The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 13, 1886, Image 4

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LiJ-??!SsJt. V tK'S-fW.
'Tl -w.-T -3,
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.'
The owner's photograph must now
appear on all passports in Turkey.
The Russian Empire contains eight
hundred and eighty-four penitentiary
It is said that of the 6.07 members
elected to the new English Parliament
337 are openly in favor of woman huf
frage. Fike recently destroyed the princi
pal part of the new town of LaCIrandc,
Ore., causing a los of about one hun
tired thousand dollars.
I)k. Pi'INGSHJiim, jn.-t appointed to a
professorship in tin: University of
Munich, is the first Jew ever admitted
to a bavarian faeultv.
Gleaned by Telegraph and Mail.
Eiiitoi:, of the New York
World, has given one thousand dollar
for the expenses of an excursion by
boat and sail for the newspaper men
and press club of New York City.
The managers of the recent New
Orleans Exposition have awarded to
Miss S. M. liuruham, of East Cam-,
bridge, Mas-?., two diplomas: One for
her collection of rare marbles, and the
other for her book entitled ''Limestones
and Marbles."
The Nationalist-- of Castle Ularney,
Monaghau, arc boycotting the recently
opened branch of the Crcat Northern
(Ireland) railway because a nominee
of the league w:ls not appointed station
master by the railway company. The
present station master is receiving
threatening letters, and the employes
are afraid to resume work.
The Loudon police have, it is stated,
teen informed of the existence of ex
jensive intrigues by Irish and Russian
dynamiters against the English Cov
eminent. Detectives will be stationed
at the diflerent Russian ports, and all
arrivals from Russia to Great Itritain
wiU be closely watched and the vessels
IIkkiiekt Hammond and Edward
Ter. n ant let one dollar on the depth oX.1
water m a well being dug nnVtM;
National Consumers Meat Coiw,,.. j
Baltimore. John Carwell !t down
to see and was overcome, -.ju, p0ison.
ous fr.ass,. -vftSnrvM artin went down
to save him. He was overcome and
both were taken out dead.
The Senate on the 2d agreed to tbe con
ference report on the Deficiency bilL A long
debate of a political nature took place over
an adjournment resolution, when the Semite
took up the conference report on the Itiver
and Harbor bill, which was agreed to. Ve
toed pension bills then came up and the Pres
ident h veto was sustained in tbe chsc of
Mary J. Nottase. and the Itomiscr hill unani
mously pa-sed over the veto. Atthe evening
pension the Committee on Education itnd Ijt
hor was directed to continue uud complete
the investigation of tbe relation between la
bor and capital. After ajrrccinirto the con
ference report on tiie Sundry Civil hill the
Senate went into executive session, and then
adjourned... In the House the conference
report on the Hirer and Harrior bill was
njrreed to. The same action w as had on the
Deficiency bill: alK)un to the rundrv CivjI
bill. No it her business was transacted ami
the House adjourned.
Is the Senate on the 4th but little busi
ness of general interest wa transacted, a
portion of the tune no ijuorum Ix.-iiij prf-t-cnt.
Tliu conference report on tbe Surplus
resolution win agreed to. uid tbe Senate ad
journed without tiohig into .-e
sion .. In the 11 ohm?, the joint resolution
accepting fi-om Mr. and Mr-.
Grant objects of ralue pieri-ntt-d to t'ewrnl
Omit by foreign countnes kx pasx:d. The
conference report on the Surplus resolution
wu- uirreed to. A ionir discu ou ensin-d
upon the adopt on of the n-port or the com-tuitti-cori
thuCimirur atlalr, pending
the Ilouv adjourned.
Ix the Senate on the ."ith little was done
but to make explanations on meiiMire; that
had failed to become jj,u8 bv reason or di-u-Kreements
in conference. At the appointed
tiour ior adjoiiniineiit the Prt-sid.Mit or the
Semite uro-t and alter u brief uddie-- dt
claieil the M.-.s,on closed sine die. In tin
House the Senate bill accepting the Ift ff
the Oram relic-, was paed. The Labor
Ironbp.s Coiiim ttee was jfntnti'd irmi-ion
to -it dur.i.jr rcce-H A iiic-miko from the
1're.sident aunouue iitf h - .ipNval ot the
Delleeney. mi ndry Civil and Cirer and Har
bor bills wa- leeeived with applause. '1.
ciintf bill appropriating $:H0) tor coin-
pieunj,' tin. piildie lu .flitiir at lort Scott.
Hun , passed. The Ilou.-u wai then declared
adjourned & ne die.
Fire in Phoenix, Ariz., undoubtedly start
ed by an incendiary, destroyed the fines
business blocks in the city recently, causing
loss of 1100,000.
Tue appellate court of Illfnoia has sus
tained the ruling of Judge Rogers, of Chi
cago, that tbe will of Editor Storey, of tbe
Chicago Titrvx, was Tahd.
The TrUotirr It-rrte lli !t'itnic-llt
rill Le found a table ririn? the ! h" '"" of Trtrr.
aeed valuation of Nebraska .
llwiivro Opinion.
The Prl.lrnt .rrl at Orrtwe Vlew
rj Hji.rilTlk Ai A jpl Jrtrl j YoSKKU, N. V., Aui 7. TllC orroW has shrouded the city for Uir uaya
Ta total fnemt-rship in th mil:trT vr.
rof tb I-oyal Iiton, Mat I, " .
Hie onlf r has fiftn commftnd-rk
Utnufl F- Hollit-r. of Vnt Xli. T
UK. claim the honor of bTri pUr
Taxable I'ruprrtr.
rrw-r " -.--- .. ---.. -. . .-i..-- ,
br COUnti.K ntu! ln (hff iwrnlwrnf unrf
9f lllllirored and Intii! am! the . V'1' r Tet Atlf. i. Cutt nC w rrhM a cllmAX tO-daV. The griff In
a vera ge value of the same per acre, accord- ''" traced at Pao dH Norte on Saturday. 0arkcil on eTfrr ium. public bulldino first Uoion lUj; on thr? n-mr' w
Six vounc Canadians, two of th-m mnh. ! ng tw returns in the Auditor ofilce: Trie sentence Is on yiar Impttwumen: at . r.,i artJ badire of niournliU MiInn luasv.
- .. . - " I . . . . .. . -'" s.-. - -
y ' Land. jbanl laNir and 5HH) tinr. H he can noi dj,j,jaJi on house fronts, enrra-
II Improved. CnlmprT ;wy tlJC Gne he WH ,, t0 l ? lf" tot the did l vl-IWc on the faces
Z " Monger., who caused a.l the trouble, nf tfle cUizc5 and tno very air scrmel
"H ' 'H ' siT .has to uo Cutting in. icivit suit for jtlt1ell wtl, that Imbuetl aJl tdc-
damaces- The qtietuin of censuring Anicr- s . -tbmed Kvt:ent gloom.
CJkokgk Liri-Aitii. the brilliant and
erratic literary genius who died thirty
two j'ear.s ago in Philadelphia, aged
thirty-two, ami whose life in many of
its details resembled that of Ed"ar
Allan I'oe, is to have a handsome gran
He monument placed at his neglected
grave in October next. He was buried
in the Philadelphia Odd Fellows Ceme
tery. Si:ckktakv ExnicoTT had a singular
experience the oilier morning for a
Cabinet ollicer. He visited the House
to secure action on a resolution for the
acceptance of the ("rant gifts. He
walked all around the chamber with
out being recognized by a single incin
ler, and was jut about leaving when
Mr. Kandall recognized and engaged
lain in conversation.
