piisg5i"""'w "JW,"" "" , mm m i in- -nr rwiTTTffllfc' i li iill wri.r..iTii-r - -v mi i r '" "yWfjay SllS "jt ' - -r Mr'.fc,..MMl.' -wr...4-. mm9m0j T-' tA S mV5. J 5 .ISSEKJ? t ? ?'i rC', W THE SQUARE -frEXONG ?tz3 :i The Chicago Store 1 . T. C ffl ACKE9 THE t -rr v ' tfv 1 . ' 1 fc - i i ? I MCEM . h . 1 U VIC GOLDEN - CLOTHING Report of the ,404 .'JO.") 07:1 wox $3 it-jaatt lC4 a Loc-rr ducti oicat re on of prices will be Summer Goods. ; n nTPiiTrii' Htmn !! . .Ill III Winc rs N i; w: b 1 (Mi. KrdCloiul. fiV I -a5iEr.-r v c our -;i. K. AL c,ps . :m,K ABOVE CUT :'".SBHIfe: VXKV MS'kV . ' 0 k" linn :: I !iilii;;il liiini! m j in VIrictiTrp-haTP"alK5 GREAT "EXPENSE procured for (he v. - fitting of Spectacles to all ;- ".' ,"- v. " v ? 11 - ..DISEASES of, ;ti m ; itf : ! . : , v Wii'euaranlee this instrument to, most-perfectly eorrecball deficiencies of Either Eyea : eacn eve js testect ami rmeci m usow n - - ; IT IS THE ONLY lu tiio. Republican Valley that" can correct the Following, Diseases, Af tigraatism botli simpltj and i !""i . compound. . "." M3opia, '." ' Hyprmetrbpiai Presbyopia, Etc Ve especially invite those who have experi ence the greatest difficult- in procuring spec tacles to come and have their EVES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE ! Call and see this latest invention of science. WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers and Opticians. Ked Cloud. Nebraska, THE OLD RELIABLE FGRNITUHE STORE. - ' zi sOsiHtSrtg VW-LORl Successor to. arrics tlie largest stock.of.beil 1 'it'TPT!' ... iiiTn5tnrft .mid undertake !" mttex, OilWM)1 V&W& iet5r?.i:i.rl it, . .lii-iHdin ffreaVarietnr'i i - di -.i tti..- VuIvIOV'I -P .1. ram VJ.I.U.V.- .,- R Give Kim, a '-call. -Opposite" rim auuuw Tkl ' "St. Prices very .j''. (-i EAGLE STORE:- Prize Drawing :f7Hal3B THE 1st. PRIZE. ?i7 &. tf'.gg.'jrvrs u 4th. made r 1 ,f a al, on i;ovoiqaj: f3& (DlOC ITfeMKff. REPRKSENTS i. wmiiim; nuo M H M-H M M M M MM M - . ' ,- ' ' "' V . .- . rrr-3" - ' '..M'i peculiar deficiencW . ' ' : ; INSTRUMENT !j , a t j- i . j S. i : i .s 4 ti'PffillORr POK - - " -Rv Tinker, M room, ixirlor, - aiid HttH V: 4 . r .J mir people and the mil i?66d intlie lr6pubhcaH; J- meriC3ins a iefitUuS . . VT. :i low. Cif v -Drug Store. lift our i-flce on PAINTS and OILS IWor iunh.fuz flw-wlur Wr are tiru'l- jiurttTH for :t!l kliiiN of MACHINE OILS, M Ix-ttm iirirr.. .low tcoeirc'l a am-quJlti o( Injpo'l Dalnutlon Inx " Pomter. ' Vrs Orcein Iittlen Turplf Kellocr & Go. ' I tan loan monv'on iini'roved ftrm AT 8 PER CENT . t o aixi vou can"p;y up tlie Iotat tht .Rapvad of any yo.ir anil cutofl'ihu mJcreat , 11 1'ay up the uVbt in r, INSTALLMENTS a Rr-t deU caiec way than to Iive tho Wfiulr-arooiibtijOiuinJTiivIl'in chunk. CoftSuHOur on iutou'at and niikc your farm loans