The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1886, Image 6

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..iiiSs!t. .i5PF
zI v T'"--.
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The R' t 1
TttRR Rl 5
V " . 7 t
1 T ''
li rnrninunfcaUorm Tor ttilS naB
m'i nniif'n HCCinMiiilwl by the nnne of tb.
-A. C. HWW not iiecafcaanlr for jitibllcr.tlon. but
- (tcnco Of (joou faith on the part Oi
pp. -.t. V.Yitc otilr on one nMo of t
(i . .10 leirtk-ulnrj)- ere I Mi to fflvinj
vmuvr.ntki rtn'fi to have tho latter ai il
r inii' ti viiiiiii-1.
, . mmm
3f we couM l!w enI for ith ilown th.; w at.
Tin- coining of hle's nlirht Unur
The clo-lni or life" Jny;
Tlic last of ntl our lrl lis, our trouble? am! our
piling '
TiiclaM ornllour !oiM, Hit but of ull our
"IVoiilil I lie bourn w-eni n tnninrtit-.
Or would llifv hccin too Inni"
Would our I.CHfiM lo:t Irth.l .nnl
Or would lliey beat more ..irons.'
There lire iflvc im livartaclKM,
B"I'lific iin imiim that ",! itnkli,':
TtiTi;nrcOi'il!ih flint Hit inhkyirnn!.
TJau-uif lii-iilili tlutl fccnintiy-'X's:
AuJ ourlivr-s trf not tin lir.'bt-t
U' lli'-Miiiu ot hourtinroM tlietn:
Vtir la-iii I itieoltfti l.ulit't
Wj-ti the iH'iivifMt roirou lioliJ tnciii.
jnl tiitn( r-ltiiiiiri routniry f''liutri
.Make tih lioM ifin thn-nd in oiiiJr.
Ah wr-i'Uy Jallli no turli-r
'J'liiiu byilifJit. wtifruilfi lie blunder:
So wu look louiirt tin- cmiliitr
O! nr iit--i, nni IrltttK. ami blittsi-i,
ml il. it lifiitli ih liirkncn.
fir only HkIiI Mini kiHM-H.
Jillt HO llllKV. ( IlUK HOIliCOIIKM Ioih-
No n-jitli , tiud no Kiij;x'"tioiiH:
Ddiltil nml fr;irnr!i Iidiii n"nil uc.
l't I'm h l.our buna' .'cr iijitijiii.
Jlml tiic'iiil. thouKb coniifii,' nearer.
Ih IIO tlC'lli ! ill it 'lnil!JJ,
i'or I lif bfiii t i.eojifc on its wamJeriu',
Ami Hit' rout ki-t'iit on it -4 ti-u- n:
Ami IlioSiiti ma or:oubtiim) tear.
Still llio mmiI iloth tfjir ami reml.
Villi it. J'ivIiiI, ifful iii'Mloii
U'liut :r 7 oulil .sec I lie cuil '
I. .. I!"ni( hiunn. In Iflimt 1'iec I'iCft.
Tho Groat Troublo Causod by a
Stupid Artist.
J V.s I ri'tt'tinh iiil vrnj;. ain! the
il:irl !:iys m jiiiiti.siiiiicni liroiiiil
I ;oiilil not but fful wciv ili'M'rvni.
"Wlsrn I 'iJiliM'ii. father Ii'il. and
lii-orphan HiiMn-n v.-re left to learn
l'ie nir::uiiiir f lln- ilismal vinJ jv
't'ly. We liail 1 1 -! fur tisanv e:tr. in
lilleienl 1 .i - -. iii Crriiiniiv ami
France, au-l hail never reisiled t!i-o!il
hoiiif in New liaiiiiiNbire. whie'i I
eould dimly lemenib -r. lather "had
been Viee-Consul and then clerk in a
bank until mother died, when he
M-emed (o los.' all inlerest iu outside
matters, and .stayed ipiietly at home iu
our little np.tttmeiiL at ."Mannheim.
After his de.tlh, I wa-. oblit'd to seek
eniployincnl. I was well educated,
and I was enra;;cd a.- jovernes to the
little Connies-. Valerie on LilieiiberL'
She was a beautitul child with rip cf loii irobli'ii hair lsiiiij iu
downy lilies over her head like a nim
bus, and she bad a Mvifl. limit in ;,
noiseless way of walking, that was
-very .spirit-like. Valerie was not ijuite
ten year.s old when I entered the lain-
ily. so my duties with her were not
very hurdcii.soiuc. I was to teach her, tall; thai lanuairc with her
.oiistanlly, lake her to walk, and
watch over her when other.-, were not
.n rhaijje. We icw cry fond of
each oilier, ami her sweet. loine; ways
helped 111c more to overcome my j:nef
at father's death than any other inllu
eneh lean icmembcr. I aw cry lit
tle of th elder incniber.s of the family ;
Count Jilienber"; bad an important
position nl court, and v:us olteti ab
sent; the Connie-.-, bis wife, was busy
with the claims of .society, and had
time for little e!-e. 1 knew she was
Very fond of Valerie, but save for a
-drive, in (he afleiuoon and a rood
nieht kiss and ble.siur, .he .scarcely
ever saw the child.
1'arl of the .second summer of my eu
ejacniciil wilh Valerie we .spent at llei
ilolber"; lleiv I will allow myself a brief
diere-.s-on, to tell what is to me by far
the most inleiv.stin: anil mo-l impor
tant paitof my story. Down at the
:md of a r tt . ijuiet lane, uml-r the j
shadow of the old Schlos-." was an
.-ntist's sludio. called the Mouse-Noi.
tt was rather crowded, beinj; .shared by
a sculptor and pr.inter. but it was a
wondei fully fascinaliii": place to'he
pa liter was a (Icrniau. with an un
ruly crop of hair and a line voice for
-student sons. The sculptor was Tracy
Norton. -Wo had met the year before
father died, ami that Minimer Tracy
risked me. if 1 would be his wife. I loved
Jiiin, and bad accepted him He was
poor, but that was uothiii"- for a vounr
r r
man of bis,; he had not sold
-Jitiy .statues Vet, but he had two gold
uiudals for imflu.stry and talent, and or-
slcr.s were Mire to come later.
Once a wefek Valeric and I went to
the Miiitv..-Ni.wt f..- .. i.. :.. i...t !.....
' If J J.-lfiuik for both of us this visit was
I J inTichlca.santest event of the week. Val-
I jpvr,-- crie, for her ajje, :ts unusually fond
t ff if jicturcs, and to be able to watch
ttiem from the liit splasli of paint
upon ticcanv.u?. to the tinal touch of
bih light, was deeply interest in;. All
tliis w:in very innocent amusement to
-American eyes, but 1 knew that my
via ploycrs would rejjard it iu a very
stirtcrent lieht, and that tlieir etiquette
-foi bade two rirls goin unattended to
aUftfHist's workshop, even thouehoneof
' "the jxirls was a child, and the other was
4,ii ij:d iu marriage to the art".;. They
-would disapprove of it for Valerie, and
I'or mo as Valet io's guanlian.
Hen begins my fault, of whieh I
liuve atteauy spoken. Wlienreturnin;
from our liist visit to the 1
i?aid to my little companion:
We will .say nothing at home of
with a clump of primroseir-growing at
lier feet, and her bead turned with
sweet, easy grace to a butterfly. percTlcd
3ightly on her bare shoulder. The tig
ure well en toward completion in
clay, but Tracy had not yet found the
model he fancied for the face.
, .Walking one day near the Molken- j
A I .--- . .i.i.-ii itii ti n. i cit-a. ttiu.v .romi; --- - -" : ... . .u , w..
