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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1886)
:.s2?k3E-. 2? - Ii , vtl 7 ! i s as 3 ,0 rf-:" kjfW' ' jit m i -t Li -1 X 1.1 4 f Y V .,i D.--v . M . The-Reo Cloud Crinf? A. C. MOSMER - Propi letor FRIDAY. JUXK 2:,, ISSfi Ai.L old soldiers and friends living in Webster county, and in fact all who wish or arc contemplating attending the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Kepublic to take place in California, should -end their names to A. N. Rumor, of Red '"loud ho that all nece-isary arrangements may lie made for their entertainment. TiikCimkf is i pleased to note that Hon. Geo. J. Lane of Lincoln the late superintendent of .-Lite ceii-us. is a candidate for state Superintendent of l'nhlic Instructions. Mr. Lane in a gentleman in every way qualified to fill that important trust to the sat isfaction of the poodle. He i-i an old soldier and a man that the people can i nonoi wiin me position, Knowing mat he will, if elm-ted, honor the position . , . . . - . i i Wii.i. our people go to sleep and let every other town in the "late e-tabli-h a canning factoJy and we go without one and continue to .-ell c:m goods put up other towns, when the same can be put up here and furni-h a good market for our firmer-. onie b-t homo of our capitali-U gel together and form a stock company, and do something that will bring people to our city, and furni.-h employment to the laliorerr. be-ide- fo-termg an enter prise that will fi la-ting and a benefit to the cit. Tins week the ovles Ihinhl. pub lished by the ,wle.- I'tibli-hing Com pany found it- wav to our -.aii'-tum table. The name of lr. C. .-v-henck our oltf friend oTowIe.-, loom- up at the head t I the column as editor, i- a guarantee that the will be abh edited ami become a success which ue hope it will, remembering a-, we do that, "Crent tice.- from little ncorns griw." or wor U to that effect. The people of Cowlc.-, me eulerpii-iug and we feel c rtain will give the new pa per their uncoiupromi-iug support. .Success to the Herald is the wish of the father of papers in Webster county. ICx .-'i.nvioi: Case of Red Cloud tv.i- a caller at the-e headquarter-, la-t Monday. Mr. ac four year-, ago was elected t the -late senate hy thlee hundred majority in a li-trict, that generally give a m.'ijoritv ot tlnttecu i i i" i,.... .1.1. ...... i- i- ; ,i .- I ,i I, , prominently mentioned as the Demo- ' era tic nominee for governor, and a stronger man could not be nominated Jlnstiinff P'iihk ml. Mr. I'a-e's, chance-; to carry Weh.-ter county are very remote at thi- u tiling If a democrat was to be elected gover nor, we would just a soon see the ex senator there a any lemocrat, but a democratic governor at this -tage of Nebraska politics is not at all likely. 1 1 would seen, to a caual ob-erve. 1 -' that after all the democracy had prom- ' ' -'l-' 'V r , V' ft '"f" isedtodo. if they became the ,!..,-I H A- I'arker t- V. .I.l-on and M. A. inent party, that they had made L-.w. Alter the meeting ot He stock Visible failure in every thing All the ! h'.ld.r-. the director.- assembled and gi eat frauds, that they were t.. unearth , i''"- ' '" "'beer ot the load as fol in the Ilepublii an niiik-. still teiiiain I 'W- ,,.,, hiddoi. and a.- far as the .-upcrio. leg A. Low pios.dcnt; II- A. rarker. isb.tion is concerned they have done w" picsidcntand cue: eiign.eei; ( . I-. conijK.ritively nothing, the .Id-on. MMMctary and tica-iirer part of their eiitiio voik in S-the M .h.e ..mA Ihcreaie has been to draw their salary nml . hc.ip expense upon the people. Their i indentions, -o far have ended in gicat talk and no out come. Mi the olher l.aiidtiiecoui.tiy is all unsettled, and ne couiitrv i all uiisetllcii. am fli. tti.iitilik itiiir bi.ftei tiim-; In !"' ii ii 1 1 1. but better tunes cmno not i .....I ,...... ill mi. til ii... i.. i I publican party i again ruling the count! y. which they will no doubt be doing in !' It is cirtainly time that the lower hou-e of congrcs ad journed and give the people a rest. Whii.K the SenaUirship and Cover- h.