WS! s - 1 hi i 'i THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. KOSHER, Publisher.' RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. In New York a careless handler of the whip has been made to pay forty ilollarM for bespattering and ruining a lady's dress. The financial embarrassment of I. Parker Veazey, whose resignation as Postmaster of Baltimore, Md., was de manded by his bondsmen, caused the failure of Goddess Bros., who are cred itors for 106,000 of Veazey. The Premier of Victoria stated in Parliament during the discussion of the New Hebrides question, that unless the transportation of French criminals was stopped the Australian colonies 'would unite to protect themselves. An imbecile widow of St. Denis, "France, with a reputation as a soreer tss, was recently burned to death at a Make by her two tons, who sprinkled lier with holy water and tried to evade rrest by pleading religious motives. It has been decided to alter the plans If the Garfield monument at Clevc ind, O,, and make it 150 feet in height instead of iiUo, as originally designed. The architect came to the conclusion that the tower would be too high if ex pended 225 feet. The height now pro posed will be sufficient to give a com manding view of the country for miles around, and when completed the mon ument will be plainly visible from any portion of the city. The change will effect a saving of 20,000. This will be expended on the interior and in pur chasing fine statuary to be placed on and about the tower. I!i:ci:nt reports from the Lazaretto at Traradie, New Brunswick, state that every thing now points to an early ex termination of the dread disease, lep rosy, which for thirty j'eara has baffled the efforts of the best medical men in the country to eradicate. There are now in the hospital only twenty-one patients, nine males and twelve females. Thirteen of these are in the early stages of the disease. With one or two ex ceptions of late, sufferings of patients liave not been as great as in the past. To the indefatigable efforts of Dr. Smith n charge of the Lazaretto, who has made a life study of the disease, is the -judical change no doubt due. Colonel Chough Noule, Ceneral Agent of the Tcxxs & Pacific, at Dallas Tex., has received a jug of water from the Texas & Pacific artesian well at Feeos City, accompanied by a note from the Superintendent of the Kio tiirandc Division to the effect that the water has been thoroughly tested on the road and that the engineers pro nounce it first rate. The well is 21.' feet deep, and the water Hows from it at the rate of 7.000 gallons per hour. The water is clear as crystal and has a tdijrhtlv brackish taste, but is good for drinking purposes. The .supposition is that water can be reached at the same or probably a shallower depth all over the Pecos Vallev. A telkguam from Zennatt, Switzer land, reports another fatal accident in the Alpine district A party of excur sionists comprising one Cerinau. two Knglishmeu, an Italian, his son and live guides were engaged in the as cent of the Matteiiioru when a heavy fall of snow on the mountain tops blocked them in. They wandered (lur ing two days through live feet of snow. Buffering lerriblv from hunger and cold. At last one of the guides man aged to get down to the foot of the mountain to tell the tale. A relief ex pedition rescued the remainder. All were in a very painful state their bands and feet were frozen and swol len. One of the. frost-bitten English men tlicd from the effects of his suller- mgs. The prevailing impression at the ffavy Department, according to a AV:udiington dispatch, is that Secretary Whitney contemplates the. reorganiza lon of the Navy Department on his awn responsibility, and that this will 1h. one. of his first acts after his return from vacation. Ho is of the opinion tinder the law he can arrange the duties of the bureaus as he sees lit as long as he docs not change their desig nation. He will apjtoint a paymaster funeral and chief naval constructor. Irot will transfer much of the. work I ii-retofoTe. carried on under these olli crrs to other bureaus. Higher officials rf the Xary Department tay they are of the opinion the Secretary will wait until Congress especially authorizes him to reorganize, but they eeaa to think a reorganization at tbc present time would add greatly to the efficiency uf the department. Among the ollicial rvoordu nt tne Dice of the Now York Aijucduct Com tuisisVin are rejiorbs from the engineer of construction and the division engin eers to Chief Engineer B. S. Church, showing that in the interval betHeen Hay 1. 1SS5, and July 22. 1SSG. lo2 ycisons have been injured along the line of the aqueduct. Of these 52 were ithcr killed outright or died jdiorilv jtftcr receiving injuries. How many uf them survived their injuries for a few days only to die later on, is a mat ter of conjecture. In addition to the .above unfortunate, scores of vorkmcu -JhaTc iucurred trivial injuries which -were not considered of sufficient ini ortanco to warrant a reporL Tlicse 50-called trivial injuries often consisted of the crushing of a finger or hsnd and similarly painful wounds. ind which compelled the suffer to apply for surgi cal or nicdical treatment. Thysiciaus ho have treated patients of this class atimatc the number from 100 to 700. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned by Telegraph and Ma.lL PERSONAL AXD FOLITICAI. The notorious Orth H. Steiu was arrested In San Jose, Cat, recently for attempting to obtain money under false pretenses. The President left Washington on the lGth for bis summer vacation, proceeding to the Adirondack mountains. Ex-Congkkssman Thomas, of Ohio, met with a terrible death while returning the other evening from the Twentieth Dis trict Congressional convention at Akron, to which he was a delegate. He was lean ing from the wiudow of a car, when his brains were dashed out against a girder on the bridge near Peninsula. CHACNeer M. Black, of York County, has been nominated for Governor by the Pennsylvania Democrats. The President of Uruguay was shot fu the cheek by an assassin on the night of the 17tb at Montevideo. An infuriated crowd ieizcd the criminal and beat him to death. The Irish National I,eaguo of America closed its session at Chicago on the 19th. John Fitzgerald, of Nebraska, was elected president. The Missouri Democrats, at St Louis on the l'Jth, ni'opted the Stato platform and nominated the following ticket; Supreme Judge, Theodore Brace, of Jlonroe County; Superintendent of Public School., W. E. Coleman, of Saline County, present in cumbent; Railroad Commissioner, John Breathitt, of Saline County. Mit'HAEf, Davitt denies the receipt of n cablegram from I'arnell culling him home at once. Tim: Michigan Democrats resolved in fa vor of the free coinage of gold and silver at the present standard. Hon. Ezka Mn.urit, ex-Mayor of Omaha, died suddenly at Syracuse, N. Y., on the 20th, of heart disease. His remains were sent west. He was president of the Com meicial Bank of Omaha. Major A. J. Holme has been renomi nated for Congress by the Republicans of tho Tenth Iowa district. John A. Lovei.t has been nominated to Congress by the Republicans of the First Minnesota district Dit. Oi.ivm Wknijell Holmes was given a banquet in Liverpool, Eng., the other night by tho rhilomethic Society, and then fin barked on his return to America. I'ltor. C. E. Stowe, formerly of Andovcr Theological seminary, ami tho husband of Harriet Reedier Stowe, died at Hartford, Conn., on tho 2Jd aged eighty-four. He had been ill many mouths. Pkinci: Ai.k."aN!i:k, of Bulgaria, was de posed by a rising of the militury at Solia on the 2!st It was thought that Russian agents were at the bottom of tho conspi racy us Russian troops wero reported en tering Bulgaria. The Turkish question he came seriously complicated by the event. Tun 1'opu has asked Franco to explain why her representative is to be withdrawn from the Vatican. J. Ke.voall, of Roston, successfully swam the whirlpool rapids at Niagara in a cork suit. MISCELLANEOUS. A TEi.r.GKAM has been received from Lon don by Mr. Dodge, statistician of tho De partment of Agriculture, stating that the shortage of wheat m Great Britain for the present year was estimated at (W.lXKJ.OOi) bushels. Tin: Acting Secretary of the Treasurv, Fuirchild, has issued another cnll for ?1,-000,00-.) :i per cent, bonds to maturo on Oc tober 1 next. A sitciai. from Sandusky, O., says: A dis nstrous incendiary lire occurred in the Mas sillon Steel Works, built iu 1S72 at u coit of JlHW.OOiI. No insurance. Tun Lewiston (Me.) Steam Mill Company has mndu an assignment, with $l,l!7S,00'J liabilities and assets unknown. James Scott, a fisherman, of Lewiston, attempted to swim the whirlpool rapids at Niagara Falls on the tilth iu a cork suit. His dead body was picked up at Lewiston nn hour later. DritiNo tho two weeks' fires in Juneau County, Wis., ten thousand acres of cran berry marsh and timber laud were burned. Many farm houses wero burned and slock destroyed. Ox the 10th two mora bombs, one gas pipe nml on round, wero discovered on the Luko Shore tracks at tho stock yards 4Y." Chicago, and taken to police head quarters. A iusi'atcii received at tho War Depart ment states that Geroniiuo, with forty In dians, is endeavoring to make peace with Mexican authorities on tho Mexican fron tier. Jrnsox & Co., carpet dealers in Chicago, have made an assignment with $75,000 lia bilities and assets of $70,000. Tin: Swiss Rundesrath has adopted strin prevent the imporUition ! gent measures to of cholera from Itnl llv. Hrxiu:i:is of sparrows were killed by hail at Carlyle, 111., recently. Tex thousand pilgrims arrived at Lourdes on the 20th from various cities in Franco. Eight hundred cures of invalids were an nounced. The trint of the anarchists, at Chicago, after lasting several weeks, ended in the following verdict: "We, the jury, find the defendants August Spies, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fieldeu, A. It Parsons. Adolph Fischer, George Engel and Louis Lingg guilty of murder and conspiracy as charged iu the indictment and fix the penalty a death. We also find Ocar Neelie guilty of murder in tho manner charged in the indictment nnd fix the pen alty at fifteen years' impriMUimeut" Tun Xurth (Senium Gazette, of Berlin, states that Prof. Braekeubush, the German ex- plorer. has made a large annexation of territory in parts of Patagonia iu the name of Germany. Tin: Weymouth (Mass.) Iron Company. nail manufacturers, stopped payment on j the 'JOtli. The trouble was licought nbout by I MMwes caused toy the Hood last spring and the tsuspensiou ot tho Bridgewater Iron Company. Liabilities, f:W,(K); assets the enutc. Tne newspaper of tbe conatrr generally expressed sntisfactioit witk tiie verdict agauiKt the anarchist prisoners at Chicago. A Ciocs gale ravaged Galveston on the :20th. Six live wero rvivwted Wjst. Bourg St. Augc: A scvkue usil storm visited Hancock, Jtle.. wceiitly. JUnny windows were broiru j and the crops were serloasly JatungftL The next day was so cool that the bail which Lad gathered iu the gutters did not , melt. IxroitVATiox has been receivetl atTomh stoue. Ariz-, that Captain ltwtoit and Lieutenant Gatewood would be bom- from Sonora iu a few davs. Lawtou founa no Indians in tho Sira Madres-. Those sertt recently at Frouto n m . TTi-iawF-ik& . t- i f tii iriti .iiiiit no ri" - lutw.iiueanionu.ritociaii.necon- "-'ZurSZJ aberration. t r,Kht ci-nspiratom. Chris &m, the I--.Vr ' c-..l to .- :::,...' II.