The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 02, 1886, Image 4

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ieM-;i;i:..SKA statl: NhVY.S.
n't 4 la ijrJ 19 ABaawtAj-
t iaitM ? J! (T ?
- - " h h r- rntlx air v.-. , ; f- "j f-
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher. n, , t "" . "" ' h'u fr" l"" N'" H'"r ' '" "
. o"r. j dflRncci by Tolot'rapii and Mail '" .r.u- hi- --n e V
Mr. Ua1air rlirnif tor .i KrJurm f thr
I rS 1 . -V."
iv;m. T". J:.e -- J-- JUmliU
w..l .r- U .t tr- -".nee hi, tar. II l. I ;r
tie !Iue. T-'e bf !. I. . doe nit
niMi i. mr'.liiit: note r extraon 6rj.
Mt r lrrt ! al V . ll-"
Tar . -r !iv t ! :' d xt.j-'.'.t . an
Jmit.i. i. an.t r nun-! W-.' ?-! '
o. t mr up 1 w .Ir t :ie. The ch:hi
xx .i ..''. niot.iL- Mil
i n kim9i! v.ituatcn of York dusty
' 4 our. T'- J ' - ' -
la ' KV( n - M'fc !- ('
' r... W hi.ituin t
rf. Hr I -. U t. t-t -T
. ' r ll--rt
f cntntl !.,
f .g-r Ikt j -' I i
t atat ' !-
UMM () MoimwM ' - -41
I " Mill i J" -' 1
"j's .-binds liv it an
W' " l
??? '-
- Jr. j.r.jri'i"r and ; (
co."f;r::sio .i
""'' instantly J:i!b-d d I
1! .i t Cowist baa flftu dm m.nt:o. td w rtt?ei -j -u i i
t t:-i m-J!
I the K.'imf.. ?!.. " '.1 ,.f. ............ ! )..!..- ... ., .. " Ul.ll
C - ", y
": I'Ju.ii'- --... in ui' mv mil, ot
ihirt fir- mimff. ainren charHi. ldati.rN rr-.-: ::.-tt - ngx. ,
sjty Satibatb scbonls and wTral iuc an I TOTf .i-.'-Jti:.'. h. !. 'itt.t
lU ehil-. Iw. ii dor', tot f' m !!. :! bi'S s a
n -j . ik-aaw h. .. - . - .
lJ.rif-W. !! 1.1,1 fl -,...,...1 Pr.llrf,!.. ! Adl-i,
-- JJ 1 1 F I 1 !! " -"-- 1 ' . if - --,
Ark., rnatlv
""' ' ' r f'ultiu" Ian-was taken up. ht.
w ro '..t-4i.
rt- ui.rnrrwj
Tin: Salurdav i::.'f holiday move
tent ;t.v.s apace in .-xv York.
nui.f.ui rcnrliirt- fin I n. : on th.
,lki Sbfle.
i . .-' . r,
"' r.-ol,rit-rinnl act ..M th. ii.t'i J- Zr.KM. Jrci-hi rnr'-' '
lou... j. ,.M.1IIB, ,, r . tf., u, f l,t-' J'V tnkf.r, .,u ' ' '
""""I lli'MHli-s.n, u. i.i-rm.r U... !... '-':e. iwr rh. ..Z5 J? l",H
A aum-
Tag l.raorb of tb Hi. Taul t Omabtv n mpSlo rtr t ttrau' f trrT r-
hmado road. vrrl from Vau. il Ui.rty
vtso. tut ttu.ti thai itti l'-i rr n
Tin.ifi. :n-r ;st,i,ni .i"hJ JJiow-and n''-
lalT-i f.-iltj.- itr.-iluN III .MnlJliUKJ.
m tiisr, ,:.,. T,. ,jf.,.RJ,. ,. v,.rt. f"ws.n?urni
wM. R..II.M-. and iht HciiM.- a.ijoura-d -.:n- I """" d oa.j ft-.,,. , , .cptrmlr. jjPtf.nK unx J ill-! utt-I i wo la- Piuw. in ha nranued n .r.-u'artni-ut
1 tim SVnntr. on :h. -iu rnoj ' I"orK Ul.rjl Trrn m irtMght w;h forty mnil-r.
Tin: 'i'lii-Ii.iiir onJinaiif-c. jia-fd In
rfjril J.v i In- .Mjiu:iuki-- ( 'oiiimo:) Coun
cil, iKIn hi-ill Ii-Ji-:iJi-iJ.
I'l'wyirn .f tv.i-iiu-iijrJit iJinuanil
lMT.-i.:i-ri-i-ti-ri-il :is viit r- n I.nnker
JliJI iixciiinjiji! tin- ii.'ihI .:ir.
T. cLaj..:- h. tliP iJltr W"H'. '
w iia.r- wif
. . vmr A.
n. W.-nm vi-ei-Jv TU- o .,..t on or r..r...l. I ;r,.. .l ... in- a-I-.-t. in t!f ca flnH t (i.lvlirur ihr.,.i.r utoart. lU r-.tU. rSrr: t.D t!..- ll .f Ja-i. .... .T J 't ." "- ,4?S?V-N )
rrn,,1M :,"M' '"" "' "'""" mo..n u. int.. n xtr trai '" "' Ui" ',r', arcaue s-r.-J:inS for iw., K-arwy rn. . wh . ran ,,b, (, ,;s .mvs .v-l u.,-,.' , fc-gft-5 vtSkJ 4fSl .. - t ., ff-r..I aaa..o. W
ri.:..rr.-i"ri;l,7.7,rr,'"h T'"' l';:i WJ,S ,K 1 .loiiNlSn-MM "'I'- 'nkwi. . wt from !oru- ami Um,k al.njr ;o i,, ,:,,( m,;! , ; tr !:? - :.- r- rJTi!"?! i':,1C. ?, ' "ViS 'fl ' ""' f f",rt ,! m " ,h
,,ai''"n.lT,fnlV"rrituTi-,s,f!l f. -i -xi.-.l in u.-not iKa: s.cspedit Stonr flijr Tlw nam f,.,. ,rt v:.t a a,-:. It n.; : . ' . VT' A'X. t Afi 1S i , i.-vn. -t !'
.,.,,,. f ji. inifii tit.! I h: oiirn-i,. rit ri.-lil (f Laviw ""' "'-"" ni ;o ty n rfw rn. mw ' ' ' j-.tti-.. fut I'Jt-rtf.Iig I Xu-r ITr. : au:y - V'S'-' ' J - ' P Jf. . MOT' ,,? !,- C m '.' ' I
Om: him!ri'I :mil iUy of lh- Jhrr-J-ImiiiJrviJ
.-mil 'iU-jic i-nlli-i-, of the
I'iiiIim! Sktti- pul.Ii-Ii ni-v. -papi r-.
It ! vj:ii,.J iijion ,f,j auihorily thai
nsMmiia, Liiir.i-tiaiit JmcI-," nonii
naliim a- f'.itiiaiii .,f i-a;iin, j, fnin.
JiriMi-.l, M, :Jiuj ). Uij H." ..Jiij.j.
tJi. Ir. Miii-nt w appoint hm A.s:t-
nnl AiljulaiiJ Ccncnil
A m. K lor tin- fn!! amount of Jiin
fXpiMi-. , at lii-i-r I'.srk v.:t n-r.-ntl
H-nl lv I'ri--iii-iil l-'J-ii'I;imJ Jo ihf
T.altimore lV (hio I.'aihoatl 0; J !i K', hIUZ' i
111 the lett.r inclo-ili hit ehrck tlnlwa- .t.! ...nn nl ' ' '""' "l,'' !
'ri'sj(Icn! pri"-i-I l.'i :iijrfi:i'."o:i ol
tin aili-titioti JiiniM-If .Mrt. I-;f-Luifl
It i'.r. X-ri annotitfi-il in tin Al
li:m C-r- Y ) ',i!y fnirt Ihf other
tl:t lliaJ in- haI I.e.-n approai-hci! hv Su
jierinli mien! MeMweit of tin Albany
penitent tari with an oJV.r of lif'v dollar.-!
anieie for eaeh loit"" term juiioner
M-nt to that institution. Th: attetnj.t
at, hrihery ereateil a prototuit! M-iia-lion.
