The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1886, Image 5

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    M-" " ... J.S
i - A . -ajfcf
... i
.-W? aft.
,, ,-., .. .--.-a ,.
One 1'ttle Tettipcr.isiee lioy,
T tin work wu- true.
, I'lt-uL'til -mother little Imjv
Then there were two.
Two little Temperance .toys.
From liiul hitttit- free.
Got another t.y to join
And then there were throe.
Three little Temperance boy3,
.ver 1 runic or -wore.
Tiiiiffhtn hov he nmvt not Binoko-
Theii there were lour.
Four little Te:nirttnce l.ov-i.
To our work alive.
IMMtl unotiier lien- be pood
Tiien there were ttve.
Five littie Temperance, liny,
Kv e . v-ry tina-Jii.
Boon aiutr uiimlier ix
On the road to rijjht.
Fix little Temperance hoys,
l.ookinjr up to Hem-en.
Cheered u plityunte on the way
, Then lliere -ere -even.
h'even little Temperance boy-.
-All rum tin, iiutc.
Told h lellou i! the v.rnn;
Tiien lliere vv.-re eilit.
1'icht lxtleT'inp"ranee bov-.
Touch not. ia-ie not. .vine.
A-kei a ciiooi mate not to drink
Then tner-with nine.
Nine litth TemtM-ratice bov-s.
I-ejirneil tin- truth, m.d then
j"M it to another hoy,
o there were ten.
Ten Utile Temperance hoys,
Vtni;,.i! iinnil u hniid
T'i'Jriv -iron: dr nk .uray
Kro:n our laud.
JV-k you all to h"lp tle-n.
Work with nil i;r miiit,
Hifv-r ta- wr Suiter.
l.od l w t!i id. r -HL
ItitM r.uttun, in ftzlU'oli.
It fli-torr AI:t ll- l.'.j.flic.n liy a Wise
oiin; Ml;li-.
rr several mimit's 1 had been rc:I
Inrln t)itr little -oci ty pajror an a--;oiinl
of the wedding of two j'oun
7.-ople whom I both knew and ad
mired. 1 could no: but feel a friend 1
Inter. t in this -pretty w-ddinr, for 1
had -ecu ll.em jtov from childhood to
youth and had oivn thought what -t
truly ideal pair -they wcre.
1 11 compliance with the! fooli-h
custom, a loii 1 i-,t of handsome wt-d-tliiiir
pp'-ent, tn:td an important f(;at
ure ii the weMdiu"; r porL Jhmy were
Heirant and ornamental, uliile not a
feu were ti-eful :t- welL One item in
the li-t. hour. -:ruck me a- b -in";
neither l.ely nor ";ood; that wii-. a
"wine -et. and leeliii'T vim- ihtit thi,
Aouil'T couple Were too hili tiriueipled
to allow v.i in jrla to iirure on-ypictiou-ly
on their -iiie-board or lim
ing table. I de.teruiiiK'd to trace the
lii.-tory of ilie-i' .tiiinir- and -ee ju,t
"what did liappeu. Will you listen to
the :ir; ?
Well, on a brijrht. .weet inorniii";
when tlie-e y iuiiiir peoiIe had returned
from tln-ir weddiit"; trip, there wa.
jrreat -tirand merriment in the pretty
71 cw cottage home as the fiirmtiire wa
ut to riirht-. dainty bric-a-brac tasti
lulh arranired and the bare little
room-. ;railuMll m:id To a,-unie an
si ir ot coutliirt and lovcliii--s.
Out in the dining-room tin little .mi
tre wa-, puii-hm up the pretty -iier
mid ""la -w ate., and riiii"; l.t tic
iiriek- ff dIi.'ht er the -hiniii";
iM-auties. Jtnldeiily she came .to the
wine -et. and the 'lea-t Jittle bit tf a
f rw 11 rulllod her happy brow. See
here, love." -hc ealh-d to her Iic";c
lord, who v, a, pi-rehed on a -tep-lad-der
in the .adioiniii"; room, "we don't
jieed wine rla -, in mr home, for we
ate not roiiir to he-rin un" life in any
Ktich wa. What -h.ll we lo with
Tim- qtie-lMMied. her advi-er bouuil
t:il oil" the tep-!adil -r and appeared in
the doorway with -everal yard- of
picture w ire trai.inir about hi- fealurc..
luit .till with all eye to busin.---;.
"Trade "em oil" for -onielliiii"; el-e."
lie -aid. " l'o'.K- are at way. e.pv-ted
to c!i:nir- wediliuij- prc-ent- when
they ile:tN. .Don: you reiueiiiber
when l'i married and loiirteen pickle
ca-tot- jrraeed her boartl. how -!:
lt:mtr-l t'teiu for -poon- and aml
thinsT? WtJL my dear. th"-e -came
lrotn Ilariniau's no iioubl..aud I'll ju-t
ip on my coat and ice if 1 can't c-
-chanir-thcm for a t-et of tinrer-b.v. Is."
jmd belmld! in a twiukliuir he was
back with the fiiirer bowI and tin
Jittle lady of the lomse never saw th"
dainty thm";-on her table, all tilled with
.("parklni"; water andairlow with pink or
-Jairv irreeii w here ! lie. -unliht touched
them, that .lie didn'n ri'.ioice at the
.change. i
Hut what -of the wine set1 To fol- J
low it, wc must av ood-bve to the
liappy and wi-e ynine; couple and only
"be .tue. that Jik" tue j;ood people in
the fairy tale, ""they lived happily ever
before the iminicr w:i over the xe-
jet-ted wi'me "rlaes were adorning an- j
dber side-board in another part of the j
j :ty- ami wet not infrequently m u-e (
on the table or in the pretty parlor.. I
don't think ihev felt crv -jiroud of
Ihcirmi-Moii tn lite. In fact. 1 in pret
iv sure that anv one of the duren would
llave chan-red with the-shinv tin
nipper in tue kiichcii; 101. Mruv .i
it may pecjn. .tliey knew what cviit. fol
lowed in their trail, and .Iiircred
throu:h all their little rl:'.ss -vjiatoipjes
when the parkiin: drops w ere in Uietu.
Oneaii-rln -sojiictlimir unusual Aa
tieocd. Ihere Jiait Peen a litlie com- '
I '.
jiany in the tveiitnr. some mu-ic and .
