V- Hfi& r t. -?:-- V ' -mP - vtv1 -Jw $&&& ; 1 A. - &g4E3E w&m glglfci6 f3 rrSRsSp sry- "- I32 ?5S . it lJ-Li TO IfJK yti -. v... && -st - . ".--'.4.V -jSf; JH" - i . - 2ftt-. r." i5Jf fee m .3? ! ij K. it -. 4 f " f? ,f? c- r ,;'.TS- t- :': I. :m &e. ff-toc ' . y- T rvspj.-- r jr 4Rs"-'kV c '-: J.-. " . y ir-a - ot5 : ?-i-Nr- . - : M :i & m-v'". . .'- ITtilt'X v2r-''i SSfeiVf ,. ta&ATeS15ff! .'t. .."' "J? TB . '-V- . i5i fc-i . s : r ? -. KS&.; -SSfesf.O-JS r52S--;!--SV 5"J5 L i, Pr- mfm.."sf-Jvyirsa -.i jaavai ;i,r SSft3& lrjt 'Z iTJr. 3&JS ?-?-. - - - .-" c-r- J ..5.- .ST ' Wi m. 1-bC S,-fs"5Si-ilLj t-T - .? '-? -5 ? TS j3'- rr? - !?" -V&fW!" JS-d. ... J.. . -'r, ' -,TJI' - ' . vi " : TSi" V ' I ISj"",S- ,; -1 - l r.' - - J ti 'TT jr SAT VL iUiBta iSt& PJ,. 4 . j, KZF'SH - jr-iL-1 33 Tr --j--: - - j . WiAs&B? '?, -$& '&':&. &. ?& l Wiwit" r K?SSffi . n ,. s--vj i?-- VP5?? '- - " i&i?Z& ft V 2- 2$ ifc- ssj. -:f t - iTS " rtt-BTft lV- H-"',x''--iJitSr' " " YaBabjniBjBBaaBBBBH''fltaBBBBBBlSBim 4b? i 4YbbbbbYi' -.' -Xj,, t"t)l J"'i3Lj -, VHfe2HISHftdS bsbbbbbbbVbbbbCbbbbbbbbbV akaaaa J ' a j . f?3&&s. :i""VPB?,W'Iw ae state "J ".-iir-y3vraa&g HtamMt " -j - i5"; A oHaMlf t tv, c KeWatkm Bre briW to Md iel- nt from tWir"rrenU eovatiti to 1 COTBtMMi tt liittun, WeiiecJay, ptoaber 22d, 1886 at 7:30 pBL- for te pwfOM of soaiMt ig o candidate for - eoagretef - asd thctmatictMHi ef svem tkea basiness $JJ jreperly be preaeated to the coajreatioB. The aereral'coBBtiea are "eatitled to representatives as follows, eiag baaed poa the Totes cast for "LeaTitt Barahaa ia -1885, except as to Chaae coaatj, for rag eat of the un iversity, with oae delegate from each scoutj for j very 150 votes and the major fraction thereof, and one dele gate at large front each connty: Adam Butler. VlhaBv a'lHMa V FUteorc.... KraeklUi... Kreutler... Gmbct ..... tauion.. Htteheok. .lefenoa.. .. .... . 2 Nockou .'2 Fbelp 6 KedWIUow.... . OnallPO 10 Webster........ .-j- - i. , Jfowktb sa?vsfi s -i - -... , eom.aii, barter; Mfa, Mei and bards of nidStta; ahd swmeJnHUioia,Iowm.niwaiol; iJaicou,; JUatoon, ftabraata aad Kaa saa, can ba aaooto To Jaedttaia th wee of fnaatdf who dearraio aoqoaiait aaltrea with tba vaat prOdoetara tiaaoftnaweat.. tn aaaacaaaaot rot tfca Cbtcio, Rock bkad :A: PaoiHe Bailway. announces that tichats , mifl be aakl on September 8 aad; 22, Jtt to principal poiota hi MinaaaoisC D-' kota, Missouri. Kansas and Ksbraaks at greatly reduced rate and with atop- over privileges. For further isdoaauL tide apply to your aaarest tiekct agsait or to E. A. Holbrook, Gaftaral Tekat and FasaeDger Agant C.,. LI t: Sy Chicago, Ills. . v, - hlK' r' : jtTwi- - a.r.- 3-.iir"- i -. -.'erauE ivi-.'5p'i'i1'' VjJ irVt i!Vi" .vI ...4 ... ...7 ...C ... ...6 ...6 ..12 ..1(R ..12 RUnilUH Ttarfam . Have... ' It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention except ,' such as are held by persons residing k in the counties from which proxies are given. ""?-. H. Bostwick, ChairuiahT-'S W. E. Stark, Secretary. Hastings, Neb., August 18, 1886. - " . The Congressional covention will be . held at Hastings September 22. ,. General Thayeb, of GrAnd Island, wol'id receive the votes of this district for gpverno-. The General would do honor to the stute in the gubernoiorial office. Just who will be no the Kepublican ticket forneahman in the 2nd district is, T& to foreshadow but the ."Vuviuient'of ihe press in the ;,iict shows up decidedly in favor Hon. Jamee Laird. 