The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 02, 1886, Image 2

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    r . ..! to
. than
Liibd. which
k .it itijuiice.
J a uroiiir way
Tin- ordiuatice
.uid every dog
. a liceii.-c, lull
killl . of" evrrj-
! !'..
ili'n't due notice
i t, i ! - turning it i.
I In city -lititiM aim nd the
I.- - a t gie Hliourt notice
kill - l;ikn uj.
i i
t t
ti pm-iit in.
( M r. it
i i v u r
; i
I .'.
:tnd !
.Ill w:;i lit
Li'iitli in. in :n.d i- aii 1 1
d i.i-k i I.t ! ti,- I.Vptih!
- iitl a iidti; 1! g.itiiu to
tin ii' will U- lint hub- if nti.i
tn 1 1 .- nomination. (Jivt: ii
takuall the ret. "''.'
Sf nihil 1.
Tin: (Jmi.F has ho bj jcti -u t Mi
luvs candidacy, but we can re
why Secn-tary IJoggrn. the jucm at ii. -eunibent
hltuiilil not receive tlic nom
ination, as he has been a faithful an i
able oilicer. Still, if there- i-i hound to
be a change, we arc iu favl' of ih
man from the valley, by all tnUU.
i, ;f-.
.:! t'..i
il-jl: a-
i uf ''
ll b
; : .ntiey loaner ai
!.!.; linuii to buim--s on
- t.J iiit ;t -t. Money can now
1 any of, nur loaii agencies fr
i ( m, on l'ow1 real etate e
iii'i th'Vuin;iii(l i brik. The
. battle loan- i tiJ! ranging
i- the rate of interest thcivou.
... t .......i. i .... i. ;.. ii
' I I t' Sil. Ill U II i'0 lllgll III J (
I i..t , fur the benefit t.f the
r. ! it We are in hope- to see
ii'iat i:ttes red need to living
:i i: .- there eannot be properity
w !o n- ilie b.irrer is eaten up b
1 1 1 li r-it'- ei interest, ami we leliee
d it i absolutely nece-ary
f i.i th- .idxaiieeiiietit anl welfare of
t!.. e.-uuty. that the fanner are pr
j.Toi- ami out of ilebt. or if in debt
be in that healthy eomiilion liuau-
t.ilh the e.m av if lli'irlebi
witimut -aerifieiii" all thev have to
-etti- the -.line uhell line. Tiff inter
est .f the buine-s mall ami j-ro!ueer
i iti"iitial ami they shonh! emleaver
t-- n: ike t!i' in If the funnel'
i. ii;-.i.iti'i'uio m i the uierehaut. We
Itates in Prophecy.
ninriin- the l"nitel Stato."
f t-T r iftnn fif t li - onrtb
;L! bi had no parallel. It
in lii: i ,,i ,.. n fv.
".. ui'i Mi'fi v: m ji mac
Jf it. rial -tp-nlh and rcat-
. thf . Irauretneut f art
ii Ia'Av more than a em
it njf .-l in the een hnn
i In x i:reatt.-t achiee-tbc-e
brief .-Utomentj,
i rr-e to .-uch prreatiie.-.-
.- t n t irti.ti in en Mm.
I ' " "
line l.u- Hi i lopea iicii uniiin-
-j'ir(t -o nallon na.- eer
1 tb foMi'laiion of whoie cov-
fiii'nt wire 1 iii -o broad and deep
i tb' J rincijli - ii ju-tice. reirhteou
i i t -
a -- Jiun truth. in no nation and
ill I . Sid- the L' tp'l J.iUllU liejl
f . mi twi tbf ehurehe- of ("hri-l
li librt; tt. enh'ihU'U their
:- aiitl It-v-ittpi' their .-treiiiith
I . l.Vii;. -Alaj-vc! of 'ation-. The
.t r.lulliH-- of the alVr lateUieit
I '! n.k no one will ii-tii. and one
'I'.t rejieet on the ri-e and prore-.-
' eountry witlnuit beim: fteibly
luprri-i-u with the thought thai tlod
! b.- Wen o'.er U-. I believr thai
tlo-bible, whieh ha.4- inillined thf
hi-tor of the irreat nation of Kurope
ha- al-o iiu utioiied our own nation.
