The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 09, 1886, Image 2

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lv- -
f ? )otidhief.
Therein no question but what the
city of UeJ Cloud is destined to be one
of the most important, cities in Nebras
ka. Heiug located -i&ii. is ii'moei on
the htate lluc, dividing the state of
Kansas and Nebraska. Willi an enor
mous scops ff :lnuv- tnule-' Train, ftithj
no other.tqwjfcDf .imporfaace will tin
46 miles'axuHn: fad the. iirioeipal -city
eaet of Denver lilt Beatrice is reached.
She ih determined to become I'm trad
ing center-of omh-western ISTebrrf&kft.
Thw h evideTic'crby -the' feci -that rail
way companies, corporation."', and cm
itulisLs are turning their attention in
thdircclioii jftnir thriving city. Wo
huViuod:iv,tM,i:i)nt. railway properf-.
?o femjL-r irix,iiiVj ufvrv- r f different
and inAg' tjie Jrnjryt3rirc KOCkL t"H
at leai two uf the be built, in
the neinVvelve months, This i.s our
judication tbjit 'ho ri:y iJ considered
to be', yijoro than pnljiuiiy im
jjorlajifle.. Tint n-jihous for thi.-j in abni
ou". .Wcbavo good water power for
niamlfiiclnriiur'nurnose?, we haye a
large HCttP.ej-,iury to dn,w our, ro
hourccfrojtiwe tare. Jo:.'Uel at the
gate of.tlidi famous- UeniuMit'im valh'V
a lanft'ftqwrri! jviih nnlk and honey a.V
it woBipv fy'Jj;vi; euLerpri-ing citizen,4
and Li)gnt-r;kl iveii.ivu .-the requisitcfl
that h? mkcy'for.'u ifoo'd Ityuuifati ur'for
a citV'Ay':; Kl(ij)l)ing joln(. Jlfd Qlfnid,
is at ffie'jnjj, our.bUpinc.iS men iluing
moio,bi.iMnch.i L-han any tuwn in the
valleys "Wi-N. KiclunNoii Our Iu'iv
ic.JtJ'tVjCK dca.711 ha.s shipped Williin
the in'sji.vyar 70rar.i of lionnd with
in tha liVst.Gvn mouths 100 car loads of
e.ilt! lltsides this our agricultural
men have Hone 'an hmnense busiue.i.i after car loud of iin
plementn reaching up 'into the luwi
dred.s'wiifiiiiM' tw.'hV; rnOnth-?, .-.aying
nothing'UC.tho pupping did by others
This ijltym; idiijjpriaiH feature, and is
a. souroo-of gratification to the metnuv
oh of'lbf'vallev. During the bix
months j;u-t we have erected toinc
thing likejSj.xty or ..-evisnty dwelling
hou.-wrimd-'if lh lootnoas u hi thy
next 4ix,!frto'ni'ifs5 like il in the past
we will' have ien-.on.fbr congratulation..
c hav,(;tiUrHti?!ui:lioii and that h
that eiute-rucaTitidibtM have beheld
our prjpriity, and foreshadowing ou'r
fn t u i'fia'y i'n y it edUbera My i u real
et-t:il'f.?liir',hin tJie next few days
will beginUHdrroction of peven, largo
brick AJ-rjrt Ii'uddjjlg-3 are in conUm--""lTaTioi'i.
Tieu t'.oud has nevo- ,',u a
nuishrpoiugi)Wth;b:it on tha other
liaml it has hecii Httidy and sure. In
1880 ifu'e-nnstako' hot,' the' city - had
7uU innabitanls al) told, today dhe has
a popukiliou al-or in the vicinity ot
11,500 .-otd-J, a healthy and substantial
growth, and this too ot the jjyery be.-t
people the continent aflbids. o ffcl
hale in pitying that with the same in
crease of-populatiun. that we have had
hince ISSO that fted Cloud will be a J
city oCutleat 4,0W)iu 'UO, and if the
proposed radroac's tomes confiden
tially expected, we will have a much
larger .population,, Uku that. TJiesamo
can be.said of the other towns in the
county..i All are prospering and e
peciaHy'arthis.thne of our count v at
large., ' The county is improving and
increasing' ip population rapidly and
substantially, and with people who
come to'stiiy. Mark these worjls well
lied Cloud.wilgjyc some of her larger
sister towns. a .close rub for preemi
nence 'in the near future that will
cause th.m-to1 rise' up and call us
"(Jieat. These a re not boasting asser
tions LvU: those that wo believe will be
verified. Ya hope so at least.
