f mwswssjs -- li i I i i ' i 'i i vsr r MM m fir nmi iim mi ma n I mm rim mi - - - - ji.a if --t 4 'j- iin i ii i iihn v -r :.-?-ikihh.hh 4rOTnHE5naumHHH.K? oth s$k2L EfHf..jyMi ti jgg pgwaegw ngffi juc.,1; Wr ' PMEr - tt.7i&Zr30ffiflHDV IMIhil ITftTTMHTMW HH jailBipgSBpWBy' w?lt-'P Twygiii jiTTK i h TL Go HACK! Citv Drlt, Stork. Ot'i our priffs ii TAINTS and OILS iM'jr- jHi'li:isiii ! hn art- li.-:ul-iiarUTs lor nil hnnK of MACHINE OILS, .V 'xilNrtli JilI'vs. .llll I-(Ojfl a Hue U.tHt (f ltiiixt!l-l Dalmatioii Invct lmler. ll'.illt (iK'UII) Iiiiiloii rurjil''. Kcll (' & Co. I can loio in nicy on lioonl farm AT 8 PER CE1IT. loo ami you can p:iy up the dent at the ' nJ of any year ami cut off the interest ray up the dent in INSTALLMENTS ,i v-at deal exsior way than to leave io whole amount eomint; due. all in a ('.ml:, '"onsult your own interest ami iii !. your farm loans at the l.ot tcim- to yourself and 3011 will jjet the ht-t term- in my oHice. (J. V. l'.AUKKU. Red Cloud Markots. V,inir Wli.-at 1'mH".. ( rn- 1H: U,a-lr. lfirler -!;. I'V-I-Ii. .ttllo -I Wtl.X, 8 Por Cont Farm Loan. 'Ihe Nebraska Farm I.oimi Co. will make you a loan on von farm at lr..i;ht S per cent and furnish the money without any delay. Call on them "in the Kcd Cloud National Bank I'uildmg. CITY NEWS. W ui;N did the Moon go down? Miss JElLa. s5li:i:pi:ii is on the Hick list Miss Lii.1.11: Lli.sox was in Hastings this week. Li.i. TiNKKit was in liiverton thelir.-t of the week. A. F. Lockmakt has sold his farm to" h. ('. Walworth. J. ). Wa.., of Franklin, was in the city Monday on business. Zin. IC.vn: McAvov has nurcha.sed li. McFarland's rc.idencc. IvKNVoN Skki.n and family have leturned to the ?iiy again after then Mimnier'.s vacation. Miss Lrcv !i:irriTn. of I.im-olu, i 1-1ti11.4 in the eity the i:ue.t. of Mr. .u..l Mrs. A.T. Oniishy. V.iiV," the r-'t. .Joe livinj; skeleton was in town on Mondav, apparently as happy as a tleshy person. I rV a query atiioui; the dudes whether Doc. Heck i holding down a nomestcjid or a premption. CitAiti.r.v Tnus has accepted a posi- ;ion as head o'erk in Mizer's grocery store, vice Al. Albright reigred. Ldiis aid society of the M. K. Church will meet at Mrs. Spanole's on Friday afternoon of this week. Mi;. W'm. Kti:iiN leaves next week for Cermany on an extended visit, lie will he a'nent three or four mouths. Hr.V. Ji:o. W. llf.MMKi. returned on Monday from Hardy and Superior where he has heen attending quarterly conference. Makiukd, lied Cloud, .Inly 1(, hy lvcv. Ceo. O. Yeiser, tscar .lernbcri;, of JMcCook, and Miss l.u.ic Hringelsen of Weh.ster county. S. T. Van Hoiim: ha added still another ornament to his tonsorial parlors in the shape of a new and handsome cup case. Atkam of hionchos made day hid eons on Fourth Avenue Tuesday. A broncho next to a mule is about the most uncertain thin; on earth. Ai.. Ai.iumutr has resigned his posi tion in Mier's grocery and queens ware house, and has accepted a posi tion in John Carber's jewelry store. K. M. Cochkani:, with an able corps of assistants, has just completed a large Mock barn on J. V. Moon's farm west if the city. The building is 40.S0, with bar-ement. Thkut. is a small wagon brLlge just oast ot the Kcd Cloud Mills which is in a very bad condition, and should he repaired immediately, ere some horse gets its log broken. Tin: building on South Webster stieet, owned by A. J. ICenney, and occupied by C. K. Mallory as a restau rant, has been much improved in an pearance by the addition of a new awning. Tin: wall kicked out ot the city lreezcr ny the lilwe till highway- men. has bi en replaced. The struc ture has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, am' is now ready for the reception of guests. Mis. Lichty, nephew of our Fourth Avenue artist, is in town. 