A cinct'LAi: was sent out from the
Treasurv Department recentlv convey
ing the information that live-cent nickel
mnl one-cent pieces will be forwarded
from the United States mint at Phila
delphia free of transportation charges,
in sums of twenty dollars or multiples,
on the receipt ami collection by the
Fiiperiutendent of the mint of a draft
on New York or Philadelphia, payable
to his order.
Cummissioxkk Oilman' has prepared
n circular containing rules and rejrula
ttous for co-operation between the
United States Department of Agricul
ture and the authorities of the several
States and Territories for the suppres
sion and extirpation of contagious
iicuro-pncumouia of cattle. The cir
cular quotes the provisions of the law
approved June ;0, 18b'ti, the latter ap
propriating one hundred thousand dol
lars to be employed in such manner as
tlie Commissioner may think best to
prevent the spread of pleuro-pueu-monia.
Son ki.,1. Tn.iicv, the well-known Demo
cratic standard-bearer, died at (irevbtone.
N. Y., on tho inoruiii of the 4th. lie hud
been nilinjj for n long time, the immediate
cause of death bein failure of action of
the heart. The distinguished stateMiinn
uus born in New Lebanon, Columbia. Coun
ty. N. Y., February l'., lbl4.
JrnoK Hokkti:tti:u, who extradited P.a
suies, recently murdered by ilexican o!Ii
eials, throws ull the blutne ou Shenll'
Ui:ouok William Ccktis has been unani
mously re-elected president of the Na
tional Civil Serriee Reform League.
Willi im M. Kaii.kv bus been nominated
for Congress by the Second Vermont dis
trict Democrats, to run against General V.
XV. Grout.
IlAititiMi.v DriiKEi:, vice.presiijji 0f ti.
Western Union Telegrapl- Company, died
on the 4th. '
Tub PreshlcuJ hflK sjKneil tiie Smjdrv
C'fv,,."J'-'Keiieral Deficiency bills.
'iliK Democratic convention at Lenren
Morth, on tho 4th, nominated Colonel
Thomas Moonlight for Governor of Kan
sas. William Whitelaw, of Kingman, was
nominated for Associate Justice. The
convention adopted the plutform and ad
journed for the day.
Dlmociiatic assemblies all over the coun
try passed i evolutions in reference to Til
den's death.
Sot-Tit Cakoi.ixa Democrats have nomi
nated State Treasurer J. P. Richardson for
Twonged persons and fire children were
drowned by the sinking of a pleasure yacht
iti the harbor ut Portland, .Me., recently.
Tub new llntisli Parliament met on the
Tims President, on the ."tilt, signed the De
ficiency, Sundry Civil and Hirer and Har
bor bills.
isKCKKTAKY Li.Mtu bus received the resig
nation of W. P. Johnson, of Chicago, as a
member of the Hoard of Indian Commis
sioners. Daisy Mmnocic, the well known actress,
died at New York on the ."th after an ill
ness of several mouths with consumption.
Miss Murdcck was only serenteen years of
John W. Gkmiam, son of the Secretary
of the Navy under President Filnmre, has
been nominated for Congress by the Demo
crats of the Fourth district of North Caro
lina. Tin: judicial elections iu Tennessee on
the fith showed Democratic gains averag
ing J.".XW over two rears ago.
Litik.v, of Wisconsin, was
elected Commander of the Grand Army at
San Francisco on the tth, with S. W. Hack
us, of San Francisco, Senior Vice Com
mander. St. Louis was chosen as the next
place of meeting.
Tin: President ban appointed Thomas
Cooper to Iks collector of internal revenue
for the Eighth district of Illinois, and N.
K Acers to be collector of internal revenue
for the district of Kansas. The above were
among tho nominations upon which the
Senate failed to act.
Tin: funeral of tho late Samuel J. Tilden
took place on the 7th, Wt body beiug con
veyed from Yonkers to New Lebanon. N.
Y. The President and othr notables were
present. The funeral was conducted with
out display of any kind.
Tiiekk was a rumor iu Washington re
cently that ex-Governor Glick, of Kansas,
would be Pension Commissioner iu place
of ltluck, who was to be made Minister to
Michael Da wit, tbe Irish agitator, ar
rived iu New York from Liverpool on tbe
ews of lion. Alexander JIcKenzie, wert
drowned by the upsetting of a yacht uear
Sarnia, Ont., a few days ago.
Tins striking bricklayers of Cincinnati
propose to erect building without tb in
tervention of contractor and have alridy
set to work on quite n number of structures.
As soon as the work of completiug the
maps of location is concluded the Cxn
niipsioner of the General Laqd Office will
issue instructions for the restoration to the
public domain of tends claimed by the At
lantie. & Pacific Railway Company in New
Mexico and California, which were for
feited by an net of Coogres last session. lands comprise o,Ue X',0UQ,Gu0 ol
In a row at Relfast, Ireland, on the fith.
tho police fired aud wounded nercu per
kons. Caitain Hill, formerly chief of tho
United States secret service in Cblcago,
wa recently shot dead by a woman. The
tragedy occurred at 470 Wabab avenue.
Captain Uali had lately Im;h:i stationed at
St. Louis. lut retired a few day ago aud
want back to Chicago.
Tin: I'miiiifrc, dd l'at of St. Louis,
prints a letter fiom the City of Mexico to
the elfect that the Presidents and ex Pie-i
dents of the Central American republics of
Salvador. Nicaragua. Honduras. Costa Rica
and Guatemala, now in that city, are ar
ranging a plan for a union of the e States iu
one corporation, with the ultimate view oi
annexation to the Mexican Republic.
Two more coopers pas-ed through the
whirlpool at Nuigarn :n barrels recently.
A iii:at foiceot Mexican revolutionist
crossed the river into IVxas the other
night. A troop of the Eighth United
States cavalry was ordered from Ringgold
barracks to pursm- and disarm them.
Foi:i:t tir-s in Wisconsin have destroyed
the town of Spencer and badly scorched
the town of Colby.
Tun mails fur Venez iela mid Curneoa
will be dcspatch"d iu the future from New
York by the led D line for Curacon and
Venezuela direct instead of via Tiimdad as
Ci.i:hi"o house returns for weekended
August 7 showed ai average increase of
4U.'.i compared with the corresponding week
of last year. In New York tho increase
was 4J 1.
Tw i:TV-nvr. miners were almost fatally
aspbvxiated recentlv in the Hoffman coal
shaft near Cumberland, Md.. caused by the
break down of the ventilating miic-liiiiry-
Thomi- Rocints and his son-vWe on a
spree at'Cum'iTeiland, U.. the other day.
On their return to the farm a row ensued
during which the sou stabbed und killed
his father.
A kf.I'okt made by nn investigating com
mittee to the Houseof Commons says there
have been thirty-seven deaths from starva
tion in London iu six mouths.
