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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1886)
. ' 4 r'nv iTnin who tiiknH tin paper r-.. nlitrlv Iroin llu1 .ft officii, whether directed liH itiiu or whether hj 1 a Bub-eiil-cr or not, Jk ropoiiflhle !r the piw. The court Iihv dcl'e! Hint refip-liur to lake iiewspsipcrM from the pot-oll!o . r r jnovi.:u- in) Jcmvihjt them iiiit-it1 --! for. P. Orillilt flit I" I'VUllfflCCflf I.VTE.STHA i. ii.i;o AT VALLEY FORGE. At ValJer I'orgt 1 paw our tins: dcfinrit rl-; .And lirljxhtly hi wintry skn-, r the rcdntilit, xMive tho tree. Jiaiico kuI- in the inormiii; hrnvr, Ji its lirihl ilapi at...- the l:o-.t Of rn;u who HoeLed to honor' poM. J'repxin-il like hpartxm-, brave awl Ire?, Jo re-enact. Tliorm'ili'ji.o. M'lm li.'M tin- It ri- tv.t.'iout niii'.r ' J'roni VulleVVrcek to Schuylkill river. '.Mifl winter t (riuum at Valley Foric. At Valley i"ort;s ! hoan! 1 !: Iiiiir!'; low! nnl j;-viijfi jitoi) th vale ainJ li.ll H.iin! clnrion dnim f.f liberty At t'Viy st In-lit reveille All'f lit the Oh" Hll'l --t of -mi ilctinl iiior:! iitel ciexiixt iniiiiltc-irtlli: FAW MtWicpi drill, pur.i'le. revmw, I .Mid hoard tho uthl dinini le-at tattoo; Krom rich reilnitbt. troni every height, lieaid the alarm h I dead ol night Aloii Uiciiii"-. at alJey Forgis. At Valley Koro In every oiiinp bv wfifnl mid dale. ,! t.trviin; 1 1 in' -ti. inttiiit and p iIk, .J-.nv Jaiiiinc bio.tlli llofd hcrd'cnd lartiivul o! death; Wbcie ever hut and c.ilmi stood, au- .Idicr ntai v 1 or want id looil; fuvi -'Ml'iini; tii'-u. half! ted. 1 ": l.ies.oi'I hliiiuer. o:d of dread. ?bMim:iee tin-j'vot home and town J-nr one ereen 1 at Irom ticc.lotii'h cioth, rorKcttiiij; -ell at Valley l"irX At Va.le,- lorxo F.T.f hiueloot tiooiej vMc.'Iiliciniinl, That pence and tlo'-ipjitt b" le-tenc I; -ecmed. through the calm of the oven- "Krom the mountain- ov.-r then- - ( s r. .., ..,. ,1?, ,, .. ,. . ,.. . ,t, H ing. to come from the market-place, near the Hungarian frontier. , I.k.-.J ..,,..ri:.t, Aft-r L- ha-! pvd and break it echo magically again-t j He asked her nothing mop then he ' the barber, he t II in r.i"Hr the hotiM'i and am mi ; tli" garden', i bfiran to look at her. He ou!d . !! and h- h ri n csji frm :- 't'u,.- . n tn.ttlf hfirmnnv in th i oti-ttc liirn-.e!f with adtniriii'' the :n?or. .IW. in uhicH hf in.: ! .l f'irf.t. .? iul it i' - : ...-.----- ., ' . . ... ... .. . v . 4M MODERN BUTTLR-MAKING. Mt AN EGYPTIAN MUMMY. FACTS FOR FARMERS :-iiiin w fc,, .- . i r. : t Man. J M: V. I 2- tin. pr ntJiKe t j.nt it' 'r r"' ,n2! '' lTm . , . I hli;n III l"rt lOirimr thirh ft llwCmr-l I.. ltitt-r-lsk-. I f.i .: ".J .: n.ri h " .. ...... . .v. ... .......-... .. . .k. ";, .,! Miiwi.ri) h rr.firl r" rll Kll P i . !". i't (T .-.--- - . .-w-. ---r-. 1 ... 4.. " . . .... -- t ..S a... fl.. noisy concert. S-rban j:ot uj. ami. bio cr-aturc who r.ia-sU I.cp u-.n- : n-r bt-ar. ihen ;bey Vk ;he rod onlinar;. U.Mrr prua.ctA. ami )f buwibt. piMi w.r... .. - jr ! f -l. f-i with hi- violin and bow .-till in hi- . j:iniiiiri.i;id by two j;rcat dark ,-yp J ; Y.nkoi'. i ho rj.-i in & tin pan. 4ih t horns hw m"'. 'I"- l u -,"t, - f.-,. r. . hand, he -lowlv followed thi'inelodiou- th.a lla-hed beneath h-T manitieeat j nn iaif Scrban a?aitu hb motbrr. --"ur craxu. aoi wbbrhrr tiit wah- l 2rfmitr at f imtUftorl' Jto. in-. n i hair. j who had thon-hi or n iu-t ! hrr ' g ur .mi1 it. mu4 ttght in n svmau. tt!.I at th .ntij - ftUfmin, rr w. Hut what do von nau; io follow forrr.r. .,an& iluwn almost uneotir:.u. unriual battle Sfaat prom.--, no tf. ua rvrrn'lv rxl r l V' isr ,--" . ni tin-way lor. .ao roiuinumi. afnr .aJ wnat & ;nat a ar lirut-nng wr. inin an oaNrrramm a -hort sil'Mitv. "Ifn i-:?iinrlv a wke. ! ? ' -he asked, as m a ker snf! antarv. rnHinti oi ib it r-. wS. - ' .rr. ".. .-iirnrnon-. and To-ini; th h u.r'' J?Jr-den-.he reached the ZukOiTstree: v.hich Jeads to the market-idaec. Then', a compact crowd had formed in a circle .oldiT-. .lew-, .-errant.-, children - and j think it haj bcea rnrriw! on loa : r.-turned. in the middle -iood a oun 'irl of virginal beautv. whoa- making a bij: O i- -f t .. . I'fowii bear !ance. v. nil" i.i' iai.-i 0u- wa.- turned clum-ily ujion hi- hmd-lej:-. uttering a runt of sati -faction from ( .aj,j t,, ,jm j,, j,Pr jrpn..t uicv. rbaii -hook hia heatL enotijrh." aik"p. w lrarn that rrm ni fVwit wi '. n r A bear and a btrvhL T.'ill vou wparatrd fivm th- tmiW .rfvnr- t. kn On the contrary, it is very sri- hvp Ir for your dauhtr-in-law If by thr I4 niftbod. thrnjrm .-.i I 1k: of you. go bark home!" &? time to tunc, tin-vounir inn wa- iaj- jiino; a tambourine. th; booming of which, blending with the arirentiii" cla-h of little bell-, produced a uniform -ound characteri.cii by a .