4 1 4- . Eht Mill fhiid (Cliirf. A. c. iios?ii:k, Proprietor. Somi: good ili:ilii; attorney -hnuld he elected lo Mir- nfiiro of county it- torney. Thai fFi-- will i"juir talent :ml an :dih lawyer Wo h-trd have lien rii of fovcr.il mime mentioned but do not ffcl :u liberty to mention them vet. Chkkimnc new.? comes irorn all part? of the Mate that the crop- this eaon aie Hplondid. Thi make.- our "l.ig Injun" 1iodt)v, a- nearly every state in the Union i.- -uHering from drouth, while Xebriislca ha-s had plenty f rain to inriir good crop. 'Ti. .-aid the Winner p.i-eth th; hig hat. t tint"- it gracf- the pnie of ve .onir editor, alternately the jimioi enjeh's :, and at time-, the. devil is given to wearing it. I oor hit wo pity thee lor t,e aching void- thou ail oblitjt-d to cover. Tjik political r.iuldron h.w not even begun to e,et warm in Wek-.ter county. There i.- not a ..n! that waul' olfice. What a. hoiiible t:it- of :tih:ir-, this :s lo think tnal there are numerals odice.s to In Idled th;'t hnv- no seek ers. Can SMch Miing- bf-? Hanoit Van Wy k is now engaged in eanvas-iug thy state. The old man would be :ihw-d to receive the olhce of .Senator again, out w-nwv'it'y much afraid that hi- "'gooe iJ cooked" and that he will ! coiiin.lkd to Millie down among the y.miiion herd while some gofjd rtraigiif repnhi'nMii I'iMk 1ih Honatorial chaii. Another Cuiulblato. Mr. A. V. rjjiendoti, -uj.ennter.deut of liio j.-.i- he e.iiol- .1 KiciiiiMi', Xe braska, n iulilv cihic.-itt d .-.nd pliMa aul geiuleman, niadu Till, t'liu.r oUiee a very ple:aut e.dl on TiieMhiy. .Mr. Clarendon is a candidate for .-tale hi peiintcndep.t fd public in-jnictioii and is now engaged in eanvts-ing thlJtale lie is a geiitieniau in t;veiy way .piali fied to fui that imporlaul posiliim, and Tiik 'ini:r would be pleased to ?eo him nominated by the lepublican par t of Xebia.-ke. None but educated men whoiiave the work .;t heait, .should fill the otliee of .-tatc superin tendent. Must Htivo ii "Water System. I ted Cloud i.- the next niterpring citv which ha- come to the conclusion that a good water work's j-ytem is .-omething t' he deiiwd. Accotdingly a committee con-isting of 1". it. Gump and Charles UiiseliMv War aiipolnted to vi.-:it Lincoln ami other cities for the purpo.se of .-electing .i Vatem. The works atiieairie were yisiled and yesteid.iy the lied Cl'.ud couneiimen were shown :!ir,.ui;h the Lincoln works j by Water iinmi--ioner i. J., hyjimn, who explained in a satisfactory iniin nerjhe beanti.s and )osibshtie of the . system. The '. itoi were highly pleased with their visit and ex ire-eu their intention to "opy after tne Lin coln entcnrio. Ited Cloud will shoit ly begin the laying of mains through bye miles of street.-, the ame to co-t $-0,000 St a t e .1 on r n a I . To tho Electors of Nebraska. In a country governed by the peo ple for the iiooplo. the h:he-: perogi tiye ofliie ele.-tor is t!ie fiee and un trammelled choice of the public ser vants who administer the government "While the nal'oiial .-or.ate repicsent the sovereignity of the states each senator should be the tine representa tive of the the .