-py h&riWrr? 2 f J . Hffck. kur rt ; , k? . CHIEF. iblfsher. .. NEBRASKA. fT COMMENT. B has lecn discovered nt Jack's tain, near Huntington, l'a. Misk Maky Hki.en Kki:i:son, for- TUcrlv of 'v York, was buried at Hal- tiniore recently, having died very .suddenly at Jacksonville. Fla. for early two years she conducted the tmcrican Quern almost unaided, and her hard work on litis position devol ved consumption, from which she dASl. - . AS Ar;m:i:i) upon in committee, the I V-n Appnipriniion 1.11' ' rm ' . ., i t'orteJ frorn the ronim tt'-e Tn Sundry Civil Appropriation bill appn- ! Arndeinv Appropriation l l 1 iii -i- o.i "fi ,, i Thf repeal of the Pre enipfnn linales fl1,lu,KL I he estimate, f c-tur nr,s wn, ,iK.tl! aggregated ZX'.J&lSAti. Tw appro- r" r ... j i firiation for the present veal was "-(.- -..r . .... . .... , . ... i tWi.t-ii. Ihts lull shows a lar-rri n j fllictioil XS -onitiaiXil with the alimales 1 . . man :mv oilier P'porten ims se-iion from the A))roprintion Committee. Aitri.s irom r.ui 1 r.m h(o si.tu . Tt vas fcare1 the north wind which j prevailed alon- the coast during last ii ... .... ... 1 vcel: had seriously uijureii :n P'"" K-'ctfi of v. jjootl wheat crop, llcports I , , ,1 .1 1 , . I reCVLX'cd from all the wheat cotintic I of Ihc State -how that only four conn- , I forum. Tin: Northern I'acilie Land Forfeit ure bill as pas-ed by the Senate de rlarcs forfeited so much of the lands j-anted to that company as are cotcr- . tuitions wr:i ;V i..., ....,. .f ilc ni'iiii I lbMf vhiidi OXtejnls from Walltlla ! . . i, .1 1 1 .1 . r ' Junction to rortland. and that pait tf the C.-.s-cade branch now completed, j nnd makes the riht, of way in the Ter ritories subject to tavation. Nothing in the act i.s ti be con-trued to waie nnv rilit of the I'tiited States to for- jiny other lands granted by them hilurc, past or future, to comply the conditions of the grant. uk I.tdands will short 1 vacate the rtcvant Hou.-e, New York, ami so lice to three the number of hotels, , Ivc in all. that hae at difl'ereiil ; K been managed by this famous Vkcetii'ig fatnilv. These three is arc the Ocean at Long Branch. .eland at Chicago, and the Leland riiP'liHil. 111. Front a humble be- 1 .1111.0.., ill"" ill a remote country tavern I rs - 1 . ... til al ' by Simeon Leland among the , Ii M..iiiitiiii 1 if Verniont siintn"-' r . . '. P ' iiuilv I lis. son. Aaron P. Leland, ' ii Leland. .1v William V. Le- h.irle.s Leland and' Warren Le- nine famous as hotel keepi r.- 1811 and 18 l.r.. tf lieers at New Vork ort are :cr the iiuhli.shcd tories of e rccenth along the north- rsey coast. 1 ney assert mi tted Mates navy is enutleil 1 ... .1.... ..1...1 : 1 in ma., .-...iM.iu "is.. oop-of-v,ar Juniata did it ' I tie guns, which she fired ofl'j Puis 01 ine avesniK at me 1 the earthquake is alleged to; - Itreil. 1 lie .111111:11:1 s 1 :i 11:1111 lit he says hell go down ami lollN l AbiiWKi.b, i onstu at t niro. . . m a ya L-pt, sends some particularly inter- ig figure- to the State Department trard to American commerce dur- past Near. According lo these , deried trom the records kept Iniouth of the iu. Canal, it is Ijlhat only three American vesscl- id said port during tlu e "20:;. Cennany l.Vi. Hollaml l:?i. 10i. -Austria JL Kussia :.l. Spain iw. Austria 1. Kussia :il. Spat '"':i? -'". Kgvt I-'. Turkey 1( ?)'.! '' 4?M"-,Jt'ii Knglaml set 10. nt foils- ,. r. lit, while America -Mf:. vn irejo j h u u ; rorrpt Vl1- W,s .f,J J lv ionr ;r i dent telegraph? onceal the mis n that city that flieientlv guard- 1 , ? 'Hup, e corri'spondent V'MVsvd jv- searchers were tc: hat detained the It in Vienn.i that . 1. : 1 'Iff 1 oi'cu r.wi i-is-ru '.tlight have been orresjindent main- King Ludwig's- cx- jr.m to make trouble it was given that he insanitv. and adds: tieccssarv to obtain the. contract. understood on good authority the present idea of the English flice is to send letters always by Fastest steamers, and Jims stop (ican complaints. It is regarded iiblc that a, combination of At- incs may cause a failure o: r a fast mail service front , but prospects are better now t?r before. a? 1lCS tinvi' lici'ii alleeicil, and nie-e mil) Crent the Stiiti; or Kariin wltli'?: i tn for 1 I.i". t 11 i:a.:roal oinpuav cimuetl n re ..!.. im.ui-r j .is vif-iiu. i.k , tfi,r.i r. .-u-ar ,.i. it .. . f if , :r -. Sa in -i ,lifhl fleece The incent. re-' "',"""',5 " ,!n,wn '" a ' '""'"J" ' ct on i I or.'ai..' it ion of tlioCm.-t.imi!. Ham-Itou o: J Akn fiom hiaoilir. atri.iml bun an-l i . J .n.i: I-.ijri.e.r , ,. 1.. 1 ,. , h . . . in .1 hitin nM. in' 'i ; airamst Indlnii nvncions; nlo a bll ...v,.. , . . . . ., ,. . ., . . !liiI,P(1i1.ff,r,1.if.,i,. r .. .11 , ,,!t " ' Mj : -u Au.-u.t ! amt I !--. si. Doris conform to tin- previous ones , Imr lor an m!ni..nal A-ltHt,t ,tant ,! -l.iantK.liH and the .minnat:. Khmond " t "Maraud feather., for. itibim j WP tr ,., ,..t.r. -h -1 tu l.-.,.,6 1 . -n 1 j 'leneral: a'o 11 hill author lu tl Pot- f. t.'i.'-no railwnj' hv tbo ele:ion of new 1 'it jioinl of rt-v.i!Trr-'to nsi in lcoratin wllU-fu.. r-ir u .! h. r. ..? that the ycr.r ? wheat crop j,ill lie one , Ilinfc.r r.enrml to tiy rent forb !w ih.,,j, ' ' lumeif. He xx as then marched thronuhtne A!l ' ""' - ' '- aft'-at.-t 11 t .1 1 . ... . i..ii.i-li,I ; i'.,i; I leaned a po!-olIic-: a o a ri'll thor . ..... . . ' ' ie.iciu- tnat h - tt. r ' r-.--.r e of I he heaviest cer hane.ste.l m I all- , , , ,.,x.r,Mon f)T . ,,.., r ,,.1 j, -. Zrnvru. oti of the v.ealtrie farm rt'W " Iroad daxhKht to the aittr of 1 fr .. .-urr. i.t rar. ..r t...