T - rf-i y- Ti5.xn " a",. t - J ! , &' - . 'x M r t S EBBBBBBBBBS5iSMi3BBMBKiB- 'p BBBBB93BBBBBBeBBKBBBBBBBBBBk1 B M jBBm Br -f'-? tW5 A"j- " r T?BJIBWBBBEBfc(fBBJBBjBJBBBPLfcHflB!' ah "jB , BBBBBBBBBBBBC'L'v-rf" fBBH tBBBmiiiiA BBH . ?. - . . . .gg?-;L ""'--' ''-.NbIbBBBBB r-&J , 1 Afffjw 4'riV3BflBJBBS?SB2MH rV'N "- rt.. 3j&- - -' -s-s-'in' '.i '"BfcnHP'-tP'rBtBlaW-' 3BBBF 3 Ei? lfKlBBBBBBBf yTK mi' - "J ' J'- k AikiBAIBr!iHIV9DIHHBHIIHBVEII3?Sin:f3ti ? "-5' -fc-B--. :'BP3BjHl1HBR'Vv t-yBK BB&iivv . 1 v Xr. s LHjHjBHKi I BBBBB7BJBBDBBBBBBBBBjlBBBF2BBtBCl. . ? . rs" c!BRiK"?BBBBBBBBBBBBBk. k -JirZawLD MBBBBBBk' .BSKk v 1 BBBBBBBB ft BBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBlElBKeBftBflBIPv9B9BSv- " 'ft IgrMtfWl tTWJBBBBBBBBBjBM IJHH-ifviv B???' W9"SIHHbBBbV A BBBBBBBBruBsUMZ!VBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBniHli JlBMMBBC3MBMjWJBBlBMBfcK-l P"f OtfV iriAJlii BBM BBMBliaHBBBBBBBlBBBBBBMBBBB? BBBBBB?BcT8tJ'yBBBWSBBPB? VOL XIV. he ed 0aud ?M A C I9ONXKR1 Proprietor. Kfd Obnd, Wt-hstfrcfiiint, N'ebnwka. Aweekly Journal devoted to tlie Intcrrsts f In uorlii In I'l'iicr il Timl Vi-litr rolllltv :iUd djacent terrfiorj iiarticiilarly. Tlie larKi".t and j 't 'iiujijKi(i iaer 111 tlie (jrcat Kcnubliean alley. I RATKS Ol' AIlVKKHHINO. One .squsre one week fl. and II fly cents KT sfii:in:for eaiii .subsequent insertion. A liberal discount to yearly advertisers. locul indices live cents per line for each In UTtlOII. Transb'iii wlvertlsiiix payable in advance. Kegtilar adierlWera to .seJtle niontliH. ikkms ok sur.sunioy. ()n ear. In advance ?1 i Six months, in aiitauce r' "I rial copy ,(5 months) in advance M TiiKC'iiiEKhasthe largest circulation of any' paper in the valley and is thereiore me kh-sih-si advortisins inediiiin in this section. Aderti Iiik rates aecomiuuied with allidavit, of .sworn circulation furnlsbtyl when teqiiested. OUK .IOI; KKI'Ain-MKNT. I h complete in every particular and IjpIiik run liy ! stkam insures won: none prumpuy. ikios uiu vkkv I.OWKST, and kmm! wrk Kunnmtecd or no pay. AVcKililiiplic:itelarKuorr.ers at Omaha prices, and Buanintee work and Mock to he as tood as can iw procured in the west, we are hounil to please all pal rolls of our Job depart ment. Clc usa trial Secret societies. Masonic. Charity mvft No. Kt. A. I". & A. M. meets Friday evening on or before the full moon ami two weeks thereafter. .1. K. Willeox, W. M , W. ('. 1'ickuiK, Secretary. Cjtciio !ominaiidcry. "' '. Knights 'iemp lar. stated conclaves, first and third Tliunday.s. .1. A.TiilleM, K.T. Ked Cloud chapter No. t'.i. It. A. M., stated cohvocjitions Wcilucsday on or before the full moon, and two weeks following, it. v.. Fulton. II. 1'; W.C. riAhw, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Ked Cloud I.ode No v,l, I. O. (). 