BnmsamF24msB2-vsnmm9immmmmmmnmmmnmm Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Jwrgr:gf ?y5wggsiBW&j Ligfb ?itJPm:.' PigSriapga--jrf -'. awg . "- fci yr Pr -' ..j-iTST.3Wpwpv&.. g tS'f'lBBBBMBBgpilSOvS 5r iigffliiM.i',aay.iiMy; ?,sacgaaa3s-fiaasvi jigreemaaay gggrTda g hM3mwar; ntim t.- i ii - iir- -urn it irTMT i'-)wmjrj4 sb- -matr. AF&'',a-re .. :r " - 3 :i-r . .--,,-r. ;j2 -v - -- . -j- ? - . .- .Tat-tK,vvaijfc a. -. srv -.. '" I , vvt;b" r-' Ii. - . . .TrV, iJ- - ,--JVr lis - - .- , ' - f4 $&i :aBWaEBK?.-t-rir mumB' - -r-:-. X-A--rsTr 'ffc uSK J- - -?. -s- v&upTBBKaoiieaBi 'wbl ibf. -? 'A5-- - : -v.- ---. - . -y ir- -l . ar. . i---. '-. '. -j--;- 5K3ss.7teTi.&s. :.r.i.tA-v:.,w,. -iTt-.-iSi.j-eiir- .:-. - rsa.--,.:- - -i :.- mmmMfr. . .jtmmsm3i,. aI: e - -: tir.3Masg3 ?7:i s2SSimkf - -V - - -U4JAJ. "-' SF" S TSr aT .,..; W,i?'?r--? ,T-?&'- fH'itTi; .' JLWT.-..W ,JJ-'J-V T ,, ...Ti.7- ..T . - r ' r-wk -. ' . . -T ' TiVS!- -TVr y-1 1S V"- 7S-T . rp, .-y 5.. B tw aTtfTT Wt.-J" II.M J"-,.' . "tiLV "T- T J IZi- -T r- ""! 7- jOsT - ""- ToT" .. "T. TF m!.., :. . . 1" " TVi. . '-. .- -.1 - "- . '. --.Z V'-, T - .'C.-" . -1 . 5F-?Mlf-:t ..,feg?g-sgX--i-- A're.-y-s--r- --" - .. 'i"S5St TT13. HAI3KEKVTHJE OKM City Drug Stoke. 41 Get our irice M PAINTS and OILS neforc jurcha.shi elsewhere. We arc hezi yuarters lor all kinds of MACHINE OILS, At ItoUoni prices. .Tttst received it fine quality of linjwKlfd DalHiation liuect Towder. 0ari Gnreii) Lotidou J'urple. Kellogg &Co. I can Joan -money on imr roved farm AT 8 PER CENT. too nnd vou can pav up the dcDtat the end of any year and cut off the interest J ray up tue aeui in INSTALLMENTS a great deal easier way than to leave the whole amount coming due, all iu a chunk. Consult your own interest and mike your farm loans at the best terms to yourself and you will get the beet terim in my office. G. W. Barker. Red Cloud Markets. "Winter "Wheat iMlir,. .Spring Wlieut .T5ai3. Corn lf!le (ats vfti.Yl. ltorley ajc. (& zc. Itve-P. HoKX .V Cattle .1 f&4, Kutcliers Un:k ii MUX 8 Per Cent Farm Loan. The Nebraska Farm Lo.n Co. will make you a loan on you farm at traigbt 8 per cent and furnish the mone3' without any delay. Call on them in the Red Cloud National Bank Bail din:. THE CHIEF Has Moved to New Quarters Just Opposite Our Old Three Story Print Shop. The Chief and the American Fanner one year for $1.50. This is a rare bar gain for all those who desire to get a good journal. Don't forget it. Come right iu friends, and give us your name. REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COM MITTEE TAKE NOTICE. T ere will be a meeting of the Republican county committee at the office of J. S. Gilham, Red Cloud, on the 4th day of Septem ber, 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m. AH are requested to attend. A. M. WALTERS, Chairman. CITY NEWS. Ed. Hioulam) lias returned from Kansas Citj. C. W. Kalev's handsome new house is about completed We are indebted to Myrtle Mayfield for a handsome boquet J. E. Kidd has been on the sick lift- for a week with a lame loot. Call at the First National Bank for 8 per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf .Iames McNExr will have a very fine residence property when completed. Rev. Geo! 0. Yeiser will preach at thc"Baptist Church Sunday morning August 29. Ed. McCuxe has our thanks for wat ermelons. Also, J. J. Mayfield, Mr. Snyder, and many others. Will Emigh left la6t Tuesday for Burlington, Iowa, where he expects to attend college the ensuing year. TheA.O.U.W. of lied Cloud is" flourishing finely. The order now has nearly a hundred members in J?ed Cloud. M. W. Manx, who has been visiting Frank Taylor and wife, has returned to Kansas. Mr. Mann contemplates moying here soon Our young friend, Bert Cromwell, is now happy in the thought that he is the leader" of fashion, havine donned a verv landsome Filk hat. It is very overcoming. Pcor. Picking returned home from 3Iinden Friday o as to be present at public examination. He is acting as county superintendent while Mr. Springer is in the east, J. J. Mayfield brought us a sample of his listed corn, planted .May 15, which we think beats any thine cf the kind we ever saw. The stalk "Was about 9 feet, with enormous cars at tached. Quite a severe hail storm passed near Catherton last Friday afternoon stripping the corn of its leaves and do ing considerable damage through its path. We have not been able to glean full