aprtJT -T' I "- tttt J ill J, I THM PiliilliWWTrMleraM 6v.? ;". . ,. ,..,. ssMgrr-.Y-mmmaeflBsesam '--:::Hnn:;::r:rr;.:rc" I HI WmflL A EB I I B ' llmi3Usw . -" ., , tStJ--. frlBr-Br'.B iTiKT BBBBBBBBMj-- -g r g eaaaajJVBmlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBff JBBBBBB l jBBM.BBpm.MT' V H?. TJ T. f -f BBBBBBWj"",faBM BftW Bm nHv BBBB) BBBB BBBM ic- y iiSyrit inBfi ' v 4!::l;;.''jhj:nf;i:?ir ?i- .g -!'iBmmmmmm?l5BL -JrSmmmmmgSHBrnmalBear JpMii-?T-Bliirfil,.ii,-jy:? 'QgSgiKis .Cv r: "KIjt,uKKBSB!9EIK9C'v eovcfvBBBBBBBY bbbkeTsZ-'' l'"t i ? ei -j!lB&03ttm5 js cbkSbbbbbbbY- BBlpiiiHBBiiBl---4', s E e r M - VOL XIV. ffe grf f W i A. C. IIOKMF.R, Proprietor. Jteil C'loinl, Webster county, Nebraska. Aweektv Journal ib.-vott-il to tlie Interests of lie worlit In truiivril ami Webster comity ami ill-Ki'lit t.rritirv fi:ir1li-il:irlv. The liirSTCSt allll 'nt eqtnpK:il paper in the great Kpublicjm alley. KATKS OK ADVKKTISIXO. One square one week fl. ami fifty cents lcr square tor each subsequent Insertion. A liberal discount to vearly advertiseis. Joeal notices live cents per line for each in sertlon. Transient ailvertisinj; payable in advance. Jlvuiilar advertisers to settle monthly. TKItMS OF SUUSIWItTlON. One year. In advance S1 Six months, iu advance Trial cony .(5 months) in advance .50 TitKr:iiiKvii:iHti iri7i!st circulation of any paper In the valley and is therefore the greatest j advertising medium In this section. Advertis ing rates accompanied witii amuavu oi uni circulation furnished when leqtiexted. OUIt .IOII DEI'AHTJIKNT. 8 complete in even- particular ami bring run by stkam Insures work done promptly. I'mcKstlie vi'.itv i-owimt, ami good work gi'Rnmtccd or no pav. We wilj duplicate large on.ers at Omaha prices, and g uarantee work and sbck to be as good as can be procured In the west. e are bound to please all patrons of wurjob depart ment, (live us a trial Secret societies. Masonic. Charity Uh&: No. St. A. 1 & A. M. meets Friday evening on or before the full moon and two weeks thereafter. .1. K. Willcox, . .M ; V . C. ricking. Secretary. Cyrene Coiiiinatulcry N- ' ' Ki?5hts Temp lar, stated conclaves, llrst and third Thursdays. J. A. Tulleys, K. C. Ked Cloud Ohapter Xi. W. It. A. M., stated eouvocatluus Wednesday on or before the full moon, ami two weeks following. It. n. Fulton, II. V; W. C. risking, .Secretary. I. O. O. F. Ked Cloud Lodge No. fil, I. O. O. F. meets every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. innisieut nroiuers eonuany iiiviuju. tw j Hutchl on, N. C; Win. Parkes, Secretary. Faith Itebek:ili Idge. o. 1L, I. O. F. meets t he second and foi.rth Tuesdays of each month at Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. S. Hutchison, N. U ; Mrs. Ilcrtha Hummel, Secretary. Webster Kiicaiiiiimeiit No. 'J.'., I. O. O. F., meets the first ami third WedneMlays of each mouth at I. O. O. F. Hall. F. I. Huiuinell. C. 1'; W. it. Koby, Scribe. K. of P Calanthe Lodge No. ju.K . of 1., meets llrst and third Tuesday of each month, at Masonic Hail. F. Kradbrook, C. C; A. C. llusnier, K. It. s. S. of V. II. s. Kaley Camp No. St, S. V., meets tirst and third Saturdays of each month :it Masonic Hall. F. 1 .Spanogle, Optaiu; Henry Ludlow, Orderly Sergeant. A. O. U. W. lied Cloud Ioilge No. wi, A. O. II. W., meets Saturday on or before full moon ami twit weeks thereafter at Masonic Hall. K. F. Highland, MaMer Workman: II. W. Brewer. Kecorder. C A. R tJarflcld l'ost No. to. O. A. It., meets Monday on or before the full iikkhi, and two weeks thereafter, at Masonic Hall. A. N. i'atmor, 1. C; Illnini Hicks. Adjutant. W. R. C The Woman's Kellef Corps meets Monday on or before tlie full moon and the second Monoa thereafter, at 2:.u) o'clock