3 11 fc I Jll i V2.SW --- ? rrr-4?"hu3 K cmmmmm - iVfeafS.. T" -T-1 iSi'yt s tSr.'?SS4 S. tflfctt Si j. r Vl 4. J . - &&:&' x-Trjf iasBwaie j?ye5? l&af -1 Tfc.m.5 t -xr-Arfs v-r. 7 -r-fjVL ."u?7i?-.'' 'A. i -- o .-:-Sf w- rJ- .-- w&"W ' A .-c-jiF " J-". .i '' I' &? . -j r 1 r W 7 W'1- mmii raiw --i m-Wi-: -t,r--3r!- v-s.-r.-'!'--L-:. -- s ? vtsr-si HHr Bvi'WWnr a iflssPfig? i. r ; -- .fzrBL -m. n. . - w - k ttibi r 3 u y. .. -- j . - v p ! mi i i i i wvr " a('s- 1 JWC, -TjWJK ihCv - '4iireg?r'yFr v.;r- - - ,if AfflBEwPp'.W rtJLl. - -i"3"'a. - IL -PPj " t - - jg- --r , ; .jSExSrflEt ?&, ,JHE??V"siyie-W U Svi WSK5? jSSsWSK ,i2p.- 3e jnr- . al .T- T" - --C?" .i. " "-w-. t .. . "V-w-tT-vT A F V..-"". V 4 . i Tatar i "- .. V lf "s S V. - . i '2ZSi : - -i ; n. . t .-'' V -.'" I 3' S" M' Jfil f.St!yC ' & tr- m lXL'i j w& ? Eftv ts i. tZS& ji; lk5?rflS Xa . m-i& S,i T""j-ii- -OfeT E335 vTV-S i VJ- -yii ?- sSS. t if. My& M mPJ&Ly' ul fK ri8 m l I 9 It- . -J- BTnsc-7 ? iSHi.- "r9 t ?i- nj-j a- ,5sTr' . WS- -7 B J H J A' - , - - ,i . - - he $td hnd ghitff. A.C ,la -f J TRfDAY. JULYJW, ltft It if hw lotii tke nitftaiBLUaTerrit good itorj. A rI50)IKKAL bue wb reeeatiY f track ot 2t en gume, Uy tKc secret of curve Kch iafcaaW learmed bjp watcTiing a woaai trying to hit a ken with a stove. TflK Republicaa convention for the third congressional district has been called for October 1, with Fremont as the place of Meeting. The basis of representation is the vote for regent of the state university in 1885, which will give a total ef 225 delegates. tUPERVlSORrPROCEEOlNGS, JUD t'LoCD, July 14. 1886. h r hiss bj.W N. Kisjf and ant turned over to thrconnty. jk S - Boairi.t pursuant to adj.urnenU thJS55pi at the next j5neral election tk follewiujr roau sapervwor ".f?rop5ition to levy a tax oflj mill tin rwftassri siruawvwiTS i - .- t . on toe dollan tor lour yeara w uv uu for the purpose of building a jail, and county attorneys-instructed, to draw up said proposition and samerio be pub lished in the Red Cloud thief. On motion a committee of three ap pointed to reappraise the following des cribed school lands: West J. N. W. it Sec 16, towns 4. range 11. East J. N W. J, See-16, town 4. range 11. West . N. E. J, Sec. 16, town 4 range 11. AOS OP LIGHT AUD KNOWL- The average Rhode Island farmer says a Providence letter, 'depends for a living on carting the rocks from his land to the city, to" be sold for 75 cts. a ton. Rocks are about the only crop many of the, farms yield, and it has the advantage of being perennial, and can always be gathered. A;cremation is thus described by Ella, VBeeler Wilcox: "Snowy cloth es envelopes it (the body), Xhc door swings noiselessly open, the iron cra dle, that appears like a nuptial bed, disappears in a glory of crimson light, aa a dove flics into the crimson sun light and disappears from view." "Is view of the President's brutal and heartless veto messages," says private Dalxell, commenting en a re- cent-peusion bill vetoed by the Pres. dent, "we old AndcrsonAille prison- rs will be lucky indeed, if a bill for boarding and lodging is not presented to us for payment by this administra- p tion before it closes.'' The First congressional district tolds its convention at Beatrice on mints presented to tbe boaJ&andp- proved: Ulaus nose v. v- - " 23 due overseer S20.25; J. W.McClaren 0. 1L-K.-D.2fo. WToveweer f!3.50; Fred Huppert Hf K. o. 14 ciuh over-aeerfl.sioi.