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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
h The Red Ci.uob Chief J A.C.HOSMER FIJI DAY tiii:i:ic;i!t You Take No Qhancos l-ii ou Luv Ch wnlifrlaiii - Colic, t i- . i .1 ii-.i.,.,.. if....... i. i i Propiletor ,' """'' i,i,w ' '-""-"- jrr :zr rr j poitholy ;r:iHr.iitcc(l to do nil tl .if : ir.VK II, l.v-fi Iclaixnc-il for it .n ftttnck ,fl. .ucl THE WESTERN CATTLE ! nnnw Attn IHUllMU till- Great Reduction in Prices "wall FAFEjR. HAN. I.:iul in "food cnii- Tlic Kv. Aiidc-i-ou II.'iHmiU who re cently Ml lieii to :i laijre tr.-n-i of land. :ulve.rti.--il for -jtin- -o!o: ! m.iri of e jM.Tifnc' to tan'- charge oi :i il;i:it:lion. Old .Simon I-t-r-. :i v.ull Knov.n colored ne:tclier, :ij)li-d lor the jiluc. "IoDii think that oti can take. rh:ir";of th: i!:t'e?" Mr. Hulbcrt :l4.- "W:tli. !-:ih, -f I dnln" think no I uoulilii conic U'V yrr. I l.nowi all crlioiil cr jdan'ation. fur I wh. niic! !:tr." "Know all about planting coUoii?' "it.- riht intjr my half. Ain't neber donu iiolltiii nl-e." "I utidrnl:i!id that ou sfe a preach er." "Va-, .sah, dat I i-." "V-H, it i- on thia account as well :n on any olh:r that I employ you, for I want no om: but a man of high moral fttur-ibility." Hat- nil'.'" "I am ;rlad to hear it. 'Iln-re an- a laro number of ti'-jrroe-, in lh" neljjh hoiiiood ami I want von to preach to them." I'M do it. .-ah. I want you "to orani.c .Snmlay-.sehool-. and t-aeh tin; children. '" l :it"-. v.hut 1 Mowo t:r do. I's been lookin fur er plan- o dii kiuc f r er lonjj time, an" I- Laud ain't jrwiwj tt-r let t-v suti.-r nu 'j'. in" me At- noun i portuniu." "I hopu not." "1 knowi lie won't bo--,. fiiiiiur y-r ban-. e want-ter jine, han in de 'junction o' di- trn-'t 'Ii;:ioii-t n'jek." "I want you to at iih-i Pinion, for it i- time So 1m; ;x,itin;r i" the crop." ('wine riht eiu:i. -ah." About thtv- v. !.- alterwaril Mr. Ilal bert met ohl Simon on the -licet. How i- .crytlun on the planta tion?" "I'ii-I rate nehi-r better, -ah." 'tlad to hear it. dition?" Mihtv tin-." '(lot plenty of tool-?" Oh, a-, .-ah, but I u-.h -rI -en' down er under bar I o nieal an i-r few I in " middliu o me.-it. Hani v. u-v Iu:iI,m er man eat poueiful, .-ah." "All rijjhl. I 11 ie oit an order for what iiipplie- ou want.', -.ah. Oh, I .-ei-ilat e.--o'f KuoUa how ter fa'm." Mr. IlalbeiL :h IeIiliJed v.itli his pio-pecl-. Diinii' hi entile lite be had lii-en in enibarra ni"; want ot money, but now. with the niroiiie of a plaut i, he enuld Iie iii a beltlin HiU. lie wrote to .-eeral eitn deah-is and with one of them he made -ati-taetr ai-lanemeut-. lb- intended -eei:il lime-i tui-itlu- plantation, nut -inetlunir aluay-eanie up to iuteii.-n- v. ith hi-, de- M";n. lie ua- juoi pile- and it mii-t i bimoii a- piompt in for tliem -ln. how an ui. .suiion? tlienun-i-ter one day ec!aiined upon meeting hi.