Tin: Woi Id's Pastime exhibition iu Chi
cago was on the 7th authorised to employ
Colonel Havorly at a salary of $i(K) per
week to take charge of Cheltenham beach.
Cittino, the American editor, was sen
tenced to one yen's imprisonment and a
line of ?iV9. Cutting defied the com t. Con-sid'-rable
excitement was worked up on
both sides of the Rio Grande.
Tin: Polish communes in Posen are re
sisting the Government interference with
Ililtlalo. .
Hurt. . .
Ceilnr . .
hiw. ...
S uui .
l.iy. . .
I'lirnin. ..
'ut-r ...
JUi' ...
Iltidae .
I Mi ml v
' Kraa Consul Hricham and akiii: for hl re-
: fr -! -,i- -.- 4 ft tin l t Vt iiin-l t rfrmf In Ili
-. - .. - r. - .. .v- . - .--- 'k.. .- -..-w
:h: :V-i: ir'y.l ;:. c.iihuiiua. wni
l.l...- .1...I.. 1 -.-k-- I.Lf
uprruie Court of
.sentence as pa.-rl
:wi.Ki;K:.r :iT3rl r.1 the privmer turned slightly pale, but m
SrSi'S: iJllSw. L5 "'" I thoroughly cmptl. When
Trtl.44- LjfJ Z .' M.P .v-o nj..";
i,i".7.r :,,:az i7isri.i-i
Sl.'-'s. . 1C.IV.
fcsi us) w
iRir rr-iTw rr
lri.sTn ;v.' -Oi ....
i.;id? 1.-.HM
l.idr.4 iv !(;,;( 4 i;i w w
i.K.i..r.c 4nu :ojr.u.:in
the leading of the sentence wa tinibet h
asVeil in a loud voice ut the court at th
ame point. u.: to Metlin.i "AIoh: the
S0(0 is tint ctea'ure to get sniy of It
Damn and heavy cloud bun
curvd theuti, and a chccrle easterly wml
blew oer the maulficent crounli of Grey-
.stcne. Every train carried hundred of no
table clti;en into town. All U-a: their
way m oue dlnction to pay the la-t bout
to one nho ha Ltn-n hlch anions them. ,
The President Jolncil In ptlsrlmagr, and a
At the point CoiiMtl Rnghatu interjm-ed host of mourners that totind their way to
to Mop hun. Gteysfone, filled to owilUiwlnc the mau-
If the nr.soiirr tif s insultitiz lansuajt. '
HA: ' -aid th. jnitec, -I csn add souiethutg to the
of the late statesman, tons before the
General Martin T. Mc.MJm. ' '
York. m electo! prr-ld'nt of h -of
the Army of tho Potomac At t n,
iu Sin Kranciet.
G. W. Iyfr. Poto. IR, Tt t-
-1 w and ob- Ninety econd Illinois Infantry .
at Chatt-inoos.
It U hon by the niSctal renr!.
1-,112 Union .ildi'r irvnt : 4.
died fnm Jnok of proper umdicnltr-
at AndronTille.
San KrancUc". thntusk tW i-c-rt
Kinanc- Oonimitlr f tU- N-tx-rmpment.
riel Jlul ftr Um
inrnt of Tisiur to th grAt nirU -
Mr Alexander l"jldr W it
funeral servicer Ucan. Tlieca-ket that wan ts;uc:rinu -tatue of iini ir
:.a. t irr.2r;j :.---
lM.:;-c .'.t.!'. i.(u
,..... .. i..-..... ...... '
.ludire Ktlirliam a,unnl the court tlmt - to conUm TUdenN Unly leached the hou-c
Ittisper.. ..
(r i lev..
llfiward.. ..
Joliu-on ....
Ken nicy ..
Ke tli
kexa Paha.
L tico.ti .
Min!isoii ..
.Merrek. ..
Pa'Aiie" ...
1'heips ..
Iti-.l WiUoiv
J-alln." .
Farpv ....
nullders ...
Fewiinl . .
Mier.daii . .
Mtiuton. ..
neither he nor Cutting meant anv i!i-re-
l.Er.7s- rc.'i'.- t uirtl.iM'.i ' to It. "Let it tn iiiider-:iH)d, said he.
:i.i:w.:sr usjitu To H0.-.ji .i "j,lv: ui13t :hi i UnT
l.l..:.-.4:i 1111.1.17 Iti .V Hll-lS 10 ' .... . . . ,1... K,.,,i1M ., l,. othrT
j ,- ' " i
r'..;,side of an article which i. hld to have
T-V. iti:it'tl .i recoticitialiuu maile on tm
I't'.avt s,.s .id, siMt:
Hiit:n.ri.....j r.ilu.s.M r::t..rri .iiiilmi
Fianwim.... v:i.ri; o-,u-, ;.m.'7.;
I router.. rJu.'W 4i :ih'm,m
Kiiriia- .... 1..VH.1U1 Ut7v, ,l..:ir3(.iU
i.u-e i.u,i.jrrs:i..c;s .ttiiMiTH
Oar.leld Ifi.s...
;is.;ir, r;;nj :tui t.; vr.
r.s.-,,uu .n.310 iTs.-jr.s
rvn..:r. lMi.'n- ,ia in.-i.7rc
, L-fi.a-.-rn.:47 .1- w.77i
! i.i.t:.:-t; ir.'.r,u iv,.ic:
I r.'.ur i.:-o i.. K.rii
I .r..' .
I r.ou..f7(i :.'.-7 sctrtrj,ai
! i.:-'-.r.s,i ,si.v.-, r7-i)V.-7
r '"'.'.- t.K.u"i 5 10 rir.or,
"And tin- net on the otiter suie, comiu
I iu-il Judge Itrieham, "was construed ou
tin mornlnc. The cakct U made in two
parLs. The Inteisor i of ropnr with n glasi
diirof Us entire length. The lutmor l
decotateil with white ttiftiit satin. 'Hie
outer jurt N of red Spnnlh cetlar. plilnlv
ornamented with an oxjdUed s her pl.ite, ins simply the name of Nimucl J. Til
den, inscribed. UndetUker Rist'.v ld It
carried into the hous. about eight oV ck
I l.-7l.r7'5 Hfi.5i7
I...-.', u-i li,,.;(
7'. .:. r
na 17-' 10..M7 :r..ic
,.); n.-.'ii
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i-i.t'-.'i .;,iiM
JiU?i rj.i.s;
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l.l7M7i 71.M-1
, -,..Ci.s,;i f.;,,
;(r-7SC iri,r,7
i .'.:. '..!'-. '.mil.'
1 Hiti.i.i;:, !'.o7o
iv-i't.Jvsi i.t.;:j
l..V.Vi.s-, 1177.111
i,ici.W4 yo-;:
i7.-si.-sn '.-,rr,
V:ii7.i l.44'.
77t'..i'""- 4i"Or-
4 -; 1 1 i.-.j j.i.
rtd I..-7.4"! I. -i
rrj r!.Ns.-.
r. : r.-i.:,;i
rjTi l-J-.7'r-
1 i 77.Jli
1.70 7.7t'i
: 47 -r ,!-.-.
J.M U-lSs-
: .s .ii.'.ici
r..t' if.
4 l7-is.;t
fii .Vi.lC-
r.m p;4..'so
I i r.s ,,
-i". tins ib- as a contempt ot court?"