... ..... .....I .1..... !... ...... ...r .rC. .- '
u;ih:ii. ;ui huh uu- ."""- """-" i
lier owai .hands, filled the wine plass.-s
und ia-ed them I:iurliinrly to lier 1
quests. The serr-uits in their little ,
ojinMi-mriuvi mv 1 nn..- ...... u-.. . . 1
........... -..-,-...: .i... t. ...!. ..,..1 !-.. i.,.t .
the ho-le-s. with ciierry eve.-, declared t
that onlylhe blue blood of an autocrat
ust How near to tie jnirple hloo.! f j
:rate: and so
with prettv 1
nods :UeJ smiles, presented each :
plas. L'hid that the variety of the
vine calLed forth praise ironi even her
:uv-J smil
Laui!.cine votui-r husband, who. to
luaKe -rood tiLs words, drained many j
jziasse. nncn tue guests Had lett. .
and the tuaitl were hurriedly gather- ,
inr uj. china and smiu.' Mnvr. the
in-tip chma and oruuz Miver. the j ,,. .,.,: ;wo of mv sons wlic
had of tne .still Jm-er.-d m-ar J lVtot:l,t.r :irc Hvil on t,.tt
thes,delK)ard. sipjunj: the xvine. till h,s'Wheu , wa ;l rfr.llsk.ira 1 .,
wiie, cojuintr iu ior a moment, wa
.horrilied i tue unuattinil H";ht in hi.
eyesanol,:-. trembling minds tilling
and reiilmij: the jrlasses. ,
.,onhC Sc1 with Tn
afraid you'lfgive yourself a headache:"
but it wa not uutil every drop in the
decanter hatl vanished that, with tin-
xvertain step. ho. left Uie dining room. ,
las wife, all tearful, following.
Our little wine-glasses spent a dis-
tnal night, and "were not surpried ,
whta, in the morning. Frank appealed
. . ...
vith heavy eye?, and answered h"w
-if" in-eetiti'TS sullenly, iu a manner 5
..-... :i-. . i.:., -.-
Evl.X Cttt-iW L- rll'-rJZVT-"'
tbe v."it:e :o c- side-boara. stid now
. I"- -.---- -
Iticr ir.t4 ;ac.i jrlatliiess in hi- o;iugi
vjfe"? eyt "tv-hen he l.-iudea the rare
old wine. Often he came home. how-
Jfli; plainly by hh bearinj xhzi other
giasse- than tlic- :n In -.
homo had loucncd Ins iip,.
Ami now Dm muI wife l zan herself
w rotuse to t.tst th lovrh poison .-o
Mireh- (Jian-xin-: ier Induced Fr.iuk, 1
aim making hint now wildlv
gav. now
low-spirited and du.I
Vw . ; m" "- x tupht cam., when guests
.i.i . a-eml:ed in thj.- luxtinon- little
juriorh Antl jvIk-h, in the eonrvy of
It; "'-, -( ' I- Vecn that h-w:l--omewhat extetivelr en- the entire numb r. Whih; -houtinsr re
onnKtn"; Heavily with a-onic frscn Is at i i- . ,,- " , i f,.rm 5t i. .-r.hfim.- t?i.. ,nili w,(i, .
lii club) ealhMffor the wine. Kmli. hi !,?mI hi n,,,l,,n- :iU' wndlinj:. and " ,l ; " Ml, mU W'Ul ""
wife, replied i low tone: -.No. Frank, j w pn-samabh a participant in the f jf Pen.lvania j9
Jcl tii have no tune to-niht. I have ' of ar-on. which wa.- committed .i..i.,t,. ,, t ,.,.Q. s;..f.. iu
uuiuou-. eihee, inist- and ice; truly in order to nide the evidence of :r- -ame uncca-i:i" movement of fie "utl
thc wine is not needed." ' er-. Tiidoubu-dly the I'nid-ut will ' inline witieh ha- revolutionized more
"J.JUle i:oo-c, he replied, l:uihh2 ' r.eenh" n-irret hi- .sel-c'ion of a pcr-on tjt:in ln( the Kel.-ml place- in this
loudly: who cvr heard of a fellow's , who-e conduct tints brinj:- rejir-iach ou ,' St::e ha- b.'en ;oiur on all over the
.'ejdinr ht- friend-awa with no wine," j She Administration.. For no partisan j eountrv. Had itlnren op u!v avowed,
whereup,ii h,. hiin.-elf ordered it. ! i- -o blind a- to doubt mat the l're-i- tia,j u Democratic Admiut-tration
Tner xyere no witty -peeche.- on the ; dent wutud :r.:itly prefer, if h could. franklv jirociaimetr that a Democratic
little wif- tongue tnat uiht, and all ' to avoid the appointm-tit of men miccc-- meant a Detnot-ratic jubilee,
tin; merriment w:u; rone from her face. whoe -hamele di-honty may di-- uithall the offices, the country wou'.d
She dared not count the jrla--c- Frank ! :race the ajijtointin-r power. Nodoubt , have known j-ist how to c-timate it
drank. thou";h all th while he jrrew ! he and hh friend- will iay the blame t Uut when ;:iidr the prof-.-ion of r-
uioie nun more ray in cii retorts, more
vour own life; hv will vou drink
like thi-?"'
5 bu-in--hat'.,
but inine?"'
rea-on 1
have a frsendlv jrla-s when I want it?
1 can -top when 1 idea-t
"Then I wish you
liad 5tOipiul six
months ajro.
"ituth. be sjlent. you annoy inc."
Annoy you," -In re'died. Martini:
v.-earily up the -ta:r-. "Annoy you!
And you. you are breaking my heart.
'j'here cr-em- a demon in your -on!. At
time- I hardly know you. I look in:
our future and -ee only misery for u
both if you ke.p t'lis up. Vou are ki!l
inr your belter nature; you are making
a brute of your-elf."
Frank, who had stair,rTel uj to the
stair-lainiinir. felt all tin
aii";er il a drunken man. "A hrul ,
am I? A brute! And it'- mv lin
younir I:il wile who says thi-. m
i.rule!" h-screamed, his eye-";leai:iini:
wildly, and takini; a miiek st'-p for
ward he pii-hcd her angrily ax:im-t
the stau-railiii";. she pranir
backward, mi ed her footinr. and fil
down the Ion"; 1 1 1 r Ii t of -tair-. -trikini:
the lower laudiuir iieaviiy. where he
lay motionless, and white.
Frank looked down at her ami
laughed like a maniac. S-e ivhat a
brute -can do!" he -houted. Cant
you call me pet names apraiii?"
l'.ut by tliat time, the servant-, hear
in: the noi-e. had nishc I to the spot,
and, sei.inr jnor Uuth lyiii; whiti and
cold, -creamed: "Dead! ."die's dead!"'
The sharp cry seemed to pierce
Frank's clouded brain, and to leave
that dreadful word stamped there.
")(i:id! Dead! Dead!" he moaned, ill
a half dazed way. rubbini: hi- hot head,
and then, sooner tl.r.n can le told,
was kneeliii"; at hi, w ife'sde, "I.rinj:
wa!cr!r" he called. "Oh. she rtiu't be
dead. Help me, help me.! Call a -physician.
O, Uuth. my darlini:, ojien
your eyes. Look at me for one mo
ment, (lod. what htm I done?"
lie sobbed like a child, rubbed her
white hands and dashed cold water m
her pallid face, while the svmpathetic
-.rvants. ry in: -ilentlv. did what lliev
could to rcKtore ler to co:isciou-ics.
