E&eKa WrlrTAjyE-'V . I ' I lllllli W4' i' I illllllBI i ' i i i teaOHiiLHTSrH&W wmmmzzmz?mnmmmmmi-v aMMMiixaisi!s.y-? "HUI'fr'i ' 1 1 1, cAi3gwwm?xm ML i 'h I 'Hi I, j PlI'iWIIWPPHIIPIMi'1 IPW" I I jfit&S" cJTflSt -s? "ki. jj 1 V s - A M In tin- iiiiil-t if tlif i.innil' ?.,. iv THE BED CLOUD CHIEF.' maw ...,.,,..., ,.,. COLLEGIATE JOUTNALIb TS. vv.i.-n i .t h.i.. -: n.gf. .. C. HOSMER, Publisher. IIYA) CLOUD. - - NKHRASKA. CONVINCED. " Now fi mo. f.i.ir'"t. -ituili !nr truth I -oiiK-tuiM". l.-.ir yoi; niiiy !mv kilo-.va In txivli'uxl r jour ai ln-t vouth. ."tnothci mrt you ni'i!) i v our own. " r.rniv tie- If I -.-ixi to ln;.-. I'nHU perfect faith -that Is not !J. H1 Wfi!-!T ll. rhiiji-. on e..jr ioy.ij. a liftl' b.t." U-:hoi.;'Jit ol Km-. lio-e brilliant mill.. MM". lHV. lit lllc 111 klx-IM'-t t: il" Ihouili ol Maial. w i.d-c imirti.til line1 l lit" 1 It .1" j.--t. .2 Mi V..-.I. !! t.im.i..t o! 1.II11-. V'"S.i and 1-iio, .. J1 k'""'" Msiv sin 1 -aiiey .S.iii, .Ai! 'let. Il'-do. II- Jul IT- ll.l. Aij'l icon-l Ii uii.'l it triiiiittil ni&n. With .t.n--l nr :tnl mournful r Ii" u,i tiirnl iiwii) i.i Iji-.iiI, It -n i think ' -i,- Ji.-..J him "'4h. '. " if no I l'.n i sin- -ul - .J l:ttt-j". nt .'iff'. "I'll lend :ji daughter." -1h' B'lM. A iiiiiriiiur of -.tirjiri-. wont through in.,.:.i.i - s,.. .,,.,. i..r thr rtitii.-r. - u!1' !' I,;b "in!Ms,'"! '-' rii.it-'rf-hooN r .i'inrii..iUtii. ' frtiMori after d.'t .?e n K-n ! a Tin jrojM,;i.,:i of Mr. ("bar., s K. ; N ' York has an olai-Lil -t.-nogr.i: '. r. tin- rank-. For ib-s- to proH'cr Iht i Field, .-i lor of im !!(i!iflT w- I 'vh i- paid :!.. a year, w . . daiight T w a-a co;,n.-.,-.j.,n of jiairiut-!T'f-'Vr.,i.V, that our coi!eg. - .stab- ' amount In u-tial.v doubt- by ni.K.iig i-m not to ignored, nur lo 1j -iihi- i It-h :t -jH-'-i.il cnrp of in;ru-t:i in hm-j1 r'-itcn ati ira;iMr.pt- !-r n.- J. itJii-r; :i:ul t.Ji vhol nriny bowed i I"fiT:ii:in!Iy thi- n-:n:irkan!i l:un-, -oon ; - it ;wXimJ ii;mii lv all lh-1 an. if the tifrir ("uri. ram- a!-.. .: I :iiii-an :i )ink-anrl-avtiit -nat- urf. n-joii-iii in thr naiuc of J).tiy journalism i a tmI otio. anl w- tru-t ;TitpI ji3ru-. Mr. .Iami K. M .:i la. hs jit-r annum from hUeourt rk, i TK i . w uf. , full or ruN. iixii'.rTitii- in the PiiiNi .";al : fur . thcr ar many ihin bih ar- 4-n- ( tran-rniitiims ad th sal-of lii- .-. Ann. ;rrj:i-ou!y roln-ii in ,jf; tarlatan. I lia! to th- i-iuinn:tt of a lir-i-rato j Mr. .Mumiii. by t ho way. take- ... n-al -ho- ami --toi-kiii. ami orna- j jonrnaii-t. ami .vhi-h ran with clilli. nitv u-rv . He ti-1t T maki'- i-tm-iit-i suitaMr to h-r rank, but lioi;-. he aiiitiiri'il ot:L-iJ of a lhortiwri aiitl , own traiiM-ript.- but ha u comi!' '. or'l jn'fiiliarJy in th wristc-n jilaanl J t-jec-ial cur-c ol -itidv. j Cori of a"itafH. who ran r'ul t. whirli v, .-. jiinniMi -i2j.jiiruoh upon- Om;of th- iii-ilTta. for ani:l ! not-s r-xuy. Thu- h- p-jmr!l t mJ rT-l-in; " liiunt. Mu H-fPa ,f'M , t . t, ltMj.m-. tuc u , Tu:i . . - ..- - I. !-..,. . : UIib -. m AiSt " nr. " -" S - . v i tie Ka 1 .!.. V bt i : 7 IL-t f tw .-- -" ,rr iciH W s - 6" her breast. It r.til: 'Tin- mv iJar'ht'T, i.jv" nT l l tiiisli trr. I.Ol" llT I l " Li' tOrgrlal. ! '.MtilOllt vhieii no nr-in eau fairl j jire-uaie to rail hiin-'If a jounml;-:. i I papT. I'.t-ii-her trial alone for a .NV?v 'i A . Toor little mamma! II hae for ii th- ail fate of her I !'"1' niiiiib-r of u-onl- to pr- th fa-nlty. to -p-ak of it by no higher! OninWe of oilirial po-ition1 law r f -he eonlil l'". of makinj; ti-" of th? i:r--ati porting i the amt lurrattve brxm h f the .-hort-haml profe-ion. ami th re i I ilain'hier. .-he woiilil nver. cii-n for i lJ' ''"-11 p""-ib!- ipi.n;itv of iilea: anJ mor of thit xrt of .ork done thxn : ! .h-bani;--Ajiaike:y ii'ro. have oil-red I 4",! ' -"'" a '.--.. a- Mr. IVld siijc- eominonh -uppod. The "li'-li- 1 h-r a.-a loan. The proe.-, of utu.ch- I ""' ''" """"''! ' 'y on- of mir toned Iau;.or fre.pi..mly de-tre -pe.- i V' wr. .ii.MUirs FOL'irni. A Story Thut Will Intoroat Our j 1 in- tiii- ih.irmin- darnel Jo .limbo'- , '"'-K'-. " - w t- hop:ii liiai tin-; isi r-port-oi ea-e, maUe out ir un m- urarn-h o! m-tnu-tjon -hall con-tume the A I'Catid eoiurol:in; motive of the c-urrieitliiiii. A in ordinary person. Ti-' ran oa ini" to f-tr-t ami it Aroufd trie "l.iiiliv, untjl lit 1" i liven who ri!IM utfnn, t-rtr .iculrniiii'n iw kirV.-! 