W l....i lime will f,..-.i".l im . r-.,.... .-...-.,;., t ..;..., i,,l if. ...... 1..' ..-1...I- . I r- ... ' r-f. ml -. - ,.,..: . :. t . J " O. O-STaW
. IIVI. 1. U 11.11. IMII. .1IVJ4 tv. Ol HCl- . O It III UI- Uiiill Vll'Jll"!! Ill 1111 till v.n '...... I . .. .. ...7.1. ..1 .. .;... 1 tv-m u II n Bl' ivi-i.; 7ft n Ii r. t.rr.. ! '
..,.. ...... ...... .w... ........ ,,... ...... ... ..... .... .hi.. 2 --- - ;imj .r.lnjt nitres in two st:.-.les. aelK- w ----"- i. ni-jie ,,!,, ,,,. , . .,... ,
r ... ... I .. . 3s 1 1m. .- k. .i tv. i. aosam'T rmi, a mm. maer.
II 'lnoi- vr'i n ct-itu,. .if ! tree. tS . . I . . .- . .u Ut.r-1 tfte ;OOr ltll! br-.rr !. at, ,.--i ""
. . j, .... .............. .. --.....v. -... ..a? ...te-a;iti r.s.ies o; ius.-s, .1 1.11 rwT ' ' - 'sM-n-.l .. -.. .-
n-.. ..i. ....::. 1... 1. 1 . 1 .-. .1.- ! V-.l..r-;.i f is.i.,-.- ... dfa.-' , . ..."-... murt-l .m..i. ...i. .-.1. -..(. . ' -JX"W- j .- s too
- AMiiiu in-11... .. ... .-inn iu uiu -- . "- v.w..... .-v. --.j ; - leaves; tr..-is r. prettv pattern, ongai .-.- .-.. ,--..--. ---t-r-- jtu-.
J po-:tion at Du-seldotf the following speak, with her mouth heal fast bj-ji a an.i fresh looking, and charmingiv en-' :ha: :h"'" u' " wo:,.-n of :ke - v- " tu. v k..-
I. ' -....ii- l-.- .'.....:.... Tr I. .... ....... ...... I Wrive f -rilTeium- 11I i.ti.r hur 1 (J- ..... . .-- . .. . let? to rV- .i-.-. . .f f M -
f. l.i l.-lf-l.- t..l (;....r.. .f I..SA, ...f..l lii.neil lnr I'l.itclv :u tn her -en- tMS. ..1. . .. ".- . .1 . . ? ... r:iddt-n the. nrnrw..t-,l .-i .1 ...
-.... i-......... "i."-1- s.- "t... .int.. --- .- t'--"u-gs ana apron iroui; me rws. 1- 01 - - r. -..,-.-. .v - r fl4- : Tai' !:"' oo
fa -.-.inr.---:-l ..!:...- .--. .. ....,.-.-- I.....1- if.she eoubl hreithr eomfort.-iliK if MO ' .. 1 .:. ". .-.. - . . -.. - . t! with r-omw-n- r M-V.i- ...-....
ci '"p-iii. -.-., ". .!- wiin. - v- v .i.ii.c vc-iiii. cio-ea v iin lancv Henri . -- - -- --. .--. . c.i i...
kSr. "1 racy met and joined Vaicm-and
i I have ar idea. Audrey." he -aid.
pre.ent.v. in an undertone. "I thought
. "... . ... i
3f 1 t " r jB rt.Xf the nj"ht ami I have i!t-
. cirJed to it Hi- faee of t!u- halo Count
emits jM.t 1 want lormy i-ycjip.
MyTfi-Mr. :-of a u-irl of jn-rhan. four -
S i ... t it i-..t . !..,.
icuii; "u ii- r r.i-ci'iiriin ;i i-iiu jwi
:t Urn. - inuih older Uian -b i-.
:t tkio- inuih older Uian -b i-. in
act,fl.'- oft. n mmiih to 1 rontem)la
?." !h, '. J'nl. i:uMn -
iolct . - of hi-r-. the doin'a of a.-l
c- Tie It . tin studio, ivithout win'
tl- -juh 'i.- form of akiii jM-nuis-si
i'nij'.r. hi-would: and 1 think it
wo ildmi t!.e sif -r. jiior' cTtain way
not tdfui ii'ion it u the ion Liiwu-
Ju.i .j t
" .1.
' a. cb;--; of my litt! VaU ric r. uvet
J:tf'- was l mi in t-lay. to her auiii"
mci. and Tr i;. " -'.iJei:t Hatlsfaetion.
One lavjaf .-r tin- ih.rd or lourth "it-
t ttr. Clilori-. tVntnti-. I.ilienb.T's
ui'' told in.- tb it th.- i.tin:i intentiea
?$i.' I.., lived amonj;. Jnt h-r , Uith cold horror Iwatclut! the oW pruto into I'rxac. Al! the mt Uis- mmn-y and to hr unta U-ll if b. r- arr a hl4m, ,Hhatoak - ' 1 JjLt. ai t
okI v. ..ld like my N,ul to t-rn um , aiaa thru-t a formidabl.- ,,ur of .-i. UnRoihl m-n in Framt ar- iat:l j turned t! othrr haif. He fulfiUnl b tr mJ J: a ff,m-t No ? btt.ntr. il,f to ki riJrirTkw mmeh
1. .-r it. ...ortI buiLTih. Would jajMir.c!.rnbftw..'iimy w,r ilarlin-'s a. th- fet. whieh Will lat for ata; , contr; Ucts h.n tn n. Nit r a.,.i ,-t ,, . ril, -.iwi' n nitiojc. !? r'"fr "
: k to , ..,r. nt t grant w tho honor ( f.we and Uio chn-in pUt.r. ani U-. un davs. 3L Pastenr writv thai b- fud. witn hauhtr hi 1 .n. tb.- ..1. r ;., fr him- '' 'T .j
o. af. -ttMi'-. or wonW fhe hi to ; nn atrnL avay if th.-n- wan noth- could Uoi think of sbandomaj: bU 4 tbo ti:r Ui mm bu u;D- . o- l-i . make djumnjr whdBy n I Knr hvig f ITffrll u.
: j for i Ittle while eai-h time 3011 inj; d. .1. af .i- cji- and i:oM-t tm "tht-n vRrajr " for urh tt bn-tH of ter. , ' fa.iutr. f..r tN kn.m tbiit th ,'W t r wrt,k;
; i . . . ....,.......
"" fi "y ''"rj? ttia :.-, nay-, im
pro. Mil.- trti.-. am! my Sir
ren-i i w.isl'.r '! rae uniini.iii'd i-.oik.
Mam more -ittm'-. v.oitid be ne.-d.-d
befor- tho mo !.l oi Valerie's f.tee
woiib' serve a-a p. u.-dil nit 1 -
1 ..; I , . r
"i si ioii n a t in . tor oi urns
her. a.-l little bad l en done a y.-t.
We cat 'iudfo'ir ill ti l.n-s to the .studio
that at crtiO'ii and 'I r.i' was even
more tr mble 1 than 1 h..d -'ipposetl h
would 1 . j.
j an
.staking ".erv thiii: on this
-j . ' m
.I..IU -, Jiu,Vii'l. -i.'inn:. '.NeXt
her face,' -5115. t d !! rr llll.ttid.
"Xt a I ad id i 1 . -ry thinr. i
f.iet. i! th- Couii. -- N'.ib-i ie ami .Mis-
I '"-' not j - t
.i-i-... r . 1 ....
ii ii.iL I.- ut oc .lone. .ml bow ion'
will it l-ike " q.'1-k-d. l.-eiine; rath-r
ilarmed. aid n 'u 111 ' that Valerie
turned a sh de. pV.-r.