-cph to do everything in their power noishii. have been receiving more than I to l, tll,s P01"1 :l ,"v-nient and their share of attention of the pre-s . feasible one for all proposed lines to other important offices have heretofore ' l'K Wl,?'" . . . gone without mention. The .-.Hinder.- i K --Icakmg of the Lock Island ex county Trihmii lias broken the mount-I ico-ious into Kansas and Nebraska onv ami announced tne name o ,..! ....i.. iiiiw... ib. iifiiiu. iii'll.n Je(. B. Lane for Superintendent ot rublic Instruction. Pre f. Lane has been engaged in educational work a good share of lu life until appointed by Coventor Iavs to the important J trust of Superintendent of the Mate '''':' ' .yc:u" a As an educator Mr Lane was a siiccc-.-. !..... - Superintendent of schools at St. Louis. ; Mo. and latterly of Douglas county; this state. Mr. Lane has ak-o proye,, ! himself faithful in his duties as Super- ' indent of the Census. A State Super- indent of schools should he a good ex ecutive and a good educator, and Mr. Lane has prot n himself to he both. We wnture to pi edict that Prof. Ceo B. Lane is the coming man for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Offulo lircortl. On; people should be doing some thing towards securing the Kock Is land railway. The towns are all alive along the proposed line, and wo h qe that Bed CloudV bu-inoss men will not forget that this is a golden opportunity ; and t'ine to act. there is no reason apparently but we h uld have and could get the road on presentation ofs our superior advantages backed by J bonuses such as we can give it we have to. The Kock l-land railway would indeed make our city boom as never before, and at the same time be 'iie of the best feeders that the Kock Island railway could possibly expect to find m the rreat .-tate tt .ebraka. e ' none inai our ousiness men win not . . ... ne eaus'tit uaiui; wlien tiie interests of the citv are at take. lher tow n n-out committees to confer with the oflieials. and tioinir their nest .: :.,. . to draw" the attention of the Boek Is land folks toward their respective towns. We have the evidence that the road would like to come to Bed eioud, now then let's show them that we want it and want it bad. A number of our people will attend ( the Chautqanua assembly ot 'Veto. I.. II. Four ha- moved into Ceo. NIairs resilience laeoo tnun, ira .mitcner. The rneevjni's at the tent still rbira M. Wilson. Teacher, continue. Attendance pood and the . interests are increasing. Many come . Brick! Brick! who, have not been to church for We have just finished burning atu th seveual years. . er kiln, of excellent brick and invite ritWK MicKt.Y has: ponetoMciV.ok ' con:ractois and ll others to wear diamonds in ttie leading ' vx--iii,i; iho same to call and ex lvotel of that citv. The na'ron- j":auum our brick and satisfy them- ttwi li.m-P w;n fui Frank an excelle it I caterner. I'HWK JICKKK0.n b:l SOlie into the : - fruit and early .cholera misiness in j the hiatus betwixt Cutl.ns drug More aril Millets harness shop ! i.. ..;.,..--- ;.. . - A tliat want a souarciueai on suor'- ; notice i;o to the Star resiatuant. N irm j -.' ' j . , ko.v, Proprietor. meals at all hours. Park Watson mwauu as rock ISLAND! Ioiormation Gatherod from VVJ rious Sources Concerning the Rock Island in Nebraska. 