-'4 OfldalfioMl of I. O. Walker exaiuin- pitcher, lj PPJ Baiiey county clerk. m in .T of feat received and disbursed for tbe quarter ending JuneSOtn, 1BW present ed, examined and approved. Report of C. W. Springer county superintendent for tbe quarter ending June 30. 1886, examined and approved. The following claims for services as supervisors, and mileage, were then presented and allowed, and warrants ordered: W. W. Hogate $8.60; R. Jl. Jones $6.70: C. Hunter $5.00; James Grove$6.00; R. V. Sbirey 6.20: A. J. Kenney $8 00; J. L. Frame $5.60; T. G. Wilder 6.80; C. Gust 4.50; I. B. Hamnton 7.00: J.C. Brooks7.60; J. M. Stoddard $5.50; S. W. Fulton $8.40: Joseph Garber $8.10; John Street $6.50; On motion the following claims allowed and 50 per cent of said claims to be drawn on tbe county general sur plus fund and tbe balance on the coun ty general fund ol 1886. H. C Scott, various services and duties, $184.20. Geo. H. Scott guard ing prisoners, $50.00 W. C. Jackson services as assessor Pleasant Hill town ship, $76.00. J.T. Brooks Inavale town ship, $92.60. H. J. Shildon Elm Creek township, $52,601 J. J. Shilton Still water township, $65.00. Mark H. Warner Gartield township, $33 50. Chas. Molley Beav8r Creek township, $60.80. Otto Skjelver Catherton town ship, $66.80 D.G. GriceBatin township, $75.40. W. C. Laird Oak Creek town ship 76.00. George May Glenwood township, $57.00. Noble Sanford Red Cloud, $81. James Watt Guide Rock, $80.10. H. F. King D. Guide Rock village, $34.25. T. L. Ford Pots dam, $114.40. G. W. Hummel Line, $42.40. Samuel Ueaton Walnut, 878.80. Mareau Alexander Harmony, $72. J. H. Terman Red Cloud, 151. J. H. Bailey correcting assessors books 5. F. A. Sweezy attorney in Mason & Wilson case 20. Geo. W. Ball special road commissioner 4.40. W. T. Smith building sidewalks 312ft, 43.68. State Journal Co. blanks 20. Wilcox & Sweezy services as county Attorney, May and June 60. Park Watson Board- witness in case oi m. . ou.io. n t --- i For Low Rates leDtember 22. There is considerable airy for the nominations, as all the freatmen of the state live in that strict, but at present indications buit'lo'Hbn. Church Howe. Con gressman Weaver will not be a candi date, hoping to be sent to the senate place of Mr. Van Wyck, a change thatJhft ueonle would hail with de- "-vsn.i- .- . " T ' ""A :ht. ing ViS.mnr- OrrC"' OOWLBS. & E. L.rBall and David Huffman, form erly of Cowles, but now of Garfie'.d county were in our our town and yicin ity this week. They report the crops air countv as being better than hei j, M?HUl?p started on Tuesday, witn a carlcdoPipuhold goods, toam, nnm lnmW Smftound for bis claim wv ...- sister and their to .start on to Guide Keck the boys of in Cheyene coun uncle, Col. Clapp Thursday folllowing. Tbe Cowles sine we: onTueslayend play that town a game of baiv.ball in which the Cowles boys cam? out second best. 15 to 48. ' G. W.. Hager recently killed four skunks at one shot Guess he got skuaked worse than that at Guide Rock on Tuesday. L. Gangbin's boys recently dug out a atat of badgers consisting of one old tmm. and seven voune ones. L. H. JUDBON. The grain is nearly all cut, and some ara stacking, some art threshing out -bfthaihock. Winter wheat is good Spring wheat is badly '-chintz-bugged' Oata are good since the rain last Fri day. Corn is booming. Mr. Schroll lost .a valuable horse cxwung from town last week. ' Sabbath school at Pleasant Ridge vary Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preach ing next Sunday at early Jamp light Sid. t1 . rs-? Ttsjajolntlnin wWWaas, our moat worthy cwinty t Chas. W. Springer, has 'jfer tha pajt-mooth been most seriously ill, therefor , That we as a county board on do. in behalf of the i of Wahatar county, tender our m-m m rbMrttMt avmpatny to Airronng- 11 lj lu wwr muiuuuu, he may enjoy a speedy jp? s. ..