-. . .V t . . . Pin anothVrearlh.prkeanv time: At Colon. Cnited States .Colombia, r. gl,U ' l" ' "'' l--.h-.Kn.ph:nK Co,,,- L.r,.t . ,,.., ..Iritt " y ' I.tmt.ists oce,.;;u,l ,,:,,.,.,,,,:, bf,rte '.Tbhint'V;' ? "m in.V' JV'?' "- ' loos- UetKirts of the eirth's cent ly. the authorities ttd the a- ' "J. T f the upper part of the $V(tkH1. WJ1..,rttlllljH ,..,tt. S(X ,iri,.. , ;. he war wh.le the LP era s b ne I , r,n . .. (.ir.. il .'.!- I torn t.ldH.,.l bit. f. , lotis.. iujr,ins i tin i.uiiis . j budding. t-H".' n. .iisunu .ii.itH c ., . -......, , '-vo.itK.nM Hon to !hem that tl.c Republicans had to- s. fur a- I , nform-. the t- tr.ro -'l",f !-. lb mir trl mn t dionsatthe. moment of the shock n-t of nn tinrtily Miilor o. Amenci. . wS,.-b .si,....,, ....., ul rrt ,.,..,. ' T , " T1 "U!,,,r" ', u.ud-Abo.f,o,Sts. n,e ,.,e.eIi: c,rt,,. of ..... ,.t.!:.r. .r.'riV JJtt'Z -af-..,t trr,t f.a ,r-ra ..4 .aa . , I ncvtd-iv from -isftr as lift v miles ,,nrk ,on ,,"t- ' h r,",t. If 'K n'?V r . a frop. aptam I aw,., w ho h,.s been '. , "" "n,,n ',""s !" "' " ,,',,-i'- The ,ow ,, , ,... t ,. ,.Ia, h. :o,.raat p,Vva,.:s u.n "'""-I-tM .n M. m.h, ... h ,. ili4f. .br. th .....fr-r ,.. next il., irom .is I.t .1-11113 milts ,,.,1, ul).n lhl,v w,.re liiu,.o by r. . f .."2,, 'y-'" ,-w'-'- "'''"' '" is l.und,n-bJ;htlvbut lirinlv ot, th bil- t.-b,,tcb aiidtbe Kadical taitt I, the rrsult ""IZK h lh4 ,-77'-' ' rat ftr,r rrf ., d.f, r...Mf,e ,-rf . 1 when, the .limi'it-i biv . 1 i.t 4t i.iii. following the host des in Sonora. that he ,.. f , nun 11. aim mt u.iui.ai pai.v is we rrsnn of o r r annum and tbowah the t. .tnta ' .F . " nm ..riir.ieit-"tt ,.- I ...... . .1 , ... : I ----- - .. - - . ovagey : I'liiul. . clicolinteie.l ne.ivv , .. I"""" , to,,,,,.,,,,,,, .m iimsii t i.iii ji.is uuv ...- ohm 1 . . o.i.ci ,..,....,.. .0,1 the lfth. I ,.,ahfi , -ti,.x A .H-cnrrc' ' ,"'p, rr"" oui.d Hale ,e Irom one for many vears. 1 me scale, viz.: UenmarK live 1 nr Knights of i.aiior or vjonsin Hare f ,..ontll.. ,, , k .,.i,,,t..l.l .,,, ,1X nt,rt. J"'"" t. ;.i.k n. e,p..(-,lh f -mall ipan two. Knghind leads the list .ealled a State convention atfrt Hovvard , ,., ..,. ,, ,,. r ', ., 7,f'.h- dc k rai-v T"1"' M,"! ,h" t,,,:,""k " ,r,"'ant. Tw.,-i a DREDGE ON FIR. T::n si Tl,..., follow 1 to nominate a full State tictS . ,tKi..T .1 1 1... .': .r thinl-of " nler nilin art m i. :i.antI . a . - cimiiiiv 1.1. a 1 a.'- 1 I fear will never be ! rrato tnici:le. ami but for the Ival of I u.e V N to- Uu-e Ar. I,rr. of ngitcrl lttr. s,ol irt coat. a at:s"a ' ? tne terrtaMr ""wr"' " M"T .r T,r. -.S-!aff- J ttfa by r- Naatr. aM ,' veitement -it Munich retnforeemeuts the pos- of ev.I,t,ieers br 4V"t! a j.r..Ht:t.n U amend Ltrsi of ancv. aaJ ail recp;s of 10 I" r.fj.cti upm. lUrr. Isrkiaa j r ' ri Pw i ' ar a. talo..: xcitcmuit at -J;MOU,dhave,H.onlimlemI. ciai-rwas th CeU. -..s.r.l.H A r....tin to 1st postmaster P Altop. a fpt:; pradr. by a last " '" r; . to ! grta f fH f W IT m -r..m.l-TAvvv...ut tsiou- t.,t. tv , fatanv bounded. Two other intfemers it tali. . is....fMld hr If to: I Ta vo; of CMrsinsr Contr a'mo-t ntifr!:- '" (of HHK !., 4-r, ---.. moo; ,B ..a,,,-. -.RUtrta f. al Hsa fa A . ft lige manner of the King s taking . wcre hurt. nlo a deputy named !.. , -mU . is :, b- is rP.raac in uaaaimoasly rjtd ;b T-n-n.t.-."-n o eodct.ag htnio!.' in a mK jnt-aw ZZ' '? UTHi rr-t t t u.t.. Cj0iw4 jj . ' ,, v liroiitens serious CoixseipieucS.' At Paint creek tre-tle. near lburg. er, .mklfi -m n tl . :10a JlcLeaa t4oc:v. , 50 ta-eatT taonaa4 4otlars ta bonds for ? ih ratabef, f bb floe labf i!Tt 1 " ''V1' th' rr lt J L,.,- .1 li- 1, . ' .!' '"Vmi was recentllrowu Ih ,i " . bnild.agr.aad hr . ,a fcidl ateferear f t a whWw fa rZZt iMCrl --- - '- f tHmnection with the Kn-lish Post- jnto the crecK. lour of the crl were j Uraf.v r -,' 'i.rhatv : commit' ; It stati that ifr Scbarr. pewn-tor anm !. has-1 a farto. It mgNI a aw ' : l'att4 5aa iv, W. It MrlUt - aer Ccnerars circular, annouticttiff I L,i! ,,, - ., ,,-.r,, ww- I ' n .'if1 ' s7r ' K.aff Uii of ;h turn: H wr mill in i;rir.. I.ml. of ak arlgblaw ;r biia f r im loaa ! r. Cit?le maia ih otnr- ("--' Ls:,s,;, f tbo tl.,i,,. w,t;i ll,c (-l,,cn? I-urntture Workt-rtmon ' ,t. ' l : ''i ' '!ac. .huh pnvr,! ibra;e to w ib citv for his :. I. i, ,. mm. 7. , . ... r-,IaiiTtr. - , " . Stiy .. i j. Lrtfajtf expiration of the Atlantic mail . . miammou.ly a rwlusI JK.r. .j.,- wan.tjJ;. n TJirta catbwa:ra.rksMr aot cmplel TTh tT !i ! 7 r L fiel rL . Z?T " "". f - '- -- .' W. enooLrC rr;-----:; - - --' -3ai contra will ! given by bc t DJgJu. oj -.j . , . of . Lr Colatabt. . J--J - , , tcr to the fastest .stoantct. sailing Z $ J . nf;lT- Tar r nr .- eat:.ag ba.Hv ,3 Co.a-toa. .jU p. atJS 1 . uesday, Thursday and batunlay. , SoM7. HunK. The tIW was A. ' -a--l..s:..,j. a,'Ta'ia : Already in u-aisi'r laarl.ag ha- oe J ... Mrai-r :,h. ap. IUm; n. ti.- .--t. ... will lu the Tirmomal ntiahiirn- 1 t:v..r.. . .- .11 : . .. 4 T 1 12. . .. .... aiove.1 and ii t tmrl i! i:..!.. . ' i EU.-TlU.rs '., Jane Z I. HaminL lb" . , j NEWS OF THE VrEEK i ', - Gleaned by Telosrraph3.-d MalL i i ' CONG RKSSIOX AI Arrnurr.utine business n tl. -rna ,.., th J.!h the Northern Pacific F rMtureb a ega'n taken up and after i vderal debate was brouirht to a vote j paaacd yH". ": ijnv.s. 1. The b'H repeal'.. thePr--emptinn. Tunl.r Culture and I '"rt Lcl j.cls .ns then lad before 1 h .u. yl Journal . In the House Mr. iSt" ' r cV.ff " the Committee n InvaJ il pen!o' report' 1 back with amendment. tlr Sen . Mil r r the relief of diarh-d soldier wl ' wereV's charjred after three months' ic ,ce. 5"h llo'i" then went (nro commit- oa"t'-. IVi'i-lnl'Vc Apprnpr atlon foil' rh- lebat which took n wide. ranre Perwl g- )hN u nlon the coram. ttec rose and the I (oum to Jourm-d. ifc Is the Senate on the lolb a pe' Hon vas rere veil from tho Massrtrhutt 1 4 gialat' " In n-irnrtl to the flsher-.'