p. m. Mrs. li. 1. Knight, rresident: Mrs. K M. Fermaii, Secre tarv. K of L. Fallhful Asscmblv No. :ti, K. of L inlets second ami fourth Thursdays of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. Churc h directory Congregatioal- rrcjichiiiK every Sunday at It :00 a. in. ami S p. in. Sunday school 12 M; younu people's inwt inj; 7 p. in; prayer meeting Wedueiwlay evening. IlKV. J. V: AIKMAN, I'astor. Methodist Episoopa rn'achins every Sunday at it a. m., and p. in. Sunday school at 10 u. in.; youuj; iH'ople's meetiim4 p.m. Kkv. Oko. S. Davis, Castor. Grace Episcopal. Henlces 11 a. m. and s p. in. second and fourth Sundays in each mouth. ItKV. C. L. Fui.t-OKTti, Kector. Presbytetian. Sttrviccs U ;u in. ami 8 p. in. every Sabbath Sunday-school 10 o'clock :u in. Fraycr meeting 8 1 in. Wetlnesdav evening. H. N. Foxn, I'astor. Baptist. Kegular prayer meeting senicc overj" Sab halhutlla. in. when tbert is no preaching Sabbath school at 12 M even Sabbath. Business Cards. w.TULLEYS, M.D., HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Exatuininsf .Surgeon. Office Opposite "-Kirs National Bank Ked Cloud. IJR. L. H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office. Over city Pharmacy. 'OfRce calls on ly. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKii E. MCKEEBY, M. D., s VT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, orricK. Over City Tliainacy 9lBceBonrsfrorastol2 8.ni.. l to 4. and 7 to t p;m. Xrsidence 3 blocks west of court nouse ilED CLOUD. NKWUSKA .V J KO. O. YEISER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. All business promptly attended to. Bed Cloud, - Nebraska. - Office Opposite Post Office. I D. DENNEY, PHY6ICI AN Jfc SURGEON. ftBD CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. iOiwe Over Cook's drag store. GaUt ,ropUy atteo4ed vto day or RED ! w. Kai.kv. J. L, Kaley Kale Bros. TTORNEYS AT LAW. ItED CLOUD, NEB. Acents lor the B. it M. R. K. Lntnfs QILH.M & RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Office Over City Pharmacy. R E. Jtfoore. Prcs't J. L. Mlner.VIce Pros John Moore, Cashier National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB! Capital, - 75,000. rmi transact a general barring busines. buy and L sell County warrants. Alo County. Pre- Jounty. rre Buy and ell nnetaad bchool District bonds. Foreign fcxebange- DIUKCTOHS: R. K. Moore, John Jfoore. ft. C. Mbsher. R. U. Outcalt W N Richardson. qEO. O. AND R. D. YEISER, rKOl'RIETORS OF THE Webster Cosily Abstract Oiee. RED CLOUD. NEB. Complete ami only set of abstract books in Webster county. Grazing and farming lands and city property for sale. Office on North Webs ter Street VAN HORN'S City Tonsorial Parlors. Wcbsterstreet, Kerf Cloud. Hae been lately renovaterf and put In fine re pair. Shaving and hair cutting a specialty, and executed by the most approv erf w orknien. Our bathing department luts recently been rellttcd and we can uor(supply all demands of the pub lic. Hot orcold baths to suit customers. Pri ces reason Me, Hot or cold water baths always eady. O. C CASK. J AS. MCKNV. Case & McNeny, ATTORXEY8 ASP COCXSEIjORS AT JlS Will practice in all courts of this state Collections as well as litigated business careful y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts furntsh d ou appllcatto. Orrtrr. Orer First National Bank, Red How! Neb C. Shaffinet. Commission Merchant Insurance and real estate bro ker, Red Cloud, Neb, Will cry sales in Webster and ad joining counties. Best reference given if required. Also ail classes of Jtfsks written in solid coaapanies at lowest pricas. Conuspondence solicited. CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. Great bargains in all Summer goods India Linen Lawnsone White Pique and Nainsoak. 