-? manager. "lu-t rale, -ah, fu-t rale, m fauk neber better." "l ery tiling i- rttjiiij all riht on the plantation. I Mippo-e.J" l.ubly. .-ah, lubly." Hon many bale-to the ae:v do you ep et to make'' lar ain't no tellin. -ah. fur de Ian down dar i-de deeeibiuill pmin' 1 ebei M-ed in my life. Ver kaint hardly tell nothin" eibout it. 'ui- Ian". I t. ls yer." I'll be alificd with half a bale per acre." -I -klaimed dat yer kaiel tell nothin' erbiiiit it. ay. bo , wu-h yer'd -en me ilov.n er under bar"! o nieal an' midhn mo meat." Look hen-. Simon. :avn"t m rather wa-telul ot the -upplie- I -end down i there:'"' Oil. no. -ah, not er talk Ver keleh me wa-tiiej:" niithin dat-ej,,. j,.r eat. I"-e one o' de k"erlule-t men ,r eber -e.-d in y r lite bo." Somehow the uiini-ter jriew :mi..iii-, so e'ral lay-alter hi- la-t intt-t v . w with old Miuoii he went down to - I how In- eiop w.i- evttin; aloit. - i.e lode ahuij; a lane he wa- a-toni-lu lo ' tind hi-lield- oeijxrouu with uo-K; ami lurllier on. lie was liomtiol upon discovering that not a -inIe -talk of cotton wa- i-ibh- on hi-land. He hur ried to the plantation lion-.. Helot e leaehini; the plaee hi- ear- weie n tt d with a In inn. He -tealthdy -leaped up on the aller and looked in. The in i n complaint, and irnyin? panis are o j MUfAftCE CO often rinidcn and dancrou-j tkat n t one can affonl to b without a prompt TIIK ONLY A L'TII IiIZKI and irt.iin riinedy. A-k your dnii;- ;it for Gunberlian' Co'.ic, Chukra and Diarrhoea Kumctiy. Manufactured at De-j Moinos. Iowa, and be urc you ct it. Three size-, 'lo ctr., f ct' and 1.00 hj. -old by dru'.i-t.-. Keep Quiet And take Chamberlain'.- Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea I.'emedy. It cures path in the stomach almost instantly, Kt a 'i: com bottle, take nothing oe. Vou will need nolpinx ee to cure the v.oret ca.-.e of diariioea, choera mor bus or liowel domplaint. This medi cine i made for bowel complaint onlv, and ha- been in constant, us" ift wc-t for nearly fifteen year-. It uc e ha- been unbo'inded and it- name beeonie a household word in thousand of home-'. Try it S'old by druti.-t.-. Eucklen's Arnica Salve. 'I he be.-t salve in the world for cuts. onuses, sore-, ulcer-, .-alt rheum, fever sore-, tetter, chapped hoods. chilblains om-, ..oii all .-kin eruption-, and po.-itiv Iv tin- pile- or no pay ic piire 1 It i.-guaranteed to kivo Jier fect .-at i. faction oi money refunded, -'rice 2o cents er box. I-'or .-ale by Henry Cook. The Excitemont Not over. Th( iu-h at '"ei-u-on ,t Co'h drill; LIVE STOCK IXSt'K- AXCK COMPANY IS THE STATE. STILL. 2 c.7-2rnHiHiH 1L --Oagfr At Mrs. Xewhouse's WE SELL CHEAPER A. lot of white goods, huinburgs. hosiery, etc sold cheaper than ever or elsewhere. Please give us a call before buying. AT i i-j: ViC-.J"3 -X4" v;i "v i t-? - J. fr.m Z ( .XT' n ear- Geo. 0. AC Red Cloud 5Teiser & Co., ISTA7! '-KXTS - Nebraska :E HENBY COOK His stock is very large and prices very reasonable. Insures horse- at the .140 ot to J 1 year?; mule? from i to 1 Stallions and Jack- from ' t and cattle from '2 to II acasn-i jn- caused by li''-t. Injury A ' ;"r, lJ'jhtiftvj or Th'ft, for not le than .me , or more than two vears except! ni; i steers which are hein fatted for the j - market, wmen can ne in-ureu tor six month-. j Special attention i- called to our Fire 1 and I.iuhtnmg Insurance, which i- ka, wher-a- the liabihtv of 1m.