0 Mr. J. D. MeXeely in the unavoid able absence :f Mr. M. A. Iaw, the president of the new road, shoveled the first bit of dirt on the extension. This took place on the farm of William Wood worth about two miles thu side of Tioy. about one hundred leet east of the Grand Inland tranc. .Surprising :w vaa the energy and magnitude with which the work was started it was with gi eater surprise that the scribe was informed that this was but an insignificant beginning. "In the course of ten days." said Mr. MeXeely, ''we expect to haye one thousand teams at work between Ht. Joseph and Troy. The whole line will n dotted with camps and every section will be bu?y with toilinir humanity. the work to ,, ,.,,,o f lirnwii Vountv. some 3D ' miles, we expect to have graded in the conr-c of sixtv dav.-. and ue -urely shall if the weatner !-. propittou-. and ail goes wen. i.aoorers irotn an oyer ttie Union are nnuising " tnem.-elves along the propo.-ed line eager for th6 work, for the building of hundreds of miles of railroad bids fair to furnish an all season's job to th se who are taken into sen ice. 't. .h . Ihrnld .lunf 'J th. Attoiney Hi own represent' ng the lioci: Island, ".a.- in town 1 hursday and with our 'railroad committee prepatcd the peutitiotis tor calling ari election to vote on the bond proposi-a.-. heielofoie submitted. IJeibre the detail- were agreed upon a meeting of cmen- wa.- held al winch it wa- voted to apportion the ..'.u.0)O bond-) as lol lov.s. .pJ.ouo. .Jclfcr-ion. $1.0X) and Lincoln A- ttie .-urvey run. near the Ime between Kock Creek and Cub Cre:k precinct, about half the way in cat h. It was concluded not to a.-k any bond-, from these preempts, while, il inn- the entire length of the other two uud in each of winch it is proposed to establish a station. b'air- 1)111 1 ( tilZ'tt' . The Uoi-k Island proportion in .leffet.'on county ask.- foi boml- in the .-inn of .."o.uij!. of which -urn I'.iirbury will i,ive -r'l-'.OiiO I'hii-e station will be built in tbe county, one at I'air tut v and one east and west. The I.'ock 1-1. md conn any i- now predated with propositions for I'awnee. tJage and .lefl'er-on in tin -late, and will .-oon, no doubt, re.n h Hebron. The company i- "ctlmg right down to hii-iuc. , " .- , , and the proposition.- an: so favorably reciey- ed that there i little probability of lo-iug a precinct along the entire line U.i.ri!o ol IUKI.CIOK M ol FICKlCs. Tue-day afternoon at Fairbury. there was a meeting of the stockholder- of the Chicago. Kans. i-'iV. N brask' rail road company. (C. II. I. t V.) at which tueeltng the directors of the load were cho-eti. a- follow . nio.nas v. . iiiiiuu' aim .f t i ... t - i.:.: i J iimm ........- iu..i m- o ;..go. I .Milwaukee .v ."-tram wince. iv me wav i- a ual of the Bock Island in the ra-t, contemplates making St .loeseph it--tartiug pljce tor the great west ami southwe-t. Hue tiling is certain: .i.. I I.i .... .......1. ...... I l "ai '"", .'""'" -" " onoc. and fair uot.-e it i contemplates, a- it -utelv o e-. taptiing me great west. ' .--i.l.i-eph i- an interested party. As a ! rapidly growing la.lro. id center it is gaining all po-sihle additions to ts ' railroad advantages. We think that ; we mav vouch for the citien-. of St- me i mcago nun s.i; i ne ran-ior four hundred miles of track haye been contracted lor, Loads ol ties are be ing sent to Troy lunctiou. beyond St .loe, contraetots supplies are on the giouud and an army of men will be put in -he tieid at once. 1 fie Bo.-k l-land people have been a long while m making up their mind-, bit' '- " v,-i "' " Mr- L Low told a St. Joseph lhrnhl reporter that the work ot organizing '"r the northwest route wa- progressing mo-t .satistaelonly. mid tliat the work ot const! ucting the line would be begun at no distant d.iv. Ethical Philosophy I'll ne'er forget the dewy eve, A ear ai, last spring: He o'ved tiie me ten'' and took French leave. And had me for it sing: " nne men had got insanely mad, And cursed and ra- ed and swore: I only felt so jolly glad I didn t lend him more. W it r did the girl 0?heeatnr.Vnf-. Probably it was something she S Ceinantowu Imlptuh-nt. You're wrong, she said she didn't go 2. Clin ton V,;.nt. M1 again it wa- ante meridian ai.d she had been eating un-11 bread. Thk I". o. Xew -tainl will recieve in a f- w d.ivs :i fine assortment of lire ttrlTw ...tTKltltlir k f I. ........ ...i ...I I.-.-- .-t.w- 1 WMCi.-uii lL ItV'llt.&ll lillllill-. y rocket-- lin wheel-, colored lights, flowernots. benjral lights, fire cracicer.- t .ril..l. 1.- ..(.. .... I.m t.v ...... . i .,.,- l..,,,. v" -""- v ...-. Bkcokt of school in district Xo. 7; for the month ending June 1. 1S6. Number enrolled IT. thoe not absent. Maud Mc one, Jtdinnie Meiers. Th ose not tardy. Jessie McKei.uhan. l'earlie lc Keihan. Maud Bevnolds. Charlev Bevnoltls, John Saltzinan, .Jacob smith Ttiose whose deportment is above VO. l.illie McCune. Jeio McKoihan, IVarlte McKeihin. Maud Beynohls. olvc of the nu.iiity of the -arne. As . evidence ot their merits the brick Kv- I. ... I. !;..... ..'.i.; :... ..ii- i """.'" l.'"": "icouerei. hrick f - OHr van, wi , b exception aml u, oVnVir 1C tlmnXX JJ brick masons of this citv. Lmcoln or . - "-. .'...-u.4i.ltv4 "in. - --.--- ......,.... - . ...... vj" .lUL'MII L'i ;,.,.iru.r .,r. t. .oMi fro::1 one to flve thousand and to de- irom one ro uve tuousan.i and to do- liver the same. iNosanp in anv quan- j lily. NV. U. Lu0L0W I SuDorIsor'fl ReDOrt u--,i .. : -..).... ..:.. board; "of equalization fhe following rrlembers being present: I. 3. Hampton. J- barber. J. M. Stoddard. W. It. Kvker. Carl Oust, John Street, Charles Hunter, C. J. Wilson. J. L. Frame. A. J. Kenney, James Graven, T. J. Wil der and J. C. Brooks. The assessment books not being in readiness for examination by the board it adjourned until June 9.h. at 9 a.m. Board of equalization met as ad journed, A. J. Kenney elected tempo rary chairman. Board proceeded to examine the assessment of Bed Cloud City, board appointing Jos. L. Carber and I. B. Hampton a committee to examine the assessment ol Red Cloud City and rec ommend such changes as tbey deem proper and just. Board proceeded to average assess ment of townships. On motion, J. II. Kernian. a-e.-sor of Bed Cloud City ordered to appear before the board of equalization and correct his assessment book. Ordered by the board that the clerk be instructed to correct assessment books of the several townships, the ex penses tor so doing to be deducted from as-essors. bill- per the amount charged for correcting each book. Complaint being made I). B. Span ogle was summoned to appear before the board to show cau-e why his assess ment should not be raised. Board now adjourned until 'J a.m. June loth, 1-sr,. Board of equalization met as ad- journed. Complaint being made the following named persons were summoned to ap pear before the board to show cause why their a-jsesitnent should not be raised: Abratii Kaley, Silas Carber. L. Bauin. A. T. Ormsby, Miner Bros.. 0. K. McKeeby. Morhart & Fulton, John Bentley. John Moore, K. Mctarlaud. A. Higby. A Lauterbaeli. Cale Ham ilton fc Co., Perkins & Mitchell, J. S. Buthroek, Harrv Feight. J.H. Ferinan. 1. M. I'latt, Fred Bentley and William Outhwaite. After examination of books and hear ing complaints the committee on equal-' i.ation ot per-onal property reported and upon their recommendation the following changes were made. I. H.iiiin fnuii - to si.oo. I! i PitiH'k -' w lu ;o. M.irli.irl , Kiitlim (nun !.-' ( si.;o .Mm -r isrii- (rem t.IV) ti si.i.m yt,-, i:.-iilli' .ii In iv .liilin M'Miie Irmii t" i-"". I."t U I'link .0. trmii f ti.Ki. not .' 1 Hook -.1 (mum I'l t iVi, A. IiiitTl.uli (nun t' '''. IVikm-. Milrlit-ll (nun ti lorJi'i. I.nts i.nnl i lU'H-k -l i.Miliih'o. U.t :t.init ijjl Hue's .i.I.lilion rtX te l'i. bit '.i I'.lH'k .T "'i lii i''i. I."t 0 Itliii'k -'T "J Lot -1 IlliM-k "' '" ! "''). H-iir r.H.k. iihJ- ir.itii.'.onn. Ijt 11 I'.lo.