The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 09, 1886, Image 3

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'1 i i wm fiiwnMBiJinii i i
..,Miav-mgiaa3wwaMatta'aBa""aMa'a'a'aaa'aJaMaJaMa Ikbi?-
? -" -r -TT'.m! uulu 1 - w maT
".' -J. 'JgJO'.Ug
. .-,-,-,-- '
Lixti Jl,Ij1J uJj'JUJJ GHliJl t '
A. C. HOSNIER, PiJblishor.
KKI rj.nn . . NKl'.UASKA.
"I KNOW!" I Itki, to ton. .loliri.'
'Inn- t.. th- t-..:.-ii J.hikJ
That. Its t n r . t .u j.lm xJ
I mhi ifi-w -Irii-ti h iinl
I iiitlitu .11 ui-niili ir tterl.
I :i Hit ui in jiv .r .
'line uliip- iui .th-t-i have U't-n lo'ay?
You K:iu. t i I.ivf ' ott k .
'' Hnvi- I In n Jii . t, you. Jnbn!
' "I'll toll ,..- Mill.
'o iiintn-r whiit ttic Mn-s- or eirsiii.
That I mli tie niiUiml'
'Tw.ts turn.- ti a Si.-, r.iijr word to Sli'-ak,
Tin- -in:! ii J.n-r- ii. .hot..
Tiii-il'-.-! oS i iii-rn'H to. "
t'ii. .lotm u know! )im JiaoivJ
Mate I lf'in tiei. loyoti. John?
!.. V. rutin 1 iiji'ih imr mi).!.
Iln.j..ti nt ,ul uia.l )ur toil
M lm. f.i'lx tuffl'
Il'-'l't'il ami )ihi )! Jtir'uish thr ftus
'. li.i- :t no' tii'i-iiMi'
i iji- join jiii-v.t in ynur ejr-.;
Vn "tuou. ti Iirtf, jon Vfiotr!
" Itiit. )' ti ton KimUl -nv ... l-iir.
I IhiiiU it wftuM l.-str.i-t
.io I mil kiuhiii ,)! ntl t'r.s'
l h-V i.'l unnlH i( ri (it "
lh- ilri-t het ii. .il l-e t hlt otu
Hl-I h'-Jlil iin vli : at xflitiV -
A iui Ht'-wi-'t "h. my il-nr-it Vkifo,
I kiiciu -2 S.fii.w - I kii-.i
"' I liiiiu ni r- tut ftatMl mi1"!:,
I'lli-lul ! Uc (l tlll"
Tli.ii ntt Jh-1 .t hat-. itMl am.
I ! . , to IUI
1. ili. ii lni i j uiulit t.rish-r liht,
II- flif-kKit iv y t ,
ti- iiii.u. ,,ii - iu,. trut.-l till.
Mlit 1HK. II1 1". I l.ll'lll
-.Uur-uik ltu,.m Y l.'iVyr.
. '
(O'P Till'' WI'OVl' (III I
Tho W(M)H mid FimjiI HHhh of n '
Strickoit " hjoph." I
V."i v.t M:itivl in luti: iotts :irtn
li:itt !iiJor- th" -li''i till oimmi tin- in j
' '
Isirik s vim" viuokin' loom. :ii'iti;
.. .. , ,
iin a' in in ii.itiLii I , t..i ...i ..''-
l.ii.L. ii... .1. . it l.i. ti li'iil I i.?...l tiii
t ji I miniiti-. nith lli .iirjiriiiii"
1 . I
lliHtl(l 111 I rViT l'll OlI WlKTi-
:illil llov. iiiiiih'i In lll Wife'
I Iilli-ii .4 IK'.ltlti- fjll. Wi'll
iiwari- :ti I ilnl o tJi:it In ku- Ii' li.tI
not tli! ui'-. hut li.ul jn i-1.ii.-i-'! i-ii t:i!f
uith an tiili'rro.itioii :n--onliiiir; to In-, '
tiu:il i-utoiii.
"It's ijiuti- -i loti -.luri," -aiil .lack
in a warning loin-. ii-ini-iiiln-iin in
jivi'isi.ii to li-iith tarn-i :i- tM !
an our hut nn-.i-lf.
"All lmt iiu-li a siilijn-t.' I an-
KUi'lril. jirttlill;; IllV-rlt lllorr rullllolt-
:ilil ui in i-ii.iir. ami ilrmni tlir Im
.l Ilataua- roiitriiirtillt
- light. .1 to hraiai.out it. nut
what will Mt-. l:ih.r sa toour
I tlll!.l...
im.t.g ,.. ..,.,.-. K.......e ......
thr parl.HT td 111 lot Would iff.. Ii thr
. .!... ... ! i ...ii .1 i : i..... .
"Shr has jn.sitirlt foihiddrn nir
, trr to, of it." hr sanl. lauehtiig.
"ami I hate olrrtl hrr until now
with inn- n' two rtrrplimis hut it's
loo good to keep
M rujiosst wa- now full ru-ou-rd.
::inl as Jju-k would Irll thr .stoit. of
oiirsr I wasi.hlirrd to l.-trn. ami il
- (
it th nk thai in irprating H 1 am art- .
' I
mg mil. urh. 111 -top at oner.
"It wa.i during in -n-oinl tear at
iiurtaits, i-.;i .i.u.. i -mm- me
a-hrs iioiu his ngai. "how long :igo tt
l Ill-, hut. let llir srr. it's old right
teats was duiiiig iu sopho-
motr .-:tr. that I :orrjit -.1 Ii ank W il-
lard's mt it.itioit to spend lite l-.jisin- s with hun lie w.i- aw lull
g.iod rompain. and I knew that I
would he siur to put in a joll week at
his plnre. Itr-id.-s. thrrr w .is anolhrr
tn strong lmlu.rmrnt I
ii ... i " i i . .1 t .. .1 .i... i
with hi-rutisin. Helen W tl-oii. whoin I
h id a-eertaiiii-l would he of the p.ut.
1 belie.' we tt-ed lo wilt- to e;u 11 oth-
, r I know 1 iis.d t spend thr gtratrr
part oi in time eoiuposing teis
-..hotit iier. in m of whu'h. how, .!. I
iia.i ui'l ihr roui.igr to srnd. Whru I
heanl thai she wa- to he al X
tta-dehehted. 1 tlrtfrniinotl t.t go to
Xrt i.tK.i:i.!s,Y if wr eoultl not ar-
...... .i .... i
I II HI' ) II lll'l II 111 'I'll! 1.
