The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1886, Image 3

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M i
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
ztKi ci.orn - - nep.kaska.
I am. I'hiiip. .tat i- wrong " " citi
THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. 1 !"lt pro-icr .in.l pn-tt.) m the tiun
. -n. will von t .! me?"
i-xtAinK-, Nfin. Your Iofw tto'.r
ixi jr Iintr and shoi: dr--es. and jour
ft auk. familiar nav. all o perfectly
charming j:i here, would a-ion re
mark ami unpleasant criticisms in the
citi. I want nn little girl m be a fab
ionabb- and : stilish a a.s -w-ll, a
.b-.-ie Mabia."
Ah she is vour ideal, is sb-5
Much more to Um same jurpo.
mingled with knees and compl raeuts.
a said, but nothing in it It-rii tho '
wumnli'il woman's heart. For Nona. .
. . .-. ...1 a. . m . r.9 Z l. f" -1.1 ll. -xl
. I - . I. . . --. . - .... . ... .. . .. . Vk.
I IMlkIIAi e . .'! lj.nn TI MH sajil nrm i i.r- sr-i -
" I'm lotf f.u!.. .,u ntii me jilTin-"
Poor Intl.- I r t-Jit. ii.i ,Rt. :
1 ! w ,:.J am lo..-.. h'T k.,J ti j1.ik ...
'I'h"Ht,if -IihI m In-. l.'Tlin.iil.Mi kti-.-:
1 lfipi iiik! Mini Iht vJtli ...
Aii'iN'ii: a iu-i-':. "M) iia."
"Tell m- iinin.'. mv little jn.ii.1:
J evili : Iln! j'.ii nnituui ii.
"ily iMHii- h.i)--, j-h,. W(,.
"" on jour la.-i miine."" ehe eaootc bor
lj In my iKtiiu- .jr ur-vfr BHki
A 4jlt- tt,:il about it."
"' i:i. Irjn ." 1 miM. tiit l ymr iiamor
'lij'. jJl'Ju'l j. Ii nrwi- UW u'
lJii Mhii.j-r-.- " A tttlxbl tlj'ttislit r(im-
Vf. Khcti)Hri'osii(. l.iit wbH lliy trfoi,'
Vim. Iiii!" ik-. ! tt just Jlicsiujif
WIilji iniuiiii.a lias t vM ynx''"
' ilj tu.tru'.u jh-t wh1," elt- 3nfiu-,
A Ititif tt :li i-n-u't'tf.
"' ' -t wtini I i li--ii h Irovmtr hJ'iiip,
.iil ihi'ti -1 M - !) utprtl wjji
ii-liIJ' -.-i;li!iR Jti
V. ila. j ! ii . J X'" "
- 1iiii i' lliimli'im.
A. oi;uriYx(; ;u:i
Nona TttkoB Hor Luvor'H Aclvlco
:md Turnu Fnahloimtolo.
OUR 20Y.
Oar '"oy J "rifr :o . h I:
Is Hat tr.:hiMr
lie U-sr" 3rt tli. ta U mantmt.
An4 ho ! f Ut Slui- at tM iC4w
And bic"ii ii i t iatrvL,
AzhI rry "ho 1 Ji lrh:2
Un a : Crcultil qu te
WhotbT .1 is ihs thrutM?,
Thr UliMs In tlw ww4rw.
Ur tit" nlw rocad SA tmm ri.
Or i5'b Whita.
W'feitt I Jb" tuu 1p Mao frt?
A nl tfa shr-rV oJ tho wn4 In tiwllwjr.
lhui;h tmt a fasltiotmblf woman, was a i h m iif in the ui' of tl puw-trwc
.ii . ...i I ! or. ui lm-i J i toil 11 no
l'UO Ht fel
Go k hi l.xa j!arm:.
Aixl nk th li'tiiin t. fo.
II tti-r "k" ht s.rt J urn !.
TV y i -'h "". J at" ' tjt rrsctowj"'
.Now at; tw If I ! t
. I il
-J.. I '.iri y It'". n ''' -f' '"
Lr.ri Latrviil" rrlMwrf, ior fc- F10:
ttiwI h uamf a one of the frimlifa ,
unc I raac.
Slexntjtnr ihf prion-Jir rras V
in; ival in lh barbr. Tb- pn -er
"mi m board, but LatrilW wa. ,
no; fiinong thria. fr rioruus t8rta
wct .n made in hi bhIf. Tbf
jr fr -tuff !r
; rtHl jfr'-
! . a . - t 44
nJ f -r rn ral ni.irr:nr w"r a? r
m a!" ; tt- pm-rhrt4 (-. toltl ;r
tb !! r-Bt ir tfM tloilac vartl.
.-i j h hirh tn xl arc rjmml
rh4 a iv rvnrv-talU bonula in blue tr I .
. . ' . . . 4 nmf m t
N. U
tmlflts TVIf wv
V I Itiw.
Til- r-
I vjio aim
KstekMr-ft ..! aw. Im. I.kdkl M ifttrn ai
fbip at . t sail. lt it wm acrrr to ""' H' " "" l w x. T
m-b tho s,ath Amrrtcan cat Thr mwa. $ row i P-JW !-..
ves-l found. r.-4 Uforo it w a out of bfr.4 rirwrtfcd.r.
the Ha o! lUsrar. ant! i'Tinr pnwoT .;.,. . .
. ' , ; v !-, around tbr ba.k f tfc ack. TV- h t.
on barJ wa drotnf. wonder MW"
that Latrnil' afurwarls m t e ' ' . . '
pr-at rntomolopcal works r;bfB df in low o th-nrbt de. . h
cribinth. k,nd of WUr that he f md ; - P f " rai " b ' '
in bi. U. and -prkin,2 of it undrr .!, ik Ui Urt xh -..r.t. d h Q.,', -
life: '
titf ir?ia r t'a
hi- ci4avfY t ! 1.
Tii cnwfr if r" J 1w
l!or tn hU 4Ua ' fa f-.
faat xr
lamr lh n4V
cieatin- nnwp of Stmbtn rmtroHu. . ' "' ,
icaJbit .anmrtT.rvd.artomr.for! AncUr drary .V ,:u5i t! t
in tho. dermis ti-. wbrn France , meo.ll t I .,:-. dr.-
i . . i . u.. .,;,,, i nicr for wnnnj wi& a -,irt l.x
r ! t.. ' i.,.i.tfU ...!! sbort wnnkl d aprm Ai! lor..-
f MJg . M. . .! ". Mt - ."-
Kia m f
i tt.
.k. ..- at,
.-d i
.. -top t
.. .tf.-.l
.I'hh! iiti only what bad bfrn id, but
alno all that bad bt-.-n Ml to infi-rnnl.