1 The Chief can not sec the reason why Hon. James S. Gilhnra is not as an ayailablc candidate for congressman as there is in the eecond district. He is every way qualified for the position and The Chief would be pleased to see him receive the nomination for congressman. V. B. Buiick spent the fore part of this week isvOmaha. Mrs. Wm. Latta, of Cats coaaty, ia visiting with her relatives ia Cowles this week. Miss Alice Crawley took the west bound train on Tuesday for Chaae county, with the intention of making her home with her brother there. x3rfs". Andrew Ben? visited this week with the family of Douglas Tcr- Ok ." . . S. if. iiatu, oi uaaa county, who ih in attendance at the reunion at Grand Island as a member of the Murray cornet band, came down to Cowles on Tuesday to see his friends here, and returned to Grand Island on Wednes day. Severalof our citizens were prevent-ccl-hythe inclemency of the weather from attending the reunion. Our bise ballists have itted np a new ball gfcpund, which they think is one of the btft in the county. They played last SaWrday at Indian Creek with the nine dkthat place. Result 54 to 8 in favor q Cowles. The ladies' aiovociety of the Con gregatjomtf ChurcV of Cowles will hold a faiaorie8ivl at their church ir y-aes on the evening Septem ber 10. We bespeak for them ood attendance, bee their card in this paper. xVe are pleased to hear that Mrs. J. I C. Waller, who has been on the sick list for some time, is much improved, and hopes are entertained for her f apeedy.rcstoration to health. r. W. Wells c Son are putting, up a windmill for Ed. Gilford on his hog ranch adjoining town. Little Hatchet. We understand that the nomination for congressman has beep offered to Hen. W. A. McKeighan, of this city. Personally The Chief has not a word to say against the Jndgc, and feel sure that if he was LaJioy. nrtvtlTll$ Al anil nlnsttjwl K 1ia 'iAat I mff unterrified" of the second district that he would make a faithful and zealous officer, but unfortunately the Judge is on the wrong side of the house, politically. evert whkh year ot. ; Xaat avas- ia thre arrived oii'mi ereaiag trata mi.' of rcspeeiiwis.-' aayem He meets an adHuuBtaaec ar like reap sstahUity aidthey adjeaaV tg the ,aaloasi'far a aeeialgbae. Ra-' silt: :Abt two o'clock swm. a we. ia and children sleeping! in their ae in the citv lkaita are awakeaed and terrifed by a aouy attack on the eW: otgettiag aay raspawse be geesjta aaother part of the house aad-attracts theatteatieaof the huabaad and friehtens a sick child wham the father is caring for. Citixcn: "What's wanted?" Stranger: "Let me in, I'm freezing." C: "We can't, the folks are sick:" S. "Let me in. I'm wet, the night is cold ond rainy." C. "Go down town," etc. A long dialogue, threats, etc; the frightened wife hides the light so that family may not be shot. More pound ing at the door, then an interval of silence. r The stranger has found a partly open window; he reaches in, undoes the fastening, raises the win dow, enters, and when the takes a light and goes to his room he finds the stranger hatless and coatless, removing his remaing cloth ing preparatory to retiring on his couch on a miscelaneous collection of He ivttvBmKMvaviwj.mmnnmmV'imV'aBmK'mr"aMv mmatA'Baim''. -mmmmi vmw LZH.-ABEI'K!"'.BKi-B'HKVi':ra.B.V. -. ' .w iBi;mfamv:BaWnBiBi .-" iaKnHHKHkwiBB Bmw;imiK.-Bmw;-.'Bmw. mi -7nmmw?mTv-mi mmmmmmmmi j- - ' TiJf V ."tl :JcSasLai5SV! i-iti-r fTft'a &t ;$&: & J-i aXSP -t y--4 -" A. B" - -.&ii rr jsMfe.'; -a-- -?? ' K'r ' 1M -w:- j&z -- --4.'-. m t - s-'a -. w - . - - -i.j. ' of imru jrraac OMtle. : -t, ?, "Vv 5 Mf K &Satuiday, September 4, 186. mderMfaed will sell atPmhlic Aaetba at the Rd Cloud Stock yards t vsm f ava avrvav evvv t ,K- 150, Cows in Catlf, 20 four year old steers, 20 Thofrbughbred- and high grade bulls, 50 cows calf. by side, 50 Two yeae old steers and heif ers, 110 ond yeaa old steers and heifers. 1 Span of good work mules. TERMS OF SALSA oradit of six months will be given on not with approved aeconty, bearing ten per cent Interest. 