I.eJore the doctor arrived .she had
opened her eve.s in
a dazeil wax. tut
without -eeiniti": to know anv om
All that tiirht there wa. alarm atnl
coiifilsioii in the hou-e. The jrrave old
phy.-ician promiunced it ?i:nply a se
vere nervfFiis .-hock, not .atd t pnve
fatal, but from vvhi-h it would t:ikft
tune to rallv. ami was e;lad to ilis-ovet
that no more serious injuries ha.d re
--- -- -- " I
sulted I mm her tttrrible tall.
Irank did not leave Iht bedside
Throii";u all her Tavin", before con-si'i.iu-nes-
returned, h wa- her devoted
and patient nurse. :hou:h his heart
ached with remor-e as he heard !ht re
peat"i!lv :oiii": over the story of his
shame anil her ou 11 sorrow.
On the iifst niornini: that tin- invalid
eouhl b" carried lovvn-st.itr-. there
wa a queer -s(Tt of ceremony ironc
throtiirh with In the dinin;r room.
Frank with manly "tear- confessed his
-in- before hi- little wjie-confe or.
to'd her that he meant ,-. so loni:
! as he lived, to. touch another drop ot
i.nii.r .! ii. L...11 ii mi in hum.. i.ii
when t.-ar- and Ki-es had been lavish-
... .
Iv expcmled. .twelve little winc-Hassc.
and two pretty decanter- were brought i
lorth and .sin:ehetl into atoms amid !
crymjr ami lau"hiit"A :uid n funeral )
speech from Frank j
And lat that uirrht if rmfd l"en !
... .. - 1 an old dump- up, way out ou
the common, you iniirht have heard
tho-e atoms of "This? ufnrr:itu!at:nir
them-elves on the -change, foi. as one
Irttlc rae;";cd-edj:ed piece remarked:
JM rather be out here as-ociatini:
with old cans and -.tew-pans. doiti"T no
mi-chief, than to be pretty and clean.
-tttmir in state cm llie and
hrcakini: heart- wreekini: live- and
dealiti"; out ioiin 1.0 tuen ' And all
tire happv little snri-heil bit- -aid
Amen." and that ended the wine .et.
-aUaiidi IHttrnfwtt'i. :: I'tiiiu Signal.
The Dinerence
Here i what he -aid:
"When T "rr.s
1 drunkard 1 could never "ret my ham
uwre tlrin half full. The first vear
- .. . W
aner 1 -i-neu me vieu-e 1 .uiwi iay
barn: the .second year 1 tilled my barn
.... .. . V .T!l .
.ami had two -lac.;-: mis virar 1 unci;
n J.l..n ,.u j jiaVt. ,our l;U.j;S- When
var :l ,ininkanl I owned onlv one
,OOT , t.n,x :UK 1 tJtmk .-he must
. . .
i)U .. .,. a-iiameii 01 me
for -he vva
ic t io face.
now I own five jr.-od
CH,-s. and I own three a- exxid hor-e
:l t.ver K,ked thmu-h a col'ar. Whcr
1 ,, .
a drunkar-i I trudged from place
. p::K.t. ou ft,0. . llow. j oail in r.
r!irri:l.-0 f ,nv own. Whe'i 1 was" a
dnuiLard I was three hendred dollars
211 dei:
lebt: since I sie-:u.. he total absti-
.,,ne . ,,.,1. I KXy,v oaid the debt
h.V4. ..uj-y,,;,.! two hundred acres u
.-j.n!,,,! .and I have the deed in mv
.. , ,. .,vo of .....! wiJO :ir';.
tt to
.wear: I have eea-ed to be profane.
! 'Pi. I..... .....,.- ri ..- tnr
111,. A.l.l .... .,, ... . . A ...... ..... .. - ... .
,,lK.lor mlI ,r:w th;rlv dobars: .-im- I
, f , ,- fcaVt. no. Wn
" " CMeatI "at fr '
Cl!le lo:iCC " T r r
Chicago j sivr- ato eiphcrinr out
tlie cu.t of Vixpportinr their :'..!kW
lbjuur-saioons. The eitvieen.-e isS,.0
eat h. or Sl.T.iO O.K): Gvernni -nt tt.
.?io each, or 5-7..xK: rout. alGOO each,
$.UH..(J m: :inpt.rt of five j-crsou.
,.:.rh at 400. s7.(0 .r.: -.nndries. at
. each. .7tM.(Vw; trt cor of liquor.
Ml.fiT.r.oO-. makin- an annual total of
K - . ... ,. ,. .. . - . . T.. .7. . i
i; I.IKIOUU...1UIV .t.
Duink is at th bo:tnt of aimo
every crime comnirtt
Mr. Huron J5jtco. :.:
d . at Jubl
a c'itirjc iv a t
UWI..IU ami entertiiini!;. Jien her . n-. wiio-c recommemiation wa- ac- pni-au -poll-, it add- the -ham-' of chief purpose of th." attonal ( onfer- iTp,;",". J " ' w v v i i t! 7i t. 4
pie-isu;nuelt, poor iCtith, sick at heart, cepteii :ia root that the caiiUnlate w;w fal-. preten.e-to the wt ?nc of -:enend ence of Charitie.- and Correction to ' .. , hitT u Ldici
ooked at her hnbarid and thou-ht worthy, l'.ut Uh- r..-pon,.bihty really p.ditieai pilSairc In vifw of thi-. ex- make thorou-h and complete. In' aC..-.., v, Mr Mnmh.. Su3-r.a.4 US? . VU ta
liow unlike the Iraiik of old lie -eeuied. I lie-nearer fie U hite iloi-e. hibit what htii Ik .iid bv tho-e who Ohio-ami Ohio claim-no pre-eminence ' etixi in that cm 1'kvu be n uo lunger p-'xlVrdc' "tis'ili th ::. luvtnr. rt-
U"h:it the matter with you?' he ! How can the I're.-.dent b blamed who have stipport"! th- I're-tdeiit a in this matter the law pro ide- for ' - 'tr - -r f"9- -, 4 jiiirilc lt:ta, sTrfrta4r taaea
U-ked. friliHv. I for till -If'tHltl of inatlV b:ul lllCIl. It t . fri.-iul ..( (iv5l.i.rvw. ref irr' t.. ........... r.......t l.t- I!,., ..r-.,.,.. niit . " , j r ., T.,.. m r iLni
"Oh, Frank! Frank! you are niiniii- t wi 1 be a-ked. when there i- no dotiot What can th-mu-uump-plead? Thi, in each count v of a K,anl of M-:tor-. 1 ,T,IrX-lwVw.LS, ef kUTTi VSOrTASLS TAMILT WLU Ul
Knifv!nrr Trll mimI linnet ORtrlR'.t by
tliTiimititl Mini i'itlln: Their l'iacr
vilh TJt. by Political
j A reform Administration will regret
i . , ;;,.; V r' '
r to hear that it- reform Iniasfr la a
Kan-a- town ha been convicted of
-everal lorurio. and the trial di-elo-ed
niou t'-mocraiic politician-, oi ian-
I that he wanted t tind r-od mn and
wa hone-tl mi-ld b the retre-ma
I ttoit- ot
I The oil
mr.vortnt ioiilKai a.--o'iut --r
tion de-en ei a senou- an-
! and tho-. who-e .ittachm-'Ut f.r
retortn is not : mere -ham unl a-k
them-clvc-, before acjuittui"; tliel're-.t-dent
of all blame, whet.ier he ha-
ally done all that he could to eeure
faithful and honest olliciai-. It i.- un-
tloiibtIIv true that he
wanted to
-eeiire Mich otticials. but he a!s want- ' "1 ' , .. ,- ,
e,lto pica,. his partv fri-nd-. What -"w l'ht l'l 1 "tmaster-(.