-k 1 1VO to W.-nI ".ft lot 1 Mm k .v, ."i.east '.'(t lot .'hlorK : loo. ur.l '". It lot -OiIim-K y, L' loWO. lot 1 litiM'k 1'; ij to i.uoo. Plan . liica t'o ratM-it l.V". Board adjourned until Tuesday June 10th. Board met persuant to adjournment. Ordered that the clerk reduce the assessment of the First National bank of Blue Hill -o as to correspond with the assessment of other banks in the county. Ordered by board that the clerk issue an order to the county treasurer to refund to the B. & M. B. B. Co. ?171.;J taxes paid on illegal assessment. Ordered that the assessment of T. L. Trowbridge be reduced to -70o. Ordered by the board that the fol lowing additions and deductions be made in the several townships in the county, a per cent sullicieiit to equalize the real and personal property through out the county as ft d lows: KKAI. KSTATE. l-lni Crii-k toiiIi-.i .ilil - r rent Poliilam Ttiwii-lnp " il ht iviit. o.ik rn-vk tiiwlisliin " II Millwjitrr W.llllUt Cieck II:irinoii lane Oai'tii'M I'l.-a.tiH Mill ClliiU- ICiM-k !n:iale CatliiTto-i ;Ii'im'm'I Kfil Cloinl -u .. ,: .. s. tleilMi't " MTfi:iil '. I mt I ent .. ., II .. , .. l P.-iIiii " '" : P.t-ai-r ' "" - " The following additions ami deduc tions ordered made on personal prop erty in the various townships. Klnt reek !nni:.lnp ileitnet - er -ent. CleliwiMi.l i; luaxale "" "11 Pleasant Hill a.l.t liarliehl - " H ll.irnioii " " IT Ottleretl b the board the following levy lor county expenses. t outiU feudal bant .". iniMson tlie ilollar. ' PiMir Moil-- (iiml I null on the i; p it..i . j "" r.rnfia I "I Ordered by the board that the tax levies as sent in from the various town ships, sehool tlistricts anil villages be extended on the tax list. Said levies being as follows: Ke ( louil township , :nills mi tlu dollar, lane " J P.eavcr t'roek " : Iiiax.tle ' 33i CatherttMi " 6 t;ifiui-.l .-" tamle KH-k " s Plllsll.UII " I Itariuoiiv .. c.'i ti.tHlel.l " IP, - "akfieik 7 ' " P.atin '2l- " Pleasant Hill " ft " - walnut creek " .Tj Stillwater " 7 I.'tvtftoiiil Cilv l". toiiile KK-k "" 7 Pine Hill " !o sOHtiOI. UlsTKICTS I.KVV. Mills tm . Nt. Mills n s. 0. .Mills on i i in u If. '."1 -;i -: .si in l. ji r. 1". .: -Si :. 1.", i t 13 1- u 32 5- 11 J. l it r.i ;. !.' M 11 14 i: 25 S 31 31 ! 13 : &i ra rv; 01 . Tl i.i '.V u no tax s a 5 I.. i 13 111 so IS T, 12 I- J5 10 1 HI 10 l. J-; " 10 i-. n l l- i. Mandamus tax on school Dist. No. 11 for- 107. "J l and interest thereon from I June ith. 1S". Also lo.lU costs in the j procee.ltnp. . I ae board of equalization having j lausauifti an uiisincss nroustii oeiore i it was now adjourned. j Ited Clout! June loth. 1&G. J!?n lVlrsusnl ' Jonrnmeut with the following members present: j C. II. Wilson. .. V. button. ' J. M. Sloddard W. II. Kvker. T. G. Wilder. I. H. Hampton. K. M Jones. J. C. ItriKfks. J. L. Frame. A. J. Kenney. Jos. (J arbor. C. (Hist. John Street. W. H. Howe. Charles Hunter. James Groves, On motion a committee of three was appointed to settle with the county treasurer. iatd committee coiisi-tini: of A. J. Kenney. Joseph G arbor and C. G. Wilson. Keport of appraisers of school situated in section sixteen. (16) four-f (4) r:UJge elcVent (u J1, Heport of appraisers of school lands Cttlt Atn.l . fc - r-. town ebster countv.Xebraska.Drescnted to the board I examined and duly approv4. ", .T vBBiOHou lfT!25nir;h. "WiU'lite buyer hi. choke, lowed anil wrirr4nM-oTurre4 rawnn J ' the county general urplu lond. 3w CtLO. M. I own, C ;. ilsor. rcrrtcr--. a -mi-rrisor aid i lean loin jou money at current r-!!!ilSU-..:....;iPnrtMitfmirata of interest, on real e-tate for ..... .. . v. ... ,-. .-.-.. ...- , are Charirs lfunr9ervicrs j-s uj.-nltxrajxl James t;roc senlctr a. jorvlor ainl tnilrase .... W. K. i:ker rniir a auji-nisor mh uill-ar- Jolm strvet s.