5 per cent off ror osmn. xne suoTe wui oe eoiu in Kt to suit purobasor Sale to begin at ten a. m. sharp. Free lunch -at noon. Red Willow Cattle Co. Col. o. O. Pace, Auctioneer, Office with Humphrey Bros., Lincoln, &ob. For farther particular inquire of J. W. Warren. i J-v. tt- Kifc ht &W 'ianos, U First illicit tKiO PMtWrial it iir Ko Delays ia CLO Has the finest Stock; f tli JTJDSON. the are Putting up hay is the order of '""Chintz buss and dry weather drjing the corn up. t. h. smith is making preparations to commence making molasses. C-S. JFincher is improving the roads. LHoy Myers is singing because it is Mr. Sill has dug The pr hibitionista in a somewhat lengthy platform recently adopted at their convention in Omaha, profess many things. , They are opposed to monopolies, in favor of woman suffrage, in favor of granting pensions to soldiers, acknowledge God as the sovereign of mankind, are in favor of enforcing tne caobatn laws on our statute book, are in favor of sUtuory prohibition, are in favor of the repeal of the statute which allows foreigners to vote who are not full and complete citizens of the United States, are op posed to convict labor, etc., etc., and ast but nob least give our railway com mission a parting kick in the following language: We condemn ttie Republican aud Democratic parties lor foisting upon the peopta of Nebraska a worthless and expensive railway commission, lu utter disregard and brazeu contempt (or the wishes of the people, as expressed by their bal lots at the general etaetloa of ifiM. After you get upon your ear and make up your mind to 'stop' your pa per to make the editor humiliated just poke your linger in water and pull it out and look for the hole, then you will know how sadly you have missed it. The man who thinks a paper can not survive without his support ought to go of! and stay awhile. When he he comes back he will find that half of his frieuds didnV know that he was cone. The other half didn't care a cent nd the world at large hadn't kept any account of his movements whatever. You will prob ably rind some things in your home paper you can not endorse. Even the Bible is rather .plain and hits some hard licks. If you were to get mad burn the Bible hundreds of presses would go right on printing them, and it you were to atop- yoar paper and call the editer all sorts cf uly names, the paper would stit! be published, and what is more yoi will aneak around borrow a copy of it eyery daj from ywr aeighhor. It ia aaoh better to keep year Teat pulled dowa and year paidup.Ex. w a well and- will commence building a house as soon as he can cret the brick. Mr. Johnson's father has left for Nebraska to visit his daughter. He .is well pleased with his visit to Kan sas. Siri. Who Said So? Communieated.l The republican press in general are much agitated over the fact that in almost every state the prohibitionists are organizing themselves into a third party. When Blaine was defeated it was the third party's fault. If such he the case the reonblicans them selves are to blame. The prohibition ists tried in vain for several years 'to get one of the two leading political parties to incorporate a prohibition plank in their platform, and failing in that they commenced organizing themselves into a party, adopting a platform and seining their orators into every state ia the Union. It serves the republicans perfectly right for not until they coald see their own interests menaced by the encroach ments of a third party did they as a party advocate prohibition principles, and if they yet unite as one in the cause of temperance, they woald have no occasion to try and hoot down the third party. Let the republicans do what is right in this matter and they will have no occasion to waste words on St. John and his followers, A Republican. j ;- i ik.w "w .ttw- j- .