urcli j
ltmm.3il tL trit
- mTJUl t
alii df-r. Ueem
r Irtit dd ft..
kra th it..-'
l& .-
I! dimwit on a toe iiwkim.iwi
n r i i r' i r j il& - j .- lm mwa mmMmma i m
. . K.k . t... a . a. . . 1. .. ill.
t s
'"fcire KelW.
Iv m
!.. . ...!.
j-"!- re mmsr
m: t'f CwrtrmAtt.
Ml MKinarrivnl t,-t
trtm' bt
hl UtU j;j
Uitn iu l
tl- . ...
,! "'
MHtai, wtwr9
". lie wfci
fec5ft luutd
Bttxts HeL.
t - Kxter.ifT
frew art pctraibne '
Mt th? So. tbnrx
ptx&m ot tie Cm-j
1 rfrtthse-
-tp-xk t 1'rjt.r
Fortfeetrttt dar Sfce it-.s.
pic baa Ura bey aad w-Ay, ai
wa PJar Mr f ' r Ur'
hrtr x 1sa-1 t-J- -tr' & rate l'Mth
tm:t-fur or .? li Urn di-urtrc-
tkm ot C5 wl B..irr ti hrd. ri
"efe thwvn- oi ; Al trf-!. v
tsb rrricx a?? dryt $ si tfs uttr, j
Mtircliea cwcaitr are alja
- - -
V J'?'ViKfeaSSr:.-;lft.,
- 4? t.'jr Zr-' -1-vt'- Z