I ' Tn i lit-, t! . euirs r.-nli.-.l m llie iifirative.
The couit then turned to the prisoner and and taken to the room on the south side ot
-.('asked: "Doiou Mill stMid under the pro-
tect-ou ot our Governmetil?
"I do." replied Cutting.
preme Couri?" the judge a-kcii." H" Mli tM',n ou lm "t iUr' ' lH wa
"I have no appeal to mike except to the ' not accouiilish.uI until ! ."U, at.d It w ihU
Goiftumi-tit of the United t.ites." unll this hour that the general pnWtV w.i-
Cutling was taken Imck to jail aud will fl nih1,Uw , tlw ,ai:skm. The re-
he sent to Chihuahua til a dav or two. , . ,. .,. . i
No so,r was the fact' of Cutting "a.n were p.aml on the catafa ie nod
sentence known than the people on both placed iu the oent-r of the b:ne loom, I he
the Mexican and the Auieiicau sides wete drapery on the catafnltie is black rrepe
wild with excitement over the matter. Two nn,i ca,t,iere. In reality It wis a ().'
seciet ineetitigs wete Held Here, mm com
panies of minute men orvauied. The
meichaiits harm if -oldlei.s ate not
prompili on hand. They realize that Con
gress only can deeJaie war, but the superior
4 (
:i.v. ,
r.-r; i
: -t: i
4 : '
M i
loom no louder.
dcret b the Kntr mount Park A
It ii f henc pro(ortt.. mi. rj
the General a tijeftrt liir-xtta,;
nients of bin tiof- Ih battl
Tlie rIIHHB nt vrUtVnH rittr ar
on, ilepnrtntrMt of N4mtn,
mom-' nt '.rtod I4ntil AttCttst
Sptmter 4 TW- frBMt H a
rtiwjc hh1 tba riirol ot tlr
Army of lav itirf-Mfcttr wiii tMri
oiim at! oil hrUiir Im tnw an
frit-4-, w aibrr tWy Ar tifr
GruiMl Arm or nuk
CffiKTul V(tl:rit PhTM, e.mii
"ktrf of to S if Wrt. i
1'nttt. MtBM . nn hi u-tw it la H n
rs(-i tfeHittpmH4. nMl ntm .
n Uh iilin vnaiifr bv Pai ,
I, G"rs N Morsntt i"aip, Xi i
tingmr.l v s-ddr rs-s'itewl ii
In th paral aeli r
Pa ne the two l A. It pt p
ti.-arral W T Sthwrwutit was m
en-iiii?trbt ! Smm lfra.i-. r
II en to the curtains m tlirlimduf ifcrn-rmy f ll i
the second thor. where tlwi IhkI
was Iihig. The lemnliis were ptacol
iu the casket ami t-roi-itht down t
"" !
i number of Mev.can soldiers in Paso
a.rirn.iisii' . Noite iould play havoc with the :
4 li 7'..'.l :ni company now at Foil l!is, one mile Horn
v'i'muv "m"; ' "'-' i''"- Ar's d nmniuintioii are not
.1 1.1 lil..'-' L'.".7 caiee, however, nud cit.zens me secretly
si"i f;.77rt 4 i . oitraiiiziug so as to act ou the delciiMvo.
"'fX5 IL'-?1)"' .""!""! J Their lone is unanimous lot a indication
:m "imiu :t ' "' -'"sT'can honor.
ISLs.IV L'T-sJ l ITIM.'s KKlKs.
I 7'.'.o7t rct.v.i iuj'"'r''1 r.rf Ki. P.s,.. Tex.. Aug. '.. Kdilor Cutting
'!,",l,v,,r 1. -V'&H'j.:-;;,! i:r.-'Pii :(-( tcc-i led iiitormation ietirdav that lot
J"-' "; ,.mu .i"'1 if: l?yjl ?! ! 'i.ld be taken to ClilhiMlmn. It is f,.:ed
r. Ss.niitou "...T.I --' 1.4.'s ...I'. i..4.V. 4..I-' .... ... ,
Waine .1 J.:vss-ri :...: :t :i-.'4l..-i :h that he would !. massacied on s,,iue pie-
iWtister ... .... l Jhr: r'7.7 1 4 re; l-i..:i7 '"- text u they took linn awav f ruin tlie tMinler,
Wheeier....! 140.14:: ::.4;i :;:ci -'-.(-i W ' and his tneiiils Law busied theinelies in
York ' -.'.''-e'.r-" - W.l-.l -'-' IW itl.i:lf. 'Hie follow Ing telegram a
the doots ami windows wete eolnted Nurk.
Meantime filends of the family heifjn to
ariue. The first ttnlu from New ok to
bring any number w. is nt .'!. 1'iwni that
tune eom came by the -cme. Amonc the
hist to nrriie at the house were ImsiciaI
Alexander Ilami'tou. Char lei Adams, I nn
lel Morgan, ex S-nator Win. II. ltittimm.
Sam'l .1. Randall, Tierttirer .lordrtii. An
drew Green iveiied all and uslmted them
into the parlor.
The ImmIv was dressed In n -nit of full
dreis with a white p iiU Iu the hultoii hole,
A white tie sin rouudeil tin stxiiilliu collar.
The ilht hnud wasciossi-d hut the tireut;
Mm head ln pait'y ou the tight side. The
Total unable valuation of pro-
Number of acie- of Improved
Innds . .
Nuuiiier ot acre- ol unimproved
lands. ............. . .. .....
-ent bv the prboner to Governor licluuil, features, while some emael.ilioii.
of ion
aure mi.
In a recent iiarrel out a borrowed
wagon, near Lincoln, between William
K nn it ami Herman Maahs, half brothel's,
Maahs stablu'daml instantly killed Kwnit.
KooriMii- have ben leceiuly doing some
lively work at Omaha.
A LiiKii: crowd recently assembled nt
Rellwood to witness the scond live mile
of Texas:' "s a e.tlen of Texas I ak
i proti-i't on that my tin-lid
ciiti anil ",i eAti-nil to me.
Ijriiedl A K. Ccttimi.
i:v'ai:i i.mi nvn wr.i.
IAi.Ti.Mid:i:. Md., Aug. in. -Secretary
li:i:rd. speaking last night of the Cutting
case said, with much iiiipic-ioii. thnt he
coiisideied the principle involvi-d In I lie
Cutting uiralr to be one of the gravest m
poitauce, uud one its to Khich the whole
country, without tefereuce to parti, should
be a unit. The peisonal nn-rlts or demerits
rvu-bb-nwl k trw mmr oMt ta j
fentnr of th gi-nt. rn 1
fftrii.nMs jiive tl Uiirnl a
aide inriptwi.