i- l
" Urn i ai'ifti m mat ru iwoui i iv.iur.i ni:u i ii.ui ari-ui.-itinu - nt the Arahian tailor lio jtmktii an , riod hor lath, r's -o.irhm.ifi. IV,' ..u a
.lir, ell :. hei house; hut at ihedoor I posed to the w w hoin of all - n- ,1,-phant ith hi- nredJe a he put hi- j Mix Lid. I inir -t:eh un
learned thai -he had just 1, tl lor X . es- 1 would thoi-.e i.r mt wife." . - lrimk in at the shop t :iid..v as ho i ,.,nia "jnatt he- are unfaor.thle to hap
ha ing derided t.. ;;o a da soniiorthan , ;o.. ' j,a- d on his tt a M tlio h.tth in ' pin,., and r.' griit-raUy a-, ba.l .i
she had .-preted I in. pitted how long ."""" -' '''' :in'1 - nUitiir hi- titink .j,,. j,irt. , H,fin- to have the ad
she had hern gone, and the -enant A DULL PUPIL. !t ith dirt at-r. -ptoitt d it over hi j t.mtugo at for t.i' other Tl .-. iirr
sattl ahotsl lilt.-rn minute-. Hoping to , .ii,n uin.nn-or. t.i.- ,.r AnirririnM,, tonuentor a- he it turnetl. 'I hi- i- a ,,. -,Hj j,,r ,.tb r. but aro awkward
.oest ke h. r. 1 sts-hed m to the (Iran I j ..t itnpo-ttr. test i-oiussioti wat thf-r animal- hae antl anno in-to more than the partr
iV.itsal th-pot. Tht-re wa- notai. in- J The (hipaman s-m 1 an apt ;..M i OI p:lvinsr ,.. i, -,.rr-. and -hould ,hrins,-le. "it .s ...ttimoii for por-n
-slant u. I - H.i-i.l hining a n k, t. f :!' " 't Atnon. .in i of .4,. ; tit.n. w no ttati.r a; hjni, ,,,e w ... ll, mh H,han(.f ;o
I tore iLinti. all aflrr she alsvadt .inotto. In most easrs he is wl,..i . . mnK t! :i, or (lu Ml,M,.nl, tha. .he h u, r rihl . yh.9 ;h,.2n1
lowl uniting nam. and. owing to m dithTen; to s ,,, and m oth- . ,- j,,.., t ,m... ,h(lM. w ho j..nt. ,i..,Mj. , f.-w,s liu. lJu ", a niJkXim lo iH.
length of limb, -ueeeeded in hoarding :. tuiud M W taught matin - " t.(, lh,.m takm wish so,o .sorption. A mar-
the List ear. ranting, por-pinisg. lmt
VMillanl. I went through eaeh rar. in
,-mt. -eat exporting tt Isml the ohje, i
x in ha.sJo.
"1 had gone through all but osso w hen
v. e eiiteted the tisiisiel. and I was be
ginning ! loar that aller all j'erh.ip-s-ho
might not lakeu tin- train,
tvhest. as 1 w a- -landing h ih.' tloor.
the rat- of sun-hine whieh oaino in
through the oe. a-ituial opening- in the
annul :vo.leJ hor i me. ated
:iione at no great !:-. isuv of me. i
"Mt heart gate a hound, and
sea reel real what 1' a-doing. I'
rushed up to her. dropped into the
:tean: In-side her. ami grasping,
her hand, -aid;
Pariing! 1 thought 1 had mi oil
-A -'What do you moan" -ho e-
i "1 vhiunod. in a lono of iniuglotl indigii.i-
"A- lion ami fright. 'Let go m hand: ou
.have math a mi-take!
What do von moan' -die e-
1 obo od hor. thinking that show as
-angry at my mode of ad.lre.-.-.
1 log your pardon." I .said. "1
hould not hao .-pokcu to ton a 1
slid, but 1 wa- so rojotceu to nun uui
that 1 tlid not remember here we are.
llut :is 1 havo bogun. 1 ma a- well
inii. Darling, moving a little nar-
r, wiil, ou marry me? You must
now th3Dv5i-1AL -,;'1' ",,,u" N
a ;'Qk:''-v
' " 1-tt r ""f tr' I ' r ii: r' up-
" ' l"-'':' more ! j2 t. .r
tli in ! had doiio ifUtuu I'ut 1 tvuu'd
ii-t ;r.' up.
('ant ou love m a -?
r '
: in-
jU'riiJ. t'-n !-rh. trtin ti laUt h-i
hand I'ut ! -ualf-hl it atta' . nod t
di-rlmri rithr to turn h-r had i niv j
Iir- turn r at:-wr m jm-.i'n.
"A- th- tr.iin wa ui.tkinr a ir-n.-n- i
don noir. 1 iliouli' jM-rhaii nhc
iiiiMti't Mfil-rtaiid w. -j I rrju-at-'!
m ordi at lh lo; of mj luti; hi
mail -mir jijd. 1ml I :iioti't -atr, jr. J
"What ! u .:i.l-ar I ImktIi !
1 don't j-ini kuor.- tu." she ai
I v.rrd. in uliat 'uiidd lik it ihri 1
wti:tjMr. Iut th- I ono v. a- in H-alily i
1 thought I fouM nJ hav- hviri
aright, and l (ihiim ni-! thai t
was in, lirarin whii-h wa- at fault, I
l'lauu-l in rl.i.i morr lirmly on ivf
iiom :mtl tool, a elo-a-r iii-elioii tl
l S.o-11 ;.oii 1 dfin't liiiuw jwi.' fY:
jvt-alil, lirui"iiiir Iit fnt Iotvn oi
! mini' nitii inurh -iirrjxy: lr.i. : mrtb
nioiiK'iit. or I II
"Ihir th- train ':iwr 1 from tl
i lmim-1. -intl ton rait jurturr sit ama.--i
iiirijt. horror and mortilK-atioti. tthnl
trll ton that 1 tin; ;irlti
tvhom I hn-n m r'Mimii: out luw"
lotr tva an utt-r tranrr to inr.
lard :im ii'.irlrt, 1 :iiiv irom m"
j I hr" tour arditi.' I "-aid. n nn -
iug in;, hat, I h.i'.u taki:n oti fur
,. ,. ,.j. -
" -N,,t 'T-. Hl Ii'.K IllV .jo.-
w:t i-r.T. !, I t-tzi;ttfi to lln- -itjiii-
ui- ':'". wiiT! I n-uiaiiifij itnttl w
rai'ti'M X , too -ttniti.-il i-v.-n l
t'tiink U'lirti lool
ing ahotit for soun: sort of rout rjaiu-
to takr nir to l'w Wilsons plarr. I
fHllll. to Ill ilHTr.l-iMj i-:illi.tT.'llla,ll
1ii:i! :h irnl ti. u I li'iil vii n I'imi
. it. .. , .
l o!nTil inv-'ll t:t- -;:iti!inj; on 11
, , .
t'latforni. ajiji-itiMiih w ntii; for -on
.... . . II.
i nai "n- -a iin i i miio ii
Jiotn thi- iiu --ir.n of mil -i-i-iiiir ii
, .
uhirn Mi- niiinciliati'h :is,ihiiimI ..
s!n- would not look at im-. I had ph-n'.
of ojipot tllllttt looh-rttr hrf. and s;i,v
that -ir trail tlld r Illhlr Ih'lrll 1
in. nit a s, uotw itlistamlui' -thr v.i-
hoth fair.T ami -mallrr. l'.ut my
jrrt was not to admirr hrr. although. I
ass in-,, ton in nn liuatioii w a- -o. t'uvi-
- . .
inu that thi-rr w.,-no Iiopr of ohlaitnn'i
rlurh I stait.d on foot, foittiuatt '
grttiug a hit o-r thr grratrr part !
tin- w;iv.