at ih '.nt term- toyourrGlf and you will jjt th$ bfcL toruia in mv .utticc. G. W. ilAUKKK. ' r Rod'Cloud Markotd. .SnriK Wheat -IV(.Vj r.irn l.'ic Otts io. i:t--3.x , - (Mtih 3 :rtjj,4 t J. i " Mjtchers toclQ-j afci s , 8 Per Cent Farm Loan. The Nehraska Farm Lo.mi Co. will make you i loan u vou farm at 3tr.iij;ll ?.'per wnl int itiniieh. ihe moiii'jr iflhUit Sbiy deMv. i JaH Oti Ift'un iti Ibc ted Cloud N:itilp:4 .1: m: O "' i;:ll:L .. & , OITyrNEWS. t toi nuic'li byoiCle." ."intiKr Soits little seven year old eh. Id l qit.'te atck. Mitf. .". D.m:r and childrt'ii art) in '. A. Uwe.n has dispoiiob.af I.'ia wall paper hoiis'c and goheitor' ICiuiHas. Tiiici u-S A vle'asailt 4th of Jtih" part jil M. . DickeitiOn's on rsatur- Mi. A. UtfusfcY ia vwitiim iu the city, with her daughter, .Mrs. Charlev Malt. C.jW. Klct and wiferwxrre-taking- in tlit "CSiaucinqua" nt 'Crete this wet, i j r. ! gy Mykw lnu c opened .' "- - .1IKOKI) tlitif meat -t...,i V t t Kev. Fuupdkim ha- VeldrhtHlj from' me uuniiua. yi eic nc-4Kb Dfcn ,iur i.rri ,..,.1-1. "v - - ' MisMsMltjirirllKiMTj Lora THe Unde, left, jfoj; yisit in tho Aiit Mon- iic liaurti ijiipi w; jxu: noeiccy inects3 trihfta Falwi, Tooif.ty' afterhooijUlirvllh: - ! ' J. D. rUt.VJilroU friend ot Am hoy will run iU; tvcryvuiilc at Qowltt duii8g thclf.Ul and vrinlcr. t Thij KolnihlicjuiiHate Convention has been called for cntbiubbr 'Jy. Vcbsrcr countuMJcn'AMKuniCflTiino ,.icie gatoj- y' " -Jtr5llT9rHcttcr3 Jurm-U8, lsd: Johu'lftncs ST' i.ohiloisr Lin TrtK-iou,Xirlcftjry,J. D? Magi" M. il51-- -. -"- " Dn' 3oKiiiXloaVTi "XliUKiLiy, , for Chit igo and will he jeuidy Xor work MoiKlay, July ly. Leave onlers at oilicafitli-Or. .Kolliui. ; . . J-l Jok Cakk Lj at isiduev, Neb. He has an interestTii l,'2Sb acres of land Hiere' that they are laying a town site on Joe thinks he has a bonanza. 39 Housiij around Akron, Colorado blew ddwu the Other day. Among them arc Jim. Totters Miss Mamie llaeker niid others of Ued Gloud. Tub boy liorsethievea have departed for other fields ot labor. It seems to us that a few years in the refonn school would have had a salutary ef fect on the young men. Kkv. AMoa-DiussER, of Franklin, will preach mtlie Congregational Church, liext Sunday morning and evening. Services every Sunday reg ular. Everybody invited. Mi;. Ayeks president of the C X K k S W railway, was in this city Saturday live in hopes, 1 1 on! Mi;K feitf H an 6f nl Cloud, ' 'the Wer tongtieilpcaUr; oHhe rpsu r!i rl. " i- 1 -" . .!"' -. er tne OTation-ax-imr rvmnwt)i or picnic on Saturday, July 3rd, It fit mil 11 be well worth hearing. irathwi iFsrr jtourikib r. .r-. .