particulars. We would respectfully: call the street commissioner's attention to a danger ous hole on 10th Avenue, between ijwiar and tewara street, which may t some day. Mr. J. Hblaniski, who for several j months hns been one of the B. & It's j important officials at this place, and railroad man of years standing, has been promoted to station, ticket and express agent at Oberlin, Kansas. Mr. H. is a worthy uentlemon, and the B. fc M. have justly promoted him to the responsible position. He will move there at once. We wish the gentleman success. : In a little while The Chief, proposes to make some radical changes in the paper. We propose to dicaid "patent internals" and print our paper offset home. This will eosspsll us to lay oat coaaioerawe wooej bat -a: ,-a: .-"'afl k- - ttK tHU WW WTVU09B HBHI UMEVffHEF KA. I mV rSSS' . Wriii; .b-dmdl mTto.lMimivmtaBiiif 7 i n - ... - -v -v- . - nsenv . nV jfgggyq-.1. m ! jarg"wl0 , .-;.r-rv-- -v vy.-: CaammsM fifing mxmilssasnahiast 1 W $L "Tm7iisnsnris ni iiisl nisi -mmntinr has te he moved mto the nkaet -men JBgff . JBngtK-sfy, otmsnrj,nh tmMr.mar.-tn- pnamw ;B2a -- - ' 1 mU , 11g.Tfr?J.-5r? .mmpang . v.. r i - fcAfa ska IHhisnUiH. thmnimi ems 1st sdssnmlssn'fmW mnhw?ftt' HjiiViBS.mi- kptf am tfes I J - -"'"'i.C "".-. " ' Hsny, he bsaltias hsnhentt-.inn esse nsas ff'?PS'R5Si2rJ?!5P' Jnw3siimmfi;mtmmHri''K'mMmmis J'"-' X Af-i- I Tiw Wsstera Loan and, invmtment ithJmslswaavs-:Aman whm nmnane. Itwas fhslf insnui inma g5cgg?gMJgsg;?g..g. The las wnsm ami esmk-mssmhl - - ?----; - W:-i r'L.A -" m A 7mv"mr"mnm- sn nmkrnmmymsmmmimmnvmm ?. - mr i-mp-- -n' - m . - --r-'Mmr mmv AWmnASnmnSmWWflmnS mt' .wmwmVmm ''"-"t - .Wm ,mvl swsmVV m m WWmftmfl frmMinl fsmmf ' MC-nMnmHnMfJmOftsr fnf Mitt-"1--'- .SIU - .i AJ mmmf"" VmWmnHHBnl m,mvmVnHmftflmnn 'jAfJBfittfMmUft'mmny ,'!MMMg1y-3yM,!BMy' - IMV'MMKy-JMMM". . j'. ' "-! js sn m-" --m .?m -mnT- I ?JmW 4mmmimn'V g -mnmlnnW ICmWlmmims nas1 .1 '- t.V V --g---. '?v ?f S- -l--n?TS? ' ' RlkmimmJnn mnmnnltlTlmnnnm! ft AmnnWnlnnt ilimlnt? jf &j?M& tV ''' fr "f'"-V;-"-- ':""- ' '' -'' Wtttttk 'T'TlW flMnVV 480ClnmK VMB a ML p JJPJPi mWmnmvlnf.-etmW, ZsW,PA'nnfWUU fM jM'MyVCOHnHMM WNPH'flW Z?5VKk?!ff. Pw:i-Vf?l!?-"' "'-" .-'- m' ' tsrt ----"' T-2r?Tyt'-yr---. 1?? ! " ' 1 Z d-z. mBmmP'K ' JSv ?- ? mnmnmnnl MnMnMRnnmTnW mOnmVsmnnlmnl"mnnmnnnW Smnmt mJmW'mm.pVi3$ JF'B "?' v J? vm"mP nW Hs ,mUmW ' JmmVmVn HH JnnBflB CHBflmmmHflBmn ,.'. hamnflmm are assntsJBmss-nne 'nr - --:--a---g --- -. fcj-. mjMaMgmn:MnmmBasim'mnnlsnnnl' nm.--lmmmu.'mmn - jBSMsa -mmt. nLi:B i,vDul r;a- 1 yi -. - wg'lfn- snilmnanm!s4tfM gJCiSisnpBl S'.mStlfSm Sr5fS"'' ermmm-r ,7t - VK ' ' HmMmnnnnnnnnhiw I i . Urns' nH i 'v . . iTK. B' T2H.ETtHtH jBEVmVjBPBE'i iC-'-BEmfc'r-S' JKTaBf 'BTWffTttfl -1 flMVfe'fe0iPtt I - -1 ' " ' Hot weather is still with tie. It. V. Smirey was in Chicago this week. The Baptist Church bat been re painted. Tox Poyjter, of Arkansas, was in the i cuy row week. Ed ouxg is prepared to do all kinds of sewing machine j-epairinf. Call at the First National Bank for 81 per cent, interest farm loans. 3tf Schroedek Jt Meyer have moved to new quarters with the batcher shop. 31. Wm. Bareett sold 1000 bushels of new corn the othei day for 15 cents per bushel. S. T. Vak Hor.vk Is improving bis property bv building on additions, lay -ing sidewalks, etc. John Docker has returned from the east, where he has been laying ' in. a large stock of goods. Vint Williams, from the south side, scores one ahead on the biggest melon yet received at these headquarters. The SonB of Veterans are about making arrangements to rent tbs second story of J. L. Miller's new brick for a lodge room. E. F. Cavasaugh, the Riverton horse-shoer has moved to Red Cloud and is located opposite Howell Bros' lumber yard on 3rd Avenue. Frank Mickly, the popular hotel clerk, has returned from McCook to his first love, and again poses as chi el clerk at the Gardner Houee. Red Cloud i now rejoicing. She has commenced to enjoy one of those wnole-soulei7 booms that makes her citizens' hearts glad. Blue Hill Time, Out in the cold world, out in the street, is what 'the merchants are sing ing who are being moved out into the streets to make room for the new brick blocks. Ix the last few days Mr. M. R. Bent ley has purchased twelve farms in the vicinity of Red Cloud, at a cost, wc presume, of twenty-five or thirty thous and dollars. A sidewalk has been ordered laid on the east side of Seward street, and will ultimately connect with the Cedar street walk running to the depot. It ought to, at least. A new abstract "company has been formed in this city. Messrs. Gump, Fort and Willcox are the proprietors. They proposn to have a fine set of books. We bid them God-speed. "Hrsii little babv, don't ou crj-," sang John Storey the other day when his first heir made its appearance on this mundane eohere. John now smiles very blandly and keeps right on compounding drugs. The following is the official a$orc of the game of ball at Bloomington last Thursday: XAMK. 1 2 3 4 .r 6 7 8 D RUMS. Bloouiiugton Red Cloud... 