Airivnl at thr hoiisr, I wis
wrlrolilrd With lilllrh rorIiitllt ''
i in v iio-t und hi- family, and m-
J tiodtt I to thr othrr gurst- IiiiagiM
, . .
j mns.itioii. I I.-irurd
,.r:llk, sslM. w, ,.x,M.,,.,i hni..
l.1?iril.,I.l 1 tl,.., ,.ftrr. ,
h thr r tiaill oil ullli-ll I il.ld Colli-.
It was thru to hT I had I u m iking
lotr. ilistrad ol to hrr . ollsin. Mt ill--po-itioii to turn and run. hu' I
knrw I should hate lo stat and iu:if.r
thr hr-t of it. so I smothered mv in. r-
mii-alion. and when a frw mint. -
. . . , . .
Iatrt the r.irnage artitrd hiinjr",
.. ,, . , . . . i .
Mi-s Wilson, and I was pre-nitru 'o
, , ., . , ,, , .- ,, .... . .- ,,, .
hrr 1 think. ot tlir two shr loll ul
tlir situation the nnue awkward.
"The next dav th- tatd Hrl.-n ir-
i m .. :l,,,j ,.x ,l.uii-.l how . leturillll" to
j tJ. .,,. ,,,r ...tnrihiiig s!n had l.r-
.n,.,,. .s!l- had llllrd luT tr.tlll ,1'itl
,,., ,.v j. 1 hit in g thr nitire w ri h I
w.i iiupaiimth Waiting ltr :iu op..r-
,,,,,, lv j(, ,,jV,.- mt-rlt : hrr. hut hef.-re
j ,.,,,j ,,, (l I J,, armd that a I irgr . i-
Ml ,,Mg w hieh -In had been w..,r.
( niJ, 1(,r vet rial tnoiiths wa- the p'n ;c
' ol j.r mg.igi tin nt to v othrr , !-
ltlU aIj Io lnX sm pri-r. di-, otrr d
. .. .. .
,,i ihe -:iine lim. that thr knowh-i-r
,ltj ,,t tiotihle me trty isuu-li, I-
though for awhile I did feel i'..l-lt. -.-
hi htokni up. I suppose you tl . ii.
,j,"a, j Vx s half in ht-. w ith the si- r.
. jn :,M,. ton I w as not. I roit- ,-
,.rr,Hirr too i.,ing for tnr. all ho h
( m,w I think h r ju-t sight Mr nn n
,.x,.r partieular. and it was m-t t ril
v,.x,.,al .-at- lat.-r. wh-n I in.-; ..r
, . , .
l. .1 ..ltl.lllir ...II..IIIOI1, ,,
.;..... ..- .. ...... : . ....... .,.
r11-' ".- - - " """ w htdi i- to him the be-l .f ,H
was. A gentleman ii m; in I ,tr
undertook to m-ttufi h'- (l
laundnuian in oort.iin nth- of p
ne. The riiuiainan iiatl a ha
bolting hi.othogoiulonaifs room h
out tin little psvlnuinary oourto-. of
rapping on the do ir.
"Now. .John. -aid tho wo
teaehiT. "ti must r.ul eoaio ml
room without lir-t kno -king o
iloor. like thi-. ami h.-ro tho g.
man -t.-ppoti into tho hall, kr
lightl on tho door, and thou, on- - ng
the room. a.-kod: "Do you ..'-
Ye-. o-. no undor-smid."
Ver. well, then: see that ov. nr
, j0r,,,.: "
i -fi,,. m,Nl e oning tho goiitiom va
J vjttin Ml j,-. ,-,,,. w hou .. a
omi on lht. ,jr whi,.M t ia'
; inlh ,j,wun open b tho nil ftn '
! and its he c:uno. grtunsng uh -a
; .:.,..,-. t,: ,.,.,,, .. .. ih.r.- ...
..... - - .
j ..,.,. M.,.'." he -aid. "Mc jv,s
j (rapped), mo lapped; me no f -- t Iu (
i .,
- You mi-Mit :i-wi'il have torg - " I
j ajtj tm. gontloman. sih a , ,K ,
t .im.t. ton marched iu witho A..,.,.
"mg for anv 0110 to coiuo to the - or." ' one glance at thr gloaming tu-k- 1- -uf- j p-tl?on :- what .- o rriuprrat.
Veil" good! tell good'. ' J. j:lp ! ticinit- asid ho -teps on ihe r.ft quick 1 : he fired '-d.tgogue. Thoro are othor
all tho ame!" Youth'- iVninc; ,K enough. Kajah seldom has to mr o tba-Atrachrr-who jught to haw thr-f
actual u-o ol his wtf-jpon- Kor dofoni .ri .tiical va.-aii n-. Tae ratntIt
An Aii-stiii (To. ) japor s : ,:t., Xo
J a oontrinporary i
j b the gulf."
tut- u.n .-,.OHU
t 1.1 1.
Wh -, ( in, in . -. h " m i t),g .
-t t r-1 -j '.i tt ft,
Aiii- - i. i- tf- mr i rtJit-;
t OtU)l ! OUt f 9.ffa,
Ab4 tb man. fth hi ti.i-li auJ lJ(Jc.
trammrr upatut -hiwn.
ttiu tlii- lampa a f (.wins
AttI Cl's-f mr ttiruutfh tt, ti r.
TIh-h tl 1 tt TwsS ht KiKn.
With a la-trh ai4 a n.-rr m : .
W-jut from (-) ertirr.
A1 ttftti-is mast a to.j
''T "aiii aixS wtr h.
TUw -if, b fT mill,
"Iki- c, i or lar!) tlreI !4.
- Mjitn a- th ki has '"ft.
Ttw-r fo rnt th- ilrow tfjA:
thr, 1:iti! i j ib lrni ,aMl la14trr.
AfMl r-a a ih" Ijtmlof Ni.
Then all it 'ht .n tli y tra -I -Th-
Jourrft iiinrnim -e-iu -
Thr-e Un u.l d hi-iii
-. t ojrf-r.ii?. I ! aii'it lr-am '
II it frr 1 Miif; i'tvylt.