It wa not jioviibh' for him to b-av; bis
btim hh putirtdv. bill it bad bi'-n ar-
ran'-l ont-e a mouth in- was to , , , ,. 1 -. .. , - ., ... . . t . skrt wnnkl d ar?n a ! lor.-
liav a f iv davs iit to lli- prin?'-. lf,. , ... Itv. .n ntr J.dtU i J ... winrm ba-k Trr tr r .., ih ih h',,i
and in th' mtt-naU lie r-xr-.l-d anJ - . ' hort, t Trry f all. -uil .i . k".ri Jjr m 4
t onifort. .1 In iv-'ulnr tuul pirnlilu! suit-1 THE WORK OF A BEETLE. n', ; . , .. . . . , oc th,-".!-; . ir U u-' vnt h( . ' ' M
, ,,. ' - AftT tin providential rta. Lat- u (
pi:-, of !.-f.,rn. fm n Wr..t ,.rrrtI ifi() i.f. to uh n.a,,.., fnrndsivrrr so lar tu.Jul "".. I '- -
I lM- supply was pnttv fa.r thn first ...,, r..;,. ..,.,,. . that be was p.rm tt.d to come- out of ,' . ' bk ;lr'- T-; . , '
u.k. bttt Ml off -radnalh. uuul m. Un. .,.ll IM ar! n h.n.dr.-.l.-ar. a-.. a ,onaUs -nt. although drapry mad.- of a !.r--n..! - - I -
rnld.iisi.4w-f! without any tokn ol in th,. oIlj j r. .,., M.aji.,rt L.-.n ..f H r- J..iS tnulte.i thai h wa.-. to br. at-IiT- tho BMlerinl. formal uag $ .."
Niiia- faith and tnmr. Mill. ! 4j,.:tUX th.-n- wa-a htt nt.r in a t-r- ' '" " anikonUfs lne,r t" brdths 'i '' 6inj;t.- ni '
did not frl much troubled. lie thought lajM dark orm-r, and s ltli- ualk.-dj l . w : width jjootls utlh ild m& thr-- i'
that ! jniu midi-:Mood .Niiia'- n-a- nllt tt, u,. jt nr-t lok at tlif w..rM. i "I.nj'""uar'ai f Ua J,' ntLjDl ' rtr of a ard wmK though it :- ! nr a..
son, and at aiiv rat he rdtcd with ( jt Was not a rIa!ly ltaiidrnn or re-1 " l-,-, f tuus mno dota nanrc rou h. I-jm h (..rtiw t'- -J-"
Hindu it cfniMicc on tin 'ffiM-t which ' .ri .,,t. .,.tl,. j;i ai'i-.r.tuc and? ', ., , . .. , i f ik. liuatv is then cut off round; an I t: a' 1
. - . to ti fii ptiipii nnii .n iniHivn t-u ,
-. - . .-. - ... -. y
l-a i t J
n jimml-rt. .
r"4 ( t&
t:, t rJktmkis. ' ctka.
j Vvivw rfll Appoar tn fOJR r4
EL. W1 the ymtac , '"
T? 'l JJ
it, t. -. mmi tht i " rr f. r ww mi pn. j;i
. i ml mm ar- tttMwr
" ,- . v ... , y
JeJ iw t cwMi iwwrrMa3fparwtirppP
KJt , . ihrr W had wfek Ma WM,M,k
u-L, ji .' I at ns wmTsr- jr twiHinri
the !
"S rph'jd.
?tsia '
hcm U hair axl lt rrtn-at,
NV huMM sr Ri rudi i ff
brlorw I ' & ralil isr . Ix ' t :J
Tid ad nhcH 34 utot Vt4
.. .-'. i mUil&t'
n-" . "
aadrl .- iWt
4v of M ,
oj dr
Welt. mbj. th jr
llpoftrj 4mbculrs xtm n of etr
i b '
tml kl ! r MUM lsjt.
our -' thai I old
irr br n rour ajtd
. . l-aed Wathrr. ih A.hwthpr (nHC
rArrn't frmil w
I. iihr t te '
isMMtd tW ton.
.lrrr ) lry awtiH t W trW
or mi thr 4it m( ith MHtrr4j(
dresi. It vi iU 4 W prtfmhr wtti.
tjTf4rr. A
It ! th cmm thhaf to wa? ck
I'hiiip Ilas in hi own timpiT person yet it had .juit.-a w.rk to do ot tlf j,VM i,iuiM-If ai. tut tod"iUh In ottr t'3a w,lh ' "" Bxl ' " f',;H ft"
A b it aft.riitti.ii in lb" -prinjr, ciuhl not fail : m.ikf. ! ordinary work of ifb int ct- ht.ncv-1 ." ' ' . ., .' & the rounded comer enn nol b a.!- 1-M.r
,.,',, . , , l ... i.i . ! til' lurtous rrencn twttpie, jei u.i iiiur
when tin- l.aiinv air ami the ir.-di. Iio-cnJul. nf did mil ar'e with r (r. ,1(,4 that ! an important one. ' lv hrmiued. The opposite end itjl iv . Ir .
i . r " . .- . . i 1 .. , . I ..... WU.1 Vei u l-cimo tne I rtlice o Ull- , .... . l.
brihl to-let of the i:tdi.-math' a kind ',. lent, lb arnieil at the fprinj; ami tin: ln-eth of tin Uxtiih oeinj: cav- , . ! ,j,. ar,. then laid in plait U. he-
it ... i.t ' . . -,i i i . T . - . ' tomolojjv. a h wa uniamett. liut.
1 gala il:w fs,eii ni r.roaduai. I Inln. J ;Uiid .Nona out drmti" with .Ja h ,.,,.,.r, lrtit tne tiriiicipal ble-or.' "' , , J , .- ,. . , turned one Ha? and sewed t tn .: ai
,, . 'i .! ,r i "i i. . i t altlmnirn ne was one oi Hie r'aiei -
lUns tttiml at bis ollir-i; door, thoutrht-1 f l.riie a mini" man w horn lie par- ,i,,. 1,.,,.1'e un-, to -ae a man lrom i .Z ... .. . i hIi ni makes tne sam tomtur t! t I
i " - . ..... -- , . ......&.. .....m . t i..r..... ff..i nn7t. ki.rix " - '
t i. . . .-
rh md .h to wath ntttruu BlNl jh Ffm-h UU -at
thin : i wouM h 4, w hBW M ,
. wot I ITU UteM I
1 1
lltn HUklrrtt r i r f&ailltMt l& ffv
Irll ,y . I tt. do ' , . .., . ii-k-M
V f rawt . wrt-
'! I ORV l
fiilly pttlliiitr on bis m-atH lilting
gloves. I :iy thought fulK," betaiie
thai viortl just tb-serilies bin tale f
- that i .
J' u raphanilT
a Uhle or the Uk.
I White coms
tictilarli dibk.d for bin pretentious , ,j,.atl, lVrhaps when Kinj.- David in ' ',, ... two br.-adths pa diatmall a.r .