-ort of mel ancholy fury. The jirolile of the lithe ami "radio ouii"; irl wa- -piendidly outlined aain-l the brijriit c.nin -k : H jeellied like the head of -Ollle l' ..Ultllle saint reliecd aain-t a background of "Id. Her feet were -hod with illtilDV little fed morocco -hoe-; -he v. ore a short .-triped tunic, ami round her neck, a strino; of coral and -ilvcrpiecc- which fell owr her richlv embroidered chemi'e. A jiiece of red cloth w:i rraceft:lh twisted about her hand-unie dark head, and avc her im-' a some what Oriental and prophetic a-poct. (oin- rained down from all direc- Von won't?" I won;." And if I orde.- you?" A- -he -aid ih.e. v,-ord she roe. and walked majestically toward him, -And if I order von will vou otiev me: u. M.!.t-r t o. ta hi Wtu-r U .,- . . .-.. IBih!. .tia.l tKttf K kal N..- l e.: !a'.ac bw inl - 1 "" . . ..... I rtftl .f &o.he wdl at once bHom m w iff. if bst4rn"d. So fbiate nounn. : n.t.t -r? I'J " wa tbal Uw -, . .. not I bail i.-aTM you and follow her be hri clean of buttr-m.U. m- i: r bad 1 r-a.o for m-T brt" ' r . and th i.(.r ' , s:ed ' work hi? it out. snJ ia.kf-i or-fp!. it ..n. rg aao. iS .... "ti h is a ood hoat prL ..T - . t - . -l.! .. . ..t .. ..... .- 4..... hmirt 'i -.-!. '...- & thvlB a UUf.H VOU tail TOU .UT tier ici-w;uin'ir i i m. w . j.- - -- -- - ,. . ..t-ii-... .k. 1. , . .. Wlr-- tn same, ar, bleinr; upon her, Hist noc..i.mrri'rt can jnarftt ana un i.r ns, tar ..,i..- whfih.r ..!.. .. -..i. ..- . . isiu'i rt.-t in.N. ti-rnm-nt tr-Sititt ihr tTltktt ....... ,.. ., , v ,. ,,. inn. . . - - -.-- . I'" - ' . I. !!.. aL L. k.A . ..Is. a. a-.-..!.. . -WII'M. i. V-...a. II.J. .." IS' I v" v..-. - . nu. tn wan mvr o uim.ii - .--. .4-.... - ..-..... .- -- ?;en: o: wor?.H? is ous. ana n"n- -.u. u .-w -.- hms - . , n.. not ba!lr!. 50 Uat it av hivr r. ir Trnf rvbantun of the -I . . ...... j in f. A'" ' distiate rv artm& to eir it tv i luumm-r. a.irna u,ua J"'- . . . . ... v." ..-- timint nr-l. ! ' "aiiina ln-rame -rb..n" wife. The people of CuL oil n-!o-:nded hutur with tl- ordinary .pparatn a-nm. t.S. n tht Minister Con c- Ant. Mm4 panrirtut it . itbrr UMrk V-pt tb-rj. .... . . .. t .. mat i . i.v the cb.tnf that h.ti ta..a iilace in 'i,n nKtifiw a'n diffiruity m mrJ themummt ' hmf ta tatc P", n- ... I ......... i. 1. . 1 t ... . . .... .... .....:.. .1... ..l..- ..r a.. ..l ill .ri.- .NAtirttt! ! .i-nmitiff li rllD -- -U. ' wii. ii'- uvi uecouir A luiallV mil.-r- Jkm mr- uij; ". " " - "' - - - I - ... .1 ...... .., . I Scrh-in. d.i nr.s ...-..i-.k ..... enl inan. with ioy in h.-c eie snd iiifr- r.iMn-' ihitrtK atut prutumaw tn-in ""- v ,-.. I have been Wl.!i rnoi!.r, .!.." 1, ,11.;,. ' riuient in hi- -.M-.-ch a man. in -hort. hninbog- Tht i a result of att-mi - P'4 ',,rn,r -' . . iM.i .ru- tttinai in.! nT" s'li," 'a- ii.-.- j aniwd iJd b mmt Utug ' my bear, and I can jut a- easily con pier tna: ob-tinacy of jours." "I prav jou, ( ardina, do not hend me av.:r. !"' The p-ijr fellow had half risen up. ;o that he found him.-elf on hi- knees before her. loukinj; up into her fare with -tippliaul .,-. She approach d him ami whom -.e: ImmIj bk.-d Onl Atlas. the :ailor. v, .ts ip: a bit siiqrid. "What could b more natural!"' ia- nnily repeated the '. i.lae-folk. 'iie uiarricd a wife w lw h.- th sift o injj to ir to .-..ntinuf dd ruUm muh JJ,",,m ? n--w iinriit.011.4 tine of the tr-t 'tir... b- 1 troubh- an..-, with thr rrvswu tn the V'u " "u- I .Hs.m 1 th.s nn.T' wucnt" HoUM" lh i: d m r. . It - - - .---.--T -- ..,---- -- :,A"1 '" wuho'.-din-i.-t. il,ii,tr like a ti of thank-: th.-n -he 1 T it Iikiiih! Kind-, tlii'inli -ninv iitel l'v't. , . . .iw liin-oii h'ani-. tiom ''t iin-hod. And Mood licdew the Iioen -od; Mmi ikithont I'lankct- -.In .-i niic ll' 111 amp lli Month a -t iim; hkv. An! ri.U'li'"l in hnl- 111 ehafi and straw, J'h men "a ho lowt'hl fur p.-ae.- .Old law; I r edoin'i anK'iap! at Valley 1 nre. At'i lore 1 saw onrown on... TJie pei'ite-s. wiilidlni- W'a-hniiTlO!l. Ill tied wild uaiiil.o uoodlaiid uuuli, Jtal- Ins i-alin tai-e ami heivenwarii lyoli Illl.'llJeil tiecdom'-. daik't l.i -I -itv. linn ktio.-I. I hoard him pi ay. n heii'ioi! I.noe. v th litled hand, li il'd In k.ivc our nativ e land. I mw hit poind lip- p.11 1 in piater. i'ell till en.-e .-j ili air. loit.od and homo at Valley IViije. I'mm '.alloy l"or;c I -jiu that iio-l oponuii; -pim, moil nl .-11 ti i-airle mi the winir. In -H red Iti-ednui - ir. l-wip on the I'.ie with -,tecl and tlie, "or eon nil y -iriko a doiili'e li "i.ainst lles-oan m-i t and Ton Lie. "'ititii-t l.:n ! urn- -ni aj;c d I !ic w ood, linit l.i-ine and all hi- roval In nod: I'll 1 1 I11H omiII i;i ii-loi ,. -1 . mi 1Vith tin- 1 nun woi-litpcd W n-.iiiitii:i. Wlm piated tirlhetnal all..