- .. f.. Tuif 4llTXS iVceTetirare? m Heil 1 Cloud, by one of the hottest days that we hTt.9Qeh in Nwrmfcau Saturday illy olwerveti by numerptu young uiinuer. I'TiiEbreiiaeotuAS signed the Fitr ijoini Porter bilL This ha Ixen a gVwt scheme thc"Uertocrafcr,foryer9, and they have,mw.ucedd mplac ino r;i InKn lVTf wftMHi h will . Ka i ijl v"? r.r 'tt , a,.j LjKJSSHiSyKr? nruavoryaiia the"okt stMrs will re- pler thin action of the president :u 1- "Nsf. Jji. .iMixu aJuL WitiiiurJioti .-port-ly:,.-.! rv" , ,- : , i .S.V ulnrteij. lor a hu d.u-, ijouiit in L . "T buM, 'l -. ' tlliu1,.e wu uuderd WAull l, ni T,llrm, 1r. t;t;mjr.I0. j Iir.ci.LK tiding ,, Scuffling fashion- b tfl6iMarn Tin: -Crfux -- -.ri1li: V,r.,.rrctor ihe 'olle' nill ! able in Ktul f. loud. , . r , . , n j . . -- fn iu Ohargi; oi our lurvnmii, Paul . v''..'1 ' i. iJv i' ' r- i'- tlie (hR'tor. , ... .... , , A. J. I ui.HEVa u:ui mjM, xone, olr hie ,,, - -,, ' . I'.i.oof, ;nd auv buiu(r- intrusted to '.. i - 1: ; ' - - ' ir rank .Ijn hah removed his eel-1 , A ..m. . , ,, ,, , , . fiiriiis to U.C. CaaO- . ,, ,- Irs can will be promptlv at landed to Di.VKvKRwRKirhTrtid'n'i). 'Peruse il thoroughbred hoiet IJobh c K -00J ftul .u-al ,i ih. .Mluomd ' .Mjm.yulving ffituihi, K j .. . ft riilfcuf.': mil jbe 'heiriot-'dii iace luiis'CopaT church iiexr&tinJay. last mil sa tffclieirin f ufsomc good news tqw-'a1sx)frhit llwU railroad, will btrbuifUnllie1' ?iear4 ftifrf re. ' Wc OENERALXTICS. . t CowoiLL in a Micccsi a tr?ct upritiVIer. ( O.C. Beu. inl faaiily frerS tiqiitng friend in thi city thin week Mr C M. FiftHKR. of Wy more, i doing the bjck uct.in (lie" city Mrs. Farah I'arkk.s ani .Mr.-. C ! Quick. arc visiting in ihi? city, MliS.llATTli: Sivues, froia Frank- lui, is m the city the gurrt of Rev f Pond and wife. Of R ol-JA frjend ii K.-J'itnjj Hjs aiovcd to itcd Cload - The Cuilk wtlopmea him to the uictroioH?, Ki. iJlCHLXNU and uife, H. V She and wife, aJ C XNHener and wfe pic nicked at Joht. Holeoino's on the 4th. They report haVUK n-ul a pleaiij time.- ' s ' ;.; Cii IUxce PoRiathtvvi10 clcriif the- Ifolliud ""Ho!uSc; 'La.." returned from his Wyoming trip. looliiiL' vjg orousatvir. .' Cfiwi.i.-. i.-i r in; of the beat little - . .t ..?. 'Join citv. iiu-ii. in ii..i Aiiiji Mii kiUi i r.tur. n:- tvr a.o ... v.. . ., .....-.. , paper are living high. Her eituen are cecfciinly very onfcrpriisili. . Mr. IIiks, why recently wcut to Tyler county, Texas, is hack iu Web iter" " countjr aaiu. -U; -. Iwvo; not Jtwticd whatjier hqi riJuUcd " pcruu neiitly or uot v Hkd C'LOUD outiht to have street v lamps, and The Ciiikf hopeato .-cc " . j. 'M. I.I.' I....... . r r. j...: 1 7t.7.i ,.viiLf , uiii ui:i i uiuuisi. , -. . v . -'j. - - ie.teiiiieadav evening lor Lallarpe. . . . ..' 4 ...w lJurn.