The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1886, Image 7

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T. 43a ffiACKEMfHE MEMThe Chicagj
M JSs.j'":!
B Ib'HH Pi 1
i t'v4a
t the Square Dealing
Clothing Store, Closes julv 4, 1880.
I he (jknd Pkii- I )kaving ends Ji:lv 4th,
1st. Prize 20.00 .'Inl. Prize 810.00
2nd. Prize SI .1.00
P.wrv purchaser I Hiving .) in Is at one
time is entitled to a ticket in above drawing.
W.iMMtV NV hlni-k.
ft 1Mb lit i Meter
Wliic-h w,-h.ivr at a (JKKAT KXl'KNSK pnxmvd for tin-
lit linir of Si'i'i'tiK-lc." f all
diseases of the rye i
We guarantee this instrument to most perfectly
correct all deficiencies of Either Eve as
each eve is tested and fitted to its own
peculiar dehciencv.
In llh Kfpublirnn Yallry that ,V;ui ronvct th Following
1 iscas A.-tiirmatisni both siinj)l ami
j Presbyopia, Etc
We especiallv invite those who have experi
ence the greatest difficult v in procuring spec
tacles to come and have their
Call and see this latest invention of science.
Jewelers and Opticians.
Ked Cloud, Nebraska,
4th. Prize 5.00
T "
rrv i;kig otoki:.
.t iwr irl - 'mi
lUlun tinh.i'iis !- li.r. W.- ;ir-
iurtr f'r ' VinKi!
Ai NitlHiii jn' .Iiii - '! a fifi-- iu.ilit
I Iin-.riil ImIiimUoii hs-l I'tm-ltT.
I'.iru ;ri,ii' I. iiiiSoti I'lirjil-.
Ferguson cv C
Rod Cloud Markets.
wint.T wh.Mt i.7c-v.
ni !' .-.
lUrl.-y ' '
l!y ..
IInr- I H
attlr I '''
UutcherV -tk .!. v.
0 Por Cent Farm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm I.o:n C. will
make you a loan on von farm at
straight y p'r cent and furni-h lh
money ivithunt any delay, ('.ill on
them in the Cloud National Hank
l'arm loan- which I make cm !
paid nj in whole or in part at the end
of one year. Intere :u- low :ls any
where. Money furuisht-d a- -o-n a-
application i- approved.
17tf ". I'.mjki.i:
I hen-hy ret July , lt' at 'l oelotk
a. in. a- the time for holding a -peeial
Term of Di-tnet urt in ami for Web.
-ter county Nebnmk.i Petit Jury id
ordered 10 hi- drawn and .-ummoned-Witne-s
my hand at Ked Chuid Ne
hrsiaka 'hi-'Jlst day of Jun' 1
W n.i.ivM ? ludjje.
U" I) Fwirei ter was in Omaha
F. N. I:oi:i-on h:u returned from
W. U . J MiiiNKic ha returned from
("hnt: .
Mil-- 1". N. Koiu-o. i-, viiitiii
''. M'Nhw of ThomaviIle, w.i
caller Miluidav.
Tiik late rains haye been of
benefit to rowin crops.
K. V. miikkv and . Muschow
in oherlin, Kansas thid week.
Kt. Kki.i.o.o went to Ohio on lal
Sunday 011 :i visit to the old folks.
o.s- tomorrow the 2 Mr. Wabberniin
mil .-ell at public auction his -tock
f f . a .
.1-ka.nk Mii-KKY the ponulai clerk at
the Canlner Hou.-e resigned l.i ,t week.
Pit. I.. P. Ph.M:v i.- a widower for a
few days, while his wife is in lla.-t-
a larye turnout at the ('ouj;i'e-
r itt, in il .linn-li kiwi il .it I I Iv-ih.v".
i;.iiionai nurch social at .1. 1.. K.uei -.
, . , ,
1 i wf .inirioii' iii'oiiuiir
"-- .' -' -,
Ki:v. O. o Vi:i-ki: will preach at t''e
K.ipti-t church. Sunday, June n;
moriiin and evening.
Mr- W". 1). FoKUR-iKi: and
daughter Mary, left Friday niirht on a
visit to IVniisylvania.
