The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1886, Image 7

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Before Hurciuwiiic elscwlwre. we si-
quarter for all kinds of k
At bottom price, .fust received a ta
of Imported IMlniaUun Inspect 51 1
(I"i.riH Green) L-mdcm furj--
Kellogg & i
I can loan money on improve !
too and you can pay up the deat
end of any year and cut off the ii i
Pay up the debt in
a great deal ea&ier wav than to
the wnolc amount coming due, al
chunk. Consult 3our own interef
In a
makej'our farm loans at the
terms toyouraelf and you will ft
best terms in mv office.
U. W. Babt
Bed Cloud Markets.
Winter Wheat i:.
Sjirtnu Wheat VfaXi.
Corn 22c
oat 15.
liarler 38c ft 3c.
Jtye aj.
Hojr .2T
I'atue 3 5H,
Vutchers' stock 'i 2oftx
8 Per Cent Farm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm Lon Co.
make you a loan on you fami
t might 8 per cent and furnish
money without any Uelav. Cal.
them in the Red Cloud National Fij
L. H. BiifiT is out .southwest of 0
linf Bust-icating for a few days.
Mrs. II. J. Blttkufielp, sister o
W. Brewer, is visiting in the city.
Bev. Geo. 0. Yliskk will preach
the Baptist Chruch Sunday mom
and evening.
Bev. Geo. 0. Yeiseu will preach
the Baptist Church Sunday August
morning nod evening. '
j'kei) roTTEi: urn me uigiit wince
in good shape during tuapeqr
ary illness of G. W. Cropp.T '
We hope our correspondent will
give us the news from Jflieir different
localities more frequoiilly hercalter.
Iil En. Ckevis-TjJK, recently of Be
publican City, flopped over in Bed
Cloud on Tuesjay while euroute for
John MuafcAY hn.- contracted for the
building gf a fine residence for Doc.
Boyntoa on lii.s ranch a few miles
nprtl;.t)I town.
.13. Lichtfoot Ikuj brought us a
sjralk of corn that fully equals the
ance stalk mentioned Iasf week, m
goes it one ear better.
W. .1. JCexxedv. 01 Cambridce. N. Y..
a xicphcwofMrs. (ieo. B. Holland, is
visiting in the city and experts to make
this place his future home.
M. 3. Ballard has rented his house
to Ueorge Young, of the Chicago Store
and next week will start for his ranch
in Frontier county, about 10 miles
from McCook.
Thkki: will be a basket picnic at
Wall's grove on Penney Creek, next
Sunday, Angiibt 15, beginning a 10
o'clock a. in. Everybody invited to
come and bring their baskets well
There will be a lawn social for the
benefit of the Ladies' B. H. M. Society
next Tuesday evening, August 17, at
the residence of Mr. Perkins. Coffee
sandwiches, cake and ice cream will
be served.
II. A. W.vrsox has the contract for
the excavations of the Sherer-Lindsey
clock. Mr. Watson has recently pur
chased four new wheel scrapers and
the dirt is now dying lively towards
Third Avenue,
Prop. W. ('. JVkixg is now con
ducting the teachers' institute at Min
den. The gentleman understands the
institute business thoroughly, and will
make it interesting to the teachers of
Kearney county.
W. II. Lrni.ow & Sox, the veteran
brick makers have the contract to fur
nish brick for the three new blocks
now in proce of construction. We
are glad to see home enterprise pat
ronized and encouraged.
The unsightly draw on Third Ave
nue between Cedar and Webster
streets, is being bridged and filled up
to a gride. The dirt is obtained trom
the e-xcavntions for tne foundations of
the new Sherer-Lindsey block.
C. B. Kyser. of the firm of Gregg &
Ky-ir, grain buyers near the depot,
was ii: the city looking after his busi
ness interests, which have been in
charge of Joe Melker for some time
part. Mr. K. found even-thing "0. K."
There will be an entertainment at
Mr. Brakefield's residence on Friday
evening, August 13, for the benefit of
the temperance cause. Ice cream and
refreshments. Vocal and instrument
al music, and also music by the band.