Now if our nation i- a ubj-t of
pp-pheey you may a-k "when-? !
aii-wer in llexelation l.'I. 1 1-17. "And
I beheld another boa-t eoininj: ottt of
tin- earth, and he had two horn. like
a laiub. and he .-pake a- a drairon. v.,
1 I. bet u notiee lir-t the the ehro
mjlojry of it ri-e. IK -peak of the
power that all the commentator are
agreed in applying to the papacy.
thiw;- "bd into raptiil ' in 17!'
lbrthier a I'rench ueueral marched
into Koine, took the I 'ope pri-oiier.
anl carried him away and he died an
exile. .Iut then the I. .";. wa coiue-
infi up. Iii 177't July 1th. the ht-cla-
ratiou of Iiitlepeiiib lice wa iiTliei.
Iii 17! the Con-titulion wa ratitifd.
To it can be .-aid that it wa ''coiniii
up' in 1 7!i w hen the papal powrr
received .uch a blow. We will next
notice it location, it mu.-t be .-oiue-whele
out .-ide of the teniton of the
Ten Kingdom of the llotnan Empire.
I'or they arc to remain .- till the
rloe oi time. We look to the new
world tt jind it. Ii.-hop Ilerkley
wrote cr one hundred year ajro
eom-ernin our eountrv a follow
in: tronser.; "lvides the iieiJat. J rurnlure i si! de. t.j ;; .t.
Hon. Kehx K. Hninot. riU.-burir l'i . j Tinker- old tami. at tr:- e t. : !
are -even reveren !-. twenty ete.h 1 ctniptiti n Ala .-r !j I-!.-:.-I
- '-ixteen of ;t..-e are ir:!nt- of! -.ti buy. - e bu c:- :4it '. . .m '
or proe-r in c. i' and othr in- ran therf!-re !! l:eprr ';.4-j . .
ijlu'.ion- of!!. and mot f tiie hoe tn th- u! JV ur- .1
other are bi-b-r- ami pridin; e!- n. V. V Tv.a
LL l .-. imi: ja-nc. of t A,.L fcj.Hk of .oaj !,...
"Supremo oourb- two wlitor-. io m at j. v. W'ntnn iwjxli r.
cml-. etc. u e cn ee i ome uer . ui n upp,.UJ l'luc
are men oi miiKenr nn tio nt yrv-ro-e
tii be defeate! in their u de.'tak
inir. One of the principal object ihi
a. ocintion i- -eekmi; to -ecure i
ill A
lTtt and -cralchi of e rv
id Qbii
i :.
care! in 30 minute by V xJfor.i
Snnii.irv lotion. V no ib r. Ha
better ob-erarue oj tr,e .--utm;n i.-uu- j llMW ,,. -:.tU br PV,, a toiiru
dv I Here i- where the wur-lup of ' ..... u M f!.,,i.i " iv
I f lit- Im! an. I t4insl t'.i.. ,J ',. . .
. . - .-w c .. . m- .a.. . w& . w
r-, am! eTpriafcUnit tr:mm;nc
the " fir-lbea.t' will e.une iti T or-
-hiii anv iKiwi-r i- to ackinwleil-e il ,, ,
1 v ... i. . . . .i I Hamimrr.
-upremacv. -SoWlaoK-k ouit t the ' .. ..
change of .-iblflth from itie .-eeIllh I , -- - v
dav to ruiitlav. the tir-1 da, a- a mark
of it.eir authority. In ibe "doctrinal
Catvchi-m" we find tli- utUrnouy
Que?. Have yon any other way o(
jroui4 that the church ha ;ower to
institute b-tival- oj prectjifT
An- H.i'1 -tie ii' t -utn power -he
could not "nave tkne tnat in which ail
KB -
Call ami j:-i pritw on t-r thmir m my iim ivi.r
zisiti&r il--wheri You mil get hiv k hk r
CASH than anvwluTf in town. At'iiU i.r
IH. Ambov aiii!tus touuanv .'.
pay & eeni rr buii-I f.r gil bt ;
that ..! tefct 11 or i U!j! It if;y Chk now ha the nt
complete ,-tock of wall jetp. r. -J.aJi -etc.,
tn the Republican ''Uy.
fin. KetlCbriid Mi-ir;!'. mja-,.
