VS8&m&&L4rtmm ramecsd0c "-""- ,. . . . - i nr a iiMiiii i iiiiMin iMiimi iphii tff'iipn ii i i ..., n V REMEMBER THE IP. C. MANXES, THE HOCEE dor x x1 i I i -' -, k ; Ml l'lil1 EH L'r , F-''i At the Siinare Dealiiv GOLDEN Clothinjr Store, Closes ulv 4, 1 H8(). I he (ikaxd Pkizk Dkawixc. ends July 4tii, Lst. Prize 20.00 Mril. Prize 10.00 2nd. Prize $1 .()() 4th. Prize $ n.OO Everv pinrliaser luvmt" S;l in jjoods at one .'i - time is entitled to a ticket m above drawing Witiiwr's New lduck. 'KttdCloud. Jo SI o' c.o..;s . TIIK A HOVE CUT RlOrKESEXTS Jii's (IpHlii Which v liave at a (MEAT EXPENSE pronnvd for Un fitting f Sptvtai-lt's to all DISEASES OF THE EYE ! We guarantee this instrument to most perfectly correct all deficiencies of Either Eye as each eve is tested and fitted to its own peculiar deficiency. IT IS THE ONLY INSTRUMENT ! "' !; the Urimbliran Valley that can correct the Following Piseasos. A.-tiginatisin both simple and compound. Myopia, Hypermetropic Presbyopia, Etc We especially invite those who have experi ence the greatest diificulty in procuring spec tacles to come and have their EVES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE ! Call and see this latest invention of science. WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers and Opticians. Red Cloud, Nebraska, HUE 5522.;.. ? y ms r nmmm - Hn.ttt rt-. v Pi.' Kff"Bb-52.. .fi-ffLV'. r-.ir' -- ."-' jcrrCH Mh&asi m N pyc ,01$? XEMETER EAGLE t WEINER ra eve Meter ClTV DkL'li Si ;!.. j-t i.r jri - ' 'i PAINTS and OILS! l!jfre itunhfiiiii" rU-hT W .tir b-l- luariT Ir ll .i!iU4 MAC! i INK OILS, AX lntiiM jirtr Jit r"-ivHf a IS;- iia!H ol Imj-trtitl Imtmahon Int IiIt. il'arit drfoit I. iiiflou rn'l' Icllo('' (S: C o. . Red C:oud Markets. Wiiit.-r VMe-at vfiu jn VJiMi rvi 'orn 1 '- V) 8 Por Cent Farm Loan. The Nebr.iska Farm Lo. n (. will make you a loan on von farm at itr.tiylit 'J jicr cunt and furnish the money without any tlclay. Call on thorn in thy lied Cloud National Haul; liuildiu. Farm loan- which I make cm be paid up in who:-or m part at the end of one year lutere-? a- low as any where. Mon-y tui iu-ln d a- nn .it application i ajpro;d. JTtf i. V. 15v::ki.k. I hereby et .Inly , !-. at y o'cIH-k a. in. a- the time for hiddtn a fppei.il Term of Di-trict ("urt iu and f-r Web -ter county Nebra.-ka. IVm .lur i- ordered to he drawn and -unjinonpd Witne.-- my hand at lied Cloud. "e! braska, 'hi- l-l day of June !-.o. U'll.I Il ' -l.l.v .lud;e. CITY NEWS. Mi.-.s Siik Okki.ii.-o h.H from In r trip iu Kan.-a-1 iciurnetl There was a very ie!aanl social par ty of ladie- at Mr-. .Mi.erV residence! la.-t Thursday afternoon. V I.. Fcmc ttarted for Milford Tuerf day in ie-pon-e to a telegram annoiin cini; the .-ereoiH :ilut -s of lu brother Mk. McIm.m.ami of ('ld, K.tn-:i". i juointi.t'nt attorney of thai bun; wiw n our city on leal lunine-i tliis week. .1. A. Loi'KMW ha- our think-: f.,r a line lot ot delieiniis ied ra.-perrie rai-ed ironi hfs vines ju-t north of the eitj. V.vn:i) to know what has become (if Wii.-'am? Ioe.s any one know ? We hope the r N K t"rf W Uy. will -non niateriali.e. I. II. 