M. L. Thomas, the old time editor t f
Tiie Chief, but now editor of the Hol
drege Republican', dropped into our
wigwaui on Monday and swapped a
lew lies with the religious editor. M.
L. is a rustler from way back, and un
derstands more vigorous Nebraska
Latin than alllhe tenderfoot brigade
A muxtixg party consisting of Dick
Foiria, John and George Garber, A. M.
Aultz, and J. XeebiU, are making gi
gantic preparations for a two months
bant among the wilds of the northwest.
They expect to start in a few days.
BoSdoes, grizzlies, and oilier rmall
gasaeiavsaat God forsaken coon try
"" sv aw
Oct ew irlcc!t oa pa
mm -
T. 13. HA0
Kev.J.Cx.Aikman was m Orleans.
this week.
Boot. FunsT contemplates a visit to
Illinois soon. j
Sevekal new nouses are going up in
the south ward.
The recent copious rains, as ire an
abundant sunflower crop. Harry Poxn has been on the sick-
Mr. andMrs. A. L. Mitchel have : list but is recovering
returned from their eastern trip. The sprinkler sprinkleth again and
Another new meat market in town is apparently ju-t as ood a ner
Misfortunes never do come singly. A. L. Fcxce nas mde s -me nece5
MixebBros. are building a ware , sarv improvement to his residence.
house on Third Avenue, size 20x50. Wanted A good ehepnerd do- for
1 wr. 11 r .1 . - f"
"Shack" Proctor, the versatile
median, from Iowa, is m the city.
The water works project is becom -
ing more and more popular with each
succeeding day. .
Harry Poxd is preparing a family
mansion for himself and family on
Webster street.
Hacker, the Krocer. now has a front
door in both ends cf his building, which
is sun uu ruuera.
The new sidewalk over the draw on
Cedar street has been raised to grade,
railings put on, ana hxed up in good,
People just now would like to know
just where they are going to move.
Business rooms are at a premium and
very scarce.
"What are democratic principles"
ask? the Galveston Xews. Tliere may
be such things in Texa-. but there is
nothing of the kind perceptible in this
part of the country.
Brad, our Fourth Avenue pho
tographer has done the initial act to-
wards the building of a residence on
his lots on Walnut Street.
The weeds along tlic utreets chould
he cut down. Property owners should J Persons wanting straw bf-rr plant
have enough pnd2 to do this without ' will please send in their orders bv tiie
having their attention directed to it.
J. H. Kellogg fc Co's. new building
on Fourth Avenue has been at a stand
still for several diys by reason of the
non reception of stone for the fout.da
tion. D. M. I'latt has returned from his
sojourn in the "Badger" State. Mrs.
Piatt still tarries there with friends but
expects to return to Bed Cloud next
Mr. J. B. Bailey, an old time Ne-
braskan now residing in Arapahoe,
visited i.e Oa(- ZZWf on Wednesday,
thc guest of hiiVTOther-in-law, Ceo.
The weeds along South Webster
street sidewalk should be cut down. In
many places they are higher than
people's heads. We hope the street
commissioner will see to it and have
them cut down.
E. F. Heltmax and P. Latham, of
the Superior Journal, were in the city
Monday evening, enroute for a visit to
Hastings. The gentlemen expressed
themselves as highly pleased with the
outlook for the Gate city.
You can catch a flea where he is,
providing 3-011 get there just in the
nick of time, but usually when you get:
where said flea is, he isn't theie
(No copyright reserved.)
We respectfully call the attention of
our numerous readers to thc new ad
vertisement of Schroeder & Meyer,
butchers, who have recently located in
this city. The are now located in the
old market formerly owned bv the
Garbers opposite Bed Cloud National I It may be of interest to the pejple to
Bank. Calland see them. ' know that C. Wiener starts for Chicago
The city limits are to be extended 1 next Monday, to purchase his fall stock
in width to one mile. This will take and wc are satisfied lie will keep hi
in the Magenta bagnio, and we hope repttt aion of having the largest stock
that the city authorities will now be
able to eradicate the evil. H there is
any one nuisarce above another iu a
city it is a house of prostitution, and
the inmates should be compelled to
quit their life of shame or leave tiie
Lightxixo must be hard up for
something to strike when it strikes a
printing office. Nevertheless the Cora.