'i i t-' tkf l- . - I -. '!, Kr.a 14 th' tofrtB r..rth n'Ju i FaJstrrHc.: B: t r. 1 '4f.h ' ' ' rhtrrtx en t,j ;. tt ta.?f ot caC !... .1 . -4 ...l k T lulf tertur ? S dean 4 ? P- And th nlhwMt v I . i-r k. la hlAf IWWK' -rr MA. -J-liJitT i' m .TV1W? iM1' m1i ifcr iWr ,od-W gTSJrrlT. , .tht m - Iirtr. Iw Wd frpi? W "',if Alicr s-MrM-" b.tek v.a- attend'-il with no little trotibb- Vouut; Ito.iiiero. Thi- ;rin-aiid-ei.jrkT --;i-on re-initid- in - u Jiniiio .md tlie funn. tinii-Ih- 1i:i3 - m- tt,-jiK -:ir- ajfo. .liinbo Ha-lojr that la-d '.ilh liitl" lilm ll-" jriajnllaTlier l'rtm the da;. In- was and lo of time. A- miirht have I I b-.-n e.pi'et'd. .limbo demurred. o I did the d:uii-ej- mamma the latter ti -j-:etj iiiaj lift ... Jiian -even d:aul- hoiild bind hr darling to the horse piile unlearned, in ny write euiiri-.-h. -elv . and -a ill !. big paj. for tin; work. .Ninic 5iw r--porter- m N- work make a- high a- i'.h, and 7. J" a. vear. and a few ol ih m r Ihr e are the peron- the man wotm-n. too. .ame inideiho work for theia-eie-. The d and snv. for in.tanee. thai died:" but to put lh i the former preferring that there -fiould '""li ' journal. -ti- huigtiage. amt t hided ietim. i ho are employed b the be mute, i'.tu :t." f.-tt wa- ae one aititounee mat "iiir unionuue inniMU- -leuograpnie otirau. ai iattj -ai- idi-heii. The proee-ion forim d and ,,:t' i'-'-'d from the nuilim- of the t aris to do ht"er bu-me-v the bu- moeJ Taijv tit around the hou . know able and entered the dark and ! n-ati ha.-. tn hand, do a hanl r.r. a- It avai a beatttiiu! da v. The mih ,"M-, J-ta- of the ltnd be.id ili ! ;hir more imlej-.-nden'- brolher. Jut dioue brigh'U: the skv -erawed U- r,,,':;t'ft-' gf-t'e." require, .-it her a high i she bureau ivnp the proliti of the.r .1 . II a farjl..r .if a f a... ! int.. Iir'i.ii... . . i .. !.... a I ai.v I 1..... liiiiStKii. ... ..I 'akltPa' M h'ttl a f a . - r I f 1r(l!llr Till IN Ijlltl" 1 I'll tl 111 'it fat tli. --.. 41 4 Mil .m J.t. J! ." -" tl-,l.'. .if "..' . .111 ai' , 'Wl ."..I" . oni till li-died lie wa, a beautiful ,-'" '", "'" "" 01 in ,,...'! ,. " , ,, ... , ,- i , i Ila- Had it n. i bei-n for i!n- horn-, alio can-ful training in totirunlwii I gieat cotieiiieiir to the publie. t-im-e i-muure -biaek mid -hiuv. :i- ihotigh '" ""' ,l ,,"i " u 1,,r " "' ,,, J, '.. r , t. a.. a . .. A I. I Il.i.. .. .. a.a a...- ..!.... ta...lt...j t a . . m. I.u- &... ... ..af..W.a fla . A .a .. a... I '. .. ami lorpeijin Iliat the arillV !roll"'Ilt '- ill': null; ihiji-i iu.un-11 uiir hb-s iiiii iu nixiitu iu- m.iiui'.i i "" i-i . .- . ... o i ; ' . ' Vr -' t . ' ,,r. hft.l .Jj, JRT. h C C tlu. ft f Writ. I !,. or hot 6a-r. or -' K- SnCXrf um jj,,,, v. , We rr w Kirth unft,t !tuti sw" oa.v far ft i" J? Ir' i.tf-ho th !.. -bo tvt ! tl. ' kt "' l .mUKaH t"Mfirirt rAW ! .in.7 -" ..-. i. . : ik MrV . " """ I ' tl iwa (-! V.i ' -".'!-!. r..h!-r :t -" ; . , .. k.,, ... i. i: to .! -fet " " l- " . .. . .. . . k.( .1h k. ' t.Snh ' ,T"rt .firn l.r mu ' P " ' !... hl iooV..! d ' " o! whi, h th? . . I " - '' '! dL- ' ,.. 'v-' it- Th- .- ' R'l " at 1 aal-Ik 1.1. tl. nlht , . V .,-, w ' Mn: Joti ha- joini n I tSr- tuf Uu'. " i.-. la jul iii? jf tiiif F u'lhii i.. I... . v ,. !l...r I...- ,lt 1. H.5 "ti,,... '"I---HK torth. .limbo might hai-I u ! v'i,l'U M,,,l ','1 ow.ook.-d. I he on- of them whatea-e or what work ' ' " r t , ,. . -it.- . , i i; a dI-i ig. joo, im ai mit nine . i . i . .1 .,.--. .,.. mr . . .. .. k . ... . . 7 . . a ei-v h it. ti'. do'- for l)ii- Ann"- ,!,,,5,'nt 'bould be taught thut the m-ar he want-done and at the stated hour Ho mt.i. .".u U..rn tUm ..,. In- w iiiih a l.abv. and even a pop. i lJ "-'i'l'.' ""- M,r '-" ;UI" , , , . . . i.ut!iv ,, , -" , .. . !.' v.i-iv liuniil.-.'i eotton "tJl'iir- i.. .. . i inlgar. v. hue the ivm'.!- i-, tie e a ne.ith print. -.1 tiM-wnter e i it " ; gun eotild - ".in hint out of hi- U. ' ii.il mi -i .o.ion .tiiatir . .i i , . . -' - The ,,,cpMn , .,trif.ie arilt ,u--it . , , , v.ei.'bt wi- bin i. -1 f.-iili.-r mm hi, '-nee ol gootl tat ami that i-oti,.-; pla.-ed m hi-h.uid-. nut th. v an-de- it ajnge thai lie w a--tart led v.h-n P'"-"1 " '",l 1 a " "", "n " . ,t ,7 i . . -. . ., ," i that imd- . . , .M. .loU- tt...- i... :,... .7.. i .i. .i I..I. irk. mid .limbo iva. in. lined to f.,l !" !" ' bome.y wo.d I eid.-dh ii.ugh ..u !h. ir . mpl -. ho ...5 .,.......'.... .7 . .. . II. Illl.ll4 1l.a..4il. I ll td that hero ? davbrak. hu-tling I'.ltie I.Vi-s otit of l.d in :i jefl. and .limbo. Loo, Iroiti hi. i-i.eeM bo coiifh at the Mile. (tramipa -aid perhajis .limbo had been warned, that the night IWoiv In had wen a great (-..mjian. of dogs at the gat.:, and that .tin uf them looked wise ."lioUgi to i-a-. . "TiHimntB a iiioii-'er will eome. 1 Ii v. ill lire gui s anJ er.iekr- .ver-wln-jie Tin:.