-s trouble Aft- .x brcf executive session, the !i;ntl I lie 1 11 to repeal the pre-cmptlt Culture ami I)ecrt Land art ! tooa" op T'rate Inra' . 'd M r Mllltn HMi . Id Til CUM' njn, adjournnien In the ft- s H' Mo.-r-ialriTi from ftn. .Tnni'tl f n Va. nnd Mean, retorted hack ailver .,.y . refcoluttori of Mr fir-Tior of hfo: ! ,.,HrJnr lfHVr,f thereMon.th.nor Cwr tariff of W. and the reM.intioii ' ,.reJ Mr. U'lkin. of Oli.o. ipre'-'iln the ;ne- ' fopVrefii a adir-e to nnv flmnpi fn tl prevent wool tar IT. The Jfoue then furth' r in.lderMl the I.ejr'Tnt w Arpr r at! hill which xra" fltinl'r pii"-ed. At tie- -.-en'r).- lh ,.m a ,, lflt n ,hf.rr,.nk t;a.pr woX., the widow of (Jitieral Crunt. AiJoi urd. '' ,,,', h,,,al "" u"' UUt Mt "" offered n resolution reotiet ti the "5 1 Idcnt n, fnriu-li the s-ant.-inforn-ation -o tho appo ntment ntl removal of ch . em- 1-rnro.i wiijiiii 'lie irnv i(tli' OI I r- Civil .-,.rvl(.,. ,., a linr.-ntuiiW..f bill .., "';s,lv of 'H'"1 tu-rest oulr: a mom em a Mil author' mr the -eeretarv of . ir to pa 1 merit of the iiiitohif.e money Mile of Hie rferMtion of the Ot Mv,,iiri trilw of Indians iti Klln Nehrawka: a'o ?enntir I n ' s . 1 tho and and II to promote the poi ileal prosrc arm ci uner. c al prosper tyof the Anu-rleiin nntion- Ad tournei In the !loue the l.uudor'- tnrc i. iii ..t. ..... .....t 1 m o iiiifd .. f.A..' Mr . Morr,H ,.ie.i up h- mot .11 tl. t the House iro nto I otiltiittee or Ilie 1 no tor. the conslderrttou of the T.ir'tf hill Tl. roll ' rail wits watched with irreat Interet. an I the motion was tost hy vn", 1 10; tmslS7 The .. ,,. w,.n, J ,-,lto ,l)mmiu , 10 Naval Appiorir at'oii Mil. penumutlii- cott Kideratlon d which the Hoiihe adjornt . AiTf.it the introduction of rodtr ons and other routine business In the Snn' on the 1Mb, hill on the calendar w:s i ken nt and the IJoiiw Mil pa"ed redoli' to five ceuta the fee tor moiiev iri!er-oi Cvo iloUats or less; al"o Mr l'r e's hill tiv n for the imvmeiit of tlfty cents a mdfo' -ar-rvinv the foifiuii mails of the lidmSt -s: aNo the hill to provide for the mile o"h lte or I'ort Omaha. Nidi.: also a Mil autir njr the trcetrniisiii'fisioii of weather repiti- nd the hill to iucreae the cHie'cucv of tla n v. Adlourued In the Hoife eommlH' ie ported and the private calendar ticn 1 . pensed with the Nimil Approprlatn II was taken up In ommittee 01 tliol.. o. The hill was about half completed wt - committee rose ,l II)'' even iiL' -f- twenty Hit private pension bills pas-e Tiik Senate was not in session '1 1 he I'.'th In the House a message was- rsi d Irom the President nuiiouncliur h's ati 'il ot the Slilpiinie bill, but point nir fta ; -t "'";" ie-cove,e.i iomh m tni, s- Iliduile on the Naval It'll was tbl e. Mimed and a contest arose over thed. in ...i.t.. 1. .....i... ................... r..H 1. ..... ".I'.u iiiiini-" iiiiiiiiii uii'.'ii 1111 ii. rwi 1 11 . ,,. ..tmervatorv Mi Idlnir at Vashln n for which a site has been ptircJa'cd.l 1 (to 111 ti tiu t tni.fnl..il i um in iiinL tin a,.. . pi-micn for tln obiect f.'iiiin tart 'p i. j ami iiiloptctl. Adjourned wltluif llmil aco 1. 1'RltSONAf. AND lMll.TlfAl. Tin: House Committee on lias .substituted the House bi rite bill forfeiting the Norther ublic Tm- s for tho Si -Pacific In 1 grants. grants. j Tin: North American Tuni'tuind has o 'ided to use both Kni;lish al (Jerntan 1 the Turner hchools. Tin: trial of the mnchinpr of the ne Covernmeiit stentuer At hint ir.veu vei ..-I :...... .-,- .-"o.-i.e ...... . Wimvs. the Hiltimore mil.naire. linn' lv . in tlu. ,ivo,-,.t. suit luij;ht hv A lie. O'lCcefe. j m. .mss,,,,, , , , mi., ion., .-uw,,. 01 Louis- Wir" desin.ve.I he recently Loss, nearly fiJUUm); ti.-irti.-f insured. ,,...., ..i,...i ... . 1 1 iiM .hbh llll.blMl) !- ? 111 iiu , ton bv 11 trades procession.luiilttury pu rade and open air concerts. HllIUC lllt-u .011 1- nun i...o- illlVlll Kl.lt Three others were ilnnK'sroif wounded I Tun House Committee oi4u cation me on the 1Mb and at once nijViied to th last day of the ses-ioii. a eniled tie ltluirbill for thi-session. Tin- First Comptroller o Trensurj" Hon. .1. Durhiini. was ntarri at Washing ton recently to Mrs. I:irgntt.ctchor Car tor. of ICenttiekv. 3 Aia iiniii.P l'oitr.r-. the wSknown En I ilih wnr correspondent, w:$iurned toa Tin: Holland elections resiJ in the re tarn of forty-seven Liberalfclid thirtv- nine anti-Liberals. Tho foif standing was ftirtv-thrce each. Tin: President ha sigu2dft Dingley Shipping bill. 1 IfKoitia: VT. Hvitr.rtanv, tf "41110. Out., has been elected supreme tunl w-orkmati of tho grand lodge of the Amlt Order of United Workmen. f IloiivKT Pstu, the well kifci Kngli-U otlieer in the Turkish army. id. .tl it;t: lhvm Dvv is was rerigd on the :3Jtb. at his residence nt liloonton, 111., to be in a serious condition of jplth. Ho was suffering from a malignaigrbunrltv Tiikkk was qu.teu lively rowf an elee-i tton nieoting at Islington. Lomf ix'cent- ly. Aiuottg the parties h 1 and 30 Duke ktuH-kcd around was hi- Urnc .if V.irf.ilL- v.. --V-. .v.... - 1 . 1 MISCC1.I.A.NKOUS. A nnrtTY marshal unined Ct -k vvr.s I fi: fatally wounded in an attempt mrrc-t a T" moonshiner named Chandler ntlvv MJ- J ford. Pa., lecvntly. The affair v des- J ax appalling monniiiy is epfo.1 M......V .t .. lM...t. H...,.k. .K.?.,.B I u A. . auivun wic uiiiuu iiui'p JkauuuM -- souau. jde? centlv. I iliiutrlitcr of ttfiit-ral Oleics. a aslutiirton . r . 1 n-hfn inntii. ;,: f-rii: h ,.,1. .i,-ai, ,. .-i.i. . ..... ert regiment died in two welaVe- -1. heaaV-ssi,.,.. -aail! ,al- fo. t a-. velv through tb- roantrv w-: U:-lv CompAay 1- extendm? :u at be o Coaa- !!! .r "r eT' l I aUy. bat aa r,c aa.raP.a . A TUsvrtru from .XScarapi. stattsi L, ng.inr; anv.to! in ?""''?' ' -- -' , men:, brbtol the ga aear the IWk 'tes. I TWnX'rUatJ.r .'-llJLTl '11 ! STS1.!