Kans., print shop get a heroic dose of
it on Sunday night, melting about two
dollars worth of type, and snaking
things up in regular earthquake style.
The office devil was sleeping on a
bench in the sanctum, and waking not
at tiie racket, slept serenely on mi
j . ll
llrrn in Orleatic Nell . AmiKt Q
-'' --" --"--- -,-. .-... .. ,
1SS0, Mrs. Carrie M. Nelhgan, aged 35
years. She was born at Malta, Morgan
county, Ohio; lived several j ears in Il
linois, and had been a resident of Ne
braska about two years. She became
a widow about ten years ago, and
leaves an only son, Harry, with several
sisters and other relatives. She united
with the Baptist Church at the age of
1G vears, and was a faithful Christian
to the end. Funeral aervices were
held at Orleans by Rev. J. G. Aikman.
pstor of the Congregational Church of
Bed Cloud, whose church she a'tended
the pastyeai.
Much credit is due to our friend
Bev. Geo. O. Yeiser, for the present ex
tension of the Bed Cloud National
Bank block north. Mr. Yeiser ha
been working persistently for several
months for this end aud The Chief is
very much elated over the final suc
cessful consumalion of his eiforis.vTbe
Bed Cloud boom would in all probabil
ity have lain dormant had it not been
for his untiring effort in that direc
tion. The five new store rooms of Mr.
Moon's, together with the five new
brick store rooms in the middle block
will ghe Red Cloud a good send ofi,
and one that will be worthy of her en
prprifing buMoaei mo.
Tar-a. - s I
iiaMf.fl3re (iMMM,
gf&Fzt fPTSezirfsr s
EX IS lrr- 'C.'m.-m fcr w -
Wjj, r :-ift :-w. a .s
i I
Warm peanuts a Frank DickersonV
Fresh fruits at Frank Dickerson's.
Call and -ee him.
These infernal hot days are a bouan-
7. a for the ice men.
JJaruy Poxd i building a new hoise
1 on his north end lot
sheep herding. .7. S. Rotiikotk.
' Next week The Chief will he in nn.v
' quarters right opposite our old thiee
j story brick print shop,
j (;a"u ftnc! see thc gislu,Her in hih
j prices at the cjuj baigain house of E.
L. Willis Jt Zo. this week.
G. W. Jow has section for all the
Isading machines. Shop on Fourth
! Avenue near bank building. 2w8
Jim Potter had one of his hordes
stolen the other dav. Tiie sheriff and !
Jim went in search of it Thursday
B. A Hawlky state organizer 101 the
Prohibitions lecfired on TJir
evening on the prohib tory plan of j
E. W. Miller proprietor of tiie city
livery stable expects sojii tn com-
nience the erection of a hrirk hirn of
colo-sal proportions.
Axdy Berg has some very rare and
ancient coins that he procured from
hi o'd home across the sea. Some of
them are over 200 years old.
Great bargains in dic-s butt in
1 ladies' hats, millinery good?, flower.
j etc., at the opening sale at E. L Willis
j t Co's. Opening sale this week.
25m of Aug'ist. The ilrst of Septem
ber i? a good time for fall setting.
B. V. axd J. B. Shirey have erected
water works on their respective
reiidcnre properties. It N one of
the actual necessities of life these warm
Chas. ExgsTRom, living 10 miles
south of Bed Cloud, furnished u? sonic
fine specimens of early haivest apples
They arc large, smooth, juicy and de-
ilED. August mil, Jennie 31 Harris,
infant daughter of .Mr and Mrs. Henry
Harris aged 9 months. Funerai at one
o'clock Thursday, Bev. G. 0 Yeiser
The people of Crooked Creek will
hold a Sunday school picnic at the
grove oast of A C Gurney's on Satur
day, August 21. All aie coid'ally in
vited to come and bring their dinners
Our subscribers n re numerous and
constantly increasing. e aim tn
publish one of the best local papersin j
Nebraska, and every new subscriber to I
our list is an evidence of appreciation. I
Dk. (J. E.McKei:p.y has purchased'
the old Garber meat market and pro- !
posesto build an elegant brick business
house on thc site in the near future. '
the plans of which have not as yet been
Bloomixgtox and Franklin papers
are now haying a dickens of a tune
tussling over the proposed removal of
the county seat. "Lay on Mel mil' and
tJ d be he who first" throws up
the sponge
m his line in western Nebraska
The Bed Cloud rollei mills made a
run of 144 hours during the six working
says of last week, and during that
period manufactured SOO barrels of
flour. Evidently the
company is
properous beyond there most sanguine j has'decided to locate in Bed'doud and
expectations. engage in the work of his profession.