-. C.turt..' r. j ,- cilaru, wr. at U dt to ,- venuou m -lunura. . i.. m uiooiiaaieoi "'';" T ,,' ' AN editor in Northern Nebraska whr ',f .,.. ciereland anarchi-t- will . l"--. --l I-""1 -bw '..' i r i-..s m,f i Him, uu It - iniTl , ,. ,j , , September, at ukich. it I, ep-ted over Bussian ugfuu vrre at the hot-, . t a wwI , " be I i taa.I ana ch, w l b, , ntUinitauJ?'S from all ,aru of the conn- ontof the whole bus,n-o, report b?mg - lM,imtion of a Mil .ton, j ?"l?J!ai!ZuZl ' ,lr,TC' "f lhe W' J"h" ,l'" ' ?"" "- -a U! ,1 tryUlbei..tU4ai.ce. jhat the Prmce wa. a state prisoner ,n -k s,,,,. u.t. C..o,i. ,! a, l,,t- U a T 0 . K t L ' U"- V,il,1:f,:";, V r! , COfW,'I', U t -lr Atthd' Tiie Ceatral Thi-Hc A-ci.tiaB has or- 'Ku. tl whereouts wa notdetm.te- ate, ,y us tlwn nnv 0.h,.. nbc JjXr " l fii .ideVt w?t he ' ?"T "t ? l?' "' J'V " t"M1 Z"Z ""jr'?- ' '"- dored therogatioa of Pitching charges ;l.vknon. IP ,.,..,.-: bu,i, ! rri -.11 I, ,,;i,I i ! : ;':;; "i" ,f 1 ri j 2' " of $0 erir on ir-aiu Tiiis wili hwer I t-tKVTT nnner were onou-!r injur?.! J , . ". . ., , . '"r'r"- " " . "r. righr, ft s vtif xinl IJr-. Jfd clJ Mr-", wl tUt ihutiri Irihmn v. s.1 . jacaruiis-aiii. wu ww-r .... ... ," . and dciiendent upon the generoMtv of tht marttr-t to the can-- and Mm: a new uh- t ,, ,k, ,.,.,, .i.. t .,. , , .., . -.. i , . M " nnmn the Uxx oa tin storage of graia ia eic-v-Uori , the other day at Lykeus. Pa., by twoex-, , - - ,, , So nrciil.m b their ! w ,B :.: ' , 7'" -: W fUt "Wi b-or. islr 4 forshort periods in Caicaco. s plosion-of Rr.s, caueJ by lighting a lamp . ,t'tj1"- . . I.ti?' S,f. h.,JL ill tlJ '.. . ' "t4. tU .k, dr- ef wpIwjm. mrf teJwU , ;f. ,. , , . ... ',, !i..i.iri,nL 1 ANi now ttiev are compj-Kning or toe t ,.,. . . i iiumorr nf w- (in lui-!. ike ta- . rr ir . Jndg- ViiU M-, lnv.-- ,.! ioi:TT boa s were burueU recenu'r m -"-- i.uiiole. - - for the nrrr .:on i Ui-- Chicago tjiI ; T , ,fJ M.t .. . ,,. ... , -,... .,. .. . ' TT. fs? Iwvc xrl stine. France. J i,;"- ll'ii-" ot the irrawncMy nrose at! macn ruiu in iae lurjiuoucan van-Mr. ; w r na.,df.r tl r V I Himr. I ' -.".. '.ih-i niu-mtu : no doubt doubled jiion. J. (3. XXain.'. , i back between the ciinrtands of Lawtou I Tur eoAntv rihtriciMns: xthn -.?.'. m . two haxniia. a tst3g taxnu and a flci .'" ,,rK ' UJW and Gatewood. Grass a.,,! water . si- now tb- iiolicenie.i xtoau letl in the H-tymsrLet -th ral- mx.tul ,llr jVrr, prtBctt Vul car-Id -j: plentiful everywhere ia 4vj n :nr.-ns. riot Lave iadt? a .si.iii forLCM) for nru- .Tkacx lnyir.g has lgnn cm tbe Wart ,., . :.....," ii t. ,t i tSe hostile a m-jo about tt fess.ona! and th.-Mu Ti.t3iUst extt.on of the St. Paul Omaca road. p--. jiii B-tJ i eiglifer-tt. istUe ilc I tLsIr plcasais. I the cltv of Cliicatjo ua.eis paid. TLs b.aci is only twenty-two niiltr lois I tlstlls th:rt3-:so year Ltr tz'Jwr. ''' TnERE were sixteen new cases of chol and three deaths in Trieste, Austria, en the 20th. Tu New York Produce Exchanre has is sued positive orders against trading befora and after hours. The Cambria Iron Company, of Johns town, Pa., in making war on the Knights of Labor. Sixty men have been discharged , without can bemg asiigned. Half the John RVri,on an,,-Con Sh,ban wcre ln. employes are knights and it was expected ,tantIv uUM Chr QIoa had hi, ,p!n. all would strike. ' -rushed and w.ll die. Wiicx the parade- of Barnum'. circus , Al,M1KKRS of 1Jujralo , n cheyenn. was about to start at Madison, T la,, th. . c)Untv SUrwt th:tt one of the MI MW other day a Mrs. Reif, who was near the rounr,- into wbJclj CheVenne wlU be dl panthers cage, which contained four am- ri(lpd ca,Ied - mas ami trie keeper, Had ner nat mown under the cage by a sudden gust of wind ,,,u iie iu Kcurc it. " - - large panther put his jaw out and caug eht her by the hnir and, with the other paw in her face, lifted her from the ground. She was neriously injured before being rescaed. The report is confirmed that Kmpp ha? secured a contract to supply 1,500 tons of hteel rails for the conitruction of railroads to be used in the development of milling industries in Tientsin. Tun Treasury Department on the 20th is sued warrants for nearly fS.OOO.OCW for pay ment of pensions. Tiik oflieial returns of tho vote in Yazoo County, Miss., on the local option law give a majority of 220 against the sale of liquors. AX archaeological discovery which has just been made at Athens is exciting much interest. A number of columns, in utate of perfect preservation, were uneartheJ ou the Acropolis. They belong to a period before the Persian wars. Kkckxt ud vices from Constantinople are i O i to the effect that the insignia of the "Che- fakat" has leeii bestowed by the Sultan upon .Mrs. drover Cleveland. It is an or- der of benevolence well known throughout tiie and at u recent entertainment given by the I'orto the same badge was conferred upon the wife of Minister Cox. A Tni.r.fii'.A.M from the Governor of Saint Pierre Miqu!on ays a most violent storm had swept over the island. Two vessels vere driven ashore and wrecked anil many men drowned. The damago to shipping and property in different parts of New foundland was very great and eighty lives were reported lost. A iiiH-ATLit from St. Petersburg of tho 2ltKays: A passtnger steamer plying on tho river Volga, at Saratov, capital of the province of Saratov, has been burned mid two hundred lives, lost. A jnTKTCTivn lire broke out in San Francisco, in Small's machine shop. Bran nan street ou tho night of the 21st. Two million dollars worth of damage was done before the tiro ww subdued. Insurance not stated. A smai.i. sail boat was upset on Lake Min netonka, .Minn., during the storm of the22d and three of the four men in it were drowned. Tho drowned were Itolert Thul- burt, a prominent real estate dealer; W. B. Jackson, Jr., secretary and treasurer of I Ai.vix Hanson, aged twentv-two, was ro the .Monitor Plow Works Coniiany, and a ' cently drowned while bathing iu the upper hired man in the employ of the plow works. A roitninx lady who lost $12,000 at tho 3Ionte'Cnrlo gamingtables has committed suicide in a village near Grenoble. This makes the seventy-sixth wise of suicide owing to losses nt Monte Carlo since tho i beginning of the season. Skvhn persons were seriously injured by , ... .. y . ..... .. . a collision on me Laninvii ec Atlantic run- "" ". nminy. me ooiuisineu nave em way nt Aucorn, Pa., on tho 22d. ployed several attorneys and undoubtedly Timm: vouii"' Scandinavians were , were , drowned in Lako Pepin, Minn., recently . by the upsetting of a boat. Ci.iMuixtt houso returns for week ended August 21 showed nn iiverngu increase of I i:$.'