-- by- I lia lVVltt 1 V J U r "lia - 1 tin -t k "1 U'',1-' n MimI l C. Kireand Intnin- oi Fire In-uran.e j I(.jjjaiL ah(l . Vi.;ir.-.i M -i-ll ami 1"V v i" - -- - - - - of the a.-.-ured, and peibtips a -in.i.'. radio- beyond. The ailvantai's and betu-tiL- whirh thi- company oiler- to farmer- and'-r- of -ti k ! are - plain anil apji.irt nt it 1 h.irihv iH.t ar to tad altt ntion to 30 000 acres Land for Sale Improvod F..n:i?. unimproved Lnmln. Btisixioss Uouac's, Red.donccrt, and Town i.o.a Correspondence invited. NEW SECOND-HAND STORE ! Jots. V. Wankkn, Prop. Also job lot of CURTAINS 1 ii stoio still eonlinui- on account of per- I fc lLl" sons alllicted .ith cou"h-, cold-. asthma, luonchiti-, and to oiucuie a botle of or the thioat and lum;- which i? mM on a juaiantee and i.- jjivini; -iitiie .-atisfaction. It i a s'andard family j remedy. I'r ice ()r a nd .-I. IiuIh free- con-umption 1 &Z- .- . 1,1 ... . " i enip h i;u-am ( V38 m j. T5c l 7 NK 'V. Tho Impending Danger. The re-cent .-tali-tic- of the number of death-, .-how that a la.fje majority ; die with con-umption. This di.-ea.-e may commence with an appearantly barmh-.- coujrh which can be cured iii-t.iutiy I'y Kemp's I'ai-am U r the thioat and limy-, which is 'guaranteed I" line and leheveall c:isii. 1'iice ."U eui-and ."r"! nu TuaJ.-ic fiee. 1'or .-ah- b FcrMi-i!s vt Co. aB ijllUI &zr.. -."tmw W - ?B7kil.V .7 CTTM "WSXt tiaL t-j. t .. TrP2 J vji& - . -.v iw , -- - v r JmJ ' -. ' f r Z ZjrJfZSZ :x rv t. . K HARPWARE,STOVES Clotliing. Kuniitun. Xw ami StMnnd-iiand SfwinirMarhiiu'. of all kind. and in fart Farm .Machinery. Kt Will I10UI aiulinn Kvit Satunlav afternoon, at 1 m 1m k. AND WI2ITURES At half prices W. HOUGHTON ii . . -... riftt, 'I .. . nAn&. . ttASrZ2fc&fr"'i ' f ' i i r ., r, titti-il.-n- with hUde- E 2j i i j I M III f siliiBCwiiralBl Stalhons! 7011115 Dexter and Bobby Burns. inl tl. " hhiated .1.1 k HONEST JOHIVT ! i u. tin n, ison n( i . it tin i itv M i'l in !.' -I iii:nl, i i i l i n thi wi'i'K MM M. Ml l! I: Is ,i Lrisht l.i u.iiili- tl'innS ,inl o'M it-i!il 1 1 l-.iloii it. i .iinl I t.l'-ii iM.ilt. .itnl I-.1 ;iol I'licili'i. .1- 111- I'lts I I IM i.i'iun r.t i: i- .i mat M.'.'k. M-uii- 1 jii iiililiil-. .itnl i i. nlil. Hi-It . (lulii-l.ili- .uhI ami a vnl -twK p-ttiT, IIhM:-I .Io. Wi-uIin Miiiiniil- ami is.i j;ttyil Iilii-iii T. 'MUMS Hnlili Itimis. -m j. m-nrr. js fur fM tin- m-.i-h nins 1 -l-t . 5?