Cvi.i:mi: U'ut.t", ui tat: Chickasaw
..?iSii'n, !in"1neil a prtVi-liimatitm tr
Ic.riu the immeilinti"- renmval of all
cat! It from the Nation and imposing
tin dollar per heatl for ra efinsnmed
ly said cattle. 3Iany of tin cattle
Jiavc heen pureha.-'ed hy thf Chickasaw
I'iti.fiis. hut this proclamation nullities
I In: purchase.
MiMj-rnit ,Ja kon retuntetl recently
to the City of Mexico after a three
months' h-avc of ah-eitce, with ncs.'S
Iron. variou parts of the country. Hf j
:illlliilltlees t boXslliiiit Itlir of ;i nil tiilier of
.... V , , . .1 .
ioii-ii iil'-nwav nmiiHis unuei mi- ne
. ....!.. ... .
law auttioniii"; IVic immediate killtii"; ,
n arrest of hte;hu-ty :ml railway roh
Imts. Some of the Iwor.-t characters in
tin country have hcm pollen ritl of
rilhin I he last few tl.-yys.
.-..- .
Tsi:i'!i Kimji:. an hl :uul heretofore
iiiisiieeessful iniiier.. has made a dis-
rovery of lead on his'.h'.ml in Xew Di"
jiiUr.s, i.s.. M'ven miies from ('alcna.
111., that will, it is Ma ted. ieltl him a
furl line. In one day twent-two thou
sand pounds of ore v.ere raised from
the mine, posses-dii"; a market value of
Jive thousand, four . hundred dollar.
The discovery is said, to he one of the
most valuable ever 'made in the region.
T'ltoM planters -of Madison. Kast Car
roll. Kichlaiul :wlnl Tensas Parish. I.a.,
s well as fromi the delta counties in
Mississippi, ' come plootny report- of
the prospt'i'ls for a piotl outcome, to
the cottn crop. Nti plowine; has been
lone duTi"; the past two weeks, and
the prasjJ. is mt only outijrowin"; the
rotton, hut many of the fields are
staiitliii"- full of water. Imiucdiatelv
n the hanks of the Ya.oo river, in
the sandy lam!, the prospect is mmuc
vhat brighter, though by no means
pood. Karly corn will pull throuejlt.
lint other crops can not reach the av
i'rae. Dit. V. C. Yai:iian, in exantininp: a
iqteeiinen of ice cream which recently
poisoned a number of persons at New
Ion. Mich., has math the important dis
covery that tyrotoieon. the active ele
ment in poisonous cream w hieh he ii-
roveredsome time since, was also prcs-
rre.sidto.San Francisco. (Jeneral Howard.-
headijuarters. from Cetieral Mile?
in Arizona. i which the latter orotests
stain-t the removal of the First tejji- j
tcctcd from Indian-. The tvixinieni to i
Jake the tdacc of the Fir-: haJ-had I
that the ilele-rates s,.M: to China
work up railway depeloputent in the
inteie.-l- of (lerinan capilali-t- ami 1
manufacturer- have reported in efi'eet '
that there i- uo chance for rail u :n i
.. ... .,-..,.;..,. ;,,( -i.;..., . t - i .
'ontn;ction in t lima on a -eale xvtrich !
, . ,
-....... ...- .0.0.1 -.i..m.i..ic ioi European . until the Fmperor attaiti
liis niajoritv. which xviil not Ik
iiiiiil tin cio-e or ii. 1 tie paper
... ., 1 .- ....... ....
1"" " " ' . - " j
the delegates, who further state that
...Mkf. ...T..V...I ...t tt. Till. 1l. ..... l. t ...,1 rT
the Yicerov as-ured them ttiat I luna J
wotiid build railways when .-he was
able to nianufactuiv the materials
r.eeded in their coitructiou within her
ttn domains.
rnt in the ice cream and was the caue ! the -Jiith. of Hrighf- .di.-a.. of the kd- uu" "' ;"" " '- "'4 ' '"-''" , fi. , , ., . ,-.,. ,nil, ,,.. , H,. r,ur:' tonfeil oxer mt.. the .m W,B,4 mm ad anf... t-.- fr;.t raa hi .. .r. -, Vh' M, . r- -' -
f the Mcknoss. This proves mat' "' - ""' 5'-- "' '.; rn d, n-e b-,s .We , the bdt v.cted of murder m the tirs; d-greo and the ea-t. An I,...: Ut-r amdher irriT.rrwXr ! i" -irT " 'T11
1vrotoxieoi,duetothc.lecoinposifon March y. IM.-, , , !atho,.,,ng the ctv'of Paris',.' ,-st - a loan -nt-n-d to death. TI... Sapr-me tWl Joud , ra-h. and I.' e Tt ail ao4 n-f ba.1 ,,, m.- . ' iV??" "'
f the milk and mav be developed in 2? itinX"" -'---' t maiigu.ate ami c.rry ,,, .nted a n-w trial. .:.,,,, ,, Ue UfO.T....i cell. . the . "-V.: "ShX : I a.,rWb.n,, r ,JW 1- .brwrlhin,
:,nv milk which iskept in an impure Jil ,'S, ,i''!'!"- improve,,,.,,:,, f..r tae ,.-,.,, .,: AI..n....v ,lnl av- The .fl!t... to lM4., ,,a;,. ob ng but a bnge ni.v t.-.-jP- .f . . ,WJt rr.i4,.n at 2T IW.
ntiuosnhere or in ttncle-m vessels The nb'1 Ll funh.,.K work m ,.,. . -tort.-of ,,e crop prosit- , Nebrn-n t,f t,n,bcf. bf.e.s and pla.ter. The J- t"wU f ,. f.'- - ,Mr a. M..jt tn i.:.. r -
al1" ! r. , . ": I' rrtiXM:nf. ' Ti.r bay colt Troubadour defeated tin, - - --". to be iK.rne ; .t by the facts. IMS1 mae ,v-,, -,,, sUnd,or. Tte rfer r.'.-' JT'ir .t . a .urn. t. nnU r. lla.
F'7 ra,"l'" ;vi- IaUm:l As.,:c,x,.ot.celuabee .. bx th. hv mare M. Woodford ,n th" races at .m;e caietuuv gaiiere., intonnat.on e.,, (.aw ,. . JwI 8,m ... , . .. ; - -; V.,7.r -. ' .,;. . lt, 0r ., , ,,
ranall amount of tainted tntlk will sul,,ritende,,t of tie ta.lwax ,,. .o- ; -P"d Pav. N Y . .. t:,e ::!,. :h .-!..... that ,tfl.n,.U-r,iNu. tw ,. mis,, np Urt. w. ,n;r l un, jieUjaa ;aj JJ .. .treet-. .t itTr orU-tTt, .
iu.'x. .i tilwil.. .... . .. , l r,,.., , ,, ;;r, , l, .,.,,,.,.. ,, ,.i, ... . Ill a x erv discouraging condition A Ut- . i: l .rrHe "r ti - J.. .rw jv
rooa .1 w ItnU t .ill. vici'distatssmg ahtrmiuiberof , uhvs . A r. .. i. o. .n.i-h lio-m vi.h t x.. p.-,.- ..h..,.i t.v ,. ,.r t.1 r1'!' - ,; ulti-ij iw- sw .-, t.,,r,r. BU-.w.r4 ta.- r'i .. ,,, , .o..j Tfcr .bih Bf-.
mail dork, ho lm.l unra-. r-1 .-, l..rm .-.' ! '" :- '- l""' " " '-' "-'' ' '"" '!'- sjm,.. ha- 1,, ...Ilowed bx a pr-dond threeS.- F.f.v-ths P.ntMWt-iH - , .,. ..-!. Ktraai r-irVT -
. ll - i .. . r r r I me.e rebels ...xnlx- ..iitrje.ePed nenl -;,!,. 8.ftntlof raill .l-ntlg Olid XX inter ".vhkat "e ... I l.-M "Mr cro. i . j wu c !,, urpl nwi Ma U'lt ' ,, . kJ-. . . 7 .
A ma-pATCH has Ken recciveil at the trades union under t Mrpret.t of fotminj; I "' "- ,'' -ns:l etttre... Led ueai in j , pusomr ere coined it. !.: di.o of :'.,.;, - er-t r irt ' ' M,,, ni i m
ment ot iiilantrv Srutn his deiart:rctit ' !-. the inter-eollcc at race at Newt
to that of California at the present 1 London. Com. . Colling., heat the Pn,x or- lm? It..I- f v.-r the Pre-.d-nfs vet...