'Mnkv is receiving a goo main' favorable notices from the pres in thi- con;ren."-ion:il tii-trit candidacy for cmiirress. on his Mil. Moos the man who purchased the uptown lot.-, uil be her mi the 1,'ith of July, and then the dirt will be- i translator is a-tin iloiti; the wire tick t;in to 11 y on our new luiek block. , nj act. ai telegraphic headquarters in l.r-s. K.nh ha 2:acre of timothy i the eiy. after li.dng run the cowboy avera-'in.' 40 inche. in heihth. maii'v 'k:i"u!,i durinpatwo week nimble of the .-talks nieaunn: over ." f-; in len.ir.th 7owV that for June irr.i--. Wk are iudebteil to J. H. Fi-her fir a tine lot ol honey Irom his Apiary.' the (ir.-t that he had taken out this i season, it was alino-l the epiai ot California honey. Iv a few more veai IJcd Cloud will i we entitled to be called the Forest City " if the citizens continue to -set out tree.- ri... . ; :n i. ...n i.-.i i .l.H.ll-l-I.JIIHUW,.. ljt,. M. , ,. a few vear- hence I ii Kin will be ( nn.-tinn -ervices in the Court Houe next Sunday int: and evcninir. al-o Sabbath in the niorninir at 0 30. Rev. 1 James will preach. morn-1 schmd C. M. . i or. urn .iweiiiMiit; cari in tne , ,.,,,. . i , , , ' I o.-l olhce. irotten nn and deie,ued by m;.w r. ' . i j ii :,i Minor A-Co. mis been ndmircil bv al! e j ... . . i ulirw !...,. ... :. I. :. It is hand.-onie piece of work. !-.(. Wimon Khttm- tr his nev store very nicelv. Ho has aildel twelve feet to his .-tore and has his- Mock of hardware in and ,n position. 1 his w Ml make tour hardware stores in Red Cloud. Wh t is :he matter w:th the can :i- i date? We have not ever h.vini n r.tn ' , , irom any one yet mat wants to oe Hoat representative or senator. .. . ., I '111! to Jill speak at once, as only one man cm . ;et each otlice. i Ovk of our prominent business men had his store front painted this week. If the improvement be not li-ornab!e to the optics it certainly i- to the al factones. There's naught twixt heav en ami earth that can compare with it Phew Wiu. VissOHKK. tha poet somit of ok place In-fore jtulee McKei-.a.i r Crow Crow, has been promote! : a j Monday and lesuked in a fine of $0 colonelcy by his admirers. Ho will and $17 coste bein? assessed as.i.i.-: -CSVlh,U,C-T hi5 i"lIl ihim bv His ilono.-. Jiid- McK-ul.ar. as tie charires down the lecture held . . , next month. Jt certainly a shame for any one u Hie distinguished colonel is a bcoth- j " ma AS "M nJ fW- - '. erofonrleHow town-man Vissch: the; IIoucliin lOF1 u-v wtt whatever, painter liad the gmlty party shotfid certainly Thk 4th of July comes, on -nadav. . be snu"! f hU recon!. wbethtr .ind inasmuch as this is the case the j J,?t,-V ITok " otherwise. people of lied Cloud niurht celobnue dony Rirun of Walnut creec uovn the day fittingly by jromt; to church. I ship had a team of hc:e--. and tw m the majority of the. coses this .vonhi j -hot gwns stolen las .Satnrtlay nuht Le Muite a chant: e in the manner of S Jne :17th. by lo boys as he -upr--.