-ivere:gn people of the commonwealth. Thi- was th" aim and object of the framers of our -talc constitution when taey made provis ion for the expression of the popular choice in the selection of a senator. Kor ten years this provision of our con stitution has been a dead letter. A' though .a law framed in conformity with the con-titimonal proviso was passed by the legislature years ago. ami officers ol election are required to make returns of the vole upon the electors' preference ior United States senator, no aspirant has, as yet, ven tured to ask the people for a direct e--Mpression of confidence or preference. Without presumption on my part that any lias a ve-tcd right to public olfice, however meritorious or faithful he may be, 1 desire to appeal to the people of Nebraska for a direct vote cxpre-sing their preference for United States sen ator. There are doubtless others in this state more worthv of your confi dence than 1 am, and it will afford me great pleasure to meet any of them for a public di-cussion of the living vital issues of the day. The office of United Stt tes senator is a position of great re sponsibility, and the people should know the views of every man who de sires to represent Nebraska in the up per house ot congress. 1 trust that it is not. inappropriate in this connection to refer brio-ily to my -services in behal! of the state during my term now di aw ing to n close. By 'that record let judgment he given." I have doubtless erred in .some instances, as all men do, but even my worst encmic cannot point to any act that would impeach my per-onal integrity or re flect discredit upon the -tale which has honored me. Wi ile I claim to have done, only my duty in tho light in which I wa ah'e to -oe it. and claim no credit for the faithful discharge oi the trust committed to me. I onlv de siro to exercise the right which 1 have in common with all citizen n chal lenge my c mpetitors for the senatori al position to a submission to a p ou lar verdict of their respective cteips to the senatorial succession. C. JL VasWyik. We can not see a such a course would decide the question: "Do tho republicans ant Van Wvck?' The Senator reminds us of the hoy who would just be so awfully good if his mother would jus.1 give him 'another piece of pic." The Senator also prom ises to be so awfully good should the rjcra of Nebraska, (he don't a-k the lepublicans lo help him out,) give him another term ns senator. We arc afraid the boy will go without pie. Am. sizes of ea.-tern hard ale at the OhHmo !.uinier Ion loll;in; per ton. V..ri1 .. ' i M4 Go to G. V, time's for frc-h lionw i made candie.-. cigar.", etc. Monrv so loan ut reasonable rates on I jjood pergonal or ''battel security. AKo ! farniJoani made at lowest rates oi i interest. (J- V. Catiikk, i -Wlf IIe(I Cloud We are receiving l'urnture daily don't forget it, and we are bound to sell it. F. V. Taylor MLSSIXi; LINKS, A movement i- on foot to erect a statue of Gen. Hubert Toombs at Atlanta, Ga. China has ofJ:: Lo .;.