- ?mi" wence at ro wiUaeM at DuWie of Bed Ooae, S miles south of Ameey, on ,18te,,the fol- te-wH: 27 JiKag iwUi-aiMW TZZV -.iSrfi" ; ' g oateneea prepsrty 5mkmJimfr-iilmm- a z .. - " -w-i. ifsn liaaaiaa eaivae. Sale io.mm r ,-cr- tTZLTJtr, -rjz. S ''JL- 4TTV' lsVmi. OTlV craditof lix aaeotha will he givenT wmi aiHfOJvaa'sess1lw-a'w;F'.''l ceaiafiwiselJareaak miCfc mar- - ,t mmimu. A festival and fancy fair under the superintendence of the Cowles ladies' aid society ot the Congregational church will be held at that church on Thursday, September 16, commencing at 6 p. m. All friends and well wish ers of the Church and society -are cor dially invited. Come early, and aid by your society the ltdiea aid society. Mas. W. D. Page, Pee't. - a aw Foa Salb. 1 efer my restaurant and confectionery store for sale at a bargain. Apply at once. 6.W. Cuxm." AovmrraKD letteis: afiss Lottie Buchanan, J W Cooper, Joha Burch, MrsLDaflU. IdaEipert,PJ Fitasim acm Fred Janeoa. Geo WHansL Mr . - --.. .- --. ... il: jattietrvixra Ida a&auinr, ShanldsatT.CC Uorley. Evry. departaaeat is a fJkMMJJrag Store. Go toJ, H. Kettogg A Co's for etc. A Ce'a I A Co are yoa fall r GatoJ. JiM. a perl iiom 01 saw aoooa ronataauv unr-i lattheaaacioadDrac Store, h T1m heat efererytaiac received daily MUMUttJ Coek.tha 5 per l 3 s ..-T7i hl wravanr. iV' Vyit'4. MMMSMSSV -j. ' A-'--M T -V , i "-,5 vI Foa SALE Four good: - -r" m .. - . lermc. Call 00 or a H.KALIT, Bad -J-SEfE..-.-.. nerrv, : kaisea;:aalw iiiS.vJiK - af - iTSt Vfc. 'i. ri -sav.- .rr .,f:. .rrt.( " i - J:i II . J..-" ' . i.- ..ti- m j" "J- JS?5fv,fi -'?y..ic?sSir ? - aar. aa5-&t4itr - .- - .& s2mmai4y P3j5? sssfej j?4S IM&f. Baaaaw--''-- ?-jftwigafa;iiir f ;, 5--.-?r-y'- BiijBBBBBBBMf hw-Youratnih," .J.H.KeBoggAOe'a "r wV tip. .-BimSJSBm boards, tubs, dirty clothes, etc. is nearly famished, is taken to the fire, fed, warmed, and put to bed. He re members going to the saloon. There lie theoretically read over the door the following: "To all whom it may concern: Know ye that we, the peo ple of Red Cloud, being willing that the freedom of our citizens shall not be interfered with, do hereby through our mayor and council certify that the proprietor hereof is a man of good moral character, and that said propri etor having paid into the school fund the sum of $w0 witu , ?.;.-- nake our chilJien w8Cj is hereby author i( and empowered to furnish all who come with liberty and means to make fools of themselves." The stranger relying on the certified re spectibility of the place indulges in the protected liberty to put himself into a state to annoy anybody who is foolish enough to try and run a home without a certificate of good charac ter. The next thing he knows he is trying to "fix up the covers"'and finds himself on the ground in the cold rain and darkness. Next he is making his bed on the wash board and coal pile: Moral What will not a man pay for liberty? XXX. a- - ' ' To Our Patrons and Friends. ' We sincerely thank our customers and friends who have so generously patronized us in this andj the past year for your kind favors. We ap preciate them, we assure you, and shall always strive to make your deal ings with us both pleasant and profit able. We hope to hear from all our old customers during the season, and and from as many new ones as we can make it an object through our solicit ors and otherwise to kindly favor us with their orders. We give our at tention wholly to nursery business, thereby customers may rely on re ceiving the benefit of our experience. We confidently ask the attention of our patrons to our growing stock and trust when possible they will look through it and sec what we have. Our nursery ground is one half mile 'north of Bed Cloud. Great care - is taken not to send out anything that is not true to name. We do not substitute and warrant all trees to grow. We wane tne patronage 01 careful men, who will take care of fruit trees and plant when bought. Wc desire the patronage of all fruit loving people, of men who know the value of .genuine goods. That we are in. actual and permanent business can be learned by refcring to Bed Cloud National Bank or any business house in Red Cloud. LOPEMAN & HaOAN. 