'Mr. L. hails from ToleJo. Iowa, has returned from a tour through the wild north west, and will probably make lied Cloud his future home. Will A. Peaks, traveling agent for the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company, of Piqua, 0., picked his teeth 'neath the veranda of the finest hotel in !Ud Clcud on Monday. Bosanko's medi . cincs are having a good run in this part of Nebraska. The Nebraska editorial excursion will 8trt westward from Omaha on the evening of A'lgust i. Residents in the vicinity of the. great Salt Lake, where the brtUuren expect to batbe their pedals,- already moving their household eflcts to the highlands to GENERALITIES. i Frank Spanoolk h.-is returned from the north. Frkd Be.sti.ev hai returned from hid eastern nip. The ntrmr-. in :r.i.n..n- i-.j grove was a coiniilin bucw..; ' ICu. 1'f.ckv.u 01 Lincoln vi.-ited the paternal roof in hi." city, last week. Cow and Mrs. Carber will view the Pacific i slope tor a few weeks to come. Was Gray's Cemetenal Klegv written by Moon light? Don't all speak at once. It is now Fourth Avenue Studio, northeast corner Fourth Avenue and Cedar streets. Win. and C. F. Cather have returned from their Canada trip, and are appear -entlv as good as new. W. .Jossely.v, JJ. fe M. train agent took in the metropolis Tuesday night. CuestofG. 0. Yeiser. iJoc- Uovntos the veteran 4,t." 'con' is breathing the pure air of heaven in our city for a few days. Doc. Deck went west the fore part of the week to hold down his chim. He seems to have it solid now. Pitor. Woklev, of York is attending the institule. The Prof, has musical quahfica.ions of a high order. MisaKs Love and Etta Lockridge of Nevada City.JJowa are in the city this week guests of Mins Lilhe Lotion. .Services in the Congregational Church next aabbath at the Usual hour. Pleaching by itev Ceo. O. Yeiser A 1. Aui.TZ captured a jack rabbit whose auricular nppcnhig!4 tneamired twelve and one half inches from tip to tip. Koi.Lon! silver Moon; guide the traveler 011 his way, but never set. Query: Does the Moon ever act or go down? Married, in this city July Uo, by W. A. McKeighan, Mr. .lames Witt to Mi.s Julia Gordon, both of Webster county. W. 15. Hour his taken the agency for Arnold's Automatic .Steam Cooker for Wehaier countv. He will call on you 111 a lew lays. .1. L. Miller. A. J. Kenuey, A. T Umishy, and several otbei gentlemen 'o to .Vinne-ota this week on a land hunting tour. Wouldn't some one else start anoth er restaurant it is not exactly a long felt want, but the man who starts it will soon be in want. At last accounts Uev (.1. W. Hawley and family were at Cleveland Ohio, and we are pleased to add Mrs 'Hawley'? health improving E.R . Cass editor of the Lee coun ty Tiiiift, Paw Paw, Illinois, has been J in the city and vicinity during the past week and is delighted with the outlook. Hon. W. W. W. ,l ones state superin dent of public instruction, will lecture in the Congregational church next Wednesday evening, July i!S. on an educational topic. Prop. D. l. Wokley. the veteran composer and teacher, i in atten dance at the institute and it is needless to add that the music ii department will be kept up 10 its usual standard of excellence. The officials of the teachers institute now in session in this city ex 'end a cordial invitation to all who may feel interested in educational work, to call and see how the cause of education is boing advanced in Nebraska, by Ne braska educators. A social party will be given at the rink this (Friday) evening. Hall tick ets GOcts. The boys are determined to haye a series of pleasant dances this fall, and tonight will bo the first one of the series. A cozdial invitat'on is ex ended to the dinee loving public. The Chief has added another valu uable work to its already extensive library, it being ne of the S1U.000 copies of the annual report of the commissioner of agriculture for 16S". Now, when we get the patent office re port we shall be comparatively happy. J. 11. Kklloco Si Co. are at work exeavatimf for a two story brick 25 by 50 feet, in the rear of the city drug store, to lace north o. .J Fourth Avenue. Plate glass iron