"It would be d.iie in h than an
hour, and w th v rv little discomfort
beyond smiM 'iu-MUie butter on tiie
little girl's fi tut hair, and puttiu" Inn'
paper tub -s ii het nose. Could y..u
stand that foi a f.-w minutes, t ount-
Vah'iie lau-hedi '"1 lid she would
like to have hes,,jt uaim pla-ter
poured over In r face
"Old Siwai '.s lift 1 is not a d...en
steps from hci , aid to-uioirow after
noon We could nakf a pil:rMii.i;e theie
and have it all -verb-hue the eastb
clock struck li. ."
Von arc quit sure 1' will do Valerie
no harm, Tracy " 1
"Not the very least "
The net day, in profound s-r-r.-rv.
of cour-e, we ititrto o!d Herr
vvart's work-hip. In-pit of all theii
cuidy.speecne,. , me contrary. 1 t.-n
very uneasy, an- WIM -d 1 bid not
i;iVeu inv eoiisuii tOJtlie cast bein-
iniuli. hut tin pi p;init n w.t
. in ml, I ill . ol 1 t II unci not wmuir.iw.
--i -.s.-t . . .. . - vr ...' -- -anr.
vrii i i mi L.i k
, A, . ,
vr ...'- -.lll ,
-- e '- .......
aee; w it h tiie aid '" tho t:. lie loitbl
woik without "aleri-- A in:n
:iiiii in iiiiiiKriti tr im ni niniM omtf.
... - .,.
strangely white.hK' ann b-r. or snow-
man. received Us a: .1 Wa- "-
asileir . igwart. j
"Let us begin vithout delav." I
siiui. nervousiv: ' must not ! out
late. 1
Valerie lay down i aofa. and we
covered her up caret1 Uylto the chin,
in a .sheet. Tim pre y "JHiT "d" hair
on her forehead vr- "o then sni"ared
back w ith butter to leemthe pla-t -r
'from stickiii";. and a towel wrapped
cioseiy wnere mo iiuet i unit
ceased. M
" It has such a hoi idm-ll. Mi
I.anedou! was th
ine-iion: was the oi. v oomptamm:
... m
siiee-M she
H..-... ..!.-..,.. - :... l Hi... ,-.....
av v a. ii-i"' at ii iwi li .11" I
. ' . . . . , ,
iiieiu. auo in imoicci nuc .-- ami
rid. no .1 o.
am! then tin1
old si owbi.ui a:t -
proached with iiis
has i
, : , i
r. v.iti V-ilai i ?
" Yes. all ready."
Then close vour mout t ad don't ,'
be fri "lite lied when von f- -1 t! tibister
on vonrfie. " 1 '
startung to look upon as lie. r Sflyrwart
began to slap large ladlefuls of paster
over her face, winch ran in slijggish
rivulets down to the hounds, y-aw.' of
idieet and quickly thickener f ..e:i
the mass w:is an ineli d ei all Tr. ho
set awav ln basin, and vvo
anxiousiv watching it harden
How long must it stay O. IB rr
Sigwart?" m
-Not more than ten minat :lf. '.
suitereu any pam. ana the like, H-n
she answered with one squeeze t f MJ j
. - a ..l.
hand for yes. and txvo for no- 1
At last, the ten minutes were ttt Mil
Herr Sigwart came forward to lift
the hideous plaster mound, which
become iptitc hot to the touch. T
dismay, soaicthing seemed to
. ...
.. -:ir . s n- ,t oi I i,- -,.! !.,.,;. board .ml. -.-tupi.I fellow tliat ! as to putoa so a-ainst ,-..m.. .,t . . , auddtlli.;.'! -p A VliU amount of :.h .If t . i v .. .l)1,,hl.r ,(1v,!.,tt au awn- ,,,,..,,, , llh ,!- fta-i,.
j a.h.T- omati. f ..-..,.. . .treer. all. Mt little but: -,:' -aid H.-rr .-i-wart. beat- ties , 1 rt to .ak.. t!, dS.d I ' 'a, U w" ,w '' LV. r 1 who a .. ! ti.e . ..n . -r T , I t "r V Jll, .. ,T J!
I'syel,.., pron..-. da pi.,.-in the linn- .ii-hiMon den I r.ast. , "np(l!. ... tiirtl,- an arti-le of fo-!. nMimlins: out the form. It ! :., tL. 1?, , fjl, ,U row t.. ti., .th htT. 1h ', ' t r Ue I,,-. d hel
.eii.vtal. from w ,,.., e.t'.er mtwum. Xow that we hn w .rn.iv the dilli- but h.- .rTj.v.R.. i1:iih triumphed. ' ftV' W-m rhaiijres of temp r- it, i,,,, . k ..I .w that ar.- i- Y KJ ,'. ' , ,, ' t ,,ali
or pnva'j lny nil but eti'M lay. it v.::, ompar..tii.Iw'as to !Ie ,-t. .. ire, h b..n.ri -t to nl,W, hi: in- u,"- U is a resene ol nutnm..-nt '- . ,Ms: clou. ..f th. ...! m tb.- tali . u 7 L Ll ' ' nlad
,r J mi-kM bu: n, and iut.-rpo-.- vited . .. lea tit.;: sn.tnt- of ir.uu-e. in U" "rw !' " -tMreeneie.. thu- ni(1 w, ut4 Uitrr, an, nmil fl ,. 'w " '",,.
"'el c. 1 Sb' .rt t . t ike n east of the ei-or- a little l.-s at random At . nrdi r : nrme I . tb.-m t) "aiiiK the niii-.-l.s and other tiu.-. ! tt-..,...)h i t ...n... . "' ' ru '
I . J " " - -.'- . - W C-T' '' "m i .- MnL a..ta Kr nMMftt an hn haal ihlllft IttJiy ftlMl
.. , ., i -i ,i5. . v'-li po;illion back ami vc-i fn,a,, was not appreciated, hi-- salary w.i-
svvcet oil were laid ovci them, co-mg ' , , '. . . I , , , , , ...
rz . ii 1. ..l. ... ,ii ... r-. ....... ,! ... .1. . , .i.. onlx tour fiuliar- n week, niiii when .ie
them quite tight and sale lra-l "", .."-. ,.,.--, . - - -- -"-"-
..,,'., 7 ,". ' of blue serge has a toot ida tin'-ot bin- a,,v,,i :o 5l-nv,'u r:,H"'- lh'' I'i.-ident
twisted tubes of paiier a foot or more , . -'"(.. . ... . , ,
1 lib;,... ii...... ,', ;.. b ...W...I. 'Ivet. over v.-hich is a deep rutilewith I -bT :.d I of d.recto.-
..-, ......... ... . ... ... ...... ... - .
.. i . .... i lt'lto., ..v"-...iti. '. I'lii.ii-iiii.rii .---...--.....- ......... . .-.,..... , ..
Xo. dear; give me vou lUMid. and "l , .,, . . , -l... h...,-,.. ..-,f.t i . t w ita mv whole hart and I rnt imi -..-ncc-in th-rlimat-m Apri-l 1 ..-.
,, ., ? . .. watered sdk. eor.ibmrd with velveteen '"' "--"-rh.y -corn of the re-nb ut and . . ,. I . . ...!
then thev mav begin. m , , . ... . -...;. i .. . .. ., .. to be mv wife. It ! troe I m on v a roin. ,- von tak the :.Ia1 f tb.
.,,.,,. . -W . I the satil" s'l'i'ie. lias tne wliole "-". t ,o Ju: ,., .ne som. ue '.iuiiiii , ".... i it s-.-- .. . i,
A f.i.i.i I.ttl.i .-ln.-ii chn wa li ti... ... ... ..-.--i .rtj-n' i-lt-rl: ..!!. fiM.rin hi.-. i.-l l.ri- Crir. .ill-- ii. ,. c! .--..
