The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 11, 1886, Image 7

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To c,
"HJir'-' jtj'JJ j
" Ti3WSHpt
Give--' t.hc: following ruinous why not haw to give
juiir of slums to sell his suit- :
Our goods never have been moved from
Rj verton to Red Cloud to Guide Rock and
back because they are shop worn.
2 They are not mixed up with sugar
mol asses.
3 The quant i t y
t o buy and s ei l
4 Bes i des I
side of ten
days ,
advantages over
it, which my customers get
I bnv not marked
to afford to give a
every suit.
6 My pr i ce s
wi 1 1
than my competitor
ol uce d. and
1 ar 4Je enoueh
s el
t o
me r e r emi nant-
Re member
JULY 4 th.
Wiener s New block.
1 buy and sell enables
at less prices.
al 1 my
gi vi ng
do not
i li
up mv roods so
pair of shoes with
be and are now lower
at , shoes i n
you a stock
gi ve
e ct
f r om. and not
wor n goods .
s hop
P.od Cloud Market.
Vt Iitrr WVa!-r.i,Vi
riij Wheat - IV?V
I urn - !'
C- i
:iri-j - ?ii.
!: .ts.
!Pr -3 0
ltrlirV il-K iiJ 'ft.
O Per Cent Farm Loan.
Xbra.-ka Farm Losn C
vein h loan on vou farm at
straight y per cent and furnnh the
money witnout any delay CaII on
them "m the lied Cloud National Hank
Wij.i. n KIN?'"' ha? r-turnett
U uni
Mlts. R V. Shiki.y ha- returned
home from
Mts Kv J Kivn i- enjoying her
vacation at Xcgunda and Ulue II ill.
Oho. O kim a. of Renkelinau, vi-ited
his old home in lied Cloud this week
II. V. am W. K. Smith V itarted on
Tuesday for York, to visit their par
ents. 'J Hi. street sprinkler has, made it
appearance. All hope it has come to
Mr.. Mokuhon. the ainter hat
located in lied Cloud, and i-. ready lor
I'lcOK. C. L. Knifdii and wife are vi--ilinr
withthe I'rolessor'a sister, Mr?.
Klia.- Coble.
Coi'ntky purp visiting the county
capitol are hahle to he citj -marshalled
and -hot
Mil- A. L. Mitch km. and Mr.-.. Rar
nard are vi-m:ig friend: in eastern
M.uisii u. HtTrm.-ON now -port, a
bran new budge, and an elegant pair
of "come-along.-."
.1 H. Hi.M-m:i:t i- buildtnt; a new
fence and otlierwise improving hi;
reuidence jiroporty.
Wll.l. hr.owN has finished delivering'
GrantV meiiou. and returned to hi
lather'.- hou-e in W.ihoo.
.Icn ICi.u.iv, th noioriou
man chieftain, ha- j;one up the (Jold
en Flue. Another heavv democratic
r .... . j
iu. 11.1a m-. 01 one iieaiu, 111
; ..;..t;.... 1.,.- ,... ' v:n; - .....1 1
1- I l.-.IHII tltl PWII. iill.llll-, .Hill
., , ,. ' .... , ,
ai-o .wi. aim .ir. rrniii: r-mitn, 01 this '
ciiy I
Hrrv l'i ha- resigned hist
pfsilion a- depot policeman and 11
the future will -hi.g a goose quill in
the county clerk V office.
Mi-.- Ilr.inn: Kmic.h i-, visiting at
W.ihoo ami Lincoln. On her return
home she will -top at Crete to attteud
the musical convention. ;
J. L. Mn. 1. 1:1:, deputy department!
.n.-.,i.tnl-,.rtl... c..,...i ,f .i... ,
iii.,iti mi i ins. "iiupi .iiiii u tnu '
llenubhc, went to Kiverton la-t iTn- '
, . , ,, , 1
dav to in-peut the I'u-t at that place.'
., ,. . ' . .
I. II.WU.vR!), travthui: for
...... c e-T x ,. 1 ,
A. I. M'aman. of Omaha. Douglas 1
. . , , . ;, ,
countv, Nebra-ka, Mtndaved in lied .
.. . . . '
lorn lii-t Minil.iv. accomnaniet tiv .
his better half
Mi:-si:s ICern and S.:ott. of I)
Illinois, are look in; for a location
emdark in the grocery bu-ine-s, and
are favorably impressed with the ad
vantages aiTorded by lied Cloud.