- 1 recreation. Tin: Cuikf and stati will h:l it now eem- that horses vvre celebrate. ridden ei?hi or ten niilas away .;,:. Cuivvkk. the fellow who was arre-t- i Kins.H-. either trom fear of beint: pir etl bvSheritl' Scott, on a telecr.nn from iei.or from the fact tha: they 'n" Lincoln, Illinois, wa releo-el by or der of thej-heriir of Lom cotuity. The fellow w.is wantc.I for morttratnnj: property that belonged, as was stated in a letter from Lincoln, Illinois, to his mother, but the matter was finaHvci- tled, and orders sent to release tvhich wits proaiplfe- dore. him GENERALITIES. I;. IM." J p. - Mock i: .' tip m HH XkhI. cheanet grocer in r.- towi.. J- I 3rd at I J. For- . -.' ofJltei On the ! ..: v 1 l'l i'V. ilNklik 14 r;i hii f J retr a new hoiwe. tjsh f Juan l'Arkes' little chiidren is j not ezDCct d 1 1 ;..e. I t Ma. Feik J-mi ri t4A gnc to Ak- roii to !fck a .r.- mption. h'.v'T lorget t ak for A B C soap bt iu ine rorM pem BhK'k. I. MfcYKKand wi!e of Chicago are iu the iy viiun? . Viner a ntl wife. ' Ul-. LiiTKUBi.il .itiJ JitMcbmvi !. ive returns! from a trip to the jjreat I et. ! LMvTLipr think, kr-n le,ian ' wat.r equal t t ichv both in nl:tv and quantity. " do to orxrA blfK'k ami tt mow r.i. ! eerie and queeiiaw.ro for one Uoilar than any place in tjRn. Wai'.lll 1 tlnl:MiKR. the hnd-Mine uiSaSrieultiira! dealer ol Uiuc Hill a" in the metropolis Sunday. . 1. KrsK fold eiht Twine Hinder H,irve.-ters on Mind.iy. 1'retty fo "hi in., fir .1 iindic dayi sales. Tiiki.k were several ueoplo baptised i , .. , ,, , e ,. a ,, , ' ' t up ( harlev will have one of the fine l on Ut .mday at the river bv the K;v j . : , ,, m iri J hitt;.e iu the city when complete!. Harrow-ot the t'hritinn church. it. i ,i i ..... .. Keuiembcr the i;raud prue drawing 1 A. Ki.uot general mnnnor for j iU lne lU.lden Ki!e clo.e.- July 1th. V.Ai r Publishing ('onipatiy. Chicago iJuy - ) worii ftIui A Ue).vt fret. I?hnoi-i was in the city the fore part ol j ); net Sunday morning Hpv '; S tiit week. i I)avi- will take a hi- text thir ji.it i-.ri M 'is. TtiouM;EK., mother of Mrs. A 'and iu Founder " This i n -id- L. Funk, returaed to Ohio Thursday,, that all should he interested in alter an extended vi-it iu Ued Cloud of , muiiih Son has lout -x ovr a vear. ! oii;ht prisoner- on his hands t- u . Win. Ifom;iiTo is join to Toronto! A pr-on in i-t bo blind md 1 S i (.'auiida, to attend the grand conclave j con LI rnt .see the Use of a jjikh! . ' i the KuuiiH oi i vtnnis. wincn meets there .Italy 12 W. Vy Of KeVtflltK. S'ind.tved in Hd t'lotsd with hi" famdv. Mr W is ipiite enlhu.-i.itic over t!:e pro-pect.- of his adopted town. A rf.rritN was presented to the city council this week to refund the doj; tax or enforce the ordinance. The money ought to le refunded or the doj;j .-ent to loif heaven one or the other. Tiikke will be abjut jV,K) in tvish premiums fr upecd, destributeilU the erniiiiii Welwter coitntv ntrrtctiluir.il Fair, to to held at Red Cloud in .-to - her. i hvners of fast horses will hear this iu mind. ltrri s Mikvii is the very happy fither of a bouncinjj baby. Ivtifu- ?as it "domestic happiness." and thl he , t. . . .. t.i ?! i . i . i ii.is euiereii uie new-otners name in in- duly louruil. with u monthly ti- pend for hi- support, 'Jki. invn ttie eut--t! hi;htuiui; in the t.iud hiil diico". We neglect I last week lo i-4fcVon ... . me iaci iii.il ireore iiiiim .. tne i handsome aiJ portlv manipulator of !.. f - -M. t . 