-1-. - . t- J all . r ! - "u it '"- .'--
manners. Mcnaon iw jn-uw A'- ;, r-alm rnllei upon au " r epmj;
the ret u met
to praise the I .on! from I he
ami became TroicMirtit oolo m tb:
the ba k. and if the mat- r.
this effect U jonider.l -r tlih
. and h wan n-rtaiii ihm""
Sitiwd. whi-"h waihat ttl halting hi- Nna saw him. though -lie k pt Iwr . ,.art,' he ma not have thought ese-j t , f.f t h, Mir ,,,,, jt.. , The p!its dn down aim. .t :! w a. -
twci'ii iiv opinions iieiii-r it no ,.., mi .larh i:ee, ano iifi-iri " ctailv tI le'cucs, vi itii nun- iiit-i . - deatj n lenjfln t mis irajer. J'' t "
hi uual tiptitnn .trH. have a coin- n-al'-t inter. -1 in hi foohh coiiver- waH t b: thecauoeof muh thankjji- ' '. . ' lm.tuorv R; JVr.- la 1 top cau-hms up the . i. . it i oni
ltrlabb-dinner .tt the Wi-tminMer. and j ,:itj; jr f u. things I'hibp wan ,u;r " .... .t ... ir .,'lf,r,...i!Mir.. i-st nrd on the file i. fntuirh t.
u little fl.itainii with Jew Mabiu j ri.riain lir. that In-r interest na-. j jM. ,oM v. under which thw lHt-tl- , i4ttl- b--tle tliat hal ben 'Ui!-l hide the joining of th- i-t-.-i. l !
. ! .
.1. td
.r- j his tteiiier tii !rni ii-.-: 1
;aiwrf. .. 1 '. r.r.
iJlerwatxT. or 1j r-s the rii-r and "orcl ended." aiid -coml. that .lack s , ..Mi j htune was n prion. kuown a 1
.... ..;.. ..... i.; 1.... ,ii...r-" !...). I ..:.... .. . ?"... .i;?i ' I li.-x In ! .1 . ...... ......:.. .;.... m.J in i.m of
... . . I . t 11 . .t.i prison cell ami li"'im- I lie
i.ltitsit in .lei-e lie idI hiiitM-lf. a. he im.i.-. ibli atid.ts he ver we SI .i. ,...ll, f the orisiin K3 the tuantpat "... . .
I --.--. . ( .... ....- -.- - - I
. a cirefulh bul't.tiiit bis right-hand 1 knew. uiiP-asonabli cliilled by 1 '- Va to be rcem I In the bi-.-t'c
1 thstt th- cherrie were ripe, anil greeting of tin -pJ.-ndidlv div-seti f n,u,. a- 1'ierre I.atr-:!!e. Little
al be icalli meded a little ire-.b air , N,.na, who ciltuh and m.iieh.ilautiy i :uj j,,. ,r,.amed, a th. cait tli.i
nd i.tnutii milk. l'.ut he hnew ol :i j ,i,-nd.-. the tip .if her jfloicd tmgei-s ; j,,,r,. j,;n, :tlj ,j comp.tnion- to
far lieller r:-iii el. il he would bale J j,, iii, 11. draw ling out the while a pretty ;,rjM,., ,.r,. k l along Hie road to Kor
aeknowSetlged it. and what is more. ' ltt t!- atirinee ol "so glad t Jr.ui. he .hotil.! .-ier he to be
oliier jM-ojtb- knew i loo. I'.iother j .,.,. .Mr ll.n." with the information I f,... ;ie:iin in hi- native land. For
Will wa- wise en. .ugh to ei.-dii hi :h:ii Wile had b : expecting him thw were vil da in France. Ken
pretty sistei-in-l.ui with I'luhp's r-uun-c lli.M-arh morning train. ; the good-natured, hotie-t King hinisell,
uiarkabb acie-s f fraternal aflet tioit. Cecil..!" h- -ail. reproachfully,
and filth- vi:i Zalika herself had a .n! ion too, Nnim'"
s3m-wd guess a-to uhat kintl .f cIiim-- J ( Hi dear 110. Mr. Il-ii-. It i tjuite jUri of the I 'rein-h jieople. The royal
rie Mi. I'hihp Huiscame t. the coun- too ehnul. ng to eip. et any , f:unih wen- alreadi in danger, ami tin
it sw 4ng anu
ne h-md 10 ttsit his tmrticular
the ki.t-itiaitin-'. wiiici. n - umt
Ill'JllS '! I "'
U.tru F le continued -rv high up tie la k
p. .or l.ouis XVI.. was powerless to
sh.el.I his wife and chihlren from the
Kilt skirt are now in wid
scant plait to pn-ient them fr-m -mg
h.aii and t ai the material. A
god p!.tn to la the plait. s v .
niche wide, and them not quit.
I three inches b. tond the elge l-.ach
'I'lie sii-...s Wliifti (riottieil IIU s,lui; Ills uml litMi.Ilo.i to
lilllllc. 1
Last w.-ek. in Philadelphia. Pa., the phi.t i then to two or erh.ip
. ii
l. .
.- . 1 M -
d le
'. t rn.
il ! ,
1... Sllo-V
to h T
s. . hi 1 .
I a. "
, h I'm 1 .
- od U
., tal
Vk 11 tafaW Sfc tj.a
'.""" " !-- -'!'
Aixnn I mm
vX' nditkf. uool crept ajd Ftsm a ImiuUhj
"t ar Utuf wadst up Ir jtni-ro 110 a4.
do, a n Algeroou'- theMMmBu. stfui!aUtler uiuisc'
snot t rn ' d.U!uU.v , .
Jilai !. 'Win. ?ou I Turner, hU cltmntt .tvVtirtlt
-ygrct 1 hat gras ! j, mmy h- wmh otf um Oa
'M! top r hi heasl. and um, tHi n j pv9 it a t!w,,
lainct. U .ttuatiou t. . wlth ' ,mJ cjtHh" 1 hL
sab! i:..h Vork lady j AN OLD jJOCUMCNT. -
.ton ui ce. "wiUjcmi . inn ..( 1 s.n..K itinc ii. Jkm
the tit inioMtftcr is! u..ti. ..1 - m,...i.i m.w.hi. J
I- istou
W Tire in Ww. ng o
Thank i, owr oil p,tiHr th llrr Ay lj)
-, aunt w it i just even
you -
Mr K
lopc'.s lint, bo wa trtmn the follow injc itlerelne; diH-d
isloit. ' -nd now wi!l meot. the ncciuU ! nh will N j
ijh t 10 mereury 1" i'd with iMtor.ft- It at ti e .nraUir M
(a.Kn'ri ih.iL auntie. known. St i btdleed. that t toe &
ton ti i?r -V 1". M J. ' work of th iMUMMineHt mitMtt-ltd w
m 1 a a. . . .. a i ...Ml .
aa ? ba , isk a 1 ih t W.AIOVEA i ? i ar
caiici a
...... l-..t...l tui w.w.1. 0 u'ttl i .