- l'ote. - Cllllll' . Ilfllttl', in III'' 1 ''iWl. TAMKD TIIKM IIOTII. U'ho Bcmr-PrincoHH, Caclina., and Ilcr Two Followors. P.ehind the It u-". .erbaa at drcim sti"; upon :i bench over which the lilac formed a .-or! of canopy, perfumed with their own fre-h odor. The liou-e n a-- a line buildiite;. with while- Ava-hcd wall-, and a roof of red tiles; oi?n iau. the err am i tin. . an u-unilj in warm wentht-r t 'Ti"-" tainin; w:ld bca--t-. and why -hotitdn't h to churn nhft it w l-k--n fT. -he ha-.e taai d him J It i-t. t without when vt away th.- uual two d s n..iim i.. i. 1I....1 ''.... ii.r.t-..- " brfrt churnim it O't Kn id r - i, ; . .. . ... .,f U'.th'....n.- n.l .. !.t ..... ? peirtlf. a" tiod -dent lor a lew mo-, ' . .....- . h;!.'.. in . , , , , , i .inir. ' rrant i tutu .nu i-ii ... 1 fltii!. Sn. .?.... I.. I..... t. ...t ....... .. 1 " . - . lions; -he uttered all at once some-' ' ,. ' "" -"" t VAIT PATIENTLY. oweel. r el i;o.r.l rru!b from u h m"''uul il resume. h men imeat ajraia. . - . . , -, . ' cursor d th ' -Ma,, then." she -aid -I,,, i :W ! ' . --.,-. la th. nu,. n,n n.l Ilu- W a,- jejran to Mi" poi-eu xrac-1 stm--i.- n.r -u . --. m ni,-. comiMi-nei iH'-t m nfinr ! rrant " ' el.. . .. ti 1 I...... .... .:i .11- ,. fullv.iKis-.ed round the circle tnppiajr , ... ,",,.. W aitni- !r oin- - 1 h nice in fife i warm, u: to and e.-n a.. t - 1 ... , like Uaaok. mv hear. , , . 1 . . in cadence, and ca.sim a paionate , aither cMnlaratui- r.r ui-j.rm". but churninir ptiit. and v fn-.p at -tr- , , , , 1 ilo ott mean o that? . . look toward the -peetator--: now -lie , - it 1-a mm-h umre 1 t-pt ri-ii-r rmjj promote aiiditv. but .titf. r n! would curve her bodv with prodigious .. " - ' "" ol '-" ll i!i.ui nin-t im-n .iii 1. Niit!iiii i- n from the ?our of the thicker, t.pci.i. t , ., 1 i 1 1 I nou- She took off the chain arouad , ' , -uppl.-n'ss. then arain she would -kip 1 . . deceptive to the man who ha-not .et cr am. ' , .- .- 1 . . 1 i- ' 'n'' n,':u' - neck, and la-i-ncd it upon ' - ,, , . ' ... Utioli the T litis ol tier loot. ll'-!l(Illl'r . ' . tottltil Ills lilace as Mir a ! imiv.-r. tl.i. ..-. .h...i).t ! .-1.11111... I 11 . . ,r ' ., . . 11, .. crban. , ' . " . . .... atx.ut the ban ! iterueau jorwaru over ueroiea-t; ait uei ,. . s;ti sitcce 01 trie mrn ar iiiini tn- e.oou :w the tir-t -t.'T's .I nut.t m-i'liU , ,. , , , 1. - oni" now. she cried, witna bur-l , -,..,' IVrn hhn 1. 1 . ' movciuenls were marked in an aotui-) , . .. -eeia- -olitarv and alone an exception nre aiiparetit. Huh the rIv.njr 1. -.1 . .1 t . of laiichter. -pav attention -torn vou , . , , ,. ... ., . , mx- or I: !. i rable .jraec. without the la-t appear- . . , ' .- - to the universal law; he 1- stranded churn a more fluid conduinn 1 de.r- . - ' don t worK hard vou will ui nothiair j .... , . .'.,-, r much to iiitn"' ance ot coquetry. j, . .. , ,. ,. .while other mni ar- b.-in-r borne for- able. ir the operation tf churn in j; , v . 1 . 1 t i- 1 1 1 l" ' ' ,r V( s''v our-el! di-1 .. . .. , , ' , tn-n Tbe in .m et -lie took iter w hit and cracked - .wardbvan ample tide of prospeniv w :th the more aiixl.-rn churn 1- a inur- -, ,, . , 1 . .1 1 obedient. 1 will punt-h vou. L p. , , " . . ' , , ', . . ' or .ucit ,od. it f -I... ir iv.. It..?- fkl-il..-. tn til.. li..'ll 1 1 . X l'l.f ft... .. .i....... ii..... 1.... .. ..... .. .1.. .1 ..... ..... .. ..w ..... ..-.... .m.....w. . : nt d -I'll r. iltiv - .. . it. !! J n. II . . . I tti. t 111' ; I a- 0 ..x- L !i ghl t r.ii! . f.'.u 1 r I i . l-i I f T ! Itn- fo -I in the th:- tiiummt -h ith hi h 1' b-'rn br' n c.irtMt( or t- 1 tn- U.. at In It.. d - ii. 1 . . . .... . . now : m a .sitarp. quick lone. 1 nu animal understood every one of her sijn-: he listened to her with the blind obedience of a slave who loves and fears his ni:-- Serban ";ot up. hance. mv bar, dance!" he commenced to beat her tatn- r.ut tin waiting man luia a r;i cat deal iii,'. not a -.tirr.'n H-rformaa. I - . - 1 .1 . ... ... .-. .-.. . . I M" ; more companiousuip man a- -u.-pei-us; 1 roume 11 .iien mn wnn in nurnirj". I alni'.-: evrj- one of the m-n whose that the cream swell-, the churn pet' bourine. and !h vounir man bean to l career- fill him with a - rt ot envv ha- 'nil, 1- a li"; ituiecomin;. t-. l-ually e;ine through thep-riod throuch which ttn- all proceeds from till.ti-; the churn or. "I ?i- v.rll rsTT-l t ar-d out of I 1 ti , .1' t ic mi i'i "it' : . w kmI i 1 'ir in 1 -. an-' . u.t tn ha the hM ! the ia-e i 4vrv-,i ui'i p . I ., i,iiii.iiii iiriiu uiilll ' .III HI I . . ,t . .lit... ' . kM.T. -.' . M .'.I . 