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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1886)
i .3-S5-' . JP'jCJ- ' ri-W'' &MS t '3 A r !: H f ft H if ! ? 1. :i is J! I '-'si c I ' 1 i 111 Jjmamm The Red Cioud gMW & co - . ' V - Tfci w eat tier of tb FRIDAY. JUNE IS, 18SG. Wk arc contemplating offering a premium for the biggest liar in town. Jt might be a- monoy-making scheme for those who haven't any particular calling to practice a little. Hive Hill Winner. Don't do it, dear brother! or you may have a bigger job paying out premiums than you anticipated. Com petition would run high, and the f 11 nvjj that would claim the prize would he legion, we are afraid, m IJlue Hill. First Day Three minute trot for purse of $71. li:3l trot for purse of $100. Running race, quarter mile and repeat, purse $40. Second Day 2:41 trot, purse 100 County trot, purse $50. Running race half mile and repeat, purse $00. Third Day Three-year-old trot, purFe $75. Free for all trot, puree $i!00 Naielty running race firet to quarter po it $10; first to half post, $15. The price of admission to the xgrf::round arc single admission 25 cents-: children from 8 to 15 years old, fifteen cents; single horse, 1h cents; double rig, 50 cents. Nuptials. One of the prominent social cvenU of the season took place at Riverton, on Thursday, June 17. It was the occassion of the marriage cel ebration ot our young and estimable friend, (Jeorge Young, brother of Johh Young of this city, who was joined in the holy bonds, of matrimony to !i.-s Nellie OuLson, one of Unci ton's charming young ladies. Mr. Young is well known both in Riverton and this city, as is Ids bride, and Tin: Ciiii:f takes great pleasure in congrat ulating the happy couple on the event, and we hope that their joys and pleas ures may be many. They will settle in Red Cloud for Ihe future, where (Jeorge will resume his po.-ition in Athow tfc Young's dry goods house. -- F. C. Wixto.v, well known to our Ked Cloud people, a resident here for many year, but lately of K'iverlou. lias closed oy.t his store there a,tyAj.i.,tur. !men-VrD;Fon('.-i.'rVnM- in tin- city, and t.ill in the liitui- tun that ousine.-s. alung v. Jin u lir-t -ri.t-s -lock of haidwinc. Mi. niton i- a llmr ough bii-iiif-s man ami undri-tand-thu wants of the trade in hoth lines that he will deal in, and Tin; i'iiiiif notes his rhange of base with pleasure lie will occupy Fori ester's old stand until the new bank block is put uji. when he will move into one of the rooms. Tin: (im:i welcome- Mr. Wintoii and family to lied "loud iig-iin, and wishes him piu-perity and success. See his new advertisement on the lira! page of to-day's Cini.r. COWLE9. weather of the past week has botn. extremely hot until the rain of TucjAiv morning which reyived droop ingi'ifcreution and gladdened the heartiiof the tiller- of the oil. O Ti lark is building an addition to hi.sjf bOue. fcLj Pratt packed hi trunk and boartfft the train last Tuesday, bound for th R'ikicV to spend the hum mer. 1 0. C I Jen net t is off again on btisi nesSlftis time to Mt. 1'leasant, Iowa. I j. C'ilbort started on Tuesnay for Kicli brg- N. Y., his former home. He expeulf to return soon and bring his fauiiljjnjuth him to make this their futur-omc. J.jjnodgra.