J iJtt l'rit4 ImT Ollalll I ? .r -
m.Hlein reht;i.,ni-l- a-ree wirh bf-r. .-be , ,,ml w,n lc1tt 6T or l0 .j-.
-UUlw ity ' cuv-iiiiii uu vr- I I 1
ain-e ot 'in.i.iv, the .!r-t l.iv of the
Westward iI.Ti)in" (it cmitfre t.ikt-r tt a,
tin- fir-t lour a-l atreailv jmsj.
'I he tiftll li.ill iIiim- tin. tli;tin.t uilli tlietl;i.
I iim-H iioltle! olt-iriiiK i the laI.
manner of it raie and "comiiij;
hou!d next rceice our attention
orth from va
of the
J .He -lad t note that lhebuinemeu
i .... , ...
J I i ii I iout ate generally trying to
iii .iit'a.e ami help the larmiiiir el:t.
ani that the farmer ale beeouiiiiL''
iuo:e i-roiMTu and thrift v vear by
yi r in i'oueiiieiiee and are not coiu
I'fi.i'l to borrow iimucy so extensively
a iu I lie 4'arly days.
lly rtVrem-e to auother place in
tin paper it will le m'imi that the
piojector .f the Kalia Midland rail
wiy c'liiipany are puhimr ther pfn
jeit riuht aloiijr. uud Tim ("ii i.-iV lM.k
u-A tin D A i: i; .ute. .iUMX.4 J aaf .'""' a.-;"'! ; OoiiUUelicc
.- - I to the ultimate buildinir ol this line
from Wichita to I'cl Cloud. New
York eapitalit ujpo- d to be back
ed b the I A. M and Kana capital
it- .i.e th-e who have the project un
der hcadwav. It ionl a oiie.-tiou
time until we cure the C N K
W. Uy. the lioek I -land and the
Kau.:i Midland, whateter the M'offer
luav .av . lied I'bmd i Mirelv
de-tined to be more than a little citv.
It ha too many advanuii;c to be
come lo.t bht ti by eapitalits. and
men of meau..
Thf City Prus toreehantredhand
ii .July 1st. Mr. W. W. lVrjrn.-on
retiring !rotu the buine ui account
of .i,.r health, the mw arm will be
kliown a J. II. Kelloej; A: (.'... 1'fof.
W. t'. liekinr and John Kellojrj: Imth
well and fuorablv known, are the new
m.mlnrs of the finn. They are full of
iiu and coterprie and have ur let
i.he. for Miecc. Mr. Peri:uoii will
t ill remain in Itcd Cloud where we
hojH' erelom: Iomv him in the ej
nicut of cmhI health arain.
A petition ibeini rotten up and
circulaUtl akilJr the citv council to
t. it were to conn
eanev. or a one detiuitiou
word to jrrow or )riiurup as a plant"
. la-t fur the Time, pae 1 05
Mr. !. A. Town-eml. The Jbibliu Na
tion, lartyn' Hi.-tory of the 1 1 real
lleformatioii. and others, while speak
ing of our nation, have uneonciouly
uetl the very word- of iu-piration to
de-cribc it- rie. .pace will f'.ii! me
to draw a eompari-on of the iie of
the I'. .". with other nation :imrhow
the aunal of hitory do :tot pre-ent
it cijual. Aiiaiu thi power i to
hae two irraml principal-, .-ymboli.ed
by the two horn-. Thi we ec in our
('owrutm nt alone. They are 1'ro
tetantim and 'Hepublicaui.m. l'ro
te.taut profe.-ion of 1'aith. -The bible
and the bible alone. ' llepuldieaii
week, for the b-ervaic of ratunhty.
the .-eenlh day, a lianire f.r wuictt
tlieje i- no -criptuml authoril." 1.