'l tics-: he -at down and -'ave hi- paw - . . , h i- n-.w iiaiut:. and w hn-h h Iiutl- so lull that there 1 no thorough aita- ... . ' . ., . ... , 'dance; both of them bur-linr with 1-1 . . -. , with along, point I b. ai.l ro-i- 1111 niMin. and the bcaiititul '.j-i . .... , -tfe:nclv painful and dei-res-ia;. ti a ot the nam. anl it goe ovrr . ', , ' . . ., ,. . lau-rhter. tt-t like two children. In ,. l , ' . . , .., . . , .. , urior wa bdtfwtsi i.ui .ir -iood triuiunliaut v upon ins ni'reil j -',,,. . rv iw tip'ii make a -vmmetricai aitI ovrrnith the churn. In iinj thi i , . . i 11 , . .- 1 the ineaii!ini. the hear had approached . ... , . , , , . . , ,, , , m that thr mutton 1 vvlic, i ba.-I;; he as-tuned all the postures of a down. ami. at another -ijxnal. bewail . to perform a kind of pantomim. Co end with he threw him-elf on the ground, jireteudiue- to be dead; and the jjirl stretch'-d herself upon him. in the attitude of a conqueror who has overthrow n his enemy Serban stood tln-re. without movin-x: but he never took hi- eve- off her. "Don't po near her!" cried a neigh bor, the tailor Atlas Mcu-ch. --he is a- proud as -he is wild. I know her, well; they 1 all her The l'far-1 'rinee-s. j The best advice lean "jive is to kc out of her wav." This w aruinirj came too late. th"in. and stared men:, fadiua. in her childish irlce. still kMit crack inir her whip. -'om 1 Ivanok come on. mv friend, if you I want to. Hop! hop!"' The animal 1 ro-e on hi- hindles. and made as if h" , was about to embrace hi- voiinr nii--I tre-s. Hut Serban misuuder-taadiur I this 'i'-ni'iii-tiMtion of friend-hip. and Ifearinir that t'adiici was in danoer. placed hitn-elf befof." her for tie pur- I po-e ot protoctitl"J her. Ivanok prick -d up hi-ears, and "jave " I vent to a deeji "jrowl; then. takiii"j eli I . . 1 erhan unawares as tie unawares as the latter wa- , ' thrca!enin4 him with hi- violin-how, As "' ,.-i.;..i t ..1,. ,-.... 1.; t,' 1.. . . . . . . . 1 llllllil llllll'l llllli.l' II l.'l lllllllll. 1. voiiit"j"jirI approached nun to tuck ,,,,, , - , ' , , , , --11 I 1 ..till lieiil III tils li'in.I ill, lie. I !it I11111 1 .1 :.. .. 1 -.a. 1... 1 1.: . . , , , , .1 no nu- coins it nun ua'i laucti ai in- 1 ... ..... , . it iicloii"jed to Set ban-- mother, the' .' ... witlt a roar ami -eicd him 1:1 In- ela w.. ., - . . . . , . ... .Meet. It .seemed to hllll that she had , . .. , . . ... ,, , 1. . M plow I.epkowil-ch. and w a- situated 1 . , . ., , ,. ! adiua -houted with all her mi-jiil at - ., . , . r . .v , suddenly pulled out his heart, and .. . , ... ... ... tn lhe (ahcian quarter of unoII. not ,.,.". , , ' the annual, and Moejeed him with her ... , 1 hidden it awav. And when -he had I .. ., . , . . , . ., larlroiti the cii.stoiu Itoiis and verv 1 . . " ,, , , ' w'htp uiiiil he let ,-erban ejo; hut th . . a"jam put the collar on the bear and I , , . . , , . near the wood-- I, - , , . . , , blood ot the vounir man alreadv criin- ,.,..., . I I -1 S the square with her animal, he, . . , , , . : fame l.epkowi.-eh wa- a powerful , . , .... -oncd the "jr.ts-. and. pah to hi- erv It. I .is 11 ill- .11-11 urir .lil.uui-'l l".li. 1 , ., . e ... , ,. , . ,, lip-, he -auk at alma - feet. uiairical chain, and obhir"d to tollow 1 . . ,. , , - - . . . I ( adina stared at him in terror lor a her lit .spite ot hutisi'lt At the. en lace of life; they do not be"jtn at the t revolving churn, it should In Mepj-l i start uud run steadtlv to the roal aft-r a few minute-, and ;h lent-plu- there are pau-c-. intcrrupiiun-. uueer- ivmoveil to allow thin acid air t - ' taintics in the ea-e of almost ev-rv cape, and it -houltl tn-once or twice n- runuer before he rea.l;. ", into tie- peat m! A revolt lit churn shotihl ln-at of thi e-mii'st and bria- to takr never In tilled itire than thr-v-i;hth- the lead. Ami these are j;eaer.llj not full. Then it rir the cream a tur- t be reejr.'ltod Apparent losses ot in"j motion. r cttrreiit. a- the churn time and stivnirth. main a man look- partially lif.t and then dnt it. back upon tin in in after year- and see- The cream m.v U-have bad if too that in his hour of uncertainty aud warm, quite as lik-lv a 1: t e.ld; waitin-r there was developed in hint an but a- a rub- ni -re.m mnv b- more endurance, a dohnitoness ol aim and a proiiuh'.v churned at hffj-eiht tniTy patience which have contributed larjje- decree- than at deree-s. a- lv. otten Vltallv tl his later success. jt,e ii.ulltof ..... d rf .. It ' t . .' a.!.. ti 10. 1 A r-. i . i 1 1 I pro td tag amv Sr , found ." "' i- - limr in!' v. ! pa Vt -' '... ' . w h. t u ' - iun - ic W'.jJt ,,. if in 1 m . ' n j .1 i Me ' illliiv .. ft. in,; 1 n ! ; thtrtt S t M tl t' tor- -than :: T 4 I'll!'' ' ' ' t mttnd ' wfSb b'fttl -., . uUI ru!t so ' It 1 tt t HI rf. 1 .' 