The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 27, 1886, Image 5

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    !. 1
Galveston Again a Proy to "Wind
unci Wator.
The Kern "End of Mi Inland ft-ihmerced
Ilurin-; Terrlllr Oiile unit locale-.
,' lahle Damacr Wrowtiht
.Scene of Desolation.
Ft Loimp, Ans. 21. The tallowing
Special from Gahcston is published this
"Gai.vkstos, TcxM Am. 2?. The big
Mow is over. The -dnluglng waters which
since midnight unhmcrzed thn city have
V, . ,-icat -H kFl-e tan, ,h.
havoc wrought by wind ami wave. cs-
terday was thchrginninz -ami to-dr.y the
end, hut during The hnef interval of time
thousands of dollars' worth of pri;crty
have been sr.vpt a war, life sacrificed,
cattle tlrowTtwl, homes devastated. The
nlphlhas bom one of horror, even more
nwfwltlmn'th-it of the vreat firr.Mf last No-
vrmbcr. Th-n there xvas lisht, even
Ihoimh fne illumination was the fu-
iierirt pile of ronsnminz homes,
"'lsl '"-"l """,,'," "'" """"i
tinder t'K- c..n.-r r.t darknss. drowning ;
cries of distress in the roar of wind and
rush of waters. It was nearly mi-'ni-ht
lief.irc the extent of i:umer beciuie man-
fes't. notwithstanding by two o'clock lire
r5lerlv hurile-nie had driven the wafers
vliiiriir-iiiciiaM driven Uie waieis
in as far as Seventh treet on the eat
n the
-id- of the en -hapeil inland. The east
end, however, has always been the weak
.. 1 ,w. .1
-" ' "' '' "" ..u.nv
poinL If. is there Hint the current
-of the ziilf iii'-eH the obslructini: y;l-
lies, mini in uie au, inic ior
I-ep water, and tut muz in mil iore- casts
jis tremendous volume on fhe fated strip
rf laud. Intindatiuz the streeis for a few
T-iuares io lh d-pih of a foot or two i,
Iherefoie. no uuu-ual ocemrenc- with an
. ..-
slept r ne waters, onven nv iiic iiil in-1
crea'-inz wind, had silently risen, leaving
scarce a dimple in it -ufaee as it sub.
merged street and sidewalk, and stretch
ing forlli Into yards in-idiotislv attacked
Ihe foundations of buildings Ieav:nz
thorn easy prey to the fnrv of the wind.
Houses wen; taken up bodily ami car
ried for SQiiares across lots, us lonz as
they held together, and then with a crash
came down. In some places where a
stronger structure resisted the action of
the waters below and the winds above,
it would stop the drifting litiildinzs
which in turn formed an obstacle for an
other, and .so on until a half dozen build
ings were thrown together and held hy
jazzed beam and rafters. In the mean
titne the residents of the fated Ka-t ICnd,
the first to lake the alatm, as that
-was ihe point first invaded, weie sliuz
linz for life and what little household
effects mat could he saved. In iirmv in
stances in jump from Ihe ttentblinz
buildinzs involved as much dauzer as to
Villain. In many places Hie wa'er was
over Jiead decji in the yards. It seemed
fcimplv a choice of death. I) inrs wete
luis-tily snipped off, mfts improvised,
and on these women and children were
placed hy fhe ni'ii and floated
n way out in.o the darkness and
stonn. "West and iiizh land!"
av.-Is ihe cry. and sturdirv the weak were
boi ue onwatd and awav lo safely. There
was no hizh lainl. however, lor ihe wind
mid waters hatl taken possesion of the
city, carrvinz awav 'bridzes and cultlnz
off coiniimnication, except bv water.
While these -cencs w'eie orcuirinz on j
the ea-l end, liou-es west were I atlnz t
nwnyinio the lazoous and prairies while '
alonz the beach in the intermedial!
jieat ciivu inference disaster was niaikinz
the .storm's trail. The wind by three
o'clock had obtained tlie velocity of liflv
livc miles an hour, and Ihe storm center
yenned to tie concentrated on the build
inzs nl tlie head of Tremont street.
v. i... .-:. :..;.. ..r .1... i 1. n...i i.M
,..! I...H. 1 1 .t 1 1... in
III tin' tnillli U l1' l',l IlUirii UTl" i
info the ul.. wiixilie lirst to mi, and but J
ttHrrinTiruieslap-e(l from the time 51 i
he..-m to loiter until the last vesti-e of !
It l.a.i disappeared in the churiiiuz wa
ter. Then the immense skatinz rink, the
scene of the ineetinz U the recent Deui
'ocratic Stale " convention, came down
xilh a cia-h and fljinz fraznienls filled
the air.
The l'azoda bath-house, twin strnc
liiics built 011 rail load iioti jiilinzs, re
ceived the effects of the .storm in such a
way that onlv the roofs remained Mar.d
rnz like a ziant umbiella on skeleton
A huildinz occupied "by O'Keefe as a
saloon was next to di-appcar, ami it was
whisked Irom sfzht in almost le.-s time
'than it takes to telale.
The ca hy this time had washed across
the Beach Hotel plaza, ami dished into
the basement of -the huildinz. Chains,
tables and benches were hastily zathered
together and every available article that
rould he comnrtctl into a barrier and
piled azaiu-st the front portion of the
basement -callcry. This served as t
breakwater and protected the fottnda'ion
Irom the violence of x-eis dashiuz azainst
it. The water ro-e to the heizht of a foot
In tho'b.H-euient and the afTii"lito l zuestn
riiKhed'hith.-r.Miiil fhith.r. The dreadful '
unknown of the tlemenial war outside
proved greater than the terrors of re-
inainiuz. and so in afftizhted groups the
quests in Uiriurlng -u-pen-e awaited
tlavlizht, exm-elmz .every minute to he
the last. t
To aild to-tre honor of the surround-
Inzs the mei.azene o--tzes overturned.
and the cries .of the afftizhted "-;
Ciiuzled wilh tiie sounds of the storm. 1
The Jlevienn Iioik .'cit.iii" from their
a-aws suramr in !he --illerv. wheie thev
ivimi. niMf ,ii M.'-, M.-C.-nvio tlndr ti'piu !
cr. and iJillv Miv.-iiell.the night watch- I
man, who opeucC. lire ou the fiigluened
animals. 25, .th wt.-re killed in siorl r- J
ler. but iiKihapnily one of Mcowans
.allots in itke darkness Cook i-flct in
.litchcl!s :uin. injk'ctiug -v wound which
will nece.-iiuite Hit- ampr.tatiun -f the (
Just at liiirstfime lirere .cvme a
and a build tug . the jizht .x.i.1 f roi t of j
Hi; hotel, formerly u-cd as a lhcaict hut
lutteilyleaoedasa saloon, and located
on an adjoining property, tvas s cpt
awtv, while tbe-uutbulUltngs f the St.