11 . i t'ie meat saw, and cleaver in Lind-evV ineat m.irket. had become the happy f.uher of another heir, tleortie is very happy. Thk people of Republican City are preparing fr a big time on ludepon- Tikt .iv P!td .irtirln uill crtf.iAAlt tt!l. "" ' ' "h ' " "". tti tf ttilWr nf niir tin iti tilt t9. m t . ... ...... i iit'puiuicau. it i i it.uiey is tnc orator. Fvi'L FfttREs. an ohl apprentice of the Pttbltr office who went to Red ' 'lon d, X d . with A. C. Hiisnier. came , ... . , r , , home this week to yisit his father ami ,.,,,.,, , mother Raul has been gone irom ,. . , , , . ,'.... .v.. nwyimu-itiii:, .. ur comes back home improve! in appear- c,v Iu , Vii. I u- . t ' urv' A A- "ipp.-- men from oa,iii connec - i ..... . , ... J Wichita, has projected a railway from Wi.-hiia to Red Cloud. Xeb , under the 'name of the Kan-a.- Midland railwav. i Miuian.t railway.: I'ichita with .the , 1 he line connect? at V I Vit Ili.U! I lTlt-'1 A int.. I .. -. I j-vii I - i --., vj n . ....... i V . liVUl." San Franci.-co.j Wichita .t We-t"rn. : and the WicJiiu Jc Cviiorado railwav- at Red C.ou I. Xeb.. with the Burlington t- Miouii River l ulroad in Xet-r.i-ka. Kn. Citv Stitr. Om: day last week a fellow by name of i'resit abauItCHI Mr F II niehiti of ar field precinc ' brui-vU mm up serion.-Jy. Ti the v 1 only care! lo set tran-porlatim out f he county. M.r. l'ordtiu w:u bai.v workeil up over his locs. but we sup- 1 1e he is very happy over tins recov- ery of his liorse-. S.jme efiort should, be made to put a stop to so much hors thieving as has bon Eroint: on ' for the past few months tn the llev. PICK.-UPS 30 bars of sxp for $1 . p bik j vyim ii sci.a anu parents K" " i Ure-jon Sat or Jay Nk-rs fnm Fid Hawler wife --' "be is iinprovin? in hen 1th. i New aim! el'unt lino of queens ware t opern block in a faw Uy ' H. W iv h5 moreAi to km new homo in m.rthern Nebrteka i M vsti.r FrJny h; Roue to Uhet j land to v'ml hi many fneotk. i'ilvjcthe ixxl-e No KnihU ...' I'ytiiia-is orsaniwtig a uniform dnll t-'0-" KwylKjily come &nj get my price on S"3 " queensw.. Ht B,ock- In't fall to Set prices al the HWen Ha-le before yo buy your ctothm?. boot. hM. elc . iu i; wnm Jonn j rum paii ior 'K'in hi? le:n-,fcr nJ - F . A IIOIK'IIIII. Low cut h.;e5 for men at the ;Ui J " -!oihinu -Ure KeJacoJ from Z 0.) to $2m Ml" A L Fink left for Neb . Thur-dav to attend the ii ilford tunaral of li of. Funk'?, brolhor. C. ". K ai.ey'- new liotise i tooxnine i jai Thk Webl"r Coui-ty Aj;r'.' u ' .' Association hare chnneI tlie p'.' - ed date.'1, of evhilution to f)ctob i ; ' I.J. H. IB Mark it down 'inl !. t forget it. !R! .1. J. oRIHSlTO of luia!e ha- ode red a special preutiu n of .i S , ) oil painting to the party exhibiting the finest collection of oil pamtini;- ex ecuted bv any one person. J i to V.. Wiener's jx:totliee m-w-.-taiul if you want the freshit ciarn tobacco-, candies, the latest newspn-ner-'aud periodicals, etc. He keetn the ! hn t,,e cit-v- l)'ml for' , I H Kr-r picked three thou-and and fortv two Ujxei of strawberries j Ironi one acre. That will do very well When you want t;oud plants to grow loLs of berrie- let me hear from you ! : . .:.!... .