K. ly.vV'&oiir. an'old settler of De
Witt county IJljuoiv 'Whom vc have
known dor several yrars, recent'ly came 1
out to NVbrtsKa'looked arotind'a Utile
at ourjlprivuig aid growing state, be
came jdissalisiied with . Jife. and re
turnedtb mtfrfV',lllinois tb write an
articleTor' a! newspaper, niakins' num
erous ris'st;(ep.eitsl whether inten-.
tional or.iirouiisWJinL-" ot investigation;
He saysslmt-heMssalisfied tliat -"it is
not aisrrohg ,rassiouutry.i AVell,
my In other, iLyou could -have feasted
your eyEs on mciUinjf licdtd'butralo
grass you would ihavc - been agreeiibly
surprited. We can show you plenty of
tame grass wheiefcr an effort has been
put forth to'raisb 'it as rlue as ever
dared grow .in Illinois, and we know
whereof we speak.' In a field near
lied Cloud of '40 -acres, this season,
the timothy raised grew to an average
bcighthfof Tjetweon irv and seyen feet.
Can ycubeat'itr 'X 'stranger should
not draw conclusioiis too quickly, buL
. sho;iidjlTememberlhai 'Illinois is a
much afdctfctatfc than' our -own slcri
ons Nebraska, with her soil and rc
sourcc6only partly ibvestigateil. ' As
to niudv-ifMNibraka had one licit the
mud that IUinoislia. cj- ners-oii in
Uie sttp won'fd'be 'iusgusted anujleav
in24hdttr. 'SfiW'is hot -ktlown hTJre
-when jjoonirarett" 40 ''Illinois:' 'Come
nffRin. Bro .Davenport, nut on your
specs fttlanftenouh ,sco;the
r.,i-I uujl-L-Grnds
Giibam-wat? alslo to be out
to churp":lt!Sundy.l . ..
" M CooDt:fr,oiftPb,etonI1Minn.
W mends an4 relations on
'ownoJJjrtdid'proSpcct for
so ir- w ho VV W tgaUie
ilf-in.' u MfxiwMs jwheu
dti'iHH at thesb ; ,'
,:at place Au&mktiiiS'XQ
v'rani did not kOi BETA.
diei". but Mr. Dextey
a pension m lS0,,ti
iiu-id'-nt. The wok
ba-ei hi- apphoatloa
ti..; roof. allr tc eaptWJ,
Postponing tho Iesue.
The refusal of congress by vote oi Wn
U U0 to conpider the question of tariiT
reduction U a fitting ending tor the
work of a session which for in-apactry
fo IrtMincAS disregard of pur, y pledges
and general iinbccllity on tho aide of
the directing majority has never beeu
surpa-.-ed, the history of
thelowcrlioui. The question of Ux
reduction was one of the vital iiities in
the campaign wbicu resulted in Mr.
develand'H election. Both partie
recognized the popular de nands tor
reform of the taritfaiui pledged them
selves, through their representatives to
meet it when the new congrc? con
vened. Upon this point, the necessity
of lifting st large portion of the burden
some and needless duties, there wai no
dilfcrence of opinion. The presence of t
an enormous aiirplua in the natitMial
trfasury, and the too rapid reduction
f the interest bearing debt, were rtr
"iinienL for tax reduction which could
not by g.nn-aid bythe mojt rabid jid;o.
"caie? of high latill'ai a jrotection to
American industry. Quite apart from
Ui:3 was the question whether the
undue stimulus of the existing tariff
jivas not j-criou'y demoralizing many
hi!e- of indu-trial ellorL by fostering
gnaL iiiouopoHite in -ome branches and
oyercto'jkuigs the home market in
other?. All uartics agreed that the
muc of tax reduction was not the is
slie of free trade, but purely the ques
tion whether the country hould con
to tax its people needlessly and exorb
itantly when every necessity for the
imposition of such monstrous burdens
had pa.-ed away. As usual, indivi
dual inlere.it5 and the intiuence of
wealth Iias worked u pou congressional
cowardice to :igiin lostpouc tho is.-ue.