- t in-iiii- -' tor -l-OJI ll'Hir-t .lullll Mill In- -looil tot --to iiiniih- ami -it tm -i-.i-i'ii. ' .in1 v ill t"' l.iki-ii to lirrM-tiiati-iitfiit-.ini! I Mill not In- if-iiiia-ililt lor :ni in. i mvm I't'i-oii- Milli In. ! In !i:i- lo.u'l'.:. Mill Ik" U til lot t. rilMv ,HiM Reasons Why to Insure. Ilecau-eit i- the only Lne.toik In-.-uia. ice company auhoiied by the law- of this .-late tj do bu-ines in tlu- -tate. i.ccau-e it is a Home Company, or ganized with home capital; the money naii! to the company 1- kent in the ?tatc, ami i-. paiil out for hs.-e- to the . ititi-! oi the .-tale, it all remain.- in. the -tate. I l'( cau-e it is a rt liable iutitulinn. ; uho-e tockholder-, iliiecloi- and olli- cet-, are among the wealthie-t and mo-t inoniiiunt bu.-ine.-.- men in the I state l!ecaue it- manner of adju-ting and pa ing Ior-are always in harmony' with the pnucipals of tiict ju-tice , and hbeiahtv. lSccau-i on cannot -illoid to ho CITY DRUG STORE Merchant - Tailor, Ferguson & Co. All tho old pntrons of tho City Dni Store uro cordinlly invltod to contir.uo their ptitroiuigo uh horotot'oro, ye ahull ondoavor to plon.90 you. Our stock of ovorything thnt jjortuiuH to tho drug trudo will be kept up to th. j IIIGIIKST STANDARD OF Conic and scj KXCTI-U'NCK ut ill Pieili n fa i m l J RED CLOUD. - NEBKASKA. uii'l th llnuajt Hint id CLOTHS, CASSrMKKES. MHLTUK. l. Custom work nenllv done iiiiciafLor tho m approved fashions cutting unci liumt' a specialty, prices reasonable. Old Stuml Eut J5kl Webster WtrU In and around Red Cloud, THE GATE CITY wtihout m-urance o vour hvc uck I Of the great Republican valley. Buy your' auv more than on your hou-c and barn. I "hnmc; TTrhTlo nrm"PTtv ic; fllPTn ! UWUVIJ i.AAV-' Vi VIVA V J JL UIUUIJI r$$A V-l .- g, - w TmsJ ' 5VJM V. Dr.j.s i;.iif;ii DEXT1ST. PED CLOUD NtURASKA k Farm Loans Nootlntod. D. B. SPANOGLE Ronl Estnto and Insutunco A'ont. OIllco ovor Firdt Nuttonul room nl" tin- hnii-e a- trvdiMi w.'!- colored pcnpli". and. on a plattnrin. i!i Sin mi - i ai hill";. ltiuddi-ien." -aid lie. "I"-e k! ti r hab -nine inn imic. it uc Lniu't hah eriiiidT ji-.i-t o d- pa ' . I).it la-t bar'l ii" meal an" two uiiddhu'- o" whul 1 honlit wid de la-" limuey 1 e'lo'ktcd i-cthmit out an" now I want li" di 'liar- nn." du-t i!n-n i ilt! 'irm ranht -i;ht of llie 11:111 -ler. 1'n -.!,: rd dhiiie d ni.-M-d t!iectii;re.ii;on and apjro.u !i ! the nnni-'.-r. t "l ot: ,.V. -f.nailn-1." .xelailiifd Mr. 1 Ihilheu. "I oi.-a: to kill von " ! -Kill iti.-M V. . 1h. ii!:t- Itlnnv" j "Vou haAt n I done a:il!im. u old tliicl. on h .,. ntn in.- in debt, at' I h;te ruin.-1 :v p:oovj- tor .1 w h c eai." l.iuv Ii.-.di. 1- 1 r in li -r ,i, - pu on. -o.m !w :,.' n: preach d ,-o-B :n" i:p im.' .-ehool-. ..a iiom'''- 1 -c don- n . want.- ti-r 1 1- V l.i. -!v IV Ia- .. ... -aint- ain": jgft.: l..s.'k oiii. d. yer choke ua ni.: .r ki k- in- .? t, I'll hint ei Tit. t"- done iti- 1 kaint -i.n iu-1 1 u d -ah i-r ti-' pu-o:i i .- er-e t t-. ( iOod-lU'. -a' uc ..