Gharies, an tiist:: ihshiueut just west of
the k.otel, followed -suit
Tlr- Beach ilui.
each ll. from -the pecnliarfcr
ot its f
uumialioti. .on jHles-of varvtii-
lieizh. exteiiuinz through the Uiilding,
Juavelc stood ihe nhock, and wfien the
litsk gray of dawn gnallv give vy:w of
f l....-r?r fit. ..h-.,..".. ...f .o... m. f ll...
setue'ii oriiauieuiatiuu, the hotef had
lot suffered in the leawt. With -daylight
.came a tarn of tlie tide and achauge of
lite still furious wind from eat tj ihe
southward, backnir the waters Irom lUat
jaortfon ol tlie beach ami revealing lie j
Alamacc siial had occuned. Tae
jdaKa, a plot ot groami aoouc
ea-terly wind in iliat M-etion, and hence. U,-, in po-ition as if it was built there. j was probably the most affected of the ' vOIIie dTflerence- atTur-! "but in the
tlionzli the wind howled, rattlmz doors. All the street railroad tracks on the ' prioiier.i. He turned and looked acroo J ! , rr a "rJJd ii im.ii Hi J .1i ".."iX
miii siiiiui'ra .iiMiiaav, mi L-reaL impor-; hoaeh arc loin awav, while portions of " " "' " ptace wnere nis m- was j , f on-oiier-. Vhtt their d.'er- ,
tame wa- aftarhed to it w-is the ! the Narrow f.aii-e. Texas i .Mexican rail- i sittiuz, craned his neck forward and -aid clirc, erc,,er wlll-ol U.;L Tllt.n lv7 ,
liiiieied .security. I.ut while the cilv : way tracks are torn awav ' soiueti.iuz In an undertone to hnn-eif. . i ..i .. i .n .. i .. .i .... " '
iu cre and a Hall in front of I mak. a fL.n- change in the team. brr. tte
the hotel. looi'Cti as if it bad been a- cliueat present to idaUs what ther wilt
'.t, frcai ridgtii Itcre and lucre .showing
the currents ataJ counter currents
street railroatl frack, directly in front,
wan Urn up and bars of railroad iron
turned and twisu.d out of all shape.
J)ebri strowed tlw ground on all sides.
Up and down the beach as far as the eye
could reach there were signs of wreckage
of houses and luraltitre. Beds and
m I
trunks and bedding wer seen floating
out to sea, followed by Jhe despoiled
... .....- .1 I.X ...f .....1.. tnl. tl.u tf I
avid striiggliuz for shore. i
Just ILeu came a rumor of the ucstruc-
Hon of the Catholic 0rp!irja2Cf four
miles west of the asylum, v .1(j an effort
was made t- reach them, but hi vain.
Small bayous hn,l suol'jeu into rasing
nveis Willi bottoms or quicksand, yet all
these wore crossed save otic, the Gulf
Verandah. This in u bayou with a his-
lorv tcllm" nf H nruin .i -;. i... .,..,t !
storm of la-Shnrihroii-b " this "out- The Arcn,.d AM Found c;tr r Mnrdc. "Ach Gott?" Th,n her utterance took, ""JU.e lol oinc tei: Wrenjor, .u -. hlTh m wlif. m, rua-..
let, the Gdlf Verandah a road- Ke-.t Nei. and He ;et lnl- the form of ravingc. and she fell back ia " Hrdy, of Lincoln; Uentenant . imbWare thdlrrct Uuof tba ataor- wirr u i- ?"
house io.s,n, was floated out to tcotlarrSrntenc. Th- lrmth a dead faint. Restoratives were aj.plud, nor, IIr. rl II. Graham, of Onh: Sr- mal action of lb Btric y.U-m. For all "...,. . err-- I -i
ea. and with its Inmates was .nulty for the i:.u cnl w''-u "" rc-alncd con-clou-ne. retary of Stale, i!v. H J. Val. of " ?' gf?tT?J ' moLwTaM -fc.t I - i'-wt .
never head of any more. The current ' ?h'- turned her eric?. Koine of her I'a me; Treasurer, A. J. Iadi. of Ante- fSine irmrfr Dr lW -Ftror.t- " "
wastod Mmn- to i.avi-at'e either by female fik-mh rlnallr rjulct.-d her, and , amluor J H Howr of Clay: iTwcription." tU faront of tk mz. r r u. f-h.
swlmm;n manorliorc ami vet there Auir. CO.-I'eopIc tried to zct j even the jud-c erne donn Irom the'' ", J. t- mom. . oi -y. irwcnpioo.j- w vn . ,)Wmuh. J;
were t W who tried? oi'iy !o be wacueTl Into the couu-mom at seven o'clock tin, ',ch and looked piirln-ly at her. She ! CoiniIoBrr of lnd, .! lluitdln L. fa oM fcM j. -JJ, '
wltli lilliculty. Wnally tliere came a ,non.i. and the Cm applicant was a " Jakm ont of the room, and the "; ' a,icr- ol A Jama: Attorney (Btrtl. MplSMmVri- WC E TmTi at?Sr -n-i u,
man fnnn thn oUut .li!n. Hi. Imd .. i. . ..... . i others followed. . J. Ilower. of ance; Superitend?-rit ol - . tmm. t-. ri t
s'r''Zgl"d that far to get a coffin for his
I f"JU w;,lc" '"' yesterday. He told of
, !M & , 2R U? ,S
bayon, whirc, partly buried in ti:a
I remnants ni a hand hill, it awxits the hap-
; ess lather,
a. a a
All alon' the bearh from the bav tr
this buyou destruction of property Is
every wlrerc visible. Th meat sand "hills
Which protected the drill and cue imp- '
rne'it wi: leveled almost to tiic inciin" of
trie beach,. J In: fence and booths and
r,!,,rls "f l,,c ' have disapfeir-
' .hW1hcJcvcr ": ' !hu
oeaca there could be .seen p'-ople di-jzin"
y,,. m:v mi.M M(.n) wolm. arj r,jj.
rtreu on their ktucs, with naked hands
tore away the .-and, winch s.-eui. 1 to lae
m.; and move back a'ain the
l.olc from uhirh 5t i.m.i i.n 1ir
j The searchers were looklii" for hoii-e-
i hold ffeCts, which, incredible as it m iv
nnnear. had been sw.nlowed or, hi- i..
sands. The malhr. i.onW.n f -.'.i r.
tw-lc showing above the surface wa-. tlie
I ni-'.ial to di" nnrt miies-i tt ir.-. .-.v.-.l nt.
- !" .-'..
. Kinai io uiz, aun unless it was savi
j once all chance of rescue was lost,
one place on the le-ach, where a ha
a!f of
Stanh-v's road lions,- ., blown... ...i
---.-..-. .............
wasiied awav, vo"ir correspondent .-aw
three carpets and as many bed piilis duz
up. Near the lieach Hotel Hie roof of a
house, thrown upon the sands, ha- al-
On Itroadwav, the central street inler-
seclinz the city east and west, the water
was five leet deep, carryinz awav steps
and fences and in many cases bursting
up floors of buildinzs.
Ou Tremont street, from Avenue IC to
the beach, the water avrrazed the same.
depth, excejdiuz that pait paved with
Nicholson pavement from the Stiand lo
Avenue K, where it was only three feet J
deep. '
Nearly every bridzc in the city j,
swept sway, while nearly all the new
pavement of wood on Tremont and oilier
streets is torn up
ti.i ti... ir i ii.n ,v.,ir w..i..,i ..,.,
stores, while the Two ISrother- saloon,
at the corner of Market and Tiemont
streets, was two feet under water. Itus-
Iness was entirely su-peuded. Nobody
thouzhtof opeuinz an ollice or store,
except to be on hand to carry
zoods to Ihe upper floors. In short,
r.-ilvixtmi n.irih .) .iii,i i
t live o'clock this morniuz was a solid
sheet of water, and cvtempori.ed boils
nml nifts were us plentiful as people
wanderinz or cautiously riaviatiuz on
Lord Churchill Winning I'rlemN.