-ri ices al suj.crttsor mhI lllllej- i:"1 n 17 W ?,; ', I it iiiunt'tmi s.rto.Mii.iMi! MiNursc r. o. w iMcr ilo W II. H.w lo A.J Kenne. ! .lo ila iarf--r lo 1J. !. .loties ilo J ( ltn)V- lo .1. M stiHlilanl ilo a. V." J itlton ilo J. I. Frame tto ilo it" ito , 11 ilo ito ilo in :" ilo ilo (lo S t'l Om ilo ! 1 ' ilo tlo ilo I 1 lo !o lo jn n lo ! ito i.i oi lit ito io I si ! tli. 1 1. 1 1- Board now adjourned to meet the second Tuesday in July. Committee on claims the second Monday and the committee on settlement with county treasurer the first Monday in July. J.H. iiAiLKr Co. Clerk. Dedication of Cowloa Goatrrega tinnnl f!hnrrh , . ., ., . , ."soniliiv JuneJ will be remembered . , , . . bv the citien- -tw!e-. and its vicmitv . , i . ' i -. th irL'itifr .i mii en. ili 10 fi4 ht.i.iri' " . - of the village. In the-e days of chri-t-lan enlightenment, no Milage or town can be called complete without it- i.,.iu m tli.. .srvi.i. ..t' tli... Almighty Cod and although through the courtesy of the -chol boani. rcgu- lar -ervice- have long been held al the jpIw.,.1 I, ...1.0 i-..i tl... tv.itit ..f;i .linr.'h building ha? been long and keenly fdi. JV''l iJ-T. - t. i I that the want is ntw happily supplied. At 10 o'clock on Sabbath morni' g. the new church building was opened for Hie first time for the se-sion of the Sunday School, ami a goodly number as-cmbl'-tl fur tin- wor-hip of Cod in the study of Hi- -acred wore. 1'he bible cla-s iiiuu-ualy large -wa- taught by Bcv J. I). Stewart of Hastings, and other Jbv i-iting brethren TowanI 1 1 o. clock th" citicn- beg.u: to stream into the tew buiUitng whicli wn.s. -oon filled to overflowing and the services of the morning were com menced as stated below. After the sermon a .statement of the financial condition of tbe building enterpr.-e was read bv the pa-tor, show ing a total cost for hou .e and furniture ! $yjL J5 and a total indebtne.-- of'.L'J 47 toward? the payment of this amount however the church bar the promi-c of Jl'V) from the American Congrega tional I'nion, so that the debt to be provided for is only $72 I 7 lo v. J L Made then pr ceded to make an appeal to the peojde for tin- amount ami a.s much more a.- might suffice to paint :he house, the re-poiise wa noble ami generous, the sum of 161 "J't in cash and pledges being siib-cnb-ed in a few minutes. an enter prise commenced with some mi-giving has ny the blessing of Cod been carried to a sucec-.-ful issue ami we aredi-po--ed to rejoice and be glad tor the lining kintlne-s of the Lonl. I; i- our tlesire through the-e columns to exjue-s our hearty thanks to aM who h:ie contri buted n the slicce.-s ol our enterpri-e and to extend a mo.-i eurtlial invitation to all to be pre-ent with u- at our stat ed seryiee-. ami we would further say that it wou'd he a plea.-ure to u- to grant the use of the house to other eyaiigelical denomination- at all times that tlo not conflict with our stated service-. The order of -ervice- wa.- as follow.-: rgan voluntary Invocation, l.'ev .1 I. Maile Anthem. "'I wa glnl" I'hior. Scripture reading, lov. Hampton Hymn .'.I. '"ongregation Braver Lev. M I. Hampton. uthcm. "Awake wake" (.'hoir. ermon Lev. .1 L Maile. Hymn ,i4j Congregation Financial statement, l'a-tor 'ollect ion Braver of dedication, Lev. .1. Stewart. Hoxology Choir Benediction, l'a-tor. 1 1 1 1 it it V L'Kinnr's team ran tdr the other day at tne fair grounds, while Mr.- Feight wa- driving but -he finally stieceded in sloping the horses before they ditl any damage W I) I'vop. Pa-tor Tho Rod Cloud Driving Park Asso ciation tmd Rncos. The abot association w a-organized on Moiid.i night, adapting the rules I it. An toned. A "-i-jtiou thevelee teti the bdlowitig: ofiicers President --J. C. Warner 1st Vice Pre-idt-iit -K W '-'lid Vice President T. J Treasurer K B. Smith Secretary A J Kenney Kxecuthe Cuniiiittee I B ton. C B tiate-. Wm Cate- .Miller .l?fier Hainji Meiuhership f. e 2 ."o. annual dm -$1. The society at pre-ciit i- an m tlepeiident organization, hut expect to miito with the National trotting a -ciatiou. The following arc the first race.