.1 rrtnTi in 1"" '?.-'.. - .'...... .. "m.--
a otb. r In and .kil ! "' - "- - , 4$-1
Vilteg.r It ua. me.i.,. -h!ppe.l U) the grace cl I
ilt bit . h r gallon jug. Xm'l r,"r n'1 "" wnidll. iiV -f
One at a time i jitite stiilicieui.
I iiinuitieH nf the two jr. iotts Lotii
Jr U Juste.
Well, on this particular afternoon! Philip was shocked and n eneed Pr I Wi r,. being isit.-d on their compani
Jhe couiiJs-" juoittl !o be linalli h t the tune Fi.r oil" distr sjng half- tnelv imioeeiit desci'inlatit. All of
more iow. rlftl attraction, ami in nn I hour he tried to asstini" ii right :t J the uobtliti ami cb'rgv who refused to
seini-cent-unial anniiersarv of the en-; three bamlsol strong wtue tape inai j.,!,.tt'
traneeolMr. K-lward . Knight i-ito J pa around the kirt on the wrong w
business was celcbralei!. Mr Kn ght side, but thi tacking miint not show , SouU 1 1.
I began his hu-iiie career a an errand on tin ottttde.a th plait h.nild hang jMf !M lf.
1 boi. on a salari of two dollats per ' .-aily. a if the; weru liM,e fold . R ,
w.".-k. and -.tied something curt . merely pr.-se.I tm-re A hem " ,,. f .,... T-for ,,j0 n. r .piart. to j J". l',p" A .. In and ttjMrffc
1 week, and while still a en loiing man ' inches deep, held l.i two or three row , -'m, ... ..Alt, MBV Koo hip called the Kweretta whepU
1 upeiied a riiw More with h capital of stitching, is siillicient :inih lor the ,k (), . f a AU ,,. n, jIM. . muster, under 'o-l. for lilts pnHfii
ui two hundred dollar-aied from hi kilt kirt- of plain stufl' dres-s. IJut , ,, tj the gt K-er. "Oh! i 01 age. Ab'iander Patter-Mn. and nejj
earnin-'s. Two thing, certninh. Mr. the kilt i u. . tt.-d for more dre.i Hie, v-ir 1 t)u hi of n oul.' .m. riding at anchor in thr Kl-er IWf
coic-titution . ..., .1:1 .. i ::.. L....J ..v.-s 1 f-ihries. such as eanias. lailiutr. cash- ... 11. - t..r- i... ....r...., i and hi Hod jfraee bound for !.
1 llllOi .ll ...s .". ...... ....... . .. . ..... ,. fstir. fc ". "" j" '"H f w - -
eieri thin" then ! . ,,,. and Montreal with eonmi, 1
i containing ornamental tone
hour and i bi.f alter the gloics liau ,,.r betiosh.-d. but she kept .laes t.J.t- their oath on the nev
1 . .- t . .. 1 r - " - . 11
Imm-h lilted to a mceti tJie w-re taken hi iti- peritcniiy iieiwe-u iiieui w ,.,-,. tluown into prison, ami u ,,, .,d b-arm-d eien thing he meie. or grenatline. aim 111.11 men i- fra,i,.,
,-. .. . .1 .. .1.. ..1 .... . . 1 . ..I l....t 1... i.n.-t.t In. .' .1.: - .1.... l'w. .-.-.. I ! ri.illi. .mil ' . . ... 1 1 :.. . .: 1 ...f .. .. I I ...r. !.... I 1
Oil a'aill. IIIIII l II' -ve;ui-i ihij'im 1 i.i-i- . anil i. :iiji. .um unii, " mi wiis i.i.-..ii in.ii . ..' possll cotlM Icaril aoolll Hie 11111111'.; tain III ejj one nn . -vi-.'..- 1
Hie band of the di-aient. sweetest sisj.-r ( W lie hi companion, had been t"l,r,-om''M j. did not w.ite auv monei. I: is not with four or liie row of inch-wide '
biighiest bill, ciiuutri maiden that aui I "lecile." he said, "what a ehangi: :tt p,ordeau
man with the rilu kind ol heait or . tliere is in Nona! h it i the cause?" ; t j, small wonder that Pierre was
i,!,! .!..sii-e ! et hat Philip ! "A womlerlul chaiiirt . I ncicr aw -ui as he at m In prison cell with no ,
'"---"-- 1 - "
said to '.iia. and what .Nmi:i ?.ul to j a girl improve o riputiy. 1 upp.! one to Keep him coiupau.i i-ni an 010
Philip, the chern -trees, and the eien-j iim are the caue. 1 mu know lha. Hiek I'i-hop. No doubt Latreille often
in'-tar pr.ibabh know; but 1! w a ' lu. i rcalli th-luU,! .lack 'hrilie thoiiglu. during the dieaii pnoii da.
ierv .bligbtlul. and o Hatifiisig "that 1 and 1-M l"orith and half a doen j ,,,- i,i pat life, hi louug boi hood in
.1 ......i.l.. .Mime Inn k to the ' ..tli.Ts ;ii-.. r.11 in?' about her. Positive- ui, n;iii ,. tow 11 of Itl'ile. ill the I ich
young je.
hoUe ui. limit am clii'ini
in-e.sentii here was
plain hi the river 'oir.-e. His fanul;,
hatl been poor, though di-tiii'MUshcd. In bought iiear-( ribbon ewed on before the ulait- are j -j Jt
...1 .1.1.. .....1 ... ' 1....I t.,r .ris.litiieritir et.ttiiiiie. watered
ilC. "I lllVIICI illllllllll'l.tUI'- ll-ii.ui -, ii - . - lift
or wore large br.i ring or puis. ,Jt t ribbon are ii-eii. hut timse 01 pi-m
.s.itin orgttis grain atv l- expensiie.
and are quite a- popular for lading:
1 eli et ribbon are ned for foulard
inn t
' '.
1. in
ill. ami ly they are. Phil."
here was a great deal of 1 "Veri kind ol them, but -'
..... .. . .i- i . . ...
1......1 t. .1 ..' :im klssllii' Willi licmlcl 1 "He . .so ll :. Mill know. I eil .,,,, Pierre liltllseU olli
...... - rs- . . I
"11 mutual go .l wishes. 1 lirt families, and all th it kind of thing. I in tlie kindne of friend.
Well, afier thi. lor a couple oi weeks. w,u know. 1 jion mv worn, moiiiei. 1 j jj,
in eigll 1
tit I c.-lil l'
a.-it". r i
t oil t ,"
a merchant.
