'. -. - . J C $"1 .C'' C': -3 A. c isos.ni.it. Proprietor. FKIPAY Jl'LY U. ix.'..-, A Nation:. ".MtJe IVaii. .-:. I h:iv -aid thai tie- :itiuti.i ft'OIll Te - V. .11 ptoiitlil, he from Uii)lii l.fHJ'i.iffl nil lie. A l.i;jr' -Vi pro poll loll of X Il-.-- Will !( -toek crnv. heiler-. :uii iuirj,i.-T'i. W'Ui-m i are the.--cattle to he In-M nnlil iil for market? At the .'aide '''roivj' 'oii veniioii. held in St. I-on s Xovt-r.ih r, 1.-5SI. t!i.- I.-:i eattli -grower., were m- ..i.L.w.ii. tn nit (.iiliiir lli( et'e'llioll of a r.f;ililir 1 ,c en-allOtl ol .1 I national entile Jr.i ' - . , '""""r -tx inde-w.de, am! ,.. ..,.,. ,...nJ,..r.. o.enumir Ironi .nii.larr. Th" N..rUi.-rn m..:.T- o,,- ; ...1 ti... hi..i.m! ir.iJ :i lii- irnimI lluit the T-x:i- aJlh- ni-r- i:if--t'-'l with :t li-;tM; k:iiv.n in lln ln:nn "fr Jh? .N.Hiii-h f-r. Tin-v a t-rulJ an-l inithfnlh, that th.- timing "i iliruusrli T.'xan r-atth- :i.,u th tn.il iv..ulI j iiiffciilifirli-n1. '!! N.i-1 h--r t It , ii.jI inju: i .a- -;ittl-: lut all na- ,iit!.- :li.it i-. a. I AonJi.in -.oik. im iimi-.. i ih-h- :; i -j i hij j.ii .i latale lav,-, in firc- in th" Wi-1 thai for hid lh: dining of liirourli T-.as cat-tl- ai to man ran;-. A uaSional law enacted for tii- pnrj - : rmd.iijr a alllc 'rail would oirrd- ;h local law-,, uhi'-h man Ia r- pn.noniic: mi,oii"titntio:ial. ami ojn:i llu- Nnlti-rn ra.in ground lo Jin- T.-a- catlh . I he Ntiithern iloi-K--rowei". waul tin- trail created -o lhal tiny an drhe nn .-teiji-', that are imiir enough lo endure the iei-!. UJlllel-. of the NorlInt through to the hunch ami buffalo gra-- piKtiirct of Voining ami .Mon'ana in urn: M-a-on, and ft aert oerlcKing tlmir home lange, which i- .-ecuie from invasion ol Northern herd-, :ii no na tive cattle can In- omen on to tin- era.- ! ing ground ol i'-a- and live. The j Spanish fever -.lalK- alroaI there. The j Northern men a. eit and re-a ,-rt that j the opening ol the trail would .-ndang.-r their heid-. 'I he ignore tlii- l..et that ; the lir-t In-a lio-l hill- the pau.-li . lever, ami eml. all danger. The -n- j dcavor to eonceal their real lea-mi lo: oppoing the opening ol the trail, which i-i the danger of oer-loehing the North- , ern gra.in ground if the T-a- nii-n are allowed lodrixc their .-urpli!- oung t Hcer.s there, i in- ireai n.nmg irom I'Oo.O'io to:'oo,o(to on mr -leer-. auuuall ' driven North lo fei-d on a range jliat tlu-y all reali.e will, umh r the pie-ent j laild law-, be -peeihh oVel-loel.ed, ami j cVeiitnalh de-lroed. and deM roed b I the greel ol the eatile men. Liuh-ihing all talk of renting tin public land-, or of buying them, and of any and all -clieine- con- ruing the h , io-ition to be maoe of the luiblie do- 1 main that emanate from the cattle-growei-, i- the ili-termim-i purpo-e to .-ecure the land, ami to place it under the control ol the cattle-row mg a-.-o-ciatioti-. ami then limit the number of cattle that -hall be allowed to gra." on it. The .-pec! re that i- eer pre-ent to the Northern eaitle-growcr- is over Mocking. All talk i-l their doirc to eon-erv.- the public domain i- fal-e. Thev di--iiv lo MH-ure ab-olute ji(,-.