front; second story wil 1 be fitted un for photograph gallery. Verily the building boom has struck s. There is luck in odd number; here tafore ten constituted the-dnily round up of olive branches around the table lAf mir ntrmti a v Patnior, but : vt - -w , --- Monday night things were changed about, aud the present census shows eleven. Its a girl and tips the usual Nebraska avoirdupois. F. lK.vnrU00K, the Fourth Avenue photographer, has been compelled to remove, his studio from the place oc- with Led Lloiut. cupied on Fourth Avenue in tl e rear LtT of letters remaining u:ical";ed of the City Drug Store, to the corner M : for jn the post office for the week end Cedar street and Fourth Avenue, on jni July 10, 1S10. Frank Bless: ne-. the north side of the avenue. This; J. F. w.ns, John E. Jones, Mis Ju'ia will make a much nicer place for thej Hallman. Prof. Leon F. Mo.?, Ed. studio, and barring the inconvenience Mason, Mr. Wm. McCdlen. Jack ot moving will be a godsend to "Brad. Victoria. B. C, July 17 It is report ed that the town of Vancouver B. C , is agiu in ashes. Tlie telegraph office is destr5Te4xnd no particulars ran be obtainetl. "V It will be remenaered that one of our fnrmfr'riti7rn ls WUrnr:-nTT igrated to Vancouver's Island a few; .. ..-......, .j.-, r-w-m....,. . v.... niontns ago. The Chief sincerely hop his family are not anion?- the h 5S fcl m ' r,it 4 i SI- r !&. PICKUPS. Mr. J. A. Duowx ha- resumed from her ca-tern trip. Do.v'T forget the plea -ant dnee at the rik. to-night. The street commissioner has made manv much needed improvements this m w eek. Mrs. W. W. Gardner and daughter Vn-liii have returned from their visit to Ohio. Don't forget the dance ut the rink this Friday evening. A plea.-aut timei. a -.-tired. There was a very pleasant social at the residence of A. J. Ivennev on !a.-A Friady night. A. L Decker came down from Lincoln last week to spend a few days with his parents. Who know- positively that Judge MeKciglian hasn't got a congres-ioiial bee in hi? bonnet? To Kent. A nicely funiiched house of four rooms. Apply to Frank Smith with Chicago Store. John Moore, ea-dfier of the First Na tional bank, has returned from hi-Jeast. ern trip, looking hearty. How would it look written thu.-ly, -Hon. .la-. Gilliam, M. C- .Second District of Nebraska ? ' The social a: A. H. P.rowu's last Friady night, w.i-j a very pleasant alKur, and w.ts well attended. Vol' cm tell a thorough bred school inarm as far as you can sec her, at least tli Cl!!KF can. jtt-.t a ea-y. J. II. Smith D. D. G. '., vcntjo Orleans last Tuesday to organize a I'ebekah degree lodge of I. O. O. F. at that place. K. M. McTiiEHaO.v an old timer well known to the most of our citizens, is in town reviewing the scenes of his old exploits. Dimne service, with music, will be held in the Catholic Chuic'i, ii'd Cloud, on Sundav, the To instant, Jo epb Clery, Pastor. . As- itinerant band soothed the savage beiUon our streets, Tuesday, and earned their bologna-) in the evening at the dance house. Uncle John To.mli.Sson returnol from his western trip last Saturday uibt. He took a half section of land in Dundy county, Nebraska. M.VRRIEP, at the residence of the brides parent-. Castleton, 111.-., July l."ith, Dr. C. E. Jordan and Mia.- Ktta Ghanctt. Jlev. W. D. Jordan D. D. olliciating. The parlor saloon h;u just received a mammoth ice cage or something of that kind. Itisaaidtobe the largest and finest west of the Missouri. We de light in any and all improvements. Maxwell, the St. Louis murderer, ha received hi sentence of death, and will be hanged AHgut -7. Max well i without d"iibt a worthy candi date for the gallow if there ever wa one. Mr. Hvm.moNO, of Ueatiice, an extensive contractor and builder, i- m the city thia week for the purpo-c of making an estimate on the new btick block aoon to be erected here by Mr. Moon. A pickerel was recently caught in Storm Lake, la., which measured four feet and six inches in length. That's n-jthing. There are plenty of channel cats in the Republican, many of which weigh a ton. The iir.