,,,.,, ' . .,-.,. .-.f i,,i.te.ti-i 3 iw 1 ot-.e Lad c .tisi.i. ration of ibe haaurv
time. He think- the present fore Js , m f I ennsixani.i. . ,- . . .
. ,.11 1 , Di-itxiii:- fivm 1 n.n :- ?!" P.onler . l 4 "
jtmde.piate. ami to w 1 Jnlraw a w hole' T 1h roinpanr fi-.s Vg.,aHon- '-: :be basi, of the Cher-xkee ccaus. jut
repment now would leav. the country ari. proceeding xvith the Hand -log-s-KII- ""L"'": -d. 1. is estimated that each Cber
in certain portions entirelv tinnro-' !h-ift and some leadina-w York t;::u- to . nf"' ll'"'I dl r.-vc $;r. the $"'i
. ,. .... . -.? nroivc's tobenptdiec Wtie.-oniplet.oa o: -" ...". -u.x
t'ljrni cotnpann :n Ationa :r t 0d., rai,nii to Toxn g . At Fran-e. recently an cnJo-nc of Cleveland, and Jfcoure. of tb Taitr,!
pa.-t four month-, and the tvtnoxal of -,rt GxiNrrr t f H- -id.r-.ii Count v vi :h!r;' ""' ' Ie.p!e lca-nr enraged States, army At about the name.
the First wiitihl be -iinph to we:J..n ' j-x .V-KiV rJati Kin thrown '" :h"ir ,I,sarto"ui t not -u .tnes,ng for th comlMt Sheriff Mrliek ami a pe
the pre.-ctil force of Cenerai Mites. ' from a t:...-.o,illol.' ' .an "'l- l-I ?ht and tore the St- o.'.le?ut:., arnrei on the see. and mien
T j ... r,.1.w,.rr,1f theCu-ter "ias- :'n!rs " :ae irca' u!ieces. making .. bo-i i; k. found that tbev e armed rn.'th
.,...' . ,''i,K,r.,ii't'r,rM,.i Jv"i tin-of th debris. Tn.w:s had a deperato warrant.- : -top th- plav. the ern;: r-a-
I He I o.-.i..r... '-,".,., . . i, .,,- -acre xxa- 'U'orate.I at I r. La-.e j.oat.. ., .- ... ....
111!. I0.SM..1, titmrjol Dctlttl -:n - cx.n:!nt ut restoring order. declarex! . T and monev refondrJ. Tu
ayr that the alxive report- of the del- llx -'- -' :.age s.. crop-. ;o ,At a,. Mn,h ,w .he
rtrati-s has been read at a mcetiit.- of ! 1 tt:N" T 5;P --HedaudMx ail-UsSer.nsr r.rI alIw:M :o haTO a.:ttl
ti.e Cerin-m cnpiftli-t- and m-mrf-ic- ' ,e"1 "tt;:,,U'a ah, e at lh?- -" "-'? , ou: a: New t ,r!ean for Cuba.
iin oiiiiuii i.ipu.iii-i- .11111 '"o--, reccntlv bv an explosion m a cxill-erx-. ... . ... ... , v. ...-,. .
r tin- i .,r..?r. t,.,. .... i...i.. ..'. ....' .' -.-.r u W'." t -. t .. !.:. of a i.!v. 1 l.r ttrria! ri r.TVt I tvl'1 t- ' ..... .... ..
'in- or th- iiou...
At l!v- iir!f)i ;h'
U'HIM' IHlnilrniJ
lv la.. s,,,.,. .i... ..... .. . ..
" ; 4 II'" Z'
.'-Sth after f'trtJ
Ir-tatr-Jhe,, .' r.-,.,aI.n,rJI)MT..,".J.- Sm n-vl wa.
l.rt. r 1.MI r th.-n h. .1 . f. .. .... ,.,.,..
nator I...r-n.' t.iii .. tn. t... r n o - .tn - J
to,, ?,.. ,,... ., .. ,. tt, fi, fi.(( f .,.
-n an ! t i-ti ii, j ,.rr
-. r ,...n,
... a u.. . .
' t' I !.!: wii. tit !,, .,
u -iiitti-i. of t,
' v t fj op
ti- . i ,.t, . ,, .ijj,(.
iiij- iKjcirni-K i
Aiti a .rout h '"
.. . :i (' ti j ,i
tiif-.-.t;i tij..rt '"'
. .
it.inl :,.-, .it. -.inn.r-
,'!1 'I.
I ".n-
1'fuitit iw.fe a 1-ti n -t t;
,i. t
- .i -I utit m'1b i
it ..f. , . fi . ,tritii-1 r ! rrl f
,,.-......, ....... ...-,. ......... - - - .
t.-r the Uimt I.iimij f the nt.rti:if noiir
He IIi.ii-i. went ttto f.....t.iitt- t Tie
ivt...1.. ... the Mjn.Iri f'tri! !ii!l lhrtt.nif
on Hi !..'; AH-oiiliiue! tlfitil fOf" l"'"
tin .i n i
the .omei-ttee i-o-e. .Ml e-:llK t "
v.its In lit lor :tiu 0 fctti't n l iH-n n inai-
Tin S-tinte un not in e...ioii on jhe'J'.i!
In lie Iloite Mr. r.-n. f Ceortr a. iti-
llllltol tin- cofili-renee r, jM.rt n tin t'ill f
tfrnii the lnti'l xriiiir rai'ron.ts to pttv the
i.ii.i .r '-. t-tiif. ei.nve iiur and -nrvevtiit' !mi. A. Hie h Ii oru-iimHv j.tie.l
tie- H- -. it tip' ' i.n!v to the I'll on I'll
e !'i- -l t. -ii In tie- t ll ti" litliellited '' '""
eC- -itit iift.-.-.l to 1. 1- the I onferenec
I oiuinitt. . i(n pioi i- o'l- nr' et.-t..-i' to
ai. land kt it roitd- The reirt v.ns
--1 ' 'ft... it....... i,.n uent into "tti-
and Hishop niiimair! lias been aj.poiat.-das ,
the first An'hbishop I
It -Ti' I'Stwi rr Mxtiim -a-, .f tb Stt
prejne I'otirt, xva : niarind on til" 'S'l to
;.it., .Mnrv K. Tin akr. fClev.-Ian !. f)
T.ii: l'retieh Uavi-rnineiii on the nfter-
v.oon of the "J:td i-sited an order exj.ellm
;., ,, ,
i Hi" Orleans
..,;. ...A. f.-. .... I, ........ Tlx. I
i..o " - I.I.1..V.- i
Co.nte de Paris w is in :-.ipt ..: . .'.!- of '
- i
coiidolenee from -11 p:nt ..f tlie eotmttv.
.IciM.i: Knw xitn Lei. of lldlsboi-o. lilt
no is. was noniitin teil for I '..ngnss bv tin-
Seventh District conx. ntiim. ilet'.-nting
Hon. John It. Kdn,the n.sciit member
from that district J
Itxnitl S. H. S( SM "I III IN has been de
posed from the coi tfol of the lending Jew
ish synagogue in M. I.n. I imse h. had
abundoii.-d .Iinlais n !"
Altcil eeit.'inrit was eati-ed bv th"
manifesto of the ( otli.t of I'ans on his de
parture from Prance The newspnjier
coiitiiining the iiinnlfesto xxere selling hi
Paris in large tminb.-is. The document
made n great impress on
Oi.ivru iVi:mh:i.'.JI pt has received
from the riversi:yi- the .p.-
greeof I.I. II. IIP title wis con.eiie.l
("i:NEi:ti. Ai re nrn Stixint h:n been
removed b- Mavcr " "race ..." Ne-. York.
front tin presidetic or tin- he-ilth bo-ird.
Tin: Senate Commiti.e mi the District ot
Columbia has imariimu-!v teported in fa
vor of leicetinir tin noiuniat on of .Imues
('. Matthews, of Albattx N. Y. as ie
.order of deeds of the I'isttt. t
There xx ill b" ii minortx npoit
CiiiiisTtNr Nn s-o-;. jt is teported. is to"
marrvr. Spanish Count nam. d!.M,r.da.: election in 01 ill for P, but of, be
llepublic passed olf lt
:.t!x. Senior i-.alma 1
coda, the popular ernd'd'ite was e'ected. j
Tut: condition of Seni'"r Mortill n re- '
ported critical nt Wnshuigtou on the JTth
Tiik French Chtc ila-r f Deputies bv a
,.,... .f ".' to ''IC. x; l.'fiw.'.l in ii-.... M
lllnmitierliill abobdiit.g titVf i.ob.btv.