-e .-ioil of I he range; and il they -iicceed. lhe will a-mii eh -top agricultural et-ller- fioiu iiiternig the and belt to ae piire low-liur. lartn- along the -(iam-a- if the owned the land in fee--inii'le. -h' nt id UrL siilcfiT .!'. in l!-i.tLi' M'tyu- Ulian;e f Slrtieluie !ue ti Cliaun ol' t'unet ion. lleiy. how. n. ur. chief p'.n-i-e i- jo add an in-ianee -houmg. exi-n more drarh. tin- e'inieioii In tweeii chang-o! ruuclioii and change of .-tnu-tiue. Tlii- m-taui-e. allied in na ture to the olher. i- pre-entcd nv ih.-e varielie-. or raliu r -ub-arietie-. of dog-, which, haing b-eii hoii-ehoid pfl-, and hnbituail fed on -ol! food. hae i.ol bei-n called on lo u-e llicir j:iw have in t.armg been but r; crunching, ami nvh v aMowet !J I lo U-e I litem in calchiiiir pr- and in lihti:,. ' No inference can be drawn from tlie M.e.-of the jaw- them-ehc-. w Inch, in ' thc-c "lo";-., have probabh been -herl-encd uiaiuh b -election. To get tluvi I proot ol the decrea-c of ihc mn-ch con cerned in cio-ing the jaw- or biting, would reijuirt a -eric- of oh-crvation-cry ilitlichlt to niak". Kill it i- m: diiliciih o i'i iud.rec! pi out of tlii- le-crca-c b Ionkiu al the b,i:a -tructurc-with which tne-e mii-cle- areconnccteil. l!aniiwalio:i of the -kidl-of uudr in dour doi;- cotuaim d in the alu-cutn of. the i ollcm ol Mirireon-. prove- the rela tive -mallnc-.- of -m-h part.-. The onh pug-dog"- -kull i- that of an individual not pcrledh aduil; ami though it-trait-are (juile to the point tlu-y cannot with afety be taken a- e-. idem-. The -kull tt a lo -terrier ha- much re-tricted area- of"in-crtion tor the tenu.oral mi:- , , , . 1 ' "" ! cle-: ha- weak somatic arche-: and ha- eMtvnieh ma cter nm- tall attachni-tu- for the ! . .-ii . ... cant l the e ulcnce - .....i. .-! mir . tuni'-lu-d b the ' -kinl ol a Kiicm harle-- -paniel. which, if we allow thr.' car- to a generation, and bear in m. ml that the aricl inu-t have ci-ti-I bctoret 'liarle- the e"cond' reign, we may a nine belong- to -ome-thing approaching to the hundredth generation of ;he-c hou-choUI pel.-. The relative breadth between the outer .-in -faces of the zygomatic arehe- is eou pieu ui-ly -mail: the narrowuc-- ef the temporal to a ;.- al-o -Hiking: the zygomata areverv -h-ndcr: the temp ral tnu-ele- have le'lt no mark- w hat-er. i-ither by limiting lin.-- or l. tho diar aeterof the Mtrtace- cocred: and the places oi attachment lor the inn eie'- i mu-cics are crv teehiv deveioie.l. A? , the Mi:-"iun otNr.a.r.j Hi-lory, among skull- of i log- there I- one which, though unnamed, i- -hewn hv its -mall siA and by it- teeth, io have belongetl to one variety or other of lap-dog-, and which ha.- the -a me traiu ia an. equal ilegree with the .-kull je.st de scribed. Here, tiicn. uv have two if not three kinds of dog.- which, similarly leading protected ami pampered live-, show that in the course of generations the parts, concerned in clenching the jaws have dwindled. . rUri ;-. in 1'oiiuUtr $i.icnci Mn,ithiif for Auril. j 1 m m i It i.