I hi- Tim Iwlml- I hi it I fulfl, hi-Il
Iiiiiii-iI. jiifl 'I lii-li Illtr ot !lrffiii'
Ih. rr :Ur twokmd-ofrhphant-. th.-
fti an ami A-ian I h- forinrr i- !- i
iom dotwi-ti. at.-d. hut ii hiintrd dov n
tid kih-d hr thr k" ot Iin tuk. i
winch ar- larjr'T and lira it r than J
lln-i- of hi- A-iaii- rrl.ttioii. All or ,
oiif ln-rti Asia. v. ith Ihr -oh I'Xrrsitloll
ot Arahia, tin- l.-jdiant i- lound. hut
'hr homr ihr ammai di hrhln in i-thr
hot. inoi-t. rv. ainjiy lorr-t" of India
ami "1 hr nr- grrat irat-rj-
'r-. ami ha'.r hrni tiruiitrr,'I iu
tnoitutaiii-toi- rtrn a- i!t a- 'rn
tiioii-.tml irrt aliiivc the -i-a. th h-rd-'
'tontaiti from twrn'v tfi lift, hut in
, fatorahlt situaird lountrn- m hun-
dr. 1 h.tti- li.iti found Ining togrtln r
Karh h.-rtl i- h-d ht th -trolijri -t und
I.irr-t hull, who 1. -ad.- it through tin
It takr- ahoiit four inonTi- trutir it
fu'l grwn wild rlr(ihant. hut hr, or
-hr. i- not trust. -d alonr for a trar for
Irar it inilti run aw at; hut tin raltr-
"itr no troithlr and ioon hi-romr 'p-at
j..-t-, roninir uji to thr hoti-r for lruit.
hi-:mls ami siigar-raiir. I'ut it dors
not do to lrt thr littl- nrrs -.-.-
o-;whrir ton krrji tho-r gondir-. lor 1
had a t-t hah rlrphaut who found out
tuat thr liuit w a- kMt in a larirr
i "
r.tithru jar tour frri in hright. on toj.
of v. hii-h thr iili,-r ami tuuihh-r- wrrr
plarrd. and our d.t. w hrn hr thought
mi our was looking, thr . tinning littlr
Miirf stojr into thr room, and liking
rtrl thing oil thr j.lf otrr onto thr
nuuul. -nrd a largr hum h of i
hauana- in his tin tiiiuk ami taiij
.. .,.. ..,, ... . ,,,..,
.iang.-rott- to go m-ar. -In- l,:it mg hmi
,IUt a I.-w month- ratiglit 'I Ii.- mi-
t.ndrt.t hltie rrr.Uiirr w r;itin- his
lll-gottrll ptlr. kept peeping out !'
.rrn the old Lid- lorrlrg- with ht
flrad on one -ide. Ilpp.irrllll to s,-r
Tha. I thought of hi- prow.-.
A hr grew t.p hr was put to drag a
r.mali rait, and mil --s ratrtull hrtl would grad"all rdgr thr
-.rt to thr si ir of the road and topple
!.' i i-niitetit- into the .lit. h. 'n T trn-k he had when h.o, wa- to
ide iu the jungle when hr heart! an
tin' riding toward thr h.uisr. ami a-
. . i . .-..'. . .i ... . .i .. ... . .i .
,'het eaine rl lie ttoul.l ! mg Ills
tnsuk do u on the earth with -m .i a
hang set rial t i-itoi- W rir tilt ot n
fi out thrir ponir-. and rtrt one hrt.J
1" keep a sharp lookout. With all hi -
tun thrrr wa- iioih.ttg t in us-ah.nit
him. ami rh.hlivn i-otild git on hi- and jdat v. .th hun. To me he
was nio-t elh-t tionat -. ami I bate olteti
awoke lnun my aftrrtiooii t-. litid
him standing alongside mv grass ham-
inork li'h:! eliug iiiu all ot-r ith
his trnnk.
Klri.h.lllts afr OXlrt'tllrlv Useful, and
h,. kindl treated are donle and
irait.iblf.iiit the hate 2T.,. i mem-
ries ami reroli.-.t injuries .piiir :s
t,l a-kindn--s. -e',dotu lulling to r- tho-e w ho b'hato i ru. ll
;.. thrm. though the rh.un ;r. o:igr
m:U ,,, ,.nr Mr mouths and far-.
... . .
V- ....!...!.. I. .... ....... I . I. .. a -.. I
I (III, HO .loiiiu. j.-utJ lin
'Hie Imnk i- novor tsoti for -iriking. !
:ju!. in t.u-5. when any datigor i- i
tSiTvatenotl i- t-oileti clo-. up f.r pr-i
ie tion. fust when angry i'io elephant
will eateh up a o 'od of t.irth. a stone ;
or log ot wood, and thro it itti groat tho-o person- mat tho i:nuita!MtBrs
funv. or tho will break ..ft" ih- bran -h -: tho matii i- prtnlurtito of mut h
of a treo and ssi-iko n-o of it a- a club. , oioonvenirii.-o to thorn, and aiu-s
or a-a fan. lt bas-h tho-a.. At i nt-od- bo -o. hilo swh a thing a
tho tip of slo trunk th-re i- a proj -c- i -.wirty otts,sv. It i-. il-r . iti -m
tnu iiko a linger, and. larg" a-tin J mox-uro in uiarrigr. t
"roat boat look-, ho can niek up a , p'.o -? froiid- as ,-'i as one's -If. it
thstuhlo with ju-t a- isiueh r.i-i a- a Kg , wo vtou'd diseh rg'- all 'h obJig-tt.u
of Hui t.r an -miliar largo objoot.
The tti-k5 aro the main weapon, of
dpfon-o. ami aintuig thr tamo niaio.- i:
i- to -aw oil the nl-. s. th-vt in (
a-o of a tighJ the ottmhataut- can no. j
goro osto anothor. At Kangoon. in
Hnrinah. an old .-lophant nanu-d Kajah j
i-kept who-. tu-, not lo
n- he nt-t- a- a kind of a -chooli
J' the other animal-, oi . hom a
nttinbor aro ntiplo od tiioro.
i-kott who- in.t lon cal.
- ... , ,
onooitn t-tir
Iargi j
i. : -om.-titsu- iiooo ar. thoro to i
put olophant- on to -aft-, ami man of t
them object to thi-. m: liking tin- I
-baking atd un-tcidino--. When n '
rotu-os t.aja.i 1- cii.oii. aim oou -
ru-htiic up bohuul. trt:mp'ting boidl
The refractory boa-: look-rund. and
ir.o it.-elf. in addition to the tusk-, the
elephant kck, and tremrnd'iijx oisr
they can j,,c ',tial,.p"ri!-t'J'. -i'J
' I ' W . ( I A ..! ftiil .fl. A
. i
t i in. ar ?-' -.-i.w! -! l t0
-t!:'-T s ' . run
4 t . i .
th - -..-. ti : ; .
t li r i
I tkli
nil I. m fn! t! ( r ju4 r w ti &
I' k
! M !.. .r.. ' - 'ii :
I ! ji.j.i'.' - i ' i if-
J ..tul - . that n i !.-.
' I f.f -.-
.it. 1 S-n si.
JtJ'llA It I X-
!ijit thf t i ii tn- iti
lit-t-l tnst in x f'w - r th- will b-i-nitif
i iiu'iitTii. i 'i ti-- ! fur al!
j itrt thit c art- r- ari- t.w ?
jiirl I r. at l-at i tr j'.i'ai ;n-!:-.
!m-f.rijir I. n- thi-ni iirt
th-ir riati ! i Hut a- l!if taud
-iJ al'iiO't a Hll a ;:tt. w mj
rl .' thi .U titl ODiIIloli III Kn-
rl3nl and Au-triiia.