H utKY FKhilll ha purchased the
. I f . . I 1 I
irr.iv hor-eofC .John-ou. and now
" -
e bos- team of the road.
Kmh.ii is aam able to throw
ha- the oos-. team ot the road
Pit. 1
awav the crutch, and use hi- injured mo". r ,- ,, , , , . i If- "' about u c.r :.iter. Janimn l.
, , . , ,, ... ' A stranx'er from lalls m.lo-t ht I Is-j. .she was married to l.ewt- Kier
It- hi, used recently ma wind storm. . ,M)rkt.t I(f)(lk , ..ntaiuin- 70 m ; :llltl ,-Ide, of the y : church
Mk. 1-h.i. an old newspaper man Frnest Welsh- depot le-taurant uuh whom -lu lived hanpily 3'.' icar
froni Ni niaha countv. Kan-as, wa- a ' the other day It waa tortunate that In 1-17 -h Pvmiii u widow with a
l.lea-mt caller at these headquarters xw 1Mr:Ui:i,','. !"! IU'V . U'U "I1", ,!u" '"x bildren Three of the-e
. hand-ol Mr el- h or he niiuhl haie ' W. H K'.er. of U mter-e. Iowa Mr
" ,, bid tarewell to the amount. 'I ulhs, of .-tewart, 1 .a an.nir- Mc-
Y. M H imikki: and wife, of Odessa, Tmk tir-t new-paper printed in N -h- , Kride. of thu city, are -till hunt:
Kan-a-, formerly of Ked loud were ra-ka, the .V6-.m( I'nUmlm it. made it- j Three i ears later she mamed ha-
riMtin; in the city thia week and tak- appearance at Helb'iiew, Nov 1. l-..')t. Nliek, by wl.oin -he had one -on. Mr.
...;.. ti... .. ,i... i-:..:.... it. . Its advent wa witnea.-ed bv the nrinci- Luther Mick, now in the mercantile
..if, ... mu i.iu-5 ui Hie I'llllllK l.lIKi
. - - !
-sot lation. .
'1 UK 'hri-L-au church of this city are Cumminj,'-and was read In (Jhiol-Ju-.- lsl while liunj: in Indiana. -he
still holding their revival meetings tice Feij;u-on. came from Iowa to Nebraska in 1-7U
with great success, there bem.' acce- Ihe Knight Temnlars oi this. at. and Knnging with her two motherle-.--ion-to
the church neirlv evnrv even I vicitntv have received a dispensation irrandchildren the hr-t children cier
.in. tothechuru. ncarlv ciori cieu- I tn ; com. , biouuht to H eb-ter county and -ettled
- j uiandery here, and to this, end a meet- 0' sl ltwul "r nude bock.
Kev. (,..-. Pavis has returned from ' w. ls lo he held next Thur sil.iy even- A,K,,U ,t'" -ve1a" a'A . y
York where he had been in attendance ml' The honor ot having a rtnman-' "om.lo:ul and renmied to to thi- n'y
upon the commencement everci-e, of ' ,,-r-v - ,,ot cnjuycil by any other town i wh"rt? -lf ha- hved ever since h.irhly
Yr .1. !S in the villev save Ked I 'i.ed by all who Knew her and
lork College. Wllich he thinks are .. , m. , ' ti.n- iivr.. ioll..r L-in.ivn Han Crumlm.i
among the best he ever witne--ed. i . .. . ,
., " ... ... . , I AiVi.Rn-t:i letters tor the wcek
Mrs U. W. (.vKP.NKK received :i j ending June -Jl I -G ,1. H, I. A
telegram Saturday, that her father liv- ' Karrett. H. ('. M Uurge.--. Hiram P.
ing in Tainesville. Ohio, had died, and !! ' w ree-ion I.. K.Carter. -.
consequently -he left on the f,r-t train co" JT r ..'Vxt't 'V ,mi
, , , I J I. I.avd I rank MeKee Mr-. "Inr.i
to be present nn the luneral obsequies .mcii0:' ,.s. Clara Orr Tliul Konke
Fin. " Tiiikks foreman of TiikiW S I'tirush. Thai llbarn. Mr-.