-K2 r VriL&TJ -?- -J-r-r? v- "ac V x Iwillhda aohe' exavinatioii I 7. bwlding, Bed Cloud a W. Iwujweb, Ounty Sop't. WrC Kcking. i i sAtiraatock of milliaary roods ton txturee at banain. Bwiv & K. MCniDS. horn toG.W,3uttafbr frph MdMi,eigara.c. atG. W CaUaadaae him. i ii - - -E" 1 l" WAat wa4 a sqaare saal on shore -;- tiu atr iMinnnt Warm S3 ?sff y. Ci2T- 3j p ' 'j . daily We are down F.V.Tatxo-i P-52 S&5fvk-?'NC ,-' '"UK Jf 103 Iw-ui. fcpfc-: '-;i iwi farnture m rJT '- . wwW-.1 . r 5c rT' .v ?tC -iszss r -r, ... l" '! ' MS of T. W. Oatfield guarding prisoners 54. T. M. Carson board mg T. and I. Stevens prisoners, 3.60. Nelson Allo way guarding prisoners, 12. W. A. Mc Keigban court costs, case of Stevens Bros, S.35. A. J. Tomlmson special road commissioner, 4.50. J. H. Bailey postage and express, 33.83. M. B. Mc Nitt postage and postal- cards, 11.63. Gazette Journal Co. blanks, 21. W. A. Bates, Dep. Sheriff, Jewell Co. Kans, in case of Mason and Wilson, 10.30. Gazette Journal Co. blanks, JJ-J John Morris Co oMJBSrcord', irfirtnr3steB5 blanks and S" ," oft.50. Nelson Bartlett juror, tz "a. Maurer inror, 6.40. Oliver Con rad juror, 6.40. Wm. Arnold juror 7.80. Odell Moushang juror, 7. C. H. Potte juror, 6.00. Donald McCallum juror, 30. Benj. F. Hudson juior, 8. W. J. Hobart juror. 8.50. W. B. Roby juror, 6. George Martin juror, 7.30. F. D. Hummel iuror. 6. F. 1. Hutchin son juror, 6.80. Anthoney Arneson juror, 6.80. Samuel Heaton juror, 7.40. F.d Metcalf juror, 6.50. E. J. Peterson juror, 3.15. Hugh Hunter juror, 5.20. L. B. Kisor juror, 7.60. Chas. Kent juror, 6.60. Evrat Harrison juror, 8.40. A. Bently juror, -V05. E. B. Smith juror, '.05 Ira Sleeper juror, 4.05. A. Ormsby juror, 4.05. J. U. Scllars juror, o. 1U. w. f aimer juror, o. o.u. Allbanjh juror, 0.3U. do ?pu u. r - ber juror, 4.05. V. J. Trunkey juror. 4.30. J. K. Aultz iuror, 4.05. Park Watson juror, -'.05. Wm Parkes juror. 4 .05. John Robinson iuror, 5.00. Henry Anderson juror, 4.05. H. B. Simons juror, 4.HJ5. donn won, juror, 4.zo. A. . Lockbart juror, 4.U5. u. k. uesse juror, 4.05. A. Hedge juror, 4.05 J. w. Pegg juror, 4.uo. &. v. buaiow juror. 4.05. J. W. Smith juror, 4,05. J. W. Smith juror, 4.05. . u. wais- worth juror, 4.05. Joseph Graves juror, 4.05. Benj. Busby witness in case ot Mason and Wilson t. 30. Jame France, witness same, 6.30. Chas. Smith, witness same, 32. I. W. Tulleys, comissioner of insanity case of N. E . Anderews 8.00. G. E. McKceby Com. of same, 3.00. J. H. Bailey, Com. oi same 5.25. The following claims allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the bridge fund of 1884: John Street material for R. D.No. 26 23.01; W. P. Knehn material for R. D. 12 $16.72; R. S. Proudfit material for R. D. No. 1 $59.99; H. S. Holcomb material for county 48.40; Chas. Hunter material for county 339.24; M. C. Fulton material for county 11.87; peoples lumber Co mater ial tor county 27.50; J. M. Stoddard material for connty 4.50; Howell Bros, material forR. D. No 48 $13.20; S. W. Fulton material for R. 1. No. 18 A 46 $160.00; J. C. Brooks material for bridges $91.04; R. M. Jones material for bridges $84.25; The following resolutions adopted by the board: Resolved that all townships which have or may draw more money than has bee appropriated by the board from sarplas bridge funds as reported at January settlement, be charged to the individual townships, provided there is a shortage in such funds, and if a sur plus, said surplus to be equally divided among the several townships, and the f rat and second wards of Red Cloud Ordered thai the couaty ckrk draw warraaU.oa the county treasurer for imboim of moneys to be paid oyer to the various townships by order of the board of supervisors at a previous meet iag of May 4th. 1886, Said warrants to be drawn upon presentation of an or der signed by the supervisors and town eiark of seh township. Cowuv treasurers report for quarter laaiar Jnae 30th. 1986. P ted examined and approved. Reported aa follows: Ordered tfcartfit oojaftty clerk keep aa accouat with tho eooary treasurer. Said acco t to correspond with Sec 89 page 247 statutes of lSnV On motion A. J. Keany was hoosn chairman pro tarn, and authorised to sign all warraate Ibr all accounts al lowed at this meeting. Ordered that thedeliqoeat tax list be published by Geo. J. Warn upon the same terms as published Ibr 18. Ordered that tho eooaty attorneys appeal the ease of lee Cloud NatiooafBaak vs Woostar ooosrty U the supreme oeort of the stasa.s Ordered that tho, tarritory odded to K. l.inftiiMl tAKU.AO.dXVH aw -r Bt-iv---iv-' - "-"- T' ---t. "- -,-j t-iM is. -OS. is. 1ft. fern ooeTQS-te lu tOMONottom r? BT ELDER HOOrES. :Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased." This is the language of Daniel, penned by him over 500 year before Christ. It stands among the closing scenes of the fulfilment of a chain of prophecy which reaches down to "the time of the end." See Dan. 12:4 "But thou, O! Daniel, shut np the words, and seal the book, even to the time ol the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowl edge shall be increased." From this scripture wc would naturally iufer that somewhere in the world's history there would be an increase of knowl edge. Ever since the days of Martin Luther light has been shining upon the sacred Text with increasing bril liancy. The Pilgrim Fathers looked for greater light. Their hopes in this direction were not in vain. For not many years rolled by before n more successful method of spreading the light was instituted, viz, the Bible Societies. However, there were none in existence until the Naval and Mili tary Bible Society was established in England in 1780. The British and Foreign Bible Society was organized in 1804, to which men of all denom inations added their influence. In 181C the American Bible Society was organized. The organization of these societies has opened up a new epoch in the piomulgation of truth. The time has been when $225 was required to purchase a copy of the New Testa ment. To-day a copy can be bought for five cents, and the entire Bible for 25 cents. Then, only the rich could afford to possess the sacred volume. Now the rich and poor, the high and low alike can have the Bible in their homes, and have it printed in their own mother tongue. Notice the fol lowini: statistics: "The American OV- PC-SJ iVxh. m lJr 9m GO TO TBE First National Bank, No Dclayo in xnoktam Loom. BID CLOUD, NXB. DOTTING Of m. X mmmVLM. in OPERA BLOCK wn il KB IB RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Is the place to find goods DOWN TO BED ROCK PRICES ! Call and get prices on everything in my line before purch asing elsewhere. You can get more goods for $1 CASH than anywhere in town. Agents for THE CELEBRATED ABC SOAP- B. F. MIZER. W .. . . , ,-.! ...