1. els every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. lYaiisient brothers coidially invited. Jtoy Hutchi on. N. V.; Win. Parko. SecrcUirv. .'..III. Inl...lr..1. I ,.,!.... V.. M I fl I, iiii.i.Iu I mill jKi'vn.ui i i.-. . , . .. . ...v. . . I... t I r... -.1. I'.....l.i...- ..f ....! tiif.iifli iiu; avi uiiu uio jihii in iiiii ii t.tt.il hi'mmii at Odd Fellows Hall. Mr. S. Hutchison. N. C ; Mrs. Itertha Iluniiuel.Secretary. Webster Kncanipiin-id N. 'Si. I. . . I'., meets the Ilrst and thlnl Wednesdays of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. F. 1. Huiiimell. C. i"; W. l. JJoby, Scribe. K. of P Cnhtnthe lodge No.a. K. of , meets first and third Tuesday of each mouth, at Masonic Hail. F. Uradbrook, C. C; A. C. Hosmcr. K. It. s. S. of V. II. S. ICaley Camp No. i, S. V.. meets tirst ntidthirilSaturdav.sof each month at Masonic Hall. F. L. Hpanogle, C'i'plain; Ileiuy Ludlow, Orderly Sergeant. A. O. U W Uod CloinUxMlge No. m, A. O. IT. W.. meets Saturday on or betore full moon ami two weeks then-alter at Masonic Hall. K. F. Highland. Master Workman. 11. V. Hrcwcr. Keeorder. C A. R. Carficbl Tost No. H. (!. A. K meets Monday on or before the full moon, and two weeks thereafter, at Masonic Hall. A. N. I'atmor, 1". C; Hiram Hicks, Adjutant. W. R. C- The Woman's Kelief Corps meets Moiida.v on or before tne full moon and the second Momiav thereafter, at :: o'clock p in. Mr. 1 P. Knight, rresideiit; .Mi. K M. Fermaii. Sccre- tarv. - i KofL I'ailliftil Asseinlilv Xo. :X74. Iv. of I. m't i MMiiiul anil fourth 'ihurstlavs of eaeli nioiitli in j odd Fellows Hall. Churc h directory Congregatioal- rreacliiiiK everj'Sniulayat ll:(ia. m. ami S i. in. Sunday m'IuniI u M; uuiii; euiIcMii'ut in 7 p. in; pra.r iuietit'K WeilneMlav evenlnt. Ukv. .1. C.'Aikman Pastor. Methodist Eplscopa Preaching evjrfSuiidav at 11 a. m.. ami s p. in. SuuttayjaKVuI at 10 a. in.; youu peopled nieetlim-l pan. Ki:v. Cko. S. Davis, l.eter. Crace Episcopal- tfervle 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. second ai.d fourth Suml.ivs in each inuiith. I'ev. t L. Fl'i.miktii, Keetor. Presbyterian Sen ices li a. m. and s p. m. Suuday.oi'hool m o'clock a. m. every Sahhatu l'nter meeting 8 p. in. wrtiiivMlaveveiniiK. 11. X. ron. Pastor. Baptist. Kegular tir.-.ver nuftin-r ervlcc eveiv Sal hath at II a. in. when there i no preaehtu'; Sahhath mIukiI at k M every Sabbath. Business Cards. J w.TULLEYS, xM.D.. HOM(EOrATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Kxamiuing Surgeon. OKFict: Opposite Fire' uional B:ttk Ked Cloud. QK. L. H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office. Over city Pharmacy. Office calls onlv. KED CLOUD, - NEUKASKii Q E. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offick. Over fit v lhaniiiv Ottlce hours from ito 12 a. 111., 1 to 4. ana T to i ' p;m. liesitienee 3 ujocks west ol court House lEUClAit'D. XKltltASKA J NO. O. YEISER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. All business promptly attended to. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. tVT' - '"-"PP05-1'3 Post Office. J I 1). DENNEY, ' EiilCIAN SUlMpN, REDKOUD, - NfeASKA. Office Over Cook's drug sto e Calls romptly attended to day or night. F?ANK R GUMP ATTORNEY iT LAW, . BED CLOUD, NEB pFMCK Ortr in Abttract Office. RED 0 vr. K.i.i:y. J. L. Kai.kv Kalet Bros. a TTORXEYS AT LAW. KED CLOUD, NER. A'otits for the IJ. it M. H. K. '.amid RE. .Voorc. Prcs't . J I.. Mmer.Vue Irc .liiliu .Moore, uiunicr . . First National Ban RED CLOUD NEB ! sfiBitatl. - 75.000. 'I'ranfact a Reneral lmrKinR lnin5. Imy and X pell County warrant!". AIo County. I're inct and School DUtrict b omK Uuy and sell Foreign Exchange- UIKKCTOKS: It. E. Moore. -'"hn Aoore. vV. C. Mesher. K. C. Uutcalt W N Kichard-on. G KO. O. AND K. I). YEISEU, PKOPK1KTOKS OK TIIK Webster My Abstract Office. KED Cl-OUR NEB. Complete ami only set of abstract books in Webster county. Orazinj: ami tanning lamls ami city property for sale. Offick on Nortb Webster-Street VAN HORN'S City Tonsorial Parlors, Webster street. .VI Cloml. Have Ihvii l.itely renovatel ami put in tine re- lKiir. MiavtnsMiu nair eniuna sjH-eiaiiv, nn ........ .... ..i....K.t....... ititi. exeeilieu vv me iiutsi appnneu nuiixiiivu. ttathliij: department has nvently Ieen relitteil ami we cau now supplv all ileiaantls otthe pnl Hc, Hot oreohl baths to suit customer. 1'ri cci reasmi Me. Hot or cold water baths alwav eady. O. ('. OAsK. .i.. McNky. Case & McNeny, ATTORXKS AXI COi:XSKURS AT LAW 1 Will pmetlit: In all courts of ih tate I Collections ax well as litigated iiisines eareiui :uid enieiently attended to. Abstracts furnish d 011 appl!c:itlon. Offick. over i-irsi national i:.intr, i;eu Cloml Neb C. Shaffhit, Commission Jrewhant. Insurance and real estate bro ker, Red Cloud, Neb. Will cry sales in Webster and ad joining counties. lest reference given if required. Also all classes of Risks written in solid companies at lowest prices. Correspondence solicited. )R. C. E. JORDAN, DENTIST, RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA ,Xitro- Oxide for tlie paile exttfartioa uf leeim coturuiiiy e a-uitx. All work cuaranteed. Rooms over First National Bank. . CLOUD, WEBSTEK