-s i putting the fiuish ing Kothca on the Cowles hank build - Strawberry Festival, m The people of Cowles find vicini, gave a strawderryaiid ice cream fes tival Thoridav evcniiiir. June 10. for m hail : hail: hail: hail : GO TO Kurraera of Nelr-ka. iumre your cr ;r g crj m t .e ng tiiMUveek. ThV di tor of the "owle- Herald made ahort u-it to Cuide Rock, the first of the wn-k. The riiik hi 1 be open for .-kaiim; on MondnyJu! 5 during the day, and tor a dan at nigh J. Win.jLaverty iJ about to open a meat i iark t in oule-. Success to him . 1 u.i r i a- removed his farmlv . . . . .. . . to Jus iun.iiir re-idence adjoining town. Wiiili-Id occutiie-. tiie buildint: vacatedbv Mr. Fulier. ... ,r . I wo large lio- oj our town met in the htrcef one day this week and un dertook: to --tt!-a difficulty by trying to exw.'-rain.i'e each Other. . peace officer nrnwd on tne -.cene in time to prevent biood-bel and tiie loss of hair llie Odiigieational churcti is this week Leir' s.i:eil wilfi chair-, and will be leu. ated on Sunday .June 20. A cordinlyiiMt.itioii is extended to all to be pr'jtfCii'. .laspm B'-rry took the train lor Col orado Wednesday morning. !oing to look nroutitl a little. ' J.. If. I CIEOOKED CREEK. A nice ruin on iat Monday night. bood, buti!not enollirli. , u ho stalled for Texas mu time a.-L is now It is too drv down ami Again-t lo r damage by Ha. 1" compa .- !ln o! -iet, !arg in the state, wstn a-: t.i K.. mid a. is .tmountin to ..r 370,000.00 Conservative sn iL- it w. '. n.t write to exceod 160 tk jn nv section, conseiuent!y an earl ajp j. Aon i- neve-sftry. Iit srason tht Company instirOil Thousands of Acre t J rowing crop; for tfie tnrm. of Xefra.-ka, and paid its numerous !. t- !romptly and hienilly :m1 to thy entire satisfaction of ita many claimant-. F r further jMUtictilarj inq'i.r o C. L. WINFREY, Agent. At Sheriff? Office, Red Cloud, Neb. Robert Hick in a sclio r : to. on his vH'TAhu k there ci lor him. 'Pmall giain uai hurt ycrv much bv Iv President Cleveland complied witli all reUe.-t- for a lock of hi- his head wottl ! be as bare a- a billiaid ball in less than a we.-k. (hie l.ulv from Indianapolis has wntttn lhat she is noor, and asks the ine-ident to in struct his barber to hwward to her all the hair cut from the executive heads .She propo-es to make this hair into Cleveland charms and sell them to gentlemen to wear on their watch chains. Another per-on in litchmond. Ya., wants the hair to stuff a piu-ciish-iMi made of -ilk, taken from an old Fnited States Hag. Kx. If tinner will forward u a tuft of his hirsute aiyiend.iges bv mail po-t- paid. we will see that it is propeily utilized, the rat.- are terrible thick in some portions of Nebraska. the diy weather. Mr. llolsuorth .-nvs that if there had come a tain two or three weeks ago he would hae had another HjUU boxen of straberrus. Ai it is now he can not supply the demand for his best of 1. sirawnerries. Corn was looking quite bad before the rain on .Monday eyening. D. F. Tennant ha- moved into his hoi.-e, which he is iminting now. I ncle l.iun. Wiutoti has repaired and otherwise fixed up his barn winch was unrooted by the wind storm some time ago. -,o that ho has a nice barn now. I). M. Piatt is buying up young cattle now to ld tor fall shipping. Fanner- would do well to see him before selling el.-euhere. Mi.