- tv ill b lire ami -moke, mid not-.-- h:ib-iti- . hear. We adis' t.u, itieperiein-."d .limbo, to scamper on I ot laerttv a- J.isl a- oii can he had ",o,, net.-r iiseii win-ret, t-r ant are umierpaio a:it ov. rwori-e.i. CRIMINAL NEVS. .. I. i t i .. , i i UUlte mortltleii at the tfiToi' i.Aiig. vnncKi-n. iiiiiini. roare.i . .... ... . ......,. ... i. .i... '..' n...t K. ,,r -llOV.Il. I lie prc-elice ol Ill-two .log "' " "' ' '""..i.-irni ...-!-- -t- tlieml- and the calm 'eaile--Iie- the-e "' Jtvai.e I Ol. ll..-e.. II -SlMUilt I ..-.iii.-eil ..... ii.ti.l. !.. .-..cMn.-il.. .Iit..i... be a large part of hi-training to search I i . ... .....I 1 ..i ........ I .1 i 1 1 "r TIn Ar- Ill-lit. I I i tin Hit tothe torpedoes and the ho,",,-. k V..,- ' "'1 " " r.U O "Ords Jor the ho e i - ,erM.lea-a,..to...toha.el.:!el.e.sat I'n-o-- ! bmldmg thereupon long, ,..ltr.t.k ,,,,,. tt. Lr-mH,: up be-hi- -id., one hand re-ting a-sringh and labored art. ,1.-. j f mii:i;i... -.i-nlax. on his fur. the ..,er frilIII ,-,. to tilIf. Among the oth.r e-..miaI- of -i.h . I(,rlormcd a th flla( katlttfl ltlil r W.f I I fk I) ii 1 llfr ,f i "" ' -- -. 1 !- ,-1 llttll'lllil" ! . . , -. K.-r-oioou his w He - iieao cau-iii'r j dioppin-r ciiam-cand into his mouth: ......i ...f..r-.. ii... ........... t.-a.j ...... u. ..I.,, , b' sci-sor- and the detroti .. - ''I - I i4 f l- . 4 OIMIOW I I . "----( ,,j t-4 -p l4lll - .- Te- .. , do. Iif.r.rf." i. 1 ..-. pi-.t-i-alf- .' .j P.-I'---V I " MAM iat-J f. tut .i : ns r.iit . . .. VX,.XL y"-: - v me. tn i a-fi r- !.. ..r i-.i p-ui-d -v i'.. . v - YA-JL .z rj ..!. born l...-. ..r th-r. Kft3 i - j (Jjf kJj 'f' inKows-JI ut, i,-r in j,.j.r ,,t ,f r. , .... yt AA 77j n'T" K m to tithr n-.. oratorr or lurn . . : , f &' M :i,r tiinh .bird." -lU-aJV air TrvnUr Vhrr m "In iHipjtl - ' t m & "r" f hight t t .- i" ' r,e frtt Jure " 1 . 1 m up i ' l!..f- IHl'" tl J- .I -.light " ll -ft & t t'l r .-r " !- i-i.t t ! .la k, i il tit .' - v jo .utri-tu 41 ., I ,-rvi: v r't '- -... . 1 rt r V l '. Br ii ' It IIS . ,- lii r m1' ih i j TJT rVi 'I iv m ..-I t hi tist-Tiii. tt'iisir niT tibtle and graceful handling ..I ' ' , , ...", ', , ''"""" "'" ,,,,,' i."'-e.a-.-iuiii.t. . I VteJd It" ' -......-... -....."..a............ to r ft- ,uy ..I tij. , -a, , the .. u i v raj i ! ,.... , . ... to pa in m-r iiick- ami muHini. tur i..urth tl Jul. .r.t..r. t 1 --." had proe. him-.lf aherotruh wortln '' '" '" vl,J"- ""' -"g". ' "'!;,.,... .i.ri ..-..r ... iu,.,,,!, ,t. ...... .... .......... ...... ... ..-,.. r--. ... I r ! I ;. ...... .,-. Mr rV" the d. t t. ! j. the name. The two doll oldlf r. ing -till", wooden dentures. Kept their j ... sun t" . i the mattei s ma, be deferred ; -kip the dark gutter to a Ileavi n! tr.ea. t.,r- .-.thr iiubaU . f 1U 1".. ift'i ' Jiifv. f tsi't It u. e "it .tbri -Tl. sure, in.--.- maiicis inai. lie ucii-nru 1 .... . . , ., , .. , , , ,, . home. An indulgent -mile mantlet! l. im m m u i in thi"imntr Iron th until th- pupil ha-sliowu him--elf jiial-I . . ,. . . , , . , ,, , .. .... ' I 1 .ta, W.lla.f taaaa. ... 111. ..t..,.ll tit. l"al l fl t tl .1 t II .'. I ,11. .... - n t , rxfl. ,1. .'H . f I . i tin ff tt'l tlw in'..) f the nil n hi hl t. our he e.l " I tklllk. Wl ftfcJft isfht uimI r th i i. ml W JMttJ j place- right back I Ann. on ! ilied. bv excellence in the h.wvr ' hi- Honor', face, "a, he Mi.veved tie t'a,n th,t ...., th- ppr.H.h ..t tl. ' 1mm l rt,Ur'1 br U ' ' "-'-rti.g fu-e li,W M!r4Ml.rl. . ivplMr-i l-tU. but il we,,i hanllv with lai-v m:m '"' "I ' '!""-'' "r miro-itic- The wire- which had beeii 1 li,,n lo l! 1'tgher l calm., of know i- Al .-ill. . :.:-. .limbo w:aHintercepj,..! I insMiioiisty arrange.I to support her j ,M ''- .- a- . . . . ibodi s eiii..l ol no n-.ii r..iu in! sh. ' ' "" ftdeii will also. IIO doubt, -leahngofl ih.il .rv night, and heiook I ' "' ' ' " lx-'u- """ir,sl" , .. . . . - , , lb- i.r-t IM,rl.,n.U alt.-r thai b:.,,- j -----l- -idewas. t(, the di-tre- ; '-i r- emmen, wl,a.k..tU..w,, gallop diwu-tans!' -'" anxious p.,nt and her own U upon the proper wa-. ,n and oil" l..Wr.nl the ffr.,. ,.,lllIlr. a- . i.ltjr..:.i.l dismay. V.h " ' "M',,' aIi",:,r"1 -",!.lra- r.u I tinalh rmv halted on a ' ,,,," ("'-'Hy eall.