- Has the finest Stock of druMJUe ccsiami inigwi uk i-YlJDl STATIONERY AND in the city. If this statement ssjm iiicreditab!dfepme see for yourselves?. jmj Paints. Oils, and Machine Oils at very lou Pricks. No trouble to show goods or answer questions. Special bar gains in wall paper and window shade. COME IN. COME IN, LUMBER Go to Ed. Wiener's postoffice ne w stand if 5ou want the freshest cigars, tobaccos, candies, the latest newspa pers and periodicals, etc. He keens the best in the city. Don't forget it. C. E. Wood is mv authorized collect or. All accounts receipted for by him will be acknowledged by me. C. C Joiissox. Gasoline in 5 ual. lots 20 cts. per gallon delivered free in any part of the city. Two delivries daily. Oans must beat store by 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. 50 tf It. R. Siikuer & Co. Brick for gale at the Chicago Lum ber YaTd. Croquet sels at Cotlings. 30 bars of soap for$l. Opera block Opera block, cheapest grocer in own. New and el?gant line of queenswarc at opera block in a few days. Don't forget to ask for A B C soap best in tne world. Opera Block. A good team of horses for sale, Jjl- "T?11 C?n.n4 HittAA 4r AKnnititntiAn iiuie ouumty-..mmt: .tis. wk""""" i v ; 7 i 1 ii.-" . Ak.HfiiiAn4itii nltrtilt nine languages, rc-prcsuming auuui sixty languages and dialects. These Bibles have penetrated everywhere, China and Japan not excepted. The British and Foreign Bible Society has issued above 68,000,000 volumes since its first establishment. No less than two hundred and four versions are nnw nrinted" The above statistics serve to give us a faint idea of what is beine done. Our text does not con fine us to the Bible alone. Light is increasing in every direction. "With the increase of scriptural knowledge, there is a corresponding advance in the arts and sciences. The more use ful discoveries and inventions of civil ization evor follow in the wake of Bible truth." It would be futile for me to speak at any length on the in genuity and inventions of the age. However, we must conclude that more has been accomplished in the last cen tury for the advancement of the arts, sciences, and civilization than ever before in much longer periods. We look back, apparently a few years ago, and behold the first printing press, a rude concern, yet a wondcrfnl im provementVQii the old style of pro iliinintr books. But how does it com pare with its riyal, the celebrated Hoe Perfecting press, which will print 40, 000 per hour? This last named ma chine presents an Unparalleled genius, while it affords unlimited facilities for the increase of knowledge on every hand. We now as the question, why is that 6,000 years have passed away, and nearly all of these greatvinventions have been hatched out in oiic brood, in this nineteenth century? Were they not needed in formers ages? Were there no smart and learned men before our day? Yes. Then wlYv is the age of light and knowledge V re served until our day? There is but one way of explaining it, and that ?s by considering it in the light o prophecv. "The time oi tne eaa nas come. 