H W. IlRiwr.R. J. L. Miller, and A
C. Hosiuer attended the organization
of the Grand Lodge of X'bra-ka
j Ancient Order of United Workmen at
1 Giand I-hintl this week.
III. till. V i llie m:iiii. rif Jn jiiv lini n
on me i). tv .i. c.ieusioii neai en-
1... 11 r. t : . 11- 11
or Pickleville IJladen 1.- located '
nicely about a half a mile ea-t from i
Wells and has lofty aspirations tor
future gr atac-s.
A s!'K"ii reporter w.1.1 -out titu. who
made caremi itujuiries of all suspected
parties, and not a man m lied Cloud
could be found who lo-t on that little
nutshell racket circus day. Tht- 1
rough on Hasting- and Iliverton.
C. C .IiiH.v-oN has about 70 iiead of
city cattle in ni- herd Al Hunt and
corps of kid assistants 1 erform the
diurnal xoitiid up act ami form an
vr-n-f t r fli. Trll-.. t.... . rv n.ti! ?ti
i-"-" i '. "t i iin" i.tiuii
their various home.- to tiie p.'stures
Tiik total a-.-e5.-ed valuation of Red
Cloud is $,53,000. as returned by the
as-essor The real valuation i- con
siderably in excess of the above sum
There is S 15,0th) more nSaesHl valua
tion than wa khown op the assessment
rolls of H5.
A Rivekton hanker came to Red
m. 1
He thoticnt
C itunt to see the eircu
I the little hall wa- under a certain little
i -hell and hacked hi- opinion with a
ten. but that little hall didn't happen
1 to be under that de- gnated little shell.
I and well there were lots o other- that
couldn t seejUst hou the old thing
' worked.
Wj. under-ta ud His
Honor. Judge
Gushn. is a candidate for congressional
honors in the se.con i eoiigre-siouu!
Idi-liict of felir.i-kii. The .lodge 1- an
able exponent of the law and might be
i:l it
a success as a law maker, but
I tunately for iiim-eif the gcntleinan
marches to trie tune of the wrong band
, whose inevitable eour-e 1- iia the S.nt
Rivei route.
Xexi Sabbath, June L, will W
, Children's day at the Methodist Church
' A -ermon f r the chikircn will be
dehyere.1 111 the morning. In the
evening tlie evereises. will be conduct
ed bv the children. An interesting
j prgr.m consi-tmg of reciUi-tifln-.
ete . has leen pp'paieii. which i
intcnde.5 ;o be pirticularly pb-asmg to
i the little ones, and also to those of
mature vears.
i Hiuff-
j Jrsi.
A MoKHurr : in Council
the heat hen
. Juno. Clovu wiil celebrate the Fourth
in grand style.
ScreVn doo s' Screen doors Screen
j doors cheap at Chicago LtxmUxr Yard.
EioHT H.-ron; were limners yd in the
Republican Jn-t Saturday by Ret. R
Fi:in: llu., of Cowl-, miule a
J pleasant call al TllL CiilU.- s.aitcuiui
I on Saturday
Hi.M.r ami Das IHrthou:i.w have'
old thesr farm on w atnut cruet to ,
Patrick ilurn
Oon't fail to secure soiup of thy
wonderful bar.-ai on the 5 and 10 a,Hl.dhbe:"ln5 hrythrtm iiU-d
15c counters at Forrester's.
Kl.V. GXi 0. YKlsKK will i.roneh al
!'i.i. ni.tu ri...rH. M.n.i..- !.. !
.- ..r..u. ,..!.. X... .W..J, UlllfV '
niornin' ami eveuiMc
! HlU I'viiki.- cmr.leteil in- side
! wall: Tii..!i M,Ht.t... ?i... fi-.!.i
. , ... --, --- ......
walk and tin: fastest job on record
Mr Frank Cieylk and sister of
Tilhn, Onio, are isxtixii; m tlie city.
y u est- of Mr and Mrs. J L. Kaley.
J. L. MlM.KU, of tins city, was elected
on Tuesday as one of the ;rand trii
tees of the Grand Lode A. 0- I W.
in .t-sion at Grand lalaud
Tiik U i M if K. hu-, kindly re
duced rates to fare for round lnj
ticket t- .Superior, Gimb- Hock and
lied Clud dunne the ra:e.
It i- estimated that from $60.00-.) to
$7.'.("'J dollars worth of new brick
building- will e,o up m Uch! Cloud
before another tuelvt mouths.
.- H Kukr, of Iliverton, was in the
city one day this week. Mr. K. ha.
just iim.-hed sheep alieannjj and has a
fine clipping o! some L'Oti jHjuml-
Mi-i Li.t.v M iJRipi. ;iii give tw.i
.-eb'ct reading-., from cln-i; utitliors
before the teachers institute and one
public reading during the fiist week of
I he in-tilutf.