4w3 Proprietors. . . General Sale. Of stock and larm implements on Wednesdvy, Sept. 8, ?86, at 10 o'clock a. m. The undersigned will sell at Scott post office, tan miles south and and two west of Inaale, Neb., the fol lowing property: 25 young milch cows, 10 two year old steers, 10 one year old steers, 30 one and two year old heifers, 1 graded bull 4 years old, 1 span brood mares, 1 span draft horses, 7 years old, 1 span driving hrses, 1 mule colt, 50 head Berkshire hogs, consisting of sows, pig3 and shoats, farming implements consisting of wagons, plows, harrows, and other articles, 75 acres of prowlng corn. Terra A credit of nine months will be given, purchaser giving note and approved security, with interest at 10 per cent, from date of sale. Sums of $10 and under, cash. 5 per cent off for cshin hand. A. B, RiNCta. C. L. Wisfrey, Auctioneer. Hunters Take Hotioe. I nereby notify and warn all person against hunting or shooting in any manner on my farm in Line towathfp, Wehster county. Nearaska, sec. 1J, town 1,N; K. II. & Stewaxt.? 'Bad Cloud, Neb., Aug. 29, 1886. 4 '-- '.Call atlthe First Natioaal , Beak for 8 per cent, interest farm loam. 3tf Owixn to my contemplated absence from Bed Cloud I offer my hotel and citizen Lfeed barn-for sale at cost for the next back pbirty days. b. O. Bakf.r. House for rent Apply to C. H. Potter. Good brildings, plenty of water and near the business portion of the city. 48-tl Gasoline in 5 gal. lots 20 cts. per gallon delivered free in any part of the city. Two delivries daily. Cans must beat store by 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. 50 tf K. K.SnEREtifcCo. A good team of horses for sale. In quire of Joseph Graves, Ucd Cloud, t Fresh homo made candies at G. W Cline's. Call and see him. Brick for sale at the Chicago Lum ber Yard. If you wisn to sell your farm or town property call on Joseph Graves, 42tf Bed Cloud, Nob. Try the Estey Sewing SJachine. It is the finest machine that is made. For sale by F. V. Taylor the cast side ic.uburc -nan. Bed Clouo. Call at the First Natioaal Beak for $ per cent.Jntereet farm loaaai. 3rf 1 Brick for sale at the Chicago har Yard. . "- S -.t .-! - .A V A uaii at toe rirst anoaat aaaa: Mr Kins cent. intcufitrm loss: rJsr - ?,tf -' Summer tftM '' ',,n. white goods, hamburgs, great varity of luces hosiery, paiasols, gloves, fans, etc. etc otc Will be closed out-at a sacrifice at, Mrs F. Newhouso. Please give us a call. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold by Ferguson & Co drug gist, Rsd Cloud. ,23-ly The best and cheapest line of laces Hamburgs, and everlasting trimmings at Mrs. Newhouse'a Henry Cook now has the most complete stock of wall paper, shades, etc., in the Republican Valley. For, soda water, lemonade, ginger ale, birch beer, etc. at G. W. Cline'e. All fresh and nice. Call and see him. A good farm for sale or rent. As furnished. Apply to Joseph Graves Red Cloud, Neb. 40 tf A nice line of dry goods will be sold but very cheap at Mrs. Ncwhouse's. Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New house's. Go to Ed. Wiener's nostoflice news stand if you want the freshest cigars, tobaccos, candies,. the latest newspa pers and periodicals, etc. He keens the best in the city. Don't forget it. -G. W. j)ow has sections for all the leading machines. Shop on Fourth Avenue near bank building. 