With asurnlus of more than eighty-liye
iiiillioir above the revenue require
ment i f)f the present i' congress will
once more adjourn leaving the burden -some
tarilf taxes as they found them at
the opening of the session, The
pledge- made by the parties to the
people luivc proved small obstacles in
the path of the pledges made by con
gressman to individual piotected in-
The issue of tax reduction may be
delayed for the time but it cannot be
indefinitely postponed. The producers
Of the country, who are toiling though
out the west on unprotected iaim.s to
uphold the great monopolies built up
by a vicious, -ysiem of extortionate tsir
"iff tsxaiiou. will not patiently endure
much longer the, refusal of both parties
as at present constituted to deal with
heir comnlaints. The men who have
made their wishes poweilul in revolu
tionizing the sentiment of congress on
I tile qiir-'O!! ot ijt'ilroau monopolies
wM be no less successful in effecting
their object in securing relief from the
hlitdctH of the war taxes which their
representatives refu-se to lift from the
overloaded shoulders ot the people.
Private interests may succed for the
moment, but theirsuccess only adds
fuel to the ilanie which in the end
threatens to sweep away much larger
portion of the tarill' system than the
opponents of the needless tanll taxes
J now demand shall he remoyed from
the national s'atuet-bookj.
Tho North-Westr ' -
A new era is about to draw for cen
tral Nebraska. Its immediate cause
is the adyent of the two great conipet
Iting systems of railroads, the B S: M
and the U-V. each of which is pushing
with yigor into that great untravcrscd
and hitherto sparely but now well set
tled and richly vallcyed country. Un
til ouite rescently the attention of the
rail roatl jnagnntes and corjioration
builders have licen chielly confined to
the southern part ot the state, but this
year the strife is going on for the .mid
dle aiUl more northerly sections. In
the extreme north and west the great
Xorth Western system has witn com
mendable zeal extended itself, building
up new towns, and otherwise aided in
suhdiunituhc raw prairie and making
making it yield to the wants and com
tbrt.of man. The central portion with
its richly wt:od vallevs and produc-
tive table lauds, for the most part
subdued during the pust quarter score
of years, is now recteving its due share
of attention. Four years ago the wri
ter made a tour of this sequis
tri.d regioq and then was pleased
to note the thrift and prosperity of the
noble land of self exiled pioneers, who
have the courage to go forth into the
wilds, secure homes and till out for
tnrles for themselves. Flickering was
the hope then that fortune would smile
upon them, and many despondent that
I the ligliToT prosperity, the steam of
civuii7.aiiou aim me ne oi commerce
binding thorn to the outer world,
would ever encircle them in its univer
sal grasn. left their homes and wander-d-iT
in homes less belighted, but now
those who remained, smile at past
har$lu&juul rejoice that the time is
no mare'tthtm they shall be less,-ljk"o,;
their brOtiiren in woiTavorcd cjiimes..
TNI are runuing" a line throngla itaH"
Sherman, Ouster and ogaiv countlesj
and beyontnn thepneat
regipnsrpr Wyoming,
jiule arc being graded
Alro.adv.some filtv mik
been laklj4tnd by thernuddU bi'Augmt
it is hoped that the first hundred shall
have beerr com plated. Several. stw
towns iiave been started, Cainx JJaaica'
na, Mason. The most important one
on the line is Broken .Bow. This place
was laidLout aboiu loqr'ears ago, and
froirV the importance of its position it
becAine! county $sat of Cusler coun
If koi.slimif eir Tltnrltw? irviVi
Itanb. IU growth h been steady aud.J
sunsianiiai. i.ue nearness, oi !- roaa
has given a.uew lite lo all sarJspTbjiSr;
- -- s - - v .v.; tiu
ests kre'j.'WHiafdsacdP s&T
psw iow,fciaaBBRiiLi -w njvoBvif:
feature is the absence of saloon, aud
coaV.-mxJ i 1 1 g'V- - V - "'
mm. - i aa iMpwfc i i -im, iip ii i i - - - w r- .-.- . wv v r- fiBvrv- ts
driiffgwi afitriiu1teiraipjfLf
infcVk even "Bttfere folJonc their j
usu-SLctiaWftffkere a town alreadVj
cxMll$ne lnootn ind uo. naveiiu
nn additiorr n the norths lit:
4b'ewuddy. lieTe it , is rofosetr tPi the elevairtepotrcI Jfr
nd other impwlmtlicne-ian IiW-
1 !., vi-.-.x-.' Ma? .-T.-v-vr
. " "r . --i- JZ t
dingAip a AIMmljvjtiift
booio m.on, Jofir valued roiH. oneA-ftf
lour Lnrwlred "dollars ha found eager
tmyers-0Sycral finricVT'bjCockH are
going up, more will folio waa soon- tw1
material can be ?jiipnel in and lew ex
pense incurred urtbeir erection, Mes
vrs Collman nod 'Anflian iricorooratow
of the Central Xeb'raekii Jl.tnkrj; Vp
are agents xorine lownaite V?mP:l"V
mj . . . -l. r f .ul..V X hi J .- V . ak aST- T - - TT "i OK !-m A '
the country swrtaccnito tne mdw aa-tp, . ,CMX ,.. ,i,..