-. Djck-on and and .Mr. Clay pool have been on the sick list, but are im proving now. I'M. McCune has purchased a bran ew top buggy for h:.- wife to ride in. Sleeper and Siis were the maker-. Hob Harris lias a new windmiii. An "IndtiMr.i" mill shows lhat its owner is an industriiu- man. I wish that the editor of Tiik Ciiikf would go and interview the weather piophet and see when we are going io have another rain, as my watery abode is becoming o small that the mid beat.- down meicilessly upon the head of Iici.i.iKoii. I BH I . - - Zlritfz .-'weorasKa and lowa insurance and the hall was crowded to its fulle-t capacity, all did ample justice to the bountiful repa-t -ct before them. It was thought that the total rcccipt. could he -oinewhat incrca-ed by the arrangement for two tables, and the leaders of each striving to see which could secure the greater number to eat their table. Accordingly, table No. 1 was superintended by Mr-. Chance, assisted by Mrs. Kdsou and Mrs. Foe. and table No. '1 wa- super intended by Mrs. Ruzick. a-i-ted by Mr-. Fuller and Mr-. ."Miodgra. . Roth table- were a credit to the place and it is hard to .-ay which deserve the ino-t praise. Some thought that table X'. - wa a little the luo-t showy, and it certainly was a marvel of neatne-s and beauty, but a.- table No. 1 received a little the nio-t ca-h. we do lit .c feel like expr--ing our opinion a- to the superior merit- of -ither table over the other. The ladies of table N. 1 wi.-h to expre-.-their thank- to all who helped in the ent.-rpri-e. and e-peciall. to Mr. Gil frl for the u-e of dishes ami beauti fd bnquet"; to P-:ik & Latta fur use li-.he- to Mr-. Ward for buuuet; t Mr. ami Mr-. Iiiing.ttii for u-e of hall ami general help, and to the yuing ladies who helped arrange and wait upon the table. The ladies of table No. - wish to ex pre. their sin cere thanks to all who rendered as sistance, and e-pecially the young waiter-. Mi-.-es Mable Wright. Nettie l'ab-n. Kosi Middiet'Ui and Hora Narl. for the neatnes- ami ili-pateh with which they di-eharged their wok. We are plea-ed to record that .1 r II. r ii i ii i tin- juung ioiks oi i owie.- nal alto gether too much re.-pect for them sdvis and the Sabbath Selmol cau.-e to engage in daueing after the festi val as wa- thought by some thev would. The receipts of the evening were l.'ll'.Sl. which will be spent in purchasing a Sunday-School library. .1. M. C. Co, 1 ut CHAS, BUSCHOW, President. E. F HIGHLAND. Vlco-Presldent Fobt. V.SHIREY, Troasurer J. A. TULLEYS SoctoUtrv NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO. C.llJir.-ll...::injion. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. lIRj:-"Mu- r.d.Joih-, (i.n'K ii.v, in- .- .u i: it p.- K. F. Highland O'c. R. l 'and. ! m. P.att .. .1 .:-. . MONEY LOANED in improved laruii in Nebr.k.iand Ktn-.i. .Mnev t i t . . -; 1 a- p. ! the security i approve! Principle iti-t interest paval-le m lietl Ci.ujd. OFFICE IN Rl. Cl.ot I) . i Io.N" M. I'.ANK r.l'lLPINtJ. COTTING'S FOR HAR(;INS ! Window Shades AND WALL PAPER. Kintal r.ittuni the Market. aK-) PainK ii-. i n:- a LUMBER Ti tmdk imn n - -WII.I. .MAKK -?! LOCAL MOTES. There is certainly I'ne imli.