Veteran ciirlwi f t'am
fully sb-M-ki-tl nml tiTi-" nt la
inent In.fttre tlie UnUeil Jtt
-ioiierof Ciinl W II llwltuntHia
ot niiliil;K iost 4tti HmU ?
linn hMn n nur" IkIIIikmI n a-
r-ewnl tbnti Colonel ltolut nmt M i if nv w s iv or !- ta
eiiiind or of letter tnftmtm
Vtintivtr tuny ! tl tt-s)ini of
l rstignllmi It l th enl lMt k tl
soldii-rs that tk" nrrHl WAV 1m
-bow boooflf guiltl- . nwy rvi
lit the eiii-.M of his dMl mlMr M.'
rnilllftlt. It MI1I llM-tMlti tlNM 'i
ibd not sucgest that the dead until had uu- ' nttil m-h i1iuih-Uon h b
itergoiiu any extended or coiilderblr nnr eo4tbl be 1,m l-nl mul tr "
lhi-lc.U Miller. ng. The lionets on the rof- Mintry Hi th dutM- of ! lit
ot Cutting himself had notion.' to do w.lh
I. n wete Oom'Mt-cd of a hotiiuet of ealla
lilies and white in-i-s which lay near the
head of the casket and at the tool hh ,
pho'isl a sheaf ot pn m umlrr smliax and
Victoria legina.
liy nine o'clock scleral hundred person,
men ami women, white and b ne!., Cbiist
t an and Jewish, nch oud imm.i, liad vicwiil
the ieiiialii. .iniiinl J. Kaml.UI, John'
lhgetow, Ilan.el .Manning. Sin tli M. Wiid, '
Charlct A. Dana. Dr. .; ge 1 Mllbr. .
I tli.i iii'iHut It i.i'iiK, in. iKlfniMi . tllti..r II i tit l If ... !..!.. f i.. t . . - . .
race for -?.V) a side between Hutiinun. of ,"'"., , T, ,,, r i. V , ' ' . m .7 ill "-"
., ., . ... , ,, , ,,.,- he was an angel of daikn.s, or light, but J.uucs 1 remit. Dr. ( lailn l .ulollds nm
JICIIHiMiii, JlliM irit'i til viuinii.i. iiiiii-
j it i'.iiI make the gie.itest ditfereiice to th Aaron J. Vamierpool were the
tho schools. The municipal authorities of "'" hhot aht'a'1 "f (''e ' th" sl"rt ","1 I Ametican people whether the po-ltion taken lf pall'lN-ateis.
nt U, t
Lissa anil Uogasen were ottered n grant to
establish interior school- for girls, but they
refused to accept the grant on the ground
that such schools were not wanted, us
tho-e existing were sullicient.
John Hhiiiuiis. aged forty-one yenr,
and Grillith It Thomas. ag-il seventy-tun-yeurs.
miners, weie killed by a fall of rock
and coal in the Hostoii mine at Plymouth,
AMKiin in railroad iccuri:ies were in
kent gaining until thefouith mile was I liv .,. s,tai,. Deoartment iu this case should
reached when Gregg "caved in." Iluir J l. maintained or not. Meieo claliiin in Ili
man continued ou ami made the live miles t Cutting cast; the light to try nn American
iu thirty minutes. I eitucu for nn o(leiie coininiit.-d in tin
A m:u Swedish paper will soon appear ' I'niled Slates, and Cutting has Ih-.-ii ache
nt Holdrce. I :,".v tiieil nru scniencvii ior puniisiiing u
It is said that crops have never failed in
Nance County since the white man lias
taken possession.
At '.'.40 o clock President dm fin ml
reached the mans on. mcomp.-iniis-l bi tisrs.
letnii of V:u l.ndicott, I'm tie "secretary
Lamoiit. "eorge . -iinih. Thden's prvui
sicretoi, tHik the PiesidenlN arm and
Tb mitfciwen f ImIhsiM
pi lee ..f milk fnmi Uvenbii it
Mild n hnlt rent. Tills COM!- at -
weJ. am iiiMHlttg liy kti mi gat
Clou. ntl b the sjv nr a '
J'j V. ,
Aii hi I'Tin writes from rc
iron Vrw PislHiblv i UkwMMMi
llmi- will x to Auiertrn fjM lr
enM. m hiea nlll luiMg in Arft
les iKaii '.O.Oii, himI by (l Uw i
poltlrtli ei-iu frwiu th titU lQ' '
Pnichr "
Hele I tbe HV n Mlairs-..ln M
pri-M. It T 1 InriC" MHlr f
f..lltlll lllflf... Ill I 111 fill. tf J..llll llllll.
tiliel oi Tev:is Seeielare It.iv.inl lliin!. .. .... f...i.... ...I 1 1.. I...... n... i ...,,..' ent tsl.lilt-!iNl III O-jn-rf
"-' " m ' " - " "' .-.. .-..-,-. . ........ . ( Ilfck I III 1J T St9 -!' 11(14 ! 1i l'
this raises the gravest po-sibte ipiestioii i)t.r the Piesident ntoppeil mouieut or P"l "" fr l fi'
between me two countries. Mr. lhtid ii tVn ami took ui ear uei t look at the face, t. more gr, ttr r,s mt
.i i.. i.. ... i... .i..i... ... ........ . . - ... .... i. . ........ .
,. ,.., li,, l Iln. . ,.,.L- I m-i-,h ill i-.uni-si ill ins tii-teiiiiiiiiitiwo i'i p.vsa-it IlltO Hie iniil aim WHS e"oriis ' " iumij,imiM um".wi jj"i
'.' . ' ' ,. . . ,.' ,. i. .. , .'. esist the position taken by Mexico, und among the; nUu were pr.iptJt
neiii-1 liiidrnii. was killed the other dav In ..... .... . ... . . ... . . V . . ' . '
:,,: . . ... ' - express,;, urn coii.nieiicc a io me pojnuar Lnd cott and luiont. Ini mliitil mii'r Ke-o toeU ,ilf tjte Uh-a
good demand iu London during the week " oooi'r. ' on. n. appro. al ol hi, couise. II asc, Mr. u,,. pall beanis de-ceiidct tin- broul tnir. j hi-Uirtr i not n i.ttr 0-M .Ho
ended August 7. German bond, were linn. I A ,:"-T t,f I'slltll"''s' ws thoughtless J,.,!ai,i ,hink Is too clear for anv e.piiio- P.,M., ,,r,v.,hd .lrectt to the room where , ., ,.', . i1-iL1 . ,, k ,
I5ut ittle business was transacted on tbe ' om,IIC to at,ack a Pjiicii tiee peddler iu- ration, and he has no idea ol ret.eatmg .,,, u,,... N-ci-fcirv M.o.nb.g. . ' "" ' " " !' J "7 ,
Paris Houi-se -'"'y. ' ''" the losinon taken bv t .pnilm.-ii. .,.,,,. upon the arm of John ..i.i,. ! , '"" t hn " ' "", ,M,n r,,w, "
HioTiNt; i.Kniii took place in on A "v- Krnnnrj- and four- yaluabl I s(),e weeks ago when ,t demanded Cut- ,,.,, . ,.,..,.. Dclegnfo,, ,., Wtli. " - J ' .?" ','' .1" ' '
the Mb Thed.sordersMeiesnni.ressfdbv hor-es belonging to J. P. Miller, i's lele.ns,.. ' . .Vrrvtary will not mil tollowd the pall-beaier-. ainl I ""- M-ii Rlilwrlv In inl
e oiili,... , nl 1 ,,rv It w .! s.,.1 tl ,.t f York, were destroyed by lire tbe other ( tlcipite the action of Mex.r... hot .a:.. .,. ah-.mIoii h.M.l.d by lion. '" '""
tncpoiict. ami miiiiaii. ii s .mi I se.-k, nil repatat.ou Imiu that coiintrv. "-,, I irts. of V.-w Uuk; Inui of . Do i.ol forget tht ft pb-nty- . If
-ixty person, were killed und two hundred u)' , , .. i hat a local court l tnitd hue co.ucbd -M..r r..!.v ll.n- f..... llitr ti. .' n.. -: . l .i i .k.- .- ,.