- given by the new ion on the grounds of the Webster County Agricultural Society. nitsT lavs K.VCKs I hree iiiinute trot tint: race. I.iutieii ' took fir-t inttiiev. Little Arch -cconti. le-t time 2-ls't. Biiiiniii' race Tin ker tir-t. Boltin i -i-coinl. Swuvback third. tuart.'r mile heat-, best !'. in .". time 'I'l econl-. -KCOXII fi.W- HACK-. Second days races were more inter- tere-tini: than the predion- dav. The t.v.j r'i.'....i . i i i. .!.: ivi v. ntiM ri'inik Mttiei uiiir iim.ji i appearance upon tlie irrouml- entirelv I un.-olicited ami were irreetctl with a hearty welcome from the official- of the a.-sociation ami courteou-ly iivw the freedom of the irronn:-. The excellent music di-cour-ed by the bantl was hiirhly appreciate"! by every "tie. The band le-ene no -mall amount of credit, both iiidhiduniiv :lll Collectivelv. for leavini: their ra- rion. oecu.iat;iM1. ad contributiiie t the eutertaiiiment of i.-itiiiL' -tratt-'cr-. without the expectation f fee llV Brown j)iv.k u-lT Jack taking , i ir -i i tCon:i '-'"'-.v-.hlf " '' b1 tr rewanl. i lie running rce nn i iiuie oo. v.uietiua pi mere on imc ' trot with Coui;itinc second in a kind j i of walk off -tvle at a 'l-l'l irait. Wi 1 iro to press too early to give full I ports of the third days report. re Farm Loaxis. Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans on ino-l favorable term-. Iaiis ctm i be paid ny ctvin 1 tlays notice with out extra cost. I-ok to -our i-st interest- and call on tne at my o nice over First National H mk. D. B. SrA.vooLE. ?; a3 ragc fUH. f b t ?' n lor c " any length of time from one year to )SfCOMBD "- 'tjM i vMF VHAt MK Mi. ung. five ears. tf C. W Backer ' I nc gooI .Mason t Hamlin organ, I tor -ale Apply to J W . arren, ir Kisttc ( f.icago Lumber lard. ' Money to Loan. I)r. Sil.enck has lcen appututol by the Nebraska and Khiisaa Farm Lmn Company aa their agent at Conlo 'j r.rttes wishing loans will do wt!l u ; see use titn-ior. ine couipauv i- jrt"- paretl to make loans at y per cent, and in sum- to suit House lo rent, with -ix roun ami 4'o.J cellar SituatiM tn Woiatei street near school house. Apply to II . B. siuions or Kaley Bro-. Coon buggy for sale. Inquire of J Warren, the hardware ami genera' notion man. cjjto.l W W arien'-when in n.tnt ot hardware mul -econd hand t.l- tt , . .. ...i , I He keep- eyervtiung ami von can m . i i " ?t " i.- i wav- imkI tmrvaitis there It vhi hae ... 1 11111 I MMiii !.. .!! a. 1.. rtiin II. .it f f..r. ..a . . .v wv.t. vuf 'v. . ... get the place opsitc 1iieago Lum ber Yard 1-urnture tt all tie.-crintion- at , Tinker's old .-and. nt price.- that !: competition. Almts lis !:. .re buy, a- we buy eUcn-m lv. and ciin tliereltire sell cneaner tlntu .iu nousc m tin u-. valley. 1 it. e -tire auu -ce F. V 'V i. a 'J tier cm nt loans at the Nebraska A t Kan-as Farm Loan Co i.i. kiml- of second hatnl furn.t i.i at .1. W. Warren'-) hardware ami no tion room- oj po-ite ' hicagti l.tuubt r ! Yard ls-rui. oiir ptoperlv with (n.i Schnlftilt. Bed Ciou-l. eb .t t t Co to tf. W, ."Inn - for frc-h hniu made cainlu-, cigar-, etc. Fresh home made candle.- al C . W Cline's. Call and see bun I nit ami scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford Sanitary Lotion. l'-e no other Tin never taiN. Sultl b Ferguson v Co drug gist. K.d Cloud. "'-! Till, bc-t and cheapest line of ho . lLimburL'-. ami everlasting trimmiiigs al Mrs. New house o" Thk Arnboy Milling Company wi.l' a tio cent.- per bushel for good wheat j that will test ."7 or .