-.. Bay Frank.! t' t K - t. - M ? If Mm are well oil' vou can loHf uo'hin by iu-unui; it you ate poor I and cannot all'oid to loo-e any of mr 1 .-tock. it would be criminal nehyence J not to :niu i- j i'ecau-e .-hniihl you wi.-h to bin row 1 money and oiler a.- .-ecunty your .-tock I th.j -ectiiity will be more ample, and ' you can obtain money more leadily, 1 and at a lower intere-t, if that -tock i.- . coeredbya policy of insurance in! tin-: company" I'ccau-e we in-ure .-toi k aain-t''oi I lni tin-hit nt, tlti'ito or t fir ft. I'ecau-e we iu-uii' stock :iaiu-t . 1 1 .. .:. . ;. .ii . . . ' I III) lilt III tl'llittlll'l I I'eiau-eno other in-urance com-! Koecs constuntly on hand froah bron1, cikos, ciiir", tobnecoa, ennnod Iati ran "lM' VOU the .-'line kind Ot auaa, fuiiiuu-uuiiuiy, ff- uiuiiu uuiivitwi iu uiiy inri ui ino Cili" in-uruire Warm and cold meals served at all noura 15ecau-e"a paid up capital ot 10ho,.( ' " oysters in season, and a con-tantly increa-inir .-nrplu- j tuml lender-it -ale and -olid aijain-t a City bakery anciRestaurant A. LAUTERBACH PROP. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA 9 JfNiJtoMr& WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THC CrOCrfAJ'MY OT TMIB COUNinr SEE 0Y CXAMININC TMI1 MAI. THAT THC V.ILI- TT - WJi..''V. y,t. w ' rr y ft m.--1 fc- v -m y,7 fc Ico croam and I t7Jv, .1 , K I ! I Wilt I III -'MU I ' , I .( 4I) ! II l 1 I I. 1 1l. lint v. milil Hi- -ti- w.i- a ih'Uiuuti lireil iim "'ill I ( ! il.nn rreiieh ( .in.ii'iiiii. a:i! H-a-ltM.- .-:i r Ii i .1 n:i - ul i i!Mi". i I KM ! 'i. -1 r- --. iiumh I11 . ii ll.n- tr kli"t Ii 1 I e tit l- !ITT t :.l.iri. Am Ui;u - i.-i t1! ! Iii-lit t - ii I m' 1 .tr m !? . ,ki ii . jiv-it :u- i:-nt-. ImiS I w .11 imt !, u ! - -iMHlltl H'l 1 il . tsiHlH f.r tin - i-uii ni 1.. .u tm ' r 1 i I :.,. hum icuun- 11 -iin- iiuu -Mini iii;aui-i ny eineiiiency that may ari.-e. i j liecau-e it- liopulantv anion- arm- ' ' er- and ?tock ownei.- !" attc-teit by the tui that there are now written anil in ti-rie ovet I ."1,1 H HI policie- '-! ' ''I'loiilln rn t iit if fni A. .Ton.iNov, Assent. Red 3Ioud. Neb. OMAHA MEDICAL wsmSsiLnr Aria 1 ". L. l.oriliatil - e.sititie ot t It i- -aid that n- tend- to lo'liiu ttie Piu-lu Monti-c in r.niriand and k- n a Kiein table. !u- ha- hi tn.:'. I her trainer to i liaireinetit- tor her hor-e- under the name ot I ho Locil?U- Mahle-. vv m. Gates Ei BlffMrl i UJ jtlill 7A?vl P.K4. (3 S.1I I MIlHIIW i iXB Cor rr u . wmt&s&i mu jSsy 'j' I, ' LU mmW ,4 ;r-r- ' Hi" h r r rivi ......... - 1 m iw . - r ; 1 11 n..r. . !". r j jft ..! r n tan I A ..!.. Ull - ' 8 I & v i: .X''- t .. t il A . 1 v B jk - f 1 MXjtT o ' . . & .' r- jk'."- k Wll-.. -" - .im i v "r" r 1 -z ve li- k T 'Vi ' "i. ,-Jr, ' r r "' 'irl m-M. t 1 r, '. V i I. I. I H ') - VIBW. .' : -CAVCNopi'?;vy : """ c .-- - rrTif Xp A11113 cr - '"rr T.ri.V.-i-?-- r W-' rt 1 n 5 r CHICAGO. :iOC!C !3LArrD & PACIFIC RAILWAY r: .."'. . 1 -. 