I.oNnov, Anz. 20. reisoualh-, the
Government scored a success last nizht.
l.oid Kaudolih Chuirhili spoke at zi'at
lenzth with much dizuity and
wilh Iheattical courtesy. His jests wen:
in zood taste and his lanzuaze carefully
studieil. Altozether lie delizhted his
friends by the impression hi- speec'i
produced. Gladstone had been
Iiad heen cool,
odcrate in tone
nuiet and cxtiemelv in
irieiiof iii Finn j.i Tin cirinrir h iiiir
. .i . . i . .i .
vltltl.4 IIHIL I'm aiv - . i.,- a w
wa- zener.dly expected. The Tory poli-
ev I... never. U even emrdier lhau n.,s
;,.: i ti... ,:..,.,.. , , ;. .,i,,..,.i,.
iinlicipaled. I lie t.ovcn. neiit is aireauy
dubhed "The Universal Kxaminatioit
lint' Inmiirv Bureiu " The only i,os..
live step taken is in 'sendinz Sir lledv.-rs
Jiullcr to Kerry. Buller is a Colonel of
cava n-of boundless muck and much ex-
pi-ticnce avaze warfare, but is
linllv enouzh to coustiiute a policy '-y
himself. The zcncial opinion of the I.ib-
erai- 1- mat tne zoveriiuieui nas siiup.v
shelved every thing hy a promise of in
quiry. Besides examination and inquiry,
however, the zoverniuetil is also going
to eiet in Ireland: therefore the gieat
di-satisf action with which last nizht's
debate was received by the Irish
a - .t . .1 . I... .--
men. The Frt'cmun'
proposal to meet the
Jnurnnl savs the
pte.-iug ditliculty
ot the rent ciies!iou by the expedient of
ti coinmi-sion indicates deliberate crimi-
mil delay. The Irish Xution savs the
Cabinet leaves the landlords and devil to
make their wav easy. Kviclioiis and
crime are their hope.
III. MTe Wan u Failure.
Ijtu'isvu.i.i:, Aug. 20. I'redeiick i'ap
penheiiner, son of a wealthy New York
tobaemmi-t, suicided at the residence of
S. A. .larvis al two o'cltick this moritiu
by shooting himself through the head.
He was engaged in buying tobacco here
for his father, lie had been permanently
located at :Louisvllle since January last,
.nml -was highly thought of, and appar
ently doing welldii business. lie left a
.note on the table saving that his life was
a lailuie and that he had concluded to
.put nn.end lo It. The body will be sent
'-o his father in New York. lie was
.twenty ,tlve .yeais of age and unniatried.
Too Tmiie for lto.
Xi:u" Tnr.ti, Aug. 20. O'llonnvan
Kossa-is.much perturbed over the action
,oI the ci,icago convention, there being
f ,,lood or dvna.nite i.t
' ,. , , " , . ,
Lmr.?l fl5W4JIIla " "VI llll- lAUHilll.-ll-
-.. . .ii aaaaii i.i'.ir tiui iivi
"-g nf U'rllke FinuertC
hy .AI leliael
Jtnssn states that the re-ult of
Chcoonvention to Ireland is nothing and
that the Irish ielezate present at the
convention who have already pledzed
llietr allegiance to Kuglaud do not iej
iseiit the .National spirit if "the nu-a
ai ikume.''
A ll.'-tniolite liate.
f r. .Johns, N. F Aag. -0. Account
arc our!ng in of the i-struea. ve effects
of live lece.ut zal, which was l!ie most
Cv-verknowu at St. 1'ierrcA. Man?
, iM,ihiiiigs and much shiypinz nwre dam-
j..e Two e.--el were drivei; ashore
slml un.(-i;cd, and several cnen were hurt,
TIniw sw :i:uirt.s of w icrfrs in :ii" near-
, . iln i0!, or m jr L ,,.nrti Ul-i;
,jJr.,rador coast
Jsliiu tloeU have
dinner of .Marcirnirnt.
Washington. Aug. 21. Mr. Seaalau,
inanazer of the Natioual Ball CJtib,
yesterdatr tcmlered his resizuari.m, which
seas accepted. Umpire Gaffno' was-tit-Utiinted
to succeed .Mr. Scaolau. !id will
XakC' charge of the clu'i to-day. Mr.
Scaiilan still retain- his interest a tock-
holder. Mr. Gaffttev will verv iikelr
I ;crtnlino In n Tr.ip.
W.siiin47-jon, Aug. 21. A dispatch re
ceived at the War Department yesterdiy
states that Oeroniino, with forty la.
diaus, is endeavoring to make peace will.
the Mexican authorities on tlie Mexican
frontier. The Mexican troops are acting
in concert with our-, and should Geroni-
nr I..I1 ... ....... ..!.... ft... IT.. It... I ,..tuJ
troop's are iu a good posu'ioa lo surround
lrnn atid his baud.
...... I. . n...i-...i .... ... lfn-i r.vritiT nil trie reitt i.r S... ..).. u'lm
l-J.i. H 1M' ..- UV I U II.l.l . ., ,..... ,. .-...... .......v ... ....-. v., .T.. ...... ....!.... ..... 1... ..'.....
Cloflng Scone of tho Groat Chi
cago Anarchist Trial.
1M-I.-H. .-j.ii; appcaicM io c:.y one ui u;c
I. 1 II ...!... . .i.i
forty officers gathered about, but tln-y
ue:- firm in their refusal, and the
Cc hundred people who applied between
that time and nine o'clock Here ziven
the same answer. Kvery conceivable
ru-e wa- resorted to, butiheollkcrs were
inexorable, and when the verdict was .
brought in there were probably leas p-o- ,
pie in the court-room than a; any lime j
during the trial. The crowd outride '
, numlji-r.-d a thon-aml, and they were
K,,' bv'be ..olire ' Pr"S
irisiue o me police.
.-orne people Mictieded In 2'-t:i!!z up
stairs and took reals. At the west end
of the room were Mrs. J-p es, Mr. 1 'ar
sons, NeebeVs v.ife, I.inzz's sweetheart,
Auz. Spies' sister ami ills brother Ferdi-
a"', -N!r- Aim
p"-' mother am
Ames, General I'arsons,
The piiioners were then brought in and
rauzed alonz Ihe s(ulh wall by the wdi
; (lows, 'i he judze ttirnetl and toid the
ch-rk to ciil the names of the jurors.
Tliis was done amid an oppressive .-i-
ratsons looked straizht ahead to the
place where his brother, the General, was i
staudlnz- He then turned and looked j
! into ihe street, where, under the hurninz
ami a thousand nieii ami women za.ed
anxiously fit the upper window-, l'ar-
a,o..-..i!,M.....ihrri..iu-r...i ...t w..h
J II l'01'1' ,'llaiit look in
! "letliinz fi Ids p
...... . .....k1. ...... .. ...j, ..-.., OOll, Mlltl I
..-. , '.-ili-il
.t-J.I nd
iirtft If tnu -a
battle llaz of the Auaichists a dirty red
'- . , V7
i nuiv ii.inurvLi iiin;i. iiuiiiu so iliaL ail
.1.1. I. ...It I.t.. 'I' t ... ..... ....
"ic atieet mizht see, hut in such aj
m.iim;i iiiiit inc coiiil eouio noi, lie i
waved it for a moment or two. Some
one in the siieet cauznt sizhtof it, and
a cheer was uttered, but miickiv: stormed.
" "L,n - I"l'l I" the court-loom
i "- to a-certain the cau-e of the
I demonstration, i'arsons sal Ml illy in his
, chair and za.ed vacantly at the clerk,
' lii ot,'r,s "J1'1 ""ximisly into the
J J-''1'-' of ,!, J"1' aI,(l - ,,lL-5r fiends
,ul ,,u;" '""ked up at the judze. a- if in
i the hope of "leanlnz some indication of
. J;!.1 ,:U-'- .
The relatives and friemls of tin; pris
oners weie the mo-t affected. Over i.i
I the corner sal u Utile old woman nearly
j hidden by a biz policeman. It was the
mother of Spies, and durlnz the half
hour that she was in the court-room she
wept constantly, holdiuz a haudkctchicf
to her eyes.
Mrs. i'arsons and General I'ar-oiis said
nolhiuz, and hetiaved no evidi lice of the
! suspense they must have experienced.