.l. In New York tho increase was 13.5. (lv tlm I.otuI.Mi KrehMi..-.. iinrinn tli i week ended u-tist "I American securi- wllk LiiiiLu .utibi -i, aiiiiniaii secun - ties were depressed in tho early days, re- covering toward the end. Business ou the Berlin Bourse was active. At Paris it was , .stJignnut. At Vif.uia brisk. A wwoiin containing four girls was struck by a tram at the grade missing it mile be- i low HilNboro Bridge, N. II., tho other nfteriioou. Jessie Colby was instantly killed. Blanche Colby fntallv, and Nellie Flanders mid Nornh Colby severely in jured. Tin: Galena and the Yantic have ro t u rued from their cruisn among the ilsher nieii iu the Northeast. A iaiu.i: nie.s,age from Dr. rvrueger, at Kiel, announces tho discovery of Win necke's comet fmm the observatory at Capetown, Africa. Tho following is tho discovery: Positions August 2d. 2 hours, 4 minutes, lti seconds, Greenwich mean time; right ascension, II! hours, 10 minutes, 21.5 seconds: declination south 1 degree, S iniu ute, 17 seconiN. aJlUIT'OXAI. IHZrATCOBM. Tin: Peruvian budget for ltli ?T s! a deficit of S;UK.Vl, '.. J s ! EioiiTi-Tiiur.E new cases of elmlera and t,li't-v sevon ,W'ntl, Wt,' ".-port..,! on the j gun in tue var.ou, miecteci districts ol It:.!v Ai.i:.tviKU ICkai'Otkink. brother of Prince Krapotkme. and the translator of Herbert Spencer's works into Russian, has committed suicide. Caitaix Mooiik. with his wife and five children, of Dentin's Bridge, and Dolph Moore, with his wife and three chil dren, of Klliot. Tex., were drowned in tho Iat storm. Tiik National Butterine and Oleomarga rine Association, iu session at Chicago on the -Uli, decided to contest the Oleomarga rine act. Kt.l'or.Ts from Washington discourage hopes of Secretary Manning's early return to his duties. A STitiKi: occurred nt John Drake's Quincy. Mass., ho, factory b cause a iat iug mnchifie and non-union men were in troduced. Tiik Treasury Department has decided that Canadian vessels can carry passen gers from Cleveland to Chicago, using two tickets. Ttir. rear car of n Gulf, Colorado A: Santa Fe tram jumped the trnck on an embank ment near Brenham. Ter., recently. One ljoiy was killed and about ten persons in jured. Tin: people rf Bulgaria were reported by j riorueaiis satisOeil with the deposition of ' ,, . , . n.. . '.. , ,i Prince Aievander. tne minorttv of the . . . J , , ariu ifiiisei iiiriuiesire iu uie rr.oi.i- timi. and tne tuil.ti.t threatened to over-1 ., - - , , .' tur it the provisional go ernment set ut bv ; ., '. . ,. , ' i Vniidalav. Buriaah. reccnClr. causing a j t-rnble fliMx:. in which 1.0J lites were lost ; and -f.stiOu,(.oo damage done. Tse Bot Brewing Company, as repre tentative ot all the Loyco;u.. Jlfhvauks jbtoaerics. has notified the King's of l-t- bor that unless the Uiycott ts u lihdra n every Kuight in their employ vxld be discbjtt-g-yL This affects iVXl men. Tiie lLptib!:c-m campaign iu ilain-r jtw nn.Mui.! n r wl .1 fr 1-t. o. it- "Jr. l.v .f...V... ... ...r -Jr I I .... . .. .. ... . -- s - - - - . -,. -- -, ...,....,-v - . -- w s .- -f .if . j- - -r a. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. James Shields was found dead ia l bed it Omaha the other morning. Br the caving iu of an embankment on the Mnuouri Pacific near V.pill.on, recent- !y, fourteen men were leaned under forty feet of earth. Eight of them escaped with- Lv a well at Burnett Ole NeNon ; j TewnUy tnick ft Vtfin of pun. waler at a , jell.h of fortv f, thntllowcl over the too i ' ,'., ., ji iuu vtru. Faikicxt i anxious for the extension of the St. Joe &. Grand Inland road, and is ready to vote $'0,0"O ju IhjihLs, the amount tkked by the company The projxned ex ten ma m th strorn Yoi jecon nee inch was in the allirmative. in tne mean time the contract ha been let for the con struction of the works, and interesting liti gation may result. Tiiuiik or four soup men recently worked Hheltou very succes-fully, leaving for tho ! next town before it wa dt,covered that they had taken out no license. An oilier was ilispatched to overhaul them, which was done .successfully. A good line, soiue heitv" costs and a lecture m:tv pusdilv j cause them to hereafter respect the diguitv oi municipal law. Wisxint offers a bonus of $1.."'W for n j flouring null of a capacity of 50 barrels Ier i!a. W'hkn the porter escorted two guests to n room iu nn Uiimlm hotel the other night, as he opened thu door he was horritied t- iind that tho room had a dead occupant. Lv mg on the bed. was the lifeless form of A. J Anderson, a guest of the house, with blood oozing from u bullet wound in the head, The victim was a young man, a Dane, not more tlian twenty live years of ag K". smooth shaven and neatly dressed. A 1 et ter told the story of disappointed love and his desire to live no longer. Tin: old settlers of Dakota Countv re newed old acquaintances at a recent picnic. Nohkoi.k lias been declared the county seat of Madison. So.mi: malicious wretch recently threw dynamite into George Oelke's lish pond. ,ltfar -selnaska City, killing most of the n!,u- 5,r- Oelko offers n reward of ?50 for tho arrest of the scoundrel. Tur following Nebraska post-oiliccs were established on tho Wli: Shickley, Fill more County, Robert B. Campbell, post master: Van W'yck, Lincoln County, Hen- ' r3' d. Williams, postmaster. reservoir at Kearney. He was unable to swim and waded beyond his depth. Tur. county commissioners of Otoe County nt a recce t meeting in sti ucted the county attorney to bring suit against Duke W. Simpson, late county treasurer, ami his bondsmen for the sum of ' Jf-sJ.W, being the amount claimed to be .U n- ......... . . the county. The bondsmen have em- the suit will bo hotlv contested. The bond the suit will bo hotlv contested 's " good one and the county attorney is contideut of winning tho case. Hkkv, uf Belvideru, recently lo.t n index linger while examining the mo- 1"S of n family Tiik lntes,t swindling gng is contlncd to the wealthy and intelligent class of faun - " "sof " St,lte- V. ell.lressed "represent- "t'Ves of F.astern business houses" call nt l" Iarm s. ilioy impnru into the condition and quantity of the harvested I cr,J'' carefully note the answers, and wind , . i j .. ... l "P ?tting the farmer's Mgnaturo to the , ........, 'I'l.i- ,.. e .i...... : t-...,. tu..