1' Lot 5c worth 8c, 1 Lot 7c worth 10c, 1 10c worth 15c, 1 Lot 15c worth 20, 1 Lot 20 worth 25c. J 'Remnants, of embroidery, la.riicerlot very cheap. "" - -. A-.U- 4iv" . ' x -n if :'!.' ; uJU hr-i 9 . Summer 'underwear very chea: to close them out. Mail orders promptly attended to. IB h n nwm at ib Wishing to close down Stove with 20 jnch oven $25, former good 18 inch oven 25 pieces 4 tine Ferel Hay and Manure Fork Strap 4 tino ' Scvtlie a ne snath. Walnut extention table per foot. Ash u " -; A gocxl upholsterued Iounge Cnpboanl safe Small kitchen safes Woven wire springs Ash Bureau Large Glass All Walnut Bureau, one fourth Good bed Walnut bed Large wood rockers $ a These prices will good DUCKER'S lot 10c '.worth 15c; one tiJl BARGAINS IN my stock to put in full following low prices. very W sit. '- r jS--. r;Aj SK & A2 f- .I' marble " r for 30 days. F. C. WINTON. ,-a -,,-,' , 5..' .- . js - FPIDAY. AUGUST at Ducker.'s. lot 5 cents worth 8 cents. J. J. DUCKER & CO., Red Cloud, Neb ; stock, I make the price $28. 1(5 00r ro 70 1 2:1 SO f SO op fr TiO 3 50 3 50 14 00 .13 00 2 35 ,4 00 2 0 ce, $1S 50 75 85 ": 1 50 r . 00 ? 00 1 . 7 50 ''' ; so 4 50 4 50 18 n 15 . y 5 u be held 43 1886- Lo1 Bed Clond isd Saiih Cutir Stti Line oarries the United States mails between Rk1 Cloud and Smith Center. GOOD BIG .1 And accommodations fir conveyinji psissengcre. i:irccls,etc. Philip Barkley, Prop. BRICK! BRICK! We haw just burned a kiln of No. 1 Brick, which is ready FOR DELIVERY ! To nartiea desirinz the same. Will desiring sell the at Reasoable Prices ! And al?o ?and at reduced rale. I'ar- ties dwirinji U contract ill do well to call on n before purchasing as we guarant s o uatisfacto W. H. Ludlow & Son- F. P WMEH Live Stock and gen eral auci oneer Blue Hill, Neb. pRAXKB.GUMP, ATTORXEY .IT LAW, i 'EB UED CLOUD, OtncK Over the lt Office TEASE'S BBi 1TD1mAXZaII BBi BBBBBBBB Imm IbBhC NO 2 With the Wmr Coat. Retrrat ha.i 1or Muudcl; the flag. opening out it graceful (olds comra waving down thntall utf iniu!taricou ly with tho thunder of the evening gun; and wo cnss the paradn for a trollout along the bank of the rrwk tliat flows tranquilly over it amly lcd in th deep ravine in rvar of tho U Al though the un ha divaprrrHl, the western sky is all"aglow with hU light, and it U the ploaantct time of the Jay. tht long hour of Northern twilight, be fore the tkhadows of night clone In ou the fair lambcafMB before u. ilown be low i. where tlio creek isprcaiU out in to a wide and ilerp jhjoI. patue young Indian girK are bathing in it cool waters, and their laughing voices rie up nielodtouly in the ttllair. Souio .Mjuawf are iMjtuttrd along the edgu fil ling their watrr jars or dipping their !Huatliug little papiooe, eloihe ami all. into the Mrcam. Following the path along tho blu(T to ward the high ground )u our front, stopping for a moment at mmiio grave fenced in with neat white pallngn, where nMiih kh)t fellown are ?Ucntly "awaiting tho lat reveille." a we ro in iitscritK'd in rude character ou tho little hcadloard-. we climb to the top of the mound, and, turning, look back at the jcene below its. At our feet He the little fort, with it apiare juradn ground Hanked by the Ollie:r' ltiWM opKMto the barrack. of the men, and at cither end by tho gunnbhoiiMi ami quartermaster' More and oftlce and the mmI hospital. We euu .ve the mM iers gathered alxiUt the door of their quarter.', while in the om;u upace be tween tin? fort and the agency build ings, Manding white and Iruggliug be yond, and rising above i)u uitv groujcl near b, hmiic young Indian are racing their lion-,, rlliiig atid wlirMiping like lirud,-. Mill fut liter Ih yotld, wlii'ie wn Can we the nhinilig, curving river, and the creek emptying