F. Kennedy. N. V., p. 174.
Airun in ' brttneit uf Christian
Doctrine "
.jiic-. How prove you thai the
church hath jniwer t " luiuniain! feat.
aud holv day-?
As:- ly the ery act of tbaninj;
the MMuith into-utuhiy which l'roie.
taut- allow of.
Now when we take into considera
tion the ihinj; sought by the "l-Ieform
I'artv" vi. a bettet observance of
.-'und.iy. and al-o the fact that -o main
of the labormi; cla-.-e.- are .-eekim: fjr
at lea-t one day of re-t ami auaiu.
that nearly all the Catholic jMipulation
would favor such a move, who i- ii-.uh
to .-ay thai eie Ion: there won't bo a
union of Church and tale, o fai :i
the Sunday I- conce -ned'.'
Thi- l- no wild and tuucifu! imagina
tion Abeailv the dragon voice i
heard in the latiti. .-eeral Slate have
.-tncl -unday law-. In two of the.-e
Arkan-a. and Teime-ee men ha". e
lit-fii arre-tetl and convicted a. law
breakers, for keeping the coinmnnd
lneiu.s of tbal. They ieie hiw-nbidim;
citi.en. every w.iy. only they kejit the
.-evetith day accoidm; t the coiu
inandment.anil Woiked the tir-t day,
ao'd ave them the tiii!ee to do.
Wf would natuially look fur :h mi
preme Couit. to deeide in lueir favor,
but true to the prediction they dui not.
In the Review ami Herald, Vol. GJ,
No. ''.". i- this tateuieut
"We have jtt-l learned that the ."it -preme
Coiut m both tho-e .-tale., to
which the ca.e weie appealed, ha.
-u-tained the deci-ion of the lotver
couit. subjectinu our brethren there to
the fine or impri.-oninent inipo-ed up
on them at the tnal in -epl. la;.'
From the toreoim;, only time i.
needel to develon the prediction ot
Rev. 1.5. lt. It .-imply means religion -per-ccution
over at"ain.
Reader, carefully examine Rev 1.;.
1 1-17. al-o Ch. I l"'.i-l'J. and .ee if you
are readv tor that -earchiue, te.-t.
I.. A. II.
t l
n tf j
jruik' r x
t ll.ll. '
It -'
I l '
i : r
i ttii
. i
l or. u.;a .iier. uri
ale. bin ! ucr. ft-. - at ti
All IrtTli and mi v C.i t !-
A k! fsfln for a'.e r .
I furni-fied A,iSv t. .b- ;
Rei Cloud. Neb.
One good M i-ou A II .i. ..
ft r pale. Apply to I .:
por-ite l iiicao I. unit', r Y t '
li.M.i bt!j;y tor .ile. li , .
W. W arreii. the hardwa.'e .4 , i
notion man.
to to J. W ari : w'.- '.
tif baidware attd !e'oul 1. i. f
He kee everytbitijj ami -'i
wav find bargain there 1:
uiiv'ihiiu to eel! ftt-e hitu I
yet the place opMite o.t k.J
her l aid.
Cm to Ci. W, .'line' fur in "i bffiic
inatle catidu, ciars. etc.
!reh home made raudu - ti W
Chile'. Call and see him
Second -hand range ti -.!. A
bn renin R-u.-ou for m-i..u. I wV'
two. 'iil ;ive buyer hi fn n-e
iw Gi.o. M. Pi i mi . .
I can loan ou motley at t orient '
rates of interest on real estate l.u ;
any length of lime from one year to j
live year. tf i. W. ItntkKi:. i
All that want a ttpiare meal on
notice H' to the Star restaurant. W irm
mea!. at nil hur.
PikK Waivon, Proprn ' .