0 ft 1 .t 1 1 0 3 0 9 O. R. Downs' youngest child died on Saturday after an illness of several ays and was buried on Sunday after-1 noon. ir. Downs anuiamtiy nave me sympathy of the people of Red Cloud in their hour of affliction. R.vnce Ports, the handsome clerk at the Holland House, has been 'rasselin' with a mammoth carbuncle on his left elbow during the pnst week, and is now convinced that Job was made of sand instead of the dust of the earth. J. L. Miller, the veteran harness niin has not left town entirely, but is located in the suburbs, (the old Helmet office) where he is dealing out harness cheaper thin any house on earth. Call and see him, across from Chicago Lumber Yard, and be happy. We are glad to note that our farmers are beginng to get their eyes opened and have quit borrowing money at enormous rates of interest from un scrupulous money loaners. Five and six per cent, per month is too much, and mo man can or ought to pay it. If he does he might as well go intoank ruptcy at once. Rev. Fulkorth, of Red Cloud, was in the city the week, moving in the line - I of securing funds to build an Episco- pal chapel. The Tribune would not interpose a single objection to sucn a laudable enterprise further than to observe the indisposition or inability of the people to well support the pres ent gospel force in our city. McCook Tribune. s Mr. Muelleh, of St. Louis, has been in Red Cloud this week, looking after the water works. TnE Chief has not learned what conclusionjie has arrived at, any more than that he will be able to put in a good svstem for us that the town will be proud of. This is an im portant enterprise and we hope the citizens will 4ook the matter squarely in the face aud vote for the interest o! the city. We are pleased to see the young city of Red Clona not oniy "spreaaing herseif, but building nearly a dozen two story brick business houses in one season.. The work of removing the bid buildings is well under way and the work of excavation for cellars is being pushed rapidly forward. The subject of waterworks is also being ag itated, and ths city council at a recent meeting provided'for a survey for that parpose. Um uenuL. ARRMtESKXTATlVE f the "IaBCOhl JsMrasJ was in tle cUrlst week, and he informed one of oar citixens that ke had lately seen the jAt of the Bock Island Road in Beatrice, where that company are-at work, and he said the road to Kearney had besa aean doied and that the road 'would .ran from Beatrice to Ilea Ootid via Fair bery and Hebron, and-on west un the Valkr to Orleans and then np the Sanfia Valley to 3)enTsr. JiwaMTs I - , - r, . ir -vwi" ' - - ' -dti- 5rsi- Fiics TL-Y" L. JcnE McKxmyax was in Hasting tkis week. Geo. Yotjkg has moved into the Bal lard property. Mas. R. P. Hutchison was in Ster ling this weak. D. M. Platt is resjedeling nis res idence property. Mrs. Emich starts east on Sunday evening for a visit in Iliineis. Third Aveanc has been nicely fitted np by our street commissioner. Call at the First National Bank for 81 per cent interest farm loans. 3tf Wm. GATBshas moved into the conn try and has again become "tiller of tbs soil." Miss Mary Crujkhhank of Pitta barga Pa. is visitiag her ancle, H. B. Simons. J. Campbell's house, at Hicks, was struck by lightning the other day. No one injured. Rev. J. G. Aikmax will preach his farewell sermon Sunday morning, Con gregational church. Rev. R. C. Barrows will preach in the Court House Saturday evening and Sunday morning and evening. This afternoon the Red Cloud boys and the Bloomington nine play the return game at their grounds near the cit3. Mrs. Dccker and daughter Jessie, of Joliet, Illinois, mother of John J. and May Dnckcr, are visiting in the city. The Gazette Journal of Hastings, says the VanWyck meeting at that place the other