.ItPl.KDxXIP DtVIs late Yt.-e Pivs:deat.
,. , .... mw. . ni .. to ....
men ai ins in. mi- n, .-. .... ...i
1... .!....!tmi
i lUIIVoivill --.r 1 . '
Au. the above grot nd x..,k of the
Hatma Coal Company a 1 .at robe P.i..
M 51 S
.i...-ir....,i I..- liM tit., mil,.- .,-r.i,.
i., $-tO,iKx
UlT'tM" VX r -biv -B-.
takt over '."..iO.0Vi i Cr-
: - .V
w co ra"r',!'t' J
j Titc internal revontte col!eitionj of th
tir-t eleven months of tin pre-eut ti-cal
year aggregate Jior.iot.-ts.".. an increase of
f.ti--. -"' ever ttie -arno period hi-: year,
T"--.r- 111 viu:.-icanet woavor- of Plol-
adelphni rcvtitlv volvxd to goor - -tnke
, , ,, ,
again-: a nvluction ot one-half cent , ard
in tht. r,tVf Ul.av!nt.
Di-cxTi tn- of he i"th from IV.xtt:r. ,
!...! ...I ....1 ..:...-......... . ."......t Til...
i.ov iv..,i ...... ..ii..-. i, .in.-. 10 v".i...n 10.0-
... .
on-, report severe uaii ami xxmit :or:a
... . ... .
" ttaiian socialist leaders have t.-n
as-re-ttHl at Milan on the charge o.'
revolt. .Many rre-t-. uave neon maue in
" B.fl-rtr I.
. inxi a -. ..-
lU-tvr-.- failures for seven days ended
June -4 mini ncred: I nited i-tale-. Ie-:
f'anada, "24: total. PV2. The jirevions xeek
J the failuie- uuaibcred l.YV.
" .... i (i &- ttri: ii tri" tiki "ii i.iii" aav .- - -- --. 'vr'K'i
ut. i in M!'1 f i. i- mi tlie ntiiirx i v-i .i. i.-ii.-i.e-ii. nous.-. i in- i .i.-s ,.i tu'-'i mem iian ni uif niuiT iiN;'-"i lUf-Kun, j-iiuii-r.i ....i.-- .- .,.....-.. .....r ...... .,..--... the Ian. Ilff WTi tan i.tiiteatt ritrr titr I- 'i- '
ropratlon l)tl l..-tit IimU the ' l!"-; ..Ves nml drove oir me eeui-sioiiis,. nrotnnl the honhler hm.I went thtotiv'h his ' IintiieU . riiithin-;. i oti nc anil attl w.h.J-. . fcti, .trail, tame 'the helU In the t tt Hrr !, tl.,- . on. r.
iiuu"' ;;M,?JJn,,l,,,,Im,,,", ,"'l,m",,,, Tm:str:k.rsoi, tie I.:,J;e Shore. Ch.eago. h-unrui. As Itradh-v : half daed. In lb.- Iii m-cihI r.aiM-i the .mtv . , hv nrn. xuef -ml llj-a b8 ! ball- v..r.l tr,M.t:ra M It- -
f - exhibited ennsidenilile hittlev.ness on the shotttell !...t him agHiti in his l.tfk. nd b.l at I ert,:s j--r .iiti.t. ntid n thp tJiiid mH( A lh,, hu;Hr, bon wete ttitUotlt . It- -.
I'i:itsnAI. .M rtH.lTM'AI- in the of trains. The j.olie.- folb.we.1 u tip bv driving n buU.-t through , f 1- 'rV'1 ! '! 'I" u"1 ,. aV.?' ?'t i. dra-d in mnrnln-. tatp .t three t. f. mi'itia
Tut: I'resident ou tb- v-l s-nt t.. f..- ..! th-ir , evolved and ar h ..,. tic renter f his f-W , S;!;,!: The I.nrr.1 trill .h r. TJjr .f- " P . t.IO - I
gtes. seven more ret f pi i vat- pension ro.j. N ..,,.. w , killed. and si.U atiotherm his right mm. Those !lv,Ut ,,. ,im.-Ml'.- a.WHi.!! ! ninWi "" " "Vk r" , T.,' i' . i KIClOU
InlU. which oriKi.iated Tin: president of the In.,, .Mobb-rs- I'mot. ,..h!U,stuig h.s mx shooter. Shotuvll . ,..,. wonM ,,,. s..b,.r lf ,m,-)MM mvli- i1lr,','-"'': TiImT Th 1 lia'r. Aam-liw.-.. i -- ie-av tie.
Tin: llonian Cn:h.Iie di s- ..f ittnwa. of Atii.-nea d-ui.s that a eir.-tilar has be.-i junipe.! on n horse and tied t.. the hilN ,..;. ( i:i4 aided or mtiibed Wut.'s. t.r mj.s. ,J , , t'"t. ! ." ",' ;.nrm!W ti t tfc. i ! -l ' H-.
Hut . has been c-eated an Ap-l.l.i-h-.pne. j imiim! e.-illitig upon the J.raneh.-s of the fl. Ilradl-v. th-nnrh as full of holes as a neoner I the dnt v n. t.xed at Is cent per rcmi.d .--id ,7' ".'X' " ".." . ".' .'r . .. .. ... ... .. ... ... ....
III i-rv i. rot?i. Tirol oflicil tb(. iti-itt.ti
Pailiiiiiient ottthe"ith ; or live ol their number for m.-ompeteiicx . ' "", " .., ,.,.,.'. !b..t artie:-. not pn.xidt! f.-r sb!. pav the t t ar. ""' V' VVl Ll J'lt ..,. n.... .. ..-
I III 1111 III. Ill on l lie j l villtt btott tl oT"-U atld I 1" ale ni-o I'S ... . I . . .. t toOT-' I I Ir'd tfxx nrr. tw. . ' "
Tin: Senate Committ , Kle.-:.os has In- -trtkeis pull.,1 the c.nplmg p,s .,' M ' n ; ' thieves got nothing ; ;-"fl',,,fV "" ''ft UtH"?1 I..i..i.t -rx -...rlMi, rur "fe. N . .tne ' . t ,
... . i- . . i cats and for a tiniedehiveii treiL'h' p.'d'd It'.w.v.r i.u .in. x. i.m ...nnfc , . nine i u m.-t i.riii!ie in mate- r t. .rta-n it ir i it-.r d e.t n anr
res,dxodtor.'port rdre.s.h to nnvinves- ,'' lI -'''''''';' -'''!sh t.niu ,(r .,, .,r ,i;lin.. ,..,- as ot a d-dlar In ,,:,, ,iIiall,v :,..H ,.r . jfl llll,,llrr. '..t ',.".- - I.. ,m,lm .. ft,- . I...J. , n-. . . r.. .
ligation of the charKts ,.f bnberx i en Im: -trikin-,-coal iiiiii-i. of We: '.r- ,bl.H.lf. ,., art r,e ,anufi.. ture.1 ot t., or n U .x ,,.- wt. -'-- !!?-"! ci i II !
necti.m xnth the,tor Payne, gn.ut have declared the oir and havo , r l...:lllmd that Hamdtot, is st.relv ds m,'.....,! the ilutv halJ be at the ! "Vrl'"- If iLST'LJ t .'T. u.. .. . . r.-.- . ,, . ..
-.. - , "i i... ... . .....-, ...... oil. .. .. .t . . iiuiii"nuiriH ... ,....".. ...... - -.- nw f,n u-.i h ii. -. .- w w.-. - .....
11 . ii.- .i
, iij. b-i-'io '
'.n'.h in
I -trikfr. 'r
- t ;
,- ' '.a'-l tank
n.i-1 r-i-iiiiT.
j " ,M"" '-.'
'"'". "
I I ..,-.-"-
g a !.'- ! in tb-
t ' ' '" aitirt
. VV if.i-b fut
V .! : . ! " ' !,
' . :... 't- .
- -.1 -i-.i
- - '"' """
'y., -i.
-r ".
l '" ;r- '.- i ,
t ! ju-i
-: -ii
r-. i.i,
Tii! I'.'.'!: I ! ; !
from L:
' t'aiiln:t
w.ti rtt M'jii- i.t
e,K., toUj.iaha
?!! cut.
wu. tioai
-tire t ''-
.. It. I
. t
t-otirei.iHirenaa.i t . , , -..,:... -is wen-
.Ir..Wlie,i. j
( i.n..i:i. .utjsi' r.: -n- f..;j efk nie.!
tM1,,, .y. Hj, ,.,...,) .... ..... ... ... ' ,w,f ::r.v.