Cittr.r oflice. who came to Ked Cloui'. ' Mary J. Wilson. J. L. iuht Ciarenee
home two years and a half a;o from
Clinton, Illinois, started home on Sun-
uay un;ht tor a two week s visit to his look after her hu-band's ton lot m
pirent-. , Kenkelman, and hi- timber c aim som
Talk about canning factories nml ' . miles north of town. Mrs. Smith,
.ii.. , i-very lavo-abli unpres-ed with tne
other industries ,t occurs to us :U a 0limry her0 :imlha-some not; n of
nool tlax mill would be a paying in-' inducing Mr. Smith to take a home
veaimont. Flax straw i always a mar- (?tead claim that she in iy becaui" a
I ketable commoilitv in anv country, a '
J - ,i j
is ujso ine seen.
. .. .. i . -. ., .,
A in by the name 01 leaver hail-
ing from Logan county. Illinoi-. was ,
arrested Tuesday by .-heritV Scott on a
telegram from the sheritl a" Lincoln.
I ni;,,- it .t.;. .... :,: .., .
ii'iiiu..-. .vi mi- niaiii ine ciiarvi
upon phic'u the pri-onar is held ar not
fuliy known
Chii.iu.n's day w:is a itry enjoyable
occ.xssion at the Congregational church
The little folks had everything pretty
nearly their own way. Appropriate
remarks bv the p:itor. recitation-
A. McCau. brought to Ked (.loud
th week, 40 tit hogs, tlio!
eight of which wer 3'J) pounds. He
recived over $10 per head for them.
Who says that hoc mis ng does not
pay in Nebraska. Tliey are certainly
the beat investment in the iUie.
.iiming, music, etc. filled uo the time. TlUn? Wllh h, ,a"u,y nMr1C'w!f
. . i ihe iKist two weeks rottmitM to K -
he church was handsomely decorated work on Tuesd.iv. Mr. Uood U an c'd
1 he above iaa written last Keek but i.,.i., t... .: . .x- i. : ..
' 'il ' fur a Z'j A tflrphi nc c.clini . lit nit lubcr th -ill at (urt UMi--
i-i cow fur -ale Imjuire ot J. II I mi' where otr n here re tJit vnii-.-niith.
I.'i.o C1.01 i aiII inn celf!' oi 'I id. ;h1c huIW- arr Leint: laul on a!
jud-e ' Avenue.
Tin. Happy Hour l'luo-ie .1 scrie- Mr- i uix will z," lu Irnn-iU:i
of at the riu' thi week 1 Illinut-. tiit- w-k
Kith wntmi:" f the i-- are the
only riehe.- our po-tenty ctnnot
Ml:- Fi:.K. -JilTII Iea-- Monday
for Akron ' loradof where -he o
lo take a pret'tiiptiou. i
K" -KKfNt little ihiM which ha-iM-en
. ery sick for a few I.i- 1; r'cov
riMj; -inwlv from luni; fer.
Tin Willintr Hand 5ueiet. f the
M K f'hureli jrivea -ocial on tin Court '
lion-.- .'round- ed Km- next week .
Mi-- Mmik Ifn'KKi: of Akron l
t'olorado. daughter ot our euterpri-- ,
mj; Kroccr I". ' Hacker 1- 111 the'
Mil-. A I. MircuKU. and Mr f
uiiru wno nave, oeen i-uin in me
in the new.-paper bu-iner Over tifiy
new p.iner-3 have beMi started in the
State -nice Jan- 1.
Pivim" Skkm-k, with inii-ie, n!
be held in the Catholic Church KeU
t'l-itiil on Sunday the I'Tlh ui-tant
Jo-eph t'h rv . l'a.-ior.
1 he -orirty i3 in a .lounshitij; condi
tion and every -tockuolder was more
than (hau -ati-lietl with ihe working
ot the a--ociatnn during the I.l-1 ear
Thk regular ouarterlv cumm union
e.i-t part of the .-late h:ie "returned ; F.'le Iothin .-tore Heduceil trom
ClOUlf S.'.OOto-'oo.