COUNTY. NEB. Great bargains in all Summer ci'oocls India Linen Lawnsone White Pique and Nainsoak. J Lot Oc worth 8c, 1 Lot 7c worth I (Jc, 10c worth loc, 1 Lot 1 :1c worth 120, 1 Lot 'JO worth 125c. Remnants of Slimmer Mail orders promptly attended to. UINUD nm 4T WIHTOK'S W'isl lino" to close (.lown Stove with g red 18 inch oven iT) )ievs 4 tine Ferel Hay and Manure Fork Strap 4 tin, Scvthe ane snath. Walnut extention table ptir foot. Ash " " A good upholsternod Loungu Cupboard safe Sinn 11 kitchen safes Woven wire springs Ash Bureau Large Glass All Walnut Bureau, one fourth marble Good bed Walnut bed Larue wood rockers These good DUCKER'S lot JOc worth loc: one embroidery, a nice lot very cheap. underwear very cheap to close them out. BARGAINS IX mv stuck to put lull in following verv I ou prices. 20 inch oven 25, former prices will for 30 F.CW FRIDAY. AUGUST at Duckers. lot 5 cents worth. 8 cents. J. J. DUCKER & CO., Red Cloud, Neb slock, 1 make thei rice$2M. $10 00. former price, lis no 00 rr 70 " '' .s."i 1 -If) " s: 1 ;"i0 SO " ' '.Hi SO " " iio 0 00 7 r,a r bu " " r, ro :5 ro 1 TiM i) -o - 4 r.d 14 00 4i :: 6 i:i 00 :; " 35 o r. .: :: .1 --1 00 ' :- 5 '2 f.Q i: " : 7 fid ! be held 20 i886- I Lot; y s hi M ui Smith Center Stage j Lilll' Olirril'.S tilt ljllit."(l Stittt m-iils: lw.tr,.,.ii Rf f ! Ollf lllll'l !' - v- --- -w i ' - i .t -it r a ' .'tll'l Olllilll VfllUT. I G T "D T ?. J. ! '-r v J AV X .- Ami aciommo-httioii' I r ivmrj , ; (.--elisor--. iarfrl!,ctr. Vl.'. ltilifU ! tvl-i-nt. -li).V lmlnU l PhiliD Barklev, Prop.,:i:;v,1T10',7v,,h,,1,'f,,f,r ,icurlu u ihr vtclil tliu imlifnU'd appti.-d to tlm BRICK! BRICK! We linw juM burned ;l killl I 1. for tit Nt.u.. U plac-l at alut 74 nf n I Wruk which w f 'k ' .vi -hk jumI .kh ii wiu Ol .NO. I l)IKK. 111(11 L r-..r i,,r ,,f ,-jir. In r.nrd to whi.r. ready ' :Iu n irt ol-rnn that tin-"ntjl jnIit ? r TTT fvnn my m on ttivitiiirnt m tl Hnu!n-rti fHtiitJ UillijlVlII l'i. r i-r .-.Tit, mil! in tho iinrtl..ii To pitrti- d-irtn4 tl - -ante NN ir cl! al i M .k. .k. -- .k. a. " m W b tm .h. k. 1 Wil' rceasoaoie r rices ; And aL -atid at r..Itir! ml.- iMr-1 t cs .le-irin to uM.tnict will do k.,11 ! t,. . ,M ...?. .....r.. ,.r..t.nfc ' n w 'tar.int o Miti-f nto ' W. H. Ludlow & Son. C. Schenck ! Cowlcs. Webr4T Co., Neb. Real Estate AND Collection Agent arms and u nhnprovtri lands for sale on tlie most reas onable terms. I!inr to-atcI tit-ar tin cmtT of WclrtT coun tv.and Iravlns JacUirlr lor lx--lns MiA l lins land or Unrn lot lort notSr. I can rnaXr 11 U tlr mtrrt ot ttur: wltilnr to tmr r -H land lu Vrbt-rctnnt. to call im r. ,limtax.makryHtkKi. wilimwitr alJrat n.oaatrlr trr. Alt