it- waters into it. the vi!ltg? li lying, the tmoke from it many tire melting into the air a bote. Wiy gr;olualty lh light failed, gt at tihadowit re tuHug over the prairie, "hero the groat herd of agency cattle i h!ovIv moving, the platrorniM on wlueh tli ii-d.nkln.H de JKsit the lMdn l their dead, Maud on on the mounds black againt the ky, and the weird, robbing wall of mourn ing women Mrike dbcordanllv on our ears Lights begin to twinkle In ihu barracks, and, ringing out clear ami mellow, the bugle is .sounding iit call" for tattoo. A. t '.o'jbmm, i Harper s Mayitztnc fur Mny. He Didn't Kttow What ts Ka. A blunt old tiermau memlMr of th Illinois Iegi-Iatunj. Mr. llotke, Wa one of the coinuiittee apjolntcd to lnvn.itl gate the State PeitUcullarr at Oie.ter. While there he was callttfou to make a 5jeech to the convict. It rrtainly peaking under difticultie. He ald: "I hardly know wot to ay to you. I can not call you henlleiiiem, becattM you i not .h(!titletin,n, and again I can't call you frietuU, oceans dot might glf minem;lf avay. Vt "hall 1 call you den? I will call you member of the Illinois Penitentiary, ahoont tho ame a w are memlcr fthe Illinois Sbcnrral A dcmbly. Voii havo been iiuaniroounly elected to fill the place you har widin dfe wall "litist the ame a we menw mr of the .Slienera! Avx.inblv havebcn electeI. I can not nay dot ( am glad vou is here. bauM dot mijht Riaktt you feel bad, and den again I can not ay dot I U aorrr dot you i here, b causc I dink it wis goot AtA xtm wa here now bcauw you I here, and I flojes vou will dr your duty hotxt th dame a wc do our duty for do tern for which yon I elected.' Tcxm titfliwji Fine ftl'tlitctlo. -California." said the rounz EnglUli man who was busted and had laUl ajiitl hi family pritln to became a ear con dtctor. 'California U the bt ple) In the worltl to U: reJncel to work In. I came out with a rnall fortune, i went into stocks and made a large one, I Int it all again and cxmn iIowm to thi." Ikit why 1 CaliJrjmia any bCtr tsaft any father placer' 'IVatiM!. my ilear boy, Uhj peofto ia the old cotmlry look upon California am aontething like tim interior of Africa, ami you're naturallr attppoawl to b tabjeet to great hanhhii. Jf 1 had to run a car in Livrrpool I woi4 be la gracol. iml ruasiag a car for Uvinr in Jan Francisco k an adrctr an4 it will bo jwut of my tnuge mm! InUrt cstin tufy when Tgo kmu. LHtmwc9 lend enchantment, my iMry, an4 a man can affrl to go through an etMrienre like this here, while it wml4 kek am Mft in jgland'ifw. 'mtUm OuhmkXe. Tkoth thf h W a ratidM lav Iwr avkahic h every homewmej, .Z mien ar ap4icsUc to alt System a4 rejwlarny are iirraBy acwry; Um wrk mi Ww my wiavt be 4ar tw"? ThMMgh there are timi m retry iT "a imU when thk aylem wiU he iwlarrupc NBf) Pw'Wt SwflWi W WbWVVHL m0 .WWPW WM iJCWV Wtw wvr WWBma'BW''"it Jwejmw imtie are not art Weeae Hxm oMiyKioai to frieentr l aeeiety The caa aet Wifore4 .wWmet 4mrctJf Jroej tkat reemiae heipitatkr waica f aho14 exi eanler every rmL ffrewr ilwjtitm to anjlmialieifir dtow k mac. Ytmeittmhtt cffcere wilt emmm Wmjo HwoveT ake aHegfy tm Hw wMeeate dm tommwwrwm 1 ft- I J. -fc tv T- -'J ii-fc---; -.sjzwvr ; Li$2"&,Vr. ji-'.!?-Aii J"r ,'. . V v 'ir"" ??;: ' -Z3Sll-. ' ...JStC . msmg .4 3t - M "ijffli.lf : " JET" 'mUhi-, - . 'V ,1 "f ft?- vji -r - -T.r-r:-v ' VT te J . f f. . E2 fy fcffi5?4-tL,'-s.v-. . Sjff if' ( a M&Sh& at ..Jft-tl",-"S'-, Tti .---.". v2-L.,Jjeji- ..-Ti.-' J"! SJ-aJlMt5iilUA -ifX A, -Wiv 'rf ," Bmmi " llliMBM 'SSj trx F.. " J tm-s. - -j-- v -i":2j3BBfiBBtWiBHF ' -&& ':?iy' -' Bmaal -i sr i" . w THt. srr . cJV- ;. .. . .. maaeBBBmBBBBmBBBmBml ' -g s trn-a":-;-;- Xi -'c v ' , -- V &--?,& . .7Z&??S AtT-ItT- ' mmmmmmmml : 'ajg &tttr .ammma