-. iuiii7,iiiot uirn Utij,i in uu iron-clad promissory note. : Ox August HI u shooting affray occurred ' In the Boteu vallev. about twentv live miles west of Broken Bow, resulting in the death of Enoch Young by one Vinson, Theaffrav was the result of a eontest ovei ' n pioce of laud. Cam. i wav was lately swept by a brisk breeze, inflicting it loss of $2,000. Axi.tTiM.of the board of inanngotB o. , the State hiur Association was held nt Lincoln the other night for the purpose o. formulating final plans mid issit ng various , contract" necessary for the opening of the ! lair, winch oecurs September inth. 1 he . premiuiu for free-for-all pacing race was j inciensed from f-KKI, the original uiuouut, toj-siM), the same to be divided into four i purses, fifty per cent, of whole for first horse, twenty-live percent, for second. Hf ' teti lier eeut. for third iind ten ner eeut. for fl,urth. A further sum of fjoij will be Bllk.,, rovI, provided a time ot .':"Uir better is j . . - . .i made. The secretary reported that all i towns throughout Nebraskn had been li!- i orally supjdied with cards, bills, posters, hangers and other devices advertising the fair and that the supply had become uenr ly exhausted. Tur. Nebraska State Prohibition Conven tion met at Lincoln on the I'.'th, with over 40) del gates, representing forty-five conn periutondeutof Public Schools J. A. Smith After the ndjourniuei.t from th State con vention the delegates from the several Con gressional districts mt and placed in nom iuation the following for Congress; Firs; district, George E. Bigelow; Scond. Ry.'v. C. S. Harrison; Third. W. G. Olingcr. ScitiiiNsn wants a pork packer. Fli NT Pinter, a young man of twenty, four, has wandered aw ay from his honir . .. , , , . " , ", s in Graud Island, and his , . . , ., . , ,, friends fear that harm will pn rents and come to turn. i Pierce received a touch of sunstroke come , . . time ago. and h aberration. is mind .showed signs ot . A CiitonoN female sharper ree-'ntlv playe,! it slick on the conductor of an Elk ' horn Vallv train. Her nocketlioo s! ! ont through a window in tbe presence o; j the autocrat of th punch. Of c.ure thc pure contained her tv-k-t and all the ' wealth she ios-ei, and her tearful div ' tress evoked practical Kvmp-tthy from th J occupant of the car. She wx permitted ; to ride free, and telegrams were sent to) the nearest station, ordering a search for tbe tost pane. It was found, and co&Utin-sr sion will nin direct v north from the- t -Mini,terol finance, .m. iturnmi; .m ihmt .-in.u -..... v..-.--. - ... - - ; l Tn kl(2, .rw vt,s: "i: u a .. in line in Thaver cJuntv through Fu- ! ? Wr. M. Nek.foroll; MliiWer of Jntlce, the deciec to t he Jef;i h. i..c. n .rn. , A,rmJrr w, de,.r.vr4 , f ore and York to a Junction with -M. PtloioM)lt: .Minister or hducation. ai. onc worn urn n m ii. ..-....- , br ,j,r dir.i't orders f ts i , oreanu iork uounues loajuncuou wiwi . ti.. i....... t... r....,'.r Cmtu i.u H,wtv v i ue util'mj " l""' . ' ., . ... . . Omaha & Republican Valley TOad a ;- sburz. I ,, ,..'. .... ,,..,......7... s .. ' I M..-i ,,.!.., vt... I Mi.a a!! th:. has to do ' 'ra"in -," " "..; -,V- . , , , , . . ., ""-ii utnun me nuis.iii.iiiiu-'ij. - - - -- -- it w i.l not deceive . enwu. I r?rc . kater bonds were defeated at the )K, K Autf. .ja.Tll. ,,,,2,. are trnn. , n,u, my rnl in Hie M Fam, Uer,l2, for ; J u' '" ? . . rJw.. j:-. art d election. This election was made 1 null Tlixniv u ilintntniml ! i rjlir . xdrlv I was 4rn-sit. for four weefes i ..".. .'' ...... .i .,.... es,ary by the illegality of the tlrst one, decorated with Hairs. Premier Clement has inra:crr.u.M and a l.iu: trlisl at the ' a ' ' ' ' , of ,fa,, ,iu. Ife. After the ...lo.t,on of. l-nstl,;-,.lt ..rlily i.. Il. 1h al c, 11, il-r . . ,,,,,,,,., f .,r a .'.., , , , , ,J ," " '""'' " v.ews..,,, and a ta-t .b,d of .ul7.i...i l on that tli &? t"" ! dav observance and other questions. :U 1 'f t,ie lnTe Va,C J 'Uw ''l1 ?" , ---. -l-n-al y among the u-tu- h,,1 - rv.r h-l l,. itlluu ,",Z" following ticket was put inSiommation f ' ;-.-- ' ' M,y b,.n Ly ,1. "J"' Governor. II. W. Hardy, of Lancaster Coup - "" ai . ,-ar j J ';"- tUMnHnmivm,,,,,,,,, y.n on ,, w , iBil ty: Lieutenant Cov.-mor. E. B. Grahr.,,,: nV wlndl Conn . " .er "pl7k's ,"d '!"" l ,",,"MM- , '"' Ut"" ,""' "' Y'l''l " " Um"lt "1 "- t t,.t Secretarv af State. E. J. O'Neil: Treasurer. r, t ,, , title, ik-cr -tare Lamar I, ! iV" lUU" i f" 7 - l"'-t but. 'I h- cdjr ul Uw,,r , ,h,, , . . , , t. i . t l" it .. rein.eo i . .nr mo. jwawii i.iuwi, hi UUy jj,p ir mising atnl nothing cn be Mtma nimM in hi. lutiu.r .. . . A.S Leach Aud.tor. J. L Hooper; Attor ,,,, comments i,.o ,e f I ltaiIfti uJtl, U)U n,f). lrri rw ,,,. uri,ortlm. J " f ", J, . f nev (teneral. Martm 1. Brown: Lommi. .Sparks. esu'i Isheil a precolmt ,,.,.., -,.. i .-.i..,- ,t . i,n, ,.- , , i , , , "'. " WM stonemf Public I. :,d, L. B. Palmer. S- w'hich ,. of the .,.. mu-.rtance in a j ?&??i U c, S "U i" "l 7, UT rintendentofPubltc.SchooIsJ.A.Smith large el. f Mm II .r case, 1 f dc- t' ,hr... or. th. who.. p.n.ala on -loch and hr.rly . .. , I tnL, f After the adjOimn.ei.t from th- State con to ..veiride a .b- Uion of the L ,te,I ; ImianoU MlMte a,urr ., ft , m , J fr.Hn lliSi I nr t , vention the delegates from the vernl Con- Males biipr-iinj t:irl. which lidrclm bi j Ha,rn T, p.U fos a. now .6;Tr. Khi, IL . ,. , gressional district ,.t and placed in , br at cry . nd .r ;;" ; -Vxa, from the rulf .form .: l;rth$". EXIT ALEXANDER. TroofM turrvaao the rle" or llatcrU 1'rlur. Cxpturr aed tcrt Iflaa to tka I'rootlrr. Losiiojf, Au& 23. A d uu!i:arJa. dated . th W-ce and the Saturday Uie troop the r!.ltAl surronnded tile nalace csrlv .,.