We are receuin- fttrtiture t! t v
don't forget if, and we are lm i :
elt it K. V. Hvi. -t
MoNl.v to loan at reasonable - ;.
ool per.-atial r chattel aecurttv A.--lanii
loan- made at lowest rate
interest. C- F. Cth..
Till- CKl.KRRATKl) A H (' S( )
M. 1:. M1Z1 R
Kinl r.-tll.-m l!i.- Maikfi. :!- I'nini-. nl. hnik- a
Trader's Lumber Company
Red t ;!!.!
A Mi t: line f dry tl- mil be
but ery cbeio at Mi. Ni lnu -
1. idle-' hi al te -: rv at M;
hnii-f -
'I lie !.-'. ct v,: M i ,.: . f. 1 -!
in tin wo: M to i - i e tt ! t .:
. vr-
Miu TiiiiuiT, travelling paen-.-.i r
:ij;ent for the H.uivor aiitj R-o r.ii.tb
railway, n very pleasant eutleu n
was in this city showing m no
he.itiliful Moiiiilaiu scenery on .tin n
route to altfornia. It is s iid by t'u .-
who hnve travt bl the varioa- routt - u,
California, the 1) A-K t' route i
the mot itleaMiut and ibumiinu i :.
hundred per cent than all the otl.ii-1-Voni
the view .-iiown our rep titer we
mu-t concur iu that atrtiou. Na
ture has certainly made thi one ' the intciet inland ublitm thorough
fares that the iron hoi.e travel over
in the world. The sinhb are .vila'um
beyond the power of man to describe
Tin members of the traml Anuv of
the Republic coin.; to C.ihtf(.ru:.i have
all imaiiv -i;u:!it d th-ir intention of
i 7p - r
an ttio-e mtemiiii'' to ro nouii i.ik
this toad if they 4b-ir' to see the li:ei
scenery the world ever pnKbiced.
Round trij) ticket j.."0. I'attie wi-ii-inj;
information will do well to call ou
A. J. Welch, ticket agent I!. A: M at
llto depol in Cloud.
A P.onwza. . W. llurtix we'l
known to the citizens of lied fhmd
and adjacent tenitory. has discovered
near the citv the fact that yellow oakcr
i to be had in great abundance ami
of the verv be.t kind. The mineral
isiaid by expert? to be an cxcollei t
iptalily. Specimen have lcen sent' to
Chicago. New York. S:l.mi. and oth
er cities of note, and .Mr Hurt is has
met with encouragement, and he wii!
soon commence grinding and prepar
ing it for the market. This is indeed a
bonanza and we would advise Mr.
Hurtio to procure the necessary means
or form a tock company to work the
plant for all it's, worth. a there i cer
tainly money in it. Yellow oaker i an
invaluable portion of every pound of
of paint made, we understand. l( this
io. we cannot sec iiv ca an deetiou. we believe for city
it should not be manufactured j watenrork. This is an actual uece-
aild 1)0 made -111 illllMfrtailf ii1!u'rv : sitr ! i li..iw t. uU i.vnrv eole.
r... i,i i -i x.. i i. . i -" i " - .- e i l i-i l:.-.. ,1 I nation-, and of the Ruble a containing , niore R'.--ie Coch:
for ucit i loud. It is certiunlv a lu iriunr citizen t Ked Lbud ith the i . , . , . .. . ,r. '"" v ' r :'- ,"v
- . . .- . Liit" iiit'iier i.v itir m:ilioii-. i tiiiiu i irnni.- ;!inriNrin
J ... --.--- - - ------ - . . ..... .... .
Resolutions ot Rospoct.
Re.-ohitions pa-ed by the W. C.
k .ii:ii.n.
i:kd ci.oc i - -
Ail work guaranteed
C. of Red Cloud, oti the death of hi.- rir-t .Nalioti.if Rank
ter Sarah .Mick. '
Wherea-. death ha ' again visited
u, and we are called on to mourn the
los of the elde-t member of our Union I
Craudma Mick, therefore be it
Koll oer j
As low as can be bought from any dealer on -J
.!. oi-
"it s l
t: II-
he eit eiueiit. that all men are cre
ated cipial. that the are emloweil by
their Creator with ei-rtain enaliable
right, that among the-e are life lib
erty, an the pursuit of happine.'