Thin r&r ao -irphattt.4 hai to
ttr friu?ht uj in -!i;j Jrnm Burmah
to ( :il utta. Thry v,fpf itut Ailwr4
tuu.h irvih wattr. v,biih wis krtt m
trn lank 4 arrAtigiHl ijown ihf ai!!dlr
of tJu- ! in front of thrm l!n'
t :tuk- ht- ;. 1 with round l:dn iUtlI
M-r'!''! in and a tb"". had I t-r
j oMnrd nijrht and ruorning to gir ihr
aniniai- drink thr turt'img rr tturn
-ooti loumi out th jl of uii r wing
thrm and h-lptn th-rti-Iti- in ;h"
night nln-n all wr- jui -t. .'"ii hat! ai
iant to ! jnt u a-s Mutra-, ot-r the
lank-, or thr wlioU riijiiv would hav
hrrii ilrimt tut in n i-oiiiiir : -.
Anoth r thin; lh iii w.t- w h. n th--
rrrtitrd thnr allow am of -ug ir-ca:ir
in th inormng hr ould imiurdiatrly
hr dow n upon it and iht-n try tu -lal
jnuii th"ir nn 'himri If an
tok plar iu rrmg nt tin ir looil
thr would trutnnt-t and ling th-tr
! trunk-:--.tin-t ihr ral-
t iim -urh a l-turh:ttirr that it nut It ihr on ji t--ing s'nj.-
thr .---rl had on hntr ! ''tta'tTlAjs.
Hun loul Li n iii...l ii.l ll.l UninT
r. I .iriu.-.l
Voting prop.- rar.-lv r -aIi wh"tj
riitn isini thrir i Id.T-. that tnr trail-
or hahit- that s.-.-tn to tti.-m ohnotots
! wrrr fornit-J in rarl If thrir
mantf!-- as rudr. i; thr i.n k
thr arr not writ informed, H i- hr-
. rau-r thr mt inadr usr of thrir
oj.portutiitir- Mantirr- ..rf thr trur-t
iudiration- of rhar n t-T. A lisniurV."-
oil- prfson l- hoth rarrlrs-. und -rlllsh.
lof thr hr-t Illalltirrs ar- httt thr r
prr ini of th"tioidrti lluJr. thry arr
thr i ard of introdurtiou to str.tngrrs
A flirlltl rail llltlodlirr toll ti -o-rn-tt.
hut hr ran not k'p ton thurr;
that drprnds on oiiirIf
A ho of kimll naiur i- rarrlt tudr
A hot ot s.-Iu-h naturr is nolit i'
when hi- .w n dr-itr, ,,- not intrrlrird
I'trrt man i-thr ri'-ult of his own
ho hood ami otith. It h has trjd
good hook-, kept himself info: iii'"d on
pa--Illg rtellt-. hi hrrolljr- what tll
world trrnts a wr!l inlortnrd. intrlli-g.-nt
man. It hr ha- wa-trtl hi- turn
in lulling rontrf-ation. r-ad only -ru-
s.i!oii:il Look- and papers, uegh-rtrd
t i drtrlop th' talent tt hli'il ll ll.-rl
posr-.-rs, h' hi i mm a -upit tin.!, a
' tiresome, if m.t a wnked. matt.
! If :ts a hot in- h.t- n: r ih r. aird tlu'
j giarrs and niursitiir- ran
j lim rprr, in wriiinr u.. uiost ,4.-
j li:ht ltd of mrii. a poli-hetl gnitlrinati.
. 1 1 a a boy hr has not stu.ln I to aoi i
ro!ii-iou- with those about him. ha-
, not rreogmrd thr lights of iirr-.
j ha-not euhit at-d a tlr-itr to n-ad m-n
" higher motifs, to gir to oth. r- ;h.
h.-n. lit ot hi- own opporliinities. h
' hertinirs that most iin'ortunate prr-on.
a t.irth -- ni.xn. a niu-anrr wherett-t
pfir are brought i..g.-t!ier (inr,i
! tho U on- eter Im ran h :rn l H
t'iiH'lt lliosr men who iinm-r .nlrr-r
I't'itit'i-iu and t :irrfulU aoidthir h ih-
,u ,,,,,,, ,f ""' ', ""U I.nirni
''.t the old a! .g. !'. r-' faults
torr t our w '
I 'l .11 l I. !..
ii-il Mltln; tt I..II. i:.--tlii I Ji HI liter
t.iimi- tlnii tin. I t.i.M.ti..
AtlOtlltT -I i tolltlg Kill h I - niar-
. . .
ri.d pair nro not ijuiio isolated tn
mm-joi. Thoy aro. on tho nmtran.
a--.'Ctatel and oiinrotrd with many
por-on- who ova? to th.-m. and t
whom thoy -vo. duty, il i frit b.
which rest i.pou i:s s- .-tK-iui bcstijr.
.V. J. , , r.
Kclping the Teaclicrs.
W.-lloslr K.rucilo (".. '-' hs aix&
j-ro-ioa for -o-idrng its prfoM.-
aUvj tout h -r a'T ,d .n'C in oviot
.,.....,. - . ,,s .- thrrt thx t.uh-
tAxt ,onj u,-i chango. tko work t tie
toachors t -rids to b-v-ino u rotyj.wd
.a I h .alatile. '!. iraeb. r- tbom-
,o-. o-tivi!! th- .votnon. ar liable
to stirlft r irom ii.-rv. pro-t ration an
j.rotuamr iutirm.i. Tho t.-aphrr- it
liar ..ra ("ollcie kavo ai-o one oar u
-ren; aiii taov sre ai.v-wN.-ii to ro-t a
homo, which defeat- tho objoct 11
i:w. for r. thangr of -cono and occu
t b) Wol'r-I'y Coltrgo -hould .
wry "pnicraily ioilow cL Damrtii t
A !' l"lC !. :t t.l.l.l
enr. t l'(rtii.
frk ot ,f ,. ,-., -' .'
r,o. . i n,;, r frolit ! i - , - t . j'i
. u ,n 1.-. .'. ra"j r old-ff.
t.u.-. . - f i! frown trvtt-r
.. H ;... i . -. -i tj.
lllidd , At 1 r ,'T f ."s U m r.U ut-p.iTi-nt
-if liftiull" i AOii pr-
c.-rf tu inl.l h itxn. i r h. .V.
-. I t!, ',.. W '! . p;. ,r 'I' . '.. ti '
n- of ut.i.d .-r a . I.. n : :.
" .'! :r a t....'-r " I! - ..-n-t.
tup, t.ori tiA t:.- m;.'..-m o .
tur ri lep. "T h - r::r an 1
trrihl-il Ht- ru uth i drii, d.u
and iu j.ij:.. ta hr ttm a th i. :r
rrgular. un main Iim. Ih ( it nublr. nil hat iuttj-; in t:
tirm im- of Ti:orou old f Th
ant fnng" f s Ati.-f-d rr aro-.n-l
rhin and n n ttirrl ta -p tr -i T
io k- iifMiti h.s ba! I. gr-.U n d h t
a k'-d p-it-.a.!!
s p. rr. irtA.t. r.ri. ,t Oar: ' it thr
h- k-t.oti.-s Rtld rjr a i ! t hi U
tvotill h- rho-. n hv a in 9!i-r f r
.la.,.faI1 , m..lrl. '.ut n-t for tnt of
an a tor -r arti-.n or m. r, h-xt.
f l i- i, h a hoa I a a gr- tt thmkr , t
would hi- in an dttaiam of pur- :tu. -- rvt,r". tnitt-ntg W41L
-tud It r tl! n oth-r gtvat h. d ,f . -,.u ; thr Tlih k !.r ..h drt -r 1
unlr-. anuud th.- m nith. Iam. IHrUm,t !..j ,x, ,, , , .. !,. i
si r a ro-: thr , iirota.
r - I ha r. fj til It lt ahvtflird
in int-rr roiit-nip!atiiu for a hour
at a t.uir. uioting n tn .rU hut thr
rnds oi thr tiugrr J lth ban !. and
th-r Hltr ttl rs-tnt! Whrli tlr
s'linkirig tit j- do- d. and an artin tr-
sol rd Upon, hr pro. r,sl- to it rtfr. t
nation with alrrtn.-i. I!" i tpu-k :n
all hx- niott-m nt. A l.-ttr t hamhd
hun "--rth. poproH.nriHlf!.rjriljtfl romwi,,IVM a,, BfrthlBr
adju-t, hut fl a s. tin tuauu- , lhlkl llW r. -,. r, cau a ih jviuo.