W E understand Messrs C. L. Cotting . Mr McDonald enme. wn L 1
,. T air. an tonaiu comes well recommend-
and J. L. Miller will commence prepa- ed as an architect of abilitv I ls rep
rations at once for the erection of two I utation for artistic, accurate, and re
more fine ; brick business houses, ad- rIaWe work at hi, former home was
joining -uidjevs building on the north flM.clll5?f and he h fc(M)1 .
., , ,vu Wu uues uoom il ooonis ;
to beat thunder,
W. H. Hall a very pleasant gentle
n 11 flasx ( 1 jnl.i -k .. . . . .
man m vaw. ion as 111 towr ,
" euuesuay looKing nr a tuismess io-1
He expresses himself as ue
i lighted with Bed Cloud and its envi
rons and intends to teturn agtin in a
few aays tor further investigation.
Some of the impecunious kids in the
north west nart of town are liil?. tn
.... . '"room on
come to gnet m the near future unless f ,
their water melon raids are speedily
discontinued. A few days incarcera-1
tion in the bastile on a bread and water
diet might have the salutary effect.
D. G. Walker, living at Victoria, B I
C. telegraoed one day this week to J
A. Crawford to send him without delay
one pump cylinder. We always knew
that it was only a question of time when '.
Her Majestey's doniminion would be j
compelled to get their necessities of
life from Bed Cloud.
Among the special premiums to be
given as extra inducements at the
coming fair the editor of The Chief
offers the following :
For the prettiest baby under 12
months old exhibited on tiie afternoon
of the 3rd day of the fair. Every child,,
presented for premium must be pre-
sen ted for premium must be dressed
in plain white suit, without elaborate j
tnmmmgs. as the premium is ofTered Tuesday evcuius reviewing tfce -ub-for
the baby and nu the dress. Pre- ject m a catiSc Uad poiat
anuai, 5 yearly subscriptions to The
OUR job facilities are unsurpised by
any one, and don't you forget it.
The Chif.f office is XeHr.isk.-i head
quarters for all kinds of job work.
B. W. tlw, from Illiuoi-, an old
neighbor of W. P. Kenady, i- visiting
in tiie city.
Jeff Ward ha resigned his postal
clerk position and is now a common
democratic citizen again.
The Fredonia washer meets with
ready saica and gives universal satis
faction. On exhibition, and for sale at
J W. Warren's.
Bon Cochrane has the contract for
the wood work in the new brick build
ings in the Moon isddition to the Bed
Cloud National bank block.
OcRbo.sjnb printer ha- returned
from hi- eastern rampage and we are
now prepared to fill all orders for job
work promptly, arti-tically and at live
j and let live price-.
Mrs. Miliar, wife of L. W. .Miller,
an old resident of this place, died at
Peru.. Neb, on tiie TUi of August. The
people of tiii- place will remember her
as a prominent worker in the Congre
gational Church.
What fe the matter with Chapman
Walteis. of Blue Hill, that he doe- not
call a meeting of the Republican Cen
tral committee hi- certainly time
that that body me; to transact busi
ness for the party.
The Chief lm returned. During the
absence of th proprietor the paper
has ben carefully and ably edited bv
. 1.. "wum.iu i. v r:iarft. Whom
we left in charge of the wigwam. To
their untiring efforts should be dulv
1 credited tin excellence of the paper
for the la-t four weeks.
Oft: editor in chief returned this
weel: after :; pleasant -ojouru of a
months duration among the "Miclii
ganders" and "Suckers" but as it is no
easy thing to change from an epicur
ean diet ard luxurious ease, to hogs,
hominy and hard labor, our readers
need not expec much from him this
A nour a dozen cr more of our busi
ness men hardly know where to go in
the morning : find their place of
business as hey are liable to be jacked
up and wheeled off in the twinklm of
an eye. to make 100111 for the more
lasting an 1 substantial brick. How
ever, no one is kicking, all are rej.iiced
to see the good boom go on.