day was a complete failure. J. M. Mayfield has again remem bered The Chiepites in a melon-choly manner, for which they are truly thankful. Ed. Hilton and Frank Busshow, two of Blue Hill's prominent citizens call ed on these steam headquarters Tues day last. J. S. Gilham is tho happy father of a bouncing 'little lawyer' which was admitted to the bar this week. Usual weigat Mr. Moon has one of the finest im proved farms iu this county. Fine barns, residence, etc., are being put up, and the property fenced. Wc call attention this week to the advertisement of the Red Willow cat tle sale in this city, September 4th. It will pay all to be present. The annual election of the officers of the W. C T. U. of Red Cloud, will be held Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. G. B. Gates. Ail the members are requested to be present. J. R. Howard, late lieutenant in the regular army, who has been living in Red Cloud for several months, has lately received a pension of $1685. T:e Chief congratulates Mr. Howard. Don't forget that Athow & Young will receive their fall stock September 30. Hold your orders for this house and you will make money by it. Don't you ierget it either. Come and see us. M. R. BeStley is a large owner of city property in St. Paul. We noticed the otner day tbat he was offered $5000 for a town lot, but "smelled a mouse" and concluded to hold on to it a while longer. J.A.CR.vwFORD,"mineho8f'of the 4th Avenue Hotel, while sinking a drive well the other day, was injured by the pipe falling across his 1 rehead, which cut a severe gash and laid him up for repairs. Ludlow 4 Sox have the contract for furnishing the brick for the five new buildings in the middle block. This firm has so far furnished all of the brick tnat has been used in the erec tion of brick buildings in this city. M. R. Bentley has been engaged in the chattle mortgage loaning busi ness has finally become disgusted with the business and has decided to quit it entirely, and is shaping his affairs in that direction. All delinquent taxes must be paid by October 1, 1886, or Trevsurer Mc Nitt will be compelled to collect them by law. There is no use fooling with the "buzz saw," gentlemen, come right up and pay your taxes promptly. Wc call attention to the republican central committee to the call for a meeting in another column. It is im- ?ortant that every member be present 'he campaign will be an important one, and the work, shonld be carefully planned. Geo. Holland is now a bloated ho tel owner, he having lately purchased of Mrs. Andetsou the property owned by her and known as the Gardner House. Mr.IGardner will still run the house as of yore, irrespective of the purchase. This weekM. R. Bentley purchased all of the lots north of the rink to 7th Avenue with the exception of three, for which he paid $4,000. Mr. B. is a wit speculator and his purchase wouia maicsie nts nenei in uie busi ness going nerth. The Red Cloud team are negotiating with tne Hastings Reds to cross bats ontbedismend in this city for $100. The "Bads' say they will keep our boys from making a score lor $100, If they do they will have to hustle, and don't yon forget it, . There h to be' a cam .meeting in theRed Ckmd circuit September 5, at Willis Fuhen's grove, Warnnt Creek. Bring yonr tents and cotsted wagons, and prenatn mr a goad meeting. Xe freshmen will he serves by the ladies aid secietr.Geed water, etc. Several noted nianchmi will he Rnr. Gne. W.Hummbx. to 3f this nleos was etmck tor P,BStei ', liar i -yw qiw i r- ' -?i: . ..-i-H f-,?,::. 3sr JTH. ; W. LT SLJ4tt.Jaa& :. . rrwiti3 -&.? ,-j.. 9- -E.n.fc.?J 4 T rvvs -i f L - 7. WV in jTrH T- wi i- - "' . ... f r.' .?.-' ' r. CA . t . irf i .j- a . ' 'I The north go 1 1 f I DaTld Tuesday morning as the west hound express started out from the depot, hot before it had gaiued much speed, a lady with a child in her arms, who had been in one of the coaches saying her adieus to a departing friend, rushed to the doer and jumped hurriedly from the car step to the platform. It was not much of a jump, nut the lady had made no calculation for the motion of the train, and not alighting fairly on her feet fell to the ground and rolled toward the track: with the child still in her arms. Fortunately Agent Pow ell and the conductor of the train were standing near, and rasdr a ftanticgrab for the lady, and succeeded in pulling her from under the wheels just in time to save her