I Jill Ll'llll III I 1111 Ih IllllllTI" 1 III' IIIISVi -- -!-( !-- r .--------. f . mm aw f - -- ---'- m-W mm
' '''.- , .-..., ,r - -.- ....
Tin: Journal Official publishes the
stntistics of the foreign trade of France
during the first half of the present
ear. The imports amounted to 2.079,
fcyi.OOOf., whereas during the same
jM'riod in lSSo they xvere-102.,"3:,000f.
The decrease in raw materials for in
dusdry amounted to Sl.000.000f.. but it
was lessened by an increase of Cti.OOO,
(XH)f. in the importation of articles of
food. Tlie exports during the first six
months of lSSo were l,f3l,84,000f . as
against 1.4.i3.174.00uf. in the tirstlialf
f 1885. Manufactured articles thrurcd
iu tlxis augmentation for .r)S.000,U00.
Ax uneasy stockholder in one of Mr.
Huntington's railroads, recognizing
tlie millionaire on a train, although he
luid no personal acquaintance with
fcim, Miadc bold to ask him for informa
tkm rtigarding the condition of the
s-mmI whose bonds he held. Mr. Hunt
ington went into an elaborate explana
tion of the matter, and, at the close.
parried his questioner's apologies for
intruding, with these words: "When
1 used to keep a country store and a
Cftftonicr came and waked mc up at
oiduight I always was glad to go and
et what he wanted, for I knew nobody
womM come around bothering mc at
!t hour if they didn't want something
pretty bad. It paid to be polite and
iieoonmodatinjn the oM days, and 1
it jpays sUIl.
Tlie lockout ut the Tiuitierline (Mont.)
mines continues. Thirtv w-otnen the other
day forced a "blackleg' to quit work.
They escorted him home to his wife aud
instructed his wife to look out for him.
Alfked Packeu, the Colorado man
eater," was sentenced recentlj to forty
years in tho penitentiary for manslaugh
ter, eight years for each of hta live tic
tinis. Si'EAKixo of the Cutting case, Represen
tative Curtin. Pennsylvania war Gov
ernor, recently said: "It is au outrage: we
should net submit for a day to such treat
ment of au American citizen a has been
dealt out to Cutting. It is not the man, it
is the principle. We can not be too zeal
ous iu protecting the rights of our people
elsewhere. The attitude of Mexico in pre
posterous as well as insulting.''
Twenty-five new cases of typhoid fever
and three deaths were reported on the
South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 5th.
There were over 200 cases, many fatal.
M. nz Lesskcs has is-aed a new circular
addressed to the shareholders in the Pan
ama canal, in which he says that over
100,000 shareholders hare subscribed for
4"S.s02 shares iu the new loan.
The grand jury of New York hax post
poned the investigatioa into the charges
against Commissioaer of Public Works
Squire and Maurice B. Flyaa for a few
days until Mayor Grace has coaeluded his
Asiatic cholera is repotted preTaleat at
Madisos, Chippewa Falbj and Miladora.
Wis., several deaths baring occarmL
Some, however, dear that the plague is of
the Asiatic type, claiatiag that it is Tiru
leat cholera saorbas.
John F. Smith, the accomplice of Jama
ia the murder of William, C Glatkoa. waj
aaaged at Gallatia, Ma, on the 7th. Jatup
was executed acoaple of weeks previously.
th heiasrespited. -
Tun relatives of Hubert O. Tho:np-in
were teceiitly nngry because some luingin
ntive idiot stinted a report that his death
was- caused bv suicide.
Mr.x norking in a clnv bank nt Chii'ngo
have struck some sub-tauce leseinbling
petroleum and tiiere i great ozciteiuent in
C.H'Taik Kisask I. Li'Ni koi:i vent out
to eapturo siiord fish near Ulouee-ter,
Ma.. the other day. Ho hnri ooued one.
which to the s-iirfitee ami drove its
ing men. nUo ?t"i which he took with hiui
to cancel ii mortgage iu Loup City.
An immense nmoiiutuf rudroad material
i- going out on the St. Paul bianch of tin
Union Pacific, to put extensions 1101th mul
' uetin lirst-cluss condition.
Tin: Union Pacific surveying corps, u hieh
staked the Cheyenne ii. Northern road, was
recently camped nt U'Knllon. running n
line up the Noith Platte river.
Tin: pushing residents .f O'Connor.
Cutting doe1 not iiccessrly Imply that tin-
County DeiitiK'tnri no ! other-.
I'.-v. Ir. W i Itmn .1. 'lu'-ker. r.ho b.-d
rnitie fmiii Andover, Ma-"., to terform the
retetiioliles, Ihe Ilinet.l! prnjer of tlie
J'resbit ri.iu Church. The r'nir of the
.Miidlseli Avenue Piesbi teroui I'liiireh ii
Abide With .Me." Ir. Tucker next tlrtiv.
fled sholt nddress OU the .eri'i.ll iMiall
ill her pie-elit attitude the (i-if tlen of the decea-i-d. and rookc mtti Klet
would then arise at to wluit feeiniir.
After hi nddre, IiMjgVritoulo Ilnre
ul WStarUy Ni
Me.xiciiii (.'overuiueiit mil reins, to net hiui
at liberty nod t'i to u;ir. H.klnc of tie
f:i in re. hj"iei;m Pi.'iiaid snul that both
countries wete p!djed by the ol
i ls.js to exhaust eveii ms hie mean- of ef-
j Tecting a peaceful sfttle'licllt uf all pf-
i litlcal tniesrJons. Miould Mexico per-
action shou.d lie t.keu by this country to
enforce nrqu.csecuce In It- dem.uids. A
rupture of diplountlc neoliatton- wood
n ii
Ctreeley Count v. proj'ose to give n bonus ol ,iati,r;iy follow. Another qiie-tlon ha
?l.0v0 if the Scribner brnnch of the Hlk- j mided fuel to the Ctmei on the Mexican
horn Vallev roiul i. extended to the tow n
Mine i ri eller t
'I liuiu'hi," nmt tlijvctor tu'iwai ano'liT
brief sjH-rh. llmxlUAr san Ijsptid i' e
him mg and lhfnerpll!fC. antt lhftket
l the mnkiti of n fltte A mnL TTs '
Hereford nr Hbort-born. t) OtMt. )
, .ho.- or Plniid-( hom. m HI umh 4f
, nt uto an inferior mi.ihI It m1 rt
, fed SMie firiimii rJ (kmr entll '
tker tliilik they lllire tlietit fUIH4 -
the furt 1 !!' r wtily In jh- th-n
l fattee.. !ti Sxl itick and ll -the
vnr rotind. tit ruU fwnml
driven u""li thrnl A'
A Cirnnin leirTr iv tx,(s-r-
hTe niHTIM-nl llllll hAl tl eSv
tie HI trig ihrep U III nmtln n Krvt" i ,
t.t Imt let tetter tti-tft f t '
I Imriler 1 lie tmlleial liinroer III A .'IeXlCin .. ,. t .1 'BBT l..v . Iw.... Mfcll...