-t annual tournament of the Long Island Sportsmen". Club will be held at Long 1-land. Kan., Tue-day aud Wednesday. August o and 1. A general invitation is extended to sportiuen to attend. Doks the city really need a few more hacks and restaurant., we are not anxious to embark in either branche of the busiues mentioned. The aolemn facta of the case are simply both are more than over done. M. Sisk, M. Hums, and John O'Con nor, sub-contractors on the Blue Hill extension of the D. M.. stopped over here Monday night while enroute from Beatrice to Blue Hill. They report work on the new road progressing finely. Dr. L A. Hall, the B. & M. surgeon afKoigCloud. was called to the city v-utfTrdfeiw tor consultation with Dr. kay inVhc case of Supt. Campbell's little bov George.,wb.o has'been danger ouly ill. butis now convalescing. MeCook Tribunt, Beatrice is one of the group of Ne braska inland cities whose rapid and substantial growth i based equally on the enternrise of its cinzousnip and the abounding fertility of the surround ing country. t'. That's precisely what's the matter ; Kenaker, J. M. Rank. Cha. ttethn. John rpurgin. Mi Annie Thouie, Cha. Werner. A.S. M vRn, P. M. ' Forvn A nension certificate i-- sued by the Interior Department at Washington, in favor of a Mr Morris, who erved in an Iowa regiment, was fv .... . .1 r. nmna-ow ,uuiamsKi one ua. lUi week. UwHer iay have the same oy applyiug to him an B. & M. freight v rv mt vb J!t a ? hc ;i iy f $ . TnwCTiSrt M.w in Trw-ih.:: On ; 1.-1 ilondnv morning Mindwi w. the! een o. n. Uiil'i irotihi" in Am-h three J parties of mi cttv nr imnhaite! It 1 TV-I1J- ItJ'll-.l V.eil-tlIJ tUUIJ. Ill Ml !!- .. k. l.a .. ... w. .1. a.J.....a ... ... , l.u has resided m hi- city for a number of year-, and mu iwy3 cnyiy&i n repi tation for yuttte and soberie'y, and who i no v tmreling in the interttst of oe Gi'our institu'iuu. frepieutly met a nommnu hy tin 111m of Clark who who travels with her hu-'biiid, and we believe if engaged in celling inns:, al iu.-truinents. A sort of inti nacy htul pfOff', up between the woman and traveliiig man, and he on arriving at Mmden Ja.-t Sunday evening not.cel "ihnt. she wits stopping at the hotel where ne had put up. After supper he sauntered up tair into the ladyV apartment-. He rem linod there but a ;hort time when the woman -et up a xno.-t unearthly yell, and th'4 young man riishd from the room into hi. own room and closed the door. Noth ing wa said or done regarding the proceedings until the following morn ing, while the voting m.ui was .-ealed at the breakfa-t table ttie husband and wife came into the room, and the 111111 immediately proceeded to give Mr Traveling man a thumping, which he did while the poor innocent (?j wife st jod by and we.. There h a mystery connected -wMth the at'.air which is in all probability in the man's favor. Adams County DruioU Well posted and far seeing parties o' this city are inclined to the belief that above i only a aeeond edition of a game pl.tvod in Bed ''loud thy -ome of tho same pnrties) a few months ago. However the Crand Cadi ot The i'hiek will hold the matter uu !er con-idera-tion until further developctneiiL-. CITY OOUNOIL. Council met pur-uant to adjourn nient ."aturd.iy July 17th, Mayor linker presfuwgr iVa-eiTl,"AHTefliTcir ump, Shi ny ami L'uiteibacb and City Clerk Wallace. The maishal w.w inlructu'l to have necco-ary repairs made on the city jail at once. On m-'tior marshal was instructed to have sidewalk on we-tsi le of Sewaid treet, trom Divi-ion street, -outh stra ghtened and run on the line estab lished by city engineer. On m:iiM a box cuheit w.is ordered on e.tsl tide of Web-ter .-tree' at inter section of Sixth avenue, the same to be thirty-two feet long. Tho street com inisioner was instructed to give it im mediate atteution. On motion the proposition of W. N. Ilich.irdson to furnish ground, free of expen.