-. i;.rtv",iM ' rLitWWid.iacceu. auit they
crons. Manpcculator fravet itono I
in and possessr the It. L Xiie agUo -
tion is on ai present aoow:uiniing tue. i
r ," St r r , 11 v J -Who-iito be our candithitw Uii4, fall
counties, others prefei two; while .- . , , ' ,
goodly portion tavorTFontinnircr jtfrey sliouia oon tne war patn preti
it is a few vear- IffHircr liJr-Wramem
plac argumenU for -rlTvision are
wnktlv disseminated but it hardlvccm
that liiey vontsiii weight enuueit toe'j
cure anviauiibld rcfiilw tlii'. tlUli 'A j
i t.UAtLfq.uuut hasji.oebisUiu4 - i -
light, expenses snull, division mcatb
bonded indebtedness for each section,
heavy taxation, increased expenses all
around, arguments which will be piled
with great force previous to election.
Wot of Broken Bow, about thirtv
mile-, t'ne sand iiills commono and
coniinue for on' hundred and fifty
miles or more. (iras grows quite
abundantly on thtavfuiit tiie 94(1
men have takcikDn0?eHon'for "lip
herds, la rye r:neyjccupyititf!hfc
tenitory. This U the unorganized ter
ritory. On the other hand the U P.
have finished theii lin' to Loup City
the capital of .Sherman county and are
vigorously pushing on to the moie re
mote corner of the state. J real good
will come from the rivalry of these
two moii3ter corporations to.posos
the fairer portions of our grdit'-aiid
growing common-wealth. Mav the
good ;vork po,'oii till cverf ctfortifu of;
th state Kas'tlie' ble-rng 7if spe'ifyi
trainportation, ami comforti ot life
are brought iK-arer to every home.
Ite4 Tloifil Ltif:KK ttfWi'."i"'t nft rjaltogtlier
artnotivcjL'Fr some itfywlttr uhS3ira--J.iti-
fartiiFy HBTSOtl UUtllt..t).iV6lU-tllf !)lflMlIl"-
ar jvt.iiJ'tt ffar-ttwrl rhrgrirtmr,nint Iiiii??TI ifie
walks in soiuu mjiivn are i-k'atfl alxue tin
touiMlatlon-. TlieilwL'lllns Intuit-, look a If
they liad yroun upout ot the kioiiimI ami what
cmt Hie n-aioM nia l out- tiling i- ivrtaui, Ki-il
Cloiul looks Hat. Tlm-e tlioii.i!it population i
lalim-il for lli- town. Iliall not priinit in-M-lf
lodciilit It, and vl Ki-il Cloud In hut m"v
iniidi ai-Kart!i;iii (Kforn. it. f tin- inclf
ahlc alMin tlicit-an two. The jrjl it-dji-i
pay oiii'llmiisiiiil lollar a year liwnft and
tliuir tali's I am inforniL-d ary fioiu t-lulitv to
one hundred and thirty tlollar.-. jht dav. ,lu-t
think of it, 'Hie citit-iis Inform im" that a
dnmkt'ii man is a rate sluht. That I pri-Miiiie i
Inn', hut the wht--k iiutbt li-wat-rd. It iniiil
Ire. Two huudieil and sit dollars ;i da fur
driiiks and nohodv itrunk." V. it iniiNt he
watered. I ftiiiiid'iuy friend anCatnfieu hem
and am entertained a- oMy Vn knuv.uth liow
lie i-. in the rettiinuil lui-uit",s and ofJ,toiir--c i
reeelvini; hi-, shaieof palioiuie. Camldiu is
earned oiMiuitee.teiisivel audi-, not uncom
mon to see hiindred-or dollar-, ehaup' hamN.