Irv .Si.CKi'Ut, our enlerprisin car
riage manufacttir''r. and hi- two s-oils
...; ......,.. .
I are ereciiu a :ari;e autiutou lo ineir
carriage uorki.
'I'm.- is an evidence
of iro-jM'nty
.,.,,, ,, .' I. 1 1
Ini. raeihc pen man unrolled his.
1 ..) ; 11 , , . , y ,, 1 . 1 11
. HH.4I. llfc.l Vfi KWil . .4Lilllll 1111:11k.
, 11 ... .".1 1
talk wa-so a nootn, hi- bait .-o tempt-
- .J
in 4. and oh' how the slickers did bite
It wa -implv -j revised addition
Scott'.- old trick
C. K. will tbi- evening be
united in marriage lo Mi-s Ella A
l'utnaui, at Hod Cloud, Xt.brii.-ka Mr.
Davi- ha- rented a dwelling of Chris
Wegener on Kan-a-street, which the
newlv married couple will
Sltjfrior Jim 1 mil
Tin: Amboy Muling comnanv have!
... .!.. , . I . 1 .1 II.- t .
, 11, tending will piiv a fee of one dollar
mill, and are now running double turn 1.1.1 f . , ,
, -,,.,., , qualitied teacher- free. All braneb.-
makim: .-ome GO or ,U barrel- ofllour ir r . . . .
, . ' .... . ,. , requirwl for lir-t grad ceittllcat" wiJ
daily I heir machinery 1- first class, 1 , , . . , , ,
, ., , r , .. ''be taught bring such books, a- m
and thev have one of the finest water , ' r. 11 .
, have. Oi lectures, 00 th d.;
power- in the -tale. , ,, ...
.. .
'I III. Wl-
e men in congress havepi-s
el the oleinargeruie bill. The object of
the bill 1- to have tlie na-tv -mil lab-
cled in order to bettei enable star
boarders in liah foundne- of the
second cla--. to distinguish it from
; nice strong butter.
ok- iwu was me u.aiiKs 01 imi:
f.. i. i .t .. 1 - .
Cmn outfit fn a g'neroiH donation
1 of -tiawberne- of the Piper an 1 M.i n
ehe.-ter vanelie- lr II h t- g.i;liinl
, .' ju ut- of b'rries from mm pi int
, that wore -et out l.i-t tear. .1 d still ihe
... . 1 , , ...,, 1
-IIIMI I- IUJI l Vll.l.lltll
I 1 11.
Tiir C II. I it !'. railway seeim to
be making headway again. In t"n-
ver-ation witli St-Joe partie-the other
day we learn that the Rook Island 1-
asl accumulating mateiial in that citv
for their extension to Xebraska The
! Chief hope- they will begin work soon
.1 tMES O Consoi. - horse wi- fright-
encd by a moving engine near the
depot Wedne.Iay morning, and ran
away. The occupants of the buggy,
Mr. O'Connor ami I). Ihirtholnm
!uimT..Hlitiit mid ... .,;..
tjH. hor-e. ami al-o -iiTeetled in bark- f ii.iip .liin. "Tv .......... .1
mi. iiivu -mn-. .-.u suiiuu- tiaiiiagc
T:'f -outh ide ri'-er roiul both ea-t
and we-t. are in bud shape at different
point for seveial mile. espenally 50
111 wet weather, the roid over-eer- am
immortahie t'nem-e: ve- bv Imvinir
tho-e highway- ihoroushly" rcrwirwl I
e tru-t ih much ncedtnl work will
lie performetl at the earhe-t po-sible
Wr have received the premiun li-t
for lnt xebra-ka Suite Fair, to .e held '
j Hl i.II1C(,in 5eii. imh to 17th inc'iisive
J The premiums od'eretl are liberal and
variou-. embracing nearly everything
that is maun fact urer or grown in the
-late Hon Rob:. W Furnas. s-cre
tarv. Rrownville. Xeb will furnish anv
de-iiud inlormauoti
relative to the
Apvekti-ep letters for toe week
ending June n. l-." Mr- Cute An
derson. Mr-- W W Inyker-iii. J. F
Kv.m-. V. T. Finnimore. M. A Fletcti-
.. 11 1 1 :.-;..... v 1 11 2 ii
j 'i , it. 1 vi-iii'vi. .1, rv itviuitru, ain'
Lemho-t. Mr Neigh. Mrs Jennie I.