whs his duty? Ili-foiim! in oilitMi c r- -r.iw" the line ukjii appointm-n:-..
tain Kepubo an oilicials. who had been IIr. l'ricc. R-publicati ni'-mvr of tin
tried for years i.i the public -eivice. , Hou-e from the Kihth n-irict. wa.i
i lie record- irave rea-on to b".v that
were nt taahftil. it may be
In such eases. m one jUcstifn-
t tuat it wa- hi- duty to choos 11 -w
men. nut tie wm aom:i mat -.icn ca-es
were vert f w in num1'".-. Jn :t few
otiier ca
iiei: some
, the test of experience had
reason to distrust the of-
tid lit v or hi- hon.'-tv In -ueh
ca-es. aI-. it may l" adni.tted tint
the lr -dent -houhl have rlm-en o'her
iipu. Um he will mill itatiulv ad
mit that in the "jreat majority of in-t.nee-.
th" le-t of experience had
ejiv.-ti him the b -t reason t' believe
that tin oihVers whom he found in
place were bone-t and faithful, and
by year- of training xmrr better ipiali
lied than any iiew men were lik-h t
be. Wh Te men ousted?
Tin I'r, sibiit knew thai it would
lr impo ible to aoid many
! mistakes in selection. if a
;real number of ulncial- were to be
speedily appointed. Jna limited 1111m-
her ol in-t.ince- he could cau-e
, tnoroti";h inx-e-.ti-ration to be made, and
m could sati-fy him-elf bey olid reason
able doubt of the t:im-s of candidates.
l'.tit it xv as impossible t mis to inesti
rate many tliiusaml cases in a single
vear. 1 he I re"ilent al-o knew that he
' couid not reh upon tl-e reeoniuienda-
turns of hi- -political irieud.. Active
jKditici.Mi- in dill'ere.nt Mates, he had
di-coercd by sad rvpcriciiee at t!ie
tlir.-shhold of his term, would not h-sj-lat"
to jiay tin ir private debt-, or serve intere-ts. by recoium Mid
iii": tin wort by scamjis. If thou.-and- of
new men were to be ha-tilv ainioiiit"d. it
wouiu oe 10 iu:ini:
ke most ot
tne-e selections on no hitter eviitenee
1 than the recommendations of
1 polrticians.
The Presdent dec:ded to make many
, :ho:isand chaii"; . nev crthel "ss. lie
decided to lint out of otiiec maiiv thou-
.santi jier-oiis oj w nom he couiii know
nothiii: b"ou.l the reeommeudatiou-
ot lo -ai poiiiieiaiis. tie made mauv
! appidntiuent and pernntl -d his ( ahi-
1 . . : . . :. . .
1 net fdlieer- to li:ike inniiv ttiriri ::ni
I the w.rk of removal and appointment
"one on to thi- dav with Mich ra-
oiditv as to make it imiuKsililc that
there ha b 'en even tin
vsji":ite, in mo-t e.n-e-
- . . . .
itt-mpt to in
This co;ir-i
the Pr.-s. lent Las adopt-d. thouiru he
knew full well that it would involve
tin apioititmeiit of : "Treat many ,
worthle-- s'atup-. He had hi- choice, )
betwe.n retaiiuni: tried ami worthy
men of known lidelity. and appointing
new men undr such circumstances
that mauv error- in l"ction were 11:1- J
a, oniaoie. lie cnosi'io nis iiar.v.
j odisivi::irJ hi plain duly. A". P.
rf 1
j I rttt)i-
' linn file tlemoiTNev !!: s," Out llillf !
1 .1... . .!... I.. .1... J .....01. !
I Kll' l..l-,,V,. f. ..' . ..Ill III II t . t . ..
j A s,iiiitli. ul lliitirlxm Ke-forni ! Ion.
! ri... ;., ... ...,t.i. 1... .. .. ..- .!.......,.
f 1 III- I l. lilt'IlSlO-- l I .1111 IMI-. I" ."-LIU j
incut of the changes nnde in the jio-t-
oniec- of Penn-vlv auia bv the iire--nt
A.dmini-tration. It :? the mo-t thor-
ou"t1i ami minute exhibit of the op-ra-
j tiou of the appointing
ha- auvwhere b-en iua!e.
power which
If we mi-
take not. it furnishes the tirst full and
accurate tc-t ot the spirit and pra"ti"e
of President Cleveland and h:s ot'icial
a-soei.its. What the Administration
done in particula- lcalities. a- in
Philadelphia or New Yrrk (.'ity.'is well
known: but there ha- b en no proii
insr of it- changes on anv ti"ld lat""re
I eiioue-h t. Mipplv llie basi- for a ";en-
erali,:a::on a.- li what it i- doiti";
tiir iu"rhout tiie omntrv.
1 m v - ft -
Here tor the hr-t time :- an exact
Uhowin. taken from the otiiei-il r-c
ord. of the revolution wr.mht bv one
I . . , t .'. ....
1 uepariui' 11: 1:1 :i wnoie taie. tm
faet- ar- "riven in detail, and they are
admirably recapitulated in the tabular
summary which pre-eii:- the z li-rnl
result- at a rriae.c : v't tne :.". po-t-
j o'lic.s in Peniisvlvanta there have been
chances in c." or in fifty -three per
cent of the wlode numb r. There
lcive boon near" v a thons.-.nd removals.
and of the (V.I "resi-n uions the irnvit
m.ijoritv were doubtle-.- eijuivalen: t
removal, and were made in order to
anticipate and forestall the fall of the
guillotine. Within a per.od of sixteen
nitinth- more than half of all the po-t-
olVtCii in the estate have been chanired
and placed iu the hand- of the 1'resi- -Muenean w---el after another i- seized
den par... on "o-t frivolous preten-e,-. We trttst
Thi- tingle great fact sp.iV"s vol- that the 5-nat-. In-fore it adjourns, wtil
timet of comment upon the pretentions -v the subject the attention which it
whica have been put forth a Ui the de-enes. I'hiltuidjitim PrcAS.
devotion uf th: Administration f th ' J&-rrThe Democratic othee-holdert
spirit and principle; of Civil-Sen. .ce throughout the country don't appear
rx'form. It tamjs th? hollowue--.. not , lo b very much territied by the IYes -tc
s-ty the hypocrisy, of the professions j dent's, order prohibiting them from
which have been so lotidlv trumpeted, i takinj! part in politics, and evidently
It. shows that while the Admin tstratiiu
has e.tentatiousiy pnte?ted its pur-
relentless partiMji la-hion. Tke at-1
temnt has been mide to create the ira-1
prelim ii
pre.siiOXl lliai i;ix .iuiuiui?kiauuu na. .
