The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 18, 1886, Image 7
ja& - 'f V ' 1 . r -l.vl-Jt J "safac .s. It will pay you to call at THE SQUARE DEALING Kira far 1 J5iC 'BHEivP9'?iKB -.' " -V rW7 -. 4 IxlMUJJ W hen m want of Clothing. Hoots and Shoes, I Iats, Caps, hurnishinf Goods I runks and Valises, Y find the die L ou can Lowkst I 'kicks. I lie ( iKANI) 1st. Prize S'J(UM) 'Jnd. -rrize S .-.()() In "()( ids at WiuiiitrV jN'r.w liliw.k. KmlCloiul. PAL CO'S. TIIK ABOVK C1TT Jin's hUHlB mifitef Whirl, uvlunvaia UUKAT KXTKNSK imciiivl for tlu f It t Ii li-r of Siurtaclfs to all Dish:Asi;s or tiik f:ve i re guarantee this instrument to most perfectly correct all deficiencies of Hither hive as each eve is tested and fitted to its own peculiar deficiency. IS THF- ONLY INSTRUMENT IT . ,. .. ,..- -..ll... tli in tin- lit'imiiiir.ui "" .' I)i.'nsos.A?tijriii:ili.-'m'"tli':imi.ll'anl coihihmukI. Myopia, Hypermetropia. Presbyopia. Etc. re esneciallv invite those who have experi ence the greatest difficulty in procuring- spec tacles to come and have their 1-YES TESTED EREE OE CHARGE ! Call and see this latest invention of science. WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers and Opticians- lied Cloud, Nebraska, ?C E:I1 KAftftE akgkst Stock, and always I'kii. Du.wvinc ends Jri.v 4ru, 'r 1. Prize 810.00 4th. Prize $ ;").()() the store. pii KKPKKSKNTS - il .Mil IMlTI'ct till' KollKWillff I c. nua T, C HACKEE, THE Red Cloud Markets. V. it,!r r.t v. ) pn tMMt tVf.v. ni tv- .it- t. i:e- .a H'C j jo mil.- l ''(l Uh; Imts' -l-k- .ss i v 9 Por Cent Farm Loan. The NY-bra-Ka Farm Lo.n Co. il! make ou 'i loan -on vu (arm at i -traiirht 0 i.f-r cent and furni-h the., n r.., -., i n " i !l I rr.onev without any delay, .ail on, them in the Red tiond .National haul. I'uihliii" . Farm loan- which I make cm .. ; ,M,dup.nwho!..orto;,,rtatU,e e.vl ol one year. Inlr.i-- :l- low a- .iJ- w-her- Monev furiu.htl a- .-on as app heation l-approvl. ITt! - UKi.R ' CITY NEWS. l.lil.UM n 'IMP i- dunf4 ' hio. 1 'ON "r forget th- ia- Inne 11. and L'l. lit-. 'o. and fauiilv arc vbititi" in lii'Mj;o. Tm: ero -ins have been put m on edar street. Mil- I"i:nk .miiii vcit to Ih-nl.el' man thi-j week. .loir. (iMiiu.u ii the happy fathei of another oll-prini; Laiial weight. John Pmiki.- had on- of his b"t hor-e- killed by ninniuj; uuainsl barb win. W. K. VasC.wh-kn ha- .-old hi- in terest in th:- re.-la u rant in th- Potter building. .Mi- K. . V.i-os- return-: to Ohio today whieh place she will mak- h r future home. IL K. Fduui; who foimerly run a grocery at the denot. ha? j;one to Vol. taire. Kan.-a- IIi.v. S. . Pknnvi-a' ki:k and wife of Iowa, will i.-it W. D. Forre-ter. and wife this week. ili.o. Scott was acting mar-.hal one or two day- this week while Mar-hal Jiuteltiooti wa- over to Ihirr Oak. Dk. Iloin'. Imi:i:ki.i. was aptiointed by the city council at it- l:i-t meeting a ! trea-urer. in place of W. P. Over man, deeeacd. Tiik arirultural a oeiatiou have eoinpb'teil airangemeiits Jo the erec tion of a lare amphitheater, with a -eating cajiaeity for ."i00 people. I.Kov Fi)-o.N"'.s house in the. north part ol the city was j-tiuck by liht ning on Tue.