-d a -lire). pri-oiier. Wll. rat." he e"laimed. "at it again. I -i-e." At it ag.iiu. i.t Honor." replied I'rtt. witii a wink. iil oti kill the old woman at the tir-t blow. I'at?' I did not. ut Honor: I stooiied In-r at the j.r-t blow, an par'h.ed In-r on the ! md: but it's all ro-ghi; the bes :re.;r iint uriin in i jtrtti-. rev-.u tioii thejrr m iij; it .f ta .la-nin h.ttl Ix-mi ,i.m. It i the VatKu birth lay. .itnl ttirf'.irf th birfilai il -vrj IhhIv i it Inn the 1'iieei. t i,.t an ..(" fi.ti ri!-i !r iiiat.ial pifljcm .! very ln-ly'-i goo I haltx. So.ii ol tie 'tie t!ij" ;! .i.l !.vlhr .rst htsj rititi wh. tr;hrard I Sif t.rt ntimer r.iry of this siormin tl nr pfolnthlr It .. I. iV t lal Patriot men, women am! hor-es." I "" ",,w '" ,,- :i !" "l tr- ,iJ- roncis -iii-ein. .racing cure-all or -nutling v.i-jilautl. f.r "tin- and cr:tk- r-: :he5-. m.ngl -ali-li.-d. dropped wa-e..urliiiliiij I'ncle Hal. when mi !' 11 4f TT Ifltlta lal. ff.af ''Si. ie... t -i .1 Jiinl.,, ;J..-n he -.ar.-. not-.l when-he "Iking' whacket.: boo: . . . ... .? ..;... ..;.. I .m-ii -uiitcjenm :iiatieei iiroppeil lie slrelclnil nut lu- jaileil "1 ... ..... ( . 11 . t .- 'I'lii, u-i tli. i.tii. f,r llw. ...... i- ,,, I "tulent W III. ot cotir-... if he dt-coV.-r lews :itlll l, m ..I vlll.lll.r .,.!.. . lit. i litis .s IH -Igll.ll lorilie ai III. 111. till slnmbr. when a tap'on hi- no-., j return and partake of the collation pre i Haberdasher, t ."Si-grain iV Itia-fold'a 1 tlfsl I'1''''1 ill'e-s lllipt u.r. When -ullicienth d. the of intioruoiii fln'tel .ifj; wl.ti-r lH"-.iiiii if the bolr !-t,-iri litij; ati'l eiltftl ths i.tit.rt :itl.r ilr.i.'.. -. t.i th? titr horiniwsl Itridget Iitineg.in wa- ne; uin- , , ... , . " " li.ir.ortsi meitior' ol tie n ttri.it thi. m ."so Patrick winked again yl the court and amhied from zlie room. " t atil 4un it 1 . i . .iffi Ct-ue'tv paper, f'.uuit t pe. t . i.l Ii. er Ik .in.I irirl hi'" rifi HiS"- rrnu t t.itii-r t t.k v kl iai tfeeclarV. le. Trt.ri r..l t.il tint ! with ittrfin ritJt i.ht u. viri.it . or!-1 -tar an I cmwulu th-. an rorr !- swii . th tn it lnr tnr hifht fi.rht 1 i,r iiMti.t r-ittlt" of i Vetr ..!.- tn.w the l-iirtnng. .mc kl.iitf ' la' l Umk ,n ' t.Ule hrt of r....iir.:.rrri..l-fs -tlhlhr j r l H'3! ii" '- hrt .h of t.ht efXtrkt the k f IllIfthH Vef . riM kt-t thru Ir.tfu iff. jriiii the .nit I -lt hint. H" ' p!r.tiirrs l II, Ttir.rT trv.lvC I"''"'"'?" ' V ,,,,:s,( Bn"' ' '" u her !. Jtttit tho R.Bi ill H . .up il film j ai,J IH bold I ler. wbttb fti.fce th hm. to..! ivrlt treni t jj.a.J it " t i,i. i . V.. l'" . Iinjifij; torju-h othr to ther mothrrr, J . - HUMii OF t the !. y r. . . m.nr t rl ki' b ba.l m--ftd b , ., . .,..., di. Ur4 l .t,. i h rw iI l.ti.l bkB(T tlt.r Irt fi in Ihr r llrr-fM.." m i molted to -how cau-e wh -bi" -hotild the nir'.nv nn-i tr.iVMit of lit ir smtlt. ari.l true j".tiru.i!i-:i. talent, le ii.troduced ' tt,fa t l.aa ..jiia.li.. a.f ft. a, l.l'nl'.. ...1 .a 1 I....' .. " l... T Ifl l.lT ,.'. " ...la . ' 1 tin illirnen-.-" Mt of wtjtr nh'ti,H up Oitu , the .NrV ii rhl no tti-pl' int. it- l..r"rj A l m tKiutiu.'t ! Howrrtt. wliiir om lar ru.l l I w.mmIiIiii" atr- t.tlt n in the sil'ieti' atl t.rutt hi in in t- ' fit.lv li.Niiiinati-i tnjfl.t .l.krkur atl.itnthe fetoti.- n.I tii r' h...e ji..i,oued h.r-i children lo save w,n tlir b'ool gnve birth U. wir Kmt lam.nat...r- .4 th.!.-..,. r. rfil their Ihe- from -tartation. Imirp..a,lr,.. Iu. whether it b fr.-n ,i And lh"n- ,,,,w- ''""' m thm ernl I"1" "Ax it pia- thecoort." said Itridget. a -..ill or the .lr,..ko.C horu of tbr an. .., ,M hnl"- th" nH,t mr" '"l ''th lk' I . r!lftJl, atlAUtl I-l AH'I tt? a l.r-U f. 1 A t lltll'.lll .It Til... .,... !.!. .. .. ... ( rau-ci niK to-niiug up in auKiimen;. '!'' w ' '" """'' . ."n .i- i. . . , uiuruhereil the datiiu - hca-e 1 1 , w.trriur. or from the -ilo-r, cokt linr- A Lilt. t.-n-toliMit looking .IMihmI' ' '' ''','- A -tart, n -ean-d ! " "I" 'tK " ." "c,e l:I, ,;., .rjv,. thiin , .,.,..,.,.. tm.feunl of t.l. For v,. ,h.,..t -tl r- i u- l!,,-,'r tJ r ,rj Wft1- - ,,,' bc-ide i. on the lk. I,,,,k il,-w-- '- -itI-S.-i.lv ,. ; H !.-n. hmv to make diagrams of ; .. m f(. m.mbr t h IIIf.n lh B.,. u. Ih fh.tftr. -Irer t.--M -.-' -b-...ir-p ot t.. ! ...,. i i .. .. i i i . i .1 w hat-oeii lie in ; he eii.'i'ti-tiit with " .i t i . .. .ii B'in..ii .lr.-I-i.il ti br.r thtit fii'lsrhl Thctll tlit ton up there." he wi 1''1 """1 " -' !"" - ; - , . , . ,, - i ,m ... A :,issa!h of wit there w.t- -theexMe ..r m..I.t.tt!,.imple.i! J " ' ..,,.,. . . . In- oi'iciti rlii-Iorii iiiiI ill.r i tinn In I ir i ... I lur the rrrAli.ii ol j. Irtpetrittrt m f.'Vrrt sai.1. Hm... lewis.. MurHninawav.