I hi education
hie of
lent him ome
Nona will make a sensation , book on natural history, and
'there via no hesitating ul me omce ii.-iiei i
door. P1-. ip said iraw bet lie" nw net winter. Maium.t is quite atit!,-d from n ading tin that Pi.-rn
.. t 1.;.. i.4..m.?s i-illteil bun ahollt his mm.' e.mte to bile the tlldv ol lllcet
tlll4ll.'l.'''"""- "" "
siwldeii passion for the e.util.y, ami the l'.ut Philip wa not.' at all. J When he was iteeu he w a sent to
NUawls-rrv et nv Iil jut a well as Veil far I10111 it. That night at the 'pan, and there .studied theologi. but
the ehciTii s. l'.ut as the w eatber grew hop Nona litoked loi.-ly and grand ' tlj,on Iii return to lo native town he
hotter, 'he -ubp-ct of 'iiumer r.tut enough for a queen, her golden hail 1 began the tudi ot insects again with
became uppr;:iot. Pnilip's iitotlier ' arranged m -.uue pictures pie .stile. enat zeal. He had even published
mid iter were going to sitme fashion- , which .lack hntie ainhbli declared some ot hi dis.-o-.crie about insects.
able v irgimaii spring-, and he great 1 1 t . -jnst the thing." vards ot sat in , :ind now. to all nppc intnec. thi? tudy
drank maui glae of oda wat.-r.
Another thing. It is not at all bkeli
that h" "ol to the ollice live to lifte.-n ,
minutes bite three mornings in the ami other summer t-i'X- When long
week, or jut got nisid- the door eieri , drapi rn are ued. these liliboii on.y
inoriiiiig at the last pos-ible minute. He show in front ami high up ouo side,
wa. theieon time, and had rien earli Ve.- pn-tti white cam a drew with
enough in the morning to reach bui- row of whit- w atered riblMin are gotten
ties neatly ami i aretulh dressed, aial up at mall expense for Mimiiier aftT
nadi to commence the duiie at once, noon wear. I rk blue cunv .1 dresse
It i not at all bkelv that he wat.hid . have the kilting trunuietl with row of
the nice ot the clock the lal half-hour 1 r-d or of w lu: wod braid of a n-w jrftl(i, A
of tne dav. doing the work that came kind that i hou.m in open lacc-lise
to him in a Iinll-liearteii spirit, or is a pnucru. "r)',r' '"';'"'
bov of eigh'een. a stoi k clerk, did to
a pillar to le ereettd at Mot
the mcinorv d the immortal
being marked and iiiimlxirel
margin, and ure to lw dei
like cood onler and wrll oiim
- lit. -ii "
... ... ri.j. r.ii.r...tni iw.rt ..1 iiiu'ipmu
gra .ir 01 me latest 1 -
t b..i. I. U..l .,. , Si'l 01 t.iMl. me rwuie rieuurt
M illIMIlll ' '
Klti-.s. .id 11 .ouie hiirhlv " n nutl "r?
K r tuls U festnal or fair.
'i!I n .11 11 11 iiMrm 1.
. .. .r - .. .. .- . .....
the tw York World
-If '111! 1m taken tn
ir4 t urr
it Irnn ss.
i a dtpoi
L't ll COIII'
it-oihi.- ..ti Kirisi
A oi 'in Uk - th l in a
at Far-tinnt-'l
into : i'
.- , 11. . , 1 if .- :...
desind that lis Utile .o.ia mioiiiii go , ami ia-e mauing a ir uk g"'.' "
.villi litem. To tell the truth, he d-d hind her. and go'.d and j ! H .shing
must come to an end.
the wnter during tin- l.v-t wn-k. T. c
1 ir"e tore where he i emploicl at six p. 111. A customer har
ried in to purchase gotrwls to match
-..tne Titi!ihaed a week liefore. 'I he
stock clerk w: aktsl bv the sab-uian and who had examined the bouse t ailed
A NtlltMllfllt ll III! ll I l.lltalllr.l .llll
i.ikhicIi I mill 1.. Uf mii oiiiir.
lbi:tletoiiadiertied a lion- for lile
A man who had re at I the advertisement
tjinri !
cut .
lll'iogh '
! char 1 '
- I
1 ate i.t 1
It tan tiler
I. very
..( bb
written itoi
Hiier lat er
accident- o( the -wa. river ad mi
gatJon. of whatt'ier nature i?id kjj
soeier. exeotited) llllUi Mew H.1
sith. lJichrtUii A: Co , or U heir
lgn. freight for the aid goisU Iwlb
tt r Of the text l-eiil pniu ic-re. tiwi jonoage mm .rrra,
d as the altrnialr aeeii-tomw.1 -Vl wttue.. w her ,f t
er ills a etuoh j a,''r "" purser ol tha -old .hfj. A J
: t. I he labor re j "'llrmed to thr. Uil of lading, id h
r (f I this tlior and date; the tine of h1im
The ,,r,"' '", ooig aeeomjuiiiei, the 011
i . i. , ...1
. .twv.f th .1 if .-...,.. . T l't l't Willi VitHl. Allll 1.0.M
I " ' "I . . ... . . .
el en ' '' ",,,, g'ei ulp lo Iter itfHlfeti portj
tr I p' be i ...igined.
9 bv
mint-', r
inn It's icrv strai".' ! a place where 1 can al?ep comionaoiy . . , . 1 ,. , . 1
- - -----. - r- . m wm a j . w- fn art. l ilfliUi M rnr-
1 t
Out iii the barb, r of P.onb-nux ship .-,, jj. ciMid. and answered in the ' on Ilattleton. ; .
wib .lie was a liith-inon stil:h. and from her heat!, her throat, and It j n,.IV making readv to take the pritm- nOHt ,,m.ha;ant manner: "All gone." ".Mj idea." eaud he. to purchase j
w.Mibl put up her .-ur'.N ati.l abandon wrist. All in vain, howev.:. Philip ' ,.,... :iuav .,., Kr:,m.e Thei weiv 1 .. what! wh. there wa. a ro'l i.f it a healthful place." ' . . ,
aprons, and dr-s like ,! i-- Mabin tor a b-en ,.,i,.,-nel to eiV m South Anient a. J , ,p.nv." "All old." ISut the J "The vcr hous oa want." iiaid . r
did. Tha v...uhl Jtcrfectli :itih him. ' ,-iie;:i..'eil for cxeri et since bivakftst. ' .jjj :. j,,.,,,,, uor,. , mptieti .low i. j H,lesaian liiirrietl along the line of : I'attleton AU r t..
lie ihoiii'hl. 1 e. .xoua . aonna . ami sue reuiiaueu unuiai:i.-i .0.101 '. j aitnoiign ll w:i .nine wueu i.a- ,Hi, thtve or lour times, sai ing. ill a 1 ai pi'.u- ......, 1 . fc ! j
1ivhsii1 like Jessie Ma'.un woiihi leave y i the nece.sily of conforming to the ,rt.j,, u a j,r; taken to P.onb-aux. .-t ,HlzziUi' tt
hint nothing to desire. He w.-ut about ' tisy-.-s of socteti. So he ha. I the vith- j tjlt. dUs and months- crept hi ami till
hi plais x.-ith that tact which voung taction of Hatching th. social inuinpti he liveil within the Crande . niinair-.
men who have sit-'.ci-s .asih acjtiire. A , of the future Mrs. .The little beetle lived then, loo. al-
jut present lrttm TilTain and a mod-' Three miserable d.y of continual ,,,,,..1, the prisoners dhl not know it. . HAlemr.n tunibb d a large ndl to tin
1 , -... ...... 1 .1. ... im.:i... .1.. I . ., .