A five year old son of I M. Abel,
of the depot police, was quite sovcrelv
injured Tuesday evening l.v bein run
over by a spring wagon driven by C. B.
Mallory. The little fellow, who with a
a numbet of companions was plaving
in the road, was not seen bv Mr
Mallory until after one wheel had
over him.
We C!l,i :UterUl(m f "ur readers
t( the f,ew i,(Ivyrti'ent of E. L Willis
tfc Co- who nnv located in Bed Cloud.
!l" l'c ?luul occupie.l recently hy
S3. . J.udlow, 1 he gentlemen have
opened up a large stock of general
merchandise ami are prepared to give
the people bargains. They come
highly recc mmended and Tin: Chief
wishes them success.
The present will pndmbh be the last
issue of The Chief that will be i-ued
in our elegant thr ee story building. In
order to make room for the rapid
march of improvements it becomes
necessary for The Ch h:f with scores of
others to "move on." Nevertheless bv
next week we hope to be again locat
ed in even more commodious quarters,
and will still continue at the same old
price. $1 50 per year
JEO. E McDOMLP. the nrelitfrtof
ntev ., resident nf Vt. 5i, 1.-.. ...-
Uie same repuiatiou in Nebraska. Mr
McDonald drew tiie plans and specifi-
cations for the Sherer-Lindsey buildinr
xvhich were entirely satisfactory to all
atisfactory to all
We extend to Mc
parties concerned
the cordial right hai.d of fellowship.
S ons of Veterans.
All member? of the Sons of Veterans,
are reqqestcd to meet at the Camp
Saturlay evening it 7:30
sharp, as there is business of injport-
ance to be attended to.
Frank Spvxocle. Captain.
Strayed or Stolen.
On the night of August 0 from the
bottom near the B. &. M. stock yards
one bay mare heavy mane and foretop
contra -".ed oujleft torward foot, shod in, little white in left hind foot, also
rope mark on same foot. A literal re
ward wsll be paid for the return of the
the same. James Potter.
For the finest washer in the land
call on J. W. Warren and ask to see
j the Fredonia washer. Agents, here is
your chance, if vou wish to make
money iu a legitimate way.
C E- Wood, Gen '1 Agent.
Elder iioopcs will deliver two tem-
peranee lectures in the tent one on
j witk iliastratioaa aa special ckxrt
Opinions that are Oolnions.
Ex Governor Silas Garber has rc-
turned from hi occidental trip look
ing hale and hearty. Mr. Garbcr
will remain in SanKrausico and vicln- year far your kind favor. Wc ap-itj-
a few weeks longer viiting friend? prcciatc them, we a,urc vo, and
The Governor was eridentlv j glad to
get home again as a Miiall loy would
be with a new spinning top A Ciller
rejorter brieSy interviewed his excel
lency with the following resah. The
G. A. B. deuioust ration wa a grand
affair well worth ones time and trouble
to witness. Any XebrasLan dbsati--fied
with home ought to take a trip to
California. In that state the rich are
very rich, the poor very por. there is
110 middle class. Every one complains
of hard times on the Pacific coast.
Stopping at a way station I aiked a
bystander if he knew a certain old
time friend of mine mentioning his
name. He replied that lie did. gae
me .some information relative to the
gentleman inquired after, and then
asked me for the loan of "two bits'
which I promptly gave him and a?
promptly boarded the train and gut
out of town. The Governor admires
the scenerv all along the scenic U. A:
K. G. from Denver to Ogden especial
ly in those places where the locomo
tive headlight frequently shines into
the rear door of the palace car. Was
a trifle timid 'ar. times but consoled
himself with the thought that others
had gone that way before him. How
did you enjoy the trip from Pouter
to Ogden ? Well to be honest about
it I would not have missed that trip
over the P. A: 11. G. for K(M) and at
mv time of life would
not take tiie trip again for that amount
I get slightly nen oil-over s much
awful grandeur and .sublimit v.
you ever want to enjoy a sensational
trip the D. & B. G can accommodate
vou. Vucblo is a verv wealthy citv,
milling is the principal industrial in
terest in that section of country, lots
of rocks and little if an rain.