-criniiiiate wav n sense to 1 lav ng j-itle- walks. a-5 has been the eu-toin in Ihi eily. It seems Jo us that a sidewalk should at lea-t jibe once i:i awhile, and not be laid down iike the weav ing:? of a Miake. Especially is thi-s the case with the walk on eward .-tieet from I'ivislon stieet lo ;. . Melan iels' resilience. The walk does not match in any one instance, but nm all ovei the prairie. This is not the only case in the city either. For that matter there's hardly a walk that i laid down right. It seems to n? that all walks should be put down under the supervision of the street commis sioner, maishal or some one. ami not allowed to Pe laid helter-skelter all ovei thestieets It should be the business if "he council to see that the walks are laid right anu we hope tint they w.ll attend to it CATHERTON. m Quarterly meeting at Plaiuview Sat urday evening, .lune .. and he -JOth. Kid er Allen presiding. Mr. llaller rveived severe injuries from a vicious hor-e last week. Mr. Cook, brother of Mrs. .1. I.. Frame, was vi-iting m this part hist week. He is pleased with our coun try. Mr. lirowu and wife, of niooniingtou were visiting at .1 hn McC.ilIum's and Thomas -Mather's last week. Dr. Wakeman is kept going day and night. Oscar Jeffrey has gone to seek a home in the far west. IJritton. Cure and O'Connor have returned from Kansas. KiUiOT. AMBOY. Very warm weather at present. Am boy i- crying lor a store Hay at the union depot, Amhoy. Folly ltrothers are on a trip we looking up Nome business matters. "VI I I! ... ii. .u. i.. vnase spent i lies. lav Franklin. Constantly emigrants are calling for things that a store cjuld supply were there one here. Cannot somoenc come and belt) us out in this '.' Mr. .1. Stickle, one of Amhoy V young millers, contemplates leaving this week for his home in Hiawatha, Kan Mis. Ooodwm, grandmother to Mrs. S. Shanon. is visiting at this place. Miss Wright Saituiayed at her home near Cowles. Friends ot Ceo. Gray spent cumlay enjoying the cool shade treu of Amboy. Yuti ask who was in Mr. R's straw berry patch. KtHjuire of the post-am-ier and assistant Ciiattekbox. - WALNUT CREEK. Mis.- Li.n Owk.v is Fojourning in Kansas. Sewinc mauhine for sale. Ktujuite of K. A. Young. Wantiid. situation as cook or laundry work by the day. Apply to Mr-. Horner oyer l.indsey's meat market, lied Cloud. Second-hand range foi sale. A bargain. Reason for selling. I have iwo. Will give buyer hi- choice 'ov (i:o. M. 1'i.imi:. I can loan ou money at current rates of interest, on real estate, for any length of time from one year to live years. if (i. Hvkkkii. Foil sale cheap, one good soda totin tain. Kinjiiire of K. A. Young. .", liw Mi:s. (Jko. R. (J.vrr.- is the pos.-essor of a very fine new buggy. Hue good Mason t Hamlin organ for -ale. Apply to. I. . Warren, op posite Chicago I. umber Yard. Screen doors' Screen doors' Screen doors cheap at Chicago Lumber Yard House to rent, with six rooms and good cellar. Situated on Web-tei -ueei nrai scnooi nou-e. Applv U I.-i MiMirf. rri-iil-nt. W. II. .Li. kuii. in- I'n-i Uolit. shircj. i a-liii-r. Im K lltrf.'.- -t.nit Cu.Iih r. Capital $50,000 Special Attention Given to f- Xx&k' oAiii- tki- WWIIUWIVII .1iT.J- rf m VKTifi5ll'.i niui-.croii.-.. 7t-i.Mti MIS! ?K5S.ts " 4 uVxsssstfS i.YiTa.if jn j --- r. '. Hyillt-l.ii . M.r laim t&mimxXi-?-.. Ti-Jia:-; v. Rw ft P M Pl.ltt. jr MM If V. K .l.tik-mi. I I lliK t .! K . s.lun-. IUV and -ell Make eo'lectioiis and do (iencral Hanking Itn.