- r.1 ? TT "" centlv that a ten tble eruptioa of the rv ,, ot WlKarvl -t W.hingtoa reca'v . s.. . denrc. The roarag of the ttaioet. voa.- .. in . iT - 1 - "" -" ..tw aai .- aaaar' cno 3Iomomunbo occurred May A g .omriSg thea-. ot " "1 of ' IUv,P l ,TT !-.:! induce, of g. 4 xLTLni 'it-US T IS? " ?U "? H41 "U f " UtU The capital citv w wrecked bv the earth-X-JV do t, the Voat ,N i.-borvT .t ura:rpri.geaataU.:K tJ ja,: p thertik -to . w ,1 tJwii J, t fc - -JSaatr. 5rJ,T! "L fT, quakewhich fohowe-.. and Realjo wa, :a) . ,:rac Las Ln rLirtC!, Jn j., 5nd oralc there a giao- fceiorv acd a and w .U. a rar, ery of -llx-, wi ''CA ,1 ZtZl -JT?t 1-1? atT aal danger of beins huriel ia ashes. Man.v. agate "- iftogrSp!:.. alleged B'rT- . , , .. I't ls-m bant r wa .t aJ, !. -0r lttaiS 1,- .pn,, an ' IJu v.4.'wa tiT. Iaa lies were lott and e-itetaeat w l..fllrtukS' i.!-vej ,. i. -A 4.vr,vr . on foot i O'Ni: C :y tr ;toa oar Uie-i la a fe- ,tr.. T. .f- !- arf ewlwtLter. I i Si M 1 lv w I 1 r m Ha. 1 i aa B j.IV.v; - -WW.-.1w ssay-raastTMtms -t; , : U aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM T -" nT-ionof u,,i w-'a. njj.j Fruit tirowerV Awciavm of in I'ni'.ed Stt'- jK-niI at tl. Neil Hoti-. Ui,am,'u" - on lh" I7lb- .i r i'.i fKtiiT; iotk.t in ok ani 1 Denton ( ounii-s, T-jr Sallo Prtgraore ' ua fnSAlly injurel at SfHj'-v. Denton i t'ounty. and several otter jter wre j kti'inn tohavet-e:i Vi1ImI Kuttber irrt im ; i:-nv Ifim&' msi donj Uih crop- ind j farm uildmj;. ' Tim ptano facJorv and ale Tnia of i AntiIl fc (.Vi.. Han FnuK-jm-o, were de- ' stroje.! I,y J!r laly Iji. fi'.A; In- ! nirani not latji. Iiie linni of jmpriona':,.i for debt In New York wr.4 rceaUy reduced U mi i.t iithv Tiik Ifarrartl OTiTn hv alolJii-J '"inj-uhory at;eudanre ai ir-hi'Mii tar v. . Inr lliilaiielphiii cabin: makers, who .trt2ic for e:eht bour. on Mv 1. Lave soue t. uork .'Kain l tn hour a dav Sim Wii.-on. a i!i.mw!i of '."itujp.t;a. j .' who wa onlcrl ;a leave thai town. r.. ..r.t v L-illi-.l 11 nii'inl-r nf IhiMhiHiriiit!- wii h .-nll.-S on hirn fo-nforrt. the order. TtaKiBir atfrnv 'iHHoc-urr-! .it Ifajo- . .. t ,: 1 - tn th" etipijal of toioinfota. wwea te .ruard of th priori and :ninlers of tho , ..i- onal hattalior One onernl. -everal j '.).- -rs and tli;rL' mMits wej-. killtnl. Ic. S A lit i"im. the n-.t"r:oui jfay- ' - ' .an of St Jnfoptt. ilo . ent.-re the Ar- !!.- of thtt cit- on the niormue of the :-ti and ln and 'tiled 'i!on-l .1 W ; Str-.n-. the K"era.l maimer. Uiehmoad fi.-ti tri-d V kill hi:n-e.f. l.-it fa:lx The 1 inuid' rjr' o-it of the Hut. hard AIvertis. .n" tiv s,n.t lti-hriijn! rra!! e. ti. at...n a f'liort titn a-. l.v tnv-terioudy -I .--ipj-n nisr. nh-n it thoij;bl thai he -.d -ijud.d or had b-en u-trIre.l. Kr-rju.'i at Hamilton, o. in new uuta- t 'Jen-e and then oiate.t.nj; their i-taim- lv 1 ' P ir.an. r- -.r tk- '" .-of--..,,t of the cwinn.111. linm.iton A i "a "' tnfo,-n:at,.m tb.:a Burri t.ti,.t,,,T VM'.'V: ' V1 ""uln '? um! ! ' ",r op near Mtincie, Ind.. was htunt; t ! iv'i !e working with ht 1h--m reecnt!v. anil ti half an hour died frtiat the pffert of tho -"ii in intent afjonv. "mi eohteii of tie mxtv seven ptilit'o 'heers wounded ut the "hiea,; Havnmrket ...t have returned to dun. .Sixteen are ''H unal.lo to leave their beds and fort- . two in all have not vet reported for dm v. 'Jin ebd-ra hiiK appeared at t'oilKpiro fin he p. ejht miles from the A.lruitic At lll'-r tlieilailV a veiaeof now cu-i-, of tbo ...so'lse I- s t"'C!. riii.K t of i:: i:tl jr, was civ.'a at Fiir- C... Jl T. Ill the stilt lllllist F I'ettlUtew fr uialieio'isK lil. oiling 1 .em-inl Kice. At t- rne Ceueral of Makota. l'.ttirew m making I he Torritorial census enumerated Itioe a- a bastard becaue of n private gtiide. Suit wn.s. brought for i'iTi.O'.o dam- ajr.-s I M.rit the new law against iniprison ment f.r ib'bt x-.Maor lie Henoise. of Lon Island Citv. ". Y.. coulined m jnil ..... 1 i.t. 1... :...i ' -" "" " ' " """ '" tM, ""-J"":-, nient a-anist htm for .-bUM. ,,,les.-d rei'.iiiiv. iiii. was imme!mteiv rerreaed on ciimmal proceedings. Hrivv 1 inns, near Alexandria. I.n . the otbi r iiioriiiut; c.-iu-ed heavy dauuie. Sey. era! person- weie drowno,. Ci r i:i m. house letiirtis for week ended June I' showed. mi average increase of Jt4.1'i compaied with the con cspoudiii"; we.-k of last year. In New York the tn- CTca I let body ,.f J Iavis Hiitchnift, a ma ..11... r I f-. .. .. r 1 .... 1 J. , , ".' ' -' """ ""'and it pi f.-n red in the bil.e near ( lucao reeentlv. His .. .. bodv was bruised, and if was thought he .,, 1111 ti 1 hail lioon t'lililioil um mill . I.. I... I I . 11.." 1 fi .ti.ii.ti. imii.i uiki llllll stj jiasseii . OTer l lie interior ot lexason the 'juth. I In lefs in Parker County wa- put nt clfi'.i'O. Si I l: l persons were tujuied but no one ws killed bv a collision on the railroad near Last Peppenll. Ma-, . rccenth Ar Posterville. lb. rccenth. Ibivid and Wiliiam Williams, broiler- and coal nun ert. attempted to open a kee; of pnwiler vvltl a pick, when the powder exploded, horning both men friKbtful!y William ilied from the dice:- of his injuries A riit'it - t'le took place m San Fmn- riscc on tie Juth I'n t um (V l.owen. d"al rs iii lubi ii-atin 1.1U and machinery, lost 3l3ft,('. in-iirauee. t-:."iii: and the Indian ate making tlioir wa to then -itouCBoi'l in th-S'erra Midre I Alitlt TIO.NAX. UISPATCItns. ' v;oa .r in . I v ii- in ar Mt. I'l.ieiins. l"e., WW-. ! tied IrollI ll's home bv s(ivetl ... 11 ,rec. .i.v whi dmvi'i! bim. cut his cur, ?. sti .pped and beat him. bo.-.-nie i maltri -it. t an orphan j;ul living with M I. 1 UK LI 1 in sTeatner ( 1 1 itli8;-'ii :-!i c.irte-ha- retitsed tae n iest of t'let'i ban I'eputie for l.-itne rub' lunlfiii.i .III 15 S.. tfi . I".. ........... 'jt-. . .-.. .. .. .