Ih-ilaiatioii of Independence say
Airain congiv.- .-hall make mi law re-;.-?tup
an rabli-hinent of religion
or prohibiting the xercie thereof.
Ameiidiiieut of free conr:Mit.ui Art
1. Ye friend here lies the .-eeret
of all. "the bible and the bible alone."
ami no iate religion ha brought the
teeming million to our .-hore. There
is no tyrant -itting ou a throne with
a crowned head to retrict the eoii-ci-encc
of men.
Here, according to th- foregoing
principles, all can wor-hip od ;u their
conscience.- diitate. Rut this .-tate of
thing. i- not always to eii-t, Thi
same two-horned beast is to speak a.- a
dragon. Y-. I l-li'. -ay he will cause
thf earth and them that dwell therein
to v.ur-hip the fir.-t beat who.-e deadly
wound was healed. And in v. 14 it is
to make an '"image" to the beat. As
stated before, the wounded bea.-t ne ir
ly all agree wa the Roman combina
tion of end ami eccle.iatical power,
or t hurch and State: hence, to "make
an image." in thi country, there inu-t
be a union ot Prote-tani-ni and Re-
I ....1.1. .. ..." ... !., ri.rl.r hum I flirt I
i iHiouviwii-iu. nut. jtttv "t". . .r i from
oo-e Stime ot t:ie teauers oi iiik nn.t
are ready to take i ue. ami -ay that,
in thi- country. Church and State will
never Im united. Tnirty year- ago we
emtio feel quite -afe in taking .-ueli a
-land. To dav it i- not -o. At present
theie i- a party known as the National
' l 1 1 ui .'i rv, tin vt. t n .
:.W(f' that we te.-ttfy to her m- ' Da uiaauii aut fti Auai A u
ceredcu,,outothecaue of temper HU U iYlSl WAlLtlv
aiKC. he: -tenlia-t ailtiercauce t
li... ...;.i. i.,l.. ti.-.' ,r.. urn tin. V I
proliio "We hold thc-e truth- toT- :m,t her fattiifuf attendance .,
mcetinv.'s. that had for their objeet. the .
rescuing of the peri.hmg. And thcuu'h
we grK'Ve that her Mfi't loir.g facet
and f-heetfnl .mile will greet tt- !
nioe, we can but rejoice, that without !
.-i-kiif. or suffering, her pure spirit I
jiaei from earth tn heaven, to receive ;
the welcome, A ell dne tiioii go d
and iaitiitul servant of the Lord." j
1 o her bereaved family we extend i
our kind .-ympitthie-, ami pray that
her mantle of a true chri-tian life, may
fali upon each of them.
ReslveI. that we will wear the
accustomed token of mourning for one
Re-olved, that cop f these reolu-tion-,
he pre.-ented to the family, ami
! a!o be scut to ottr citv iiat)er, and
the A'1! ll'idlir fur iiihiicati jii
Is i Ik pi u c to irv I b.irii.uns in
A jronen.l bankiiih: ba
iietod in all lis bniiiehog.
iv;:!1??;? 5iir,
lit iaiii iiitf
i . . ' t t
m li
Three or. live year- ttraight h per
rwt. o;igle ni'tr'g ? N !!
in -ecurjt.g m 'i
lo tr i haiv.uns in I'll I iu
nrcnus, .si'i(iN(; w(,)ns. h...
mg purcli.ix-J otir stock at reduced
prices we arc able to place i r
the maikct all kinds ol ve
hicles t hea per ihan
the cher.pest.