-ine.. m v, . ,f ".. ,- " Mb- &t02' up i im iii-ii a2SPr Intere.-t allowed m nil time deposits IJu4-i '" Ii FIGURES ON LUMBER As low as can be bought from any dmU: Earth. For Low Rates o ISi'illliilL IL Villi The CoMen Kagle'.- griuul pn drawing -lo-e.- duly I. Thi- boing the third drawiii". iieonie know it i- a .S Rotul Notice I I I MltiaK. HHili ill Ml . I .. . . I ,. , . ,,' . I i" i,. nnwiiiii t,i,M t.iifu h IIH-iitl... sipiare tieai. r.icr jmremi.-ei, in ao- si.-r .ii't-Mnti ! ( n w ii..i .h.rtji -.i, ., .. r ditiou to biiving good- at bottom ,,,, li-iumii. tlulr msimiI .o.l til.-.l w.ti, -, prices, by buwng wor.h at ne lime ttr?!'; gets a ticket, and hi- a chance to win inn- tlw --r:i.Ht lim- ix-inn u- i,,.F?( one of the four pi ..-. ulT'VT! ' TuU' Tsl ''" r:"r"r "' , . - j ii i r . iflvf 1. ?!. lii. I. r.Hiir. tin .. . st i.i. kinds ot secoml liaml lurnilu.'e . Hi.-..Hi r i ititir-- t tin uih. (ii r . at .1. W Warren- hardware and am t",,s "' ! "! m m-i luo- .j Vii-i . t'on room- oj. ,ir Chicago Lumber SwfiiilUti'nWarni;;., arl. viImhi twi.f .i. i. i,.t tii..M-(. w,t ti., f iNslKK v.iur property with Cnas. ""1 '.'?';': "V ,,'V,,,'I;V." 'n.Vr hl "-!' "'' -M'hatlnil. Kel ( loud. .Neb .iutf im- r N,m .-. n.m .m , tj .lt tu, ,,i... M,. r. Co to Ci. W, lime'.- for fresh home "' ''t -fittm in..- niSffM-in ,u.i i.ut.i,. ma.le ci-idie- ch-ir- e'e hm-I. vii.1 ,.,,i,,r roa.l :., I... ,,.,ly in,. roil. (ai.IH , Hi.!.-. Ii..-n jrf.-.l Jaw.ral.h ,,.! r. .i..i, rre-h home made candies as U. ; i'iM'ir .i:l rt.Mia-i.nti-.i rr ! All t'J' tmn tli. ri-l.. nr fl.uin j.n- , I' TIM First National Bank, No D InyH in miikltit; L" i: UKI) c-M.t: I tfaiki .... . .t ,. .. . " " '".' " iiii.1I 1.1-Mir,, , iih- l-H'lk 1 ..Ilk-,. f ,Mi1 ,.,M,Ut hi or lH-:..r. iMMHi t.t in..ij.. .wtfnit j: i.j ur -nrli ntiiil will -t.tU-t.... hIUhmiI 'r.'f.'i- fUff - Iff.t ( lomt. ,Jin, !;. .-s .1 II IAW.K.f..MUlj elflk. - Finul Proof" Notice jour f.irns-, j-vj. r ,; receive! at , I-' .hi:da.. that will te.-t .7 r ".s pound-. II t! Now i- the 1 1 iu to get otir f-iru;- ture. Car load ju-t ForresK-rs. , DKNTIcT i i.ti I ror. sot i.i water, lemonaue, gingor . j;KD CLOFI) aie, oircn o'er, 'W. at v. . inline . All fresh ami nice. Call and see him. Lucie .Ijsiah liinker is igain visiting Ii lends on Walnut Creek. Mr A. Fierstotfs nephew from Lohff Creek, has been visiting him. While Mr. Win. Heedy was away pod 'hug washing machines, which ha makes, the news came to his familv that his father, who Inc. near Smith Center, had suddenly died. His brok er Jeorge -tart oil with his wife and three children to the funeral, and while cro-sing the creek at a place -uppc-ed to be safe they .vere all cap- j -ci. Mr. heetiv secured his si-:er-in law and the older children, but the baby iloated away and could not be found uni.l it rvasdronned- Thev ar rived at their journey's end witn the dead child just as the neople were re tunrng home from the burial. Mrs. Mark Noble is verv si.'