Peuver is virtually the metropolis of
the inter-west. How do vou like the
Humboldt valley
Passing through
the Humboldt valley onesees iiiauycu
riousaud interesting things. The Hut
Springs, are i-ihle front the car win
dow, but the beauty of the view is
disenchanted by a too suggestiveness
of the infernal regions below. I nev
er "wished for a new lease of life so
much as since my return home, but
now wish 1 might Ii . another hun
dred 3'ears to enjoy the the God given
breezes of Xebraska. The Republican
valley for I'OO miles east ami west
from Bed Cloud i the Gjirden spot of
the world.
A Murderors Law.
In 1S72 the legislature of Kansas
passed a bill which pnnided that an
person convicted of murder in the first
degree .should be rent to the peniten
tiary, there to remain until the gover
nor of the state signed the warrant
and fixed the date of his execution
Thus the respoiisiblity has been shift
ed from the jury or court, to which
it properly belonged to th Governor.
The responsibility lias been too great
for the Governor since that time, con
sequently the penitentiary i- crowded
with murderers, and unlc5- there is 3
change of some kind made in the law
Kansas some day will be in aquandery
to know whether to build more peni
tentiaries or have a hanging bee. The
law is .said to have been a bit of strat
egy on the part of thc opponents, of
capital punishment, and expectations
seem to hae been met, Long -.
land Leader.
Meotiruj In Interest of Municipal
A meeting of persons interested in
securing the,right of sufferage for wom
en in Nebraska was held on the Assem
bly grounds at Crete S:30 a. m. July 0'
The call was kindly given from the pa
vilion platform by the president of the
Assembly the evening previous, and
was responded to by a niber ol wo
man from all parts nf the state, includ
ing a majority of the executive officers
of the State W. S. A. It was there
iore, a representative gathering. The
ditcus-ions which en-med proved that
all were unanimous in wishing to make
an active campugu this coming seas
on with hom to ?etare a legisature
that will grant municipal suffrage. It
was voted to hold a ma convention at
Madison, Neb. in the moutl of AuguL
Committees- were elected to represent
the suffrage sentiment before the
several pohtcal convention. Various
officers of the W. C. T. I, present
stated that their body would beartily
second the efforts to be made for mu
nicipal suffrage.
In accordance with the instruction o
the above meeting a diih convention
is called o meet a; Mamon, Madison
I Co.. Neb-, August IS and iy. The com
mittee on constitution appoin ed at
last state meeting are requested to re
po t. Officers will be elected. Visitors
to the convention axay expect local en
tertainment and reduced railroad rate
in return. An interesting programme
will be prepared. Mrs, O, C. Dxnemore
of Omaha wfl give an adcre&s on
j Voman Relations to the charities ot
the State. Mrs. Kixabeth Lile 3axo
of La., ami ot the not cioqaeot ta-
tort itt leaned suta mH fc
To Oar Patrooa and Frlaoda.
We inccrclv thank our ctttocr
- j and friend who have o gencroaslr
' patronized u in thi and the past
1 - -
shall always trive to make tour deal
ings with us both pleasant and profit
able We hope to hear from all oi
old customers during the cajoa, and
from a many new ones, as wc cai
make it an object through our wlici
tors and otherwise, to kindly favor u.
us with their ordrr. We give our at-
teution wholly to nurcrr businc.-'
Thereby customers niay roly upon re
ceiving the benefit of our experience
We confidently ask the attention of
our jatrotis to our growing stock and
and trust when -ov-dhle they will look,
through it and see what wc hac Our
nursary ground i- one half mile north
of Bed Cloud. Great care 1 taken
not t send out anything that i net
true to ujuic. We do not substitute
and warrant all trees to srow. We
J want the patronage of careful men.