-.. I, . ,. . l'lll".l. ofJtti.uis. Vew York atid F-rtunuMico, 1 leujon me ...i tor -i.i" '. .et5 led To 1 1 M fo -Ki-ji 1 llE'Frepch Senate, bv a mnjorttv of 'M, j . ssedtb bill f -i the expuisiun ot the ench princes , I- l)r.Bllis ii -r. of the Sttpirane Court f NetirJSo'k City, has t'eenletl toe now ! " t v intwbit on ti impri-onmeut for it-bt , istititio'"... : rIro5v a luburliof Toledo O. re t e ily. tfjii- v ' tive v nuag men gvj into , ; irrel,w'in ie of the !ii:mli' wa I I. Tl:e ie-r t-ik t. n lea', v. hicli ' 1 is Stat -I w ns , .tm,,,! m ti,t. iak,. Rn, parties ir t.e.l I 4'T -.10 att-aipt.l to Ivacb I mob of prohi. I intet w otrlfivii. - tl... I......I l...f..,-.. , 1.1... . '. ' I-"'. : 01 ilia, toieiaiee. Il is tlitriisi.l in late r natural ... rifle, that H- aa-1 h . f.o- ' lC t.tarh uaar.t. II Oidat I I li.l tiiitJlt i.;ie 1 .... t . sts ,t ci,.. ton. Iowa, rrw," "' ' " ,,w,,k" '" seial far- . . .r .. 1 1 . u ItlaeI th combust !-ss . ': I 'ltd deputie.-, however. 1 " .' n ' :i'; I- it Them to tbght. 1 VVr T i''NT is to bar a foaadrv. ...is-s t.rtj aiMkr arre-t , P& ofnee nt Hla:r wa ontor, tBP prefc'1 minl'ii "-. ' -a'Alitt in tbe seaat on a., vraJaW' ouuy v.-r,, ,,.-.,. .1, - ' . , . rtc 's v.- -erv oi-isf. .ne or i.ore la ties-J -artlitt... ws ;..nt in :ae raate ob "orthof stamps. fi".i , m,ueV. afc. 1 T . . ' " "T "I' w : ! f-fc-LT. . " ; '" ,,,,n "T"1: wjpi.i.. ,-i-T .' ,,. leaaaT-i' 1-Hev mo.un,cn:,,,, 1 a - a; crj, every w brr ar lonh , , ..., .a o. . a, ,. . ' T- x"-, - c a.. , ,atfa af taa kst ,,, fttj , nekraska state news. N-fork rrr. Rr ixz a.Iv.r rr-,rl .v lb" Hniai 7 from 3f:y two rrunti in .Vei.raiia in dirn:ianti;ri.Srti: '.Bilo5: f..raa aMiod tnti:i of JJ :h primnpal rrtf". In aenrh all ih rouati of tb Hyit ik? walbr a reiort! j bpTrp-ia. w;h tn ahorwian-- of r n )alr tervx rriit- ". t'lar. HalL JetTrwxa. NaokolK. , saftVH-nt ria f ,r ih a-l -f rrxtu. d4 ia hiiv oaeor tiiof;hw. ba ai pj.ri- i l!Han)ia- ?: rMtt!tt In Vmm C'n -. oiR aod .b.a; an rriM Itcht. . n..N,,rr.j.,v-l ,.; 3 JOOr Tnt la V nI Frauk' n ('unu-i icinterbt tbotrs up poor V;jat u aIo in j.r cmt.t.on In ilrrriek County, and ..,! not er r.vi two ihitxio of a -r,p ..n arNiunt t-i Un inuehnet wvatber Kjuw Cjant m-.ri ; Latnlotu m. lo-km-r rr In Bt- hr and I'iatte (.'ountiM rat k rirlM a. laatafftae the tmilo f.i? n-bM? t nm exWut. In Sb-nIni Cnuntr ,.r M Wm- . - -- . .-vM. 1 tilrt) t K'pb.-r Kn-I ronnU -iur- - .-., . .. --. mwm. ' " uft l",f "s't ;. howTr. tow crop OUti'Vtk k nor hMn t.r...t.- ..? rrop outio k ha-. nevr bea nj;btK and nurr, are Ju. ;Mt over tb. pnpeeu .rf inrgf yi.-ll.. Tlte oalv anatfactr" fea- Hire n-M.rtI 1, the hw i-:ce of trn "'" ' ifJiUn.brr K.titu ;iuia r mtv rr.l. n . . . , . ,', ' trif ur.uffhoii Ir-i-' o.r p-i e .naavcrdofI-tst tw crop lmg hid h.v--. ,H n. at 1 a-th t- . .-t! . f .'" a i-?tr market, with no iruiscta of foein h.-iknLio. AINr.II.iii.-oa. ts eic'tinj: tarr nz and feather-in? nva inee nan I.M at UuhviMe N..rtbwtt Na lraka. re.-!tiv. A man aaml Ake,-.. J a ,sn'1 a""t- t:ir ib virtirn Akea j J,f"1 Ie bunwif ..hno-ciou to a !rc . """' ' wui-ri ov ettin!; tier drum, which headed the procession, and he va th"n ordrel to leave ;h count rv The Iiclr of the unknown man rwentlv drowned at (' luml.iis has been reHverel. jrld wat h and Jliwere found, hat no ' uiarks ;.. lead to his identilicatinu The as-esd aluatiou of We-t Point 'bows an increase of liftv thousand dollar- over ln; year A itrn stoiui tlstrovI 11 lnrge -treteh of '-rowine crnin in t v.cinitv of I'tica. Fruit trees were bnrke.1 tiy :l:e hni! ami the fruit destroyed. Tin vouni: town .,f Iteompr it tipotint- , . " mr- for a tu thoasawi dollar piu-biut; plan:. LViir irvL..c if.. ..... , 1 t i.vK.irkt. llften vars old. was re- t o,.Llv urowii.-c near Kenrnev. A w tii:-i-iii tof erivat volume Imrst over 1 1 1. r ......' . 1... .t ii . Msee.i.a :!, other eveniue Hie .Tfi'V 011 which the piun is liH-atisl hi'mmI twenty- five fee in ten minutes The lo-.-es were heavy. Tin voiiu son ,,f .Mj. Wej-eiier. a Mer nek County fanner, was dru.-d to den'.li 1 v !t nitmwav team recently. Av adopted sun of Mi-s. Conner, while bathin" recenth near Phi tie Center, was drowned. It instated thei Wheeler Count v contain 1" r.il acres of ...,d fair. uns: and Krainj; iitiiu.siinjec: to iiomestead entry. Tut , 1 valmuion of Cass County foot- up s'.'rr,.:.;: The eoimrv lev..., , , ei"h: tuilN f.n th.. dollar. MiNNir I,hn,',; the famous sleep,.,- of , . 1 I lalte uiMity. is said to be in poor health 1 she 'an not survive nianv ..1 ..1 . ..,:;. , , , ,. l-,T ,,s rejic and b" Kind, .. "i- " . - 1f'"e I "IllltV J.,h,h! sj0 fr ,.,, J,, tied ;h tin.-iuei.-il -tutus of Nance Coun ty ranks ahead of almost anv other count y in the State, and tips is somewhat ivnrtrin Ide cmisidertni: the fact that the county has been olanved but seven V 'Ill's." A i vui.r ice house wish a l-r -toritce (it tachnien: is to be planted in Nehrnskv City bv u Chicago 1 rewiiie compMiiy. Vt 1 mim "-nUitu.le i-:i.)vvi feat above sen level .lv ott STiTTri;. of Valentine, has been (iwartleil the ...,.f contract for For: Nio brara at $7 I". per hundred. Ilrti I'iM. improvements now- in sight in North Platte will cost $i:e,.iioi .iiimi; the number ae th- ICsth I.lofk f.1111,1 l;rv lur llni.iv. the secoo.! '.. .-.... national minister that settled in Nebraska. iee-nt!v celebrn:..l his golden wedding a: '"' '' Mr. Heaion nud wite are still h-ile and heurtv and moved to Nebraska thirtv vears ago. Cunt- report- from Cup.r County Wheat, corn and -iiher small -rains are onkingg.Ml rn, ,a j,.t.. i,ckwnrd en nccoiia: of the late s,.,,,,. although ram , plenty and weather is nil that con!.! In. to corn a:nl balance mMtini! grata. 