- claimed that K. U' I." U" l),tr .."tl,rt ! '" - 1Hxttr- - lh.c at .New Kendoil. IS J town of Li belt . m he soldier . , . . . ,-!... I J hll ... I til I .1-.II.I .. !.. :iRllli.rii' ... v.i.i.ii ,t iiiv . .loirs x lio Miit'oaii v-"iyr.nd eantured at .ilf-do.en Mexican- on a re.)f at i aa- ..dtciK-e. at the stornnug ami capture ol ! 'i i . .i. "!..;.... ., j nat olaiv during the ..lexicaii war. (Jrani did not know the name of the sol- f d'er hut Mr. Dexter, while applying for a pension in l.-sSn. told .Mr. 1'atehcii the i r.'-i... ei 1 .... ,...wl. I... incident. lite wotniu on wmen ue ha.-ed hi- application was lveeiveilon !.' roof, aftm- tiie eapture, while waving His Jla-or he bad i;.Ivt.- ,.., U13U.-I what li.cr ho.I -caii-li ita ; I ; ni1 ,l! j,, (.rpu.ns and ' .-tallion.- and Jacl from Z to "car di-:.:.-l.y-.ym-on U- ' "j.iveJv curtM ,,ihr. -r no pay re- and cattle from 'J to II aut.. h ttb!r i f- Ih "h.:" I -r " . n-7 ul J 1- I' - .irtl o give per- j can.-ed hy Di.n,, ;,., , .1,,,,, ;:iS?t 11:. li-U -tynt,t,,nor m,v r.fnndc.L..VV..f.rnutlthan :. MIi , i . , i.ti. ,.111.rK .!i- :'nc.-2"n--nl- -.c-r box. lor !-ale by or n.oie than two years txc pt.r l.ni-w to In: a lac!, both cumuli;;!; n- I . ! . . . . , , . , ,. ,. , ..,? i,i,i- emv .ik Uteers union are beinjj fatted for t: . .- . ....:.. i .....i i t i You Take NoOm:j , whn ou luy riKimlieriiiin'.lholic, i 'I ,.l,.r. .4twl LNanhoea Kemc.lv. It 1- o-itivelv M.ir;i:it.'ii to do all tha; i- J eh iind fT i' An attack dhowe. , .omplnint ni.d uriyin; pnin- rre -o j often .-tjcM'-t. ami danerou-: lh;U no j - or.- can nH"r.l to he without a prompt ' , juul certain remedy. Ask yonr dim'- ; ''i-jt for limlrli:in ' "He, noKra I and Di-mhoe Remedy. M.-.nufmti re -'i Hi'- Moine-w I'v.a. ami le .-.ure you . ' ' ' '- '" -' ' j lvoe;j wmo- ' .i.d tke rii..:nU-r...in'- olir, Choi- era ami Dwirrhoea IN-mwiy. -J I euro- ti1i in the- -Toinneh almost in-tnntly. , ' - l . .1. ... .. 1. 1 .. ,- .. g'ia""i-''-. M Wl.l nwi iio.,..i.j; ..- -.- ... ' wolsl a-.i """ l "', ' "', 'I.ii ur Im.w.1 lnj!.un:. I In.- inli- . r l .. i.. .... ..!.. ,.r- i ...... - cit,- i n..l- for hov.cl complaint on,; anl h.t- I'f'-n m ton-lant lir in tm- uc4 for m-.iriy lilif'n y-.i.-. It- .-tn--(! ha Uwtt nnho mIcl ami ib- nam' Iiocohh- a lioii'-':nM word in tlionamlr. ..fliomc"'. Try it. .-old l.y dnii-U. Jiucklon's Arnica Salvo. 'JIh- ! - -alv' in th'- world Ur nit.-. l.nii-o'r-. -on-, nicer-, -.dt rh-nm. frvcr Tho Excitement Not over. Th" 1'i-h at Fcrn-on .: Co'-- drn- j-tore.-till continue- on account of per puiiS aSlhcted with -oligh-, -dd-, a-ihma, biom hiti-, and cou-ninption . . . . .. ....! dkl. l.'llrTI i .1 .- l HI orthethioatamilun- wnich i- ..,! on a 'iiarantce ami i- Ktvtng ml i- 'iving ,.llluc. si.-faetion. It i- a a'andard family ..rnedy. 1'rice .'iUr and .!. Trial .-ie ficu' The Impondiny Danger. The re-c.-.M -tati-tic- of tin; number of death-.-how that a la.ue niajor'tv die with coii-umptiou. Tlii- di-ea-e may commence wnn an appe.ir.mn haimlc-.- cotiyii which can be cmed iiirt.tiitlv IIv iC-mp'- 1 1 : 1 1 .-; 1 1 1 1 tor the throat ami hnc'-. which i- u.iranteei Jo iil.-e and r lie e all ca-es. I'lice ."