-day niht. No particular damage done, however, to the prop el ty. M-ni. lh:'icm-o was parading our streets thi we-k with hi Win chester at a carry, huntini: for unli. cen.-ed rani ue.-. He .-ecured the calp of -everal. Skkvick.- will be held in the court hou-e every eveuini; thi- week. "Iso next l.ord'- bay. morning and evenirg Let no fal-e reports deter you Jiom hearing the truth. Seats free. .loiix Kri.ToN. the jo ial real estate agent of I.'iverton. wa-i on our streets Monday. .lohn and about twenty other gentlemen will ;o to Xrkansns next week, to look after their iniuing interest.-. Tin: various new-paper- ovei the -tate are now eniraged in eiving tally to the Omaha A mil. We wonder if it i- po--ille that Doc. Miller has promi-ed to publi-h tiie boy.-' profiles for taffy in exchange"' DY .Ioii-on :in 1 his wife had miite a legal tu..-el one d.iv iceently in Judge NIcKeighnn"- court ove. their otlspring. The Court however et the trial for a later day. when the matter will be adjucated. 'Hie people are from K-.uisu.-. ?omk parties who hav nothing el-e to do have been busying them-ehes lately with breaking in ihe window of the floral hall at the fair ground- ! ide doing numerou- other depredu tiou. The executive roiumittee should have the depredators arrested if possible. Tiik fairground commitle have put. up stall- enough to accommodate fifty :iul of norse-. The a oeiatiou is do ing it level be-t to put the grountl- in fine shaj.'v anl will hive everything in readiue-s for the June races. ome thing like .10 horse.- have been entered for the race-. W. 1. Fokkkstki:. who has been connected with the furniture bu-mess in thi- city for some two vear. has sohi hi- stock to Fred ( Winton. of Kiverton. Mr. Forrester hi- made many friends while in business in thi city. and we are in hope- that he will remain with u- in the future. Tin: (hikf wisbe- him -uccc wherever he may locate. M. Mso and John T. Wil-on. the two higwav men arrested at Ulue Hill, ami who escaped Irom the calaho-e thi- week. ere aprehendMl at Purr (ik on Wednesday 'nd brought back to lied Cloud. The. sheriff thi- time will ee that they do not get awav j he has prepared ?hackles (n them. If the men arc guiltv as charged they ought to go over the roud. Tin: series of meetings conducted by K. C Harrows in the inten-st of the Christian thurch. continue this week with unabated intere-t Alout twenty conversion are reported, from th world, and mmy have renewed their covenant with the Great Head of the church. A church of fifty-three mem bers wjs organized list Sunday morn ing. Seventeen have been baptized in the Kepubhcau river upon a confession ot their faith in ChrisL GENERALITIES. J. . Rl KRte na- m BatricJ tkl: we'! Wit I'i" K.k'- new hoo-e J- ij n ml under roof. CniwrY clerk Rniley has moved into hi new re-idence. J i im.i. Wu.uro.x wn3 in Omaha tlii we 5:. on hu-iue-s. Tiik -in erw-or: have mad a levy! w vT- lull. .", . n't .vw --. i.,.. .im . , , . . Richaril'oti Olonuav night. A kw meat mnr:t. i one r! ttirr lrisUjiUll w i:ili:i lll. n,.u few -Lvs . . . Crops are now booming in the country Aivm Fhwk i aam hehttid the rollnl(.P , ., cd.!,,,, K.i-le clothini: , , ........... ,.. --.- ;-, v 11 1. Ul KlxrQ, hi nourriviu, London. Nemaha cotintv, for a few Mfc J, F- U ' wlJ0 Wl" . t, " I juile sick, i riHOvennj, aiuwly. 