Screed very few change iLtbid
tive citizen have been
fad n':Hi the -.ictrtiua thzi it was pn
joe to nit tie puniK servic aoove tae ermoni lemocrat" conrentioa "i- Mrujaric attmtws in u ---.
tne plane of hxs been how that one hundreti delete- were --1 wr - t rtu asd I
dimply cutting off Kepubiicau hea U Fedurai official., and that the officer? of XaaxT?. i1" 'x-n'1
and installing Detnocrats in the nio-t j tiie convention, the chairmen of th -i t--i rfi ifjTMwn'ai rur annmia. aUii '
avrtUI'Liaitlw 4 .4Vwa4(9 J- A4a.a UiUUV. Itl t.WiiV4. CIUU14J " i rU ( 4fc
a wi1.?-1.a t. a ?WWli tTT-.U! ni4fa 1 mm I I I I i 1 1 T 4tliiti:a Jr
-t ;. . -i. . . 1. " . I .! . ?
: ins tne r..e iast enouiu. touserva aim tue mcM acuve men in pouztar
. . t . .
cyoillaj: w.ih e'r.i lnliiisrr mi ora
tion. Th" publication which the J'rcf
mak fim- the lirht of truth upon
thii i'-r r-'-m and lay- hare th pr-M-ient
an J un'lagrjing p irtisan cour4i
of the Admin -traliou. In lsttl over a
v-ar it ha- -eil more than half the
.iru.;? of ycnnVMn. At thi
; -:it., ,.. term will not' he half throu-h
I before it will have io--e.s-ed itvlf of
form it trat-the patronage purely :ia
record of the sw.-eteni: changes in
Fenn-vha'ita t"'l- its own stem, and
it prick the buoMe of thi- Administra
tion's hollow "reform." I'itiUuUljihta
A Cii.i- i:-:lnr o." ASr'Uchic or rollto
U s
I' ter-(. U'.inN t'i"Ouu
A kttkfrti, .. .1 .ti ??. .itl K,.. tn lt,w
desirous, for the
sioner-. U -eetire
eontenienceof j.,-n-
th" e-tabh-hm nt of
a hoard of medical examin r- at Kan
t-'Iairc i.ein: a mailer nppt-rtniu-in
purely to the i'eusion Ollice he. of caoe 1 upon Cimmi.-s.iier
iiiaek and a-keil that it btdone. Ut.ii
eral IS.aek iiilorme.l Mr. I 'rice that he
could do nothiii" in the prem-s.- until
1... lr;.... I....I .?,.l!.!
( Vila- ami received hi--auction
and sit2e.:iou- in rei:nnl to the mat
ter. I 'nee called upon Vila, and ii!i
niitt"! a list of three reputable physi
cian, two of wn tin were Dciti t
form the board. Viia. dij et-l an 1
tiok the matter entirely out of !-.
Price's hands In appointing or su";. :
itii: to the Pension OMiec lor appoint
ment thre- !nere!tl men from aaot!i-r
town, al! Deiuoerat-. .Mr. Priee made
no protest, ha ini: --cured th board
of examiners needed, but a lew day
after the apomtment received :i let r
lrom otie ot the appointees. Dr. ..t!
v. ay. -aymi: that he cotild not -erve
up m the board, a- the ethi"- f niedica'
jir.te'iee did not al'w him t rec i";nie
th other two appointee- a- belontrmi:
to tin profe ion. Whether the P.-t-in.i.-ter-deneral.
in iiiakiti"; the selec-
i . 1 --
tmn. lookeil rather to the polipcal
than to thr m -dicai utnc- ot tii" two
p-iitleinen reterred t. or w h"ther the
dillereiiee was simply between the
-ebool- of medicine, the letter does not
sfite, but .Mr. Vilas ha-succeeded in ut-tin:tlii-
board evidently wheiv it will
In of the will service, as it did not go
tc. Kau Claire-JVistmaster-licneral
Vilas i- anxiou-
to "ow n a state, as the -juintr ro-
local with the average jioliticiau. and he -ee-tor
ttic lirst tjm. a pro-pc t of having
thi- laudable aiuoitiou gr.mted. In the
lirst place, ever -inee the Democratic
uatiou-il conve.itiou. .Mr. Vila-ha- been
-tivl-hmi: out hi.- intliK'uee over the
M ite ot Wi-t-on-in, and he ha- lately
served notice upon all Deiuoerat- that
1 .... .
to control
and uril
the j,atrona:e
' it pol.t'ClllV
01 III. II .tu.Ii-
1 hi- own. Tin Democrats 01 Wi- .n-in
' meh di-turhed over thi- monop-
olv of patronage by the Po-riiiaster-
1 .
(leiieral. and knowinir. a- tn-v do. that
it point- ili'eetly to Senator Sawyer
seat, and havini: -ome iuter.-.-t in th:t
tlieuidves. t'ley ar' le"Tiiinin;to ultei
omitiou- "Tix.wU that mit-t -0111 reach
the ear- ot the Pre-iden:. It i- -aidth 1:
(icnertl P.r.i:"; is not the lea-t di alt
lied of i-ci:isi:i's pr iiuiucnt Demo
crat-. Wt - . n Si-i--iu'.
15JE"Pi"' -ident
jr.t two
j faulty -tick-j
wa corrupt.
:n hi. ( Kluu"t. (tarlaml
but Il.tvard i- structur.tllv
IlHiJUlf -Vr".j
J5et"There is really some ahadow ol
rca-on to believe that Secretary Ikiv -ard
ha- ahm.-i dis-overed that tie is an
Amerieati citizen. D'nni Trihnnc
fa"It the present I "on "rress .were tn
lew a lax on boi:u--ti:--nian-hio there
. wo ild be no need of euttiii"r down the
Uiver and Harbor bilL Ctucuu-iU
reiretary Bayard -ay- that anevv
treaty will have to be framed in order
to "ive American .i.-hcrmeti llo-ir
rights. A treatv can not te framed ex
cept by the joint action of the two
countries. This is an admi ion that
American tishernieu have no rights
except uch as are conceded to them
by the irra"e of Great Britain. Nobodv
but Mr. Bayard will admit that sueh is
t!ie fact. tViie1.70 Jouruu'.
&Bp"Ofli"t-hoId-r- know that the
President".- proclamation was all for
buncombe. He wa- made Pre- dent of
the Unit -d State- by the leucine; ot
Mate and Nation-it official-; an.! this
year and next x.':xv. a- now. lem
craiic ot'.ici tls will ! the t-riiue
movers in even- political wire-work.