! c ol- and l on Tlial -l.e I'u-r. Kol -ale ! l'l-oi: it Co. ja Xg &' I5.i I'f.niK i- a il.iiK Im. iiii- t.h' it ilil, aiul u :uli- wln-ti iti -Iimu i muliti-iii I Mllllll- lli- -iti- :i. a tliMimiuh i(-il tin .ot il ( !i-. I.ik t I'ii-ik Ii t .in. nil. iii. aiid a- a -link v. Hit li.i a I i-jnil : t K.li -ci-iiiiil to lmlie. 'I I'ltMS 1 iii-iuv --. iimii. y ilu- when male-ate l.imuii tu ). hi Icial I'jtlii-- mii-t ivliirn in. in-- ii-:mi1.ii1. Ativ uiat-- li-ti-eI il will In- li.-Iii in ( in t.i.il. at. will !n- t.iKrii !' lit t--iit ar nli-!it-, 11 it 1 will nut lie te-lH'ii-ilile I -Imiitil .ui ui-i'iii . M.iihI- Jur I lie -.M-nii nf 1 ., at lit liatli Hi I.'..! ( 1 .tu!. W-m. Gates- eacham Cowles, riebras.a i).M.i:i: in Druirs, Paints, Oils, Book: Glass Stationery, tiC. rre-criptoii-at a'l honi-. can fulb ! I Will Insure Your Hos T w ")R JOS. II A Art Hog" & Pouttry Remedy, N -T M I' - tr.-il'- lu.llk IS TIIE ONLY PRACTICAL PRE VENTATIVE OF THE SO CALLED SWINE PLAGUE. 1 It li.i- -r l'i-.'ii - ii!u--t it a- an nrica-or .if i ihii k. anil iii-i.il --t. m li.lii. Alilnii- ih 'i x nii. -nmul.itii: m ,n!,i.tr era.i-. in-enin i"'1' '' ,?"'! ' "-V'-''!'" '" "f',!'' ' ",,.1 r'f-" I.iUii tin-l iWi-l-. It liioxe-.iinl ivelit- tllelur tiiutmii ni !i-ea-.--etm-. ami iuv-eii-- in tin u :l ' n"'' ,,"'; ,l -o"-t '-uhiu.mi. ' h. t. ii ii.i-im t ii un in Mini .iiiiiii.ii- in mi- iiii--rriiM'ii iiii.iiiMIif - -urn iilli.-r iiii-,..'iiin. I.ill!i!ul! ei-!. u li.i-jimied t li-a tinn It n I tatoe a:nn-t -tttin- iti-ea-e- AS AN EVIDENCE OF FAITH. Hi in n li:ii 1 ii. ..ki Ili- tolloui. oi!iT 1 will iii-r.tr !iert-! -wine .. imt r tli.ili oae li'.ituhi il in ntili. id r aan.-t ilt-e.i-i- ;i a -ni.tl! hi-ht lieail proni-.l they ate inl ti. ivnieilv niult-r m thrift!. n. ami iroe ii(iii e atiiiti.itioti juior ! i-mitniet that liiev an- in a ( heallhv i-einlititiii. ami an iiiittier in-l'n-tl. elo-e lire.loi tin en;e;.i sueli. t. I well lorleit -l').(o: an.- hrceiler wlio-e otter toexatnuie fur tii-iinnu-e'l ileeline nro til ed he lorn aril- it-niitcia-e toeoxer in "'- n-c- io aim i nun uvauoti oi no-: iti.u. ..f 1...... ..r I t .il ... ,... .. ... . Hn-.it:-l:u timi ......... ,... ... .... . r..... ... . Mlllliv I.i ti-Mxiiiil :.i liOit.ttiou i- i ail-ett t. .-. ..... ............... ,.i , . uuii prur enuaeiiH-.it ur In iii.ittrt- ol at lea-t ,ii.ii iiiiKiit.ca-e. I wtil loriell J..H il 1 .lit line nimii fatii- ":"i,i to m-ur- -ih-ii ien!-.it tn jmlumen: itent ,i- ii. iiii-ii eu ilitioti u health i- inert orve In t!ie n-uit ol an eaiiiiii.i;lu maile 1 at k-a-i two pr ih-iI; .iialiiiiti ami sntiliiatiif teterittarv -tir-:i--. Facts arc Better Than Assertions l'it-a-i rv.ul the follow in-; a ertioti-. ;ir.-oT.. V. O., Kill iui.. 1--.V Dr. .Ii-. llaa-. Hdkmii.- Alton; jeiir -tcoiHir ltetil here uitniliereil .il-.Hi; -.'.Tci lititti. Ii-e.i-e lirorve ottl niul norviiieiO i li.tii wm!l arn--t Uk- troiiIiK iliirh' e- uin ii-tw.atul ue li.nl to sixe iij leeilltis: entuvl Ii.r .il-out two uiulilli-. e til. ti lieanl . MHir niiui. ami l-oiiulil a trial KI. .tml t-eeaii tiviliu-: ,i:.iii. Wii.n n-el it iihi -talltlj iit -met. t lia -luei April ia-I lei-t-oeil ai'out ... ln-ail ot lKi- lislo our lienl out liae t o: h.nt a -aisle ilea: h triHM -njii. ti-ia.