-. t 11 ) -.A lt.t.l uianaormuz. iiiiicb aicuuvi .lt... procrttled to the pa!co of the Lii.sln agent of the Czar and utuuit:M to him the resolution, all kneel ntr. '1 he a-nt anred them of the Cmf ! friend hip. The followliisr pruriMonal jrovern incut has been furmei: Prime 31 mister, llonslicnor Clement, MetropoHUiii of Tinio va; ilmNter of Foreign AtTalrs. 3L Su- jjnotT: .Minister of the Interior. 31. SankutT; issued a iiroclauiatiou announcing ttm formal thiicatuni of Prince Alexander, who renounced the throne forever, bctn.: 1 convinced that Ins re ku would be fatal to . Bulgaria. The Premier stato that the nciv cabinet will setve until the uieelini; of tin i im A.e.nbly and rtiyi. the !io that ail parties will co-operate to maintain i the law and assures the jn-ottie that J will not leave the country without his jw- erf ul piotection. Priu-c Alexander was 1 escorted to .oui en loutc to Botimauia. , The (t-riuJii duvcriimciit has onlcied Heir I Thiciuiaii, who was recently anponited Uer j man airent at :nii.t, to remain a: Constant! ! nopie for the piecnt. .Mr. btojojtnoi!. tho , new Foreiirn -Minister, lias notified tho asreuts of the jntwers of Saturdit's events. Bl.Kl.l.v. Aiu. 23. -It Is stated hole that 1 Prince Alexander, of Bu'ir.ina. was de- , posed aul maile a piisoner duiiin; an ln- i spectumof trooti at Whnttu. The Cologne tj'tzcttc and Berlin '..: express the belief ; that the event will tend to preserve pence. j 'j,eV j;ay tiat I'fince Ah J cpial'itics diveitcd a bet Alexanders personal ter fate, but Kn- hind refused him active Mipmut Hjaitisl ' Buss.a. Tut key was afr-ihi to risk war ,' iu behalf of Bulgaria and the (astein meet- , Ing showed that the alliance was unbroken, j Hence his position was a hopeless one. A report has reached line that Kuvdan troops aie proceeding to Bulgaria by wiy of Varna. THEIR ONLY HOPE. All llopr of the Anarchists on t lir Siiprrme Court The Wl Il.te .tlrrlloc. Cnnwiio, Aug. -1. Fiicml.s of the con- victcd aiiaichists baso all Iiojh-s of saving them on an appeal to thu supremo Couit, believing that that tribunal will reverie thu verdict. They claim that If tho State JNi- prciiiu Court sustains the iMdict. the c.tsu wid he carried to ttie I nited Mates .u- - . .. ...i .. ,An.M ..k ffti fwntUr ' W There w no disorder. The populace then The decfadon of the court U Buln.. , rtamt-r ftr.I P" ' avsenibled and adopM rrUlnUou pr-y ba-ed entirely n,on the fxct tlut Mr.lla. Wty. aft.1 h ormxlnc HJ U. . Ing the Cr to re-extend his ,ympathy o f.e r.ttcude,. pa,tr. had wairrd hU n?ht to . . iJi.'li.V.V the Bulgarian people. Tl,an,Wa, a c v,I ,n.i for d.mMTrs, the court ho dm,- Mat J "wl I .!." i ' """ ".'". : .. .. : . .. ... j- -I,. ...,,l . ,r (if iM'urT.i",..-r. - preiuu Court on the grounds that .ludk'o vest l-uIk.m at Chihuahua. A tiimr i rwr i (iaiy refused to iustriii't tin; jury for do- , rent anions the A met leans hete lh.t Gen I fense that the law allowed men to cat her : era! ie;::v.ick cairies his rinuiiiissiou ait peat-rainy, aim hm: uieiii a usui in irpri by foico any attempt of the nuthoittlcs or citizens to break up a meeting. Last iii.'ht secret uieetinir of the tcmnle telativvt of the condemned aiiatchists was held iu which all determined to Maud toircther. and do all thev could for their tttifoi tutinto , iiri.,',iri,ll Imii ,r, ,.., ,:,.; a violent speech. State's Attorney GilnneM, stateil that no more iun-ts "would be ninde at, but that other nnaichists h:id better behave, tor a I thu leaders arc now iteing watched and would all be arrested at one. The Arbciter Zeitung will hi; snppiessed if ituuiKe.s any fuitlicr leteience to uiihery or any thing improper in the nial. (!eneial "; ""dhcr of tl.econv.cte.l am declared that every tiling will be ,ev.M. t,,c Vt.r,!lL.t 1 Parsons, brother of the convicted aiiaielu-i. lonu U) GREAT CONFLAGRATION. San I'raiM'iseo Snlt'ers Very Sertoli I.or Ity Klre. C?... 1-..... 4 ., .. .1.- r,l. IIIA.mimu, iu. -.. win" lit um I'gest firo which has ever visite.l ibis city, occurred S.iturday night. It slatted short. y after six o'clock in SmaT.s machim; shop, , on Biaiinan, between Fointh and Fifth J streets, and with such rapidity that j second ami third iilniuis oiiiekiv followed. ' I : he tire ran noith for half a block, cross ng ; Ktyaiit. Braunan nud Bluxomo stieets, and extended from in dwav between Fotirtn . . Wto ., UIM,.r Co,,t,l two hours after ,t s,arL Tu. ,,s .irii ,.s. iUm1 nt I ahmjt cooyooo. Tho Iosi-m .in. .McHawIc-y & Co., agrcultural Im- i ,,,..t,,; V. p. Brailhury, planing milt ; r.ii. I I-if I i slr.-efs to the I:Ot..r sti.-.-f t: Gilbert v 3Inisc. school furniture; I Sculler wagon woiks; Baker t Ilamli'tnu, fgTiCultural Iiiipleinenls; II. W. Bice, agtl- cultural machinery; Walker A" Son, wool waieho ; Whittb-r. Fuller A- Co.. paluta . ami oils: Fuchs t Kiihler. funiitiiie ni-iiu- j larmiers? ICrelbin; Bros., fiiridtniu mauu. facturer.s. ' - i SPARKS OVERRULED. SerrrtMrr t.inir Think the Itrrl.iona of of the Hreioe Court Worth Itr.prrtOiK. Washington. Aug. '."!. Secretary Li mar has made a derision in the Farm Mort gage case, which has attiacbil o much at- tentioii hi U icois;ii. slurpiV overruling; the decision of Conimissiniier parkii. of tl.n Iiollrio-iit .1 ii r-h.. Cixvki.m. ").. Aug. 