1. J ' !.. r. - I - . A ;i un t ! - .! Trw u Jc I'Un I . j lvn''t. Ii "' ' l r-r . lx V-' A : t j!o:. ii-.f. - . v .' r s .1 H l 1 , .. 4 r W t - V THE Tfce xa Lo dul not tuv n. lci.'jM walch. Jc ii vlj tL'i b7 I-5ctI-rf ci. 10 U.irii 7Sir STREET ami C4PT0L AVE. Foil THE TUKATir.VT OK AM. CHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES. p n rtrroKT r BRACES ASD APPUASCES F0? DEFORVIT'ES. TRUSSES. AD ELECTRIC SITTER ES Wo havo tbe f.HCllltl'. atpiratn and rca-iMK for g the -iicco -fnl tr-lmrt ot overr firm of :,-t-- S I requiring 'i:her nii-t l or nr.M al irpatiaont. ti .1 inrtie all t om ami inrxia:o :nemclT or corrt-Hn.! with u Ir vxioftincv In treaun m , . . w I . i:. . C : ..- .1.. c-it' tv it:or onaMi- u m tn-at nitny .i- rtw .-l rt'l rill r Hm i 1 v. .Miln lilt ! ill 1 1 11 I et'r --N " . ' .- '.l.'tt'tift.' v n'kT,l.V 1 i. ' ' - ' ' ITlfUX ii r i I nri fcir-br rtTtlfi of H ' nil rvst-tn i"' "' I ji-iri ': : f'.v . ' j.'l i.f trll ?',', .-' ott"ort-3r 4 - uri'j Ht. nro o r n t- t K . i l . " ' GREAT ROCK ISLAND "I II-- ' c r '. .t s i - . 1 N ' AtSr' ,... Its - i ROUTS ; fc i-i . m T f ! jrftef ..M I . V t f . ,.( f . - '. ' f& ' tJ rf . -! I " .' O. H. Maryatt agent for Rockford watch. &C5922K . ri.rTtifl.llT trith mt ,vlriir thorn W1UTK tH rilli I I AK n ilofcrmUlc an.1 Hrac. Club ct. Cjrvatun; f the -psn !! K.?K- OK WOMKV. ptlix. Tasini- farc-r. Catarrh Bronrti!U Inhalatlr:: K!-rtrlritT Parn'r. I Kpilcp-v KUlnef. Kje. hir. -ktn. BIoo.1 and all fUiV'cal otNrtl i BA'rTKRII'JI. IXlIAI.r.RM. HR.UM. Trair, nml n.l kit J cl l-lical anU -ursl-al ' .Appltinc. mtnafcturi-J anJ f r al The only reliable Medical Institute making III ' tllf 't A Itc.u-tl rir r Dervcr tn C'-'-cao, Denvor t3 Kansas Oity; Donvor to Or.cha. 0.i. . ' .i-r,. ' Wow") rvsjoTi; 5Ptliac jji?oa Iron tie j:ea no:ia tO wn!CagO, without rn-rcarr Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis. Private, Sptciil Ntrvous Disuses AI.I.rY)NTOIOl NIBIji'iIIIKAK Jroni whatever oan pnvltirl, unt.u1:t jrri.-!. Col. Buford ! C. Schenck ! THE FAMOUS ALDEHf u "J- wnyr.n-KvM -. ,. ' ' ..,. . rr. . w r - rvn v -- . ' - ' - , .- . . ..- ... ! K. - f fcj.t ., i r w. -li" .. :.. .: .. . M'-v -a .- . , H rr V-.. . I A -.-B.f l T Av. 9- I Jki. i '.-! J -rj U p. - J 1H-K. J r -- R. R. CACLE. t-i ST. JOHN. 1 -.; ' -et I.:ij. :iartauhurjr count . in oitth c'.iroii na. i- noted tor it- lonjr-lvanled nil n. Men have heard- like Aaivn"-. uhu-h come down to their ai-t-. hut Mr. K J. Mc(arie. t!:e txi-tma-ti-i- at Wain;:; ('roe. i- .-aid to hae the lonjre-t l. .ud in tin I'tiiied Mate-. Ii. wear- i; laited and keep- it utii'.i-r hi- elolhui The plait run- down to hi- wai-: nt.d then around hi- uai-t liuiv. !i n t-onihed out it i cache? down to hi- te ;. Mr. Mclarle i-." feet 1 incite- h;h. ". ...... .- ., r.k lilt? iftt IMrlit iiti.1.! l.s to i-.u.- i -' - - . """I- ' n- . .., .r. yr .