-i. - tlMtth ilu-i-oiir i-M-vrleiicf. inr ofiiiinii ,i rviiietlx lia- tneitf.l ti-ii o ami tatteiiiBS i.u Uatlll - loHH.iiovi, ui - ii te-l. a-we u - 1IIIM IHII IIIIIIN I'l I-.-HI- UiilMHIi ii. .- an !.! hlf..TT..llMn l.trl .1 .. Iu.ll.. .. It ..-. tu. M....I ..... ... ......... -. -'r.. .. .-.. . a, ,v ,-r. t ... rir. Me kivi not maile an a-- . 1.1 luJ !,. f.ll.1' . ,u... ..f I...... .. ....... ........ a.v. . . -r .....a.... -l, 1, 111 .. a.l.llt .!.. Ilimii;. Ymir- er tnii. Wiiit & Cu. N. l. Wlilte A. ".. MiKt' iiritm-r thr -iIkiio ie4UJiia.eiHirvlia-et s.t. . wortLof Use llu - nmeil - . can if jirooiml at tvmeilv ! (J. CottilliT. Ked Cloild. "" Jlr,Jfx al,,! cI n-acka; - ' - e - - - - -.- Jos. liaas, . 5. .Momner oi imtiana tr t 1 state Veterinarv Meilical ociation, 34-4m. Indianapolis, Ind. ... i t i . ..1. :tt. !..;... . . . i i ... . . .- . . i - . . . . Bay Frank.! Via Yl?v m Oookm j-jcSsmm44?' .Ji- ism 1 - THE WESTERN 1 ,.u iTiii . INSURANCE CO. TI I K ( N LY A I TH Ii IZ Kl ) LIVK STOCK IXSl'K- A.WK COMPANY IX TIIKSTATK. IiiMire.- hor - at il. I iin.iith.-. Xn c.al attettltun i- ;lled to our l"u and Iightning ln-mame, which i- ' zniA anvw heie in the .-late of Nebi.i- ' hi. UIH'M'l- LIIU 11111)11 IV III II-.- li . ka, wheiea-: the lmlnhiv ol lj-.- ! l'tte and la-ntnme i-,c In-nrai.. , - - - - w --- , .- , -'i'-"'-- t-.i io u.v piuiiii-. - , oi iiic a-sureu ami pern.ip- ji binaii ' radiu- bcomI. Tiie advantauc and benefit.- which tin- company oiler.- to fanners and oa" ner& of nlock generally i are -o plain and apparent that it i- . liaid'v n ;--arv to call at'ntion to. ! tl1(: ; '-: ft ---.'$' S l'" W' V " kits Why il Iran. l!ic Hi-i il i- the uiih Lii :k i. - -nia.K e comii.iii au'lioi : I l.v li. law- ol thi- -late t do bu-im - in tl.i- -late. , tlec.iu-c it i- a Home Company, or- : gauied with home capital; the moncv J tiiiel to the company i- kept in the i .-tale, ami i- jiail out for Io-.-c-j to the citien- oi tlie .tate; it all remain-' m the Mate. liecatiro il is a leliablu institution, uho-e tockliohler.-, directors ami olli- ' cei-, are among the weallhie.-t and mo-t prominent bu.-ine.sa men in tin i Mate. , l!ecau.-c its manner ofadju-ling and paxinj; io.-.-e- are always m natmony w:th t!ie ptincipals, ol .-trict ju.-tnej and liberality. , Itecau-eyoii cannot i fiord to b. witlmut in-mance on your live stock i , , , , i anv more than on your nou-c and nam. if you :ue well oil' you can ioo.-e nothing bv in-ming it von arc poor and cannot afl'oid to loiwe any of your toek. it wouhl be criminal ne"li;ouce i not to ni-ure. j Mccausc -hotilil urn wi.-h to borrow I inouev and oiler a- .-ecurity your tock the -ecunty wid be more ample, timl I jmi can obtain money more jeadily, ami at a tower intei"".-t. it tiiat toci. i--o cri'd by a policy of inurauce in J tin- company i Uecan.-e un in-uretock aj;am.-t iL-tth (HI (. Itf, x .v' Of tli'ft. 5ec iii.-c we iu-ure stock ngaiusi A. lrnnnn iffl npptti auiub & SpSct&ilBHrSilllM SP i. : . : i I' IsiSSaMfA'ir .'it . .