-si check "Hlft tor speutting-uionev. itis.ippouumeiu. ami uh-h 1 iiuii o - j ( )no dai a surgeon c.nie to see .ne 1 ,j A tliish of shame tiaxM'iI over
made his (ecil..i uffieient!i in- j lei mined to go back to New York, and ' j p,j,i,op in Latreilb-'s cidl The ! t tlH.tK r:,.rk's face, and he turned j my houc."
i.-iesi.l in i.i.s piiced. i see Nona no more until he returned to. ,uj, anlhoiitios had allowed the Mir- . 1. . 1,..,... nt. ;n,.w- he had stolen "Plenty of ar?
Nona is a dear lit tie girl. Cecilia." , her count rv honir. lie bade hi motlici ' r,.oU u, ,.. dailv and dress the . .unrx ufteen minutes of h's impbn- -Pleiilj.
he said.. "Ail -be wants; a mure j and Ceciie good-bve. and gave the rcg- uundsof thi aged man. Thi par-
Ltiiteh m:inuc-and stilish divs." j ulaltou kiss to Nona, who received '. t..,iar da. while the surgeon was in
-If that I what ion Philiii. j with p. rfcet pl-u-iditv and many kind lhl. (.,.;j .j,o little beet!.-came out of a
. , n .. I 1... .'.... 1.: ,.!..., .1 11 1 i.iir?...- fur !1. , .. 1 t 1 ....I.. I :...
l.v .to tMi nt marrv .if-n- 1 !- oi -. j - 1 eraek in ine noaru. aim r..uni 111m
t nc i.eciMsni
u iu rv. out
.aa t bv hand. ,n,,,-v '''-
ITCI1"! .. iva.. a ebibl ol -"' h ,N,n-
j yn di. wh.1.1 ,4illip;t Alevl--at.rMii
- ird. ii bl il and fell down, j
-I. -t '
scn en reK. eumng 3 1
,t ,iu lliriialii( Trl- Ttnl;.li I
l)tet in Uo.lflf
1 '.ntetiU unkHo;
k'Mtirtwif titf.ttt
,e nearly
t of it mouth. A
llfttr f'.r lli sli. wf rlnil.
j A rniuy day had lou.! it np In
1 i ii'-iki ie ca.-'. 1 . . . .-. B11.1M1, --a u,, hJ
Vlls.l -. -. .,',,. -w -..,.. m.... .-i. -- I
. , I... .l
I Hl IIIIII1.III ll" Ull-I . 1 I ... .L . .. .....
. 1 o eioi . in im miirn.-i-.' a ouo 1
t . . .. i, 1 ii "
cuit ni mi wie i-mmi ami ... . , , m. 1... . tn.
I , HH -iunira-a rW rvE- - a -.
!he clerk .iul nothing, but at night. m t)M.,
stt-odfnmninga; the rlork. "Wh;.( "I think that my liose wi smu
i.s. of coiire. hen it i." and t.:- yu.
I want a coo. piac. 1
t.'I'W.-. .-,... an. fmrtM-TOtiis ? HlmttitM ! """
I ll". It .... .MS. S. w..-s .. --W-. -.. - j
Hilly cam riding up through tt
! stttfldy wr on a umb Tli
j - In 1. lilonj? . r lffM takt-nj.-., ,,8s-,i In tb .thl. and. a thA
mo pti r- p tie in PMonir 101 . tvv men ent-frvd the lioiit, or 1
near'v tifteen minutes of h"s tmpbi-j
er- t.tne. and w i:cd that much ot the 1
"You '.tj it is cooP"
"fotilp-t place tn town."
'!".... ,.,, Ivnttirlt. tlttt Kru-li- n:! Ttxlil
. , " , , ' . , I anI w 1. 1 am : . t . le b-'nelltud hi
for it. Mtortlv afterward ne sou-ht ' . . . I
customer, rather than ditur'o the t
stock, which va in oni.-r. Th it '
.. .it . 1 . n i.; ;... .
. iii.iti 11111 im" -1 riei n aa i 1111 , 1 it -. --. j - -.-- - -, --- --
i""1- i...... - - - . , ft j..rv
attend to business in a ilattleton. aim in an f.xowu ibmwi
i bo o ' ot ie hointt. a 1
1 nieo! ' f fi-.-e in;,
. do t I -ot ' t Ia.e. mi.
I men. f !rsm : .d oihr to pro-
cur-, on moil t rni. rtst and
I treat m-i forit that are f.iilin
fp.Ti '.rwof)r at tb-ntal raue.
s t r 'id rare.
1 thn II i teani"r Heart-
"Wtdl. Uneb? Hilly, how'fl you tr-
Oh. 'bout Urroti-slar- Ui
was the ansvtnr
They ratnrnt.1 (', th table. a't
talketf until nen. .Tn Had lh-
unwl four o"cb2-v.
tier, and they ulkesfk unttl tnr o
Tlie rain b-t up a : then, an
went out to i-. a f'.', Jravtng
it .1 1 ...11 .... ....... " 1 lie :is to leave verv eariv 111 uic 11101 11-, ,i... ...., 1 .,tr...ii.i l,,ntmi- .irtitimi. ' it . 1
I !.... ...I. .111 f.K.1-11 llt'I 1. I. I l-tti'H' ll. --- ..... . wl l..iilt. ..,.... . .... llt-s Hilt
III.. II- -. 1. ......------ r - ..--- , lll
. ... .-, . . I "... .1. . 1...I- . I. I ..... ... ......I ... -... ..... , . .. t 1 .. . .... I , , !