'The time has come for the world to be thoroughly aroused to a sense of their situation and condition before God. The great Judgment is staring the world in the face, and the world must be warned. Light is shining upon the sacred and solemn messages of the Bible. Millions of pages of reading matter arc being printed, calling attention to the prophecies for this time. But what good would these publications, and Bibles without Dumber do, if then was so way to circulatclbem? God has made provision for this also. How admirably fitted are tbe cars and itam ships for this purpose. The ears, aa iivcntion of the last four wore years, came into use at just the right time to hasten os the message to a judgment boBBd people uXaajr hall raa to aad f ro, aad knowledge shall be iacreased." The maaj homes emerging from the dark ages are bc iagiBamiaatcd with p reseat truth of Uusceatuir. While the cars afford Lmeaas ef tfaasnortatioa of both mes- - a .a ajmjaaa mes ager. yes laey w selves are teHiag ia thaaderoaa toaea that athe time of the ead" has eome, "the eqeof light aa kaewledge" fee. ion uj raw . pan, wjmtcv. ia the of aaUiatji arepantaea m at eaaage trosa "C0? isaTta wa amW" mapamm. sya? Ahm far thai aaj! aoteo of waraiayl mA. iiricfc-&r i-at the Chicago Lum ber Yard. I am prepared to furnish door plates which for durability, cheapness, beauty of dosign and finish, cannot be excell ed. Samples on exhibition at the office of The Chief. Your patronage rpsnprtfullv solicited. C. E. Wood, tf Machine oils cheaper than ever at Cottings drug store Brick! Brick! Wc have just finished burning an( th er kiln, ol excellent brick and invite contractors and sll others wishing the same to call and ex amine our brick and satisfy them Rplvna of the nualitv of the same. As evidence of their merits the brick buildings of this city are ofTered. Ev ery building is constructed with brick from our yard with but one exception and we ortrer the testimony of ihe brick masons of this city, Lincoln or Beatrice. We are ready to contract from one to 500,000 and to de liver the same, also sanp in any quan tity. W. H. Ludlow & Son. . Farm Loans. Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans on most favorable terms. Loans can be paid by giving 30 days notice with out extra cost. Look to your beat interests and call on me at my office over First National Bank. D. B. SrANOGLE. If you wisn to sell your farm or town property call on Joseiui Gravka, 42tf Red Cloud, Neb. Try the Estey Sewing Machine. It is the finest machine that is made. For sale by F. V. Taylor the cast side furnture man, Red Cloud. The beststock of trusses i n the coun ty atCottings. Everybody come and get my prices on groceries and queenswarc. Opera block. Go to opera block and get more gro ceries and queenswarc for one dollar than any place in town. Summer dress goods, lawns, white i goods, haraburgs, great varity of laces hhosiery, parasols, gioves, fans, etc. etc ptc Will be closed out at a sacrifice a(L Mrs F. Newhouse. Please give us a kail. pkirnture ot all descriptions at Tinker's old stand, at prices that defy comjpetition. Always see us before youtbuy, as we buy extensively, and can therefore sell cheaper than any hoiose in the valley. Be sure and see us. F. V. Tatloe. kinds of second band furniture at JV W. warren's naraware ana auc tionlrooms, opposite Chicago Lumber Ii ot and scratches of every kind curd in 30 minutes by Woolford's San itary Lotion. Us no other. This