-e to the city, tortthe purpose of a city pound, wa.- accepted. .lid. oimp gave uo;ice of the intro ducliou of an crdinance to prohibit the obstruction ol side.valka in the city of Bed Cloud. The bond of B. P. Hutchinson, city marshal aud street commissioner, was returned for correction. Council then adjourned to the call of the mayor. The Webter county teacher- in.ti- tute convened at High School l.nil.I- Mondav. July 1!'. Called to order bv the conductor, W. C. Picking, at 1' p. 111. Thirt-one (eachers were en rolled the lirt day. The afternoon wa devoted to the arrangement of a program and the assignment of work. Clae were organized in all the com mon branehe and mot of the higher branches. There .eem to be a deire on tin prt of our teachers to prepare theni-elve thoroughly for the ele mentary work, believing that when thi i well done more advanced work can be pursued. The second day the enrollment wa iucrea-ed to :VJ. The present outlook iudicaU .1 .ucce-ful intitute. J. F. Forbes, our 'genial" B. & M. dispather. like the conventional bank cashier.) has absconded to Canada. He left on 10. Fritlav evening last, and will be absent until the last of the month He will attend the grand K. of P. '"doings"' at Toronto, anil besides will visit his home in Park Hill , On tario, and other places in Kanuck land. A gloinoii- trip is before him. Me Cook Tribune. In the above, many of our citizens will recognize the genial blonde who used to chew at the Holland Hou.-e and tussle with the lurid lightning and the gentle roach in the loft over the old freight house al this place some three years ago J. L. Walters, an agent for the Iowa and Nebraska Insurance company re siding at Omaha i? row languishing in the county ba-tiie awaiting the hold ing of district court at Dakota uy. He "took in" a farmer in the we-t nrt of the 1 utility by the name of Hugh Gaughran aud foigot o get out of the county quiet enough. Arrnir. We noticed pretty nearly the jLV.tC item a the above doating through the column of our exchanges la-t week? and although the initials are ditferent wondered at the time if it was not J P. Walters, who endeared himself to the Hcket of some Webster county people not a thousand miles from Kcd Cloud, a year or so ago. ix prisoners made their escape from the countv j v.I a: Grand Island on the ith. Thev were contined in a steel cage lately purchased, by the county at an expense of nearly S3.0G Tlilsi the jail that a committee wenl irom Keil Cloud to inspect, and on the evening of their arrival thtr prisoners escaped. It is perhaps bplaT to the cage makers 10 say that ifie sheritl of Hall countv vrai considered more to blame on account of the escape than &' CATHEP.TON'. A nice riin Saturday night Il3rvotiug ig the order of thr Ax School hoi! i liatrcl J2 Ui Saturday. .uisc ccou wui rieii Z mam r j Krcy d xhtn retr v her home in Kan-As. Mr. Frank Zeetoeke ? iiatr ad brother-in-law haru )tfi snitd from lioheinia. Thy have cwas to -tttl dwn in the beautiful wett. Mr. W. II Hice w, ukeo odd ly ill Sautrda night. Dr. J. W. Andrew; w.- called aad -be is aow r eoreritig. Bom, to Mr. mid Mrs. G. P. CalbK July 14, a pair of twiu boy. hi very common for young jm U wear their girl-' uame writMMi am their shirt-sleeve-. The jKirty at A. JelTrey wag it grand siicee-. or t le-t ike bojs thought ;) Mi.- Fannie Kinker i- ri-jtijig t Mr. I-aae Cowley's. A- we were Wesiit" Mr. A. BisjrJBi' Sunday evening, we hetrd a plaintive voice singing a ditty to Luther A thi i-: my first letter I will clo.-e. GtE- We are refjuo.-tel to give notice that the officer.- of ihe M. K. ChurJi will nroteet that .-ocictv a'jaili-t tht di-graceful conduct of certain lu and young men. who congregate there on Sunday etening- Kmitting juid of tobacco on church lior. grouping on the church step- before and after -erviee. disturbing sorviec. through the window, are among the otfeiises. All are welcome but they mut deport lhciiie!vc properly. BouTi5?TIioS2ck l8laml , I , . V 'Ml .. . . . 