--VhiH-ide. in company w ,th 1 a,sy , ,' "in.U. m Jon. . .in.l .ill. r a tin., h. j w, . , , j( , , l.r.K off U-lin- jumi. nS. rnttbc m.rU -i,. w, . , ,, .,, , ii.". i im -hall be able togi.. ton n dt.igrain ol , , . -r, .iml tn.biltf.nc m hrr workn hxu! Sen - "f u "-1 " "' 'M,J And wu iheseadM-orv u..i.U he trot-! -- .... , u.,l,li m ,..,..l..r ,.l .t u ,,, w:l' n-n.-w.-d a- the tmn and s l..r iu l.r-eri..t..... 1 .-,. , th. ,..l I .11. allllll .1 .Oil Mlltl'.l .IO-OI I..-.J Ml . I led bri-klv down the mad. I.ill .hiub.i heed.-d not. He wa-all- I',", III :i'll lnlli.wnl l.r. vlirii-K-.curbed iii a-pr-tty :i -peetaele a, ever , in:-r: "M daughter! m .laughter:' a do"'-.-..- might ieiv tin lawn of a j " '',- ,,f deep,-: woe. white roi'tntiy hou-e. decked out Jor I he I Mi Hew .limbo, down through th-b.uic-wli.nkit h.-r.. iu true patriot.. gle. ..n to the .piiet roadwa. stiU for sU.e. T.ig Hags . ,-v w here. wee "'',-",J breaJh!e-s' . nearer the eily's Ha--and -! reaui.-is iloating jubilantly ( "'-. u' beating heart, y.-l de fim tbe green tr.. boughs; and. hud- ' tenuinedlx. neer p.tu-ing until hi iUd together in ilie enter, numerous , lv:l ,,Mi ''s -loop, "lb- -..ple. r.t.h.tnt in lib.et v e.tp. ' u'il-'1 --ri for little lUlle lives It biitlcnis and arioti: s,.idicr trap-. ! :t hing t. arlulh for .limbo to e..nie I- did not occur lo .limbo that the l'"""' H"u aina.-dly she -tar.-d at itig-wh.ick.t h.-ro hail augh: Jo do ' ' ililapid.ited maiden who. with tv th thi- pretty -eem- He dreamed -mti-hed lit.-e ami di-heeled ti.sss. .1 f the horns and torpedo.-, the . ,,n,-r downw aid from li! back h.-t my h.I.i iu -tore, and right curiotislv gorg.-m- robes in niir-. .nt oddh ' e . n-pt up through the gate. The j.n- enough, tin placard -till dinging tohei 'ri.it-. iIm! not note. Thev sto.nl brca-t. .itiMou-h di-cu-sing the w a - and' Next niorning there appeared in our rmeniis. W- want more horse-. wa- -aing ;t ta!l box. seemingly eonimander-in-ehtef. The proeeioit won't be noth ing with .nh the-e." nieau of Maj ''I lacilit, ami with .-tuh -urprising ;n i tiraev th.it either might nn-w. r for the other without violence to one's .-ens. of propriety. The stud. "tit Will neeessarilv be fullv instructed in how to make an interro gation point ot him-ef. and a.- an in -crawnc woman bur-t into tea-. I'.ridget." -aid hi- Honor, warn ingly. I fear mi are incorrigible. You are fou-t.iuth coming to tin- c'.tirt t be dealt with tor thee minor Ueii-.-. I fear I mti-t condemn mi to ! hanged Th. I-ourlh of .Inly fa a rrsl r:t-r h, for the hiff-i and a- os I.ook nt th'tii a th-y uti on th wn nti'i nf pi.riKu, and ahout the jrre n sitriU of the rommun or purkn Th- nui ifiaii npor- i 'an rol?.r nnd u .ii'nrrtl ne. k tir H."4Trn fart I by a hemp cravat until you -hutlle ofl ' wax-it mustarfar. ami ri hit .Ntt,.fty -. JMUtMMi. ho 'i ,.i . -slfht Iwlnr. 'he gi." ii! Am ' 1 i'l ii in.e tloli f '': lit-jr ., ti J n i trmiHLi'i 'Jyll .i ''' iJst.. I . ' '' ' Sh" ' ' ' ' v ! ' i - m - ' ' Wr l II if H rltiw. t H !l.ik tioo-, :.. l.. . iii.c An " lr!r .i in la.t.r r-jr-i.. ericwer misft present i lie n wi"iu mier. icweo iu a in-e ami o uate manner, ami In will al-o le i taught as to the mo-t .peditioiti i i i:L-hion of braining boors, jiii. hing po.-i- out oi ine wtmioiv ami immo lat ng exchange Jiends. The -ttiiji'.-t .s b; no mean- ex hausted. 1 tit -pace prevent.- mir doing ) , ! thi- mortal coil. 1 hope that will In a, to .u..t.ii Hoth--. bo wa'k emt un i ! apli-s 1 ' waruiii"" to ou " ' biokn mth -unlinj; l..et j:.l oprn. n-l ! l?ridg.l was let! weeping from the . ""' n --'.- yt..in I.is.e vho .Ir.-- 1 tooin. mmli to the amu.semeiil of all , " - "- r-'"" 'h"h -' - ,..,, i prettv ti"ure not et virnrilaf.isliifnr. -I the sp.rtator-. i K - , , ii r t bv hard Inbor, atel Mrms atmttv hit Amerigo Arrano. a mil v-f. teed , , ... , .. , , , made awl rtnnu br hrr own i.itnb:-- in, ...IVa. tf.1. ,fe.aWl l,a,iah.l II. a .. ...La. .i. .. " I 11.1.1111 !' r ltV. , 111. a. ' r8. Miiiles and Images in ret.i'-i AtmI .- hi- dose ot ju-tue. Am-r go laughed ( ,Sj.v WR k of Hnd n ffa af fwili ( hear;il. a- she ofiieer who am-ted ,t .. (...u., ii,v an i'i ..i i.m .! I ' I.-.,. . ! i f ' . ' !l I f.i - hi . i v JRll, ail I Hi!1 til . it l , , t throng', t ,. i :..! I rid , . rbli the pl. I" lill itii-jht ! to ht-te i..t, !.,. ,. iCp tm.r J l'.U ;u :. ..- ( '. 1 m oiof k .' urrt't A loilllg ia.lv, n.tllg ) rtiutatixn, dopi 4V.