, ......-.-j. .-. T ""-. adorned wi:h jet trimming-. An n- 44' a -n " -'e yard, and bow r'T , . ' .. i 62i-- ?---
there rolled in a sheet like afTBol-ter. ....... , . . h ...... --i.i.. .- . . i... dred dollar- a rear. bnt. .ntn-. :h.-spring ml mmy T-afa.-- .
... is . cee-jingiv aiiraciive tires, :or m.irnin- ---....- i.-ioi-.ou. inc.i ueau. ..... . . . ., . . .. -
.....I. l.-.i ..... . .... ...I ... tl'.Al.l ,.l . . m....... 4. m . . .. .mr.M. UL. . ..... . M -TV...... 1 VT ..- fl .V. !.-. r. . .... .. ..
. , , .... . , - . wear -at the -ea-tde ha- the kilt skirt nu ' P nauons of tears over his m- .',,,., ri " . . . ,
sight, her evelids battened down, am! ,,.,...,. , . ;-,; r ...,-- .....i ,i.. .... .. ' love me. darbug? . nat n--r -- n my fo Kundr-.'
, " - ..... , m.uie oi nne natisie oi a lemon snaue. - .' . .o jo... .im. uc min.u ... , .- . i t .w . . , .
her pretty iio-e made r.dic low with ,. ,..: ,,....., ,.. .;,. . . I made worthv of -h.. -,.- --.! : "Vo". -W ---?: ier tiv-, ,j4. by the ..r. of J .. um. ,
, .,. ..... t. ftlt --. ttl 1 . .Illilllltl, IL.l .oi . -- -w -.... .. . . . - , . ...
I'm Tt......- .,t-m - s.1,.-. ..... .till. in..-.. . . .. . k.l i.n li. iw.v e-n' fmn! trercal ITB ieixl vt .ih fft ..... '
"" l'"I ""- " "" "i n;.in. bine .r-i.i si L sii.b -in. I -. . l : '" -UlelU s ,, jl,;c a't.-nl ion. ' ' , . . -'!-,
rone wrong, the thing wot .J ,, j.jj
off. 'Ihe pa-tv lace of the -tu-!ij-tn
... .- t ,
-howc: a ;i-t.e .,.,..- u. coior. ami i
fancied he looked frightened. Trac
"AM' th mii--k a frw d-l
gave the ma-k a few de.ieai. pat
l.t. . . t.
- ini '"" r.wii.
-i r. ... " i
' before: I tio:)': tindrrottml hy
, ....r. ?mL-c " sii! !hp ftiiU'.m?ir
h. .-.-.- , -- --
in -Ah. I he it. Uk ;rario-M youn
"Ah. I he it.' Uk ;rario-M y,
i lad) has untisudl." abundant hair.
' oue JujIp bit has . -oajMHl w.thout
ten Vim- ' hand me :ht inr.1
j v.itmn miles of inru.
-There, I havi' rut tao lork of hair
that i-aiwd ah IV iniehirf; butr th
annoying ina-k w.U Lfu"
lUt it did it Lft ei-nyot: it
a little, and w tr,ed to Iwwen it mon-, inabi!i:y t.. ! prrnt. aud add with mfant Mn on bis kn - .nd tli Uitn rd out : tV mt. r t a raw .trk a4 ran be mo hmMkm$ or wl4tijf.
but our ffort'' - iiM-U to caiwr Valern iaiv !.,...- ..t,.,,.k r .-, ,.. !.. ...-.rir ! f- .!,,.?.!!- ki ,...... ...i. . ... t r-t .. iu. t -..
.ffort" -. umU to caiwe Valine
rable pain, for she olutca.-d i
t ronsid
iiauu NW..... ami mir ..uir wn pc,
for her. a teoru ki.k.
i....t i. ...!. .....i ...... i:..i.. r. . -.
ut- win ir on.-! :nor. ani tbn
j it does not move. I will Ih; obliged to
, ivak m. pias4. r who a namm.r.'
-.n .: ikmih -.uiit s'lsnors ent
- t ;di.'.n on the r voyage of di-cov.-r..
i Suddenly Valerie thrL".v up lj.-r arms
I and -'ij-d whiH(.-r wa m r ab.
; whieh happened to be Ifej-r Siwart's
t j beard: sh.- drew Icmilonn and nh one
I I l ... I . ... ... ..
t nann pau.-: aooui over bo Iae. t
Uhe tomh. d J.i eyebrow, whieh she
stroke.! jth mar.'.ed -itrnilican.i-.
"'I he stull i-. -tiekin to h.-r -
brow: " exelaim.d Tr.tey.
-K tliatv.liatisib..mttt r. Va!eri ?"
. I a-U.l. (Uw iu.eze of m
-. -' m
lian.l. tor ". eanie HI rt-nlv.
la-t. the b'tteful lump of j!.i,;,-r eame
'IF, a ueee--in r.-.trd to the print of
the fe.ttur.
but iu what a plight it
J l.-lt i.oiir little Val.-iic! Her l.- wa-
, with ln-'-.t nml t.. ......
. heat, her eye- were full of t -ar- whieh
eouiu nii now mi mr i., ijje patches,
an I v.or-e than all. h'r hair had been
clipped and -aw ! till it iool.ed as ii
jruawed b rats, and there was me
little cut 011 her ton-head and on one
ear. I bur-t int tear- at the sjht, foi
her sake and for the consequences to
my -en: lor my miserable deception of
the pa-t two weeks must ! coiife-s ed
when I t xik Vah'iie Itouie.
The Countes, Lili.-nb -ri: happened'
to be out that evening. s I put the
child to bed, and sat by her ahuie ti!l
she sl.-pt.,
a.tin to Valeric
w.-ts -i.niinoiied
room. She was
" d asleep, and her mother -tood at
her bedside. lookine; down on herltltle
ejrl with : mixture of perplexity and
annovancc on her face.
"Who ha- daieij to mutilate my
child iu this way. Mi-- l.anirdon? I
j j,lVt. , Nplanat.on. TheCount'-ss
e aset
! th.
rvant-. but the-, cm
.,,; ,,. (f (.our
know all that h.ts occurred."
w all that has occurred."
I. ..1 :.. 11 .. 1
' .in m.i.iw 11 iii Din- u II as 1
I.i .,...1 i.. '.. ., :..j .-
' iii.m. - .i i.i i i-i inn sioii
,A , ,.x m,.lL lh(. , ,tS Vt
. . - .
..... - - .
.. I ... t . . .
nitiintuii. ami iicinr icttii" t.'
tou-.i-lie reproached me bit:, llv for
my ib-cei: an! lr-ach of tlutv. The
next ila'. I received a h k tor mv
,U(.k N:l,;in niontlfs adv.iue.-. and "a
j ,,,,,.,. thilj n ,.n.. ft,rl!l. ..
! Valeiie v,m I."i!i,-nb -r' were no hm-.-r
; required. iVr-A. ' t ..,r. m 1 oiJh
Kit-cant mi. I Ii.u-ihIii:; str.-.-t Hr.- e for
-:il-ii!iiiii.-r V.-:ir.
' ' .
aetuallv meeting
."- Thi--:yieof drtpn produce
- - -' 1
a v. rv tine eti. ct in the s,t of the t.i'.
,, . .
"" ""' -'sMue j- , l:ll. jei-ey vi-.-i... ,
i.i. I.... .........I !... :.. ....!... I .1. I
;n""' - ' ""' """"""-p
points laced with velvet,
is of the two materials.