Mrs. fschwab looked at her husband
wilh tearful eves and once or twice
I wiped the tear- away, l.iuzz's sweet
j heart was next lo her, and dtiiiuz the
caimm oi uie juiois uauii
conslant sizn.illiuz with li.m
callinz of Ihe jtiiors' names kept uj a
i lit- iin.-raii
i --- ---- ....
was liiiallv t.iiisiied.
ami tlieu it was that Ihe prisoners and
. mcir ineuiis ij.-irayeti u.u nisi excue-
ment. At two minutes alter ten o'clock
"- ,x . .. .......
t ','''1'111 Osborne ro.-e to his feet and
j laceil the court. Tlie sitspeu-e was ter-
I lihle, ami as if already awaie of the fate
, in store for them, a ttemor ran over the
I 1 -a a I, a. 1 I
ii-oueis.winie uie ii-i-uuz- "i men r .-ia-
lives and li lends weie manifested bv
twitching mii-cles, hard breathing ami
shaking limbs.
Have you agreed upon a verdict?"
The voice ol the judze was almo-t in
audible, and even hezae n;ty to momcu-
taiy solemnity and suspense.
"Have you agreed?''
All ees wete withdrawn from him
turned on the foreman, who reached lor-
1 ward .iikI av the oaner which he held
J in his hand to the clerk, who gave it to
the pidze. The for email's voik
done. The judge and clerk held a whi-
percd coufeieuce, and linallv the clerk
, r..i-ed the paper where Ihe light fell on
it, and the judge bent foi ward and fixed
lit. ta4. nil ill a a.fimtlti ifw
III.- t ,T 4MI HIV, -JHl UllOI.-i, 1
ine people were MKe marme ngurcs.
Not a won! or sign did they make. Their
eve.s meiely slufled from judge to clerk.
The latter then began reading slowly as
Tin: vr.itim-r.
U'e find Spies', Pardons, I'P'Iden. Schwali.
Fi-eher. l.insK mid Kw:-it. cnared
hi tlie ladU'tmeut. and punl- mi-nt bv death.
U'e tind Nrebe guilty of maiistau :bter and
tix li iiiintaliiiicut' at llftt-ea earn In tne
n nitt-ntiry.
The clerk then sat dotvn. but the judze
and foreman still remained standing.
There was not a sound, and for over a
minute the people .srcmctl stiicken dumb.
Then there was a lain, sob; a low wail
ing moan came from the corner where the
little old mother of Spies sat, and it was
the signal lor the outbreak of a murmur
which tan over the assemblage.
"lir.t. KVKKYItoliY Ml ImiWN,"
ami the judge's voice came clear and
distinct. Hut even his atilhotitv could
not prevent expies.-ions of siirpri-c and
outburst of pent-up feelings, and sitp-pios-ed
murmurs f augiii-h that came
ftom fiicmls and re 1 1 lives of the con
demned men. The unfortunate defend-
The judge was the rjrst
to hum: .
. ....I... ,
movement. Stepping to the front, he or-
deicu that the jurors be polled. Kach
juror wa- then n-ketl hv the cleik if
the, Il.llrn..-..,,,!..,!..,. .
aiT.jav.aa.iaa."-a.aa aaaaaaaiLV.jiaaaaaiaiii. jiiii
if he agreed
to Urn verdict. In aiiswer
(Uicre came
a iikm. t.ct low, "1 no."
Then the juue ziauced for ihe firs
time at the- priioier and their Itiemls
lieal.'owed hirJga.eto rest far a moment
on iiic cringing forms of the little old
mother, wee pins sister andtrhrs. Then
briuzuig his ees lo the jury again, he
told tliein they had done their work well.
"You have listened aueniiveJv to the
evidence given, iu every detail, .both for
sened well. 1 think you for roar .atten
tion." The judge then In a few words dis
charged the jury, and noticed then lhat
that they weie at liberty to go. 'xSere
tvas uol one of the twelve good and irue
jcn but looked thankful and drew a tsgh
at relief. The jury then rose and L'ktl
oaL of the room, and the bailiffs male
wav to the sides of the pn-oticr.-.
one wonl escaped anv one ot the
Jjt one wonl e-catied
eight. Their faces still wore the same
vacant look, and as they rose from their
teats and followed the bailiff. It was
with flow, uusteady steps. Keachitig
the door, JJngg lamed to look at his
sweetheart, and his anguish wa appar-
cVCS nj-ajiLt" loier'-" licr tea
iireali. --'
bv the f.ars iu Ins eves. As hci
rs burst out
. -T XBIIlVaaKl 1 .11 1111. . M I 11 . . - .
I ,,,, ., ,i - rti "'-' e-cipe irom the uuiidinz. ami iw nr her) bwi u h i:tin. ihh- or u.-.,ui it influom-f i rapht. ef:l-clou and cs;r
i i .u. a 0.....-I! oi.iers, ...... ,, . ,i,.iifM.r. enoriu tj. ai-l nil jkiIU eal par. .--. n. tav.r ...... KaU rvMrrnhnr,..
who have been rezuiar attendants at the ,: .. i .,, , u-. . , .,... , ie-iiliu- :ii. mwm m v.i. and nil !ndt :-
lnal , atioiis ami differences. U hen they re- Ull . ui,,,. ,uport ..f -u.h iri r.. fc.- " , . m T..
,...,n Q .... . , tired to the jury-room ye.-terday after- ' lome mcoiiii.. o i4, n I the itmrd.-r nd M mt oy,thr ryr in wbra.t ill tr.T
, ...... ... ...... u.. ..., ... ,u "" ti,e ,r,t tj,ln azreed upon was to mr.Hil -r u.c.- irnmui? .U of imikc. mwr. Kaut.rcan.a ii a.swrom.u.
minuJe.-. to ten the court opened, and the k ., . k -T-,..,. a. re'-arded -en- rt To it... w.-llnr l thr
iudze sanz out to the spectators to take I ,,,.,' ' , .-. tlrt diitv or 2oertifn-n:. tor tld .urp.e 111 E color frclurl br IluckJnKhanjS
i,.iruis I .-.. .... ,i...,.wi.,,i.. , eral Iii.ormatlou, a ir.ound .-ecret, !..r u.... r Mi.r.'i .!. mmi-i : ( ii;-ir. m! Dvo for tho Whukerv t i-.TEianrut and
. ...i... . v.... ....... .. ... ....- .. ..j ,. . I . .. i.i.. .i ... , . ... ..i..... ... , ... ..
2IJla aLllfUlltrilH Mlltl II 1 1 1 II 1 II lllir lUfll I
did l uy urove-oiUy looked into -pace , ,ln;tIr ,u,,n,.c,, of. A ldl.5ran, ha, bee,
nnd ttwa-asif all hope had gone, and j rt.Ct,I'Vl.d ',.T M-crctarv I.ickiilziit from
now ior the rust nine tliev knew- tii.-it ... . " ... ......
..,,,. .,.. -. . x 01111111. loner i.iancnaril 10 tne elovt
ai aar li.aii uvill Jill 1 11 1 l".
ami against me prisoners, t etir close j Cincinnati Kn-ptirrr. ami Mnrat Hal
attention and venlict is tJie expression .,., , ., ,i.. -.,.,....,, c ,.
of your convictions. This has Oeen a . MoJ"' tb Cmcicnatl CoMmrraat (,
long r.nd tedious trial, but voc have . Zftl' yU' ' snooziuz away
Grim, uncouth Michael Schwab !
famed just in tlm to hear a heart-reading
shriek Iroin his wife, and hit her
fall against a seat. He made a xnotioa
toward her, bnt collected himself and
went oat with the rot.
"acn oorr!"
! Jir. 1'jroons i.tu not crm verv mnch
i cnunieo, taouii sue on ner lips anti
....1 i i x .. T i. 7.
looked at the jul-e aril people wlt.n
strained cvea, aa if ttririn: to keep her
tears back.
Spies' mother went oat still wecpinr.
and clinzinz to her dainrhtrr'- dre?', and
tear.- cushed from her ete lreely. Oth-
er women wept, and the crowd In the
street .stood aside in a reaj-clful manner
to let them pa.
Judzc Gary citne down ?hort!r after,
snd a ureat many persons lifted their
hats a- he paed. The court-room was
cleared, and the people went away 10
home and work.