-.1 L.-i .,i irdiBrv tb lit but a l i teeth "Ah. !! a . -, Her bubiti !. ' wh it ;-t .i. IVrJrt-t. ' r ;otu. d t .- rt -ii- tun. lil'HUl ' r I. 'ail. in .- r U .ulfc. "Vei t tit k imur -V t - Ihr-,. I A tbii'id' i .!t ro W b jlrv liar. I1...!. " I t .inn . kb'K ki-I ii t.". J ,r-l - i: I rt -y !d. f i v.y .!,' .otalM., if ti Uttt in - I'm-1 4' ' I toll " ..i ....i u: :.t. i .. ...ll 1...1 . . . . .. I it fill' ...sti.-.. nl this, f.tin. M-...t ..tl ,'i"iS"iiH..ii.raiin ,"IM "r:!ir.r.b. lor t!l m v Xmn of I l,i ,r . branches u ,U natu.all-. Ugg,-t' them-' i;t!l ,;l'1 '" -tock of lnmes could Mp.r.nC. nn.l tbv l.ch miI rh.t l , thr ,.,rH tH- M.r.nff-I -r- t, ,i l ! t .1 , ,. . . . ' not h.ue been sold at half their oriy- oko ati.l romti. i.n.l hav n -rttotl tine ! . .L . . . . M1 His III lite I."ail-T. II ollll lll.il lit I r- , .- - Kl.ti. .ir inr T.r in KM.,; : r i ni.-au ol .vlaje to cliimed ill a wee maid, haxe a -ingle cre.un." . of the it papers this adertisement: !' lust m thoiKhier. Lovelier IM ou-rli It, I.iiv.. her I .to. "in -sir It. OjiklHtiil P. O" Tiii- wa- I'liele Hal'-swork. toeomfort run oil! the iitt!. mamma. He had enuuted vv.-ll 'lie -ban t on the placard, tor before even-ng the i mangled ivin.uns of her daughter were limb... hearing, but not -u-speeting. placed in jio.-r I'.essje's amis, lint .-he at this juncture plunged headlong int.. proved herself a loval maid. A season the ring. In the arinv he had e-pteil ..." 0M...1. .... 1....1 i 1 - added that i..etrv and editorial writ- ilial valtle. Kleti the court looked , k'HT iti y. I rontin.l t v ! unused at thi-comical alTair. Ii't h- r..ir. '.wii- ..11 1:. 1 :. t. .. ?" ....! 1.: . h-iUfi'Lint r.i- ! m. I w 1 'i, ... t . ... 1 1 I nil" OIU Ii iiaiipeiir .in. -i no 111- ' - - I lli"V :itt Hot is-.nl::il. :!. 'ill. Iio.l. i-m til Honor, wiih -an encouraging -mile. Ameiigo replied "Ze Inn -a he votild . aa... V..... ...a fa. a .a. a... . 1 I.. a .. la. ...,. . . ... . I 1 . .1 '! . 11 OO f.t -III. I. -1 1 It. 1 U'i. :l- a sort ot pa-tini.- ami relaxation to ! , , i "f. an ui nautili. in-tiicti ui. iiiuiii-, m . ! ... ing might be thrown m a.- electiic-. I do citrier. but it is well to have -ome ! ornamental feature- in the curriculum. I . nom tht-.t i.""-;, '.p the twt u tirtt--- ,,,nf I in t povier itl. ti. sou. titirriBg b&tut Inmn "Arn . ! r - Ti'tt u- Itr thimnet. did Wt ! ! .m ti-re.r of te lnn'.!.'.;, and be ad-1 to r I U t e llieb Ullf i-p,w-r htm , m Hot awaken a jr"ti u . ) -.n- . taut, nti-ti the l.a! It tb'b tbe Mk jnatea jf thr lumw Wrre fwniwtt. Hartford '.. WirnTter. MM . b e.ji upwillki' rentrJ jmlur tat ii with a Mytttrtot the h'trdh worked .-Unit-ill. 'Viiti.-'TI'. STENOGRAPHIC NOTES. "I gur weM better let you otTeasy." -aid .Judge Smiilltiu.. ".lu-l bml out if thi- i- hi- lir-t ojl'eu-e. and if it i-. It "he died in the.-erv ice ol hereouutrv. We will hurv her in the Jlag." Later, l'.e-sie magnanimously cut .limbo some candy cream-. And .liln bo munched them sippreeiatively. in meinorv of the bang-whackety liero and- Pai.-y Ann. fh-phun'. Friend. Not Very Flattering. Kir-t Dude ( )'.e f-llah. what do vuti ! :t"p in '-S'iii-i two uog JnemI-. ami vv a-a.lv aiiemg to ,li.,.,J j,,.r ,.es greet them w it 'i a -crie-of joyful ydp-. Such a-hotit a- went i from thu-e atr.otic iips " Wa-cvi-r anv thing nicer." f.S&tst viat vv. want!" CV.W ' h one accord, they ru-hed u,vi,itniht. who. suddenly recalled the words he had heard bv the road- ! : .de. re.r.rc. tin- situation and scam pered o.V diligently in the direelitut of home. Itjit v hat could a pour dog do. w .th the whole American army at hi.s heel-? .Fimbo wa- speedily captured and led in triumph back to the lawn. If baby .Imibo had lint been so thor .onghlv Inghtened. tlte would have iiiiiugiii me in-xt tvroreeiiing ine inn t'Cst 1. t.x,.r SIVV ,,, leiily appeared tw . bigdol-s dr.-s , ,j;i ! tTaalaft a.Tl Kk . . I ..k. aa. t. I... .1 aA ft .i.. 'u.i'jium iii-:uuii " " pa-en nv one oi uie-e ttonkov -. a nn- hi-two dog irnni- ijhe- w ere loval u. j,. aimai. yon miner-. an. and 1 canmes. old an i w s..WV.-r. calmly. ! asked her the diV.'ereiice Viween that unjns-ta .-nitl .-! u,JMi-r. they mot , iH.:l. ami ,y-elf. 1 thw ought f in.-ir late. I'oor .Jimbo"- tt.r-i j if a)iiiro2u i ... . . Tl.. . ....! t,-I ..r M..I I a- I e .t rk...P.llu...l U'..lu.. lirnli'l V llla1 i11l ..-..-.. .,..., - 1 11 vv omen merrv month." are -uptdanting m-n to a -i-i." .. . . .....:....... t- ... , iiieie n a inai ox uieii iiuciii i;oiii con-i.icranie uegree a- amautien-e-. a they work about a- well and for le-- K!1V ! 