nev er fails. Sold by Ferguson 4 Co drug gu J 3a vaoaa. w-ij e best and cheapest line of lacas burcs, and everlasting trimmings rs. Newhouse V y Cook now nas we tok e stock of wall .paper, the Republican Valky. water, lesaonaie, .etc. at u. w. unaca. m W m. y . - ice. uuuaawaoa. far sale or reat. Am pfkly to Joseph waves XW.Wi ef J. SherifTa Sale. By virtue of au order of sale issued out of lhe district court of tlie Klghtli Judicial District, in and for Webster county. Nebraska, wherein ujona judgment in au action wherein C It. 1'olier is plaintiff, and John Laerty Is defendant, I shall offer for ale at public en due at tbe cast door of the court bouse In Ked Cloud, iu said (ounty. (that betu the place where the last term of said court was bolden). on the 17th day of Aujiusl, ISMJ. at '- a'cloclc P. SI., tbe fallowing deacritied oroperty to-wlt: Tbe south-east quarter 0) of section HcTctiteeu (IT), town three (3), range ten (10), lu Webster county, Nebraska. ;ien under my hand this the 15th day of July. IN. II. C. Scorr, Mherif. Hy (jllhamS Eickards. Pltff's Attorneys. Final Proof Notice. Land Office at BloouilnKton, Neb., July 9, is. NOTH'K IS HEUKBV SIVES THAT T1IK following named settler lias tiled notlctj of his iuUMitioii to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Judge, or iu ids absence, the clerk of tho district court of Webster coun ty, at lied Oloud, Neb., on Saturday, August 'M, lite;, viz: WILLIAM FLOURS, on HM. application No. lo-for tliesw Ji sc U4. town i. north lam-T5 W. lit- lumes the I fi"il!K-Je.;5es to pro bis continuous res , lauiico upon and cultivation of said land. yU: Joseph Kennett. Oliver K. Downs, joun iioum son.Mahlin Points, allot Ued Cloud. Neb. 50t6 S.W.SWlTZhK. lUrister. Trader's Lumber Company AVILL MAKE FIGURES ON LUMBER As low as caji be bought from any dealer on Earth. Road Notice. STATE OF XKBBABKA, WKUMTKR CtUSTV.M; To all whom It may concern: 'Ihe commis sioner appointed to view and reorOupou a cer tain petition, duly signed and filed with tee i county cleric ot sam couniy, asuiiiK " " "" bo located as loliows: Lommencmg ai mv pia where the half section line between the uortli east ouaneraod the south-east quarter of section twelve (12. township four (4), ranire ten (10 west nfthHiitii 1. M. intersects the nubile road that runs north and south on east fine of said sec tion twelve (1 2), and thence ruunlng west lone said half section line through and across said section twelve (i:i), and thence west through and across s'-ctlon eleven (11) ot said town and range, terminating at tbe public road on west line of said section elvea (I I) at the place where said half section line intersects said puouc road, said publle road to be only two (2) rods wide," has reported favorably and recommends the opening of said raid as prayed for. All objections thereto or claims for dimagos must he filed lu the clerk's office of said county on or before noon of Tuesday. August 17. 1M6, or such road will be established without refer ence. .Ked Cloud, June 16. 