- I ""
onijmreil with the eon.-puu'iis; e-k of '
!a-:wu-. Iii.i York tneuereaMj ua-
i't iiTun!: light inc bu" o-.irr-d itetwgen
ti.e Daciuts ami rhe iJntih Innips '.n llur- ,
malt. Tlie latter lost
,en and
t en: --three ttoiitnl.'.l.
A ex.iusion pitttvlroni ' !-veIan.l. D.,
nuuiliering ahoiit :.), le.inth v: itl I-'air-
view, ttiiett a quarrel started, the ino!
stu-kiitg a 'iloo:i atidliiiitatdiiig a PoJi-h
snfi.-iiion to vote for consolidation withlhu
Knights of Labor.
Tin Hotter llarrv Wilkes attettipled t.
beat Hants time o' -J 'i'.at Toledo. ( I., ;
cej.tlv. He made tin mil" in. 17 wilhotit a
A ni-fxT. it from i.iiavina-. .Mev . mivs:
" .-.I 1.... .... I. ........... .1 I ..... I !.... I l.
o ..... .!- jus, i. ......... ... .. ...... ....
Ya-nn Indi.tns.Miaeke 1 n mit'ettniu 1 ..ade.l
j freight near Ton on t!i ,;th. killed
'two men and e.-.ptured thirty m tries. A
; ia;,.r report st.:t..-s ta.-it a Lietit-nant Colo
- .
J ,l(-i ,:iaiii. ! given) and sixteen soldiers
w. p killed bv Yiiijitis near Potam
lit iiiiiT'1 s.-it abrnail that there v.v
forty deaths daily in I'olou from yeIIo;x
feer are denied at Panama.; Morehouse of the glassworks ni
N"wark. '.. was binned L lightning r'-
e-ntly. L'.s-. ti.t-r). msurnnee. .?"..mi.
Ptti it rnd.ral iiews;apors av t!i" man-
ifesj.. b thei'onni oj Paris unmasks bin
ehaiiietr as a eoii-.pirator.
Tur great strike of the nailei". which has
! la-ted over a vear. wa- seilied at Pitl'-
j,,..n f(.,.,.ntv
, TwrNT1 in,.llf tl:i.,lt ,.nletor-on
,,.,.,.. sl ,.. ,.,,
. .1 rt ........i , ,,. ,,.,,. llf ..... Tne
men cairn umois-no.
j Tin Mig.neers of the division
of tite I'.altimore .;- )hio railway haxe
atnd- an informal deniaud for a readjust
ment of 2 mis and w ages.
, ' ,,! brnkemeiiof the Louisville, New
Tit! l.t'fl!..f!t,Ml ,,?
"rieatis a; : T.-t.-is Itiulioad otupnuv. some
' ,1,,m " uumb'T. Mruek at Yicksburg t..-
ci-ntlx on account of tin discharge of four
. AI.ITI..N ll. I'l-rnriirM.
n '-K lemau.s ..f :b,. iato.Iu.Ig.. Hav.d Da.
'"" t-rr.-.i at l . on
t he .'.it h
mi. m xtteht Puritan otits!i-;ii rho
Prisc'llji and the .MnU.inr m the race oil'
the .M.t arhti-f tts coast on l'i" .".'tii.
Ki Wittixxi. ,-i negro. xas Ix ached a;
, :-''". T iveently for attempted
,,"t.1" ' . ,,..,...
'' eonler.'iiee of the Irt-h Methndi-t
11:00 tne agn: ia-tt live imurs in
r.ti-Ii. faihnc to di-hdgv the rcl-K re-
. ;,rf-,, ""-verai
Mlicers xre killed and
. xvouinnti.
Tt:t Senate 01. th" .'th. pa-sed the bill
to 4u.e; the title-ol the set tier-on the Dot
M..,r..l f...... .. 1.-. .. .!. f "i....--..
...-....- . i.siM" its- ..'. ui.'Arv
' "trip Pavtnent cotumeaer-. ftvtweeu the
!l ati'l i'lhm'Juiv.
Pi:.inaiT..v xhs befn in all ;h large
tovxn. of Washington Territory in the local
option 'lection bv!.! re n:tx.
Kr ttt V.'i' l:xj WntTxi.rn. Bishop of
Nevada. xa r.en:lv el.-:-l assistant
Hi-h'.p of Ian-vlvariiA by tbe clenr.-tl d-1-xgato
in tbe F.pi-ropal coa"ation at Phil
adelphia. Thf lay delegate bad no: an
nounced tlrvir cho.c...
Tur ia the public debt for June
.t i.iir.ii
- - - -
revenue cat:r r'orxxarx! ba re-
lVivetI a letter from Berlin congratulatm
j.,m on the t.n:ence he deal: ou: to Mo-t
. a 101 m. -a vman living near Mar-hall
1 11L. has he-n adtadred tn-ane. Her diseaso
. uav lirou:;hl on .v .-en-at.onal literature. '
Paor. C. W. Mcui:im xxa- bot and fa
tally xvounded at Iteloit, Wis., the other j
aiortiing by a bttrglar. v t
'i . ... - - . - ,-.... ..... j ..m. .. .. , r...i., ai. ... -t . m m. .. ... ... c., ... z. t.v. i
.1. -.1 ...-- -- .,.,.--v ... ....M- --... -- -....-,- . ,..-
- 1 1. L 01:.. 1.1: .'villi, x'l .'tr. i o; . u - re
I t- -ii ti.'in'.u in 1- ' ,. Itt. ihnn.lor J irm a: C rettr tri :.- :. r.t nc ..-. ar . ".... r - 'y,.! Jur. T aiivi
Ii. .. .. m I ! itirm ar ( ru?
Mart!T:-..i;tn ami Erank Pi.hwkv w-rf
.unii: . iiin a nil rJ.i " . -..
.i:,tat;v UVl J.v bphttinR, WC
a iHli."ro.,nw.baaiv ilun 1
it furrieti ,r. .tiir rKt' l. a "ri4' The
L-.. . of I. he td a t'-rn .-tr
'!i''i .n.iii- $ bare tiu-i.-r wuv and
t - irl r. Mi.. .-! th fitt-t i hurt-a e-hlW
.ii atin.I. : - '-utttv
Mir- I.r. : a bar.l ..rkiftr otna7i. rt
' tit'x t-. . 'i;-"ii fttitb t-iii-..lni nt tit at
1 .:.! :. i'r.'ittt !:! . ?il a-:'.u
-.i,--l b. i- l.V. M.'ti!al !-f.r.ioD from
I .ui hi.-J. .u .jaeial Biif.-r-. a- j;ivi-:i a
ti -n--.
tT is ?ated tJjif (;rabd Ma-trr Workman
r...l.-rl- ha te. n inv.te! t ortte ut the
.":i:.'!ir ..f I.t...r tfl-Liat.on in Frfiu'ttt
Jul 4.
Tnr rft''ia..'ti of real and jrv.nil prop
. ttv .,f I-.-at
I ".. i .'.n 44 ;
f I'i.jl-.c" 'otmlv ! n rai4.1 1
Tb ! au in-Ma-.f of f - it! -
ii..r !"-".
ti. ...... t ..... i;ni,',.tiri!..L- llr
'" ' ih"i-ii it,.ih "' -
Ivivu.!.!-' Jioum at l'lntt- Vnt.-r. and aN.
killed two r.. ami one tlnrwu;rulrw! t.all
heloitgiti to XIr. P
ri,. ti..-.-. hi.U
north of that place
l'.I..lUnuir. a co'oreil arnbter, fl"
recMitlv itf.t and fatalh muuIl t.y ""
Thonintt Sbolwe!). atetnvin Iteeve't. nolo
rioti bog rnm-h. live mitVi from Lntwfoni.
Itraile was Ivinj iitdeop : his cot when
Shu . ell riM-ne.I ihe do-.r from lediind und
!;-.: liim in the head Tlie l.iiHe: tot e oil a
l.o. never lost eoiisciottsness and xxns -till
iiltre. Imr eoitld not r. rover The darkv
. . .
tn-eauv niau nveniv nxe i.uiiei xv..iki..
from former fchoi.ting w'nipes.