'iCr. i. . . . . r. . . . l I Tlli. KrpublK-aii Alley liJuccUl 1 iik collectiuii taken from trieeeds l of Children- Ihhle div e venues at1 ., . . . ..T i Mie. H. A BIKI lui.ltiiK an Urtpti-t thurch tta? : o' i , , , , ,, ,, x. .... i j , audition to her reaiuentc proert KKV.C.W. .I'KI.K1C heon oti ' . , , , , , ,, , , I ii follow iii t tlir ingta.n tur Hi' the 'ick luit thi- w'tk an.l will not It; p , ., i.i r ,t hr- lair lo luKt Ida-" June s,Jjmu aide lu alt'tid to blinliK l'r three or '21 lour uie. A J II. 1 what l- needed at th e . -r.iitil- .out itid .Iiniihl K.. Iiirt' At i i . r . .i , . 1 nearlv erv term of court there i , - , , fl..i..l !.r ! .-.Illllv lit. til.. I le-eu jr a nmnn n.i.-iiif. i - .. ... , 'storv bri:k u hw hHf a-JftU tl lli I hltfc-I U i.ii ll. lite enlerpri-i.ig ie, - , . , operi hoii.-e block i taiir.nit man at the de'ot, i- dmg :ii , .... ... . f , Pit '. lit KINo ftlwl Jolill K-'J..4 . S!eudid buins- !!' i- a good fellow j j .-in! make- Iota of frwnd him -ucce-r Wo w i?h TuK.-''venth bav Adventi-L- 1 1 l 1 IS 1 1 If v w , , nttendtd at meet- aie being tjuite largely flu'ii i. imIiom on Seward street. ... I I l.iu-. Hoopes and Langdoii are very plea- , uit speaker-. .,.,. - ,, . Mil- C. Mirn,o: Peatrice, -i-ter ' ... of our voting friend, An.-on Highv. x. . , aisrdant ca-hier ot the h tr-t National Hank, ami eliildren, were v -tting in the city thii week. bit. K. I. SilKi.lto.s. of I'planc1, Kan., w:l- a nle:uaul caller at the-e head 'juartera this week. The doctor has. recently located at I "pl.iud. where he t will practice nis profe ioi. Ti;hi-ri:i.K M Nirr. Charley father. and A. O. Herg are about -tarting out . as r.ulroro surveyoi- ".Me" think- it's , too hanl work, howe er. He fcuy.-he i would rather collect taxes horn tin dear people I 1 in: croi-ings are netug lain ou im . Cedar street walk- Thi- walk i certain n decided improvement, and j il.. -. . . .. t.ietwkr. i ro ift II I tt r t ftllf- 1 I 1 .1. . I ,..,.,.,,......... - ..- ,.. ting down the walk- without -'are- ly any o jections. A r the la-t meeting ot the city council Aid. Shi rev gae notice ihat he would pre-ent an oidiuauce lr the consideration of the council to prohibit the erectien of I ail wire fence- within the citv limit-. Thi- ordinance i- i timelv and the council should p.i.- it unanimouslv. Su -h fence- are an ab solute nuiaucc ' Wl. are indebted to J I,. M Her,! secretary of the Ked Cloud branch ofi the Republican Valley Tir.tting A o- j ciatiou. for a cotnpliinentarv to ihe June lace-, which jiromi-es to be more attractive than anv exhibition that ha ever taken place in the citv. of thit character. Don't forget the dates, June '11. l. and -Jl. L-o. Tin: folbw-iiig bilb were audited by the citv council at their la-t meetiug bis. meetiug tad r-1 Lunibi" R P Hittchi-on. ?4 C $p-, in.. :imeJll 71 Th w Ilattifld $.',. Win. Cropp. $1. .!. II. Ferinan. ?1. Yoiiiil' S: Aultz. tl.'1.4".. Henrv Ander- -on.