- ti bidutvior. MG1 of which refer Oh'- :' '' the eere mouiai of dining. At I'e.nob-co:. Alt., a pUir miounc iii" a ch;ir-5j tv-tiv.d h?.d tiih jHter;jt: '.No ihrtlng allotted.'" Ij.iji iiUf. the ii.j :iine noted ei"03 eloviii. j- liTturlng in 'l .t-. nm i & dd to i"Ceje hii :i w.-ek lor Inn oi.torical gmwurf and-lotn lumbJiii, Crate Htdd-.ir J. a irradaa'e ot the i(wa Uii;oio:i;. I:.ii adoU;d thu pro le ion of e'vil engineer and i employed b the i':. -ed htate- government snrv;y in Montana to makt: map. A revolver in a gia-- ease. fcurrouridod U pictine- of beat- and -urmoimted by the 'motto. V:i oi I'lay." nid-s a Nl-bra-ka pl.'ologi.ipiier In conducting hi? bu-iii- on the c::-!i lifan. I-x-Senator llradbiiry of Alaine. who Served .vit!i Wt 5 -ter. i- M' eais old. but hn a linn .-lep mid bear- lew mark. of great ae. Ilewn-a collegeinate of Hawthorne rtud Ionirfellow at How ilnin. .Judge Noah Uavi- w:u- :ked to write an opinion in iaor of a jwp'ied mar-riagc-lieen-e law. His an-v.er was: "I behove true public ilie require that marriage -houid be m.d "a; ami di vorce liel to impo-ible." llf-realter all t!ie t linp'-e iromg over I the -O'lili ni di; i-Miii of the Urand Trunk Kadnwul i i!! be pa. d in bond. and the eimdue'.or- will le held rc-inm- j jtl to Me that none nl the .iong"Oiirrs are nllt.v.i d to -top in t'au.ida. rston expert- iTil;"ie IIweH.s htst Msji'v. where lie g:ej, :t carefully clabor a: t -cu in a i!;ee -t.ition. but represent- the eaptam a- a-k.ng the young v.oiiKin who makes a ennij laint to him what her are, height and wiht are. 1 he co-t of .-uppiv ij,g ;.Mii-t- in t'y jtr: -nee the ilflt .-Ii occujJ.itioti aniiiitnl". Jo 4i.-r ."J.:;:iM'io. Hut the gov ernment t niiirr -t..e- ilia., large w the expenditure ha- In n. it i certain that it ha-- already b.-en recovercil by tlie i-!ainl many t'iuu - over in the value of the crop. -aved. . di-cu ion going on in l!o-tou a- to who ii tlie olde-t living member of the Ma-onie fraternity in New Knglaud ha !rought ior'.ii the name- of --veral who h:r.e b-l-ng l to the tutb-r lor more tlrm halt a eenterv, among them Pavid M Daniel-, ot Morn-town. Vt., who iosued in 11. when lweii!-oiie vears old. The u-ua! story of., ihe remarkable travel-of a pin is at hand. This time the scene i- laid ill Newton. Iowa, where thirteen A ear. ag( Mr-. ("rus tlagti Iropped a pin :n her car. 1 he pin in cour.-e ut tunc dropped into her throat ami wa--wallowed. I he other dav a doctor took it out.of her left leg near j the ankle. i i me oi ine mo-i mgeuiou-5 pruce es which ha- lately come into vogue in the treatment ot iron -an Au-trlan iir. en tion i.- that of "jiving to the metal a silver surface, thi- being elVccted b lirt covering the iron with inereury ami then -iher in tliegahanic proci. JJy heating Jo 100 degiee-. ('.. th" mer tury evaporate-and the -iher layer 3 iiod. Lord ltowton." a; the Londm )Vorul. "i very angry about the publi cation of Lord r.cacun-tields early !: ter. lie rg:;ids it as a direct and un warrantable infringement of hi right a- hi- late ehiei l::crar executor, and a- calculated to dimiui-h the interc.-t (.f the great work whleh ha- occupied h:s exclu-ive attention during the last two e.tr' Ilenner. the Alsatian, :s one ot llio few arti-t in Tail-who ?ell all their picture- for good pi ice.