The trial of the Heds waover.
Iiefoie adjournment Judze tiary et tho
time for anv UKiliotia by the defence fur
next Thursday.
A reporter lor the 1'nlted rrc fount
a couple of jurors after they had made
but which tliev considered competent,
A thorough di--cu-ion ol the conte-ted
point- ill the te-tiiliony was zone into,
, as well as all the pfia-'-s ol the cn-e
I which the jury had become acquainted
; f oneis separately. Tlie re.-ult of the llrst
ballot, or any of them, or how many it
took hef ore a verdict wa- reached is mat
ter which thev will not Z've information.
.... C(llll..i,.1 their work and then luil
I ,, C " V11-' "' l ,ur urW l"U " lMl
I "e nUci iv.k'.v at half-pa-t .-even
i-lrpt 1'iwt . in lit li..f -.. tliit I. ft fla i
" i
iiin-.riwifn f,.r .ni.i.or
. '
j "We had plenty of time for thlnkinz
the matter over dtirinz the trial, as the
evidence was olumiiious anil the arzu-
ments exhau-tive," said one of the jil-
, . . ' ... .
rors; -'and we had come to look on the
matter dispassionately, and with no leel-
inz for or' azaiust the pil.-oners. Wo
...... ... .. ,. .... ... .. ,, ., ,
clnily reviewed the evidence, and found
our enlict accordinzly. ue did not
consider that the claim tint the thrower
of the bomb was actlnz independently of
1 -
.Ill ta . . l
in- leauers was iea-o:iaoie euouzu uiau-
mil of a judicial dou d. ami een if he
'was actinz independently, it was ihe
i teiclnii.' and ineieliin- of S-f.le nnil hi
i ninz ami pK.KiiliiL d .-plts anil ins
reau is wiiiv;i me rriuirii io unuiii'. uiHier our lorm s ovt-riiinem in
piwwtvo.'.M i wttw w h. vav it wi iii in w ,
iiniowers mai caused uim io inrow it. ; coiuui --ion, in utter di-reirurd and l-riieti
In anv event, ihe murder was the out- ' eontemp: lor the i-hi-- of the people. . -
zrowt'h of theinllainmalorv exhortation 1 pre.ed lo their hailot- at the fc-ei..nil elee-
i ti i i " I ,",M tli '"",
oi tne .iiatciilsis. j n Thiit while e condemn r otitijr and the
wiiutou deptruetlon ol propert). we -j tnpi-
j th.e v tli eer proper eltort of tlie wa.-e
Stoutaim C'rouH Mir In; fix illred. I "orUei-lo lmpio e Ihe r llionii mid tiii.iiic.ld
condition, rccoun . air Hie fact iliat lal.or ia
W.smini;tiV, AlIZ 21. Dlirinz the the -uree ol a 1 " theiefote luvor
last two and a Inlf years a remarkable ! M"',,1 u'f H',at,":," "s " " p,m.V ''' f"rt,"; T'"''.
1,1 ui nl ol all d lit li nee-. In tuccli cap till uud
movement ha- been zoiuz on anionz Ihe i hil.or. Iivn hoard of iirhitmt on eleited i n
Cow Indians in Montana south of the ' 'V-uuA rate, for the , ran-Yellow-tone-
So lonz as Imff.ilo lasted portation or lie tin- upon the vuriou- m
l.i ..:. ..:.:.., . : . . . loud- In ill Sl-.te I v -o iiilju-ted lllitl remit
their primitive occupations ami ambi- w.rRl.,m ,r ihe -e,M. eM,erfemied hv th. m
lions were uumodilled, but in the sjirinz fd'idl '" J"-t and epi inMc. i.ut that they
..f ico, .j... ...,! .. i .i
of ISst ihe location of the azenev wa
cnanzeo, ami iney uezaii to move on to
arable lands in Ihe valleys of the I.ittie
and Biz Horn rivers; to cultivate -m til
latches of land and to put up rmie
hnu-cs. A recent leport from Azeut
. . i
, ..,......,,-.,,. .,, illK m uu- m;i's
j that l.elween three hundred and three
j bundled and liltv families are now per-
manei.tly Ircate.l on desirable lands
j which thev wl-l. to have alloteil to them.
U illiam-ou to tlie Indian Office states
; mat tliev may
eiijoy me advanlaze.s of
pos-essing geiiuiue home-leads. Thi- al-
loiiueui was promt-en iiiem in their
agreements of Is-O, and the lat se ion
of Conzress upptopriatcd $'.',000 for cir-
1 yitii; out the pimi-ions ot the aziee
ment. Me is. John G. Walker, of
Wa-hingloii. and K. S. Saunders, of New
I lork Cilv, have itl-t eeu commissioned
I t., .i... i".-.... r ..,.: ..... 1 . 1
to vi- t the ( tow re-eixation and make
tlie a'lonueuts, and they will start Wot
for that ptiriio-e ill a few d.ivs. It is ex.
peeled that tliev will be able to place
. , ., j .1 . m . . . . . .
eer lamily of the tube on individual al.
lotmeut-, and that soon alter their lauds
': he patented to ther.i ;ts further pt-
; vided in theareemenis. Heads of faini-
lie-arc to receive one quarter, and others
one eighth of a -ection of aiable laud, and
an equal amount of gra.tng laud In addi
Clilrit;o4 Itooni.
Ciiif".:i. Aug. -". A movement
I... . . , .1. ,, I f M' , .... I
u-tittiled bv the Board o. I rade several
tnotiiliH :i-o lookiii" lo tlie reiiuetiou of
switching ami elevator charges on grain
coming to Chicago for storage. Its sue-
ce.-s hingetl upon the con-ent of all par-
ties being obtained, ami the elevators
i agreed to rcdii'-c storage rates fiotn one
1 . .... . ...
ami oiie-quarter to 111rec.qu.1ncr cents r 01 aoiui ,m noui oui.tuoo umik puicr.
per bushel on ten-dav lots H I 'r'in them he was escorted to the Mexican
.switching charges were " correspond- , Central depot, where he tiik tin- tram for '
lnglv reduced. The propo-ltion lnoled , the City of Mexico at sewn o'clock. He
theiniiie abrogation of Cie-e by the " 'l,s niision is to Minister Jarkaou '
Fastern papers, and a conce ion on the Hl,"ie ar,il u, crtiientiaN are direcld to
part of the Western road not uniform, J t,,al eentletuati. After a conference with
as the services Shev performed vanei' . ,,5,n " "J!! :,1" 1 ''l Norte ami
but approjching liltv per cent. The ,,,,ir "I-"1 i".ute and tlifirmuii iuve-ii-matter
ha- hung lire" for quite a lime, : -':,tJr' of. t,le .c,,"i,l: ca- ,,,' "'tart
owing to the Ka-lcrn road- not ICII1.4 ment of btat in aliliiisninin take 110
vitislied with the reduction, lo he made -l" "'J111 f ""' a'l 'J' I -
bv the Western hn.-. ami the n tia-! I)orL Mr- '"'Cks hazirace waa thor-
tlons have been continued up to 1 ouchly examined by the Mexican cu-toitu
York meet-
that, lie- cotice . nof the We-teni l.n-s
1.. .,: .i...,- i-r i? .
- I ""- -.-.., - ....... V. ..
K , ."".
, a'i',,"...,
11 of 1
auMi'iri.ed tlie
of the
witching charzes
i v. o per car
.. a.. .
I in force, taking retroactive effect from
Juiy I. This will at once lower the tax
on storage zraiu in elevators for a short
rxTiod. and s imulate the movement
through Chicago lo a considerable
A Saticulnar- Meeting ATerteil.