-npr. ..t-upn-ht with his lrg,iTo,sr,l. hf. n.v j ern,r . rja har,i,, fe.
and -'- I- a "trad rhtbiu ,, lbt,.,j th Ujtt.k,t,.ni. rtg.hth" in hn rra.K s,, k!v down thr paj-r. ( .t,jri u lh. uf j, 'JMr v
turns ,o thr nrM. and. aftrr follow,..- ,niir,. v hin hr a, Vt!t ,h Un
thr lim s tt thr rtid. r. ih L- a iiioiiu-nt
a - thr -hrrt amis- hi- lap. rrflrtt
again, twtri- hi Iinr,-rs, rntL- ihr
whole h tt'T to thr end nn ! nior.t. ant!
then -:.rrfull f.ldini: it put- it n tin
taidr I rfurr hun ith thr raj;rrnr-
of a h.v. hr lukr- n fold.ii; porthnio
oil Ihr tal.Ir. adpi-ts It Upon h- km--.
dip- a goosr M.u:i into thr ink at
thr .-d'r ol thr tahlr. ami wnr
lapidit ight or : n Im. th. n pau-.-s.
rrtlr, ting o.t -..nir mtful hr.ts- t
rutn-r. to rrproaih. t. romral a
thought, to t-asr r rnt rap. Ihr
hathrr rnd of thr .piil! i- mr.mntiii.-
sotitr'un h.twrrti hi- lip- and son.-
tun.- hrtwrrn hi- Whm tn-
-li::tinr of -oine -pn-itio thought i
thtis oi"d on to completion thr pni
run- otrr hr p.iprr .ir.-itn -pr.ilil.
and thr i,, mail, w.tha Il -
rr-'.uir of -. if-satisf.t, t,,.. . ,f. altrr
all. thr ta-k im-ic a tntlr tvr:.r:som,
hut the riloit n.t without reward.
I hae wat. bed hun rar-full
thi. utgh man spfrrhr-. -.nir tdnioij-
1 pn-par.-d in pail. horn wh.dl
of thr iiiiiim ut of turir dihriy lb
-t.iml- at r.i. i. -ting on" sub- agjin-t
' '"-' ,,f th'- t thlr. whirh i- high
niotigh to atlo.-d somr srn-r td r-po- -.
The iii-rvoti-nr m In- lingers rau-r-
him to tlutt-h -tiiiiething audio with
it p.ipiT-. hooks, pens Hr n.tiT
stnkr- altiiu b-. nrrr mouths or
makrs grim o s or smirk, or h pal-
ir drtirr- of thrat. or r . or hands
tli-trart his h ar.Ts fnun hi- poTt of
m.itrrr by his bit lir i- siniplr,
natural and bartou r.I. but tho voieo
is not a lull and far arr ing as it
used to he. Ho rare! grstMu!.tt-s .-
oopt ui'h bri.-l w.tvo if the han-lH
)no might a!nio-t d rtU'his
t hanirtrristn - niim apraking at th-
tablo as monoroit. .ii-. '1 h-r' h a I'-m-
porod and rogitlat.-d m it tin-
rrtlirlo-v 1 hero are iiiipi.ioriod fa-
-agos in all hi- nii-nii-ntou sjm-i-. b -
which mils; biro t :rri"d I .tn au.t
front hitns.-Jf. ami dor rig Tin- .
a!lnt ann.--s and ta t hi.- !. n ton-
troLing hi- i ir of th.ioni-
hat, rutht-r th m .i!or and .Iftwrwv.
h" ha- s miotimr- om. r. d !.unolf to
hn otnr t e.irm "li J s.'.
stiitilx.rfi tVitrii-.. I nnfuvnil'il
imrt.- it ! I.,i-r.
iVrhtp-w, h.t.e a.i km w:i a manor dietod for nurt!T an I a .,uitfcd. or-
woman who wa- im apah.e of gitmg i .imo n tho h.d bad not - n found
an an-wtT. y s or nc. to a tl.roc: i-.-- thr- -. h d to l.o no roai rv.Un -
tion. tttat it was. dtu!. Wo hto to gt.ard
Tliort nro nch pot. Thoy aro agn-t HtS il-nf-n of; tho
r.piallv inonpablo of 'wmg :m,rtinrnt n$iou?v gn- :v rni- through mc
or latitahing. Hm th sr hahitt of irr. t.-itni'tit. Jiid of th
thought aro widosproading and th tr aiiiorrnt II v Td' thl aboi!4
man nor -p. akmg mu-t bo ditrn-ttr r,r, ji .n.-urr hr f..i-. It rrm n Jr.! tbi
Loi sneh a tn in r. to make mat- the .attar -ri t- b, ...r ihr r.t wn
tcrs wor-f. . vonun -lo suhpr-no. ou oi ihr 110 InU.u T'.eyrj&.
as a r. .tu.-s ,n i ..iirt. and the .mr.srV
wttted Iior known to ;bo boorh ' Korpr,K Wjtrr Cook
. ........ i.-i ... i i
iUd-l Hiira lumpiririt inirii
A ra- k ifil wa tha of a tmttn
who liad b-on p:.-oi en thr stand v ti, an-- ' "" - .--- n nt
tho o.,x;:mon of dvoiop,n7 tnrw-h k- Uit -fuJ T " " PK-'-
'him ih.- t-a-vractor of uo ,mr-t ""'' A ba ixr i:w" " "' mml "
tho bar.
The fedt owing was tho r-Miit f Jm
rasii st p
-t c Vnow- tho priaono?-well
' iVoti i. lrr.
-.N'o 1. v:tv." slid tho lasTTor. trm-
Now. jr. di.l iou oer U
pasorior al tho bar
Hud mas a dnn- wnh btm : tho
. . .. .