1 .. 1.....M. ... . ITII. Tilt- I'llIZI-S 11111 llll. I l'l .1 t" .V V .....I .1... I......... .lall.r IT .7 1T-.. ri.--lTf , 1.1.. . . . 1 I .. S I f t ,, f " I 1 I
lb-cRUse. ICCHW. i waiu ;.- .- . - - , .p.eo ...- ... -. . -.. .-,. Di,xh..c -p... ,..,......... , j . -, , ., . ... . VX' , , J ,x mmA
sTde 'hi die. :i pure. freh. loving him again in-tore m uepawure . ,v to t.xaimn.. It. He eemcd .o liappv thing Mr. Knight never rea-1 , ou hive tol.1 me a n. .enoou. i ' ' . " ---"R "- " ' "x
,l,1:r.' they pass.,1 out of the -..itlor Nona! M.r , di,om,.r, lhat lhl. Mirir.,m .onrtl 1Ilth,,:, "I'm not to "How ,o ' T " J , 1' , tHev ere .td at .L W fca-J wpV
"sermstome- " P,:t hetv Cecile turned a moment, and a tlah of the , -tM,,,(l :uul s ..u k , r. in-' nivs.-lf. He onlv pav- me two dol-1 "You ad that th. lowo which i "' ' - ''l.'0 ? V
, ?!. wa wise ,-uon-h to ' old tenderness made her face beautiful. ,,,..,-- , w i an; not going to kill ! Io,.ght of vou L cooL" U 7 t "" S,nd VfP utllli, f
riwhl ii: ";ords(herlippar:ed.andhehesitredain;-; ..,,.,." Latr.,ni, who knew. ' ft, tha, lf , MZ n.e IO "WelP"' - fjp CAUk fW 7 " " " 11 '
twev." (ment a if she would speak, but tniHlIy from hi prev ion tudit,, ihr.; it m,,t . u-ork harder Ju: let him pay me mor-- "Hu; 1 I: U be th HoUt Wus. J ; Z -"l I HI trJ 4
The next ditlicaltv was to make Nona -I'Ui and awai. ,H. .t). moncx." Foolih boy' Do vou -uppo-e , I ever -aw. j -Ji a.h,- ai .'.-arm ofl-ovn-ht , ., f , . - FM
,lelica;.lvuudcrtandhi wihc, and- Poor Phibp! 11 - took hi cigar and .., that cae you hould give k to hal a w ho doe two dollar-' worth , "This j Juno, my fr.mL , ' '. 3 XuJrlrJCi a 1
t bn-e he-to accept the invitation ent ' at down on the dark. uent balcony. .ne." said the urgcnn: : He wont on .- work - j-0ini: lo W paid three dol- , " -. .,,-, 3 f. rt .,, ,-,iVr- . . ttunoereu wi wxmi , a
I s o her and Mter. He ai- , miserable enough, but in aboat half an ; lrt explain to Latreille that he had a iar, fo? tlo,ug ,t? No! When v wan: j "Well. I ay that - ho.,.- 1, cod - J h )r ' P ' oc oroc Yar-T V .a beard th.i mala ulkj
--.-- . . , . ,...., .- . .i . .1 ..!. , - , . i i.i. .: ii ....: :..!. ... . , i . i i i t V-... 1,..... .,. r...n..n ! " - . . -.-
. i .;.,, subject untler t:te niol hour a liuiui lime ugure ;oie iii;ir; inenti wno nan a uue coiicc-.-u ui in- three dollar-ft wcck. uo live ; cooi in.ia;iuart. m.'j. -.... .-.r .
I . . ..!.. 1...1.. I... .!.... ....... I ...i.l w-itb.iiT w ir'l. i ..... ...! v J..i tv-.i.ttit'iilv lie f'tftelt ... .l. -i ....... 1'...i.n...- ik.i n rvn'ri (iivr!l!jT. " ArhtlTlttHC ' T
favortiblc circiimMiinccs. - ,-..,., ... ...... j -,.. s.v "'BW-- ....-.. ...-. -. , Old . rJaas. 1 ,. adopted an n-
i; i ...: lietriv hi i-otifusion. and hi ing laid her hand upon hi shoulder, pleased lo receive a rare one. emplovcr r;ecl to ma:-a pro-lit on Truce I fr. J . '
itiu mu oin.i.i - . . i .. , i t j iuri r. ' m oi piling ner tvaru.
encircling arm held her o chw to hi He turned rapidly, all the gr.a. ra- So Latn-ille gave p hi Wctlc to the ' iour labor. H- iHSVsxmir tune, and Mra,f... .?iur, . J da- - m. t the'
.1 . i. . i....t .... of n..: v-Mir. . sinii. which had "row n to iJeeper ill- i ..,........,, ...,.l ?..!.! l.iei t. ..-ri i: inki. ' ..-,.-t- i-iinnfi. of rite wurkm- hours te- .- .. . . I . ." ...
I....V-T riltll Ti MIllI ill' llill -- s -- -.-- -- -- - a sill ' l I'll. .11111 O'lll '' - - lsVa - S.-S. .-.- . m axi. - '
"' "". ... . !....;.. ,- ...r. ,,.., , ;,, ..-. , . , ,;.:......'. ..-..: Mwakmg of Nn-u.t aattooe tnnare. , w.- - rp--c a p--unr no.
oie-'ittention il argumen; or expiaiia- icui. -. v.. ....-..., irtcmt. ami to ue sure ami asiv nun toe long .o mm. v . , i
". 1 :,.. one imidoring wh,.sper of "Nona!" j f r. Another thin-: When Mr. Kwt I "J "I kw n- ko r .- nI. .- j
uon .- .- ..,::.... . . ., i . . ... t V... ralern wardroland m a few. Hours Jotinj. A -mepo
. i.i v-...... i titt v.n nre miip. nut when, tne next uav. tne surt-eji , was a uoi. ne bus nur Sinn's ..- . .. ..
- am .!' Lr:wi. .' "" .' . .. , , ... ,. , - . . . ... .. . .'i- i .mv -. i: s.rr 11 ia rat u-
' ; ..
"sm-sdcahT- bui ip H Ue , - ' :
i.i n- !!! .... ..... . -Mo 1 - liyir ns !
... 11 .Il ..... I........... ...1.1 il. I..-1.11.. . . . .1 1. T 1 ... 1 ' ..-X .1 . &...&. a. . I ... ...I- -1 .. .--. -- ..
:.. -;.li i Vi-ile I am sim it will uo i ' ' "" ; niaue :u- u-a to uu-i-.-i. u.- uiimut ; mivura ... t .- .s .
going wnn v vim.- .!.., j;... ,:,.,f1j,;.,ni,!.. V.m t ! .. .. .,- .- ... i ...t ..i- i -. ,. . . . -t..ia.. i ..... .w. ... . urr aro.
. i " iiil then he ioiine.l ami " "- " -' me :uw ma; in nnm ai i-mm-.i j irvx iuui .u.t..- hwu ... ... - . , ,
.yougiHvd. Ami .mum . n l,ll.1,L.1:.,i1.,,lrt,n-illll.flirI,1,,1vrt.. . ...,. , u , : :. .. t.:. ..,... :..-.-- is .... obi fura. tare ti.-. cs axo-tn. . Jno. :
z . . .- i-.s i i ' v v .u v - - -- --- iwr i, :in: iiilii " i i-ii i. s." uu lUiru si l ami m ti aiK f3 i s--- -- .. .