'I liN Is a jireat shipping point for Mock. 'I lie
aer.ii;e is about llniiy ears per week. h Cov
ernor (j'arher lue-. hereandhe is a throuhlv
representative American. He is piesldeiil o'f
the rarmer'smi .Merchants I!aiikmCoiiip:in
ami is weaHhy 1 aiu lM. Krv -cjaMf ajfu
iimteniatious. no(:i lijiiidsrtaic nuju. liars th)f
'"lil '"li iitel:tnjit.".'t iVrunrtirriVTTf.ncT?:
aide lor the respect not shown, .lu-t wli It , so
I shall not undertake to explain -Osborne iKs
. InAonioiisruiiciflie suSy" Jarlicle
might be true and in others it is
sadly untrue and causes one to pre
sumelhat the'eoncspondent was one of
those fellows who never satisfied. Ked
Cloud i.s at least over twice as large as
Osborne. Oboincs population is re
ported to be y'JO while lied Cloud's
population is at least UlUO, and no
city in Nebraska or Kansas are the
houses--nnybcrtcr-tjirrttltrniT TiT
Jiod Cloud. As far as watered
whisky is concerned it must have
gone terrible hard with the corres
pondent, or his production deceives
tho condition of the author.
Mrs. J. W. smith is on tne sick list.
.Mrs. J. M. Woodside is slowly rcco.v
eririg from her rescent sickness.
Mr A. Orr returned from superior
last week where he had been visiting
There is to be a picnic at the grove
ol Jorin Thompson Saturday the lOth
JMiss Audio llavVsehoof will close
Friday of this week.
The W. C. T. I", hold a metting one
day last week at which they received
three new members.
There will be preaching at the It. P.
church next Sabbath duly II. at ll
o'clock a tn and 5 p. in.
D. M. I).
- '
Did youjcgijljrath:ftgirtlg !5J;vS
The celcbrQi&nifr dhiLIctfjl
utn's grovewaai jtftuufeiiS'! haifca
good timea?uf"aifweai home happy
The following are the exercises of the
President of the day. Mr Clark An
.singing by the Plain View Glee club
Prayer by Mr, M. W. Crabill.
Beading Declaration of Independ
by J. W. Andrews.
Singing by glee ciub
Speech by John McCallum.
Song. Nearer my Cod to Tnee. f ,
Song by Karnest McCord.
Recitation by Miss Mary McCallum
Singing bv glee club.
Speech by Dr. Monroe.
-Declamation. Mr. Chas. W. Cowley.
t,Singing, Just Before the Battle.
m racirg base ball and croquet which
jcu very
There will be an ice cream festival
ftVl'lainview school house.
? Miss Blanche Reeti rof Reji Cloud.
N&s'tinc at R. Reed'sf- V! W Al sT
-. Y AT- . AVJ- M:W -r-, s
uvin. ij .'u. ,iuu .ui5. x-uas I.OCk-
Vxt, a dangbter, all doing well.
j-JSaiina Graves, is visiting at I. Rig.
lSlr I- H. Rust was viewin the! cror
kkk -fiu farm Monday. He savs he
thinks he will have a good crop of corn
tiViybe he will out I doubt it
tin mk we will trv to be more nromi
.- w
m tin we will dote. U o.
-.kiHMtntion. Miss Marv Mrf-illtim
;ti,it;ct i,. fzinn i i,"i vf jt&f . s
-Speech by Mr C. II. VJM 'J
iiikiiiw . v, -v. .y.i . l j . r
MnM.Mr V Ml,ll.
Two mre--eau,n-' 5nKge .icoiu
thisr 4shirner. in Tilc 0irl r Lcft Behind Me.
snf tKubfcM' i?The rest of the time was snent in
1ie pcoale of U'est Inayalearc till
? .. t.t . ...
a,?fe ag proProu-, ami eujoyen ;. j
nCC ceWration f Kiycrton on Hicua.
I i- t. -- -
ofRih- , V.- A ,
A.L& : cetlc io6k tine, ullliniich
,. - . , . -j .T
tfVnot li rtmn otlrtnl'
wheat to
'w .-i,fla.
' Af-li. McKinley" and family
been visiting at his father. Mr. Mc
'Ktnley is engaged with the Hendricks
"Nurerie Co. of Ca-wker City, Kanius,
and ha- been canvassing for fill tehv-
icri - at Kiycrton, and ha met with
trtng-A gpoJ and fresh stoefc ofuoqtU..
- imd to endeavor to giye, general satia
Fathcy Worley has gathered a Ui.e
amoiint of raspberries from jii; garden
'this sieaseu: ami js tine :t quality as
ffti'4r - Ht. - -
.---- --
Al. X; .
The Coules sc'uools Miss Lou
Wrtght, teacher, closed 1 it week.
Quite a goodly number of the citi
zens of Coules attend the celebration
ferred from the car on which it came
to the bank building.
L. C Cildert, cashier of the bank
who has been in Itichhurg. N. V, lor a
jfew ueeki-i i.y expected to arrive here
in aMew d:Ws' with hi.-rfaniilyl " ' '
.1chieI.iying7ton hai si fa rceov.
kned Vrrjnjthj' ullVctsTlol!e!'ioii .witli ! a
freight train as to be able to In out on
the street' again.