-."'' -fiS-V: compounded , iifcainc no other iu.-urance coin ! iany an give you the Mime kind of - j In-uranre. ln-c.iue a paal up ciptlnl ol nino. n and a i-oi.tantly increa.-inu nridn fund i ndei'.-il ,-afe and solid again-t anv emeigcncy that may arise. Imcju-c it- popularity anion: farm -ei- and .-lock owneis i- atte-ted bv th i i : Uiat there are now written ami in f. : e oer Ia.ood nolicie- .lf 'II: if "I 4 II lit hi '( lf A. ).Toii.iNsoN; Agent. Red 31oud. Neb. OMAHA MEDICAL HOrrr i ..nuix.uu kV)"jLftf322! 13th STREfrard CJP'TOL fV5. mill 1HK TUKlTMFNTOi Al I. CHRONIC AND SURGICAL OISEASES. ivn v v r t kt r BRACES ASD APPUACES fCf CEfCSVirES. 7RJSSES. A.SD ELECTHC BiTTEif S t Wo hir, the lucn.iie. nppntu ar-1 rn;osli, fiir tho uv 'f.il treat nie it of .ttt r-in-a i.f !i-pm- ' rx-juinnc eliher niiilint or MiR-li-at treaimenl. an. I HP.... .. 11. . . ......... i... ... . .... .. .l -.-. " i" ---."iv " ' --. -.T.t i r in.-T.- v.- ..r corTe-r,''.,l with - Ins cit(n.-wr n cii:.n; " ! iv-e- it ..ir e'lan e u i xrai n.an ca-ci ' ttontini:ilIr with ut -olnc ttin WKITK r1)U ClKCt I.Alt i dof. r-it:o nni Brace-, Cub Vcpu Curvature of the -t.'r. lj. KASK- OK WOMK.V. 111c. Tumor- Career. Catarrh.llronchUl- l-.halntion.K!e-trlc)tv 1-araTv, . Kplllr. KMiot. Ky-. irar. kl. Bltxl arwl a a surstcal i.rie-in BITTKKUX IXIIAI.r.RN. Bit (TJ. Trne. ami a'l V.nl- of Meillral anO -urtcal Appaanci. xnar.ufactured anil f r-a!o. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private, Sptcial Nervous Diseases AI.I.rONTAOIOL'S AMI BIoi DlEASKS va whatt-rer- cau-o i rrkini-ol. :vfa. r tvatM W ca rfmjro 5yphU.t!c pot-- s!ra tae .jfte3 wtttiat nurrarr. Nf- re:rxtlre troatsient f r !o r.f Tta' power. ALI.COMMfMCATlO.V- CONHUKXTI AI Call nnl )nn:i uor onil r.atsear, 1 it- &(- .d1r p!a n!y r-,ttn end -- rusi sJ ; -r.;i rea.J rou. ta plaK wrapper, cur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN rPON I'UIVATE. SPKCIAl. AVD NKHVot - M K.ES. -KVttVVh Wr-.KNK. -1TKM VToH IIIKKV. lMlMTr,VT. sVPHII I-. .ONOintlllE. r;t.KKrr. vviiir,.-Ki.K. -TisirrrKK ami all, Il-K.-KOKTHE GKN1T0-UU1.V VltVOKGA-N"-. or f rnl hi-: -rr of vonr ca- i r an ot4nKr. lVr-.-n- u j3le to Ttttn a:ir t trtat-l at thtfr hotnt?-. lv cirnv;--)li-; AU-'.tcin.- a-nl l'tn m.nt w-nt T rw '. r iprv, -KCl'KKLY I'ACK ) ntlt OKsKUVATloV rw mark, t iiIcat cintnt-c--.oJr line i.r-.nalintrrnr prvfrrrtsi if convenient- fifty rtn-. t -r th avmT;ij.!att.-o o' ixitiont-. Hvinl ait attonJancv it n-oso&aIe rnec AiMn all letter- to Omaha Medical ft Surgical Institute, Cr.13th St.. and Capitol Ave.. Omaha, Neb. Attention Teachers. Not.et? i- ht-nt". cimii i!jit I ml. e-.-wani.' f cr-4in- wliomay dc-ire to orti-r thfin-elv I ftllllilf ? fakr -fl41r. " fli.v miiuiiuMi . . - ot wetstei rout at m offlc? in Krd cioml ---'j. - -k v -. -i7 ., m. v-x-inxiu wu third aunt: of each iiKinth. Ki.imfnau onmineuce at 3 a. m. lo not a-k for 5j-ciA nunatioa-. C. W. 5intKOE2,3ap V.9 . BBBT?? JyPiLlllaBBBM M-S- X 1 fcfc r ---1 sXB Or. Great Reduction In Prices At Mrs. Xevhouses WE SELL CHEAPER A. lot of white goods, huniburgs. hosiery, etc sold cheaper than ever or elsewhere. Please give us. a