I'km vv i- sooti to have it line new opera
NrxBi V a mik of M.Iewnlk has b i laid
... M- . 1... ....
,,i ......ui..iiiiiB.
l) -iguaN have in-en pla.-ed on tin
obl(rd bridge t'.vx am jwojdo that in ero
u,g they do so at their wn p-nl. Tin
bridge i-eotisidered perf.s-'lv safe tor 4inal
. , .... .. .. XI ...... i ... I .! sfiinii. ui.iriiii.. c. ,. .."".. .v .v...... ... .,. .- -. ..-
...-..,-.--..--, -.- .
!, but a heavv mav break down
I... h.i.te.. ji' mux tfne
.lie ini.ij,.' a. an ii.m.
The Postolhre Uetmrttnenl te.i.Utlv
made the following chance in readjusting
sahiii.-. ..f iHtm-t-r-
.MiiHiri!i. raitx iru ci.r, i m.m'.
Albion. ?! Jt to s.:j.i. shhiiid. redue d
from ?I.;ot.. ?1.:a. Pe.ittn-e. rai-ed from
.'.-ji to $:. l'rownsille. redm-ed to
fourth -!:is.. In id dr. reduced front ?!.
4i : 1 :' n. Kdgar. nn-ed fr:n Sl.ioi to
SLloi. Pairlleld. -1.'!' to si.po. Palls
("i:x reduced from !. to cl..". Crtuid
lsl'ati.l rai-.d trout v.'.uii to s".iw: lb-
t ... i-tt.i I., dr...... 5t.iO to
.-- -- ------ ,p, . , - - -, --
c,-., M, ( 'ook. 1 edtl-ed from j 1 . pll to -!
i-.e. Norfolk, lai-ed tnun ?!.. L. !.'
.. ....... '.-....... Mi.,1 .1 ... ?
.xortn riai.e. .-,..r . - ,..--.. r..
.iM.. ?!... iVNeil. ?Ljri :Jli.St
Paul, ebloiito l.:.t.i. Sidii-v. t.-.i to ?!.
ill Superior. .?I.oo to ?I.K-'. Teeiiuts.-b,
reducl from M.. : fl.. W.o...
rai-.-d from I " to .-l.i'oi. Wilbur. $l."o.'
to-t-ol Y-ik -1 T"i to Vl 'l
n' 'attempt xva- aiade the other mgbt to
rob th- .af" ol the xrenvs-r of llnkota
.. .. i t
I .ll!li III.- .'..I' ,- ..- .-.-..-. ... --. ....
titfd t' Income a place of no small Im
-..t.ce in th. mar future. Less than a
n re-nletiee and n lumber vap! n the road. (
An Dtnaha dt-patch s;t"i mi: the
op. 1 trial of Thomas i'ullap! f.-r the in tr
der of lienrv Yoi-jorten. reMilte.1 in a r.r
diet of murder in th" -"conl degree, the
,-lioxx ntt: .n inn :e.; acreage, an't tne torn '
xx ill pot v:r'! to ejce.ii :n or :xx-Jra
bti-bels per acre da:, are still xvora.
though the acreage 1. ,, m; ei;a! to ;Ir a;
OI lat xer Kirnw.x. put in lat. and m
... -. .... . .
". ' v...- i-- .uou. .uor ..
l weens areaxrayanee.d lh corre-poi.i-
en:, le.wever. a.iuittte.1 that ib weatliT
xva to com. nd a few waefcs
would -how a marvelous improTcmrnt-
KrxrvFT will invet in tn;.?rwork.
T .tfcouand peop asesnb'rl st I -r-fee'.
park. L:n-oln. Snn.lar. :hr "Jith, in
- :tne-,s tl.e sword cont; it.u
th" noted ail-round athlete. Inncan C Ra-
x--- the r ult of the effort of the Law and
Crrtler Lt-gtie. aa-i was th Srt tep hv
tlat orgimzatioa toward ipmg iieTio-
latiou of Snudar law.
Cot..: xrsr- et-e,:
to have her atr
xvorV- :n ojvrat'onby Ortot r 1
M.t. I'.- .r. the rio:tr of Tr-a-xire
P.oct-. of Iinc-t-rCottn:. rmiiat::-iS ai
cut at Cortland tb otbr night.
f i;r -otn- time b--n ta-sne. aai
She hxc
trsei :
ontwn her-rii i-s-tore ae e-eap- :-Mts
the hoa.e of br o on night aai xa aoi
tn: e-i until aTt x-ha a -areh
xra- m-titated and her t"-!y fiarad ir. .. ra
ttir with h-r throat rat A Ixrge bctrb-r
knife by the r-lv lobi tb -nd -torv.
Fravk H HxZLtrr. wfao t:irp-i! nnt
from Yaleatiae xxtth :ke wife aa-1 chihl of
Joha A Bergtron, wa arre-t.-i ia Sioax
.- . .t 1
wit ;n kit.
The tiri. town oa the Lincoln vraeh of
the Elkhorn Valiev road b-rorel Frema:
: nnieil Cedar BlntT-.
riou'ha"olhere wasin.t a biiildljig in ?.. "...i xbi.m-. i i,.- . ......- ... i.r.rr of ... ). ...! n
-ti N,,w :he.wa! paper leasts that 'he lo II'VMtt t-li am mot J-.tif. i elu.'.mit t.lWinn W - rmt.t anttl th
" , ,i ..I. ,.l L. .ener-ils'o-e t ne ' f '" t W e lll.U il. f .M.S !! ft If.', II- tl,r rm. .'. rMfin,
tow,, has a line h-tel. o- .e. ra! s.o ... cne n ,, w.-fc rh ,
h'lidware one drug -ton, txxo black-m :b . . " . r to tk..iii.ijt.ih xi - t m m-. mt
ii.u.iwai.. ... .,..,,... -ndtbea.lia.i.t-trat.x.' lll. h.r,,r .nrrr Mr, ! sd
-hops. o,,o hvcrx bnrrt. on- printing oil! . i J ... ,. ,. ,.. f
. . . , . . I
tri !.- ::t rx.t nir ..w-. .iff a- -w
r.atii.I It. i.t I' -, f r-.--. --t . ' :
....-.. - -. -.
" ' ': ' " w-v '' '
. ".,''","a' v' l5'a "
f-u;.r rl.
M ! r t t. c. i r- a. ; . . '.
tit: t'.'tkt .:'. i ivi.t i-r ,yMi!..i i. r-
S,, i. .! ai-i wife j-4 '. .. rent t s
4.'!iit. iron .r J.-s t-.ue- r iU-f a-it
j- -f. I . it per !- i.d: to'.' .! tioti. I mt
j-f .....! . ie i .i i c it It. -31 f sr
!,!?, 1 SVtt pf I.'.... I: fill .S ! r .
- .. J-f lrtlie. !(V, r r.tlitd. '1 t t"-i '
.-: j ni. ut. rl. 1 . re:,;- it it i i.
I. :'.;.:. r .' i.e-al. t . n tie. ". t--.'
r;.'. .!-! ..!.:. -i: . r-.H tide . itl. tt.
' in '. Uf..t f..S C'liij-. tNi of e--:tifi.
!! . -I:t. 4il l.n-tn ". ..!!i U i .i', t-r il
j.'H.p. tr . '. pT -. a1 .u !r:.. .
,li e. li!.l.'..le:ie. tr Its'., !.;-, . tf . It. .
rUtt.ll-.'. IH.IIIJ" N l of i-ot!litl til". !! :t"t!
i.::iii- and t.itnlr.err.i tt. 4- iff -rt.. ad
a!.-iiut. ItseL.U rH.t:u.i t"t i." ! iti
;4nt::tl revenue t,iiu.!i .i t.!'j of vr't
.i vt'r :..u and ait U fe-vtt o: t., it a .
. i..i t'iint.i hv fantirr t-nd .to.i"-et
-,ft..i lb-Mar ! i...t It j. v' it !uHhii'
-...--.. '
or t tl.e fu.i au.o.-.nt f tar pa:d
tliH-i .1 n it-vr (.i-ii ne.u n
i . . ..- ...... . ... .i ..
uianuiBPitiiei- r ifeaiei-. ai :-mne i..r jr
piaJ roe.-, n. tot-:rf. It a!. jru I. tra
and after the i:e nf Uai at. ihe Hiini
f jfttr Olit &'m llf It ftf.i a fkil tt H f r-f
,.r , ,..,.. i.." I n.t.r the i,..:
i ,,,..,,... ,. ........ . . -. . .... .