H.-nrv Mohlerof rhur !!!... t- i-. i:,vK,:v i-acit r m the county -Would
wutimMr l)e Hart and familv. Tht. , maKe ananmenb to attend :ho m
gentleman 1- very much plea-ed with ' JtuU "" J,v
Nehra-ka " Pon't fall to i;et pricoa a: the tolden
NKiii:KiHiii.ikiii a i:oo.i rerurd K'lo h.fore ou buy your clothing.
-eivice fthr ('i,n.ieational 1 hurch Kuy 5 iiortli and et u ticket Jrt
willbeh'dd next .-unday inornni at' " yooiuuio ex -hentl f
II o'clock. The public conin'lly unit- Nuckol- com.'ty 11 11? in the ritv l
ed (touching ileii with hi- uumer i-
Mll-j. -MtiKK and daughter iriend
ni... ot oo i.-;er and niece of Tm ,., Ut jllJrjl1?t.fl . .... , t
I-4Iauk.-onre,k,onand ,n ;ii ,.n.( ni.;i,ii p,u ,,u .. t. w
fam-lvl hey a.e very jinci, ple..-ed mri. ,lck, , , v,',, ,,,. , t ,it
w.'.h .Nebra-ka. ,hr li( ,,U.k J(n:i, ,hup
(JIM ,H mm in...- haven very hnel lKItV"Vil,i, t,.,. lan of He
hack that they pun-lia-L- ot .-leepe, s ( ,h,.r (, l ,,t. Uir .r.rtlIJ,i. v, . ,
a.n.ueWork-. r.,- earn.r-e 1- a Mr. , ,.,., ,. ,lnwni. i,. ,, ,, , ,
tine. -penmen and the him can i-l' ,,. ..j , .t ,,.,, lUe ,.r...
f.-el pioud ot the job. I ht.fon, lit.v 4jl)1 Jin lLIIM!;(.
A ..001, -tieet commi-iouer sl A N u.f lW,m K tIiVI
prune nece.-ity there oimlit to be ( klllB , ., I ,.(m ot our ;. .d, .-
some une to look alter the M.b-w ik- M, ,.fV ltl,,lMlh , ,;, Hluuux t.
and-treet-. I ney -houl.l be looked , ,, bt.(.M , ,.f.,j , (M1(1 OM i,,,.,,,',., ,,,1
alter ami K.-pi m repau.
Mk. Win.-, of Indiana, an old Jriend
of Hiiam Hick-, wasin the city tin. -
nek. He h:i3 traveled the continent
amUaiahc ratnerlive in Nebia.-ka
tuan an ine oiuer .- ate-- in uic . 1 111011.
."-o had we.
Mil C. K. Mouui-on pa-,-,ed throueh
Maroa on Mondav morniui: en route
to Nebra-ka, where he will meet Iih
ti'iT tniil leeotntt f v liatt tiiiitut f t-
. Mill. HH lUVU'lip.llll ti 1IOIIIU t'lli
j M sj pjea,;.a WJ(h Nchra.ku
J tlsll ltf ms taken :i tree claim.
Tiikki. will be a Fourth of Julv
ebratiun at the farm of . 11
near the Kama.- hue, -ix mile south
01 me cny mi .nny 3i. ineie 1
be boat ridiue and .ill kind- of
1 1, ,. ,11 .,i ,
I IHH tli 1I3
' 1 . t-.. ii 1
urer and sports. hvervb.ilv nutted,
1 - '
1 '... ...! . 1 . 1 .i. iv m
nth memoer 01 ine 1. ones i. 11 .11
'Sorielv are earne-tly reque-'ed to
' meet at the home ol Mr.- S iVrkuii
; uexL nic-uiiy ancriioou ai nan pa.11
two o ciock. r.iecuon ci omceir ami
I '" - ,.w. ....v v ., ...,,.
.ii? lnr I hi-! 11 !. 1 1 1 on 111 irl -i iii-i to 11 1 fi'inl
.. . .
to. JllN. .- FKKKIN-
Tin. death of 'trand-in.1 Mick- wa
wasn'tv sudden ami uulooked for
t Inlv tifteeii or tw'eiiLi limmti- hifnri
- J --....