2v3 For the finest washer in the laud call on J. W. Warren and nsk to sen the Fredonia washer. Agentx, here is your chance, if you wish to make money in a legitimate way. C. . Wood, Gen'l Agent. Farm Loans. Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans on most favorable terms. Loans can be paid by giving 30 days notice with out extra cost. Look to your best interests and call on me at my office over First National Bank. D. B. Spanoole. Money to loan at reasonable ratc9 on good personal or chattel security. Also farm -loans made at lowest rates of interest. C F. Cather, . 35tf Bed Cloud ALLsizes of eastern hard coal for ale at ihe Chicago Lumber Yard at ten dollars per ton. Go to G; W, Ohhe's for fresh homo made candies, cigars, etc. NEW City Meat Red Clot Schroeder Propril Opposite the Red Bank Fresh ani Si Ham, Bacon, Fish, Always in eoaac Every fon- jvitroautfO Is eollcited. Our aim Silas Garber. I'reVt. iw. 1! W. a. Carbcr. Tal Farmers :ai BANKING STATIONERY iu the citv. If this state! the bertaud Urgust sto. ks, D WALL PAPEk. t seems incredible come in and aei for lurselve. Awo Paints, Oils, and 1Vm:hine Oils at very low PiIks. No trouble to show goods oliLswer questions. Special bar gains in wall is-r and window shades OME COME.L6 v5L IN. jf--. rb. w rcr r national MarkM, it ffamd .V.ftw. A general banking buail acted in all its bi ISIQEST PAIS OK m FARM LOANS A SVEi lhrce or five years strail cent, single morlKaee. M in securing money) Is the mace to get largains in t, BUGGIES. iScSPlING WA ing purchased pnccl wc trel . the markc ; " hides th r ftock at "5T , ble to pi; all kinds eaoer thai r h4 lainrf. .w-rww.. . ,. " ' ATON NS'hav- d IGUCC ?s? .t - e'H.M Am i" Back lWardfi at PhaetonB W are ako pmiaMd at bottoha pricf: 01 reaaoaawrawi. ifV: doallWiaAiof)ob, bihflgiaa paiaMl It will pay m togtral beJawa pfwoiNHHn, S3500 15,00 175,00 00.00 tir work tlretl at ,v. a cur 3181. KLTORt OF THE CONDITION OF THE Red Cloud National Bank AT 1ED CLOUD, In the State of Nebraska, at the closa of tiwi ness. August 27,. 189C. RKSonacrs. Loaasand uiscooats 'eiMJaMl9 U. 8. tjoad-itoneciirecircttlatloa other Moeks. boBds, ad ortgac. Due tram afproved reserreaceBUi... Dae from etker Katkmai Hwuu. ... . Dae lrom State Baaktaad banker.. Keal estate, twnutureaaa axtares.... Correat expeaaesaaa taxes paid Vhetki aa etter caafc Menus 879 m RtB nf athM haak !' 3714 IS S473C3 23CZ7 eas ia 2C.91S 3! -ieei ftiBs of ataer tasks turn'. rraettoaal paper currency. aickel,a&4 eeta......... fJ - Hpv ' a4eaapUoB fimd Ha U. H. treasurer (saerecat.oK cirriawwi).. araiaa " ! UABiurraa. XPe WaTBBld vaamaeai XaUaaatai taJtvMaali DIHEGTOR3 f Silm GarJwr. Uco. 1. Hoi ii. . Smltlt. :. V.) Y. S. Uar!r. COlMtKSrONDKNTS: Kountz Bros., - First NatioHa! Hank, First National Jfcitik. r .t - fy riv : i-T-ikL. ? M '-";'V "S-tfVU ' ". IHLAlfD. TULtaTYa 'avProitttl'in itrv. New V Oma! Lincoln. Neb T " NEBRASKA aT KANSAS. 'AN atfiiaijaofioo. Mortgago Sale. Whcrea In pursuance of the condition of n certain chattel inortjjfre iatcl June is K-; and recorded in tbo ofllcu of the county clerk of tho county of Webtter and t ho .t:itj or Nebraska. AVbereln KalnU Ilolcomh and Mary K. itolcomb conveyed to rarlln Oradorff and Martiu tho fol lowonj; de9criiMl property to wr it; One tonRuo less Canton cultivator and one span of horses both, caps In use by lilm'on the Carvro fana. Wherea theald tnortfgees deeininK then selves nnafo and insecure Iia-u taken ponsoi 5lon of ,sald iiroperty. Now there fore I will . proceed to jkU the same or so much thenar as may be necessary to pay the sum of nineteen and Uiirty onr fcon dredtlu dollars mow due thereon, together with all expenses and costs according ta condittoaa of Mild iHortasc. at one o'efeck p. in. on the Mh day of September lrJ la front