U.atr eninKvl to nj care Till rcHe proI-t tl- tHa C SCHENCK. oUrr P"W Harness Shop I J. L. MfbLER DKALKpTiy . f!;R5 .Sli'' &ADDLE& torjr,'iUA.iA.E.is wHIPi. COxBS. BRUSHES iiAJiKrOIL and erarythujj; tunallv kep; ia & firs I cizs sfiop. f A wo doers north of lt Xat. Bank- NO 3 An ImlljcuAiit t.ritfllartmK. Clever Turn WhilTu tl! xo tltM an flote IWrt" the la nf mjmt ;ran It on the- AtlantM. Kti;!ih actor mti fovr anl far Ivtwivn in thU untrv. lti tliM ilav an Kni;Itslturtn In Amnn e v:if imii ir !( ol sv t-tfHitv n mam of them mv even tii In . pm jony whit'li vs hii MoL-jrt nl oni of Uiu ltti tJiivttr. tt, an Kn lvh actnr nniMtl iiu.-vh ll t an aotor of lint c4tl M-ltl. al )UMi a tra-ju ot! tin stnjjc a on Hk 'llv players challisl him in tiw ilr.tn; nms on arexmnt ( his t'tn an Kn j;lvshman. aiul ailMtilntit in n HjII cnlty he hal tn th u of th ajMnt. 'Ihis hail Wen loni m intih that tho Kii;hs!tnian wi' nrtMl to funou-nn II any one lanii u tnutatn hk etn'kn t inlcuse ut the iihth letter of our lilphn Ut. no inotnin hi -ann ilovrn M brisakfn.st at th- TptiMmt Jmhiu in a not erv de-.aiit fntine of ntitoi. Ht liml Ikmi I'linlSif! jirvtty hnnl lIo cvoti in; lnforo. ntnl in athlitton Hail not f1kj1 well 'llu waiter a ilnrky of thn lnrkist hue- I.imI the 11! uf furi lnfit hint am! nwniWxl his oolor. 'Ave von hiniy tnvsh hij thU lnornui?' ake ( oleiimu "Vij. .ah," aiisweuMl (ho 'larky; 'ovv'Jl vou 'nc I'm eMkt!. fahif lUiileil, eninillei!. friil. honitrM; haiiy v:v von like, mh." i. oliunan turnoi q-neVIy. nvu thn winter a .sharp Jok. fnovneil. ami thou as though his oar hail iliivoil him. Imllcattil Ills pn-frrwuew In th way f "hrjt." "Hany tiling oIm. nh?" nketl Ihu tvtiitur. "t avvn Jh'hI 'ash ! vry Jilc, mi!i. ills man nut'. Hit of iih. .h? 'Althul .stonk, suh. linnun 'n-hliiv, froh eiwi " to!i)niun Iae hul ttirmr! puqtle. !!' juniju-l t his feet. itii;ht thu waiter In tho ellar. ami hoiil hint al arjn'n length "What h vou uii4in. sirrah?" Iw roareil, "hv hitnitatiii'; 4 onUeuinn MVvch I ave a inlml to thiottlo uu you hiui'iertiui'nt M'ouii'lrel!" "lit "' er pttnlon. snli. hut lit run! ly can't elj tt sali. Ilt'tu an Kn;l!h man mw'lf. nh " "Vou he. oll mIIijui.' IhUoUimI tiih man. "You've ! jhvm! for llu'" Hf tills time oin ol tin- oLIkm UissU luitl iutiirui';il. .ntnl the ilatl.v oIe with four, wat rijil Ihhh tin actoi4 olutrhe I In htni vrniter vowhe-l for thu tact that the ilutkv n.i nn Knc!t)i matt, hoiu at I'li'tiev. ami i ih iimii. i hloreil to hU (jUiliItluti). M'Uii-ii lo o li hit hrtMklnt h.iiii. Inn vtth cliaiip of unitem l!:ttftU wjirui. Tin Toil of Vh"K rrir;cJi!oii. The ;i4mih'iih tiallv lo-s i Mire fur srhiutt