1SH6, J. II. Bai i.kt, county clerk. Legal Notice. To whom it may concern. Notice Is hereby given that I have taken up on SocJl Towa 2 Kange 1 1 west, one red cow, about 4 years old with some white spotson belly, and a slit in one ear. The cow has been on premises about three weeks. You will therefore take no tice that unless the owner of said cow appears to claim her and i ay charges for keeping, advertis ing, etc . that 1 will disposeoiuer accoruiajc u law after due publication of this notice. ts-sw HuMfHiunr Smith. RED CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS Is the place to get bargains in PHAKTON BUGGIES, 6c SPRING WAGONS, hav ing purchased our stock at reduced prices we are able to place r r the market all kinds of ve hicles cheaper than the cheapest. ! a, VW ' aalaaaa . aaaaaaai .- .a '"j-i - - . . vagk . fllaMaaa -awaaV aaTaaaalaaaal skdMsatAaal gMaaaaangaaKr Maaaaaa.agMaaaftSVaaaaTVgvl ike OelaatiaelaaV ef ftae jailKeaa s Tmw, ga 7- eaai w - raW aaH JaWw Varna Pop ale,birca Allfrath A food furnieW aWCkwd, -V S&LI vaaeatai M i- .. . Sa? - .. ".1 S"':Vi&r "tr.iS?- Final Proof Notice. Land offlcest Uloomlnxion, Neb., July 21, iwc. VOTICEIS IIKRKBY (SI VEX THAT THE li following nain-a settler hs Hied no.Icc ot his l.u..,ir.n in malft Ariitl n.vwiT In iitntirf nt til cfalm. and that said prool will e i.i..,e be.'nre hl.iAf P.nt.fnf tV.ti.fMP rVttinft. of I?.f mtt I1MIIL, VVUt.vi ...Mii., .... ... . . ...., Nebraska, on Friday beptemoer 10, ivUC.viz: AS1I1.EY H. ALEXANDER. on H'd an!licallon Ho. 1919 for the H. E. . cc. witnesses to nrove his continuous rciidence upon, andceltivatlon of said land viz: William McCallum. ElUs Lockhart. Alon-o Cu-e. WU llam II. Creainer.all of Caer. Nebraska. 32w, W. S WITZKU. Keslsier, JR. C. B. JORDAN, DENTIST, RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA N:trem OxWe fer tke eAialeM ntaactiew ef teeth eewUatljr maa4. All work guaranteed, llooms over First National Bank. 8Ua Garter, rrul. Geo. B. MoiUfcd. V. fret. W. &. Garter, Caeaier. Fanners ul Ibrehuts BANKING CO t acted ia ail ite branokee. BBS f id 0 no mi FARM LOANS A 8PECIALTT. larce or Ira years-traiffct g p ceat aiafk aaortsafe. ICo Wir IB .&" w V? e i J SHBkgSBJSSBSJSBa c1 sawaaap fcauaatffcv f car, Qalliatlma r ff.ltflp. DfftKCrOKS; . , ,Jt JL V. attny. r nHMgfliBaMraasrrsfc 7 Bay aa4 aall Yirhmngt -r''ib- ' -' ?-JBawawaMgajPaarra aa ganaaaallBva wHaai vBa aMBflaaa j. " . -' f'r 2? tier"? yr- m v "M i - v. 1 - 3500 - 65,00 at - 75,00 100.00 We are also prepared tolo all kiwi of job and n-pair "rk at bottom prices. 01(1 buggieH paiiitctl ami rnpair-il at reasonable rates'. It will pay you to givi-u a 'all and getourj)riccs before purchasing i-l.-i'wln't.-. Buck Boards at Top bugges at Spring Wagons Phaetons n k ') CHAS, BUSCHOW, Preeldent. B. F HIGHLAHD, VIco-PreaUUrtt Robt. VHIRaTY, Treaaorer. J. A. TVJAJEY3 Sect otorv NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO CPI1AL,$50,000. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. DIBECTOk& R.D.Uoncs, O.C.Ce. ICV-abfray, Ojjia. ISihcIsow. IL ll, Faltn E. F. HUbland. Oeo. B. irHae1 D, X. VUlU tim, i. Warren. MONEY LOANED a inproved Unas in Nebraska l Kww. 3f oner (urmhvtl n m tlirr acurity m approved, rnacieje mm tnterct tf awe m kxi iu.x r OFFICE IX KKf CLOUJi Jf ATfONAL 1JANK UUinDIG. ZZ&J-J trWaSs -." gBK CT . -- -4h RbbyLV a. -- TianiTixn jk WWW 9 alBank BT' I : Mc.r. . LJKaHVien v neure7.VMBHr. tLirrr. Awiwna C. Capital $50,000 AWamUwOhewf I K "JJi r -rj-J - A RZfiSI fSc ZZZmKmlZinUml mmmv.&5&5&3&& BBaKa 'pf " . a m& tC - "S r -7 1 ..v s?r v- s ifiL !..-" -rri-S. . - 5.r V,S- 4krt. L-4-J - j- J- IMi mmkr- -tMSZ:.? - .-. aivr.', w..': .. ri55l-v. 2py& - -" "p" -. -r "-'" sSifcSSi " vv?? : "-.. -. .'.:--,,-- . - if,. iC.J, ' fA fiai Sfe' - '-'!l "-X 5 k i' . SI. . faC. . ' I - t r - -