.......-.. .... .................. --. . - .-- i, ,i, ii.-,--1. Bcr "., w" w.i ii,; win ii.1 ....... i...
sword thiough the boat, penetrating the jt js j,..lieved the count v u ill add $4"HOMo ' nnluratizetl in this countrj-. who had leeii j,,.Hre al Itjl-i and caHI li Uin train to miwr.iw iw .Hmi...u
iibdumeu of the Captain so that be mil the pile. Negotiations to that end are i illegally extradited by'lexan authorities N-ew Ieaiywn. T r President. (ioTrmH-l :rfit-r tifron) mrmih ut ts i--
die. under wav. is iu the procr-s of settlemrn, and It ! ,., ur. aini;t offioft and rtelrllons fi-f 5"1' ,,,J'1 -"' T " " '
Au. the cotton milN in Augusta, Co., A Sitton- farm of .W0 acre- uas- sold Inst j :hought here that the murderer will be inwedvitli Uie pall U-arrts In tvicaly Otc "-l'-ttl f- er hel. .IhhiM jt- t- J
closed down on the HUh and U-M hnuds week for SiJ..U Heal estate is looking up j h.tiured bv the Mex.rnn (H.itriunent. In CArfBe-. rrHalb-ptt.irt.t of U-b .. e,,-.. -
: ii . . ..... ... .-. 1 ntf.i rs tlie M.ife 1 'cnartiurnt ric'cd m n.- ,- ihir,nii it ' In nr-atrrlne h--l that a ilimimii. . !
xieieiuie. nifp.- was nu mi nii'i in a mi III mat loc.llliv. IV. . i i vi, I " -- --- .- "... -' -" -i- - w
lleiuent of the trouble. A -in accident occurred on the Union ! Pdi Kieat piompliie.1 and i.eor nt Vr. I rr!,;fHItwtr.t hall, th, rho.r sang IUk I th. b-' fr.-l ti , .
Uovnuvou InixiN... of Te-cas. has issued Pacific tram near Grand .-nrlv the J "; 'f '"J ";t -t u ' ' K't of TUde.,', r,,,plo,M car-f ThU sM(wl of ,..Mr.. . J .
a pioclamation aslcmg for lelief for drouth other morning. Mrs. Minnie Carlttm. of j "' Z , S . " K " i S ' ZC ! VZ?"""? ' . f ". " f -
.... :...i i .i. .:.t. i... .......... - -. . in mc ....., . ......... ....-..-...., -.. watntxr l to tti" ii.i -e ,
t.iiicKo, oeeupieo . in--i iu m-u uvi i I...,.', ti. as bee-iti it Ul.oivr inatine I .,-t...... ni
i i i4i.iitiiaii
D.NiEt. of Ogden-burg, N. Y
has beti appointed collector of customs of
the pott of New Yoik.
E.-(iovi:uor. John W. Sthvev-ox, ef
Kentucky, died on the 20:h nt h home in
Covington. Ky.. aged seventy-eight.
Tin: boiler of a thresher engine exploded
on the Foer farm near JefTerson. Wis.,
the other day. killing five persons iiistnntly
Anthony Klein, the engineer, and his son
Joseph Le-tcr. and his ter.-enr old boy
and Joseph Haas. Anotker of L ter's
sons u-ged eibt years and a ruan uaruetl
Fisher -iere fnta'ly scalded. Several
others received scald.
Mi;s. L. M. Pavy. mdowof the late Dr.
Pttvy. naturalist of the Greely Arctic ex
pedition, has donated to the National Mu
seum, Washington, the relics collected bl
uer husband on his Arctic trip.
Zinemei:, IIeuman & Co.- brewery, nr
Wootlstoek. 111., was destroyed bv f" re re
cently. I.Os, .7is0Al: insuriiNce, -U.X).
The Progressive Union of Cigarmaker:
of America have decided to amalgamate
with the International'; and thus end the i
long strife. I
HaiN5 ou the 10th checked the V ;consin
Thikty-one building- were bnmetl at
Sault Ste. Mane. Mich., recently. E-sti-mated
loss. ?T2 0CO: small insurance.
SQiiKE an.i riynn. """'"' I threeafllc from Ua!a wltha ballet hole
corruption, have been indicted by the New -W.. Tkeil to -, d
lnv-aiise it initdvr ttkatrtie
children. a batie of six months j ,, f ictber Anierlcan ritin1a McX
and a four-year-old girl. During the J co n: to It? prtte:pi iu the.r rbjaJthv,
night the eldc-t child changed places with AN .MTKAI. Jg
the babv. Later on the mother awoke und ?T. I.orn. Sue. 10.
;.-- - -.
' 4. i ...1 fa k r..
. .. m . I ."
.aa 7iiii th irelrcatMin inru ., lv ilnia r-
i - ,y . . . .i.i !....! Ih " t . -. A.--
lo the carrUSea. - ii"' -- " oU u-b-r el ihaTrx t -
the dead tteni:i. The - - tC2t-itr)r
... ... "- -atssa-k. av , w - - - -
Ireiideiil and hl wrcretary, tioTa'if n? 4 ,'Tm iX
imt.t ti' r- r,,,r" srern, ,.
'' - 'i -
r T
I he,. .
touching the child's lightly witn ur n-munum,.,.. ..-..-e . ao corre f unrraHraiiu A-ona iu mw "" -- fwJr . tr-U " wa '
hand noticed was wrong. Thor j l-- n.tfht M'2yMfXncrt tlerapl'd j Ut y,mtcem the "ldrs f Ui rod ailje ,j5-i fJ pk? ' " '
otichlv frlchtenetl h.-lift-d the leihy from i ' -u:tuig fJ'ilW- rne onlr In with r-nn!e. Jut M Uie wrtw sunrii .Ii-.,f-Mi-,u mi tim lb r t
its position and found that ,t was deal , " ' "" Jf lae far! that be wail fru, Uie hm ttr.. rain i Uu ' ' ;'.tt-4UT.f.l. 5 - V1'1 ' J
The Utile girl had lain irith her face ncro..i',:ll,;'';r't,ie court sin to-day. and dil nol ,,!, the llZj' JJJ nu7l of Um T c
,bc baby-, prerentmc it from breathing, j Jie 2 Utt WK F? X' '.adl iti sSwS lUf W- 5 lM-V
and it bnd -mothered to deatu. Ihe " JuCoart of the but l " . rmisd ; -S Wl , Krt U a , .l ?
Titr. hardware store f A. M. Trent at VmvJtu F !h?S3 SShS TvJ mUtn a IW earr-M-.t i Ut f
IdePole, eighteen miles eaa of S.dn i. m a IfHSr d Vu 0 - -7 WfcS tt VXST i" "
wnsstruckbylightningatthrceo-clockthe t'TJuIve otU-tr-r. .ad f4- I' I'
other morning and totally con-a.n-.! gad fo he at, ;Sr5Sr Union. -f.: "I friend., lr. Ur. Tkr xX7liMr Vf Z?! I
Loss, about five thon-and dollar-, part' .CfWtr of pne L1 " nfifni U. ntte-rs In t .. tllrrnl ttte r. ltl .;! a H- v -'
t K- ;...,in..,. Ua chrh? IlltVvrTOlH l II '' .!.... If- - t-rt- f ll V if IftS tTMCmnZ "" VT ...-. M.e.asraM i V '
- i. i .fHHIIal in IH "J faaa "- '" 1UIIAVI - - 11' a-'i W.- ,iM-. ' ftr
t1i 4-USiiv. -.- .. - J?