$- (! J.Warren. $. C. I,. Cot- ting. 10- A C llwni't. -L'O Cha- Wmfrev. $.1 Shrrmati .C Winfrey - - tp-'.V). R. P. Hiitclilaoil. -2. Cmirutfv'- Day w.i dulv .bservetl at the M. F. Church i'i thi "ity la-t ?uml.iy, and in every town and hamlet in the civilied world where .Method- istn has been planted. In Red Clnud the exerci-es were erv intere-ting, and were inteiper-ed with mu-ic. -mging and recitations. The u-ual exerci-e- of the church were dipen-ed rith. and the children ni-ld umtismiteo sway Tin: enterjiri-e of our merchant.- i.- . noighhoiho -! f p).Mi. We under -certainly to be coiuniemleded a.- they! lAUlj , ,tMr .M-o wilh conwie.-n- e are mo-t .ortainly nhve to the 3ieel- . .j,e yr.jion ..! tn I.!' k -horily. The and want- of their cu-tomer-'. -am- ,.'tnnd fr -tie roein- i- ln-k ati-1 Ile o uch enterprise i- given ty our- every one of the t..m- . il! he rn' 1 enterprising jewelry firm ..f Wriglit S: " ,l-tV v" r, u'u" "l Wallace They hav. at an t.vpeL of' I over $1M). procuied the latet -cientiht invention t i correct all detieieiicu's of sight, and til the eye with a gla r-, fectly -uited to it Tin' following i- the :i---cl ahia- tion of lanil- in the y.vriou- towiu-hip-j as etiualietl by the hoird f equ.Uin tiot; at tl-.oir Juno raeeting ( j k Creek . . 1 5 P.ea vi-r Creek $r, I ! Potsd 1IU lilenwoixl .. Harmony .. Catherlon... Ratin Kim Creek Stillwater .. . 4: lleasant Hill 22) . 4J7 Ked Cloud . A 21 . 4 01 In. rale 3 3j . 2 Li' Walnut Creek '2J'. 311 Line 2 if.' 3-1 linrffld 3 10; - lIuideRoek. 12- The footpad.- wiio were arrested at Blue Hill the other ilay for h-ilding up 1 iuie Rlue Hill tiii. broke from the calalx"n-e on Mntl.i.y, and in id j.ool their e-c;ipe Tli men were hard bats and .diouhl h i".- li'en -enl over the road. Tot- f.o t -houhl be evi.Ince emugL to otnev th .-npervi-or-that we neel . jail to kcp the outlaw- J and criminal in when iJiey break the l.iws of our cotiuti - Tlmv houl 1 no . le tci economical l.Ut tin the otner hand commence the- cealO of :i gooJ and suhitantiil jail. Ttete'a money in it. MCEM PICK-UPS. J A. TiixrY- a m 0iKkn r .-week-The Lonni oi eaitatioa h d journal. M W. !Jke3w w lit lttej t: e?k M Bits. al fewifr It mtd to H -is In g?. I F. Cathf r. ha. :uvjxl bii alike over the (Mjeio'lice. ... a J-' -Mrnt ha,- .! feet of llf,ht- , mnv rl tin- -ejuoti. . , , , i , m iS - -M"rh s idences. I A IS.1UIY .. Alweaa. h.u . th-. week, on ihisIih- . ' . -m,s "" 4nt" ,M,C ,1"Vfc ,,- .. JJ.. ,l Ui it lowuitiinii. IJ. il. Piatt. Ttii- . . . : . dent o! ihe P.all a rreo U tin her U, 1 ' Chicago, . . ... i- I'-v c'iiit'iniimv- uuuuiuc .-i i. " 1 vi cm t k i ucMuiv luuiMiiii: m vi-" up with th conulry. J i . K NM.iY, inn&ter mtchui i r , . , . , , , . the H fc M. at tin tM.nce. urutiied 'bo , , ... IHCII-OUl Utl 4113 li . i i.. i.. . toe which he ..i nitr.lii 9 . ,,,,,. .. i .. Oi'K iriends, C. It. Iro fi and wile, . ......, jgave.iierv ldeiv-anl imr'y at their - ,. ' naudx me re-idence ou rourtli A ve- j , title ou last in lav evening, ... . ,, . ,i . VV . V . 1 I VKU.M.i;, j"UUJ'JlOl Ul 1 Gardner H u-e, and lid Kellogg, went to Chicago thii week with a train of i .1 car of cattle for V. Kichard-on ! Ii Wu.tK, proprietor ol the ro.-t otllee new- .-litul. ha-i returned from New Vnk. very much tni royed ii he.dtn. He ha-; ng.un H.imed charge of his bu-itief- Tiik iik lings d the Christian de iiotinuiili'iii. which have been h al .it the ou;l house liave been fraught S with reasonable .nieces-. They havt i i 1 Tlll.ll II oueiv with a uieinber- .