... .1 1. 1 ........ 1 ....11 ... .... .1 1
1 mi .1...11. -in .-. vim.i .h.n.i.i.i-.i.ii.iiiu
.had been plckini; oo-tbenie- and
(1,,,J beiore her fiieud- could be sum-
1 m-i ii-.i" sn i!n.iiniiin.ii.iati-ii.ii.iiiii
, r , ,-. ,. ,
pal citi.en.s of the town Ihe hri nrojf
.... w:u i ,ke,, froM1 tin. t,re. In- tJov.
m, p ..a- .:.i. f o tm i
ilrs Mnith. ol Ken (loud
i) i i mi
arnvetl in Hetikehn ju on Mondav to
Permanent resilient ot LMunli county.
DntutH Conttv 1'nni'rr.
ot new liia id of director- of tin
.. , rIllI1I, nnw.OM. n :,,,:,. l ., , .
.oan Wosiation met at the W-lter
' ounty Ab-trait otlice, Monday night
and elected the toltowun: othcer
I'resnlent. l B. lcltt
Secretary. ( F Cither.
Treasurer. (i. O Yei-er.
.-olintor. J N. Kickanl-.
Auditors U. Teagir leu
i 'rone. F Hradhrook.
C. Ii.
P. r-
wir n.r i: ii v.-.;..-.
u-ekh". W ui Forrester.
Mk. W'm. (.loon, an engineer on tne:
C. M vt .Sf. I'., raihoad, who h Wt-n
ii..:... ..-.. . i ..... .1 . .. ..
; ha- a -jockI farm here, which hi- two
: on-iiies- i'r .tiniui miriv lie
?ons rreil and A. thur have in the few
years p.i-t tran-lortned trom wnd
prairie to one of the lnt improve!
... i... !?. .. . j
laruics' in mis iicillliv. Mr. Vj'.-1. we
1. .
erstarul, eontemphite- retirmc from
the road Soon to enjov the conifrts of
I;.,,:, i i ,r -. t ..
home with hi family. Cowley Uexlil.
.... v.. ... v..i. .... .in. itvh in li. II
i l.v i,r MrN;sv ; liottse It tal
-uumtg proportion?.
Y.t . YofN. i- an
n-innii hi
-tree; eo nmi-iuii er.
M i v ir.inyer- iine boon 111 inif
City in the hist few da?.
IhKKV Ki.ilIu' been iiiitnie! S
inirhl police m: the depot.
" W. imciv.k 1- r'Kivriin: from
:u- re-cent -ickne-- -il
ouino to nm t ot riHijn iho cfTes
piuience were crowded out
Mk-. Hkk Fm.iit ha- lelurncil
home from her 1-11 to Iw.i.
i.-rllI, 1.....I ..., ,- t Maud Mm-i.-
nut pleasure n't Wcl KwMIMC.
Iju'a nil -hes for men nt the tMikl-
boot-. -he- etc
Kir I.ktson 11 a tirown out of thoir
road cart on W etlnerday and : ecieved
a f-w -.liht brui-e.-
"I tie Oohleii liable Clothing "tore hns
a lew iimre 11 1 tr -int.- which they
will lt-eiui at reduced pru e-s
lui crops in the oiinty .ire looking
1 ery line a:d the larmer- are petior
aliy cheerful 01 er their pro-pevt.-.
Kenii'iuber the j;rand pn- drawing
' Jit the Onlden;le lo-e- July pi.
returned home, where he died ... hf
. toen minute-! alter hi-, aritial.
, Wk believe with the lbKMl,at the
d ord.n.inre -h-.ti'd be lullv earned
1 out lllllMlMir, :b ,,, (lf ,lUr ,.,..!,
purj- -u k- all our old hen
Wititt i'ni Mi M.itiiiil lihiii
1.1 r
'rr.r, i... .11 i.i.mii,- mi.-L.,,,.
,,,,.",!,,,,. u .,.
a" .- . " -..w
Oono to Hor Rowrrd.
On In-it -undai moiniii'.' Juu
suddenly, wittioiil preitoii-
M'.' , Mr- .-.irali Mirk, an old and highly c
U,ll.ti tot met1 re-idenl of eti-ter roiintv
.iU(j (), h, (,v
"' " i'" .' )'" 1
.. , 1 .
eurefullv. and
1 ;iiiii.ii iiu iiiiiiih.-- in 1 in- iiii-ei-u
! ' 7 ' .. . ..