Park. W 7 Hanthcrn. Willmm Ware,
M1-5 Jennie W right. Aleck U ightman
T . . I ... .11 t . 1 11 . 1 .- 1
me leio-r- nil 1 neiti .vj iav irom
A -Ho 1 R of the "queer" wa- arrt
t nt the depot on Tue-day morning
by Unitetl Suit- detective- He has
been shadowet: by the dtSertiTs for
-om tim and wa- finallv tntreI to
tv.l lmi.l ii4ii... 1... t.M.I !.... .
Pingforafewd.-- He H.m p. tie
depot Tnesdiy morning m.irnmg to
take the Uain wet. tt here he wa-ml
ly the officer-who t.vik him -a: on
flli III ilIl.Hi- t..
Onr rep-Drtor was
unable to learc hi 2V
A. O U "
lm iit TncSi t.'i Annex: iror
of United Woftmtii of XMfi-l
.hirh i no to: '? troo met
. at Ur&nd l-iaad fcr tie pcr;o- .f
orpaiiiwuc a urand Ixwif IW w.c
j Jcrssdicuoa v( eiraka THere r-r
present swe of the wore noted mrto
ban, of the order tLroohoti; the
United tali?. itraoo nbom err
Supreme Ma-ler Workman Brok;
(rraud Mter YrkuiAti K.fgers, Clrutd
Moijcn: Kxamiber Kichardaon. all mt ,
Miisoun. bcsidus a'boat l!!i llttrta?
from different ;arts of the :Ute At
1 1 3y a. :n Supreme Master Uroi'?
called the --emb' t. order nnd
committee on crrden'ieL- f ;-o.ij:
ed and while the committee were
in i
time with ple-.wuit ;;ueh inaLiu-.
fti;r dinner the Cram! Lcnl-e pot
down U OUslllCa. . ai d on
tto'.iou the
jrrand t;Iifer were elected Tm&
Chii.k int :v ihut the (.Jrund
v I"dc ut' fro" Rn?I !foplo
of our ;rowjii atatr. and man too who
are err.c-l .urkers in the order. Tice
, Chiki i.- pletiied to note the eytdon:
prosperity ol me order xn the State of
Nebaaaica, and ui fact the United
Stale?- over There were four repre
sentatives from Wel-ter county, vx:
Guide Hock Ltlj;e Xo -jy. ably rerru--enled
by our worth v friend, J I'
' Mulford. and llel Cloud bhle by J. I.
Miller. II. W. Krewer. ami thr editor
i of Tm: Can. Wy take ri: pleftMtru
in wishing the order universal success,
God peed. und prosperity in tho
noble work which it luis set out to
accomplish, ami which it ia ncoetu
phshing everv day
nil. en;ter tAninty leacher- m--tilute
for I- . will e held in the Hii
Cloud ilih Sehoo! building, bejruiiuinr
on July !'.. laSG. at two o'clock p m
and e nttutte three week-. Tn- .!.
-tructor- are Win Suiilh. ir iff or
, iiiatheinatu-. York (.rflej;r: W
1 Piekiug, -tiMriiitendftit of city ! . -lied
Cloud. S. l 1 1 tirch. prmcip.i
eiioo!ri. U o)iito;kt III I 15 W'oi .
profe-or of iimmc Ctias W. Si.rin
coiiiity stipcnntendent, cmductor 1 1.
i it. i ... .
sending out our annual greelinc l.
, ... r ,
' n iraciitT oi o foier cooiiiv,
nun t
inviting them to nttend the inlitutr 1
we rec)4tiize the benefit derived fr n
former work ofthi-kind It i-, -en
liiaoeiur gra tie ol leaencrs m
enthusiasm 111 tlie work, and a tuh.-r
appreciation on the pa-tofthe pairou
All schKL- should be clo-etl during
the in-titute. "The county .superin
tendent may at his discretion revoke
. me certiitcaie or reui-e to crant a
.!.. .t x ' e
certiliaite to anv teacher who refue
to attend the county institute .ce
I law, cer . Su'hIiv X 1 Student nt-
anu evenni" immi-u reonaiir 10
further particular- vaV on or ad-ln
M ,.