1. .. iii.in, ivs Jiuy i .11 Island bond election in Washington town.-hij), Nemaha county tu-day, otr two thirds of the vote-' cast were fur the bonds. 1'ni township ha- twice in the i.iat year votvtl down bonds t" other railroadeo by a-I.irgH vu'n a he boll li received to-day. Wu-hiugton Owuhij h l ahvays b."ii o le 'f the strongest nut: bond townships in ICan 5M Hebron Journal. The boarding houe of Mr. F.ra Burton, near the depot, wa. on Friday morning lat. destroyed by lire, to gether with all hi hou.-ediold good-. Mr. Burton i- one of the pioneer. of Web-ter county, and was for several vear. a resident of the vicinity of Cowle, where he has two son-. We uiider-laud there was no insurance on the property. . - - As Isaac Walton party went to ln.1v.1Ie last Saturday They brought back a cart load of tish, but in thei. excitement the.) missed their regular conveyance, and camo home by rail. Oneof the party Ioit a valuable gold watch, and another one lot all hn j clothe. Toe particulars of the alfair are too inruiing 10 ne 01 u-c 10 a inci- ly moral and religious newspaper. J. II. FermaN has an a.-itant a.e.-or. The young man only weigh eleven pound, but ha the requisite sand to make a uccc-s in life Jim i too proud for anything To band or not to band. That's the question that has been agitating the of V. for sometime past, who now ex pect to get their instruments and com mence practice inside of ten days. K Wednesday Judge McKeighan granted the nece-.-ary paper- to Edwin Slater and Mr. Sarah Kipcr. to do a married folks d after appropirate cereiuoitie. Brick for sale at the Chicago Lum ber Yard. Wvvir.n Salesmen for iruit trees ornamental, etc. Fnequallcd facili ties. Stark Nursery. Louisnna, Mo- llousc for rent. Apply to C. II. I'otter. C?ood b"iJding-, plenty of water and near the btisines iortion of the city. 4.--U Sulkev hay rake at cot. U " (.J. W. Dow. A two seat half piatform buggy for sale cheap. J It 0. W. Dow. i lo to opera block and get price on groceries and queai wire before pur chasm.: e!-ewhcre. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pernor aextr vanr. Marrcl tX rcr;:T I trenstitatMliHjtootB-oo Mw OtKaioJ Xtsn iae onuniry Kino. aiHi cjse ce X'i la ewoptftfUton trtth xbt nak::ut of low ltZ -vXior : iBTirbt aluin or ptxnv&xt imlrr Soi4tml tc c a$. KOFAL BAKING POWDKR CO. pOTAl TiTn nnnTTfimTflTIT HT1 nnTIITlfl B nib HfiiiuLiJiin w rniui& : ,-K, i B 7 (Jn ail Niimmar nub at the ; j I I ' i TJ ?.r V&JSS TllF SOl'AKi: DKALINC. GOLDEN vxai fmmUivCsS 1 " 1 n o i-k 10 Iff ir wrrra Mj(A'K cut i;i:iM;Ksi?yiH li 111 Ontical Flinliti'iP RVR MiiiKH JulllluUll 1) I f jJ Uulli UlUp 11 lb uju illulul VIH WI11H1 v haw at n (MIKAT KXrKXSK pnM-un-l fir Hie fitting of Sp,' ta b's to all DISKASLS OF IT IF. EVE ! c guarantee this inblrumcnl to nust perfectly correct all deficiencies of lather kve as each eve is tested and fitted to its own peculiar deficiency. IT IS TIN-: ONLY 1NSTRUMKNT ! In the Kepublirnn V.'illry that ;m comrt tln Folluwing l.)ist:;t?ts. Artigmatisni liuth siinph and onijHnui'l. Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia Etc. We especially invite thoe who have experi ence the greatest difliculty in procuring spec tacles to come and have their EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE ! Call and see this latest invention of science. WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers and Opticians Red Cloiul. Xfbraka. THE OLD FURNITUtE FRANK V TAYLOR, Prop. tSuccessor to R. L- Tinker, Garritjs the largest stock of bed room, parlor aud kitcUca furnituru and undertaker s goods in the republican vallay. Oil paintings, pioturc frarafis etc.. in great variety. Give him a call. Opposite First - National Bank. Prices very low. JMl" 'it Vki. HHB65'i EAGLE. RELIABLE STORE. m at 1 m I SL wr I 1 m tu ge were, - "sr-rf ' ? - "t, 3r " W 'tt- ??&: " v ?-sf,i-jnj? ,--,,. 1 fire sufferers. avoid IMJ I depot. -. I J -PBl2L