-?JvMtrom Jled Cloud to Kpjml Mean City. Bobby U general favor- ite hereabout"., and our bf?t,toek nieu, reiriet. In-- UiHrLutv. , . . .MiLS.mitH. (tvpll'oa "Haeiilf ScoUa .forhii"Wh:lQ loailiiig:"ihilk cows the oth - m.k ' t i nig in i Ik cows the ' er day- slipped and fell astride of" one lha whuob uijuriagwinm i.iiauv, io much so that lie died .Hondav uuil .was 1 niriwl on Wednesday. ' " L ' vU . Tuk Uastitig.i jiajMirs cay thut th(r a.uli-mou6jia and democrat: are gul.iijr to'vring.oot Jud:e McKeiglum for cong'cs. The Judge would make a l-uood ct.'nirre5Finnn and we do not "he Hcvc that the anti-iuflop fouULltuda letter man. ' r' Kci!.Ri Dt'iTEit, editor of the t1in ton '(111.) Publik at a'"uVawin receiltly in tbat ci(j. drew the liriA fNBMlkUiin, a thoiiough-hVcd Durhatfi?OBiis is certainly a bully joke-Onwrlricud but iupt how the edtor wilhNi'-&u!l- du.iug is a hard iuatcr to Jorcshi 'low. j " V ". 1 . JVk understaivi'lhat Mr.Q iKCtinncv one fellow townsman is jjeinji talkt'tl ofi A3 a candidate Iqr, stide-eli.ior from I this is district. vb li.wfc-fio ilnriol liuf liht Mr.vChaueyouTd nialS a Rood wlmt 4qhator if e!ectiyr U. i- ,thc onjv ' ft ' - a A " a. 1 CAuuicinie mon iiviut ao iaa in me tns trtt that We have lioaririf. ?l f k43l.n. C. INJJ.ut.Ns wrjfWcacU- In Uir court. bouo ($jjt&&l)!& la morttiircntiitf evenijig ii.i :i .u,. - .-...-.u t;.. rrr;.r uiatkMijoii. V llikiMiilfu J.eJeM 4ml if-vou wanl lh' frtM,tM "ArA c.J',r.4. .. - : I ;Mii r ...La.s tobaccos, caiuhe. the late-t newnpa- - ,. ' - -- t per; ami periotiicaN. etc. He keen- the needed. - w . . . ,. . ,. ,, r bol in the citv. Don t forget it l iU IUUUK 1 lltU fAJIllll Ji:UDl Jil ll(V 4 id eveilijig. Morning ?ub- byjRev. John Gallagher, M A., Presid 3e Kep Athe r.ord'."T;iv." ingj Kldor. and Rev ijco. .-. Hivi-. 'BaV oE?tno AVceT7'T.v- Pallor r jcctiiKhju or Oj-Kirt'Bay oE?te enjng mlrjAvIap, His FIclT texmeaiate. anil EtcrnI Stat " "AIT trre coniially invited to attend - Wiu. Parkks is happv." The other Kaleyand wife. Mrs. J. C Warner, Mrs. Jos. W. Warren and daughter.! Jessie, Miss Carriw Cochrane. Kobcrl Cochrane, Miss Lenna Jonc-f, Ruv. J G. Aikman. Will Aiknim. and C. V Kaleyand wife. AJl report haying a ' very line time. , Fra.vk Cowdk.v. Al. ffahuha C. J. Piatt and A. Higby, K-q , were h Fairbury on last Saturday, where they took part in an interesting baac bail ,4 -- -"e "-'- " jaiic... In returning the boys say that lfij:by met with au accident. irV. 'front R IB ofK. iV. StoTdr ranch, by lalUag :? 5 r mabt ftcr beug loomed inthelnystef- tcmlered their ymnathiej .and aki ics oi uigner ouuiei'owsiup, lie gave a uurmg incicKuife.Yaf(l(Ieaiir,tiAir'' Ruppor at hi? roiUonce Lniring tlie I oir.ct,cli(lV.V)riLSr' Ju : ':. ...i.": i ." ..... . ..1 l . -rrt ' is'. sT"r i"t was Wills birthdav, and the Daught- U Rffc!?S V 'Y ersofKebekahgayehim a fine K,,- t t4,f campinciit and Mibordina.c lo.lgc utJrT t f ii - tv . ' " Totter 'Goi4 xWHtnXy' or ' Ike following Webster county pco- i water jit wear lbr'tfUict Mrtioh nle were at Crate this week . J. L. ' of the cttt.