Nrw YoitK. Aug. 20 Mnce August II
) me very waillkc correspondence has
I ja-seil tetweeu Jditi K. McLean, of tu;
.lie summer at
Saratoza. when W. ;.
i iyrn
Tyrrell, branng
tho suzgestie title of
I "Colonel." arrive from Xcw York as the
authorized agent of Mr. Halstead in set.
tlmz the j-ersonal differences oetwien
the two etiitors enured by publications
in a Cincinnati paper, other than tlie A'a
qvirer, of certain attacks oa pernors de
pendent o:t Mr. Halstead for .protection.
-. : r-ci.can reiusctl to me, t Colonel
iT - irrcn bK.1 scnl Genera! IIger A.
M ryor, trie iawer, to cw xorw- to con-
arnlt with Tyrrell. The upshot of it was
that General 1'ryor addres.-ed a lefer to
I'ofa ncl Tyrrell "in which McLean d tiled
all re-pon.-ibility for the publicition and
auy ctnnectlon with the paper. T.'tia
reply w. satisfactory to Colonel Tvrre'.
..I... .f. .1 .1.. .. . . 7 - I
i .
""u ivfin'-t iu niai. cueci, anu OOw ma I
I rountrv he.athe nmr fr..l.
WW -- V. .v w. fe.J.
. il:t iim2i uf thi VakV
The slat CarntH .WwiuMmiI UBttJ
and .Nomlmilr n Tlrkrt riie I'latftrni.
The Prohibition State Convention cJoaed
I iu eston at Lincoln on the 19th uy crnni
, lniiti i,..rrt-..tin r Smith n
". .... .. wi ..v... ,. ...
T-'-mi.I. t w..t.. P..ititiu.. nf mim frnm
:"""""- .- -u..-.. v..-....
, each county wa choM-n. The follow inc U
I . ,, . . .T,,l: MTP B,t . . .
rouvtTit on nfiBUioJ. acV now A!
:nli'h r,l n thr rihtfUi uirff ! f't 1
men wnnveiim are ui.reiue. ip -m....
the Jut oti r ot iroernnient ret'l
t. Wc rec.,fn.xe the ah-otuf ftevr ty Ir
tl.e ab.lui entorveiuent ot the sail .h
Jn Uf' our :tot-bKjW. and '!'''
,1 Wc iH-uwr that the 1 .iuis- trac I- the
ereati t promoter of ijrnoraiHT. iaw'erK
and v.ce tilucn lion eotttront- imr rtlc nd
Nation a Io- at in rtri:l. orue.t
and ti Samr. n (im- uhleh nnd- heiter e.d
Mipport .ri tie lteputl caw and I'eiuocnit.c
part e-
. The cat tutlonat und -tututori prthl-I-
Hon in the stntc nod Nntion or the inanu
toctiire. :inMrttton atid h! of mrob'uic
lHiior- l the im-l vital ii--uc before the
Awierfeaii pi-op;o
l l.ieen-e or the tnittlc. ti:h or low. ptio-
rdutj is
imperai e upon ail department-.
' , trt,!ifuHMotC."!
' un.i u,. ; Mh-i.ho!u- dr wk- 1- Sr-m rh.irt-
al.le m..M ol the .1 -nler er tne .all. .1
-hed inourcountr... it-Mdln-the proni itir
niiancn -tr.iuemi
s. l.irk iH-r-on -hould he entititsl total)
tiroli'iti.iiiot iIu-Ihm 111 ou-rv-tali-.i'otirn
c IV t.n.1 iiu-mIiI. ami tlo-eliliTreetnellt of law
R.illi-t i:t! e io.n'r t.ll sulur) upon
pul'l o o!t.c.n. ttiihowt ! nir reminded f
tlieirduti to private ludlvuliiai-. and -itch
parly mid ptirt ollieia'- h he tute to p i,
form the rdut -lu.u.d I ii.l to ihe -up
port of hoiie-l people
'.'. w t- nre In luvor of the reieal of our
-tiitutc Inch iidou tote u-wer- to ote tit our
Mate mid mull e iul elect on lm are not
! n"' ,",,, -oni..-i. eii -n- "t tl.e t n i-il
Swt-. In aeeordauce lth the miiuralantluii
,., . , ,.r,.,.
1(. Ue are oppo-ed to the iire-euf eontruet
-v-lein of convict ml. or. lirln;- the
piiHlnt-i. of tl.e pfii.tfiithiri in diet com
nellt on u III the lioti.-.t lit Imr of liiest-t..
. and deuiiiiid that nil convicted f- on l,e
eonnned with n the pr -on ai,i Ue favor
framl n Hh nn eh-- u..oiutuiiurcl In ,
ill-t.tut oni ii pr KiUl-lWHile t'ood-
n w..ur,. m favor of the nhoiiiion of the
I appointment s.v-uiu uud tin- re-torntiou of
i ,n' elietve power to tiiej.eople tl:u- remov
Iiic h mo-t orruptie eietut tit of palniinve
! ,rom ,,. ,.xeciUt. ., i,.,,,,,,. nt.purt-
ment-or our i.overnuient.
i -. uvarcm iuvorof tin- ui I now of the
- -'fin ot e.m..'.i-iitnu- put., e oilu-.r-.
..n. I .I....IU...I fl.. .'..f .r......i..f of flti
' ri- u inniiu ii-
, utllL., i,,.,!.-- it u r.-lowy to
. moiie lor pr vale t-ii.n
iortll pllhllC
I : Weeoiideiwiillie Itepubl can and letno-
rr,"lL' Pnh- tor to -linw upon the of
.v,.,ril,K.-i a w-orthlo. and eprn-ive m Irond
.-nun iiiji in- perm urn n .-non -n i;in" in
i -.., ........ i.. n... ............. ,.r ..... ....
T ....- .. .... ...- '". -
ill.' tenl- oil i lej-al and i'(i-i. .ie of
Hock or interest on tletlt u- uidel.iedne--.
and ue ii ede our-eive- to siitipoit n It
ley -hiiton a- limy l,e neeenr to proh l t
Mieh iiiiu tiee-. and uenre further oppo-ed
to uiouopo' e- of every lorm ami euario t i.
niim:it.'e!l liv Ihe I. w to tlie deli hneill ot tint
, Illimv
lti."uv eo-npiete hheral and llmr-
oiitfh puldn- more careiui and
' j"' ""l Itiiin ..I lave- e..n-i..nt aiehi.ii-
,', oi'Vn.U-.di.aK a v Ir lanV-uppr."- on ol
the use- to n h eh tlie f raiieln-e- eutril-le I to
eorp'Tiit on-aie put, and a careful ma.nten-
j niii'i1 on 'In- pa it ot tin (.oteru ment o a com-
n1li,i.,iiilr,,Iiil loll. Ill ill- i li -ll r
17. Iiiarimieli a- iln noiiieii of our country
aieof e(iial Intctl Felice nml -uper.or tnor
11S. tlil-refon ;t Is tlie .en-e of thi- eoti-'U-
tlou that the haliot hout.i he extended to
' tlnni and that their ilht-. or.v Iereh and
, hnmunitle- should lie eocxten-ive nth
iinmV. U'e aie li linnrol c:emllnir Inline
,,,lllv , Uul, MlHrilBl. , ,,. ,,. ot
i I-. We deuounee the
1 ,t1"" u,r K",v V r H"'5,,t,,ck- V"x '",':
Iowa. I. v the Honor fraternity, and welmM
,lH ,.,lUMy M-poiM l. tor the dcM.irdlv
! crime the party on e a lor failure toentoree
i i'"' l'lborylau-oj tt.e state.
j ,..V 1.1 . -la. -t"" aay.'aia Jh'e L'noerpritVe'pie """-h
I jt m pledued in enfoiee. nml uedemnml Hint
i our s'euatorla. and Lew -hit e eauibdiite- u
their countie-. atal 1 otii-ie--oiihI until ner
. in the r dl-lnrt- that tin y enter no caueu ol
j any other iol tici.l oriiu at ion. or make nuv
I eoinprouii-e for the heneitt of any other
' party.