. . , .
pringer county sup. n-
lenueui. 1
.. 1
It is an astonishing fct that ouif-
ellbrt should be made by our citini-
; to repair the bad roaJn leading i- '
..I. .. 1 . .
meiroH)iis. vomiuauik- are le ir
nearly every day from laimer h' it
th- extremely pfr highway, and - 1 . I
many um-i iii; are cmiplied t
traile el-ewl.ere tiian Itetl (!loud .
ihoueh ihov can buy much rhiapr
. here, jut from the fact that thev can '
not gn to the city with heavy Ion. Is
Thi- is no idle talk. I ml actual co:n-
plaints Hid im. We beiie that thy
bu-me-- men -hould loA- xftr the
' matter. The tmd road- are ;irinrirMpy
cuu-ed froui the reason that m fe:i-iug
property the road- have boon thrown
onto the section lines, and our former
gtxxl road- ar thu- put in a serious j
condition Let the merchant- do
something in the premises
w-'- J Ovkiimw died al the re.-i ;
dence of his brother-in-law, pr II .
T. II .1 t . .
iniiiereii, ui iiiuinv mgiii. aifr a
paiulul illnes-of several week- titira-
lion. Mr. Overman came u Rel
. Cloud from hi- native place, H'tt
, Cloud from hi-
Innt Illinois about a
oi.enel .1 bw and loan nt'Ac
ago and
Al the
, j,, ;prig election he w el ctcd ntv
' . . r. -
! lreHurc'r' Mr-Overman wa-an able
attorney and an exemplary "voun I
man. Dunng hi- brief sojourn her
he won the respect and e-tefm 01 the
enure cninuiuiiitv At the ume t( his
death he wa aimot !!T year- of h
On Tued mortal)? bnef strrvic- 1
w ere hekl at Ue tHMis.u. after which
hv- parent and t-:ir -trie 1 --itt : 1
remain for ;bsir rnmie m IIIuku- fir
Festivals There -eem to i.-.
been .isrt '4 ch-rch tV-Uvul epMiertu
d'inng tW it .ek Fridtv ..i :
by the Mgregtioni!-is 1 Iiglit
Jm , M-HHiay mriu l ue MthI
ists at Wi. Gate-'-. TucsLi mcht
Woman"- Relief Crps a; the nuk.
. tle!ne-dav ni-ht rre-hrterian lawn
.j.!., . v.i iru.-' n ;.i ,
Ed Kelt.
J.n.i-n mm i. lll'liuj, -, Jul JWWt'T XIHT .
affairs and titta&'-ial -icri--ei-.
corn-l t.ju 1 .tUvtMiei! the U-. fx., at
T tk. ftkilM'. $ cAmX a.A.- t -k
ht, occa-Wbr .TCeIleVaia-ic i
- - '
tn. ri . l - c . .
'-"- -- ' ,
" n.l; Fourth
uf Ju'v rrJeimi-
to-erer hehl in the oxkmiU. Cr
citiwrn ae dvcrnitoed : kiadte
any a ;h rowing emi-ir- oi ywiriot-
j im. The prvgram ttxR l aaxnaeaecd
x T T "T x tt r.
j JK xLJ-r VjjLlv- J J ,
.l. ms nm' jm m. w- m -w
- wrmmmm M i- T VaHBB' rBlifK. -3...
Commcnano; SaturJav
until all ST MM KR
One pair of
With Every Suit of Clothes !
will make the price as low a tiiey can
Bouilht in Aineri- a.
Silks, Silks
KM o wip- nf
Silk in
! '' " u 'n ll i nHl : 1' -
j IT van I. tip wlml lot "ill
"n at -Of I !" VJtlfl
' .,-iirh h.iro;iin wtTf PVfr offT
. ' '
HI ailVWlHTf 111 til'
, ,.
Parasols and Fans
W hnt' niad" dnat K-I
tit ni-: ('mil arh ? -"'
fir.-t -hoii -.
Gents' Neckwear
ha- th. fiii"
Nit ktteax in ll i
t ut tht pri-. ( all
th line.
! k f
aix'l !ia
ailI -
J -
No Hotier in th uutrv
tliail Uhi KjlllGUpj iUT'.
1 - t .1 '!-
1 - GOODS !
re v
- Clothing
Cashmere Shawls
0 nil ml r;u-ini.r5haAflr
in nil i-oIn. wnrtli 11 75 V
uill j-U tbi'in At Si fti;h.
. Brii'T j1i1j cut in pricu
, JM-rfliisgfy
1 1 7
is Goods !
I'lik'-'l aii'l -r -1 " filter
dr-rr t.-L- ri'i-'l from -
t" A' "-r yarl !' xt,&
riu! t 0 -jr y.tni. l-m
! i"-r vapi. Our whok whit
l m - . - a.
!ilnt U-riA MkUm'K Vm I..- frrjfd
t almt half jiri'.
ii. i- m Ui; r I!arvaisxs
Chicaeo Store.
mt. 1 in uuu ume.
k, ..
i -