V,,M!ierioreisipi..--.s. .,.,.. .. . ... , ". .".- ".. r; , ,. 7 ... ,. fl . tioa le, attd fix it f a Atie
in -i- i ...... .TTi-iiii T"i i - , i s . ii.ii iii' ii;m i. i- i. io..i t . . ,s..s . si s a a n.iiv einn i; in. nT&a aPair it it mil . vav a Ba.T im.i ,
le-OtO pbai VOU. I llllip. I alii - ' ymiliuil iAi me " n- .. i. " .. . iiiiwi.i.tM.v " V- -.. .- -- .
... . .. ....
gome .xt - Ck gi up. KIT
ty John Bsrtlett. ol, pj, wx, :B,. r'M,- away. ,
Wrll. how dtl yot ftae ou
aVi of our ajC
lUat aita down t two dfdUrt
. three bit." b. rcfdWl.
i . . . i
XMii''- S" W Hts, .Vtoo arwl twohttnr-
ifancrg iUtai Kxxctlr .thoorb I wx.n'l worif
ibni.rinlaf actual f-- for that. It w t.n prtarfol of lh
K an !. ',3 a jiecwhar note. , yff prfJ,K
nuitevvel!. thank vou.
enough Hi! he believed her gone for-
l..i.. 'PI... t-iii.le.5 eitr's. the .
iih but I don t mean aoou: vour; ,
tin. mu i ui , even the htt.e ruiUtHl apron
i. ...i.i. V.-.M.. on little witch, vvho .... . . ..
v.e.uwi. ."- ... , i luver more lor.eil home v m m exo-.
oould haw such bright eye am n-u . mwrd htf hftl lh; lll0,: wSTofc
lip, and not he quite we! . n n . ia.oii
-iii. .. dress -mil tleiuirtnicti:. and thoso i - ... s.u.u..i j ble: and she to tin day. when l'lim:
ind of thing. j oMiios'tjon." nniiud him o
aad 'al
.. . -. . l:4- un rVra I. ! Ixtia r.
- . - mm. rw -. bv a i i aa aai i a.- rw rm. aarsaB'.. - . t a i s
.... .1-... I. -I .... .. kum ..swt-rtlwi ' .n..M.).v .? th.f .mtriiusi mfn hni. . m " r I .
Ill Ui;il H.1'4 lit '14 " MVMJ.. ... . s- -.-- .... 1 1 1. f.s Urns. , h&.
, i.iw: o; nam mia- - - - v'v
M( oi
L gong about bet j
i er
Latreille njoicevl at th s ivwer. not o ne i an entraucs? int-j a new rhtJol.
. . - .1 i . t - .. .. ' i i . . u&. ... .H
much leenue ot las? tiicovfrr o4 n m- j incv tvoaia lesnt rri ;nuvn mure tu.i j
Instle. as lHHau.e the word broitght they do.
hack showed, lhat the -urgeon's friend I Mr. Knight say: "I cautioned m;. !
. .
.-. ipartrr Ui feeimg that sJwr
it. .- aoqi t return tur box
riT. wil tranform a heni'ri: plant:
irayi-h oak.'
i .
iato a gss! imitation o
.V. 1 . 7ia..
W -nUi
Maklni; Duck Wle-cVf,
When duck i ar-f'rrssl to Tahbrr
sloth for thti wjron ct4rr. idc a4
indectl a learned man.
clerks to give good vvcight. and I alway-
T - tewja a r arkHtt Crrob: lot of buine. wroa. 14 ca he
rea-ii aMe tfc .? In wclbn- i qk1 l-rTous to tA;r. xsul vet e
l-.".S.. ..... .'.... . . .1 ...?..
8K i.-sr- i dn -3c uroa; aie wonen tptiaoi anu uoraic pj jynuj -
a j x. a u a j aa; ni imt i '. - -a . t x.. . i.a.a . Ta.s. i. w? a aaaBBBBBi
i 71U01U..I -..... i , ble: and hc to thi day. when l'aiiit. ..jn :lrtl r-.s,.." thtwigh: Latn-iile m ' n-pryHLsil gooiis .s;hev wer. Honor ' """"""- "- ;"- . " . f- T si .urt, .M e jwaaw w .s . -,- -, .
-kind of thing. i in the "opi.o;t;on." remind him ui hnilf. ..h. ha, ,robbSv nad mv b indispensable in uiercantilc life U'mm. lla. th baimg j .n. ghe u .oir ,m Oakland a4dlg cm jumI f Hark J
There was a little on not i, ' .: , hU olw Aperiment ; munagin, book antl uH! be friendly towani nn,'' l :,t;i xear-I have -irl everx a., I teeth of a pulur m-iuioa It tho- WlU I br holding cW U Ic-. A-. cac of ydkrc soap.e 1
.niidthcnalovv.gnevedvouc Idon, womeU am, uw, him .ha: in tm ' J. ' tW. hfKlM.;. i!oiM.;.r aaJ , npprr :th wrre ti tirasKdinary ta.,,n. Ooet Lualiy Uchg it. ,1 by heat la w.r. i l-iW wi .
I Hhink 1 mlotund yon. 1 h h,u n h(j woitM no. hk. ,,..., , -- hl toil '- jj -;o b,.im..Vo lndln. length and curled Invar-, tcrmiaat- U Iw i life heatl In the Ac pntau Th fixture U bS4 ,. fe
I -No. dear: and upon the whole I wa;. ifm. iL anil ,0 hc :ftkf,h,.r, r-eon.o-o on Jno'tv to hJ friend i , able foundation .toaea to n ant,f.l ' -be roof .1 uMh Ha. , a...of a igipj r eamfK Some -.y try canra, a 5 U, ciTsir.
on, glad you have never undergo i o u-h-oh. alIor a. 1 h.-e nodoubt. is ;he ;XCiV IoWt'r w' " f Z' US I " T"1 & v e beMe,i MaJ only ; , don. Rh ti tnh. Two 4y . f
tar. You .ce, when we are married we niol enMU.e thinS he Toshv Mr. Knig'at i-rated among ot upward ot,ide :o:h. Un j .hosd xppggb tfe, kin, and that tie xl coat of ochtr
.shall livv in the city, and we H am. U mm J lhat thi ! the millionaire, of Philadelphia lie- couat of this' o-. , abo aOTtti X4 to iat (without j ?) I. Uhl it , ,
nnd U-lmve a citv people do. I ocile sjuthUxxJ. ix-ni. ax taa i i ' the animal had no u- trrth. snd denbe a mm!y over tbe dlo.ieg thi. cot ti: to ifj. tV -'
"n! ,hovv ,ou alf nbout it darling. o -Harbor, at Findlay. C. refuse lanvS "-oi tto - in convene bad Mr ur,l Rl,d. Tbjh ,r fc a y - ,M U inUbcd with e J
I J BBBBaaW k a!r'.a-BaBaBaBaBaBaw ' " s.nnnnnfl