- .j,,., ,,f-1(j ' ll:" rrm ki: and wife, of Uh.-le . jn chv Mf Ci:U,(.r ,. . - - l,,..,..,. wu.,,lIMi unto date of g-r.g --. -to nte. he had purchivietl 2 n) P'liiuds, paying nbotil I or 15 .ts per Hiuud. Alvi.UTl-M !ttcjs fin the we eiKllllg Jill-" il. '"' y W Ctdtili. J S louu-xm, W II.M.k. M F !.u-k. J .Mi- F.e ta Wh'v!r. I'lontni Cuitii.r "..ii!i-n lli!iii-liiiri' .) N i , ' ,, , ..,,, U'MI-lll 1 , v. - ' v. Al the annual meeting of the lied 'loud llttii" Ilviildmg and Loan A. ociatiui, h-M on night. the fallowing board of diteclot- were elected C. F. Cather. M. P. McNitt. 5. O. Yei-er. I) Z'Twekh. P rt Cromwell. A.C. Ho-mer. W. I). Fotre-ter. Al I slockhfldei- of the Red CIo i I lluilding and Loan A-MMiuMon ae ieipn-ted to be pre-eul al an adjourn- j ed meeting of the n-- Ku.ition n xt Mond iv night ftl Judge Vei-er". ollic , ;ll ,v,llv.. iini.- the annual report of the . working of the companv will li made i . " puiil:. The meeting will r-tiutuen e at - p in Svm ,Idi. is runriig a liverv -t.d.! nl Rod Cloud nr.d (?c rg Wiihingion , i- a dining r'-.m at the j Ro-tv..-k ctcl The last tune w. ', heard ot I'lankiiti Pearce he wa- run , ,., t lllWIn!r alley it, Graml I-I h 1. .iih J-m-; m,' Oll'agilii. bicK. Sam Jones I- imw hailed at Or.4d bland, taking i..r -.f( tl e Hasting- clocK ami iinnining r.. : ; water. Till- week Rev bo. i) i ei-er :r .- 1 cured the Sran-fer of the rutin bit nort. of the Opera Ilou-e in bo k . inJ (htv jM no,v t,f property ot The con-id- yu Mwun of k.hi ...., ! oration for the eght lot- wa- in the POWDER Absolutely Pure. r'x'. rw V in "( !t . .-.....s-i - . - i , .. . titan tU--r'l.f.4rrVi-l. a5 r.Hv? '- " te In rar.v uoVAL u.vKlNO t- wi;u rw. P0YH 4KlN m CHICAGO store: RED CLOUD. CHEAT GLEARIXTC SALE F -SIM Wonderful Reductions Commenuno Satim!a until all SUMMKR Clothing One pair of GIVEN With Every Suit of Clothes ! ,,m11 maiL-- tin nricc as low a tiicv can V c c tnc price Bnutrht in Silks. Silks ! mini :nil- of Silk in ;i 11 y-hadi.. ulli from .'-" U K' i.r vriril. tin lll.- ll ill i .' " ir,. ii Mimt' t n't' :i ier ;nl. No oH.-r nib-l , " 1,;,,..,;, N,.p .'.T , " . . . i ......... i... -. . in Tin. i I'M .III u- '" in i Stab'.-. Parasols and Fans V Il lr lll.'l'l' w ( Ip'at arl ll.-fhi. to '.''t I1'HIS. I oi i lilt ( lloi" l .Gents' Neckwear WrlKUr th.' Illl-M Mok "f,rr.:f ir u.h, wl.!f N.'i kwt-ar in tit- it aii'l h:i' ... , , m in.- pri.-. van ...... ,. thf Inn. A V rHAHp Br ikf ""f 3 K Vc airiT the l:incri stuck of Shoc in the Citv. ' No IIuu. in th cmmti than thu Cl lira go Ston-. I I NEBRASKA. B - GflOOS Mornini; C'OODS ami Lntinii :xvc sold. - Clothing MENS SHOES AWAY as c America. i Cashmere Shawls r ."iO all vin.1 .i!ii!i!' Sltawlt in all j 1 !. worlli ? 1 T' S will -.'11 lli-'in .1 St Ii. I'l'Mt-T Hlia! H in rio a i rdiiitrl I ii ( lo Yn aii'l -tiiM''l vJiili fin- wfX- p'li''l front b' to b jnr yanl. lb jjit!. rrfhn-o! to Tm jii ynnl. fn: v. liit.. ifiu j!j lii'iul tit 1th ' . . ... . , . :ilii 4MI. u,'K vrill i3 mjul :il a,,Ml i:if 1 pn. von KmtUr JSnrgniuii can t;ij fll'E H ! mow k mt Cliicaeo Store. ft i i 4 f7 f i , lh 11 .iMi'.'M . i ii.m,t mhhkiI '-afH Jrt