I tie (Irnpiu'r
flic anroii i-
I A prcttv suninier ca-hmen- of a pale
j , III i ii ' - I "'' '' "liupo i; .r ciiriJ I Or. j j; s.wjii. nun nciio- uis-;isesi rrc it j. 10 uwinsi a ihiuhi oi mto. j j. .Oil,
.''"-" '- ' A. J. Murl'l. K t, i have mi unfavorable ...iiirs- I tho-e bees mrt tl.o -imhi .. ., . 1 ...,. terfutiiir.. VrUi.. ,.. Ji ..... .
has the -k:rt cut with ki.t id.iits oier -. i- ' ". -"". 7 . . . 7. . . T"n ' I ..- ....T ... .. --.-
1 which i- hand-, neb, ,!rm, ,!. . r.l MAKING A FOR I JNE. In treating the corpulent, reganl rnaae,:. It wi. aIm.W,t .,..-., J. to ' '" -
jvvhi.bis hand-, n., ,v draped pile e. r, , . . . f . . . I . ,. f . 1 ,,,...., - ht. r. ,h t-dlv rB .mthea-A-.!
-uian wiiu a iee,iiac iron: gather, d tjo i-Liin s,i,i..i m.i i.:.iniii:.Ml. toAf. . ... , .... ,. . ' . . . ,. ... . , oaf fe.J to h.rwi .! w-..i l.
, .. . , ... ? ,i ...i i tiiiiii har: is weak. I he muin reliance foi thi: tb life of ihe hour b e.ri ww " ' """. m"mtl M ad
Mil g Kilt w (.... ..fiiY.i . . X HUflM I ltll I.I' T I ..till(f. I tJ '
1 has n velv-t vest almo-i covered with ,
NVl Thl m"! " ric"h :"1,1 "'l"'-
tnmmetl with Hack velvet, the m..J,
,, ...-r: ..n!-. ierv o ! -n . wr.- t!.,.nv '
ten- M.n,.n.h'.. iv-.r..;..-. .?..- ;. i.t
buttons, -A". F. r-7r,.
Three s-nocial vion- of the T-.
islatarv have been held sine-. Oregon
la.-came a Mate, to-wit: In 18"9. call
by Governor Whitaker: in 1S55. called
by Governor Gibhs; in Ni, called by
. Qoveruor Mood v.
- . . i
ot serge, mate -.cry full with velvet "'h'': wn.-n lie knew- business w a-
revcrs and velvet pla-stroiis enncheil ,- t'1 bank could not met it- px
with cut jet ornaments. The ba-mi. P'ses now. let alone lav i-h one dollar
-R . .... . l. - iri.l.... I-..'. .1 I 1 .l I
.i t i . -, One tii.-b- - J,-....- ,.-,..!. .. . v ' "Ami von do lene we?" he e. .wo , Ue- cpaee. in. u xkirh I. " "B'4 - JI ---. oc t i-.
the same goo.Js. di-no-e I on the -ide- U',P!,I-R f-"-;;'". though: -tmek , , -., , ... ,. -r . k-..-. .. wr- - 6'
lit,-- t '.v. i i him i "-l.t-ni n- i;-.-. k,.- .... t- ela.tu-d. wiUi cwddeore. "itw lore dten fi-year. Tkf dron or male ---- are nt all wj !,, .
an! holding in place the back dranerv. -----.-am o. itg... bur- upon his , .,..-. . . . -rv . oww .
tit . . ' soul and -H .. I - .k. .,..-,: . wwilk voor - aad h-m 1 1 al aort-.ied . hi-, nateral Ue " w ?"'rt J wtiiin- .-
A hands.inie tiongee siiuof r. iiaK-cem b0,,, "'1 t,J-if--nglown .he .m. xi-ta of . . . ' .. v.i . k ... . 'fwo-ic naMavt
,... i.t i vear- and i, ..... .11 ks.i..i ;.. Mar W not quite that moeh. he pcobahly a -era. inowu.. Ia s " rr Kwre ihmm ,,
tinge has the dranerv and vest formed - ana -' .Vt' - b.indt-sl with ,,..: , , i . . . ... '-. .t J "7
.- i " , .- -u tea.-s he saw hintsi' rir.h hi.-.,.--.t ii ' gurg-1-. "hot !"' voa fnirtea hon- -shea ne wdi not t- ot o-r. h-w 4net w nrer r. the n-actii ,i
of ngured pongee; br.vo: ribbon trim --''- "ai ains-ei. n--h. hono.-r-j and - 7 - ... .. v . 1 . ' .. ,.- . .. '' - stJ-.
..,.., , . re-TH-rted s. -s-mnl dre.1 doda.'s worth. (.-o-ge. and that- fnxn th ht to 4te !w rhanriw.. 4,r w- han!ly cr f- ,.
prettilv the basque and over--.irt- A r H tn- nwel jic.adden ,..,.,. .. ..i t. . , T .u. , .
neat aad b dres- of tine .,-. - aronnd and got a a ;r f1 A- f 'T ' ? !??'?."? Vl tT V f"" W lIi -
..a, !,.- the t...,.m. d n,.,H( onk -wrench, a crt-cn; aw. n ,wvM an.r Khrr llT,? -rw , hWdy .Ur.te4 hy iMleng - W .t-..uly TrTiwr. V.'. ,1.,
l.tllt' 111 tlf !.. .IU "-llf 'lli .lilli JH tll -x'---s..-,-i,,M , -, ..
----------"-- ------------- . . . 1 .CB ..- lw -W-.
. J..-. I mtnurr --l-rtlon
In Ihr
-.., ,,. .,, ,,.,.:,,..-.
I Thi ,, ... ,.-- .. ... . ;, .Vl -.
and . .ion,, and . ..n, .,. h. e n1!nl
j,Mnr,ant f ,r c..mmwra:in- m n or
i - ----- -- - -- -.-.-
- ro v. nu ;h:.t th.-. mt ! iu wr:hv c
tin. honor or rrmm;ninc. .Iu now ibr
. r .. ....
wwn ot 31oitliiifiiir t trrranrifr t
Mbrt. ith all '.-j. -li tH.,.ihl0
anu whut i- t -ruir.1 t! I'arxn-ntirr crn-
b u-aary. but wbirh u. in svaJity sh cen
tenary of xhr iattrxiurtiort .f th- !rn wa u k.--p baif a niK'; of that sil r.--Un '.l nr.tummaawt e&iii , fUt.r W
; timf ; M. de Ix- . jrvss" his r
!fri-u.l.mWm,i..,ti. ;....,,.,
aiu: Baron lnr to xvpnnt
bJlH OIl Uir. iM.valtttu an,i 5l t h-r 'ii.
: ti.' -nttiar:n ., Um-nr. !,.
aaivt- path..- Though f may not h
waU ymi m r.on. n be.irt" v.t'A b-
.i . . .
Uiejv. a .t -ntdld'T is til.' tibial PjMt
oS thal ,,,.ar ?ifj i;I.. Sophi. ljAa
if 1,-ite. unom ! uamd .n li- '
51- I'arm.'B'.irr. who na lrn !7.;7
in iiontdid.r. and dud in 1-1 :. Ud
rln kT-d life and tatde a tm! nJi-
lioa inhNdav. !!.- w.t a. one titu
a c in th arnn of
am! &ulw.iu -nt.'v a t-n-m-r in ;h-
' en ears" w tr. A die lib .f .V.S-
J.-s. U.,Uei,.. and .Jussen he liualH
II , turned h: atttit!.B ti the -ftdv ol thv
t onto, and .l.t .m.d ih,- .vitliiiib it ..n
of l.-o
- trie pi
uis X'l. to u'tivate the tnb. r in
lain of h.tbioa. near Paris
jM,taio xva-s at epo h
in utter conteiaic. in r:a:-
' w.s .!i.M .r..l .1.. . f .i
- - - '- - - ' --
h...4. !',.rjri.