It-has already been notified of Ima-
dretl- of case.-. Ulll lj,at will be the end
of it. Chicago Jnitr ()inn.
BsTOu motion of .Mr. Kdmund- the
enale has iu-tn:ct"i st- Comnuttccon
",'"'Ji: U-Utions to inquire into the
, ripht- of American ii-shin:: vet-t-ls in
t'auadian water- and to .--f if pome-
thin:: can not be done to vindicat
tho-e r-gnts. Tne Mate Department is
procee lmr at an exeeelin:ly lei-urcly
this matu-r. Meantime one
think that they are expect d to take it
in a Pickwickian -?iisc Rvorfc from
coaimitt"e,s and otner active partitr-
pants were otnc-olderR. With K-
luutiu ibwuvu .uci f'scvi rrn-
tion :codin? the anpointn, h.
evervwhere are Pederl otiiciala.
Washington Cor. Chisago InUr Ocean.
i.i- ti. u.. nn m w:-htv
. -rfo.
j ...-.... -,-.w ,
- ., , , , , , ,
in toe lure. uem erwi o c-i rc5i-
v. .. , , , - f,. ... ,
attonal Conference of ( hantic and
Correction at St. Taul. hoaid:
VW AMJV4Vt i. iitM.l "Vv
-Pony jears a-o the pnon, th
TKor-houM and the other den of
wretchedues. where the 'bmi-ed
reeds' of our fellov-men were depo
itcd. were unseen and um xitnl by
prie.-t and Leriu, by man and woman. lea-t. t"ok almo-t no note of
them. 'and made little or no provi-ton
for examination or rejKrt concemtnjx
thenu What the-e ncrlTted place.
were is now but too well known. I
will spare you from all attempt to
fprcad iVfore you the horrors and
mi.-en that were di-cloed w hen their
dor- were opened. I prefer to call
attention to the Inmeticenl change that
purelv eimtnjr. and which it L the
wno-e uu: 1; I to
i-imL." fr.sjjiunt iht.
5onal examination
of the jails, intirm-
ane- and other -miliar place
and to
report a.s to their condition.
ti. .
Ioari'-- con-i-t of tte
three women and two men- ami, a.
a ;tueral statement. the:r dutie.- are
v.e!l performed. Thu xir and lijrht
iir.d all wholesme inlluences are
pnir'd into these hitherto neglected
and hopeless abode-, and hie ami
Bcami nnu a reni reiorm xiswraiiy aim
of neecity follow
"A larire part of the i:reat evil- limt
inllict -ocietv and imperil it- l-l m.i
teres! s vanishes, or are jmrtitlv dimin-
I .11-
i-hed. the very moment that they are
thoroughly mve-tiatel. tlmrouhly
under-tood ami their e. ential nature i
exposed. With the public judgment i
enlightened and aroused, the true rein-1
vtl i--oon and ea-ily found. Hence this .
organization ;tled theXationalfonb-r- !
ence of Charities and Correction-. The '
faith of this soeiet is that intelligent i
l'hV disCU-siotl. bllsed lipo'l I'Wft ,
,., -... .- .1. . ... . t
ami inn iiuoi niaiioo 01 me puases 01
the problem numerous and multiform
a- they are- will evolve its -olulion a- ,
Mirely a- the perfect plant will -prinj:
from its -eed in well prepared soil. j
"The problem which i the concern 1
of thi- society i- very lar;e. It relates f
t the treatment and welfare of a :reat
multitude, not for their own -.akc- j
inerelv, but :iNn and chietlv for the
well beiii": of .-ociety. The blind, the
deaf and dumb, the imbecile, the in
.-ane, the neglected ouii::. the helnle--
jtMr, the criminal-of both -e.xe.s ami
all age in short, all who are enrolled J
in the ranks of misfortune and nuilt,
for the "jcm-ral :iotl must be in the
care and cu-tody of the public, are to I
le studied, considered, relieved, re-J
formed, and either re-tored to society I
self i.-tainin: and hone-tor kejtt wloi
harm can not conn from them or to ,
them. Our statistical information
on the subject is neither full nor
exact. An approximate is all that
we can Attempt. A careful estimate
for the I'nited States will probably
hou souiethin:: like thi.:
KetjuiriiiK public care or eon'rol.
Men and women employed in thib
Amount e-Xjii uited iinniuilM rn t It
tKH'oiiut t the public f 7.YtHi.(.)
Value of propertv devoted to ttu
Ue .Vl).OlJu
Statistical tables can not tell the
whole story, nor the most weighty
art f the story, even if ihey wer.
complete and accurate. The intere-ts
nd feelings of families ami imiiv idttals constantly and elo-ely alVected and
touched at the temb-re-t point- bv
w,1Jlt tlu. j,hlit. does or fails to do with
..........f o. th'ic most .iiiVi.'iilt -in. I
" ' ' . . ... .
necehstiry work. If we regard il simply
a 4 ue of the public duties, on public
account, the figures iveii place it in
the front rank of the highest and most
responsible task.s devolved ujkui ov
crninenu" In Mexico a miller is obliged to
pay thirty-two separate ta.xe.s on his
xv heat inirettni"; it from the lield to the
All? 11
w 1 :
CA1TLIJ lrpp'ifc- ie,.M
nt ve e.i.f-
Iditelier- -l"er ..
HOGS tiiMHl to elinue livnv.
I. trill
WHK.VT-No. -1 re. I
.No . lel
.No " -oil
KVI.-No r
I i.'ifi: Kiiiiut. jejr Miclc....
itt"rn:t (': cv er.iito'..
t II I. r-'K I i:ii creion
Kl.O.s 1 hi. et
UACO.N Hiuii
-liou .tiers
r.Altl .
WIKI VJ um; IIIIUH-tttsl.
roiA'txn ..
CATTLC-Sliltipltii; st.ier....
I.iitoiiur- sttr, ..
HUGS Packing
III.KP Fa.r tn
H-t It (.'timet-
VVHI:aI-.N. -Trml
COJlN No. r
UATs No. Z
UVr No. 2
UfTrKU-Cicii rv
COrru.N Middmirs. .
CATTLE ?hlppiiik' -leer-. .
HiH.s i'iirktiur nlid -li ppnt
Sili:Ii' iu r In iliiniii.- . .
M.UI It VV ui.-r whoai
WlillAr No r r.-i
No i
i K,
.1 7l
S 10
I '
1 ;-.
v ui
y .
4 im :
(si Ml.
-T v.
t :
1. Ul
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4 4)
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Z Ul
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4 -1
3 ,
2 IT.
It it
i '
10 r.
10 PI
3 r.
4 i
5 I.M
4 .
U 1
4 Ul
4 .
, COllS No. z
U.Z tut u-
42 fi
fil ;
; iUTTKU-Creaiueryl
- a 4. t.
nxi-riv r,.-W V0!;K
hi:s Gnmi to cIumcj
: r "T,l".on
wmLvr-No ried
' tx)i:.v v., r
to ithk1 ..
a t
S O'
OAT wvtern m led
ima - i r y . m.u ri Tn a-T
PETK0LKI v. I ti t.l
Z z.