1 ; .Tosttit Shirk, who left rCenrney a short ttm ago with a surveying pnrtv. cornmit tetlstiicniei,! Wyoming a fet davs -inre. Tin Platti- County Hank t- the aanie of n new bnnn.-ial institut:ou which has jn-; Matted at Platte Center A riK'Jru in Ctrlield County in brak ing prairie lecrtitiy j.b.wod p a nest ,f rattlesnakes. I Ar the recent election hehl in Chase Countv to deci le .n .-. county st.a; for the , new- county, no selection wn-nmde. t Im perial received :'.i- mo-; votes nmonj; the T-- lit. , SK--. . . .... ....i.-sllns inni. .tnotlier eieeiioa w ill It held. Th Congregation a I Churrh at Karnv i.j ... un" "" e-oape .r-un lining tletniy.l '" - ir,u S"niaae,Mi- cmbu-tioo. :h ?r uhi A a1 "' mM cbub otfccr atgut t.y tmrglar a ad n-bl-si of Snto worth of stamps. ! in mouev. movnl aad it t tm. if 1; erattaas m ' ca: :b- m a :rck ilt be :ta Np aad tn.tv-.! oaetdc-k ou:ii. is." bi ha :rarrl! quit? IRISH NATIONALISTS. i ", Anirrrn ltrHf tl- tri Ntlnit l.-ire j..u-. .nir.. - Ij.i N. Veh.. Jin- il.-Th f::..tns - !:wun; cimlT h :-rn wnt oat k :n- ircu'ivtr tf Ifte IrlsU .N'BUooai fx-xtt ot A u:tca : ii.Ti.. Setv, Jnoe IK. Tn fV --r M Vm,-n . tfrf tfc.e p;fvt! 'p jr(..r r! !. Tl i'c .,t a'Mn-iutcl "a In a J B,rt" -enl a -i y ? - !.. . tj. t i jran.j ty jj. ,m. iraj.-rt .f h - i,t- A'tr tie yt oral ---t on. m at- t ' r. ' .",V.?r brmiRx a j rtr . tn- c '. ui. i a .- tfcnt jrr ! 't'eian t.u. f l. fc. re,; i llr Miilli'oi'i tnilj .! r ! H pler uo.on i ! bir f r-- ar4 f -ttu't afHl ffpr 4i:M.t nr!i r .- ikci t ta lrn Um l no. Mr (i:lfti !f. f li. m- 5rl -r-!.-'.-j tM-rtaanrtS iwt'-- ant . ? lTn !T'Br? n ' I" . :", " h ' "" '".' ",,'r . - . . . i .,. . , . ... . .. ... .mmi..,. !" iiarMpaiiin i ' tth fr .J. j.U fru.1 fln that e r t-f'r r lirvi f'r-n th t" umii'r r ar, B paall t y .,.t-jti-T- b h r h. r . ! t-rt.. .. f.-.ii t.f tuwaon - 1 iir 'lrl rr Tti- .(ii ft. ,kl l'in t'ro P'r t-p or.- Tr.- t'l-iir t. .at l'in t-e ZiZZT ' Tn . .-L -.. . at. . . 1 ' n are un- rtftf : d 1,.t -fi att-ieM.t f ti 'ur', a aaodfu ii;iirt .,.. t I. ?i. t. tt.li tle . i that the da ! '; -1 t rf'ifmt' fi'tfitr aij-t r'l-tfjiacr aim'; lr)ninen hat r- for. -r iard av J I br. (:,- i t.,ifr- rw tor In- nl ' n -w ' fa r t J..r tlir Kngt b w-.t. r -! , f.. : -ondi-it II11 th- tfrv' "S ffi l- r Hi tj't-t Wto iltfor t 1 ffc- !: 1 i !! t Mr ..!:o'!r. a..d l h-..i i: h 111 1 at k Parln.-i! 'th n !i.'o i.'. 1 r . .t.ni t . r tw .tr ( ' fli ' i i,tt l.ir t. lr-iaf -t tho r .i' t i!t : .. tMOjf.r'i. pri't. n th- Itr t ! .-mp.rr fiu ad ! t. jI in oar.nr in .-i." .r. In f iri:li o -.f ?'- i'cr rif-rn-t m t- !.- i.f if I., mr i.e. h. rt i.tin . 1. tte the Par laiiientnrt md a mu .-,..: . in count 1 t uiies. nat: t.f -ii; 1 .1 t. r-jr -s n'at 1 11. and tt. !-. ot r. er--iiii ,.-i stm,, fo'io oik iir f;ic fn; ,--rv llfty ir: int.ers in fim 1 ntH'ul t.. pr !.. however that 11 coinirir .i sir t h t. tt iiun.i-i-r o? tiftv nienitw-r can not - -a v i a ht-d ate. mimt r from ent avi to niiy sl.ad I. eiil tle I.t one -! fate We k for tho att ndan. of an Htirr taiit dc,i nation from the Home i iip and Pari mil. atari All arranirenx-uis lor thr i 11 V out ot. !;' l- unOt r tin- xnr 1 hri-f of tt.e 1 oiniii tte i ariRivt menf at 1 Inmo, a.n-ady o i.-nfi d. of w U ch n P.--:di-lit s t. livan Hint the ofl:-i n of the league for th citv of t hua-o and Mate of Illinois atv nirm-l-r ! I-yry branch .' the lea-cue h..nd ! to I work proe.pt. to prepare for the conni.- , i-r and -b.iii.t remit ail f "!. oi. band iinmtifiatelv : the national trcMsorer ol !- iron. o tin. itioiM'v mat Ih torwantnl i.t liiiit ... ior,.t n.t 1.. .u...ie .,.. !.i... :f n. 10 irc:nnt and made ava !at.. . if n-c-!- j fary. for the apiTi.-ii ncrcampu an All tnip I r.i."...i. ...' 1.. i..., .,.....! 1.. ....... .. ...i , .. ' "' ereninBi iofi i-mriiv.ir in inaae ine ap- ..u..i. ..w. ... ..... . . .... . .. ... . . .. n hU h we arc ens-awed -ile -aus of Iumi Merit V.'o remain nmr. ver faithrultv. PVTMH K I.I.IN, President 1 11 .i k 1 ICi it 1 v . l r-i.rer. .I..IIS P sTi.i. !.'iiUri. POLITICS IN CHILI. A lleilteit 11 eslilent I.t I I llllliliIo lletncoll I Ii-iI.iiU. I.ili.-r.ils iiihI K.xlo il. W.sini,t.. .lime .'!. "he Ptiidfti. ttal eiis-tiou is to take p!at-c in t'biii doting ! u-,'"1" u,,'k' "", ,,'' " "' "" ,-v, '""f h'M;Hi tti.vi was ti.e ri-e in Aiceiitine. I here arc three candidate foe- Un. the p.H.p:,-; one tepr olm She Cl.-r- led partv or the Catholic ('hutch; 11 secoml i..I.i.u:imrtheL.l.ei;.L.,..I a third il.u hntl.cals. 'lie latter parties are buiu of. posed to the li,Je,fer.tice of the rlmirn in .eculur m.ttt 1-. but .lstler in f.:.iti.t4i as u, ' tiie tie:. ire to which the author;. shall be . rede. t'd. K.ul.. .ii- ujhI the monks and ' iiiiiis tirivc'i out. the pi "petty of the 1 church conl'scjiteil at d !iirind oer to the liovetiitiii-nt. the coiii. -ssionul abolished ai.d the ptlests plllblhltcd Iiom teach. ine relic ton in the clioo s. "lb" L'her.tl lartv jIat forui iiicinile- the etertii.iialioii of all or- dfts of leiici'.us Mvliisjoii. the divorce of the cdueal.oual sv-P-in In. in the churrh ...,,, , , , . . ... and Ibe t.i-tio!i of tb.;n-h tuopertv. If.,t 111.- u-.i'iei- o, mis ii.ui) are ntn n j.inc to adopt the extreme 1 1 iea.su re s tie- luatuletl bj :l IfadlcaU iti the-.r VMtr against I'athoUcs. The Uadi- cals st.tnd in tl... I - l. on j't. .ta- 1.. 1 .i. ... . . ... . eta's Will be siccevf uJ, a- tltev bae Ctm- ttol of the election liachll.crv, nl Ihoiieh the Catho ic-. who ay that another Liberal admin. strr.tion meaiK the em! of the. 1 Iot-r, mc tiiHkiti a tlejarate ttfort, us;r. nuuiey tteelv. and are do.ng ail thv can to en- conr.irre JCadica's so as to "pi it the Liberal strength. The I'mIic'iN are thu simtlles; m tuiinbers of the three pitrtie-. but make more no s.i "1 iie:e have .np-mb been v eral serious tints and there i- a fear ot a mj tiered I eurfnltt i:urn-il -.