1 1 tl.illi'tl !h.r.. nr. . t!-.- erowdetl ciiurl-room a- the judge gave vent to tin- bur-: of humor, and the constables wer ordered to bid the spectator- to di-per-w. - HamlUr. An Hour of Anguish. He hail been out for a da" flhing. Mm- o: eour-e. main linn- and individuals thai prefer men." -aid a short-hand vv riter the other day. (.Mliii.il. court and mo-t new-paper -hort-hand work i- -tiii al- I t: . i i . . . . i iuo-i iiionoiiiMi. -o nv men. .- a rule . t i. i i i i i. .n l. ... i ..I .- " t .i Jfan ",H "', pr.md.v di-p.acd thecon- butter-d on both -ib-. but m Ier.c j..nI J -nort-haml vv titer- are atwjve the acrr . - , - , , . . . - . , ... icuu- oi in- o.i-isck. hi in.- .i ii.-. sue c- . in or un ;n pit-A-'ire freiin- ron --Trk-i a r t -. c .i.fc.-..,-t . ci.tiuieti , ot' ilorvai.1 honor then, to I be bal, !-. lMr bMa-r. b"H rie tlt ttll of "a btber tb it ,iMff i rrTer nc Htt-brr the three pr ienf staivlaiJ A few li-eman h f-t hold d m aab f b.-er aot4 at a ae-n. 4ttmk t iIm tatirm. where it m tete4 lax m tbatjt vm U. nmA it axe tbrrn r atmi of J5y." ami of the . !. ft.i-M.rabe in - (- l Ttajiajruy -u-xiitiait who -a, tbea a bttl- cH , lkrpr er be b tiltt totLMtb fclin tHl bfeawe the flrt ! th' Uf-l t!" ?! Sprmfflrl4 I . of the Unit m lb tie- b-irn -msr" f J be hrnrt tnft ar mnt all d-iad. th- .Vt.:' md at i.i ta p&rttr f)m lamed up its ,iatr. (.. Ufce. hdt in tb rhi-. bit l httle otberdi and aake.1 Ur Slmmjgwr u. roiiptr. iet tH- j.,, j,,m ttnkt eat mm4 b-i Mm ! M . .-..... .! I l,ll L.I.L.. 1.. t. 1-11.I1".-'T1 IT1-1 HI- llW Mil. Hl. 11 h manr .bo.t-nfcii of tbou-AnH- of pvf i'lmiatliM rimntrr fria tbe Vti-tntn- to th- l.M-tfi' frm th f.rt mnth ra,!1el to th ti!f r ibe .t"tiri inr to m.jid of the hr oi ih -hirrr tre , the rr.luf ot the Hr.o'i. FrmrfH ,' f.ieirn th.'tn-rJvr, ha brl room" hrre olJ -ijpt nn-l tH por rtrt art pn.m tb.r br. ' At John 1 !;? "t cr ern ! Fourth of Juli t'i-'it th f-on-"i f th man nnd -omii-a t-iti.'y.a ihm uitrl -a or -c it m:1 Tbl wai dutae Tbti th i.-trt.. iid Uedt,tr lra .Ui pair of tr.. rt tn-tenetj mrw I . . . , , , ' trotrefi atMl jrt Ibetn A Urn ! and .?- 'ti . i think ot Mi- lomnion-en-e? "- " '"''' """ -'- , ..( ,h. .,ohll. arva-t thtv beaittk- eeotii Mii.b W.'ll mi .b.i-i bov ' ol lu M '-, ' nograpiier- are inii-ii.tl ,. , .. .. r i oui. I'lUH. . ll. ill. l ie.l,l ijov, - ' , I ,. lvf,.t r :mi.ii- !..r tho ii: hour his lite: tor -ud- tiatnoi- faring (kc -oliiicr-. and on the backs oi ii i... .1 mv opinion of her i- not twing. Kir-t Iude Thath bad. wea-on von don't vv ike her? Second lMide - Too deuced -alien-tie, vtf-.rv fwnt-A'at"- the tiower- ot concentration, a ti .-rough . , . i liear. edue.ition and a keen -en-eof honor a- .-. ,. . ... , ., . , "rooli-h little o well a- a di-ereet tongue, -nbc th.-v , mi .ii,! .Inlin s.. . .be :h. v : " ; . "" . . 7. . . ". . . 7 7. uei .in'v know much o: th- pr.v.t:-- , ." ... .. . . i1. lieneil to an-? aJIaiis and :uan cr.-t- of t icir . m- . " ..... , ,. . . . vu. i oi'ia r.uri . ai-oui, ou. . . , a.t... Tl. . 11 J .. iloutve know. y. the other day r".-'" " " ? ii. aa..u. u . m ... w , wgs we w.re out widtng. -he and I. and wo ' :m J'lerc-lmg tr-atTire. ?:jfr.i' i...t-.v i the-e !onke I ? 'ir..?! i-ie tll ".!- IT1 - "x.lt . II l l iil't-i. - .W' ' - Illleu-.- -eelll t the young b-d.v te.egr.f.'V , p..r ,t cm to be. 1.1 i.er -i" t .ie m- and 1 . tl !. woxiii: -a -ne itnm t snow. come. Mm ; Wouid teii her tint the donkm dwew ol the army, a load-and I dw.vv nt. rare- V. know third doll-o:,.,.,- :rlo it-appearance i :Un :l MM: of an ahtisi. and that ! 1 : .... ... i l nv l..s s.t., oaCN. iv-nii, ,..i tnm. ..I,. mmIi . .i?i'. First Ihsde And what did .-'.u -ay? Second Dude -She -aid the onwi 'f'n drfwnce .-..- could -cewa- in Uie icn,.i Detroit Fn-c i'rcs. n.-.-igiveab!v t '..-, In ki ln vain he proicAlVd and wriggled, i I'atriotisin Uas a:' its height, and .lim- ' io womd undttiH div have b. orr.'i t....,v J : ... -... .. t: ' - -'.' iu:. .'in ii'i .t iii-.coeiv uf the ear -;eu ;; cueeriug iiuo vvaus ' '"ippomtiif -it and elicited from his dog-j. ,, a at xIirj, 0f rt.Jit.f. "lis J, jrj, arM. lT vlu 1,'jj no jTOOd." aiiiiotiii. ,fhe commander-in-chief. '"What, Jfer we do now?" 'What'ljT ever we do?" echoed the i-rim m lrgo. There are upwanl of four thoi.snud a. . J ..1 1 .. Vfldlish tllll acres ol lana hshu-u - :t:u.-.nueu : . . . .-!. ....I -.ie i- noticcaiMC i'.i .i i I'.