-- p - - " -
of the p-itato aid tne x.tnety ol w.i,
in v. in. . .tTcould be rendered palat.i-
Id.-. 1;. Kt:;t.. to the j;reat astoui-h-
m.-nt : t ie s:,-,:,nis. was e-cd
ti.;.'. ...1 1 .. 1
the ban pi t wa Im.-h.-d it w asd.-clared
tibi'tbe unMt delicious of esculent-,
and .M. I'.inuntier was famous. It
may be of interest to know the tir-t
cour-e on t! menu on that historic oc
casion w - s-yled jx, nun' 1 td- ti rn-1 n
7im . .. called iu Kuland
, e
potato.- s. r.'ed tli in their jacket-.
and unnh u ither side ,,f t.
Ceore.-'s ( Ii innt'l is vernacularlv
known t- - tit's Idled. "
His M i. -i , iJouis XVI. then took up
t!ie can t M. l'armcuticr and the
potat .. M ramieutier i-ited the
Kine; at . s 1 ' cs, holdiii'j-a bunch of
potato in his h tud. Louis
oil. r.-d bun h - rb':it hand to shake;
Maiie Aiitom tt- pc 'milted him tkiss
her on b .th c'i. , hj, and in the eveniii;:
' at a a!.i i.irtv e.vcn in the palace, his
-M ijestv appeir.d xveariii"; a bunch of
potato llouer- in t'tc royal button-hol".
'' tnuuip'i
ho potato, savs the
chroiiM-:. r of th- day, was tl
iin.iiiis -
ti- ,......
united. 'i lie t rtV-thrcf
stvie, ml
which it was mtm Incut by .M. I'arnien-
tier to the 1 r. ti. !i 1 lli.sitle b:ie imu -
so-avs Alex.. n I. r Inms - reached iw
bundled and lift, and the capabilities
..t ih.. imoi . .. int.. m -.... .- ;..
. .1 tin it tv ni I .... ii .. a -. r. . I ii.o.o.
. i -ms..
the hiiuib!.
n'n' Mul x,t '' '" ,.',ted m the
:,s of the 1 z. i.c t?cook A statue
"'" ,'""'i ' " ' wmetuier m in-
"he city i.i IM-.m which he i, rep -
resented st mding . i- JhoMing in hi-
band a huge imtat.. -alk. Hi- body
r.MMin lViu . t c ., ij,,.. I'.ni-. ,u a
w.s cp-. ted t M I'lnnentier in his
liandsoui.- plot siiri.ii led bv an iron
, , Y.
railing, ami a i- : mi in irmient
stinds above it. en- : : !iyt.u cliemi.-:-
of France. I',i t. u i- t ic iin-nibi-isof
lite iri. itiiliiai s.h i i vis t this spot
and plant the gra. ..: i its m r ui.d-
:...-. . .... i . . . t o . . .
3innel alcr eld- n w.,- i watch niSB
:.. - I. .. 11 - . . -...... .e
i in a bank lie r. .- : - i. it b.nj,JT.
. - -
an" "" "'' v,a" Uli ' J I
j. i,,-. . -i i
ii.s Jilt v. .is vv it . ,i! ! rh J i
. i .1 t . . .
I''i! ! bun !'!-,. if-li ill. !r .lux'i.
-; " " " - :
s. aim ii'i.-v iics.i on anil, an i
ton' ,n:si to p 'i ""'I -top hi itiso-
:i ,'k on -u-h a mi-.-rible worm a-
amuel Mcraddeii. And then aniu-l
c- -W"!. a dnll and about half a on
of -n powder and aitro-glv.serme.
3a'1 ---e thing- Then, in the
an! specie -a,i lo nl ajj . jj t
change that w:v- lying anywhere, so
that he pr.vnc-d oc: of the bank with
oxer one million dollars on htra. He
then retired to an ana-saruing rv-.-
dence out of town, ami s-nl word to
the dctectixc- wh-re he w-a-.
A dcect;Tc called on cira next d
. . ...
I he i
-""-"" -ax 1 r..i(iii.;nff Ih.. iih..ifr li aii flin! .ml .nr. fr. tMUavn...i t)1n . . . ...I-.-. '"'V Tr,. IlilC th
!..... . .ui:in i .in i inn1 m .t-i i i...i'ii 1 1 1 - i - i
I i.' . . . " T t " a7.. A. l ...........a F ! -e-. - - - - w- I -krevv? i" fwsirii. uiir rfi . l l r B - r
iv uiii.i:iiii - - - ---w,,.. ..., .
.: I.-
.tH a ttnn l it fr-m tr h t
1). tctn- caii n h.m .m . rv Ju
mhr a4 bosnt of dirrlor-- At :!
Ih- Knk Jfirrr 5t uj a roaxmhvrnt
upiwr. u tbich ilcFaJd.n w m-
iUi. Iferamr. xad s th bank fi-
r-rloweJ Uown in th do.t heforr
him hf twndtrd wer te NUrr pl,
and bt oal w IillI with rout n.
Ife-for IWifrt away in ht orr-aff.
- i that night, it w ftrd that M Fad
J iMIW k .ni..a.l an. I -...uu-t
... i It ..... in ih-w.... ..,Mr. kKV...
r ... .- ---.- a
aronnd in irp.- aad bar barn and
oftrr poJ rlothr. an I rnjv hitw;f
. i.ri nt.. Aud ff-n i.w h tit h.
hi arly l.fe. and invtilU
pV into :, ihi!d mm
nd. and liws
u.iu bow by industry and vrv.t'
ane. fruaJit and nitr-2e r-iw,
t.i.nk.-wreisie. ro-iUt m anJ
. f-tm.Iiaritf uith the d'tett.v "-t.-ra.
a ihr i.m.r nnv n.- t.. atHiten."
nl rp-i tjt-i ii.
Mii'L T-nH
litctaiiit Itfrrl..' tli Ma. it i:rlt;rc far
A c'nvpn !tnt. w . wrbo'tt n
known craul,- or fu-i' ii.n.ti ttoub!
" S'-b in.-.mtnMl.'d l-'Tu i
fat he m:i"' . ail- it rl.
I,, ;(j ' ..n arti. ! n :.h ful-j. . .
H,l i Th ! t 'i j- ki. .( . .
- ( i fll'i lit i!m f . If l lll.'fa. ill i !.!,.(
jur i ... - ,. . .,, 'vvm
..if . . tii t i.iii luriiiM "-li tin i urn. -- 1 ii .. .. .
Collie N-rvuis inherit a tendemy to mme i-ti 1 t . tl. it of I .ittrrtric nun
it. Some race- ru liall-t it whoutt t - of . b.o r.i h.; i.
than others. Women an more ao than ' make kut 1 i.- rb.-r . Ia f th
men. I'.oth sexes re mopn inclined toil : Rftle fatnll .ImI. htile tn-day-af:'r
th" ajcof forty. There are j oh! calfW i-- 1 r- ..j ..t th- morning it
vnSii..l ea.-es of extreme obesity A l-oy . Ut pt t i!f 'oner
at the up of three weighed one bun-j Th-.'ipei 1. 1.. .rp to f srnw rs
died and twenty-four jioiiniN, a prl. ' iiistum ..,. n. .. , :.k :itfii.Hl pprr and
one hundred and ei-hty-two. at twelve , olljv IJInk a j..rn . lrp , IUinf,H.
.- W......I, .iiiii ni ooii lino .ii-l.r.ui
at eighteen, died at forty-one with
a .. 1., .1.: 1 .1.1:
some ejejjt inches of fat around her
body, j The famous Daniel Lamlx-rt'.-
maximum weieht was s.-u-n hundred
.and th.rty-nme pound-. Much tb.
j iaree-t part of the body in the-e per -
soils was nure fat.