vshieh hat- nivatrl ilunn llo gSvSSvs It! atfe tlttt wheat sietioti the 4.ittn al on?rtj are making calculatiotu to fettle thn me- i'icr.: wie j.ri'v.u,,,,-; j.rico tho eultur. of wheat ran ! iirutltithl - " - coiittnueil. Om of tlm tiiot niUnntui coiitliiueil. Oiii- of tlm iikh.1 ti-jiorts el Hlililn'il on lhi joiiit ha Wen m.ole ! the Miehi-;n Sorutitry f .sj,,',. iguVertuii': tlm t-ot of tr- ilueini; ami marketing th ujwtit, ont. , rorll ,.nm, f Jive, ,,, li,.ll yytnU Tin airajr' nld t art-1 girrn nl rt j-t :irrv iliimt an avrraps it jmt Itilnl ol ,'J 1 riMiU for aIh. 'Kl rjfil. lor oat, and "Jl I vnt fr intr rrii. I 'ill' Amtji"i trH? of itiMt on Jntiitnr. comities . t;r wiil ctnutic Amir c",,u "" in u., ..rw n Itrt on K .nnl.-ii nr,'ijil -IHi,w ! tl..- u-U H"-"r IroU .M-liij- IImii. Iii- 'Jolt. .1. .. I'mKiTmIMI tip Mill MUllll-T of i'liarHiTflM5illy tnI Ian kno-n to "H-mv fniIit In riuj:lib' ' tuat.tl at frum W if) to frl.l'ju. Thi plants of tin- north tuij-ratirmi cii-pri- .'-H -. j.jii. "'nMi-kHtol lloni of ihi an-iit Zin kHtuot TeftHT - l .fp f.i-n. iiinl fit plant 'fihickfjitp O'llll'M-l to lllr IiI'IhT Itnt'l" "4 UP nionnUiiiit of tl- north ttmrat 4w mat i"ill ltni'-a miii-nu. irt all S.''-i ."t'- o rml janli-mT r:iW ljin f It- t j. plant i-cuU at,ptI to a ...!. l.inip rlliiJiit-' vri'tit lti-'t Mjniiu'i. rii Mini .jjtV.rr itimafr tu; total ntiml'.'r of jtlnnu rpriJtl in tilt; lnth iwin nt VwJJ J ctc. Calinjc Hi l!ortnp. CoL SnmtJT l JInI', of Aiitin. Tn.. J while in X-tr t. on a ii-it, rl th j dcti.injit of i'Mirt,ant In a morn- in; jiatT. IJ wrnt o ilu? fmale for-tnj-tllfr to hirr hi, hortm. axt. j .-? i-ii nrfi-- joi a Mj-iy paTK ol .t i.:t. t.. .... .l a . .. . .t I --. wun -- -j-u-i... vu n ias J I V" W V , ' "'' JiJ f Jam atlI lc T Jiati Krnihtlf' in our mL nn lit. an.l fulur u an t " ercTTtliinr alt my futuri?r KtUl tfc ruIonJ. "Not nlv abrHit vofir faturn. lat about or tai a.vf uttttnL. "It K-oiuKf fill. i'w'inj.nhi uMhlc IUA , niomin;, nialaiJK-- "HoM, on ibrr i A 'foliar. f ioi ifca-. uhl'llm Umahs I wizariJ. kuMin wit Utt hanL "Well. ; that U tranp5. Vou know cTrrrthiar ar. zui yoa ilMn't kiwn-1 Urft all mt nir umtur? with the ckrk of tU,: Iwi-I UAam 1 Atarti out to have mr lortsnc toM. U i wooArrfah ineonitri-rn.iW.-r n-miri; a - J --. - - at iikj coon:l. a hv pa.-ca o. ictus iSiflutff. fccrcury Whltser k & yUtw at fi vl fl il S f tr , J i 1 ;ic?: mmk Pf REDCIfljOUD.XEB. $g& it $ - . 3.-"- Al - - s5:l . s-"sv ' 't 5J ? &?4 3t; t - Jf .(lt& .s . Jr-Jt.13-aW rAaAwM wBt- JCCft5 T . k 4 J?m '--i-i'-rf2jfel - -. .? i wS ,Vt j. . "ZSfTH f - t?crr " m&c rmr. -- -" -. tlkN ' . - - - i ri r 22. if eW ' T. Si&Dijs