who will tale care of fruit trees aud
plant when bought. We desire the
patronage of all fruit loviug paople. of
men who know the value of genuine
good. That we are in actual and
permanent business can be learned by
refering to Bed Cloud National Bank
or any business house 111 Bed Cloud
Lfl'EMAN dc IIaoa.v,
We have been treated to numei ous
shower of late, with with wind and
electrical accompaniment- On Sun
dry night nearlv evcrv entertainment
after y or 10 o'clock, took place 111 tho
cyclone parlors, on account of the
general aspect of the non-starry
heavens. Tiie silvery moon, according
to the almanac maker?, was registered
to sink into rest 'neaih the amethcyst
sea at 1 30 a m , but for the space ol
an hour or more previous to that time
a dark threatening cloud of elongated
shape seemingly but a few hundred
feet above the hotuon, and apparently
the missing link 'twixt heaven and
earth hovered in the southwest, cre
ated an anxious pit-a-pat iu thc
bosoms of millions of an t'ous olsor
ers. The scene was of the most awe
inspiring character ever witnessed by
mortal man, giving each and every
one of tho motley throng (in a figura
tive eeiiscj a much nearer view of the
thrcahqld of eternity than ever they
saw before. However, the wort re
suite were an extremely ftitr breeze, a
much needed rain shower, and a few
hours loss of hfcep.
A Pleasant Occasion.
-Lvt Wednesday August 4, was the
twenty-fifth" aiHlivcrsar' of the mar
riage of Mr. andMrs G."fl. ltu., aNo
the weekly meeting of thc W. C. T. U.
which has had its headquarter nt their
hospitable home for several months
past- There was a good attendance.
and after adjournment they wcro re
quested to tarry, when M-n. G. with
her accustomed fowl tahlo anil large
h carted ucs passed some elegant ro
frcMimeuts, tonsiiting of cake, ico
cream and California fruit. A a
token 'f the'r cstcm and their appre
ciation of iier noble work in thc cauc
of temperance, a number of the lad J en
united in prascntmg Mm. G. with a
silver and glass fruit ctan J, one mem
ber a ilyer fruit knife and another a
a pm cushion made of blue natin and
real Jnpanfc embroidery. Hd it
been cooncr and more generally
known it va- their silver wedding the
gifts would have lecn more numerous.
Mr Gates. ho is an honorary member
of the Union, did the pait of "mine
ho-t" most heroically, leing placed in
the trying circumstance cf having to
be agreeable to 17 or more ladle, be
sides his bride of a quarter of a century
It is tnc .-incere wish of the many
tnends of Mr. and Mr. Gate that
"Their golden wedding they may cc,
and nreent there may wc all lc."
Since the above wa written we under
stand three other members of the
Union have presented Mrs. ( with an
elegant dinner caster. Friend.
Tho Nebraska Prasw Association
axFkaxsIvo. Aug. 10. Thc Ne-bra-ki
pre aociation, numbering
ixt KT-mf arrived to-day
and have made their headquarter? at
the Palare hotel, occupying thirty
room-. They have planned a week
of excursion iu and about the citv
including a ea voyage to Monterey
Gen. Howard, U. S. A., will alao ex
tend some courte-ic..
Mrs. Frank Iierce h imprcrred in
A number of Ab Creek people were
up la-st Sunday, and Bro. Ilomsnel
pressed Bro. D. Richardaon into ser
rice. Bro. Kichardaon waa licenced
mimter at the last qnarUrly aseeting
held in the district.
Three or four roanj; folk from Rir
erun attended church lat Saadar.
We xish all would keep taair aaato
during church services at aiach a
possible. Ben.
& to Ed. Wiener a
stand if you vaat the fn ihwt
tobacco, can die, the Ulaat
pers ami periodieait, etc. Ha fcfcsaa tW
beat in the city. Dcat fafgat k.
aE. Wood ii air
lor. An aocawM
vmivwMiPi wj mrm
A Brltarto Project.
The Kan Midland railreadVa'tia
projected from Wichita northwn t
connect with thc Barlinujn am! JKS
nouri River at Red Clond, U well finder
way o far as proposition axe c
ceroid The proposition will be TOt
cd upon ovrr thc entire line th
month, and contract hare been let to
begin work if they carry. Booda
amounting to I50.UC0 will be rotU np
on in Wichita next Monday Whrthar
the road will be extended south of
Wichita rcniiin. to be een. out lh
impresja 11 that xi i!I endearo? U
ct(& the ternlorv into T.. or twr-
hapsscck connecticn with the Port
Smith, Little Bock and Memphis read.