from a horrible d?ath Bystanders who reported the adven ture to the Signal say that the woman and the child must both have perished but for the promptness and activity of the agent and conductor. Guide Hock Siqnal. Sleeper's cat riuge works turned out this week some very finework, iu the shape of an elegant coach for Clinc & Stroup. It would be hard to conceive how a person could find a better class of work than i done at Sleeper's, these gentlemen arc experienced workmen and fully know their busi ness Their work far cxcells eastern work and is being sold do cheap that all can buy if they so desire Jt wilj pay our people to see Sleepers before sending east for buggies. It will pay to patronize home for the reason that you can get better work at just about the same prices, and know just what you are getting. Give them a call. The institution is certainly the equal of many .so called "big concerns" in the east, as The Chief can fully testify. One day this week, through the courtesy of Mr. C. C Johnson, a Chief reporter.took short but pleasant trip towards the nt rth and west. The corn crop in that direction is looking es pecially fine, and promises a large yield. The farmers nro busy cutting hay, while some are engaged in fall plowing. Doc Boynton has a fine ranch at the head of Indian Creek, which, he is extensively improviug, and is now having a first-class dwel ling house bui't. John Murray, of this citj' has charge of the carpenter work., and is aoing a No. 1 job. Indian Creek is one of the finest streams in the count', fed from never failing streams, Sand would afford a splendid water V ma m, b & V ftfe 4fe & 1 a jjm ,uwur Jur " u"uwu' Another Brick. The oddfellow of Red Cloud arc maturing plans whereby they will soon ercet a hand some brick hall on their lot just north of the rink 25x100 feet two stories high. Mr.3IcDonald the architect is now at work on the plans and specifi cations and we feel certain that the the new hall will be a fine specimen of architecture and worthy of a place iu our growing city. The Oddfellows lodge is iu a very prosperous condition and The Chief is glad to learn that they have the enterprise Jk erect a new hall fitted up for the great work that they are doing daily. i . e e . The probabilities arc that the Moon buildings will still go up, notwith standing the failure of the contractor to come up to the contract We learn that other" contractors arc readv to do the work. It is too had to let the buildings go by default now when they are in demands We have been unable to learn just the exact reason for the non-fulfillment of the original contract. Wc hope the trouble will be adjusted and the building boon go on as anticipated. We hope Mr. Yeiser, who has keen formost in get tiug the buildings planned will be also able to get them built this sea son after all. The Chief feels" disposed ,te sav that it is now and has always bees opposed to (bonas or nennens rates ef interest. Five ner ceat a month, or aay other rate above what is allowed by law, is against the4awad shonld not be conatenancetL Taking 'advan tage ef spoor man's necessities jest because yon can is not manly er hon erable, whether yen men meney er whatever yen de. -Arsriee fer gain hewevcr seems teeafl in afl with wheiteemswenld sink their seal te nerdttien ;.t Jt s certatnly iniflsndmh M "'.? '-'A.'-','"ti? -' "-a". n V -j. -rrJPL v -iasB - taimT. .mmw nTsmr -. smt mrvsw mVmWmVmVmY ' AVmY4 mn ' .BawBSmVm9mwmVmT4 B, smmTsBBmmTsKm-' mVmb. -mmAlmVmlTnM VmVmmk. WYmVmVmVmmsBBnmVmVmVmVmVM xm KenUr ban tan oosmmet. lit, t i aEPaf.; y-l?'- -fy&ZCr WTri-.Taii'? .. -JlZ'j'l.g-. ..MaHf ; !& f'r'5tv"isf&;4'st' ism nmmm nan .sanssnw wmssmsf "tt" As we a ,snrvejrtia andaS, 9ee Uysem, and jmt why it shnnld'hn siessd can not nwdsrifanJ , Shut this an and nractisaUy half ef ear frem the nerth will be driven away, it m well known tnat no come across with a lead oeless by the divide road without a great inconven ience. An effectual way to kill trade is to ?1eae od tbs roads leading to -the city. We understand thai eastern par ties are having the road closed. The Chief hopes that they will fail ia their efforts, not through malice, but be cause it is a good road and one that can always be traveled. A great many of the fanners, as well as our citisens are very indignant over the attempt to close the road. The Republican Congressioal Cen tral Committee of the Second District Nebraska desire