Reform Association "which i- laboring dailv attendance '26. The u. w;
to secure in the hearts ot the people,
ami ultimately in the preamble of the
Constitution oj the 1'nited States, a
reeifgnition ci Almightv (Jol as the
Brickl Brickl
We havejiist finished burning aticth
er kiln, of excellent brick ami invite
contractor- and ll others
wi.-hing the .-ame to call and ex
amine our brick and satisfy them
selves of the quality of the -ame. As
evidence of their merits the brick '
buildings of thi city are otfered. Rv- '
cry building i con-tructed with brit k.
from our yard with but one excepts, n
and we orfler the testimony of 'be
brick intu-on of this city I.tnoln or
Reatrice. We are ready to contm
one to .jttoiK"! and to ;
liver the same, ll-o anp in ai.v pnj
titv. W 11. I.fPi..ov A - s
I" H .mi(!t i. . r U
W '
i I
XL ) JL L- nip
7w vV
t-MI !'ttMO N I-
Rkpokt of school tau t ;. I' -.
for the mouth ending i ii.e -
Number of pupils enrolled -i st7A
are the names of thoe win hae n
been absent or tardy during the ru u
Franklin Richarcson, I5es-;e ( ":.ra
source ot all oower ami authority in .-torev
Cox, Clarence C-x
Tno-e whtt-e gratle in -
government, oft'b.n-t a- the Ruler of,. hip entiilei
tinil. and should receive ! lban u . 1'ctitiou. Iu vase oi tin, good water
passing notice. We hope the matter i rks. with a uni. hose and hook and
ladder company would do more goou
and save more property than a uoxen
engine? iet u nave water worn
by ai! iHeans.
will be thoroughly investigated.
A W. C. T. I. wa organized on the
17th instant with officers as follow:
President. Mr 1C Crawford.
Vice-President. Aliss Maggie Hrr.
Secretary. Mi- Abbie Vance.
Treasurer Miss Klla Mclntyre.
A nice rain Jat Sabbath afternovn.
A national reform association was
organized the fir-t Monday in dune
1 he toffowing otticer nave been eiee-l
ted for one year. I'. C. Johnson, Pres.
D. M. Hunter. 1-t Vice President. J. R
Allen, Secord Vice President. 1).
M earns. Secretary. Yu II. Middletou
J. li. Crosier 1ms bought an Ilsterlv l
Preaching at the Ii. P. church next
Sabbath at 11 o'clock a in' .
K. 'L White an wife hnye retrnl
from Kansas. 1). M. D.
Trader & Clever are tlje new butch
ers who will open p a butcher shop
iu MWherV old stand, tho gentlemen
ara old hands at the bttshies
frnaraatee satisfaction.
Machine oils cheaper than eve:
Colt ings drtiK store
them to oo r t r
rail, .b ,e C
Harvev v
say that tins a-sixiation mis regular ;er ox. Jo-ie storey, r . .-,-. Ji
rganirevl eil'orts in the ditlerent State. . Mav Post. Rannie Zackerv.
where thev have itee pulmc dt-cu-
sion-. Here i- the propo-ed. amend-J
ment to the Constituluui. 'We. the ;
pexpie of the I mteU Mates. . acicuow.
elgmg Almighty Gfxt a the source of
all authori v in civil gcverninent. the
Lord . J e us Clnist as tne ruler oi na-ticn-.
and Hi law a- of supreme au
thority.'! in order to form a more per
fect union, etc"'
.Now. who i- to interpret that amend
ment? Who is to declare to ti- w:iat
ANN v Co-. KkM I , "K I. i.
Farm Loans.
Farm loan- negotiated. Farm
i p
Buck Boards at
Top bugges at
Spring Wagons at
Hi ai- al- n jarl tIo all kiiid of job and p'pnir
at Nit toia jri- Ui lmiit jniii-d aii'l r-ai
i-a.-iialil rat-. It 'iil jmy you to ivihi a t
and K'Hotir rii'- h-f.r- jun ha-tiitf d. w!i-r-
$65 .00
g. hm.. 'ii J
..n ; jy, !;.; t- .' .-ar..
on most favirable terms. Ivkis taA t tt tur uji ." ' J3!22l.,2 '
ifcTiiTiTrv-ri-nc "j f c a v- . nrun ii irn i . -- k.