J ( Waller and family spent the
4th in Franklin county. rumr.. M3k4
ij- ji--' awry.? J
sjf'viejjgd ''or oT-Ui JJ eraldat-ccrii pa
J&hJK'tf$&!li&ftll Celebrated
at Kepublican City ami Woodrutf
In a game of base bill at Cowle-5
and Millwater nines, the Cowlcs came
out second best by a large majonty.
. i,. ir.
A jlaii for constructing two bridges
across the Republican river near thi
citv has been, formulated., hut y i 1 1 1
I Wllflt lp'i)Cc of satCCCSS WC U1C IKlU
advised. I he l- like this. l,ed (.loud
city raises '',000 by taxation, lied
Cloud township the same amount in
bonds, Carfield township S'J.OOO in
bonds, making ?S.llOO in all. The
tKiug Rrdge-i'oiuituuy was lieie mh
ilajfaljtjwcgkl.niitl, ittor an examina
tion oi the river near the range line
gave parties to understand that his
bid on a two span iron bride in tubular
iron piers, built subject to approval
by the township officers wonf(f not
exceed 5-7.000. A wooden bridge
over the dam properly constructed
would be as safe as an iron bridge
and the cost of this would not exceed
$l,f00. This would leae the bridge
fund short $."l)0, which could be rais
ed in more ways than one. Or if the
public desire two iron bridges their
"g.1Pjii g'oojuie;
xoUoul4 not 4UtceMl Sl'MtflU-Lgoud
To ascertain the .sentiment of the far
mers of Red cloud township, a petition
calling for an election has been circu
lated and numerously, sinned by the
farmers who seem to be perfectly will
ing to vote that amount for a perma
nent bridge. If llarlield township
would work up her share of the enter
prise, we cannot see why the enterprise
should fail. Under the law be it
umkrsjooil $uitt before an elect iju j
for DMujVabc ordered, "fifty freQ-!
iioiuers.rsiaxrai pennon .uie couuiy
board anil ' the petitioners mu-t
guarantee the cost of the election. At
the lastbridire election thn proeeedure
was not followed and of course the
bonds would not have been M)ted. To
obtain fifty petitioners, enterprise in
f'arlield townsiimiii- a.'bT''t isk milcig.
there is perfecr-liariiiony-'iuuotie; Jo'r
citi7en.s. whidsw nndertirt4 1 iot'
the case in this instance as there i
is some little wranglim: about the lo
cation of the bridire. ? 1C- the enter
prise fails, as is seJink Jikwy to now.
it will be on account tf Cartield s in
ability to vote the required aid.
frS t' 4!. '- jjl 'f --.'.1
.toitnivofJi6e-er alen In.
JdsoplTHJiatts, Red Cloud, tf
I afn prCpred'tb fiirTush door plates
which for durability, cheapness, beauty
of design and finish, cannot be excell
ed. Samples on exhibition at the
office of The Chief. Your patronage
respectfully solicited. C. E. Wood, tf
MacKinaorbcfceapcr thnti vcf F
IZ rr .- ' t
The best stock of trusses in the coun
tv at Cottings.
Brickl Brick!
,Ve havdjuit(iinishetl H.urning ancth
ci kiln, of excellent brick and invite
contractors and all others
wishing the same to call and ex
amine our brick and satisfy them
selves of the quality of the same As
evidence of their merits the bnck
iAi ml ntrnvtim. sRrM
fx hffiUfrri" mfotrud wHL'.&ieV
Jfromr yairiJbuj one excirkm
ami we orner me lesnmony oi :e
brick masons of this city, Lincoln or
Beatrice. "We are ready to contract
from one to 500.000 and to de-
liver the same, ilso ganp in any q
tity. j 1 Y. til. LUDhow. S.
Farm Loans.
Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans
on most favorable terms. Loans can
be naiil rv irivimr 30 davs notice with-
fduC$5fS cost. Look to your bet
f4fttwsfiand caMon me at my oi
over First National Rink.
. LL-Mf SkN
If you "BR wur TaxmCT town
property caifctn Joseph Gr.vves,
42tf Red Cloud, Xcb.
Trv the Estfy Sewinz Machine. It
rT aching tliat made.