Zt. Ue in oin favor of irrant nt- pei)in to
! all di-abh-d -oldler- of the clvd tvar. hi arc
dependent upon their otto lalmr foruppi rl.
ll llllt ..-.. Ol. MK ... -i l.nnil II. -.1.. I,-.
1 ......
1 .. ......... ....... ....... ...I..... .......r ..r ...... ., .... 1
, ,,, Va iAu&l'.-Envoy Soils- ,
l(.k KrnVM jolerdav afteriiMin at font
o'clock nml was e-cnrtnl Imiucdi ite'y '
across the rivet to Paso del Norte to Con-ttl I
. Btihaiu's ollice, where a M-cret conference
1 . .1.. ....... ...
I instn'ctor of the Mexicm Central dej ot at
Paso del Norte, although his e.cort an
liouncetl him as a ip. rial envoy from the ,
I'nitisl State. A !atj;tj enveloj- roiitalti .
ing hi- crisleutial- and instruction was -
pfcwy scniutrzeii. in- renins mat i.u ,
mssion is 1101 n ciipioiuanc on; nut fumpry ,
one of conference with Minit-r Jtrksou
and afterward one of investigation at P.iv
del Norte.
Men-hant "YeU. if Sparks i- a
pood salesman. I would like to set hold
of him." Partner "-Oh. yes lie- a
jrood salc-inan. but he's a terrible stut
terer. Why. the other day he tried to
g":v- a cu-totuer a price on a piece of
?ilk. but before he could get it out tho
market prii-e of that silk had fallen
two dollar- a yard. The woman tok
the piere rather than a.-k him if he
couloii't make a reduction. Merchaat
"U'e wan: Spark-." Tid-Uits.
"Yes -ir." -aid an-al c-tate agrnt
loan amaletir farmer, "thi- is vl fine a
nic-c of land a.- lucre is in the country.
r iftj acre.- pooi soil, and then there "i
a maniric-'iitcoid -prinr on the place.
"Is. eh? Well. I jrues I don't want it.
I have heard too much about cold
sprin;:- Killing- ;h crops I may not
look like a fanner, but I don't" want
any coM spring thrown in with my ,
land." Oiicogo IlamlAcr.
Voti neeil a new hat." said Fimp
kins io a friend whom h met on liie
street. "A new hat? Why. what v
tai- matter wiih the uo? I have on?"
was the re--jKt::-i - It's all latt r-d
and bmi-eti init of -hap-e." an-tiercd
Simpkins "Oh. that tlrcl-:et style.
- ..!-. -
.. vi iui..
Krtonsc worc' liostom !
So-Z , i
.ry Watataa ULmmW9
Th annum tody la mack lika m jra-a
dock or waicti in Itm 8otmbsU; If
foaa too alow or too fart, ao follow all Ik
other, asd bad Urn rasral ta. if on orgaa
-v- m an " --- -a -a1 - ajaM.""""-"""" - -a" wmr mr - - J w a?
nr att of nr--ana wnrtra Imnarfirur nr-tar.
- ajoa of functional tffort of all th) orxaa
TnoE wco arc irymt xn orrax ap Uf 9Mimitmmm ww 1 1- l a
banrf ul habit of lnt-mjraacs will r irrt- ,1 tx j rrr t iw.J iw" tt. a.
nca Kn-at beaeill frora th e of 1'nckly rAC wtirrU'. v
Avb lit;ra. Lwtuon dcranc tfca ritm. ' H iwutrn:;
rncur Aa ou:er -wsu rfroiTiaii
r-u!: and rratorv ih Lrain. ttomaca and
liTr to healthy action. tbrrb tr-r3rtbn-
inr th ill rower. thoroueolT caninr
toa lonis; up ic jiu-m. km ntooTtfT.
err Lai at of dtveaiw. It i purely a mMi-
rin m j wtjjj,, t,Ieant io tb Ll, it can
not t ul a. i tr,rage by rwa of ita
etiiai-ic i.rt.rrIp.
cattartlc prxiprura.
tVntx a iiner! to!- fall ha caa aol
tale up hu nalet Lv.-rCf CJr.
- . '
A Stronc Kn.lowment
U conferrt-1 np-n that ma-nitlcent Inttlto
tlou. tho human vtem, by Ir Ilrror
'"Golden ilehcil lntry ' forutle
It ninl the encr,3chmetj"t' of di.. It
i lf jtrrat blood j unter and RlteratlT
mid a. a renie!y fur cotsuuiptKm, brvn-
cbli. and all dleA of a wntins nnture.
To l-K
To i-KMVoTr. dise-tton, to Veep ,he U1t
auJ the uim.i clcr, taVo Ayerr
Tn, mornlnf. ,.aiv,riCurl paP? -D
i.,,.UM j.- ;-,,.;
"- .. ." . .
.... , , . ,
- - - - x rwinfckUre. ureiin oi owrr
either MIX. llOWpVlT itldUi'ptL Hwultl" ftllil
ix-rmnuentlv cured. Book for Id reuta in
Utmpi. World's Ii-petiary Aleilieal Aaao
ciation, Ottt Ham Stu-at, Buffalo, N. Y.
Tri is tht dudo't oa m&iol Evaxy
tain; U frcnh and ru.
A CowrLrTK Femivims Toiurr Hertice
ln incluile (.LrSN's St t em n So.r
Hill's lUm asu Wuiskeu Die, Black
or Brown, fklu.
Mnr of all work -lha nwpaper Km
to (,'-' in rrcv ISiUtin.
Tr afTllctisl with 5ore Kre. u Dr. !aac
rhuuipMjn'a Cyo Water. l)n..,trlU aeil 1L ',
r a miin'i wif i we'l-brtsi, ha aavar
KuuU auy Luther.
I'rso's Itemed for Catarrh Is win"-aMa
to uae. It is not a liquid r a inuff. UC.
K.N- s tiTV a or si
CATn.K-Mi'pptri Mi it-
N r t I- Vil - l-
itllti r- Meer ..
HOflS (tood to vlioiL'U lieav,"
WIIKA't No 1 rid . . .
?o .1 i !
No. 2 -.oft
ti. Is .No r
KVK-.No 2
I I.i M' It I anei. pur nuk
Ml ri'liU t'ho in eivaiimry..
t UliKsIt l"uil eieaiH
lliil.S-i Imw
HACvi.N lliiui"l. r-
Uii(i-M HMiitn iliitviiMnel.
ST. iJdls.
CA'lTLK-.Shlpplllu' -teei-
lllll.'ll"! llVM .
lines I'iuliii
tlM'.ICI'-l ii
n.ld It- t'hoice
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Will. AT-.No. -'led
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,u.i .mi. :
! HVK No.
' nKlt-Ciejiumi v
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CA'lTl.l. Sli'iipniir n t-
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Him..- 1'aekinw and li opou
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- ! li.lll K W'.ntel M l.eiil . .
I Willi AT No 1 led
No 3
No 2 spi utr
CfUlN-No L
ii.TS-No. Z
llVi: No -.'
Ill' i'Ii:it I reamer
CArn.i:-i:i nor:.
IP n.s IJood to I10 i-e .
-II Kill' Common to to.
I l.'l( U-l.oo.l lo ln.Ke
H-li:.T- No. 2I4-.1
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Pi li ..i
, ,,ATS-u . -tern m .-.
' iViijK11"-1 u'nmvn
i p.ntnl.l.l M -l u tv.i
i (m:-;.ii.
Xvalaa eaa.a?4 alraactb. ar aaaTar Oaaa
lalraihlM aalUr t tittr aai. akaia ley
Tbia madiclna rtwabia Ine IUi par iigmala
trniK-a, arvl la iatalaabU t, Dimum pmtvtmr m
W aaaea. aad aU Im UJ aad-r.tar ha. li Km
rtrae ar4 Parlflea Uw Hla4, fllaaalal)
lb Apprtltr, Strftvtkraa th JlaMrla aai
rrra la fact, ttarvogiilt lajalaaralea.
th coratattm, and maaaalba akia aaaanta.