,1 .,..1. t. tl .. .
I fchoie. --lie ,UI( mlul I lit: meetlii' 111
. r, ., . .
luoirie at tip couit nou u -itur-
day niht 1- -he had done almo-t ev-
erv ni-ht he the n lit tour uv"k- -iif
.Mreutly in h.-r usual health re-ted h-
1 UfU:li through the in -lit and on Sun-
,n0rnm and m ide pi.-pai itiou tor the
lllllll - 01 1 lie Oil 1 mill m III MM K
1 1 . . 1. . .1. .. 1 .1 1.
he 11 a- taken -uddeuly ill an I -pir-
5 within a lew
minute- ,Mh
Mick w.i- horn in ea-t lenne-.-e.
t ,.. -tl. i.... u... ....
,,U.II t till, 11"! III! III. lllllll IlillllV
.-- . ...
W;l, MiiKt'iiii'in, .inn 11 uer iva n
, pi,.,n;tnr of the 1 hn-tian hnnh -he
( Uiu'.m1 with the church at the aire of
W;, K 111 KC II IK Ml . .111.1 I I Her Will H
. .1 I-
( bu-ines" at nlem Kaii-.u?
'a -erond time bcame a
Mr Mick
widow in
.......... -..... -
Mick"' She wa- a devoted chri-tiau
woman and tho-e who mourn her lo--mouri.
Yio? i? tii'js nniTlmUvWl !"
Her luneial took pi ice on Tue-d iy at
the Kipti-it church, and wa- very large
ly attended The-eriire-i were con
ducted lio Fldi r K Harrow a i-ted
bv C. l Karne- nnd wer ion ini-
pres-ne 'on,' array n
IoIIow.mI tin rem ..n- to the
i met ri
Pvhere liniilnii MtI mil re-t
. i u ., - i i
o hi -nail wake t'u -.epu ' dead
Absolutely Pure.
Tbl- p"t--r -trr v.u-i- v!rrl tt j r,l
-Irrrlh a I I IkiJ-kh n-. I rv fKKmiiri!
tliir. fH ..rtlfri .fr l It. I. -. .. . I ... ..
..,.. .M- .......... ...- .. ....-. t .n.i ih
comutt.-vi n.ih nv tnai(i:ut. i .iM ti .tryr.
V15" i-Vr'fTH-V'.'!:.. ."T.? ,n,3
ucu. i.viauu.iai.i'j i"iir.iiiu,
j wa !c .v. v.
I jn
ii ( : m n.
FANS and
KedlKed U al'
Our cut prices on Clothing, and Mens Sluvs
Given Awav with
1U LA'
c carry the finest line of Shoes in the Citv
Great Clearing Sale uf all Summer Goods.
CHAS, I3USOHOVV, I'roHblont E. F HIGHLAND. Vlre-Pronldonl
Robt. V.SHIREY, TroiiHiiror .1 A. TULL.BYS rfciotnrr.
K. P. June-. O. C Ciw. K. V Shir-i . ei,.4 Ih,. ,W. K Jl. Fulton
K. '. Hjir'iiiM.l 0" H Nidhiiid. P m n.ut . J Warnm.
in improie 1 I irun n .Nebr k i and K inA- M'icv f-im'-hed a hiii jut the
.-eiuriti ii approved Kniu .pie ini indret pn itle m !d Cloud.
OFFU'i. in KK . (.'I.ut h '.TIN f, JJ.v'K Kl'lKPINO.
l I ) w km -rr-
K.iT - . I .-'. r
i'fi It -l ' l .i 4 -r
Canital $50,000
Special Attention Civjn to
li l ITatl i M -r
W. V. JarV.. r r II rS ' '
li. -bi..
Klir An 1 .dl Kt' i4.
Mak ro'lwiiim- i.d d. a 15
lenern! Kunk.n: B-i --. fm
In;j?i t allel n .i
time ib-;
For Low Rates
s r. ;
First National Bank,
j No Dr lays in making Loaxs.
everv suit only lrists
4, IBHfi
Chicatro Store.