,le by F. V. Taylor the cast pule
lure man, Red Cloud.
rYNfi-Msf -- '
T.iK CHlF.Y hi& now a nlfl-
ing m.-Cluue, ahd hour f0ftli e hop I
our nbsctfbei liianv UnojK when thM
ovf,' tbro H4dini.irl-r.-i. Alter ea J
I i
I name will be fouh i the'timc x u eri h i
. u .-;! m For Miif iSicniftl live)
' ' ' , . . "T ., s! , -
I ....... T ....J ....V.n C Tl.i rl.tiiin '
nine I?, and number 8. The ,irluujc
and number I published! JtMh: wf k i
on tne gc in iueuaic.mii;. jut
volnme Is ciiatisrcU once'- a- year and
tte nunu-er everv wevic. w jsi rc
Summer dro
t fc-'-.i.' ViTi ,r- -, t '' -. M 1
JCMIHr XfinHi "H. UL ii m -tjl
olisened a; one that if liUwa iX- )(ali aud ri prirtS onVCrVtlllllg HKHiJ U1W Xfiuoitf utiu
paper js Vol. 1 & So. h, -that he owes. " . T t Kr" . Zi- -Ln4r tewt tkhf. for
forthepaJ,er4i.Mvcek-t5tho mimlr I Sllifr cli"tr!yi YOU fIWrO :WM w l
thiswecvV. . 5 -GiXSIItliattiltttbewttttniA . ,
goods lawn. Mluterl--. k" t '. K V-
goo-.s, hauil
hOaLCry. paiatiu
hlC -gi WRi" iantt4l
i-CCc WiUlv.c-Sd out at a sacrifice
at Mrs F. Newhou"o Please give u
a cill
Tinker.- old stand, at priitv ' that ilwfj
- i.CujJUPCilUuil. .tiMly4ilMU.ii('M
. -
tensivrlv. and I
vou ouv, a we ouv -xt
can therefore -ell cheaper than ativ i
house in the valley He -iin' and ?-e
Us. F. V Twi.ou
All kinds of second hand furniture
at J. W Warren's hardu ire aiol au
tin room opposite Clucao Lumber
lit il and scratches of every kind
HretKjD'uU mfftfcUfs1 by Wtdfords
Sjuiitaiy I.otiou. ljf' no other. This
riettf&Hs. SoblbvjVen;uson A: Codruj
gist, KM Cloud J?,-ly
Thk best and cheapest line of lace
Il.imburs. and everla-ting trimmings
at Mrs. NewhouseV
Tiik Amboy Milling Company mil
pay GO cent- per bushel for ;iod wheat
that will test ;Y7 or ."i pounds H if
- IIkxiiy (jofiK 1 now has the must
complete stock of wall paper, shades,
etc. tn tur Uenublicn X'at!e.y v
Tin' KedChntfl Milling Company will I
pay tt cents per bushel for good wluMt .
that will test ;7 or 5 pounds J I ;f
Pol, sot la sater, lemonade, umuer
ah, birch beer, etc. at ' W. Cline's
AiHfeh auJl nice .Hi?!anH setfihhn
frVrnislH'dApplv Mo' JwJffff .ifr
Red Cloud. Neb. -M tf
One gool M.ison A Hamlin ori:au ,
for -ale. Apply to J W. Warren op- j
po-ite t iucago l.umoer i aril.
(oioi buggy for s. ile. Impure of .1
W. Warren. ihejhjrdivar-'and general
notion' man. ' '
I J j to . I. W. Warren's when in want
ofhurdwaie and second hand goods
He keep- everything and you can al
was iMitl bargains there If you have
anythini; to sl! see liiin. , Don't for
ge! i the pbtcr pp)i-He 'hit-ago Lum
ber Yard.
Co to (J. W, I'hne's for fiesh home
made candle.-, cigars, etc.
Fresh homo made candies at (!. W
Cline's Call ami see him.
Second -hand rangy for .-ale. A
batgain Reason foi -elliug. I have
two. Will give buver hi- choice
.iw (.o. M. Plimii.
I can loan you mom-y at current
rates of interest, on real estate, for
ttuy length -jf iini from ,ivi? :vj:nj j m
ive years. si - ,. P.kkku.
All that want a square meal on shore
notice go to the Star restaurant. Warm
meal- at all hour-.
l'fK V.Tso, Proprietor.
We are receiving furnture daily
don't forget it, and we are bound to
sell it. F. V. Twloii
Monlv to loan at reasonable raKs on
poraCual.or.chatttiUfccurit.y- Aloo
farn loans made at lowest rate
interest. C- P. Catiikk,
35tf Ked (loud
A Nit i. line of dry goods will be sold
but very cheap al Mr. Xewhoues.
Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mrs. New-
The Estey Sewing Machine the hot
in the. world for ale bv 1. V. Tavlor.
TlKLcLOUn - -
All work guaranteed.
First National Hank.
Rooms over
Mint it irlnr. Pri-s t .im.. i: IL-ll.tti.l rm
y. ..tllfJ:Tr'H.fc
s "v. i-
A gonoral banking buaiuoB3 trans
acted in all its branchos.
ism ?aid rc m ssrosin.
jUirec or five years straight 5 per
lucent, single mortgage. No deity
in securing money.
J .-Ufts itaf U:
iTnrl-:r. I
H. n.Sniflb.'5
',(. V.. il(hini.
C. O. Yclscr.
V. s ilartkcr.
Fmt Xatlonal IlauV.
First Natioaat Iink.
York. iV.r
Ornaiiz. &
Uncula. ct
JT 1
namt, '
o mnla av1tu mv llf reflTin. i
n 4 .nInA.msllnMMWnp. I
o w w uoc fy ry JntTT I
Cut this oat and you will have a
partial history of what rcabave or
may have. For terms sa Luts
j proprietor.
, - f
FiiEirs Mi Irte
1. . .9 ?3
Is tho-place
: t . r -si-,-- . . .
. .
i . Tv t- r ..i.
FOR. 15ARC;.U,i.N'
Kiii-st R-itt.Tii tlu- Market. :i1m TainUiiils, Driiijw. Ai.
f v?i
-3-UJ'- li
i -Sis. .
Trader's Lumbe Ooinpany
As low as can be bought from any dealer on
the place to get bargains in IMIAJiTONS
intr purchased our stock at reduced
pticcs we an
the rnarkot jail- .kinds of vc
-, lxiclcsj cheaper than
' the" chcr. nest.
Buck Boards ait
Top bugges at
Spring Wagons
f i R
1 4
at Iwjttoin priruA ' Old buffit1? paifitcd :uul ripair:d ;tt
reaonabk- nitv. It v.
and gut our price b'ort
1 I 1 -
JOlVjftKNoBc 2HO I
Srirri run k. Truiy k tyrty
lo an l.i ii c(. n, V otaiv
ioorr a wtated U k v.i infeii&
. tut S-.U iMllnn Ilw Uirucfh ad TTr aj.1
v.rt on rric it. M Uf- l tfe?7rt
ra-r-. Uniua;UirJK.x J-JW. rwa-loo c;
it. u w waip! ttto
viU hiJt v-rtkw ltn- mtrccJ uM tKtrl
nxtA. -v2i! pn!U rvin m
2 ow T ITf fX
HV. 53 rrffTtM fxicrsMajnl mJssrrniM
mr.J ltfiV-tl In tbcVrk ijSril aiil rttt' '
' rtr t:l ra4 1U l uiliiu&f4 n;lUni xtt
ru nr lfnro vm . A rww TT M. I
trr'c' i t'JAS!fi;2L r1 iw
"" . r I WFmMH 4u i
Lcyal Notion."
r "- - ijr --lt t i - - . m -':
v&v i4ti Uru I tnt LULffi en i
rt ct4aM3Mrr
T 0-J
nX-itMH rHj,A
te4- j-I farurlr
YMBfrcU&r '
lure txx: nak
wnf JfJS W
cijBiiiT Mrrai
txw Jr i&U?Xtef
,: iwnr and XZ wit 4r5f oljli u ' J? SY) fof ,?L Z T IT -
lUn rwrlirttiiL AalUixrrrna.tor ri aJR I ' rM "" - 4tit ttt,ij
to find good
-' v. ..t .m t . - i r
B . K M ' Z K R .
i m it .! .
i t ...
't i !
able lo place
8 3500
t, i ..
i f;
thiilf of fob ;iii(irpfaftr urk
ill !:ctiUjyjyJJajU
piirriiafiiiir flnvlifn
. . -.-
to km,.
J.C ShorlifB Snlo.
.. , , , ' L n ! '4 V
1 ?"tlZr-?'. !? &J 1 i
AitifT ZiPfF&l. K ',l,l
,. I JfH
; -' w- 'W.IKaw CHATler fI vru-K
j Ts,t, ir'2.fe3 ,rT?1' "uy ' &e
i '"" c-r oi ." u x
J j tK
1. t ?fc rrrr f ii.
15f 'iKJt. !k akwh-j.
.W Vi
-u iiao- he h:ui i..u
g - .-- ,'- ' .r -'J'
.. - rc
Ht'fl ifi .