ot 4ea' lirery .stable in Inarale, where and whea 4ue attead ance will be Kivcn by the uaderafcned. Inavale Aajow; in wi. II. S. & A. F. IIOLC'OMR. A. AJ1. Agents for Mortgagees. Cotwtabte. K;4i fcs?.rt m MA CLCi i s . ZF5mZL Vv' I A.i. " -irsSarS'W- iwuuw; J- -Si Ti. ' ..T.'V lv m t-"- IltVJ 9&M' tiL NEBRASKA k8: Ltias. HU9CIIOW, m. m, rmwtt y 1). H, t'Jalt. Oeo, JMiV'arri rn n im proved security u 0FFIC1 mJ vj-sv. troram avii Wr? LCAN Money fumhihe! a intreit rMrahk In fctalj riOXALBAXICDUli ihc fT' a K Final Proof Notice-. Laud ofciecat Rloominoa. Neb.. Jsly Oi. im, NOTICF. IS HKREHV OIVEX THAT TUB following narad set tier lias file sot Ice ef h (steattoa t make Ssal proof ia sapport of his efatm. aaa that said proof win be maee before tar.Jttdfe. erta bU wBee the Clerx of Ae District Omrtof Webtr Comay at JCe4 K'rl. Nebraska, ea Friday September l. ias, rizt ASHTLEV H. ALKXAMtK, cMiH'4appIiealaN.7MSriirthcH.J.J, see IS.T. 3.JSK11 w. He same Use Hey M arere nt eemuaaoaa- apon. aaa eaKiraCkoa ef aaM ua4 vu: HeCaaa.Cnalckhart. AUmo Care. Uaai M. daaaien " afCaUMr mw, H.W.SWJ PSwv -aT . -. jii2K-t." -1 WiTTVr ss? yeZmTSSTng l i WaJBaayiykaiak-'l- ' fifc I i ai Vi i I laaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaVrr .tt.aaWaaSiSIJaIBBBBBBi jBmmBBBBBT.S tT BrBBBiamM .xr ? w BBBELa-Zamk-r' 1, jaaBBBBk . .aaaaV ' !?m.t r'tsa&tx: -:7. 'aaBfaaaaaS- miaXOmMSrWk. - aaaVaBEBpP 'aaBBBaBBBBn9BH!HaBBBBBBaw: '- r. aagaiaaaaaaaaaaaaPaTAaaaaaakJaf -v ,. aaaBMiMB tfalil II '-atyaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaVai?,Ff -J, awaaaaaaaBy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY'BTflBaTBKi mHBHBHBHBHBHmmmHHmmvBH SaSBBiaB) II T Ml m Dl. I ng!TIMMlM wmmmmmm MM m MW . . . H B M M -ttt !9aponaaaeBttatfkMef M1m4tU: NUaa D If . naat. " --f- .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaaMPBlPaWaai' 3I1 VrfkUu nUittUtt IImu r-M. m-H- "m'XL. .-B9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaBBBBBBBaflBpaaMa i i .""- "-'r''! " . -. -'r ia.K.aiaB. m.wj-mmi . mmmm a. vaaaBa a1 if flaawM r-c' , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaa; IX&awaMBJMHar.. s sW .-,..? , :-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaaBBmaBBBawaBBBBBl .. t - ,-, mmtT-mkm ' Bafl Y Baalkaaia 'aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMaaBBBaaBBBmaVaaBl - " - mW-t- mJrJs. '-.TS "5"""" V .'aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaaBBBBaBBBBBal . ffJaWJW w vavaw aFJaafaWajajp aaajMB aBv w KKKAtmtmmWKCmmmmtimM -,i " f- GaaMrMaaSaBaawaaaaaMaai iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTavaWaaaaBBBBBBBamiaaaBaaBBBBBBBl ' .rm. IVf vktae a nJer t aale fataeaV at af TTIiaSaaaBZSSCZZBaaBBBBBBBBat i f S,saal 5 the aaariat eaart ( aW EWaak Tart hit . fe - - - Jr aBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBavTaTanaflf'VaBBBaVATaaBBBBBBBT " IJB rriitrlrT li frr TTrtntrr rnaiirr TTshfaHra -'V- 'LP"."!' 1-5 T HavaaBBBBBBBBBBaalaBK9!LhaaBBBBBBBBT :, preaas caa sa whe rel a aa a deew la aa aeaiaat waarMB Saaai ampaaiapoi, -'ii' a aBvnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa -ai lipaallu hi ret 1 . . kia ui-".. m -ZaM. --ra7l :- -' i 1- JH ajaaiijlt..... tMM 5.:itTJ n, ftr , n fc f h ,T ltf ltJt ir irifths uT h- Jiaffv -k.--- i - XT"" " --------. Deaaaad intalaalti iaji ill avsatafj haaM laiiaarii.Hi atli wanty. tnajtheaar "- s& ?--& 9 .-" I ; , DactaaaVrSlattaaaTaaaasrrr....' SJ2rmZ.ZJ77llZrtZ '- C aaaaavwaajai -i!aiat. -9a TIV T A HV ami DM K tMI. , r t. ,-. ci a D aHitaH Baahs lai aaaksra ' ... SC 71 r- - -?--? t-t"j--; -T--r r - eawmjaTBC :-,.! aTCff"a I al ja al aPlj val iwwui,jiA.ii. j oij.nAr.f Matia lad hamli ilsiaaaail , Lata T-VilT t- - - - "T -t - -. . - :maaBaa. fWBMmff -m w - v- arpanp taav BasaBaBaaanBBjaBaaBi r aaw aa araaBBrav ar aaa wbbbW XAaBBBBaBTaaBBT BBanaaarlBBalaBl aaBBBBBBBBBraaBr . - NHCL. , -1 .j. aa: as a... - "i3r bbbji nafcaffKearaaka.OBiraf VHMmtr.m: . Wiinr matr.yoaa. . ,: ...