'it. Circulars hate been distributed here calling a me-;-iisg of the lfcal anarchists this evening to express indignation at tl e conviction of il e V..UII-- l.lrf. '..llr. Vaxhau.v. HI.. Aug. 21. New of a urnsatioiiat e"op-mnt comes from JIox. ird's PiitnJ. alitt.V vitlars fourtern rade , of the Natlonat rnad. ltx. llanrarrt Tregarden Kept Isvtrd'T rnl had lrm j with licra force, 3Ji 3Irgie Ibsrd. B"tft J Jlrj. Trrgarurii and h-r ni-c. f-jocrir lid in th c ty. ArHjgiIferxrder ma; j c Jam-s Stt. win took r.ulu- s fancv to j -w -' --,- - t' l I ..ii.l f 11..... n.t.f .1 ,. ...,.a... !.. ,.. i tu. Hi iiiii rn ,-., ii- Ho.e 10 nve aiiv roll. Iil Iin.Oi.. m.ui.l I ........ .1. . i,..o W...IV. ...i.i ,......f iihu ... ' - -, , ---- - - - - iitsjos:. u.iriyeiyHT;o ii.rro;. 31.1'ki.. , or Ui jw atvl Ordrr U,u n , miMhs to have done. Not o do or to , Mar w. ;.-, toU.y a..d .own pto.-rt,. -XW. ce.-d urrr- aUllTYuJl utiueo-sirilythe doing id it i. l viol,, WJ. ,,. , p,jMJ. , mtor' lu , u itSal ei.iiTU A". the statmes, and involves a grave tiultuu UMll.t 6wt0. many Sra Jrh.Wr".. U" ,M :i I I I !! 4.1 IS.. la L 1 V uLI iur & r-m K 1 h .. a a 1 . . m- - . . - - ------ I.- I " - I w ,l11" use. aa. a. r mJe love Ul l.r. "' v"l ' ;i to the cort-h.P.1-1 "-';--; -- r l.. ,., tt.- '-nti of h J.I". lir-.-lKiril fUK"-' CUTTING RELEASED Th s:nrm Court ,f.:tlHha Kl th IJrlUrnl Trwt t.lior-i.- - ... .. -.u.i Cln U ! Ir minutrs of the Chin f -.. rrtr.1 trirv frd tO him. rrcd ..-.. ....v. - in- ,i.Hrr, rViinit him Horn iur- ti.-it ti. . .mml ihn nnxvettinc o. in . . Sutc. When rcicvd by the cour' Cut tincreplod. -As Ionic a I am not far ther dttainr! m a prisoner 1 accept my Bt erty. and 1 request cny of the decrw of the nprrmo Court U civen tuc for my future uv." This the court consented to do in tunc in t.einiHe,u u.c . ..r.-.. on i.n.,Miat, rceavt It I- .d on ti.o other sWe ot the Bio that the MeMcan en ... I ...I .. titlit.', tifoh biting the residence of & tatot-. ainl wther dancenftts ciMwacirrs With in the icpub.K-. vtll t enticed e,ut Cultm AiJi :m:i run njtrnnsuvKNT?. After the ilecieo had been rd to Cut tins and a cony ss to bun he wt c-r lied to t!.e :Ke of Mt Pmteiicjo. !! e lie w.s ftttM!!v vt at lderty. CMinl Bristmm, with a numUr of American, were with t ito. A oudtnJ stakin-j of bnnU between tl.e Ainercaiis fei wei. anl ad .sdjoi.tiHit t4 a rastiHt on the corner, cu'Vl 111 Pr'i.rHnV, kept t a Mat) Under. Ilefe they were riiiiiprlatl i wait a tew imtitiles for a street car. on winch tl.ev cM-ectrsl to !eae M. v.cttll soil. Il.iuUll, the olMctl til tetpieter, the mayor and s. eial 3lelcnn tiie a!s entered the ami a few words j were eehoi;ed between th- parties, tho etiuoui inieiu ii-ing m aires; i usun?. i i he Later In rejiy u some temnik shl ' b P.iniiu with tinker rai'.-ir "I wi.I nu-et , the tie punc t!s In this niaiter inter. l his was sani In an '.uiiresM manlier, just as a man inlaid say, "When I jret i alone wo will h; this thlin: out." It was li.stautly tiitetpieted Hint the major ih1 Ihuilui cued out: "Plies ja es nu utiito delltos!" which In 1'oK.ish is; ", n.-w of fuhse.' eveial of the Mi'Jkleilis tepHi towaid Into. hut. the car IiHt.nir iMsi:nnly arrived. Cutting's American fneitd closed iu aioiiud hint, and, hurry Im: hiiu tu tho car, he was as r'jpidl'v as the tunc table a!- lows di i en across the Intuler. i,iM.i:i. s-mh.wuk a r nu: lUi'tiAt. ClTV ol .Ml Mi o, Aul. "t. - (.elieliiedR- j wick arnved I. etc tiotcrday uiniutiig no I , was met bv t oiisul (.eneial Poicli. He j Shnl t. ll;u xuJl Minister .l.chs..n! IU ' ,;,s not i-! vis, ted .Minister 3lanvnl of the ForeL-u Depart inent, but wi.I prohoh!) do sotodat. He will make lus iitturiont in- i muiMii 10 Micceen i,eucru .incksuu. THE TEXAS STORM. Serious !. ,if I.iIm at In.llniii.l.t .'1 ! 'l'..itt I ihi i:.-. Four Won in. Tex. Aug. UT.. From In- ) diiiuola comes the saddest tepoit yet te- reived about the sloini. Diirmtr the heitrht , of th(. , nH. ic., olJk-e w l..u down, cat Tying with It Captain J. A IJeis!, signal otliciT. and Dr. II. Kosicmhi. Ixdti of whom weie lost. File bioke out among tho iiiins. which extended fur blinks hoTlt -ides ot the atleets- destroy- ,. . ,, , i , .. . ltn rl.llfifl likitc iiioin' nhu-li . . "" ,, .',; r . nrii- i'. n. lv1.;. in a iie ,uy cimnm f.i... n.til I Ir I .... ...' .. f.a.i.t.'.. ilrii. In' ,. ., .... . .i , . . i . IisiimeiiL Dr. Levels was in the hioldiug at III., to.... i! I....L I.,.. II.. ..w... I i........ b.-mg burned to death, hut was subseiiiriitly iltow lied. Ids body being found yesteid.ty. o far as can be leaned tho following is a lOtllplete list of the lives of while peop o lost; i npt:iii .1. A. I.'enl. signal oit-.-er: Dr. Crooker; Dr. II. Ko-ecians, l-jirm. JJ., tot nn-rh les dent of li.di.niol;.; M r-. Ho-igiM and two children of Dr. Hodge., fotuoiiy of Cueio; .Mi. Cn.oK.r. of Austin. is- "nig at ludiaiioht with .Mr.-. Hod.-e-. f Vi,s- 'onr Mieppani. two ehilureti or .Mi, 'Max. I.uthei, of Cm Mis ( "hnsli; .Mr. Da id t . . . i . l.rwii) ailll II I eilllllll. Iiailie IlllklinW II. lie- ."Id.-l!i n-.v.. the nodi--, of ten rooi.d persons have hem found. The body of I'r. CiKier. the twent-. ud t c- tun, wa found yetrdn. fi.ur ' ""'"s of trnck arc wa.hed aw.iv, ien- oenng u,. jot iraiu u appiiMM n , Ihiliauol.i. 'I here a grat desi-ttitoHi theie aiuoug the jmoier clnss,.H, who an lost eteiy thing they iees-ed. The depth of water Is lepotted as creat u during hr gieat hbum of is.,, when Huliuno'a 'i.t "early two bundled if her cit t-nn. -. Friday the Hood of water oer the '.bxiiued town was o rapid tht within two hours utter tho lit t pireieii.i,ns wen; felt every -tre.t w iii'tio rgid inanr fei. At ran Antonio the os t proieity 1 ! S.'OO.OOO. At Fioresv Hie the loss t Kii.yoo. ; .-wver iM-iore was me lower lexas e. ; vlsitilb sotemb!ei.fil ib-sirnrtie.i sti.nii. j Itext'Uibs,' f,,r -00 tulle hi. ami. ilestio)hig ' tliou.iiels of houses and iutolting j-ciitii- ary iosn of many ti .oions. Among the porirer cla-M treat destitution must pr.v ' tfM.ll.f LT....... St. Ixt:i. August aX-Atesttt ei;-!,! i,p.tch from! Kl PA.o. Tex.! Aug. C.-At 11 I.WB r!.n thU l.. , sirs thai tcrday mornins latuns w w"" OT.,..,, ....-.... - -- quartered In Jwlga Cmtann!a court, when tna omn. m. ...