to express their sym pathy with the family of W. H. Strohm. late of Red Cloud, Neb., in their sad bereavement., knowing that his actions with this committee were always wise, patriotic and honorable. Sincerely believing that the State has lost a useful citizen. Webster county a reprcsenattivc man, this committee a prudent counsellor, and his family a protector, the chairman and secretary are hereby unanimously instructed to forward to the family of the late W 11. Strohm a copy of this resolution. Hastings, Neb., August 18, Jj8G. 1 1 . BooTWiCK, Chairman. V. 1.. Stark, Secretary. OOWLES supervisor Wilder ordored the lum ber this week f$r a bridge across Elm Creek at Waller's fold, one half mile south of Cowles. Geo. Laverty, one of the pioneers of Webster county, but now a resident of Yuma, Col., was calljug on his eld friends here last week. Mrs. Dr. Schenck is making a pro tracted v'sit with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. White, of Garfield. We are pleased to note that ML Amelia Cupperncll is the happy owner ofa new gold wateh, which she pur chased last week. It a "daisy" or 'just too lovely for anything," or some thing of that kind. N. B. 0. 1L Maryatt has a few more like it which he could be induced to sell. L. E, Hinman, of Stillwater, was in Dundy county this week looking after his claim there. H. M. Staler has arranged to go to North Platte to grow up with the country. Mr. S. and his excellent wife will be greatly missed by the people of Happy Hollow. G A Latta brought eomc fine onions to this market this week. He has three acres which he estimates at over 2000 bushels. jCuiter & Best sold ten heifers last week to G. Martin, of Blue Hill. Butcher would do well to give them a call. I). 11. Huzick is a successful bee cul turist, and will this season hayc some 300 pounds of very fine honey. 3Irs. T. G. Wilder went laut week to Republican county, Kansas, to make a protracted visit with relatives there. Three weeks ago, farmers in this lo cality thought they would not have a half crop of com, but siuce the recent rains they are epecting a full average crop. The not proceeds of the sociable giv en last week by the ladies of the mite society amounted to $280. The la dies of the.society wish to express their thanks through Tin: Chief to those who aided them with donations, es pecially thewe from the country. H. T. Rose, who is a reliable farmer, estimates his present crop of cm at more than forty bushel per acre. Little Hatchet. WALNUT CREEK. Mrs. John Sellars has returned home not improved in health. Willis Fulton has moved to the oth er side of the river and rented his farm to Mr. Joseph Paul. A Mrs. Holcomb, who moved with her husband to Walnut Creek about three months ago, has suddenly left us after selling part of her husband's property. Mr. John Mitchell has built a new house. Threshing machines are running, tons of hay are being made, corn is famous, in fact all are cheerful over the prospect of good crop of every kind. With bright hopes concerning this world and the next some people from our neighborhood attended the basket picnic on Fenny Creek last Stinclav, and all enjoyed a grand least for their souk. It was aanoonced that there would be another basket picnic held somewhere on Walnnt Creek flepissa hero. We hope that it will he wen attended, and that these whole Gad may again haye a grand opsoctnaKy to araw nearer him. ntA.-- 3mEBFtjJH mmrng iSic tf mMiiM'. MX tMmilkmn Hi - fkiimj the read hes nsen a nssfss had nnt 1 1 stmmnfa s jst ton U Xpstt read, nrwd and atl, Jbr H'yenm.1 f mnmrjat f mm ilW V At -...-, -.-.-- -731 -s a; '7-r- ft - .V1 - - ; ; hx -st5 j, i way 30s. John fusty etnsr hmv ant Ufa, Wv IP Jlr. Tern Peyner and family new rttnraW to GW eenatry again. Ar- kansss has ne cknmss fetr thesa. Jnd White and Wether are in the washing msckine hatiasss entt ex tensively st this writing jmd the ladies thronghent this viciaity art ksppy. K. White is six inches taller he was yesterday, 'cec' a Wan new girl with very red hair, made kr appter aace snddealy at his hense. Oh where, Oh where did these twe -yoang men go, Sutaraay nigat. xaeir horse heads were tamed towards Walast creek. Caa ne one tell? We woeld like to ksow. Arkaxsah. The lawn social given by the ladies aid society at the residence of G. W. Knight was a decided success, beth i nanciallysnd socisily. A Mr. Hayes and wife, from Geauga county, Ohio, relatives of