1 I -l . r 'i-u- a 1 1 ti .1 .r 11-". ) exadlv tit- it tu. t.i. 1 1 md.eut'd that the in unit: v mde u order and n-t ' male 'Hi 1 f. t and ' tioH- atKHit the r-nta 1 it lri lief that the dec-.t-d a " ! citien. tbMth there are no i m ' otticial rank. "I lie tn;vk i- pautt. I an.I "tided. The -lr are t.!i eivo.I , and the gdd leaf brt-jht C ov nita. th IkhIv. .rom th chiti do n t.. th Vt ar' painted pan-!- r -itioti of a in a a 1, a IS .' f a! r. .t f . lh. I.. r lif' .! 11 ! u I i Ik.. ! in ' 1 1- I.. IS ! AdiRt.,r"f'' 10 tit-r 1 rn. bt th . l" : 1 " It - f ' .at ? i ; 1 r ! ... . . , ,lii r ! ir' " f... 4 i tie .a iit oil' ' . i . Ut .' . ,. . I- f I 1 I pll. th - h"'ild Im ii U ant v 'Miri' 'irr v. oman about foity e:n- of aire, whom every body both respected and feared: - -he was icspeclel because. ever .since the death of her husband. he had itiaiiaejed the propeity and its dejiendiMicie.. all bv herself, cultivated :cr ow n tichis, ami carried on a little trade a- well in wood ami tallow; her reat "jrav ees made people atraid. as shey heard her voice harsh as the -mind ol a knite pa -.sin"; overajrriud-s-toiie. Not know inir how to read or iinlc hei'sclt. sh' had taken care to I trance of the forest, in the spot where stood the little cross beside which -he halted in order to take a re-t and to share a piece of bread with h -r Irieud. .-he pei cci ved that Serban was tollow injr her. -What do you want?" -he asked. -Nothiii"j I helonir to the pl:W-e." "Vou are a musician?" -No. mv mother has a house and I "jarlen in the neighborhood." -Then what do vou waul?" -1 want t 1 follow von." foil ow me are ou era. ? erban. .send her on to school at an earl aire. erban kepi lift :ccounis. and read j lhe papers to her: for the ood woman. J who could not make out a iii"jle letter h r-eli. liiune.l with ctirio-itv to know what w -is eoinir on at Pari-, at Vienna, j :mu iHiter remote place-. Mie loveti: iSerbaii a- a mother loves her onlv I child, but she t4( ik care not to let him 1 ;ee it ris it in inirli to tliinl. . it" I , , , ,- 1 . . " 1 "I .-hall take irood care to compel aud to work tor hi-luture from morn-I ..... ... ., vou to "jo back home, inir until evcinuirr Serban was a dreamer. The onlv I "Vou can't drive away voiir-hadow. 1 am your --cond -hadow. I prav uiouient. then threw hcr-elf down be--ide him. -Are you dead?" ?he muttered. -hakinr him with all her stren"jth. N: he -till breathed; hi- heart w.i beatinir! The yotinir jirl at once refrained her ion; -he drew from lief' pocket the kerchief she wa- vvnt to tertal J tnti.ter machr. foTHf"! b u- !.ter . Intra IokvUi. r Thi..- ,'T' -"1 " l thetlll.d-.xMld ...,.,.,. JuJ .i.n.nJ Ut --row toierrt. tu - . . - , . ,-- -" if r- 9 - -1 - - -. .mos, jou.,- me,,, ami esp.Ma.-iyyo,,, m.,,.,. , cream other tlntr. - I hi ,0i.,r u-cd b the Ipti,. .rt.-t, e.-e.t, t:t th. l- r ....... ... .......I.. . ...I.... ........ ... .......... . 1 ... r .... -. . ..... 01-11 i .niijoe . iiM'. in. ni-t.i iiaam inr lli.W i:iai Ol ac ti rctiu. ... . .. . . i . .. m ... ii- 1 c ... are mtid bright. A p-niir .rtott- .um uiiii'i, ja-s iiix"ii-u mis jii-iiui in inn inn r nun.'. nou:ti .11-0 ie oor.te une.-rt.tinty. The are .a;er to enroll in jamd: tt;t cr.-am necd-j to itv themselves in the 1r1v.1t army ot work- churned a little w armrr in wmter. hrn crs. but thev are not ipiit- sure to ,.,,- are wholly kept upon dr irtl. which branch of the -erne- ;Sey In- thin in -u miner, when e;r.- i almii- Ioii"j. Whiic other men are march. ag dant. A lnh -tattilard of quality in pa-t with living co'or they are coin- Imttet can only lw maintained la hut- pellet! to -t tiitl idly by. Many a inr an occa-iiiai frch" c.vv a n-m- younirman teds at such a moment a- vlx in many cast-, where r ntu 1- tur- if I ' had d'-c-ived him. ami he in bul.-nt about "timriijf " Utten th.- turn had dee.-ivt.! hiat-clf aaI hi whole difficulty lie in th" care ot tin friend-. The pas-iti"; hour -cems ti rrcam or milk, and i init char";' able him an eternal condi;. .a. the m t cither churn or creamer. Th" mentary uncertainty a peraiinetit !: whole prMt of butter making i un- ability. ueh a mood i- th only d tn- de rejoin"; a change hu-h mut lw r "jcru.i- thiaif alio it this trying c,M.ri- r-irded. r e!-e the maker hit 1 nient .r nim-cn. the m"crl of whtrb 1 wa.- c trri.-d tu She tomb witi the at uf the old l'.- ptiait-i. a inteared j. r the KltriM'f of the.- paftria and th I art 1-1 painted wpof lb iJ rn. hb ;-.. k the and ba prr-rl thiu in Ihi e fr ab-Hit tarntr lur hnn- lht 'attie nAtoraiU pr Irrf rtr. Iur of tbr- lit'V c tj.en,nt ,r tM. tin. aliit the ie of nrdinar pla- eii t . !i;nk tt brn tsg card, lie upon tb9 bfvt of the a ! grt -!! v.-Aiiif mom CAifjr. 1 !') I!C''. m( lMw- HUtf moi tl l,i.- -Vk- W ha J." .it-Mt rt wear round Iier neck of e.euin;;-. aiul tore it into strip.. Then -he dialed 1 1 ace. There i- tiithin in the fact ' -prime oM-fa-hion.