- in hard lim1 a well a- gtiotl. To a friend who admir high remarkid to him that he must be making 4 0.00 a u-:ir, "Very likely." he -.ild: ! keep no account ot it. Hut I migiil earn .-tili moie if I were not h diend and hindered. Thee bourgeois are atich eat tic." A hue California hawk swooped down on a -leeping cat at Santa Hoaa the oilier day ami hnrc it siii:dling and ; ratch'ng high in the air. When about ot! fax i.igh the hawk io-t its grip and the cat came down with fearful velocity, hut the hawk caught it again just before it -truck the earth and was carrying it oil when suddenly both fell like lead to the ground. The eat had bitten through the hawk-head, killing it instantly, ami the fall killed the cat. rXny .ManSndale of Kirtlaud. (.).. i a wetl-to-do, but apparently very la.y. net to -av hearth' iarmcr. He had ilOO thetm vhen w inter -et in ami plenty of Train and fohler: hut the other day an ai:cnt for the humane -oeieiy found -eveiitv-one of the -heep dead. forty bcinj; piled in the ha-ement of one barn and twentv-three in another, ami other-: ... i . . i mm t. i . i -eaticreu aooui me mace, i ney nau an i ttan'ed to death. Aiahama is m luck m her eflort to catch up to lVnn-!van:a as a producer , of iron. Her rrood fortune as to ore and , lime deno-its had ju-t beun to attract J attention when I cnn.- h ama s develop r. . 1 1 - nieni oi iiainiax-Lra- wen- araiis re- i unwell rtnv fnnil...- n,lvoTitroc "" lit- l!,.. Alabamian- then began tolmnt for ga?. and it i- now ivjort5il that a supply ha- been found near lirminrhani. and That nines are to be laid loathe mills without los of ii:nc 27icr. Ledger. 1-K1 nff- r HJmin-oR. n-k, July -;. i. ... v- ,. n OTliKlS HKKltV iit!:N TIUT THE Hie thirteen Mates of Arkana-, (.ah- . 4i,.i!irt',iHH.:!i-,ir:;rfc.i-c;-iiujoeoht-fornla. (.Ior:ii'.o. Connecticut. 1 Via- :'.t.:oh ; mak Si.a: prnut ;.-i sifMrt i bt 'i . j . x ..-i- x i v- I "lain, .iuf ;ha: -,tl iru ...; - i:a.? before ware, rlonda. ebr.-i-ka, Nevada. .New :h..im,. ei l- atir.v :h nm f ihv Hampshire. Orecon. Rhode lland. er- Di-;r!v: Court t Wri-fr t'.Huy t Ki-i 'Svwi. mont. ami et lrumia, wuii an ae:- jrretrate population which doe.- not ex- ; eerd that of Xew York alone, have twenty-six I. mted Mates senators to New York's two. From the live States twentv-six L nited Mates senators to ia ! of New lork, reunsylvania, Jlhnois, Al:iNMolMi4tis. mill tiliio the o-ovorn- luent derives onc-luili of all its" postal revenues. Srtntlvrnf Vnnl" n Afi;lV Tl'llJflTI ' who was cautured at the time of the Modoe war. and who is still a nrisoac of the United States, is attending. permit of tho government, tho OH Urovo Scminarv in Elaine. Ho no calls himself Frank Modoc and is stud; inrfor tho ministrv. He is inakir good progress in his studies, and is rarcntlv"a devout Christian. H proud of his descent from a long linj iitoaoc cxuciiams, anu coaaucia C 2- ? ' 1li H 'J- " -z '. 'J. J- " -y- . - V. - "t 2: "5". 7T- ! (A 4 J. . S 7. j. . 7. T 'Ji y. X - 7. 