J. O. Cham berlin, are visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Worthington and Mrs. G. W. Knight havu returned from their visit among the Pacific slopers, and report having had a splendid time L. N. Edson is going iuto the -vbecp btuunea having traded property in New York for a large llock. Marsh Hurd has rented the livery and feed stable here. We wish him success. A. J. Worthiuglott has routed tho Pitney residence and will inuyo into town. Saxie. BABTLEY, NEB. This is the '-magic tows" ., Valley. Since the suddlc of June they hive crcctid ibout forty laild iagr, and h&vc contracted for mere Tho B. & M. arc building z depot about twenty-four by cighty-iix. The post office was started last week, and F. O. Climcr & Co. lisucd the first number of bartlev inter-ocean. A real estate agest, city dray line, toneerial artist, sign and omamcatsl paiutcr, brick yard, physiciaa, black shop, meat shop, general merchant, boots and shoes, jeweler, drag stere, grocery, agricultural implemests, two lumber and coal yards, three hotels, three contractors and baildcrs, Bart ley, and, XALLALIEU UIVERHITV advertise ia it The University will open September 30. Reams are now ready fur several of the departments, and they iHvite bids for erecting, next summer, the permaneat bnildisg which will cost more thsa forty thens and dollars. Some say the plan as adopted will cost more than ffty thousand. In addition to the leag university course there will he severs short practical coarse for these de siring to prepare forbnaiaewf er teach ing. Professors Smith sad Werley, lately of our isstitne go there and will always be ready to give oar yoang people any desired information. The professors desire to cMconrage study ing at home. They invite those who find dimculties to corrtipead with them. Saeeess to Bartley sad Mai- lalicu University. Fsask DfCKEnson has come forth from his hiatus and new holds the fort on the east side ef Webster street one door north from Kaley Bros often Frank has everything nicely fitted np and has a arte stock oi cigars, tobaeso, choice drinks, pop. sinner ale. cider and lemonade, all ice celd and pure. Fresh peannts resiled daily everything choice, fresh sad pare. ToOnr We sincerely thank ear and friends who have se patronised as ia tkis and tne pest year lor year Kind fevers. w e ap preciate them, we assart yen, and shall always strive to make y iaga with -as beth pleasant sad prsit able. We hope to hear frem all ear old customers daring the sessen. and and from as many new make it an ebject ttoengh ear sssisit en and slhsrwise te kindly with their etners. We give ear tontien whellv te therehy enstssners mnjr Fsry inn as few v vwwsh sa immis es -mi . - . i" UlitM - a . - "- maaaaaaaw -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaamM maBBmmLk--n.- rm&jri. m fa ear pattens it ts steams, anntk and ' , ;: fHirBV,j9& .. iMk trastwhen i T iW wEl- leak :-vVWjBiSfe'3 araamaai smammn nnsy wmiians tLwmmKiLmm.jrg kt'mk threncb it nrnl att wmag tmmatav Ems &&mmmmWmm ? .T '. lm pga nam w w aamw.iamr w-wjt, EEBBEBBBEBS .- r- ?& -Xmnai amjnmamE-tm BaBaaaaM v snl EnaEmt EmEEK 'maaaaaaaat aBaaVEnEc 's mS? 1Csnaaaaaaaaaaaan '' AaaaaaaaaB ''C'- ."-, ' 'Sl flHB ': ad'EtdClnmi tlimrf sim m tmmt 'ilVH0Ji:C Zj: '.- . f-. -. - , -,-- jkt yf.tjZ '-,.Bma v ir-- mBBSPr - .imsaaaWvS--- sr- ' tlml .j"--' amsst smansms. msmaaaamTammj;' fa-, assa ;,c msmsj. Sam'''aan,naaaBaaaaaaaaaa '-' J-3-aj f - vmmXJ mmM aUafml ''::'' Ml ,. ;mi-'mt-:0r BBM EEB" . ; i; ' T mmm mm maaaaaaamai ;'SBT''-naaaBEat ' 'aaaaaL'" - - rEBPat" "--" tr--B-3a 'E- '-Ssi m'- T-Si Jrmjaj . appsasjam maaav . v . .' -i-- . - . -j IPmBt--- i h" z? tanw tn BajBrn-Bamps avmr , EBEEjEMBH . !t ''M i2s?5-S'- fnysi 5ST! vS .-' - 'r-r'mmsLssrmmmn 5. --2Jisn -M2&&?2tr: ,-jfc -mmmikm&Sm maaMa . j- " , tmsslsmmnL - s ammjsjass as msn vsnwn mwmmywrnss.-:; mmmY Aasmst mV M9$v nsi,AAm smmn-TMin. L. PmmV Mm flu masrtfc MPs.Jfarm JtnrmT J. T. sSmi - J thnsmVenhimsmwillhe ssn mTffsnr mmn lsmnr' ssnsn asysssssmr m ssmi. . if nntdsAmjend nsnssn, - "?& i , H .. -cr-'.i-.' S MbH em "EEEj EEErm xVVffnEaEmnVml itpsresM Aixsismef alt atUmChssami smmX - mP'fe- v1 K. - sn ---: GettO. W, danss -. nJ2. Vy: le lean at nt lewsst CF.C We are ami mvxe sett it. JEEjtpan EV EjfcUP EEe her Yard. r. f.iavMai ass man ami . c T i5 Call at the First? 