How woukl it hok written ihu!y.
"Hen. J as. titlham. M. C ivcoml
Pi'trict of Ncbrakr Cuter.
N'e think it ouUl look ciL but
would amend by nntirg it "lion. Jm.
S,lilham. .V. C" etc Wc dc not
know that he has any aspiration in
that direction, but we arc Jure the
Ncond District oonkl make a oro
.election, and e Inhere he wotild do
credit to himself and ably and satisfac
torily represent the district Mr.
Oilham not a yen powerful man
measured bv the SuUiwtnic standard.
but he ha- the moral oouragn, anU !f
respect that make such a dc elope
ment unnccctHUnry.--Cbirir UtmUL
H Bl'vpu.t trw!!ed lutoTiiR Ct'tisF
ofllce .ouuiolhing less than a ear ago.
while the force wrc engaged at tbcdr
regular dturual wntetmekm lunch.
Mr B saeti a few seetl.
plained them this pnng, and a a rt
Milt will have four or five wagon kds
of ih burst melons 111 thesu.c. pe
nr id which o hive examined.
'I hut is n gtHl Wrty to dtstrttiule
seeds bolter e think than throush
the Mgrirultnral burtxiu at Wahlug
luii If sum e of our reader will bring
a cbuiee melon to tin ollicc, w wll
aye the sels and distribute lb4 m
free of charge among the horny handed
tiller? of thy soil. CbtW tfcrvUt
Two outg shopuiiiius tif cooper
tiraham n amed Pott mid llazlett,
paMl pafely through the whirlpool
rapids at Niagara Monday in a bar re
ton feet long Tuey were a half an
hour making the trip. 'Hie fcpccUtoro
were numbered by lhouand. If tho
Nebraska fooP killer would take a pro
fesson.l trip to tba locality be could
imiiiortah.e hiuiKulf. HvidcnUy tho
the fo iLkiiliug gentry of New York
aud Canada have Peon vary dlroleel
111 their dulv of late.
Llvo Stock Salo.
For sale at public a'lrliou at CowIch
August U. M.ty. live head of cattle
counting of cow, yearlingM, two year
olds aud calve horse, farming im
filcntents, and various other article too
numcrou- to muntiou. Terius of Salo
One year's time at lo per cent, inter
est on approved note, five per cent.
off fox ca-ih. All suiiu under i5, cah.
Mua. A. Kiw.
C. L Wimim.v, Auctioncrr " " -
1 have for sale a line thorouh-brcd
flhorl horn bull, two ear trld. bred in
Illinois. A very fine animal, with a
good pedigree, and a fine -breeder ar
his calve on mr plac willtdiow. For
urther particulars raU on or address
U W French. Cjw lei'. Nob. &)'!
L II Bust say hu can n more
nursery stock for the dollar than any
raveling agent Forot tree, orna
mental, standard Uck and small fruitf
Send i your order and got prices be
fore you buy of agent. jw
L ILBcrTN tfio m email fruit
grower of Wobbler county. J w2
b feeding uteor for alc by Moore &
(iardner, 1J miles ouih of Cor!i.
These teer were fed corn Crcry Uy
la-l winter and llm prmg, nd are in
fine condition. A2w4
(Jo U J. W. Warren", when in want
of hardware and fceond hand good
He keep everything and yoti can al
ways find bargain therr If you have
anything to nell. ee him Ion't for
get the place, opposite Chicago Lum
ler Yard
Brick for sale at the Clncago Ltim
ler Yard.
Brick for a!e at the Chicago Iaia.
ber Yard.
Wvvxia alcmen for iruit tr?e
rnamental, etc. Unequalletl facili
Uci. Stark Sundry, Loubana, Mo.
?ulkey hay rake at cewt.
4-4t ;. W.pow.
A two eat half platform imgsry for
ale cheap. -J3 4t (h W, iJow.
Money t loan on chattel and n-x
estate ar Fred II. Vrcnitey', It td Oltyid
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