-'t ,., n, or. and vet she Io.ik- .u.d itt-ine ." The aggr v n,.n.l.!iiv tJ.nl t- " of r t" i.ig chara. l.-ri-t'. - ! girl i- e-pee ao tr voting cio -1' ' -Tr v' hammering -it r. r . , i con-eiou- tr.ir - t liv ieg." ;. h p'lts :. I he p:,v of am.,...,. -e-T?ranjI,., fr,!n a lew iiol.ar- to . v or in trial befort ym got bark to town tin l.-h niirk.ts might ali be dotsei.1. Htirprr's Ltizar. ion of coffee. nd b the cH.Jdren. ad tbe aisrhh.irinc'h;Hrea. n! thr nttbbor wtT nnghbnn'; children are finnr off ir p-ilo. or Sre-craefctr. ,,T ;,,-, t'. rH 'tn-t eer town IP inriral makimr a.I th ao--. nnd dt-trjitt'ti po- 1 'r (ire"i.e b.id a nmna-:uni. an ! Athens bie. tbe o'd n.aa" brht h rtirr. o iirol-.nde-. . .i,nv tut, Ii.-an. ("rnrv to Jm-..tfe or -tor- re- in- mar. ami a.iai- tfarii o.rr to b sttmJf-i to by h manm lc. '-i.il- h- -iir d r-w.. . ap ta her V-t -'-. a ni : a Jot t umporVi b"-n-n.t';p.i wh -h i Tnouti i. b- tiiful bi.-d that rTidc-atly a- - tag J before it itier- and after crttie-in"; . fir-- of thit faint-?-r eif" h-ttn to h-r Uointt prrhr. who d!ai?rf -x d.-r.oar-vr u-.o tb iasa eacc of thr da. j .'lr in Mtrtwd Md i4 'llnrr'i aAlaU.kll.ll f '...1 . Ik-. .. K.,. I ..C n-rr-ii,ns zrnt.t id- -f iv ptr-.t (r-opte "- . - -- r t ' -- " turUKiratraitum ati-l -. I pur,l.l.r,tl 1 " rjita o Ke -. TbiieT ar. aad riri that loar lr th-- not- ,.!,,. v.iu'.nial,. n,l Nkvb but Wl. tlTn f " TTh-tuw- m-nlof xnu-ir RtKid.tnm. and ro.tn.Ubo-: y,r :h-n ! tanr r patriot mrHt ' .bf" r-e4 to be file toUar, 1 ..iid -w.r.ir- nd Tnmrrat -ntcr. .o pro- Sa,rfr rt bn U..w- an I th oy I Aft ratifed fteaj kitJ ol 4tflwo Jus-ly provi.JM nt picnic r.ad prVs. j 3,,,; ot th- &.- ctckee. th 1 - f j aa adpte 1 fe (2r M-r. i-ttr(l c-prrtaly on -uh beatM and estraofb- the flwtnotir orator, the b.i ta4 hb j tU ebejLiift itm ft millKkrLr i.:irr .Ur- i the creat nat on.! ho!wLy Ur , ihff m Kwi lhtt M hfm r,fSHmln M ,, , -fateh --L. f- ml tbe .,.-kiar people aad i0- aml ba'Uba. m jrht ao baM Nrn4 j adtauned tilat b- bv! ae m - ..V V i'i two . . """ '" '" J",rtK1 '"" I iotijfiilS U tb. brm. .u course Jh? tlav kn It rnl dwtntf - - . , . i.,.. i ... - 1 15 k... f.- i w... .t .-j I- ! aarte4 Ut ti e ""'i.. x a7. WiRMAI ! V J"' Jtaa tf A-') '. A- iX lot trtaropiuaiMl we ?i th hftbak a? -.ibbiftjc tbe pui.1 t tkin tW cmhtHi o'aiik tW uptel U rtuWwwwK I In SKr fcr rd' orb a italie ijr afti ii- Tho latter .s.ilarv i- hiv - -arge- and Ae.tdeHita. ail of whi h .vim-re-aiis w,.ri, oon-trcc.-l upoi a cu,! .f gret 1 it; m t::e ,,j,.mjr an,j funii.-heil w.th ever. ' "' ' ' k;nd of conveni nre. coi tred and opn -v r. proudly j co.nj,ar:ct-.tidonndc-. -ha h walk-. tig Ut'r OVV U I ,-.l,n.iil n!kiP Pi.TtlnvitM.. i nnitiio. . . aHI.. . a,.,, .',.,. .-..aa.a..,' " .aril.,!. ... to the health and comfort of the large conconr-e re-irting thither a- performer- or for the enjoy ineut of literary or z' ( : . ' ' -IS' tard iii the vicinity of l.ompoe. Cal. !. Kiftcon do.,ar- - --idered fair pay for the No printing otliee in Vienna em- ; cn-is. Men x-; a n ploying over thirty printer- ia ullowcU women. Twenty -live d to do work on Sunday. tjutte a cottimua salarv a wee.s; rer. (Week i- eon- ge a ma ii- ni ore than : week i- aeeil an tmportint IirtJill Omltt'.t. ""V.'aat n . .uai-af nurt tAt Irt". tir pfX. "'A'i 1 don't I.! dear ! do sw.t c exiejt- ( .jt,n;,nc convcr-ation i aftravoa is tfir relrbrativa cl ta Fourth J ' of July, in . cocd isaay c.-v- lor a. eia-il Th- i-mbereleinrnt of cixty dr.llarj ' thr- is x-t i-iatrnVat ov,r ruasiar wa? Mifi'icient to banknip: and di.s-olte ' .r. or tht t-tm.zi b.-i-r-ba.il mA-.cK. m, A .pA.-aUor. of tS- Utady Jo"k- in tb- j Mi,r :fc,, rirrUr qmt atubtetorr - oit. pi, it u !..! ot jlU r'.i oi tit- "Yn. I Vv, it tr! &M airTMl. th; !- Ot thr hotri. tO tlr ftl tJ- J.-OtC-ni-, S. a travrling theater trout-e ia a Ncl SNew York, S England '.own kite other !ai. it. amkrr plarr on thr vi...t. cornrsoa or is a ftckted field, i.-r .!--1. ti. illr Ol th iL-x:; thr :m o o .Vcaa. toMii, bat sot -. - -a. -,'.. .: . --w M.r .5rtj t4 44 aot thin tb- frtirV ria)14 Mam. The a.' .bria I oemimL rw."l Jfiu r;tbi v.-mi uf; 7:'4. Ja)'e bad a ryeirMbr !Cwrw, k"ii- I ouat-i. bat o" "Ve- t;-e? -i4 tor a nrj kMiag; "ay Un- ;o-j ! -carait pi k W: lb-- gttmad bv j.. Tottr kaaai H--v dbi ) rrr V,'it;i. kt took mr humv-m a.i! t baUrfiMg. aiad ail toa -ct. llut uU ttMioa ad i rbibirc " "A elr-tv i7pr OH. Tarrc s. on tisln 'A irrer Hlti-d ' "What v.i tJat? -Tlie aortic. I'latUlpJtia CIL m flKts