81 per cent, interest mrm leans. Jsf Brick fer sale at tat fhieasn Lnss- k x-.j . Call at the First national Bank mr $f per cent, interset farm leans. Jsf Having need John a en's Vy for ahont eight yean. 1 etaand best work nublished for amstf EhEEB jEjBBSEEJl sPV I take pleasure ia saying that I have ued Johnson s lmversai c for several years and eatsam it highly indeed. I knew ef nt that could take its nleee tor my HE. Pmm, Pastor l'reabyterian Clutrch, End Cloud. Nel. Farm loans negotiated. Farm testa on tuut favorable tcrni Limns sen be paid by giving .T) days notiec with out extra cost. lcek to yenr best intcrt.-u and cull tMi meat my t.Mm over F?rt Vatioual Biuk. II. B. grAXuOLK. .oi A valuabb coat, just croo the rivsr bridge, acar little hridgt, ofi road to Guide Rock. Finder will ne rewarded ou leaving sxre at Valley House, Ikd Cloud. S. W. Scxuv Owinci to my contemplated absents from Red Cloud i o!Tr mf hotel aiwl fed barn for sale at coat for the next thirty day. S. 0. lUatt. Ilouaefor rent, Apply to C H. Potter. Good bt'ildingt, tdenty tf water and near tha luineaa peraioft of the city. 4s-tt GAftou.N'e in 2 xal. lota 20 ots. per gallon delivered free in any part ef the city. Two ddivrie daily. Cans must be at store by 0 a. in. and 4 p. m. 50 tf R.K.SEnjm40n. A good team of horses for sale. In quire ef Joseph Graves, Red dead, t Fresh home-made candies atG. W Cline's. Call and see him. Brick for sale at tlie Chicago berYsrd. If you wUn to sell your farm t property call on JoecfH Gauva, 42tf RedClond. Xetr. Try the Estey Sewing Machine. It is the finest machine that is ansae. For sale by F. V. Tayjer the east side fumture msn. Red Ootid. Snmmer dreaa goods, lawns, whits goods, hamburgf , great verity tf mats nwmwnvTy jHamTmjsHtWa KHarTlVf MHtVa fWE ""nmr etc Will be closed entatn BserWn at, Mrs F. Newborns, jneatt girt ne a call. Itch and scrstchts ef every kind cured in 30 minnlts by WuilmraTe Sanitary Lotion, Use no other. This never fails. nc4d by Fergnstn k Ce drnar gist. Rd Ctond. 2Hy The beet and cksansst line tf sfsmnnrss, and evermasing nt Mrs. yews enter Hkxky CooT now has the complete stock tf wall paper, abates, etc., in the Republican Vaney. Pttt strati as. mTaaAjan XMmjamtamm mvimaaaaman E wT (minst mmqiw t fffsmamsmsBBBasr KMJBRJrBH ale. bireh beer. etc. at G. W. CMne's. All fresh and niee. Call and tat hint, Agtod farm for sale or rent. As fornishsd. Aply to Jsepa Otawts Red Cloud, Xeh. ltf A xscx hne of dry needs will be sold hat tmy cheap at Mrs. Xewhtnttls. Ladfoa' cheap hosisry at Mm. house's. Go to Ed. Wiener's stand if you want the diet, the latest pen and periodicaaf , etc Me aetns tat best in the city. Don't forget it. G.W.ih he nasi a ttfer aM tat leading naaenmes. nnee iMk Fenran rlaantamiMtng. r3 a? 1E EnVv EEBEEBnwr EBBBEBB; EfEJ EBBEy callonJ. W. Wa the Fredenia waaksr. Anants. nereis wish M C.i; Went, Gen! foediagsteersltrsstoBr)fttsnA 0 J J nnmtVVav MarJi OT fed Ef eEnEBg i -ki?'" it-rS-. i. js jy5 &' '-i L' - .i ,-. i ATMHM Hmtt Btnmraji sBraaBBBBmaas; pg EEvEy BBEEEfl) '. Warrtn nnd ask in att gtnettnsry Iry.?1 ,? ?" - ".IS.-Vf mmwwvw 9 urn wwmmmmm rmm , -3- . , c ' T in Jm CmJ MhMi -'- -" - - "' "5-t. v 'J J 1 I , "w.w mwm wmtm wnv m r -. and tJaaa striate, and ast in k qi tne conditiosi. MhH -;-,--- rvM ' '"'"" ""'"-' ' " f & .-ff sasaaaah. daaarhk -"" - -j "" '- maaaaaaaaaaaEnT Em :'V i, ,M BaaaaamW aaSmaaar.mami .mas. . j- -g -?- aaaaaaam maaaaaaWBmaBajmaBBBBBBBmBr , mmamsm i. msmnv - T 3- ,v "CZ etts as wc sen aaanmaamsi' aan mar maaaar mal -.- - -. ' eeH EBB.W eeeeI - - -?& r " BE ESmEnEnaVrmaanw, f M-MM'-Z -i IB naf iBC9 ,'IEBiJ. 3 Wm Bnaami .maBBBBBF' , aaaaaaaaaaamnvA -- '-' t - imeS ..- - . - H flaBBBBmaLm " '-c-BJ j.'VjSJTSSfe jai aaaaaavaannasmBBBni -. a, .-. j - naaKuBBJs JMm-. -.. v j BaaaanasKa'aaanf vessssw"' tnnttmsms. "mmsBaaamBaan.aaaaa-.' '' --siK-ss v's '' aaaaarmtaaaahmal - 'Ki: - -j- . naaaaaafEf maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV-aaaaEE TSp, .-C- s --;3&S3Lt3k. -- i. V---- te?EiimrZSZ2MWmmmanmZ&3t "jmnfkr' -'Brnm ':'' "SmMWmmmmMmMMWMmMMMMmiV'-""-SA- aHBJj mmm o-c tnrf.?3 Jrai " t.'5. -M t" fe X, issssa 5Jlw:3 SB, " 38,,. Ft4 " - -v 3i'i&k -3ei ' . ". m. t & & WsK r ytem mi i --. -saBt "dsm - ." 1 . mat ;k-r, - EM Z '.f . -v. i Em c . -l nV '?"- 5E ' $ J"fec. B"?.n ' . -.: BREfl j ; '-:- H ' t- l i " -- ' .-' ' - Li aBaaaaaaaaKi :- V'j - i .va?J 5"S e Jfc X, -' -'St f v "t n -i'laml Vtv-. is '- --aar- -1 $- ' J " iEc "- -?-. " v aa J8 r. jt:. 3 Ceties. ? ,, - :