-i HV tVi. Lninn ioll. II., heard ,- " 5 Scnver & R.i dranda and prav. lie (..a; on other principal railways, and wclltOHio. Mr. Mciailex -.n-Hathia b , cn.rcn:s oi :!;o " Burllr.ston . i ..,...;..,.... f-krt-oi- mm ulii'ii n .. W;iiUUPiiiiiiin-i-r- - - . RQlllO. ' ,-.r.1 !,.....! .Ilr, M ,,-r . -,. "cts loiiu- enough to lie on the tor :iUi , por fl!rtlor information, apply to t-atni..t.iic-ter t-a. K-r- t Uh tm..ti -cbti he can walk aioitrtd it he pNjvi-t to .m ---.,.. ur to j rt,f "?u 7K,,t'v -ll tMZu ,,:."1 "il "n i-i t ;i ;i; ... s7 1 outs Ulutt I y fa ... . - .. -., I J tnt Satitnlav oi each month. l-T-inuaatijm- lillilself on cxlilhltioll- & " 'yf'.- p s EUSTIS, O.-n'l n't Ap't. J mncUCe a a. ni. iv, :Hrf a,k t.T sWVi- Democrat. oMAHA.XEE. animations. C. W. m-uixukji, aupt. BEST LINE FRC.M WEST TO EAST! SURE CCKMECTICWS LOW RATLS BACCACE CHECKED TKROUCM. Through tickets over tho Curlincr n,V nt"ratiT. trvratraer.t f t I " rf rttal po-wer. AL1.0M'IIM('TII'.nn M.Hiir;.VTiAi. Call Aihi c--2"l u or on 1 ramo arrl ;--x- ffic- dJr- pla n!r written t?nc!o rtanp. awl we w.H co4 too. la p!a;a wrtppr-r. cur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN rpoN i'mvntk. spkciai. avi nkuvoc- n:- K-S. -KV.IWI. WKXKNT . M'KKM TolJ. ui!(E. iMiiiTKvcr. t?rmn- i.onohuhika. UI.EET VAKITlVEl K. -TK!CTlKK M AI.I. ItKA-F-OKTHE CENITi-L"lU.N"AKV(KGA-. ir wntl bKtorr nt rour c tor an cplrt in. Ioron nrvaa. th nlt a N trta:sj at ttrtr lioa. br c1rrrrwnl1nc, tt-w-in arl Intra-m-nt- rt br t-a 1 cr etp-f KCl KKUY TACK M) FKOTI OIU-EKVATION. m nar l. tr-.Kt-fTjr.:atia3er Orn pr--naHn:errirw prrfrrrNl tf conrenlat. Vftr rNoni frth acroanxOaUon f J patier.t. IVanJ an1 attailaece ml reaocabl pnee Ai!Jrt- all Ittir to Omaha Mtdieal & Sircical Instifaft, Cor. 13th St.. and Capitol Ave., Omaha. Ntk Tilt 1IIJI.I1MI i li!lt N -' t ' ' - h-w.i -'i -i I '- f'M -r-" J- i j iu F i;i a- ! H . luif-HTi. ih t-r-.rtJ ri-lT trf - J-- in Kmlurii ill !rr tin -a - Isini in H il CViHi.t. rrKM" Toa-ur--'j". mnary " K3 iiut ar- hiMMM : !- :lh tiwl ?-lr- tit ri-;i:m mxrv- rn:-ariv At mf- i-i- J h iH - hr : - in lwJ " ' " ti r-vn: ar-idti. l: I win rt n-!. L. D. OATMA.N. Attention Teachers. Notiff .- h rrt v - im tt j! I w-il! cxaiwre al! Cook&Meacham Cowles. Nebraska DKALKIt IN Drus, Paints, Oils, Boolo. Glass Stationery, 2c rrescrituia arefui!y comfoundtrd ; all hour. I C'owlt"-. 'ltr ( . Sh. Real Estate a:-d Collection Agent. F;inii-aiiI vixiizit r -i Jawlr fur rilt nu lli- uHt na. H' ijf wli4 arxt XVtr rrmtrr A Wirr mm t i ka ac i' w ter 4 - ran muXf '.t totkr int?-( at ttnr m 'w to fat Vj1 tm jMrxl. rv.Ti j tr. Afl fci. etrl M) src tll iwrt Kw Ucs- :" C 5CHEXCK, Xo-ary PubKc. Western Cottage Organs! AM) Mason & Hamlin Pianos. An- r.-Mral'-i fur l!i-ir l-nty an! fi' ---' 'I11 rj. puritv miI v.liimn cf loii-. nw mndr '? iti- b- irT .t. and bv ih- I l workui-n lhai JtJi r-ha! Kr? iiwiruiiir-i!t it fully warranted iua!l iu irU for S- !'! ! and fxainiiw tJiCsK; indtruaieiit? Urfun- un 1mh J. 3. NOLL. One dvor north of Argus ofliny, Ksl CkHHh ? a- 7 ..-- .-