- poomi- II tf HlNKY CooK now has the inn-t, Cnlllplete -lock of wall lper. sh.uji - etc . in the Bcpuhhcau Valley. Till. Bed Cloud Milling Conipari wi pay no cents, per bu-hel for good whi n thai will lest o7 cr fis pound- il tj po -ih,i n.iter. lemonade, ginger , 1 (I . H' , o ale, oircn ocer, eic. ai .. v . cuiie All lie-h and nice. Call and see htm A goml Liiux for safe or rent A-furni-hetl. A,plv to Jos, ph li rave Bed Cloud Neb. -HI tf The Nebra-ka. v Kau-a- Farm I.oaus Co. have plenty of money to loan. A M i: line of dry goods will be sold but very cheap at Mis Newhoti-c s. A good team of hor-e- for -ale. In ijuue of Joseph Crave.-, Bed Cloud, tf 1 am prepuietl to furnish dor plate which for durability, clieapnc , beauty ot design and tini-h. cannot be i'ee. ed. .'sample- on exhibition a the office of Tin. Ciiiki Your patronage respectfully .-ohciteU. C. K, Wood tf Ladies' cheap hosiery at Mm Nciv-hou-e's. If you wi-u to -ell youi farm or tout, piopcrtv call on Josi in Uinvh. PJtl " Bed Cloud, Nd A huge ipiantity of eAoellent bink ' for sab; at I'himh Bit- brick itd. wl Try tlie K-tey Sewing Mat lime. It is the finest machine that l- uuob. For sale by F. V. Taylor the east -nie turnttire man. Bed Clour. The K-tev Sewing Machine the bi i in the worhl lor sale by F. V. Ta..r A lii.W for sale. Apply to Phiti.b Bros, at their buck vard. -J.Jw We are receiving furnture d.n don't forget it, and we are ImhiihI to sell it. F. V.Twu-.r MiiNM tt loan Hi teasouahic rat- - on good peisoual orthatte security A!-o farm loans made at lowe-t rate- of interest. C I". Cwun:. :i.0tf Ab tiact (Mlice. Bed cioutl. l..irt" r. in' I: ll'iii.iii.i. 1" .- s, i ,.rti. r ( , 'in r Farmers ani Merchant: BANKING CO., A tjoncrnl bnnkim; bii3ino33 trans- ' acted in nil its branches. llfM i tuti ' itHi waiUvtiv. FAB.M LOAN?- A SBKCIALTV. Tlireo or five yenrs sirnight S per coriU sttiie riKr;t:iiije. No tl4" in securing money. WKK.rT'i:s S3tft Grir. II Rsjjiittrw li IC !fa CJ. n. Trtr. u Sfr. X roirKHsrl?fiK.vTSi K Wrt- Nw Vrl tn Pit-; !-' fUnV. Kirs: NxtMMuU IUX. SHERIFF SALB. l nrn"MF .w i:rcrios i.. t I M J H I'oilr-r i wi. .k' :- lntrtn I M J H Toil Mti ail st;r '4 N-t'raiji jumI m J ni m tar w Allr-si W hw.V Ito: - .r a. i aisl i'atrt N ). Ut K J- a --i u:t j . . whim r; i'n.m ', utf - -j swuj i lor.n . h ' -. new? -f -I Mt. la WVJ-:rr rfjntj "VfcrVa hv:i I u-r ca.-h t ib- j.,t .. ,, t. ..H,rrbjL- thTr t'-ttts t' pi-c- J-r tlf t x j-n ( rrmrt J It-W. ift ls Tm4. M t)T -v : NvKrisia fi lt mil fciy r -1. j,. at -u"H. it tm . los4tt'? -jfil rirt-nita ia' rst Ialt tl .11. jt ft Jw. :-ii lf KaIkj lrbcr. IL C. "TT r Al GO - jm c COTTING'S FOR. BARGAINS IN Windo-ro' Shades. AND WALL PAPER Finest i'attfru the Market. nlj TaiuL-, ( il.-. Irog!,vr. I LUMBER Trader's Liimhe Company. WILL MAKK FIGURES ON LUMBER As low as can bo bought i'rom any dealer on Earth. RED CARRIAGE Ls the piKc lo oct luiLMins in IM I !!'( )NS IH'C.TMHS, sPiIN(; W(H)NS, h.n inii; purclhcsctl our .u iciluccil prices u c arc able to place i r the maiket all kituls i ve hicles en caper than the l he;. pest. Buck Boards at Top bugges at Spring Wagons Phaetons W an nisi juvpanMl toil ail kiiil f J ! anl n-pan vik at lM)ttonjn'ii"s. I I lmLrtri paint! anl ivairl at n'a.-sonal-' rat. It will pa mi t i u a all ami i$ot our jrii-' I mi" ! piin Jia.-iu' ! h'-n- THE 0D RELIABLE FURNITURE STURE. FRANK V TAYLOR, V,v. aucc5or to R. L- Tinker. arrnv tin l:irtfM fti j i.f Iff! furnittin-aii'l it - rtnkr vnllv ( J I ct in 1 1 ui'. in irat Give him a cai. OppositcA I:int HmI Banff. Prices vcrviiow. TO CLOUD WORKS f at 3500 S65 .00 75,00 SlOo.OO nm, pft.rir aicl Jcfthurtv - r)v!f - in tiV n-jmbHran pirUm- fmjfi.-s l:.. vari-'tr. CIiTfllll Final Proof :..!). ' ' fmmmsUm t, , , i- h:h:, i.i . that turn ' . "" 4 " m t tv mt fttt , tmjm - '- Miy u w M Htf Jt ttM. jtm -MK H0- . Hfc J. . - XTXfcU 1) i"l:iu;, iK:"rir. 1 t . - r.r Star k Si, a , -- . "- i 1