-d butter" -.-ll ul beinir coinp-lied to wait for one s op- lu:t-rine price. ...Am ...'.. in .V. ). porfuti!. iiothmir in the laet of being jf'ri ':. untle'ilel at the hr-t a to one"- Rf.. work, which -h ut.'d til! anv man w.tb erlt:m t the edge ol the stream. ' , ,. . , , ,. .... . dis tioMiintaictit. He ha-on!, to go to washed hi-wound with the cool water. 1 , . , , ,. . ii.-.-..-...ii appii. i.ti.. ..r . -.o an.U:aehe.l,he blood which had been "- ;-;lI h"- 'i .ir..w .... ,.....1.. .:..!, 1 tin th it4"i.rtflil.ii.v- tt tin I t ft .a t hl- flu k'T 11 r tn oi'iitti.i.oi t..-ii ' cha-te laugh idavel so:lv about the1, , . Z ., experience is -imply ... I III'" I'F.VIl l'l'-CU III-. t-.,-s ,ll ' . . .... niuiuui. I 'won e;eh l painted th or' tignre 4 t'te mummied iiri Th. .- j -rani look - mnrh alike that oiw t iwerent attachr-j of the mn- tint th m the -four jack." and p- tk the l-.til giitlraian a boldiug t pf '" gt-oxl Initd. J he th-r par i r-, , the f.dir jack are highlv ortt ut. ti ! f and Iwar fepreentatM ,f jriou ! iti- and emblem T be . tral figure 1. that of lt, w th . !ii!aiiMi tr-tch.-"l. rrha'1owing img- f 1 1 , fi.rtun.-tfe;. tin re wa no f!n-plte pi. I iaiM-s h.te in?, rfereil - riMi-Ii :?h tin the ttitni.i -cruw m the ut oti'v ! ,.... t t k if Hi h CHICKEN CAPES. lips of the handsome girl -And why can't 1?" asked quite discouraged. -Hecatise 1 torbid you to!" -The road is iwr for ever body lliing which ravc him dcliejht was his violin; his mother had bought him the ' 'm ,Il ,lot ,"' "" ,!'1: ' ,-:"1" "'P j .lew i-h barber, who ecrei-ed the pro-1 "" 1 1 kittit! i .'-erban opened hi looked at her with a -miit1 III.' Otlll .I.ttlR-er cot lies IT. till he ban-..... .,'". , ,.,.,,, , . j :ie IM--IIHIII1S 01 .e-ijao. . --i- daged in- head where the wound n; . . , . . . ., , , . , . nhii h -oinetimes takes the mo-t tragic and. alter hav mg ta-tciied her bear to . , ionu-. aud sometime civar - a perm t- .1 lli-l lllJ .11" lll-r. -Ill' 1. Ill Jicio Hie , ...... ..... .. field-and meadow-to the neare-l il- 1l(Tm tt fi . .) . .. t...l . k... .... ili..t . , . , ... . , . . ounr man wwi was riniplltu on in i.n- un ii tc-s o iiie nire" irmx'o m- repetition tl .jt. .,i,.Mir,. ., j .,r.,:: of chicken the remain ha nt ln --lab.kib-t br.'cding f.r year Twirling in lb.- "it-iden-d a- MttJrd by tb ut h. ! I--. turn t lien: ih-beliel in one abilitv to attain the highest and be-t things. The polas of it- t.ivek church. When -he came back -he wa- accompanied bv a jiistnunent as an object of distraction. !" mg on. .-ne iookc.i ai nim Ml .-he thou-ht her on was melan- ! " i,M "'lt " eye-, and did not ! ic inougiii ner on ..:...!. ..,.1. 1 ..... :,....... ..... -.....! ...- answer. .. 11. I ..III, .11. .11-. Ill" nni 11111 lf . 1 awa from her. While she was eating, he also 1.1 . . .- ,. . , . 1 . . s it iimv-ii nil i 111. -ri.s i ii.u- ...... siuiiuue ami too mueti given to his' .- .-.- own .somber thought-:. The peo ple of the neighborhood had quite When she had liui-hed her meager another idea about him; they sim- j meal, he ro-c up; she took the imperial oh thought he wa- iek; aud not . road, and Serban. after watching the one ot them would have given two young girl for an in-tant. followed her -rroschen for U life. Dame I.epko- j :it the distance of about a hundred witseh was far from su-pectiii"- that van!-. He follow, d her from farm to lier .-mi needed a hand to direct him. mid that that hand must be the hand eve of knightho-j I to spend a mi itar nigh, within chapel walls u-ed those hours of id.itioti for the purine it ion ' I .." ?. iimti .iiil 111 or ler iim: li.- tuiirht fesspin of doctor in addition to hi- rcg- . ,, . . , , . , . . ' more -a-ee m.l upho.d the right and .11 .V ....II..... ....I 1 - ... ... ... ..... . " 111.11 i.uiiiiu, aim i no men iwa BEST U THE LAND. ... ,,,- ., .- - I it...f rn. t l.l. W.l.ll'- -S.1 ..r ti.llfi. .. let... I ... .. I t 1 ...:. I . .1 imri. .-iu- ;t -ecojiix uailll.igin Serban was earned to the village. where t'adm.t had engaged lodging for her-ielf and him. at the barber' -hou-e. The wound- were not very danger-ou-: but poor erban remaiaed for more than a -eek prostrate with a vio lent fever. Then, however, he began to farm, from village to village, from j t o-:;er fa-t. ami aft-r another week one town to another: wherever he j he wa- able to !mvi hi- bed. I 'adin.i. For the time being his ' halted, or where or ; die tua.le her bear w ho had. nur-ed hi t . kM .! a woman, lor the time being his a:11eti. ir w acre or ne mane nex near v ao had. nur-d him dav mid iib-hi ' .it..'li..f'. 1......I ...., .;.... . 1...1 I...... iliiiee bi stoioied tiio. :iinl Jivir 1 1...I t.:... 1 . .1. . 