& m .. . Ti'.knV' tr -fE kifri!ri- iti inr Laassc
irnieo m-.u. ...... ...-.-- - --- , f,
Bi lllttl.ilie. liu ....-. ; -J"1 -.,,. rtm'l
... mjr 1 v.vuuM --
Dokche-tei: dogs are taxed $4 aJ5ar.
The on of Mr. Galel. a Vt !! xatiC County
farmer, recently met with a BAinful acci
dent. The hore heWju riding wa
fngbtetl by a dog and raaaway. The boy
wa- thrown from bi MtC got tangled In
the hame-s . he MLftnl the bore at a
furious -;wei raajbrough a wire fent-e,
tear:ng ott a wils and deep section of flesh
along the nhohVcztentof the bor back,
neck and headC
A YOt3ta.iaan. aged atont twenty-two.
was reeeatlr found oa the railroad about
ibn inii.ii'-. j ... . i ...... --.- - - -
" i. ...ti I.. . tn-ntier eUsfae-i tt -rrie were f tb wip!l !. lae . ,, (
j w pMM ... .. - ....... ---
...alsuHfftM - t
m.yr w .
- Government ot 11 lulercsted
hud" by Ue f al .. . -- J - . -
York crautl jury.
Jame Baillie Hamilton was married oa
the 10th in Westminster Abbey to Lady
Evelyn, daughter of the Duke of Argvie.
Mr. Hamilton is wijl knou tn New York
aad Boston.
A gentleman who has been with ex
Presideat Arthur at Newixmdon. saya tba
(general is looking mo-.h better tbaa tha
public generally beh'eves.
Retl-kns frosn tweaty-six of tbe larger
post-offioes of the country show an iacreaaa
of 9 percent, ia the -tamp sales during the
saonth of July, as compared with the sasae
month last year.
Rcmoks of aaval and military xtove
meaU against Mexico on the 10th were aa
nrmat and sensatioaaL Orders were re
ported issued to several Tessebt to prepare J
for sea. Troops were also ordered to hold '
theiaselves in readines.
I withcat beiag able tefve his aame.
loaTKxaN ebrasaa oespaira of secanae
1 eoaaeetioa with Omaha.
t tor of the Rashrille itmdnl n-
: a drive ia the coaatry aeath
it tewm, where ealy a few aseatfcs
t aotkiac aroa4 prairie.
iieekof aateloae here aad there feed-
aad was
Hrpntli " j
ism,.r w V Au. 9. Jsnei
HV1... .- 1
who recently CnUhed a tern,
M ciratlnr a veritable rclga of
Wk . ..i au.r r '
adT.ce as to the ll etlVl I t jj. the sllic varan
m etT. Sehookraft went mi 0 feanh
i Schoolcraft,
in the pen, b
trrrerin B
here ekisj(
of heading K
the upper I
"" - trta
search of a rL. - t-. statei dOcrt la
tWPv ait. Ikt ' to MIf a dara JtM a
oi. taken fi V " 9llkliikmmAl
'l-TPP the natives. He anu.-d
W, w ,
t Irius Uaf
f tbeeoaaxy rrrreeBiinf
ilary 'f
m est
-;!! It Tbf " t IV9T -&i !-
J. sKI bTr(al vre tj t -
t.t ia th PatefP
""" -J- tJJ,.
3L3W M J ,.! 'Mi!WllWi.lii
ihi V Bl1 eS0,lB ! li
L ie then a ai a
Aau -egaxtftism a www w -
TeJaa. a wjajg jia Asat H Beajwahl
ei jesieae ' -.-- jj cMBssltted sai-
hnawtf laaHsutiac asnw
hen dadawi'n
a near af
w at- sl U'.
WfWihM - '&&
r ----.
jml. araan i
ear- t,. u
fraaaa fana hom,- lie': P
essaaatle hark- mm i P
bMw-a aiJ mm1 " aeesns
aaai.&.axi - : t - - uea
y ft mw i nv lira i
F- 1-f.y -riadlraaaar JflJC JJ-L T. salaa
Pai sai, Fartaa Ceaaty. fuJj - Jalsaaekv Taay
EoMSam rf the Leaiffrflle skatiac riak ' zXL-J! " W aeeJtea assir
b tat atker day hy a raaf J2 i' &&
lbs. - - - mm fWhr atssJPH
fa'"? - j- ! , i- s s.-ej vu2?iS?-i ssurl
fc?Bssv t-s-.Sfrj' j- "Ss-p - JamBfl
r'aV si? ' tjW"v A.AfVffii MjkWS$ w
ytef.iieatfl ..... J,.. u msa.!,, rt-V
I to he pn 5le tra day- fttfcrf tajfcj r"',4i ,pfrirt.i. of taI 1' ' '
,&t,t&aSlatfSsa2 aad rltjaate 4 -- '
T .17i?rir rv'-aev f C-t :, a It i vmui that ttet t-
liSr tnwi loSSTbvt-- n-v -Wl -ill fH K'Mmi trth-L .!. ,.'
hm hearx. TVe rtpalaJ'n cn$uvoci at m9itai.
. miu thesf" tn-C-cc XahAUxC- ty tf tb- t-t aad ci4 '"
S- "" , tWmnz to j.rwt Uti v-
y-jatAttW.i-lsUrrprieh,! tfor the traaw. the - -
-r-. ...... .. m-!r 111 arrt ... , . - i. -
nw "-""' Rt4 taal tv tos m c - --
the strait? "hieh are cto Udzj 0T tU mKtL Ttst wUe i -
Waof rosr. .ttvu iB- c j;tvi raM a zt ut jii-r
rDavttt. the lnh jctr-o coa to a fr :h U-.r Tkr v"
t trzA the .Nat-vnal tx.on taieca aa M uu jTt, w & "-
thelAUt snd to detlvcx a tr f leclere a.rl- ..,,!&.
is tbe Iare eitf-s ef t country. The lrW
iU. .aJowed jjn U Crr play . headed h, Sir. . or"r" .". "Z ' ' ? nlfte
Hat rsVePlIewae Ueifa, 1 - - f Umt mmi " . . ,a
TkJBnreH him fe.teaer Et.wlm. Henry Irt, aeons-1 fr aad .vrky V" "h$U
tmmSm IjIb trf ,iBrdtiy Dim Trrrj W hrf dsaf.W, , tr sal wW tor.uli hat'1
kW-' sttiers ia , j j. c lrki.ot. of tt-e Daily Neaa. ut to 'Si trviu - 'J
3fM Ute over fattf jj f, Ssvtharjv'.ou, today, Jot this ix s:ais. 1
- j city. I 1
l l
tr-z -i
f-Si --.v-ic:
-1 -S-J. .