G i: 6, ,
Hot Weather
Csea ta WoM to hax ana . latn a dtt
roodltloQ. afS ! the !sole rt-ri. itia artr.
lnx optortasltT tot cm'sl. mUi rbrcm. bniH arx
tsapnio cos to tb larlace. Ti t'l ixmii
b pnnatst asd Ttta!li-i bj toils llf? Sarmaa- !
rllla. which vUl erwl an lssRSia aad (Ma loam
mtfl a-rvqgth to titm wk4 txxir.
I a4 four acrofctoot aom maa oe aET Smc I
sotatax hk-a i tHt.ujMtarrtuieMiur
vtuea (rra no aa4 that 1 coald out wear a &-
I aaj tor nc or m raan. aSenas tmMr wita
Js ha "HIT1. Lx T9VommZia ll
JSoBTOX. 47tiecM. SlaMu
I cvJ HmjCa asia!ma tnr eTPV KH
aVta.reaUa.- X. Ccixxit, Cosset Ba4fk. las
". - - - nh! (k Tiil . M.YMr-rM tlf riUtelfl Clf ilM I . . - -. .k. it T..i mm VM
Hood's Sarssparilla
1 y a2 Crtgiru. ft. tlx tor C rmr&
. nOOO M. Ctt. Ao-acarri. lwn. JUm.
100 Doses On Dollar
la 1V Car tnr
W a-twr curt-rTMIv. xl It lli
' nsit"nt conroncir in tin tb wm of Ir.
i'wrc- -lMn Kr-Iica. miTrr,"' aa
. -. .. . .
x'rrtt prorr cr. 1: llorl to run
iu coaT4t u oxt- ,! mMiriao l -i J
-- .. -- - --"- '
patient br holding ont a lxv uot ivr um
; k or t-canury r.n. The HokUn
Mcdtcnl IicoTpry" h rarrJl thoaind
mTJ; Yota- dmcst b it Sml to j
tjunt for Vr piortV o.midp tn-wtl ,
... ! . . 9 W ..m. t.t!Hfv.
ni! Adan- rorU'. lht-arT Httlicml
Aociaaoa. HcSTaIo. V
That !- iniart tnck, ' rrmarkrd
raaa bo hd ln p TntM itto cj-rnn-jK,jir
loirnc Ajrv Zdyr.
Tno-K wbo r trxlnc to Lrfk cp tbm
bcnrful hbl of nt'in'rnp' ill n;n
ne crrt benefit from th u of
Aa IliUnL Laqnorderst th Ttrni.
1'ricklj Ab Bittrr -will rftnlrtber!
rrM,n!u and rttr th trtn. U3ck d
ltTor to bvi!tiiy action tlnTbyBtrrnctbrn
!.. tV. ll iM-.ftMr iKnninfftlr rlnAnftlnf
and Ummc up tbf Vtin, and rrrmTrT-
rnr tam: ..f dta 1: u pcrlr &edi
cin and Liit ptra-vant to i& v:, n. can
' - .i.. i... ... .. ... 1.. , ... .i
-,--.-.-, . .....--,,.,
raa-;emntrt v-au4tu Uackarb. di;::jnc-
"lV" n eHsatHs iwrrum nml si-'ral d-
I bhtv. it i a Mvtr"rtn rwad3 lt .nij
US .., ,.",,. U ,ili . .I.'". ..l. , ff. .r. ....t
, MUnost rmu" to Jk-Ii' tinnr irom
lernnl fever
t.usttmi. lu'laaiiiiatloii,
or akrorutHMi.
Wm k - loronjotivr hi n cn R
ceu-r it ba n br.-.Uu;bt ad cartivs a luu
train. . . 7ryH
; Iu,.vs, nnd .UiMlruff caw U prfroiitI
i i,v Matr Hall's limr !ttMntr.
i (,tnnia rlivs il3- in
- 'wiMlii?w, Ayr".
Aco Cnro cunii
V. iI,4J.b .
j Hon nUMr.i. a d-ena nw.' Son,ntim
1 itTeiet. fe.n;: t m.t tb jMut ot ucb a
Jinn J'rturu -an
Woven" Ai.uikvtiov 'i hoGi.s'j 1
Si'UMit K Sovi t.. ututrove the km
iili.L .- H hk axif iuKcn Dt 1 lilacs or
Itrown, !k:
Vor can prevent milk (mm souring In a
thunder -toriii hy driuV.111;- it ju.t lfun ,
tbc stuttn U-ciuik." ;
I)u rirari's "Pellu" thenrtciiml -Lit- I
tie Liver Pills" (Uar-"nled. euro WH-k
and lilliolii ht.adn lie, our kUiiuaob, und
hliiuUk alUtcLs. liy druitts
Cot NTin hosn! that t tniirb ou;ht after
in the .uminur tbc cuide Umi,l .'u.'u.
tiHutn Jn 1 ! s v lire tor 1 onuiti
Cure. littre other remedies full '
No v c. would hnntr n ptrttir frame Ih
cuUf? oJ it jdt - ifrtiHftr Ht nr.
Ir aRhrtett ttli .-ire r.vri. u Ir. Iae
lbou.iM-un m hi v VVatur. lirutftruu Milt it.
!lff K KrrriM. taught in one lrson - Ik
not li-lld litem
Lrj strata or r.ld altrk tkat mrk mek
aaa nrarl pruatratn o.
PUrractbraa tbr laarlr.
i:nrlrha tkr Rl4. (.irNiwVlfr.
.Ml Uzzir MaKJ.s:4?.3HiikA Ht Um.
M.j mi. ' I uCr"I "ittl .(rtiuu nlhM, Mill, to
my lrk, rwl .Ujil... nul't l(ru!emtmrit
l,l rrriMsI !!.' t ruurb lt-ht ruur tuU t4
llfwD'i Ima Hitlr Uxn rltTJ mm and 1 rii r-
full tKUDBMul It
MM Am. It,UMivon-ril. 1MT Imtn. v
Wlli, Mo I h u d Knmti'i Iruo Bit
wr tur m mnA Lck OUl rnach banatil.
Gr.ain h. lrrmTn4 Mark nd mi ii rvdllaaa
nt. rt;-r Tnkr aa tbrr. M.Jllr
.'i'j'i Crratn Halm
I had eiUirrh fur 3
yfari. My woo
roJd Hrrd. 1
t'ilfUffhi thf flTt
tfouLl tirrrr UttiX
K-y't Crratn Ha'rn
hrts turrt tnr Jr
Jf A. Jaekton.
rorittwtutA, y. n.Y0Cm,
A rr,l'"l l rr'lJ o,t,'-ti rwl ir' '
t u- lr'r t l.rrr. cjt c il'urrt' -t t " LL UKoflU.Ua. t'ru(.l.!i.u. S. t
.ntia. & Par -.' l3;r.4mu. Atm I
nil -ti lUei. nu, 37. !... K.