-.-i " J t" h 2 4k.tt- the train. There mut have been a causc.fcir vhe areijiejit. .. .,.- ,--Mr.'C.Ldwelu prtbabTy "tire" oldest " man living in WebstsrtrmrtTy, dietl at ' the residence of ThoV. Prather'a. near Cowles, on Monday. Mr Caldwell w.v horn al Wlietling," Virginia, llVti'MndyrJr "tj LuustTjuenuy yj years ol age at .; , ". .V i- - f diKiolution. He lived in Welxter cotm- tyiwoyeac. Kev. Mr. Deaa. an old,' 1 acquaintance of mapyyeara standing preacnea tne funeral sermon. rEXEKKiu, living near Cowl. had I a very narrow escape on Wednesday f momfng lie was engaged to W. II.I IhoniM, -of Elm Creek. !o cut wheat; and iMM lo Ue ieid th harreir4 - tlMJiew;ad;th'ijrnaifay throwiiWl kiai on tO'UMi MdcW tearing dm rmnM badlr.bat fortunately h escaped with it wa a rery close call, ixfury ,3 PICK-UPS. Croquet el a; Cottiup, 30 bar of 50np for SI. ptr.i block rA. L. Funk And wite hae rtturnr I horn. f". John 1 mhkkv m1 wiIvaih Mtin J out west. 4- Paul IiiAmtS luwriHurntHl from Uia -T -. vi-u to lljbiota. f Uj.ern 'block, hcape&i grocer iu "" Mla UcoKGiK J1.vkui.no sitcr of Mrs. Will McLaniel3 is in the city. tw;nd el'ijitit line of jueenaA.ir. at opera block in a few d.i C W. Minuter county superintend 'viu it recovering from receui .'Ilnei Dox't loret to .iik ibr ADC fcuat beat til Ujo norld. Opera Block. Thl toutity ooaxd Mil make ar- I'H..... r.. .......... suuuiucuio Jor a jni: ai ineir Juiy niffcUng. Every boxly come and. get m price on gruccrica and tUeei2.re. 0cra iilOLk. 'I'ilE lent meetings mc ctill in pro gress, md create tmite un m.ereat iu , , fl-mVlkfkAVftl V I fef ..- A a A . m Cuitcs and quecnaware for one duilar than any placeln towu. Cm Marhall liutchbou n.w had his face peelod, and he now presents tho appearance oi a new horn onion. Tut: executive board of the Webster county Agricultural :jciety ate under obligation to Mr I.my l'oid for reviie- .wjg the premium li,t. J V. . f i i' . .. .Vfif ici r.ti. n i ht i iioioiiui mv - - . .. ..... . ,. vv.... .....t r... .. ,w.i. i,.1. i .,,,., i r i.. ini nviN iir. iiu.r iiuw iiilinv ,,,.,,,.., flir , ,, u ,, lv. -.- I '. w v. -- v .. ..... . fonr, uhilf John K.-irr will have ( uhs.rge Of lfi r?itinie M:tjty. tl Honok Jude (i.i;lin. hehl al y.incci.il fnn of court on tne Gtli. ior i -r llifr iitirorin of trviiv the Kino Hill pcfrtnei who me m custody for high way robbery but unfortunately the cart w.j contiutieii until the regular J lu " v" J1- '-- r mju-ticc to the pri-ouer, biile? putting tho count to gn-at e.peu?o for nothing. It io certainly an injus tice to. the prifOimro ns well an to tlie (ounty. .I.t. th()-e going to Toronto, -hould call nt the P. vt .M Depot and secure round, trip titket for b-1. 