call before buying. Geo. 0. BEAI A( Red Cloud 30 000 acres Land for Sale. Improved Farms, unimprovtKl L.a:ui. IJasiriMSd Correspondence invited The Fourth Avenue Hotel Vi. t'vihw St. tunf i'tmrtlt tmnn'. On lin-k -t f tin lilrt till'', 'lilt' lll-t t .)ii rninit t ii ; 1 1 1 1 1 ililli-il Beard by the l'l .1 i t li ! rtt'ii ii'iviia i- 1 na D I rllflf j In and around Red Cloud. T H E CATE CITY . Of the great Republican valley. Buy your nomes.wmie property is cneap. D. B. SPANOCJ-LE Ileal E-dato an i Iusutaneo Aifont. Farm Loans Negotiated. Oilleo ov'or Fim: N'-ition il Dt'ik City bakery andRestaiirant A. LAUTERBACH PROP. tj tti t- r-r rX fV ' j XLtU Kjl-ij vj u. Koees constantly on hand froah broad, cukesi ci'ar.", tobace jh, caunnd j friiifu 1'nnfoK.innnrr iitn. Tlt-ojid rloli vot-tI to imv n;ir! nf the ci!v i Warm and cold meals served oysters in Tiie uaui who d.I a 1U0 t 1 H a 1. .'J .t.. I -CoM vratUt r J 1 czr . i ; rr- ztt) 1 S 4 m.yk- t ava-v v 'yA. , . 'i "ijp js-cr -3 r-j-p j ,V , m. I' ' .1 O. H. Maryatt agent for Rockford watch. Xtv truufl-nrriviuir daily. Mo-t i-ctinplt t- Ii n ofjv.lry in tli ritv. Harness Shop J. L. MiLLER- -- ! IH; is - ilAUNK I.I.H-. liOlfMJLANKKr.S -UMl.r wIUI'.-. COmR- HKIVHK.-HAKNEa.-OIL ...,.1 nv.iri tiium ii-iu "'" '- !V pi io Cl.ls- -U !- Awo in r- n rth of I?t Nat IJ.t:ii.- iiKDri.orn. yv.w I;,i Cslehtel n iii Young Dexter an bty Burns. Ai. 1 t'. (. in'.ri I HONEST JOHN ! U i. k ti.-- -...' .-- -C tl- itT t '-r stl'.e- .. i:.-l I riMi-l. .if 'L-r ( thr . k. m n; iKrKi: 1- .t itu it u. ---.-ii.- Mm j.hii ii-. ai h 'rr tiH !! tUjJr Lit. amt ijsli-h Itn'tl.jami t- a wl t-r4rt a.- 'i'- roll- ill - . R-ism ntirN- -i-. --ii tw-t.. -- l.V.i fcMmwt-. H r- lr- mW. H I- A I 1 - daJr ami ami a root -u-J. zeUxr. Hixtnr Joiix-Wri-if - mmi- i- r.ol brvkr. Ti:i:M-l'rf-b. Itant-. - utviirr. 5? or fir tfev a.-.i-a mmxr I V"4ler. K ttt-n. s for -ra-d. !i.vr-t Jotm rIl !- tul ir -- t f m-wrr jh4 .. fr -u-a. WStrr- mH i-r laJ.M l .ivv-ut acritoDt.t. Il I wt wK W rr-tJ-lraa thai may -rir. IVr-i t irttaic tti miire-"t-lonr luklla-t, uiH l-c le-M tif n-ur-aitfr. i'KAMv JU.VK&- m!i!m STIL i Lj Reiser & Co., 1? l 7P T Ait - Nebraska House., !testdnc-K, and Town I.' imli- .a 1..II-. In I'll nil- Day or Wesk ! 1. i.' i ,i ii n, at ill r till NEBRASKA at all nour-. Ico cream and sous'jh. Tl;o iiif.3 Lo d. 1 1 uv b. Ilxi-rJ uUl lOa Loir- . HENDERSON. Ljj utvi.'' r.: i ..-..lA.SPSCiTi.KO ... " , f .- i. ,. v. v : 1 t trl .. W .. , .t, ' - - lJ I .' -, .1 ,2 W C I ' ' "J:, FA - " - - " C"W-r 4 H-S - RHEUMATISM RHEuwiic im Ts-CREATTbP.KiSK A Ti-nTi T ' T - f ' tTl-V VH - ' f t I - A D' H 'tler-.n CVVj-i-J-lSt, .rCr.-C'ti U C. Schenck ! ("oV 1 1. W" r-MT ( " -" Real Estate Collection Agent. Farms ami uiiimjirmitl iaml for sale -u lh itnct rcas- onabk: trm,-. iwiirriia. M'Ai'aiil lv th- Ufl workii.ni ilmt can ljhal. Kv.-rr iiu-Lntim-nt tiuZllZl5tZ?.? j it fully warrant.-.! in all iu parts for fit.- ;.-ar. n.ii; oill i7otV itJL. W a -.--. mta- 4-MCtfMK. (nu a-triM-t- mm rm i lrhr triw AS Mi mi n a SCH ENOK, oL4ry Public. 