; id iii-.. l'k irtKMl- atnt Ira' Iter KloVi tf'e
! t.!flLra.-e. ulf ie,.:i,ii-t,dat. ns of A
i j,,ul .erret:t I a rrbotl in h IctUr t
Jm. j j, pm'n t u.e ( ba riuan of lUe (ou.
j iiiittiv oil W.n and Mean.
, in jH-r rent ad nloreni. W .n.s on the sktt
a: -atiif tativi ,-s other oo . uo.rn rag-.
, )..,l.l- n.iio.rit tt .? ott.f fftaa. . Ill a'-faffc
, -"- -- --- ' .
Pi pountl. Uimli'iim Vt.istrtt i-:i.?n aim
Ui.ei......r:ate.! inanuTarttilrs of ..!. .alu-
edatliotexcemg .Veents a pi.tilM!. -0
.......... .M...t..i ,..,. i r-. .-..( ut t!..r...- t..w
, .. r0 ,.,.,,, t, M, ri.,,. ..-, W.N ".,
i .- i " - - - - " --- - -- .
I '
i ,.. .,,1 . ,,.,.,,, . 4iii .n lentH ... eeli'.'x
a,. ... r,.,..H ,,.i .a'teiii Plant..-. s I. lank, is
b.its. I a.imra'-. nin. kn;t c.-:-.
v.lmdj or m patt of wool, and all maim
fwrtures ut alt.n-.i utM.N and of titu Wtwdn
td other aninn!-tot sj..ttie.:i eniiiner'tltil.
.1ilUl ai .." C'-Ilis, in .s ji iiii
, .... . .... .. '.. .... ...
..... ... ... . . . 1 ...
'? I r mmmi ueiwe.-u . rnii iiou ..
cent. pet pi u ud, IJ rent; Utwr.-n 4o
...... ic !i...t '.l . ...,ts is f...i.t- li.-fM,n t',ft
v ... -,..- ftlwi u t...
tn.:i nt.on ail i hi. n?ive mount art :. ""
.., ,.,.!. ad a.oteiu. . omen and rh It-
fli.-ns ttre-. gtMls. i-oa. limin; ni.d cood- ol
n.e ileinpi.on etiti4.ed m i-art .f wind
, m .niinial Pair, not .'Meeding :0 ril a
ard i:i a!ne, ' criit- per riiare ail &ihI
'!. cents ad xa'orem. h... -.-o rent.. Tn nt
R''' l' 'en ad .aloien. ; whd'. of won"..:
anim.i! b.ur of a rnixliiti' of them, t cent
....! tti ...... t u.l - .. a I " tit.,. talc
: " ' L "" ' "-- ' .....-.
marie, and wearing am ate! pxe.i.t knit
-iM-ri- mil eniiiiictateil. ioih; wl.olvo:
i in t-jir: i f uo. 1 it :i ln.ll li.i.r. ami wlmll .
'---. ........
;i. tu ,iatJ mat,f, 4.1 rei I tH-r jowid
,, r, (n.s (t ,aiiMrm. Math!-. M-'tr.
r'tib ot ?.jiiai'. .V cent-; j--i t-rf.
,-, , n-d. innible. s.iw.s.1, ,Jree .( o!tier.lve.
-ndrng bds and n.e. M ,-r e.c. e to..:.
..ilr. in aragr. iie-nt" p-r 100 pound.
Mid in bul. I cent per P0 itllHii
I be b II prop,.-,- to a.nrnd exiling t.rdf
iaWH ' ' -l", "f nrliofi '.MW. re.e.I
la;td'. ami Mi'' f'.iiir jn xitPne
biglnM rat if Lie aficSr wrp.
mmr -! b... v of th- cm-ione.-: mate-
1 llllll.le.l llmtM.
I"asa Pjix, Mo-. June tJ. A
lexv before eU-xen oVlwk .s-tutilax
nigl.i the int u:i os !lie ciura. w tij ut
he and ncot.t:-i ted Srcrwi Utet
... .fti". BU1.M1- UirM tarre rr 1 uu ria.
r-oiiv.eil at tire nre-enl
t trrw. of ewurt.
j . .1
... .. .. .... ... ... t. '
jjo Tl-r w.. pis i.-v...- -
-...UrB'iifv. it ci !.uu-l in frrw. aiet
..." -..--
, tt,eai tore tUmt tt.eir c a., if
m9,w rn women .:- pai.c,. j ,-
, ,-. Ji . t.e el were r'-orea
-x-'ii-ti. Jio X.-lte:i-y ami Ai. .xj.oer.
I,, v..-ie -'i.'ri ' : a term f en x-ar.
Ir..i t.t.a'ril t.'e ptower$ te:e ioi tkiy
... . m ' .- .I.. 'e. . . ..... ff..,..... .. TUCie III iPRl",. trmw w-. ...-.-- .n
-! ..pp- -"! t
ll Ut-,. m d
1 .:!' : the
- r-a and
; . :n town
. . I '.I .-I 3
.n n;
: t -it
- A ' trl'm i:
i rrx. i' V
f rjro a t ' Vv- "
i. .: ' 'i
.'. .A
a:. A
tr.:-. ei
;.. t..p ' ctl
1 h. r. : . nasi
!o . xjfi
a,'- tt ' aa
do c. . ,- "M
s. T
f -'
-. . .
d2 A 1
.:. wijh
. xhfe- rter
'- imek u.n !
.-- and at-
'e winb.w
at length
h a.- wrnr.
forth U-
S mniiii.
wtcrr - .-
f-tiel t) .
Hrnl t he .
' nl fotmd t :
T he do: - .
.fc hou-. j-
I; ha.- J :
rJv ctfm.-'rr:-.
-. 1 . .
t -.'-I the de,r
- "a- 041 iir-e
, . !.,
VM fifir,
. -
t :.- .-M Ja-
a.,ne OOttlT. N.
'X-: tw rrv
. i.. aaxe 'ii..i
1 1 ...
l-cea -.-: m . f
ntae-bal: of ; I'.l
.titrrrred lto
uC'jSt j!ai!"0
r - "
'llfi.. jvWtVj?.
trracrt. for lUc I awrrcfl Tfc I'st'-
&tt.?-Irtef ll.sMt.i)l i U
ut tar I iv - l.
Pt. . VtN. t ' I" , J: -In:
. lAi, if i 'k'
is . .' 4' .1 ! fi i . '; r, i t
U.r:tU. Iff'Si II " He ! o!
.T.l.'r - i
t a .-. ''
,,s a
ti.e.ii :'cl for urn- t "' - '
;( i -: ..f M.i ' ' --, " ' '' '-'
er.-,: !.. an.! a '' " ' H .-. -suf
V t- ti 'U I n'tt 1 :;!. "mil
a . t el : '. r"i ni'.t '
ariie,! ..iut-tfi:tt and . z 'n r.e
t.i Ik. pin-'i. "Ut he jtt r 1 1 ... .
to a tf?e o fcto'.r tnl r :n '
fhr in the min.ii; Ur raHied a lit
tnikeil fbrillf. Il!:-4th w.'
le ami quirt tito! he pan-ed anat - '.'
)n U strep. The present at b !
;,lr nrre Ins ul!, hi aott. .. t
1 k . , . -.l . f, . Ii la at . t
r. M
. " ..V '.,... ,.'.
rn i n.i rivii-, . .
.. ..t t,..iir Sistiic h i nl a.u'i-
j,.r N)li5. All. e Ila !: bi- nie. ., Mi.
i,rrr,.,,oiit. ,.f thu a: bi cout. J..', ,
vlk. r ! thl rltt : hi ftn-n.l. VI r. 1 r i .
t1 irtre of Wa-bln-ton. and t L'e
I.o'.ert T. I.hi'olit. Judge T'. Drttm.
Hioii.l ol the liuf.d .Satr fourt, t -
it..., t,..r.. ur..l,. of I .e
7"' ' ";" , ,, , .
' '', f-" l 'rt C , ,,": J"'"
.'"" M. .S...JI. f the IMl
Suprme JUinh: Hon. A I. ?.-
t.bitis..ii. 1'Ii-t Aitant J.iatrnri
, . .....Tit. ,... r n f l.l.J..... I.H.I
x.ei.r.u. i. ..".. .. .... '-
tie- man ami "l an ol I f thr
... ,....