-wii iith.-r ni-j-r-- tr .f !:. a ft.C'ie buMnr f r--t-I ii.ti-coiiiiteil I i.r. lie ue tnlhr rti- ereter rv.n ! rat t, I Waa 9 illillt.f t t I . m - .! .. I.. a, fc Vi".SIf. i.. hydraulic lro!ge h.nr in the ttver was - l. ... 1 1 . 1 . . , .. . . Anc I.t r'.' I, iiara nt i. burned U nirh: by the UinKling of an oil ' n-e than la .nnu. .. r of a. nt. a r.? lamp. The Hinic. spread uiih crt-a: rapnl- "', Po'i".i r im k! hx irr tt . itv. Half aa hour afterward Wtn. chae'er. ' ,"'1 ,n - . vviio was t..,. p mr on the ves-el nt the time. ' rn. -Mir... ve ,-,. was found wandetingaiui: sirthntugh the Lvtftv. Ju-v. ?L-Ti- f.tt -ninth a White House grounds, and wa taken to the H,Tt,J,rT "' Q'n Victoria' arewri f ho-jntal. where u um dicryer.,J that lU" v-u'Ah xr' " 'lebratr.1 SafoMay he was feaifellv burnsl. If, says night br Jh bnrar of lh tempt by 1 he ua awakened by the riim-s ru!nj mt ' ti! of raateur ctntniatir prforrrin-r"v tltc'. p:uait .mo ;,, tivt and wm 1 hendirre 'rt a,d itoUb.e Jnr'n. ashore. Ibere k ...,; m.. on the U W.e Matn of, In at ti-Pim-h-. tits g wbet, tl.erebf.kiHi,a'tl.Shnef. I,UJ.. He . a. a..! ,.; tbi.r f it I- .be onlv 00. Uieiu am.,,t. f,. f. i. ,. ,,, .awtro.otaa e-tt f. ...... K.e.- .-,-, .:,- .,. .,.. ,in. !;.f......Kr..rrsc P.n. tr-i.oinmg ... mm 11,". .iM-.r 1iM.11 111 i.v r:(ii-t nr ju.npe,i oTrrsxinrtl a:j r dtoie-1. Tti nitali" nn U..:nI: --v. o,k. .l -k. .... fccrwl foe alai: J-s-.tsio. . - ip v- tm n I:.r4d'ln? 1. .Vttat'Ji'V. " WJ--TIU.K. ti.. Jane 21. iiammL !? tao - Taar - d son of iir. and Jfr Id Perk. m; a mo; stagtiUr thraih froaa .'rira: s aaar aa. aa. aa. a . vaa. at . a . a . r - - " " wsbs ie vaio v aiity patera. Ui . ... .. . raal m JaUr rsrtra aaart . !. l.i "T"s. fca - a- ,-m -"-aaw m -a - aWSTaVBal Eaa t . MORE VETOES. TTi Ir.tltt n Mnr .tn tC t C m;?rit - M- ll IJr" .lbr Mrthoili I. I'aMir Itw.M.nc.. AltIN. !'.. J.lfjo :u Th IVrkkfU Na writ I" i'tioz9 UHtftn tt,t ". ltrttti of la tuvmur wrtv pr vat st bi. ami lb othrr prvklr im 1- u;tmr at S"n r$ty . la. z Zimv rtkiUtMi 1 In wto.ti a pnKUi b;Ii tb rMtfcn: Vl I r thnpnef h t pd ef iMttmi Wg iiffof ti ?!- oa'M -tI t !.. a. tn. -w. hi -,. r .- '''f ' t' t Hlf. ri rt tafa: , s nr'-'.t t isiTr a'H!- . tar , rt- h a fr H3 ? r rt .nt t h-f I fs . . . " n . -vmuy to ttti re 'H tf f ts pp tc4t tt rpah os at Ur jr- m m u. ?-4 1 J jwt Srret (f mjj - .S bj.al; !f t .- I rO to - ff p n., t. tr4 f ifr r i;rt nt n. !, ?. a r m t a -f it -1. t t.t ,r' tr irt. f Oir-w J., . ta ;w,-r Imk -rtr ttn to t trajt-r J ' : . rt. ar unti.ai t-u! r tfc- riif -f Mm nal wm itoi I f.rtt r('ti 1 ut j-r f ta r .t -. ras oa 4 altrfnlj fcf.iii. wrti tk- n.tar'V sttl-Jaf ill'1' I lft rr-'ctt fc imps f lh. - t trP-b ! t.. i.nHir fi. sit ! . ' er.r g ief- 1 I hitr int 1t 1 m' : -)rJ In !- t- t-rl-- ja.!-f'i' !. .igt ,t ' e I Ur J.-t : -r" tun f. ) .rrn 1 rfi. ,, ih, . , tn fjl.-i t a hun. f.nnSrl .,.'.-! m '1 -! " lh- ofi.-.'.. f a f 1 - Ii!- 1 ;.-w ii I tir f.t r . , -a- f .i ' r r ii . t . ; - '. ta t 1 I 1 r . n , t r i . a , 'tia, ' !-' ? .i'fijrti.,r. :. !-. .' Rf tin I . i 11 i il ..11 1 n s ..' . r.n t . ha t- t lh. .-r ihi inn iii.uii ( 1 : i . ; mtii't-f e.i'i -p-- -I !' . r. 1 'I am - 1 . I !.- r ti , .1 at. . '.i-l Ji f f II,, . Irm !ta? ! - 1 nio jif,f 1 r ' !i7 jn . r, 1. d -n f.j--l wH.th Midi.. .1. ...' r unit to fj, .ti-.f ..f 1 .-,-. n r .f tt. o 1 tin t n si.- Ni n - f on l--r ! ! l-i., 11. it. thi ir .,' , t... n,'. - .nj f to,- ,, irtf arr !i!. ! -i. ih t I,. 1 , :. ' ri n -f lh .-ft. I i.i tm ;. , w-i C A I of or.li tl I. '1 tin ! ti tl il . h t 11. t. e i ; 1. . Ii o '. e . o j.i r'r- ii a . ,. .Iisi.re a f--r,' n nt tfrn. ro ( i" ' (trafrf..: a ad to.ioi.. ,-: . ti. "It !' ! jii.t u t -11 . . tt : 1 p ,,U'h Uletor'l.-s Mir jii! iif ' s. . n hi fa r to Itn- hiii, p-l r i : Afr Hill' t-n r ! n the ! r.-. .. 1 h i.mirnn.frt ?mj, i a laao h. i...t ., tied h f i- t . l I ;- n the !. . w !t tie U" l.ae lwii l,it.i..t , Ir t i.'r lh. n!ur 11 1: , in ti , '. fin 11. 11. 1 be r to r r nt',, arun lrv t, l'ot ,.f prior. i.e jn the srai.l'ay r. 1 mvife mi'f -Moti w ihotti 1110 1 m. lourajfp thi.sr h.. f..i p o ut,t H. a, 1 ttiei. : .( ,.t ,. .!!.!) . l hn f lh. l m'.ral :-rf ' m.11 tauirM rhe .-i . itmi m H tic U in teir lh. n.ol ijui-i t olia .. m'I nt ;p a. oaf..r l I e President rs-s fi Hgmtiue tin sicn.nH'an-'w f llu s'arTIm,; inneaise tt pen-MHi IcisIatuKi and live oHM.SiUrnc.w ia ... . , . . 0,v '" ,T" ?. HI !I.M. h'R .i ti. In b to of Ibe SnatH b.'l for a n-ir. 1,- l,r,.i.. r s;,.,, ,.,, . ... ...., --- .....-..... ..v - v.. '-. ... w ,. fl. M, SUV? . mt-ifpinm in niirnri'Mnii rar h"e . ..1- i .! ... .... ... ... .. " ' -- -..-,. ... -.. . tertdtn thai Ly the o-fi.ii ,.f tih, poeuiotc.n f siout Cm wa 11. nr' ioti. that bjr another ciiumrrat .m inr m.ir in further tait 111 fi.- n-w.ri that for thr Con.ro..Ut.. 1. of lh !.,.. late.nfhrc i.,,i tn irn VI t r rk antl .! fmne huii.iinjr It "" to .- that n the coo derat .-n ,,t th tm nt of i fee l .1 the no, : rs f tho t.ovcrrttnent h.m'd coMtrol the .11.;. c. and that t hould fe deeidett a a buv. ....as I.M..UI.II .... . ... ...tl... ..... .. ... - ' "- j-.i-f"... ..... ... j.. ,.-.-.ft Hs.i 1W, IM-. ds of a (iiitrmni'i'i toi!t r at rfo- fminl protw"t in unlrr in it. the i;v trrmniit w,ik lh-i srr.j'j r.-du-.- lls value fif !atit'- hi.inir M.i'rini. - ten! f t ult.e, .rs(M, r . jrr'iiath and inater of that k-no h cli. fhoiijr'i e,..f imsH 'iiiersiin. do noi uiaat . tiRitittrl- tne neci itr of the ev nt.iure t larvc ".."evara naVontbaV 7.14 ,.... ..--.. ..f ... . vm.M ..i.. - Ian. , r. ns 111. cmrf arc m-l wr hewl al oov rv lot ',T.mI.:, v.i..e a..t w tho.it -m.it.im to ih, :, :.,M,:riu..P. tZiTu''':' ' -" .b.... r..v d r,..,.ao.f.,o,;; VCVI.I ine -o;ma-'i f The l-l ol.' . now i.m at- n a I ord'a.