1 . .. '....I tha ....-... 1 .- ........ ...i-. uuu uiu. "in i.mi . j : ' it 111111 oiik-iue uie uou-e lor me ai-i mi it iv.inl.l li'iv.. t., I ..!...-. ii... cc.i.-cd admirimr her. He rested in .;..... it.. . .. .1 . . .1 . 1 .. I throiiga the gatue. and are --.- . ' 1 v . OOOtOV t "- Lilkl. 1 "- - - - -- - tllll . AAT .ll lillkl II 1H'II. I f I1TI I fit" ' " ""- " "' I I .1 i x. i. . x .i. . . . - -:.' uir iiiir iu:iri' w r ir iki mi iiif r...rti . foA. .,.... -:!. t : 4 4 ( ,.,( t4V tt - ta t' nil J 1..k.l... .... . . 1 ... .... ..... !.... ; iint- .il..t ..t- iiiii.! ! iiiM.oti' .'.... - ii " ' j;it't4 iiusu urn- ikuiu ;it i "i- "...-. .- 4 ...-..... c- in--, a; nt'.i.:; afUt o ice nanire aatn ;ui.tkrr: hut xhc ihin-r dnl not -.vm :it ; thatohoil roof, or wmlT the -l.irrv kv: in :i hf r brisrhlxuv- i man passing through the painful ex perience of uncertainty and .ntin' X . r- ma' In.d in it a -urer knowledge of him-elf and a -tronger gra-p on th" crtainti' - of life ' hntmn l'nni. Fans for the Current Season. (Tau.e or li--e fan- are -hown in sxi color-, to be u-ed in contrast or to match the dress with which they are They have -ceii ted -Hood ;icks are -eea from end l en! de.M- j rated witn ail iging 01 iacs or "l.-c thev have plain edges windpiM-a fe ith.-r dipped kero-f the U H earel npn the wtMtrn tkrtu'. s. ne .! -mic blowing lime ;? d the a . and the genera jbt. aJ4, , into the wind pip- Hi- other. ' "f "" flk-? "" treated family fnsl xrn0. in rw.-. but -ach esjieriment ha mad- inroa.1 iH "" in .nl tte mumno, cm a bu- man time about eqnal t ! lIU d. .:.. a mii d wath thovatneof the ubjt t. And o U- ' miprtanc- n. th- ontmuuitji. -tween tim- .pent and chi-ken b.-; ! 'iyN "'"r liter- wa a por margin for nn -..tti-f action Thi y.-ar an atletnp w made to the gape-ivonii' bv jMitiutg the cbi -k-n-j on new ground upon the siipp-i-itioa that th- ihmg did not grow nnl Ir--h gri'dml wtMihi lw fre. No u-... when lh" t me came the chick- began gaping and at length reached a j..riod whet they diti n .1 do much e!. The hol 1 bnx-1. eight, wer- Ute .-anie. ! A ii -w idea dawHed lo k-Il or ni.T. hi nt r rt lo m pH:iti. J k rrai aif watT t lnpirt',av ' tmat. and t tt i I. r t i f ' . . d ; . . . a ' 1. b r r . ,. 1 Tli- Ar-d llrt h hhnm m Cr.t maMT ! !'' "A.) 6t n.i UM.Ht.iH,.,.,.r i,n,. . h . not aafi-. la An old in g'o a! rttwd a pla- for wm ;hi . mitlm rwhmh -ale. A mni h Ua.l -uimn-l th- , aJ--r. full d gr m mi ft, k hoo. and w no wa. p:oa..f u. ?,, Mn.l tb' reform i.i. ea.b-sl on th" n-gro Umi n ohe- ).ni.r - How about tl- wet:?" the it ; u, mu ti XUntn V lh . i :lfc'', part id ar h4 te aty-r r;we. in Je Jan. j ifirejiU With -l-tat of pr. - "If I thought lb.- v.-J wx v-l IM buy the place '" Needn' let da. trtbi irr. isnb. Im: wed M, 4ta with delicately colored -ketche ... ) i t wa certain. Like a child, he wou d : tae .-ame piaccwnere -ne ra ne bench Hi- face beamed wiih li.-mm. . ., . . . ' 1 - - ..'-- .1. I'l.ll. rry -ky: j a,i n,,r ,., . ..... I. ...---. . i .-d! ea-y to do. lor it did not appear to Mie e,ucuclied his thirst at th- .same ..c.,u. that von are eureil " th please thi-great strong yowth. with his J fountain a she; he a.-uaged hi-him- voun!r 10, w-.thout loukin-a; -riiT.s face and blond carls. He seemed ' ger wherever .-he ami her bear took j jml..nou- .nat vou aj-e cured, vou to have a horror of every thing that j th-ir meal.-- to-day. perhaps, in a ; imw co baok to Cour mother: nail 1 wore trailing dre.s-es ami long hair. gloomy .lewi.-h tavern, to-morrow. shall on m,-w"-av alone with mT nud the tnoiuen: that the fresh and . among the -tone-of - me ruined 0:15- ' im... beautiful face of a voting ..ir3 tie. or perhaps, in a ditch, under -onie ! !.- - ..:... . :t-: , ....,- cmnaliar lar.pi.-r. -m-th and lusir-.u - r- II ----- ' iou.nills I 81U wiiiiU'.iDUIlUIXi. ami the chick-, collected Im a j'k tnessiirv with n ba' oer it. were tat. n tx. the pig-hon chamber. h-n- n 3, ! ' u'l ."r i" d h Itxtrrei w ith a lot of tlrv air-dio-kr-1 bme j '''"i1- Jfii: ni"rrrelwa.T.irneI do. i..t. the ' 'kt tJte ?-. Ab.-t l -ib- am! ti. hme .tirrvl until the du-l j v"" --r " - -Kbt tae oll n- . wa- a- th k in the jr . ,; U ,.., ' JC'- '" ' aiiou w a Jars- lamp . and then ;hem.-a.- in-with fie hut- in r:il- aJ, 1 -Y g ' ' ' ; 1 ex-ifr a '. ? !. Vrp tr health, pat -n fie ft-tmt iA a larr s.'t pr4tt .V CLX55E TAi;oCJi mn& It.-.. Hl t1-l 1. 6-'tl- i,- t " I'. ---. Tb-re .j no ! ! faraa- 'on old onndr! yxw. Udd tn that marlat 'fc' r prd i wt nnt ae a&d c 4t . .... .. 1 - . . i. . betore him. or that a .-weet voice ' wild sUrh. He aeer approached h-r . ca1ralv u orban. -No. no; , ' .rin. s.v- i-u,.e.iU? .-poke to him he made hi- preparation i except when he felt her to be in daa- h&h 'onhi,r wJ.h vou or vou shall ' ', ? ",."