- Tuk Nebraska state board of agri- ! Mes-rs David and Oliver NoiI. re- culture have a scholarship in the New i eeived a pair of thied sea-horses from York veterini?Jv college which will be I ,tht,r cou?in .wh" HvT near the At- . . " , luittc coast, in New Jersev. Thev are donated to some enterprising hmivuIu- ,jUil0 :1 noveltv. Drtv al resident of Nebraska who vishes to - . enter this field. Applications with I am prepared to furnish door plates H. 15. Simons or Kalov Itro- Coop buggy for -ale. Impure of .1. W . "arien. the hardware and general notion man. K. b. Hosiono, formerly manager of the 15. vt M. -took ar.K. wa- in the city the other day. Do not forget that the (JoMen Kagle keeps the best stock of boot- and .-hoes for men. women ami children, at pi ice.- that none will go a wav di-satis tied. Mi:-. Hti.NisKt and her mother. Mr-. Hummer, left hist Saturday for a vi-it with relatives in York and Atchi son. The mother goes thence to her home in Chicago. Mr. II. is lonesome again. ;-eieen utin - cieen door.-: ;creen ilors cheap at Chicago Lumber Yard. Wwtkp. IJy a gentleman, a frr nished room, without hoard. Address K. F. W., lock (fox 1-j. C.o t).l. W. Warren's when in want of hardware and second hand goods ne Keep-everything and you can al wavs tint! bargains there. If you have air. thing to sell, see him. Don't for get the place, opposite Chicago Lum ber Yard. I'tirnttirP ot nil il-erintinne of Tinkers old stand, at nricos that lotv If you.wbn to -ell your farm or town ' competition. Alwav- -ee u- before property call on Josm-ii (iRavks. von fiuv. a- we l.uv fvi.mciv. k- ,n.l -2tf Ked Cloud, Net . can th'erefore seircheaper than' any j A larae quantity of exoelletn t-n.k house in the valley He sure ami see ' ,or S!l, al iUuuh IIryS brick yard. t I Us. F. Y Tavlor. ' Trv the Kstev Sewim: Machine. It ! I - .:...- ... .. .. v ! 1- tlj. hilO.f Til ill-IlH... ffli.T I. ma.Iu ) iwnivsoi prosper prepare tor ' 7. 1 V V - -r- . ailversitv bv having vour farm proper- i hor ialL "" " lilor the east side ty. buihhng's, furmiirre and stock in- Iur,'tlI'e man. Jed Clour, urctl against Jos- or damage by tiro. The Kstev Sewing Machine the be-t lightning, cyclone-, tornadoes. anil ( in the world for sale bv F. V. Tv!or. wind storm in the old reliable Conti- A i-o.vy for sale. Applv in f'l'nmb .; ....... .usu.auic oiiipairv 01 .,ew urcH. at their brick vard. 43w ioiK. j. t. toi). Agent. Cline's. Call and .-e him. y per c.nt loan- at ihe Nebnwka .t Kansas Farm Loan Co. Itch and scratches of every kind cure! in .v.O minute- by WooIfurdV Sanitary Lotion. !"- no other. Thi. never fail-. Sdd bv I''eigu-oil A" Co drug gi.-t, 1:1 Cloml. -JMv ,,, , . , , . ... ,. , '-" 'mrr al lUiMttiiilictiHi. NH... Mn l-. 1,; III. be-t an. cneape-t line of lace-, vrin: ,s ,;Krin (,lus Tl, vr" ., ,' Hamburg-, and everla-ting trimmings ' .1 t.Hi.miii' i.iu..) .ttifr i.- atf.l ii.- ..1 at M rs. N. w house'.-' I"" ,Vt",rM' . " K f lw Mw-,ri ..r . , . ., ... ,, . i.lii...:,i..l llha:..u.l.r.Hiin m), i- IiiKAmbov Milling ompanv will ,,,r'' " t Ih- u:nt ...urt .if K, r...,., pay r,it.(-nt- p.-r bu-i.el for g.Hwheat;Vl';',, ,lo1,, s'' ,m ,","Uv. .1,,,,.. , that will te-t oT or .r. pound- if ' iu.i v.M I l-miif.. 11 1 .IM jmA m tide VIlU ill. --- '''ti ' i' ,-. If IIw w RED CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS Is the pijie to uci Ihii.rnv m IMI l l()N BlTc;r;iKs, Scsprinc; w (.)Ns. i, 4 ing purchased our slink .it reduced prices we arc able to place i r the inaiket all kuids oi ve hicles cheaper than the eher.pest. coinpbt.