- rn'e. ir th iioreraae m tint. Jnnuarr I t at th rite or ir.no $wr ai.o.im It, tar . -,. report of the Mir-rr sn arehlfert t at pear that ert iNfnlir I lai. lhr w re unit- fi. w j.ur -.tic.t n in Coiir" "-Il stru. tti.M anl tke amotiri' etp.-o.Vfl tt .-i. or. lur ii the frct'i-d r- vrnr was li-rU 1TV. tMi. ah le lurae afrr.)pr at .e mt-r- ak"t t t .- -ifriltM! on ihe... I.oitil rt. .nr n K. rnrrent o-r Iniii 1 1 lament tr i-i ' '. s " t t afiht. i a, h .liiT. il iitiifM r ffr.-itt.-r li" I i- .... -.t, ev.t ther. for than . iMaroi rt'h rase . . . in. i" mt rsi! In dl-Hperoviat: i bit to pfovnb- fr r pabiic luiilttluk i Xa-vill. O.. tho Pr.sl Int aovs" . "N' r-leral r-rniri. are i - J at 'nnr. li-i! mmiri rt'lU If Mlliea tmKr . ,..t nrroofvt I kit nioli.uM th rtn n llttlt e! to root noe t to r f ,,'ovrni n it pit m fi' iitnttr Tt.- piit.i t it t n. notr in t-n few of ntrti f Ion r miwi e htv Ifitro't n-i riiti.litnl n-rr.m.. n ik ail the 1. 11 t ntr t-r. et iiKli-li..irii in. nt ought to hat - on hitwt al on- t m. an ! ri ii-n j. pat. ee. tf ri l fur m lncra- in th nutn'-r "The wo ftptu-lii.r. .' thr tniotnr.. intoirea not ottl ;b arn..,., v.. airt'e f..r or rop't . hoi .orrt' i.n in ibt mr Attn irr ertato'i thrar-r K'hli a 1.1 i.i. inent biil'd-ni I !. rat. ort.aie"nl to an town or ritt. aot at 1... - .r m of an appripriat!.,., ft .ri-r.-r ..ft-., , . .t 1 "iH a ait ti;iistraf.rt of ri aat aiiti m the intere' ..f a r..n: tio a. . ti t,i th . op n on that theeiprtMliriir f -o. r money I fir net, h li irimt. 'tto'-ld inHl m ir '' .'! r'au- n th t. p"fi .; tt.. lht, rhntz hml rwirt, j, nim ': ef port ..w,gS ruti n wa, aratra rair a P taponrt tae, on Wtosfa -j, aaraa a ! d llf-ler bat of the vJsren. tb" " ., . , .. .' ' -. o- 1.., - ,".. o..j ..1 ' ctr-r..y. aprnu . a . ara ablb nM . .ik i ' mm mm. . a . An iSni!'M . ,1 mrll iirK-. ' At thr rrai foatraaaarfit of fi I .vear oJagfaaKt rrai-.Sfc.-HT Aarav Ibil aTilar 1 11 ana TT aV. . ft.1 A GOSTO.'f DLA-E I.ittMt- fJr It ! 'r -n;Maiit br ! l .'if. fu tut .' f hm g tm lltttitMn - pn Tbb .lir b-j,t br ti0 .- I rib - , iUtj.rf4rt.irw ami iMtumtc V i 9t l ViO 00 mm! ! wali it mm bj Uf in.: fan Mjrw ctf - I !hy I Jo.W avl ta ir a i' t f,' .;.- n rv (' ; ao. W Qa.il- d4 tf Aa mptmtl ht ff ; &.-t .!!? ;,-i ittwi i rot:w toot fca.1 f r- r h b"B 14 a nsi nr ,ifc I" arkT amic t t - t-.-- ai I ptny wrra ha4 t b ni fof t 'tWj - l .-j ia IN t .! - Bt',t ftHif -!-i N rmt .. Tr : 1 fvi f ra of a .' . - l t'-- ta ! . B. t . ; . If- . 1 f r ' - m !M I r- ) t ' . -' .' f..' I .. ' I . I ' . -a ;'i i . - - " V r rjs-i I' .! : new, vita a f.-rf ---r. ma fa-' wrtr kmr, imj?. A !':. hJ bn ,? t. . -a. r f ' .trt-' ii - I r t . fr" 'rt It i. ll a.-'i- r I . .' t r i tx ! r r i. , 5 f. ' .' ' id nt 1 . '!. m t-a tt via" , r t . . f It w tat . I !- V I t ' l w . 1 t t . I rtJ. I .' i.- rs, : . ,jj ..--. . ,f tt., ; it M ' . i- I " .' fc 1- . fi-a" .1 ' r t 1. f I . .. ; V ' . 1 V e I W t-r I ,i 1 1 1 " I f fl W I ' t'-. ' . t ic. !( .:!' v .rj . li k tbt In ! I. ' I j- 1 pO" W ! r ' e ', So ' 'iter 1 1 i cfrtW-l . i' '.. 11,' , n, '1 11 ott',. ' . .k 1 tf n , s in 1 tartar U ' . 1 ff!Mt blow- ai ' ni i- . rticm.la Im, U)on . Joaa AlOaitir itMJ f. I" o w . teinblif t'-iitrMst hir ttviaa imt .- 'J In rh theif Utn omit a. .. . . . . rwm l flame iiwr ln ab Uh 8r a.d fi.ke ami i.utiti hit, ; hi Uat nwueat front lb i of . Uitorx Not ontf aftrrarl ib s n sar waj and le-M'tn; imr wa ir. 13 RAVE HOYS. 'I li.-j rini.n aail ..iur .m 1 rairii Yv l fl. re. '.AHtivKK, Maw, J-in n rr aatK a 1 year CImim-s W. (.". and wif. of f. I'!,l"n' " ,T- !. -M. f ,44r, Ir; - hU'r lot :i Ml IIiW. at raal tn.; Ma,, ' milli and Teirta4t'-n ,t r, m ' rlrt "fc" ,h U"lT 't at .,. , ? r mm tM,""-f n'1 'J "-'. .r .-.." , nm mtn tntt Into ttie pariti Cub.' -nteri t e ttdlowrtl bis ire Into tb pantrt ai. ! , . . .. b. . ttl,T ' k . , ,' ", " ?w' tw k ' ' ' .! nl lt hf aaltt. I' - " tba tle.1 Ul MttNti al. lb brutal rutforMl ad a iia.e ami an- II t!att by if, , ofe. Th thr aullt aft .wtti. 1 i..ck a it tun a !! ot a twita ... Tw.. .. . . l "'' ftft ar-l h)., lir ami atonr. htm. H ... . t. 1 . . ..... mnrn ot in tt it u .nufri .r iS "itlsr a ' hi w.ttrwl. . trt rtmfial U ! f. rtoir.Irr- . tonr ttifictiiT a fratfui rut naJr ,. . C; ran ttr oarlrs f m . 1 't a jtM(l rvfitttation. 111". ,M,. .. s l" Srnist rmi.t. 31a. J.t .. f i-. r.iri..t courl bf 'er. Jodf (i r uataln! tl ttedi'rtis flral aral ar (( ; I Monday by iff, ilollot.' xUora tiat btdh lrettctaent. fs a a. r ww -. aflf She fact to UtO mardr of rVirait (rf-v ...... j .. .. ... ... .. ... . . ,.., .lnTW ,r . fas t ii. tf btc-auxei ttarti4' " ? 1 t.raham aat ( ra K. I. A't lh rlr.as.n Y.-.,t a Attotawr larterwn f,i- tnforiaattoo with if, a! Utat f'.r va raaoa4 troaal Vt im I r that ri . aoild lay tual at aar trrtttnrtta er il. an I th court li. I th 4eftKtui la tmn.lt of oo mtmt KM . anaaef aurh la -tntt a aaiglat W fmmntl alf: Iter. Cota K. 1. avlaefadl tat' Htarrtat lf le rt d-. atH .a jta at Itotltrar I etHr-ra!: t?.otxM U.a U-e- iif b rowtaol aatit ttw 5wramtwi inmoi uart. i.HIIr l'r. Jrrrafcaox (rrt. !.. Jan tL 'g Satyfa t4.urt tfily U ta tnim 4 xrtat tn lb Vhaf!r a "Fa nt . rrsirtKlrrtt. , . t' ohaffr. && Jcot t.MMtt Jita'OHant rta1 1 . dltaiMl. f "frf ' "f J 'If M-' ? l.i' uti.oKs Tl rfcWf r.t'a1 of rai ti.at U " a. crjuf : r4 fta ( an itr art i for '. ' : .U a.pia' v '.. uant trf a rait.aU' 4 t 4tai ! an to .;fta far la rraaoci n.at tim ft J a' as C'tMMitf k4Hf au r -r -. la" , ' a . . oata, m autu w ." ,,, j-rAaii (.jtj rA4. Kaav, Jdw r Ta uari Jaavt r Aja;:. Jmmg Wt.:. mmmmmt SmUUam lltcraa,. ah ai iris a raw . 1 1 a