It Arm uA Maran tba 1. hi baa4a&. a
fiwiiea cncaipumn-au , inm M4m. ..
Maa. Buxa Tataou, Acthjj. lum aara
"I aaa xtaml Ktv'i I.-vs Hitlara tar a daaaaa
pacnlMj- to "ms!!. i4 h lt ntir4 rarad.
Maa Aaaia CauavrLL. AVo. Ifaaaaa. eara
" I anff arad fr aasl a aad aaraj
0011117 srnii ir-jc naiara curat aaa. 1 ra
CoU It to iiaa aatfarafa "
Maa. AanntTauwaa. Eaatfla.Ma.aaft' "II
c: Kroa'a Irj Hrt!r te fs vaaai
aaj it balpad aaa a4- ttaaa bt mm4timm I rtm
c-d I curihallr rctHmwl It.
Ua--ia ha aiwa Traia Mark aa4 i r aaat tm4 Itaaa
oa -rrat-sar. Tada a4hrr. Mada ! Vf
iKatr.i CHttnuLta. KaLTliaaKC. Max
The Vat aad aret Rtm4y far Cara mt
tU -Ufaagi raaaed by aay totraa-jpaaesl af
taa Urer. K14nya, Stoaurli aa4 Bewela.
Iijrapepaia. Sick If radar fee. Ce-arta-atfea.
Rllioaa Co-apUlata aad Malaria of all klaia
yirhi readily to tae WacaWat iaf arara af
j Ova
It la pu-tly Vrartxal, aad
frara tea-rtciaL hoik ta a4d
a a Blaeal rsriarr It ia a.arriar all
Said ererywkerr al tl.aO a kattk.
b itt 1x3
Distrts After Eafiig
! cm f Uaa t7 tiii trmto af r
a?a. ltiter, kMtMm. W atsaB. fta
ihm at eat-rtrnaje Ma- ar St a,-a t
Hood's 8arsaparilla
.. k. . j. j. u. yitxt isrrio
t- ,- ntxdA Cvx, Aij lu.ia.
' inn Qmac On Dollar
.,W, 10C "-??"".
.. aum Miaa a
aaajj JAI I VC
Smith's tonic Symp
Tsa propriatcr cf tMa raltbraui 41tlaa
-aTly ch.u fcr It a 2jrisr ty mr all hts
dita tr c&tti ta ta pcal-c fer Ua SAFX,
cf Acoo azd l'tr. r CulU aad Ftw. witti
er cf ibert cr loaj: tuai r !! rtfara la ti
i&tir WetUra aai Saatlwra cctatry ta Wr
hia tMttsosy ta th Lata f tka autrticn
t&at la as eaaa vhiUr will it fail ta csr If
direeUoa. ara atnrtly rcdlewed a2rnra
cat ia a creat naav coi a t Jg.a asa t
J baa icSicient fcr a ccr. ad wao! fdir
f... ,v ,... ...s . .r.
in mi wu w. t; .....w. ..... r..
feet rtart 03 cf th KCSC7a h. a.
It I.
hoTtr, prciaat. asd ta attry cm ara rr
Ui to car. If l'.a cm it rcnttasad la aaallat
doaa for a veak er tva after ta dlaana kai
kvta chackad, Bora aapadaily ia aica!t axiJ
locc-atandtar eaaea Uiaatly thta int4leii:
will aot raqaira aar aid ta ktsjp tha bawala ia
food ardtr tiodd taa pa'Atnt, bswtr. r
autra a cathartic aadietna. aftr biaK Ukta
tH-2- Vir oa of taa Tsate. a a o$!t "
ba afBeiaat. USE bo otir pill.
Fnca, ?L00 par lottlt; He lottlea far W.
Tha Popular Ctamadlaa of th Oa.
Prlarlpal Otire. SSI Mala HU. IOI IsVlld.r. If.
ELYS aa-anU
ODCIU DilUiri"
C I can ar thn
Head. A 1 1 a y m
Iiiflaiumat ton.
llrala I lie Sorr.
Itratorra tin
Hrnara of Tal.
Kmrll, llcarlnj;.
A iulck Krllrf
t poaiiUc Cure.
A pntrlrlr's'lr.l nlrch m.'fi r4 ti i.l
to u.r l"ri rt( . Fir . ImlJi ft ' Sa4 1-1
drcuUr .LV IIKOf.ll.ltl. lruflt.t. Owr. i
tfi Ut.f l IbJI.U u rr fiaaB Mttivtfi
I...WK '7 I'm V.(.cU I41bU. au.
XI.VKH MKOs a Co. at. Urn, M
Kg Rope to Cut Off Horses' Mines.
rvtrbra'rj "Hl.iral." HA
litCan.l HRIIII.i: I.Mhli.,
ran nut l :lrjli anj b ie
rl lliilrr Utr,y of ll.a I S
lr1firr'lfit !. K..I I lT a I
t'.'.lrTj, INntvair ai.l lUrur...
trlf Sf-.-ui tIlM-,tial tn
lfJ aSr0.ltf I'i.-hI'm
i C Llouruoiia. ItiKbrairr. N X
H la IKa warl4. Ik- aaM. I:
mrf paM-kB Iihi mmr Tr.l .ark arf It
mrk I'raiti'i. aol.ll Ct CRT WMKUL.
Karmf. Itiot .r ! otbri CltC Cll CDC
n.e our I. ATK MAKK of If rlLCflJ
piflla liana. Itl,l,rf lur. I'rMii'r.a- ai-l at
lln,la of faw. , lhr cut btur that, irr T- .
nirt f r- for H. I in.trat-1 rOrol.r. rut a. Au
4raa K. Mril a HIOK Haw oxroau.
aj . m ata a im ..g
BaMa .. !, m af !. la 1 .av..,.
awi i in mi t rrtx rata. ku, na . t tC
CttLK TlcaTi iat u r ai.. .
anaaaaar Uaaavaaa. aa.T .SUcca.lai raaia,a.I.
Ihlaa.,,, to 'rt.HUKttrt I. Kiaiai-r
tiin cti.n. t-no l-a
Int. krxiM. tt.t
parf-Qla.a rfretala a--f .t,t H, aV-ilF
amuilalT XXaaOaa)., r.Laia.M4.
:i m i,..m- iw. VjaaV
i .. f.iy..-!. i, it. m-X ta.
mr.. J-. IM..-M,. ( 1 a...
Mm. -. t-a m- H -
Dr. JOHN ai. IMAAhaiiaa "
i7-r-.a-ar.-- V4 ". -oa.MMa.
OPIUM HABiT":;:rv.-Ji
ara-ffrajai. rr - llta4Mi
frt. JlttJ WX ATNKKfl X. K aaaaa Cilf. Mo.
e-C-C A MONTH ?:r pr
nr4fm Kja aat-a rfa
At irwxtac a t try anaJI T
w R raatc-c.lH. Jw.Ka.
$6 S--rt:
1 I aarJil aial'u"-tV7M-'ifc1iJaic
1 ataaa-n 11 aii wn ;-. -writm n IT,
-- i i aww J
C a. Baiaa? . M. O. aa MSeaiifM Af mZ CMcaa-M.
Ull CM.UBtf lUV.cbaratSTaaaaaa
aaa mt aacaaa-aa la)
BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTacrTT.. ..aBaaB
EnfrY UJi
mm lUat CmicTi nj mp . Taaa-"4. Caa aW
B W Id tin. rM Wy araaflaaa. BB '
fla v .
uaawr. Ui Oaaw aaara a-. Ok-aaa-e.
ga Caa----a ta I4B
MaTa. Iaaiia
taa-jaaa-av. aMw mm aaiia-aa as
ay ytaaj aa
ill -