'Jo. Tliis i- very cheap rite and in all proba- i Diitiy will be the onlv chi ce ot the kin?! for yTa.., t vi-sit ihc :ast o cheap, boides being .i!..c i..:' one of liit greatest .-ociety eveiil.-t that h." evtir occured in America. A. .1. Welch ni mrni'ii you with particular. Tl.t gnuii! demonstration meeL- Julv I.1, M 1).. .ssi:i:vn'i: at the .Methoilbt Church r.MUinlay evening at fight o'clock by the quarterly eonfercme. Serinou anf .sacraiiiunt nliJ a. m. on Sabbath jworning. At c p. m., fermon, love rejii-t preceoding. The morning theme wijl be "Our Missionary Work," iith a collection for the same. The evening collection will co to the mm., nf hlirrh extension Services condiictr.fi i -i Card of Than ka. M the uci .-u.key hav rke atpoftt , ., - i. ssyisfim? isp ... i i . ' o to oVicra binck axi.tt-Drlee oil irrowTfe awl rjoccrwird before ptrr cha - mg ehCTirhere. .0 -'i A kilia4jal Dma Ltffffi.-iff!1' m - r and Mrs. Jnhn J'arki r.-hirnJ ir ! Jiivrtfilt. tlinuk ,tfM !tKj? glrhoN- art fridlula who . kiudir -- --,. ft -" dOYAl ViHl. M,ssni . f-i iZr&jimfrM Mm kh. ta. k it w r Hi .'Jb RA.kiAilS-'i'. . Dnwnra -V W:flBflH"-; wK'tBil 1 iti ti i ii 1 1 mia b- ,.., p a "- ft ti f u. .1 . iB'-m -s rastorwfcs. . 7 ,JiSHPfc: tFiSSSsi-sl . -rHIVteri 'If - Jfe Red Cloud, H Uffl OF SL'MMKU GOODS. SILKS AT HALF SHAWLS AT HALF PRICES, PARASOLS AT HALF PRICES. SUMMER CLOTHING AT HALE"-. PRICKS. 'f 7 VVc carry the finest line of Shoes in the City. - Great Clearing Sale 1 iiifiliOBBL i ."iPwot ti CIIAS, BU6CHOW. Prenidont. x.oux. v.3iijKtrr, Tfeilaurdr. NEBRASKA II FARM LOAN CO. f. (MPIT4-L,$G0.O0n. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. llKi:iTOi K, I). Jno. O.CUVc. H. V..rr, , CM. Inchon. II. Fullin. ?-1' I i h. -. Hig'jland. G" IJ flnllamf. MONEY - u improved Mrms in .Nebrnika and K r ; c ecurity 15 approved Principle OFFICK IN HKJ, CI.0n NATIONAL HANK JIUIMMNO. . e cr t Sr :hs- v7 " & v Jjattona I Bank f f ? 3,t'"r'- rnldu:. bt. V h!nrr. f 'jihlrr JftO U.Mnrr. AUto:il CA.r. Capital $50,000 f(etal Attntin CIvn ' , ,- V9UCTInS ,. .. .fcj, r lll3Ulil u, . qi.rrj f?llf Atlll .r-U PUnM 'Make o!tetlori and dcn jeperal liankmg Btmnew. !?-TV'qJnirf4 allowed cm all ttpa e acixm. For Low Nebraska, t PRICES. , S A L K r- fl m fj4Jf V f all Suinnuir Cioruk k Chicago Store. u III. k. PTiTnirr.Awn in. !,...'.: .T??,,U . ......,, " imiiaaDi J. A. TULLBY8 ScrtrV & KANSAS. Im-. Ituciiott H. H, 1 f. IM.iu Om, J WarrMi. LOANED - I w. imm -.. I u-....,. ' - f v - ai. Monev furmsbci! a4 .u a' i!e ' ' ami iulera&l x ablo in itcd Qoud ' ' ' 11 1 1 1 iii ? w 1 vy J kjSSttv f,iy,Sfca yffSMHBaWalaaflB '; - T Rates ) '1 ! I 4 ...Mi. t m 0 .4. '1 ti !$ t J" 'i T ;i Ka aU, wv 5-s 'TiSw' j- ir-3 rvw?'5' t5 Cf .iiV '-'-'-IBr' y Jf gMBB V K's : jsafry. B-v J-i- "it r-a I. jfti