Judge: II..t. t. II Moore. .. timton,
HP; l'"' 'il K It. Latham, f .inr...'ll.
PI , and Iloti. J-e U pelt, o( .N'ofteal.
III., hi lifelong mend: eseatr
l..A..r. .1. I S....K..I ..z llblimil. aiwi.l mv..
..- . ' .'.. . - . -
t.....i . ii.... l..n 1. o... !..!
......... .. .. --:"-';""-"
J.ttinun Burr. l tbi eitjr, an.l Frank U.
I irtnr of tV.lshltl't.n. 1 iht Will r
n,ti.t;f M!M ants ami Ihr f maiI, :
TI.e I.hI mil be in atVe a Pi !e-f ?
home on ud I m -d.i "t
pnlge lea an rtate .iu l ." !.
w o. nearly all big in lan.l Tr!."
.f . ouilob lire ,.xe r. n rerrl..t lr.a nt ntnt .ill oxrr tb ...nn'ri
The s nu Ii n-'tti out '. rn-
t.u,f and .1. tot' d w.iti bin.', but Ik n. up
s. .nir !ix hern added t.. t
n,t of !',).? luxdid a boi.raiif p ..-
s.tN .rwi( t
,,,, rjn.f.w, .,, . reM tt
jt .... i:,.,. it rc . ! ! "d... .t. I
ut tur .riin m'fV It. . and !..
oo'VmCr'TiM- n i' to.;,.' ,
., r ,,r.,..Bnii....r ef m'wt,-. in. .-
...,nu-. tn.l . l-w.rif .d.a it -.
J;- -'n. ::.,Tr;";":.t M.' x'. , ";
,m lt,..ol,..rt tanl X MB'!..-.., H X-
... i it i..tie t mi f
Jj-n". j lla. m Un' . :if.
.t,,.txtn.- mi r"P'-" ' ' - r'Z!?Lr":i
toftllfM. !!! .r .eer.1r.t t, trl t
il-, "T Mr Jea V 'lt Mr
tiM.k j..-.rn of Mt 1 i ifti , fr d."f
f t '' "' 'M
slwret riff ar ' Jot.-. ViqbMHr
,hl iin.i . Mr tii er.ta 1 1 is a
""T ..- "- - ' a ''7
. k, tiini tnri.i'' w w tw "
tstatae n -b'-H eafiavrtv "
reif Mtr tn ' frl "t 'ilx t
. . . . . , . . . j. f . . . 1. . .&... I .
nri r ae.." 1 enri n I . t -f'.rare
'rf lKr t. '
ra aJ t th: um- a . - f
t.-tcjil lmpft-' fc'"
In tf? t" rtwtr-l a -'r "
c; - .
rhevat) !'. p".p '.'' "i' 1 t -
h Jt t o fl .,-. 1 M' !.-' ' '
hr tt l.-irta toni'i.
"Mr Ia ". - '. 4!3-'-
t'o ltiWi rrt-'t
Wrrf ' a f-rtf to
e h- I roBJBtH '.
Jf I rsffn. ?--'n"1 1
. ,.-t'.- h rjsoB: I
ir ' tnr.-sjf t -
t ". - r .
l-t -" . ITif.Bt s4tN''
i .
-, TaH. .- -
mt- - -
r- -I
t .v '.
t, 1 Ft ' "
-',ii 1 -fci.i ai" -' '-
;n.4 lvtllteili" -!--.-!
Hi rtfi- Wf t ITed ir h '"
tin bo Tji-er J tt i "
tat fcr tyrm-f taraP- ' :-
-.a-s:asriaB"f,"e4 h 1 1 a -
!-. .! J ! ti tt
txt I lrl4pBt t -- t - r
tt - -auAXear "t t&r .iai,r. r '-
-.1tt " lx" TH ..-.
tti.rtii : lat r iwnwfsptwi
bx'1 Baiinaac-ar-ex. " "- t t. Ix
f jar; J.. ta w ?.- -
-. 3 fc . - un. ! t ". MMa la
i If..-'-. . - .. . '.
( :u "prr .-. . .-.-
'- tv- Itn
t J - B
-..-... r - . . ., ,.
-..- if rr lTBJ l"" "- -' T
. t
o r"
- y.A- t l -?" . fc
.. . . ,.- t s. : tx a.
1 Xaaaa'-itr x-"-..-! .t-r-t.r-ji ! ""
.. w . , Trt.- 1 -hrr ta
Mocaii 1: - . jr t-t.n tavirva-fc-
. .4te IU.'.- '
I . 41 .1 .1 . ...
"- ..--.i .. ,. rn
' f- -t xjm: -4Tn --- 1 a iTX.
I nnanoi; lortn. awvl " l .'.' ;"
.r..r-rt-.t .-. H- 4 x"T -'a:
adOrv.. .t e-rttrMitri..t.,,;.i4 ;ien.
-rr .u:
ia a ar . i!l.Mu.! .. ....
. . . r - --w v .
'...-li:.J uiwr.i 1JU. w rt mtsrv
ii innimnni to . i..i iku. .
! -'14 4r--''-- ---. t PT ,..
:rira4. Its n a ..ric.-'ar-T J.vt ..,
t n.? 'f ve.t4Ttkf
K .... rr,
ft . r?e 1 ai!i" " '
34r : -
t.. i - v
: i
1 . .
! i r
'tl ' ! I
. .: i . --
... I. ! i '
. I. to :. -
. t - t
t - . , I
t 11 I ! . t. . '
. r s f . ? t -
i. ,' i :
i X ). t a r ' " "
. e.- ! 1 1 VV I . .'
I Ml. .. t . i' ' '
r i i ' i "to . ' !
D.Hii.if tUr "U lt . lair iw to
man natur-t tinlrr IUh .
kt;r.l iv at T"t r t
bi-uam'l and a in' r t '
r .' f t ,s
! i . ' ! i . "
ii ii- g '
. ' (' r k -lotX.. '
!,. t- ! i . r,4 I. - "
'. . I '
m. Urf
.'.f J '
i. l. W . I
.1 .:
:ir f :
: it . 1 1
.. t n . n
: I. i . i
. d r
1 . I
' i' .
.' ;
; . w t
r i. . t
! I It. !!.
. e. ,.
f e. !
i i.i I
x r ii ..
t M t.
' a '
. ll .. I i
it t
, I. ,
t M
' t ,
et-i. .1 r
ii. t -
e '.. .
t' .' '
I .r
i a .! -.1
I .f m
. r !'..'
.J t t
ll! .11
. .
lt I
1. .
1r .
It i '
rl.t. .
. i.. ,
I t ! ! -i
t ll .1 II I I
II v
rx ii
, and t
m hlmrlt .
.ui ' orltie. nbrrr be
jnt . tig it".i T-'o- 1
ei' : ion of i' rrt m
- ; 'I h t !- to thf-
in.. ... about i if ir is
pWr,r. i -
and !". of ' r
, f.l'.t i! wa.i. t II
tafo.ii '. At
tin. Mt . pr ' '
t.jrf n it. a f'in "
rt- . a l ;h a .
t I
i..rt.) Inr .itrr titnrrt ltr t
hop .j rrqrltm tbr rea4fJ or. (..
ki rai'if herra! H'.triB an.1 f.r
li,iiiM-B !. he -! Mi hint t'
en k llr la ft well-srrBii. jp.:
n 2 in. oi auTiT .U'ln, .ni t.
r..f ' r hi atft. rMssM. ..r
!r 'aj-ll. IV!alt, mmm a, .
pd -oiM-awo! b th cec
11'- a -4y tn tA, aiu---
,-.. tari'.:t Itvath m .
'n 11. ,e. - ., -, ,, h,;-
. j,..
P It .
. 1-
T (lUl .
.3 ' '
,tr -
HT fi- I. W .J !'r-:
- J jar. a-drajjam a
Kkjch ca :.: r-e7
t jj. raasi;
al aat -ar-aaa, . f aAl
j --r . . r. a.
-.. W w. A. .
am a !:- j - t
th LrJ ai-Jat .-r ' ' f . . ,
bv" 'j aBrth-tt M
s '.rat th p-"?- " '- - , :
t, ,- mirmamy f'r"
tarii-'j reTa irci -
- . . .. . . .
,. .
,w -- K kl
.. .-
xx 5 rc . rf
. ta.e.
"- W-ea
k BiB-tUa 1
v.- rettBi fcrw r -fl1' '"' "
r '
'.-i. .
-.f. S . j