I frai. r, iia:r ana rth- CI1H Ell KBV
: u.f mr LATE MAU.T. c f AW rlLLU
to S)-llrvi. Uip. Itau-fir Rark. iTonlnx t-oa mil
i!M : ; w ii. ret Urtir ihtn r rf Tc
Ur, K. VMTU A. BUO, .rw OxrumJ,. Ita
...-.-... . .
WrrS.y"ar. f-n ln.i
I lfilrlr: hrfl .i.4.. li
I m la 2. rsn. gyr -r-iat-wn.
for rnti frrjUr wlta lr t.
wmi.rf frfi "T Wt C.WJkCiC
rXTXK . CJ-. 4i W Kwrv M0.ici.
l2- 1 3;
J 0--ns o
WIA, ...
y lnxy ir
. ta5vsS, .1 1
iV i J
I.IT OF ll!-KAtJa
Ai.Tr ats ct racu: rr tncT-a
P KB! riM. f AlIMAiav.
Bara aa cmMa.
Hlasa mud Kitra,
Cataaaa Bratara.
f-VvmlM av fHlKkvi-av
4Umrmct4 M
Frwac aHta.
7 ar rrsera aa U fatsflr.
wifKX IVAUTtMtt T AUTaOaTlflaUalC BMl
- 4 aHM
i Smith's Tonic Symp
1 .. a .s
' ..u P AIIC
hJVgC 3flQ AVlVb
I -. . i A. A iV
" ll,jyr """ W
I A vmricfM1 X ill iferiri
' - - - m . "-- n
j-Ij eiftm ! ii m wkjtwj m w .
1m tt k79i to thm ;M)c Vsr u bai
CSZTAXX. irrOT a&4 TtKMXxkMt tv
t! int ai Frwr. r Ckilla uU Trm.WJh
r tfttart rUsfMwllat'. Krn O
mils Tim 4 etrm mztrj to War
Jua zmcimssj t ts trsJA ef ti ifJn
T. Is M cm wkAvr iU it tul ta ru if
tie tirtctiaw mn iKneHj hZbmt m4 mrri4
est Is a frst maay euci a iU to z
tecs fcr a ctr. ar4 tftalt fm.Li
Unk: nn4 ty .iU battU. wttl er
tect nZznZ s it t ftar. iff!" V Ilia,
bwtm, jrtmt. a4 larrsry a :
j, ja f-,,, u ij m U eetus ta raa .a
S i3ir,at. DX3 BO AtJler tu.
1 Trio, SLOO yr :ti. Six Som rr -
Tho Popular Rmd! of 1h Oaf.
Trlnrlf! 0&r, it U. lt IsttUX. Kt.
Tbr txt asd arrt Urst-Uy or Caro of
all dtar, caax-d br aay tlrraaTfnt of
the Uvt-r, Kltt)-, StoctLarh aid rUotel.
I)jVIa, Sick Itradsrhr, Cii.l'sioB.
11U1..Q rrcpUint and JUUruut II Vlad
jlc'.d rradi'' to tbp tx-Osnrrt laCacac f
It l i-lraBt to tin Ut tone np th
jt4m, rrmtorr and prrrrr hrallb.
It ! parrlr Vrgrtaldr, and ranaot fH ti
prt Wtifflclal, U'th t dd ami yuunc
Am a lllixxl 1'arinrr it U orrlr to at!
otUrr. .-oU crrrym brr- at $t 00 a botti.
" .I'WV .
-v . i -'
P. K. OCOCMICK a. CO. Aluony, M. V.
W, win fiirn'.h doal. f J'K KTOI'K
'l T. ii r try t.lbrr I ul U n n r Xj.lw;o
Hoik trl. .iii il del r f r.n-
A.. S. aii:i.LM.i. M.nM'AI'IIK I 41..
k..Ttr 'r. -j ttr- Ijprr.
SllV(.4h'i:iilil kuu.1. ;
Krai la ttm Mart4t. brl ia " 1,
r kNrliHgr li. .ur Tr.! w.rk mnnA I.
s...r-t .. Mt.a : HMKMC
No Rue to Cot Oft Horses' Mint
I,. . . .
TfirtTf. rj "ni.irir." halt
at n MRIUI.I: 4 . r4.
. rn ttt 1 1 i.ptdhT tnr tint l
"I II or !o r MM uf tb I K
1 ir .. rr" 'I f I. fcl' V I
I r.C rrj, lru".T. .r. iiavsivw.
1 .. .. it.i... ... i.. .
' O'.Irr. ptr;.I tfle&. fit Co III
TrUr Ftr" t-rtvl tt't I r-r I I.
J C LsaMTMita. lUrfb.u.r , V
lu Lra. m riuirrr
Itiu Ritittn, tur
rrtw-o.f . rlrnil. ,J s. ff M' . hMi
a ixiuir xtrto
. Y Uut ta.Mn.
' mMmm w?wm mMmkJLtl
. ! mrmr m Vf Ian M. i a...T.
ao two Krrrw rara. t-w.iita t.L.
VlftM T1MTWI Um mwm y mAr -
ffmv MLT A.SXXCCa.'(rM(1V.B..
:i iw. w.r--., w.0 fsa
', asb kw...
kUr. tHm tZmt !U. .,
.. nfcm m-t u lii i
d--7" ' JO4 M. WOOMUtV,
7t.raHK,aM,.t. u.'ii. .. .
NEEDLES, f'r3'"-'
ALHIWfl r .- - .".
i mm7mTmZ mZLZ1 iZTM.TTrJ
I .-.w. ii
S afrivAlafH 7.. ".".""""
tl -w lr.?:!.i rrv-r Jk Mrtirl kI
t'-f-rrfxl r.tlwtiif( UnArm wx
WfcATlllLUBT KtMwQir.ll.
I W 7AYAJr& ACrj.ta-rp., ih.
'i " K. lrf-. J-. itm.
- -
Ian'. w!tiH.a
So 4rU nrmrt-n. Wril
JL ll,VtuU0t J
mmmJ iil II.W m
Wf Mmmmmm- ll K1
m tMti iB7ittir8nairi
K ttt tmxb ffrup Tmt r"t Cm 9 ,
J In t)ni K.i trr rlrujww. HI '
yr jp " . .
Trnim a ttavit I . .
mwr -mwrnm mm wm WBmmmmm - .
Vww Wm. Crvfc. SSSSTSAVI , .'?? """' w f 1
ra atr AH. katTAraT C; . c La. au. ia 4
tAfcjt S IHMa. a rWfaWaO ytaf. SMSjMaSyat T41atSjarMafttail0 to J KJ
i :
Caw, to ! Ir 3g ,
p -- .- . .. . ..,,.. --- lvz---. ,w .-"-".BeaataiHaHHiHH
"irTiiMMrnsi' ni iii iky i"" iaWf nr 1 r i tfTiiTisMraiMsssPMswtsisMssisssM