'J-. i ZJ '-- V. f T j o 7. r o x- - j V. 7. s.:e i ;.it r. ii . :. i: H i"n- .i -. t- fl xm i mm BANKING CO., A fxcncral banking busiues3 trans acted in all its branches. issmr ins j:: rm vam FARM I.ON'S A 5-TKCIALTV. Three or live year- straight - per cent, single rnortgase. No deity in securing monev. JUItSCTOKS : Silas tSrtt. Itpo. B. ileaand. K. . SwKfi. . 0. Vrfeer. W S. Umfcer. ftUMtlftirO.N'DRrtTS: Kouii;z Bre., Kir-t NntiOKNl :'.;utK, Fir-t National I'-aiik. New York. City Owalw. 2Qb Llncota. NL Final Proof Notice. l.r.:;tl (f:;o at I'.Ion. i:;c:.:. Nrt ,lly lr5. x'ortei: is !ii-:i!KK ;ik: ti; t thk i lr.-witiir a..n.- A -orter 1ki lileU ixle of 1.;-ntMUioa to ntdlf tiiul ltrtMt in uiHvr of l; ciai,, and .,,,,.. lA J)nf Wlll w lnjdv tre ::ie .iuife. er hi j,h-K, ;be ..at i:ci ,-id-t,. :.tf...t w .s;url.w. .uga-; -n i"1. : wmja3I i'l.nints. ? ' "W-ii'WsTn Nw. hJG, for ifcf -t iec hK,vMiunt s -u, iwwe his ntinuoi. rr- ..i. -. ..... . i. i. rcir uipjwi -iu;r.a;Rii oi -am iaihi. tiz. '-; ' -'. Ol(-r H. 19. JotilX Kt-bto- oa .Uuntiii l"u:tit.. uli.-J KiM u;tl. .-et. 'W. . V..MV1T2KI:. KrcMer. Final Proof Notice. Nt-Vr. f..t. MI 1 r'.: --i-:iivt ; !-., .VII IA 11 I.KVMKK. ?l i u a .'. "".jo i-ior'i.e -. r t ". : .T . I! 1? A Hi n " fii,.uin" v..tcc tiv i..- t a!i:.-cv.- ro l-ii' t-ix- i U " "T y ef -,, si . a 2 W.i , h.v. , v.-i -,...' eft.:, r- n.Ni .r-K .-. i ii.i-k. i.i-s - t bic mm u'i On all summer ufuods at the i .'I '. ! THE SOl'ARl-1 DHA1JNC GO W . THK ABOVK LDEN Mi'sniUDiiiil ! Whirl, we iiawai a UUMAT liuinir t,r DiSKASKS OF THK MVE ! - c giiarantec this instrument to mostpriectly correct all deficiencies of Hither Hve as mi each eye is tested anl lilted to its own oecuhar deficiency. IT IS TIN- ONLY INSTRTMLNT ! Iii tho Kf-publican yallcy thai can correct the Kolluwing Disea.serf, Artigniatisni both simple and compound. Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia, Etc. re especially invite those who have experi ence the greatest difficulty in procuring spec tacles to come and have their EYES TESTED EREE OE CHARGE !i Call and see this latest invention of science. WKiiiHT & WALiljAUHi, Tlr n4-; , c UCWCJCIO CtlXU. VyUilOllO Red Cloud. Nebraska. Notice of Probate of Will. ' Stat Ncbra.-k. M H-;r e'int . -. Tox!- Han: I,ce5i-I. U-rea.- Hiiirv Ujw.tl'-auH f -jt rosary ha fiWil in my rtl m tt.-iniuHit !M.nK)rtlits t Ihj Hh la.t ili him! r---af!i-:;l I I Atrxhim riant flceav!. late o saul .! t. Hint a pfii.KMi to lw ;he aiw j4jjn.ttl : yr-y ! Hhich will rrlnlei to bwtn rrai e-ai.- nl ;r-.tal ile. VMrreu-m 1 be p;nll Mnnilav tb. l.ah iU ot .-fpjMwWr l- i r o'efcv- ; ni. a: shv Ckv la ?tU cnir.Jy. a i Urns iacutWwz -aid will, nl Utrb uwe swl ptoc youaml all cicnrt may appt-ar aat , coe-: ine itv:a; of th snow. . vs. w. A. 3M-K n.ri.v.-. otbHTaafc. Mortgage Sale. iit-n-a-i ilt I TtJ.m ctwltrliaortzar1 ur-i .icfM-1 . i-r a I r-t orldJ in tbr ititov of the .-otot 4rk of tfcr )nty ot Web-tr ami tin -;ie t NtrffcjL J Ulttivjn Ral:i Hdromh ami 31ar V- HolnMuU; . nKinoi! to I'ArtJK OrtnterC ami Hwa th M ! I nvcritr lecnlra projeriy to ml: Oor toon- j .i-s f i;ou clnator and oo -jmSi of hornr - - - - - M " ,. .. . n:li r.i--, itiitM'by lum on thv unrv :.