Ill all c.lsCs of obesitv. there is a de-'iicy of oxygen in the blood eithei
' absolutely. ir telatively to the auniiini
i of food. Kxeess of food tends to pto-
, duce it. and et some are corpulent on
, a .spare diet. Lack of exercis- favor-
, it by h-seninj: th oxidation of jj,e ti -
1 sues. It is aNo produced bv di-ea-e-
j which diminish the number of the red
blood corpuscles. It is the latter that
I......... .
, absorb oxygen from I lie inspired an
- - -
nil. 1 i-iiiivi.v 11 wi ii... H-..I1.-
, ........ .. ,.
, -
-vceorumi: to ivMiain, wry corpulent
oeople have lar-c tieart.s and small
lune;,. This mav belli to extdilill th.
i deticiencv of oxviren. I. ha-al-o cutitr
I '
rccntly been proved that women have
.- . .i
i iiir it imnii' tut infik .t ...! i.i...i
i Ii'UiT IlltltintV ftttilltfirtw if ?iii iuul
. -. " ' -"
orpuseb-s than men. This. to., may be j
one reason for their greater tendency to ;
,...-... .-. .
! As the mu-:Vs become infiltrate ,
with fat. they are weakened. Ileneej
lorpulent pern.s are apt to be indi- ;
, psed to active exercise. the -nmc
. rea
' .- -,..,. .,., ....
the heart S, rend.-red feeble
ami i-eusuy-ot-iuri'eo. i n.' tii-iirienn (
of oxygen t -nils to the formation ol
, uric acid, and hence to the production
" ;:'uu i ne v.'rv corpuieui arc'
. snecir.lly liable u various forms of con-!
I. - ...:.... ...! .i: . . . . I
I vim- . in- t.t.e-i ii-n--tr- 4i' i..-; i
L , , , , . . '
A. ... I !.. ....... . .1... ....... .
I'he latter inerea-e the power
o: trie nioMi to take up ox, gen. urn
' -
nioif oxv gen one can wiv?, the bet- ,
' r. if kept well within :h- jHron '
-t i'gthi..nd the capacity of a weak- .
'. i ..eirtiw Hie dit should contain
but I.t:!.- faftv or star by ionl. and '
much an i m il fooJ -lean niat. Iib. ,
bnt nt the r .-hor kind. aUo fresh j
fruit-. ,.-;. :ab. s andbread with only
n ino.!-ri.e .! . .ia -lnrst. ,.f 1., ,.,.
Alkr.lin- wt -r is le ivrMll-u be helj
fnl. FotfiA . f'otM ;j.u n. S
He Oubt to Cc Sa:ufidSv
"Fannie." he -mul to her. "I jot.- von
tnytvn tniir
A L05.caJCor-cJ-rr.iorv.
rirt ikr Jhv
I wMk-iia t .
yowr taur m .
rfaiWr ah-v
a maanfar- i
-and pa.rj of J
pir ,
Then b- ami Is- i
thoa-and titan wor-e than tar falher
I gss I won't play wiih you ray
more- Iltirj'T s !Uiztf.
ma -a
-.x spce. o: .Pgaroo airte aa. . Iaaile. a fw ,. frnra I 41 0- Jt t- '"
cla.-andriimt.s tr-e, ha. h--m d- pt. y. j.. r.j-- - dJ I U'-ie-L"u.J,. T1.. U 0u!U
cormred in As-tralla. The av.i. daraag- ta lh .aoes: of froa: M CO j. - J :hi -" tbn
ae for i: b ba-r. to tW03. ' 2 "? Wa7f - U ,ur th.
ci-c. olK nef X.i r--i'&ci- Q.. r-..
, . . ,,,.. w-m.u
Ilattr-mak- r h mVf Uk fie tiur ,mr o J'
,i - J. ,n .,. well rvrr: i jj ,-a Immi1 rfcsngI
. ;4 ,or Inittrr i 4 -tu-J. V-t Uw ! jj. ar gv ynu. " lwt
rti:;-m.U imii ITw f":iMi or ,im t " ,'e' ,rtii
who thin that mot ttrr rm l li v- y Tnlm
will toxk. mt an Htwl niy wi
' .(Mhsi ..( tmr wh awtJtr wkito. Ivy
ujjr- tbr t ar run4. Mt4 w' l!
- f.,r , lT st' the srKrt . wbwarft lkt
t L.. t.. r .l-.r .1 . . .. ....f k fcgKW
.. . . .. .. , . . uiw a iMiwiy
..f i...... , .. i ,. . .. i... flM
wt,'ii:. Th ferr J ttvamp
'nx. . mU r , ut ta. and hat(
r.,ttn cm f.. i.i, , ). t ik!. ... im
- t- fi i a Hf ' f
zr a:", th . . ! jl i ., nirat. r lbica-
v L.t--:ofi. .-r i't.-..rtd tnwrr
r'fuf. said .1. r- rut !t- tuma h
..imm nrt oot tin sl irvtu la-
.m prvt,. -e and prea-N what thry
tn Um.w tiktmUi wr-u and wnpnt
able u-eau' th. ,-'. tj toay
eb.v;ff.- t'leir w.u- I.!.- ar of t!ko
h.. rnd m.l tta- fa. t .ry urttran!
n! un. .-..leu. in rate, .Hl-nat--r-
nfl! utl .det.
. a.h. .1. U- d t ing battered, Umk
f: tn m t ! ih- break th- can I
t'jt f r.b r .it. i . atn-s. when kbefc
in- -I u.n h sin tt ir sW' f thi
t wo. u; h"tn hi th: an" ran.
ftrimr- i,-u..iU ch h t itmru
-IM nn ;.a I u rs the r' te.
HC "i -i.i ut'' pn-pare-s hrrkbet.
1 ,
I tllrUl W lltl (It IV tl . 1
1.0. The V ;u-'d ih.- in to A.
nr now; are m
)e liable tl it t.
whole rr.wI wil
-jrrt left Y li,n d the .e are
' im,,.. ,.i ,.-r d. . i-.t.. .-l ..t
,.nor arti -Ie- i (-mwI Th--ale t
. ..rices m, m. . I. r ami wler he-
twci thenuand th. d., i.not far utf
when all nnidu.t, h,I b.. Wieh: ....
tjieir nierit-; and t which fall he.
low a certain siun. I u. I will ! thrown
,,i.i.. ... ...i ... .11 .1..... ....
! lu,.ecr ch.. v m ir. t-
-'- r-. huh ""y aai , awa
j,v sbouln n.t 1 irntrn anak- to
, tj. fllrl t,at tj,ev u. in an enlarged
!.,.,. bu, ...,., ., ,! .k-i ,t,.,r
' .---. ---- w--i--t
( cleanliness. prir - b
1 r;t and p-in-rai p- I -:
mettv. btteir-
e 11 re Mteit
' leeiiiiiii.t,. f.,r. v ti.
to aehirtr Ku'
,. .-- ---- - v-.
. 1 ... - . .
- . ..-.-..- .w...... --.-.- w . . ...... ,,
Ii.-. mill I Ilfll IL ,.111 I w ... !.. HtMl . f.
resolution to b... at tb. i -.11 ikt
they do. will m-o-.toph-h a ae.Hlr,
l.....t ..11 .:.... ... ..t.
-- - "- "-- --.
1 M.-iiK-iiir.i.ieiicii-iivn j-i- .1.1.1 will
i r , .....,. , ,. . . ..
i ' """ ' ,ii.i- m.m nn. r
I enumerated "woMbr ' of the wor'.d?
i ,funn 'tvuttt. tti .
r' Hlif
i.,tcrr.M..T i..r..ri..u..r. w i. . i. win it..