'wall y HEP r His stock is very large and prices very reasonable. Also I CURTAINS! FIXTURES At half pvices !, w W. HOUGHTON .s Merchant RElb ,'LOtrj). ur. CLOTH?. UASSSI MERES. MELTON. :C. Custofti work neaily done and after the moeu avfivoved iiishlonx cuttintf and iit.tincr 'a specialty, prices reasona Die. Old &tnd ISiirtt SUlo VbH!'r Sirct-l '. M J. f t . ,'r rVi -J l-1 ... ;-7. . VHO I. U'.Ar.Q'JAIWTCO WITH THC 3CC BV EXAMINING jilo, . IV A . ,-. 7-r,sw - x -Wiry. v a M 5 .s c i - 'rr Twiar : vvir.K ; Ay $ $. L ..r.r.n ,SJ I V. C ' " Lf r& i f msarmww r. 31 ''. CHICAUO, HOCK ISLAND 5. PACIFIC RAILWAY i. . rv .- , i ' t - TnmXr -J v. '. ; r. ' . : " . - - .' tr;,.T at,' n.-'V-Mtt'A t..rc u r,n . . i - n ' ' ;r tu.n mt.u U t, . ji tJrtth Hi'." lr'. flT. 5 !-?".' - f , At . vl !., f, t 4m,u t: t k.1m ttn r r ,'m Mit'1 - - t f.J '- iJfJ KM 1"ttt-nml mmd sv I-im-I. und rof.KWin'li. l" W. H ft - -f mtn H, , Tt K' l;i'l vt-r rl vi-T-- "y " JoIlM f.it'tJfi Uttni, mf i I.i.Vn'lrt. M "", -. i.irj-ny lo " ? A i1 i'. if;. .---. ,'t.r - Trmnl. ri ( mjrwfr,. '. ! ." ' r in kn. A lor-!'. ! M :- " DJSOl. iv.l I. il.'.f ."' -: - THE CREAT ROCK tt04rt.r.t .' p -' ' th-rr.ir J'. '.-- f- --a.ti..r ' ' r : . hunikiivn ute... ' j. ...-. . f.n. -'-. -.o J .. u ODRUrjn Of Ail .l H-V'n-- jJl eota'-n' v it in V ' '."- . ' I mi i4 .- -r ; T F. Kspri Tr:rji - . om -n-Md of -..i vr..stri. -r, i-n.J- Hirrf ..' tii ..- -af- i"S -.-,- I-JVtr . U x-lsdrt oiiOKrr-! y -1 mm. " - ir., nt-n r--1 XntrWft -rUte Atchi-. js-. a -o . u t.v '"'-1 ii"..f -.c ' "vi- r- THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE I 'Ji tf.rwri ..-.-1 '.'. - t ''T l . TW-r yijln ir-J J f .!. -r!Vr r-rrrj-.-'.i''".- -T rr.v.- r. r-"-- ' .! . ?r-?4KVi-i rtx! Itnt-J rr -. -ri -.' r - - rv ri4T IT" T 71.il. 7 X.Blai IU1II J, -A --- .'':. I i. .- j.- r'I.WTT ' ' "w.r-nw -rJ Ka- -i tmann4 ;t jr--Ti .' .s-r". ?' J - -v4 ' r-cxiJS4 .;. '.: i I -); ait to .tv ?i ." KMrVi CV.i M r.vpo Ma IJf, r-jti ivrvt tVirmnluUii skm F'-r ! "-; -.'---tit -- 3M '- '.&' a .; T-- i ;r-x-.p. T-i OOo. :a tfco Viv.Viw: rt-; . nu&a CuSa rr R. R. CACLE, .; '1 KSf-" ' - "K Western Cottage Organs! AND Mason & Hamlin j An ffl!nitI fr ihr-ir la!ity anl linlh tiirk hvjmmmv ! purilv aii'i vt-luiim if t.. ami mal nf ih- y iitntrial ami examine Lhte utPtruiiK-iitS Onu do.ir wrjt of Miner Bros, PAPEii ! AT cook job lot of AND Tailor, V: BR ASK A. V.v line t 'Di-..i.s i;.iic;h DENTIST. PCt) CLOUD NKUWSKA. fiiir ( ifjl re i'i ,rh 1 1 St rut It. t M'.t CrOCBM'HT tiV TMIB COUNTBY. WILL TMIH MAI. THAT THC O. V J r- l- ' . . , v IV'...,, - -t nw ? ( mnn Tnrnji O.iCdJ-. -, .--.. - . ..- . ... . tat,.tfM m -t tt. m-. tl,.a nt o. toim, limUMm Wr !"K"f r tr !--,: nt -i f" AtiMl K'.trttW . , w . rtr gjj,1 A tmMi - -. W-tiortsrvr Mt fcr-J - -. K Mr" . ! f r , ' r- ISLAND ROUTE ' : ' : . ? 'lr t7 n so-M. r . dH rMl rb." t.i.v - . , -. . frn jMni-Jr-nr-tl i.ffuz t. jc,rr 'MM'irtU - jwJttiw 'f -i.a ri Tr.iAM at O.- LtOMrr. -! K. MW.r t)tf M nls. VM' ' K' M ; If Si H I Hr't 'rr1 Jv mn Mst,JV. J- ;4 ' r r . ? T--- u-t r.a u th . a-W a - .. . . . rr-t cvriiwt rAu wum -. E. ST. JOHN, Pianos. before n.-lutei!i. J. S. NOLL. store, ImM OIouil.