-. --!"."5 nalc ant m-fBrr harc,i i-- - ,-ki of sai1 pnnrtj. Mn-r fi.rr 1 H1 inwit to -Wl i-3Cinsr-TiOruuchiln-n-'f a-may 1 nrarj TTatti. Tlpjpnn. Fish. iciv ih --itn oi murwrn al thirtr nao- i. 1.. t ..k-. .1... .!... ,-a ,b a:i ci.x-iixr- and oj-: arcontincta ciK.n ' s.-ui inorrnze. at out o clocfc ?. ra- a ibe K di ot -iKenitvfr li In troa; oi El-o'.- Itwso ,ihc In laavaie.rhreanJ vUm 'ter aie- exs i. lH;rtvrtt t Mncereni. taavate .va:nt is i-j. ?. Ji A. K. Hou-omb. A. Ai.s.. Arvot fur3IyrtS325. Cnata!tf. II PUB! ' , ,K ,fcre--t;y i - "yJaStf i ! EAGL IYEMETER (TT UKIMIKSK.XTS Q '0 J KXI'K.XSK tm-urcd hv lh sinvt:u - i. - s io aii N VV Cilv Meat Market Rod Cloud, Neb- Schrocder 5c Meyer, Proprictors- ! Opposite tho Red Cloud National Bank 31ock, hm ::i Salt :!:::; 1 Oytstors, Sc Al-ray3 in season. Marke- T-k..- is. 073" is&j - .v.n Yotir patroaao is rcspocttuiiy . j golicitCCl OtiT aim iS tO pi CCC VIAl V WMt .DI01- For Low Rates "In THK First National Bank, No Drlnj-3 !n mnklns Loan 'SD CLOUD. NEU C L. COTTINC . Has tin fiiut Stork of drugs, tho bt-st ai?i laixv.-t -: k ' 15ooks, STATIONERY AND WALL PA1M k in llif rii v. If this statfiiu'Ut stvuis u ivtiitoU .f. and stti for younvlvtv. Alio Paints, Oils, ai M.uhinkOu.s .r vkrv Pricks. Nro iron bio lo show giKxlsor nnswr quCfrtiwus. Spwinl ' , gains in wall pajwT ami window 1iiu!is. COML IN. coml i RED CARRIAGE 1 the piji.e to y;ct bargains in PII i I () bltc;c;iis. ScsPRIN(; WACIONS, h.u ing purchaseil our .stock at reduced priees we an able to place rr the maiket all k'nds of ve hicles cheaper than the c her. pest. L-" I 1 J I C j Buck Boards at :Top bugges at - j oprillg W agOIlS I V" I i irnaeLOiis We are al prepairl PmIo all kiwis of jolt anil repair at bottom pries. ()h hutier paintei and ifpniml . reasonable rates. It will pay you toieu.-.a utii and gil our priV- before pun ha-intr elsewln-n CITAS, DUSOHOV, Pro!dfnt. Kobt. V.SIURBY, TroiiNtinir iNKBRASKA &z KANSAS. FARM LOAN CC C. . 'J L,SJ0JOO. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIKIXTOK.s D.M. Ilatl O.f.Ca.c. U. V.Shirr. Cham. Iliw-bow, It It 1 K. l' llift'jlaiid. (Jro. 1!. lf..;inMl. I), v. 1'lnu. ilm. J. Wj, MONEY LOANED n impro'.e 1 l.iruH ; i Ni1. '.'. i uj.l K i-j-. "'Juurv forn.hsl a . security j ;j.prved fiiU' ii.j net uitri-t juvni ; ui Hml (", OFKUT, i.V HI- ,Cl.ol I . NATION Ah li,YSK UI'ILDlXCJ iU li Mover. Srr 4rnt W V. Am fc wi kt lr IUUI. -b') . ( lnr Jr It. Slr. aa: ( Capital $50,000 Special Attention CIvcn to Collections vniycv'Kf j n m i-um u. m W. . Jar.-). K V. MfS K marry. Buy ml ! V.xu 3Ik co'leUmt ftivl d Garl WuikinBir.t- Inter; lh.wed time drciii THE OLD RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE. FRANK V TAYLOR, Prop. Carrits tlic? largest .-lock of k room. iarlor and kitcliea furniture and underlakyrV goods in the ruublicail valley. Oil paintings, picttirv frame f ctcn m great variety. Give him a call. Opposite First National Bank. Prices very low. ; N - CLOUD WORKS 3500 S65,00 75,00 10o.00 at Star k Si, P HIOHhA.N'D, Vloo-l'n J. A. TUI.LISYS Sow ulitrv m !