"Anncer mr .joolton. sir. toL
thr Ia'or "How kng tot
. .. -,
known too nn-onor
,. . . ,
"rrorn two foot up m Uv :rr-i tn
... r
" ill the oocrt mako the
i havr. our lion -r." -anl ;bo wii-
i-.s... antH-ip.-it.sjg ih" lifvyrr. "i harr
an-wf-r-o :h- nur-'.ot. I vaowrd iao
pr-onrr hrn hr r, ji a U two frrt
long and a man ne f-t wn '
'Ihr lawyer zzwj-. jJacod both hand
on the taslc .n front jf him. -pr-ad ci-
log. inir.. leaned over thr ;abir in
front ! him. and vaid -V, ,U you il
Ihreour; Hhi; jo. k-w iiwui Xj
. n u
4 I W
U . t : ! ' rhl
i kn-
u t
i niJt-- ? trai "ff'
Witn.. .. tri:: a'.wr SJa
tjtMsnttoe, .5 t oa. sutnf th J4f-
J.. J ,, i.h'-t i-'.rH'r.r,lMWO'
I . ;. .f.H . it " I t tr r ;n-i ttc
a v i m rrjil.
" 1 . -a -I ! .' !e?r. fof"t l-t
' A tar i' ib km t i"U 4 Ii
it ; r r .
i. ls, fi fr. t..f.
. lr
t . sutc&oord hei
a a f n. ml vf b ,
.,, -,r I wrS -urnm-tvt hrz a a
ltx-t ,. r ..n th.-r of u " oi"
,rii.J Kwkr hil hnj "
' .v.and doWtol !.,! lus lAtsjflaT Ht
' dr
V.atul dit."
t At t do :U I '.I t down r tftnrf
i -I ,h. r zrmnvm il man lrxm thv
u.N jus r co;vtc i io:;s.
Imtll'-, lrT ln . Ilrm
ttt'l Mill -( Juitur,
I'nii-h 1 1 hi- lmt t- rn tindiii
rn . .- m titr tfi.rds it Afford
.- iij lonvii .i..ti It tu l
t tkrn !: r'ilr-t t.i tt -. a.h l n-
am tg- t.i jutt v (!l al uit
m i i.r now and airain iim in tir brt
vonld r.thrr tbt ten gmlfv p-rt
"Imulil cm .ip.- puiiishniri.t thun that
tn' inmtt-rnt nun t.r vmosn shM
s'tllt-r impi-tlv Thfr. iac hc-
t'ai in hi. h inm har b'rti haajfi'tl
who Wrr 'UHs"itrtlti r.rtt tO
hlVf. ,,,.,. -b. HUtt,h a,Jtl... ,.f tbr
, tp,u, , rI(. h M ou,. , lhpw.
trrrU,. lul.,r, hll h ma,ltf t htf,j
.J,,,.,,,. l,x, ?c nttt.Tum r U. hi.
, ,.., ,r.ttr, rm.irk ih.l l.r would n. n
.h,,,,, pi-r-.,,, of munlrr or man
slanght-r -unlrs, tbr f, t . rr rr..i d
.,,. 5a ,Mu i find d-.!.'
h-.-Uu-tl it a U ar. .t K-hirr cxe. and
' ,h fa, , ,jlitt ,t ,. ,lrrs.,j ..ti,nr- ..go
. ..t ,akr it, l,-.,u h-s, upptn-
.llili" to 'ui prr-rnt it rtt" An Ulirir. It
serin-. " hud the bringing up ul hi-
nir.s". to w hiitn hr w n trlrtl lu.w.
' ami wa, 1B tht. ,mbll o , ha-toung h. r
ff,r .i,.,,,,.,,,... n n . . 4M.. thr
girl wa li ard to h-e hrr um l- not
1 to kill her. and short! :.. r
ward shr di-.ipp. .trr.l I h- frt( j
K it .j,at Hv iaj nm awa.
and a takrn in b a bnrirrit
-trangrr Mr.ifi,u,f. the umlc kk
arr.--t. d ..n 'ip..-..n ui murdt-r. ad
ortbr. .1 J. pr.-li. . t!o- . h.hl; and.
i ur vttU, not Mid hrr. hr adopted thr
rat, r-di, nt oi drr-mg up ;u.thri
girl in b. r olotbra and trmglopa--
hrr off a- hi- fllWtblc I br
fraud tva diM'ov-rr.I. and tni-abd
thr i ttr .f thr nnbapp;, g.-ntb man wht.
tv..s .-x.-eulrd for murtjrr Sotnr ye.trm
aft-rnard Iih nirrt turnrd up ainr
alf well, and . laimr I tbr t!.' of
( t,.oh h.- n Iw-trra Nr Matthrw
Hnir mmt ou .- tno!ar af a bating
, eurrt d at "whrro A
a l'ng nnii.g nn4 upon trog
pr--iniptious I. was .tippo-d to ha
nturdrrrd him. and to ha- . oniin"d
him lo ahr m an mm, thoronMn
j of nmrdor and ti.imri
aIll ,.x.te.I. and w.thin on ?eti
.dt.-r A rftirnrd " .ttrr II.-U.- tim.
, ,,urt- of law br d. -do f that a pT
uu -u.M-rtrt of inur hr an not j rop-
, r',x . t.ij. upon to an mint for tb-
di-.ppr .ran'.. t thr .nptmod VKtim
r .-. nimr twbat -on liar in pr ito.fdo
tl ..; al J. t ..mi" ..n'v lioforo
IrJ A snigi r where . girl n ao-n
a b h r h i 1 in h r arm at i o So.
ta tor pjrting at T.ntrn. tn arri.
thro. i-,o' .fieri :irt at K V.'rl.h tii
.tZ v t ion! litf tof tnt sbo ws in -
t"a-iT)t.t.a Xari
I 5t
1' nj.ri.i.o Bro a ,ro "arttV-n ;sr r -5
pabio ui l.oUimg tbro r four gT...'--j
s vrivr. f.."- b tiwy nil anJ Unj n
tho Tiido and draft of air ri"h.a prai.
calbr. Tko jr r..ntar!t at. sn-4
"U ko n ihr a.l. r st a u b &r
-'P---'- h ' "M otl-t
Ta" jti lijrt r&tr to t tt
iiftirc V,'an to por.t ja ran lr-
f.bta-r.od. MJoth'-r onrJ nr.d u -,
, fr ifa. kroo . gunjij HL. t-MV-r
i rbh, ana'-tor oquaaT . rJ, ,f let.t
..,,.., ' . .
... ',
jug oi ijt'.-h-rar;K; ta" Ud in
t . .
ine .nn nur.n't. an i ing u no lo
, . . , . , . ,7
, tbsf i.a-bof xiz niUJ it.
-; in iar rnivr ot t.r- ;.) r. afirr th
j common far.iu,-. "'l 'tuzj-
j Corbel
1 '-o.-'-o; 1- iao man - o ;l
! nia;or.) of tfcr por. ton-ur-icr- ilo not
wan: to oat cl-jtr grr.-- or Ti-a half
A pur-!v corn-f-daog from pi
f f
. 3j :o buiohrrhoi i- r.rri - uiv".
' ,eR. . A Sinful of Urdo.L Mur .V
m,a. u a j-; dc-idriusi. -Irvine
ruLk c ryfj.
tn n
' - - voJ n !b:'t
t i
a ? ' ' s
ti: a :. kT .
I rfs-
. Hg.
t-t L.