-. ..-- .a ... . r..s aa. m-t'-"--'- i.e..;,!.. IH....I.. ..- .. ....!." " "-"- .---JlUM. Jl.f!. ..... . ' . . "-""" "- "- "'riri-s, whi e pimg j . . m e -. .... . tl-, a.,.. ..... .. . . in tli- .rsrt in front of OT0 KtoH at,-. nn". as nofg,t down b thr inaM u . l!ll Unjtf. La.x:no. XK, Aug. ZZ. -It-sII Vj th r--6--I spy." .- ba Utra r-3i.'y fix ot nring b-adrr of the boji In mr sra t" f iyrtw of A ur rio-. -wlMj,tr j.. battle In cr-nnUon it?j oidb-T r- "''' frU tft: Uk alutu b unions Jn dJfc?cnI tart. of tbj otanlxj, l1 Jiivrm nr.Jr itvj c-fw of Mj-fjtt-cam her e a ftr wee ro for rest ftfb-f ' 't "sitCTUJloftt.Itt-1. n.rcbit. aal U hr -inlsout taUiurj la-rs Siw vzi up Rcatisg t-f rrd Dd b'-ac - tiex.- ul ll Ixnsing Hock; amJ firr rvnfiug rlilUM-m UtM im toitlgner Lt try- op a tt ix-i txard bs ilpv--l by the mni. irxrirvr th? tylt a a rau-" hr-t vlt. CtrrS Jflt-I basis- U m-i --r-irwmar to tlm tnrl frabrtsdr b--Miit lb Wct Ortorf!ihs xfcsr lair r PJ. aod .to bx ,-ed tic T2iic in -.rac.V3 inter p:acc,v THE BULGARIAN BROiL. KmITi Ontntwa ' lrIH of Vrtnrm ,mtniT vlll It l"l to n-,r' Ixxtox, A. C. A UucharcHtdptr:. - ' ande!eslieieln fvorof I'tiwcr A".!. ..,...tfr ..,. .J,-. ..r ami ;!" H,W" m, --., claors At till igrwrant of nhataiwr.. s jvnett. The HucMo ttOTeran,tt h utuished a htockaite o:i the .rto 'ri 'tier. The lrtly Tc'vntiJ . ' w. ', Ku-sian raiol tho ervtan -r - w . 'such suerc.s llil Pnnco Auoli .- Ins tet tn-p to the frontier, wtMf ' mutters read to the trwii fnm S. l e urrsi oi aixi'v.iwui. rr. toIiUmhi tmrdins a Itu.. , ,Wiie M the e. l"r ' r , ,' . ..M-, w iM ,.! . """" "' j---. - - -"-- . a. . L?. .!.. m.1 t ) ftv kfr J "l "' r".K LT u.taut Ik. . , cMisitit. a srravo rnSfmtkal tWtteiult 1 ..M. Ik. Y,li. The HUdK Bltcta ... touch F.c Mt ver, rtnandrtj' et,' . with to-rmany ant Autm. iutfuuxl I not ntsh In where tiers dirlia tr Tho lONs CMHalHttiMi: MM lM Uu'.t altau. -s: "Tho cU tr regarded far Pr'mti A irmtr s cef nei as tir Hl ( tho rtffr f The eenetnl feclmr wltl he ! trf nm fui i.mrtthy. Hw fai'rl ratfcer Nrwi was t.. cinnl tt the wofX frtt hi . iirted Mm. The event ntunt ri'f a a trltutiidi of Utsw(ii iHplmary. I a r imniistxtf i-o-Mt, It is a.-- ies-s degree a icvelse fur KmfUhdloti' It i only tK c;r that thr 31 tu Mii4nirr Is ctmfriNitctt with all tar, &:... , ami d ItVinties, i an tfi:tnvatst fi . wlocH h Irtid to face on his Hist aer . ti jHjMur." Ut I.i.AU! Ns ts-VTIsir.t. BrniAMisT. Ant. JL AUis fr., Nilitt say tlMt 31. Katav.idl! prws.- i k'oterntiieut, reAiumg that public mmum, ; lemaoied fatorabot to liturt .Mctwi-' eiiissl a circular to t ib, . . tur iHtple called a ministerial list ! inc the names of protit'ticnt invti of ail ! J. J . and c!ses who wne In th new n, inent. the iiiiiihim lriii; to rat"" a l that the eoOIIOIielt WHS rrcclvilltf I'ei.ei l soppoif. InadOlllotl to It n tiaioeii (lUbiisI ! th.s iiioiii lig "s teloir Z to Hie nnv tit etiimciit the e reiihit Incliulen sucli Haiti' ", M. .''b-uitMiiotr. 31. .Manolf, 31. M-t ' i 3I- i,''. 31. oucoi! i.d 31. 4.mi.. ' j -,,,'h a ctoHlMiiatiou Is tnt eoieUl.' vi as iii.oi) of th iminifi f" jxis.iiiie. Ittiowuto hold siieh different nens as tender Uie oMiitloti loijHs'ilrv. Tho gun soli nt Miuoil.i luitnfHj U Pn Alexander ntnl refuse to ieeo"ne tl t vlsboial ioi eminent. N'ninhr ,tf B . tcniinos nod priMOMi"iil iisHiwasVts h. already llol to ICihimmio a. '1 he fuff.ln. knc.iKbi u th.r loimhoi miny UmUm i hdlsts who weie fOiuc e oUfc'eis .. the linear Inn ttoliitii. It Is now U,llrt. that Pllliee AieslMti'I Is (HMAtoMl hi iMmaien Mesi .,f.u. U h ihii"I n ' l''",,' Ktiatbtlf ln br.m pinroit I iltlesf. oltit li.i-, Uemt dvi-liitiNl III a le ot vie 'e. ,, ntifA iMO'fut. ! CovrAMivn-ii, Aajt. t. 'Iln I has mdefed a ceeitil oMMrtntWm f 31. . ! iiliHih..l1i'ft.itti..Mwsl taiwliUiifl. I . ,'..,, , . , , ' to Mielr t.-t..K-tive Ismnrfcs and :tndr . ' toiihwitii. A rootefiS ii Itrttttn no was l.eol t-flMv ni,d tl i mif r stiwid that thnr diMhututtnu" ftnm i. ,,,.., ""? "'""" NOTED PHILANTHROPIST DEAD Amu, ,tlto oi. loin 1'iHirtifc, no ftp! Kt. .. Boston. Aug. '-'I. Aioin Athons 1 . ' . . " trnco ilbd .Stiiiduv night at his sum not residence nt Nnhaiit. Ho wai born In B ton in IMI, and was Identlftrd wh (n,. ,t tleiio nt of Kansas Territory and It rwir flit lli'M'lopineiit tuto a State. He Was ! or three times the CMlidldnle of tho Wh . and tho V for GoTe,r. At.. - nd Abbot Lnwienre we,,. U,e iirly .... mob-r of rotOoi roaiiufarluring in , Kug:inid. and .SmuiiH tsn hinoug tin rwi v ptouiot, rs of w.-il.-n mamiartiittNg. ! tiie .ame iiuirtlnii the firm of Aiimm Iiwrenee ,V Co ira tin tlif lto.le,r i-. ro s on tuling the ngeiu)" of tho r . noils, which wo icKen no br thu ftem f Juilie 1 Little ,i Co. tju "l.e d.Sltli of ,. .1. Ikliy I..III.OO.I. .-Vr. Iiwretiee , , nnlcot ntM.litiooUt and n. a hhii mIvmi. ili-thi. Is nml CMiitlrtiims wen. piKb m.t r"oh t.i ou the sulti of ffrij biUIto i. ! iieti-r Mink his principles.,, o mud, til. I. Ill th- tltltlg lljIS t.!ort, tlln Vr f-.r iiii . . the i,k W r w wwi 9 f-rm o. pfouiotiug ouih'u It Is not foMttf ., trmli". And l Jit his jn-U'in.-tit oiieti(ir. vilth f, pr-tiiptlngs of hi heart n the nittor od that lit r,titd ,ae ta a vihat many nni.d not. Hint lh b of the patoi,a,- t hf and there a Southern but rr of rotto,. i. uho frttntteij r-liUml prejudice jo iro.,i .---.. SW" " " Tfaa mm trlah 1.. . i . . 1.,.,,- V... t "'... . ' t-JfW. th-? n-Kty r;-:i i,rs.,kb.o- r .... j..,. v-.f,.. f . . " '" , . " --.- mnr. ai "T l -"- utT Ch -tn. F f nt .t-MfrVrsa,, CltlCA'.O. Ag.. Tt oribsn M.rr'Jvr - ,J Clocao cmi nt iit l'UU c tng Ut - of Jboxbj; p'r r coirj Ih Lt:errr; jr-jcrr. tfvl a-iaeli. tbr r1I rt du to rfi-f rt o, ti- l-i- v.i!.iMf.Mii.... t.,.i. .M , . ., Wt 1 - "-', - ec ..... .i. t.Hiuaiijiiri .. , r. .. ar-A...... - '-- -.-.. s n irv the -rrfdirt t4 coorr-.:- lhit t,l2. itms court, wnicn miuurr mow-" --- " -- SW MHBWWH c w J - i. v. sr , . ? iT ' . -f.5 iV ft S fs-