- -lock of wall paper, shades ; ;';,!'"J: " "-- H- ...- n. ctc.m the Kepubhcau Valbv.- , !l,rt.tK;rIrCS,Vri" CT Tiik Ue.I Cloud Muling Company will ZZ$Z&T S hXKJPXJ;. pav i'iO cent- pi bu-!.d t-r g.otl wheat ' t.i- s. W.Hirzi.i: iit:.r A go..d farm for sal" or rent. A- furnished. Atplv to Jo.-, ph drrtvos Ked Cloud. Neb. futf The Nebraska. t Kan-a Farm Lns ' Co. have plenty of money to lonn. ' A si i: line of Iry gocul- will be sold but verv cheap at Mr-. Newhou-e.-. 1 A good learn of hor.-es for -ale. In-' ipiire of Joseph lirave-. Ked Cloud, t: A FINK line of baby carriages at F V. I'avlor's. successor to II. L. Tinker For cheap farm loans call at the law 1 of!i:e of Chaney .t Hentley, KtM Cloud. I Nen. " 37M Ladies cheap hosiery at Mrs. New-house's. All w.rk gunmnteod Fir-t National Mank. ni:i;ka.-ka Kooiii ov r .Us Uwrftrr. Pr'r V. if. r 1 . K MollMHl. r Vtr ':::::; anil lt:: BANKING CO., A tfonorr.l banking business trnns fictod in all its branchos. Buck Boards at Top bugges at Spring Wagons Phaetons at 3500 S65.00 S75.00 S1000 W;in;ilK pn-par-'i loI nil kiiuU f jhanr rj. at lHttom prir-- Old buirtfjV tiiii ntwl rM!t Pa.on;ilil rat-. It will ja ..;i t. tri - u- a . and g;tiurpri'f-a b-fn' piir Iia-in H'h r- Star k u Ked Cloud, Neb. Notic We are receiving furnture dai'y don't forget it, and we are lnind to ell it. F. V.Tvl.jr Moxtv to loan it reasonable r.iic on ii 1 ! tut l tt.ta iii. n.;. . 1 ' .;" ; J i ' :!:"n ",0a" nr ; 1 pergonal or chattel Abo ..w..Vv , iu mu. uii .esiaurain. nrm n. .w,. ,.,.,.1,. , 1..-,. -t - m. .1 4V U? recommendations will be receive-.l at' bich for durability, cheapness beauty 01 uesign ami tinish, cannot be e.xcelf- this oflice until July 1st next. Koiiert Fcknas, Secretary. ed. Samples on exhibition at the j mvals at all hours. Vuik Wat-i, Proprietor. Monoy to Loan. Dr. Schenck ha been appointed by the Nebnc-ka and Kansas Farm Lo.n Company as their agent at Cowles. F.srties wishing loans will Io well to see the doctor. The company i- pre pared to make loans at 9 per "cent, and m sums to suit. 39tf Drown ville. Neb. respectfully solicited. C, E. Wood. "tf apply. Wanted at B. vt iff. Eating house, experienced oflice of The Chief. Your patronage Mining room girls. No others need TAl-i Of interest. C- F. Cvthe. 35tf Abstract Ofiice. KI Cloud. For Sale at a Bargain. A new seven room hoa-e with fotir lot-, situated in the m.-t desiml4e part of the city. Can Ik lHight ...p long time. Inquire of I. M. VUnt. Farm Loan3. Farm loans negotiated. Farm loans on most favorable terms. Loan can le paid r.y giving 3J days notice with out extra cost. Look to your bt interest- and call on me at my otfice over First National lank. D. B. SlMSGCLE. FA KM JXMNV A ?l'KCILTV. Thre or fir ywir. imit;Ut - p C'jaL siga m,-tg;. No dhr in iCCttriag woa?r. ILK. tsfltarnL'i:? I a. c. v W. a JHTef . r. "Mf-Pjnf IWtNT Kmmix Mmmu - nrst Stto-M ltmmm First .Vjuivsii Uaai.. YrV.ltjr. UtJOjis, .Vtb. j THE OLD RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE. FRANK V TAVLOR, I'm,-. Successor to R. L- Tinker. arriB the largcrt -t-k uf ix-cl rm, yulmr & kr furniture and undertaker: ooffe fa Jtw? tryc&P u Oil pnintinga picture? $samm v$ in grwit variety. vallo Giv c 11 m a call. Onnosite 1 Bank. Prices verv low. First N'sii'ion.ii J ? i 4 -j?V -, m.-n -JS 5