-. .BBaaWaaBBBTBBTaaBTBBf bIbbbTK E. V..t P bW fl lltlt - -hfur riiifli rfiai tin i mJI la aar anlaakiSBhi tacaa.4ar af TbTbbbbbbbbbK 'aBBBtt bb V m, I bbbTbb fl haaraakaaBrMarBm7BX itlaZ AaaaaCMH. ' lTcJlcwtT.iarBt. . bb9.' afaaBBTaBBBBBBK 'BBBffl'KSrW'' di BiBaBBBBVafl H. rtfam GV Jtr all " .... mL-"tX-& mmim?mm m:mmmmmwm.mw-jKl , ? :m b-b JPM ML kWmW 1 - W aVBjfJBaWfC .taBBBBBVBBTaTBBBBm AbbbV MbVI IB bbbbbbbbW BaTafL IbbIJbbI bi a V'-at m a i -T L- i ?,'' Xy'"'-aBaiaTiaa BBBWaBW',(a fl aaaBBBBBV aaBVaBBBBBBV JaaaT aaVSk asa , bbbbbI --r - ---, J . a - . --.- .-. - ' ' - mT - - "l. - -.. MVMBaBBBBBBamaBa in bbkbk .amaa . --. ,r f.-. -, - - .. aa am raBr ai iraz bbbbbv aaaBaaKv jam av 'aci m 2 a bbbbbi raMoiT 4 To af a heaiiaBtaail trM",",t w - tf feSEfflfc-" " ! y... . . j'maLiayv lfaaTanjl rOr. WMB'Olail aMMt. amDltT. I . . . -. - -1 . VaamaV-aaaat r Larn bmmbbkt t .- - -- - -- ----- - t- .'S ,sf ..f;--''..-?. 1 I. t?- -r -- aaal , ' .. m' ifnrr tnrwalr at tlnTintn laa :-t - -- -- - T ------- .r -rr. --ir a.-r- .rT-r- r - - a. ,.; -ij:-'? ?a f r 7x '&: - aaaa - , ,. .'o - -m m-.mm- - w "vviw! vvw v k,aBBBrmamaBBBitfvaB . 'aaraaiwaBmBBmiaBB bbbbk am bbbbbbbi bbbbl bbbbbbbbbbbi l.bbbbbbbl- bbbbbbi aaaaam - aaaMaaaai -- j. - . E,avik. -,r v .iaBBP as mm -a jaam' . aai- - , vakat-aa c bbbbbbbi pri -. ,-. .-- . Wr&'JaaaaMr.9l - - ,; ' - if m.g timi afc alisn aal aT 'CaaJBBBBBBtaMBBBBaBWK 01 DbbI naaaV BaThOr ami . AbbbbbbbL. t w - -.--jfy ..,"-- 7,v? --.g'- ? -va -- . . - - -,- . -. ,..- .r.s.a Tjrlj -uajaaaaBBBBBmBkaaBBm -iBBHAVaaaaBFal bbbbbbbK bbt BBBBBBBaaJBBBBBBBBBBFw - . ,ajm t. .---!- -i.- -mW mWi ( " . i''-' . ..rti, - -' -..l"' ' j-w.- j .- -- jy. 5, - '7---f.j4.-.j. -j.-,j rfTT " It- ' a - ' - . .: '-." . -'.,i.-' ... -in jr ?.B raaraiTj. . . . 5.',V fTm',I . "Sir .-' - j. JiOJOa rwaJSjOCWam, - " y54ggLh.-j'-y-, . Wl'vjtK&r:' ' '" MM - " citiaxBBjBjBBmj aaaam; jv--, y.va? aVTiaraaraar j& Wti '' BaaaaaaiaAavMf'-aaiaM ----yaaPaaBBTaf2 waaVawlWBBTJaa BmajaaJPaPaaaajamjpBmBjaBBBg, h , 'jbbbb " - !. h f.r. mt Ti . ,f.i --"-??- - .r.-jr..--r r "V-i.55rV S ?..: . rr&.- ?. - "maBBmaaBBauai avaai x-A3-''f-flaaaBBfTt-i BT av T'&to-..-ri?.-Jw-A,v. 'BBBaVVi . bbbb . ailllt. ' --T-:lrA-a4i' Sa?aVBmkr' : r.- " laMtaBBMBai.'" fj5aBaBiBBBaBBaBBBBaBBTai'' -- - ":- ar-. - - 1 J .?;w4 aaTrmr-'- B feSt- sSte&SwSwl gsBs?aSg5 SiKil.sBSItoliaai -g .--:--v-,t" v ;v--v J.'-' - - " -lif -?-vv'-??i-jtft'2Jt. '? -r1 .Vr- - j'-.vamlMJfcamPiaBKjSK.,1 aBBmmBjaBHBBllalBaB BBW .mBMaaav .ilBBmmmiTi. -at t - - -amgaaBg'mim'-j-jaMBBBBBB wwiiw-iaaMamma aa aaaaaia a ,?,-- ou--.itrase-v amVaaaaalamamhaiA;--d?yit.3f BBBBBBVamamK mBNamaay mai aBBamwiaBBBBBBBBKmaail. .--lJBBBBBBia aaaaVVAaaiiaBBBBBB aa"JPa BT'BmaBBBBBBB (aa v. am aBBBBB BBBamr , yj aVWMk a"a"m WMP aVv VVBFv9TaaaBaH9P MaTaTamaTaa' ,.2aBaBBaaataai maaaaBBi akft322B; "",r"i aBBBBBmBBraBBkmmmmBBaBmBkZ '' - T-xLf dBaaar jr ,. "X.is- bTb) Ba bbbbTbT -aaBBBBBBBaylBTaBTaBBBT uByaTammaaaBi. yBRT iffaj JtiV, Tbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBC'm'VBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH - "V-. 'KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP' 4BV tsSStrS BBBBBaBBBBBBBMaaUcaBHBB39mC. flllfcii JBBMi 'Lf fcBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBB9bBBBBBBBBBEE'-- v sJlT ' J1 w BBBBBa ""I - ?- 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT' S "w -'' SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI iMMHBtMliBKlMIHf'.Y.x J JIllMTIi 'TWTB W Bf " -fTYTl- TW B'T' .-------Mt- :?-.H2Bh -r .. MmWM r. -If-B W.JL v r. mHiw. Jaoicahirry, AiHwantnaihlir i Capital $50,004 st; -t -" 'V m