." ' '"Ur l.i lice. He tuner frequented the lav- ger-when she happened to lie in -onto j rtllow ,ne- I P,-lMa 3n1 ai hom ' h,tH '.trW . cm. never went to ball-; he wa acer very lone-ome pl.,c or when, through j ..yvhv wh it - vou d-iriti- of" I IS"" m ' klMri h'?' b,m" .seen at the fountain, nor at the ; the night, he perceived the shining j ! ean aot live w ithoa: Voii-ao! ', rt-.-n or .-:rdw-,-dor. and :.- light tv: t .veMoov ci.i.i;.i.r .......;.. . ...!....,. .,f ., ,1... it- 1 . , -irong a- 1: made ot pale ir-Tfs. '. 1 ! wa- nut ia and the War? wa hwn Watteau laal-caj. hepherdr ,. u... c0.l cf th harr4 : ke- the d: :i w":i KL 1 x i. . ... 1 tv.-... .. t.. r..n. ' . .- . .. ( ;...-. u.-.- .......-. . -.-,..--..- Jn A.UT t1. or ;br.; t4ttf av , tai- : bftrf t (. avwar cse de-ign-. For general n-e an-tbe ,1 ukrn , t aaj Uke ej.-r.- "And n. th-r k a -ar m It knh M,n Uti V-tWn.f IVkin fans f .ale.i pit VP l , mm jTmui Utr up. TVn: TV neiK,r trll a ikX y bacali .,w ,r. , V. g - U very 4-nder ml n-tl. or tn.- dark WJI11 ,ai ,n ,.r Ift titt. t,ar. wat-r tn bsrreU mm! powt-d tt mtu tt ...r-nl -bt n- h , blue, red or -o.d paper with si,ck- of s M fcH. ,. j lht. rv en.-c ! '' . Fa- b..ndrl o aaila o , was pvriect. I pr-um- thr-- trial! rome b wa:3r? r.- idd b- rn'agh. Allbr ugh I a "' hav- u-d it op OS vm ..) . & i mi th r cirefnl ?-s 1 ea!d I-. esgh .f th "louts' b'k 1. dd it .!tt got in - m lungs v, i-l 1: for "I aef.pfe a." iaM bJ ht s-Ters.! hmirK 1 am -ati-hVi that hn "I-v-u de wU' all rib:. TaJbn- r sa.'K.. tbiU Jv- - i b.1 1 pta 1 t 'be tttft-rl la tbo dx. -; 24 1 ut U prf Mt . for it be Obto ILatrtr ;3iiy of the favorite rc-orts of the oilier young men. one of the.-e aiau.senictit.s at:ractel him. So that .after aw lido hi- mother became a little i anvioa-. and particularly when .-he saw htm sitting oa the beach. a he w.t to--fav. like some prince of fairy-tale be--u-htrieJ by a fairy. lit liail bOLMi .sitting thus in a brown s'.udv, for some time, when suddealy a .sstrailffe ttoise fell upon his ears aad -4H3arLeti his n-fleciions. A 50uad at sacc ringius aud yel melancholy can not Once, during a violent ;tor:n. wheal (.'adina bon: her haad.-ome head she hat! sough; -heUer under the il-1 closer to the young man. aad tied her lows bordering a .stieam. Serban had ) er,.at eves 11; ton him. piaeeti himsoif near her. under a nut tree, and .-he had .-poken to him for the second time: - What is your name?" Serban: and Lcptkowitseh is iny family name! And you?" -My name isCadina." "You are not of our coualrv?" No!" I "Then, where are vou from?' Harper's llnznr. re-rrw- way i- the proper thing to do "r,l -;i ' 4e hiw I t r. ith thi- irotib!-. .". Ii. Lurlu. tn .V. . Trthxft. 4a am - tc f wii on! mlr A citizen f Aurora. Tex., carries around with hiai a- a curio-itv a :iag:r hy -hould I hide 1: from you' t which was cut from hi- hand h-a bv . i ..i u :....: 1 ..i-. r ... .mi- i-i-i.iiini . ox .-Hiinii; . a. 1 w a-lour year- ij.ii -i:v r.-u: o:rt- larniers a-e jnt. biod-ag twia-for lying up .S-ir tbee.. J; , a-o. f'titir-ly untt for thai purpe. The. 1 do no; any man but you: but The nail oa th- lingir looked quite r-" t'ec-s from the ;ia- tjci: to thi you are nch. and I am a .poor girl. ; natural, but ;h-tleslsy portion looked "Ad. 1: 1- !iu'Wrde to gr; th-rn all What would vour mother -a? No. hke a niece of dart in.tbo'-Aav. " . . . . 1 - . er?aa. that could neer be. vou arc n . . .. . ... . . . .. e.i iii jux rvgav, xar 1 eJ5 tj 1 j.i.jr-.Trr. a 'iuuim oi pi-.a - . . an' iae-l :: np vul d lv' joe ! '.'.- a u. ;Mttmks. and ,&. Cidd git." ' -are:ga (. 1! vmmt? to '' "Ye-, bat f-f.nfourel roar giy p1 -d t-: ifte j ne- th" laaa far u.". tbrr k t ater mi it- Hon fe- farmer poww -&. ' . "Oh. r ddn ax ne f-z&mk - v.J&j. anl te. as a--r la-. " at.'r. ixej av Tbool de ''iL r.' wrgbt of any vamg Ler bf t. rr iant.-d to kno -mam eriut dc of, t- 3.Trrv ! thmtr aW out. and what remain, a iu wdl not I r vr"-rn; lr ax m"' 7' ! qnxazny U tbe crop grnwn. tb .- a- not -peaking seriously." -Do vou love me?" -Yes" -Then, that is all I waat to know." take color, nf-riv ruin the cloth. Jut J vah.' ArLartjAiw TravUr. A uit Uiat ha.- b-.'ea dragging lwia- on the A-fcc is nrarly oa Lal &i through the court for niart'en ycar-j burr-, in the Uecce. aad d?:iriorat wa... di-nii ej ia Yolo County. CaL, tho woot ia th- market ueirly ai lhe other dav, j xauch.--jl.'iitry JnruaL 1 pAratlye roci of tbtr co xal " r . ( tUMzk.. or haTc aav ix- uras knr. ix1 The tir: bicycle eTCr ra in Hir- ot .j,, ti,tar. which btuioro ict: a j miaghara. Ala.. i nddca bj VkxJ J Roberta, a ho luw s cork lc j. it a-cear to t-e-omj wH i'.aaiatcd WIIL. S. 1'. Tita, 1 I. bill N sc Htes-3-r SJ-e- A i . 's.