'-- K-" -.' f.i -, J"' ..,.- ...v ......
out extra cost, iojc to yemr te-t2
interest- ami call on meat my ..nice
over First National Kink.
I). 1). Span u..
if such an amendment is recognized in
the Consuurion. then the people must :
If you wi.-n to sell your farm or town
pronertv call on Jxrrn Orwk.
KetlCioaO. ee
Sammer dress gmds. lawns, white
gfK-S hml'uns, great varity of hice- j
hosiery, pat nsols. gloves, fans. etc. etc.
etc- Will be clos cd out at a sacrifice
at, Mrs r. Newhonse. Please give ns
n call.
The best slock of trusses in the coun
ty at CotUngs.
Go to opera block ami gat prices on
groceries ami queens wsire before pur
chasing else where.
the "law of Jesus Christ j-" Kvnientlv
-'; i Ueti L iooo.
Trv the Estev Sewing Machine. It
decide it as thev do other matteis. But lintel ?c,n lttr i3 m.r
a moments retiection is required to " srtIc b-v F- )- TVi or -ne ttt ,de
see umiwiieu sucn a s;nie ; au.iirs 'w
dies e.i , Hie people must decide
wtut religion is. or accept everything
that is called religion. The latter can
;Wr II WVtalp r trurt ;. -
utUirKtll' l 'uUffvt-'J . i r"i '.' '
r.k- ojrli rl rti "j y l. w tA.4 -
A ?ood team of norses for sale. In
quire of Joseph Graves, Ited Ckud. tf
I ..... m-.t-aj tn fnrni.Vi i?orr nlnlJ
e done, hence the tormer is in- .wu fA-,in,.;iit- rW..nw imv
evitatie. .... , .- of design and tiniih, csinnot be excell-
(ne mayask Are not thee Na-r j :ampi on exhibition a; the
tlOIial KetOrmiSIS ahirmiSts? I ttUIlk nix;n. ,,, C.n,rr YnnrMlmmiw
Z- Ij. . " -
respectJulIy sobcitel. C. r- ood. tf
Tlie Golden Kagle Clothing S-:ore has
a few more Sailor Suits which they
JH lull rrl-iO ii a.rfKh -!- J-T a.4
vrtMiu :. U', "l tttrlwrr ml -rsll
xIm! jtenrftim elr-w !l n wml irmw vm
xt bit rttmm Iim- tftt
nd. paMe ri t -' t
v id'. retrvr-m utunMj sad r
:b nt'inc M nt m pnj4 tor.
Ail ofr-yti Utttrto m rUiw tar 4
. M tt tir ettrx 4ftnr 4 il
otM-Mrtro-MMi mt T 4t. AHnrt IT
raeJirw4 lifef tIMiiibi mtfj
so. And what is most alarming is the
strength they have, and the fayor tney
are receiving from leading men among
us. dust see the men of the organic
tion as it wa iu 15TG. (and i still grow
will close out at reduced price.
J II iLMLrvcMBtyrtrrl.
t.- hxrein si- ih.-.' I 1m- tavern m I
t yrari wtt Me wfetfe fMi KH!.a41&
lttear. Tike no t hr ft ii i i
jtou: ifcn ip. mt wiU IbrT'itmtv tafe mm
! has 5 Ac gmumr &.! rm Mplrnt I
Sa!i at jmI izjcimrze (r krpe.i-rtl-tarr.
cic , tfcsj 0l t.( lur MeM4tfts
ixv. alter thK fWK-:tnM of uu wtw.
i-Sw I! ex Mt Kin .vmt.
Successor to R. L- Tinkci
nm&K irm Inrgrvl st-k of !-! rm. cirlri
funtiiurx and undcrtnk.rV'rKl- in t!i
rnuvy. UU paintings, pirtiirvlnim!
in nrjtt varirtv.
;uil kit Kt-ii
Opposite FirJ National
Give him a caii.
Bank. Prices verv low