., ,.,., ,.1W. ,
One of the tiimo fre ,..,.- .......,
ask.-.! the 1 e-k-eptr h lb n J..n ; do
he bve I'.ten tb- . ''",
kent In-.- for enr In lor :"iin. nr Ut I
t- ..... i
nor nm irniimni o wn , ...i.t in r. ,.
lion to the htdttrb.tu up .n? of
their hivwa.
.iicn a iwsr-Keeirr ui nitt l to
j m i
ue.tlon abi Whj, r I b.
.i .. .. t .
'ion of life l aUo: .. w
ifn u. ii
1.. ... I.
nort rx
i-tenee i caused b
i i
livitr. "hrerv shininc ho
protrd." Te tiny wjnp-.
cnllioii- of lime. ea h diiy. f
-xit. Ifmls and w.s U frndl
weot tnor--1. ami w.-.j( 1.
them In their bo-v mouitnt-
b-at them u thj grwnd. 1. I .f an ,
apiary i-. loraie.1 nnr a pmi..f w'-r. !
fU... ..... t -.-. .!.... . .. .. .1
iHi.n.iiriii. . .s..trri ii..-. .
' " s - y-j
airfare and flndawtvr ...irt V. n e
the life f U,c l,.e i. o brt li- n, t,;- ,
III. w. w
xctfve ..iin. it s s-.reral rat at'.. 1 -ng u" "o4-fraleljr wwrk.4 b-
luring lb winter, or inarthp-r -I. ' " ,kK - h -e-a. nak.
Ursedinc or rearing voting h '.ro- "tMm all ni of proportion, and
aa (Laiuua oorn tab a aware.. ' -. .
. ii'i -r-w ..... .i
cri H-nrc-i in kJK airil !. 1 C.
- t. - n. Jt with tM m..t-k t. c
... -, .-. m
aattv. - .
haT,nS t; their jan-tor. - il thn StmJtiat; w iitfr
7 dta-kpncnirwd nntil mx e J -
sradnaSlT dta-pcnwd
can he foaad tha a'
wTxiikriaafawj i(
Th !!okaaaa ezgar-snakess,
New Vort hare a by ihfir
.orraa. ih frntttar.
-. :o pm poioa u I
tfc - . - ttgar aad thw do vt 'ii tk
- not - opo! - . of the eoontrr.
I-tib:mg .irwek fxir lir-
r are-- -! .-.t ..
.--.,-.n lIjeU of wh. at ! the
of ' cTaKrli bn'
k ttir j,, whirll nv rlev?
rr rati bt.
V ." f j,,, koc fiyiCu
tMNrn eatirW fT
iMVak Otl Hi
-- -
anaUv - -Jhmrmml Jjnrmm .
! - Warn w fcy - n ll 7
; lwa- t in t r, w h"lf '
w .2.,.uU tf4 ! rltrr "
t taW "
. i
i 4v jw haa trird the ortnetot
rttin a het m 4oat4e-',l CR
itB rniitv rJi. KiMfntH m Ir.tle
v-.i ...., throush a-h nl
-.- .i .k. ik a!l wa reaao''
twa ,, wtv Unt4 Thev won-
- j,htlv united; IwH w.-w ay aepa
ta fn ium Mfrn.i.
j. Henrv. of the Vtaw-i IK-
j., !;.. rortmi: rr!li t
.-.i i... f atate. tt
vht, ,pprafw M gut mirtkmg Ukr
,Jnr ft ,,, f the m h tuC
ami dried, and the mttinjr reiwe! At
one- la that portiott. while ke -maintnf
uninjf to tw week rd
altu.t entirely
Tb mot weerfnl fiaring' tl
V-t Urn ars m t hae Item
tn.' thons-n. p .'.i ..I .try eri
. i,l burn tl m I-, four .tni a half
pound ! aS. a-ol of tbi two and l
ba.t poiiiMt w i.i .' pwre p.4ab The
l.. t I bat rows 4t r l;k' opB)-.fwl-
uiiv he due to the otah thef eteitaan.
in. I which may arre t wrr-et ymt
tfrrrsl 4tgetlMl. t .mts'nbi aiM .NMa-
tatn ahem! two fMtitd f nitrun u
tn Ih.mauiil t lr ,ka kul eJk. W
i . . . . " . ' ,. ,r
V hen the e.tnb oi a (fcwl .arye
mni brifht-r.dored. howtna la-tM
fn " hnkUaj utth ev-eiry
arUU th Mnl. h I. In a healtt.
ln m "' u lu . allWo..
"t-l -"""-r - "-i
',lt " fwl. tarUnir 4T.i-ry
uU,' r - 1 ntoveaaenta njt
t like n nertwn Jump, iml with an
elatie rtnr. aow injj a eondlitwn of
X)5M, ' the contrary, if
li" l-- ot the r.b and wnitiew ;i.
. :i ltrl, rd d eMn
, t,i ..
1 "" Wl '.
IIMM.M. f IM.. . t . ..... .. .
Lkntiyu 7t'wM-.
t A rorrepn.bnt of th Imtntirtt
1 tCHtltiUm iM.Lilr aJilaMk. iK. a...-
latf uf h-.-o.k.lUM li.. u. ..t
. j - - .-w- - wtwr m mmwMmtr
rm -' r w-- ... -. w9wawB
ht ol imun. i-wtered nUh wuff-
!.. -I ... .1 . .....
. "-- wmwt .hot paKMn, WU! U9ll
iwun. . .- .. ... . ..
- - pnp -w- i- wn m nmnri noon.
J."tm wOl hear oi ihU
Ibat 0x dymjt: ' horntd biri
I Norh jfHI its. iik' Their owwem
UI butijrnantiy 4 dare that their ih
nrrr Ut ih 4oorrd. an
rlre wi.h haiff ihr..
Mita th. ir .!oorjar.U Ke
MOplra-ni. hot . n' he h,
-he!, wUl have a r-.t. and tt
rr left ih Oooryard. an4 Wrrfy
-. a h
help-.! im)
it tluaitfk u..
.... . i. . . ,. . . '
J " """ ,B enof nine imtm
, rnt Ur, jrt on ba unUhni A
e..4.t .ntr nd Um eine uuirht a k
keot'w! o t.w-iawre "
a"ar wbara we -e-. rrmhmx faun
th orartte- the .-lf,X ..f kpw ,rv.
-we ot inrnto; th -. irlir-wo-.
we .s- n. nd .-.. bttt rwwaoi.
en4aW nnrtMnty ami th.4a-.Ag.
ft haw. been arrt th mm the ;rh,
Iu atttro- ratio ., $ -
traw ni 1 r ib-re.,,.-- if Ue , arw
-- ' -h 4rvr. iLe tUm will (
" rH:ti. hiar-4 Swpoasina;
Hie two -. . ( .tal n......
-w- w wi (lj oou-I -.,i.... ,l.
- lfc,t tT
-" r- rl4 k-t I - o. Mjfitf,
" ' rU ut the (-rrtniMi
-yrWater t- prniwrfio., ut -.
th aaore the, fmUl .
ot of haJfkr. i ,, -., ,
hay. or .tier mtaigt-o, Wi mr h-
J-ot vk. t:U, I. iMt n .v.. ....
------ k 1 t.. .
-- - ----$ ttw ratirwa.,ri
wr te4 ut the iruw :. .
--'. w aaavouu,
" uaeae na.i -.. .
- . . . " pcue-
hetl r to tlrki -.. .
naanat a iel
- iv M er ..
' , . -h hart U Mrw Y JT
.Tn-.. The
tot gsHHl-elu--r
nwtrttlr ss.?t.
hair .-wo w ..
1.1. 4 th..,,. . 7 ""T""1 b
r.eki .- w.i , ' oab,ui
tie eoaMT'-ntrateid
" MM .-. rf .1
at4 Attar!i
-l U c,
hay the UilVy. n y
-ith--r. vritt
-- --- . . .
! in