!' it-
(So frnod up ta Ii r
V. JIM- f !
V n"t '!;' ' N
"I bsf j .: - - t,
-!iaf.' a. I t r
tt)fs wMtnd. f .r r i
Burglar "Ar a
er el t "
Ab I tbottjrt.t I u- I a
luTsr iu f-A lttr
fth. tHt H nrh. 1
itt r lrp -!9
m ami
fta.ftper -i... afasd
I ; r " V
own anf lt
mm U.rntsrd m
,N 1 tlt.l it.
-W:. -vbat of it Iro-.rr 1 :..! !
pa.1 t ba . a it J'1 ' '
mt mono! ' J
T1m.i wore, at S1 w. ! ' -.g taroaV
fat. i'o Ibo rT.-n tit- tho liltht
Jfir. Yttii br a to hfolS. T ltot.i
tftows ' "Ynb. ' roiiHSrt ttm
hll.o uhf. "Mz aoth .1 wlli I.tio'
lath rhano. br d U '.:. r "A
JohnttT V. hi m t-. dstfrr-iari-Hrtvurrn
- nao W4 nl..'ii pap
I'apa "Warn I rm l..oi .
Johtint). to .t . ll .nil ihr lir 'Il.jtt 1 ao 1 haii
1 jrraJ d app'.t lto l.mgl. lk
t wnaation ' ' '.
Ui td tbr n.! hiiiiit'i a tg "
lrtrio it, a man hfe t -t '
droti-t s . hatr ant .- btm b ro np
1 or otj'ht in. ' int.. tho hral vWJt
uut not. rahit iotrf rritf th iff
hrain vhi,ti i npp.wd l hii 10.
npM-r tof .'r t k lii-i . "
-j.miiij; gtiitlrn.An . I I !"
a'siiit town t adod to -r hi tiajii'rt.-.
tftor Iniinjj ahrnl front lb. tt lotr
srt rral dt . atd -ao;rral't ti.ok.ll
. hrn sho i I " t.n.rjr. drsr I lH
tho too "oai aw. anl na)
nn. on-. iou. to ci.rsl
hrrr dlit ?W fftll' Ur ..k.!.
rjfrfl I foil itslorp " llottv" Hit
Mr I bapponiitg t nirtitmii that
Mr. Ntrong h a tt-ritig a batl
old. 1 t;jr nternrd hor with thr io
tiirt P-iI shr (net kno at. la
Milh-r ttoni a fc-iNl . oiit Mr. F.
pl'! ropllrd Yes. Btif- ha.l hrjnl
pn.plr -uwrriHa" fnin ! inui n leo
rr ant -iirthng ! t,-r who '1 lw
lnr little ,i Uout -in.'- -hr w a-, ittar-
Wtt I br,toro M irtm bid jst
p'atrd nr ol b; uol t- -tiitttnl sdi
lor it llJt'r iUip,,ot a'ssrni' b-tl al tin.
- huhrrt Muu l liitttiii" th- nthur
llirht, rlif" fcotltrhiMl. n hl-p. rr Ut a
lad pr -i.t, avitig Hi ,..uu i
two hundtril (oid tiftv f nr-
"Mt fr. not' ' fftiirtt thr x too
hnndnd and his tif' 'W, j( II
. oni.l git b niMMi' out of an M
rhuij hk t i.rtt. I .t b-r 'j. ii. m 1,
had to atral it " 'a ' .
news Or true near.
- Morr than 1'ii.r t'.i.u-ii.'l l'ion)
for 1 .iip ino hat. tn ! r.ti d. aod;
.-r thoti-nd f tttf h. ...r nod in iiib-fnj
gl it ,1MIH in th ItMOl'f.
Ih -It oitM and t..n .n U-)
I'nitod ttr I'ot batr bi.'v aSri'.Jl)
rilta - I. t i ara l o" horao
and batr .,! n l ' tr a.
V re. J r jrt.rtr.f , at
p.t. ' having a 3 r -1 ai t on,
lb" mnrr odfaof lo g .-, ... ittaiy
ohj.'i ! iHlt 4 tlr r t t.r bf of I. Mill
mat hr tt tt- tb tt'fi.Aitt a r " -ihf
a')' . l$t
A .-t.l,i ft...-, man wa hor.f
dollar- $ fttm- . ttavlt--yar
old hm a a. ? whtpf-nj "Nib
aottontly br . arrr- it iti a utfsrr
and tind.v ti.i.!.rf frmn-
Aamny a ls4 td fr.mra -ho wrt
run in l. ts t: at I.'i. t- .
tbr uUm; tjjtt . tlrr W K h-t't t tti , (U
raj,-l r.twidrror and nitnet. ..f 'nj,;
rapt'if Htrr n ...Ir ,,
,- I'wttuWl tioOUr-
1 or-iSiof t; rb I nt -n ho hr,-!.,
iom-d at N bron a A if ie
br'If.i ti- t.Uhrti ht I !. a'-rjadr'
vjcm" dad 1 1 d'fiSraJtg h-ir tr
p. )r.' i.d r&drnMl Wm- irtt-
rule I Uf. rtr-.i'-mnnt
A Nrt l fi nn gninr. . n bsv.1
a. tr"t M t agr r A f . a da-.
notrr-d j. 3.r-A aftor tnng :-. u
b-VAk ta gg 'Jtik t ii.l . .1 hI
m. if ii". 4 nti. C 1 .' -. Ur4,T
tcUitx U o. llw-or. Vt '. ,U. am1
ti'ii- .v -rnntu-d it.. pr;- Ui-
Larg- fiowaa.r lt-:. .'-..' iarr-of-fdl
r ft ' firi tRir t rxM
T-.'tVt harh ti . i-n t-v gf
ttr-r- hdrr It ta .''i- 1 -1 f ' tho-r
vassr irt.-a !""l--dr. and '.'. V s,a.tkr.
"" -V siTttiiMg -n ti i-t-jri
frt of n--. Tocr'tor - rxlr i r .o
-" f K m tue fo-fi,j jf.v li
" .tto-r -a-ayo 7i.t'
- 1 'nil. w iad - Kt tu .'fitv
rr ,r thr w art,-. d..r o . rth
ai.d .! thotr prm u in- r tmn-r-
jk- :tb..,K SJa I aw. ..a. !.-.
itor tr no ta n to "., t cavr. tor
Ir--, Ulan t,r !-! :tt Itf aVoT.-r ..!.
ar-t homo iri J. .-.fci r -.rv-w.
tu tVr -or ah' i. ,t,i o ;hn
-bop an. to.uiju. a Jw lvt.T- dMlLtr.
" hd i-vx sti.' g .Knirrf
of r.-n tm -frstjr,to c otj- ro
-nt. Tht- :ri r- n:nng -g'-!r
ai tbr tiai-, rd a bruk r - a
b,oiag fr-Bi iti- wMiifc 'I -o ram
irp cr r:rr largr. and fr ji-: a
t-iUaulu tht- t-xuf do a 'h.- "
tvt. The thomrr wat o un-t--rirtl
J that pHp!r who had sot r-'-rr-l r4
into ;hr irret and Acasad :. Lriia.a
t tr from whrncr .- ter ca-
ilrt i'rar-riC Civo-cia
"1 f
my 1
BaW'v " W " V W
4 TJta.