- - ..-... ii k council oi rosHieiits ol north Web-ter treet ought t extend the walk fro hi the school ho trie to thi I northern terminu-of the "street It would be one of the mo-t decided improvement- in the city. Of It friend Lopem.ui f the L?id CJotid nur-erie- lu raied fifteen or tventv luhel" of wrawliorries on hii j blithe- thi seaoii. 1'retty poml when ' . - ..... too take into consideration that tha h::h- have only been set out a httle over a year. Ill and Fruik SteVfil the boy a;ed f an I 1 years. h are charged with rtcalim: John. Fardun'- team were arretted at Smith Center. Kana. on Tuedav, and bronchi to lied chmd ' it-l.nf.ft fli.i tvnrn tMkitti.l (ivcr to the ....... v. ...... ... .. .,-.... ,. j ,r ...,. :... I llikr..i f mavo. ur rlkkmit ttir t hn .... . . ju i;. i nu uoys are criamv very ' youu to -tarl out on nch expeditions. It wa. certainly fortunate tor tne lads that they let the hore.- ?o. for if thev .' had been caught with the horse- m . .i,nir tni...iiwi o i-fiil t i,v wt.t . "cir I, l lon " o'11,1 e & hard with them - U'llTU OI XIllinKC We desire to thank the people of ' ?si-tance rendered, during the U;e illness and death of our belovetl sjii d brother. Will V Overman May it ' return to you each ami all. :n rnnni- hhom tho inter. " Clll- OVKKMW .t F.IMILT. Hou.-e for rek Apply U) C II Rotter. Cood biWin--. plontr of water ami near the btiin5a portion f the citr. J- t: Su'key h.iv rake .it c-t . U I),w t A - l a'e m it ror t- ,' POWDER Absolutely Pure. TUl- - - M r cC r.h AH f-i M r ' i til tluui :Jw cr!.iL.o V- . ! n(aa'l 1 n I rrav'ttK .Tf XtW MjI tilr 4 lr --i trl I cisfct in cans clsht a.iMr worta i"lr s.4l attt KyV.VLBAKIMJ G fVUKKi. W jS St., . V. i The Chicago Stdk lil ( lnfl. Nl 1KASK. FANS and PARASOLS KciliKal it) al)ol Half Trice Remember Our cut: prices on Clothing, and Men's Shoes Given Awav with IULY WQQw S94ffi'SSp H " re carrv the" finest line of Shoes in the Citv Great CIearin' Sale of all Summer Goods. CHAS. RUSCHOw', I'roiddt.nt. F.obt. V.SHIHEY. TrotiHUrnr NKHRASKA Sc KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO. c.ii'rr.ii.,s.v)j)Oo. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. lIKi:.Toi.- K. I). Jon IMMW. II. V -lnf . il.xn iln..,.,ir U l! Ftillr.o K. F. lliir'.fl r;.-.. IS H...hwid. I x. I"att to.. J rrin. MONEY LOANED in ii;jrvn J Jtr.m . N. ' t'a ,i'id Kin.v Mo-iy f irn.i,rMl , .$n a iMz security i appr v I Frim l'. net i: t-r-t t1l'' m H (Iimh. OFFICI. IS Ithl'CI."! 1'ATI)AI. IJA.NK M'UA)iya. 21ti'ft:ci-n A u v W I i'r I I ' V I T , Capital S50.000 Special Attention Given to . Collection I vi j w I ITtr , . j, f . Jarl,.. IJ JJ z lUiy and -! Ki :.a', Mak cleeini aT.l 1 'Jeneral Hanhmg i;im'-. Interest allowed urn drjc-JVs fa For Low OV r.i r v lilU XsDlTS 8 t 00 TO THK First National Bank, j No Dt lays In making Loana every suit onlv lasts 4. 188U, Ill k M Chicaeo Store. F HIGHLAND, Vleo-PrnnMont J. A. TUI.I.KYa dootntnrv. Rates RED CLOUD. NEB. m J3ari.kt r .- 'tT "ST2 t - t lHJii " v-VifcaPs LI U i t ! H h i ! W 1 1 J ,f-